Downloads of Podcasts of Its Subscribers on the Scope Taken Into Account by the Measurement(1)

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Downloads of Podcasts of Its Subscribers on the Scope Taken Into Account by the Measurement(1) PRESS RELEASE Levallois, 9 February 2021 January 2021 podcast measurements The 100 million mark for podcasts listened to has again been passed Médiamétrie’s eStat Podcast measurement counts the listens and downloads of podcasts of its subscribers on the scope taken into account by the measurement(1). The contents measured are the podcasts previously broadcast and/or native podcasts(2). French people are still showing a keen interest in podcasts at the start of the year Monthly consumption of podcasts saw sustained growth in January with more than 100 million shows streamed or downloaded. That’s 5.4 million more than a year ago. Number of listens and/or downloads(1) Total market (French publishers Jan. Feb. March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. counted 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 by the eStat Podcast) World total (in millions) 95.2 94.6 96.5 95.9 99.2 99.1 85.8 78.2 95.9 104.2 103.7 91.9 100.6 Of which Metropolitan France + overseas 71 70.3 73.1 74 76 75.9 65.2 59.1 73.9 80.2 80.3 68.6 78.3 departments (in millions) Source: Médiamétrie - eStat Podcast - January 2021 - Copyright Médiamétrie - All rights reserved *Podcasts by French publishers counted with eStat Podcast and listened to in France or abroad (World base) (1) See the measurement methodology at the end of the release (2) Native podcasts are original audio content not broadcast over the air, and produced by Radio stations or by other producers 1 PRESS RELEASE January 2021 podcast measurements Number of podcast listens by brand – January 2021 Brands Number of listens (French publishers and/or downloads(1) Main podcasts by brand subscribing to the eStat (World base) Podcast measurement) Affaires sensibles, Par Jupiter, Géopolitique, Tanguy 25 692 000 France Inter Pastureau maltraite l'info, Grand bien vous fasse Les Chemins de la Philosophie, Les Pieds sur terre, Les Matins France Culture 18 808 000 de France Culture, La Méthode scientifique, Le Cours de l’histoire After Foot, Super Moscato Show, Les Grandes Gueules, Top of RMC 18 046 000 The Foot, Apolline matin Les grosses têtes, Laurent Gerra, L’heure du crime, Le journal RTL 17 062 000 RTL, Ça peut vous arriver Hondelatte raconte, La Revue de presque, Europe1 10 829 000 La Libre Antenne, Au cœur de l’histoire, Historiquement Vôtre Le Fil info, Le Flash éco, Les Informés, Nouveau monde, Le franceinfo 4 656 000 vrai du faux Good Morning Business, Les experts, BFM Bourse, 1 214 000 BFM Business Tech & Co, BFM Patrimoine Les journaux locaux, Au coeur de l'affaire Daval, L'horoscope France Bleu 1 122 000 de Catherine Viguié, Le parodisque de Charlie & Styl’O, Willy Rovelli met les points sur les i C dans l'air, La grande librairie, Le podcast des maternelles, (2) 991 000 France Télévisions Dix pour cent le podcast, La grande explication Open Jazz, Les grands entretiens, Musiques et Musiciens à la 943 000 France Musique Chapelle Royale Fun Radio 263 000 Lovin Fun, Bruno dans la radio, Le Vacher Time, Party Fun Wake-Up Mix, Dirty Swift : Dirty Mix, Un jour dans le rap, 197 000 Mouv’ Debattle L’instant où, Les Dents et Dodo, Daval, la série, Ligne Rouge, 172 000 BFMTV Coronavirus : BFMTV répond à vos questions Fip 132 000 Club Jazzafip, Certains l'aiment Fip Pop rock station, Double Expresso, Pop rock story, Pop rock 131 000 RTL2 party Source: Médiamétrie - eStat Podcast - January 2021 - Copyright Médiamétrie - All rights reserved (1) See the measurement methodology at the end of the release 2 (2) Podcasts from 1ères (the overseas territories portal) are not included in the scope of the measurement. PRESS RELEASE January 2021 podcast measurements List of eStat Podcast subscribers and measurement scope The table below shows the current measurement scope for each subscriber. N.B.: technical developments are needed from the publisher to consider streaming. Groups/Brands Streaming Downloading Groupe France Télévisions Partially Yes Groupe Lagardère (Europe 1) Partially Yes Groupe M6 – RTL (RTL, RTL2 and Fun Radio) Partially Yes Groupe Radio France (France Inter, France Culture, Partially Yes franceinfo, France Musique, France Bleu, Mouv’, Fip) NextRadio TV (RMC, BFM Business, BFMTV) Yes Yes This table will be updated with the addition of new subscribers and changes in the scope of measurement at each press release. Methodology of the eStat Podcast measurement The eStat Podcast measure counts all the audio content listened to directly in streaming or downloaded on the majority of listening media (platforms, websites, applications, etc.). The indicators are based on Médiamétrie's site-centric technology. This technology involves integrating a tag placed in the download link that has no impact on the user experience. Filtering is carried out every month to exclude illegal downloads. Furthermore, in order to avoid counting the same podcast twice, downloads occurring within one hour of a 1st download call are also excluded. About Médiamétrie The French industry leader in media research, Médiamétrie monitors, measures and analyses audience behaviour and market trends, and fosters the emergence of a benchmark for media data in France. Created in 1985, Médiamétrie is expanding its activities in Television, Radio, the Internet (computer, smartphone and tablet), Cinema and the Cross-media sector in France and abroad. Twitter: @Mediametrie Instagram: Mediametrie.officiel Press Contacts: Isabelle Lellouche Filliau Juliette Destribats Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 58 97 26 Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 58 97 55 [email protected] [email protected] 3.
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