VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES Progress in imaging methods: insights gained into biology

Mariana De Niz1,2, Paul-Christian Burda1, Gesine Kaiser1, Hernando A. del Portillo3,4, Tobias Spielmann5*, Freddy Frischknecht6* and Volker T. Heussler1* Abstract | Over the past decade, major advances in imaging techniques have enhanced our understanding of Plasmodium spp. parasites and their interplay with mammalian hosts and vectors. Cryoelectron tomography, cryo‑X‑ray tomography and super-resolution microscopy have shifted paradigms of sporozoite and structure, the process of erythrocyte invasion by merozoites, and the architecture of Maurer’s clefts. Intravital time-lapse imaging has been revolutionary for our understanding of pre-erythrocytic stages of rodent Plasmodium parasites. Furthermore, high-speed imaging has revealed the link between sporozoite structure and motility, and improvements in time-lapse microscopy have enabled imaging of the entire erythrocytic cycle and the complete Plasmodium berghei pre-erythrocytic stages for the first time. In this Review, we discuss the contribution of key imaging tools to these and other discoveries in the field over the past 10 years.

12 Sporozoite Malaria, which is caused by Plasmodium spp. parasites, and liver stages of their life cycles in vitro. In this Review, A motile, crescent-shaped is a major infectious disease that affects the developing we focus on imaging methods that have advanced our stage of Plasmodium spp. world, and there are global efforts that are devoted to understanding of parasite cell biology and host–pathogen parasites; sporozoites are generating strategies for its control1. Malaria parasites interactions in the mammalian host, and have led to injected into a mammalian host by a mosquito vector. are transmitted through the bite of an infected female important paradigm shifts in our knowledge of malaria spp. mosquito. Within the vertebrate host, the during the past decade. parasite undergoes two consecutive stages of schizogonic Sexual stages of asexual replication (BOX 1). The first stage is clinically Transmission and the ‘skin phase’ Plasmodium spp. parasites. silent and takes place in the liver (BOX 1; see the figure, During a blood meal, a Plasmodium-infected mosquito Gametocytes are either male BOX 1 or female gamete precursors steps 2–8). The second stage occurs following parasite injects sporozoites into a human host ( ; see the and are solely responsible for release from the liver into the bloodstream (BOX 1; see figure, step 1; Supplementary information S1 (movie)). transmission of the parasite the figure, steps 9–14) and is responsible for the clinical In turn, human‑to‑vector transmission occurs when, from the vertebrate host to manifestation of the disease. during blood feeding, a mosquito ingests gametocytes the mosquito. The biology of Plasmodium spp. parasites, as well that are circulating in the blood of an infected host as their interactions with human and mosquito hosts, (BOX 1; see the figure, step 15). has been a focus of research for more than a century, and microscopy has historically greatly accelerated Sporozoite architecture. Mature sporozoites (FIG. 1a) are progress in this field. In the past decade, revolutionary slender cells that form in oocysts at the mosquito midgut advances in light and electron microscopy have pro- wall. They are approximately 10 μm long, just less than 13 *These authors contributed vided invaluable information about parasite biology and 1 μm thick and are slightly curved . 3D cryoelectron equally to this work. host–pathogen interactions (TABLE 1). tomography has increased our understanding of the rele- Correspondence to M.D.N The imaging of parasite architecture in most stages vance of sporozoite architecture, in particular with regard and V.T.H. of the life cycle was mainly advanced by various electron to sporozoite migration. This technique enables the Institute of Cell Biology, microscopy methods, including cryoelectron tomography examination of native and hydrated structural features, University of Bern, and cryo-X-ray tomography, as well as by super-resolution as well as the study of different functional states of mol­ Baltzerstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, 2–7 (TABLE 1) Switzerland. fluorescence imaging . Techniques such as spinning-disc ecules within the sample . Four key observations [email protected]; microscopy, among others, have been pivotal for the in terms of sporozoite architecture are discussed below. [email protected] elucidation of sporozoite motility8–10. Finally, major break- Many studies that used classic electron microscopy doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2016.158 throughs in time-lapse microscopy enabled the imaging methods showed the overall architecture of sporozoites Published online 28 Nov 2016 of Plasmodium spp. parasites during the complete blood11 and similar parasite forms. For example, it was found

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Author addresses static and dynamic microscopy methods both in vivo and in vitro has become a powerful tool for elucidating 1 Institute of Cell Biology, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 4, 3012 Bern, Switzerland. the link between structure and function. 2Present addresses: Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of , 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA, and Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology, University of Glasgow, 120 University Place, Glasgow, G12 8TA, UK. Sporozoite migration and the skin phase. Wide-field, 3Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) at Barcelona Institute for Global confocal or spinning-disk intravital microscopy Health (ISGlobal), Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB), Hospital Clínic- (IVM)8,19–24 were used to visualize mosquito-to‑vertebrate Universitat de Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. BOX 1 4ICREA at Institut d’Investigació Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP), Can Ruti Campus, 08916 Badalona, transmission of P. berghei parasites in vivo ( ; see Barcelona, Spain. the figure, step 1; BOX 2; see the figure, part b). These 5Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 74, D-20359 Hamburg, studies (reviewed in detail in REFS 25,26) revealed that Germany. sporozoites are deposited in the dermis and immedi- 6 Parasitology, Center for Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg University School of Medicine, ately start migrating at speeds of 1–2 μm s−1 (REF. 20). Im Neuenheimer Feld 324, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Sporozoite movement follows random paths in the ear but more linear paths in the dermis of the mouse that the polar ring at the apical end could function as a tail22. Interestingly, P. berghei sporozoites were shown microtubule-organizing centre14. The so‑called subpel- to migrate in structured microenvironments in vitro, licular microtubules are arranged as a ‘cage’ that encases in which they show similar linear or random paths, secretory organelles (FIG. 1b). In sporozoites, unlike in depending on the environment. This suggests that most other parasite forms, most microtubules cover their motility in vivo is dictated by characteristics of two‑thirds of the circumference of the cage, whereas a their local environment, such as the presence of colla- single microtubule is found in the remaining one‑third13. gen fibres22. Sporozoites also transmigrate through cells Cryoelectron tomography revealed that the apical polar aided by the secretion of pore-forming proteins23,24. They ring is tilted away from the single microtubule, seem- can enter either blood capillaries or lymph vessels, or ingly being pushed towards the external substrate3. they can remain in the skin8,27. A long-standing mis- Oocysts Similar to the invasive forms of other apicomplexan conception in the malaria field was that sporozoites are Cysts that develop from parasites, sporozoites release the contents of their secre- injected directly into blood vessels by the mosquito pro- parasite ookinetes on the tory vesicles 15 outside of the mosquito through the apical polar ring . Therefore, boscis. IVM that was carried out on P. berghei-infected midgut, under the basal the tilt of this polar ring might direct the secretion of mice, together with experiments that removed the bite lamina, and in which asexual proteins that are important for adhesion directly onto site and interrupted mosquito feeding, proved that this replication produces hundreds the substrate. was not the case. Instead, sporozoites are injected into of sporozoites. The second insight into sporozoite architecture came the connective tissue of the skin28. These findings sug- Secretory vesicles from findings in Plasmodium berghei that revealed the gest that the skin phase of Plasmodium spp. infection is 29,30 Membrane-bound vesicles that existence of a thickened subpellicular network (SPN) in the first possible target for prophylaxis . are derived from intracellular sporozoites from the mosquito salivary gland but not To actively migrate, sporozoites need to attach to a organelles and contain material in sporozoites that were directly isolated from the substrate. Total internal reflection fluorescence micro­ for transport beyond the 3,16 (FIG. 1c) plasma membrane. oocysts in the mosquito midgut . In salivary scopy (TIRFM) is a powerful method to visualize gland sporozoites, the SPN protein inner membrane ­single-molecule fluorescence at the immediate interface Subpellicular network complex 1 (IMC1) was shown to have relocated from the of substrate and cell. Similarly, reflection interference (SPN). A skeletal component cytoplasm, where it is found in midgut sporozoites, to contrast microscopy (RICM) enables the measurement of organisms such as the SPN17, which suggests that the SPN builds up during of inter-surface distances with nanometric precision and Plasmodium spp., consisting of a network of intermediate sporozoite maturation. Salivary gland sporozoites, but millisecond time resolution to study adhesion dynam- filaments on the cytoplasmic not midgut sporozoites, are crescent shaped and capable ics. Both techniques showed that P. berghei sporozoites side of the inner membrane of gliding motility. These findings suggest that the cres- attach to a flat substrate in a stepwise manner10,31. Using complex (IMC). cent shape results from the assembly of the SPN. The RICM, it was also shown that when the sporozoite is

