Kristen Painter | 416 pages | 27 Sep 2011 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781841499697 | English | London, United Kingdom Blood Rights : House of Comarre: Book 1 PDF Book

Details: This is a really fun series, it's unique and the mystery is not obvious. Now luckily Malkom isn't alone as he lives with a shifter and a ghost and things start getting really complicated when Chrysabelle's blood that is driving Malkom insane ends up being a complete game changer! Details: Sookie is a human who can read others minds. There's just a lot of aspects this series has the opportunity to explore, and more than anything I think it's what has me interested in the series. Species featured: Creatures of the beneath, dragons, Native American myths, and other. Details: Mob meets the paranormal. Kristen Painter likes to balance her obsessions with shoes and cats by making the lives of her characters miserable and surprising her readers with interesting twists. Was that a physical attachment or just a legal arrangement? I didn't think 3. Nocturne Falls - 6. However, seeing as the world building becomes one of the book's best aspect, this tough start does pays off. I can be easily annoyed by the female leads when it comes to urban fantasy series, but thankfully Crysabelle is a likable heroine and the Comarre society is interesting. I haven't read anything I love lately and the best I can give this book is that I didn't hate it, like the last two books I read. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Carve Brude's name into Hell's bile-encrusted gates. Warnings: I can't do this series justice, it truly is great. Warnings: This is definitely PNR! Fantastic blog! Leopard shifter Sasha Weisberg arrives in Nocturne Falls hoping someone in the town of supernaturals might be able to undo the spell an angry ex-friend put on her. Even psychopaths have some sort of warped morals. Blood Rights : House of Comarre: Book 1 Writer

Awesome blog. Each has a big surprise for For she is a Truthseeker and she can tell truth from lies. Details: Even though it's set in the Victorian age many readers firmly place it in Urban Fantasy, it's alos flavored with Steampunk. This wiki. Details: Darian is a Shaede a being made by her lover then abandoned. Details: This is a heady mix of vampires and steampunk in an alternate reality to ours. I wish the deaths had been captured a little bit more. Posted by E. Lead's Species: Witch Species featured: Witchs, vampires, werewolves. As war erupts Details: Melina is a Messenger. My only complaint about Tatiana's POV is the actual location of those parts within the book. Jan 03, Cyna rated it did not like it. None of which was actually necessary or even remotely like her personality to date. Things just didn't feel like they were really moving forward for awhile. It has more of an Superhero vibe flavor to it. Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? This is urban fantasy in its purest form. City of Eternal Night. Species featured: Gods and Furies, basically I think it has Greek creatures from legend. Frankly the Antagonist was so underdeveloped and boring, that if the author had just taken out the Antagonist scenes I might have gave the book stars. Blood Rights : House of Comarre: Book 1 Reviews

Average rating 3. More books by Kristen Painter. Add your thoughts here The vampires are more often than not adults no immortal high school students here! Because of his curse, every person he sinks his fangs into must die, and those he kills end up living inside his head, haunting him forever. Lead's Species: Angel and Human. He also has a purpose - to soothe the souls of the suffering into the peaceful passage of the afterlife. May 12, Sadie Forsythe rated it it was ok. I guess we can call it predictable then. Details: Eugenie is a mercenary on a case to bring back a missing girl that's been taken to the Otherworld. Lead's Species: Elemental Species featured: Dwarfs, wizards, elementals. Other books in the series. What makes her pure? The cover I think it's quite awesome, done by Nekro. Details: This takes place in a fictional city, so it should have lots a room to grow. When Lark Bramble, I enjoyed the rest of the characters, the world that Kristen Painter created for us and she even threw in a few twists that I was not expecting. Hello there, New Moon. Lead's species: Human Species featured: Gods and Furies, basically I think it has Greek creatures from legend Details: The lead is a dark lady, and quick to kill then ask questions. Sep 24, Jen Davis rated it really liked it Shelves: urban-fantasy , arcs. Lead's Species: Wraith. This book is amazing. A voice, one that I'm sure I'm not imagining, told me I was being an idiot and convinced me to read the book maybe it was Justin from Staffer's Musings ; glad I did because this was quite a cool read. The best part is the new approach to the vampire lore - the existence of Comarres, a special breed of humans? The Dragon Finds Forever. Details: This is a spin-off series of the Weather Warden books mentioned above. UsamaAk February 19, at AM. Lead's Species: Witch Species featured: Demons, vampires, werewolves, fairies, pixies, gargoyles, Banshees,. Details: Margrit is a lawyer who likes to live on the edge, which is probably why she's out in the dark jogging through central park. Details if other :. Lead's Species: Human and vampire Species featured: Vampires Details: This is a great high action novel dealing with vicious vampires who want to rule the world. Highly recommended for readers burnt out in the UF genre. The Gargoyle Gets His Girl. It detracted me from the overall storyline. I absolutely adore the artwork on this book. View Product. The murders are not really at the top of her list. Details: "After a virus kills about people in Boston, a few days later those dead people rise as zombies. Details: This is one of my all time favorite series! A finely-wrought filigree of stars, vines, flowers, butterflies, ancient symbols and words ran from her feet, up her legs, over her narrow waist, spanned her chest and finished down her arms to the tips of her fingers. Then the boss tells her that she has to complete her husband's last

