St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr We are a Stewardship Parish

Mass of Anticipation 5pm Saturday Sunday Masses Sunday, December 17, 2017 English: 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 6:15pm Polish: 1pm Called to Fellowship Daily Mass 8am Monday through Saturday with Jesus Christ Sacrament of Reconciliation Bilingual Our Lord Saturdays from 8:45am—9:30am and by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays & Fridays 8:30am—3:30pm Thursdays 8:30am—6:30pm Benediction & Divine Mercy Prayers Thursdays at 6:30pm Rosary 7:30pm - 2nd and last Tuesday of the month Informacje Dotyczące Duszpasterstwa w Parafii Św. Szczepana W ciągu całego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1pm Third Sunday of Advent Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedź od Parish Mission 6:30-7:30pm St. Stephen is a Catholic community of faith striving to witness to the Gospel. Our Baptism and Confirmation call us to bring Christ’s Love to our families, Msza o 7:30pm our work places, and our community. Grateful for God’s gifts, we seek to Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. nurture those gifts and to give back to the Lord by sharing our time, talent, 7:00-9:30pm and material treasure. In all of our parish activities we seek to develop a personal relationship with the Lord who directs our lives and a vision that sees Spowiedź w każdą sobotę od godz. the world with the eyes of Christ and that leads to a commitment to justice. We 8:45-9:30am seek a sense of unity in Christ that leads us to be an open and welcoming people and a sense of joy in being graced by the gifts of God’s love.

St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487

Parish Office Phone: 708-342-2400 | Parish Office Fax: 708-342-1545 Office Hours*: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1–8:00pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4pm Saturday Noon—5pm

Religious Education Phone: 342-1544 RE Office Hours:* Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4:30pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm Evenings and weekends by appointment. Please call to schedule. *Offices are closed Fri. 12/22 at noon, closed all day Mon. 12/ 25, Tues. 12/26, Mon. 01/01 & Tues. 01/02.

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Parish School (CJB) 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone: 708-403-6525 | Fax: 708-403-8621 | web: | email: [email protected]

Pastor Anointing of the Sick—Please contact the parish office if you or a loved Rev. James Finno one needs this holy sacrament. Associate Pastor Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz Please contact Deacon Ken in the parish office for the necessary Deacons preparations. New parishioners are required to register. A baptism Robert Conlin William Engler preparation class is required if it is your first child baptized at St. Stephen. Chuck McFarland Communion for the sick, elderly, handicapped, or homebound parishioners Lucasz Pyka can be arranged by calling Fr. Greg at the parish office or Barbara Black at William Schultz 708-466-9962. Joseph Stalcup Funerals can be arranged through the contact the parish office. Pete Van Merkestyn Kenneth Zawadzki Marriages—St. Stephen Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings Administrative Asst. to Pastor of both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. Karen Opyd Information is available from one of the priests or deacons. Adult Formation Barbara Black New parishioners are invited to register: Maintenance Director • After the 10am Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Dave Prete • By appointment on Mondays at 2pm, Tuesdays at 11am, Wednesdays at Music Minister 8:30am or Thursdays at 6:45pm. Please contact the parish office. Mark Gorka Receptionist Noreen Galvin For those in need: Youth/Young Adult Minister • Counseling services are available at St. Stephen through the Holbrook Kyle Groves Counseling Center of Catholic Charities. Appointments with our parish Director of Religious Education counselor Michele L. Nowak, LCPC, can be made at 312-655-7725. Sandi Morgan Assoc. Director of Religious Ed. • For crisis counseling and veteran concerns, please contact Deacon Pete Leslie Krauledis Van Merkestyn at the parish office. RE Administrative Assistant • For parishioners struggling and in need of assistance, please contact Joann Buryj the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry through the parish office. Religious Education Secretary • For those seeking help through a twelve-step program, St. Stephen offers Patti Parker English and Polish support groups. Please contact the parish office for CJB Principal more information. Mary Iannucilli • For information about Domestic Violence awareness, services, and CJB Admissions Director prevention, please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office. Cynthia Labriola Devlin From Our Pastor

Dear People of St. Stephen, The 3rd Sunday of Advent has a theme of “rejoice.” St. Paul says in the second reading “rejoice always.” The liturgy stresses the joy of expectation that is so much a part of the Advent season. The joy of Advent is not limited to the expectation of a happy event. Advent joy runs deeper, to the point where we can echo the theme of rejoice even in the midst of the pain that can touch our lives. Advent joy is the joy of hope that endures through pain, the joy that comes from the fact that the Lord Jesus, the risen Jesus who conquers even death, walks with us always. This hope is so important to people in times of loss or difficulty. This hope speaks to the pain that some people may feel in this season as they mourn the loss of a loved one or go through a difficult time in their lives. The constant presence of Christ with us tells that always, even in painful times, life and hope and love are the lasting realities. A short time after my mother died in October 2001, the Family Life Office of the Archdiocese sent around a poem that spoke to me and has a message for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one in these weeks. I have shared the poem in this space every year since then. The poem is entitled “My First Christmas in Heaven” and appears below.

