Approved and ordered this //4. • day of (ilk. ft t 41).— , AD. 1940 ICY

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: The Honourable

Mr. 2arris in the Chair. Mr. Mr. Mr. _Lrt Mr. Jarrow Mn • ti;u1 1 o Mn Mr.

To His Honour The Delihmantaumor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to re commend THAT Order-in-Council No.624 of 1920, approved the 12th day of May,1920, and Order-in-Council 110.901, of 1920, approved the 21st day of May,1920 and all that part of Order- in-Council No.716 of 1916, approved the 6rd day of baguet, 1916, and published in the Bri+10, Columbia Gazette of the 3rd of August,1916, commencing with the words "Game Regulations 1916" and concluding with the words "December :1st,1916" in Clause (d) of paragraph 1 of said Regulations, be resoinded. AND TO FURTHER RECOLIZED that under the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Statutes of 1914, "Game Aot" the subjoined regulations be made and promulgated.

DATED this 0??17..", clay of August, A.D. 1920.

_7 ,...---dr e0 /70.4.7....4 Attorney-General.

APPROVED this de- arty of August, A.D., 1920.

60.111, !,;■ ' 4411r/-OINIIIM ■ Presiding Member of the E'xeoutive Council. GAME REGULATIONSS.

1920. GAME ACT.

PURSUANT to the provisions or this Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council has been pleased to make regulations as follows:—


1. The prohibitions declared by section 9 or the "Game Aot", being chapter 33 or the Statutes or 1914, as to the hunting, trapping, taking, wounding, and killing or game are, subject to the provisions of seotion 2 of these Regulations, hereby removed to the extent and within the periods and limits and subject to the provisions hereinafter set out respectively as follows:--

SIG GAME. (a)Mons, or the 111,ale sex in the Electoral vistriots of Atlin, tort George, Omineoa and variboo, open season from September 1st to Vecember lbth, both dates inclusive, in the years 1920, 1921, and 1922. In the Electoral yistrict of Columbia, open season from October 1st, 1920, to movember lbth, 1920, ooth dates inclusive.

(b) CARIBOU, of the male sex, throughout the erovince, except Queen charlotte Islands, and except all that por- tion or the Province lying to the south and to the east of the main line of the uanadian northern racifio Railway, open season from deptember 1st, to necember lbth, both dates inclusive, in the years 1920, 1921, and 1922.

(o) MOUNTAIN SHEEP, or the male sex, in that portion or the irovince north or the main line of the Grand Trunk Yacific Railway, open season from September let, 1920, to november lbth, 1920, ooth dates inclusive.

In the Electoral nistricts of Columbia, Cranbrook, and &ernie, open season trom October 1st, 1920, to november lbth, 1920, both dates inclusive.

in that portion ot the Electoral vistrict of iallooet situate and lying to the west or the eraser river, and to the south or the Ranceville and Clinton wagon road from the rraser river orldge at Churn Creek to the northern boundary of the Lillooet Electoral vistrict, open season trom September 4th, 1920, to movember lbth, 1920, ooth dates inclusive.

(d) MOUNTAIN GOAT, throughout the irovinoe, open season from September let, 1920, to i)eoember lbth, ooth dates inclusive, in the years 1920, 1921, and 1922. 2

(e) SEAR, on Vancouver Island, open season from movember let, 1920, to June 30th, 1921, both dates inclusive; throughout the remainder or the rrovince open season from Septem- ber 1st, 1920, to June 30th, 1921, both dates inclusive.

PROVIDED that no bear Shall be trapped in any part of the province south and east or the main line of the Canadian Northern Paoifie Railway;

(f) DEER, (mule, white-tail, and coast), in the elec toral die- triota of Atlin and Prince Rupert, except Queen Char- /in lotto Islands, and, all that portion of the Province s ituate and lying to the east or the summit or the uasoade Range, except the electoral districts of aorth Okanagan, South Okanagan , and Greenwood, open seas on from September 4th 1920, to a ovemoer 30th, 1920, both dates inclusive. in the remainder or the Province, open season trom September 18th, 1920, to Deoemuer lbth, 1920, both dates inclusive. DEER, (mule only in the electoral districts of morth ukanagan, South Okanagan and Greenwood, open season trom September 4th, 1920, to iovember 30th, 1920, cloth dates inclusive.


(g) All fur-bearing animals, except beaver, marrtenv Xialter and 4i1.444,11, throughout the Province, open season trom December lst, I915, to March 31st, 1921, uoth dates inclusive.


Yor the purpose of defining the open seasons Tor game birds the Province shall be divided into three districts, to be known as the northern, eastern and western districts:—

Northern District shall mean and include the electoral district or Atlin and all that portion or the Province situate and lying to the north or the main line of the Grand Trunk eaoifio Railway and to the east or the summit or the Cascade Range.

