11/1/2015 The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

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11 January 2015 12:23 AM

The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst)

This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday column Once again we are ruled by a Dictatorship of Grief. Ever since the death of Princess Diana, we have been subject to these periodic spasms when everyone is supposed to think and say the same thing, or else. We were told on Friday that ‘politicians from all sides’ had lined up to attack Ukip’s for supposedly ‘exploiting’ the Paris massacre. Mr Farage had (quite reasonably) pointed out that the presence of Islamist fanatics in our midst might have something to do with, a) uncontrolled mass migration from the Muslim world, and b) decades of multicultural refusal to integrate them into our laws and customs. Rather than disputing this with facts and logic (admittedly this would be hard), the three ‘mainstream’ parties joined in screeching condemnation. The Prime Minister, whose government was busy exploiting the tragedy to shore up the (already vast) snooping powers of the State, said it was not the day to make political arguments. Why ever not? What could be more political than discussing how to defend ourselves against this sort of crime? If it is not political, then why is he talking about it at all, instead of leaving the matter to the Archbishop of Canterbury? The Home Secretary, Theresa May, a hungry headline­seeker and reliable sucker for any scheme to diminish freedom that her civil servants drop on her desk, said Mr Farage was ‘irresponsible’. Why? Was he any less irresponsible than the chief of that sinister organisation MI5, who seized his chance to make our flesh creep with scare stories, and simultaneously apologise in advance for not actually being able to protect us? Dame Tessa Jowell squeaked that the Ukip leader’s remarks were ‘sickening’. Why? Ed Miliband, whose very job as Leader of the Opposition depends on the belief that disagreement is a good thing in a free country, moaned that Mr Farage was ‘seeking to divide us’. The Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg said Mr Farage was ‘making political points’ on the ‘back of bloody murders’. Well, who wasn’t? A sanctimonious unanimity descended on politics and the media. ‘Je suis Charlie,’ everyone said. It was an issue of liberty, we all said. They can’t silence us, stop us drawing cartoons, etc etc etc. Great mountains of adjectives piled up on every corner, much like those hills of flowers and teddy bears we like to place at the scenes of tragedies. You can feel the presence of the snarling conformist mob, waiting for some dissenter on whom they can fall, kicking and biting. So­called social media, in fact an intolerant and largely brainless electronic mob, has made this much worse since the sad death of the Princess. We should stand up to them. It is especially strange that this conformism claims to speak in the name of freedom, when in fact it doesn’t much like freedom at all. I suggest that we actually think about this. Of course, we all deplore the murder and grieve for the dead and the bereaved. I don’t need or Tessa Jowell to tell me that, thanks. But for the rest, there’s quite a lot of posing going on. Very few newspapers, magazines or TV stations have published or ever will publish the cartoons of Mohammed that Charlie Hebdo printed. http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2015/01/the-sinister-screeching-mob-who-want-to-kill-free-speech-and-no-i-dont-mean-the-islamist-terrorists-.html 1/13 11/1/2015 The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog Let us be frank. One major reason for this is fear. We know that Muslims take this very seriously, and that some of them take it very seriously indeed. Let us agree it was brave to publish these images. That’s easy for me. I know I wouldn’t do it, and I readily acknowledge that I am a coward. But it also required compulsory bravery on the part of others, especially the police officers, some of them Muslim, laudably and selflessly guarding people they may not have liked or approved of. Not to mention all the others caught in the crossfire.

