Source Water Protection CTC SWP Region Central Lake Conservation Authority Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Credit Valley Conservation

Interim Watershed Characterization Report Central Conservation Authority Watersheds

Part of the Source Water Protection Plan Program For the CTC SWP Region

Prepared by:

March, 2007

CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization


This report was written by Gayle Soo Chan and Jonathan Staples of CLOCA and Richard Gerber of Gerber Geosciences Inc. Shelly Cuddy (now with the Regional Municipality of Durham), Amber Lepine and Godofredo Carpio of CLOCA provided text, numerous data sets and figures vital to the completion of this document. Various other staff at CLOCA, too numerous to mention, also contributed information that is summarized in this document. This is the first report of the program aimed at summarizing and collating all of the existing information and mapping relating to Source Protection for the watersheds within the CLOCA jurisdiction. The basic objectives of this first phase of the program were to analyse what information is available, and assess what information or knowledge is needed in the future to address the input necessary in the development of the Source Water Protection Plan.

CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization



The objective of a Source Water Protection Plan (SWP Plan) is to establish measures to protect both the quality and quantity of sources of drinking water within a given region. The SWP Plan is considered the first step in a multi-barrier approach to ensuring safe drinking water. Subsequent barriers are expected to occur with safeguard implementation during treatment, distribution, monitoring and responses to emergencies.

The development of a SWP Plan will be based on a technical assessment of the many different sources of drinking water and the potential threats to those drinking water sources. The Plan will be developed through two main phases that are summarized briefly below.

Assessment Phase

ƒ Evaluation of vulnerability of drinking water sources (quality and quantity) through a technical review of the hydrological, geological and hydrogeological setting of a given area termed Watershed Characterization; ƒ Evaluation of potential threats, both current and future, to these sources from a quality and quantity perspective termed Issues/Threats Identification; and ƒ For each threat identified, the risk of contamination or depletion will be assessed to determine risk category (significant, moderate, low or negligible) termed Risk Assessment/Categorization.

Implementation Phase

ƒ Identify measures to reduce the risks; ƒ Each measure will specify responsibilities, timing and method for completion; and ƒ Monitoring and evaluation activities.

It is expected that the public will be consulted throughout the development of the SWP planning process. While the SWP Plan development process was initiated in November 2004 in the absence of legislation, it is expected that Conservation Authorities will be responsible for watershed-based descriptions and water budgets while the Municipal partners will remain responsible for water supply issues such as the delineation of wellhead protection zone areas and issues surrounding surface water intakes.

The Province of Ontario intends to create SWP Plans for all watersheds within the Province (MOE, 2004a; b) and has created groupings of Conservation Authorities (CA) to work together to create SWP Plans with their Municipal partners. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC), the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) have been grouped together in what is herein termed the CTC SWP Planning Region.


This is the first report of the program, entitled Watershed Characterization (revised and updated draft), and is aimed at summarizing and collating existing information and mapping

March, 2007 Page 3 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization relating to SWP for the watersheds within the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) study area.

The basic objectives of this initial task are to analyse available information, and assess what information or knowledge gaps exist relative to the protection of drinking water supplies within a watershed context. Given the timelines for completion and the varied stages of understanding across the region for the various components, this reporting exercise is by no means expected to be a complete analysis of all watershed conditions. While it provides a good overview of work completed to date and general findings, the main objective is to identify critical drinking water issues and to determine what work is required to conduct drinking source water protection to provincial standards. It is expected that this work will, however, become an invaluable building block to more detailed watershed descriptions and findings that will ensue under future locally specific programs and initiatives. The information and the gaps analysis presented in this report will direct the preparation of future CA work plans.

Topics of consideration discussed in this Watershed Characterization include discussions of:

ƒ Existing studies that contribute to the knowledge base necessary for the SWP Planning program; ƒ Watershed-based topics including physiography, climate, population, land use, water use and existing water-related monitoring systems; ƒ The physical setting including the geology, hydrology (surface water flow system) and hydrogeology (groundwater flow system); ƒ The status of water budget studies aimed at delineating the interaction of the various reservoirs within the hydrologic cycle and quantifying the resource; ƒ The current water use quantities and locations; ƒ Historical and current water quality information; ƒ Existing protection area delineation; and ƒ Data/information/knowledge gaps and key issues of concern relative to the protection of the sources of drinking water.

During the past year, the Ministries of the Environment and Natural Resources Source Protection Implementation Groups (SWIG) have developed guidance documents for carrying out the technical assessments required to aid the development of the SWP Plans. This report was revised to meet the requirements outlined in the Watershed Characterization technical guidance module. Additionally, this document was peer reviewed by a municipal technical advisary group and multiple revisions resulting from that process have been made. Provincial requirements require an additional peer review process with a provincial/ Conservation Ontario team that will commence with the delivery of this document. It is anticipated that the resulting comments will be addressed during the full assessment report compilation phase.


CLOCA has prepared this Watershed Characterization report following the direction outlined in the Assessment Report: Draft Guidance Module 1 Watershed Characterization, MOE (April 10, 2006). This “executive summary” briefly summarizes the components of this report.

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CLOCA’s watersheds (herein also referred to as the study area) are located along the north shore of Lake Ontario and all rivers and creeks present within the study area ultimately discharge to Lake Ontario. The major landform occurring within the study area, namely, the Oak Ridges Moraine, forms a topographic high along the northern boundaries. Ground surface topography ranges from 75 metres above sea level (masl) at Lake Ontario to over 365 masl near Chalk Lake. The climate within the Study area can be characterized as temperate with Lake Ontario providing a moderating influence. Total average annual precipitation generally ranges from 750 to 900 mm/year, with snowfall accounting for approximately 15 to 20% of the total precipitation. More than 50% of the total annual precipitation is returned to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration.

Major aquifer systems occur within the thick package of Quaternary-age sediments situated throughout the study area. These sediments represent deposition (and erosion) during glacial and interglacial periods over the last 125,000 years, and the thickness of these sediments range from 0 to 250 m. The most prominent aquifer within the Quaternary sediments is associated with the Oak Ridges Moraine. Other aquifer systems within Quaternary sediments are associated with bedrock valleys, which often contain considerable thicknesses of sand and gravel, and the Iroquois Beach deposits.

Groundwater flow directions throughout the study area are, like the surface water flow system, generally towards Lake Ontario with local deflections towards streams. Significant groundwater recharge occurs over the higher elevation areas of the study area along the Oak Ridges Moraine. Significant groundwater discharge occurs where steep slopes, associated with the flanks of the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois shoreline occur. The Lake Iroquois shoreline represents the near-shore area of a deep glacial lake that existed in the Lake Ontario basin approximately 12,000 years ago. Groundwater discharge directly to Lake Ontario is negligible.


The Study area presently contains a population greater than 300,000 people. In addition, numerous people commute into the area to work each day. Municipal water supply within the Study area is from Lake Ontario, as there are no municipal water supplies obtained from rivers or from groundwater. The municipal water systems are operated by the Regional Municipality of Durham.

Much of the present population is situated along the Lake Ontario shoreline with these urban areas primarily serviced by water obtained from Lake Ontario. The smaller communities and rural areas within the northern part of the study area are serviced by private water wells. The CLOCA jurisdiction does not contain any existing municipal groundwater supply wells. There are, however several privately owned communal drinking water systems (schools, churches, recreational and community centres). Future population growth and expansion of urban areas will be restricted by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (April 2002) and the Greenbelt Plan (February 2005). The intensification of settlement as outlined in the province’s Places to Grow Act, 2005 which identifies areas within the CLOCA study area targeted ‘Urban Growth Centres’ will likely, however, result in increased demand for water and stress on adjacent areas.

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The Source Water Protection process involves developing an understanding of the flowsystem, the various potential contaminant sources and water quantity threats, and assessing the risk that these potential threats pose to the drinking water resources on a watershed basis. Contaminant source mapping is dynamic in nature and the location of potential sources often changes with a change in land status. Details regarding potential contaminant sources may be difficult to obtain in a timely fashion. Contaminant source mapping is therefore an ongoing process that needs to be regularly updated. This places a heavy emphasis on the monitoring systems in place to determine whether any historical or current activities are creating threats to the quality or quantity of the water supply. Monitoring is also necessary to collect the data that is necessary for the development of the understanding of how the flow system functions.

Within the study area there exists a historical monitoring network installed for various purposes and which can be augmented, if need be, to provide support to the SWP Planning program. This monitoring network collects information pertaining, but not limited to the following data types:

ƒ Climate; ƒ Streamflow (quantity – Environment HYDAT and CLOCA; quality – CLOCA and ƒ PWQMN); ƒ Groundwater quantity (water levels) and quality (PGMN); and ƒ Groundwater monitoring networks operated by municipal partners.

Other monitoring programs exist such as aquatic ecosystem studies and wetland monitoring that contributes knowledge to the development of a SWP Plan. Climate data are mainly collected by Environment Canada. These data are augmented by monitoring stations operated by CLOCA and they are discussed further in this report. Continuous streamflow gauges are also maintained by the federal government Water Survey of Canada (WSC) program and CLOCA. Stream water quality is conducted primarily through the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN), augmented by other stations operated by CLOCA to contribute to various programs described further in this report. Streamflow quality is important in overall monitoring of watershed health and necessary to determine chemical loadings to Lake Ontario, the source of water supply for the majority of the population. Groundwater quality and quantity (water levels) are monitored by the province and CLOCA. The suitability of the current monitoring stations and sites along with future monitoring needs is being assessed as part of the overall SWP Plan development process.


CLOCA’s jurisdiction includes a relatively high population and density of development, and as such has experienced some degradation of water resources commensurate with the degree of development. Potential threats within the study area to the quality of water resources include:

ƒ Sewage treatment plant discharge; ƒ Private septic systems and septage land application; ƒ Biosolids land application; ƒ Road salt application; ƒ Rural and urban development including industrial activities;

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ƒ Agriculture, particularly nutrients and pesticides/herbicides; ƒ Landfills; ƒ Chemical Spills ƒ Aggregate extraction; and ƒ Improperly maintained or abandoned wells ƒ Spills associated with Nuclear Facilities.

Potential threats within the study area to the quantity of the water resource include:

ƒ Aggregate extraction; ƒ Large infrastructure dewatering; ƒ Land development and associated growth in water demand; ƒ Large irrigation takings; and ƒ Climate change including drought.

Existing threats and issues are discussed in more detail in this report. Any historical “Significant Threats” relative to the water supply have or are to be dealt with by the municipality through the Source Protection Municipal activities.


CLOCA has conducted a gap analysis utilizing a three-tiered approach involving: ƒ Database management gaps relating to the structure or approach developed for the each of the CA partners and the CTC Region to manage data; ƒ Data gaps; and ƒ Knowledge gaps referring to the lack of reference material, studies or tools required to conduct an analysis.

Currently, a three-database system is being considered within the overall database management system. This system includes:

1. Internal relational databases that house aquatic ecosystem and stream survey information conducted by CLOCA; 2. The CAMC-YPDT (Conservation Authority Moraine Coalition – York Peel Durham Toronto Oak Ridges Moraine groundwater study) database that includes subsurface information (boreholes, wells, water levels, chemistry); and 3. The contaminant inventory database to be provided by the province.

Future work will aim to develop and refine the overall database management system. Tasks and future additions/refinements that may be necessary for the database system include:

ƒ Land classification map refinement; ƒ Continued groundwater level and chemistry monitoring and analysis involving both PGMN wells and municipal partner monitoring wells (where data is provided); ƒ Low flow streamflow surveys (quality and quantity) to characterize discharge zones and associated water quality. Theses surveys are also useful to delineate zones that may be impacted by human activities. ƒ Overland and streamflow travel time studies to be able to address possible spills response protocol and actions; ƒ Enhance the continuous streamflow gauge network and update data regarding discharge to streams;

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ƒ Enhance the coverage of climate data; ƒ Update and verify outdated or missing water use data including Permit to Take Water (PTTW) information; and ƒ Preparation of a contaminant source database and associated risk to drinking water provided by each potential source.

Knowledge gaps relate to analysis and tool development to estimate and/or refine the water budget estimates and understand how the flow system operates. These tools enable predictions of impacts from potential future changes such as climate change or increased municipal supply from groundwater. Knowledge gaps that may need to be addressed include:

ƒ Refinement of aquifer characterization and flow system understanding including the orientation of bedrock valley systems and significant area recharge and discharge mapping; ƒ Development of surface water modelling capabilities; ƒ Refinement of a three-dimensional groundwater flow modelling tools; ƒ Refinement of the interaction of the surface water and groundwater flow models; ƒ Development of acceptable water use targets to protect both the resource and the aquatic ecosystem; and ƒ Development of methodology and tools to provide spills response analysis, which will involve all pathways including overland flow, stream travel and groundwater flow including the unsaturated zone transport.

Specific details relative to the gap analysis conducted are included in this report. A need across CLOCA’s jurisdiction is to further develop and promote its existing Clean Water Stewardship Program which supports well upgrades and abandonment, nutrient management best management practices, and land restoration initiatives on private lands. These efforts assist in-part in removing potential pathways for contaminants.


A significant effort has been expended during this Watershed Characterization phase of the SWP program to document what information is available relative to the development of a source water protection plan, and assess what knowledge and information is needed in the future.

There are no current municipal water supplies from groundwater in the study area. There are, however, numerous private wells and communal systems that obtain a water supply from groundwater. Many of these are clustered in hamlets (e.g. Macedonian Village, Hampton, Ashburn, Columbus). The municipal supplies that do exist occur along the Lake Ontario shoreline (e.g. Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, and Bowmanville) and obtain water from the lake. Collected data suggests some water quantity stress in developed areas and environs particularly to shallow unconfined aquifer systems (along the ancestral Iroquois Beach shoreline). Though not showing long-term downward trends, groundwater hydrographs (see Appendix 7) for some shallow wells that exhibit flashy conditions (short term seasonal fluctuations of up to 3 meters).These conditions are thought to be associated with climate change. Sensitive shallow groundwater systems are extremely vulnerable to erratic climate conditions. It has been speculated as well that some low water symptoms may be associated with a reduction in recharge resulting from development. This latter speculation has not been substantiated and requires further investigation. Water level impacts

March, 2007 Page 8 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization associated with large infrastructure construction project have been noted. Provincial permits with conditions to manage any potential impacts generally govern these types of projects. Data collected for deeper aquifers exhibit less fluctuation. Groundwater and stream water quality is generally good (most values below Ontario Drinking water standards) in the study area. Monitoring data, however, suggests some deterioration for certain parameters. Groundwater samples show a rise in chloride and nitrate particularly in shallow wells over the last 3 years (C.A. sampling period). These trends are thought to be associated with increased development (road salting activities and industrial activities), as well as site- specific issues such as leaching septic beds and agricultural activities.

Similar trends in chlorides and nitrates are observed in stream water quality. The recorded chloride levels in the southern developed part of the study area exceeded Ontario Drinking water standards. These trends are thought to be associated with increased development and associated activities such as the application of de-icing salts on roadways. It should be noted that there are several activities that may have negative impacts on the environment that are considered essential to ensure the safety of the inhabitants of an area. The key is to manage such activities to ensure that these threats do not become risks to drinking water quality and human health. While some locations as outlined in this report within CLOCA warrant further investigation (primarily vulnerable clustered private and or communal systems with established water quality problems), generally the area has good source water quality and few water quantity issues.

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Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION...... 6 1.1 Data Sources ...... 6 1.1.1 Data Matrix Sources...... 6 1.1.2 Monitoring Data Sources...... 6 Streamflow Gauging ...... 6 Precipitation/Meteorological Gauging ...... 6 Snow Cover ...... 6 Groundwater ...... 6 Surface Water Quality...... 6 Low Flow Streamflow Surveys...... 6 Biological Monitoring...... 6 Coastal Wetland Monitoring...... 6 1.1.3 Information Management System...... 6 1.2 Knowledge and Data Gaps ...... 6 1.2.1 Data Management Framework ...... 6 1.2.2 Data Management Gap Reporting...... 6 1.2.3 Data Gap Reporting...... 6 Data Gaps...... 6 SWP Mapping and Data Requirements ...... 6 Modelling Data Requirements...... 6 Addressing Data and Data Management Gaps ...... 6 1.2.4 Knowledge Gaps ...... 6 2.0 WATERSHED DESCRIPTION...... 6 2.1 Source Water Protection Region...... 6 2.1.1 Study Area Overview...... 6 2.1.2 Vision and Mandate of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ...... 6 2.1.3 Historical Events...... 6 2.1.4 Key Studies ...... 6 Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWMP’s)...... 6 Aquatic Resource Management Plans (ARMP's) ...... 6 Fisheries Management Plans (FMP's) ...... 6 Conservation Area Management Plans ...... 6 Wetland Protection...... 6 Existing Valued Features ...... 6 2.1.5 Stakeholders and Partners...... 6 Municipalities ...... 6 Provincial Agencies...... 6 Federal Government ...... 6 First Nations...... 6 Stakeholders, Engaged Public, Non-Governmental Organizations ...... 6 2.2 The Physical Description ...... 6 2.2.1 Geology ...... 6 Stratigraphic Framework...... 6 Bedrock Geology ...... 6 Surficial Geology...... 6 Scarborough Formation ...... 6

March, 2007 Page 10 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Sunnybrook Drift ...... 6 Thorncliffe Formation ...... 6 Newmarket Till ...... 6 Regional Unconformity (“Tunnel Channels”)...... 6 Oak Ridges Moraine Deposits ...... 6 Halton Till ...... 6 Surficial Glaciolacustrine Deposits...... 6 2.2.2 Topography ...... 6 2.2.3 Physiography...... 6 2.2.4 Soil Characteristics...... 6 2.3 Hydrology...... 6 2.3.1 Surface Water Hydrology ...... 6 Drainage ...... 6 Fluvial Geomorphology ...... 6 Rapid Stream and Rapid Geomorphic Assessments...... 6 Stream Order ...... 6 Thermal Classifications...... 6 Total Streamflow ...... 6 Low Flow Streamflow...... 6 Modelling Activities ...... 6 2.3.2 Groundwater and Hydrogeology...... 6 Modelling Activities ...... 6 Hydrostratigraphy...... 6 Groundwater Flow...... 6 Hydraulic Properties...... 6 Recharge ...... 6 Discharge...... 6 2.3.3 Surface-Groundwater Interactions...... 6 Low Flow Streamflow Surveys...... 6 Conceptual Flow Model ...... 6 2.3.4 Climate ...... 6 2.4 Naturally Vegetated Areas ...... 6 2.4.1 Wetlands...... 6 2.4.2 Woodlands and Vegetated Riparian Areas ...... 6 2.5 Aquatic Ecology ...... 6 2.5.1 Fisheries...... 6 2.5.2 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates...... 6 2.5.3 Species and Habitats at Risk...... 6 2.5.4 Invasive Species...... 6 2.6 Human Characterization ...... 6 2.6.1 Population Distribution and Density...... 6 2.6.2 Land Use ...... 6 Land Use and Planning...... 6 Settlement Areas ...... 6 Brownfields ...... 6 Landfills...... 6 Mining and Aggregate Extraction...... 6 Oil and Gas ...... 6 Forestry...... 6 Transportation...... 6 Wastewater Treatment...... 6

March, 2007 Page 11 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Agricultural Resources ...... 6 Recreation ...... 6 Protected Areas...... 6 Other Land Use Related Issues ...... 6 2.7 Water Uses ...... 6 2.7.1 Drinking Water Uses...... 6 2.7.2 Municipal Wells as defined in Regulation 170 ...... 6 2.7.3 Communal Wells as defined in Regulation 252...... 6 2.7.4 Private Groundwater Supplies...... 6 2.7.5 Surface Water Intakes...... 6 2.7.6 Recreational Water Use ...... 6 2.7.7 Ecological Water Use ...... 6 2.7.8 Agricultural Water Use...... 6 2.7.9 Industrial Water Use...... 6 2.8 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Watershed Description...... 6 3.0 WATER QUALITY ...... 6 3.1 Selecting Indicator Parameters...... 6 3.1.1 Surface Water Parameters...... 6 3.1.2 Groundwater Parameters ...... 6 3.2 Surface Water Quality Data Analysis and Reporting ...... 6 3.2.1 Statistical Analysis...... 6 3.2.2 Water Quality Results...... 6 3.2.3 Modelling Activities...... 6 3.3 Groundwater Quality Data Analysis and Reporting...... 6 3.3.1 Introduction...... 6 WWIS and Snapshot Studies...... 6 PGMN ...... 6 3.3.2 Data Analysis...... 6 General Groundwater Chemistry ...... 6 Analysis of Trends at Each Monitoring Well ...... 6 3.3.3 Aquifer Characterization...... 6 3.4 Raw Water Characterization for Drinking Water Intakes...... 6 3.5 Microbial Source Water Characterization...... 6 3.6 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quality ...... 6 4.0 WATER QUANTITY...... 6 4.1 Water Use ...... 6 4.2 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quantity...... 6 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF VULNERABLE AREAS...... 6 5.1 Identification of Source Water Protection Areas ...... 6 5.2 Groundwater: Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA’s)...... 6 5.3 Surface Water: Intake Protection Zones (IPZ’s)...... 6 5.3.1 Small River and Inland Lake Systems...... 6 5.3.2 Great Lakes and Interconnecting Large River Systems ...... 6 5.3.3 Other Vulnerable Areas: Aquifer Vulnerability ...... 6 Depth to First Aquifer ...... 6 Depth to Water Table...... 6 ISI, AVI and SAAT ...... 6 5.3.4 Potential Future Drinking Water Sources ...... 6

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5.4 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Vulnerable Areas ...... 6 6.0 EXISTING SPECIFIC THREATS INVENTORIES...... 6 6.1 Threats to Groundwater Quality...... 6 6.2 Threats to Surface Water Quality...... 6 6.3 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Threats Inventory/Assessment ...... 6 6.4 Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Plan...... 6 7.0 SUMMARY OF IDENTIFIED ISSUES AND CONCERNS ...... 6 7.1 Identified Issues ...... 6 7.2 Identified Concerns ...... 6 7.3 Identified Issues and Concerns Summary Sheet...... 6 7.3.1 Issues: Preliminary Summary...... 6 7.3.2 Concerns: Preliminary Summary...... 6 7.4 Inventorying Identified Issues and Concerns ...... 6 7.5 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Identified Issues and Concerns...... 6 8.0 SUMMARY...... 6 9.0 REFERENCES...... 6 APPENDIX 1: SUMMARY OF EXISTING WATERSHED REPORTS (SWP RELATED) ...... 6 APPENDIX 2: DRINKING WATER SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM (DWSP)...... 6 APPENDIX 3: SURFACE WATER QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION (PWQMN/CLOCA)... 6 APPENDIX 4: SURFACE WATER QUALITY MODELLING (AVGWLF/CANWET)...... 6 APPENDIX 5: SURFACE WATER QUANTITY CHARACTERIZATION (HYDAT)...... 6 APPENDIX 6: GROUNDWATER QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION (PGMN) ...... 6 APPENDIX 7: GROUNDWATER QUANTITY CHARACTERIZATION (PGMN)...... 6

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List of Tables

Table 1: Surface water gauge details, CLOCA/Provincial Stream Gauge Network stations... 6 Table 2: Meteorological station details, CLOCA and A.E.S stations...... 6 Table 3: Snow course station details, CLOCA stations...... 6 Table 4: PGMN groundwater monitoring well details...... 6 Table 5: Surface water quality station details, PWQMN and CLOCA stations...... 6 Table 6: Low flow monitoring details, CLOCA stations...... 6 Table 7: Durham Region coastal wetlands currently monitored...... 6 Table 8: Monitoring databases and data description...... 6 Table 9: Data management gaps identified...... 6 Table 10: Summary of SWP Mapping and Data Requirements...... 6 Table 11: CANWET Model Data Requirements (draft) ...... 6 Table 12: ArcHydro data model anticipated requirements...... 6 Table 13: Municipal data sets requested...... 6 Table 14: Provincial data sets requested...... 6 Table 15: SWP data sets received (2005-2006)...... 6 Table 16: Interested Stakeholders, Engaged Public and NGO’s (2005)...... 6 Table 17: Geologic correlation for the central and east ORM area including the study area.. 6 Table 18: Hydrologic Soil Groups (Chisholm, 1981)...... 6 Table 19: Hydrologic soil group spatial estimates in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Table 20: Rapid geomorphic assessments for 11 reaches within the Oshawa Creek...... 6 Table 21: Rapid stream assessments for 11 reaches within the Oshawa Creek...... 6 Table 22: Stream order numbers and measurements within the Oshawa Creek...... 6 Table 23: Peak Flows (m3/s), Visual Otthymo calculations (CLOCA, 2002)...... 6 Table 24: Hydrostratigraphic units...... 6 Table 25: Summary of hydraulic conductivity estimates for the Duffins Creek watershed. Table modified from Gerber and Howard, 2000...... 6 Table 26: Summary of hydraulic conductivity (K) estimates used in the Core Model (Earthfx, 2004)...... 6 Table 27: Summary of unit recharge rates applicable to the study area...... 6 Table 28: Annual average recharge values used in the calibrated Regional Model, (MODFLOW: Earthfx, 2004)...... 6 Table 29: Summary of total precipitation and streamflow data...... 6 Table 30: Climate stations periods of record...... 6 Table 31: Wetland areas by percentage of the CLOCA study area...... 6 Table 32: Vegetated areas by percentage of the CLOCA study area...... 6 Table 33: - Minimum Expected WQI Values for Different Watercourse Types ...... 6 Table 34: Land use by percentage of CLOCA study area...... 6 Table 35: Land use/cover reclassification as percentage of total study area for hydrologic modelling...... 6 Table 36: Recommended population forecast 2011-2031...... 6 Table 37: Employment forecast 2011-2031...... 6 Table 38: WPCP’s within CLOCA - Durham Region (source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005))...... 6 Table 39: Regional Sludge/Biosolids Management summary (1999-2003 Average). (Source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005))...... 6 Table 40: Regional Biosolids Historic and Projected Production in CLOCA. (Source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005))...... 6 Table 41: Historical classification for census reporting farms by type...... 6 Table 42: Animal Type and AEU...... 6

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Table 43: Animal equivalent units, estimates from 2001 Statistics Canada census data...... 6 Table 44: Evaluated wetlands by OMNR...... 6 Table 45 : Summary of Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Water Supply Plants (Durham Region 2005 WSP Reports)...... 6 Table 46: Data and knowledge gaps identified for watershed description...... 6 Table 47: Indicator surface water quality parameters...... 6 Table 48: Indicators of groundwater quality...... 6 Table 49: All surface water quality monitoring stations in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Table 50: Statistical results for phosphorous, nitrate, chloride, and copper for select water quality sites within CLOCA. All analysis was completed with AquaChem Water Quality software...... 6 Table 51. Summary of groundwater chemistry data from groundwater quality “snapshot” program (mg/L unless otherwise stated)...... 6 Table 52: Groundwater monitoring wells grouped together for analysis. Groupings are based on aquifer unit and depth...... 6 Table 53: Dissolved Constituents in Potable Ground Water Classified According to Relative Abundance. Modified from Davis, S.N., and R.J. DeWiest, 1966, Hydrogeology...... 6 Table 54: List of all groundwater samples with parameters that have shown to exceed the ODWS at least once. All exceedences are highlighted in red...... 6 Table 55: Summary of groundwater quality trends found in wells located in the study area. 6 Table 56: Parameter summary for all monitoring wells in the study area arranged by aquifer unit...... 6 Table 57: Parameters Sampled for under the Drinking Water Surveillance Program and their Corresponding ODWSs & PWQOs...... 6 Table 58: Parameters Exceeded for the Bowmanville, Oshawa & Whitby Water Supply Plants between 1996 and 2005...... 6 Table 59: Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quality ...... 6 Table 60: Permitted Takings (2005 CLOCA Survey) ...... 6 Table 61: Estimate of Groundwater Use for the study area: From Gartner Lee Durham Region Water Use Report (2004) ...... 6 Table 62: Renewable Groundwater Resources in the CLOCA study area (after Gartner Lee and Totten Sims Hubicki 2003) ...... 6 Table 63: Data and knowledge gaps identified for water quantity...... 6 Table 64: Data and knowledge gaps identified for vulnerable areas...... 6 Table 65: Data and knowledge gaps identified for Threats Inventory/Assessment...... 6 Table 66: Issues: preliminary summary gathered from historical reports of interest...... 6 Table 67: Issues: preliminary from 2002 EC, Water Quality Exceedences (Oshawa Creek). 6 Table 68: Issues: Exceedences of Sediment Quality Guidelines (EHD-OR, 2002, Lake Ontario tributaries)...... 6 Table 69 : Issues: Organochlorine, PAH, metal parameters exceeding TEL and PEL guidelines, DRCWMP, 2002...... 6 Table 70: Issues: Preliminary summary of PGMN Exceedences...... 6 Table 71: Issues: Biological Conditions – Oshawa Creek (CLOCA, 2000)...... 6 Table 72: Concerns: preliminary summary...... 6 Table 73: Data and knowledge gaps identified for SWP Issues and Concerns...... 6

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List of Figures

Figure 1: A generalized overview of the major steps towards the establishment of a Source Water Protection Plan. Figure from MOE 2004b...... 6 Figure 2: Reporting organization for the CTC SWP Planning July 2005 reporting requirements...... 6 Figure 3: Location of the study area...... 6 Figure 4: CLOCA Water Monitoring Network - 2006...... 6 Figure 5: Hydrograph of static water level fluctuations, PGMN shallow well W40-1, Courtice, ON...... 6 Figure 6: Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN) within the study area...... 6 Figure 7: Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project locations...... 6 Figure 8: Proposed data needs and format for the CTC SWP Region...... 6 Figure 9: CTC SWP Region database and GIS contacts...... 6 Figure 10: CLOCA stakeholders and partners...... 6 Figure 11: GSC stratigraphic framework for the Oak Ridges Moraine and south flank (figure from Sharpe et al., 2002, 6 Figure 12: Quaternary deposits found within the Toronto area (Figure modified slightly from Eyles, 2002, p. 199)...... 6 Figure 13: Maximum extent of Laurentide ice sheet approximately 18-20,000 years ago that led to deposition of the Newmarket Till...... 6 Figure 14: Deposition of Oak Ridges Moraine between two ice lobes approximately 12- 13,000 years ago (Figure modified from Chapman and Putnam, 1984, Figure 11h p. 33)...... 6 Figure 15: Surficial geology of the CLOCA study area. Geology from the Ontario Geological Survey, 2003...... 6 Figure 16: Quaternary sediment thickness...... 6 Figure 17: Bedrock geology of the CLOCA study area. Geology from the Ontario Geological Survey, 1999...... 6 Figure 18: Bedrock topography of the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 19: Interpreted Scarborough Formation thickness...... 6 Figure 20: Interpreted Sunnybrook Drift thickness...... 6 Figure 21: Interpreted thickness of the Thorncliffe Formation...... 6 Figure 22: Conceptual model of the internal architecture of the Newmarket Till. Figure from Gerber et al., 2001...... 6 Figure 23: Interpreted thickness of the Newmarket Till...... 6 Figure 24: Interpreted thickness of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Mackinaw Interstadial deposits...... 6 Figure 25: Interpreted Halton Till (and glaciolacustrine veneer) thickness...... 6 Figure 26: Southwest-northeast trending cross section through the CLOCA jurisdiction...... 6 Figure 27: Ground surface topography of the study area...... 6 Figure 28: Physiographic regions of the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 29: Soil types in the CLOCA study area (OMAFRA, 1989)...... 6 Figure 30: Hydrologic soil group distribution in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 31: Major watersheds of the CLOCA study area ...... 6 Figure 32 : Thermal Classification (CLOCA, 2007)...... 6 Figure 33: Daily mean streamflow calculated at six WSC HYDAT sites with extended periods of record...... 6 Figure 34: Locations of the Regional (240 m grid) and Core (100 m grid) numerical groundwater flow models. Figure from Earthfx (2004)...... 6 Figure 35: Water table surface elevation...... 6

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Figure 36: Flowing well locations...... 6 Figure 37: Downward gradients estimated based on water table and deeper aquifer potentiometric surface...... 6 Figure 38: Estimated groundwater recharge distribution for Durham Region. Figure from Gartner Lee Limited, 2003b...... 6 Figure 39: Summary of available watershed recharge and discharge estimates. Data from Totten Sims Hubicki, 2003; XCG Consultants Ltd., 2003; Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, 2003; Aquafor Beech Limited, 2003; Clarifica, 2002; 2003b; Earthfx, 2004; Gerber Geosciences Inc., 2005)...... 6 Figure 40: Distribution of recharge in the Regional Model (Earthfx, 2006)...... 6 Figure 41: Potential discharge areas in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 42: Simulated groundwater discharge to streams (Earthfx, 2006) in the CLOCA study area. Note: No relationship between significant digits and level of accuracy implied...... 6 Figure 43: Provincial Stream Gauge Network in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 44: Example of the total streamflow hydrograph separation technique to yield estimates of groundwater discharge and runoff...... 6 Figure 45: Lynde Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 46: Lynde Creek profile...... 6 Figure 47: Oshawa Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 48: Oshawa Creek profile...... 6 Figure 49: Harmony Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 50: Harmony Creek profile...... 6 Figure 51: Farewell Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 52: Farewell Creek profile...... 6 Figure 53: watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 54: Bowmanville Creek profile...... 6 Figure 55: Soper Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary...... 6 Figure 56: Soper Creek profile...... 6 Figure 57: Low flow streamflow survey measurement locations (CLOCA network, 2006). .... 6 Figure 58: CLOCA conceptual model of flow system...... 6 Figure 59: Long-term total precipitation trends at the Toronto (6158350) climate station...... 6 Figure 60: Variation of annual precipitation at selected climate stations with extended periods of record...... 6 Figure 61: Climate stations in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 62: Natural cover of the CLOCA study area. Interpretation from 2005 FBS colour orthophotography...... 6 Figure 63: Biological Sampling Results...... 6 Figure 64: Land use of the CLOCA study area. Interpretation from 2005 FBS colour orthophotography...... 6 Figure 65: Land use and cover reclassification for hydrologic modelling...... 6 Figure 66: Waste disposal sites in the CLOCA study area (MOE, 1991)...... 6 Figure 67: Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) locations in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 68: Animal equivalent units (estimated AEU’s) distributed over interpreted agricultural pasture land use classification...... 6 Figure 69: Trends in census reporting farm numbers and acreage within Durham Region, data from Statistics Canada 1986-2001. Current data are not available...... 6 Figure 70: ORMCP and Greenbelt Plan designations in the study area...... 6 Figure 71: ANSI’s and ESA’s that area designated in the CLOCA study area...... 6 Figure 72: Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) and Locally Significant Wetlands (LSW) in the CLOCA study area...... 6

March, 2007 Page 17 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Figure 73: Tile drainage (digitized random and systematic) in the CLOCA study area digitized from OMAFRA information...... 6 Figure 74: Communal Drinking Water Sites...... 6 Figure 76: Water Treatment Plant (WTP) facility and estimated intake locations from Durham Region WTP annual reports, 2005 ...... 6 Figure 77: Permitted Water Taking by Type (PTTW)...... 6 Figure 78: CLOCA surface water quality monitoring stations (PWQMN and CLOCA)...... 6 Figure 79: CLOCA groundwater quality monitoring stations (PGMN)...... 6 Figure 80: Figure 3 Phosphorous concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 81: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Sample sizes vary from 65 samples (SWQ8-Lynde Creek) to 380 samples (SWQ2-Oshawa Creek). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 82: Total Phosphorous concentrations verses time for Oshawa Creek near Lake Ontario, between 1964 and 2005, n=380. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (SWQ2)...... 6 Figure 83: Nitrate (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 84: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered reactive) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 1984. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 85: Time series plot of nitrate (total, filtered reactive) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1981 to 1995. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program. Data gaps for SWQ 32:1991 are reflected in the graph...... 6 Figure 86: Nitrate concentrations verses time for Oshawa Creek near Lake Ontario, between 1964 and 2005, n=380. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (SWQ2)...... 6 Figure 87: Copper concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 88: Time series plot of copper concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1974 to 2005. Samples range from 56 (SWQ8, Lynde Creek at Brooklin) to 246 (SWQ2, Oshawa Creek).Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 89: Time series plot of copper concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 90: Chloride concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the

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Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program...... 6 Figure 91: Chloride concentrations for Oshawa Creek (SWQ2) near Lake Ontario for the years 1964 to 2005 (n=369). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network...... 6 Figure 92: Spatial distribution of surface water chloride concentrations (PWQMN and CLOCA data, 2003 to 2005)...... 6 Figure 93: Groundwater Monitoring Sites (GRIP Snapshot Water Quality Project) ...... 6 Figure 94: Piper diagram for groundwater samples classified by aquifer. Samples were collected between 2002 and 2005 under Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program... 6 Figure 95: Piper diagram for groundwater samples classified by aquifer. Samples were collected between 2002 and 2005 under Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program... 6 Figure 96: Chloride concentrations for the monitoring well located in a residential area in Courtice. Samples taken between 2003 and 2006...... 6 Figure 97: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells, W0000040-1, W0000042-1, and W0000167-1 & W0000262-1. Samples taken between 2003 and 2006...... 6 Figure 98: Spatial distribution of groundwater chloride concentrations (PGMN)...... 6 Figure 99: Permit To Take Water Withdrawal Locations (Groundwater and Surface Water) 6 Figure 100: Depth to first aquifer...... 6 Figure 101: Depth to water table...... 6 Figure 102: Aquifer vulnerability...... 6 Figure 103: Spills reported in the CLOCA study area (2000-2005)...... 6 Figure 104: Threats assessment framework. Figure from MOE, 2004...... 6

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The objective of a Source Water Protection (SWP) Plan is to establish measures to protect both the quality and quantity of sources of drinking water within a watershed. The SWP Plan is considered the first step in a multi-barrier approach to ensuring safe drinking water. Subsequent barriers are expected to occur with safeguard implementation during treatment, distribution, monitoring and responses to emergencies. An outline of the SWP Planning process is included in Figure 1. It is important to note that this process was initiated (January 2004) in the absence of legislation. The process has been evolutionary in nature and it is anticipated that guidelines for the work will continue to evolve as the various modules in the Assessment report are completed. The Watershed Characterization module is but one of the eight of the Assessment report modules. It is anticipated that the public will be consulted throughout once legislation is passed.

The development of a SWP Plan for all of Ontario’s watersheds will be based on a technical assessment of the sources of drinking water progressing through a phased approach. Currently, these include both an assessment and an implementation phase with details as follows:

Assessment Phase (Phase 1)

ƒ Development of Watershed Characterization and Water Budget understanding; ƒ An evaluation of the vulnerability of drinking water sources (quality and quantity); ƒ An evaluation of the potential threats (both present and future) to these sources (quality and quantity); and ƒ For each threat identified, the risk of contamination or depletion will be assessed to determine risk category (significant, moderate, low or negligible).

The provincial technical assessment requirements for source water protection include the following modules. Each assessment report should include a report covering these issues:


Implementation Phase (Phase 2)

ƒ Identify measures to reduce the risks; and ƒ Each measure will specify responsibilities, timing and method for completion and monitoring, and evaluation activities.

The Province of Ontario intends to create SWP Plans for all watersheds within the Province (MOE, 2004a; b) and has created groupings of Conservation Authorities (CA) to work together to create SWP Plans with their Municipal partners. Credit Valley Conservation

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(CVC), the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) have been grouped together in what is herein termed the CTC SWP Planning Region. The CTC organizational structure for technical reporting is outlined in Figure 2.

This document forms the initial reporting requirements for the Assessment Phase and Report for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) jurisdiction and outlines the status of the development of the Watershed Characterization. It also includes a gap analysis, which is critical for compiling future work plans. This initial reporting is due to the Province by the end of June 2006. Figure 3 depicts CLOCA’s SWP study area, based on boundaries provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) for the SWP Planning program.

To a large extent, the information and data gathered and analysed through the watershed characterization process is also interrelated to improving the water budget understanding. Water budgets are reported under separate cover following the Province’s Draft Assessment Report: Guidance Module, Water Budgets, April 10, 2006, MOE, and are only briefly mentioned within this report with respect to surface-groundwater accounting.

Figure 1: A generalized overview of the major steps towards the establishment of a Source Water Protection Plan. Figure from MOE 2004b.

March, 2007 Page 21 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

CTC Source Protection Plan

CTC Watershed Assessment

CTC Watershed Characterization & Future Work Plan Draft – June 2006

CVC Watershed Characterization & Future Work Plan

& Future Work Plan

TRCA Watershed Characterization & Future Work Plan

CLOCA Watershed Characterization & Future Worko Plan

Figure 2: Reporting organization for the CTC SWP Planning July 2005 reporting requirements.

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Figure 3: Location of the study area.

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1.1 Data Sources

1.1.1 Data Matrix Sources

In order to categorize data sources required for SWP watershed characterization, the Province has developed an Excel file named the SWP Data Requirements Matrix. The data sources identified within the matrix were inventoried based on the anticipated requirements of source water protection as summarized in the Conservation Ontario Pilot Project report “Data Requirements & Availability for Source Water Protection Planning” (GRCA, LTRCA, CVCA, 2004). The matrix is intended to:

ƒ Provide a complete list of available data sets for SWP; ƒ Help inventory and evaluate local data; ƒ Help identify data gaps; ƒ Facilitate data request process; and ƒ Facilitate communications around data between neighbouring CA’s and their SWP watershed region.

Included in the matrix are data set names, data descriptions, data access, data sources and links to metadata. The file also includes a list of data sources required to build particular maps. Requests for data have been made by CLOCA through SWP activities to both the Province and local municipalities. An inventory is being maintained of the data and metadata received to date.

1.1.2 Monitoring Data Sources

CLOCA’s monitoring networks provides an ongoing source of data sets that support numerous programs including SWP Planning. The network continues to be refined based on recommendations from various internal and external program reporting. Changes in land use are a primary driver in refining monitoring locations, frequency and parameter selection.

Monitoring data are collected from the monitoring of stream stage and flow, precipitation and snow pack. Prioritization was given to the identification of high flow events through developed portions of CLOCA watersheds. More recently though, the value of hydrologic data for multiple purposes has been realized including the need to better understand low flow and drought conditions, water budgets and trends in aquatic health.

Intrinsic in any monitoring network is the need to employ rigorous quality check procedures and to maintain accessible and maintainable databases, provide ongoing checks of the effectiveness of network components, and to ensure that information generated supports watershed health issues and trend analyses. In addition, a period review of network design supports exiting and new initiatives, as their objectives and needs change.

Components of CLOCA’s Monitoring Network (Figure 4) incorporate both provincial and federal monitoring partnership programs. Current network components include stream gauges, low flows stations, surface water quality sites, climatic stations, snow course, staff gauges, groundwater monitors for water quantity and quality. Aquatic monitoring sites are included in separate mapping (Section

CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Figure 4: CLOCA Water Monitoring Network - 2006.

March, 2007 Page 25 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Streamflow Gauging

Stream gauge data are required for water budgets, assimilative capacity studies, water takings, aquatic studies and recharge and discharge analyses. Total flows, base flows, mean daily flows and mean monthly flow information is derived from the raw level data and stream section and profile survey information.

Stream gauge stations located on main branches of the Lynde Creek, Oshawa Creek and Bowmanville Creek have provided continuous recording since 1959 through Environment Canada’s Water Survey of Canada (WSC) streamflow gauge network. Additional temporary stream gauges have assisted with hydrologic model calibrations. Levels from staff gauges at flood damage centres are generally recorded at high flows only.

The Network Analysis Report (CLOCA, 2002) identified information gaps in the upper 80% of the watershed (above the three main branch gauges) as having no stream flow information. The predominantly rural contribution to total flow was not being represented. To address this gap, eight stations were installed in key areas between 2003 and 2005. Two additional stations were installed during 2005-2006 that will result in a network comprised of a total of 13 active stations (Table 1), which includes both WSC and CLOCA stations. Note that these upgrades were funded through other locally based programs. The additional data will, however, support the SWP water budget work as well as other program requirements. Active gauge stations do not exist on Black Creek, Farewell Creek, Corbett Creek, Goodman Creek, Robinson Creek, Tooley Creek, Darlington Creek, Westside Creek and Bennett Creek. Historical records exist for discontinued WSC gauge stations sited on Farewell and Soper Creeks. Additional stations will be required in order to generate the data required for Source Water Protection Planning initiatives.

Periodic field surveys are taken to compare measured flow rates to the corresponding gauge station reading and are used to calibrate the theoretical rating curve for the station. Environment Canada performs this calibration for stations operated under the WSC network, while CLOCA owned stations are to be calibrated internally. There are currently 6 stations within CLOCA’s jurisdiction where calibration calculations are incomplete (not included the proposed stations). In addition, two existing WSC stations require significant weir repair/installation to maintain the integrity of the data. Several of the stream gauge stations include rain gauge and/or temperature/humidity probes and are noted in Table 1.