• Eastern District shall mean and include all that portion of the rrovince situate and lying to the east of the summit of the Cascade Range and south of the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Western District shall mean and include all that portion or the Province situate and lying to the west or the summit of the Cascade Range and south or the electoral district or Atlin.

(h) DUCKS, (except Wood and Eider Dunks), WILSON Ox JACK SNIPE nLACK-RREASTED AND GOLDEN T10VER, AnD THE GREATER AND LESSLt YELICWLEIS, in the northern district, open season irom the riret Saturday next tollowing August 31st, to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive. 3

In the Eastern District, open season trom the iiret Saturday next following August 31et, to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive. In the Western District, in that portion of the Western District to the north of the blot parallel of latitude: open season iron the first Saturday next following September 7th to a date three months and tifteen days later, both dates inclusive. In the Western mistrict, in that portion of the Western Dietrict to the south of the 61st parallel of latitude, open season irom the tiret Saturday next following October 14th, to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive.

(i) GEESS b EnAba, in the northern District, open season tram the first saturday next following August 31st, to a date three months and tifteen days later, both aates inclusive. in the Eastern mistrict, open season iron the first Saturday next following August 31st, to a date three months and fifteen days later, both dates inclusive. In the aestern mistrict, in that portion of the Western District to the north of the 61st parallel of latitude, open season from the first Saturday next tollowing September 7th, to a date three months and fifteen days later, ooth dates inclusive.

in the Western mistrict, in that portion of the Western District to the south of the blst parallel of latitude, open sea- son from the first Saturday next tollowing november 7th to a date three months and fifteen days later, moth dates inolusive.

Liaotras, (all kinds, including ptarmigan), in the northern district and in those portions of the Omineoa and Dort George electoral districts, situate and lying in the eastern district, open season iron Septemoer 4th, 1920, to november lbth, 1920, both dates inclusive. in the remainder of the eastern district, open season iron september 4th, 1920, to september 20th, 1920, both dates inclusive. in the western District, in the islands electoral dis- trict, except in north Saanioh, DUE (.aiousi, open season trom September 18th, 1920, to September 27th, 192U, both dates inclusive. In the remainder of the western district, and in that portion of the islands electoral district known and defined as north Saanich District, open season iron .Jeptember 18th, 1920, to October 25th, 1920, moth dates inclusive. In the western district, in that portion known as Queen Charlotte Islands, nUerED OE WILLOW GROUSE, open season from September 18th, 1920, to november lbth, 1920, both dates inclusive.

(k) QUAIL, in the eastern district, in the electoral districts of Similkameen and South Okanagan only, open season from October 20th, 1920, to October 30th, 1920, oath dates inclu- sive.

in the western district, in the electoral districts of Cowiohan, Esquimalt, Saanich, and the islands, except that portion known and defined as Salt Spring Island, open season from October 16th, 1920, to December lbth, 1920, both dates inclusive. - 4 -

In the western district, in that portion or the islands electoral district known and detined as Salt Spring island open season rrom October 16th, 1920, to December 31st, 1920, both dates inclusive. Ili PnEASANiS, (except Golden and Silver 2heasantsi, in the eastern distriot, cook oirds only; in the electoral district of South Okanagan, open season 'room October 20th, 1920, to October 2bth, 1920, moth dates inclusive.

in the eastern district, in the electoral district of 3imilkameen, cook birds only, open season Iron Uctooer 20th, 1920, to uctober 30th, 1920, moth dates inclusive. In the western district, in that portion thereof known and deiined as Vancouver island, except in the Municipality of Oak Day, cock uirds only, open season iram October 16th, 1920, to movember 29th, 1920, moth dates inclusive. In the western district, in those portions of the Islande electoral district known awl defined as Sidney island, moresby Island, render .Island. and Mayne island, cock birds only, open season iron October 16th, 1920, to november 29th, 1930, ooth dates inclusive. in the western district, in that portion or the islands electoral district, known and defined as salt spring island, and in those portions or the Comox electoral district known and de- fined as Denman and aornby Islands, cook birds, o-en season iron October 16th, 1920, to December 31st711/77711 dates inclusive; hen birds, open season tram December lst, 1920, to December 31st, I9ET17h dates inolusivo,except in Hornby Island.

In the western district, in that portion thereof situate and lying on the Mainland, except that portion or the Municipality or Point Grey lying north or that part of Rarine Drive extending along the northern bank or the iraser niver from the eastern boundary of said .iunicipality to the mouth of said river, cock birds only, open season from uctober 16th, 1920, to movemoWF-and, 1920, ooth dates included.

