Checklist of the Birds of Gilpin County - 191 Species This Checklist Is Provided As a Service of the Colorado Field Ornithologists
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COLORADO FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS - Checklist of the Birds of Gilpin County - 191 Species This checklist is provided as a service of the Colorado Field Ornithologists. Official county checklists are maintained by the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Date____________________ Time________________________ Locality___________________________________________________ Sky_______________ Wind_______________ Temp__________ Observers_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Species_____________ Total Individuals______________ Ducks, Geese, and Swans (Rallidae) Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) ___Northern Rough-winged Swallow Finches and Allies (Fringillidae) ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Anatidae) ___American Coot ___Belted Kingfisher ___Barn Swallow ___Evening Grosbeak ___Black-headed Grosbeak ___Lazuli Bunting ___Cackling Goose Lapwings and Plovers Woodpeckers and Allies ___Cliff Swallow ___Pine Grosbeak ___Indigo Bunting ___Canada Goose (Charadriidae) (Picidae) Chickadees and Titmice ___Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch ___Black Rosy-Finch ___Blue-winged Teal ___Killdeer ___Williamson's Sapsucker (Paridae) ___Brown-capped Rosy-Finch ___Cinnamon Teal Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and ___Red-naped Sapsucker ___Black-capped Chickadee ___Northern Shoveler ___Mountain Chickadee ___House Finch The taxonomic sequence and Allies (Scolopacidae) ___American Three-toed ___Gadwall ___Cassin's Finch nomenclature used in this list ___Wilson's Snipe Woodpecker Nuthatches (Sittidae) ___American Wigeon ___Red Crossbill follow the Checklist of North ___Spotted Sandpiper ___Downy Woodpecker ___Red-breasted Nuthatch American Birds, 7th Edition, ___Mallard ___Pine Siskin ___Solitary Sandpiper ___Hairy Woodpecker ___White-breasted Nuthatch American Ornithologists’ ___Northern Pintail ___Lesser Goldfinch Union, 1998, updated through ___Willet ___Northern Flicker ___Pygmy Nuthatch ___Green-winged Teal ___American Goldfinch the 57th Supplement, 2016 ___Wilson's Phalarope Caracaras and Falcons Creepers (Certhiidae) (Auk 133(3):544-560, 2016). ___Canvasback New World Sparrows and (Falconidae) ___Brown Creeper ___Redhead Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers ___American Kestrel Wrens (Troglodytidae) Towhees (Passerellidae) ___Ring-necked Duck (Laridae) ___Lark Sparrow Colorado Field Ornithologists ___Merlin ___Rock Wren (CFO) is a non-profit ___Greater Scaup ___Franklin's Gull ___Lark Bunting ___Peregrine Falcon ___Canyon Wren statewide organization ___Lesser Scaup ___Ring-billed Gull ___Chipping Sparrow ___Prairie Falcon ___House Wren devoted to the study ___Bufflehead ___California Gull ___Brewer's Sparrow conservation, and enjoyment Tyrant Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) ___Winter Wren of Colorado's birds. CFO's ___Common Goldeneye Loons (Gaviidae) ___Fox Sparrow ___Olive-sided Flycatcher Gnatcatchers (Polioptilidae) activities include reviewing ___Barrow's Goldeneye ___Common Loon ___American Tree Sparrow ___Western Wood-Pewee ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sightings of rare birds through ___Hooded Merganser Cormorants ___Dark-eyed Junco the Colorado Bird Records ___Willow Flycatcher ___Common Merganser Dippers (Cinclidae) ___White-crowned Sparrow Committee, publishing (Phalacrocoracidae) ___Hammond's Flycatcher Colorado Birds: The Colorado ___Ruddy Duck ___American Dipper ___Vesper Sparrow ___Double-crested Cormorant ___Dusky Flycatcher Field Ornithologists' Partridges, Grouse, Turkeys, Kinglets (Regulidae) ___Savannah Sparrow Quarterly, conducting field Bitterns, Herons, and Allies ___Cordilleran Flycatcher and Old World Quail ___Golden-crowned Kinglet ___Song Sparrow trips and workshops, and (Ardeidae) ___Say's Phoebe holding annual conventions. ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet ___Lincoln's Sparrow (Phasianidae) ___Great Blue Heron ___Vermilion Flycatcher CFO also owns and manages Thrushes (Turdidae) ___Green-tailed Towhee ___Wild Turkey ___Black-crowned Night-Heron ___Western Kingbird COBirds, the Colorado ___Western Bluebird ___Spotted Towhee birding community's online ___White-tailed Ptarmigan ___Eastern Kingbird New World Vultures ___Mountain Bluebird mailing list. To join COBirds ___Dusky Grouse Blackbirds (Icteridae) (Cathartidae) Shrikes (Laniidae) or CFO, or for more ___Townsend's Solitaire ___Yellow-headed Blackbird information, visit us online at Grebes (Podicipedidae) ___Loggerhead Shrike ___Turkey Vulture ___Veery ___Western Meadowlark The ___Pied-billed Grebe ___Northern Shrike Ospreys (Pandionidae) ___Swainson's Thrush ___Bullock's Oriole Colorado Bird Records ___Horned Grebe Committee (CBRC) is a ___Osprey Vireos (Vireonidae) ___Hermit Thrush ___Red-winged Blackbird ___Eared Grebe standing committee of the Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies ___Cassin's Vireo ___American Robin ___Brown-headed Cowbird Colorado Field Ornithologists. Pigeons and Doves ___Plumbeous Vireo The CBRC maintains records (Accipitridae) Mockingbirds and Thrashers ___Brewer's Blackbird (Columbidae) ___Warbling Vireo documenting bird distribution ___Bald Eagle (Mimidae) ___Common Grackle ___Rock Pigeon and occurrence in Colorado, ___Northern Harrier Jays and Crows (Corvidae) ___Gray Catbird Wood-Warblers (Parulidae) and archives these records at ___Band-tailed Pigeon ___Canada Jay ___Sharp-shinned Hawk ___Brown Thrasher ___Northern Waterthrush the Denver Museum of ___Eurasian Collared-Dove ___Pinyon Jay Nature and Science. Through ___Cooper's Hawk ___Sage Thrasher ___Black-and-white Warbler these efforts, the CBRC ___Mourning Dove ___Steller's Jay ___Northern Goshawk Starlings (Sturnidae) ___Prothonotary Warbler maintains the authoritative Goatsuckers (Caprimulgidae) ___Blue Jay ___Broad-winged Hawk ___European Starling ___Orange-crowned Warbler bird lists for the state of Colorado and for each of its ___Common Nighthawk ___Swainson's Hawk ___Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay ___Virginia's Warbler ___Common Poorwill ___Clark's Nutcracker Waxwings (Bombycillidae) counties. ___Red-tailed Hawk ___Bohemian Waxwing ___MacGillivray's Warbler Swifts (Apodidae) ___Black-billed Magpie ___Rough-legged Hawk ___Cedar Waxwing ___Common Yellowthroat ___Black Swift ___Golden Eagle ___American Crow ___American Redstart Copyright Colorado Field ___White-throated Swift ___Common Raven Old World Sparrows Ornithologists. 2021. All Typical Owls (Strigidae) ___Yellow Warbler Rights Reserved. (Passeridae) Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) ___Flammulated Owl Larks (Alaudidae) ___Yellow-rumped Warbler ___Horned Lark ___House Sparrow ___Black-chinned Hummingbird ___Great Horned Owl ___Townsend's Warbler Last Updated 8/18/2012 ___Broad-tailed Hummingbird ___Northern Pygmy-Owl Swallows (Hirundinidae) Wagtails and Pipits ___Wilson's Warbler ___Rufous Hummingbird ___Long-eared Owl ___Bank Swallow (Motacillidae) Cardinals, Piranga Tanagers ___Calliope Hummingbird ___Boreal Owl ___Tree Swallow ___American Pipit and Allies (Cardinalidae) Rails, Gallinules, and Coots ___Northern Saw-whet Owl ___Violet-green Swallow Fringilline and Cardueline ___Western Tanager.