My First Christmas in Heaven I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below; with tiny lights like heaven’s stars reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear; for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear; but the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring; for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart; but I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart. So be happy for me, my dear ones, you know I hold you dear; and be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I sent you each a special gift from my heavenly home above; I sent you each a memory of my undying love. After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold; it was always more important in the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do; for I can’t count the blessings or love He has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear; remember I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. -Author Unknown

The real meaning of Christmas - the coming of Jesus and His ongoing presence with us - affirms that the joy and hope and life of this season is God’s ultimate reality for us. Jesus’ resurrection proclaims the triumph of life. May all of you for whom this Christmas is a difficult time for whatever reason know the profound hope and peace that Jesus brings to us. The Christmas Mass schedule appears elsewhere in this bulletin. We will have our usual full schedule of Christmas Masses, but will have a slightly shortened schedule for the fourth Sunday of Advent since the two feasts overlap. We are blessed with large crowds at Christmas, with a particularly large crowd at the 3 PM Christmas Eve Mass. I encourage you to attend a Mass later than 3 PM if at all possible. As we have done in past years, we will not allow saving seats in church for others who will come later. Also, we do not open the church until 2 PM on Christmas Eve. We ask everyone to cooperate with the ushers to help all of us to worship the Lord well at Christmas Mass. May God bless you and your loved ones. Fr. Jay From our Associate Pastor Nawracajcie się i wierzcie Tytuł, jakże nam znany, jest hasłem na nowy rok duszpasterski, a w zamierzeniu ma nam pomóc w docenieniu sakramentu pokuty i pojednania. Dzisiaj świętujemy Niedzielę Radości – Gaudete – trzecia Niedziela Adwentu. To radość podwójna, po pierwsze radość z nowego roku i jego hasła, po drugie radość z obecności Pana pośród nas. Czytania dzisiejsze wspominają postać Jana Chrzciciela, która rozświetla Adwent jak lampa roratnia, niesiona przez dziecko na nabożeństwo. Jego misja to przygotowanie Jezusowi drogi do naszych serc. Ewangelista napisał o Nim: „Przyszedł on na świadectwo, aby zaświadczyć o światłości, by wszyscy uwierzyli przez niego. Nie był on światłością, lecz [posłanym], aby zaświadczyć o światłości.” (J 1,7-8 ). Tą światłością jest oczekiwany Jezus Chrystus, a Jan, poprzez słowa w Ewangelii uczy nas pokory, radości z przyjścia Pana, pokazuje, jak żyć w oczekiwaniu na Zbawienie. Dlaczego Niedziela Radosna? Bo w sercach czujemy już radość, że tak szybko nadchodzi Boże zbawienie, że Mesjasz jest tuż, tuż... Jest to radość wypełniająca serce człowieka będącego blisko Boga, radość, która wypływa z wdzięczności za wszystkie Boże dzieła dokonane dla nas, a także za to, że dał nam sposobność przeżycia świąt w uroczystym nastroju, z uroczystą oprawą, uroczystym oczekiwaniem. Kolor szat liturgicznych jest wyjątkowy i rzadko w liturgii stosowany – kolor różowy, nie tradycyjny fiolet, ale kolor, który może się kojarzyć z barwą, którą czasami można dostrzec w czasie wschodu słońca. To Jezus Chrystus jest tym „Wschodzącym Słońcem”, a my – prowadzeni przez świętego Jana Chrzciciela – pragniemy się poddać „naświetlaniu” w promieniach tego Słońca, które nie zna zachodu. Dlaczego uczy nas pokory? Bo uczciwie, bez wywyższania, na pytanie, kim jest, powiedział zgodnie z prawdą, iż jest tylko bożym posłańcem, który ma dać świadectwo o Tym, który przychodzi. To powoduje, że zdajemy sobie sprawę z naszej małości. Wyrażajmy więc z pokorą radość z bliskiego przyjścia Pana, widząc w nim „Przyjaciela człowieka” – pamiętajmy o tym, że ON jest naszym Przyjacielem, i że przyjaźń z Nim jest naszym największym skarbem. Skarbem, który mamy utwierdzić naszym nawróceniem, pokutą i pojednaniem. Przyjaźń to wielki dar, który pokazuje nam dobroć Jezusa jako Boga i człowieka. O tym, że darzy nas wszystkich serdeczną przyjaźnią i miłością, powinniśmy pamiętać i tym samym obdarzać naszych bliskich, przyjaciół, ale także nam nieprzychylnych. Pamiętając o tym, iż przyjaźń jest formą miłości, dajmy się wreszcie przekonać, że gdy ją tracimy, tracimy bardzo wiele. Jeżeli bowiem miłość potrafi rozświetlić nasze życie, to co może się zdarzyć, gdy zgaśnie? Z pewnością nasze życie stanie się ciemne, ponure, mało owocne. A nam chodzi przecież o coś innego, prawda? Dbajcie więc o nią dobrze, Przyjaciele, którzy macie szczęście ją posiadać. Dbajmy o nią... PANIE JEZU, Ty jesteś blisko tych, którzy Cię wzywają, tych, którzy wzywają Cię szczerze. Wszyscy oczekujemy Ciebie, Panie, z nadzieją....