(m) EUnOPEAm PAARL)GES, in the western district, in the Delta electoral district, open season iron november lbth, 1920, to november 22nd, 1920, both dates inclusive; in that portion of the islands Aleotoral District known rid defined as north Saanioh Distriot, open season Iran november 23rd, 1920, to november 29th, 1920, DOth dates inclusive.


nig Game.,

In respect of big game throughout the Province, no person shall anywhere kill or take or have in his possession, during the open season, more than three deer, at wnioh not more than one deer shall be of the female sex, and no person shall kill or take or have in nis pa:session, during the open season, more than three grimily near.

In that portion or the Province north Of the main line of the Grand trunk 2acific nailway, no person shall at any time, kill or take, or have in nis possession, during the open season, - b-

more then two mountain sheep of the male sex. In the electoral districts of Columbia, iernie, Uranbrook, Cariboo and lillooet, no person shall at any time skill or take, or nave in nis possession during the open season,°more than one mountain sheep of the male sex.

4.11.2 bIADS.

eo person mall, in any district nereinafter designated, kill, take, or nave in nis possession on any one day, any greater number of game oiras than the daily uag limits hereinafter set out respectively; nor kill, take or have in his possession during the entire open season, any greater number of game birds than the total uag limit so set out. 10:61):LiCi DISTAIUT: iheasante: Daily uag limit, six; total wag limit, twenty-five. Quail: Daily uag limit, twenty; total oag limit, one hundred and fifty. iaropean cartridges: gaily bag limit, six; total bag limit twenty-five.

LA6TE10 DISTAICT: 3Guxn OKAblitMe Lla.u.k-UnAL DI6TitIGT: Gook rheasante (only): Daily bag limit, four; total bag limit, twelve. Quail: vaily oag limit, ten; total bag limit, fifty.

3IMTMkAUEN41 .61,r.u.LOAAL 1,161RICT: Cook rheasante (only): Daily uag limit, ionic': total bag limit, twelve. Quail: Daily uag limit, ten; total uag limit, fifty.

umhol..;n0uT tija WHOLL

Ducks: Daily oag limit, twenty; total bag limit, one hundred and fifty. geese: Daily bag limit, ten; total bag limit, fifty. reran : Daily bag limit, ten; total bag limit, fifty. ViTge: Daily bag limit, six grouse of any one species, nor more than twelve of all species, in any one day; total bag limit, fifty. Every person shall, upon the request of any constable, furnish satisfactory proof to him of the dates on which any big game or game birds were killed or taken.

2. ihe open season declared by these hegtlations shall not apply to the following parts of the .crovince, namely:-- (a) Kaien Island in the Prince hupert Nlectoral Distriot.

(b) That portion of vewdney idectoral District known as the Colony term.

(c) That portion of the District Municipality of gurnaby bounded as follows: Commencing at the junction of Sperling avenue and the right-of-way of the nrit' h Columbia El otrio railway Company, Limited; thence due northto the line or the Great northern Railway; thence following the said railway in an easterly direction to the Cariboo goad; thence southerly along the Cariboo .toad to the right-of-way or the hritish Columbia haeotrio aailway Company, Limited; thence westerly along the line of the hritildi Columbia Electric gailway to point of commencement.

(d) Those further portions of the said District Munici- pality of nurnaby known respectively as the Oakalla rrison term and Central rark.

(e) Weatham island at the moutn or the---.-p&tier--aiver-and the whole foreshore of iancouver island tram Jack's Point to the ,44.l mouth of chase giver known as the uanaimo aiver ride ilats.

(f) Also that portion or the West Arm of Kootenay Lake, adjoining the City of nelson, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the line of the Columbia cc Kootenay aailway, about one mile west of the City of .nelson on the south bank or the liootenay giver, known as the "Slaughter house"; thence northerly to the north bank or the said i.00tenay raver; thenoe easterly following the said north bank or the said i.00tenay giver Lo the north side Eerry Landing, about one mile east of the City of nelson; thenoe southerly to the south bank of the seta aeotenay River; thenoe following the south oank or the A.00tenay Aver in a westerly direction to the point of commencement.

3. The prohibitions declared by subsection (1) Of section 34 of the "Game Act", as to the buying, selling, and having in possess- ion of big game and game birds so far as the same relate to game lawfully killed or taken are hereby removed to the extent and within the periods and limits and subject to the provisions herein- arter set out, as follows:--

(a) MOOSE and CARIBOU, bulls over one year of age, in the electoral districts of Atlin, tort George, Dmineoa, and Oariboo, from October 1st, 1920, to December lbth, 1920, both dates inclu- sive. (b) BEAR, on Vancouver Island, from uovember 1st, 1920, to June 30th, TWIT, both dates inclusive; in the remainder of the Province, from September 1st, 1920, to June 30th, 1921, both dates inclusive.