Session 1 – Understanding the Arenas of Spiritual Warfare

 Micro-economics is about your ATM activity; macro-economics is about global financial markets. So it is with spiritual warfare there is a macro-war and a micro-battle. The macro-warfare is about the whole cosmic war; micro-warfare is about your specific individual skirmishes and battles. However, the entire warfare of the planet is ultimately just the culmination of all of our individual battles. The purpose of the discussion today is to focus on your specific battles so that you can be a true conqueror through Christ Jesus.

 Spiritual warfare is defined and understood according to the . (2 Corinthians 10:4; 1 Timothy 1:18)

 God’s Word defines our experiences; our experiences do not define God’s Word. (Hebrews 4:12-13)

 Spiritual warfare is by its nature invisible or unseen – There is an invisible world that the Old and New Testaments refer to often. ( 2 Kings 6:15-19; Daniel 10; Ephesians 6:10ff)

 Spiritual warfare is by its nature unconventional. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

 Spiritual warfare is ultimately about God’s glory and will. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)

 Spiritual warfare is something that is thrust upon you whether you want it or not. Not believing it exists, or not wanting to be in it, has no bearing on the fact that you are indeed in a battle.

 Theoden: I will not risk open war. Aragorn: Open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not. Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers

 “There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch and every split second are claimed by God and counterclaimed by .” (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters)

NOTES: Session 2 – The Foundational Understandings for Winning the Spiritual Battle

Okay, you recognize that you are in this spiritual battle, you want to win, but where do you start? Here are the foundational understandings. If you skip over these, you will lose every time.

 Salvation – Accept Christ and believe that Jesus has conquered sin and Satan for you. Receive the assurance of your salvation. You belong to God, He will never lose you, never forsake you, and never rescind your salvation.

 Learning the basics - Bible doctrine: the foundation of faith.

 Walking in the Spirit (the Spirit-filled life) and walking in an understanding of grace as a lifestyle. (Galatians 5; Romans 8:37)

1. Victory in not a formula. Victory is received when we learn to embrace, by faith, the victory that Jesus has already accomplished. 2. Anything contrary to God’s Word is a lie from Satan. 3. We are not working for victory—we are working from a position of victory.

 A Soldier’s Attitude: Make no provision for the flesh. (2 Timothy 2:1-4)

1. Your victory always starts and ends with grace. 2. The Bible is your ultimate resource, weaponry, rule book, and GPS. 3. Suffering is a regular (and expected) part of military life. 4. You cannot live like a civilian. We fail because we so readily expose ourselves to the world and places of temptation. 5. The one who consistently wins over Satan considers himself as already dead. 6. Understand the myths that Satan uses to derail us. God is not primarily concerned about your happiness, well-being, safety, or security. It’s about His glory. He has not called us to our version of success, but to wholehearted obedience.

 Counter self-centeredness with love – Why is loving God the greatest commandment? Whatever your answer, it is also for your protection.

1. It protects us from legalism—religion without power. 2. It protects us from idolatry—our most common sin. 3. It protects us from syncretism—lessening the power of God because we combine our love for Him with other loves.

 “Life is a hard fight, a struggle, a wrestling with the principle of evil, hand to hand, foot to foot. Every inch of the way is disputed.” Florence Nightingale Session 3 – Who are we fighting? How does our enemy wage war against us?

In the Art of War, written 2,600 years ago by Sun Tzu, he said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

 The Devil Against Us 1. He is real – The Bible, Jesus, and the Apostles speak of him continually. “The existence of the devil is so clearly taught in the Bible that to doubt it is to doubt the Bible itself.” ~ Archibald Brown 2. He is not God’s equal. He is a created angel who rebelled against God. Ezekiel 28:12-16; Revelation 12:7; Luke10:18 3. While not equal to God, He is formidable - 1 Peter 5:8; Jude 9; 4. He character is described in Scripture through his names >Satan >Devil >Lucifer >Adversary >Deceiver >Beelzebub >Belial >Evil one >Liar >Murderer >Tempter >Prince of this world >Accuser >Serpent >Dragon >Angel of light

 The World Around Us – The pressures to conform to the world are powerful. Matthew 10:18-20 gives us insight into the built-in conflict that exists between the world and the Kingdom of God.

 The Flesh Upon Us – Loving God and loving others is the key to winning over the flesh because it is the antithesis of the self-centered nature.

