The Notebook (2004) Cast: , , , Rachel McAdams, Director: Synopsis: Ryan Gosling stars as a poor and passionate young man, Noah, who falls in love with a rich young woman, Allie ( Rachel McAdams) . But as time passes they separate due to social differences. However, at the climax they reunite and live happily thereafter. Review: An awesome romantic drama is potrayed by Nick Cassavetes.Innocence of summer romance, harshness of society, social difference,hope and everything that is needed to make an awesome heart touching plot is, in it. Story begins with old Noah (James Garner) narrating their story to his love, old Allie (Gena Rowlands) suffering from a rare incurable disease because of which she can't remember things. Noah is an adrenaline-filled, innocent boy who works at a wood factory. Allie is a sweet, seventeen year teenager whose life is guided by her rich parents. In summer of 1940's, Noah and Allie first meet, and within few days, they become inseperable. Such type of sweetness of first love is seen on screen after a long time. Great photographic sceneries involving beautiful locations of country side , calmness of a river, grace of night are mesmerizing. Due to social differences, stubborness of Allie's parents, tough reality, they got seperated . Noah is trying hard to get back to her summer love, but everything he tries is in vain. Finally, they move on . Allie starts enjoying her college life, leaving behind the thoughts of the past. Noah, too joins US army during wartime, but deep within his heart there is still a hope that they will meet one day. By selling his father's house and some loan from banks, Noah builds his dream house(which he promises during summers of 1940 to Allie, will built) . Allie gets engaged with a rich western army Lieutenant, Lon. Though Noah spends some time with Martha, a war widow, yet his summer love's memories are still not faded. With interesting sequential situation, Allie again finds herself back with Noah in their dream house. She gets in dilemna again whom to choose poor Noah or rich Lon . She finaly chooses what is right for her and lived happily therafter. Every role in the movie is well scripted . James Marsden deserves a mention for managing to pull of a hard role as the "rich man" well. It is a must watch movie for all those who are bored with Sci-Fi movies and interested in watching a beautifuly carved romantic screen plot.