Pore-forming proteins crescent shape of mature sporozoites might have evolved motile, the distinct adhesion sites detach and re‑attach Secreted, monomeric, to lower the energy costs of migrating through tissues or rapidly in a manner that is dependent on actin dynamics water-soluble proteins that, in as a result of preferred binding to blood vessels, which and the surface protein thrombospondin-related anon- proximity to membranes, have the same curvature as sporozoites18,19. ymous protein (TRAP)10. This suggests that rapid adhe- oligomerize into ring-like Two further structural findings that were revealed by sion turnover is crucial for the sporozoite to obtain high structures to enable membrane (FIG. 1e) insertion and pore formation. 3D cryo­electron tomography of P. berghei sporozoites speed . are the enigmatic presence of filopodium-like exten- The forces that are exerted by the sporozoites onto Actin sions of the plasma membrane at the front of some the substrate to enable movement are small in com- A highly abundant structural sporozoites16 (FIG. 1d), and the discovery of an unknown parison to those exerted by much larger mamma- protein that exists in a 10 monomeric globular form protein inside the lumen of the subpellicular micro­ lian cells, such as fibroblasts . Nevertheless, using a (G‑actin) and can polymerize tubules (FIG. 1c) that possibly has a role in stabilizing sensitive traction force microscopy method, a study into microfilaments (F‑actin) to these microtubules2. was able to distinguish zones of different force trans- form the actin cytoskeleton, Although 3D cryoelectron tomography has indeed duction during P. berghei sporozoite motility10. Force which supports cellular shape provided key details about sporozoite architecture, it generation was also shown to depend on the presence and cell migration, and provides tracks for the relies on static imaging, which makes it impossible to of dynamic actin filaments. To investigate the role of transport of vesicles and directly assess the functional relevance of these archi- surface proteins, another investigation used nano- organelles within the cell. tectural characteristics. However, the combination of patterned substrates that enable sporozoites to attach

38 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


35 Basal lamina only to 10 nm-wide gold particles that are spread at fluorescently tagged actin-binding protein , showing 32 A layer of extracellular matrix large distances from each other . Remarkably, sporo- that an increased calcium concentration leads to the that is secreted by epithelial zoites were still moving on substrates for which only secretion of TRAP followed by the organization of actin cells and on which the about 100 molecules could have attached the para­site to filaments and, hence, motility. The speed of parasite epithelium lies. the substrate. One of these molecules, TRAP, is essen- forward movement was presumed to equal the speed tial for sporozoite gliding motility33: sporozoites and of the retrograde movement of the adhesins along the other motile apicomplexan stages move forwards when parasite surface36. However, subsequent studies have TRAP family adhesins bind to the substrate. Sporozoites used laser traps to identify a distinct function for need to be activated to undergo gliding. This activation different members of the TRAP family of membrane has been investigated using a fluorescence resonance proteins37–39. To this end, either P. berghei sporozoites energy transfer (FRET)-based calcium sensor34 and a were trapped and directly probed37 or small beads

Box 1 | The Plasmodium spp. life cycle Malaria is a vector-borne disease that is caused by Plasmodium spp. inoculated. Following the invasion of RBCs, the parasites develop into parasites, which are transmitted by female Anopheles spp. mosquitoes1. ring stages (step 10), then into (step 11) and finally into During a blood meal, the mosquito injects a small number of Plasmodium schizonts (step 12), which rupture and release up to 36 merozoites into spp. sporozoites into the skin (see the figure, step 1). Some parasites the bloodstream (step 13). Asexual replication in the form of multiple remain in the skin and are eliminated by resident macrophages. Others cycles of schizogony exponentially increases the parasite burden with migrate to the lymph nodes, where they are also eliminated, whereas each cycle11 (steps 9–13). To avoid clearance by the spleen, trophozoites some reach the bloodstream and are transported passively to the liver25,44. and schizonts of Plasmodium falciparum sequester in the vasculature, Following entry into the liver vasculature, sporozoites glide along the leading to the pathology and severity associated with this malaria sinusoids (step 2) and transmigrate through either Kupffer cells or parasite. Exponential asexual replication also results in the generation endothelial cells to reach hepatocytes9 (step 3). Sporozoites transmigrate of sexual stages (step 14), which can be transmitted to a susceptible through several hepatocytes before invading one136 (step 4). In the invaded mosquito during a blood meal97,100 (step 15). Following transmission to hepatocyte, they reside in a parasitophorous vacuole (PV; step 5) and will the vector, male and female gametocytes develop into male and female undergo enormous asexual replication (steps 6–7) without eliciting clinical gametes, which are liberated and will fuse inside the midgut (step 16), symptoms in the host. Some Plasmodium spp. can remain dormant in the giving rise to motile zygotes, or ookinetes (step 17), which leave the liver for extended periods of time, causing relapses at a later time. In most lumen of the midgut and settle under the basal lamina (step 18). There, species, liver-stage completion is marked by the release of thousands of they develop into oocysts, in which hundreds of sporozoites are produced merozoites into the peripheral circulation within merosomes (step 8), (step 19). Finally, the oocysts burst, and the released sporozoites are which are transported to the small capillaries of the lungs, where they transported through the haemolymph (step 20), eventually reaching and rupture and release the merozoites45–47. Each merozoite is capable of invading the salivary glands of the mosquito (step 21), from which they invading a (RBC), marking the beginning of the erythrocytic can again be injected into a new host during a mosquito bite (step 1). The stages of infection (step 9). The pre-patency (the period until parasites complete cycle takes several weeks (see the figure, lower panel; the appear in the blood) ranges from 3–30 days, depending on the parasite x axis shows the timing of each event, beginning with the bite of an species as well as several other factors, such as previous host immune infected mosquito on day 0, and the duration of each stage, whereas the status, previous host exposure to parasites and the number of sporozoites y axis shows the approximate parasite numbers at each stage).

Liver (pre-erythrocyte) stages Blood stages Mosquito stages

1 11 RBC 15 Salivary duct lumen Ring Schizont Kupffer cell stage 21 Salivary gland epithelium Sinusoid Merosome 10 12 2 3

Haemolymph 20 Sporozoite 4 5 6 7 18 Oocyst 19 13 14 17 9 8 Female 16 Midgut epithelium Male Ookinete PV Hepatocyte Merozoite Sporozoite Gametocytes Midgut lumen 1010 Asexual stages 108 106 104 Gametocytes 102 0 Parasite numbers Parasite 10 0 2 18 20 22 24 30 35 40 45 Duration (days)

Nature Reviews | Microbiology

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Table 1 | Advanced imaging techniques used to study Plasmodium spp. parasites Imaging classification Principle Applications in Advantages Limitations Plasmodium spp. Atomic-force microscopy • Measurement of • Identification of knobs121–124 • Near-atomic resolution • Extensive training and spectroscopy surface topography • Measurement of CD36– • Versatility of required and receptor–ligand PfEMP1 binding forces120 applications: can • Live cell imaging interaction forces • Topography of infected be used for defining required for research at a very high hepatocytes140 chemical, biological involving receptor– resolution128 • Investigation of spectrin and physical properties ligand interactions or network during infection99 of individual cells and surface topology of molecules infected RBCs • Specialized tips and functionalization, as well as exhaustive optimization required Cryoelectron tomography • Detailed imaging of • Investigation of the • Nanometre resolution • Limited sample cellular structures structure and architecture • Preservation of thickness for 3D at the molecular of sporozoites2–4,16,138, biological structures imaging level141,142 merozoites143, infected • No artefacts from • Specialized equipment • Samples are RBCs4,144 and gametocytes98 fixation or embedding necessary immobilized in • Can be combined • Extensive training vitreous ice and with fluorescence required visualized under microscopy • High cost cryogenic conditions Cryo‑X-ray tomography • Imaging of specimens • Imaging of P. falciparum– • Nanoscale resolution • Specialized equipment up to 10 μm merozoite attachment and • Imaging of necessary thick using soft invasion74 cryo-preserved, • Extensive training X‑rays145, which are • Study of haemozoin and unstained whole cells required strongly absorbed Maurer’s clefts105 thicker than 1 μm • High cost by carbon-rich • Imaging of gametocyte (near-native-state structures in a morphology107 imaging) spectral window termed the ‘water window’ Super-resolution • Nanoscopic • Study of LC3B–PVM • No need for extensive • Special fluorophores fluorescence microscopy resolution of live and colocalization (STED)12 embedding and might be required fixed fluorescent • Study of receptor–ligand sectioning • Some methods are not samples92,146–148 partners on RBC invasion • Fluorescence compatible with RBCs • Variants include SIM, (SIM)7 allows immediate or even with living STED, PALM, STORM • Study of RBC and identification of samples and RESOLFT gametocyte architecture structures of interest (SIM)106,149 Confocal and two-photon • High resolution • Imaging of sporozoites8,9,24 • Better resolution and • Limited by the microscopy of live and fixed • Imaging of infected RBCs penetration depth number of excitation fluorescent samples and hepatocytes11,12 than epifluorescence wavelengths available • Diffraction limited • Identification of multiple microscopy with lasers • Examples include parasite organelles • Production of thin • High-intensity lasers spinning-disc and host–pathogen optical sections possible can damage living microscopy150, interactions5,45,47,53,60,156 • Multidimensional samples two-photon imaging possible • High cost (two‑photon microscopy151,152 and • Compatible with living excitation microscopy) harmonic generation cells and animals microscopy153,154, • High-speed imaging and single-point and possible (spinning-disc scanning confocal microscopy) microscopy155 Photobleaching and • Characterization of • Study of protein export • Compatible with living • High-energy laser can photoconversion-based the kinetic properties in infected RBCs11,157 samples induce phototoxicity in techniques of proteins in living • Study of organelle • Easy measurement of living samples cells or animals, and continuity in liver-stage lateral diffusion • Limited use if quantification and parasites, liver-stage host– • High sensitivity fluorescence intensity modelling of these pathogen interactions and of protein is low parameters the liver-stage PVM52 • Modalities include • Study of sporozoite FRAP, iFRAP, FLAP proteins involved in and FLIP motility3,35,156