Turn around and believe The tle of this arcle will be our slogan for the new liturgical year and is intended to help us to appreciate the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliaon. Today we celebrate Gaudete Sunday - the third Sunday of Advent. It is all about joy. First of all we are experiencing the joy of the New Year of the church and secondly and most importantly the joy of the Lord's presence among us. Today’s reading tells the story of John the Bapst. His mission is to prepare us to have Jesus enter our hearts. The evangelist wrote about him. “A man named John was sent from God. He came for tesmony, to tesfy to the light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to tesfy to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” (John 1: 7-8). This light which John speaks about is Jesus Christ and His coming into the world. Through the words of the Gospel we learn humility from John the Bapst and the joy of the coming of the Lord who teaches us how to live in expectaon of eternal salvaon. Why is Joy the theme of this Sunday? Because in our hearts we already feel joy that God's salvaon is coming through the Messiah. This is the joy that fills the heart of the man who is close to God, the joy that flows out of gratude for all God's gis and graces bestowed upon us. Our Lord gave us the opportunity to experience joy while sll being in the midst of a solemn season, a solemn mood, with a solemn seng and with solemn expectaons. The color of the liturgical vestment this Sunday is unique and rarely used in the liturgy - rose, not the tradional violet. It is a color that can be somemes be associated with the rising sun. It is Jesus Christ who is the "rising sun," and we, led by St. John the Bapst, desire to "shine" in the rays of this sun. How does this Gospel teach us humility? When John the Bapst is asked who he is, he humbly and truthfully replies that he is only a messenger who is sent to tesfy about one who is greater than he. This causes us to realize our smallness. Let us express humbly the joy of the Lord's coming, seeing Him as the "the true friend of man." Let us remember that He is our Friend, and that friendship with Him is our greatest treasure. Friendship is a great gi that shows us the goodness of Jesus as true God and true man. Aer all we are told that we should love our close friends, our neighbors and our loved ones without reservaon. Remember that friendship is a form of love that we never want to lose because if that happens, we can lose a lot. Love illuminates our lives. Take care of your friendships and treat them well. We are all blessed to have them. Lord, You are close to those who sincerely call You. We look forward to Your coming, Lord, with hope, love and paence. Spiritual Life

December 17, 2017 Christmas Worship Schedule Third Sunday of Advent Fourth Sunday of Advent “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all With Christmas on a Monday this year, the 4th Sunday of circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Advent and Christmas Eve overlap. The 4th Sunday of for you” – 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16 - 18 Advent and Christmas are two separate feast and days of This scripture reading sums up Stewardship. “Rejoice obligation. Anyone who receives communion on the always” means place your trust in God; He will provide morning of December 24 can also receive at any of the all that you need. “Pray constantly” means prayer should Christmas Masses later that day. be a running conversation with God throughout the Saturday, 12/23—Mass of Anticipation, 5pm whole day, every day. “Give thanks in all circumstances” means even in bad situations, thank God. Suffering a Sunday, 12/24—Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10am little bit helps build empathy for others in similar (English), 11:30am (Polish). situations. There will be no 1pm or 6:15pm Mass. Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve—Sunday, December 24 Sharing Our Treasure 3pm; 5pm (includes presentation of the Christmas Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of Gospel by the Children; 7pm; 10pm (Solemn Christmas St. Stephen. Please remember that our monthly mortgage payment to the Archdiocese of $41,500 is paid from our Mass with Choir); 12 Midnight (Solemn Christmas Mass monthly collections. in Polish) Please consider making electronic donations Christmas Day—Monday, December 25 through Byline Bank or through More information on how to make electronic donations is 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am (English), 1pm (Polish) available at and at the back of the bulletin. Please Note: We will not allow "saving" of pews for the Christmas Masses. This is especially a concern for the early Christmas Eve Masses. Give Central Collections 12/3/17 November Regular Sunday $27,491.87 $17,467.50 Kids $106.09 - The Holy Family flowers were donated Sharing $379.00 $125.00 Immaculate Conception $159.00 - in memory of Jimmy Kelley All Saints - $10.00 for the week of December 17, 2017. All Souls - $10.00 Christmas $300.00 - Requested by The Kelley and Guzzo Families. Holy Mother of God $25.00 - St. Vincent de Paul - $640.00 Parish Life Center - $1,424.00 Flowers $1,470.00 - TOTAL $29,930.96 $19,676.50 The Sanctuary Candle burns

