48 respective numbers in the preceding week. Five inquest cases and five deaths from violence were registered; and 59, or more than 40 per cent., of’the deaths occurred in public Correspondence. institutions. The causes of five, or 3-4 per cent., of the in Dublin last week were not in London deaths certified; "Audi alteram partem." only one death was uncertified, while in Edinburgh the percentage of uncertified deaths was 11’ 6. The 135 deaths registered in Belfast during the week under notice included THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF six which were referred to cerebro-spinal fever or cerebro- CONSTIPATION. spinal meningitis. To the Editors of THE LANCET. SIRS,-Having heard that in some quarters there is a THE SERVICES. feeling that my criticisms of Mr. Arbuthnot Lane’s writings on the surgical treatment of constipation are too severe, I like to I have a most for him ROYAL NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE. should say that friendly regard as a most amiable man and admiration for him as a practical THE are notified :-Fleet following appointments Surgeons: surgeon. It should be remembered that the literature of the F. A. Brice to the 6’oc