 The Emotions Within Us –Emotions were meant to be the responders to the facts of life. They were never meant to “be the facts” themselves. Just because you “feel something” means nothing. When you allow your feelings to determine your actions, you have lost the battle. Let the spirit be the locomotive and force the emotions to the caboose and you will win.

 The Memories Behind Us – Satan uses our previous sinful actions (often before we came to Christ) to convince us that we are still under the domination of sin. (Romans 6). Your old nature has passed away; it has been crucified. You now have the Holy Spirit. You have a new nature. This is why we have the admonition to “renew your mind. . .” (Romans 12:1-2)

 The Fear Before Us –Even the Apostle Paul wrestled with fear. “For even when we came into Macedonia, our bodies had no rest, but we were afflicted at every turn—fighting without and fear within.” (2 Corinthians 5:5) Session 4 – Satan’s Usual (Everyday) Tactics

 Guilt – there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1). Understand the difference between guilt and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

 Anger – Anger is usually a sign that you didn’t get your way. But even when it is a legitimate response, the Scripture says, “Be angry and do not sin.” (Ephesians 4:26)

 Fear – “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trust is the Lord is safe” (Proverbs 29:25) “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self control.” (1 Timothy 1:7) Decisions made out of fear are almost always bad decisions.

 Pride – “The pride that is in your heart has deceived you.” (Obadiah 3) Pride assures our defeat because we are already deceived before Satan even shows up. It means that we try and win the battle in our own strength, which guarantees failure.

 Discontentment and Envy – In a prosperous and materialistic culture, discontentment from comparison is often the leading cause of spiritual defeat. “Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, and envying one another.” (2 Corinthians 10:12; Galatians 5:26)

 Unforgiveness – Forgiveness if the language of heaven. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks all the hurt and bitterness of your heart. Forgiveness is the essence of the Christian life. (Matthew 6:12-15; Mark 11:25; Colossians 3:13)

 Unrepentant/habitual sin – (for example, greed, gluttony, drunkenness, drug use, impulse spending, lust, and laziness. When it comes to these things that have created strongholds in your life, resisting temptation cannot be passive or reactive. One must take the initiative in winning this battle. Habitual sins and addictions render our “wins” in warfare useless because the world sees us as hypocrites. The habitual sins become “strongholds” that Satan uses whenever we start to be effective in the Kingdom. (2 Corinthians 10:4) But, good habits can overcome bad habits. God can become your stronghold. (Nahum 1:7)

NOTES: Session 5 – Satan’s nuclear option or his most effective weapon: Adversity.

Okay, first a reminder: Satan and his have already lost the war. Any advancement that they make in this life is because you have given them permission to do so. The only power that they have is the power that you grant to them. The greatest weapon at Satan’s disposal to get you to give in to him and give away your God-given power is adversity. This is the story of Job. When we choose to believe the scenario that Satan paints through pain, rejection, or victimization, then we are giving him power. But remember he can only operate through consent and cooperation. It goes like this . . .

 Because of my pain, I choose to believe Satan, not the Bible.  I choose to live by my emotions, not my will or my spirit.  I choose to believe that if there was a God, he would not allow me to suffer like this; I choose to think that God doesn’t really care about me.  Satan, I give you permission to tell me I am not really a man, even though I was born a male.  Satan, I give you permission to tell me that I am not really a woman, even though I was born a female.  I choose to cooperate with you when you tell me I want alcohol, I need another drink, I can’t cope with it, I can’t sleep without it, I can’t live without it.  Satan, I give you the right to tell me that I should wake up depressed, live depressed, and go to bed depressed.  Satan, I choose to believe you over God. I choose to believe that I am not loved, that no one likes me, and I will never amount to anything.  Satan, I choose to believe you when you tell me that it is not my fault that I can’t stop my anger, worrying, spending, gambling, eating, or porn habit.  Satan, I choose to believe you when you tell me that forgiving that person is the worst mistake I could make, that I would be letting them off the hook.

Adversity causes us to focus on our flesh and to doubt God.