Sunday and Holy Day Collections in memory of Jimmy and Bobby Kelley November 2017 Year to Date for the week of December 17, 2017. Actual $133,779 $633,741 Requested by The Kelley and Guzzo Families. Budget $121,000 $631,000 Surplus/(Shortfall) $12,779 $2,741 Spiritual Life

Simbang Gabi The Southwest area celebration of Simbang Gabi will be at the following parishes, with Mass each day at 7 PM.

Dec. 16 - St. Stephen, Tinley Park Dec. 20 - St. Anselm, 6045 South Michigan Ave., Dec. 17 - St. Bernadette, Evergreen Park Dec. 21 - St. Francis of Assisi, Orland Park Dec. 18 - St. Fabian, Bridgeview Dec. 22 - St. Albert the Great, Burbank Dec.19 - St. Michael, Orland Park Dec. 23 - St. Julie, Tinley Park

Individual Reconciliation Oplatki (Christmas Wafers)

Oplatki are on sale after all the Masses on the table in

the narthex and are also available at the parish office. Wednesday, 12/20 7-8pm Please put your donation in the box marked Oplatki Thursday, 12/21 7-8pm donation. The cost is $2 per package (which includes 3 Friday, 12/22 8:45-9:45am white and 1 pink wafer). Sharing Oplatki with your family and friends at Christmas is a beautiful Polish Saturday, 12/23 8:45-9:45am custom. Each member of the family shares a part of their wafer with those at the dinner table and wishes Confessions will be available in English and Polish. them a Blessed Christmas and New Year. There will be no confessions on Christmas Eve.

Best Advent Ever Advent Prayers What is the Best Advent Ever? It’s a free email program As part of our Advent observance, we invite everyone from Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic that will help to write a prayer expression, personal intention, or you slow down and focus on what matters most during this busy season. You’ll experience Advent in a way gratitude for blessings on the sheets that are available you’ve never experienced it before—leading to the best on the table in the narthex. Please write your prayer on Christmas of your life! How does it work? the sheet and place the sheet in the basket marked • Sign up at Advent prayers. These intentions will then be placed • Starting December 3, the first Sunday of Advent, in a basket placed by the altar. By posting our prayers participants receive daily emails with short we show our willingness to be “Called to Fellowship inspirational videos, practical tips to incorporate into their everyday lives, and personal stories from with Jesus Christ Our Lord” during Advent. Dynamic Catholic team members. • Throughout Advent, participants will discover how to slow down and find joy in preparing for Christmas...leading to their best Advent ever and Advent Candle Lighting Sign-up Sheet the best Christmas of their lives!

Persons/Families interested in lighting the Advent candle at Mass can sign-up at the back of the church Please visit our parish website on the usher’s table. Please remember to honor your for daily Advent gospel reflections commitment. from Bishop . Spiritual Life

Advent 2017— "Called to Fellowship with Jesus Christ Our Lord" Third Week—Pray and Rejoice Always Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Third Sunday Do a good Bring a meal Visit Bring treats to Take young Put wise men, in Advent deed every and a small someone in fire houses children to shepherds, and the Drive an day this gi to shut a nursing and police church to see animals in the older person week. ins. home. staons. decoraons. manger today. to church.

Using a pink ribbon attach the ribbon at the end of the tag and tie the ribbon around the Advent wreath near the candle. Be careful not to start a fire.

Week 3: Rejoice

Reflection: Lord, remind me to be conscious of Your presence and to pray without ceasing. I rejoice in Your faithfulness and love for me.