Table 1: Surface water gauge details, CLOCA/Provincial Stream Gauge Network stations.


02HC018 (WSC) Lynde Creek(main branch) Dundas St. Water Level hr 1959-current Rainfall 02HD008 (WSC) Oshawa Creek (main branch) Taunton Rd. Water Level hr 1959-current Rainfall 15min 02HD006 (WSC) Bowmanville Creek (main branch) Jackman Rd. Water level hr 1959-current Rainfall Proposed-2005

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02HC055 (WSC) Lynde Creek (west branch) Kinsale Water Level hr 2002-current Rainfall hr Water Temp hr Air Temp hr 02HC054 (WSC) Lynde Creek (east Branch) Brooklin Water Level hr 2002-current Water Temp hr Hampton Bowmanville Creek (west branch) Hampton Water Level hr 2003-current Rainfall hr Water Temp hr Air Temp hr Bowtaunt Taunton Rd. hr Installation not Bowmanville Creek (east branch) Water Level complete Water Temp hr OshWest Oshawa Creek (west branch) Conlin Rd. Water Level hr 2001-current Air Temp hr OshEast Oshawa Creek (east branch) Conlin Rd. Water Level hr 2001-current Air Temp hr OshMain Oshawa Creek (main branch) Thomas St. Water Level hr 2001-current Air Temp hr Pringle Pringle Creek (main branch) Consumers Rd. Water Level hr 2000-current SopEast Taunton Rd. Soper Creek (east branch) Water Level hr Proposed-2005 (02HD223) SopWest Taunton Rd. (02HD222) Soper Creek (west Branch) Water Level hr Proposed-2005 (WSC) Precipitation/Meteorological Gauging

CLOCA operates and maintains five rain gauges positioned throughout the watershed (Table 2). Two gauges that are located on WSC streamflow gauge stations are regularly downloaded. Precipitation monitoring/measurements is a fairly simple process undertaken by obtaining an accurate sample of the precipitation falling at the location of the gauge and having sufficient spatial coverage throughout the watershed to permit accurate estimates of the volume of water falling on a watershed. This information is currently used for comparison with runoff volumes and quantitative hydrologic forecasting. There are two types of climate station measurement locations currently operating within the watershed including:

ƒ CLOCA Stations - the stations operated by the Authority record and archive precipitation data via tipping buckets (generally measuring hourly amounts); and ƒ A.E.S. Stations - the Atmospheric Environment Service of Environment Canada operates continuous gauging sites within and around CLOCA watershed. The precipitation information collected is archived and available from Environment Canada.

Information gaps were identified through the Network Analysis Report (CLOCA, 2002) in the northern portions of the Lynde Creek Watershed, and through the entire Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek watersheds. These issues were addressed by gauge installations near Chalk Lake (Lynde Creek) and Woodley Road (Soper Creek). Included in the 7 station total are gauges located at stream gauge stations 02HC018, and 02HD008 (Table 1). A rain gauge is to be installed at stream gauge station 02HD006 during 2005-2006.

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Climate information is also available through A.E.S and is included in Table 2. AES operates continuous gauging sites within and around the CLOCA watershed. The data are collected by A.E.S. and is available from the EC website. Historical precipitation records used for the CLOCA watershed are primarily recorded at the City of Oshawa WPCP station (6155878) that records mean daily rainfall and snowfall events. Data from A.E.S. stations are archived and found at:

A.E.S. data are periodically exported into the YPDT database for sites within the study area and are listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Meteorological station details, CLOCA and A.E.S stations.


Prec1 Oshawa Creek Coates Rd. Rainfall 1999-present Temperature 2002-present Wind 2002-present Speed/Direction 2002-present BP 2002-present Humidity 2002-present Prec2 Oshawa Creek Howden Rd. Rainfall 1999-present Prec3 Oshawa Creek Whiting Ave. Rainfall 1999-present Temperature 2001-present Wind 2001-present Speed/Direction 2001-present BP 2001-present Humidity 2001-present Prec4 Lynde Creek Chalk Lake Rainfall 2003-present Prec5 Soper Creek Woodley Rd. Rainfall 2003-present 02HC018 (WSC) Lynde Creek Dundas St. Rainfall Current 20HD008 (WSC) Oshawa Creek Taunton Rd. Rainfall Current A.E.S. Sites 6150830 Soper Creek Mostert Climate Stn. Historical 6151042 Bowmanville Creek Burketon McLaughlin Climate Stn. Historical 6154611 Bowmanville Creek Long Sault IHD Climate Stn. Historical 6155874 Pringle Creek Whitby WPCP Climate Stn. Historical 6155876 Oshawa Creek City of Oshawa Climate Stn. Historical 6155877 Harmony Creek Oshawa Fire Hall Climate Stn. Current 6155878 Oshawa Creek Oshawa WPCP Climate Stn. Current 6156634 Bennett Creek Port Darlington WCPC Climate Stn. Current 6157884 Soper Creek Soper Creek WPCP Climate Stn. Current 6159048 Bowmanville Creek Tyrone Climate Stn. Historical Snow Cover

CLOCA operates and maintains five snow course survey locations throughout the watershed (Table 3). A snow course consists of a series of numbered posts driven into the ground 30

March, 2007 Page 28 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization metres apart, usually in a straight line. Snow monitoring involves the use of a calibrated sampler, which is a hollow tube with a cutting edge. The tube is rotated into the snow pack to cut a core of snow down to ground level. Each core is measured for depth of snow, water equivalent, type of crust on the snow and conditions of the ground are recorded at each of the stakes. Most importantly, the water content of the snow is calculated, based on the weight of the snow in a core sampler. One ounce of snow in the sampler contains the equivalent of one inch of water. Snow course measurements are taken twice monthly, from December to May.

Snow cover is used in flood forecasting and as water budget inputs. Snow depth, water equivalent, crust condition and ground condition (below snow) is available for the 5 sites within CLOCA’s watersheds. Snow course sites are located in the Oak Ridges Moraine and Iroquois Beach physiographic regions. An information gap representing the climatic influence of Lake Ontario was identified (CLOCA, 2002) in the southwestern portion of the watershed. Subsequently a site has been added in the lower Lynde Creek watershed.

Table 3: Snow course station details, CLOCA stations.

STATION WATERSHED LOCATION PARAMETER ID RECORD FREQUENCY (Nov-May) PERIOD OF RECORD 4701 Lynde Creek Heron Rd. Snow 2/month current 4909 Lynde Creek Coronation Rd. Snow 2/month current 4802 Oshawa Creek Coates Rd. Snow 2/month current 4903 Bowmanville Creek Woodley Rd. Snow 2/month current 4902 Soper Creek Stephen’s Hill Rd. Snow 2/month current Groundwater

In partnership with the Ministry of Environment (MOE), CLOCA operates and maintains a network of 16 groundwater monitoring wells located throughout the watershed (Table 4). At each site, a datalogger automatically records water levels and temperature in monitoring wells. Each datalogger consists of a sensor, battery, and a datalogger, all housed within a sealed stainless steel housing. The logger uses infra-red data transfer through direct read cables. Dataloggers measure absolute pressure (water pressure + atmospheric pressure) expressed in centimetres of water column. Loggers were installed in the monitoring wells from 2000 to 2003.

The monitoring wells are equipped either as telemetry sites or manual download sites. The telemetry sites are equipped with a cell phone, modem, and battery. The MOE computer downloads the water level data from the datalogger every second week. CLOCA also has the ability to dial these sites to collect data or check equipment operation. The manual download sites are equipped with only the direct read cable, which is connected to a portable computer. The data are downloaded and sent electronically to the MOE Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Information System database (PGMIS). The data are locally exported from PGMIS into the YDPT database using a SITEFX (specialized software) interface. CLOCA is required to perform QA/QC activities to verify the continued accuracy of

March, 2007 Page 29 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization the data. Water levels are measured manually periodically to ensure that the automated systems are functioning correctly. QA/QC activities for all CLOCA wells have not been completed at this time. Efforts are being made to align non SWP funded program deliverables to support SWP analytical requirements. A hydrograph for water table well # W40-1 located in Courtice adjacent to a significant wetland complex is shown in Figure 5. Table 4: PGMN groundwater monitoring well details.


W0000040-1 Farewell Creek Near Courtice Rd. Water Level hr 2001-present W0000041-1 Black Creek Taunton Rd. Water Level hr 2001-present W0000042-1 Soper Creek Region Rd. 20 Water Level hr 2001-present W0000043-3 Bowmanville Creek Fourth St. Water Level hr 2001-present W0000044-2 Soper Creek Bethesda Rd. Water Level hr 2001-present W0000044-3 Soper Creek Bethesda Rd. Water Level hr 2001-present W0000049-1 Oshawa Creek Raglan Rd. Water Level hr 2001-present W00000167-1 Bowmanville Creek Holt Rd. Water Level hr 2002-present W00000166-1 Bowmanville Creek Holt Rd. Water Level hr 2002-present W00000168-1 Bowmanville Creek Mill Stream Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000263-1 Lynde Creek Middle March Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000262-1 Oshawa Creek Grass Grove Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000261-1 Lynde Creek Coronation Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000264-1 Bowmanville Creek Grasshopper Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000264-2 Bowmanville Creek Grasshopper Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present W00000265-1 Bowmanville Creek Grasshopper Rd. Water Level hr 2003-present

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Hydrograph W40-1: Courtice (Average Daily)


) 159.50




Corrected Water Level (masl Level Water Corrected 157.50


1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 7 9 1 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 3 5 7 /0 /0 /1 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /1 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /1 /0 /0 /0 /0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 5: Hydrograph of static water level fluctuations, PGMN shallow well W40-1, Courtice, ON.

In general, sites monitor significant groundwater recharge areas within the Oak Ridges Moraine and in watersheds that originate from the Lake Iroquois Beach. All wells but one monitor surficial formations.

Additionally, water samples are collected from each well twice per year and are analyzed routinely for general chemistry and metals. At a frequency of every fourth or fifth year, samples are collected at certain locations and analyzed for volatile organics and/or pesticides. This sampling frequency may also be adjusted depending on monitor location, interval, local land use, or other identified contaminant issue. Historical water level and quality data are available in hard copy from wells monitored by the MOE through the IHD studies undertaken through the 1960’s and intermittently into the 1980’s.

Groundwater level data collected from monitoring wells listed in Table 4 is locally exported from the provincial PGMIS database into the local YPDT database for use in analysis. Electronic water quality analytical results from the laboratory are currently input directly into the local YPDT database.

March, 2007 Page 31 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Surface Water Quality

As part of CLOCA’s long-term watershed health monitoring, water quality is assessed through both chemical and biological sampling. In general, sampling for chemical and physical parameters is intended to measure stressors (i.e., environmental contamination), whereas biological sampling measures ecological effects.

Chemical and physical characteristics of surface water quality in CLOCA are monitored through the Provincial Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN). CLOCA participates in this program by collecting the samples on monthly intervals from April through November. The samples are analysed for a range of water quality indicators including temperature, Ph, conductivity, turbidity, suspended solids, major ions, nutrients, metals and pesticides in order to screen overall water quality. CLOCA currently monitors nine PWQMN stations located at watershed and subwatershed outlets (Table 5).

Historical data sets exist for each site extending back to the early 1960’s though significant information gaps in the data set have been identified. In addition to the sites currently monitored, 8 historical PWQMN sites exist that also support long-term trend analysis.

Table 5: Surface water quality station details, PWQMN and CLOCA stations.

CLOCA Re- MOE Station ID Creek/Watershed Location First Last Frequency Program ID started Current Sites 6010800102 1 Lynde Creek Victoria St, Whitby 1964 1997 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA 6011100102 2 Oshawa Creek Simcoe St. South, Oshawa 1964 1997 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Colonel Sam Drive, 6011200302 3 Farewell Creek 1980 1997 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Oshawa West Beach Rd, 6011600102 4 Bowmanville Creek 1964 1997 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Bowmanville 6010800402 8 Lynde Creek Baldwin St, Brooklin 1977 1994 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA 6011100302 10 Oshawa Creek Conlin Road, Oshawa 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA 6011200502 14 Black Creek Trulls Road, Courtice 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Hampton Conservation 6011600502 15 Bowmanville Creek 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Area Long Sault Conservation 6011600602 17 Bowmanville Creek 2003 8/year PWQMN / CLOCA Area West Beach Rd, 6011600202 5 Soper Creek 1967 1994 2003 2/year CLOCA Bowmanville Heber Down Conservation 9 Lynde Creek 2004 2/year CLOCA Area 11 Oshawa Creek Conlin Road, Oshawa 2004 2/year CLOCA 6011200102 12 Harmony Creek Bloor St, Oshawa 1964 1981 2005 2/year CLOCA 13 Farewell Creek Nash Road, Courtice 2005 2/year CLOCA 16 Bowmanville Creek Taunton Rd, 2004 2/year CLOCA Soper Creek (west 18 Taunton Rd, Clarington 2004 2/year CLOCA branch) Soper Creek (east 19 Taunton Rd, Clarington 2004 2/year CLOCA branch) Soper Creek (east 20 Gibbs Rd north Conc. 7 2004 2/year CLOCA branch) Soper Creek (east 21 Lambs Road, Clarington 2005 2/year CLOCA branch) Historical Sites CLOCA Re- MOE Station ID Creek/Watershed Location First Last Frequency Program ID started

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Baldwin St, N of Taunton 06010800202 30 Lynde Creek 1977 1978 Rd Winchester Rd, E of Hwy 06010800302 31 Lynde Creek 1977 1988 7/12 06010900102 32 Pringle Creek Brock St, Whitby 1964 1987 06010900302 33 Pringle Creek Watson St, Whitby 1972 1994 06011100202 34 Montgomery Creek Harbour Rd, Oshawa 1966 1994 King St E, Hwy 2, 06011600302 35 Soper Creek 1968 1990 Bowmanville Low Flow Streamflow Surveys

CLOCA is currently working with Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Environment on the Low Water Response Program. The basis of this program is to monitor rainfall and stream flow within the creeks of CLOCA’s watersheds. The Authority has initiated a stream baseflow assessment program. The main objective is to obtain base flow information to assist in the development of a long-term baseflow monitoring network using a pre- determined distribution of measurement sites. These data are also necessary for model calibration in water budgeting exercises, a necessary component for Source Water Protection activities.

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Table 6 lists sites where stream low flow measurements are taken annually beginning in 2002. The field program measures flows taken over spring/summer/fall seasons. Field flow measurements are generally taken at stream crossings and stream gauge stations. These measurements represent a significant source of information that supports aquatic studies, groundwater discharge and water budgets including numerical model calibration. Linking low flow measurements to stream flow gauges will be undertaken by CLOCA during 2006 to 2007 as part of source water protection activities. Table 6: Low flow monitoring details, CLOCA stations.

SITE LOT CON WATERSHED SITE LOT CON WATERSHED SITE LOT CON WATERSHED SBF1 10 B.F.C Soper Creek FBF4 28 06 Farewell Creek OBF34 15 09 Oshawa Creek SBF2 07 01 Soper Creek FBF5 30 06 Farewell Creek OBF35 18 07 Oshawa Creek SBF3 04 01 Soper Creek FBF6 29 07 Farewell Creek OBF36 17 08 Oshawa Creek SBF5 08 02 Soper Creek HBF1 04 01 Harmony Creek OBF37 19 07 Oshawa Creek SBF6 06 03 Soper Creek HBF2 05 02 Harmony Creek OBF38 19 09 Oshawa Creek SBF7 05 05 Soper Creek HBF3 06 02 Harmony Creek LBF1 30 01 Lynde Creek SBF8 07 05 Soper Creek HBF4 34 04 Harmony Creek LBF2 28 03 Lynde Creek SBF9 07 07 Soper Creek HBF5 32 04 Harmony Creek LBF3 26 04 Lynde Creek SBF10 07 08 Soper Creek HBF6 35 04 Harmony Creek LBF4 23 06 Lynde Creek SBF11 07 08 Soper Creek HBF7 03 03 Harmony Creek LBF5 22 07 Lynde Creek SBF12 03 05 Soper Creek HBF8 03 04 Harmony Creek LBF6 21 08 Lynde Creek SBF13 02 06 Soper Creek HBF9 01 04 Harmony Creek LBF7 24 07 Lynde Creek SBF14 03 06 Soper Creek HBF10 34 05 Harmony Creek LBF8 24 08 Lynde Creek SBF15 03 06 Soper Creek OBF1 13 04 Oshawa Creek LBF9 24 09 Lynde Creek SBF16 03 07 Soper Creek OBF2 11 04 Oshawa Creek LBF10 24 09 Lynde Creek SBF17 05 07 Soper Creek OBF3 06 06 Oshawa Creek LBF11 25 09 Lynde Creek BBF1 14 02 Bowmanville Creek OBF4 06 06 Oshawa Creek LBF12 25 08 Lynde Creek BBF2 15 04 Bowmanville Creek OBF5 03 06 Oshawa Creek LBF13 27 09 Lynde Creek BBF3 12 05 Bowmanville Creek OBF6 35 08 Oshawa Creek LBF14 30 09 Lynde Creek BBF4 11 07 Bowmanville Creek OBF7 32 08 Oshawa Creek LBF15 04 01 Lynde Creek BBF5 10 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF8 09 06 Oshawa Creek LBF16 04 01 Lynde Creek BBF6 14 05 Bowmanville Creek OBF9 06 06 Oshawa Creek LBF17 32 03 Lynde Creek BBF7 14 06 Bowmanville Creek OBF10 06 07 Oshawa Creek LBF18 31 05 Lynde Creek BBF8 12 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF11 08 06 Oshawa Creek LBF19 28 06 Lynde Creek BBF9 15 06 Bowmanville Creek OBF12 08 08 Oshawa Creek LBF20 27 07 Lynde Creek BBF10 14 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF13 02 09 Oshawa Creek LBF21 29 06 Lynde Creek BBF11 14 09 Bowmanville Creek OBF14 03 08 Oshawa Creek LBF22 30 07 Lynde Creek BBF12 15 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF15 06 09 Oshawa Creek LBF23 31 08 Lynde Creek BBF13 16 05 Bowmanville Creek OBF16 07 08 Oshawa Creek LBF24 32 09 Lynde Creek BBF14 17 06 Bowmanville Creek OBF17 10 06 Oshawa Creek LBF25 32 06 Lynde Creek BBF15 18 05 Bowmanville Creek OBF18 14 04 Oshawa Creek LBF26 31 07 Lynde Creek BBF16 19 06 Bowmanville Creek OBF19 13 05 Oshawa Creek LBF27 34 08 Lynde Creek BBF17 20 06 Bowmanville Creek OBF20 18 05 Oshawa Creek LBF28 34 08 Lynde Creek BBF18 20 07 Bowmanville Creek OBF21 13 07 Oshawa Creek LBF29 03 07 Lynde Creek BBF19 21 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF22 12 07 Oshawa Creek LBF30 02 08 Lynde Creek BBF20 28 08 Bowmanville Creek OBF23 10 08 Oshawa Creek LBF31 32 06 Lynde Creek BBF21 26 09 Bowmanville Creek OBF24 11 08 Oshawa Creek LBF32 35 06 Lynde Creek BBF22 16 05 Bowmanville Creek OBF25 12 08 Oshawa Creek LBF33 31 01 Lynde Creek BLBF1 24 03 Black Creek OBF26 09 08 Oshawa Creek LBF34 34 01 Lynde Creek BLBF2 20 04 Black Creek OBF27 11 08 Oshawa Creek LBF35 34 03 Lynde Creek

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BLBF3 21 04 Black Creek OBF28 10 08 Oshawa Creek LBF36 34 05 Lynde Creek BLBF4 24 05 Black Creek OBF29 15 07 Oshawa Creek LBF37 01 03 Lynde Creek BLBF5 24 06 Black Creek OBF30 14 08 Oshawa Creek LBF38 02 05 Lynde Creek FBF1 30 04 Farewell Creek OBF31 14 08 Oshawa Creek LBF39 03 05 Lynde Creek FBF2 26 05 Farewell Creek OBF32 14 09 Oshawa Creek FBF3 25 06 Farewell Creek OBF33 15 08 Oshawa Creek

Additionally, a low flow survey was conducted under the in YPDT initiative in 2002 by Conestoga Rovers and Associates. Data gathered from the survey including 47 locations within CLOCA’s jurisdiction are stored in the YPDT database. Biological Monitoring

Biological sampling measures ecological effects, whereas sampling for chemical and physical parameters measures stressors (i.e., environmental contamination). ). Biological indicators are often used towards the assessment of water quality in a watershed. Observed stress through biological sampling is usually one of the first indicators of other more acute environmental issues. Though source water protection technical guidelines do not directly link the assessment and protection of drinking water to biological assessment, it is recognized that the various components of the watershed are closely linked. Protecting source water is important to the biological health of the watershed and biological indicators are fundamental in protecting source water. CLOCA’s biological surveys involve sampling creatures, such as benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, found living within the aquatic environment. Benthic macroinvertebrates make good health indicators of aquatic ecosystems for a number of reasons:

ƒ They generally have limited mobility that makes them vulnerable to many creek stresses that may occur; ƒ They have short life cycles; ƒ They are easily collected and identified; and ƒ Their spatial distribution across the watershed is good.

Consistent with other types of biological sampling, certain species of invertebrates have specific tolerances to various stresses and are referred to as indicator species. Therefore, the presence or absence of these indicator species can be related to the quality of the water.

Historically, CLOCA’s aquatic biological sampling has followed the BioMap protocol (Griffiths, 1998). Sampling was undertaken as part of the Aquatic Resource Management Plan (ARMP) activities for all watersheds within the study area. In CLOCA, ARMP’s have been developed on a watershed-by-watershed basis. To date two ARMP’s have been completed for CLOCA with three additional ARMP’s in progress for a total of five to cover the full CLOCA jurisdiction.

In order to coordinate long-term monitoring efforts CLOCA joined the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN) in 2005. OBBN sites (Figure 6) are closely linked to the CLOCA’s PWQMN sites. This provincial network allows CLOCA to follow a standardized methodology, share resources, and offer technical support.

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Figure 6: Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN) within the study area.

The OBBN is recommending a reference condition approach (RCA) to bioassessment, in , which minimally impacted reference sites are used to define “normal” and set an expectation for community composition at test sites where water and habitat quality are in question. In the RCA approach, test sites with communities lying outside of the normal range are considered unusual and warrant further study to determine if community changes were caused by human activities. Coastal Wetland Monitoring

The Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project is designed as a long-term program assessing the health of 15 wetlands along the north shore of Lake Ontario in Durham Region (Figure 7). Table 7 identifies wetland names corresponding to the numbered sites illustrated in Figure 7.

In order to standardize the collection of biological and physical data among the partner organizations, a Methodology Handbook was developed by Environment Canada and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and fieldwork began in the spring of 2002. Water levels in the Great Lakes have been recorded by the Canadian Hydrographic Service since 1860. These data show that levels in Lake Ontario have varied by up to two metres since that time. In 1958, however, lake level regulation was implemented which resulted in a

March, 2007 Page 36 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization moderating of high and low levels. While lake levels still fluctuate they do not do so to the extent that occurred prior to regulation.

Water level regulation has many benefits for human-related activities, such as commercial shipping, recreational boating, electrical power production, etc. Unfortunately, the decreased fluctuations that have occurred since 1958 appear to have impacted many coastal wetlands that depend on greater water level fluctuations to maintain high levels of biodiversity. The Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River Study Board is currently undertaking a five-year study for the International Joint Commission (IJC) to evaluate the criteria used for regulating water levels on Lake Ontario and in the St. Lawrence River. Both human and natural interests in water level regulation are being considered as part of this study. Extensive public consultation has been and will continue to be part of this process prior to final recommendations being made.

Figure 7: Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project locations. Table 7: Durham Region coastal wetlands currently monitored. # Wetland CA* # Wetland CA* 1 Rouge River Marsh TRCA 9 Pumphouse Marsh CLOCA 2 Frenchman’s Bay Marsh TRCA 10 Oshawa Second Marsh CLOCA 3 Hydro Marsh TRCA 11 McLaughlin Bay Marsh CLOCA 4 Duffins Creek Marsh TRCA 12 Westside Marsh CLOCA 5 Carruthers Creek Marsh TRCA 13Bowmanville Marsh CLOCA 6 Cranberry Marsh CLOCA 14 Wilmot Creek Marsh GRCA 7 Lynde Creek Marsh CLOCA 15 Port Newcastle Wetland GRCA 8 Corbett Creek Marsh CLOCA * CA = Conservation Authority jurisdiction: TRCA = Toronto and Region Conservation Authority CLOCA = Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority GRCA = Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority

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Both physical features and biological communities are being monitored through the Durham Region Coastal Wetlands project. The following physical features or aspects are observed within the Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program:

ƒ Water Quality - Measure various water quality parameters including turbidity (clarity of water), conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorus; ƒ Water Levels - For wetlands that can be cut off from Lake Ontario due to the formation of a barrier beach, measure water levels throughout the vegetation growing season (May to October); ƒ Sediment Quality - Collect recently deposited sediments to analyze for various contaminants including pesticides, metals, PCB's and PAH's; ƒ Bathymetry - Map wetland basin topography to reveal contours; ƒ Watershed Vegetation - Ecological Land Classification to Community Series level summarized for each wetland’s watershed; ƒ Land-use Change in Adjacent Uplands - Compare current land use in 1000-meter zone around wetland with that expected according to municipal and regional Official Plans; obtain percentages of change for each land use category; and ƒ Land-use Change in Watershed - In conjunction with Watershed Management Plans, compare current land usage with that expected in the future according to municipal and regional Official Plans Sediment and Nutrient Loading Computer modelling incorporating a Digital Elevation Model (DEM); to be completed when technology available.

The following biological communities are observed within the Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program:

ƒ Birds - Survey marsh breeding bird communities using the Marsh Monitoring Program methodology; ƒ Amphibians - Survey amphibian communities using the Marsh Monitoring Program methodology; ƒ Fish - Survey wetland fish community using electrofishing boat; ƒ Macroinvertebrates - Sample wetland macroinvertebrates by sweep-netting through water column; ƒ Wetland Vegetation - Use Ecological Land Classification to define vegetation communities at each wetland and surrounding 500 metres; ƒ Submerged Plants - Sample submerged aquatic vegetation using 20 randomly-placed quadrants; and ƒ Identifying Key Habitats - Identify and track over time habitats associated with species at risk (i.e. endangered, threatened or of special concern).

1.1.3 Information Management System

Sources of information (details and descriptions) identified through source water protection activities are to be tracked through CLOCA’s current information management system (IMS). IMS is an updatable and searchable database that contains metadata related to reports, documents and correspondence. Folders are assigned IMS numbers (ID #) and updated information related to a particular folder are linked using the same IMS number as the parent folder.

The database is searchable by keyword, municipality, watershed, name, address, municipality #, permit #, date/owner, and Folder ID# or Attachment ID #. Information added

March, 2007 Page 38 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization to the database may contain a description of the report or data. Folders may be linked or cross-referenced by ID #’s. CLOCA’s IMS is regularly backed-up and the database is accessible through the LAN by an IMS interface loaded on each workstation. Centralized updates or edits to IMS are typically required to maintain standardization of format within the system. IMS directly links digital files though the local area network. Hard copies of information are tracked in IMS to facilitate accessibility either within individual office cabinets or in the main administrative file location.

1.2 Knowledge and Data Gaps

1.2.1 Data Management Framework

In order to properly address data management gaps, the overall data management approach should be described. Wherever possible, the CTC conservation authorities and municipal partners will have access to the SWP data collected and managed by the conservation authorities. Figure 8 illustrates the framework of the source water protection databases within the CTC Region. Data and database contacts for each CTC Region conservation authority are shown in Figure 9.

CTC SWP Region Data Needs

CA Internal CAMC-YPDT Contaminants Data Sources Database & Threats - surface water - subsurface Inventory - quality - boreholes - - quantity wells To be provided by the - benthic surveys Province - fish surveys - etc

- climate - climate - streamflow - streamflow

Figure 8: Proposed data needs and format for the CTC SWP Region.

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CTC SWP Region Data & GIS Contacts

CVC TRCA CLOCA Data: Christie Hazzard Data: Dan Clayton Data: Rod Wilmot GIS: Christie Hazzard GIS: Dan Clayton GIS: Rod Wilmot

chazzard [email protected] [email protected]

Figure 9: CTC SWP Region database and GIS contacts.

CLOCA’s monitoring databases that are relevant to source water protection planning are listed in Table 8 including data type, status and spatial coverage. Table 8: Monitoring databases and data description. Data Database Name Type Format Period of Record Coverage Area Recording/Collection Frequency Durham Region Turbidity access 2002 - present 8 coastal wetlands Monthly readings Coastal Water Levels excel 2003 - present 5 coastal wetlands Continuous readings Wetlands Water Temperature excel 2003 - present 5 coastal wetlands Continuous readings Monitoring Sediment Quality access 2002 8 coastal wetlands 5 year rotation collection Database Fish Community access 2003 - present 8 coastal wetlands Monthly collection Invertebrate access 2003 - present 8 coastal wetlands Monthly collection Submerged Plants access 2003 - present 8 coastal wetlands Monthly collection Wetland MNR Evaluation reports paper 2005 15 wetlands 5 year rotation Evaluation Database ARMP Bio- Water Quality Index values excel 1996 – 2004 ARMPS per One collection per site per Monitoring (WQI), status and system (terminated) watershed ARMP Database type Water temperature excel 1996 – 2004 ARMPS per One collection per site per (terminated) watershed ARMP OBBN Bio- TBD - Reference Condition TBD Initiated 2005 OBBN sites TBD TBD Monitoring Approach (RCA) Database TBD - Stream Morphology TBD Initiated 2005 OBBN sites TBD TBD Species Terrestrial species access 2003 - present Jurisdiction Seasonal collection Database attributes Water Groundwater quality access 2001 - present 16 sites 2 samples collected per site Monitoring (CLOCA/PGMN) per year Network Groundwater static access 2003 - present 16 sites 2 readings per site per year Databases measurements (CLOCA/PGMN) Groundwater continuous access 2001 - present 16 sites Continuous readings levels (CLOCA/PGMN) Surface water quality access 1965 - present 19 sites Monthly collection at (CLOCA/PWQMN) PWQMN sites; two samples collected per year at CLOCA sites;

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Surface water levels access 1959 – present 10 locations + 3 in Continuous depending on 2005 station Surface water flows access 1959 – present 5 locations Continuous depending on station Rainfall access 1999 - present 7 locations Continuous Snow Pack access 1980 - present 4 locations Bi-monthly - seasonal Humidity access 2001 - present 2 locations Continuous Barometric Pressure access 2001 - present 2 locations Continuous Wind Speed/Direction access 2001 – present 2 locations Continuous Air Temperature access 2001 - present 7 locations Continuous Rainfall access 1959 - present 7 locations Continuous Low flows (CLOCA) access 2000 - present 67 sites 4 – 6 measurements per site per year Low flows (YPDT) e:DAT 2002 46 sites 1 measurement per site Stream Morphology e:DAT 2002 46 sites 1 measurement per site Site locations access Current All sites As added/removed Field notes excel 2001 - present Most sites As required PTTW Database Potential contaminant TBD 2002 - present 83 active sites As Identified threats, locations and attributes YPDT Database Subsurface/well data access 1950’s - present Jurisdiction As identified Climatic data access 1960’s - present Jurisdiction As identified Surface water data access 1960’s - present Jurisdiction As identified PTTW data access 2002 - present Jurisdiction As identified

1.2.2 Data Management Gap Reporting

Data management gaps arise when databases are no longer functional for the required data, or are not scaleable or linkable. Gaps are addressed recognizing the appropriate scale of the specific study being undertaken. Database management gaps have been identified for Source Water Protection planning purposes and are summarized in Table 9. Table 9: Data management gaps identified. Data Management Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name Gap Problem Comment GIS Database CLOCA/external data Requires update Internal GIS data, grids, sources. shape file reorganization. Metadata tracking system to be developed. Rating Tables within CLOCA - Engineering requires update Updated for WSC sites Hydrologic Database department hydraulic annually. CLOCA sites to data. be surveyed and calibrated. Need to be generated for 2005 - 2006. Integrated Hydrologic CLOCA’s hydrologic requires update Data currently exists in Database data. various formats. Need to develop a consistent format, and relational database to maintain data relating to climate, rating curves, water levels, streamflow, and spot baseflow, and water quality measurements. York-Peel-Durham-Toronto Various data sources. requires update Not all monitoring (TPDT) Hydrogeologic locations or data entered; Database continually being updated with various

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data sets. Database management required. Multi-user access to be applied over a networked environment. Water Quality/Benthic Provincial OBBN. not populated Data, in general, has not Database Historical studies and been QC’d, but reports. movement to OBBN would assist. Threats Database Various sources. does not exist Province to provide structure and various datasets. PTTW Database MOE PTTW data and requires update Internal database to be field surveys. developed and populated.

1.2.3 Data Gap Reporting

Watershed characterization data and knowledge gaps arise when data sets are not complete, are out of date, are not geo-referenced or have not been fully quality checked. Gaps are addressed recognizing the appropriate scale of the specific study being undertaken. Data gaps that restrict decision making are made a higher priority. The following sections outline preliminary data and monitoring gaps identified to meet SWP characterization requirements. Data Gaps

Data gaps are reported in a modified version of the SWP template provided in the guidance document. Sections 2.8, 3.6, 4.2, 5.4, 6.3 and 7.5 outline key data/GIS gaps and knowledge gaps for the Watershed Description, Water Quality, Water Quantity, Vulnerable Areas and Threats sections of this report. The gaps were identified through a preliminary review of available data sets relevant to the CLOCA jurisdiction. The data sets reviewed were selected based on the data requirements detailed in the Proposed Options Handbook for Key Data Components of Source Water Protection Planning in Rural Ontario (LTRCA, GRCA, CVCA, 2004). An in-depth review, analysis and reporting of data/GIS gaps and analytical needs is required to further advance planning strategies. SWP Mapping and Data Requirements

As mentioned, an investigation of data requirements and availability for source water protection planning (rural Ontario) was undertaken through the Conservation Ontario Pilot Project “Data Requirements & Availability for Source Water Protection Planning” (GRCA, LTRCA, CVCA, 2004) commissioned by the MOE. An investigation of data needs and gaps for projected source water protection mapping and modelling was one of the primary objectives noted. Data sets are required for either mapping/illustrative or for modelling/calibration purposes. Table 10 summarizes the current GIS requirements for Source Protection as laid out in the Conservation Ontario Pilot Project report.

As the report addressed primarily rural Ontario requirements only, additional urban specific maps have been added. In addition, required data for each map has been detailed. The

March, 2007 Page 42 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization summary list of maps in Table 10 was developed from the pilot project information and this list will evolve as more in depth mapping needs analyses are undertaken.

Table 10: Summary of SWP Mapping and Data Requirements. Map Name Data Required Base Map - Lots and concessions, municipal boundary, roads, railway, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary Natural Features - ANSI/ESA, grasslands, railway, roads, thermal classification of watercourses, waterbodies, watershed boundary, woodlands Existing Land Use - Land use, roads, watercourses, watershed boundary Future Land Use - Future development areas, land use, natural linkage, natural core area, watercourses, watershed boundary High Risk Land Uses - Contaminant data (i.e. cemeteries, dumps, landfills, etc.), land use, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary Potential Contaminant - Abandoned wells, contaminant data, land use, roads, watercourses, Sources waterbodies, watershed boundary Potential Contaminant - Abandoned wells, pits and quarries, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, Pathways (shortcuts) to watershed boundary Aquifers Significant Hydrologic - Bedrock topography, evaluated wetlands, lot and concessions, municipal Features boundary, railway, roads, waterbodies, watershed boundary, watercourses Significant Water Withdrawals - Lots and concession, municipal boundary, railway, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary, water withdrawal site, wetlands Water Quality Monitoring - Lots and concession, municipal boundary, municipal water use data, Stations PGMN wells, railways, roads, sewage treatment plant, surface water stations, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary, water treatment plants Areas of Vulnerability - Abandoned wells, contaminant data, discharge areas, land use, lots and (Aquifers) concessions, municipal boundary, railway, recharge, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary, water treatment plant Areas of Sensitivity - Contaminant data, land use, lots and concessions, municipal boundary, railway, roads, sewage treatment plants, waterbodies Recharge and Discharge - Discharge areas, evaluated wetlands, lots and concession, municipal boundary, railway, recharge, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary Overburden Thickness - Evaluated wetlands, lots and concession, municipal boundary, overburden thickness, railway, roads, waterbodies, watercourses, watershed boundary Modelling Data Requirements

Statistical data sets are not only required for mapping/illustrative purposes but also for proposed modelling/calibration efforts. Specific models have been identified in this report (Modelling) that will support CLOCA’s Source Water Protection Planning activities. Table 11 details anticipated data requirements for the CANWET integrated surface water balance and nutrient TDML (Total Daily Maximum Loading) model.

Table 11: CANWET Model Data Requirements (draft) Category Description 1. Weather Files Shape file with location and ID of all selected weather stations within the watersheds Daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation data in a format compatible with the selected model

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2. Point Sources Shape file with location and ID of all Waste Water Treatment Plants within the watersheds Monitoring data for phosphorous, nitrogen and solids discharges for each ID 3. Watershed and Sub- Shape files catchment delineations 4. Streams Shape files. Slopes and Manning’s roughness coefficients are needed. Create new Ids and Reach Numbers 5. Roads and Unpaved Shape files. Need to create new Reach Numbers Roads 6. Septic Systems Shape file with census statistics and area weighted information on the types of wastewater collection and processing in use i.e. public connections, septic systems and other types of connections within each municipality 7. Municipal Boundaries From land uses data, create a shape file with percentage of crop, pasture and and Land Use woodland areas (pervious) within each municipality for calculation of cropping management factors and erosion control factors used in the soil loss calculations. Best management practices are input into models. 8. Animal Density Shape file with locations and related number of cattle for calculation of Animal Equivalent Units and manure Application 9. Soils Shape file with soil types, percentage of Hydrological Soil Group (HSG) per area, dominant HSG. Used to compute available Water Holding Capacity and soil erosion potential. 10. Surficial Geology Shape file with K-factors 11. Physiographic Zones Shape file with recession coefficients and rainfall erosivity coefficients, which are used to estimate the rainfall intensity factor in the soil loss equation, and vary with season and geographic location. 12. Land Uses Grid file with land use categories compatible with selected model. 13. Image OBMs, Tif or satellite images grid files. 14. Elevation and Land DEM grid files are needed to calculate the slopes within the watersheds. Slope 15. Soil Phosphorus Shape file based on soil test results for concentration of phosphate in soil (mg/kg). 16. Groundwater Grid file derived from surficial geology and land uses used to estimate background Nitrogen concentrations in groundwater if required. Phosphorus in groundwater is estimated using default values correlated with nitrogen levels for agricultural areas. Other Data First and last months of growing season for each agricultural land use type Fertilizer and manure spreading periods and any maps of permitted biosolids spreading areas Identification of existing BMPs and areas (%) serviced by BMPs Existing monitoring data on streamflows, baseflows, Soil-P (Phosphate), Groundwater-P, dissolved Phosphorus concentrations in runoff for agricultural and urban areas for selected nodes (3 to 5) within the watersheds, for a period of 1 to 5 years for model calibration. Phosphorus is expected to be the limiting nutrient in the study, but nitrogen will also be considered. As such, monitoring data for total nitrogen in groundwater, runoff and soil will also be required input data. Existing monitoring data showing reductions of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater treatment plants and best management practices (if available) for model calibration

Table 12 includes the primary data sets required to populate the ESRI ArcHydro data model.

Table 12: ArcHydro data model anticipated requirements. HydroEdge - to represent drainage HydroJunction - to represent the junctions between drainage segments HydroNetwork - created by combining HydroEdge and HydroJunction HydroNetwork_Junctions - junctions resulting from creation of HydroNetwork Monitoring Point - includes all relevant CLOCA monitoring stations Waterbody - includes all relevant bodies of water Watershed - includes all watersheds in CLOCA

March, 2007 Page 44 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Addressing Data and Data Management Gaps

Data and data management gaps have been prioritized based on the practicality of compiling the information and the analytical need. Currently, a three-database system is being considered within the overall database management system. This system includes:

1. Internal relational databases that house aquatic ecosystem and stream survey information conducted by CLOCA; 2. The CAMC-YPDT (Conservation Authority Moraine Coalition – York Peel Durham Toronto Oak Ridges Moraine groundwater study) database that includes subsurface information (boreholes, wells, water levels, chemistry); and 3. The contaminate inventory database to be provided by the province.

Future work will aim to develop and refine the overall database management system:

ƒ Land classification map preparation and refinement; ƒ Groundwater level and chemistry monitoring and analysis involving both PGMN wells and municipal partner monitoring wells; ƒ Low flow streamflow surveys (quality and quantity) to characterize discharge zones and associated water quality. Theses surveys are also useful to delineate zones that may be impacted by human activities. ƒ Overland and streamflow travel time studies to be able to address possible spills response protocol and actions; ƒ Enhance the continuous streamflow gauge network and update data regarding discharge to streams; ƒ Enhance the coverage of climate data; ƒ Update and verify outdated or missing water use data including Permit to Take Water (PTTW) information; and ƒ Preparation of a contaminant source database and associated risk to drinking water provided by each potential source.

Additional priority gaps to be address based on the analysis conducted are:

ƒ Further develop and promote its existing Clean Water Stewardship Program which supports well upgrades and abandonment, nutrient management best management practices, and land restoration initiatives on private lands. These efforts assist in-part in removing potential pathways for contaminants; ƒ Need for additional water quality monitoring sites; ƒ Need for additional streamflow monitoring and climatic sites; ƒ Development of the ESRI ArcHydro data model; and ƒ Further estimates of water surplus (Thornwaite methodology).

Data Requests

In an effort to address identified gaps, data requests have been prepared and submitted to both the Province and the Regional Municipality of Durham. A summary of the data sets requested to date is provided in Table 13 and Table 14.

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Table 13: Municipal data sets requested. Data Set Request Detail Landfills closed and active site locations; groundwater monitoring data (or reports)

WPCP's active and proposed site locations; discharge rates and quality; biosolids production WPCP Discharge Points active and proposed discharge point locations

Septic Systems available points (municipal and/or other)

Septic Systems (Outside Serviced boundaries serviced by sewer systems Boundaries) WTP's active site locations; pumping information/data

WTP Intake Points (pipe intakes) location of pipe intakes (required for delineation of Intake Protection Zones) Abandoned Wells Serviced boundary: well locations no longer used (production/monitoring) ; associated well attributes Abandoned Wells (Within Serviced Areas) boundaries serviced by WTP supply systems

Communal Systems active site locations; pumping information/data

Future Development Areas analytic version (detailed to parcel fabric)

Groundwater Quality/Quantity site locations; general well monitoring data other than landfill monitoring (or reports) Tile Drains site location; details

Stormwater Ponds/Outfalls and associated locations; sewershed delineation Stormsewersheds Drainage and Subdrainage zones

Table 14: Provincial data sets requested. Data Set Request Detail Conservation Authority Boundary An area of jurisdiction of a Conservation Authority. Polygons based on tertiary watershed and legislated boundaries. An updated boundary is currently being developed by WRIP in cooperation with CA’s.

Source Water Protection Watershed Watershed regions which identify the associated Conservation Regions Authorities working cooperatively on Source Water Protection objectives. This layer will be developed by WRIP following the completion of the Conservation Authority Boundary data set.

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ARI Mapping Provides an inventory and evaluation of sand, gravel, and bedrock aggregate resources and is based on Aggregate Resource Inventory Papers (ARIP) produced under the Aggregate Resources Act.

Hummocky Topography Areas with complex sequences of slopes (i.e. hummocky moraine, hummocky glaciofluvial). Often associated with areas of high groundwater recharge.

Water Well Information System (WWIS) Georeferenced wells, including groundwater wells, test wells and abandoned wells. Provincial DEM –Tiled (Version 1) A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster data set covering the province of Ontario to the 51st parallel.

Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network A monitoring network providing data on groundwater level and groundwater quality for the province. Water Virtual Flow Identifies a body of water such as rivers or stream and is stored in a Network Format. Virtual segments incorporated to establish directional flow through water features (WRIP source).

Municipal Drains Digitized from the old OMAF paper maps; this coverage is not updated and may be incomplete. Ontario Water Treatment Plants (WTP) Location of WTP’s in Ontario based on a compilation of 1997 and 2000 MOE datasets. Ontario Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) Location of WPCP's in Ontario based on a compilation of 1997 and 2000 MOE datasets. Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network Monitoring the state of organisms living in or on the bottom of (OBBN) waterbodies. Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network Water quality sample collections undertaken across the (PWQMN) province at approx. 200 sites. Control Survey Information Exchange Horizontal and vertical geodetic control survey data (80,255 (COSINE) control points) for the Province of Ontario.

