Eight Limbs of (Yoga of )

Pranayama ((gBreathing Techniq)ques) (Part 1)

Subhash Mittal Studio www.itintegra lyogas tditudio.com ♦ 919‐926‐9717 ♦ subhas hm itta l@gma il.com

1 Invocation to Sage Patanjali

योगेन िचत्तःय पदेन वाचां | मलं शरीरःय च वैद्यके न || योोोऽपाकरोत्त ंं ूवरं मुनीनांं | पतञ्जिलं ूाञ्जिोििलरानतोऽिःम || yogena chittasya padena vAchAM | malaM sharIrasya cha vaidyakena || yo.apAkarottaM pravaraM munInAM | pata~njaliM prA~njalirAnato.asmi || "I respectfully bow down with folded hands and offer my salutations to Sage Patanjali, the highest among the Munis (sages), who has presented the remedies for removing the impurities of the body through his treatise on Ayurveda, of language through his treatise on grammar (Patanjala Mahabhashya) and the impurities of the Chitta ( field) through his treatise on Yoga ()."

2 Outline

• Why talk about breath? • Physiology of breathing • Components of breathing – IhltiInhalation, exhltihalation, bthbreath rettitention • Practice • Mechanics of breathing • Breathing habits • Nasal Function and Energy • Five sheaths • Practice pranayama • Five main and five minor pranas Why Talk about Breath?

• Emotions control breathing ‐ breathing can control emotions • Only physiological process both voluntary and involuntary • Physical body and mind need "energy" for functioning • Energy and are interconvertible • is the link between mind and body • Voluntary changes in breathing can bring about change in energy patterns • Cosmic inhalation and exhalation ‐ creation and dissolution • Involuntary bhbreath controlle d by primitive parts of the brain What is Pranayama?

• Fourth of the eight limbs of yygoga • Compound word – “prana” + “ayama” • Prana = pra (prefix) + an (to breathe, to live) • “prana” is ‐force, the cosmic vital energy • “ayama” means to stretch, expand, control • Pranayama is to expand and control prana • Breath is a gross manifestation of prana, usually equated with prana • Breathing techniques help control prana in different ways Physiology of Breathing

• Nose, windpipe, lungs, ciltirculatory system and associated muscles transport O2 • Bloo d ditdensity hig her at lower part of the lungs • Shallow breathing inefficient in carrying O2 in bloo d to cells • Hemoglobin carries O2 to cells and CO2 back from the cell to the heart • Gas exchange (O2 ‐ CO2) ‐ respiration‐ happens at the cell level Components of Breathing

• Inhalation • Exhalation • Breath Retention – External retention – Internal retention Pranayama Practice

• Ujjayi breathing • Sectional deep breathing – Clav ic le (upper part of l)lungs) – Thoracic (middle part of lungs) – Diaphragmatic (lower part of lungs) – Full 3‐part (yogic) breathing • • Rapid breathing Mechanics of Breathin

• Diaphragm separates the thoracic area from the abdom ina l area • When diaphragm moves down, chest and ribcage expand, bringing in air into the lungs • When diaphragm returns to the resting position, air expelled from lungs • Three phases of breathing: diaphragmatic, thoracic, clavicular • Diaphragmatic breathing most efficient ‐ infants use it naturally • Yogic, complete breath exercises all three areas of lungs • Compression of abdominal muscles can empty the lungs further Breathing Habits

• Shallow breathing is most common • A sob of grief, anger, anxiety etc. can dramatically effect breathing • Anxiety associated with shallow chest breathing • Unfortunately, tummy tucked in is fashionable • Autonomic nervous system ‐ syypmpathetic and parasympathetic • Under "fight or flight" ‐ sympathetic takes over ‐ chest breathing • Holding breath beyond capacity prevented by ANS regulation Nasal Function and Energy

• Filters, moisturizes, directs air flow, warms the air • Provides a sense of smell, brings in O2, creates mucus • Drains sinuses, impacts the nervous system • Mucus collects dust, bbiacteria, viruses, ffiungi etc. • Mucus finally cleaned out through digestive system • Diet plays a big role in the quality of mucus • Tonsillitis and sinusitis common nose‐related problems • "Nasal Wash" or "Jala " with a neti pot highly hlflhelpful • For serious mucus problems, "gaja karani" or "shankhaprakshalana" (colon cleansing) may be used Five Sheaths ()

• Annamaya : physical sheath sustained by food (anna) • Pranamaya kosha: Vital sheath sustained by breath (prana) • Manomaya kosha: Mental sheath ‐ , willing, desires etc • Vijnanamaya kosha: intellectual and intuitive sheath • : Bliss sheath Pranayama Practice

• Kapalabhati (breath of fire) • Bhramari (bumble bee breath) – Index finger in the ear – Shanmukhi (closting the six gates) • (alternate nostril breathing) – Ujja yibreaths using Vishnu mudra – 1:2 ratio between inhale/exhale durations – Deep, soft (soundless) breathing – Switching nostril at the end of inhalation Five Pranas

• Prana: head to navel; all intakes ‐ food, water, air, sensory impressions • Apana: navel to root ; Elimination (stool, urine, all fluids, CO2), reproduction; also negative feelings and emotions; basis for all immune functions • Udana: navel to head; growth of body, speech, enthusiasm and will • Samana: periphery to navel; digestion, absorbing O2, homogenize mental impressions • Vyana: navel to periphery; all circulations ‐ nutrients; helps all other pranas • More details here: http://www.integralyogastudio.com/fivePranasTable.pdf Five upa_ pranas (minor pranas)

• Naga: burping, throwing, stretching, salivation, hiccups • Kurma: movement of the eyelids and size of iris to control intensity of light • Krikara: sneezing, coughing, reactions to pain, hunger, thirst • Devdatta: yawning, sleep • Dhananjaya: produce phlegm, provides nourishment, inflates the body after death