Name Town/City Region Type Summary Abby Aldrich Rockefeller

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Name Town/City Region Type Summary Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Name Town/City Region Type Summary Folk art and furniture, based on Abby Aldrich Rockefeller's Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Williamsburg Hampton Roads Art donations of folk art objects, one Folk Art Museum of Colonial Williamsburg's attractions 17th century modified hall & Adam Thoroughgood parlor house with quaint English Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Historic house House cottage architecture & herb & flower gardens. Air Power Park Hampton Hampton Roads Aviation information, history & legacy of Armstead Tasker Johnson education for African American Montross Hampton Roads African American High School Museum students in the Northern Neck of Virginia Website, dedicated to wildfowl & located in the 19th century DeWitt Cottage. Features Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Art displays on decoys & carvers, Museum and contains a pictorial history of Virginia Beach & the city's first library. Also known as "Allen's Brick House" or the "Arthur Allen Bacon's Castle Surry Hampton Roads Historic house House", owned and managed by Preservation Virginia Bassett Hall Williamsburg Hampton Roads Historic house Part of Colonial Williamsburg Belle Air Plantation Charles City Hampton Roads Historic house Berkeley Plantation Charles City Hampton Roads Historic house information, scroll down to Boykin's Tavern Museum Isle of Wight Hampton Roads Historic house listing, information Owned and managed by Cape Henry Lighthouse Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Maritime Preservation Virginia Chesapeake Beach Chesapeake Hampton Roads Railway website Railway Museum Beach Children's Museum of Portsmouth Hampton Roads Children's Virginia Chippokes Farm & Located in Chippokes Plantation Surry Hampton Roads Agriculture Forestry Museum State Park Chrysler Museum of Art Norfolk Hampton Roads Art 23-mile (37 km) parkway Colonial National Various linking Historic Jamestowne, Hampton Roads History Historical Park locations Yorktown National Battlefield, Cape Henry Memorial Colonial Williamsburg Williamsburg Hampton Roads Open air website Focuses on 20th-century Contemporary Art Center Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Art art with changing exhibitions of of Virginia American & international artists. Courthouse Galleries Portsmouth Hampton Roads Art website website, operated by the Comte Custom House (Yorktown, Yorktown Hampton Roads History de Grasse Chapter Daughters of Virginia) the American Revolution, early Name Town/City Region Type Summary 18th century custom house One of Colonial Williamsburg's attractions, 17th to 19th century DeWitt Wallace Decorative American and British furniture, Williamsburg Hampton Roads Decorative art Arts Museum metals, ceramics, glass, paintings, prints, firearms and textiles 17th century plantation, restored Endview Plantation Newport News Hampton Roads Historic house to 1862 appearance during the American Civil War Ferry Plantation House Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Historic house Mid 19th century period house Fort Monroe Hampton Hampton Roads Fort Includes Casemate Museum website, home of the Norfolk Fort Norfolk Norfolk Hampton Roads Fort Historical Society Early 19th century period Francis Land House Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Historic house plantation house Genex Showcase website, planned museum to Portsmouth Hampton Roads Collectibles Miniature Museum open in 2009 Hampton History Museum Hampton Hampton Roads Local history website Hampton Roads Naval Norfolk Hampton Roads Maritime Museum website, over 9,000 objects including African American fine arts, traditional African, Native Hampton University Hampton Hampton Roads Art American, Native Hawaiian, Museum Pacific Island, and Asian art, and objects relating to the history of Hampton University website, early 20th century historic house museum with an art collection and contemporary exhibition galleries, surrounded Hermitage Foundation Norfolk Hampton Roads Multi by twelve acres of formal Museum and Gardens gardens and natural woodlands, educational wetlands, a visual arts school and a studio artists program information, operated by the Hill House (Portsmouth, Portsmouth Hampton Roads Historic house Portsmouth Historical Virginia) Association Hunter House Victorian Late Victorian period house and Norfolk Hampton Roads Historic house Museum furnishings Isle of Wight County information, information, scroll Isle of Wight Hampton Roads Local history Museum down to listing Associate with the development of the social and civic life of the James A. Fields House Newport News Hampton Roads Historic house African-American community in Newport News Jamestown Settlement Jamestown Hampton Roads Living King William Historical King William Hampton Roads Local history website Museum website, currently only visible Lee Hall Depot Newport News Hampton Roads Railway from the outside, to be moved in Name Town/City