40 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


Table 1 (cont.) | Advanced imaging techniques used to study Plasmodium spp. parasites Imaging classification Principle Applications in Advantages Limitations Plasmodium spp. Surface-sensitive • Measurement of • Investigation of • Easy to build (TIRFM and • Provides no information techniques forces and dynamic sporozoite–substrate RICM equipment) on biochemical interactions between adhesion10,31,37,38 • Does not require specificities of contact cells and the surface • Investigation of merozoite specific labelling with regions (RICM) or in cell–cell invasion93 fluorophores (RICM) • Imaging confined to a interactions • High resolution limited space marking • Modalities • High sensitivity (TIRFM) the interface between include optical • Can be combined with two surfaces and/or magnetic different illumination tweezers39,158, RICM modes and TIRFM Intravital microscopy • Imaging of processes • Imaging of sporozoites in • Imaging of events • Some forms of this in living animals the mouse skin and liver8,9,46 in vivo in a multi-system procedure are end-point through exposure • Imaging of developing liver organism rather than • Expertise in surgery of an organ through stages12,45 isolated cells and animal handling coverslips or imaging • Imaging of host–pathogen • High resolution required windows interactions8,12,19,45 • Medium penetration • Modalities • Imaging of infected RBCs depth include confocal, in the brain137, placenta161, spinning-disc lymph nodes8,162,163, and two-photon spleen164,165 and adipose microscopy159,160 tissue165 FLAP, fluorescence localization after photobleaching; FLIP, fluorescence loss in photobleaching; FRAP, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; iFRAP, inverse fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; LC3B, microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B; PALM, photoactivated localization microscopy; P. falciparum, Plasmodium falciparum; PfEMP1, erythrocyte membrane protein 1; PVM, parasitophorous vacuole membrane; RBC, red blood cell; RESOLFT, reversible saturable optical linear fluorescence transitions; RICM, reflection interference contrast microscopy; SIM, structured illumination microscopy; STED, stimulated emission depletion; STORM, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy; TIRFM, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy.

were trapped and brought into contact with the sporo- The liver stages zoites38. These biophysical studies showed that force Within hepatocytes, Plasmodium spp. parasites undergo production for motility is not linearly coupled to the a clinically silent phase of exponential replication (BOX 1; retrograde flow of the adhesins but requires complex see the figure, steps 2–4; Supplementary information S2 macro­molecular interactions. These assays, coupled to (movie)). As well as merozoite numbers, the duration of Merozoites high-speed image acquisition, revealed different types of the liver stage of infection differs substantially across host Daughter parasites that interaction between the TRAP-family adhesins and the and parasite species: this stage typically lasts 2–3 days in originate from the asexual replication of certain actin cytoskeleton, and suggested that they act together rodents and 7–10 days in humans, but some parasite apicomplexan parasites in to form macromolecular assemblies that are important species, such as and Plasmodium ovale, infected red blood cells or for applying force. Importantly, these findings imply are able to produce dormant stages that lead to relapses hepatocytes. Merozoites can that sporozoites have evolved to apply force mainly as long as several years after the primary infection. invade and infect red blood for adhesion and not for the retrograde flow of the cells. adhesins. The detailed interactions between adhesins Sporozoite entry into the liver. Sporozoites arrest in Merosomes and the force-producing motor are not known to date. the liver probably owing to both a slower circulation Hepatocyte-derived membrane IVM also revealed that some P. berghei sporozoites speed in liver sinusoids (BOX 1; see the figure, step 2) and vesicles that contain a few to injected into mice can successfully develop in cells of the molecular interactions of the parasitic protein circum- thousands of infectious 27,40 sporozoite protein highly sulfated proteoglycans merozoites that are extruded dermis, epidermis and hair follicles . Most strikingly, (CSP) with 27 into the blood circulation. skin merozoites and the detachment of merosomes were (HSPGs) that are presented by hepatocytes through observed, possibly a relic of the shared ancestry of these the fenestrae of endothelial cells43,44. IVM of exposed Sinusoids mammalian malaria parasites with their avian coun- liver lobes in combination with genetically modified Low-pressure, discontinuous terparts, which develop within the skin (although in fluorescent parasites revealed, for the first time, the blood vessels with a high rate 41 of metabolite and nutrient different cell types) . Interestingly, a small proportion dynamics of the aggressive cell traversal behaviour of exchange. Permeability in the of parasites were able to persist for weeks in association the sporozoite in the living host (BOX 1; see the figure, sinusoids is enhanced by with hair follicles27, which are considered an immuno­ steps 3–4; BOX 2; see the figure, part b; Supplementary intercellular clefts and fewer privileged site. Additional investigation is required information S3 (movie)). Different IVM modalities tight junctions in the underlying 45 endothelium. to determine whether this constitutes a new niche or have been used, including spinning-disc microscopy source for recurrent malaria infections. Moreover, IVM and high-speed two-photon microscopy, to increase Circumsporozoite protein also showed that 10–20% of transmitted sporozoites the penetration depth to about 500 μm. Improvements (CSP). The most abundant accumulate in the draining lymph nodes, where they can in microscope optical design and the camera technol- surface protein of induce immune responses8,42. Whether or how these alter ogies that are used for spinning-disc microscopy have Plasmodium spp. sporozoites. CSP is involved in initial an ongoing infection remains to be shown, and further enabled the visualization of dynamic events involving hepatocyte binding and studies are required to investigate sporozoite-induced the parasite en route to, and within, the liver, in the invasion. immune reactions in the lymph nodes. range of milliseconds.

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Linker protein a Microtubule IMC NPC Dense granule Plasma membrane Golgi ER Rhoptry

NucleusNuc Microneme

Apicoplast Mitochondrion

PPR APR b Tilted APR c Luminal protein within microtubules d Filopodium-like extensions


0 s 5 s 10 s


Nature Reviews | Microbiology One of the main findings achieved through the use of barrier between a Kupffer cell and an adjacent endothe-

Highly sulfated IVM was that P. berghei sporozoites are capable of using lial cell; and crossing at a distance from Kupffer cells proteoglycans several pathways to cross the liver sinusoidal barrier and without traversing endothelial cells. To explain this (HSPGs). A family of en route to the hepatocytes9,25 rather than translocating fourth form of crossing, two possibilities have been sug- glycoproteins that are highly across the sinusoidal barrier exclusively through Kupffer gested: a paracellular pathway, whereby sporozoites cross sulfated by covalently attached cells (also known as the gateway model; BOX 1; see the between two endothelial cells, or a transcellular pathway, heparan sulfate chains. These 46–48 glycoproteins are presented on figure, step 3) . Using fluorescent P. berghei sporo- whereby sporozoites cross through endothelial cells but the cell surface for ligand zoites that lack a protein that is essential for traversal do not induce a loss of membrane integrity. Such a tran- interaction and are found in all (sporozoite microneme protein essential for traversal 2 scellular pathway is used by lymphocytes to cross the vertebrate tissues, but are (SPECT2))49, in combination with control parasites and endothelium (reviewed in REF. 50). These findings not highly enriched in the liver. various reporters and dyes for endothelial and Kupffer only disproved the previously accepted paradigm that the Cell traversal cell integrity, spinning-disc confocal IVM revealed that gateway model was the only method of sporozoite entry Behaviour that is displayed by sporozoites are able to cross the liver sinusoidal bar- to the liver, but also indicated that about one-quarter Plasmodium spp. sporozoites rier by four different additional routes9: endothelial of all crossing events are independent of cell traversal. and ookinetes, involving the cell traversal following interactions with a Kupffer cell; breaching of the plasma membrane of a host cell, endothelial cell traversal that is independent of interac- Development of Plasmodium spp. parasites within the gliding through the host cytosol tions with Kupffer cells; an invasion–transcytosis variant liver. As a result of proteolytic processing of surface- and exiting the host cell. of the gateway pathway, whereby sporozoites cross the exposed CSP, the motile sporozoites switch from the

