Maine Campus December 05 1984 Maine Campus Staff

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Maine Campus December 05 1984 Maine Campus Staff The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Fall 12-5-1984 Maine Campus December 05 1984 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus December 05 1984" (1984). Maine Campus Archives. 1644. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Watch for tomorrow's Christmas Buying Issue id tgiiy.Maine Campus ae ;,nLIP it vol. XCV no. LX11 The University of Maine at Orono student newspaper since i.?75 Wednesday, Neven*eF-5-, 1984 Election amendments passed Two polling places open two days by Ed Carroll ty of multiple polling places helps com- "As someone who takes this body Staff Writer bat student apathy. seriously, I'm not sure We want to go out Senator David Webster said, "This and seek apathetic voters. If somebody The General Student Senate made may not be a perfect solution," and doesn't have much knowledge of what's substantial changes in the structure of on-campus voter turnout may be hurt being voted for, we don't need them," student government elections in its Tues- some, but the second day is intended to Cutting said. day nigh( meeting, adding a second day make up for that. A compromise amendment which of voting and consolidating polling "Realistically we can't expect FEPC to would have kept ballot boxes in the dor- places to one location on each of the staff seven or eight ballot boxes," mitory complexes the first day, and UMO and BCC campuses. Webster said. restricted them to the Memorial Union The guidelines Of the Fair Election Brock Kwiatkowsky, senator from the second, failed. i'ractices Committee were amended after Gannett Hall, countered -That the The resolutions to be taken up at the - moderate debate, but four resolutions Memorial Union has proved to be an un- next meeting include proposals to seek which may further change election pro- popular polling place in the past, and the new staff to help the FEPC, provide one cedures were not brought up before the FEPC should be capable of staffing ballot box for fraternity row, and to meeting adjourned. Action will be taken more than one site. establish a new polling place in the on those proposals at the next meeting. Senator Brad Payne supported the Memorial Gym. As the FEPC guidelines stand amend- change and said, "This is the best way In other GSS business, uniform ed, polls will be open on two consecutive to ensure election fairness." Earlier in grievance procedures, pay scales and class days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the the meeting Payne resigned as chairman benefits were adopted for full-time stu- UMO Memorial Union and the BCC of the FEPC, effective Wednesday, dent government employees, and a Union. citing, and denying allegations he had resolution was passed recommending a In the past there have been ballot used that position for political interests border-line grading system,, boxes in each dormitory complex dining in the past. tent hall on the Orono campus, but the Senator Lynne McDonough said she amending resolution states: " ... it is opposed taking ballot boxes out of the Assaults. _- on nearly impossible to conduct fair effi- complex dining halls because the localiz- ore cient elections at several sites ed voting sites make on-campus students This snowman, wearing "Daniel simultaneously." more aware of student government elec- resident Boone" hat of pine tree branches, Arguments about the change broke tions and issues. surveys the snow that fell late Mon- down into two sides: proponents con- Off-campus Senator Ed Cutting said assistants day night in the first big storm of the cerned with the FEPC's ability to run a voter accessibility and turnout should season. Vi hiting photo) fair election in the eyes of the students, not be the prime concern during and opponents who said the accessibil- elections. not frequent 4rmy attorney disgrees w'th court by E.J. Vongher Lesbian's return to ROTC termed 'wrong' Staff Writer to An attack upon a resident assistant in BOSTON (AP) — An Army attorney program this fall and hopes to continue done so at all in her role of being in the the performance of his duties is the ex- argued before a federal appeals court in the Army as a reserve officer after she military service," he said. ception rather than the rule, the direc- ers, Tuesday that a declared lesbian was graduates from the university, probably "Our proposition is that whether or tor of York Complex said Tuesday. wrongfully reinstated in the University in June 1986, Asen said. not she is a homosexual is irrelevant as Greg Stone said the assault upon gs, of Maine's ROTC program because the Hornby's decision wits the first in a long as she understands that she can't be Aroostook Hall R.A. Carl Sieber on woman has acknowledged she engaged federal court to state clearly that a homosexual as part of the military," Nov. 11 was an isolated incident and in homosexual acts "numerous times." homosexuality alone is not grounds for he said. does not reflect a normal situation an and William Cole, an attorney for the U.S. discharge from the military. Matthews had spent four years as an R.A. might find himself or herself in. Justice Department in Washington, ap- But Cole, appealing the decision on Army enlisted woman before enrolling Sieber, who was found unconscious peared before a three-judge panel of the behalf of the Army, argued Thesday that at the University of Maine in 1981 and on the fourth floor of Aroostook Hall, dies, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals seeking Matthews assertion that she is a lesbian signing up for the officer training agreed with Stone_ isolated incident and it reversal of a lower court decision that let is evidence that she would engage in program. "This is an Ang Diane Matthews re-enlist in the Army homosexual acts if given the chance. After two months, she was expelled hasn't happened before that anyone can program. Matthews did not attend the Three decisions by the U.S. Circuit Court from ROTC when she asked to be excus- remember. I think it's shaken up the hearing. The judges reserved decision in of Appeals have affirmed the right of the ed from a leadership class to attend a R.A.s a little. It's opened their eyes as to nd the case. Army to discharge officers who engage student senate meeting to seek funding the fact that violence can occur, occur- Matthews, 26, of South Portland, was in homosexual acts, he said. for the Wilde-Stein Club, a gay student although it isn't a common dismissed from the Army's Reserve Of- organization. When questioned about rence," Sieber said. And Cole pointed to a re-enlistment S. ficer Training Corps program at the her relationship to the club, she As a result of his involvement in the document signed by Matthews earlier University of Maine at Orono in 1981 acknowledged she was a lesbian. incident, Mark Crowley had his residen- this year in which she said she "has after she told a superior officer she was She filed suit against the Army in tial life contract terminated, Stone said. engaged in homosexual acts numerous ailesbian. 1982, claiming her removal violated her H. Ross Moriarty, director of residen- times — the last time being recently." Her attorney, Michael Asen, argued constitutional right to privacy and tial life, said Neil Johnson also had his "It is the propensity toward conduct successfully before a federal magistrate freedom of expression. residential life contract terminated due that is homosexual in nature that is the that the 26-year-old Army sergeant who But Cole argued Tuesday that being a to his involvement in the incident, but source of the Army's concerns," he wants to become an officer was exercis- homosexual is similar to having an af- that he is appealing the decision. said. ing her First Amendment right to free fliction such as defective sight, which Johnson was not available at press expression when she made the statement. Asen, arguing the court could not would make someone unfit for duty. time for comment. In an April 3 ruling, Magistrate D. legally consider documents that were "Our view is that her statement that Crowley, who has been expelled from Brock Hornby said that Matthews' written after her trial, said that just she is a lesbian is an admission rather the university pending the outcome of an discharge -as a result of her declaration because Matthews is a lesbian does not than a statement that is protected from appeal, said he was dissatisified with be- of homosexuality, without any evidence Mean she would engage in homosexual the First Amendment and no different ing asked to leave the residential life of homosexual conduct," violated her acts while on duty. from an officer candidate announcing to system. constitutional rights. "If she is a lesbian and if she has the military that he is nearsighted," he Crowley said, "I felt I should have Matthews re-enlisted in the ROTC engaged in homosexual acts, she has not said. (see ASSAULT page 3) ,e• DecivribeK" 2 The Daily Maine Campus. Wednesday, 5, 1984 Stodder Complex holds parking grievance meeting by Kelli Theriault run, for more spaces around here?" Cor- Reynolds.
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