Region Type Summary 2009 and turned into a museum Mid 19th century period house, used as a headquarters for Lee Hall Mansion Newport News Hampton Roads Historic house Confederate generals during the Peninsula Campaign of 1862 Lightship Museum Portsmouth Hampton Roads Maritime website Lynnhaven House Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Historic house Early 18th-century period house MacArthur Memorial website, life of General Douglas Norfolk Hampton Roads Biographical Museum MacArthur Mariners' Museum Newport News Hampton Roads Maritime Features restored warbirds from Military Aviation Museum Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Aviation around the world Owned by Chrysler Museum of Art, early 19th century period Moses Myers House Norfolk Hampton Roads Historic house home of a prosperous Jewish merchant and his family Part of The College of William Muscarelle Museum of Art Williamsburg Hampton Roads Art & Mary Museum of Military Portsmouth Hampton Roads Military information History - Portsmouth Adjacent to Wallops Flight NASA Visitor Center Wallops Island Hampton Roads Aerospace Facility Also the home of the USS Nauticus Norfolk Hampton Roads Science Wisconsin Newsome House Museum Newport News Hampton Roads African American website and Cultural Center Norfolk History Museum Owned by Chrysler Museum of at the Willoughby-Baylor Norfolk Hampton Roads Local history Art, city history, decorative arts, House maritime and military heritage Norfolk Southern Museum Norfolk Hampton Roads Railway website North Bend Plantation Charles City Hampton Roads Historic house Depicts this Coast Guard Old Coast Guard Station Station's life-saving activities & Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Military Museum history as well as the many ship- wrecks off the Virginia coast. Information on the Pamunkey Pamunkey Indian Museum King William Hampton Roads Native American people, their history and way of life Peninsula Fine Arts Center Newport News Hampton Roads Art Piney Grove at Southall's Charles City Hampton Roads Historic house Plantation Poquoson Museum Poquoson Hampton Roads Local history website Portsmouth Naval Portsmouth Hampton Roads Maritime Shipyard Museum Riddick's Folly Suffolk Hampton Roads Historic house website Ripley's Believe It or Not! Williamsburg Hampton Roads Media website, operated by the Rochelle-Prince House Courtland Hampton Roads Historic house Southampton County Historical Society Schoolhouse Museum, Isle of Wight Hampton Roads Schoolhouse website Virginia Name Town/City Region Type Summary Sherwood Forest Charles City Hampton Roads Presidential home Home of President John Tyler Plantation Shirley Plantation Charles City Hampton Roads Historic house Smithfield Cultural Arts Smithfield Hampton Roads Art website Center Owned and managed by Smith's Fort Plantation Surry Hampton Roads Historic house Preservation Virginia website, operated by the Southampton Agriculture Courtland Hampton Roads Industry Southampton County Historical and Forestry Museum Society Suffolk Museum Suffolk Hampton Roads Art website website, owned and operated by Suffolk Seaboard Station Suffolk Hampton Roads Railway the Suffolk-Nansemond Railroad Museum Historical Society website, contemporary paintings, This Century Art Gallery Williamsburg Hampton Roads Art sculpture and crafts by regional and national artists Mid 18th century brick home, open for tours on a limited basis Upper Wolfsnare Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Historic house by the Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach Historical Society U.S. Army Transportation Newport News Hampton Roads Transportation Located at Fort Eustis Museum Space explorations, NASA and Virginia Air and Space Hampton Hampton Roads Aerospace Air Force aircraft and Center technology Formerly known as the Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Museum, Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Natural history Marine Science Center aquarium and marine science exhibits Virginia Living Museum Newport News Hampton Roads Natural history Includes rare, antique musical instruments, phonographs and Virginia Musical Museum Williamsburg Hampton Roads Music personal items from Virginia musicians Virginia Sports Hall of Hall of Fame - Portsmouth Hampton Roads Fame and Museum Sports Documents American military Virginia War Museum Newport News Hampton Roads Military history from 1775 to the present Watermen's Museum Yorktown Hampton Roads History website Westmoreland County Montross Hampton Roads Local history website Museum & Library Part of Colonial National Historical Park, includes the Yorktown Visitor Center with exhibits about the Battle of Yorktown Battlefield Yorktown Hampton Roads History Yorktown (1781), the early 18th century Nelson House and the Moore House where surrender negotiations occurred York County Historical Yorktown Hampton Roads Local history website Name Town/City Region Type Summary Museum website, America’s evolution Yorktown Victory Center Yorktown Hampton Roads History from colonial status to nationhood .
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