42 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


◀ Figure 1 | Imaging of Plasmodium spp. sporozoites. a | Architecture of a mature P. berghei PVM is recognized by the host cell autophagic sporozoite, showing organelles and specific architectural features that have been machinery12,58. The labelling of the PVM by host auto- identified by cryoelectron tomography. These organelles include the posterior polar phagy markers was confirmed using super-resolution ring (PPR), the mitochondrion, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the inner membrane stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy12. complex (IMC), the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and the nucleus, the Golgi apparatus, the apicoplast, the dense granules, the microtubules, the rhoptries, the micronemes Compared with electron microscopy-based methods, and the apical polar ring (APR). b | Schematic (left panel) showing the inclined APR (red), STED microscopy has the advantage that infected cells the subpellicular microtubules (green; yellow arrowhead indicates the ‘single’ microtubule, can be easily identified and analysed by fluorescence, which defines the dorsal side of the chiral sporozoite), the micronemes (cyan) and the rather than requiring cell sorting followed by extensive rhoptries (magenta). A volume-rendered representation of an electron tomogram fixing and embedding procedures. Long-term time-lapse (right panel) clearly demonstrates the tilted APR and the ‘single’ microtubule (yellow microscopy (for up to 72 hours) showed, for the first arrowheads). White bars indicate distances between individual microtubules next to time, that the autophagic marker microtubule-associated the APR and at 800 nm distance from the APR. Scale bar represents 100 nm. c | Electron protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3B) targets the PVM early tomography of a mature sporozoite, showing the projection of a 10‑μm-thick section in infection (FIG. 2b; Supplementary information S2 through the tomogram (left panel). The grey-scale intensity plot (bottom middle panel) (movie)), followed by the elimination of most parasites, shows the electron density peaks that correspond to (from the right) the plasma thereby uncovering a previously unknown cytosolic membrane, the IMC and a microtubule. The slope in the plot between the microtubule 12 and IMC peaks corresponds to the thickened subpellicular network. A model of the immune response (FIG. 2b). By contrast, a surprising microtubule (right panel) shows the luminal density (red), representing an unknown discovery was that during P. berghei schizogony (BOX 1; see protein. Scale bar represents 100 nm. d | Filopodium-like extensions of the plasma the figure, step 6), successful parasites seem to actively membrane at the apical end of the sporozoite. The volume-rendered representation remove autophagy marker proteins from the PVM, of a sporozoite shows three extensions (yellow arrowhead) of the plasma membrane potentially by membrane shedding12, and thus avoid (blue) with electron-dense material inside (red). The IMC (yellow) and the microtubules continued attack by lysosomes (FIG. 2b, right panel). In (green) are also shown. Scale bar represents 100 nm. e | Traction forces revealed by contrast to selective autophagy, which can potentially traction-force microscopy. The sporozoite (green) moves on a polyacrylamide gel eliminate the invading parasite, canonical autophagy is loaded with fluorescent beads (red) to measure the traction force (top left panel). induced by starvation and can provide nutrients for Plotting the data over time (three top right panels; red corresponds to high force, and blue corresponds to low force) illustrates the traction force that is exerted as the essential cell functions. Indeed, quantitative confocal sporozoite (white outline) moves. The yellow arrow indicates how the contact between microscopy for measuring parasite sizes showed that the sporozoite and substrate ‘zips’ backwards during motility, as illustrated in the the rapidly growing Plasmodium spp. parasite exploits schematic (bottom panel). The sporozoite depicted is 10 μm long. Part a is adapted with canonical autophagy as an additional source of nutri- permission from REF. 138, Wiley. The left panel of part b is adapted from REF. 16. The ents12,58. In addition to the success of IVM for imaging right panel of part b is reproduced with permission from REF. 3, Wiley. The left and the P. berghei pre-erythrocytic developmental stages middle panels of part c are adapted from REF. 138, Wiley. The right panel of part c is in terms of speed, time lapse and penetration depth, reproduced from ©2007 Cyrklaff, M. et al. J. Exp. Med. 204: 1281–1287. doi: 10.1084/ very recent work has obtained subcellular-resolution jem.20062405. Part d is reproduced from REF. 16. Images in the top panel of part e images of the parasite in vivo, enabling the visualiza- courtesy of F.F. and J. Kratzer, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany. The bottom tion of previously unknown organelle structures in the panel of part e is reproduced from REF. 10, Elsevier. developing parasite5. Another important observation achieved by wide- field fluorescence time-lapse microscopy was the transmigration to the invasion mode43. During the pro- highly dynamic host cell actin reorganization (or actin cess of invasion, sporozoites induce the formation of a cloud formation) that takes place around developing parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM; BOX 1; see P. berghei parasites 10–16 hours post-infection59 (FIG. 2c; the figure, step 5). The PVM represents the interface Supplementary information S5 (movie)). It has been between the parasite and its host hepatocyte through- proposed that gelsolin is necessary for severing actin Kupffer cells out liver-stage development, and it enables the parasite filaments and, possibly, contributing to the dynamic Phagocytic cells, also known as to scavenge nutrients by both passive diffusion through actin turnover, which in turn might contribute to the resident stellate macrophages, 51–53 that line the sinusoids of the membrane pores and active transport . One of the mechanical confinement and/or elimination of the para­ liver. most relevant findings achieved by a combination of time- site. Thus, the observed reorganization of host actin has lapse imaging and fluorescence recovery after photo­ been suggested to be part of a broader defence strategy Inner membrane complex bleaching (FRAP) was the extremely dynamic nature of of the hepatocyte, such as autophagy. (IMC). An organelle of all the PVM12,52. Fluorescence tagging of the P. berghei pro- organisms that (REF. 52) (REFS 12,52) consists of flattened vesicles teins IBIS1 , UIS4 and EXP1 , which Parasite egress from the liver. The final step of the which underlie the plasma are transported to the PVM, enabled the characteriza- pre-erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium spp. infection is membrane and are tion of the connectivity and spatiotemporal dynamics egress from the liver hepatocytes and parasite release interconnected with the of the PVM and the host tubovesicular network (TVN), into the bloodstream (BOX 1; see the figure, steps 7–9). cytoskeleton. which is a microtubule-dependent membranous net- This transition from the liver to the blood stage was the Schizogony work. Remarkable findings included the observation of final part of the pre-erythrocytic stage to be elucidated, A mode of asexual replication in dynamic and motile PVM-derived and TVN-derived and the process that was uncovered was one of the most which several rounds of mitosis vesicles that spread throughout the host cell54–57 (FIG. 2a; exciting microscopy-based revelations of the past decade generate a multinucleated cell. Supplementary information S4 (movie)). in the field of Plasmodium spp. liver-stage research. For In Plasmodium spp., schizogony is followed by cytokinesis to Using long-term time-lapse imaging of sporozoite-­ many years, it was accepted that infected hepatocytes form individual infectious infected HepG2 and HeLa cells and IVM of rupture to release progeny merozoites into the blood- merozoites. sporozoite-infected mouse livers, it was shown that the stream to infect red blood cells (RBCs). However, this

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 15 | JANUARY 2017 | 43 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