Parish Life

Thank you to everyone who helped support our annual Mercy Home collection for gift cards! We were just shy of $3000 in gift cards & cash. Also thank you to Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Scrip program for helping support those who wanted to buy gift cards during Mass. We turned all of the cash into additional gift cards and these will be brought to Mercy Home to be stocking stuffers. The power of these cards offer freedom for the Mercy Home kids & teens to be able to buy their own gifts and fill their own needs through your kindness and generosity. Thank you for bringing joy, hope, love and Moms and Tots - Come and Play! peace to these people. I want you to know that this will Join us for a casual play group right here at St. Stephens! make a heartfelt impact in their lives. If you would As the weather gets cold and you are looking for fun like a taste of their Christmas, there are videos up on things to do with your babies/kids, think about joining us YouTube of their 2015 Christmas party. In the YouTube at Moms and Tots. We meet Wednesdays at 11am at search box, type in “Santa Visits Mercy Home for Boys and Girls” or “Mercy Home Christmas” (Make sure to St. Stephen. Dads/caregivers welcome too! select the videos submitted by Mercy Home for Boys and

Contact Elizabeth at [email protected] Girls). for more information. Joyful regard, Kyle Groves, Youth & Young Adult Minister Parish Life The Joy of Giving As we approach the holiday season let us remember the joy in giving and in sharing the blessings we have received. God has cloaked us in His bountiful love and we are called to share those blessings as an extension of His love. By considering a Planned Gift to St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr we can ensure that our parish will continue to serve and grow in its mission. Please contact Elin Schriver, a Planned Giving Manager of the Archdiocese, as you prayerfully consider making a gift to St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr. She will be happy to discuss with you some of the financial benefits of making a Planned Gift, such as income stream for you during your lifetime and tax benefits for your family after you are gone. In addition there are significant tax benefits you might also consider for your year-end giving. For example, if you make a gift directly from your IRA account before December 31st or if you make a gift of appreciated stock held longer than 12 months you can realize important tax savings. Seniors Young at Heart Christmas Celebraon Please contact Elin at 312-534-5396 or eschriver Monday, December 18 at 10am or Deacon Joe at 708-342-2400 or Get ready to enjoy the start of the Christmas [email protected] Holidays with songs and laughter at our Seniors May God continue to bless you, Young @ Heart Christmas Meeng which will be Deacon Joe held on Monday, 12/18 at 10am. Connie Lambke, from the Parish Life Center Commiee, will join us for a brief presentaon on the final Year End Tax Statements For 2017 For all those who requested a tax statement last year or construcon phase of the Center. Connie will who automatically received a statement due to IRS regu- then answer any quesons put forth by lations last year, a statement will be mailed to you by the members. Immediately aer the meeng our end of January 2018. There is no need to call or email the Christmas Party will begin. There will be Karaoke parish office. -- so get those voices in tune. We are having a For those who did not receive a statement last year, please Pot Luck Luncheon for sharing. If your last name contact the parish office at 708-342-2400 or email Karen Opyd at [email protected] Please put “2017 begins with: tax letter requested” in the subject line. Statements will be • A - I Bring an appezer mailed out on a weekly basis.

• J - Q Bring a salad

• R - Z Bring a dessert If you are unable to bring one of the above for sharing, we ask that you donate $10 toward the Parish and Religious Education Offices luncheon. And if we are extra good, there may will close Friday 12/22 at noon. be a surprise from Santa. See you there!! We will also be closed Monday, December 25, Tuesday, December 26 Monday, January 1, and Tuesday, January 2. Youth and Education Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Catholic School is a Nationally-Recognized Blue Ribbon School Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Excellence WE ARE YOUR PARISH SCHOOL!

