Alaska Habitat Management Guide. Southwest Region. Volume 1, Fish
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Alasha Habit* Guide Soutlnrest Region blumel: Fish andWildlife Life Histories, Habitat Requirements, Distribution, andAbundance Produced by Stde of Alasha pepartrnent of Fish and Crame Division of llabita Iuneau, Alasha 1985 @ 1985 by the AIASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME Contents Achnowledgements x'i Introduction 3 Intrcduction 13 Marine Marmals Be]ukha whal e 17 Sea otter 25 Harbor seal 37 Northern fur seal 43 'l Sea i on 53 Pacific wal rus 7I Terrestrial Marrnal s Beaver 85 Brown bear 95 Black-tailed deer 105 Caribou 111 EIk t21 Moose 127 Bi rds Dabbl ing ducks 143 Diving ducks 153 Geese 167 Tundra swan L79 Seabi rds 187 Bal d Eag'le 209 Freshwater/Anadromous Fi sh Arctic grayl ing 227 iii Arctic char/Dol'ly Varden 239 Rainbow trout/steelhead 255 Salmon Sockeye 279 Pink 291 Chum 303 Chi nook 317 Coho 333 Salmon Distribution and Abundance 347 Mari ne Fi sh and She'l 'l f i sh Ha'l i but 403 Pacific cod 409 Pacific ocean perch 417 Sablefish 425 hlalleye pollock 433 Yellowfin sole 443 Herring 451 Dungeness crab 469 King crab 477 Tanner crab 497 Razor c'lams 521 Shrimp 527 Seeblume z of the guide brtheSoutlrwestRegionforinformation ontlp human use of fish andwildlife. Maps Introduction 1. The six regions of the A'laska Habita.t Management Guides 5 2. USGS quads found in the Southwest Region 9 N Fish and Wildlife 1. P.ange of belukha whal e 17 2. Range of sea otter 25 3. Range of harbor seal 37 4. Range of northern fur seal 43 5. Range of sea I ion 53 6. Range of Pacific walrus 7I 7. Range of beaver 85 8. Range of brown bear 95 9. Range of black-tailed deer 105 10. Range of caribou 111 11. Range of elk 121 L2. Range of moose 127 13. Range of dabb1ing ducks 143 14. t.laterfowl breeding-pair survey 150 15. Range of diving ducks 153 16. Range of geese 167 17. Range of tundra swan L79 18. Range of seabirds L87 19. Range of Bald Eagle 209 20. Range of arctic Arayling ?2L 2L. Range of arctic char/Dol'ly Varden 239 22. Range of rainbow trout/steelhead trout 255 23. Range of sockeye salmon 279 24. Range of pink salmon 291 25. Range of chum salmon 303 26. Range of chinook saimon 317 27. Range of coho salmon 333 28. Range of halibut 403 29. Range of Pacific cod 409 30. Range of Pacific ocean perch 4I7 31. Range of sablefish 425 32. Range of wal'leye pollock 433 33. Range of yellowfin so'le 443 34. Range of herring 451 35. Range of Dungeness crab 469 35. Range of king crab 477 37. Range of Tanner crab 497 36. Tanner crab stocks in the Kodiak Management District 507 39. Range of razor clams 52I 40. Range of shrimp 527 Tlables Marine Mammals 1. S'ignificant northern sea lion haulouts, Southwest Region 55 2. Significant northern sea lion rookeries, Southwest Region 63 3. Results of surveys of northern sea lion rookeries, Southwest Region 66 Birds 4. Breedi ng bi o'l ogy of dabbl i ng ducks 146 5. Dabbling duck breeding population estimates, Alaska-Yukon 149 6. Dabbling duck population index, Bristol Bay 149 7. Reproductive characteristics of diving ducks 155 8. Diving duck breeding population estimates 161 9. Diving duck population index, Bristol Bay 162 10. Preferred foods and breeding hab'itat of geese 169 11. Breeding, rearing, and molting biology of geese l7t 12. Seabirds life histories 190 w Frestrwater/Anadromous Fish 13. Kodiak area lakes stocked with grayling' L977-83 230 14. Kodiak area lakes stocked with rainbow trout, 1977-83 265 15. Steelhead trout escapement counts through weirs on K.odiak and Afognak islands, 1977-82 267 16. A sunmary of rainbow trout spawning surveys of slect index streams in the Noksek and Kvichak drainage, 1972-82 270 L7. General salmon run-timing 'information, Kodiak area 348 18. Weir escapements of sockeye salmon for major river systems of the Kodiak Management Area 350 19. Escapement estimate of sockeye salmon to minor systems in the Kodiak Management Area 351 20. Kodiak Management Area sa1mon total run estimates, 1977-82 352 ?1. Escapement estimates of pink salmon for index streams in the Kodiak Managment Area 354 22. Escapement estimates of chinook sa'lmon for streams in the Kodiak Managment Area 356 23. Escapement estimates of coho salmon in the Kodiak Management Area 357 24. Escapement estimates of coho salmon for systems on the Kodiak Island road system 358 25. General salmon run-timing and earl-v life history information, Chignik area 359 26. Total run estimate of sockeye salmon for the Chignik Management Area 360 27. Chignik Management Area pink salmon run estimates 362 28. Chignik Management Area chum