Selective autophagy assumption failed to explain how merozoites reach of merozoite-filled membranous bodies that were hence 45 Selective targeting of damaged the bloodstream, as even following liver cell rupture, named merosomes (BOX 1; see the figure, step 8; FIG. 2d; cell organelles, large protein merozoites would still be extravascular. Unlike sporo- Supplementary information S6 (movie)). To further aggregates or intracellular zoites, merozoites cannot use typical gliding motility to characterize host cell death during merosome formation, pathogens for degradation in autophagosomes. transmigrate endothelial cells. Long-term time-lapse fluorescence-based detection of phosphatidylserine res- live imaging of P. berghei-infected hepatocytes in vivo idues was used45,60, because phosphatidylserine residues Canonical autophagy and in vitro revealed that after PVM rupture, released act as generic ‘eat me’ signals of apoptotic cells to attract An intracellular merozoites move freely in the host cell cytoplasm and phagocytic macrophages. In contrast to phosphatidyl- self-degradative process that this is followed by the initiation of host cell death45,60 serine‑positive apoptotic cells, the plasma membrane delivers cytoplasmic BOX 1 constituents to the lysosome ( ; see the figure, step 7). The delayed rupture of of merosomes remains phosphatidylserine‑negative, and is important for balancing the host cell plasma membrane enables the formation which indicates that the observed cell death of infected sources of energy in response to nutrient stress or at key stages of cell development. Box 2 | Intravital imaging of Plasmodium spp. parasites in rodents Gelsolin Intravital microscopy (IVM) is a powerful tool for addressing questions regarding the dynamics of cellular and An actin-binding protein that immunological processes under physiological conditions. Recent advances in IVM include improved microscope design regulates actin filament and optics; organ windows to minimize motion artefacts; anaesthetics to improve survival; and improved software for assembly and disassembly. image analysis. There are several ways to image the deep tissues and cellular processes of a living animal after the surgical UBC–eGFP mouse exposure of organs: injection of fluorescently labelled probes; transient expression of fluorescently labelled molecules; or A transgenic mouse that the use of transgenic reporter mice and fluorescently labelled Plasmodium spp. parasites (see the figure, part a). Several expresses enhanced GFP examples of such imaging are described below and illustrated in the figure. Quantitative skin IVM following a mosquito (eGFP) under the control of the bite and injection of sporozoites shows the blood vessels of a transgenic mouse expressing fetal liver kinase 1 (FLK1; also ubiquitin C (UBC) promoter in known as VEGFR2)–GFP, highlighting the blood vessel endothelial cells (green), traversed cells (red) and the projection of all tissues. 4 minutes of sporozoite motility in the skin (white; see the figure, part b). Liver IVM of a transgenic mouse expressing microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3B)–GFP and infected with an mCherry-expressing Plasmodium berghei parasite shows microtubules in the host liver cells (green) and merosome formation by the parasite (red; see the figure, part c). Brain IVM imaging has shown macrophages (green) recruited to post-capillary venules (red) in P. berghei ANKA-infected mice (see the figure, part d). Spleen remodelling and splenomegaly have been well characterized in lethal and non-lethal human and rodent malaria. The great vascularization of the spleen and the fast circulation of blood demand the use of high-speed time-lapse microscopy to view this tissue, and this technique has revealed the spleen vasculature of a UBC–eGFP mouse (green) infected with P. berghei ANKA parasites (red; see the figure, part e). Various imaging platforms have shown the preferential accumulation of Plasmodium spp. parasites in the vessels of the adipose tissue; for example, viewing abdominal adipose tissue of UBC–eGFP mice infected with mCherry-expressing P. berghei ANKA parasites (see the figure, part f). a Vacuum chamber and mechanical ventilation needed to image the mouse lung Cranial imaging window to Brain visualize events including Kidney parasite sequestration and Skin and/or subcutaneous adipose tissue leukocyte infiltration imaging through either imaging windows during ECM or ear pinnae to image sporozoite motility Lungs and schizont sequestration, respectively Spleen Liver

Abdominal window or coverslip to image deep organs beyond the abdominal wall, including the spleen, liver, kidneys and placenta

b c d e f

Scale bars represent 20 μm. ECM, experimental cerebral malaria. Image in part b courtesy of R. AminoNature and P. Formaglio, Reviews | Microbiology Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. Image in part c courtesy of V.T.H. and N. Eickel, University of Bern, Switzerland. Part d is reproduced from REF. 137. Images in parts e,f courtesy of V.T.H. and M.D.N.

44 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


hepatocytes is ordered but is not typical apoptosis. Thus, proposed that parasite membrane proteins are exported patrolling macrophages and neutrophils are unable to to Maurer’s clefts by insertion into the nascent clefts at recognize the migrating phosphatidylserine‑negative the PVM, thereby linking the biogenesis of Maurer’s merosomes. Merosome budding from infected hepat- clefts to protein export65–69 (recently reviewed in REF. 70). ocytes through the endothelial layer into the blood The first unexpected finding revealed by 4D imaging vessel has been demonstrated by versatile quantita- was that Maurer’s clefts do not constantly form from tive IVM techniques45 (BOX 2; see the figure, part c). the PVM, as was previously believed, but rather that the Importantly, merosome formation seems to be a con- total number of Maurer’s clefts is already present shortly served egress strategy of Plasmodium spp., as similar after parasite invasion and remains constant throughout structures to those identified in P. berghei infections have the entire erythrocytic cycle until shortly before para- been observed in Plasmodium yoelii infection47 and in site egress11. These findings suggest that proteins that Plasmodium falciparum-infected immunocompromised are destined for export are trafficked to already formed mice engrafted with human hepatocytes61. Maurer’s clefts. Moreover, photoconversion combined with 4D imaging revealed the arrival of new cargo at the The asexual blood stages Maurer’s clefts11. This implies that protein export must Following the migration of merosomes into the liver vas- occur through soluble intermediates71, or possibly also culature and transport to the lung capillaries47, mero- through vesicles trafficking between the PVM and the zoites are released into the circulation (BOX 1; see the Maurer’s clefts72, rather than by insertion into the clefts figure, step 9), which marks the beginning of the blood at the PVM, as proposed by the nascent-cleft hypoth- stage. Following invasion of an RBC by the merozoite, esis. The second previously unknown phenomenon the intra-erythrocytic parasite life cycle is divided into shown by 4D imaging was that segmentation of progeny ring, trophozoite and schizont stages, eventually lead- merozoites following schizogony (BOX 1; see the figure, ing to the release of 16–32 daughter merozoites, which step 12) coincides with the collapse of Maurer’s clefts, invade new RBCs to begin the cycle again (BOX 1; see which might indicate that the parasite-induced struc- the figure, step 13). Each cycle results in RBC rupture tures in the host cell are dismantled, perhaps to facilitate and the induction of periodic waves of in infected egress11 (BOX 1; see the figure, step 13). patients. Blood-stage parasites modify their host cell in In RBCs that contain ring-stage parasites (BOX 1; see a process that is dependent on the export of numerous the figure, step 10; FIG. 3a), the Maurer’s clefts show rapid parasite proteins into the RBC. Host cell modifications movement in the cytoplasm11. Concomitant with the are necessary for the intracellular survival of the parasite. transition of the parasites to the trophozoite stage (BOX 1; These changes include altered permeability of the RBC see the figure, step 11; FIG. 3a), the Maurer’s clefts become membrane to nutrients and the creation of host cell sur- anchored to the RBC cytoskeleton11. Cryoelectron face structures termed knobs, which facilitate the viru- tomography and fixed-cell electron tomography imaging lence factor display that is necessary for the sequestration techniques have provided two competing but not mutu- of infected RBCs (reviewed in REF. 62). One prominent ally exclusive ideas of how the Maurer’s clefts attach to host cell modification in the cytoplasm of infected RBCs the RBC plasma membrane and/or cytoskeleton. One is the formation of Maurer’s clefts, which are parasite- research group suggested that attachment is mediated induced membranous organelles that are involved in the by stalk-like structures called tethers73–76, whereas a dif- sorting of parasite proteins in the host cell and are key ferent group proposed that this connection is mediated for the delivery of virulence factors to the surface of the by host actin filaments4 (FIG. 3b). Both of the structures infected erythrocyte63 (BOX 1; see the figure, steps 11–12). seen contained attached vesicles and could, in principle, These virulence factors mediate parasite sequestration to act as cables for virulence factors that traffic from the the vascular endothelium of several organs of the host Maurer’s clefts to the host cell surface. Electron tomog- (BOX 2; see the figure, parts d–f). raphy of parasites in RBCs from patients with and of a parasite line lacking a Maurer’s cleft pro- Imaging the erythrocytic cycle and host cell remodelling. tein showed ablated surface display of virulence factors Previously, phototoxicity and lysis of the acidic food vac- and a disrupted state of the Maurer’s clefts–actin organ- uole of the parasites had made it impossible to view the ization4,77. These images provided the first molecular entire P. falciparum blood stage at the level of individual insights into how parasite proteins are trafficked over parasites64. However, a recent investigation used confocal the last hundred nanometres en route to the RBC plasma fluorescence and differential interference contrast (DIC) membrane. Knobs microscopy linked with photoconversion to study for Protrusions, or knob-like raised the first time the development and concomitant host Merozoite attachment to and invasion of host red platforms, on the surface of BOX 1 Plasmodium falciparum-­ cell modifications in individual erythrocytic stages of blood cells. Merozoite invasion and egress ( ; see infected red blood cells. These the parasite (FIG. 3a; Supplementary information S7, the figure, steps 9, 13; FIG. 3c,d) are widely studied topics knobs are formed by the S8 (movies))11. In this new study, 4D imaging revealed in the field of malaria research, but real-time imaging self-assembly of the parasite two unexpected findings regarding host cell remodel- of these events had been hindered by poor merozoite protein knob-associated ling, protein export and Maurer’s clefts. A large body viability, their small size (1–3 μm), their susceptibility histidine-rich protein (KAHRP) and enable the presentation of of research has provided crucial insights into the archi- to photo-damage and the speed of these processes. erythrocyte membrane tecture, function and morphology of Maurer’s clefts, as Despite their small size, merozoites contain all of the protein 1 (PfEMP1). well as their role in protein trafficking. Previous studies organelles that are necessary to attach to and invade

