KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

KDE Mobile The Best Things in Life are free

Slide 1 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Working for Symbio/

● Harmattan, Gluon contributor

● KDE/ Contributor since 2009

● Kernel hacker since 2007

Laszlo Papp Slide 2 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Use known applications (, KDE-PIM, KDE-Edu, KDE- Games, Gluon, Utilities, Plasma and the like)

● One of the biggest communities on top of Qt (a lot of talent, resource and fun)

● Not just Open Source, but Open Minded

● More choice, avoid single vendor or service lock-in (competition needed!)

● Proven, stable and rich technology (~15 years)

Why KDE for Mobile ? Slide 3 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Use known applications (Calligra, KDE-PIM, KDE-Edu, KDE- Games, Gluon, Utilities, Plasma and the like)

● One of the biggest communities on top of Qt (a lot of talent, resource and fun)

● Not just Open Source, but Open Minded

● More choice, avoid single vendor or service lock-in (competition needed!)

● Proven, stable and rich technology (~15 years)

Why KDE for Mobile ? Slide 4 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● 08.2008: , N810 from Nokia

● 09.2008: First platform packages for Maemo

● 09.2008: Maemo summit, Berlin

● 10.2009: Maemo summit, Amsterdam

● 10.2009: KDE on Maemo started

History 2008-2009 Slide 5 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● 01.2010: Simple Maemo Qt SDK install

● 01.2010: Qt/Maemo SDK VM

● 02.2010: Mobile task force at Tokamak4

● 02.2010: Meego announcement

● 05.2010: KDE on Maemo becomes KDE Mobile

● 11.2010: MeeGo conference, Dublin

● 11.2010: First KDE Mobile sprint

History 2010 Slide 6 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● 04.2011: MeeGo Summit FI, Tampere

● 04.2011: Tokamak 5, Netherlands

● 05.2011: MeeGo conference, San Francisco

● 07.2011: KDE packages for Harmattan

● 08.2011: Desktop Summit, Berlin

● 09.2011: Plasma Active Workshop, Darmstadt

History 2011 Slide 7 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Unmanagable Dependency Mess ?

KDE Platform Slide 8 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Like this ? Slide 9 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Better, but still ? Slide 10 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

It is not that bad ! Slide 11 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Core features, amazing ! Slide 12 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011



40 35 Desktop 30 Tablet 25 Mobile 20





Footprint Slide 13 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Desktop Tablet Mobile Communicate with packagers and X X X developers Cut deps X X Low feature loss Cut deps X Feature loss KIO “in process” X Klauncher free KDE Platform Removing deprecated classes from X build BIC changes to reduce dependencies or footprint

The needs Slide 14 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

KDE on N810 Slide 15 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Plasma on N900 Slide 16 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Gluon Game, Space Invaders

KDE Mobile on N950 Slide 17 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

KAlgebra Mobile

KDE Mobile on N9 Slide 18 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Plasma Netbook Slide 19 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Desktop Mobile N9

Optimized Ui for Mobile Slide 20 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Create a desirable user experience encompassing a spectrum of devices

● Workspace: Contour

● Share x Like x Connect

● Qt → KDE Frameworks → Plasma Quick

● Interact with Vendors

● Activity centric

Plasma Active in a Nutshell Slide 21 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Plasma Active Device Spectrum Slide 22 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Touch the Future!

Slide 23 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Qt5 Open Governance Slide 24 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Platform 11 Sprint in Randa, Switzerland

KDE Frameworks Slide 25 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

More collaboration than ever!

Qt5 and KDE frameworks Slide 26 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Mer is alive again, aiming for MeeGo 2.0

● Core OS, distribution (No Ui)

● Potential UX, Plasma Active

● Open Governance

● Primary customers are Vendors, not end users

Meego Reconstructed ? Slide 27 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● How about the Qt binding ?

● Is it accessible commercial only ?

● What needs to be done exactly ?

● What is the current Qt state ?

● How about the licenses ?

KDE Mobile on WP8 ? Slide 28 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● The Necessitas project

● Android lighthouse

● Qt support in a good shape

● Missing bits (OpenGL, WebKit)

● Start packaging the platform

● Establish an easy to use SDK

● Team meeting at the Qt Developer Day in Munich

KDE Mobile on Android ? Slide 29 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Only Rumour!! Platform for Nokia behind Qt5 ?

● KDE efforts might begin after the first public release

KDE Mobile on Meltemi ? Slide 30 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Will some company or community support Qt ?

● What is the plan for starting that, if any ?

KDE Mobile on Tizen ? Slide 31 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

KDE Mobile on “N10” ? ;) Slide 32 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

KDE Mobile on new tablets ? Slide 33 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Get a centralized project for KDE Mobile

● Define a proper QA process for the workflow

● Get more people involved in maintenance, packaging reviewing and testing

Community Open Build Service Slide 34 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

● Nokia for providing such devices and platforms to work with

● Kevin Ottens and KDAB for their contents (slides 9-14)

● Plasma Active team and Sebastian Kügler for the photo

● Packagers and developers for helping with packaging

● The Gluon, KDE PIM, KDE Edu, Calligra communities

● The whole community behind the project to make it a success

Special thanks! Slide 35 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Question Time!

Slide 36 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Thank you for your attention!

lpapp@.org Mailing List: [email protected]

IRC Freenode: #kde-mobile http://community.kde.org/KDE_Mobile

Slide 37 of 38 KDE Mobile Oct 6, 2011

Please come to the “Gluon: Creating and Distributing Games” presentation 5th of October, 10:40-11:10

Free drink and eternal life! ;)

The End Slide 38 of 38