Blood Rights : House of Comarre: Book 1 Read Online

I don't know, but the author spent great effort to make this awesome world and caste system of vampires and comarres which are kind of like high end blood donors and then never truly let us see that world Chrysabelle is forced to make a life and death decision and will realize that her relationship to Malkolm may have fatal consequences. Hey it's a male lead so it's something different. Where the lead most find a key to lock the Dark Breeds into Hell. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. City of Eternal Night. May 17, Katie babs rated it did not like it Shelves: dnf-award. And while they never did get where I wanted them to be, I think there is definite groundwork to move in that direction in later books. Like short and long term memory problems. As well as experimentations by human laboratory and more shocking the very monsters themselves. I got the next in the book because it was a fun rom I mean, Vampire Geishas are cool, right? Forced to make a life and death decision, Chrysabelle will re A voice, one that I'm sure I'm not imagining, told me I was being an idiot and convinced me to read the book maybe it was Justin from Staffer's Musings ; glad I did because this was quite a cool read. In this series, supernaturals are called othernaturals. Plus I love the look on the "cults. Or lose my soul. As usual, I settled my munchkin into bed and curled up on the couch with my Kindle and began reading with excitment. I thought the world building was very good in many regards, but I look forward to exploring more of the world on a macro scale. Warnings: This is definitely PNR! Details: Very unique books where a cat shifter gets turned into a vampire. Oct 04, Kenya Wright rated it it was ok Shelves: books-by-authors-that-should-be-hit , vampires-and-shapeshifters , multi-pov , fairies , new-type-of-magic , more-tension-than-sex , hero-not-traditionally-sexy. But what if the locals are far from human themselves, with secrets of their own? Chrysabelle's secrets, though, are about to put her life - and those around her - in even greater jeopardy. The tourists think it's all a show: the vampires, the werewolves, the witches, the occasional gargoyle flying through the sky. View all 5 comments. I liked the love interest, and the world was interesting, but the farther I got in the book the less I understood what the bad guys' functions were. Kristen Painter Kristen Painter likes to balance her obsessions with shoes and cats by making the lives of her characters miserable and surprising her readers with interesting twists. Error rating book. Warnings: Old style writing. Lead's Species: Vampire Species featured: Vampires. However, Dante soon finds herself embrioled in a old nightmare from the past and a forbidden love. Forced to make a life and death decision, Chrysabelle will Nocturne Falls - 8. Though it only scraped that because of the good ending and the surprises. She's an evil, conniving bitch, but I felt like it got a bit excessive. Lead's Species: Human Species featured: Demons. Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle's body bears the telltale marks of a comarre - a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility and control their hungers. Kristen Painter is a former college English teacher, personal trainer, advertising exec, maitre d' and runway model. belt. Share this: Tweet. Sounds like I am complaining a lot I guess I am. The clock is ticking. Her whole body is covered in gold tattoos and at , she looks no more than 20 years old. As the book unfolds, we learn more about her dark plans and what they'll mean for the world. I did find the plot itself a bit tedious, though, which in turn gave me time to ponder and eventually figure out the bigger plot twist, but I was kept entertained by the two main characters who are both infuriating a With an infinite amount of vampire books on the shelves, Kristen Painter was still able to give us a lore that is original and quite complex. The writing is well done and easy to read.