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 15 | JANUARY 2017 | 45 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


a PVM dynamics CT 12 h 36 h 36 h

Sporozoite PPM PV PVM


TVN b Autophagy and LC3B dynamics

6 h 24 h 36 h 40 h 6 h 40 h

LC3-positive PVM LC3-negative PVM


LC3-positive TVN

c Actin dynamics AAC SAC



Rhoptries Specialized secretory organelles that are positioned at the apical end of certain Parasite egress and merosome formation stages of apicomplexan d Merosome parasites, including Plasmodium spp. sporozoites and merozoites. They have a function in host cell invasion and the formation of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane.

Dense granules Specialized secretory organelles that are positioned at the apical part of certain stages of apicomplexan parasites, including Plasmodium spp. sporozoites and merozoites. They are involved in host cell | modification during invasion. RBCs. Invasion-related organelles that are present distinct phases of P. falciparumNature invasion Reviews6 (BOX 1 Microbiology; see the rhoptries dense granules FIG. 3c Micronemes in the merozoite include , and figure, step 9; ). In the first phase, merozoites 15,78 Specialized secretory micronemes . Various imaging methods, including make contact with the RBC, triggering waves of defor- organelles that are positioned time-lapse DIC and fluorescence microscopy, optical mation in the RBC emanating from the contact site. at the apical end of tweezers, super-resolution microscopy, cryo-electron This phase ends with the reorientation of the merozoite, apicomplexan parasites, tomography and cryo‑X‑ray tomography, have led to bringing its apical pole, in which the secretory orga- including all motile Plasmodium spp, stages. They a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms nelles are located, into contact with the erythrocyte sur- function in host cell adhesion and kinetics that mediate merozoite attachment and face. At this point, the merozoite is irreversibly attached and motility. invasion. Time-lapse microscopy studies revealed three to the erythrocyte surface and committed to invasion6.

46 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


◀ Figure 2 | Imaging techniques reveal relevant biological events during liver-stage findings are supported by some genetic studies, other development. a | Schematic images (left panel) of the parasitophorous vacuole genetic data are contradictory, and it is possible that membrane (PVM) at early (12 hour) and late (36 hour) time points post-infection. this model for AMA1 function is too simplistic88–91. In Sporozoites traverse several cells (cell traversal; CT) before undergoing a switch to terms of the relevance of imaging for the elucidation invade. On invasion, the parasite induces the formation of a PVM. Time-lapse imaging, of the aforementioned interactions, super-resolution photo-activation and super-resolution microscopy have shown the PVM and the host tubovesicular network (TVN) to be extremely dynamic, with tubules and vesicles microscopy provides various techniques for imaging extending large distances into the host cell, away from the parasite body. The parasite other Plasmodium spp. stages, but thus far SIM is the plasma membrane (PPM) and parasitophorous vacuole (PV) are indicated. The confocal only super-resolution microscopy technique to be image (right panel) shows the PVM of a Plasmodium berghei liver-stage parasite regularly used for imaging the blood stages7. SIM is 36 hours post-infection; scale bar represents 50 μm. b | Schematic form of host cell compatible with live cell imaging, given that it requires microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3B; purple) dynamics with respect only low illumination intensities, can rapidly acquire to the P. berghei parasite throughout infection, including heavy accumulation at early large fields of view and can take advantage of most time points and lateral localization of LC3B at late time points post-infection. existing fluorophores92. However, compared with some Microscopy shows host cell LC3B accumulations around an invaded P. berghei other super-resolution techniques such as STED, sto- sporozoite early post-infection (middle panel), and LC3B localization to the lateral chastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) side of the PVM (away from the P. berghei schizont; P) and to TVN vesicles later or photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), post-infection (right panel). Scale bars represent 10 μm. c | Schematic (left panel) and wide-field fluorescence microscopy images (middle and right panels) of the the resolution gain over conventional fluorescence dynamics of host cell actin clouds around developing P. berghei liver-stage parasites. microscopy is comparably low. Asymmetrical and symmetrical actin clouds (AACs and SACs, respectively; actin is The third phase of invasion occurs 10–20 seconds labelled red) are present around GFP-tagged P. berghei (green). Scale bars represent after the merozoite fully enters the erythrocyte and is 10 μm. d | Schematic of merosome formation during parasite egress (left panel). characterized by echinocytosis of the RBC, whereby the Spinning-disc confocal intravital imaging of liver tissue infected with GFP-tagged edges of the RBC curl and fine spicules are formed. It P. berghei shows the parasite undergoing merosome budding and egress into the was hypothesized that this process is triggered by the sinusoidal vessel (middle panel). Red fluorescent BSA was used to label the blood resealing of the erythrocyte plasma membrane behind vessels. Scanning electron microscopy shows budding P. berghei merosomes (right the merozoite6. panel). Scale bars represent 10 μm. Confocal microscopy image in part a courtesy of V.T.H. and C. Agop-Nersesian, University of Bern, Switzerland. Microscopy images in An important finding achieved through the use of part b courtesy of V.T.H. (left and right images) and N. Eickel, University of Bern, optical tweezers was that the different steps in invasion 93 Switzerland (left image). Microscopy images in part c adapted from REF. 59. Part d is are independent . Placing dead merozoites close to adapted from Sturm, A. et al. Manipulation of host hepatocytes by the malaria parasite RBCs using optical tweezers showed that merozoites for delivery into liver sinusoids. Science 313, 1287–1290 (2006). Reprinted with which had lost the ability to invade 2–3 minutes post- permission from AAAS. egress nonetheless retain the ability to adhere to RBCs and still induce transient local membrane deformations in the RBC membrane. A contribution of the RBC mem- A combination of imaging techniques, including cryo­ brane to merozoite invasion was also suggested using electron tomography, cryo‑X‑ray tomography and computational modelling94, an approach that is likely super-resolution structured illumination microscopy to be used more frequently to complement quantitative (SIM), have shown that irreversible attachment of the imaging in future studies. merozoite to the RBC is mediated by erythrocyte-binding ligands (EBLs) and reticulocyte protein-binding homo- Egress from host red blood cells. The final step of the logues (RHs) on the surface of the parasite7,74,79–83. It is erythrocytic cycle is the release of invasive merozoites noteworthy that cryo‑X‑ray tomography provided 3D on rupture of the infected erythrocyte (BOX 1; see the nanoscale information about the localization of mole- figure, step 13; FIG. 3d). Parasite release from the host cules within cells in their native state. This is the only RBC requires the opening of the PVM and RBC mem- technique that can provide information at this resolu- branes. DIC imaging showed that before egress, the tion about unstained, whole cells thicker than 1 μm and parasites move freely in the RBC following rupture that can combine the power of light, electron and X‑ray of the PVM, while the RBC membrane is still intact95. microscopes. Time-lapse microscopy using calcium and fluorescence In the second phase of invasion, the merozoite enters imaging further demonstrated the involvement of para­ the RBC in a process that is dependent on an actin–myosin site proteases and perforin-like proteins in increased 96 2+ Myosin (actomyosin) motor and the formation of a tight junc- osomolarity and revealed that Ca -dependent per- A large family of tion at the interface between the merozoite and eryth- meabilization and membranolytic activities are neces- ATP-dependent motor proteins rocyte plasma membranes7,84,85. SIM demonstrated an sary for merozoite release. Although it was previously that bind to and translocate RBC receptor-independent mode of host cell adhesion believed that merozoite egress was an explosive event, cargo along actin filaments. through the parasite ligand apical membrane antigen 1 recent studies using high-speed DIC video microscopy 7 Echinocytosis (AMA1) . The merozoite secretes the rhoptry neck and epifluorescence imaging showed that egress is The formation of an abnormal (RON) complex of proteins, and RON2 acts as an anchor in fact an ordered process, beginning with the open- cell membrane with multiple in the erythrocyte membrane for RON complex assembly ing and stabilization of an osmotic pore in the RBC small, evenly spaced and AMA1 engagement7,85,86. AMA1 and RON proteins membrane95 (FIG. 3d). High-speed imaging indicated projections. This phenomenon is unique to red blood cells were found to colocalize at the tight junction during inva- that after osmotic swelling of the infected RBC, lasting 95 and is often induced by sion. Importantly, inhibition of the AMA1–RON inter- 400–800 milliseconds , and rupture of the PVM, three Plasmodium spp. invasion. action prevents merozoite invasion87. Although these steps lead to egress: an initial phase termed osmotic

