Checks in New Chamber Exec
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Administration (DEA) have seized seizUres were made under the j uris six different properties, including diction of Title 31 statutes regard- Please see Feds, page 2A Warriors play like champs Miss Albuquerque, Larissa Canaday, holds Holland; second runner-up, Miss Fairacres roses and her trophy after being crowned Nicole Ohrt Ziegler; third runner-up. Miss in playoff loss to St. Pius Miss New Mexico USA Saturday night in Clovis Shelly D'Ann Lockmiller, and fourth the state pageant. Her court includes first runner-up Miss Northern New Mexico, runner-up, Miss Alamogordo Charlotte Bridget Berg. by ROD MAYS SartallB 25-19 Saturday night. From that point on. Ruidoso Ruidoso News Sports Writer The momentum was on the War struggled. "There are no words when you riors side for the entire first half, Playing like a championship played your hearts out," said head Wltil a Sartan defender intercepted team, Ruidoso controlled the ball in coach Doug Ragsdale said to his a pass on the RHS goal line with 12 the first half. Penalties hurt the Duke City beauty is· team, after losing to the St. Pius seconds left in the first half. Warriors but the players' determination to Wln was not diminished. The momentum shifted to the &'~£8 during the 8ecOnd half. St.. cro'Wned Miss NM-USA us 8cored two touchdowns before the Warriors began a remarkable by AL STUBBS the best costume when she had on Martin of Albuquerque; Miss comeback. Ruidoso News Business Editor her "Roaring 20s" flapper attire. Southwest. Kristin Billings; Miss This football game was exCIting It's JX>8sible to shed copious That competition was Tuesday Las Cruces, Jennifer Leyendecker; from beginning to end, and not over tears and exude extreme happiness night when Miss Ruidoso, Kelly Miss Portales, Colby Diddle, and until the last play. both at the saIDe time. Moseley, also won a dance contest. Miss South Central, Melissa Cobb. The new Miss New Mexico USA. Other awards presented Satur- Contestants were judged Satur- ****************************** Miss Albuquerque, Larissa day night include best in evening day night in '1Waring 20s" garb. in Canaday, proved this Saturday gown among non-finalists. Miss bathing suits and in evening FIRST HALF illGHLIGHTS night when she was crowned by the TaoR. Claireen Samora; and best in gowns. retinng MiRA New MCXlCO USA RWlIDsuit among non-finalistR, Miss Tabulators were from Pioneer The WarnonJ lost the coin toss Traci Brubaker of Alamogordo and University of New Mexico, Savings and Trust in Ruidoso. and kicked off to the Sart.a11B. by Wendell Chino, president of the Stephanie Barrack. Special recognition was given to Four doWTlB later (and a .JeRAe Tribal Council. Mescalero Apache Miss Norte Las Cruces, Cheryl Rita Chino, wife of the tribal preSl- Guardiola quarterback-sack) the lnhe Chavez, was judged Miss Amity. dent. for her help in the contest Warrior offen~e started the firRt of The crowning took place before Miss Portales. Colby Diddle. won through the Inn of the Mountain fensive drive. several hundred spectatorA who the most photogenic title as Miss Gods. Freda Draper and the staff of Gaining only one finrt. down, the filled a large room at the conven Pixable. That result was announced the Inn also were recognized. Warriors had to punt. tlOn center at the Inn of the Friday night at a presentation Among judges Saturday night St. P1 UB returned the ball for :lO Mountain Cn>dR at MeRcalero show was Sandra Kepher, director of yardB. The Sartans started on the Fu-st runner-up in the state con Jeff Cates. of Channel 9. of EI marketing and sales at the Inn Warriors 22-yard line, but couldn't teflt was Miss Alamogordo, Char PaRo, Texas, was pageant host, Sat- Judges coordinator was Cynthia score. lotte Holland, a stewardess for urday night. He posed questions to Martin Cone, women's wear desig On second down and 15, junior Delta