Election Features
Property of Fullerton Public Library, Local History Room Election Features j F u llertd ii 1 O b s e r v e r Fullerton’s Only Local Independent Newspaper(prfnted on recycled paper) No.268 November 1 ,1 9 9 6 FULLERTON OBSERVERNOV 1, Councilmember1996 Julie Sa, in Apparent Attempt to Buy Her Re-Election to the City Council, Leads all Candidates with $33,000 Raised, 80% from Non- Fullerton Contributors By Jack Harloe meeting and in another instance was the target of a campaign sign hurled at her by an n a council race featuring 9 contend angry citizen. ers, including two incumbents (Norby For the past four years, Sa has mostly and Sa) running for three open council exhibited a detachment from the issues, occa I sionally evincing support for small busi seats, Councilmember Julie Sa, with nearly $33,000 in contributions and a loan, clearly nesses, engaging in council dialog infre leads the field in fund raising. Dick Jones quently and often difficult to understand. and Chris Norby trail with $19,970 and Early in her term of office, Sa served as the $17,153 respectively. All figures are for the appointive mayor of the city from December, period Jan. 1, through Oct. 19, 1996. 1994 to December, 1995. Sa’s campaign disclosure reports reveal a With 14 contributors from Fullerton aver contributor base located largely outside of aging $329 in donations to Sa’s campaign, Fullerton. Asked why she was not focusing and a whopping 35 other contributors, all on residents in Fullerton, Sa replied “Why from outside Fullerton and averaging dona should I get Fullerton supporters, I would tions of $529 each, Sa appears to be repeating have to do what they wanted.” her 1992 campaign strategy when she swept Sa’s generally lackluster 4-year term on to victory with the highest spending in Fuller the City Council, just ending, included one ton City Council history.
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