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 15 | JANUARY 2017 | 47 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


a Time-lapse imaging of P. falciparum blood stages Ring Trophozoite Schizont Merozoite

RBC Food vacuole

0 0 h 20 m 2 h 40 m 4 h 6 h 20 m 7 h 7 h 20 m

10 h 13 h 16 h 20 h 25 h 31 h 31 h 20 m

b Imaging the architecture of Maurer's clefts d Merozoite egress Schizont

Osmotic swelling of the red blood RBC cell MC Tether MC RBC membrane

PVM RBC membrane Knob Knob protein

PVM rupture

Host actin

Osmotic-pore c Merozoite invasion opening Merozoite attachment Merozoite ligand Tight junction RBC receptor formation Membrane pertubation

RBC membrane curling

Reorientation and junction formation

Invasion Membrane Fast merozoite resealing and ejection echinocytosis

Nature Reviews | Microbiology 48 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


◀ Figure 3 | Imaging of Plasmodium spp. erythrocytic stages. a | Graphic representation Whereas the sequestered immature gametocyte of the four main blood stages of Plasmodium spp. development (upper panel), and 4D stages are rigid, it is thought that a switch in RBC imaging of the developing Plasmodium falciparum parasite (blue) using confocal and gametocyte deformability occurs in the final microscopy (lower panel), showing the complete erythrocytic stage of development in stage of gametocyte maturation, rendering mature an individual red blood cell (RBC; red). Selected time points in differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy are shown, from ring stages to schizont stages. The white gametocytes (and their associated RBCs) more flex- arrow at 31 h 20 m shows a ring stage derived from reinvasion after rupture. Scale bar ible; the presence of mature gametocytes in the cir- represents 2 μm. b | Maurer’s clefts (MCs) at the RBC membrane. One study indicates culation is thought to be a direct consequence of this that Maurer’s clefts attach to the host cell membrane through stalk-like tethers, as switch. 3D live imaging in capillary assays in vitro and illustrated in the schematic (top left). A volumetric reconstruction and rendering of 3D finite-element whole-cell modelling were used to the immuno-electron tomograms (top right) shows a tether-like structure (grey) study the circulatory characteristics of P. falciparum connecting a Maurer’s cleft (blue) to the RBC membrane (red). Regions that may gametocytes at different stages of maturation98–100 and represent RBC cytoskeleton extensions are indicated with cyan arrows. Thickening of the role of cellular deformability during circulation the Maurer’s cleft coat is observed in some regions and is indicated with a yellow in the blood100 (FIG. 4b). The simulations that were gen- arrow. Bulge in the RBC membrane is indicated by a red arrow. A second study found erated from these studies led to the hypothesis that evidence that the attachment is instead mediated by host actin filaments, as illustrated (bottom left). A surface-rendered cryoelectron tomogram of a P. falciparum-infected the morphological and biophysical changes in the erythrocyte (bottom right) shows a network of long branched actin filaments (yellow) gametocyte-infected RBC are linked to tissue distribu- connecting the Maurer’s clefts (cyan) to the knobs (red) and the plasma membrane tion in vivo, as only RBCs that contain either very early (dark blue); 20–200 nm vesicles (cyan) are also attached to these filaments. c | The three (stage I), and thus small, or mature (stage V) gameto- steps of invasion observed by time-lapse imaging, and details of the receptor–ligand cytes could easily traverse the splenic interendothelial interactions as defined by super-resolution microscopy7. During the first step of slits under physiological pressure; RBCs infected with invasion, merozoite attachment induces perturbations in the RBC membrane. This step stage II–IV gametocytes would be unable to squeeze ends in the merozoite reorienting to bring its apical end in contact with the RBC through the slits and would be trapped in the spleen. membrane. In the second step, a tight junction is formed, mediated by erythrocyte This ensures the survival of the mature gametocytes receptors and parasite ligands. Penetration of the parasite into the RBC is mediated by so that they can be taken up by the mosquito during a an actomyosin motor. Following complete invasion, the third step involves resealing of BOX 1 the RBC membrane and RBC echinocytosis. d | High-speed DIC time-lapse microscopy blood meal ( ; see the figure, step 15). The spleen is enabled the identification of a series of ordered events that are involved in merozoite generally regarded as a central organ in malaria pathol- egress95. In the mature schizont, osmotic pressure increases before rupture of the ogy (reviewed REFS 101–104) owing to its capacity to parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM). Following PVM rupture, the merozoites are eliminate RBCs with reduced deformability, including able to move freely in the RBC while the RBC membrane remains intact. An osmotic infected RBCs. The function of the spleen is thought pore is then formed in the RBC membrane, during which an osmotic release of 1–2 to have driven Plasmodium spp. to evolve mechanisms to merozoites occurs in a matter of milliseconds. After this, the RBC membrane curls and avoid splenic passage and sequestration. To date, the then ‘buckles’, dispersing all remaining merozoites in multiple directions up to 10 μm presence of gametocytes in the spleen and the effect this away, towards neighbouring RBCs. Microscopy images in part a are from REF. 11, might have on transmission and overall parasite biology Nature Publishing Group. Top right image in part b is adapted with permission from are being investigated. REF. 139, Wiley. Bottom right image in part b is adapted from Cyrklaff, M. et al. Hemoglobins S and C interfere with actin remodeling in Plasmodium falciparum-­ Cryo‑X‑ray microscopy led to the first detailed infected erythrocytes. Science 334, 1283–1286 (2011). Reprinted with permission from observation of changes in the subpellicular membrane AAAS. Part c is adapted with permission from REF. 82, National Academy of Sciences. complex (a membrane structure that is underpinned by a layer of microtubules) as gametocytes mature. The extension of this subpellicular complex drives para- release, whereby 1 or 2 merozoites are released in the site and host cell elongation and is responsible for the first 100–200 milliseconds, followed by two steps of characteristic crescent shape of P. falciparum gameto- ‘inelastic release’, whereby the RBC membrane changes cytes. 3D SIM imaging uncovered new details about its curvature and buckles, liberating the remaining the organization and function of the actin cytoskeleton merozoites in a dispersing manner. This form of egress in gametocytes98,105–107. Actin polymerization has been and dispersion is believed to be necessary to optimize previously described as necessary for the motility of merozoite invasion of neighbouring RBCs up to 10 μm apicomplexan parasites, so the discovery of polymer- away from the RBC of origin. ized actin in non-motile gametocytes was very surpris- ing. The structures that contain F‑actin in gametocytes The sexual blood stages constitute a previously unrecognized actin-based Asexual replication of blood-stage parasites results not cytoskeleton that seems to be assembled very early in only in the multiplication of parasite numbers in the gametocyte development. This cytoskeleton provides a blood, but also in the generation of gametocytes (BOX 1; template for the positioning of microtubules and stabi- see the figure, step 14) for transmission to the definitive lizes the tubulin cytoskeleton107. 3D SIM demonstrated host (that is, the mosquito vector; BOX 1; see the fig- the accumulation of such structures at the poles of the ure, step 15). Interestingly, only very early (stage I) and gametocyte, radiation into the parasite body and close mature (stage V) P. falciparum gametocytes are found in association with the tubulin cytoskeleton (FIG. 4c). human blood circulation (BOX 1; see the figure, step 14), whereas immature forms (that is, stages II–IV) are absent Outlook from the circulation and instead sequestered in the bone Over the past decade, technical advances in imaging tech- marrow and spleen, as confirmed by ultrastructural niques have enabled extraordinary studies of Plas­modium analysis97 (FIG. 4a). spp. biology and host–pathogen interactions. It is safe to