And what was the purpose of this bravery? What cause, anywhere in the world, was advanced by it? Surely the point of bravery is that it is self­sacrificial for a purpose, to save others? Who was saved by this? As for freedom, here’s an interesting thing. The French Leftist newspaper Liberation reported on September 12, 1996, that three stalwarts of Charlie Hebdo (including Stephane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier) had campaigned in their magazine to collect more than 170,000 signatures for a petition calling for a ban on the French National Front party. They did this in the name of the ‘Rights of Man’. You, like me, may dislike the National Front greatly. But lovers of liberty simply do not seek to ban parties they do not like. This is a double paradox. The French National Front exists mainly because a perfectly reasonable concern about mass immigration was sneeringly dismissed by the mainstream French parties. Something similar is happening in Germany, where large demonstrations against ‘the Islamisation of the West’ in many cities have been scornfully attacked by that country’s elite. If reasonable calls for restrictions on immigration had been heeded when they were first made, right across Europe, would we now be in the mess we are in? If it is officially regarded as irresponsible, or ‘exploitation’, or ‘sickening’, or ‘divisive’ to say this, then we do not live in freedom, and those who claim to speak in its name are not telling the truth. ******** If Frau Angela Merkel’s Germany does not dominate Europe, then why does everyone else in the EU toady to her and beg her for favours? The EU is the continuation of Germany by other means. Stop pretending otherwise. *****

A fond farewell to an old friend and colleague of mine, the great industrial reporter Barrie Devney, who died recently. In the days when the whole country was convulsed by strikes, he was liked and trusted by both sides in many bitter disputes. Barrie’s father was a bus conductor and his mother ran a sweetshop, but he ended up on first­name terms with Cabinet Ministers. I think that’s at least partly because he grew up in the age of grammar schools, that great open door which our politicians shut and sealed.


Secret justice isn’t justice. Whether in the family courts or in the criminal courts, it is time it came to an end. The law that allows a person to allege rape in secret, and remain unknown for ever, is particularly intolerable. The case of Mark Pritchard MP is just the latest ordeal faced by an innocent man whose accuser has lifelong anonymity. Those who seek this protection should be asked to apply the same rule to themselves. They should be told that, if their accusation is dismissed by a jury, they will then face automatic prosecution for perjury, in which they will be named if convicted, while the alleged rapist will not. If they are happy with this arrangement, then they should keep their anonymity. If not, not. Perjury, in its way, is as foul a crime as rape. The simpler solution is to stick to the laws of natural justice, and have everything in the open.

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January 11, 2015 Comments (14) Categories: Abolition of Liberty (see also Brief History of Crime) , Bias in general , Bullying , Cameron, David , Censorship , Diana Cult , European Union , Farage, Nigel , France , Germany , Grammar Schools , History , Human Rights , Human Wrongs , Immigration , Islam , Language , Law and order , Liberty , Mass Immigration , Multiculturalism , Police , Political Correctness , Religion , http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2015/01/the-sinister-screeching-mob-who-want-to-kill-free-speech-and-no-i-dont-mean-the-islamist-terrorists-.html 2/13 11/1/2015 The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog Terrorism , UKIP | Permalink

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Re Rape anonymity. Good luck with that one, Mr Hitchens. I applaud your courage in even expressing this view (with which, i will add sotto voce, I concur to some extent). You might now find yourself on the receiving end of a media storm whipped up by the usual suspects.

This is not going to happen because the law is now under control of people whose mentality can be summed in Ms Jo Brand's half joking dictum:­ "He's a man. He did it!"

Posted by: David Williams | 11 January 2015 at 09:09 AM

Why do you dislike National Front? Their views seem similar to yours.

Posted by: Scott | 11 January 2015 at 07:49 AM

*** "A sanctimonious unanimity descended on politics and the media. ‘Je suis Charlie,’ everyone said. It was an issue of liberty, we all said. They can’t silence us, stop us drawing cartoons, etc etc etc." ***


I am not Charlie; the cartoonists were both vile and childish people who debase freedom of speech in their "cartoons", who just happened to be murdered by even more vile and childish people.

However we are now told (by the BBC radio 4 news this morning0 that SAS soldiers are patrolling our streets dressed as police officers.....yet on the weekend in france just before christmas 2 vans were driven by muslims into crowds of christmas shoppers. Yes, the same weekend as the "glasgow crash" and the police refuse to release the identity of the driver.... Is something occuring and we are being left in the dark? Or is that just a coincidence?

Posted by: L Porter | 11 January 2015 at 07:23 AM

So 'Charlie Hebdo' wanted to ban the national front and carry on insulting Muslims at the same time. What made them think they could have their cake and carry on eating without ending up being covered in sick?