Open House Am I eligible to attend Cardinal Bernardin School? Where is it located? Sunday, January 28, 2018 CJB is a “regional” Catholic school sponsored by St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Julie Billiart, and 1:00pm—3:00pm St. Elizabeth Seton. CJB also welcomes children from other parishes, as well as children from other Christian households whose parents are seeking a Christian educational environment. 9250 West 167th Street Please share this news with your neighbors and friends! CJB is adjacent to St. Elizabeth Seton Parish – at 9250 W. 167th Orland Hills, IL 60487 Street in Orland Hills. For more information, visit www. Do you offer Pre-K and Kindergarten? Yes! We offer half-day and full-day 3PK and 4PK! Or email Mrs. Cynthia Devlin at Kindergarten is full-day! The half-day 3PK program is Monday -Thursday. (You would select either 7:40a-10:40a or 11a-2p.) [email protected] or call 708-403-6525 The half-day 4PK program is Monday-Friday (You would select the AM or the PM option). Our full-day PK and K programs are, of course, Monday-Friday. Full-day hours are 7:40a until 2p. Where and when may I get registration materials? How do Parish Life I register? “Open registration” is happening now! We will continue to Year End Contributions accept applications until all spaces are filled. Our registration to St. Stephen Parish application is available online at Due to IRS Regulations, all contributions received To register, submit the online application, then mail (USPS) or through Sunday, December 31 are recorded as a 2017 drop off an original birth and baptismal certificate (originals contribution. Contributions made at Masses on Monday, will be returned), and a family registration fee of $250. January 1 are required by law to be recorded as a 2018 For Grades 1-8, include a copy of the 2017-18 first semester report card and all standardized test scores. contribution regardless of the type of envelope used or the What is the tuition fee? date written on the check. If a contribution dated in Parishioner tuition for 2017-18 will be (Grades K-8) $5,195. December is mailed to the parish office and is postmarked (Non-parishioner tuition is $6,075). Full-day 3PK and 4PK is on or before December 31, it is recorded as a 2017 $5,510. Half-day 3PK tuition is $2,970. Half-day 4PK tuition contribution. However, all contributions delivered to the is $3,525. parish office in person or postmarked on or after January Is Financial Aid available? 1 must be recorded as a 2018 contribution. Therefore, Yes! When you complete our online application, you will have even if a check is dated in December 2017 but is mailed an opportunity to complete the financial aid application. or delivered to the parish office in January 2018, that Financial assistance is available for qualifying in-parish contribution must be recorded as a 2018 contribution. It is families (K-8). Financial applications must be submitted by recommended that mailed contributions be delivered to mid-March. the Post Office no later than Saturday, December 23 since Is there a “Before and After School” Program? there will be no postal service on December 31. Our Extended Day Program opens at 6:30a and closes when the school day begins; it re-opens at 2:00p and closes for the night If you are hand delivering a year-end contribution to the at 6:00p. The hourly-rate ($8/hr for one child; $10/hr for two or parish, please note our Christmas parish office hours: more children) is invoiced monthly. All registered students Friday, 12/22 closed at noon; Saturday 12/23 open noon may attend the Extended Day Program. to 5pm; Monday 12/25 closed; Tuesday 12/26 closed. When may I register? New Year office hours: Friday, 12/29 closed at noon; Registration for new families is happening RIGHT NOW. Saturday 12/30 open noon to 5pm; Monday 1/1 closed; We will continue to accept registrations until all spaces are Tuesday 1/2 closed. filled. Additional questions may be directed to the Director of Enrollment, Cynthia Devlin, at 708-403-6525 ext. 127 …or via We are grateful for all your donations and want to thank email at [email protected] you for your generosity. We could not do all the work Call Mrs. Devlin to arrange a tour! here at St. Stephen without your giving hearts! Our 2018 event features the following comedic talent:

Bill Brady is Comedy Caper’s leading man and host of the longest running show in the Midwest at Senese’s Barrel of Laughs. Bill wrote and performed in Comedy Sketch for the Veterans Cable Network and co-authored a book, “Stand Up in Chicago”, released in 2014. Residing in Tinley Park, Bill is also an acve member of St. Stephen Parish and the community. Bill has been in comedy for over 40 years.

James Wesley Jackson is a one-man revoluon in the field of contemporary entertainment. He’s also the only living, breathing enviromedian. James’ diversified background as a magician, teacher, lecturer, and counselor makes his enlightening comedic observaons an entertainment treat for audiences of all ages. His brilliant ming and versality ignites the audience, enabling him to work large concert halls and inmate rooms alike. For years, Jackson toured the world over with one of the best live shows that ever stepped on any stage anywhere, P-Funk. He finished third in the presgious San Francisco Comedy Compeon – the largest and most well-respected comedy compeon in the world – and was nominated for an Emmy award for his wring.

Sonya White combines Southern charm with city-wise street smarts to create a show that won her mulple appearances on CBS, NBC, and CMT as well as many other cable staons. Sonya received a nominaon for ‘Best Female Performer’ by Campus Acvies Magazine. Sonya’s comedy is peppered with spot-on impersonaons and sound effects. Her stand up comedy show and her one woman show ‘Airing Dirty Laundry’ are based on real life experiences, interacons with friends & family, and hilarious reflecons of the world at large. Sonya is a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild and the American Federaon of Television & Radio Arsts. St. Stephen/CJB 7th Annual Comedy Night Ticket Reservaon Form “The Hat Trick of Comedy” on January 20, 2018 Doors Open 6 pm | Dinner & Show Tickets - $40 per person | Advance Tickets Required. There will be no Ɵckets sold at the door. Must be 21 years or older to aend. All sales are final. No refunds.



Phone: Email:______

Please check all that apply: Entrée Selecon—Please choose a dinner selecon for each person aending. Write down the total number for your party by each entrée.