Data Received

Table 15 lists the data sets received from various sources to date. Some of the data sets have been incorporated into this report when possible, while others are to be reviewed as a future SWP activity.

Table 15: SWP data sets received (2005-2006). Data Set Received Delivery Date Aggregate Resource Inventory Maps (ARI) September 2005 Bedrock Geology of Ontario scale 1: 1 000 000 September 2005 Canadian Land Use Monitoring Program (CLUMP) October 2005 Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) March 2006 EFD Grid April 2006 HYDAT CD October 2005 MRD 128 Surficial Geology 1:50 000 September 2005 Municipal Water Use (MUD) October 2005 Petroleum and Oil Subsurface March 2006 Landfills (Waste Disposal Inventory) September 2005

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Ontario Land Information (OLI) September 2005 Ontario Road Network (ORN) September 2005 Ortho DEM’s October 2005 Permit to Take Water (PTTW) October 2005 Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) October 2005 Quaternary Geology 1:1 000 000 September 2005 Water Treatment Plants (WTP) Stats Can/Elections Canada Road Network File October 2005 Source Water Protection (SWP) Conservation Authority Boundaries April 2006 Thermography October 2005 Water Well Information System (WWIS) May 2006 USGS Stream Flow Monitoring Zone 17 South Water Flow October 2005

1.2.4 Knowledge Gaps

Knowledge gaps occur when there is a lack of information or expertise to assess certain watershed characteristics Knowledge gaps are reported in a standardized SWP template provided by the Province. Sections 2.8, 3.6, 4.2, 5.4, 6.3 and 7.5 outline key knowledge gaps for the Watershed Description, Water Quality, Water Quantity, Vulnerable Areas and Threats sections of this report. The gaps were identified through a preliminary review of available data sets relevant to the CLOCA jurisdiction. The data sets reviewed were selected based on the data requirements detailed in the Proposed Options Handbook for Key Data Components of Source Water Protection Planning in Rural Ontario (LTRCA, GRCA, CVCA, 2004). An in-depth review, analysis and reporting of data/GIS gaps and analytical needs is required to further advance planning strategies.

Knowledge gaps relate to analysis and tool development to estimate and/or refine the water budget estimates and understand how the flow system operates. These tools enable predictions of impacts from potential future changes such as climate change increased municipal supply from groundwater. Priority knowledge gaps that need to be addressed include:

ƒ Refinement of aquifer characterization and flow system understanding including the orientation of bedrock valley systems and significant area recharge and discharge mapping; ƒ Development of surface water modelling capabilities; ƒ Refinement of a three-dimensional groundwater flow modelling tool; ƒ Refinement of the interaction of the surface water and groundwater flow models; ƒ Development of acceptable water use targets to protect both the resource and the aquatic ecosystem; and ƒ Development of methodology and tools to provide spills response analysis which will involve all pathways including overland flow, stream travel and groundwater flow including the unsaturated zone transport.

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2.1 Source Water Protection Region

Watershed description, in the context of source water protection reporting, is analogous to current conservation authority watershed planning “Existing Conditions” reporting scoped to the watershed’s natural and human-made characteristics related directly or indirectly to source water.

The watershed description also provides a context that supports public consultation. The CTC SWP Region is working with many local and regional municipalities to develop and implement effective and progressive source water protection planning programs.

2.1.1 Study Area Overview

CLOCA’s jurisdiction covers an area of 627 km2 and is fully contained within the Regional Municipality of Durham. The CLOCA jurisdiction contains 15 watersheds as well as the municipalities (in whole or in part) of the Cities of Pickering and Oshawa, the Towns of Ajax and Whitby, the Municipality of Clarington, and the Townships of Scugog and Uxbridge.

CLOCA owns and/or manages a number of conservation areas within the study area (Figure 3). From west to east, the following locations represent CLOCA’s efforts at preservation of environmentally sensitive areas through land acquisition efforts: Lynde Shores, Heber Down, Crows Pass, Sanderson tract, Sharp tract, Audley Valley Lands, Oshawa Valley Lands, Cedar Valley, Purple Woods, Harmony Valley, Rahmani, Hampton, Enniskillen, Bowmanville Harbour, Bowmanville Valley Lands, Stephen’s Gulch and Long Sault.

2.1.2 Vision and Mandate of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority

The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority was established in 1958. CLOCA’s mandate is to establish and undertake programs to promote the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in Partnership with local Municipalities and the Province.

CLOCA’s Mission;

"To work towards the awareness, understanding, wise use and enhancement of our watershed resources for the benefit of the natural environment in partnership with our municipalities and our community."

2.1.3 Historical Events

Noting the historical interactions between the watersheds within the study area and its surrounding communities is fundamental in understanding current issues. The ongoing presence and land use activities of people have impacts on, and are influenced by the environment. The watercourses within the study area have played a role in the lives of the local populations over the history of the area.

A brief description of the local history begins during the late1700s when the Lieutenant Governor of the time offered free provisions and a land grant of 200 acres to European

March, 2007 Page 49 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization settlers in an effort to encourage settlement in local areas. Early settlement was generally confined to the near shore areas and natural harbours. The upper regions of the study area remained far less populated, though the communications and transportation infrastructure began to spread out from the initial population concentrations. Indeed, today’s urbanized south and rural northern regions including small rural hamlets, reflects the development the land use pattern formed during settlement.

Agriculture was an important part of the areas economy during its early stages of development and today it continues to be a major component of the local economy. Over the history of the study area, a significant amount of land was cleared in order to undertake agricultural activities. Land clearing has and continues to significantly alter the distribution of the natural cover and its associated features and functions.

Urbanization and industry, being key drivers in the development and steady expansion of the local economy, have also driven local urbanization, communications and transportation networks, water supply and wastewater treatment facilities and distribution systems, and other local services. The establishment of General Motors, more than any other industry, resulted in attracting large numbers of people and businesses to the area. Of relevance to source water protection initiative, the first system of public water supply and the first sewer mains were constructed during the early 1900s in what is now the City of Oshawa.

These general historical patterns can be summarized as continuous urban agglomeration between Taunton Rd and Lake Ontario where industry tends to dominate south of Highway 401, commercial areas tend along Highway 2 and major north-south routes such as Brock and Simcoe Streets, and agricultural and horticulture activities dominate north of Taunton Rd. The historical growth and land use changes unfortunately have also left a legacy of establishing a long history of water contaminant problems, creek barriers and flooding issues throughout the study area. Over time, the local creeks have suffered for its role in the expansion of human activities, and pollution, erosion and water degradation are also part of the study areas historic link to the environment.

2.1.4 Key Studies

Key studies and reports have been researched and catalogued for the Groundwater Resources Information Project (GRIP) completed from 2003 to 2004 by CLOCA and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM). A local database was populated with the relevant report metadata identified at the time of reporting. The inventory was collected for the whole of Durham Region, and primarily focused on hydrogeologic reports, or reports that contained hydrogeologic sections. A summary of these reports is included in APPENDIX 1: Summary of Existing Watershed Reports. Key on-going studies undertaken by CLOCA with a connection to SWP are summarized herein. Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWMP’s)

Integrated Watershed Management Plans (IWMP’s) are an important step towards effective decision-making about both the water resource and the surrounding ecosystem. Plans are based upon watershed boundaries and provide a broad-based understanding of the inter- related natural heritage, natural hazard and groundwater functions of the watershed, as well as the human influences involved.

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Information gained through the development of IWMP’s assists in assessing impacts on natural systems, planning predictions of the impacts of future land use, and as a decision- making tool regarding watershed health and land use change. IWMP’s are underway for all CLOCA watersheds. The Oshawa Creek IWMP is complete, while the Lynde Creek IWMP is currently under review. Work is underway on the Bowmanville/Soper and the Black/Harmony/Farewell Creek and the Small Watersheds IWMP. Aquatic Resource Management Plans (ARMP's)

ARMP’s summarize historical and current fisheries and aquatic data in conjunction with other information such as water quality and stream-side land uses. ARMP’s are underway for all CLOCA watersheds. The Bowmanville/Soper and Oshawa Creek ARMP’s are complete, and the Lynde Creek ARMP is currently under review. The Black/Harmony/Farewell Creek ARMP will be finalized in 2006. The Small Watersheds ARMP will be drafted in 2006. Fisheries Management Plans (FMP's)

In partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), the current and future ARMP’s will be advanced to the status of watershed-based Fisheries Management Plans (FMP’s) to support a broad geographic region that encompasses the fisheries resources of Lake Ontario. FMP’s will include aspects not considered in the ARMP’s, including management actions for improving healthy fish communities and enhanced angling opportunities. The FMP process began in 2005 and a final FMP is anticipated for 2007. The FMP initiative has also advanced improvements to CLOCA’s aquatic database. Conservation Area Management Plans

Conservation Area Management Plans continue to develop to guide the development and operation of CLOCA's conservation areas. The plans outline existing conditions within the property, a long-term concept plan and management strategy. Plans exist for Long Sault Conservation Area and are currently being developed for Bowmanville/Westside Marshes Conservation Area and Crow’s Pass Conservation Area. Wetland Protection

The Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project was undertaken by the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada, CLOCA, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and Durham Region. The study is designed to provide standardized methods of monitoring biological communities and physical features. The study is required to determine the levels and sources of impacts, which will assist in determining appropriate management strategies for the wetlands. The study includes 15 coastal wetlands within Durham Region, eight of which are located in CLOCA’s jurisdiction. A State of the Durham Coastal Wetlands 5-year report will be completed following the 2006 field season. Interim Technical Reports for the study have been produced. Existing Valued Features

An understanding of the existing valued features that represent all of the parts and processes in a watershed that function together creates the foundation of a “system” that

March, 2007 Page 51 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization supports identification of significant areas. Subsequently, watershed health can be further discussed at a more descriptive level, specifically in terms of a natural heritage system.

CLOCA has produced mapping in draft that represents the existing terrestrial components of the natural heritage system within all watersheds. The existing valued features are the framework of the natural heritage system. As the framework is constructed, a refined understanding of the natural heritage system features develops. It is anticipated that source water protection activities will consider this framework when identifying sensitive or susceptible areas and integrate with it. Natural heritage system mapping is made available as Watershed Management Plans are developed, though a natural heritage system and mapping for all watersheds is near completion. For additional details, see:

2.1.5 Stakeholders and Partners

The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has a network of partners already in place as denoted in Figure 10. Brief descriptions of the key SWP partners are outlined in the following sections.

Figure 10: CLOCA stakeholders and partners. Municipalities

CLOCA’s municipal partners include the upper tier Regional Municipality of Durham, and the lower tier municipalities of the Cities of Oshawa and Pickering, the Towns of Ajax and Whitby, the Municipality of Clarington, and the Townships of Scugog and Uxbridge. Durham’s Agricultural Advisory Committee is also a key stakeholder. Provincial Agencies

Provincial agencies that contribute directly to the SWP initiative or that will be involved in various levels of consultation with the CTC and CLOCA include:

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ƒ Ontario Ministry of the Environment (OMOE) ƒ Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) ƒ Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) ƒ Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (OMMAH) ƒ Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mining (OMNDM) ƒ Neighbouring Conservation Authorities ƒ Conservation Ontario (C.O.) ƒ Other provincial partners as necessary Federal Government

Federal agencies that have been or are anticipated to be involved in the SWP initiative include:

ƒ Environment Canada ƒ Water Survey of Canada ƒ Department of Fisheries and Oceans First Nations

The MOE is conducting ongoing discussions regarding the SWP process with the Chiefs of Ontario (COO), Environment Canada, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Within the study area, there were no First Nations groups or initiatives with First Nations groups identified. Stakeholders, Engaged Public, Non-Governmental Organizations

Table 16 provides a preliminary list of stakeholders with prior experience in watershed management task forces, planning committees, or implementation activities such as rehabilitation and restoration work identified within the study area.

Table 16: Interested Stakeholders, Engaged Public and NGO’s (2005) Tree Canada Foundation Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Centre for Land and Water Association Stewardship Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario Forestry Association Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust Ontario Ducks Unlimited Canada Ontario Trillium Foundation Save the Oak Ridges Moraine Durham Land Stewardship Council Ontario Federation of Agriculture Oak Ridges Trail Association Ontario Nature : Federation of Ontario Federation of Anglers and Canadian Auto Workers Ontario Naturalists Hunters Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation Nature Conservancy of Canada Hike Ontario Durham Region Field Naturalists Community Stream Stewards Clarington Agricultural Advisory Program Committee Oshawa Creek Stewardship Friends of Farewell Greater Toronto Raptor Watch Committee Ontario Power Generation General Motors Corporation Friends of Second Marsh Durham Region Environmental Valleys 2000 Hampton Pond Recovery Project Advisory Committee Ontario Cattlemen’s Association

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2.2 The Physical Description

A description of the physical characteristics of CLOCA’s watershed provides context for more in-depth SWP analyses. Such analyses will include water budgets, vulnerability analysis, and threats inventory and issues evaluation.

2.2.1 Geology

The geology of the study area generally consists of Quaternary sediments of variable thickness overlying Ordovician bedrock. The sediments overlying bedrock consist of a sequence of glacial and interglacial (lacustrine/fluvial) units recording deposition over approximately the last 135,000 years.

There are three main geologic features present within the CLOCA watersheds including:

ƒ The bedrock and associated valley system which often contains sand and gravel deposits; ƒ The ORM which forms the headwater areas for all watersheds within the study area; and ƒ Areas where Quaternary sediments have eroded and largely in-filled with fining upwards sequences of sand and silt. This erosive action is attributed to tunnel channel formation beneath glacial ice (Sharpe et al., 2004). The present interpretation limits these features to local areas situated within the northern extremities of the study area.

The various geologic deposits and their characteristics will be described in more detail in subsequent sections. It should be noted that there is still some disagreement and considerable discussion and research regarding the stratigraphy present within the study area. Historical work (Karrow, 1967; Singer, 1974; 1981; Funk, 1977 and Brookfield et al., 1982) is still being re-interpreted by various groups including the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) (e.g. Barnett et al., 1998; Sharpe et al., 2004). The stratigraphy described here is from the Conservation Authority Moraine Coalition – York Peel Durham Toronto Oak Ridges Moraine hydrogeology investigation (herein termed the CAMC-YPDT study). This study started in 2001 and is a long-term program to understand the flow systems associated with the Oak Ridges Moraine.

A key component of the study is the construction of a three-dimensional groundwater flow model for the ORM. The successful completion of this modelling endeavour requires a solid geologic understanding. The geologic interpretation provided in this report is undergoing fine-tuning prior to building into the three-dimensional groundwater flow model described briefly in Section 4. Further technical details regarding the CAMC-YPDT study can be found in Earthfx (2004). Also of note is that the Ontario Geological Survey is in the process of completing a watershed based groundwater resource project (known as the GRP project) for the study area that summarizes the groundwater system through a series of mapping products (SooChan, 2005). Stratigraphic Framework

The stratigraphic framework for the study area is well established from previous work (Karrow, 1967; Dreimanis and Karrow, 1972; Singer, 1974; Funk, 1977; Brookfield et al., 1982; Sharpe et al., 2002). The GSC has constructed three-dimensional geologic surfaces

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(version 1) which group the pertinent geological deposits into five units including (Figure 11):

1. Halton Till (youngest; Russell et al., 2002a); 2. Oak Ridges Moraine Deposits (Russell et al., 2002b); 3. Newmarket Till (Sharpe et al., 2002a); 4. Lower Sediment (Sharpe et al., 2002b); and 5. Bedrock (oldest; Brennand et al., 1997).

Regional unconformities occur upon the Bedrock and Newmarket Till surfaces. The GSC have also provided preliminary information on the locations of tunnel channels that are interpreted to trend roughly north-south to northeast-southwest through part of the study area (Russell et al., 2003).

Figure 11: GSC stratigraphic framework for the Oak Ridges Moraine and south flank (figure from Sharpe et al., 2002,

In order to provide the framework necessary to adequately analyse the various aquifer systems for the study area, the Lower Sediment deposits of the GSC have been split into three units. While it is acknowledged that there is less information available to delineate all the complexity of these deeper units throughout the study area, the stratigraphy from the Lake Ontario shoreline (Karrow, 1967; Brookfield et al., 1982) has been extended northward through the study area. A brief introduction of the geologic units for this study are described here and expanded upon in Section 3.2.

The ORM and underlying sediments are late Pleistocene in age and unconformably overlie thin Palaeozoic bedrock platform strata. These in turn overlie Precambrian Shield rocks

March, 2007 Page 55 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization exposed north of the study area. Ordovician limestone, in the east, and shale in the west, underlie the thick glacial sediments of the area.

Pleistocene glacial sediments (~last 2 million years) within the study area are up to 220 m thick and consist of glacial and interglacial deposits formed within the last 135,000 years (Eyles, 2002; Karrow, 1989). The last glaciation, termed the Wisconsin, started ~100,000 years ago (Eyles, 2002). Recent summaries describe the glacial history of southern Ontario (Barnett et al., 1991), the ORM (e.g. Barnett et al., 1998) and till plains south of the ORM (Martini and Brookfield, 1995; Boyce et al., 1995).

Quaternary glacial and non-glacial sediments are exposed in the southern part of the study area along the Lake Ontario bluffs and in the Don Valley brickyard (e.g. Eyles and Clark, 1988; Karrow, 1967; Brookfield et al., 1982) and underlie the ORM (Duckworth, 1979; Eyles et al., 1985). This complex package generally consists of till, glaciolacustrine sand, silt, clay and diamictons and includes Illinoian-age till and warm-climate interglacial sediments overlain by early to middle Wisconsinan age (25-90 K years BP) glacial lake sediments (Karrow, 1967). Figure 12 summarizes the Quaternary sediments generally found within the Toronto and CLOCA watersheds.

Figure 12: Quaternary deposits found within the Toronto area (Figure modified slightly from Eyles, 2002, p. 199).

The last major ice advance (Late Wisconsinan; ~20,000 years BP) was from the northeast (Figure 13) and along the axis of the Great Lake basins. During this interval the ice deposited a thick widespread till sheet or amalgamated sheets (Newmarket Till). This till overlies thick lower deposits and both sequences continue under the ORM. This regional till sheet is variable in thickness (Sharpe et al., 2002a) and has been eroded by meltwater to

March, 2007 Page 56 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization form a regional unconformity consisting mainly of drumlins and a network of channels (Barnett, 1990). The ORM rests on this eroded terrain and formed approximately 12,000- 13,000 years ago (Gwyn and Cowan, 1978).

Figure 13: Maximum extent of Laurentide ice sheet approximately 18-20,000 years ago that led to deposition of the Newmarket Till.

The ORM occurs as thick stratified sediments, partly capped by thin Halton Till along its southern flank. The ORM sediments were deposited rapidly in a glacial lake (e.g. Gilbert, 1997; Barnett et al., 1998) set in a re-entrant or cavity between thick ice of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to the north and low-relief ice occupying the Lake Ontario basin to the south (Figure 14). ORM deposits may be part of a larger system of ice-controlled meltwater deposition during final deglaciation that includes stratified moraines west of the ORM (Gwyn and Cowan, 1978). The youngest deposits consist of glaciolacustrine sediments that form a thin veneer over the Halton Till unit, and occur further to the south associated with the Glacial Lake Iroquois shoreline and plain. There are also Quaternary deposits of Recent Age consisting of eolian sand, beach sediment and organic material. The location of these deposits is shown on the surficial geology map provided as Figure 15.

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Georgian Bay Lobe Simcoe Lobe

Huron ORM Lobe Study obe Area rio L Onta Ontario Island modern lakes 0 100 km n rre Wa ke La

Figure 14: Deposition of Oak Ridges Moraine between two ice lobes approximately 12- 13,000 years ago (Figure modified from Chapman and Putnam, 1984, Figure 11h p. 33). In summary, the stratigraphic framework used for this study includes eight geologic units including:

1. Glaciolacustrine Deposits (sand, silt and clay); 2. Halton Till; 3. Oak Ridges Moraine/Mackinaw Interstadial Deposits; Regional Unconformity – channel infill deposits 4. Newmarket Till; 5. Thorncliffe Formation; 6. Sunnybrook Drift; 7. Scarborough Formation; and 8. Bedrock.

The Don Formation and underlying York Till (Figure 12) have not been mapped within the study area because of the paucity of deep detailed borehole information that would be necessary to delineate these deposits. A possible occurrence of York Till has been encountered overlying bedrock during deep drilling investigations related to the water supply investigations in Uxbridge, situated to the northwest of the study area (Gartner Lee Limited, 2003). A correlation chart of geologic unit names used in various investigations relative to the study area is summarized on Table 17. The Quaternary sediment thickness above bedrock within the study area ranges from approximately 0 to 220 m (Figure 16), and are thickest beneath the Oak Ridges Moraine.

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Figure 15: Surficial geology of the CLOCA study area. Geology from the Ontario Geological Survey, 2003.

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Table 17: Geologic correlation for the central and east ORM area including the study area.

Classification TORONTO-CENTRAL ORM EAST ORM ORM Dreimanis&Karrow,1972 Karrow Westgate Boyce et al Gwyn Brookfield et al. Funk Singer GSC Johnson et al.,1991 ~Age 1967 1979 1995 1976a; b 1982 1977 1974, 1981

Holocene 10 ka Late Wisconsinan Lake Iroquois Lake Iroquois Lake Iroquois Lake Iroquois Unit 6 Lake Iroquois Proglacial Lake

Port Huron Stade 13 ka Upper Halton Till Halton Till Halton Till Bouchette Unit 5 Upper Drift Upper Halton Leaside Till Till Glacial Unit Till Mackinaw Interstade 13.4 ka Interstadial? Mackinaw Mackinaw Oak Ridges Interstadial Interstadial Moraine Port Bruce Stade 14.8 ka

Erie Interstade 15.5 ka Nissouri Stade 20 ka Lower Westhill Northern ? Bowmanville Middle Newmarket Leaside Till till till till Unit 4 Upper Drift Glacial Unit Till Middle Wisconsinan 30 ka Unit 3 Seminary Till Clarke Unit 2C Clarke Lower Thorncliffe Formation Deposits Bond Head Till Unit 2B Middle Drift Deposits Sediments Meadowcliffe Till Unit 2A

Sunnybrook Drift Port Hope Till Unit 1 Lower Drift Lower 60 ka Glacial Early Wisconsinan Scarborough Fm. 115 ka Samnamonian Don Fm. 135 ka Illinoian York Till 190 ka Upper Ordovician ~438 Ma Queenston Fm. Georgian Bay Fm. Blue Mountain Fm. (Whitby Fm.) shale shale shale shale shale shale shale Middle Ordovician ~478 Ma Simcoe Group (Lindsay Fm.) limestone limestone limestone limestone

Notes: 1 Production of this chart required some interpretation of the information provided in each of the sources referenced. Future use and interpretation may lead to some refinement. 2 Quaternary units containing aquifers shown in yellow. 3 Middle Glacial Unit of Singer (1974; 1981) may correlate to Seminary or Meadowcliffe Till of Karrow (1967). Upper Glacial Unit contains two till units often separated by glaciofluvial sand which may correlate with Halton and Newmarket tills.

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Figure 16: Quaternary sediment thickness.

March, 2007 Page 61 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Bedrock Geology According to OGS (1999), the bedrock underlying the study area consists of the Middle Ordovician Lindsay Formation limestone and the Upper Ordovician Blue Mountain (Whitby) Formation shale (Figure 17). Both are described at length by the following authors: Liberty (1969), Russell and Telford (1983), Singer (1974), (Johnson et al. 1992). Sibul et al. (1977) and Soo Chan (2005). Bedrock formations in the CLOCA study area are sedimentary rocks of tropical marine origin (as confirmed by the existence of salt-water fossils found within them) that were deposited during the Middle and Late Ordovician (460 Ma to 438 Ma). Regionally, the bedding surfaces of the bedrock formations dip gently toward the southwest. Subsequent tectonic activities caused the rocks to be elevated above sea level, where they were subjected to some erosional activity. The bedrock is not exposed at surface throughout most of the watershed, except at some quarry sites and stream beds, and along the Lake Ontario shoreline. The bedrock topography appears to approximate the topography of the present day ground surface. Evidence of both tectonic activity and erosion are found in the bedrock surface topography. Northerly trending bedrock valleys are interpreted as fluvial drainage systems from the higher elevation bedrock topography situated to the north of the study area. The interpreted bedrock topography is shown on Figure 18.

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Figure 17: Bedrock geology of the CLOCA study area. Geology from the Ontario Geological Survey, 1999.

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Figure 18: Bedrock topography of the CLOCA study area.

March, 2007 Page 64 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Surficial Geology

The composition and distribution of the unconsolidated sediment within CLOCA’s watersheds are discussed in more detail in the following sections. Scarborough Formation

The Scarborough Formation marks the start of the Wisconsinan glaciation which started approximately 100,000 years ago. The Scarborough Formation deposits are interpreted as a fluvial-deltaic system fed by large braided melt-water rivers draining from an ice sheet depositing pro-grading organic-rich (peat) sands over silts and clays (Karrow, 1967; Eyles, 1997). The lower prodelta silts and clays are up to 60 m thick at the Scarborough Bluffs along Lake Ontario and are believed to be in transitional contact with the muds of the underlying Don Formation (Eyles, 1987). The upper sands are channelized in some locations, possibly as a result of fluvial erosion due to fluctuating lake levels. The delta is considered to extend over 200 km2 and was deposited by a large river flowing from Georgian Bay along the Laurentian River channel to ancestral Lake Ontario. Lake levels must have been up to at least 45 to 60 m higher than present perhaps indicative of some type of ice damming to the east.

Scarborough Formation deposits are believed to extend from the Lake Ontario shore northward towards Lake Simcoe (Fligg and Rodrigues, 1983; Eyles et al., 1985; Pugin et al., 1996; Sharp et al., 1996). Organic matter and methane gas in the Alliston aquifer (Aravena and Wassenaar, 1983; Turner, 1977) are interpreted to indicate organic-rich Scarborough sand deposits in the Laurentian Channel. Figure 19 illustrates the present interpreted thickness of the Scarborough Formation for the study area. Note that it is absent throughout much of the study area and appears localized upon bedrock lows. Given that the main delta location is to the west of the study area, Scarborough Formation deposits for the study area probably represent remnant fluvial deposits from northerly sources.

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Figure 19: Interpreted Scarborough Formation thickness.

March, 2007 Page 66 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Sunnybrook Drift

The Sunnybrook Drift unit was deposited in close proximity to an ice sheet as it finally reached the study area about 45,000 years ago. The Sunnybrook Drift is interpreted to be a clast-poor mud (silt and clay) deposited on the floor of a glacially dammed lake approximately 100 m deeper than the modern Lake Ontario (Eyles, 2002). Boulders and pebbles are rare and are interpreted to result from melting icebergs. An alternate explanation is that this unit consists of multiple diamicton (till-like) beds resulting from the inter-fingering of ice marginal flow tills and subglacial deformation and lodgement till (Barnett, 1992). Another interpretation is that this unit is a deformation till resulting from glacial overriding of lake clays (Hicock and Dreimanis, 1989) and has been identified near Woodbridge as a pebble-free mud (White, 1975). The Sunnybrook Drift thickens where it fills valleys on the tops of the underlying units such as occurs at Bluffers Park Marina (Scarborough) and High Park in Toronto and along the Lake Ontario shore east of Oshawa (Brookfield et al., 1982).

Figure 20 illustrates the interpreted thickness of the Sunnybrook Drift within the study area. It is generally less than 10 to 20 m thick but thickens over lows upon the underlying layers. It has also been partially removed by erosional activity or simply not deposited over much of the southern half of the study area.

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Figure 20: Interpreted Sunnybrook Drift thickness.

March, 2007 Page 68 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Thorncliffe Formation

The Thorncliffe Formation deposits represent glaciofluvial deposition of sand and silty sand within lows on the underlying stratigraphy, and further to the south comprise predominantly glaciolacustrine deposition of silt, sand and pebbly silt and clay deposited by glacial meltwaters entering a deep, ice-dammed ancestral Lake Ontario. The basal part of this unit is often marked by silt-clay rhythmites with the upper part consisting of mainly sand. This unit was deposited approximately 45,000 years ago (30,000 to 50,000 years ago; Barnett, 1992). The pebbly silt and clayey silt units are known as the Seminary and Meadowcliffe Diamict units where they occur along the Scarborough Bluffs and are believed to have limited extent north and east of the bluffs (Barnett, 1992; Eyles and Eyles, 1983; Karrow, 1967); however, Singer (1974) suggests that the Middle Glacial Unit (Table 17) may in fact correlate with the Meadowcliffe Till found at the Scarborough Bluffs.

Geotechnical investigations for trunk sewer projects, particularly along 16th Avenue near Markham situated west of the study area, are encountering considerable variation in grain size and thickness of sands within the Thorncliffe Formation. This is interpreted to represent more coarse material being deposited by fluvial or subaqueous processes in a north to south linear or fan-like fashion from a more northerly source (Sharpe et al., 2002b), perhaps similar to that proposed for parts of the underlying Scarborough Formation (Kelley and Martini, 1986). The fine grained sand and silty sand deposits represent deposition in a more distal or lateral position from the sediment source. The Thorncliffe Formation is characterized by significant facies changes over short distances, generally on the kilometer scale (Interim Waste Authority Limited, 1994a-e; MM Dillon Limited, 1990).

Thorncliffe Formation deposits are interpreted to be present throughout the study area and the interpreted thickness is shown on Figure 21.

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Figure 21: Interpreted thickness of the Thorncliffe Formation.

March, 2007 Page 70 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Newmarket Till

The Newmarket Till (sometimes referred to as the Northern till - Eyles, 1997; Boyce et al, 1995; Gerber, 1999; Gerber and Howard, 1996; 2000; 2002; Gerber et al., 2001 or Lower Leaside or Lower Halton Till – Karrow, 1967) is a dense, over-consolidated diamict deposited by the Laurentide ice sheet when it was at its maximum extent approximately 18- 20,000 years ago. The matrix is predominantly calcite-cemented sandy silt to silty sand with a clast content mainly comprised of limestone with a minor component of Canadian Shield rocks. The Newmarket Till can be traced as a stratigraphic marker across the entire study area and separates upper aquifer systems associated with the Oak Ridges Moraine sediments from lower aquifer systems that occur within deposits of the Thorncliffe Formation and the Scarborough Formation. The Newmarket Till contains breaches where it has been eroded by meltwater activity (“Tunnel Channels”) locally in the northern part of the study area discussed below.

The structure of the Newmarket Till is important to understanding its permeability variation. The Newmarket Till is a massive, stony (3-10 %) and consistently dense silty sand diamicton up to 60 m in thickness and has been traced lithologically beneath the moraine (e.g. Gwyn, 1976b; Barnett et al., 1991; Sharpe et al., 2002a). It contains thin, 2-5 cm thick, interbeds of sand and silt, boulder pavements and fractures and joints. It also contains small injections, dykes, breccia and rafts from lower sandy beds. Discontinuous sand beds up to 1-2 m may also be present. In rare instances, it contains thin rhythmites or isolated clay laminae. The Newmarket Till is subglacial in origin with incremental till accumulation, periodically interrupted by meltwater scours and localized deposition of sand and silt (Boyce et al., 1995; Sharpe et al., 2002a). It is characterized by high seismic velocities in downhole seismic logs obtained over wide areas, and the contrast in velocities between it (2000-3000 m/s) and overlying sediments (1500-2000 m/s) makes it a prominent reflector on seismic profiles (Pullan et al., 1994; Boyce et al. 1995; Pugin et al., 1999). The extent and stratigraphic relationship of Newmarket Till to other till sheets has been discussed (Sharpe et al., 1994; Boyce et al., 1995).

The Newmarket Till surface undulates north of the ORM (Gwyn and DiLabio, 1973), and carries both drumlins and channels as part of a regional unconformity. This erosional surface is considered to have been formed by subglacial sheet-flows, producing drumlins (Shaw and Sharpe, 1987) followed by waning-stage, entrenched flow, producing channels (Brennand and Shaw, 1994). The upper surface of the Newmarket Till has been formed by widespread erosion and forms a regional unconformity (Sharpe et al., 2002a).

Hydrogeologic investigations conducted during landfill suitability studies (MM Dillon Limited, 1990; Interim Waste Authority, 1994a-e) and continued by Gerber (1999; Gerber and Howard, 1996; 2000; Gerber et al., 2001) suggest that bulk hydraulic conductivity (K) of the Newmarket Till is controlled by structures or pathways such as sand seams and fractures (Figure 22). Horizontal pathways include sand and gravel interbeds and boulder pavements marking erosional surfaces identified in the Newmarket Till in outcrop and shallow seismic reflection profiles (Boyce et al., 1995). Vertical pathways include fractures, sand dykes and steeply-dipping shear surfaces. Isotopic data (2H, 18O and 3H) and regional water balance/groundwater flow modelling (Gerber, 1999) suggest vertical bulk K values on the order of 5 x 10-9 to 10-10 ms-1. Matrix K estimates from triaxial permeability and slug testing, in contrast, yield much lower estimates ranging from 10-11 to 10-10 ms-1. Vertical leakage through the Newmarket Till to the underlying Thorncliffe Formation is estimated at 30-40 mm/year on a regional basis. The amount of vertical leakage will obviously differ where the

March, 2007 Page 71 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization till has been removed by meltwater erosion (“tunnel channels”) and will depend on the channel infill sediments.





groundwater BASAL flow path DEFORMED THORNCLIFFE FORMATION (AQUIFER) ZONE Figure 22: Conceptual model of the internal architecture of the Newmarket Till. Figure from Gerber et al., 2001.

The Newmarket till is up to 70 m thick (Figure 23) locally but is generally approximately 20- 30 m thick. The till has been eroded in areas to the north of the study area corresponding to the locations of interpreted tunnel channels where meltwater flow has eroded down through the Newmarket Till into underlying sediments.

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Figure 23: Interpreted thickness of the Newmarket Till.

March, 2007 Page 73 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Regional Unconformity (“Tunnel Channels”)

An interpreted network of south-southwest-oriented channels has been cut into or through the Newmarket Till, particularly to the north of the ORM. These channels have been located, extended and refined from information provided in Russell et al. (2003) and from the elevation of ground surface topography north of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The surface expression of the channels disappears beneath the ORM. Mapping (Barnett, 1993), drilling (Barnett, 1993), and seismic reflection profiling (Pugin et al., 1996) show that some channels continue beneath the ORM. The channels may be confined within the Newmarket Till, or may have eroded through it into lower sediments. The channels at surface are 1-4 km wide and tens of metres deep. In the subsurface, their geometry is 1-2 km wide and tens of metres deep (Pugin et al., 1999). The channels mainly contain sandy and silty sediments; however, some channels contain thick (10-15 m), cross-bedded gravels (Shaw and Gorrell, 1991; Pugin et al., 1999; Russell et al., 2002). The channel network is attributed to subglacial floods (e.g. Barnett, 1990; Shaw and Gilbert, 1990; Russell et al., 2002) and the fill is attributed to waning flow (e.g. Shaw and Gorrell, 1991). These channels may be hydrogeologically significant as high yield aquifers (Sharpe et al., 1996) or, depending on channel infill, will affect the amount of leakage between upper aquifers associated with the Oak Ridges Moraine and deeper aquifers situated within the Thorncliffe Formation and the Scarborough Formation.

The tunnel channel systems are interpreted to trend generally north-south to northwest- southeast extending from north of the ORM beneath the ORM. The tunnel channels appear to disappear south of the moraine, which may be real or a function of the paucity of data. It is also suggested that this termination south beneath or south of the ORM may be attributed to a dissipation of energy as the meltwater flow meets with a pre-existing deposit surface (top of Newmarket Till) that dips southward towards Lake Ontario and perhaps also within an area of deep ponded water. Possible tunnel channel locations within the study area occur near the CAMC/YPDT Grasshopper Road borehole (Figure 23) and north of the headwaters of Oshawa Creek. Note that the Newmarket Till is interpreted to be absent in the lower reaches of Harmony and Farewell Creek. Oak Ridges Moraine Deposits

The ORM is an extensive stratified sediment complex 160 km long and 5-20 km wide. Rhythmically interbedded fine sands and silts are the dominant sediments, but coarse, diffusely-bedded sands and heterogeneous gravels are prominent locally, at the apex of fans and at depth in channels. Clay laminae are also present locally. ORM sediments have predominant NE-SW to E-W paleoflow indicators. The deposits are interpreted as glaciofluvial, transitional to glaciolacustrine subaqueous fan, and delta sediments. They were deposited in a glacial lake ponded between two glacial ice lobes (Simcoe and Ontario Lobes) and the Niagara Escarpment to the west approximately 12-13,000 years ago during the Mackinaw Interstade (Figure 14).

Figure 24 shows the interpreted thickness of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Mackinaw Interstade deposits. Generally, the Oak Ridges Moraine deposits are less than 90 m thick and thin along the south flank of the moraine where they are covered by surface tills. The extent of the ORM sediments within the subsurface along the south flank is more extensive than mapped by Turner (1978). The borehole and water well record database show the presence of significant sand bodies between the underlying Newmarket Till and overlying tills from the last glaciation. These sand bodies are not present everywhere (i.e. where

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Halton Till is in contact with Newmarket Till). Note that the Oak Ridges Moraine sediments distal from the moraine itself are considered to be Mackinaw Interstadial sediments with the degree of hydraulic connection to the Oak Ridges Moraine decreasing or nominal, remote from the moraine. Mackinaw Interstadial sediments generally only occur locally within areas of low topography upon the surface of the underlying Newmarket Till.

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Figure 24: Interpreted thickness of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Mackinaw Interstadial deposits.

March, 2007 Page 76 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Halton Till

The latest glacial ice advance over the southern part of the study area occurred from the Lake Ontario Basin about 13,000 years ago and resulted in the deposition of the Halton Till from the Lake Ontario Ice. The interpreted thickness of the Halton Till is shown on Figure 25. Note that for this study the Halton Till is believed to form the surficial till unit extending southward to the Lake Iroquois shoreline. This interpretation extends the till further south than the GSC interpretation (Russell et al., 2002a). The till that outcrops south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline is interpreted to be Newmarket Till.

The Halton till is texturally variable but is generally a sandy silt to clayey silt till interbedded with silt, clay, sand and gravel (Russell et al., 2002). In some areas it is very clay-rich where the Halton ice has overridden glaciolacustrine deposits. The Halton Till is typically 3 to 6 m thick but locally it exceeds 15 to 30 m in thickness such as in the headwater areas of Oshawa, Farewell and Bowmanville Creeks (Russell et al., 2002). On the southern flanks of the Oak Ridges Moraine it has overridden the granular Oak Ridges Moraine deposits over much of the northern part of the study area.

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Figure 25: Interpreted Halton Till (and glaciolacustrine veneer) thickness.

March, 2007 Page 78 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Surficial Glaciolacustrine Deposits

The uppermost regionally significant surficial geologic unit consists of a sequence of glaciolacustrine deposits that form a veneer over the underlying Halton and Newmarket tills. These deposits vary from near shore sands and gravel beach deposits of the Lake Iroquois shoreline located within the southern part of the study area, to the fine sands, silts and clays of glaciolacustrine pondings that occur north of the Lake Iroquois shoreline. These sediments generally form a thin veneer over the underlying deposits, although locally they can be several meters thick. These units represent local ponding of water, or higher water levels in Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe, following retreat of the glaciers approximately 12,500 years ago. For example, Glacial Lake Iroquois (ancestral Lake Ontario) water levels were at least 40 to 60 m higher than present due to ice blockage and damming of water along the St. Lawrence River (Anderson and Lewis, 1985; Eyles, 1997). Note that shoreline elevations are slowly changing as a result of postglacial glacio-isostatic rebound (Eyles, 1997). The extent of these deposits is shown on the surficial geology map (Figure 15).

A southwest-northeast trending cross section through the CLOCA jurisdiction is provided on Figure 26. The geologic layers represent the current interpretation of the CAMC-YPDT study team and are planned on being built into the three-dimensional groundwater flow model (Core Model; 100m x 100m cells) later this year. Note that the cross-section trends across the south slope region in the west and along the ORM in the east. Visible in the cross section is the pinching out of the ORM deposits over the south slope, and thickness of the moraine deposits beneath the ORM itself. Also note that as one moves east the Scarborough Formation pinches out and often either the Sunnybrook Drift or the Thorncliffe Formation occurs immediately above bedrock. As mentioned previously, the Halton Till occurs along the flanks of the ORM and is interpreted to be largely absent south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline. Outcrops of till south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline are interpreted to be Newmarket Till.

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Figure 26: Southwest-northeast trending cross section through the CLOCA jurisdiction.

2.2.2 Topography

Various tools and natural formations are used to quantitatively describe slopes, flow directions, water storage, watershed sizes, stream orders and densities and natural sinks. Descriptive tools include digital elevation models or mapping (DEM), stream networks, water bodies, and flow direction grids.

The ground elevation within the study area ranges between 365 masl near Chalk Lake to 75 masl at the Lake Ontario shoreline with an elevation decline of approximately 290 m in 23 km from north to south as shown on the DEM in Figure 27.

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Figure 27: Ground surface topography of the study area.

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2.2.3 Physiography

The study area falls within three physiographic regions that, from north to south, include the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM), the South slope and the Iroquois plain (Chapman and Putnam, 1984; (Figure 28). The northern part of CLOCA’s jurisdiction is covered by the ORM physiographic region. The highest elevations of the moraine mark the northern boundary of the study area and function as surface water divides. The moraine heights and sediments represent an important recreational and groundwater recharge feature in the watershed. The ORM, which runs from the Niagara Escarpment in the west to the Trent River in the east, has been identified as an area of provincial importance and since enactment of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, subject to development restrictions. This legislation is aimed at protecting the integrity and important hydrogeological and ecological functions of the moraine. The Oak Ridges Moraine exists as an easterly trending feature across the top of the study area, with a lobe extending southward in the area just west of Enniskillen. The southern boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine is delineated by the 245 masl elevation contour.

The South slope physiographic region extends southward from the base of the moraine. Chapman and Putman (1984) describe the South slope as a drumlinized area, consisting of areas of thin (<1 m thick) eolian sand deposits underlain by glacial deposits, mainly till. It is topographically lower (average elevation 175 masl) and flatter than the Oak Ridges Moraine to the north. The slope is characterised by southerly trending drainage with sharply incised valleys and numerous gullies.

The most southerly physiographic region within the study area is the Glacial Lake Iroquois plain. The Iroquois plain includes a northerly east-west trending band of sandier beach deposits and a southerly finer-grained lacustrine plain, both formed in glacial Lake Iroquois. Because of the difference in material and hydrologic function, this physiographic region is often locally separated into 2 regions, namely the Iroquois beach and the Iroquois plain regions (Figure 28). The Iroquois beach region is marked by low-lying bluffs and gravel bars. It currently exists as an easterly trending band, approximately 2 km in width across the centre portion of the watershed from east of Stephen’s Gulch conservation area to west of Macedonia Village, dipping south around several drumlins in the Courtice area. The Iroquois plain region drops off from the beach bluffs to an elevation of less than 130 masl, is flatter and composed of much finer-grained deposits. Drumlins also mark the landscape providing for hilly topography. This region is the most populated physiographic region in Ontario (Chapman and Putman, 1984).

The Oak Ridges Moraine and the Lake Iroquois beach sediments represent surficial aquifer systems within the study area. They are both unconfined formations where recharge functions are significant. The Oak Ridges Moraine serves as the headwaters for a number of streams to the north and south supporting many local ecosystems. It also provides potable water supplies for domestic wells and industrial uses alike. The Lake Iroquois beach deposits serve not only as a shallow accessible source of groundwater for domestic use, but often provide supplementary groundwater discharge to streams that cut through the deposits. Though the beach deposits are highly vulnerable to contamination, and experiencing significant development pressure, most of the settlements located in the area are serviced by municipal pipeline from Lake Ontario for drinking water resources. The exceptions are Macedonian Village located south of Highway 7 west of Cochrane Road, and Mitchell Corners north of Courtice at Taunton Road (Figure 28). These communities are currently serviced by shallow private wells. Development on the Iroquois Beach and north to

March, 2007 Page 82 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization the boundary of the Greenbelt is expected to increase over the next few decades. It is likely that municipal services sourced from Lake Ontario will be extended to at least north of the Iroquois Beach physiographic region as development occurs.

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Figure 28: Physiographic regions of the CLOCA study area.

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2.2.4 Soil Characteristics

Soils have a significant influence on hydrological processes. The physical properties of soils determine the amount of water that infiltrates and is transmitted through the soil and how much water runs off the soil.