Posted by: P Heath | 11 January 2015 at 07:05 AM

Good analysis of the Charlie Hebdo effect. I was out of the country for Diana's death and I'm again away somewhere where I don't expect to see hills of teddy bears anytime. The French journalists were indeed brave, and it's right that we are angered by their deaths; but I imagine that Mr Hitchens, like myself, would also be angered if a magazine used the name of Jesus Christ in vain (as indeed all and sundry feel free to do these days). Things should be kept in perspective.

"If Frau Angela Merkel’s Germany does not dominate Europe, then why does everyone else in the EU toady to her and beg her for favours?" Because she runs a country with a successul economy where most of the others in the region are failing. "The EU is the continuation of Germany by other means." In a meritocracy, success earns the right to dominate; Mr Hitchens should be glad that it's the relatively civilised nation that is post­1945 Germany, and not e.g. China which will also have that right and may not be quite so easy to live with.

Posted by: Gadjo Dilo | 11 January 2015 at 06:36 AM

I am Spartacus. Wasn't that actually said before the Romans carted him off not once he was nailed to a cross.

So I am Charlie after the event is meaningless. After the event some brave seeker of justice could publish this cartoon and really stand shoulder to shoulder. I can't think of an opinionated motor mouth apart from nest feathering millionaires getting into protests and having cameras follow them around on charity efforts. Maybe they should stick to making rude phone calls on radio.

If you ever needed proof that capital punishment is a deterent then yhe publishing of this cartoon, or failure to do so absolutely proves it. I wouldn't, but nor would I attempt to appear brave with a meek, I am Charlie.

But more people die in two days on UK roads than did in Paris so maybe to prevent unnatural death the government ought to give up on terrorists and set MI5 on bad driving.

Posted by: Mark smith | 11 January 2015 at 06:24 AM

This is some thing different. There is no Gaza, Iraq, apartheid angle. Some agreeable location for deportation must be found. These maniacs are all known to the authorities. We can not coexist with them.

Posted by: david craggs | 11 January 2015 at 05:31 AM

"Let us agree it was brave to publish these images. ... But it also required compulsory bravery on the part of others ..." ­­­PH

This delicately­put sentiment is the first sane comment I have read on the wretched 'Charlie Hebdo' tragedy, and comments haven't been in short supply. Most professional fulminators have ended up tying themselves in knots of idealistic contradiction over the right to free speech; that we must be less tolerant in order to protect our tolerant ways has been a common conclusion. Many have invoked Voltaire's "I will defend to the death your right to say it". Fine words, but there is a suspicion that the invokers do not really envisage their own bloody deaths in the name of their lofty principles.

It seems strange to me when atheists claim that certain rights are inherent in all people. In the absence of a higher power to have bestowed them, universal 'rights' surely can only 'inhere' if all people agree. The Paris murderers did not agree, evidently, that the people they slew had an inalienable and unlimited right to speak freely. The murderers were, apparently, prepared to risk their own lives to make that point. I can see no proper defence against such fervour, and no way of preserving the greatest freedom of speech, other than exercising the 'right' to it judiciously. This situation is probably not ideal, but merely real.

Posted by: John Vernau | 11 January 2015 at 04:53 AM

********Not For Publication**********

At the time of posting the column was in some disarray, with the Secret Justice bit interleaved between parts of the main 'Charlie' story and the Angela Merkel bit duplicated in part. NFP...... NFP...... NFP

Posted by: NFP | 11 January 2015 at 04:41 AM

I'm sad that all these people died for the sake of a magazine mocking Mohammed among other items. The question is if "Charlie Hebdo" had been published in the UK would the journalists and cartoonists not have been charged and locked up for hate crimes? So if that were the case it seems somewhat hypocritical for Cameron et al to be swanning off to France for a show of solidarity. As for Nigel Farage's comments, although I'm not a fan of UKIP, at least there is an element of truth in what he said. Two elephants in the room here.