⃝ St. Stephen Parishioner Roast Sirloin of Beef Total number of ckets:

Stuffed Pork Chop ⃝ CJB Family x cost per each cket $40 each

⃝ SSDM Religious Ed Family Roast Chicken Breast Total amount owed:

⃝ Other Vegetarian Meal

Special Requests (Seating, dietary, etc.):

Note: Seating requests are not guaranteed.

Please complete this cket reservaon form to purchase your Comedy Night ckets:

• In the narthex: January 6/7 and January 13/14 • At the parish office: Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 AM unl 4 PM. Ticket stubs will be issued directly to you in person if you purchase in the narthex or at the Parish Office. Cash or checks payable to St. Stephen, please. • By mail: Send completed form with check payable to St. Stephen to St. Stephen, 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park IL, 60487. An: 2018 Comedy Night. • Through Give Central: Pay for your ckets with your debit or credit card through our website by clicking on “Online Giving.” You will make your payment via You must sll send in or drop off this completed reservaon form at the Parish Office. Write your Give Central Payment Confirmaon Number here:______For cket reservaons made by mail or through Give Central, cket stubs will be mailed to the name and address listed on this form within 5 business days. Please note: Tickets ordered electronically cannot be processed without the confirmaon number or the completed reservaon form.

Quesons? Please call the Parish office at 708-342-2400. Meeting/Event Calendar Sunday, December 17—Third Sunday of Advent Friday, December 22 • Metal Recycle Drive (Church Grounds) • 8:45-9:45am—Christmas Confessions • Baby Nursing #153 • 8:45am—Scripture Study (#126) • 10:00am—Growing with God (162-167) • Noon—Parish and RE Offices Close • 11:00am –Cookies with Santa (LMR) Saturday, December 23 • 3:00pm—Baptism (Church) • 8:45-9:45am—Christmas Confessions Monday, December 18 • Baby Nursing #153 • 10:00am—Seniors Young at Heart (LMR) • Sunday Mass at 5pm Tuesday, December 19 Sunday, December 24—Fourth Sunday of Advent • 10:00am—Stewardship (#126) • Baby Nursing #153 • 7:30pm—Highlanders (#170-173) • Sunday Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10am (English), 11:30am Wednesday, December 20 (Polish) • 7:00-8:00pm—Christmas Confessions Christmas Eve—December 24 • 7:00pm—Adult Choir (Church/Music Room) • Masses at 3pm, 5pm (Family Mass), 7pm, 10pm—English Thursday, December 21 • Midnight Mass in Polish • 6pm—Children’s Choir (Church) Christmas Day—December 25 • 6pm—Christmas Practice (Church) • Christmas Masses at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am—English • 7:00-8:00pm—Christmas Confessions • Christmas Mass at 1pm– Polish • 7:00—Praise Band (Church) • Parish and RE Offices Closed • 7:00pm—Living Stations (#125) Deacon and Greeter Schedule—Weekend of December 23/24 Sat 5 PM Sun 7 AM Sun 8:30 AM Sun 10 AM Sun 11:30 AM Deacons Dcn. Joe Dcn. Chuck Dcn. Bill E. Dcn Bob Polish Mass Greeters Dolores Soverino Jeanne Upre Chris Losey Lynn Packert Joan Beck Jim O’Donnell Mark Losey Natalie Sims Jean Coughlin Tom Mitus Barb Ridge Theresa Buckley Peg Schmi Bob Ridge Terri Buckley Greeter Schedule—Christmas Eve Greeters Sun. 3PM Sun. 5PM Sun. 7PM Mike Tyrrell Mary Tafoya Judy Kluchins Eileen Tyrrell Mary Berger Jackie Szymanski Amparo Hughes Jean Coughlin Theresa Buckley Danny Hughes Peg Schmi Terri Buckly Greeter Schedule—Christmas Day Greeters Mon. 8:30AM Mon. 10:00AM Mon. 11:30AM Tom Mitus Pauline Cotrano B.J. Witry Jim O’Donnell Linda Giroux Lynn Packert Mike Tyrrell Barb Ridge Judy Kluchins Eileen Tyrrell Bob Ridge Natalie Sims Parish 500 Club Congratulations to following winners of the Parish 500 Club Raffle for the week of December 11, 2017: $100 Winner: #15, Dennis and Natalie Jones and $25 Winner: #448, Schaaf