Soil water movement is controlled by two main factors: 1) the resistance of the soil matrix to water flow, and 2) the forces acting on each element or unit of soil water. Darcy's law is the basic equation describing water movement in soil, and it relates the flow rate to these two factors (US SCS, 1993,

Infiltration is the process of downward water movement in the soil. Infiltration values are usually sensitive to near surface conditions as well as to the antecedent water state of the soil. As such, the values are subject to significant change with soil use, management and time. A balancing between soil infiltration rates and precipitation is used in estimating runoff. Runoff is the difference after a correction for evapotranspiration, and retention of water on the land surface and vegetation.

Soil classifications are used to provide generalized information about the nature and properties of a soil in a particular location. Figure 29 illustrates the soil types for the study area derived from the Ontario Soils data model. This model is based on the National Soil Database data model for Detailed Soil Surveys found on the CanSIS website ( Where applicable, Ontario Soil data items follow The Canadian System of Soil Classification (2nd Edition) 1987 ( or The Canadian System of Soil Classification (third edition) 1998 (

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Figure 29: Soil types in the CLOCA study area (OMAFRA, 1989).

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The US Soil Conservation Services has classified soil types into four hydrologic soil groups consisting of A, B, C, and D (US SCS, 1993). Minimum annual steady ponded infiltration rates for a bare ground surface are used to determine the general definitions of the soil groups shown in Table 18. Infiltration is generally categorized as preponded, transient ponded, and steady ponded (US SCS, 1993).Groups of soils have similar runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions.

Table 18: Hydrologic Soil Groups (Chisholm, 1981).

Hydrologic Criteriaa Soil Group Soils have low runoff potential and high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted. They consist chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sands, loamy sand, A sandy loam or gravels and have a high rate of water transmission (greater than 0.75 cm/hr.). Soils have moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine B to moderately course textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission (0.40 to 0.75 cm/hr.). Soils have low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water and soils with moderately C coarse textures such as sandy clay loam. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission (0.15-0.40 cm/hr.). Soils have high runoff potential. They have very low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a clay pan or clay layer at or near the surface, D and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils, such as clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay have a very low rate of water transmission (0.00 to 0.15 cm/hr.). a. The criteria are estimations only.

Table 19 provides spatial estimates of the hydrologic soil groups as represented by percent of the respective total watershed area. Three dual classes of A/B, B/C, and C/D are subgroups of the four main groups and are required for local hydrologic modelling initiatives.

Table 19: Hydrologic soil group spatial estimates in the CLOCA study area. Watershed General Description Hydrologic % of Soil Group Watershed Lynde Creek Sandy Loam A 1 AB 29 Silt Loam B 33 BC 1 Sandy Clay Loam C 30 CD 5 Clay Loam D 1

Oshawa Creek Sandy Loam A 5 AB 15 Silt Loam B 26 BC 0 Sandy Clay Loam C 52 CD 2

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Clay Loam D 0

Black, Harmony and Farewell Creeks Sandy Loam A 5 AB 11 Silt Loam B 65 BC 0 Sandy Clay Loam C 16 CD 2 Clay Loam D 1

Bowmanville Creek Sandy Loam A 16 AD 19 Silt Loam B 31 BD 3 Sandy Clay Loam C 31 CD 0 D 0

Soper Creek Sandy Loam A 20 AD 15 Silt Loam B 24 BD 7 Sandy Clay Loam C 33 CD 1 Clay Loam D 0

Figure 30 illustrates the spatial distribution of the hydrologic soils groups within CLOCA’s jurisdiction. Hydrologic soil groups are used in the computation of runoff in both CANWET and Visual Otthymo numerical models. The hydrologic soils group classification assists in the determination of the SCS Curve Number (CN) method for pervious surfaces which is discussed in more detail in the paper by Rallison (1979).

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Figure 30: Hydrologic soil group distribution in the CLOCA study area.

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2.3 Hydrology

2.3.1 Surface Water Hydrology

A further understanding of the hydrologic characteristics of CLOCA’s watersheds supports the components to be considered in conceptual and Tier 1 water budget activities, and the quantity and quality risk assessment pieces of the Assessment Report. Drainage

The natural drainage system within the CLOCA jurisdiction includes five major watersheds with several smaller ones originating from and draining the south portion of the study area (Figure 31). From west to east, the following creeks drain the major watersheds of CLOCA: Lynde, Pringle, Oshawa (including the Goodman), Farewell (including Black and Harmony) and Bowmanville (including Soper) creeks. The smaller streams originating in the south portion of the area are Corbett, Montgomery, Robinson, Tooley, Darlington, Westside and Bennett creeks. Also, numerous unnamed smaller watersheds drain directly into Lake Ontario.

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Figure 31: Major watersheds of the CLOCA study area

March, 2007 Page 91 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Fluvial Geomorphology

The geomorphology of creeks in the CLOCA watershed area is typical of moraine fed streams draining to Lake Ontario. The Moraine itself is generally able to hold and infiltrate precipitation into groundwater, and does not produce sufficient surface water to cause the forming of streams. The headwater streams therefore originate on the south slope of the Moraine where in many areas groundwater discharges to the ground surface. As these small streams flow through the Till Plain, the topography becomes much more uniform, with a significant north to south slope. The till soils are erodable, and over time steep gullies and valleys have been created. In the Iroquois Beach, many small streams originate as a result of groundwater discharge from the Beach feature. South of the Beach, very few small tributaries exist, and the established creeks convey the flow. Streams in the urban part of CLOCA’s jurisdiction have a significant history of alteration and do not reflect a natural form as much as an impact and adjustment form. Rapid Stream and Rapid Geomorphic Assessments

Assessments are carried out generally for representative reaches identified in urban areas on a snapshot basis. Urban impacts may lead to increased rates of fluvial processes, and added concern for stream erosion. For these reasons, the urban area has been the focus of fluvial analysis. Table 20 and Table 21 present summaries of geomorphic and rapid stream assessments within Oshawa Creek. Summaries are also available but only in draft for the Lynde creek watershed.

Table 20: Rapid geomorphic assessments for 11 reaches within the Oshawa Creek. Evidence of Adjustment Due To Reach Aggradation Degradation Widening Plan Form SI Classification 1 0.43 0.5 0.88 0.43 0.56 unstable 2 0.86 0.4 0.67 0.86 0.7 unstable 3 0.29 0.5 0.33 0.29 0.35 stressed 4 0.86 0.3 0.7 0.43 0.57 unstable 5 0.57 0.3 0.5 0.57 0.49 unstable 6 0.71 0.11 0.5 0.71 0.51 unstable 7 0.29 0.33 0.63 0.28 0.38 stressed 8 0.29 0.43 0.7 0.57 0.5 unstable 9 0.57 0.17 0.5 0.43 0.42 unstable 10 0.14 0 0.44 0.33 0.23 stressed 11 0.14 0.3 0.2 0 0.16 in regime

Table 21: Rapid stream assessments for 11 reaches within the Oshawa Creek. Reach Channel Scour/ In stream Water Riparian Biological Score Stream Stability Deposition Habitat Quality Conditions Indicators Health 1 2 Poor 2 Poor 5 Good 5 Good 5 Good 6 Good 25 Fair 2 5 Fair 6 Good 4 Fair 5 Good 5 Good 6 Good 31 Good 3 8 Good 6 Good 3 Fair 6 Good 2 Fair 5 Good 30 Good 4 6 Good 6 Good 5 Good 5 Good 5 Good 5 Good 32 Good 5 7 Good 4 Fair 4 Fair 4 Fair 5 Good 4 Fair 28 Fair 6 2 Poor 4 Fair 4 Fair 2 Poor 3 Fair 4 Fair 19 Fair 7 7 Good 6 Good 6 Good 6 Good 6 Excellen 6 Good 37 Good

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t 8 0 Poor 0 Poor 3 Fair 5 Good 5 Good 5 Good 18 Fair 9 3 Fair 5 Fair 6 Good 4 Fair 7 Excellen 5 Good 31 Good t 10 6 Good 6 Good 3 Fair 6 Good 1 Poor 3 Fair 25 Fair 11 4 Fair 3 Fair 4 Fair 3 Fair 4 Good 4 Fair 22 Fair Stream Order

Streams are classified using the stream order system, which assigns streams a number depending on their location in the network’s branching pattern. The term headwaters generally refer to zero-order (swales), first-order and second-order streams. Typically at least half of the total length of the channels in a stream can be classified as first-order streams, which in turn represents a significant portion of groundwater discharge contribution to the total stream network. Therefore accurate (mapping) of low-order streams is critical in presenting the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge for water budgets and resource modelling. In addition, small streams offer the greatest opportunity for exchange between water and the terrestrial environment based on the first-order percentage of total channel length.

Through current Existing Conditions reporting, stream order is determined using 1980 1:10,000 Ontario Base Maps (OBMs). The uppermost or headwater tributaries of a stream are considered to be first order. If a first order stream is piped, channelized or altered (usually the areas within urban limits) a “+” symbol is used to denote storm water input. A second order stream is the product of two first order streams coming together. A third order stream then would be the product of two second orders and so on.

Table 22 presents a summary of stream order within Oshawa Creek. Development of standardized stream order mapping for the Lynde, Bowmanville and Soper, and Black Harmony and Farewell Creek watersheds remains a gap. In addition, stream order analyses have yet to be done for the southerly small watersheds that originate in the Iroquois Beach physiographic region.

Table 22: Stream order numbers and measurements within the Oshawa Creek. Stream Order Number of Streams Total Length of Stream (km) Overall % of Creek First (+) 213 (53) 139 (38) 54 (15) Second 34 56 22 Third 5 31 12 Fourth 2 19 7 Fifth 1 10 4 Totals 239 255 100 Note: Altered stream (+) figures is presented in brackets.

First order segments support more than half of the stream habitat available within the Oshawa Creek watershed, and therefore deserve attention as a critical biological feature. Moreover, greater than two-thirds of these streams originate within the Oak Ridges Moraine, attesting to the importance of the area for groundwater discharge. First and second order

March, 2007 Page 93 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization streams also receive almost half of the groundwater discharge for much of the Oak Ridges Moraine area (Earthfx, 2004). Thermal Classifications

Temperature is one of many criteria used to assess the water quality of a stream in general and for the aquatic life within it. Accurate temperature representation also provides key validation information with regards to identified areas of groundwater discharge. Many organisms have particular thermal requirements for existence, and cannot tolerate large changes in water temperature. Moreover, water temperature can be correlated with the presence or absence of riparian cover, another critical component of aquatic habitat.

In addition to the state of riparian vegetation, water temperature at any given site can be influenced by the cumulative effects of all landscape characteristics upstream. For example, cold water sites are typically characterized by naturally vegetated landscapes, while warm water sites tend to be dominated by agricultural and urban land-uses and a lack of natural cover. The effect of varying land-use and land-cover regimes on water temperature can be seen within the watersheds of CLOCA’s jurisdiction. Data from fisheries sampling shows a general trend from cold headwater tributaries surrounded by natural vegetation, to cool mid- reaches dominated by agricultural land-uses, to cool and warm water mainstems that are subject to both the adjacent urbanized land and the agricultural land-uses upstream (see Thermal Classification Figure 32,).

Thermal studies attempt to document temperature change trends and give a general index of habitat value. Using these tools, managers can understand the thermal profile of a watershed, and relate temperature to general water quality and biological conditions of a stream. Source water protection assessment requires a water quality assessment of both ground and surface water sources.

To obtain a current thermal classification for the subwatersheds, CLOCA uses the protocol outlined within Stoneman and Jones (1996) as part of the Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP). The OSAP provides a standardized approach for evaluating habitat, invertebrates and fish communities through a set of provincial standards developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. This method generates reliable estimates of thermal stability of a site based on one temperature measurement of air and water. Using this protocol, cold, cool or warm water habitats are easily differentiated.

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Figure 32 : Thermal Classification (CLOCA, 2007)

March, 2007 Page 95 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Total Streamflow

Stream gauging provides critical information needed for CLOCA’s flood forecasting and warning program. This information is also of importance to water budgeting analyses necessary for source water protection. Total flows, calculated baseflows, mean daily flows and mean monthly flow information are derived from the raw level data and stream section survey information.

The flows, cumulative and distributed flows, and baseflows calculated from the stream gauge data support groundwater and surface water modelling calibration efforts, surface water quality assimilative studies, and PTTW and aquatic investigations. It is important to monitor changes in flow conditions that reflect changes in climate (precipitation, evapotranspiration, air temperature), water demands, land use (urban, rural, agricultural, recreational) and natural (loss of natural heritage features). Changes in flow rates affect urban and rural run-off and wash-off and transport, channel stability and fish habitat. Issues result from groundwater discharge reduction; reduced assimilative capacity; increased water temperature.

The Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan (CLOCA, 2002) provides additional detail of the analyses. Refer to:

Additional work will be done to address streamflow data gaps through SWP water budget activities. Figure 33 depicts the general trends in daily mean streamflow for six Water Survey of Canada (WSC) stream gauge stations (either active or inactive HYDAT stations) located within CLOCA’s watersheds which have long-term periods of record suitable for analysis. This monitoring network, which is province-wide, is also referred to as the Provincial Stream Gauge Network. APPENDIX 5: Surface Water Quantity Characterization includes additional analyses for the same stations reported below.

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Daily Mean Streamflow 6

Oshawa Creek at Oshawa 02HD008 (1959-2000) 5 Lynde Creek at Whitby 02HC018 (1959-2000) Bowmnaville Creek at Bowmanville 02HD006 (1959-1995) Harmony Creek at Oshawa 02HD013 (1980-2000) 4 Farewell Creek at Oshawa 02HD014 (1980-1993) Soper Creek at Bowmanville 02HD007 (1959-1987)



1 DailyMean Streamflow (cms)

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 33: Daily mean streamflow calculated at six WSC HYDAT sites with extended periods of record. Low Flow Streamflow

The Authority is currently working with Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Environment on the Low Water Response Program. The basis of this program is to monitor rainfall and stream flow within the creeks of CLOCA’s watershed. The Authority has initiated a stream baseflow assessment program. The main objective is to obtain base flow information to assist in the development of a long-term baseflow monitoring network using a pre-determined distribution of measurement sites. In addition to supporting the provincial low water response program, a more comprehensive understanding of baseflow conditions will significantly benefit groundwater recharge and discharge analyses, modelling, water use permit reviews, aquatic impact studies and source water protection activities.

Stream low flow measurements, beginning in 2002, are recorded annually. The field program measures flows taken over spring/summer/fall seasons. Field flow measurements are generally taken at stream crossings and stream gauge stations. These measurements represent a significant source of information that supports aquatic studies, groundwater discharge and water budgets including numerical model calibration.

Linking low flow measurements to stream flow gauges will be undertaken by CLOCA during 2006/07 as part of the SWP work. Direct relationships (% of stream gauge measured flow) may be established by relating low flow measurements at a particular site to corresponding flow measurements recorded at a nearby stream gauge. By establishing relationships between gauge data and low flow site data, estimates of interpolated baseflows can be made at a particular low flow site beyond the single spot flows measured. This analysis will

March, 2007 Page 97 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization further refine baseflow information and provided a more reliable predictive data set for many low flow sites in CLOCA’s jurisdiction.

In addition, Conestoga-Rovers and Associates under the York Peel Durham Toronto Groundwater Study undertook a snapshot of low flows during 2001 across the four regions (CRA, 2003). Many of the sampling sites correspond to the existing CLOCA sites, which helps to further validate and expand the baseflow data set. Further investigations are required to identify whether additional low flow data are available for sites within the jurisdiction. Modelling Activities

Current hydrologic modelling is being undertaken through the watershed management plan development process on a watershed-by-watershed basis. Visual OTTHYMO v2.0 (existing CLOCA model) is a single event hydrologic model simulating runoff from single storm events. Hydrographs generated are based on unit hydrograph theory and common types of available hydrographs. The model integrates with watershed studies, master drainage plans, functional and site plan storm water management design, and stormwater management pond design. Routing routines are based on hydrologic routing principals.

Oshawa Creek and Lynde Creek Watersheds have preliminary flow values modelled on OTTHYMO V2 simulations and were calculated for various return periods and storm events. The quantity of surface water in terms of peak flow rate is modelled as a result of rainfall events for the watershed. Calibration and validation is ongoing for both models.

The general hydrologic modelling practice undertaken for management purposes is outlined in the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan (CLOCA, 2002) and is discussed below as an example. The Oshawa Creek hydrologic model completed can be viewed as an update to the work contained in the 1995 Oshawa Creek Watershed Study (Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (TSH), 1995). For further details, refer to:

The Oshawa Creek watershed was divided into 50 hydrographic units based on the 1:10,000 topographic mapping and surface drainage (storm sewer) mapping for areas south of Conlin Road. These basins were selected to resemble the units used in the TSH (1995) study.

The following updates were made to the 1995 computations:

1. The 1995 Oshawa Creek Watershed Study is based on actual land use as of November 1991. The CLOCA Watershed Management Plan is defined by the actual land use as of June 2000 (refer to Section 2.4 Land Use). 2. The Oshawa Creek watershed was modeled using the Visual Otthymo hydrologic model. This model is the latest version of the Otthymo programs, updating the Otthymo-89 model as used in the TSH (1995) Study. 3. The Visual Otthymo model maintains the same input parameters as Otthymo-89, each based on watershed characteristics estimated from topographic mapping, land use, soils, and standard default values from Provincial Agencies. Model parameters were recalculated using GIS queries.

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The results of the hydrologic model were used to compare flows between the TSH 1995 and CLOCA 2000 scenarios. The following table presents the peak flows for the 1991 and 2000 land use conditions at hydrologic reference points detailed in Table 23.

Table 23: Peak Flows (m3/s), Visual Otthymo calculations (CLOCA, 2002). Hydrologic Reference 2 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 50 Yr 100 Yr Points TSH Existing TSH Existing TSH Existing TSH Existing TSH Existing

1995 2000 1995 2000 1995 2000 1995 2000 1995 2000 1 42.93 43.20 66.75 69.25 87.80 90.29 142.45 146.38 206.0 207.73 2 46.73 46.92 80.93 82.46 107.15 109.37 170.0 173.80 233.1 234.67 3 48.15 48.22 83.94 85.67 111.48 114.33 178.88 183.77 239.7 241.62 4 45.54 43.42 79.42 78.49 105.65 105.50 170.39 171.85 228.6 228.68 5 45.59 43.61 79.51 78.80 105.77 105.93 171.29 173.24 236.9 238.54 6 46.51 44.18 80.98 79.37 107.43 106.25 173.63 173.75 240.9 241.34 7 48.18 45.35 83.99 81.46 111.96 109.59 181.94 180.70 251.0 248.87 8 28.98 27.81 50.38 49.69 66.93 66.80 108.47 109.83 149.14 151.15 9 26.14 25.11 45.52 45.72 59.95 61.02 95.77 99.41 129.03 134.30 10 7.67 7.47 13.38 13.83 17.82 18.87 28.83 31.26 39.15 42.86 11 16.81 15.00 29.20 27.33 38.25 36.22 60.75 58.65 81.43 78.91 12 7.82 6.56 13.66 12.20 18.05 16.52 29.15 27.44 38.69 36.85 13 7.23 6.87 12.49 12.39 16.44 16.60 26.25 27.11 35.06 36.31 14 19.24 17.59 33.83 31.94 45.35 43.12 74.52 72.04 104.47 101.15 15 16.16 14.09 29.15 26.45 39.27 36.32 65.70 62.31 90.51 87.02 16 4.34 3.51 7.46 6.37 9.96 8.71 16.45 14.82 23.29 21.79 17 12.00 10.96 21.86 20.64 29.56 28.41 49.55 48.81 68.07 67.92 18 8.28 6.71 15.16 13.21 20.46 18.55 32.24 31.71 44.50 43.08 30 6.36 10.70 9.79 15.56 11.96 18.75 17.11 26.23 20.75 33.80 31 2.82 4.81 4.36 6.97 5.44 8.53 8.36 12.01 9.77 15.48 32 1.93 4.29 3.33 5.74 4.17 6.78 6.07 8.95 8.15 10.44 33 2.10 11.74 3.77 17.24 5.14 20.92 9.10 29.35 12.75 42.26 34 1.15 1.55 2.04 2.81 2.74 3.79 4.52 6.31 6.18 8.54

ESRI’s ArcHydro has been identified as a proposed data model that will assist CLOCA in providing a more systematic approach to managing hydrometric information, which in turn will improve the reliability of data inputs to surface and groundwater models. ArcHydro is a data structure that links hydrologic data to water resource models and decision-making methods. Through the software, surface water resource data can be described in a standardized way so that it can be consistently and easily used to support water resource assessments such as water quality, determining water availability, preventing flooding, understanding the natural environment, and managing water resources on a local or regional scale. In addition, advancing the spatial and temporal distribution of flows (flow regime) would require the application of a transient surface water flow model.

2.3.2 Groundwater and Hydrogeology

This section builds on the geologic framework provided in Section 2.2.1 and describes the present understanding of how water flows through the various geologic units. The

March, 2007 Page 99 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization discussion in this section starts with a description of modelling activities, the hydrostratigraphic framework and then describes the present understanding of how groundwater enters the ground surface (recharge), how this water moves through the subsurface and where groundwater leaves the subsurface or intersects with the ground surface (groundwater discharge). Also included in this section is a brief description of the numerical groundwater flow model being constructed by the CAMC-YPDT study team for the Oak Ridges Moraine and being expanded through the CLOCA jurisdiction during 2006/07. Modelling Activities

An integral part of the CAMC-YPDT Oak Ridges Moraine hydrogeology study is the construction of numerical groundwater flow models. These models have been constructed for a myriad of uses largely aimed at providing guidance to groundwater management initiatives. Other more specific uses include:

• Water budget investigations; • Source Water Protection Investigations; • Watershed management plans; • Estimate land use change impacts; • Wellhead protection and water supply investigations; • Fisheries and resource management; and • PTTW review.

Initial modelling efforts focused on the construction of a regional model encompassing the entire ORM (Regional Model; Figure 34) and utilizing the ORM geology recently constructed by the Geological Survey of Canada. This model contained cells 240 m by 240 m and consisted of 5 layers as per the GSC stratigraphic interpretation including:

1. Halton Till; 2. Oak Ridges Moraine sediments; 3. Newmarket Till; 4. Lower Sediments; and 5. Bedrock.

This model was constructed to test various technical aspects of constructing a numerical flow model for such a large area.

Recent efforts have focused on the construction of a finer grid model (100m by 100m cells) known as the Core Model (Figure 34) which presently encompasses much of York Region and the City of Toronto. Expansion of this model through Peel Region to the west and Durham Region, including the study area, is being conducted with expected completion in 2006. A brief description of the Core Model will be provided here. For more details the reader is referred to Earthfx (2004) where much of the information for this discussion has been obtained.

The Core Model integrates and builds on the geologic foundation provided by the OGS and the GSC. The geologic subdivisions have been expanded into the eight layer hydrostratigraphic framework as shown in Table 23. Improvements over the Regional Model include subdividing the Lower Sediments into the Thorncliffe aquifer complex, the Sunnybrook aquitard and the Scarborough aquifer complex. The model grid size was reduced to 100m by 100m cells to better incorporate groundwater/surface water interaction.

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The Core Model uses the United States Geological Survey (USGS) MODFLOW code to solve the equations for groundwater flow (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988; Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996). Model pre- and post-processing is conducted using VIEWLOG (VIEWLOG Systems Inc., Version 3). The Core Model is presently steady-state with inputs including estimates of recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and the three-dimensional arrangement of aquifer and aquitard layers. As a steady-state model, the Core Model is considered to represent average annual groundwater flow conditions. Transient response such as monthly or annual groundwater recharge, groundwater levels, groundwater discharge, and variable municipal well pumping rates are not presently explicitly incorporated in the model. The Core Model has been used in a number of applications including:

• An assessment of dewatering impacts associated with a large infrastructure project within the Don, Rouge and Petticoat watersheds; • Simulations in support of PTTW applications to the MOE by York Region; • Delineation of wellhead protection areas (capture zones) within York Region; and • An assessment of groundwater/surface water interaction from various groundwater use scenarios within York Region; and

Any model, the Core Model included, are simplifications of complex natural systems. Presently the Core Model is a steady state treatment which does not incorporate temporal changes in input parameters or output results. It does not yet incorporate the effects of storage. Another limitation to the model is a paucity of reliable data regarding the deeper parts of the flow system. The different geologic units (e.g. Thorncliffe Formation and Scarborough Formation) have been modelled here as single layer systems when in fact they are layered systems with lateral facies changes over short distances. Generally groundwater flow models can accurately simulate average water levels, gradients, and flow directions. Predictions regarding actual flow paths and well capture zones are less certain because they are significantly affected by small-scale variations in geology and aquifer properties. The Core Model construction process was initiated in 2002. This model is actively being refined and expanded east to cover the CLOCA area and west, to partially cover the Credit Valley Conservation area as new information is collected and added.

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Figure 34: Locations of the Regional (240 m grid) and Core (100 m grid) numerical groundwater flow models. Figure from Earthfx (2004). Hydrostratigraphy

There are three main geologic features of the stratigraphic framework that are considered to largely control the flow of groundwater through the unconsolidated sediment system. One feature is the orientation and connection of the bedrock valleys. Sand and gravel deposits often occur upon bedrock lows and can form productive aquifers. The second is the architecture of the Newmarket Till that separates the “Upper” part of the flow system from the “Deeper” part of the flow system. Where this unit has been completely eroded by melt water (termed tunnel channels by Sharpe et al., 1999), the nature of the infill sediments will control the amount of leakage to the “Deeper” aquifer system. The nature of the infill materials is only known for a couple of locations situated to the west of the study area. The infill for one tunnel channel system located near King City and Nobleton is described by Russell et al. (2002) as consisting of thick gravel deposits and diffusely graded fine sand. In the Aurora-Vandorf area (northern part of study area), coarse sediments including significant gravel aquifer intervals, are an important part of the channel sediments (Sharpe and Russell, 2001). The infill material for the erosional channels is quite variable and in some cases may also contain significant quantities of fine grained sediments. This appears to be the case in

March, 2007 Page 102 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization portions of the tunnel channel in the vicinity of King City. In many areas, the nature and extent of the infill material within the tunnel channels remains uncertain due to the lack of deep borehole or well information. Where the Newmarket till is present, the flow of groundwater through this aquitard is described in Gerber et al., 2001; Gerber, 1999; Gerber and Howard, 1996; 2000). The third major geologic control on the groundwater flow system is the thickness and location of the granular deposits of the Oak Ridges Moraine that form the major recharge area within the northern part of the study area.

It is important to acquire an understanding of the sedimentary deposits overlying bedrock in the watershed. These deposits include, for the most part, the major aquifers in the watershed. An estimated 95% of wells in the study area are situated within these sedimentary deposits as bedrock wells generally provide low yield and poor quality supplies.

The classification of the geologic units, described in 2.2.1, into eight hydrostratigraphic units is summarized in Table 24. The flow system within the study area consists of three principal aquifers. An upper aquifer system occurs within deposits of the ORM and the Mackinaw Interstadial Unit (Oak Ridges aquifer complex). An intermediate aquifer, referred to as the Thorncliffe aquifer complex, occurs within deposits of the Thorncliffe Formation. A deeper aquifer, referred to as the Scarborough aquifer complex occurs within deposits of the Scarborough Formation. As with the geologic units, all hydrostratigraphic units are not present everywhere throughout the study area. For example, the Scarborough aquifer complex is interpreted to be absent in the north-western quadrant of the study area (Figure 19). Two other minor aquifers occur within the Quaternary sedimentary sequence. Surficial sands above the Halton Till can thicken locally and serve as a supply for domestic wells. The upper, weathered bedrock surface has also been found to be relatively permeable. Haefeli (1970) noted that the permeability of the upper bedrock decreased significantly with depths greater than 15 m.

The Oak Ridges aquifer complex is separated from the two deeper aquifers by the Newmarket Till aquitard which exerts significant control on the flow system. Where this aquitard has been breached by erosive processes, the hydraulic properties of the infill sediments determine the amount of leakage between the shallow and deeper groundwater flow systems. Much of the infill sediments appear in the MOE water well records as fining- upward sequences of sand and silt. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of silt within the tunnel channels generally controls regional leakage. Pumping tests conducted for municipal well exploration within the deep groundwater flow system generally indicate leaky-confined to confined aquifer conditions with boundaries. Regional modelling (Earthfx, 2004) indicated that the hydraulic conductivity of the silt is approximately an order of magnitude higher than the Newmarket Till aquitard for silt infill in York Region.

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Table 24: Hydrostratigraphic units. Geologic Unit Hydrostratigraphic Unit Aquifer Aquitard

Shallow Groundwater Flow System 1 Glaciolacustrine and Recent

2 Halton Till Halton aquitard

3 Oak Ridges Moraine/Mackinaw Interstadial Oak Ridges aquifer complex

Tunnel Channel infill Channel silt aquitard Channel aquifer complex

4 Newmarket Till Newmarket aquitard

Deep Groundwater Flow System 5 Thorncliffe Fm. (or equivalent) Thorncliffe aquifer complex

6 Sunnybrook Drift (or equivalent) Sunnybrook aquitard

7 Scarborough Fm. (or equivalent) Scarborough aquifer complex

8 Bedrock Limestone aquifer

Weathered shale Lower permeability bedrock Groundwater Flow

Generally, shallow groundwater flow in the CLOCA study area mimics the ground surface topography. Regionally, groundwater flows from the Oak Ridges Moraine southward towards Lake Ontario. The water table gradient (Figure 35) decreases significantly south of Taunton Road in Whitby and Oshawa, and east of Bowmanville. The water table in the Oak Ridges Moraine has an average elevation of 295 masl and a maximum elevation of 345 masl in the area northwest of Chalk Lake. The water table elevation drops from approximately 115 masl south of the Lake Iroquois beach region to 75 masl at the Lake Ontario shoreline. West of Bowmanville, water table elevations at the shoreline are relatively higher (100 masl), reflecting ground surface topography in this area.

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Figure 35: Water table surface elevation.

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The interaction of shallow groundwater and surface water drainage features is reflected in the water table surface. When surface water features (such as streams and stream channels) are projected onto the study area, they can be seen to coincide with the deflection and closer spacing of water table contours.

A potentiometric surface map prepared for the area shows a regional pattern of groundwater flow from the Oak Ridges Moraine towards Lake Ontario similar to the water table. Potentiometric surface elevations range from 300 masl in the Oak Ridges Moraine to 75 masl at the Lake Ontario shoreline. The potentiometric surface elevations continue to rise outside of the CLOCA jurisdictional boundary in the northwest part of the study area. This suggests that some deeper groundwater crosses the watershed divide from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority watershed, northwest of the CLOCA study area. In several areas north of the Lake Iroquois beach region, the potentiometric surface is at a higher elevation than the water table. This suggests upward groundwater flow. In some cases where the elevation of the potentiometric surface is above that of the ground surface, artesian flowing wells are observed. A total of 210 flowing wells have been recorded within the CLOCA study area (Figure 36). Many of these are associated with deeper wells. These deep flowing wells are most common in the South slope physiographic region in the eastern part of the watershed. The majority of these wells are completed into the Lower Sediments beneath the low-permeability Newmarket Till. A number of flowing wells are present in the Hampton, Brooklin and Columbus areas. Based on the regional potentiometric surface, potential areas of artesian flow also exist north of Stephen’s Gulch Conservation Area, in the Haydon area and just east of Brock Road north of Taunton Road. In some of these areas, river valleys intersect the Lower Sediments and groundwater from these aquifers contributes to streamflow (Soo Chan, 2005).

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Figure 36: Flowing well locations.

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Groundwater flow in the deeper aquifers mimics that of the water table however the horizontal hydraulic gradients are less. Interaction with streams isn’t visible in the contours until the southern parts of the study area where streams have cut valleys down to the elevation of the aquifer units. Hydraulic Properties

The amount and rate of groundwater flow through porous media is determined by the hydraulic properties of the unit, particularly hydraulic conductivity (K), the hydraulic gradient and porosity. The response of a flow system to various stresses is largely determined by the previous mentioned parameters along with storage. Hydraulic conductivity is a key hydraulic parameter and can be estimated by numerous field and laboratory methods including slug tests and pumping tests. A summary of available K estimates for similar deposits to those present within the study area is included in Table 25.

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Table 25: Summary of hydraulic conductivity estimates for the Duffins Creek watershed. Table modified from Gerber and Howard, 2000.

Minimum Maximum Average no. σ Geometric (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) Mean

Upper Deposits -9 -5 -6 -6 -7 Halton Till (east) slug Kh 2x10 2x10 3x10 54 4x10 4x10 -6 pump Kh 6x10 1 -8 -7 pump Kv 1x10 1x10 1 -6 -3 -5 Oak Ridges Moraine spec-cap Kh 2x10 7x10 1287 5x10 -8 -4 -5 -4 -6 Mackinaw Interstadial slug Kh 3x10 5x10 5x10 16 1x10 6x10

Newmarket (Northern) till -11 -10 -11 -10 -11 lab Kv 1x10 7x10 5x10 40 1x10 3x10 -12 -6 -7 -7 -10 slug Kh 3x10 3x10 3x10 39 7x10 8x10 -6 pump Kh 6x10 1 -11 -7 pump Kv 3x10 3x10 4

Thorncliffe Aquifer Complex -8 -4 -5 -5 -6 slug Kh 1x10 3x10 2x10 42 6x10 2x10 -7 -5 -5 -5 -6 pump Kh 1x10 9x10 3x10 4 4x10 5x10 -6 -3 -5 spec-cap Kh 1x10 2x10 286 4x10

Sunnybrook Drift -7 -7 slug Kh 3x10 4x10 2

Scarborough Aquifer Complex -8 -4 -5 -5 -6 slug Kh 2x10 2x10 5x10 5 8x10 2x10 -7 -4 -5 spec-cap Kh 6x10 7x10 311 2x10

Kh = horizontal hydraulic conductivity Kv = vertical hydraulic conductivity σ = standard deviation Data from M.M. Dillon Limited, 1990; Interim Waste Authority Limited, 1994a-e; Gerber, 1999. spec-cap = Specific Capacity estimates from water well records. Specific capacity estimated according to Bradbury and Rothschild (1985) from Boyce, 1997. (1) piezometers in sand layers in aquitard unit.

The numerical groundwater flow model known as the Core Model currently extends to the western boundary of the study area. A summary of the hydraulic conductivity estimates incorporated into the Core Model is presented in Table 26. Very little direct information exists regarding the hydraulic conductivity of the aquitards; therefore aquitards were assigned uniform properties based on limited available information and on previous modelling results. Initial estimates were adjusted during the calibration process. Model results tended to be very sensitive to the vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) of the Newmarket Till and Sunnybrook Drift aquitards and much of the calibration effort was directed toward finding reasonable values for these properties.

Estimates of hydraulic conductivity for the aquifers were based on a much more extensive database than exists for the aquitards. Methods were developed (Earthfx, 2004) to incorporate both local-scale data such as results from pumping tests, and the more widely

March, 2007 Page 109 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization available lithologic descriptions in the MOE database. Initial estimates obtained were also adjusted during the process of model calibration.

Table 26: Summary of hydraulic conductivity (K) estimates used in the Core Model (Earthfx, 2004). Horizontal Aniso- Model Kh Vertical Kv tropy Unit Layer (m/s) (m/s) (Kv/Kh) Recent Deposits 1 1.0 Weathered Halton Till 1 5.0 x 10-6 1.5 x 10-6 1.0 Halton Till 2 5.0 x 10-7 1.5 x 10-7 0.3 Oak Ridges Moraine 3 5 x 10-7 to 2.4 x 10-4 variable 0.5 Weathered Newmarket Till 3 5.0 x 10-6 5.0 x 10-6 1.0 Newmarket Till 4 5.0 x 10-8 1.0 x 10-8 0.2 Newmarket Till under ORM 4 5.0 x 10-8 1.25 x 10-9 0.03 Tunnel Channel Silt 4 5.0 x 10-7 1.0 x 10-7 0.2 Tunnel Channel Sand 5 1 x 10-4 1 x 10-4 1.0 Thorncliffe Fm. 5 1 x 10-5 to 1 x 10-3 variable 0.5 Sunnybrook Drift 6 5.0 x 10-8 5.0 x 10-9 0.1 Scarborough Fm. 7 1 x 10-5 to 3 x 10-4 variable 1.0 Weathered bedrock 8 7.0 x 10-6 7.0 x 10-6 1.0 Recharge

Areas of downward gradient in the CLOCA study area are defined as those areas where the interpolated water table is at a higher elevation than the interpolated potentiometric surface. Figure 37 shows only those areas where the water table is at a higher elevation than the potentiometric surface, thus indicating downward vertical gradients and a potential groundwater recharge area. The Oak Ridges Moraine is clearly the most significant area of groundwater recharge within the area with the actual amount of groundwater recharge approximated at 300 mm/year (or 40% of annual precipitation). Studies show that the Lake Iroquois beach deposits are interpreted to be second in importance only to the Oak Ridges Moraine as a recharge area within the CLOCA study area (CLOCA Watershed inventory 1979; Soo Chan 2005).

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Figure 37: Downward gradients estimated based on water table and deeper aquifer potentiometric surface.

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Recharge has been estimated within and near the study area using a number of different methods that have yielded a wide range of values. The major recharge area occurs along the Oak Ridges Moraine where unit rates for surficial sand and gravel deposits can exceed 300 mm/yr. The hummocky terrain present over much of this feature precludes the formation of stream channels. Any precipitation that doesn’t evapotranspire or evaporate will predominantly infiltrate or form local runoff that collects in hummocks, but ultimately much of this water also infiltrates. Much of the south flank of the ORM is covered with till or till with a lacustrine veneer. Unit recharge rates for these deposits are less than half of those on the ORM. Recharge through the surficial till is enhanced where the topography is hummocky along the ORM and is reduced to negligible along the ORM south flank where the Oak Ridges Aquifer Complex (ORAC) is confined by the overlying till. In these areas vertical hydraulic gradients are upwards between the ORAC and the water table with minor recharge occurring to sand bodies contained within the till. The southern part of the study area contains Glacial Lake Iroquois deposits exhibiting different unit rates depending on the deposits, which range from lacustrine gravel to clay and till. The Lake Iroquois beach deposits of sand and gravel will have the highest unit recharge rates for this area except for where upward vertical gradients occur along the break in topographic slope. A summary of available unit recharge estimates applicable to deposits that occur within the study area are summarized in Table 27.

Table 27: Summary of unit recharge rates applicable to the study area.

Numerical Groundwater Flow Models ORM Rouge Duffins ORM ORM2 Duffins Landfill Studies Gerber & MM Dillon Gerber Hunter1 Singer Smart Meriano Howard Mowatt Earthfx 1990 IWA, 1994e 1994 1996 1981 1994 1999 2000 2000 2004 3-D 2-D 3-D

Oak Ridges Moraine hummocky 300-400 300-400 280-380 350 400 400 350 420 non-hummocky 320 hummocky till 335 325 250 360

South Slope Till Plain 150-250 150-200 170-250 150-200 150 200 90 100-150 126 189 Newmarket Till 30

Glacial Lake Peel silty clay 50 35 50 100 90 sand 200 200 180

Glacial Lake Iroquois sand and gravel 150 200 200 200 180 clay and silt 50-100 0-40 25 100 90 diamict 50-100 25 100 90

Other recent deposits 160 Urban 0-40 50 60%3

1 Hunter et al. (1996) estimate for Oak Ridges Moraine > 275 m amsl. 2 This model is described in Section 5.8. 3 Urban recharge factor where recharge is 60% of individual deposits value.

Gartner Lee Limited (2003b) conducted a groundwater use assessment for the Region of Durham that included calculations of the distributed recharge for the entire region. The calculation methodology used was as follows:

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1. Calculate water surplus (infiltration and runoff) according to the methodology of Thornthwaite and Mather (1957). This was calculated using monthly mean temperature and precipitation data for 38 climate stations within or near the Region of Durham; then 2. Partition the water surplus into runoff and infiltration according to the coefficient method outlined in Ontario Ministry of the Environment (1995) utilizing soil characteristics, topography and vegetative cover.

The results of the recharge calculations are illustrated on Figure 38 and show a range of unit rates from 79 to 334 mm/year.

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Figure 38: Estimated groundwater recharge distribution for Durham Region. Figure from Gartner Lee Limited, 2003b.

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There are also a number of water budget investigations being conducted within the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) jurisdiction to the west of the study area that involve the estimation of direct groundwater recharge. The methods being utilized include:

ƒ HSP-F Models (Hydrological Simulation Program – Fortran); ƒ WABAS (Water Balance Analysis System; Clarifica Inc.); and ƒ MODFLOW, a three-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model (Earthfx, 2004).

The City of Toronto has developed hydrological and water quality models within Toronto area watersheds to predict stormwater runoff and water quality in local streams and the Toronto Harbour front. This study is known as the Toronto Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan (TWWFMMP) and is using HSP-F, which is a watershed modelling program, supported by the U.S. EPA (Bicknell et al., 1996). HSP-F is a numerical model that is capable of simulating hydrologic processes, pollutant generation and transport processes both within catchments and along watercourse networks. This tool has been used to assess the potential benefits of implementing stormwater management practices across the City of Toronto (Totten Sims Hubicki, 2003; XCG Consultants Ltd., 2003; Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, 2003 and Aquafor Beech Limited, 2003). These models were calibrated to streamflow, surface water quality and sewer discharge data.

Water budget estimates for both existing and future Official Plan land use scenarios have been conducted by Clarifica Inc. (2002; 2003a; 2003b) using the WABAS methodology (Graham et al., 1997) for the Upper Humber River watershed, the Petticoat Creek watershed and the Duffins Creek watershed. Inputs to the model include:

ƒ Daily precipitation; ƒ Average or maximum daily temperature; ƒ Pan evaporation; ƒ Daily streamflow measurements; and ƒ Physical basin parameters including imperviousness, interception abstractions, vegetation and soil characteristics.

The outputs from the model are time series of;

ƒ Runoff; ƒ Infiltration; ƒ Evaporation; and ƒ Storage conditions within each water reservoir (pervious and impervious interception storage, surficial soil storage and snow pack storage).

Recharge estimates using HSP-F and WABAS on a watershed basis for TRCA watersheds are included on Figure 39. These estimates are deemed applicable to the study area because of the similarity in the surficial geology and hydraulic settings to the study area.

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Estimated Recharge & Discharge for TRCA Watersheds

240 streamflow hydrograph separation (1991-1996) 220 HSP-F recharge (1991-1996) MODFLOW Core Model recharge 200 MODFLOW Core Model discharge WABAS recharge 180




100 unit rate (mm/year)





0 Etobicoke Mimico Humber Don River Highland Rouge River Petticoat Duffins Frenchman's Carruthers Creek Creek River Creek Creek Creek Bay Creek

Figure 39: Summary of available watershed recharge and discharge estimates. Data from Totten Sims Hubicki, 2003; XCG Consultants Ltd., 2003; Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, 2003; Aquafor Beech Limited, 2003; Clarifica, 2002; 2003b; Earthfx, 2004; Gerber Geosciences Inc., 2005).

From the existing regional numerical groundwater flow model (Regional MODFLOW Model: Section which encompasses the study area, initial estimates of applied net recharge on a regional scale were developed and used as input into the Regional Model developed for the YPDT Groundwater Management Study (Earthfx, 2004).

Data on land use, climate, and soil properties were analyzed to provide the initial estimates of the spatial distribution of groundwater recharge. The primary influence on the recharge distribution was assumed to be the surficial geology as mapped by the Geologic Survey of Canada. The initial estimates used in the model were adjusted during model calibration. Calibrated values are listed in Table 28 and the spatial distribution of applied recharge is shown in Figure 40. Recharge rates were highest over the ORM due to the sandy soils and hummocky topography (360 mm/a) and lowest in areas covered with lake sediments or organic deposits.

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Table 28: Annual average recharge values used in the calibrated Regional Model, (MODFLOW: Earthfx, 2004). Surficial Material Value (mm/a) Bedrock 60 Lower Sediments 120 Newmarket Till 90 Halton/Kettleby Till 90 Moraine Deposits 360 Glacial River Deposits 320 Glacial Lake Deposits - Silt and Clay 60 Glacial Lake Deposits – Sand and Gravel 240 Organic Deposits 60 River Deposits – Sand and Gravel 60 Other Recent Deposits 60 Unclassified Surficial Geology 60

The Regional Model was primarily used to simulate pre-development conditions; therefore, recharge was not reduced in the urban areas in the initial simulations. It is anticipated that the proposed Core Model (refined Regional Model) for the study area will account for impervious areas and refined infiltration values both spatially and temporally.

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Figure 40: Distribution of recharge in the Regional Model (Earthfx, 2006).