Here are a few important reminders for the hour of adversity

 Jesus told us ahead of time that we will have adversity (John 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 3:4; 2 Thessalonians 1:5)  You will always suffer to a greater degree than you are prepared for. (2 Corinthians 1:8)  You have the ability to completely reverse the field with Satan when you understand that your suffering can produce God’s glory. (Romans 8:17-18; 1 Peter 2:19)  Praise is the answer to this one (see session 9). Praising the Lord makes us aware of His presence and enables us to focus on His truth instead of our circumstances. It forces our emotion to line up with our will, instead of making our will line up with our emotions. It submits my will to the truth of the Word of God. It drives Satan away. (1 Corinthians 14:5) Session 6 – Understanding Spiritual Authority

Luke 7:6-8 relates one of the primary truths of spiritual warfare. It is the concept of spiritual authority. The one who fails to acknowledge this, or in rebellion just chooses not to submit to authority, always suffers spiritual defeat . . . always. (2 Peter 2:10; Jude 8) Now, within spiritual warfare the Apostle Paul taught us that there are principalities and authorities. (Ephesians 6:12) Understanding which ones have authority over you and which ones do not is intrinsic to your continued spiritual victory.

Jesus Christ is the Supreme Commander He has the ultimate authority. (1 Corinthians 15:24; Colossians 1:16, 2:10, 15; 1 Peter 3:22; Jude 25; Revelation 12:10)

One of the greatest myths of the Christian life is that here on this earth you answer only to God alone. We certainly answer to Jesus ultimately, but He places authorities in our lives for our training, our protection, for our kingdom effectiveness, and ultimately for His glory. When we place ourselves under submission to the God empowered authorities we place ourselves in submission to Christ. (Colossians 3:18; Ephesians 5:22)

1. We answer to earthly governmental authorities (1 Peter 2:13-14; Romans 13:1-6; Titus 3:1) The only exception to this is when they blatantly command us to disregard the authority of God in our lives. (Acts 4:18-20) 2. We answer to spiritual leaders – primarily elders and pastors of the church. Have you given thought to who should be a mentor and spiritual authority in your life? (Ephesians 3:10; Titus 2:15; 3 John 9; 1 Peter 5:1- 5; Hebrews 13:17) 3. We answer to one another in mutual accountability (John 13:34-35; John 15:12, 17; Romans 12:10, 16; 1 Corinthians 12:25; Ephesians 4:2, 32; 5:21)

Cautions:  Our independent, self-serving attitudes create dissension, distrust, and disunity that hinder or paralyze the work of the Kingdom.  There are no free-lancing, individual superheroes in God’s army.  If you are functioning outside of these realms of authority, then you are losing spiritual battles individually and you are causing hardship upon those who are winning the battle corporately.  We do not answer to angels. Angels have spiritual authority to serve us but it is not an authority over us. (Psalm 91:11; Hebrews 1:14; Colossians 2:18)

Our spiritual combat then is often fought on this battle field. Satan does not want you to be submissive to the authorities that God has placed in your life and at the same time he does want you to give him permission to become the authority in your life. But the reality is that we have authority over demons who desperately hope that we do not discover this truth. (Matthew 10:1; Romans 8:38; Galatians 5:1; 1 John 4:4) Knowing that you have authority is only the first step in exercising that authority! (Acts 19:11-16) Session 7 - Basic Training: Equipment

 Equipment belt/pack – Truth. Satan functions in the realm of lies, myths, smoke and mirrors, and intimidations. (1 Peter 5:8; 2 Corinthians 2:11; John 8:31-32)

 Protective vest – Righteousness. The bullet proof vest was one of the great inventions for soldiers and law enforcement. Now they are working to make it better and sleeker, “Like a second skin, so that the fighter barely even knows it’s there.” Understand positional righteousness and practical righteousness. I would rather have a soldier at my side that didn’t understand positional righteousness and lived practical righteousness, than one who understood the entire Bible and lived none of it. (Proverbs 12:28). The key to sanctification, once again is receiving it, not trying to work for it. We don’t need to live better, we need to love better.

 Proper Footwear – readiness. When you are ready then you are at peace. Ready for battle, having good footing because of the so that you won’t slip and fall. “Slip and fall” has taken on a spiritual meaning for spiritual soldiers who are not ready for the battle. Having anxiety is like going into battle barefooted. (Philippians 4:7; John 14:27)

 Shield – Faith. Whether it’s an ancient Roman shields or a modern day riot shield, shields are extremely valuable in battle. But they are also made to be more valuable when used together to form an interlocking shield. Don’t miss the spiritual application. (1 John 5:4)

 Helmet – Salvation. (1 Thessalonnians 5:8) Of course a helmet protects your head, but the point here is that it protects your mind. (Romans 12:1; 2 Corinthians 10:5) Satan’s attacks are false information (like fake news), propaganda, misinformation, half-truths, and outright lies. (Proverbs. 2:10-11; James 1:5)

 “We must not rely [confide] in the armor of God, but in the God of this armor, because all of our weapons are only mighty through God.” William Gurnall.