Airhnes. She WaB a nmner each of the 10 finalists which nero Judges came from New Mexico. KiefJohnson, intercepted a pass. up last year also helped the judges determine the Texas and Pennsylvania. This time the Warriors were full The new Miss New Mexico is a WInner. The new Miss New Mexico USA of steam. On fourth and one, from student at the University of New Jane McNulty was pageant will compete in the Miss USA con the Warrior 45, senior Kenny Trapp Mexico. hostess and featured entertainer. test in February or March. The made the first down. The next play Other finalists in the Judging Another featured entertainer was dates and location have not been gave sophomore ~rback were, second runner-up. Miss singer Carol Dee of Las Cruces, established. Manny Guardiola 50 yards of run FairacreR. Nicole Ohrt Ziegler, of who 800n will have an album Canaday receives a cash award ning and a touchdown. Las Cruces; third nmner-up, Miss released. of $1,000, a diamond Zia worth •7 0-, Making the extra point, Ruidoso Clovis, Shelly D'Ann Lockmiller, Another dignitary present Sat- $7,500 to wear during her reign• was in front 7-0 with 5:18 to play in and fourth runner-up, Miss North urday ~~ht was Miss New Mexico luggage, ski holiday at Ski Apache; Junior James Atwood leads the Warrior football team onto the first quarter. ern New Mexico, Bridget Berg of Teen USA, Shanna WUm.ot. wardrobe, South Padre Is)and vaca . the field Saturday night for the quarter final state Albuquerque. Other finalists in the top 10 tion, plus many other prizes and f championship playoff game against the St. Pius Sartans. Please see Warriors, page 6A Ziegler was also judged to have were Miss Metroplex, Sharry gifts. New chamber exec checks in .. Jerry Lee Davis, who has been said. hired as the new executive director He said he hasn't set any of the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of priorities as yet, adding he first Commerce, spent the weekend in wants to visit with leaders and "see Ruidoso getting acquainted. where their priorities are." . "I wanted to get a feel for the Watts has been director of mem kind of things the chamber has bers services for the El Paso Cham been involved in," he said at the ber of Commerce for the past tw~ chamber offices. plus years. He spent much ofFriday visiting In his resume, he said, nAB direc with and getting information from tor, members services ... (1) coor staff members and meeting cham.. dinated efforts to stabilize declining , her leaders. membership. direct-ed dues revalua . rim be on the job full time De- tion program which ,resulted in in.. cember he said. Davis will move creaseS in excess of$100,000. e,ms family here inlate December. "Develope4 tltree telemarketing Davia· is married and hae three C8UlpaignS. which· ~ved to be the sons. His. wife-s name is Gail. Their most succes8lU1 in; the'cheibets eon, Gabriel, mIl be in school in recent .history~ Acee_~poJ18i· ~uid08() next semester. Be will be bllity for ;eomputer operatiM, up: seven years old Christmas Eve. gtadingmetiibers recordttand Watts has two othel" sons, Dan, member billing eo' At alI Ievemof Jerry Lee Watts (center), new executive director of the '19,. Viho~8 !b the ·~rvic:e, and J890!l' e~riencet worked with voIUftteer -Of:>~ommerce-,.Js--shown<~~klay ~:~JZ:m,:th leaders 'and elected official8 in the Ruidoso: .Valle-y- -ChaMber bis mother m creation of aggressive progratl:'UJ "Of with chamber pr~sldent RonnfePaul$ler end VickI Elchel- . *I ho~ to -be able to emphasme ., , bergQr, receptionist and secretary.. memberShip participation," Watts Please see New, page 2A ~ . ( . 1 I ..... -- - .... ,,~. ".- •• " •.<....'.- ...... '-':' "''',' ',- • ,...... 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Charles Hawthorne, after 17 years Jim Wheeler helped him through It. other, ·Doug, is in the seventh He said he told Davis ifthe occa of law practice, is looking forward Hawthorne was born in Alpine, grade.