March, 2007 Page 118 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Discharge

Discharge Areas

Discharge areas are defined as those areas where groundwater discharges to surface, either as seeps and springs, or as baseflow to surface water bodies (Figure 41). These areas are characterized by upward vertical hydraulic gradients. Recent studies mapped potential discharge areas in the CLOCA study as those areas where the interpreted water table surface is within 1 m of the ground surface (as represented by the digital elevation model). Some of these potential discharge areas are corroborated by the observation of seeps, springs, or wetland areas. The most prominent potential discharge areas are along the southern fringe of the Oak Ridges Moraine and along the courses of the watershed streams. South of Winchester Road in Whitby and Oshawa, discharge areas are less pronounced (Soo Chan, 2005).

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Figure 41: Potential discharge areas in the CLOCA study area.

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Simulated Discharge to Streams The simulated discharge to the streams generated from the groundwater Regional Model (Section in L/s is shown in Figure 42. Comparisons between the calculated baseflows at the Environment Canada Gauges and the simulated groundwater discharge to streams were undertaken in the study as one of the calibration assessments. Groundwater discharge estimates were calculated using a similar approach to those described in the following section.

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Figure 42: Simulated groundwater discharge to streams (Earthfx, 2006) in the CLOCA study area. Note: No relationship between significant digits and level of accuracy implied.

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Streamflow Hydrograph Separation If a flow system, in this case a watershed is closed and long term storage changes are assumed equal to zero, and then the total precipitation minus total streamflow can be considered an approximation of the amount of evapotranspiration that is occurring on a regional basis. Similarly, in a closed system without long-term changes in storage, the amount of groundwater recharge can be assumed to approximate the amount of groundwater discharge. An assessment of streamflow is then an important component of any hydrogeologic investigation, particularly the water budget component. This section provides an analysis of the available streamflow data for the study area. This includes long- term gauged data and also low flow streamflow surveys. Also provided are estimates of the groundwater discharge component of the total streamflow hydrograph and, where completed, the results from low flow streamflow surveys, which can be considered a surrogate for aquifer mapping. The six streamflow gauging stations with extended periods of record present within the study area include (Figure 43):

ƒ Lynde Creek near Whitby (02HC018); ƒ Oshawa Creek near Oshawa (02HD008); ƒ Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013); ƒ Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD014); ƒ Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006); and ƒ Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007).

Within the study area, groundwater discharge is generally focused along two distinct hydraulic settings. The major groundwater discharge zone within the study area occurs along the south slope of the ORM where discharge is solely from the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer complex. The second major groundwater discharge zone occurs along and south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline where all three aquifer complexes discharge to rivers and their associated valleys (springs).

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Figure 43: Provincial Stream Gauge Network in the CLOCA study area.

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As mentioned previously, if a watershed is acting as a closed system where no long term changes in storage occur and groundwater flow does not flow across watershed boundaries, then the amount of groundwater discharge to the stream can be considered to be equal to groundwater recharge averaged over the catchment area. In a simplistic and practical sense, the streamflow hydrograph based on daily average flows can be separated into two components - runoff and groundwater discharge. Interflow (unsaturated zone flow) is not explicitly estimated in this treatment but assumed to be included in either recharge or runoff.

Groundwater discharge estimates from streamflow hydrograph separation basically involve removing the runoff or storm/melt events which form peaks on the hydrograph over relatively short durations (hours to days). The groundwater component is considered to be the more consistent contributor to streamflow with annual fluctuations seen as gradual changes in the hydrograph. The three-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model (MODFLOW; Section being constructed for the ORM is using groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation as one of the flux calibration targets. From daily average streamflow measurements, the groundwater discharge component is assumed to be approximately equal to a 5 day running average of the 7 day running minimum daily average flow. This method is similar to that utilized by the WABAS method (Clarifica, 2002); however the WABAS method focuses on the runoff component when calibrating the soil moisture balance model. The WABAS methodology has been coupled with the MODFLOW model for a water budget analysis for three watersheds within the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (Earthfx Inc. and Gerber Geosciences Inc., 2005). An example of the results from this method for Lynde Creek streamflow data is provided in Figure 44. Any hydrograph separation method yields what should be considered an approximate estimate for both runoff and groundwater discharge, with each of these components considered as a range of values. The minimum groundwater discharge estimate would correspond to simply removing the peaks on a streamflow hydrograph. The 5 day running average of the 7 day running minimum yields groundwater discharge estimates higher than this threshold, based on the belief that part of the peak of a storm or runoff event is still groundwater discharge contributed by a rising water table following a storm event. The key component then for any hydrograph separation is to compare results to those from other lines of evidence or methodologies. A summary of the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates for the drainage areas for the six long-term HYDAT streamflow stations noted is included on Table 29. These data can be considered to represent initial water budget estimates averaged over drainage areas that will be refined during future phases of this source water protection program. A key component of this refinement will be determining the spatial distribution of the various hydrologic cycle components.

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Lynde Creek near Whitby (02HC018)


18 total streamflow

groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 16




8 average daily flow (m3/s) daily average




0 1-Jan-96 1-Mar-96 30-Apr-96 29-Jun-96 28-Aug-96 27-Oct-96 26-Dec-96 24-Feb-97

Figure 44: Example of the total streamflow hydrograph separation technique to yield estimates of groundwater discharge and runoff.

Table 29: Summary of total precipitation and streamflow data.

Period # full Drainage Average annual estimates Station of Record years Elev Area P ~AET STRM GWD ~RO 2 1 1 masl km mm mm mm mm % mm %

Climate Stations 6156561 Pontypool 1999-present 2 373 1005 6151042 Burketon McLaughlin 1969-present 27 312 902 6159048 Tyrone 1967-1999 31 206 943 6155854 Orono 1923-1996 59 148 880 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 1966-present 31 99 844 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 1969-present 30 84 870 6152605 Frenchmans Bay 1959-present 38 76 844

Streamflow Stations 02HC018 Lynde Creek near Whitby 1959-present 39 106.0 880 612 268 136 51% 132 49% 02HD008 Oshawa Creek at Oshawa 1959-present 43 95.8 880 520 360 227 63% 133 37% 02HD013 Harmony Creek at Oshawa 1980-present 21 41.6 880 569 311 101 32% 211 68% 02HD014 Farewell Creek at Oshawa 1980-1993 10 58.5 880 500 380 161 42% 219 58% 02HD006 Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville 1959-1995 34 82.9 880 390 490 311 63% 179 37% 02HD007 Soper Creek at Bowmanville 1959-1987 22 77.7 880 531 349 210 60% 139 40%

Note: Elev = elevation; P = precipitation; STRM = streamflow; GWD = groundwater discharge (5d average of 7d minimum daily average flow). ~AET = actual evapotranspiration = P-STRM; ~RO = runoff = STRM - GWD. Assume Orono average total precipitation for AET calculations. 1 percentage of total streamflow (STRM).

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The headwaters of the major streams within the CLOCA jurisdiction emanate from the northern portion of the study area, often from the southern flank of the ORM. The high ground elevation along the northern boundary forms the surface water divide with flow towards Lake Ontario to the south. The Halton Till plain (or South Slope till plain) is situated to the south of the ORM. The lower reaches of the watershed near Lake Ontario are dominated by lacustrine deposits laid down within Glacial Lake Iroquois, or ancestral Lake Ontario. Till outcrops remain south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline and formed islands within this ancestral lake (Figure 15). Most of the largely urbanized areas within the study area occur to the south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline.

Figure 45 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated in the lower reaches of the Lynde Creek watershed. These data are plotted from the CAMC- YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Future work related to detailed water budget calculations will analyse the spatial distribution of precipitation. Total streamflow data are from the gauging station 02HC018 (Lynde Creek near Whitby) and groundwater discharge estimates are from streamflow hydrograph separation. As mentioned previously, the groundwater discharge component of the stream hydrograph is approximated by a running 5-day average of the 7-day minimum average daily flow.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is approximately 270 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph is approximately 140 mm/year, or 50% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Obviously this discharge estimate represents an average calculated over the entire drainage area. Unit recharge rates will be much higher across the ORM and Lake Iroquois beach deposits (> 200 mm/year, and lower over till and glaciolacustrine deposits (< 150 mm/year). Future work related to water budget refinement will determine the spatial distribution of recharge. Figure 46 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. The groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent most of the discharge from all the aquifers that occur within the drainage area. In other words, the amount of groundwater underflow at this gauge is considered small. Most of the groundwater discharge within the study area occurs to rivers and streams with direct discharge to Lake Ontario comprising only a very small portion of the total groundwater discharge (Gerber and Howard, 2000; Earthfx, 2004). This is consistent with conditions for much of the watersheds surrounding the Great Lakes (Grannemann et al., 2000).

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Lynde Creek near Whitby - 02HC018 Natural; 106 km2







700 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 600 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay

annual total (mm) total annual 500 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 6159048 Tyrone 6155854 Orono 400 total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 300 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono)



0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 45: Lynde Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 46: Lynde Creek profile.

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Figure 47 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated along the Lake Iroquois shoreline area of the Oshawa Creek watershed. These data are plotted from the CAMC-YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Total streamflow data are from the gauging station 02HD008 (Oshawa Creek at Oshawa) and groundwater discharge estimates (5 day average of 7 day minimum daily average flow) are from streamflow hydrograph separation.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is approximately 360 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph is approximately 230 mm/year, or 60% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Figure 48 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. The groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent only part of the discharge from all the aquifers that occur within the drainage area. In other words, it is estimated that groundwater underflow occurs beneath this gauge within the deeper aquifers (Thorncliffe aquifer complex and Scarborough aquifer complex). Even though underflow is assumed at this gauge, the unit recharge rate for the drainage area (230 mm/year) is considerably larger than estimated for the Lynde Creek watershed (140 mm/year). This may be due to the larger area of Oak Ridges Moraine that occurs within the Oshawa Creek watershed contributing more groundwater discharge to headwater areas than occurs within the Lynde Creek watershed.

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Oshawa Creek at Oshawa - 02HD008 Natural; 95.8 km2 1300






700 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 600 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay 6155878 Oshawa WPCP annual total annual total (mm) 500 6159048 Tyrone 6155854 Orono 400 total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono) 300



0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 47: Oshawa Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 48: Oshawa Creek profile.

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Figure 49 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated near the mouth of the Harmony Creek watershed. These data are plotted from the CAMC- YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Total streamflow data are from the active gauging station 02HD013 (Harmony Creek at Oshawa) and groundwater discharge estimates (5 day average of 7 day minimum daily average flow) are from streamflow hydrograph separation.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is approximately 310 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph for the drainage area averages approximately 100 mm/year, or 30% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Figure 50 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. The groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent most of the groundwater discharge from all aquifers within the watershed, and groundwater underflow at this gauging station is expected to be small. Conceptually, the total streamflow for this watershed can be considered to be dominated by runoff. The low unit recharge rate averaged over the drainage area reflects the small amount of this watershed that occurs over the ORM. Much of the groundwater discharge from the Oak Ridges aquifer complex will be received within the Oshawa and Bowmanville Creek watersheds, parts of which occur to the north of the Harmony Creek watershed.

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Harmony Creek at Oshawa - 02HD013 Natural; 41.6 km2 1300







600 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay annual total annual total (mm) 500 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 6159048 Tyrone 400 6155854 Orono total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 300 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono)



0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 49: Harmony Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 50: Harmony Creek profile.

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Figure 51 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated near the mouth of the Farewell Creek watershed. These data are plotted from the CAMC- YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Total streamflow data are from the inactive gauging station 02HD014 (Farewell Creek at Oshawa) and groundwater discharge estimates (5 day average of 7 day minimum daily average flow) are from streamflow hydrograph separation.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is approximately 380 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph for the drainage area averages approximately 160 mm/year, or 40% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Figure 52 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. The streamflow gauging station is situated south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline which is approximated by the 135 masl ground surface contour. The groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent most of the groundwater discharge from all aquifers within the watershed, and groundwater underflow at this gauging station is expected to be small. Conceptually, the total streamflow for this watershed can be considered to be slightly dominated by runoff. The higher unit recharge rate averaged over the drainage area compared to the Harmony Creek watershed to the west perhaps reflects the greater area of this watershed that occurs over the ORM. The unit discharge rate (160 mm/year) is still lower than that of the Oshawa (230 mm/year) and Bowmanville Creek (310 mm/year) watersheds which contain greater portions of the drainage areas covered by deposits of the ORM. The Oshawa Creek and Bowmanville Creek watersheds also occur to the north of the Farewell Creek watershed and intercept groundwater discharge emanating from the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer complex.

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Farewell Creek at Oshawa - 02HD014 Natural; 58.5 km2 1300







600 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert annual total annual total (mm) 500 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 400 6159048 Tyrone 6155854 Orono 300 total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono) 200


0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 51: Farewell Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 52: Farewell Creek profile.

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Figure 53 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated along the Lake Iroquois shoreline area of the Bowmanville Creek watershed. These data are plotted from the CAMC-YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Total streamflow data are from the inactive gauging station 02HD0006 (Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville) and groundwater discharge estimates (5 day average of 7 day minimum daily average flow) are from streamflow hydrograph separation.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is quite high, approximately 490 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph is approximately 310 mm/year, or 60% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Again, this discharge estimate represents an average calculated over the entire drainage area. Unit recharge rates will be much higher across the ORM and Lake Iroquois beach deposits (> 200 mm/year, and lower over till and glaciolacustrine deposits (< 150 mm/year). Figure 54 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. Although this gauging station occurs just south of the Lake Iroquois shoreline, the groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent only part of the discharge from all the aquifers that occur within the drainage area. In other words, it is estimated that groundwater underflow occurs beneath this gauge within the deeper aquifers (Thorncliffe aquifer complex and Scarborough aquifer complex). Even though underflow is assumed at this gauge, the unit recharge rate for the drainage area (310 mm/year) is the highest for the six gauging stations analysed. This may be due to the larger area of Oak Ridges Moraine that occurs within the watershed contributing more groundwater discharge to headwater areas than occurs within other CLOCA watersheds. A deep river valley occurs within the western headwaters of this watershed, perhaps eroded by a relatively large amount of groundwater discharge emanating from the spur of the Oak Ridges Moraine (Figure 43).

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Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville - 02HD006 Natural; 82.9 km2 1300








annual total (mm) total annual 500

6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 400 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay 300 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 6159048 Tyrone 6155854 Orono 200 total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono) 100

0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 53: Bowmanville Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 54: Bowmanville Creek profile.

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Figure 55 summarizes the total precipitation, total streamflow and groundwater discharge estimates from hydrograph separation for the HYDAT streamflow gauging station situated near the mouth of the Soper Creek near Lake Ontario. These data are plotted from the CAMC-YPDT database that includes climate and streamflow data for the period of record up to 2001. Climate data are from the seven Environment Canada climate stations within or near the study area that are either active or have a long period of record. Total streamflow data are from the gauging station 02HD007 (Soper Creek at Bowmanville) and groundwater discharge estimates (5 day average of 7 day minimum daily average flow) are from streamflow hydrograph separation.

Total streamflow for the period of record within the drainage area measured by the gauge is approximately 350 mm/year when averaged over the drainage area. The estimated groundwater discharge component of the streamflow hydrograph is approximately 210 mm/year, or 60% of total streamflow averaged over the drainage area. Figure 56 shows a profile along the creek from the headwater area to the discharge point at Lake Ontario. The groundwater discharge at this streamflow gauging station is considered to represent most of the groundwater discharge to streams from all of the aquifers that occur within the drainage area. In other words, it is estimated that groundwater underflow beneath this gauge will be negligible.

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Soper Creek at Bowmanville - 02HD007 Natural; 77.7 km2 1300






700 6150830 Bowmanville Mostert 600 6151042 Burketon McLaughliin 612605 Frenchmans Bay 6155878 Oshawa WPCP annual total (mm) total annual 500 6159048 Tyrone 6155854 Orono 400 total streamflow groundwater discharge estimate (5d avg of 7d min) 300 5 per. Mov. Avg. (6155854 Orono)



0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 55: Soper Creek watershed total precipitation and streamflow summary.

Figure 56: Soper Creek profile.

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2.3.3 Surface-Groundwater Interactions

SWP Assessment Reports must identify significant hydrologic features such as groundwater areas within the study area directly influenced by surface water sources and surface water features being fed directly by groundwater. Aquifers provide a source of drinking water and stream baseflow, while surface water in turn provides groundwater to the aquifer. Baseflow surveys and modelling are useful in this exercise in determining the extent of surface water and groundwater interactions. Low Flow Streamflow Surveys

Low flow streamflow surveys measure the discharge at various points along a river reach during a period without influence from storm events. All or most of the flow in the stream during this period of time is assumed to represent groundwater discharge. The objective of these surveys is to delineate those reaches receiving groundwater discharge. This information is used to construct groundwater discharge maps and also used during groundwater flow modelling as a flux calibration target relating to the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge. The data from these surveys is not presently being used as a total groundwater discharge flux calibration target because groundwater discharge varies throughout the year reflecting the saturation state of the watershed (i.e. high in spring, low in late summer). Within the CLOCA jurisdiction, low flow streamflow surveys have been conducted by CLOCA since 2002, the Geological Survey of Canada in 1996 (GSC; for Soper Creek watershed only) and Conestoga Rovers and Associates in 2002 (CRA, 2003), the latter for the CAMC-YPDT ORM Study. Further analysis is planned for these data to refine discharge mapping and provide calibration targets for the three-dimensional groundwater flow modelling planned for later in 2005.

In addition to the CAMC-YPDT ORM snapshot study, on-going low flow data captured from CLOCA’s water monitoring network (Section represents the base of program activities to identify gaining and losing reaches within all watersheds. The data, as mentioned previously, supports numerical model calibration techniques. The monitoring locations are shown on Figure 57.

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Figure 57: Low flow streamflow survey measurement locations (CLOCA network, 2006).

March, 2007 Page 140 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Conceptual Flow Model

A brief description of the conceptual flow model is included in this report to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the surface water and groundwater accounting and interaction. CLOCA’s detailed water budgets are described under separate cover (Conceptual Water Budget Report, CLOCA, 2006) as per provincial SWP technical guidance (Module 2).

This first phase of the watershed characterization and water budget component of the source water protection plan provides a preliminary treatment in need of further refinement during future phases. For the water budget component, a conceptual model of the flow system is to be developed. The preceding sections of this document include descriptions of the various components contributing to the construction of the conceptual model including monitoring networks, geologic, surface water and hydrogeologic understanding. Figure 58 provides a summary figure of the conceptual model for the CLOCA watersheds. It is similar to and consistent with the conceptual model for the Duffins Creek watershed situated to the west of the CLOCA jurisdiction (Gerber and Howard, 2002). It should be noted that the conceptual model evolves and, if needed, changes to the increasing knowledge gained over time regarding the function of the flow system.

The conceptual model of the flow system for the CLOCA watersheds consists of four general hydraulic settings described below from north along the ORM to the south along the Lake Ontario shoreline. The first setting occurs along the ORM and is dominated by groundwater recharge. In this area the terrain is hummocky and any local runoff that does occur collects in hummocks to ultimately provide groundwater recharge. This setting forms the major groundwater recharge for the watersheds along the south slope of the ORM, with unit recharge rates greater than 300 mm/year.

The second hydraulic setting occurs along the south flank of the ORM. This setting is predominantly a net groundwater discharge area forming the headwaters of the major streams within the study area. In this setting the ground slopes steeply to the south and the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer complex is confined by the overlying Halton Till with vertically upward hydraulic gradients. This upward pressure precludes significant groundwater recharge and leads to much of the precipitation having to runoff over the ground surface.

The third hydraulic setting occurs over the south slope till plain. This setting is predominantly a groundwater recharge area, however, unit recharge rates are much lower (generally less than 150 mm/year) than occurs over the hummocky terrain of the Oak Ridges Moraine (generally greater than 300 mm/year). Even though this area has a lower unit recharge rate, the large areas covered by this setting create a significant amount of recharge flux to the shallow groundwater flow system.

The fourth hydraulic setting is associated with the Glacial Lake Iroquois shoreline and plain area. This area predominantly functions as a net groundwater discharge zone. Significant recharge that does occur is associated with beach sand and gravel deposits associated with the Lake Iroquois shoreline. The steep southward slopes also expose the various aquifer systems as the topography drops from approximately 135 masl along the shoreline to the elevation of Lake Ontario at 75 masl. The various aquifers are exposed as the topography drops and groundwater discharge occurs. This is the second most significant discharge area within the study area. Note that the Lake Iroquois shoreline is generally characterized by steep slopes eroded by wave action. The shoreline is less pronounced in

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Figure 58 because the section trends along a till upland that extends to Lake Ontario towards the Raby Head wetland area southwest of Bowmanville. Elsewhere within the study area the shoreline change in topography is more pronounced.

Preliminary water budget estimates have been provided on Table 29. Watersheds with streamflow gauges representing streamflow reaches starting on the Oak Ridges Moraine and crossing the Lake Iroquois shoreline, the two major discharge areas within the study area, generally have a majority of total streamflow comprised of groundwater discharge. Two watersheds whose headwaters are on the south slope, the Harmony Creek and Farewell Creek watersheds, generally have total streamflow dominated by runoff (~60%) with groundwater discharge comprising approximately 40% of the total streamflow. Future work conducted during subsequent phases of this source water protection program (after July 2005) will refine the water budget estimates and include the spatial distribution of the various components of the hydrologic cycle.

Predominantly groundwater recharge

Predominantly groundwater discharge

Figure 58: CLOCA conceptual model of flow system.

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2.3.4 Climate

Climate varies appreciably across the study area both spatially and temporally with local variation created by such factors as topography, prevailing winds and proximity to the Great Lakes. Human activities can also affect local climate. Deforestation may increase stream and peak flood flows while decreasing evapotranspiration. Urbanization can increase cloudiness, precipitation and extreme winter temperatures while decreasing relative humidity, incident radiation and wind speed (Phillips and McCulloch, 1972). The CLOCA lands occur mainly within two climate regions; the South Slope and the Lake Ontario Shore (Brown et al., 1980). The Lake Ontario Shore region extent is similar in extent to the Lake Iroquois Beach area. The climate throughout the study area is largely influenced by Lake Ontario. The lake temperature moderates the air temperature, and will provide 1 to 2 degrees of warming in the winter months, and cool breezes in the summer.

Mean daily temperatures for the period 1931 to 1960 range from 5.6 to 6.7 oC in the Simcoe and Kawartha Lakes region of the study area to 6.7 to 7.8 oC along the Lake Ontario shore. In the Simcoe and Kawartha Lakes Region, the mean daily temperature for January (coldest month) is from -8.9 to -7.8 oC. The mean daily temperature for July (warmest month) is 20 oC. For the Lake Ontario Shore, mean daily temperatures for January and July are -6.7 to - 4.4 and 20 to 21.1 oC respectively (Brown et al., 1980).

The mean annual precipitation for southern Ontario is 813 mm (1931-1960) compared to the mean value of 724 mm for Ontario (Brown et al., 1980; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1984; Phillips and McCulloch, 1972). Ontario's mean annual snowfall is 235 cm (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1984). Mean annual snowfall for the Great Lakes Region is approximately 203 cm. (Brown et al., 1980; Phillips and McCulloch, 1972). Precipitation over southern Ontario shows little seasonal variation (1931-1960) with growing season (May to September) mean precipitation ranging from 380 mm along the moraine to 356 mm along the Lake Ontario shore (Brown et al., 1980). The longest recording precipitation gauge in the vicinity of the study area is located in Toronto (Station# 6158350) and has been in operation since 1840. The total annual precipitation trend recorded at this station is shown in Figure 59. The average total precipitation recorded is 816 mm/yr (n=154), with a maximum of 1235 mm/yr and a minimum of 607 mm/yr.

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Lake Ontario at Toronto 1300 79.0 Total Annual Precipitation (mm) - Toronto (6158350)

1200 Annual Average Lake Ontario Water Level (02HC048) 78.5

5 per. Mov. Avg. (Total Annual Precipitation (mm) - Toronto (6158350)) 1100 78.0

1000 77.5

900 77.0

800 76.5

700 76.0

600 75.5

500 75.0 Annual Total Precipitation (mm) Precipitation Total Annual Lake Ontario water level (m amsl) water level (m Ontario Lake

400 74.5

300 74.0

200 73.5 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 59: Long-term total precipitation trends at the Toronto (6158350) climate station.

The mean annual potential evapotranspiration (calculated by the Thornthwaite method) for the period 1931 to 1960 ranges from 584 mm along the moraine to 610 mm along the shore of Lake Ontario (Brown et al., 1980). This compares to estimates of 559 to 584 mm by Phillips and McCulloch (1972) for the Great Lakes Region, also using the Thornthwaite method. The mean annual actual evapotranspiration for the region including the study area is 533 mm, reflecting seasonal periods of soil moisture limitations (Brown et al., 1980). Estimates by Phillips and McCulloch (1972) range from 533 to 559 mm. Values were generated also using the Thornthwaite method. This compares to estimates of 552 mm/year for the period 1962-1979 using the complementary relationship for Toronto International Airport data (Morton, 1983). During periods of soil moisture depletion, estimates of water deficiencies range from 51 mm along the moraine to 76 mm along Lake Ontario. Estimates of water surplus during periods of soil moisture capacity range from 279 mm along the moraine highlands to 330 mm along the north and south flanks of the moraine. This water surplus represents that available as surface runoff and/or groundwater recharge (Brown et al., 1980).

Climate change could have a major influence on CLOCA watershed through the next century, and should be considered in planning initiatives. According to Environment Canada (1998), the science community generally agrees that average global temperatures could rise by 1 to 3.5 degrees over the next century.

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The following climatic stations are present within or near the study area were are used for general modelling activities (Figure 61) undertaken by CLOCA: Burketon McLaughlin, Whitby Pringle Creek, Tyrone, Oshawa Fire Hall #3, Soper Creek, Oshawa and Port Darlington Water Pollution Control Plants, Bowmanville and the Oshawa Airport. The climate data collected over 36 years (1960-1996) from the Oshawa airport and the Oshawa Water Pollution Control Plant provided mean temperatures of 80Celsius, and annual precipitation over the watershed for the same period averaged 880 mm in combined rain and snow, or total precipitation (Figure 60).

Variation of Mean Annual Precipitation at Climate Stations (5) 1400





615083 Bowmanville Mostart 400 6155878 Oshawa WPCP 6159048 Tyrone Mean Annual Precipitation (mm) 200 6155654 Orono 6151042 Burketon McLaughlin

0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Figure 60: Variation of annual precipitation at selected climate stations with extended periods of record.

With respect to the status of climate data within the study area, climate data, including daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation was collected from two (2) different sources; Environment Canada and CLOCA’s monitoring network. The climate stations within CLOCA’s jurisdiction and their period of record are shown in Table 30. CLOCA operates or has access to more precipitation gauges than are listed below, but they were not included as they do not record maximum and minimum temperature.

Table 30: Climate stations periods of record. STATION_NA OWNER BEGYEAR ENDYEAR STA_id Environment Oshawa WPCP Canada 1969 2005 6155878 Environment Oshawa Fire Hall Canada 1976 1992 6155877

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Environment Bowmanville Mostert Canada 1967 2002 6150830 Environment Whitby Mueller Canada 2001 2005 6155870 Burketon Environment McLaughlin Canada 1980 2002 6151042 Hampton CA CLOCA 2003 2005 3 Heber Down CLOCA 2003 2005 55 Environment Tyrone Canada 1980 1999 6159048 Environment Blackstock Canada 2001 2005 6150790

The Environment Canada climate data was obtained from the Environment Canada website. Historical data had been quality checked and was available for download with a custom extraction and query program. More recent data was queried online by month and added to the historical data. CLOCA climate data was obtained from an in house data base.

Minor data gaps existed in both data sets. The gaps included, at most, several days with no information. In order to fill the gaps neighbouring stations were assessed on both proximity and period of record and the data from the appropriate station was used to close the gap. Operation of most of the Environment Canada climate stations within the study area has been suspended placing more of a reliance on CLOCA owned stations.

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Figure 61: Climate stations in the CLOCA study area.

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2.4 Naturally Vegetated Areas

Natural Land Cover within the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority can be broadly classified into three categories: Forest, Wetland and Meadow. For the sake of this report, treed swamps have been classified as wetlands. Natural Land Cover in this jurisdiction has been determined through the Ecological Land Classification (ELC) system for Southern Ontario. ELC is a nested approach to organizing natural vegetation communities. Within the jurisdictional boundary it has been determined that nearly 27% of the land cover is naturally occurring, either as forest, meadow or wetland. Of the natural cover, 11% or nearly 7200 ha is forest. Another 8% (or 5600 ha) is wetland. An additional 8% of the natural cover is represented as meadow/successional habitat occurring as meadow, thicket and savannah. With protection being afforded to natural areas through various policies (wetlands and significant woodlands), it is expected that forest cover will increase over time as successional areas mature into forests.

Natural land cover occurs predominately on the landscape following a few different patterns, the most obvious of which, is the north south orientation of the valley corridors. In an east- west corridor, larger forests occur along the Oak Ridges Moraine where the landscape historically did not tolerate farming practices. Also in and east-west direction, the remnant Lake Iroquois Shoreline contains a very distinct band of wetlands, largely occurring on the landscape as treed swamp communities. These areas were also deemed to be unproductive due to the poorly drained soils in this region. Much of the wetland cover across the Lake Iroquois Shoreline has been evaluated and is considered to be Provincially Significant by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Wetlands, woodlands, and vegetated riparian areas (buffers) are likely to impact on source water. ELC is an integrated approach to surveying and classifying these land resources. The goal of the classification scheme is to identify recurring ecological patterns on the landscape in order to reduce complex natural variation to a reasonable number of meaningful ecosystem units (Bailey et al., 1978). The Province of Ontario has adopted this approach with the key focus of the ELC being to improve both the ability to manage both natural resources and the information about those resources.

Vegetation communities in accordance with ELC for the CLOCA jurisdiction have been mapped, providing detail to the Community Series level (e.g., distinguishing the difference between a coniferous swamp and deciduous swamp). In order for a vegetation community to be mapped, it has to meet a minimum size requirement of 0.5 hectares. The information is entered into a database and boundaries of independent vegetation communities are mapped digitally.

Figure 62 illustrates the ELC communities that have been delineated for the CLOCA jurisdiction through an interpretation of 2002 georeferenced orthophotography (colour digital air photos) and limited ground-truthing. Numerous community groupings have been rolled into the main community groups depicted for presentation purposes. Note that wetlands, including Marsh/Fen, Aquatic and Swamp classifications are depicted also, again with nested communities not represented for presentation purposes. Subsequent efforts have resulted in the completion of an updated ELC dataset based on 2005 orthophotography flown by First Base Solutions.

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Figure 62: Natural cover of the CLOCA study area. Interpretation from 2005 FBS colour orthophotography.

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2.4.1 Wetlands

As areas where land and water come together, wetlands provide unique and specialized habitat for a variety of species. If wetlands, small and large cannot survive in reasonable abundance across the landscape, their dependent species will decrease in number and eventually disappear. Wetlands are important features within the landscape for many reasons. Wetlands help to regulate water flow, thereby reducing the effect of flooding downstream. Wetlands act as a ‘natural filter’ of the water by removing toxins and all other impurities, improving overall water quality. Wetlands also provide habitat for otherwise uncommon flora and fauna.

Within the CLOCA jurisdiction there are sixteen provincially and two locally significant wetlands and wetland complexes. The wetlands are evaluated on a number of broad criteria including biological, social, hydrological and special features. The majority of these wetlands occur on the Lake Iroquois shoreline and Lake Ontario shoreline. The types of wetlands that most commonly occur in this Region are either swamps or marshes. The Lake Iroquois shoreline has a rich diversity of large wooded swamps, often containing regionally rare plant species and area sensitive breeding birds. Along the Lake Ontario Shoreline, the drowned river mouth wetland is the predominant wetland type. These wetlands provide specialized habitat for rare species and are a key stopover point for migratory birds.

Based on CLOCA’s ELC classifications depicted in Figure 62, Table 32 lists the wetland areas by percent of the total study area. Table 31: Wetland areas by percentage of the CLOCA study area. # of % of CLOCA (WRIP) Name Polygons Area (m2) boundary Meadow Marsh 553 5035535.1213 0.7896% Shallow Marsh 247 2799750.4999 0.4390% Open Fen 2 12868.4916 0.0020% Open Aquatic 164 1857216.8892 0.2912% Floating-leaved Shallow Aquatic 8 51519.6059 0.0081% Mixed Shallow Aquatic 2 14911.6983 0.0023% Submerged Shallow Aquatic 68 254300.9697 0.0399% Coniferous Swamp 296 5262843.0274 0.8252% Deciduous Swamp 676 9765785.4367 1.5312% Mixed Swamp 502 21104116.4594 3.3090% Thicket Swamp 881 10453835.1613 1.6391%

2.4.2 Woodlands and Vegetated Riparian Areas

Based on CLOCA’s ELC classifications depicted in Figure 62, Table 32 lists the vegetated areas by percent of the total study area. Vegetated riparian areas are to be mapped when an updated drainage layer is created based on the 2005 colour orthophotography.

Table 32: Vegetated areas by percentage of the CLOCA study area.

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# of % of CLOCA (WRIP) Name Polygons Area (m2) boundary Open Beach / Bar 25 133594.6451 0.0209% Shrub Beach Bar 3 10422.3599 0.0016% Treed Beach / Bar 12 92954.1723 0.0146% Open Bluff 12 141599.5203 0.0222% Shrub Bluff 4 25977.6626 0.0041% Treed Bluff 1 2444.2565 0.0004% Cultural Meadow 1703 26665794.5620 4.1811% Plantation 942 13730549.9652 2.1529% Cultural Savannah 10 188846.6575 0.0296% Cultural Thicket 1474 23416492.0446 3.6716% Cultural Woodland 1674 10524598.6937 1.6502% Coniferous Forest 331 9290739.0751 1.4567% Deciduous Forest 640 14986158.3203 2.3498% Mixed Forest 469 23385519.6756 3.6668%

2.5 Aquatic Ecology

2.5.1 Fisheries

Since the late 1990’s CLOCA has conducted an extensive review of our current fisheries within streams found in our jurisdiction. This extensive survey is part of a jurisdiction wide inventory to evaluate the current status of our aquatic resources. Through these monitoring efforts CLOCA has developed various Aquatic Resource Management Plans (ARMP’s) in which data has been summarized and recommendations have been generated to aid in the protection of our aquatic resources. These documents contain summaries that are used to describe the current stream conditions (i.e. temperature classification and water quality), fish distribution, fish diversity and overall stream health. These documents have been developed to aid in CLOCA’s conservation, management and protection of our aquatic resources.

One overriding sensitive species occurring within CLOCA watersheds is the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Brook trout range within CLOCA watersheds is primarily confined to coldwater fish habitat within the northern limits of our watersheds. Optimum brook trout habitat is primarily associated with coldwater streams originating from the Oak Ridges Moraine. One small population of brook trout takes exception to this. They are found residing within the Iroquois Beach in the Black Creek watershed. This is the most southerly distribution of brook trout within CLOCA’s jurisdiction.

Single point observation stream temperature data has been collected throughout the jurisdiction in accordance with the Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol, 1998. CLOCA stream temperature data was used to classify streams into cold, cool and warm water categories. Generally CLOCA watersheds are classified as cold to cool water systems with exception a few warm water streams.

The CLOCA Fisheries Management Plan is currently under development. This document will contain four chapters, one for each of our primary watersheds. These include: Bowmanville/Soper Creeks, Oshawa Creek, Lynde Creek and Black/Harmony/Farewell

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Creeks. This document will be completed by the spring of 2007. This document will provide another dimension to the management of our aquatic resources.

2.5.2 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Between 1996 and 2004 CLOCA collected benthos (benthic macroinvertebrates) for evaluating biological water quality. Sampling and analysis was conducted according to the Biological Monitoring and Assessment Program (BioMAP), (Griffiths, 1998). Samples were generally collected in May with the exception of a few project specific collections, which included October sampling as well. Results of historical BioMAP sampling is shown through CLOCA’s ARMPs. Since 2005 CLOCA has participated in the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network (OBBN).

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Figure 63: Biological Sampling Results

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BioMAP water quality results shown in Figure 63 are interpreted using a water quality index (WQI). This index is calculated by averaging the sensitivity values of benthos found at the site. Each species is assigned a sensitivity value that can be used as an indicator of water quality condition. There is a minimum expected WQI value for different watercourse types, see Table 33.

Table 33: - Minimum Expected WQI Values for Different Watercourse Types Minimum Expected Watercourse Type Description WQI Value River Watercourse 16 to 64 m wide 9 Stream Watercourse 4 to 16 m wide 12 Creek Watercourse <4 m wide 16

If the calculated WQI value at a study site is lower than the minimum expected value, the water quality is considered Impaired.

2.5.3 Species and Habitats at Risk

One species at risk is located within CLOCA watersheds, the redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus). This species has a federal status of Special Concern according to Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) and a provincial status of Threatened according to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO). This species is only been observed the Lynde Creek watershed. They have been found at various locations within this watershed. This species is not only associated with groundwater discharge areas or headwater streams. However, they seem to have a preference for cold water to cool water habitats, typical of Oak Ridges Moraine based streams.

2.5.4 Invasive Species

Invasive fish species known to occur within the CLOCA jurisdiction include: common carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish (Carassius auratus) and round goby (Neogobius melanostomus).

Common carp distribution is generally limited to the non-wadable sections of streams and coastal habitats such as marshes.

Goldfish distribution is generally limited to Goodman Creek and Oshawa Second Marsh.

Round goby distribution is not well identified but it has been reported in the jurisdiction near Lake Ontario. Round gobies have been collected within the Toronto Region Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction near Lake Ontario. CLOCA intends to sample specifically for round gobies in the future within the coastal and non-wadable areas of the jurisdiction.

2.6 Human Characterization

2.6.1 Population Distribution and Density

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The major urban centres in CLOCA’s jurisdiction are Whitby (population: 110,000), Oshawa (population: 145,000), Courtice (population: 15,000) and Bowmanville (population: 33,000) with a combined population of around 300,000 and an annual growth rate of between 3.5% and 4.5% (Source: Statistics Canada Census data by Tract, 1996-2001). The majority of recent growth is concentrated along the northern boundary of these urban centres. Recently enacted Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine legislation will serve to intensify growth in this area. Urban development has historically occurred north and south of Highway 401, but during the last decade development has grown exponentially north of historical city limits. Hamlets, villages and towns such as Columbus, Brooklin, Hampton and Courtice have seen major growth in the 1990s with more expansion expected in the coming decade. Whitby's population figures include the Village of Brooklin, and the Hamlets of Myrtle and Ashburn.

There are several long established smaller rural communities located in the north part of the study area that are worthy of mention; namely, Ashburn, Myrtle Station, Raglan, Enniskillen, Enfield, Haydon and Tyrone. All of these settlements, with the exception of Tyrone, are located within the Oak Ridges Moraine physiographic region. Other settlements south of the Oak Ridges Moraine that have been experiencing growth in recent times include Macedonian Village, Mitchell’s Corners and Solina.

2.6.2 Land Use

Error! Reference source not found. provides an overview of the land uses found within CLOCA’s jurisdiction. The land use mapping was compiled from an interpretation of 2002 colour orthophotography, digitized at a scale of 1:3000. Recently, the digitized layer was updated to the 2005 colour orthophotography flown by First Base Solutions.

Though land use and land cover are terms that are often used interchangeably, they do by definition have different meanings. For the purpose of this report land use may be considered to imply an economic or human use of the land, while land cover may be interpreted as representing the natural characteristics of the land surface.

Following this interpretation, CLOCA’s land use groups are based on a classification system for areas not represented by the natural cover derived from the Ecological Land Classification (ELC) system for Southern Ontario that is the coverages coincide or fit. Each land use grouping is subdivided into one or more land use types. This hierarchy system provides a standard base from which queries, calculations, and mapping products can be produced through GIS applications. As ELC is intended to take precedence over a land use category, this hierarchy is used when overlap occurs between the two. Efforts are currently being made to integrate the data requirements of Source Water Protection Planning within this classification system to further streamline program data needs.

Several land use features have also been illustrated on the base mapping as points of interest as they are associated with activities dependent upon the watershed’s natural resources and are SWP program related:

ƒ Golf courses; ƒ Gravel pits; ƒ Existing and closed landfill sites; ƒ Municipal servicing facilities; and ƒ Public greenspace and trails.

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These features were based on information provided from various sources including the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of the Environment as well as local and regional municipalities.

Land use information provided in Error! Reference source not found. indicates that the CLOCA study area remains relatively rural. The main urban centres of Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice and Bowmanville are confined to the southern part of the watershed, primarily north and south of the main transportation artery (Highway 401) and along the Lake Ontario shoreline. Residential land use is dominant in these urban centres, though other land use types include commercial, industrial and manufacturing with minor areas of agricultural, recreational and aggregate extraction.

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Figure 64: Land use of the CLOCA study area. Interpretation from 2005 FBS colour orthophotography.

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The remainder of CLOCA is considered primarily rural with land uses including agriculture, hamlets, estate residential, aggregate extraction, recreation (mainly golf courses), woodlots, parks and conservation areas. Agricultural uses account for the largest single class of land use (approximately 70%). Agricultural uses are largely related to field crops with scattered sod farms and pasture lands. There are a few dairy operations found in the west and orchards and tobacco farms in the east. Natural cover including forests, wetlands and meadows account for 10% of the land area and are found mainly on the Oak Ridges Moraine, the Iroquois beach region and within the south-oriented river valleys. Urban uses presently cover approximately 20% of the jurisdiction. A further 10% of the land area is designated for development adjacent to existing developed areas in the south and in hamlets in the mid-watershed and upper-watershed areas. The proposed Highway 407 extension bisects the watersheds north of Taunton Road.

As restrictions associated with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act are enacted, it is expected that this will result in increasing land-use pressures in the remainder of the CLOCA study area. As noted, this information is currently being updated to the 2005 orthophotography products. Inactive landfills are not included in this mapping and are dealt with separately. Based on CLOCA’s classifications, Table 34 lists the land use by percentage of the study area.

Table 34: Land use by percentage of CLOCA study area. # of % of CLOCA (WRIP) Name Polygons Area (m2) boundary AGGREGATE 37 2169997.3945 0.3402% AGRICULTURE FACILITY 1051 9794624.4770 1.5358% AIRPORT 1 1145483.8222 0.1796% ATHLETIC FIELD 102 2487209.2806 0.3900% COMMERCIAL 431 8569865.7364 1.3437% CROP FIELD 2254 185548764.3945 29.0933% GOLF FACILITY 65 8148859.4439 1.2777% INDUSTRIAL 198 16480859.3318 2.5841% INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING 301 5073604.4051 0.7955% INSTITUTIONAL GREENSPACE 125 2110781.8008 0.3310% PARK 341 6145517.0449 0.9636% PASTURE 1995 82401370.3152 12.9202% RAILWAY 66 417331.0643 0.0654% RURAL RESIDENTIAL 1709 18505963.1957 2.9017% SKI HILL 2 285782.4208 0.0448% TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR 116 25859655.2059 4.0547% TRANSPORTATION GREENSPACE 41 266150.8660 0.0417% TREED FIELD 60 2836342.1561 0.4447% URBAN RESIDENTIAL 1197 75909846.1207 11.9023% UTILITY TRANSFER STATION 49 2129043.3272 0.3338% WATER FEATURE 841 1756546.3239 0.2754%

In addition to the data updates, the need for certain regrouping or subdivision of both the ELC and land use base classifications is required for Source Protection purposes. For

March, 2007 Page 158 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization instance, the base classifications are further grouped into one of the following for the purpose of current hydrologic and nutrient load modelling:

ƒ Crop and Improved (including golf courses, hay fields, sod farms, etc.) ƒ Pasture and Unimproved (grazing lands, fallow fields, etc.) ƒ Woodlot and Forest ƒ Hamlet and Estate Residential ƒ Residential ƒ Industrial, Commercial and Institutional ƒ Utility and Transportation Corridor ƒ Wetland ƒ Open space (relatively undisturbed natural areas not considered to be woodlot or forest)

Using this regrouping of ELC and land use classifications, Table 35 summarizes each major land classification as a percentage of total watershed area based on the 2002 orthophotography interpretation. This information is also depicted spatially in Figure 65.

Table 35: Land use/cover reclassification as percentage of total study area for hydrologic modelling. Percentage of Total Watershed Area (%)

Land Classification Lynde Creek Watershed Oshawa Creek Watershed Black, Harmony and Farewell Creek Watersheds Bowmanville and Soper Creek Watersheds Beaches 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Coniferous Forest 1.0 1.4 0.6 3.3 Deciduous Forest 4.9 4.1 4.0 3.7 Emergent Wetlands 3.8 3.0 2.1 5.0 Golf & Sod 4.1 2.6 2.0 1.3 Hay/Pasture 19.6 28.5 16.6 18.1 High Development 14.9 16.0 27.1 8.6 Low Development 3.5 3.4 2.7 3.5 Mixed Forest 5.0 4.7 2.3 12.0 Quarries 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.1 Row Crops 31.4 28.9 29.8 35.9 Transitional 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Water 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.4 Woody Wetland 10.0 6.7 12.0 8.1

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Figure 65: Land use and cover reclassification for hydrologic modelling.