sa'lmon run estimates 363 ' 29. Chignik Management Area chinook salmon total run estimates 364 30. General run-timing and early life history information: A1aska Peninsula area, South Peninsula 366 31. General run-timing and early'life history information: Alaska Peninsu'la, North Peninsula 366 32. South Peninsula escapement estimates of sockeye sa'lmon 367 33. South Peninsula salmon run estimates, L973-82 368 34. North Peninsula sockeye salmon run estimates 369 vu 35. North Peninsu'la salmon run estimates for all species of salmon 37I 36. South Peninsula p'ink salmon run estimates 372 37. North Peninsula pink salmon run estimates 375 38. South Peninsula chum sa]mon run estimates 376 39. North Peninsula chum salmon run estimates 377 40. North Peninsula chinook salmon run estimates 379 41. General run-timing and early life history information, A'leutian Islands area 381 42. Aleutian Islands Management Area, sumnary of minimum counts by species, by island in 1982 383 43. Genera't run-timi ng and early 1 i fe hi story i nformati on , Bri sto'l Bay area 387 44. Bristol Bay sockeye salmon run estimates 390 45. Nushagak Di stri ct of Bri stol Bay Management Area pi nk salmon run estimates 391 46. Bristol Bay pink salmon run estimates, 1974-82' even-year only 392 47. Nushagak and Togiak districts of Bristol Bay Management Area chum salmon run estimates, 1966-82 394 48. Nushagak and Togiak districts of Bristol Bay Management Area chinook salmon run estimates, 1966-82 396 Marine Fish and Shellfish 49. Biomass estimates of Pacific herring, t978-82 460 50. Abundance estimates of legal male king crabs in the Kodiak area 487 51. Annual abundance estimate of legal male king crabs in the Alaska Peninsula area, 1976-8? 488 52. Annual abundance estimate of red king crabs larger than 120 nrm Cll| for the Pribilof and Bristol Bay districts, 1972-82 491 53. Annual abundance estimate for lega1 ma'le blue king crabs in the Pribilof District of the Bering Sea ' 1974-82 491 54. Mean catch/pot of legal male Tanner crabs, 1973-82 509 vut 55. Tanner crab population estimate from trawl surveys for Kodjak Stock and the Chignik District, 1980-82 511 56. Population estimates of legal size ma'le Tanner crabs by species for the Pribilof and Bristol Bay districts of the Bering Sea Management Area, 1973-82 515 57. Shrimp abundance indices by year and fishing section, 1971-81 536 n Achnowledgements This project is under the direction of the Commissioner of thg Department of Fish ind-Game, Don t.l. Collinsworth, the Director of the Division of Habitat' John A. C'lark, and the Deputy Director, Bruce H. Baker. Many individuals have been involved in the production of this first A'laska Habitat Management Guide. All narratives were reviewed first by_project staff' distributed ior technical review, and followed by departmental review. The names of reviewers and other contributors are compiled in append'ix A in volume 2. The following l'ists the production team and the portion of the guide for which authors are responsible.* Marianne G. See, Coordinator Bob Durr, Editor Debra Clausen, Section Team Leader Lana C. Shea, Section Team Leader Authors: Wildl ife Steve A]bert, Habitat Biologist: beaver LH, black-tailed deer LH (with M. McDonald). Michael G. McDonald, Game Biologist: brown bear LH, DA, HU; b'lack-tailed deer LH (with S. Albert), DA, HU; caribou LH, DA, HU; elk LH, DA' HU; harbor seal LH, DA; moose LH (with F. Nelson), DA, HU. Robin Mooring, Habitat Biologist: waterfowl LH, DA, HU. Frances Nelson, Game Bio'logist: Ba]d Eagle LH, DA; beaver DA, HU; moose LH (with M. t'lcDonald); seabirds LH, DA; sea otter LH, DA; furbearer HU. Richard Shideler, Habitat Biologist: belukha wha'le LH, DA; northern fur sea'l LH , DA; sea I i on DA; wal rus LH , DA ' HU . John H. Westlund, Game Biologist: sea lion LH. * LH = life history and habitat requirements; DA = distribution and abundance; HU = human use of fish and wi'ldlife. xi Authors: Fi sh Wayne Dolezal, Fisheries Biologist: . chinook, coho, sockeye, chum, pink sa'lmon LH, DA, HU (with K. Thornburgh), and subsistence harvest. Katherine A. Rowell, Fisheries Biologist: Dungeness crab LH, DA, HU (with K. Thornburoh); kinq crab LH, DA, HU (with K. Thornburgh); Tanner crab Lf' DA, HU (wl[n'-f. Thornburgh); shrimp LH, DA, HU (with K. Thornburgh); paiitic herring LH, DA, HU-(with K. Thornburgh). Sandra K. Sonnichsen, Habitat Biologist: halibut LH, DA' HU; Pac'ific cod LH, DA, HU; Pacific ocean perch LH, DA, HU; sablefish LH, DA', HU; walleye pollock LH, DA, HU; yellowfin sole LH, D4-, HU; razor clams LH, DA' HV; i^ainbow trout/sieettreia LH; arctic char/Dolly Varden LH (with K.