Prayer Requests Parishioners’ names will be read at Mass for four weeks and listed in the bulletin for 60 days. Immediate family members are asked to call after four weeks if you wish to still have the name read at Mass. Names of non-parishioners who are immediate family members of our parishioners will be read at Mass for two weeks and listed in the bulletin for two weeks. To be added to our prayer list, please contact Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn at the Parish Office. Parishioners who are hospitalized and in need of Pastoral Care should contact the Parish Office and/or Deacon Pete Van Merkestyn. Prayers of the Faithful For those who are sick and in need of healing from our Divine Healer: Mass IntenƟons Marn Bennet Karen Judycki Sunday —12/17 Requested by Alice Bently Rex Knapp 7:00am Ed and Joan Mercer Family Kathie Brosius Jim Knawa 8:30am Phyllis Kabat Family Don Bryar Frank McFarland Hugh Twomey Family Joanne Chess Dave Newquist 10:00am Halina Kelso-Leonard Family Jerome Chlipala Timmy O’Connell John Carroll Family Karen Cole Deacon Pablo Perez Ma Creen Michelle Piccolo 11:30am Joseph and Carmella Fanelli Bey and Louie Avery DeBow Daniel Reilly Gerardo Montalvo Family Ken Dellorto Joe and Joan Ricciu Family 1:00pm Anna Slowiak Bridget Dougal Ed Rice Za Dusze w Czysćcu Cierpiące Dylan Dryer Truman Rudzki 6:15pm Jesus Araiza The Araiza Family Bill Dunlap Nicole Siedschlag Thomas J. Henaghan, Jr. Rosalie McGlynn James Felmon Rachel Swallow Monday 12/18 Bill Galvin Richey Swiedrych 8:00am Frannie and Wawrzaszek Jennie Freed Grace Gowen Kelly Weiss Larry Hersh Julia Wegner Ted Wegner

Tuesday, 12/19 And for all those for whom our parish is asked to pray. 8:00am John & Stella Engel and Stan- Tom and Gladys Mikos ley & Mary Mikos For the acve duty military from our parish who serve our naon: Patrick Malone Family Wednesday, 12/20 L/Cpl Benjamin Brasher Lt. Dan Kniaz 8:00am Jimmy G. Kelley Kelley and Guzzo Families Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Tsgt. Laura Langley Francesca Mamulska Adam Mamulski Major Vincent Cesaro Ssgt. Carl Langley Thursday, 12/21 Capt. Michael Chimien Sgt. Joseph Malone 8:00am Byron Grober Adult Altar Servers PV2 Joseph Clavio Capt. Christopher Mazurek Helen Viev Carter Family LCMR Amanda Griffith Sgt. Mahew O'Boyle Friday, 12/22 Jacob Ellio USN LCDR Marilyn Walsh 8:00am Sandra Prete Noreen Galvin Sgt. Evan Grober Major Thomas Walsh Spec. Int. for Jo Hanlon Emily Johnson Capt. Michael Gryczka Saturday, 12/23 8:00am John Dillon Mary Ann Dillon 5:00pm Ronald Nebes Family Steve, Ann, & Marlene Frejlich Family The following children recently received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at St. Stephen. Our parish community welcomes them Olga Samuelson Family into our Catholic faith and congratulates their parents, Adam, Josephine & Sophia Pierczynski Family families, and godparents. Ron and Gerry Dylkiewicz Family John and Jeannee Dygdon Dygdon Family Brooklyn Ann Bazant Becke Lee Plude Michael Prokop Mom Kaelyn Elizabeth Horn Emma Marie Richardson Sunday —12/24 Requested by 7:00am For the People - Hannibal Norella Deanching Family 8:30am Kathy Harkin Family Brennan & Cantillon Families Banns II: Kevin Donahue and Peggy Murphy 10:00am Ron Klomp Karen Opyd

Edward Dugan Regina Dugan 11:30am Int. of Margaret O’Neill O’Neill Family (Polish) Za Dusze w Czysćcu Cierpiące Maria Mendoza Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Stephen Parish •—Through, parishioners can make automatic donations at the time and frequency they chose. Donating through GiveCentral is a way to simplify your giving and is environmental friendly. Signing up only takes a few minutes. Go to our parish website and click on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. Donations through GiveCentral are processed via your credit card or bank card and at the frequency you choose. • Electronic Donations—St. Stephen accepts electronic donations through Byline Bank. To begin this method of donating, you will need to complete and sign the authorization form and attached a voided check, and bring the items to the Parish Office. The authorization form is located on our website under Support/Sunday Giving. • Envelopes—Registered parishioners can also choose to receive weekly envelopes. Envelope packets are mailed out every other month. • Wills and Trusts—Please consider remembering St. Stephen Parish through your will or trust. Details area available on our website. Bulletin Submissions If your parish group or ministry would like to submit a bulletin article, please send your submissions to the following email address: [email protected] Our deadline for submissions is the Wednesday, 11 days prior to the bulletin’s publication date. Please include a contact name, email address, and phone number when making a submission. For questions about the bulletin, please contact Communications Coordinator, Stacy Zampillo at the parish office at 708-342-2400.

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