March, 2007 Page 160 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Land Use and Planning

According to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, 2006), one of the fastest growing regions in North America, the Greater Golden Horseshoe is forecast to grow by an additional 3.7 million people (from 2001) to 11.5 million people by 2031. Of this, The Regional Municipality of Durham is forecast to grow by 960,000 people. The Regional Planning Department forecasts an even greater increase for Durham to 1.05 million additional persons by 2031 (Durham Region Official Plan Review, Recommended Directions Report for Population, Employment and Urban Land, January 2006). Regardless of which forecast is used the message is clear, a significant increase in population is coming and with it an increased need for lands on which to house and provide employment for this expanding group.

Planning responsibilities for accommodating this growth in Durham Region are shared under a 2-tier Planning system; a Regional Government, and 8 Municipal Governments representing the individual Municipalities that make up the Region. At the Regional scale, population and employment forecasts are utilized in conjunction with the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement and other Legislation that may be in effect (i.e. Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Greenbelt Plan, Places to Grow Act, Clean Waters Act) to prepare a Region-wide Official Plan. The goals of this plan are stated as follows:

ƒ To manage growth so that it occurs in an orderly fashion; ƒ To live in harmony with the natural environment and heritage of the Region; ƒ To develop the Region to its economic potential and increase job opportunities for its residents; ƒ To establish a wide range of housing opportunities in Urban Areas commensurate with the social and economic needs of present and future residents; ƒ To create liveable urban environments for the enjoyment of present and future residents; ƒ To provide opportunities for a variety of cultural, health and community services; and ƒ To manage the resources in the Region in an orderly, efficient and responsible manner.

Based upon these goals and the population and employment growth projections for each Municipality (see Table 36 and Table 37 taken from Durham Region Official Plan Review, Population, Employment and Urban Land Recommended Directions Report, January 2006), the Region of Durham is currently in the process of updating this parent document and establishing land use schedules with accompanying policies to generally describe both where and how this future growth is to be accommodated within each Municipality, as well as areas to be avoided and/or protected during this expansion. These projections will be revised to conform to the Growth Plan which has a population forecast of 960,000 and an employment forecast of 350,000 by 2031.

Table 36: Recommended population forecast 2011-2031. Recommended Population Forecasts 2011 - 2031 Municipality 2011 2021 2031 Ajax 102,000 128,500 135,200 Brock 13,600 15,600 18,200 Clarington 95,200 131,000 177,800 Oshawa 161,700 194,000 237,200 Pickering 105,100 149,400 205,800

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Scugog 23,200 25,600 26,100 Uxbridge 22,300 23,400 24,000 Whitby 134,100 174,200 226,200 Durham 657,300 841,800 1,050,600 Source: Durham Region Planning Department. Notes: Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 100. Totals may not add due to rounding.

Table 37: Employment forecast 2011-2031. Year Forecast Employment Jobs: Population

2011 225,800 1: 2.9 (34%) 2021 306,600 1: 2.7 (36%) 2031 398,800 1: 2.6 (38%)

Urban boundaries sufficient to accommodate the anticipated growth are being defined and it will be the responsibility of the lower tier Municipalities to detail out the specifics of how this growth is to occur.

Once the upper tier Regional Official Plan has been approved, it is incumbent upon the member Municipalities to bring their own Official Plans into conformity with this overarching plan. Using the land use schedules and descriptive policies from the Regional Plan, the Municipalities will produce/refine their own Official Plans and land use schedules such that they correspond with the new Regional Plan. However, where the Regional Plan stops at mapping out broad land use categories and areas, the Local Plans will ultimately refine these areas into the communities in which we live (Secondary Plans, Part II Plans, Neighbourhood Plans). Different forms of Residential and Employment uses will be detailed within the corresponding Regional Employment and Living Area designations, and areas that are to remain agricultural, open space and/or otherwise protected outside of proposed development will be detailed as per policy requirements. Often these latter areas will not have been mapped out at the scale of the Regional Official Plan, however with the preparation of Local Municipal Plans and more detailed studies these areas can be better defined and thus communities designed accordingly. Settlement Areas

Settlement areas as defined by Provincial SWP technical guidance documentation are summarized as the built-up areas of urban and rural municipalities and lands designated for future development in an official plan. The following sections may make specific reference to sections or products within The Regional Municipality of Durham Official Plan, Date of Consolidation, March 31, 2005 herein referred to as the Durham Region OP or ROP (see Section 7 for Regional Structure goals and policies). The OP contains policies and maps which guide the type and location of land uses in the Region to 2021.

Designated Growth Areas Urban area boundaries and developable areas are delineated on Map ‘A’ in the Durham Region OP. The ROP also differentiates between developable areas being on municipal or private services. Urban areas are primarily comprised of living areas, employment areas, and central or focal areas. Note that the ROP was amended to incorporate recommendations of the Official Plan Review initiated in accordance with Section 26. (1) of

March, 2007 Page 162 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization the Planning Act. The amendments were made through Amendment No. 114 as adopted by Regional Council, September 13, 2006.

Using CLOCA’s interpreted land use information, approximately 20% of the study area is classified as urban or urban related. This percentage is based on 2002 data, and considering the recent growth in urban areas, the percentage today will be greater. Developable areas are estimated at approximately 10% of the study area.

Urban land use predominates directly north of the Lake Ontario shoreline and south of Taunton Road. This suggests that potential threats posed by local urban land use to surface water quality occurs primarily either in vicinity of near shore Lake Ontario or the contributing drainage areas in the lower regions of the watersheds. Areas most sensitive to future development are those adjacent to current urban boundaries.

Major Open Space Major Open Space is designated on Map ‘A’ in the Durham Region ROP. Section 10 of the ROP details the related policies. Major open space includes the Oak Ridges Moraine, waterfronts and major open spaces.

Rural Areas In a simplified context, rural land use may be considered all of the land outside of the urban land use and developable areas. Therefore, rural land use would also include natural areas with the study area. Using this assumption, rural land use would then comprise 70% of the study area.

Urban Residential Development Urban living areas are designated on Map ‘A’ of the ROP in accordance with Section 15. Urban areas are primarily comprised of living areas, central areas and employment areas. Urban residential land use based on CLOCA’s interpreted classifications yielded approximately 12% of the study area.

Rural Residential Hamlets are designated on Map ‘A’ in the Durham Region ROP. Section 12 of the OP details the related policies. Hamlets are the predominant location for rural settlement, with other residential development and rural employment areas being limited in scale. Rural employment areas are outlined in Schedule A of the ROP, and the country residential subdivisions are listed in Schedule E – Table E2.

From CLOCA’s interpreted land use information, approximately 2.9% of the study area has been delineated as rural development or hamlet land use. Rural developments contain residential or commercial buildings not associated with agriculture or major open spaces. Although the percentage of rural development is relatively low within the study area, land division continues to place pressure on the natural environment.

Cottage and Camp Development To date, seasonal land use locations have not been specifically classified within CLOCA’s land use mapping activities. Consideration is to be given to addressing this data gap within the study area.

Industrial / Commercial Sectors Distribution

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Based on CLOCA’s interpreted information, 629 industrial and commercial development polygons were identified representing approximately 4.0% of the jurisdiction. This sector is experiencing significant growth within CLOCA’s watersheds and the collection of related information is planned for 2006-2008, particularly as related to developing a threats inventory. Brownfields

Brownfields are sites where industrial and commercial development or activities have occurred historically and require rehabilitation prior to redevelopment. Brownfield locations within the study area and attribute data has been requested from Durham Region. Data will be compiled and reported as received and be included in future updates to this report or within other reports guided by the provincial technical guidance modules (e.g. Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation). Landfills

Closed and existing landfills are a land use that typically poses threats to groundwater and surface water quality. Numerous closed landfill locations exist within the study area and attribute data continues to be collected and verified by CLOCA and will be presented in future updates to this report. Closed waste disposal sites within the study area identified in a database provided by MOE as of 1991 are mapped in Figure 66.

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Figure 66: Waste disposal sites in the CLOCA study area (MOE, 1991).

March, 2007 Page 165 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Mining and Aggregate Extraction

Resource aggregate extraction areas are designated on Map ‘A’ in the ROP. Section 9D of the ROP details the related policies. Aggregate extraction includes the extraction of gravel, sand, clay, earth, shale, stone, limestone, dolestone, sandstone, granite, rock other than metallic ores, and other related uses. Crushing, screening, l=blending, washing and stockpiling permitted. Schedule E – Table E1 of the ROP lists the aggregate resource extraction areas. Schedule D of the ROP describes the high potential aggregate resource areas.

Using CLOCA’s interpreted land use information, 37 polygons representing approximately 0.4% of the study area is noted as existing aggregate extraction land use. Most impacted areas are located either in the Oak Ridges Moraine or Lake Iroquois Shoreline and Beach areas being physiographic regions of significant surficial aggregate deposits. Additional source data will be collected by CLOCA from the MNR and MNDM related to aggregate extraction. Aggregate extraction remains an important commercial activity with in the study area based on supply and proximity to the rapidly growing urban areas and transportation network. Oil and Gas

Though utility transfer stations have been delineated, details regarding specific oil and gas distribution facilities within the study area will be undertaken in future. To date, no oil or gas production facilities were identified within the study area. Forestry

Though forestry operations are common throughout the province, no operations were identified within the study area. Transportation

The Regional transportation systems are designated on Schedule C in the ROP. Section 11 of the ROP details the related policies. The Regional transportation system consists of freeways, arterial roads, transit routes, feeder service and spines, GO rail service, railways, airports and harbours.

Schedule C of the ROP also designates the future Highway 407, including the provision of a public transit facility in the right-of-way. The Ministry of Transportation will determine the final alignment through a route location study.

Approximately 4.3% of the study area represents transportation systems (including airport) based on CLOCA’s current interpreted land use information. Wastewater Treatment

Operating requirements for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment are detailed in Certificates of Approval (C of A) issued by the Ministry of the Environment under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA). Treatment facilities are generally termed Water Pollution Control Plants or WPCP’s. Details include in-part the treatment procedures, and the

March, 2007 Page 166 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization frequency, timing, and water quality parameters for the discharge into the receiving water body.

Serviced versus Non-serviced areas In serviced areas within the study area, wastewater is piped to several municipally owned and operated WPCP’s located near the north shore of Lake Ontario. Non-serviced areas typically discharge to private septic systems, with septage trucked to certain municipal treatment facilities. Delineation of the boundary of serviced areas within the study area will be based on interpretation of information to be provided by municipalities.

Septic Systems To date, inventorying or calculation of the septic system numbers, spatial distribution and loading within the study area has not been undertaken. Work is being considered to address this data gap which would involve the use of serviced/unserviced data and census information when available. Wastewater Treatment Facilities Durham Region owned and operated WPCP’s are located on sites near the Lake Ontario north shoreline and are shown (approximate discharge location information has been requested), in Figure 67. WPCP discharge typically contains nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. These nutrients, when present in excess, create water quality concerns, i.e. algae blooms. Phosphorous and nitrogen loading will be modeled with the CANWET or other nutrient loading model. The WPCP discharge estimates are entered into the model as a point source. As mentioned, within the study area the WPCP’s discharge into Lake Ontario, not into local streams, and as such are outside of the model boundaries. As a result they will be considered during post analysis and also within the developing Great Lakes Collaborative Study which will primarily focus on intake protection zones and lake assimilation patterns and capacities.

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Figure 67: Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) locations in the CLOCA study area.

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In general, discharges to the Great Lakes, direct or indirect, are required to meet a total phosphorus concentration of 1 mg/l. Disinfection is required where beaches are an issue, or the Medical Officer of Health requires it. Effluent requirements are also derived from a receiving water assessment. The more stringent of the two apply. MOE Guideline F-5 ‘Levels of Treatment for Municipal and Private Sewage Treatment Works Discharging to Surface Waters’ describes the minimum or normal level of wastewater treatment as secondary biological treatment or equivalent. The resulting requirement and effluent compliance limits is set out in a C of A under the OWRA typically for only a few parameters such as BOD, TSS, TKN, and total P. There is a limit for chlorine residual if chlorination is practiced. Monitoring is required for the parameters and flow, though not for other parameters such as organic chemicals or metals. Compliance limits and monitoring information was not available for the WPCP’s at the time of this report. Seven WPCP’s currently treat wastewater generated from urban serviced areas in the Durham Region, four of which are sited within the study area (Table 38, shaded). In addition, the Courtice WPCP is scheduled to be commissioned during 2007. The Duffins Creek WPCP provides treatment capacity to urban areas in both Durham and York Regions. Table 38: WPCP’s within CLOCA - Durham Region (source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005)). WPCP Owner / Operator Corbett Creek WPCP Durham Region / Durham Region Harmony Creek WPCP Durham Region / Durham Region Pringle Creek WPCP Durham Region / Durham Region Port Darlington WPCP Durham Region / Durham Region Newcastle WPCP Durham Region / Durham Region Courtice WPCP (developing) Durham Region / Durham Region

Biosolid Management Wastewater treatment generates slurry of solids and water called sludge. Sludge, in many cases is further processed to stabilize the organics and reduce the pathogen content resulting in biosolids. Biosolids contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, other trace elements and organic matter.

Management of sludge includes dewatering and incineration at the Duffin Creek WPCP (ash recycling to a cement plant). The primary methods of biosolid management are:

ƒ agricultural land application ((typically about 1/3 of total biosolids), ƒ incineration at the Duffin Creek WPCP (remainder of biosolids), and ƒ land filling to Michigan State (as a contingency measure only)

Durham Region also owns and operates three WPCP’s that stabilize and store sludge in lagoons within the study area. Residue sludge from the lagoons is hauled infrequently to either Duffin Creek or Corbett Creek WPCP’s for further processing.

Steady growth within the study area has resulted in an increase in wastewater flows to the facilities and in-turn an increase in sludge and biosolids to be managed. In addition, regulations under the recently implemented Nutrient Management Act impact on the allowable biosolids application rates, set backs from wells and watercourses, timing of applications, and biosolid storage requirements.

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In response to these issues, a Biosolids Master Plan study was initiated in 2003 by the Region to guide the Region’s management of biosolids. The study was subsequently expanded to include the development of a Septage Management Strategy. The MOE administers the land application of septage and near the end of 2003 began a 5-year initiative to phase out the activity. It is anticipated that this phase out would result in more septage being delivered to the Region’s WPCP’s. Records of historical septage applications are not readily available from the Province and as such it is difficult to make estimates of these volumes.

Approximately 1.5M m³ of biosolids are applied annually to agricultural land in the Province of Ontario with Durham Region's Biosolids Management Program applying approximately 110,000 m³. It is generally estimated that the average household produces approximately 1.2 m³ of biosolids annually. More detailed information on local application volumes, rates and locations was not available at the time of this report.

Both OMAF and MOE are responsible for establishing the Guidelines for the Utilization of Biosolids and Other Wastes on Agricultural Lands which currently regulates the spreading of the treated biosolids on agricultural lands. The MOE enforces the Guidelines and gives final approval for individual biosolids application. Both Ministries are advised by the Biosolids Utilization Committee that includes representatives from the Ontario Ministry of Health, Agriculture Canada and Environment Canada. The Nutrient Management Act 2002 and its regulation will be replacing the Guidelines for the Utilization of Biosolids and Other Wastes on Agricultural Lands.

Durham Region administers and enforces the Regional sewer-use by-law, regulating discharges to municipal sewers. Durham's biosolids are regularly analyzed to ensure that they conform to Provincial standards and to provide the farmer with the most current data on the nutrients being applied.

Agricultural fields must comply with the regulatory framework in terms of site location, soil quality, slope of the land, proposed crops to be planted as well as separation distances from residences, wells, and watercourses for approval. In addition, records are maintained of field location, spreading requirements, the duration of the site Certificate of Approval, the volume of biosolids and the quantity of nutrients applied at each site.

In providing a general characterization,

Table 39 lists the total volume of biosolids generated at each facility and the averaged amounts land applied and incinerated from 1999-2003. Table 40 lists the 2021 projected production estimates listed in the Master Plan study for plants located within CLOCA (Source: From Table 1 Durham Region Sludge/Biosolids Management Summary (1999 to 2003 Average), Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005)).

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Table 39: Regional Sludge/Biosolids Management summary (1999-2003 Average). (Source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005)). WPCP Land Applied (dry Incinerated (dry Total (dry t/y) t/y) t/y) Corbett Creek WPCP 1,730 599 2,329 Harmony Creek WPCP 1,454 1,083 2,537 Pringle Creek WPCP 109 244 353 Port Darlington WPCP 287 185 471 Newcastle WPCP 51 168 220 Total 3631 2279 5910 1. 1,992 dry tonne of sludge was landfilled in Michigan (instead of incinerated) from August to December 2003.

Table 40: Regional Biosolids Historic and Projected Production in CLOCA. (Source: Durham Biosolids MASTER PLAN study (KMK, 2005)). WPCP Historic Projected Land Period of No Land Productio Production Application Application n 2021 Period 1999 to (dry t/y) 2003 (dry t/y) Corbett 2,330 4,590 Land On-site storage Creek WPCP application Excess incinerated at Duffin Creek WPCP Harmony 2,540 1,5303 Land Incineration at Duffin Creek WPCP application Creek WPCP

Pringle Creek 350 - Incineration at Incineration at Duffin WPCP Duffin Creek Creek WPCP WPCP Port 470 1,070 Haulage to Incineration at Duffin Darlington Corbett Creek Creek WPCP WPCP WPCP prior to land application Newcastle 220 510 Incineration at Incineration at Duffin WPCP Duffin Creek Creek WPCP WPCP Courtice - 4,200 Land Incineration at Duffin WPCP application Creek WPCP (proposed)

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Stormwater Management Stormwater Management is an essential component in maintaining healthy watersheds. The conversion of pasture and open space into developed residential and commercial lands leads to an increase in impervious surfaces. The increase in impervious surface affects both the quality and quantity of the runoff. The volume of runoff as well as the travel time to the creeks is increased. The quality of the runoff is decreased by an increase in contact between the runoff and oil, sediment and other pollutants. To mitigate and prevent development from impacting the creeks stormwater management strategies are required.

CLOCA’s policy for stormwater management adheres very closely with the Ministry of the Environments Stormwater Management and Design Manual. The general requirements for new developments are summarized below.

ƒ Flow Routing – Storm sewers are designed to convey the 1 year storm, the right of way must convey the 100 year storm ƒ Stormwater Quantity –Watershed plans or master drainage plans must be adhered to. In the absence of the above, post development peak flows must not exceed pre development flows. In some instances, an increase in peak flows may be acceptable providing that there is no increase in the regulatory flood line elevation and does not cause the inundation of any structures or bridges/culverts. ƒ Stormwater Quality – Enhanced protection or greater is required. Enhanced protection provided long term average removal of 80% of suspended solids at an end of pipe stormwater management facility. All end of pipe facilities must be designed in accordance with the MOE Stormwater Management and Design Manual. ƒ Groundwater Impacts – Site level water budgets may be necessary to determine the impact of a development on the local water table and groundwater recharge rate. As necessary site measures will be required to maintain recharge and groundwater levels. ƒ Stream Erosion – No negative impacts on stream erosion are permitted. Should post development flows or duration exceed those occurring in predevelopment, further analysis is required to determine if erosive velocities and flow rates will result. All areas of stream erosion must be inventoried and investigated. Fluvial geomorphic analysis as well as erosion protection works will be applied as necessary and will be consistent with Chapter 18 of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Engineering Field Handbook entitled Soil Bioengineering for Upland Slope Protection and Erosion Reduction. ƒ Sediment Control – During the construction phase of the development erosion and sediment control measures are required on site. Typical erosion and sediment control measures are silt fences, sediment ponds and rock check dams. ƒ Floodplain and Hazard Management – CLOCA has regulation limit mapping for riverine, waterfront and wetland systems. The regulation is based on the Generic Regulation under Section 28(1) of the Conservation Authorities Act.

It is important to know the location of existing stormwater management facilities as it can be used in future stormwater strategies and in the approval of new development. CLOCA is currently creating an inventory of all the stormwater management facilities within its jurisdiction. The inventory for Oshawa is complete.

March, 2007 Page 172 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Agricultural Resources

Agricultural areas are designated on Map ‘A’ as Prime Agricultural Areas in the Durham Region OP. Section 9 of the ROP details the related policies.

From CLOCA’s interpreted land use information, approximately 29% of the study area is classified as crop field or intensive practices. Pasture lands represent approximately 13% of the study area, while agricultural facilities occupy approximately 1.6%.

Agriculture land use predominates in areas north of the major urban centers, though a significant percentage also exists around the urban centers due the fertile soils and suitable topography of the Lake Iroquois plain. The Bowmanville and Soper Creek Watersheds support a larger percentage of agriculture practices than those watersheds further west in the study area. Considering the economic value, the agriculture sector continues to be one of the largest employers and revenue generators within the study area.

Agricultural Sector Distribution Preliminary subdivision of the agricultural land use classifications regarding livestock numbers has also been carried out as part of the ongoing activities of Source Water Protection. This work is being undertaken to better conceptualize potential nutrient loading sources from agriculture land use that may impact upon the hydrologic sensitive features and intake protection zones.

The census of agriculture information ( which was last compiled by the Statistical Services Unit (SSU) of the Policy and Programs Branch of OMAF during 2001 and may be used to compliment the land use base mapping. The data presented briefly herein is intended to provide a general indication of existing agriculture land use and general trends locally with respect to agriculture commodities produced.

Listed by lower-tier municipality, Table 35 notes the classifications of farm type based on commodities produced during 2001. This land use information is intended only to provide a background snapshot of agri-practices locally, and that estimates of nutrient sources used in surface water modelling fit within this framework.

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Table 41: Historical classification for census reporting farms by type. Farm Type Percentage of Total Number of Reporting Farms

Scugog Township Township of Uxbridge City of Pickering City of Oshawa Municipality of Clarington Town of Whitby/Ajax Reporting Farms (#’s) 382 334 72 61 462 80 Acreage (acres) 69,667 55,219 14,817 13,739 84,912 20,591 Dairy 14 11 9 9 9 n/a Cattle (beef) 31 23 12 30 29 n/a Hog 2 3 2 2 n/a Poultry and egg 7 2 1 2 2 n/a Grain and oilseed (except 13 14 28 14 15 n/a wheat) Field crop except grain and 5 9 1 9 8 n/a oilseed) Fruit 1 1 6 4 n/a Miscellaneous specialty 20 28 32 20 23 n/a Livestock combination 2 5 1 2 3 n/a Vegetable combination 3 3 4 5 2 n/a Other combination 2 4 3 7 3 n/a n/a - data not available

Table 42 lists the animal type and Animal Equivalent Units (AEU) for each lower-tier municipality (2001). AEU’s (see Table 43 for the animal types and their corresponding AEU) are a method of normalizing all livestock numbers to a common unit. OMAFRA normalizes livestock numbers to produce common Animal Nutrient Units, which is defined in O. Reg. 267/03 as amended under the provincial Nutrient Management Act. This information though intended only to provide a background snapshot of livestock numbers and AEU’s to assist in nutrient modelling, also provides general comparative information on nutrient loading pressures within the study area.

Table 42: Animal Type and AEU

Animal Type Sheep Municipality Dairy Beef Chickens Bulls Heifers Calves Horses Pigs Turkeys Steers & AEU Cows Cows & Hens Lambs Whitby 18 625 279 449 471 110 0 823 88 244424 1979 10057 Oshawa 21 401 474 297 479 378 4727 61 135 244424 474 11878 Clarington 153 2162 2578 2284 3245 852 10234 134 1783 244424 2729 23076 Scugog 158 2776 2733 2779 3484 893 5588 453 919 540774 2419 31562

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Table 43: Animal equivalent units, estimates from 2001 Statistics Canada census data. Animal Equivalent Units Animal (Units of 1000 lbs of Animal Weight per Animal) Dairy Cattle 1.4 Beef Cattle 1 Heifer 0.7 Calf 0.2 Swine 0.4 Horse 1 Sheep or Lamb 0.1 Chickens 0.033 Turkey 0.018 Duck 0.01

Figure 68 illustrates the preliminary spatial distribution of AEU’s (2001) across CLOCA’s jurisdiction distributed on CLOCA’s interpreted pastured land use classification. Animal equivalent units generally increase from west to east and from south to north. Although biosolid application location and loading information was not available at the time of this report, inclusion of such information with AEU and septic location data would provide a refined picture of potential sources of nutrient loadings.

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Figure 68: Animal equivalent units (estimated AEU’s) distributed over interpreted agricultural pasture land use classification.

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Trends in Agriculture Figure 69 depicts the trends through 1986 to 2001 regarding the number and total acreage of reporting farms within Durham Region, derived from Statistics Canada census data. Though the number of farms appears to have declined (22%) over the period of record, the agri-producing acreage experienced only a modest decrease (8%). Interpreted land use mapping will assist in verifying this trend within the study area.

Number and Area of Census Farms - Durham Region

2,500 365,000 360,000 2,000 355,000 350,000 1,500 345,000 340,000 1,000 335,000

Number of Reporting Farms 330,000 Acreage Total Number of Farms 500 Reported Acreage 325,000 320,000 0 315,000 Jul-86 Jul-91 Jul-96 Jul-01

Figure 69: Trends in census reporting farm numbers and acreage within Durham Region, data from Statistics Canada 1986-2001. Current data are not available. Recreation

Through a combination of CLOCA’s conservation areas, municipal parks and trail systems, Provincial Park, and opportunities offered by non-government organizations and the private sector, a fairly extensive though somewhat fragmented publicly accessible recreation and trail system has been established within the study area.

CLOCA Land acquisition has been undertaken by CLOCA since its inception in 1958, and has been augmented in the last several years through partnership funding opportunities. Although some of the conservation lands owned by CLOCA have limited public access (in order to limit the disturbance to certain sensitive lands and/or wildlife) many of the conservation lands are important to the public for the recreational and educational opportunities that they provide. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has five publicly accessible conservation areas with over 30 Km of trail and other public facilities for a wide range of activities including hiking, picnics and wildlife viewing.

Municipal Municipal Official Plans primarily guide the overall open space system, including open space and recreation plans, trail plans, and policies related to urban development within the

March, 2007 Page 177 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization individual municipalities. The lower tier municipalities located within the study area own and/or operate a wide range of facilities, many of which many occur within the study area. Municipal trails and parks along creek valleys and the Lake Ontario shoreline are particularly important in providing natural recreational opportunities in the highly urbanized areas of the southern watershed areas. Swimming and trail systems are also supported along the Lake Ontario shoreline.

Provincial Darlington Provincial Park located just west of Bowmanville on the north shore of Lake Ontario and adjacent to McLaughlin Bay, offers a wide variety of visitor programs during the camping and day-use season. In addition, recreational activities include fishing and canoeing in McLaughlin Bay, wildlife viewing, boating in the open waters of Lake Ontario, and swimming.

Other Recreational Opportunities Oak Ridges Trail At present about 250 km of trail have been completed. The trail starts with a link to the Caledon Trailway near Palgrave in the west and continues to the town of Gores Landing on Rice Lake in the east and traverses through the headwaters of CLOCA’s watersheds. Private Sector Key private sector recreational facilities within the study area include campgrounds, parks, ski hills, and golf courses. Protected Areas

Figure 71 provides an overview of the various protected areas identified within the study area. Descriptions of the various initiatives and associated legislation are included in the following sections.

Durham Regional Offical Plan The goals and the general and specific environmental policies (natural, built and cultural) in the ROP help ensure the preservation, conservation and enhancement of the Region’s natural environment (Section 2 of the ROP). The natural environment includes areas designated as Oak Ridges Moraine, Waterfronts and Major Open Spaces, and features such as environmentally sensitive areas, valley systems, water resources and animal habitats. The ROP policies guide good community planning and design, preservation of the historical and cultural heritage and the utilization of integrated planning functions that recognize the relationship between the built and natural environment, all for the betterment of the natural environment and resource preservation..

Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and Plan (ORMCP) In May 2001, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing introduced the Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act, 2001, establishing a six-month moratorium on development on the Moraine in order to allow the government to consult on how to protect the Moraine. The Ontario Legislature passed this Act, which took effect May 17, and later sunset on November 17, 2001. The Act provides authority for the Minister to establish the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP: Figure 70).

The purpose of the ORMCP is to provide land use and resource management planning direction to provincial ministers, ministries, and agencies, municipalities, municipal planning authorities, landowners and other stakeholders on how to protect the Moraine's ecological

March, 2007 Page 178 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization and hydrological features and functions. The Plan divides the Moraine into four land use designations: Natural Core Areas (38% of the Moraine), Natural Linkage Areas (24% of the Moraine), Countryside Areas (30% of the Moraine) and Settlement Areas (8% of the Moraine).

Both the Act and the Plan are elements of Smart Growth. Smart Growth is the Ontario government’s long-term strategy for promoting and managing growth that recognizes communities, the economy and environment.

CLOCA is working with Durham Region to ensure that watershed management planning activities meet the watershed management planning requirements of the ORMCP. While watershed management plan activities have been initiated in all fifteen watersheds, emphasis is being placed over the next several years on the seven watersheds with headwaters in the ORM, including water budget studies.

Greenbelt Act and Plan In February, 2005, the Ontario Legislature passed the Greenbelt Act, which enabled the creation of a Greenbelt Plan to protect about 1.8 million acres of environmentally sensitive and agricultural land in the Golden Horseshoe from urban development and sprawl. It includes and builds on about 800,000 acres of land within the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.

The legislation authorizes the government to designate a Greenbelt Area (Figure 70) and establish a Greenbelt Plan. It sets out the main elements and objectives for the Greenbelt, which are addressed in the Plan. It also requires planning decisions to conform to the Greenbelt Plan. The greenbelt plan contains broad objectives for the protection of environmental and agricultural land in the Golden Horseshoe. The plan includes maps of the greenbelt areas, and details the policies needed to protect land in the greenbelt area from urban development and sprawl.

Within CLOCA’s watersheds, the Plan will provide protection of the natural heritage features, key hydrologic features as well as hazard lands associated with creek systems south of the ORM, from rural and urban development pressures and expansions outside of existing urban boundaries.

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Figure 70: ORMCP and Greenbelt Plan designations in the study area.

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Growth Plan As part of the province’s Places to Grow initiative, the Growth Plan is a growth strategy that is the result of two years of collaboration with municipalities and key stakeholders. Presently, the Plan has been put forward for public and agency review and comment. Similar protection as provided by the Greenbelt Plan may be extended to existing urban areas within CLOCA’s jurisdiction.

The plan promotes the intensification within existing urban areas, rather than urban expansion, the establishment of growth centres, and the establishment of a natural system through sub-area growth plans. Downtown Oshawa has been identified as one of the future growth centres.

Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines Regulation In meeting the requirements of the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation, O. Reg. 42/06 made under the Conservation Authorities Act, CLOCA has completed Generic Regulation Limit mapping for its jurisdiction. The mapping of natural hazards, wetlands and shorelines limits underwent public review and received provincial peer review committee approval during 2005. The new regulation will be implemented during 2006.

The Regulation ensures residents are protected from flooding and that the integrity of the watershed floodplains is maintained. By directing development away from flood and erosion prone areas, the risk to life and property from flooding and erosion is reduced.

Conservation Authority Land Holdings In addition to the properties owned by CLOCA identified in Figure 1, CLOCA has acquired additional areas of environmentally significant land over the past several years with support from: ƒ Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation ƒ Regional Municipality of Durham ƒ Nature Conservancy of Canada (The Ontario Greenland’s Program) ƒ Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Ecological Land Acquisition Program) ƒ Central Lake Ontario Conservation Fund

Conservation Authority owned lands helps ensure the long-term protection of significant surface water and groundwater resources, wildlife habitats and geologic features for future generations.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA’s) Initiated in 1977, CLOCA undertook an environmentally sensitive areas mapping study of the lands within its jurisdiction (Gartner Lee, 1978). The study entailed the collection and interpretation of biophysical data that included a significant level of field verification. In addition, the project was intended to provide input to the Regional Municipality of Durham’s Official Plan, regarding the designation of, and planning policies for, environmentally sensitive areas.

ESA’s were determined by several different criteria including:

ƒ Significant Terrain ƒ Flood-prone areas and wetlands

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ƒ Areas serving groundwater functions ƒ Headwater source areas ƒ Erosion -prone areas ƒ Significant geomorphologic landforms ƒ Significant Forests Forests serving important environmental functions Forests possessing unusual attributes ƒ Significant Wildlife Areas of suitable habitat for important wildlife considerations Areas where uncommon animals have been known to occur including game birds or fur-bearing mammals ƒ Significant Fisheries Suitable spawning areas Conditions suitable for and/or presence of cold and warm water fisheries

Three levels of sensitivity occur within the watershed: high; moderate; and low. The Oak Ridges Moraine and the Iroquois Beach were designated as moderate in sensitivity, with pockets of high sensitivity. Mapping of ESA’s was identified through the study at a gross scale of approximately 1:250 000 and will assist in providing a historical context of updated ESA’s in source water protection plan development. It is anticipated that this information would provide a historical reference and comparison for identifying hydrologically sensitive areas through source water protection.

Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has identified a number of Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI’s) within the CLOCA’s watersheds. Current ANSI’s have been mapped. ANSI’s are areas of land and water having natural landscapes or features that have been identified as having life or earth science values related to protection, scientific study or education. There are two types of ANSI’s, Life Science and Earth Science. Similar to ESA’s, ANSI’s are also classified into levels of significance; Provincial, Regional and Local. ANSI’s are to be reviewed as part of the evaluation of hydrologically sensitive areas.

Provincially Significant Wetlands Additionally, and of significant importance to Source Water Protection Planning, is the ongoing subdivision of ELC wetland classifications through the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (1993). This evaluation system is a revision of the Evaluation System for Wetlands of Ontario South of the Precambrian Shield (1984). The wetland evaluation system evaluates the value or importance of a wetland based on a scoring system where four principal components each worth 250 points totalling a maximum possible 1000 points. Subcomponents and attributes receive a varying number of possible points dependent on predetermined criteria.

The four principal components that are considered in a wetland evaluation are the biological, social, hydrological, and special features. Based on scoring a wetland can fall into one of two classes, Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) or Locally Significant Wetland (LSW). It takes 650 total points or full points (250) in any one component for a wetland to be classed as Provincially Significant. The Province of Ontario, under the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) protects wetlands that rank as Provincially Significant. The PPS states that “Development and site alteration shall not be permitted in significant wetlands.” Within the CLOCA jurisdiction, there are a number of evaluated wetlands as of 2005 (Table 44) and

March, 2007 Page 182 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization which are depicted in Figure 72. Also delineated are locally significant wetlands, as these wetlands may be considered in the future for additional protection.

Table 44: Evaluated wetlands by OMNR.

Provincially Significant Wetland Locally Significant Wetland Carruthers Creek Marsh Wetland Complex Enfield Wetland Complex Corbett Creek Mouth Marsh Golf Course Wetland Cranberry Marsh Harmony Valley Wetland Heber Down Wetland Complex Port Darlington Marsh Lynde Creek Marsh Raby Head Wetland Maple Grove Wetland Complex Oshawa Second Marsh Pumphouse Marsh Solina Wetland West Side Beach Marsh

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Figure 71: ANSI’s and ESA’s that area designated in the CLOCA study area.

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Figure 72: Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) and Locally Significant Wetlands (LSW) in the CLOCA study area.

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In addition to the preceding land use information, several other land use types that may impact on Source Water Protection planning are identified as follows:

ƒ Tile drains; ƒ Agricultural and Urban water features (created ponds); ƒ Storage tanks; ƒ Snow Storage and De-icing; and ƒ Water structures.

Investigation of such land use types will require a further refinement of CLOCA’s land use classification system and form part of ongoing source water protection activities. As an example of these efforts, and as related to agricultural and horticultural practices, random and systematic tile drainage coverage has recently been developed which assists in water budget enhancement and is depicted in Figure 73. Tile drainage locations and type are required for local water quality analyses and modelling.

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Figure 73: Tile drainage (digitized random and systematic) in the CLOCA study area digitized from OMAFRA information.

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2.7 Water Uses

2.7.1 Drinking Water Uses

Though most of the urban settlements in the CLOCA region are serviced by water from Lake Ontario, groundwater still remains an important source of potable water to the area. According to the MOE Water Well Information System (WWIS), there are approximately 5500 privately owned domestic water wells within the CLOCA study area at the time of this report. Within the study area there are no identified surface water drinking water sources beyond the municipally serviced areas.

2.7.2 Municipal Wells as defined in Regulation 170

The Regional Municipality of Durham is responsible for the treatment, storage and distribution of drinking water to every consumer on the system. The following areas located within CLOCA receive municipal water supplies: Whitby, Brooklin, Oshawa, Courtice, Bowmanville, and Newcastle,. Water for the Region's municipal water supply system comes from three sources: Lake Ontario for the southern municipalities; Lake Simcoe for Beaverton; and ground water wells for the remaining communities. Though Durham Region operates eight groundwater sourced municipal water supply systems, none are located within the study area.

2.7.3 Communal Wells as defined in Regulation 252

To date, one communal formal drinking water supply system has been identified within the study area. The system is reportedly described as the Sun Valley groundwater supplied communal system located within the Oshawa Creek Watershed near the community of Columbus. Drinking water supply and system information has been requested from Durham Region and as such is currently reported as a data and/or information gap. Additionally several other communal type systems exist within CLOCA’s jurisdiction that service institutions such as schools, churches ,community centres, golf course and other recreational facilities (Figure 74)

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Figure 74: Communal Drinking Water Sites

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. These systems though captured under Ont. Regulation 252/05 may represent the systems with the least dedicated resources for management and thus are likely the systems that require further study. Some, with known historical water quality problems warrant more site specific investigation to determine risk.

2.7.4 Private Groundwater Supplies

Though most of the urban settlements in the study area are serviced by water from Lake Ontario, groundwater still remains an important source of potable water to the area. According to the MOE Water Well Information System (WWIS), there are approximately 5500 privately owned domestic water wells within the CLOCA study area (Error! Reference source not found.).

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Figure 75: Private domestic water wells.

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Outside of the municipally serviced major urban centres, groundwater is main source of water for rural property owners. As well, approximately 80% of the farms use groundwater for some level of livestock watering. Groundwater is also an important source of water for irrigation purposes and commercial/industrial operations (Figure 74).

2.7.5 Surface Water Intakes

The urban centres of Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin, Courtice and Bowmanville within CLOCA’s boundary are all serviced by the Lake Ontario sourced Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville Water Treatment Plants (WTP’s) or facilities. The combined production for these plants is about 288 ML/day. The water treatment plant intakes are located approximately 1710m (Whitby), 831m/ 900m (2 in Oshawa) and 1260m (Bowmanville) into Lake Ontario (Figure 76). These and additional details for each of these plants can be found at: &nav=b&setFooter=/includes/worksFooter.txt

The approximate locations of the WTP’s within CLOCA’S jurisdiction can be seen in Figure 76. The Regional Municipality of Durham is required to post annual water quality reports for each Water Supply Plant currently in operation. These reports are summarized in Table 45. Table 45 : Summary of Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Water Supply Plants (Durham Region 2005 WSP Reports). Oshawa WSP Whitby WSP Bowmanville WSP

Location Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa Water St., Whitby Port Darlington Rd., Bowmanville Permit Number 00-P-3025 00-P-3026 00-P-3027 Maximum allowable 118,000,000 L/day 109,000,000 L/day 47,700,000 L/day Taking per day Approximate of 145,500 in Oshawa and 85,700 in the Town of Whitby 30,100 Residence Supplied 22,500 Courtice and 8,000 in Brooklin Intake Source Lake Ontario Intake Location Intake 1/Intake 2 Pipe Diameter 750 mm/900 mm 1350 mm 1050 mm Distance extending 831 m/924 m 1,710 m 1260 m into Lake Ontario Depth of intake 7.6 m/10.7 m 16 m 12 m structure Plant Capacity 133.6 ML/day (29 MIGD) 109 ML/day (24 MIGD) 36.26 ML/day (8 MIGD) Distribution System 680 km of watermains 378 km of watermains in 136 km of Whitby and 28 km in Brooklin watermains Treatment Each of the three facilities uses a variety of water treatments including, zebra mussel control, screening, pre-chlorination, low lift pumping, coagulation, flocculation, direct filtration, post chlorination, storage, and high lift pumping.

Monitoring A licensed plant operator collects and tests samples on site everyday. Raw water entering the plant, treated water leaving the plant and water taken from various points along the distribution system is tested for bacteriological content. In addition all three WSP's participate in the Ministry of the Environments Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP), Oshawa since 1980, Whitby and Bowmanville since 1996.

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Figure 76: Water Treatment Plant (WTP) facility and estimated intake locations from Durham Region WTP annual reports, 2005

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Figure 77: Permitted Water Taking by Type (PTTW)

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2.7.6 Recreational Water Use

The local economies rely heavily on recreational water related opportunities such as sport fishing, bird and wildlife viewing in and around the local streams and wetlands. Many municipal parks and trails reside in the riverine systems. Provincially significant wetlands amongst others support trails and viewing areas and platforms. Darlington Provincial Park relies on the recreational advantages of Lake Ontario and McLaughlin Bay Marsh. Boating, canoeing and swimming are key attractions of areas located along the Lake Ontario shoreline.

Recreational water users that are permitted under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Permit to Take Water Program within the study area are shown in Figure 77 (water use by type). Ski hills, a local water park, and the abundant golf courses are source water reliant.

2.7.7 Ecological Water Use

Water is necessary for sustaining all life, not merely a fundamental requirement for humans. The ecological importance of the resource is outline in the inventories and examinations of the various natural heritage features, functions and interactions that have been, and continue to be undertaken through CLOCA’s Watershed, Aquatic Resources, and Fisheries Management Planning activities. These activities are at various stages of completion as previously described in Section 2.1.4.

Summaries of natural heritage findings include fisheries, vegetation and wildlife, and an application of the Environment Canada’s A Framework for Guiding Habitat Rehabilitation in Great Lakes Areas of Concern (EC, 1998) to achieve an overall indication of health. As noted in the Oshawa Creek Management Plan (CLOCA, 2002), nearly all of the existing conditions fall short of meeting the guidelines, which would indicate that the natural heritage system, being source water reliant, remains under pressure.

Wildlife conservation water uses that are permitted under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Permit to Take Water Program within the study area are shown in Figure 77.

2.7.8 Agricultural Water Use

Agricultural operations that are permitted under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Permit to Take Water Program within the study area are shown in Figure 77. With reference to the map, both the Bowmanville and Soper Creek watersheds support the bulk of the takings which corresponds to the concentration of agricultural activities within those watersheds. Descriptions of the various agricultural takings are stored, in addition to the provincial database, in a CLOCA database, the latter storing field verified attribute data where possible.

2.7.9 Industrial Water Use

Industrial facilities that are permitted under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Permit to Take Water Program within the study area are shown in Figure 77.