Posted by: David Iles | 11 January 2015 at 02:55 AM

The "Je suis .." crowd can be divided into the reckless 'moi aussi' minority faction, and the much, much, much larger majority faction who simply "follow" these events, on Facebook, Twitter etc,

Posted by: Kevin 1 | 11 January 2015 at 02:24 AM

There has indeed been a great deal of posturing and sanctimony over the last four days and much parroting of la République as a beacon of tolerance, ironic really when you remember that its creation was accompanied by mass public beheadings. Over 25,000 people executed in the space of under a year, many without any judicial process and carried out by a body which chillingly styled itself "the Committee for Public Safety ­ very Orwellian, albeit 150 years before Eric Blair created his nom de plume. Equally ironic is that much of 'la Terreur' took the form of religious intolerance, although on this occasion it was atheists who were attempting to exterminate Christianity, a fact which ought to wipe some of the smug looks off the faces of those atheists who so enjoy pointing out the evils of inter­faith intolerance. Although they destroyed many religious monuments throughout France, fortunately they didn't demolish Notre Dame, which was why those wonderful mournful bells were able to play their part last week. If you think what happened over two hundred years ago is irrelevant, try being in France on Bastille Day.

Posted by: Brian Meredith | 11 January 2015 at 01:56 AM

"The law that allows a person to allege rape in secret, and remain unknown for ever, is particularly intolerable."

The only rational I've ever heard trotted out ­ quite frequently ­ for maintaining that law is the one that asserts it 'encourages' other victims to come forward. I have no idea what data, if any, was used in the formulation of such a binary, rock­solid view; nor do I know how much that view is influenced by pathologically obsessive feminists, who seem to have such a strong influence on modern public debate.

It's a shame that such people are so quiescent when it comes to the damage that a false accusation of rape can have on the man involved, up to and including suicide.

Posted by: Mr M Killick | 11 January 2015 at 01:49 AM http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2015/01/the-sinister-screeching-mob-who-want-to-kill-free-speech-and-no-i-dont-mean-the-islamist-terrorists-.html 3/13 11/1/2015 The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog yes because making people afraid to report rape under threat of jail is a good way to deal with the Christian legacy of women being viewed as nothing more than objects to gratify the faithful male, the bible calls for rape as the best method of finding a wife, so ofc Mr Hitchens does not view it as a crime.

The Front Nationale has called for Ethnic Cleansing and mass imprisonment, again Biblical goals (tho the bible actually calls for the extermination of anyone who has had contact with unbelievers, and the unbelievers themselves so to be a true Christian you would have to call for the eradication of humanity, which, as Mr Hitchens never does, he does not actually believe in the biblical god, he only believes in his own power to dominate everyone else.)

Posted by: R Godfrey | 11 January 2015 at 12:40 AM

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The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) What Did he Actually Say? A Puzzle from Berlin Hitchens vs Hari ­ the Full Version Bad Language ­ A Simple Test A Wholly Inadequate response from Ben Goldacre (and my reply) An Open Letter to Dr Ben Goldacre Some Reflections on the Novels of Marilynne Robinson Are we on the Road to a Grand Coalition between Tory and Labour Blairites? Your Starter for Ten Hitchens versus Hari ­ the alleged 'War on Drugs'


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INDEX ­ SEE WHAT'S ALREADY BEEN SAID 'Addiction' 'Democracy' 'Pakistan' 'Special Relationship' Abolition of Britain Abolition of Liberty (see also Brief History of Crime) Abortion Abuse of PH Adams, Gerard ADHD Afghanistan Ageism Aitken, Jonathan America Antidepressants http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2015/01/the-sinister-screeching-mob-who-want-to-kill-free-speech-and-no-i-dont-mean-the-islamist-terrorists-.html 6/13 11/1/2015 The sinister, screeching mob who want to kill free speech (And no, I DON'T mean the Islamist terrorists in our midst) - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog Archer, Jeffrey Architecture Armed Forces Atheism Austria Bagshawe, Louise Battle of Britain BBC BBC bias Beaune Begging Beijing, Mumbai etc Being right Belarus Benn, Tony Berlin Time Bias in general Blair, Anthony BNP Bombay Boston, Lincs Brief History of Crime (see also Abolition of Liberty) British Empire Broken Compass (see also Cameron Delusion) Brown. 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