Sefer Devekut The Book of Attachment (To G-d) A Selection from the book, “Walking In The Fire” The Prophetic/Meditative Traditions (Kabbalah) of Bonding With G-d A Work by HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok Copyright © 2004 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. Yeshivat Benei Nviim – 18375 Ventura Blvd. Suite 314 Tarzana, CA. 91356 USA email:
[email protected] Phone: (818) 345-0888 1 Copyright © 1993 - 2004 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. Operations of the Mind/Soul and Its Cleansing Introduction, Part 1 – The Concept & The Halakha "And you who bond to HaShem your G-d are all alive day.” (Devarim 4, 4) "Respect HaShem your G-d, Him shall you serve, to Him shall you bond and His Name shall you praise." (Devarim 10, 20) "You shall walk after HaShem your G-d, Him shall you respect, His mitzvot shall you observe, to His Voice shall you listen, Him shall you serve, and to Him shall you bond.” (Devarim 13, 5) These pasukim and others like it outline for us the Torah commandment to bond with G-d. Now, as one can imagine the idea of bonding with G-d is rather nebulous and subject to various interpretations. Yet, our Sages have been quiet precise in explaining to us the meaning of the bonding. On one hand, being that G-d is called a Consuming Fire (Dev 4:24, 9:3), and one who draws too close to the flames can be burnt, one should instead bond with the Sages of Israel.