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2.8 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Watershed Description

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding watershed description requirements are listed in Table 46. Table 46: Data and knowledge gaps identified for watershed description. Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Watershed Description Aquatics Diversity Map ARPMS does not exist To be digitized. ET Map Literature review, field does not exist Implement field measurements. calibration trials to determine actual evaporation rates for various points. Future Development Areas Durham Region OP, partially populated Data requested. Map Green Belt or Growth requires update Plans. Population Distribution Map CLOCA does not exist Census data. Riparian Areas Map CLOCA ELC and partially populated Riparian areas to be drainage data. determined when drainage layer is QA/QC’d. Overlay ELC. Thermal Classification Map CLOCA – internal partially populated Hardcopy data needs to reports, field studies requires update be digitized. Completed too sparse and inserted Seepage and Springs Map TBD partially populated Would require field does not exist surveying and digitizing by CLOCA. Historical Thermography mapping available for ORM area. Serviced/Unserviced Lower Tier requires update Data requested. Boundaries Map Municipalities. Hydrologic Features Map CLOCA and EC data. does not exist TBD Flow Distribution Map Nodes of Interest Map Stormwater Management Durham Region, lower partially populated Data requests to lower Facilities Map tier municipalities. tier municipalities. Field verification. Surface Water Intake Durham Region. requires update Estimates available Locations Map only, from 2005 Municipal Drinking Water Reports. Precipitation Distr. Map AES (CDCD), CLOCA partially populated Data gaps to be filled. Representative Areas Map sites. too sparse Maps to be completed Meteorological Zones Map for CWB report. ET Zone Map Future DWS Map Various sources. does not exist TBD Water Use/Watershed Map Various sources. does not exist TBD Secondary Maps: Various sources. does not exist TBD Protected Areas Map partially populated BMP Location Map Septic Distribution Map Subwatershed Map DEM Update MNR, Durham Region requires update Provincial DEM v2 required from MNR. DEM v2 includes spot elevations and contours. Flow direction

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grid takes priority over points/contours. Durham Region higher resolution 2005 orthophotography received. Drainage Update 2005 DEM requires update Layer to be updated to 2005 DEM data. ELC Update CLOCA, MNR -PLC, requires update Digitized by CLOCA’s SOLRIS, 2005 GIS department from orthophotography, field 2002 Orthophotography verification programs. at 1:200. Update to 2005 orthophotography data required. Completed and reinserted. Land Use Update CLOCA, Durham requires update CLOCA’s jurisdiction Region official plan, has been digitized 2005 orthophotography, (based on 2002 field verification Orthophotography). To programs be updated to 2005 orthophotography data. Completed and inserted. Orthophotography Update Durham Region. partially populated Current set: 2002 color orthophotography for Durham Region. Other: black and white for jurisdiction. Update to 2005 color orthophotography for all watersheds. Soils and Ontario Soil Surveys too sparse Limited internal data Phosphorus/Nitrogen Data (OMAF), local field available. Field collection program collection program may (proposed). be required. Time of Travel to Streams Generated by CLOCA. does not exist Consideration of spills and Lakeshore and their proximity to the water course to be investigated. Aggregate Resources MNR OGDE, MNDM, partially populated Existing data requires Update Municipal, field surveys. requires update field surveyor orthophotography review to verify locations. Nutrients (surface water) PWQMN, Historical partially populated Historical PWQMN data Data studies. CLOCA requires update from 1967-present (gap monitoring. too sparse 1997-2003) for 17 sites. To be collected for use with CANWET. YPDT db to be populated. Low Flow Assessment CLOCA Field partially populated TBD monitoring program. requires update Integrated Monitoring CLOCA, Durham requires update A review of monitoring Network Site Locations and Region studies. too sparse needs is required (e.g. Data Review expanding wetland monitoring to key inland wetlands, additional streamflow and water quality monitoring sites (for IPZ study) and groundwater monitors).

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Travel times to streams and lake shorelines may involve monitoring. WPCP and WTP Data MOE. Durham Region. partially populated Summaries from Regional website. Weather Stations Calibration AES (CDCD), Durham Requires update May require additional Region sites. too sparse climate monitors, and additional calibration of tipping buckets. Data gaps to be filled Other: Various sources. does not exist Communal Well map Communal Well Data partially populated complete and inserted Agri and Industrial water use Others:TBD Brownfields Data Cottage Camp Development Oil/Gas Transfer Stations Water Structure Inventory Biosolid App. Locations Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Data or Tools Gap Problem Comment Climate Change Scenarios from average does not exist Required to develop an weather statistics. understanding of how climate may change, and how the predicted change will impact on CLOCA’s watersheds using scenario testing. Refined Surface Water ArcHydro Data Model - does not exist CLOCA is to initiate Features and Functions ESRI product used with ArcHydro. Various data ArcGIS v8 or v9, and sets (TBD) are required add-ons (i.e. Spatial to properly model. Analyst, ArcINFO). Training in software is MNR data sets required required. - DEMv2, EFGrid. Surface Water (quantity, and Surface water does not exist Existing hydrologic quality transport) infiltration model models are event driven (transient) to be (Visual Otthymo / Hec- determined. 2). Limited water quantity/quality trend analysis underway. Internal/external data formatting and collection required as well as calibration data from monitoring networks. Required to provide refined infiltration inputs to existing MODFLOW groundwater model. Geology and Hydrogeology YPDT-CAMC does not exist Refinement of regional MODFLOW CORE model required for Risk Model for eastern GTA. Assessments. To be completed in T1 WB work. Water Budget Develop from YPDT- does not exist Required to better CAMC CORE model understand hydrologic with proposed reservoirs, and predict hydrologic model. impacts of land use and climate changes, water

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supply and risk assessments. To be completed under T1 WB work.

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Water quality is controlled by a wide range of natural and human influences. The most important of the natural influences are climatic and geologic, since they can affect the quantity and the quality of water available. Human activities such as agriculture, industry, and urbanization can have a negative impact on ground and surface water quality within a watershed. An important step in understanding the factors that control water quality is to determine the contributions from natural processes and from anthropogenic sources. It is essential to identify the current state of surface and groundwater quality and the long-term trends to see if water quality is improving, deteriorating or staying the same.

As discussed in Section 1.1.2, there are a number of surface and ground water chemistry sampling stations situated within the study area (Figure 78 and Figure 79). Samples are analysed for numerous parameters which provide a historical documentation of the surface water quality within the watershed. These data provide a baseline and will assist in determining whether anthropogenic inputs are affecting surface water chemistry.

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Figure 78: CLOCA surface water quality monitoring stations (PWQMN and CLOCA).

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Figure 79: CLOCA groundwater quality monitoring stations (PGMN).

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3.1 Selecting Indicator Parameters

When considering the objectives of SWP, water quality indicator parameters are selected that function as surrogates for ecosystem and human health. In general, monitoring of these parameters should be sustainable in the support of analysis of short and long-term trends, and represent, to some degree, the perceived impact of current and future land use changes.

3.1.1 Surface Water Parameters

Selection of surface water quality parameters relies heavily on an analysis of historical reports on the water quality within local streams, and data generated from the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network, and CLOCA’s monitoring network. In addition, consideration is given to the water quality concerns within local intake protection zones (IPZ’s) where known.

When evaluating surface water quality, certain parameters should be selected to act as indicators of water quality and watershed health. The selection of indicator parameters should take a number of factors into account. These factors include how the data collected will contribute to the understanding of local land use activities (i.e. contamination) and overall watershed health, the concerns and issues in a particular watershed community, and the ease with which the tests can be carried out and afforded.

Through the PWQMN and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority’s surface water quality monitoring program a wide range of parameters are analyzed. The indicator parameters selected for analysis, parameter source, water quality standards and importance are presented in Table 47.

Table 47: Indicator surface water quality parameters. Indicator Standards Source Importance/Health Issues Parameter Chlorides ODWS=250 Road salt Once Chloride is dissolved in a mg/L Fertilizers solution it tends to remain there. In Industrial wastewater high concentrations chloride can be toxic to aquatic organisms. Copper ODWS=1 corrosion of copper and brass Short term exposure: mg/L; tubing Gastrointestinal distress Long term PWQO=0.005 Industrial effluents (plating exposure: Liver or kidney damage mg/L industry, coating and refinishing processes) Algaecides Erosion of natural deposits Nitrates ODWS=10 Fertilizers Nitrogen fixation converts gaseous mg/L Leaky on-site wastewater nitrogen to ammonia or nitrate. The disposal/septic systems toxicity of nitrate in humans is a Sewage treatment system result of the reduction of nitrate outfalls (NO3-) to nitrite (NO2-). High Sewage treatment bypass nitrate concentrations can cause outfalls series health problems such as Domestic pet excreta Methemoglobinemia (Blue Baby Livestock excrement irrigation Syndrome) in infants.

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return flows Phosphorous PWQO=30 Soaps Excessive amounts of nutrients can mg/L Fertilizers lead to an over abundant of flora. Pesticides Large quantities of algae called blooms are a series problem in many polluted streams and lakes.

3.1.2 Groundwater Parameters

The selection methodology of groundwater indicator parameters is much the same as for surface water. However, there are other considerations to take into account, such as natural processes that occur between groundwater and the surrounding geology. Rock-water interactions can have a strong influence on groundwater chemistry.

To differentiate between a natural or anthropogenic influence on the groundwater quality, it is essential to establish an understanding of physiography, geology, hydrogeology, groundwater flow patterns, groundwater chemistry information, surface water features, land uses, identification of potential threats to the groundwater resource, and identification of potential receptors (human and ecological).

The indicator parameters selected for groundwater quality (Table 48) are based on factors such as the availability of analyzed data, chemicals used locally, and parameters with adverse health effects. Table 48: Indicators of groundwater quality. Indicator Parameters Standards Source Importance/Health Issues Antimony EPA=0.006 Discharge from petroleum Increase in blood mg/L refineries Fire retardants cholesterol; decrease in Ceramics blood sugar Electronics Solder Atrazine EPA=0.003 Herbicide used on row crops Cardiovascular system mg/L or reproductive problems Cadmium EPA=0.005 Corrosion of galvanized pipes Kidney damage mg/L Erosion of natural deposits Discharge from metal refineries Runoff from waste batteries Paints Chlorides ODWS=250 Road salt Once Chloride is mg/L Fertilizers dissolved in a solution it Industrial wastewater tends to remain there. In high concentrations chloride can be toxic to aquatic organisms. Cyanide EPA=0.2 Discharge from steel/metal Nerve damage or thyroid mg/L factories problems Discharge from plastic and fertilizer factories Glyphosate EPA=0.7 Herbicide use Kidney problems; mg/L reproductive difficulties Heptachlor EPA=0 Residue of banned termiticide Liver damage; increased

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risk of cancer Nitrates ODWS=10 Fertilizers Nitrogen fixation mg/L Leaky on-site wastewater converts gaseous disposal/septic systems nitrogen to ammonia or Sewage treatment system nitrate. The toxicity of Nitrites ODWS=1 outfalls nitrate in humans is a mg/L Sewage treatment bypass result of the reduction of outfalls nitrate (NO3-) to nitrite Domestic pet excreta (NO2-). High nitrate Livestock excrement irrigation concentrations can return flows cause series health problems such as Methemoglobinemia (Blue Baby Syndrome) in infants. Phosphorous Soaps Excessive amounts of Fertilizers nutrients can lead to an Pesticides over abundant of flora. Large quantities of algae called blooms are a series problem in many polluted streams and lakes. Polychlorinatedbiphenyls EPA=0 Runoff from landfills Skin changes; thymus (PCBs) Discharge of waste chemicals gland problems; immune deficiencies; reproductive or nervous system difficulties; increased risk of cancer. Sodium ODWS=20 Road salts High levels of sodium mg/L Discharges from water may be an issue for Softeners individuals on a low- Human or animal waste sodium diet. disposal Leachate from landfills Natural occurrence Tetrachloroethylene EPA=0 Discharge from factories and Liver problems; dry cleaners increased risk of cancer

Total Coliform (including EPA = 0 Wastewater treatment plants Not a health threat in fecal coliform and E. ODWS = 0 On-site septic systems itself; it is used to the Coli) Domestic and animal manure possible presence of Storm runoff pathogenic (disease- causing) bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that live in human and animal digestive systems.

Vinyl chloride EPA=0 Leaching from PVC pipes Increased risk of cancer Discharge from plastic factories

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3.2 Surface Water Quality Data Analysis and Reporting

The data analyzed for this report was collected under two programs, The Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and CLOCA’s Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program. All Sampling sites and their locations are listed below in Table 49.

Table 49: All surface water quality monitoring stations in the CLOCA study area. Re- CLOCA Watershed Location Program First Last starte PWQMN ID ID d SWQ14 Black Creek Trulls Road, Courtice PWQMN 2003 06011200502 Bowmanville West Beach Rd, SWQ4 PWQMN 1964 1997 2003 06011600102 Creek Bowmanville Bowmanville Hampton SWQ15 PWQMN 2003 06011600502 Creek Conservation Area Bowmanville Long Sault SWQ17 PWQMN 2003 06011600602 Creek Conservation Area Bowmanville Taunton Rd, SWQ16 CLOCA 2004 Creek Clarington Farewell Colonel Sam Drive, SWQ3 PWQMN 1980 1997 2003 06011200302 Creek Oshawa Farewell SWQ13 Nash Road, Courtice CLOCA 2005 Creek CLOCA/ Harmony SWQ12 Bloor St, Oshawa HISTORIC 1964 1981 2005 06011200102 Creek PWQMN SWQ1 Lynde Creek Victoria St, Whitby PWQMN 1964 1997 2003 06010800102 SWQ8 Lynde Creek Baldwin St, Brooklin PWQMN 1977 1994 2003 06010800402 Baldwin St, N of HISTORIC SWQ30 Lynde Creek 1977 1978 06010800202 Taunton Rd PWQMN Winchester Rd, E of HISTORIC SWQ31 Lynde Creek 1977 1988 06010800302 Hwy 7/12 PWQMN Heber Down SWQ9 Lynde Creek CLOCA 2004 Conservation Area Montgomery HISTORIC SWQ34 Harbour Rd, Oshawa 1966 1994 06011100202 Creek PWQMN Simcoe St. South, SWQ2 Oshawa Creek PWQMN 1964 1997 2003 06011100102 Oshawa SWQ10 Oshawa Creek Conlin Road, Oshawa PWQMN 2003 06011100302 SWQ11 Oshawa Creek Conlin Road, Oshawa CLOCA 2004 HISTORIC SWQ32 Pringle Creek Brock St, Whitby 1964 1987 06010900102 PWQMN HISTORIC SWQ33 Pringle Creek Watson St, Whitby 1972 1994 06010900302 PWQMN King St E, Hwy 2, SWQ35 Soper Creek PWQMN 1968 1990 06011600302 Bowmanville CLOCA/HIST West Beach Rd, SWQ5 Soper Creek ORIC 1967 1994 2003 06011600202 Bowmanville PWQMN Soper Creek Taunton Rd, SWQ19 CLOCA 2004 (east branch) Clarington Soper Creek Gibbs Rd north Conc. SWQ20 CLOCA 2004 (east branch) 7 Soper Creek Lambs Road, SWQ21 CLOCA 2005 (east branch) Clarington Soper Creek Taunton Rd, SWQ18 CLOCA 2004 (west branch) Clarington

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The PWQMN was designed to collect surface water quality information province wide. The objectives of the PWQMN are to collect, document and assess long term water quality. The Ministry of Environment operates the program across the province. CLOCA is currently collecting samples from nine locations within the watershed on monthly intervals from April through November. In addition to the nine active PWQMN locations there are eight historic sites with various amounts of data.

In addition to the above mentioned provincial programs, CLOCA collects water quality samples independently. Samples are taken from ten locations within the watershed, twice during the summer months at low flows. Two of these sites are also historic PW QMN locations.

3.2.1 Statistical Analysis

A number of statistical tests were performed on the surface water quality data for the study area. Tests were completed for all (PWQMN and CLOCA) water quality sites that have a minimum of 40 samples (approximately five years of monitoring). Statistical tests were performed on chloride, nitrate, phosphorous and copper.

Parametric and non-parametric statistical methods were used to describe the water data set and to determine if there are any temporal trends (i.e. the significance of a trend in water quality as it increases or decreases over time). Parametric statistical methods assume that observations are drawn from a normally distributed population. Since the distribution of surface water quality data are frequently skewed by extreme values, the assumptions of parametric statistical tests are often violated. Typically, non-parametric statistical methods are a more suitable choice for the analysis of surface water quality data. Non-parametric statistics do not assume a particular form of distribution, and they can handle outliers and non-detects that are common in water quality data.

Parametric tests completed for this report include, mean, standard deviation, and simple linear regression. The non-parametric tests performed include, median, inter-quartile range, and the Mann-Kendall test. All results are shown below in Table 50.

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Table 50: Statistical results for phosphorous, nitrate, chloride, and copper for select water quality sites within CLOCA. All analysis was completed with AquaChem Water Quality software. Mann Mann Kendall Kendall Mann- Statistic Statistic, Kendall Sampling Number of Standard Linear indicating Parameter Min Max Mean approximated Result - Period Samples Deviation Regression increasing Z value for 95% or calculating significance decreasing

10th Percentile Median 50th Percentile 90th Percentile probability trend Oshawa Creek SWQ2 Phosphorous 1964-2005 Decreasing 380 0.00 1.70 0.14 1.1718 r =-0.447 0.015 0.076 0.3403 -37777 -15.269 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 234 0.01 14.30 0.72 0.91546 r =0.1024 0.1703 0.488 1.197 5598 4.676 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 147 0.275 14.5 0.99956 1.2638 r = -0.129 0.385 0.7 1.616 -323 -0.53929 No Trend filtered (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 1964-2005 369 1.10 315.00 52.61 0.60808 r =-0.03 24.5 39 99.6 2256 0.952 No Trend 1974-2005 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 246 0.37 80.00 12.23 1.3198 r =-0.6232 1 5 35.5 -19235 -14.910 Trend Lynde Creek SWQ1 Phosphorous 1964-2005 Decreasing 291 0.01 4.76 0.12 0.96359 r =-0.1635 0.019 0.049 0.19 -10903 -6.572 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 152 0.00 16.60 0.97 1.4695 r =0.1796 0.0505 0.525 1.899 2363 3.763 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 Decreasing 149 0.02 3.14 0.89903 0.69897 r = -0.1723 0.144 0.715 1.806 -1285 -2.1074 filtered (mg/L) Trend 1964-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 288 4.00 131.00 46.20 0.44918 r =0.5408 25.028 39 72.43 17096 10.466 Trend 1980-2005 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 168 0.41 57.00 4.50 0.89773 r =-0.3574 1 3 9 -6275 -8.606 Trend Lynde Creek SWQ8 Phosphorous 1978-2005 65 0.00 0.31 0.03 0.94678 r =-0.1377 0.0078 0.02 0.066 -266 -1.500 No Trend (mg/L) Nitrate- total 1981-1994 Decreasing 39 0.09 2.14 1.2599 0.35997 r = -0.5801 0.954 1.24 1.68 -248 -2.9879 filtered (mg/L) Trend 1978-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 65 10.50 58.90 24.31 0.469 r =0.6657 12.7 20 44.28 585 3.306 Trend Copper (ug/L) 1990-2005 56 -0.50 4.00 0.93 3.1623 r =-0.3163 0.1895 0.5605 2 -213 -1.499 No Trend Harmony Creek SWQ12

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Phosphorous 1964-2005 Decreasing 183 0.00 1.47 0.09 1.0025 r =-0.0808 0.015 0.046 0.1804 -1843 -2.223 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 178 0.01 6.25 0.77 1.2125 r =0.1496 0.097 0.635 1.5 2319 2.916 (mg/L) Trend 1964-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 175 0.15 950.00 113.43 1.0779 r =0.3547 15 82 176 6266 8.084 Trend Bowmanville Creek SWQ4 Phosphorous 1964-2005 Decreasing 360 0.00 2.48 0.11 1.2218 r = -0.2483 0.01 0.031 0.2225 -24508 -10.741 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 232 0.01 25.00 0.72 1.1408 r = -0.0756 0.081 0.5 1.2 2927 2.476 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 149 0.165 2.71 0.8099 0.5161 r = -0.0166 0.31 0.635 1.544 -215 -0.35124 No Trend filtered (mg/L) 1964-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 354 1.30 791.00 17.65 0.60049 r = 0.0108 6.33 13 26.34 19142 8.603 Trend 1974-2005 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 181 -0.04 6600.0 41.25 1.728 r = -0.053 0.5 2 10 -8313 -10.199 Trend Soper Creek SWQ5 Phosphorous 1967-2005 Decreasing 323 0.01 2.30 0.26 1.392 r =-6289 0.018 0.16 0.68 -29734 -15.330 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 203 0.01 5.00 1.50 0.82514 r =5754 0.524 1.36 2.694 9062 9.364 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 149 0.265 5.95 1.952 1.0567 r = -0.1172 0.911 1.64 3.45 -733 -1.2014 No Trend filtered (mg/L) 1967-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 316 1.30 292.00 25.09 0.54069 r = 0.772 12 20.3 36.5 5805 3.092 Trend 1974-2005 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 151 0.20 140.00 6.10 1.1178 r =-3062 1 2 12 -5119 -8.235 Trend Soper Creek SWQ35 Phosphorous 1967-2005 Decreasing 257 0.01 1.60 0.06 0.8477 r =-0.0436 0.0156 0.034 0.1032 -7562 -5.490 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 183 0.04 5.24 1.39 0.61955 r =0.5021 0.6 1.05 2.728 6345 7.657 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 108 0.425 5.47 2.0395 1.0617 r = -0.0755 1.05 1.86 3.412 -105 -0.2761 No Trend filtered (mg/L) 1968-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 251 0.30 162.00 14.37 0.64447 r =0.1178 6 10 20.8 11276 8.481 Trend 1974-1990 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 101 0.80 32.00 4.54 0.84304 r =-0.0804 1 2.8 10 -804 -2.356 Trend Farwell Creek SWQ3 Phosphorous 1980-2005 175 0.01 2.23 0.09 0.9962 r =-0.0789 0.0144 0.032 0.1382 -1005 -1.296 No Trend (mg/L) March, 2007 Page 209 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 48 0.04 2.30 1.04 0.75392 r =0.2085 0.3598 0.9785 1.88 197 1.742 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 143 0.045 4.25 1.2572 0.65819 r = 0.1356 0.575 1.17 2.09 860 1.4992 No Trend filtered (mg/L) 1980-2005 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 174 0.70 243.00 71.72 0.61878 r =0.4318 31.58 60.45 127.9 2781 3.618 Trend 1980-2005 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 158 0.00 66.00 5.23 1.1599 r =-0.3383 1 3 11 -5014 -7.537 Trend Pringle Creek SWQ32 Phosphorous 1964-1987 86 0.08 24.00 2.95 1.0592 r = 0.0298 0.479 1.6835 7.4 419 1.559 No Trend (mg/L) Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 81 0.01 15.00 2.55 1.6596 r = 0.0712 0.2 2.1 4.6 408 1.660 (mg/L) Trend Chloride (mg/L) 1974-1987 82 10.00 436.00 117.82 0.51522 r = -0.09 59.4 103 181.5 -56 -0.220 No Trend Pringle Creek SWQ33 Phosphorous 1972-1994 Decreasing 233 0.02 4.30 0.78 0.95701 r =-0.5029 0.1608 0.41 2.3 -9252 -7.778 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 143 0.01 21.00 6.14 1.196 r = 0.211 0.928 5.7 12.56 1666 2.906 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 123 0.045 15.9 6.0494 3.5199 r = -0.0937 1.914 5.9 10.74 -365 -0.79573 No Trend filtered (mg/L) 1972-1994 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 229 0.20 1490.0 147.51 0.77829 r = 0.1668 70.66 115 213.2 4039 3.484 Trend 1974-1994 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 121 0.20 370.00 31.72 1.2658 r =-0.4296 4.1 9.1 80 -3457 -7.743 Trend Montgomery Creek SWQ34 Phosphorous 1966-1994 Decreasing 312 0.01 13.00 0.25 0.74092 r = -0.0991 0.0672 0.13 0.2918 -7643 -4.150 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate-filtered 1964-1984 Increasing 179 0.01 2.20 0.78 0.94188 r =0.2754 0.25 0.76 1.284 3419 4.264 (mg/L) Trend Nitrate- total 1981-1994 Increasing 179 0.005 2.2 0.77942 0.42754 r = 0.5321 0.25 0.76 1.284 3419 4.264 filtered (mg/L) Trend 1966-1994 Increasing Chloride (mg/L) 288 11.90 665.50 142.51 0.62884 r = 0.1304 53.4 121 241.3 3489 2.135 Trend 1974-1984 Decreasing Copper (ug/L) 130 3.00 140.00 13.58 0.69944 r = -0.2541 4.29 9 22.1 -2747 -5.527 Trend

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The linear regression simply calculates a regression line on the time/value plot. A positive slope of the regression line indicates a trend towards increasing values; a negative slope indicates a trend to decreasing values. The results of this test should only be used qualitatively and should be confirmed by more sophisticated tests such as Sen’s and Mann- Kendall.

The Mann-Kendall test is a trend estimator that can be used to prove if contaminant concentrations are significantly diminishing or rising over time. Unlike linear regression, there are no distributional assumptions, it is not greatly affected by gross data errors, outliers, or missing data (non-detects) and irregularly spaced measurement periods are allowed. Non- detects are assigned a value smaller than the smallest measured value.

The version of the Mann-Kendall Test used for this analysis comes from AquaChem and can be applied for virtually any surface water or groundwater parameter. The Mann Kendall test provides two values; S value and Z value. If the Mann-Kendall statistic (S) equals 0, then there is no increasing or decreasing trend in the data, but if S is less than 0, there is a decreasing trend, indicating concentration is decreasing over the time interval and if S is greater than 0, there is an increasing trend, indicating concentration is increasing over the time interval.

A two-sided test (for either increasing or decreasing trend) can also be obtained, using probability values. For greater than 10 samples, the normal approximation (Z) can be calculated. The quantity Z can be compared to standard normal cumulative distribution probabilities to test the null hypothesis of no trend. The results of the Mann-Kendall test (i.e. both the S and Z values and the outcome of the hypothesis of trend) can be found in Table 2, APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality .

3.2.2 Water Quality Results

The major nutrients contributing to eutrophication (nutrient enrichment of surface waters) are nitrogen and phosphorus. Nutrient enrichment can result in excessive growth of algae and macrophytes in surface waters leading to oxygen depletion and fish kills, decreased biodiversity, taste and odour problems, increased water treatment costs, and blue-green algae toxin production (if blue-green algae are present). Nuisance blooms of algae are frequently a problem in Lake Ontario.

In nature phosphorous is found in the form of phosphates and natural levels are typically less than 0.2 mg/L. Higher concentrations of phosphates suggest they come from another source such as domestic and industrial wastes, detergents, or fertilizers (Hann, Roy. Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality Management).

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35 Legend

Max. 30 95 perc. 75 perc. Median 25 perc. 25 5 perc. Min. PWQO = 30 mg/L



10 Phosphorous, Total (mg/l)


0 S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 4 5 8 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 5 Stations

Figure 80: Figure 3 Phosphorous concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

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35 Legend Legend SWQ1 30 SWQ2 SWQ3 SWQ4 SWQ5 25 SWQ8 SWQ12 SWQ32 SWQ33 20 SWQ34 SWQ35S PWQO = 30 mg/L


Phosphorous, Total (mg/l) 10


0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 81: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Sample sizes vary from 65 samples (SWQ8-Lynde Creek) to 380 samples (SWQ2-Oshawa Creek). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

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Oshawa Creek (SWQ2)



H 1.2



Figure 82: Total Phosphorous concentrations verses time for Oshawa Creek near Lake Ontario, between 1964 and 2005, n=380. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (SWQ2).

Phosphorous concentrations for streams in the CLOCA watershed are shown in Figure 80. The highest phosphorous concentrations are found in both Pringle Creek monitoring sites (SWQ32 & SWQ33), with historic levels as high as 24 mg/L. With the exception of Pringle Creek, phosphorous levels are fairly consistent throughout the study area.

Figure 81 provides a summary of the phosphorous concentrations in the study area over the last 40 years. Since the 1970’s phosphorous concentrations have been steadily declining or showing no trend (i.e. remaining constant) in all watersheds. In the last five years

March, 2007 Page 214 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization phosphorous concentrations have had a median range of 0.006-0.068 mg/L, which is well within the EPA guidelines of 0.05-0.1 mg/L. However, the interim PWQO suggests phosphorous concentrations should be under 0.03mg/L for streams and 0.02 mg/L for lakes to avoid excessive plant growth (e.g. algae). The phosphorous concentrations in Farewell Creek have remained fairly constant, since the beginning of the record period (i.e. 1964), while Soper and Oshawa Creek have had the largest decrease in the study area. Figure 82 is an example of decreasing phosphorous concentrations in Oshawa Creek. Concentrations were as high as 1 mg/L and have decreased to current concentrations of less than 0.1 mg/L. Phosphorous concentrations within Lynde Creek have also remained fairly constant over the record period but have had concentrations consistently higher than the PWQO. Additional phosphorous time series plots for streams within the study area can be viewed in APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality .

For the phosphorous data, 11 stream monitoring locations were evaluated for trend using the Mann-Kendall test. Of these 11 locations, the Mann-Kendall test resulted in 3 locations with no change. They include Farwell Creek, one location in Lynde Creek, and a historic (1964- 1987) monitoring site at Pringle Creek. No increasing trends were observed in any of the streams. A decreasing trend was found in 8 stream monitoring locations. Decreasing phosphorous concentrations are likely due to the reduction of phosphate in laundry detergents. In the past, approximately 50 per cent of the phosphorus in lakes and streams contributed by municipal sewage came from detergents. On August 1, 1970 Federal regulations reduced the phosphate (P2O5) content in laundry detergents from approximately 50 per cent to 20 per cent and on January 1, 1973 reduced it further to five per cent ( In organic matter nitrogen undergoes decomposition to form ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, also known as nitrification (Hann, Roy. Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality Management). Nitrates (NO3) were chosen as an indicator of surface water quality because they are an essential fertilizer for all types of plants, therefore rarely found abundant in natural surface waters.

Nitrate Concentrations

30 Legend

24 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 18 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 12 Min. ODWS = 10 mg/L


0 Nitrate (Filtered Reactive) (mg/l) Reactive) (Filtered Nitrate S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

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Figure 83: Nitrate (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

30 Legend SWQ1 SWQ2 25 SWQ3 SWQ4 SWQ5 SWQ8 SWQ12 20 SWQ32 SWQ33 SWQ34 SWQ35S ODWS = 10 mg/L 15

10 Nitrate (Filtered Reactive) (mg/l)


0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 Time

Figure 84: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered reactive) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 1984. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

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20 Legend SWQ1 SWQ2 SWQ3 SWQ4 16 SWQ5 SWQ8 SWQ12 SWQ32 SWQ33 12 SWQ34 SWQ35S ODWS = 10 mg/L


4 Nitrate (Total, Filtered Reactive) (mg/l)

0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 Time

Figure 85: Time series plot of nitrate (total, filtered reactive) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1981 to 1995. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program. Data gaps for SWQ 32:1991 are reflected in the graph.

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16 Legend Legend H H H Nitrate (Filtered Reactive) H Nitrate (Total, Filtered Reactive) H Nitrate (Total, Unfiltered Reactive) ODWS = 10 mg/L 12




Figure 86: Nitrate concentrations verses time for Oshawa Creek near Lake Ontario, between 1964 and 2005, n=380. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (SWQ2).

Overall nitrate concentrations in the study area have been increasing or remaining constant from the beginning of the record period (1964-2005). Figure 84 shows all streams in the study area have had a significant increase in nitrate concentration from 1964 to1984. Nitrate concentrations have exceeded the ODWS of 10 mg/L for Lynde, Oshawa, Soper and Pringle Creeks with Pringle Creek have the highest concentrations. Between 1984 and 1995 nitrate concentrations have remained fairly constant for Oshawa, Bowmanville, Soper, Farewell, and Pringle Creeks (Figure 85). Oshawa and Pringle Creek had the highest nitrate concentrations and exceeded the ODWS during this time period. Between 1996 and 2005 nitrate concentrations have decreased (APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality ) for almost all streams in the study area. This is may be due to laboratory methods changing from analyzing nitrate as filtered reactive to unfiltered reactive. Trend analysis should be carried out again when additional data are obtained.

Using the Mann-Kendall test for the nitrate data, 10 stream monitoring locations were evaluated for trend between 1964 and 1984. No decreasing trends were observed in any of the streams. An increasing trend was found in all 10 stream monitoring locations. Between 1984 and 1994, 9 stream monitoring locations were evaluated for trend. Of these 9 locations,

March, 2007 Page 218 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization the Mann-Kendall test resulted in 6 locations with no change. Decreasing trends were observed in 2 locations (both Lynde Creek) and an increasing trend was found in all 1 stream monitoring location (Montgomery Creek). The Mann-Kendall test could not be completed for nitrate data between 1996 and 2005 due to the very small sample size. Decreasing nitrate trends observed for Lynde Creek is likely a result of an increase in urbanization which leads to a decrease in the application of nitrate containing fertilizers and effluent from septic systems. Another explanation would be that the inconsistent laboratory methods do not allow for an accurate trend analysis and additional data are needed substantiate the results.

Copper found in streams is typically from corrosion of copper and brass tubing and from industrial effluents (plating industry, coating and refinishing processes) and from algaecides. Copper is a minor nutrient for both plants and animals at low concentrations but becomes toxic to aquatic life at concentrations that are only a little higher. (

Copper compounds are often used to control undesirable plankton and other aquatic organisms and because of this toxicity to plants (Hann, Roy. Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality Management).

205 Legend

Max . 164 95 perc. 75 perc. Median 123 25 perc. 5 perc. Mi n. ODWS = 1000 ug/L 82 PWQO = 5 ug/L

41 Copper Concentration (ug/l)

0 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

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Figure 87: Copper concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

200 Legend SWQ1 SWQ2 SWQ3 SWQ4 SWQ5 150 SWQ8 SWQ12 SWQ32 SWQ33 SWQ34 SWQ35S PWQO = 5 ug/L 100

50 Copper Concentration (ug/l)

0 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 Time

Figure 88: Time series plot of copper concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1974 to 2005. Samples range from 56 (SWQ8, Lynde Creek at Brooklin) to 246 (SWQ2, Oshawa Creek).Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

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Oshawa Creek

90 Legend Legend E EE C SWQ10 72 A SWQ11 E SWQ2 ODWS = 1000 ug/L E E PWQO = 5 ug/L 54 E EEE EEE EE



Figure 89: Time series plot of copper concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Copper levels have been analysed in the study area since 1974. Figure 87 shows copper concentrations in all streams within the study area. Pringle, Oshawa and Montgomery Creeks have had the highest concentrations since the beginning of the record period (1974).

Concentrations were well above the PWQO of 5 ug/L until 1989 when they suddenly started to decline, which is shown in Figure 88 for all streams. By 1994 copper concentrations were well under the PWQO and since then have remained fairly constant. The most significant decrease can be seen in Oshawa (Figure 89) and Lynde Creek (APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality ).

For the copper data, 9 stream monitoring locations were evaluated for trend. Of these 11 locations, the Mann-Kendall test resulted in 1 location with no change. This location is the historic (1964-1987) monitoring site at Pringle Creek. No increasing trends were observed in any of the streams. A decreasing trend was found in 8 stream monitoring locations.

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Decreasing copper concentrations can be a result of laboratory procedures changing over the record period. This would create unreliable trend results. An alternate explanation could be that there is a decrease in copper entering the streams from industrial effluents (plating industry, coating and refinishing processes) and algaecides.

Chlorides are found in almost all natural waters. Natural sources of chlorides include minerals, and agricultural salts. Anthropogenic sources include, leaching from road salt, waste sites, sewage systems and in underground pipes.

500 Legend

Max . 95 perc. 400 75 perc. Median 25 perc. 5 perc. Mi n. 300 ODWS = 250 mg/L

200 Chloride Concentration (mg/l) 100

0 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 90: Chloride concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Chlorides continue to be a significant water quality issue because of it’s toxicity to aquatic organisms. Once chlorides enter solution they tend to remain there allowing the build up of higher concentrations over time. Although chlorides are generally not harmful to human until high concentrations are reached, they can be harmful to individuals who suffer from diseases of the heart and kidneys (Hann, Roy. Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality Management).

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350 Legend Max. 300 95 perc. 75 perc. Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 250 Min. ODWS = 250 mg/L



100 Chloride Concentration (mg/L)


0 J F M A M J J A S O N D a e a p a u u u e c o e n b r r y n l g p t v c

Figure 91: Chloride concentrations for Oshawa Creek (SWQ2) near Lake Ontario for the years 1964 to 2005 (n=369). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network.

Chloride concentrations have been increasing since the beginning of the record period (i.e. 1964), but are still well below ODWS. Figure 90 summarizes chloride concentrations for all streams in the study area for the entire record period, 1964 to 2005.

Chloride trends for streams within the study area are illustrated in time series plots found in APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality . Concentrations in Lynde Creek show an increase over the record period; however the concentrations are well below the ODWS of 250 mg/L. Bowmanville Creek watershed has only a slight increase in chloride concentrations and has the lowest levels of chloride for the study area, perhaps resulting from the lower degree of urbanization present within this watershed. An alternate explanation could be the large diluting effect provided by the significant component of groundwater discharge to the creek. Chloride concentrations within the Black/Harmony/Farewell Creeks have been increasing, with a rapid increase over the most recent time period.

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For the chloride data, 11 stream monitoring locations were evaluated for trend. Of these 11 locations, the Mann-Kendall test resulted in 2 locations with no change. This includes Oshawa Creek and a historic (1964-1987) monitoring site at Pringle Creek. No decreasing trends were observed in any of the streams. An increasing trend was found in 9 stream monitoring locations.

Figure 90 show chloride concentrations are higher for monitoring locations (SWQ 1, 2, 3, 12, 32, 33, and 34) in the south end of the study area (i.e. downstream locations). This is likely the result of the south end of the study area having a higher degree of urbanization than the north end, which leads to a greater amount of road salt being applied to the roads. Figure 92 depicts the median chloride concentrations for the years 2003 to 2005. The highest concentrations are found at Lynde, Oshawa, Farewell, Black, and Harmony Creeks. Seasonal trends for chloride concentrations are also evident in the surface water quality data. Figure 91 shows the seasonal trend for chloride concentrations in Oshawa Creek. Concentrations are greatest in the winter months (December to March) when road salt application is most prevalent.

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Figure 92: Spatial distribution of surface water chloride concentrations (PWQMN and CLOCA data, 2003 to 2005).

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3.2.3 Modelling Activities

Specific numerical models have been identified that would support the surface water nutrient and sediment loading evaluations. Models reviewed include QUAL2E and HSPF, which are both now incorporated into EPA’s BASINs tool (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Non-Point Source Nutrient/HSP-F tool); HEC-5Q (US ACE); WASP (Water Quality Simulation Model, US EPA); MIKE11; CANWET (AVGWLF - AV Generalized Watershed Loading Function); AGNPS; GAWSER).

In particular, the CANWET (Canadian ArcView Nutrient and Water Evaluation Tool) Version 2.0 developed by Greenland International Consulting Ltd. was identified as a manageable integrated continuous surface water quality/hydrologic ‘simple’ model. The CANWET model was developed through a Conservation Ontario Pilot Project “Development of a Water Quality Model for Nutrient Management” by adapting the AVGWLF and PRedICT models for Ontario conditions. For more details related to model selection, refer to information at:

Within the package, nutrient loading, erosion sediment, water balance and BMP evaluation modules are fully coupled within ArcView GIS. CANWET incorporates combined spatially- distributed/lumped parameterization in a modified version of the AVGWLF model developed at Penn State University, based on the original GWLF model developed at Cornell. The model was identified as including source water protection, water use, and BMP related enhancements (e.g. Nutrient Models, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment and Water Balance). It is anticipated that this model would be implemented by CLOCA on a Pilot Project basis for the Oshawa Creek Watershed. The watershed is currently experiencing significant urban and agricultural land use pressure. Furthermore, surface water quantity and quality data are available for the watershed, measured through stream flow gauges and low flow measurements, which will assist in populating and calibrating the model. Model calibration will also include an evaluation of discharge predicted from the existing MODFLOW model.

Surface water quality modelling, to date, has produced an uncalibrated CANWET v2 model for the jurisdiction. Calibration efforts are focussed on the Oshawa Creek Watershed. A Surface Water Assessment Preliminary Findings and Recommendations report (Greenland, 2006) for the Oshawa Creek is found in APPENDIX 4: Surface Water Quality Modelling. Model calibration, integration with groundwater and baseflow studies, design of the monitoring program to address calibration needs, scenario modelling, and urban area tool enhancement are identified within the report as gaps to be addressed. In addition, it is anticipated that efforts will be undertaken in the future to compare loading results to information generated from the upcoming Lake Ontario Intake Protection Zone collaborative study.

3.3 Groundwater Quality Data Analysis and Reporting

3.3.1 Introduction

The following sections represent an analysis of existing groundwater quality information available for the study area. Due to the sparcity of data, it is not considered a conclusive summary of groundwater conditionsThe information, however, is useful in the understanding of general trends and conditions.

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As specified on the MOE’s water well record forms, the well contractor is required to report water “quality” as fresh, salty, sulphurous, and mineralized or with a gas smell or taste. These descriptions are not based on laboratory analyses but on the subjective observations of the well contractor. The value of this information on a case-by-case basis is limited, but sometimes proves useful when used collectively over a large area. Trends may be clearly observed that can reflect the nature of the formation waters or the impact of anthropogenic activities over a period of time.

The majority of water wells in the CLOCA study area are reported to produce fresh water supplies. However, some wells produce salty supplies and a few are reported as sulphurous or as producing mineralized supplies. The majority of the overburden wells produce fresh water supplies, with less than 1% reporting water quality problems. An estimated 9% are reported as of unknown water quality. Salty supplies are reported in the Lake Iroquois beach region, and may be linked to shallow wells impacted by activities such as road salting and contamination associated with septic systems.

The majority of bedrock wells are reported as producing fresh water supplies, with only 5% of the wells reported as having water quality problems. Several of these wells located north and south of the Lake Iroquois beach region are reported as salty, as are some wells near the Lake Ontario shoreline. Natural water quality in bedrock formations within the study area has traditionally been reported as poor. Salty groundwater is particularly common along the Lake Ontario shoreline associated both with the Lindsay and Blue Mountain formations (both marine in origin). For further details please refer to CLOCA GRIP Report (Soo Chan, 2005).

During the summer of 2002, CLOCA undertook a groundwater quality sampling program of domestic wells located within the study area to:

ƒ establish a general baseline record of groundwater quality that could be utilized as a reference in future studies; ƒ assist in the characterization of the various aquifers; and ƒ corroborate the findings of groundwater flow models that are under development for the York, Peel and Durham regions.

A complete set of results from the water quality analyses has been compiled for this study. Figure 93 shows the location of water wells utilized in the GRIP snapshot water quality study. Different aquifers generally have distinguishing water chemistry characteristics. Trends were evaluated to discern natural patterns from human-induced impacts. The percentage concentrations of major ions (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulphate and carbonate ions) generally reflect natural geochemical regimes and can be correlated to depth, age and redox conditions. Ion concentrations were compared to oxygen (O2) and pH trends and to aquifer formation types.

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Figure 93: Groundwater Monitoring Sites (GRIP Snapshot Water Quality Project)

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Preliminary analysis of the results from this program indicates a few general trends. Table 51 shows a summary of groundwater chemistry in grouped samples from the study area (i.e., samples from above the Newmarket Till, from below the Newmarket Till and from bedrock). The data have been averaged over each grouping. Groundwater samples from wells below the Newmarket Till may be skewed by the inclusion of a few wells that terminate close to the overburden/ bedrock contact. Table 51. Summary of groundwater chemistry data from groundwater quality “snapshot” program (mg/L unless otherwise stated).

Groundwater O2 Conductivity pH Ca Mg Na K SO4 HCO3 Cl NO3 Group (µS/cm) Above 3 357 7 118 28 42 2 27 178 10 1 Newmarket Till Below 3 426 8 59 17 25 1 21 200 26 1 Newmarket Till Bedrock 2 516 8 53 21 87 2 25 202 151 0

The deeper groundwater samples from bedrock aquifers are less oxygenated than those from overburden aquifers, although the differences in the average results are small. Conductivities are highest in the bedrock groundwater samples and lowest in groundwater above the Newmarket Till. The pH in all the groundwater samples is slightly alkaline, with bedrock groundwater samples being most alkaline. Bedrock groundwater samples have the highest average chloride concentration. The deep bedrock wells contain relatively high concentrations of chloride (ranging up to 533mg/L) whereas the shallow overburden wells (above the Newmarket Till) in the Oak Ridges Moraine are low in chloride (ranging between 2 and 20 mg/L).

These trends are typical of natural groundwater systems (Howard and Beck, 1986). Generally older (and deeper) water has had more contact time with sediments and rock surfaces in the system, allowing for a greater level of dissolution and decreasing levels of oxygenation. These trends indicate that the groundwater in the aquifers above the Newmarket Till is relatively young recharge water. Results indicate that aquifers above the Newmarket Till have higher levels of calcium and magnesium with water types in the upper aquifer(s) classified as calcium bicarbonate (CaHCO3) type.

Though the wells in this survey appear to follow typical trends in geochemical evolution, there are a few trends that suggest anthropogenic impact. Some wells southwest of Brooklin (in the Heber Down conservation area) and near the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Lynde watershed have high chloride concentrations that may be the result of road salting activities. Some wells in Macedonian Village and Hampton have elevated nitrate levels that may be the result of agricultural activities. High levels of nitrate were found in some shallow wells south of the Oak Ridges Moraine and east of Oshawa along a linear-shaped corridor trending southward toward the Lake Ontario shoreline. Generally, nitrate levels are highest in the shallower wells and decrease with depth. It is believed that these higher nitrate levels are associated with agricultural activities, which are more prominent in the eastern part of the CLOCA study area. PGMN

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All groundwater monitoring stations in the study area are part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) and are shown on Figure 79. The PGMN is a partnership program with all 36 Ontario conservation authorities and 10 municipalities (in areas not covered by a conservation authority) to collect and manage ambient (baseline) groundwater level and quality information from key aquifers located across Ontario.