NATURE REVIEWS | MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 15 | JANUARY 2017 | 49 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


a Bone marrow Gametocyte vessel Stage IIa Stage IIb maturation

Stage I Stage III

Macrophage RBC Erythroid precursor

Stage V Stage IV Bone marrow extravascular space b Stage IIa Stage IIb Stage III Stage IV Stage V

c Stage IIa Stage IIb Stage III Stage IV Stage V


d Sexual Sexually committed Invasion of Gametocyte commitment progeny new RBC Parasite crosstalk


Figure 4 | Imaging of the architecture, deformability and sublocalization of Plasmodium spp. sexual stages within the host bone marrow. a | Autopsy studies showed that immature gametocytes are found mainlyNature inReviews the extravascular | Microbiology space of the bone marrow, where they are preferentially localized in the vicinity of erythroblastic islands (which are nursing macrophages in which erythroblasts and other erythroid precursors localize) and develop within erythroid precursors. Stages I – IV remain within the extravascular space, whereas stage V gametocytes undergo a deformability switch and are able to re‑enter the peripheral circulation, where they can be taken up by mosquitoes.b | Model geometry from a 3D analysis of gametocyte development. Morphological differentiation of the parasite causes substantial deformation of the host red blood cell (RBC), transforming it from a discoidal to an elongated ellipse as the gametocyte matures from stage II to stage V. c | Imaging studies have found unexpected localization of F‑actin in Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes. F‑Actin (red) accumulates at the gametocyte tips and at the parasite periphery in early-stage gametocytes. The transition to mature stage V gametocytes is accompanied by the coordinated disassembly of the microtubule and F‑actin cytoskeletons, leading to a more diffuse labelling pattern107. d | Extracellular vesicles (EVs; such as microvesicles and exosomes) that are derived from infected erythrocytes mediate cellular communication within the parasite population and are thought to stimulate the production of transmission-stage parasites. Part b is adapted Mesoscopic imaging with permission from REF. 100, Wiley. An imaging modality with penetration depths of up to 10 mm and resolutions of below 100 μm, depending on assume that imaging methods will remain prominent in and IVM, have not yet been fully exploited for malaria the tissue type and wavelength of operation. Examples include malaria research in the future, for two reasons. First, the research. Second, other recently developed imaging fluorescence tomography and new techniques that have been introduced to date, such as techniques, such as those involving mesoscopic imaging, optoacoustic imaging. super-resolution micro­scopy, cryoelectron tomography will surely be applied in the field in the years to come.

50 | JANUARY 2017 | VOLUME 15 ©2016 Mac millan Publishers Li mited, part of Spri nger Nature. All ri ghts reserved.


Microvesicles and exosomes One key challenge in malaria research is to dissect functionalization of cantilevers to attach host receptors to Forms of extracellular vesicle the molecular details of the different life cycle stages which erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) binds, that represent an important of the parasite. Resolution down to single molecules and measure the force of interaction that is relevant to mode of intercellular has been achieved by cryoelectron tomography, but the sequestration of the parasite124,125. Surface topography communication and are capable of transferring thickness of the specimens that can be analysed is cur- and receptor–ligand interactions have been extremely cytosolic proteins, lipids and rently restricted to less than 1 μm. Hence, cryoelectron valuable applications, but, over the past decade, pro- RNAs between cells. Although tomography has only been used to explore sporozoite gress in AFM has also enabled real-time high-speed a precise definition for each architecture and the role of the host cell cytoskeleton at imaging of living cells. Although high-speed AFM is type of vesicle is lacking, the edge of infected RBCs. Further improvements in this challenging because of the time of collision between the exosomes are typically 108,109 characterized as <100 nm, technique will enable the investigation of thicker cantilever and the sample, various techniques have been whereas microvesicles are parasite forms, such as oocysts, later liver-stage parasites implemented, one of which relies on the attachment defined as 100–1,000 nm. and perhaps schizont-infected RBCs. Correlative light and of extremely long and thin tips by amorphous carbon electron tomography110 provides great opportunities to the cantilever126,127. Because of its versatility, AFM is Hypnozoites Liver-stage parasites for dynamic imaging, for instance to study the changes regarded as a ‘lab on a tip’, capable of simultaneously pro- (Plasmodium vivax or in cytoskeleton architecture during gliding motility of viding information about the structure and the biological, Plasmodium ovale) that enter a sporozoites. Depending on the freezing procedure that is chemical and physical parameters of whole living cells latent, non-replicative state required, it should theoretically be possible to image the or individual molecules128. AFM has also been used to shortly after hepatocyte same sporozoite in different migration phases. identify microvesicles and exosomes generated by infected invasion. These dormant 129 hypnozoites can be reactivated Other underexplored topics in malaria research are RBCs . Microvesicles act as a means of communication to complete liver-stage signalling pathways in the parasite and the host cell. among Plasmodium spp. parasites. In 2014, two inde- development thus causing a These cannot be approached solely by biochemical pendent studies showed that following internalization by blood-stage infection in the means, as an understanding of signalling at a single-cell infected RBCs, these microvesicles stimulate conversion range of weeks to years after 129,130 (FIG. 4d) an initial infection. level, in particular during liver-stage development, is and commitment to the sexual parasite cycle . necessary. A biochemical approach would be limited These findings have important implications for cell–cell because only a small percentage of hepatocytes are communication, as the process is reminiscent of quorum infected, and not every parasite develops successfully. sensing displayed by other organisms and might be rele- As signalling events are often very fast, imaging methods vant for research developing methods to block malarial such as spinning-disc microscopy, light sheet micros- transmission129,130. The microvesicle field is currently copy111–113 and holographic high-speed imaging114 — in in its infancy but has already attracted major attention combination with a series of FRET-based signalling owing to its potential application in vaccine develop- reporter constructs that are now available for mam- ment131 and its relevance to disease transmission129,130, malian cells115 — would be needed to further increase and imaging methods to study the generation and the fate our understanding of these events in infected cells. To of the microvesicles are likely to provide further insights this end, optogenetic tools that enable the triggering of in this emerging field. signalling processes by light will also prove beneficial116. Regarding the transmission stages of Plasmodium spp., Phototoxicity is a major problem in live imag- high-resolution imaging of gametocytes led to the iden­ ing approaches owing to the energy that is required to tification of structures similar to those relevant for motil- excite the fluorescent dyes. Exposure times can be lim- ity and invasion in sporozoites and merozoites107. This ited through the use of ultrafast imaging techniques in is an interesting aspect, as the preferential localization combination with highly sensitive cameras that capture of gametocytes seems to be the extravascular space of maximum numbers of photons. A different approach that the bone marrow, but it is not known how they cross the might revolutionize live cell microscopy is lattice light endothelium to reach this location. The elucidation of sheet microscopy117. This method combines the advan- gametocyte migration in the bone marrow is therefore a tages of super-resolution SIM microscopy with markedly next step to address in the field. reduced levels of photo-damage, achieved by the use of Although IVM and animal imaging advances are a multiple-beam approach applied to light sheet micro­ not addressed exhaustively in this Review, an enormous scopy. This non-invasive high-speed 4D imaging enables amount of progress has been achieved in this field, some single molecules to be followed in living cells. In com- of which has been translated to malaria research using bination with the nascent technology of small-molecule­ rodent models. In addition, remarkable headway has labelling (which enables the tagging of proteins that are been made in the past few years in developing human- refractory to fusion with large fluorescent proteins), these ized mouse models for in vivo studies of human diseases, new techniques should facilitate the dissection of most offering an unprecedented balance between human cellular processes118,119. species-specific tissues and cells, and a small vertebrate Another technique with interesting potential in terms model132–135. Of relevance to malaria research, progres- of high resolution and speed is atomic-force micro­ sion through the complete P. falciparum life cycle is now scopy (AFM). AFM has greatly facilitated the study of possible in humanized mice133,134, and the formation of the infected-erythrocyte surface and in particular has hypnozoites and invasion of reticulocytes by P. vivax have enabled a detailed analysis of the 30–40 nm knobs on also been achieved using these models135. Together with the surface of P. falciparum-infected RBCs120–123. Other the suite of imaging techniques and discoveries reviewed applications of AFM have included investigations of RBC here in mice, extrapolation to human infections is now cytoadherence and parasite sequestration. These included feasible in these models.

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Finally, as imaging techniques progress and quantita- necessary. Undoubtedly, in the decades to come, further tive imaging becomes more important for the malaria field, advances in imaging tools will play a key part in improving advances in image processing and analysis software, as well our understanding of the malaria parasite in terms of its as improvements in data storage, have become equally basic biology, pathology and host–pathogen interactions.

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