NOTES: Session 8 – Intermediate Training:

If you fight alone, you will most likely lose. We were not created to fight alone.

 The Father – Is your relationship with the Father truly an Abba relationship? He is your Father, you must pray to Him and trust Him as the perfect caring Father that He is. (Matthew 6:6-8, 26; 7:11; 25:34; Luke 12:30-32; 15:20-24; John 6:40; Romans 8:15; Ephesians 1:3)

 The Lord Jesus – All authority has been given to Jesus. He is your hope and your salvation. (Matthew 28:18; 1 Corinthians 15:24; Colossians 1:16; 2:10, 15; 1 Peter 3:22; Jude 25; Rev 12:10)

 The Holy Spirit – (1 John 4:4; Romans 5:5; 8:27; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 1:13; 2:18; 1 Thessalonians 1:5)

 The Church, The – see spiritual authority (1 Corinthians 1:2; Ephesians 1:18; 4:12)

 The Angels – (Daniel 10:2-21; 2 Kings 6:11-17; Matthew 18:10; Jude 9; Revelation 12:7)

Session 9 – Intermediate Training: Weaponry (Ephesians 6:17; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

 The Word – Know it, memorize it, study it, and immerse yourself in God’s truth. The Bible is an entire armory for your use. Why do you neglect the very thing given in order that you may win the battle? (Psalm 119; Hebrews 4:12)

 “The deceit, the lie of the devil, consists of this; that he wishes to make man believe that he can live without God’s word.” Dietrich Bonheoffer

 Prayer – (Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 4:16)

 “Prayer is the mightiest of all weapons that created nature can wield.”

 Forgiveness – Forgiveness if the language of heaven. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks all the hurt and bitterness of your heart. Forgiveness is the essence of the Christian life. (Matthew 6:12-15; Mark 11:25; Colossians 3:13)

 Forgiveness is what brings down relational strongholds.

 Praise – This is especially powerful during adversity (Psalm 22; 71; 148; 150) Session 10 – Advanced Training: Tactics

 How do you know when you have reached advanced battle status? When we are no longer yielding to his usual (everyday) temptations or indulging the flesh on a regular basis; when we are sharing our faith, discipling another, and extending the Kingdom on a regular basis, then Satan starts a more subtle approach that many do not recognize as spiritual warfare. He is actively working to hinder us from doing God’s will.

 Too Busy for God’s Kingdom? Sometimes B – U – S- Y means Being Under Satan’s Yoke!

 Satan can attack with temptation to sin or can hinder your effectiveness by offering good things in place of best things. (Acts 6)

 How to fight against this kind of attack: 1. Set your mind on Christ – set your priorities (Romans 12;1-2; Ephesians 4:23; Philippians 1:27; 2:2-5; 4:7; Colossians 3:2; 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7) 2. Our words and actions are the truest reflection of what we believe. At the same time it allows us to build up others and protect them from attack. Or it takes them down and makes them more susceptible to attack. (Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 4:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:17; 2 Timothy 2:13; Ephesians 4:29; James 3:8-12; Jude 16) 3. Manage your time so that you time is not managed for you. Satan would love to be in charge of your time. The tyranny of the urgent keeps many Christians from doing what God would have them do and they are completely unaware of the fact that they are so ineffective. (Romans 13:11-12; Ephesians 5:16; Colossians 4:5; James 4:14; 1 Thessalonians 2:9) 4. Manage your money for greatest kingdom effectiveness. Do you belong to the Lord? If so all that you have belongs to the Lord. It’s not your money—it’s His. Are you using your wealth as a resource for the kingdom? Tithing is the beginning place in this endeavor—not the finishing line. (Matthew 6:24; Mark 12:41-44; Luke 16:13-14; 1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5; Acts 20:33)

Session 11 - Advanced Training: Weaponry – See the booklet on Biblical

Session 12 – Questions and Answers