Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
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Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Advanced Course Offering Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Oded Stark Adjunct Professor, Tübingen University Advanced Perspectives in the Analytics and Policy Design of International Migration July 4 – 15, 2016 International migration is one of the most exciting topics to explore in social science research. Why some people leave, why others stay, what are repercussions of migration for the sending and the receiving economies, for the migrants themselves, and for their families, are themes that call for disciplined inquiry. The main purpose of the course is to induce the participants to think rigorously, creatively, and in nonconventional ways on various approaches to the modeling of migration choices and consequences, and to demonstrate to the participants how such a thinking process could enrich the spectrum of informed migration policies. Following the course, the participants are expected to be more at ease with deciphering theoretical research on migration, and at engaging in such research themselves. Participants will be exposed to the art of economic modeling in general, and to the workings of applied microeconomic theory in particular. This course is taught under our Master Programs in “Economics”, “International Economics” and “Economics and Finance”. Other advanced students or faculty members who are interested in the topic are also invited to participate. In case you are interested and want to attend, please contact [email protected]. Schedule: Day Date Time Day Date Time Mon 04.07.16 16-18 Mon 11.07.16 14-18 Tue 05.07.16 14-18 Tue 12.07.16 14-18 Thu 07.07.16 16-20 Thu 14.07.16 16-20 Fri 08.07.16 16-20 Fri 15.07.16 16-20 All lectures take place in room 332, Mohlstr. 36 (3rd floor). For more details, see our website at: http://www.wiwi.uni- tuebingen.de/lehrstuehle/volkswirtschaftslehre/international-economics/teaching/ss-2016.html Oded Stark is Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, a Distinguished Professor at the University of Warsaw, a Distinguished Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, a University Professor and Chair in Economic and Regional Policy at the University of Klagenfurt, an Honorary University Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tuebingen. He served as a Professor of Economics (Chair in Development Economics) at the University of Oslo, and prior to that as a Professor of Population and Economics and as the Director of the Migration and Development Program at Harvard University. He has written on applied microeconomic theory, development economics, population economics, the economics of migration, labor economics, evolutionary economics, urban economics, regional economics, and the theory of the firm. He is the author of the critically acclaimed books The Migration of Labor (Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell 1991 and 1993), and Altruism and Beyond, An Economic Analysis of Transfers and Exchanges Within Families and Groups (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995 and 1999), and is the co-editor of the Handbook of Population and Family Economics (in Handbooks in Economics; Amsterdam: North-Holland 1997, and Beijing: Economic Science Press 2004). Oded Stark is a Humboldt Awardee, and a Presidential Professor of Economic Sciences (Poland). He was awarded the prestigious degree of an Honorary Doctorate (Dr. h. c.) of the University of Warsaw in March 2013. .