CLOCA is currently collecting water quality samples from 16 monitoring wells on bi-annual bases, once in the spring and fall. All monitoring wells and their depths are listed below in Table 52. CLOCA has been collecting groundwater quality samples for the PGMN program since 2003. Currently there are 5-6 samples taken for each monitoring well since the start-up of the program.

Water quality data has been grouped (Table 52) together by depth and aquifer formation to allow for a comparison of water quality data based on aquifer unit. The aquifer formations listed this table were determined by comparing well construction logs (or water well records where no log exists) and the YPDT geological conceptual model. A complete Table of groundwater monitoring wells and there depths, screen depths and static water level are in Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Characterization. Table 52: Groundwater monitoring wells grouped together for analysis. Groupings are based on aquifer unit and depth. Grouping Rationale Screen Depth Aquifer Well Name (m) 1 Recent Deposits 5.8 Recent Deposits W0000263-1 & Depth <10m 9.15 Recent Deposits W0000040-1 11.9 Recent Deposits W0000044-2 2 Oak Ridges 7.3 ORM W0000264-2 Moraine 4.76 ORM W0000167-1 Deposits & 13.1 ORM W0000049-1 Depth <30m 16.8 ORM W0000262-1 25.9 ORM W0000261-1 3 Oak Ridges 40.3 ORM W0000166-1 Moraine 48.9 ORM W0000264-3 Deposits & Depth >30m 48.6 ORM W0000042-1 4 Thorncliffe Fm 27.1 Thorncliffe Fm W0000168-1 36.48 Thorncliffe Fm W0000044-3 Thorncliffe Fm – 34.7 Bedrock Contact W0000043-3 Thorncliffe Fm – 45.2 Bedrock Contact W0000041-1 5 Scarborough Fm 122.5 Scarborough Fm W0000265-2

3.3.2 Data Analysis General Groundwater Chemistry

Prior to completing a trend analysis for groundwater quality it is important to first describe the general groundwater chemistry of the source aquifer. Groundwater chemistry is composed of dissolved inorganic and organic solids, organic liquids and gases. Inorganic constituents

March, 2007 Page 230 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization are classified as major constituents (concentrations greater than 5 mg/L), minor constituents (concentrations between 0.1 to 10 mg/L) and trace elements (concentrations less than 0.01mg/L). Table 53 lists the major and minor constituents and trace elements typically found in groundwater (Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F. W. 1998, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology).

Table 53: Dissolved Constituents in Potable Ground Water Classified According to Relative Abundance. Modified from Davis, S.N., and R.J. DeWiest, 1966, Hydrogeology. Bicarbonate Chloride Nitrogen Major Constituents Sodium Calcium Magnesium Silicon (> 5mg/L) Sulphate Carbonic acid Boron Carbonate Nitrate Minor Constituents Potassium Bromide Fluoride Oxygen (0.01-10.0mg/L) Strontium Carbon dioxide Iron Aluminum Copper Nickel Thorium Antimony Gallium Niobium Tin Arsenic Germanium Phosphate Titanium Barium Gold Platinum Tungsten Beryllium Indium Radium Trace Constituents Uranium Bismuth Iodide Rubidium (< 0.1mg/L) Vanadium Cadmium Lanthanum Ruthenium Ytterbium Cerium Lead Scandium Yttrium Cesium Lithium Selenium Zinc Chromium Manganese Silver Zirconium Cobalt Molybdenum Thallium Organic Compounds Amino acids Fluvic acid Hydrocarbons Tannins (shallow) Carbohydrates Humic acid Lignins Organic Compounds Acetate Propionate (deep)

Generally, a routine water analysis is completed to assess the suitability of water for human consumption or various industrial and agricultural uses. The routine analysis typically includes the major constituents with the exception of silicon and carbonic acid and the minor constituents with the exception of boron and strontium (Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F. W. 1998, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology).

A summary table of the constituents found in a routine water analysis for each monitoring well can be found in Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Characterization. Included in this table is the water type determined by the AquaChem software used in the groundwater quality analysis.

The bicarbonate (HCO3) and carbonate (CO3) results were modeled with the laboratory measurements of pH and alkalinity using PHREEQC within the AquaChem software.

PHREEQC is a computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, inverse geochemical calculations, and much more. For more than twenty years, the USGS’s PHREEQC has been the proven standard for aqueous geochemical modelling. PHREEQC is derived from the FORTRAN program PHREEQE.

Typically, the concentration or relative abundance of the major and minor constituents and the pattern of variability in groundwater can be displayed using different graphical and statistical techniques. Each technique has an advantage and disadvantage so it is important to select the most appropriate method when presenting results. Piper diagrams are used in

March, 2007 Page 231 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization to describe the relative abundance of major constituents, classifying groundwater type and to define a pathway of chemical evolution. All concentrations are converted to percent milliequivelents per litre (%meq/L) to show the relative abundance of each cation and anion (Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F. W. 1998, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology).

Figure 94 and Figure 95 are piper diagrams for wells within the study area. Figure 94 presents the groundwater chemistry of wells classified by aquifer and allows the comparison between the different aquifer units within the study area. Whereas Figure 95 presents the groundwater chemistry for each of the 16 monitoring wells in the study area.

All water samples show high concentrations of calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate and chloride compared to magnesium and sulphate, with calcium and bicarbonate being the most abundant, which is typical of groundwater found with the study area.

The groundwater chemistry of wells within the Recent Deposits sediments show some variability that is likely due to the shallow depth of these wells and because they are greatly influenced by surface water infiltration.

Wells within the Oak Ridges Moraine sediment indicate high concentrations of calcium and bicarbonate relative to the other major cations and anions.

Wells in the Thorncliffe Formation show little to no sulphate in all groundwater samples. The most abundant anions are bicarbonate and chloride. Two of the 4 wells located in the Thorncliffe have high sodium + potassium and the other 2 wells have similar proportions of calcium, sodium + potassium and magnesium.

The deepest monitoring well (W0000265-2) in the study area is the only well located in the Scarborough Formation. All samples taken from this well have consistent groundwater chemistry. The most abundant anion found in this well is bicarbonate with little to no chloride and sulphate. All samples show fairly equal amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sodium + potassium found in all samples.

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Piper Plot

Legend Legend > 80 80 = 4 H Thorncliffe Fm < O 60 60 = H Scarborough Fm S C + H a H Recent Deposits l 40 H H 40 H H + C H ORM HH M 20 H HH H 20 g HH H HH HHHH H H MgH HH SO4 H H HH H H H 80 HH H 80 60 60 H H H H 40 HHH HH H 40 H HH HHHH 20 HHH HHH 20 HHHH HHH H H H H HH HHH HHH HHH H HHH HHHH HH HHHHH HH 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 Ca Na+K HCO3 Cl

Figure 94: Piper diagram for groundwater samples classified by aquifer. Samples were collected between 2002 and 2005 under Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program.

Piper Plot

Legend Legend > 80 80 = 4 A W0000040-1 < O 60 60 = A W0000044-2 S C + A a A W0000263-1 l 40 A A 40 A A + C H W0000049-1 IA M 20 H II 20 A g H W0000167-1 II G HH H HIHHH A G W0000261-1 MgH AA SO4 H G GG G H W0000262-1 H G H W0000264-2 80 CC H 80 I W0000042-1 60 60 I W0000166-1 G I W0000264-3 I G A 40 IIH GG A 40 A CC G W0000041-1 HAIII 20 III IHH 20 G W0000043-3 HHHH IAAHA H G A A GGG HIHH III AAA A AAA HCHGH GG AAGGA GG G W0000044-3 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G W0000168-1 2 4 6 8 C W0000265-2 Ca Na+K HCO3 Cl

Figure 95: Piper diagram for groundwater samples classified by aquifer. Samples were collected between 2002 and 2005 under Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 233 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Exceedences

Water quality data for each monitoring has been compared to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS) for all parameters analyzed to help identify water quality problems in an aquifer. All groundwater samples are displayed in Table 54 with Ontario Drinking Water Standard exceedences highlighted. Parameters that have exceeded the ODWS include aluminum, chloride, iron, manganese, sodium, colour, dissolved organic carbon, and turbidity. Sodium and iron are the parameters that tend to exceed most often.

Many of the monitoring wells in the study area have exceeded parameters consistently since the beginning of the sampling period, whereas some of the wells have exceed a parameter only once since the beginning of the sampling period. 2 monitoring wells (W0000261-1 & W0000262-1) show no exceedences and 1 well (W00000264-3) show only 1 exceedence since the beginning of the sampling period.

Many parameters that exceed the ODWS often occur naturally. Naturally elevated parameters can be present due to geological materials in the area, the recharge environment or other factors.

To determine whether a well is susceptible to surface contamination, chloride concentrations in the groundwater samples were examined. Typically, chloride concentrations in groundwater is relatively low, therefore wells showing high chloride levels may have been influenced by surface activities.

Figure 98 is a map showing the average chloride concentrations for all PGMN wells within the study area. There are 3 wells in the study area that have average chloride concentrations exceeding the Ontario Drinking Water Standard of 250 mg/L. The wells with the highest chloride average concentrations (W0000040-1, W0000043-3, & W0000263-1) are located in areas that are more urbanized and densely populated compared to the location of wells with low chloride concentration.

Table 54: List of all groundwater samples with parameters that have shown to exceed the ODWS at least once. All exceedences are highlighted in red.

Carbon; Sampling Al Cl Fe Mn Na Colour dissolved Turbidity Station Date (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (TCU) organic (NTU) (mg/L) Ontario Drinking Water 250 0.05 20 Standard 0.1 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 5 TCU 5 mg/L 5 NTU mg/L mg/L mg/L

W0000040-1 8/14/2003 0.00 238.0 0.00 0.00 106.0 2.20 W0000040-1 6/23/2004 0.00 168.0 0.00 <0.0001 70.4 2.00 0.07 W0000040-1 10/20/2004 0.00 462.0 0.00 <0.0001 155.0 <1 0.12 W0000040-1 7/6/2005 <0.0007 318.0 0.01 <0.0001 113.0 1.00 0.08 W0000040-1 11/3/2005 <0.0007 555.0 0.01 <0.0001 229.0 3.00 0.08 W0000041-1 11/21/2002 0.00 40.8 0.20 0.02 38.4 0.70 W0000041-1 7/12/2004 0.00 33.5 0.29 0.03 30.4 6.00 0.44 W0000041-1 9/13/2004 0.00 31.7 0.41 0.03 29.5 9.00 0.58 W0000041-1 6/6/2005 <0.0007 34.1 0.42 0.05 29.0 7.00 0.89 W0000041-1 10/20/2005 <0.0007 33.1 0.41 0.04 29.2 7.00 0.58 W0000042-1 11/28/2002 0.00 84.4 0.02 0.00 33.2 0.50 W0000042-1 6/23/2004 <0.0007 93.2 0.02 0.00 36.5 <1 0.16 W0000042-1 10/20/2004 <0.0007 82.1 0.02 0.00 33.4 <1 0.09

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W0000042-1 6/9/2005 <0.0007 70.9 0.02 0.00 29.0 1.00 0.13 W0000042-1 11/7/2005 <0.0007 67.5 0.01 0.00 26.9 <1 0.08 W0000043-3 11/5/2002 0.01 100.0 0.01 0.02 69.4 85.00 W0000043-3 7/6/2004 0.01 368.0 0.05 0.01 195.0 1.00 0.18 W0000043-3 10/6/2004 0.02 358.0 0.11 0.02 198.0 3.00 0.55 W0000043-3 6/16/2005 0.14 361.0 0.74 0.11 199.0 3.00 0.25 W0000043-3 11/3/2005 <0.0007 366.0 0.08 0.01 198.0 5.00 0.22 W0000044-2 9/18/2002 0.00 19.3 0.18 0.13 7.8 1.40 W0000044-2 7/6/2004 0.01 19.3 0.22 0.10 7.6 <1 0.90 W0000044-2 10/6/2004 0.00 19.0 0.51 0.12 7.6 5.00 2.15 W0000044-2 6/16/2005 <0.0007 19.8 0.55 0.10 7.4 36.00 3.46 W0000044-2 10/26/2005 0.03 19.7 0.55 0.15 7.7 18.00 3.73 W0000044-3 11/5/2002 0.00 360.0 0.08 0.02 192.0 3.00 W0000044-3 7/6/2004 0.01 83.3 0.00 <0.0001 60.2 3.00 0.23 W0000044-3 10/6/2004 0.43 71.8 0.58 0.02 60.2 3.00 1.38 W0000044-3 6/16/2005 <0.0007 58.1 0.01 0.00 57.1 4.00 0.62 W0000049-1 10/24/2002 0.00 2.4 0.31 0.01 276.0 0.70 W0000049-1 6/29/2004 0.00 2.6 0.47 0.01 11.9 3.00 1.96 W0000049-1 9/14/2004 0.00 2.4 0.48 0.01 11.9 12.00 1.18 W0000049-1 6/28/2005 <0.0007 2.9 0.63 0.01 12.3 18.00 1.09 W0000049-1 11/7/2005 <0.0007 2.8 0.48 0.01 12.6 7.00 0.81 W0000166-1 9/11/2003 0.00 2.3 0.45 0.02 6.8 0.60 W0000166-1 6/21/2004 0.00 2.4 0.40 0.02 7.8 6.00 2.28 W0000166-1 9/8/2004 0.00 2.5 0.34 0.02 8.0 2.00 1.43 W0000166-1 6/9/2005 <0.0007 2.7 0.44 0.02 8.2 1.00 2.73 W0000166-1 10/19/2005 <0.0007 2.4 0.42 0.02 8.6 3.00 1.81 W0000167-1 11/28/2002 0.00 20.9 1.31 0.19 12.6 6.00 W0000167-1 6/21/2004 <0.0007 22.3 1.09 0.17 14.4 19.00 8.02 W0000167-1 9/8/2004 <0.0007 18.1 0.99 0.19 16.1 24.00 4.16 W0000167-1 5/26/2005 <0.0007 24.1 1.15 0.24 11.0 19.00 4.63 W0000167-1 10/19/2005 0.00 16.1 1.68 0.31 12.6 20.00 7.34 W0000168-1 11/21/2002 0.00 13.1 0.12 0.01 17.6 1.10 W0000168-1 7/12/2004 0.01 11.8 <0.0002 0.01 17.4 5.00 0.16 W0000168-1 10/12/2004 1.89 11.3 1.17 0.02 17.7 2.00 96.00 W0000261-1 7/31/2003 0.00 1.3 0.00 0.00 3.0 0.70 W0000261-1 6/15/2004 0.00 2.0 0.02 <0.0001 2.9 1.00 0.07 W0000261-1 9/7/2004 0.01 1.8 0.00 <0.0001 2.6 <1 0.08 W0000261-1 6/28/2005 <0.0007 1.8 0.01 <0.0001 2.4 <1 0.07 W0000261-1 11/8/2005 <0.0007 1.9 0.01 <0.0001 2.5 <1 0.08 W0000262-1 7/29/2003 0.00 9.3 0.02 0.05 6.8 0.40 W0000262-1 6/29/2004 0.03 8.0 0.05 0.04 5.2 <1 1.09 W0000262-1 9/14/2004 0.00 7.6 0.05 0.04 5.1 2.00 0.20 W0000262-1 6/27/2005 <0.0007 9.9 0.06 0.03 4.9 2.00 0.20 W0000262-1 10/18/2005 <0.0007 10.0 0.07 0.04 4.9 1.00 0.38 W0000263-1 7/31/2003 0.03 268.0 0.05 0.00 203.0 1.30 W0000263-1 6/15/2004 0.01 388.0 0.00 <0.0001 196.0 2.00 0.09 W0000263-1 9/7/2004 0.01 232.0 <0.0002 <0.0001 171.0 <1 0.07 W0000263-1 6/27/2005 <0.0007 241.0 0.00 <0.0001 194.0 2.00 0.08 W0000263-1 10/18/2005 <0.0007 221.0 0.00 <0.0001 170.0 1.00 0.08 W0000264-2 8/12/2003 0.24 34.0 1.02 0.04 129.0 0.20 W0000264-2 9/9/2003 W0000264-2 6/16/2004 0.15 4.4 0.05 0.00 30.0 16.00 4.42 W0000264-2 7/20/2004 0.10 3.4 0.05 0.00 21.0 6.00 0.47 W0000264-2 10/5/2004 <0.0007 2.4 <0.0002 0.00 10.5 3.00 0.18 W0000264-2 6/15/2005 <0.0007 6.5 0.00 <0.0001 10.2 <1 0.10 W0000264-2 10/24/2005 <0.0007 2.6 0.01 <0.0001 5.2 1.00 0.26 W0000264-3 8/12/2003 0.00 3.0 0.14 0.02 26.4 0.80 W0000264-3 6/16/2004 <0.0007 2.4 0.14 0.01 10.9 3.00 0.18

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W0000264-3 10/5/2004 0.00 2.2 0.16 0.01 9.3 2.00 0.21 W0000264-3 6/15/2005 <0.0007 2.2 0.14 0.01 6.4 4.00 0.27 W0000264-3 10/24/2005 <0.0007 2.2 0.18 0.01 5.6 3.00 0.39 W0000265-2 8/12/2003 0.00 3.2 0.10 0.01 28.4 1.80 W0000265-2 6/16/2004 0.00 3.2 0.13 0.01 25.3 7.00 0.13 W0000265-2 7/19/2004 <0.0007 3.1 0.11 0.01 24.5 8.00 0.14 W0000265-2 10/5/2004 <0.0007 3.1 0.15 0.02 24.9 6.00 0.16 W0000265-2 6/15/2005 <0.0007 3.2 0.14 0.01 24.4 6.00 0.16 W0000265-2 10/24/2005 <0.0007 3.0 0.16 0.02 24.4 6.00 0.17 Analysis of Trends at Each Monitoring Well

Groundwater quality trends can be interpreted using time series plots and statistical software. Trends were analyzed for each groundwater indicator parameter using AquaChem software. Statistical analysis was completed for general groundwater chemistry and for each of the selected indicator parameters and can be found in Table 1 and 2 of Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Characterization. Generally, statistical analysis should be completed for sample sizes greater than 25. However, the groundwater monitoring program is relatively new and currently there are only up to 5 samples taken from each monitoring well. Many of the indicator parameters chosen and listed in section 3.1.2 were not analyzed due to there being only 1-3 data points (per monitoring well) for these parameters.

Time series plots were completed (where possible) for each indicator parameter and monitoring well and can be found in Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Characterization. Table 55 summarizes any trends that may be visible from the few data points represented on the time series plots. The accuracy of these results may be limited due to the small number of samples. Therefore, continued groundwater monitoring is needed to determine if there are any long-term water quality issues or trends in the study area.

Table 55: Summary of groundwater quality trends found in wells located in the study area. Well Name Aquifer Antimony Cadmium Chloride Nitrates Nitrites Sodium Recent No Trend No Trend Seasonal Decreasing Decreasing Seasonal W0000263-1 Deposits Trend Trend Trend Trend No Trend No Trend Increasing & Increasing & No Trend Increasing Recent Seasonal Seasonal & Seasonal W0000040-1 Deposits Trend Trend Trend Recent No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000044-2 Deposits No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend Decreasing W0000264-2 ORM <30m Trend No Trend No Trend Seasonal Increasing No Trend W0000167-1 ORM <30m Trend Trend No Trend W0000049-1 ORM <30m No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend Increasing Decreasing No Trend W0000262-1 ORM <30m Trend Trend W0000261-1 ORM <30m No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000166-1 ORM >30m No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend Decreasing W0000264-3 ORM >30m Trend No Trend No Trend Decreasing Increasing No Trend Decreasing W0000042-1 ORM >30m Trend Trend Trend W0000168-1 Thorncliffe No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend

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Fm Thorncliffe No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000043-3 Fm Thorncliffe No Trend No Trend Increasing No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000044-3 Fm Trend Thorncliffe No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000041-1 Fm No Trend Scarboroug No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend No Trend W0000265-2 h Fm No Trend

Antimony and Cadmium are the 2 indicator parameters that have no obvious trends for the sampling period, 2002-2005.

Chloride trends are evident in 5 monitoring wells in the study area from 2002-2005. Two wells (W0000040-1 & W0000044-3) have increasing trends over time, 1 well (W0000042-1) has a slight decreasing trend over time and 3 wells show some seasonal trends from the start of the sampling period. Figure 96 is a time series graph for the shallow dug well located in a Courtice residential area. Even with the small sample size seasonal fluctuations are evident. Chloride concentrations decrease in the summer and increase in the fall and overall concentrations have been increasing steadily since the beginning of the sampling period in 2003.


600 A

500 A


A 300

A 200 A Chloride ConcentrationsChloride (mg/l) 100 20 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 96: Chloride concentrations for the monitoring well located in a residential area in Courtice. Samples taken between 2003 and 2006.

Nitrate trends are evident in 5 monitoring wells within the study area from 2002-2005. Figure 97 shows 4 wells (W0000040-1, W0000167-1, W0000262-1 & W0000042-1) that have a slight increasing trend over time and 1 well (W0000263-1) that has a slight decreasing trend over time. The remaining 11 monitoring wells show no obvious trends within the relatively short sampling period.

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Legend 10 Legend A W0000040-1 I W0000042-1 H W0000167-1 8 H W0000262-1 A W0000263-1 A A ODWS = 10 mg/L 6 A A

4 A A I I I I Nitrateas (mg/l) N 2 H HA AH H H H H H 0

20 20 20 04 05 06 Time

Figure 97: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells, W0000040-1, W0000042-1, and W0000167-1 & W0000262-1. Samples taken between 2003 and 2006. 3.3.3 Aquifer Characterization

The groundwater quality data has been analyzed on a watershed basis to look for larger scale trends in water quality. Monitoring wells from similar aquifer units have been grouped together (Table 52) in order to determine water quality issues or trends for each aquifer. Table 56 summaries the general groundwater chemistry and indicator parameters for the 16 monitoring wells by aquifer unit.

There are several geological units that display aquifer properties in the study area. The shallow monitoring wells located in the study area are in unconfined aquifers such as the Oak Ridges Moraine sediments and overlaying sediments (Recent Deposits). The groundwater found in these deposits is heavily influenced by surface activities and rainfall events. Results indicate these aquifers have higher levels of calcium and magnesium and bicarbonate than aquifers below the Newmarket Till and are classified as calcium bicarbonate (CaHCO3) water type.

Wells located in the Recent Deposit sediments show the highest levels of chloride and nitrate. Two of three wells with the highest chloride and nitrate concentrations are located in the Recent Deposits. The monitoring well located in Courtice is at a depth of 9.15 meters and shows the highest average chloride (348 mg/L) and nitrate (6.2 mg/L) concentrations for the study area. These trends are not typical of the natural groundwater systems. Generally younger (and shallower) water has had less contact time with sediments and rock surfaces in the system, allowing for a lower level of dissolution. Since this groundwater is young the high chloride concentrations indicate an anthropogenic source such as road salt. High nitrate concentrations found in shallow groundwater are an indication of fertilizer use in the area. This particular site is in a residential area so the fertilizer use is not from agriculture but from lawn and gardens.

The deeper wells in the study area draw groundwater from the Thorncliffe Formation, Thorncliffe Formation/bedrock contact and the Scarborough Formation. These wells are in confined aquifers and should have some protection from the overlaying Newmarket Till.

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Generally the wells below the Newmarket Till show lower concentrations of the general groundwater chemistry parameters (Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl, and SO4).

Results for wells in the Thorncliffe Formation show varying groundwater chemistry. All but one well has lower chloride concentrations than the wells above the Newmarket Till. The monitoring well located in Bowmanville consistently shows high chloride concentrations that exceed the Ontario Drinking Water Standard of 250 mg/L.

The only monitoring well located in the Scarborough Formation (W0000265-2) has the lowest chloride and nitrate concentrations in the study area. Samples taken from this well demonstrate consistent groundwater chemistry with every sample.

Table 56: Parameter summary for all monitoring wells in the study area arranged by aquifer unit.

Number ODWS Aquifer Unit Parameter Unit of Max Min Average Median mg/L Samples Number of Exceedences

Recent Ca mg/l 15 250 64.5 128.53 88.2 0 Deposits Cd mg/l 15 0.005 0.0001 -0.00003 0.000028 -0.00004 0 Cl mg/l 15 250 555 19 212.54 232 5 HCO3 mg/l 15 402.19 0 222.88 242.09 0 K mg/l 15 2.4 1 1.51 1.47 0 Mg mg/l 15 32.1 3.11 17.61 21 0 Na mg/l 15 20 229 7.4 109.7 113 10 Nitrate as N mg/l 12 10 7 0.03 4.39 2.49 0 Nitrite as N mg/l 12 10 0.3 0.05 0 0.1 0 Phosphorous, mg/l 3 0.13 0.1 0.12 0.12 0 Total Sb mg/l 15 0.006 0.003 0.00035 0.00047 0.003 0 SO4 mg/l 15 500 116 16.9 68.55 72.6 0 ORM Ca mg/l 41 620 29 79.72 67.4 0 Cd mg/l 41 0.005 0.0003 0.00001 0.00007 0.0001 0 Cl mg/l 41 250 93.2 1.3 15.7 2.92 0 HCO3 mg/l 43 379.39 0 177.6 197.79 0 K mg/l 41 19.4 0.76 2.49 1.15 0 Mg mg/l 41 134 5.25 17.05 13.8 0 Na mg/l 41 20 276 2.4 21.82 10.5 10 Nitrate as N mg/l 33 10 2.9 0.01 1.13 0.13 0 Nitrite as N mg/l 33 10 0.2 0.02 0.13 0.02 0 Phosphorous, mg/l 8 1.87 0.02 0.32 0.06 0 Total Sb mg/l 41 0.006 0.003 0.00025 0.00062 0.003 0 SO4 mg/l 41 500 61.4 0.15 21.88 18.6 0 Thorncliffe Ca mg/l 17 39.2 4.7 22.59 22.8 0 Fm. Cd mg/l 17 0.005 0.0002 -0.00006 0.000063 0.0001 0 Cl mg/l 17 250 368 11.3 137.39 58.1 5 HCO3 mg/l 17 185.24 0 86.11 104.15 0 K mg/l 17 4.3 0.7 1.63 1.03 0

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Mg mg/l 17 19.1 2.16 12.87 14.2 0 Na mg/l 17 20 199 17.4 84.59 57.1 14 Nitrate as N mg/l 13 10 0.2 0.01 0 0.01 0 Nitrite as N mg/l 13 10 0.3 0.02 0 0.02 0 Phosphorous, mg/l 4 108 0.01 27.58 1.16 0 Total Sb mg/l 17 0.006 0.003 0.00027 0.00072 0.003 0 SO4 mg/l 17 500 6.9 0.06 2.21 0.5 0 Scarborough Ca mg/l 6 25 21 24.13 24.85 0 Fm. Cd mg/l 6 0.005 0.0001 0 0 0.0001 0 Cl mg/l 6 250 3.24 3.02 3.14 3.16 0 HCO3 mg/l 7 189.69 0 132.67 184.19 0 K mg/l 6 4.1 0.93 1.8 1.36 0 Mg mg/l 6 11.7 10.3 11.27 11.45 0 Na mg/l 6 20 28.4 24.4 25.32 24.7 6 Nitrate as N mg/l 5 10 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 Nitrite as N mg/l 5 10 0.02 0.02 0 0.02 0 Phosphorous, mg/l 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total Sb mg/l 6 0.006 0.003 0.00036 0 0.003 0 SO4 mg/l 6 500 0.5 0.06 0 0.06 0

3.4 Raw Water Characterization for Drinking Water Intakes

The Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP) is a voluntary program operated by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) in cooperation with municipalities to gather scientific data on drinking water quality in Ontario ( DWSP monitors raw water quality at the surface water intakes of facilities located within the study area (Figure 76).

The Oshawa supply plant has participated in the Ministry of Environment’s DWSP since the late 1980s. In 1996 the Bowmanville and Whitby supply plants have become participants in the DWSP program. The program allows the Ministry of Environment’s laboratory to analyze water samples from the systems raw and treated water, along with water from a selected residence. Parameter groups sampled under this program include, field measurements (6), chemicals (31, 5 health-related), metals (23, 6 health-related), Chloroaromatics (10), Chlorophenols(7, 4 health-related), Dioxins and Furans (limited number of samples), N- nitrosodimethylamine (N D M A), Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (15, 1 health-related), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (P C B), Pesticides / Herbicides (93, 53 health-related), Taste - and Odour- Causing Parameters (6), Volatile Organic Parameters (27, 11 health-related), and Disinfection By-products (Trihalomethanes). Tests for microbiological organisms, such as Escherichia Coli (E. coli) are performed routinely by each drinking water system and therefore are not monitored by the DWSP (

Minimum, maximum and average annual concentrations for all parameters sampled for under the Drinking Water Surveillance Program between 1990 and 2005 were examined below. Where possible, water quality samples were compared to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS) and the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO). The primary

March, 2007 Page 240 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization purpose of the Ontario Drinking Water Standards is for the protection of public health. The Ontario Drinking Water Standards are normally applied to treated drinking water supplies whereas; PWQOs are normally applied to untreated water (

Out of the 254 parameters sampled for under the DWSP, 59 of them have ODWSs, 64 have PWQOs and 190 parameters were not compared to a water quality guideline (shown in Table 57). There are no parameters exceeding the ODWS and 5 parameters exceeding the PWQO. Table 57 shows all parameters with an exceedence between 1990 and 2005.


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Table 58: Parameters Exceeded for the Bowmanville, Oshawa & Whitby Water Supply Plants between 1996 and 2005.


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OSHAWA WTP CHRYSENE NG/L 1994 50 50 50 1 0.1 NONE OSHAWA WTP CHRYSENE NG/L 1995 50 50 50 1 0.1 NONE OSHAWA WTP FLUORANTHENE NG/L 1990 20 20 20 6 0.8 NONE OSHAWA WTP FLUORANTHENE NG/L 1991 20 20 20 4 0.8 NONE OSHAWA WTP FLUORANTHENE NG/L 1994 20 20 20 1 0.8 NONE OSHAWA WTP FLUORANTHENE NG/L 1995 20 20 20 1 0.8 NONE OSHAWA WTP MALATHION NG/L 2000 500 500 500 1 100 190000 OSHAWA WTP MALATHION NG/L 2004 500 500 500 1 100 190000 OSHAWA WTP MALATHION NG/L 2005 500 500 500 1 100 190000 WHITBY WTP CHRYSENE NG/L 1997 50 50 50 1 0.1 NONE WHITBY WTP FLUORANTHENE NG/L 1997 20 20 20 1 0.8 NONE WHITBY WTP MALATHION NG/L 2000 500 500 500 1 100 190000 WHITBY WTP MALATHION NG/L 2003 500 500 500 1 100 190000 WHITBY WTP MALATHION NG/L 2005 500 500 500 1 100 190000

3.5 Microbial Source Water Characterization

More than one microbial indicator should be used in characterizing source waters since a single fecal indicator bacterium used to estimate the risk to human health may significantly over-estimate or under-estimate risks from pathogens. As per provincial guidance, all drinking source water should be characterized microbiologically through a multi-indicator approach, including indicators E. coli, enterococci, coliphage and Cryptosporidium.

There is no non-municipal microbial data currently available for the study area. Data was obtained from the DWSP (municipal systems) has E. coli and fecal coliform levels from 1990 to 1994 for the Oshawa Supply Plant only. Additionally, microbes have not been sampled for under the PWQMN since 1994. Efforts are being made to identify any available data collected under the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03) as part of future SWP characterization activities.

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Figure 98: Spatial distribution of groundwater chloride concentrations (PGMN).

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3.6 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quality

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding water quality requirements are listed in Table 59.

Table 59: Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quality Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Water Quality Groundwater Quality Data PGMN PGMIS partially populated PGMN water quality data and Distribution Map database (to be requires update imported (16 wells) into developed), MOE – too sparse internal database and WWIS, and other YPDT db. (MOE PGMIS provincial databases, II not yet developed). site investigations from WWIS houses some development proposals, limited data. MNDM Durham Region GRIP water quality monitoring, Regional snapshot, and some Health Units, OFA historical information testing programs. from IHD studies, local development reports. Data needs to be collected and entered into YPDT database. Surface Water Quality and Additional monitoring partially populated Monitor 9 PWQMN sites Distribution Map sites (and frequency) to requires update since 2003. Historical be added in 2005, too sparse data exists for 17 sites based on needs of (approximately mid- modelling and IPZ 1960’s to1997). Data studies. Durham gaps primarily from 1997 Region sampling. to 2003. Additional Historical studies and monitoring of 10 sites (1- reports. 2 samples/year) began in 2004. Location and data needs to be entered into YPDT db and spot samples required to calibrate proposed models. DWSP and microbial data DWSP/O.Reg.170/03 partially populated AquaChem tools. collection/ analysis Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Information or Tools Gap Problem Comment Refined Surface Water ArcHydro Data Model - does not exist CLOCA is to initiate Features and Functions ESRI product used with ArcHydro. Various data ArcGIS v8 or v9, and sets (TBD) are required add-ons (i.e. Spatial to properly model. Analyst, ArcINFO). Training in software is MNR data sets required required. - DEMv2, EFGrid. Surface Water and AquaChem software partially populated Analyses required to Groundwater Quality Trend package utilizing characterize water and Statistical Analysis CLOCA, PGMN, quality conditions. PWQMN data. Provide context for modelling. Surface Water (quality Surface water does not exist Existing hydrologic

March, 2007 Page 246 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization loading and BMP scenario infiltration model models are event driven testing) (transient) to be (Visual Otthymo / Hec-2). determined. Required Limited water to provide refined quantity/quality trend infiltration/runoff analysis underway. estimates for potential Internal/external data contaminate transport. formatting and collection required as well as calibration data from monitoring networks. Required to provide refined infiltration inputs to existing MODFLOW groundwater model.

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4.1 Water Use

Water takings in Ontario are governed by the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation under the Ontario Water Resources Act. Section 34 of the Act requires anyone taking more than a total of 50,000 litres in a day, with some exceptions, to obtain a Permit to Take Water (PTTW).

The permits identify the location, the source of water; maximum permitted volume and pumping rate, number of days of extraction, and permit expiry date. CLOCA has initiated a PTTW field verification program designed to update the data within the study area which was provided by the MOE.

The 2005 MOE PTTW database of active and expired permits has been obtained in spreadsheet format (MS Excel) for CLOCA’s jurisdiction and is currently being compared to previous versions. The 2005 data set serves as an update to the previous 2002 version, which was input into the local YPDT database. A list of all permits has been produced for field verification and collection of additional attribute data. The field verification and data collection program commenced during May 2005. Water taking is an important component of water budget calculations. It is essential that the information is correct in order that accurate inputs are available for the development and running of the models. Table 60 and Error! Reference source not found. presents the takings listed in the 2002 provincial PTTW database by source water type. Figure 77 refers to the water taking by usage category.

Table 60: Permitted Takings (2005 CLOCA Survey) Watershed Permitted Water Takings (L/day) Groundwater Source Surface Water Source Bowmanville 1,309,248 4,919,872 Soper Creeks 9,874,080 Darlington Creek 5,952,465 13,358,840 Lynde Creek 33,631,688 47,978,115 Oshawa Creek 538,560 1,987,400 Pringle Creek 98,194 9,874,080 Lake Ontario 192,946,250

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Figure 99: Permit To Take Water Withdrawal Locations (Groundwater and Surface Water)

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The province evaluates all applications with additional attention for new or expanding water takings that remove water from the watershed to determine whether the watershed is in an area of high water use. Water use in all Ontario watersheds has been assessed and mapped under two scenarios: average annual conditions and summer low flow conditions. If a watershed is identified as high use on the Average Annual Flow Map, applications will be refused for consumptive uses regardless of the time of year that the water taking is proposed to occur.

If a watershed is defined as high use on the Summer Low Flow Map but not on the Average Annual Flow Map, a permit may be granted, provided that it includes a prohibition on water taking during the 6-week period from August 1 to September 11, or during a specified longer period that includes August 1 to September 11. No watershed within CLOCA’s jurisdiction falls within the High Use Watershed designation. An estimation of surface water use within CLOCA’s jurisdiction that is serviced by municipal supply is readily available from Durham Region reported information for all water treatment plants. Specific details of water use can be found at: &nav=b&setFooter=/includes/worksFooter.txt

The following table provides an estimate of groundwater use for the CLOCA jurisdiction.

Table 61: Estimate of Groundwater Use for the study area: From Gartner Lee Durham Region Water Use Report (2004) Watershed Name Estimated Estimated Permitted Population Domestic Water Taking (unserviced Consumption (m3/day) areas) (m3/day) Lynde - Pringle Creeks 4,851 848.93 6293.30

Oshawa -Harmony Creeks 7,279 1273.83 1,273.83

Tooley –Bowmanville - Soper 6,173 1080.28 5952.47 Creeks

Groundwater provides a perennial portion of the streamflow throughout the year. In areas where sand and gravel deposits outcrop at surface, groundwater contribution to streamflow can be up to 60% of the mean annual streamflow. During low flow periods, up to 100% of the flow, in some streams, consists of groundwater discharge. This groundwater also supports many high quality cold-water fisheries in the area, as it is a significant component of stream base flow within Durham Region.

As the study area continues to urbanize and population increases, the demand for water will increase. While providing Lake Ontario water can satisfy some of the water demand, there is likely to be increased demand on surface and groundwater throughout the watersheds. The MOE 2001 records indicate that there are 29 Permits to Take Water (PTTW’s) within the study area with a source recorded as groundwater or “both” (a mixed groundwater/surface source). Groundwater takings are scattered throughout the study area, with only a few located in the Oak Ridges Moraine (near the Glen Major area). Groundwater takings are concentrated generally in the more developed western part of the study area. Current PTTW’s are related mostly to agricultural activities (e.g., horticultural, sod, and market

March, 2007 Page 250 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization gardens) and commercial activities (e.g., nurseries). Recreational takings are mostly associated with golf courses and ski resorts.

A study completed in 2003 reported permitted water takings for CLOCA’s jurisdiction in that year to be 5 638 816 m3 (Gartner Lee and Totten Sims Hubicki 2003). This included domestic takings (1 169 110 m3) and other permitted takings (4 469 706.05 m3). The study also reports that the takings did not exceed 32% of the estimated renewable groundwater resources for each of the watersheds within the study area. The study area’s estimated renewable groundwater resources for all watersheds total 33 771 625 m3/year (Gartner Lee and Totten Sims Hubicki 2003). Table 62 shows recharge and consumption in watersheds within the study area.

Table 62: Renewable Groundwater Resources in the CLOCA study area (after Gartner Lee and Totten Sims Hubicki 2003) Quaternary Quaternary Estimated Maximum Permitted Percent Watershed Watershed Name Recharge Groundwater Consumption ID Consumption m3/day m3/day % 2HC-11 Lynde - Pringle Creeks 22 540 7142 31.7

2HD-03 Oshawa -Harmony 37 791 1274 3.4 Creeks 2HD-04 Tooley –Bowmanville - 32 194 7033 21.8 Soper Creeks

CLOCA (1979) reported only one groundwater permitted taking in 1979. Relative to other conservation authorities to the west, these numbers indicate only moderate growth in demand for groundwater resources. It is anticipated, however, that the demand for groundwater resources in the CLOCA study area will increase in the future, especially south of the Oak Ridges Moraine as provisions of the Oak Ridges Conservation Act are enforced.

4.2 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Water Quantity

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding water quantity requirements are listed in Table 63. In 2005, an updated PTTW database was obtained from the MOE. These data as well as the historical data are currently being field verified and upgraded to include additional attributes and are to be inventoried in a local database. The results of these field surveys will serve to support planned water budget modelling activities.

Table 63: Data and knowledge gaps identified for water quantity. Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Water Quantity PTTW / Water Use Data and Summer PTTW partially populated Need to verify many Water Use by Watershed program, YPDT, WWIS requires update parts of PTTW including Map – maximum rates for spatially inaccurate active and expired private wells. Stats permits, water takings, Canada Agri-census / locations, etc. Also OMAF. Durham identify agri-use/private Region – water use db, use. Develop surface MOE DWIS. water use estimates.

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Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Data or Tools Gap Problem Comment Refined Surface Water ArcHydro Data Model - does not exist CLOCA is to initiate Features and Functions ESRI product used with ArcHydro. Various data ArcGIS v8 or v9, and sets (TBD) are required add-ons (i.e. Spatial to properly model. Analyst, ArcINFO). Training in software is MNR data sets required required. - DEMv2, EFGrid. Surface Water Infiltration Surface water does not exist Existing hydrologic Model infiltration model models are event driven (transient) to be (Visual Otthymo / Hec-2). determined. Limited water quantity/quality trend analysis underway. Internal/external data formatting and collection required as well as calibration data from monitoring networks. Required to provide refined infiltration inputs to existing MODFLOW groundwater model. Geology and Hydrogeology YPDT-CAMC does not exist Refinement of regional MODFLOW CORE model required for Risk Model for eastern GTA. Assessments. Water Budget Develop from YPDT- does not exist Required to better CAMC CORE model understand hydrologic with proposed reservoirs, and predict hydrologic model. impacts of land use and climate changes, water supply and risk assessments.

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5.1 Identification of Source Water Protection Areas

Each of the Wellhead Protection Areas, Intake Protection Zones, Highly Vulnerable Areas and Areas of Significant Recharge are to be identified in order to delineate drinking water source areas that warrant an increased focus on threats identification, risk assessment and risk management activities. The following sections briefly describe the vulnerable areas within the study area.

5.2 Groundwater: Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA’s)

Groundwater protection is a vital component for the establishment and operation of municipal groundwater supplies. Ideally, contamination should be prevented from occurring using proactive groundwater protection programs such as a Wellhead Protection Program. A Wellhead protection area refers to the area surrounding a well or well field, supplying a municipal water system. The studies included soils investigations, well pumping tests, well monitoring and computer modelling in order to delineate the Wellhead Protection Area.

Though Durham region has 8 groundwater sourced municipal water supply systems, none are located within CLOCA’s jurisdiction.

5.3 Surface Water: Intake Protection Zones (IPZ’s)

5.3.1 Small River and Inland Lake Systems

There were no identified surface drinking water intakes or systems located drawing water from the inland drainage network within the study area. However, by applying source water protection on a tributary watershed basis, the risks to the Lake Ontario based IPZ’s can be minimized.

5.3.2 Great Lakes and Interconnecting Large River Systems

Within CLOCA’s jurisdiction, the communities of Whitby, Brooklin, Oshawa, Courtice, and Bowmanville obtain their municipal water supply source from Lake Ontario. Three municipally operated water treatment plants service the supply: Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville. See Section 2.7 for details and links to related information provided by Durham Region. See Figure 76 for the location of the surface water supply and treatment facilities located and estimated intake locations within the study area.

Through Source Water Protection legislation, the Great Lakes drinking water intakes are to be managed through establishment of a 1 km radius zone (Intake Protection Zone or IPZ) unless localized or historical impacts suggest that a larger zone is required (MOE, 2004b). It is anticipated that the Ministry of the Environment, in consultation with Great Lake states and the federal government and local municipalities, will develop a strategy for the source protection of the Great Lakes waters, which in turn local Source Water Protection Planning Committees can then implement. Currently, a Lake Ontario collaborative study has been developed, which includes the CTC Region participation, designed to undertake a Phase 1 characterization of IPZ’s and loading from contributing watersheds.

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The western half of Lake Ontario is unique compared to any other lake or water body in Ontario due to the intensive urbanization and projected growth around it. At almost all other locations throughout Ontario on the Great Lakes, and even inland lakes and connecting channels, an “intake focused” approach is appropriate to evaluate the vulnerability of individual intakes to contamination. For Western Lake Ontario, however, the number of intakes, outfalls, creeks, rivers and direct runoff from urban and industrial areas is unprecedented. As such, it is believed that a regional “watershed to receiving water quality based focus” is required in addition to the “intake focus” to adequately address all concerns. Aside from addressing the reality of the multitude of potential sources of pollutants and cross-political boundary transport, such an approach will serve to streamline the efforts required to evaluate the vulnerability of intakes and the development of Intake Protection Zones.

In support of the Clean Water Act, 2005, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has committed grant funds over 5 years ($51 million) to undertake technical studies related to the municipal residential drinking water systems designated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. A Great Lakes Source Protection Municipal Grant proposal was submitted, approved and initiated in March of 2006 to address the requirements outlined in the provincial Source Water Implementation Group (SWIG) Surface Water Vulnerability guidance module as well as to develop a long term proactive strategic program for the protection of drinking water from Lake Ontario. This work represents a collaborative effort on the part of several western Lake Ontario municipalities and conservation authorities (including the CTC Authorities) alongside other agencies, federal and provincial governments. It is the opinion of the study leads that the complexity of Lake Ontario hydrodynamics and the cross-boundary influences of loading sources in a highly urbanized zone require application of a lake wide hydrodynamic model integrated with watershed models. These technical studies will be integral in the development of the individual Source Protection Region Source Protection technical assessment reports and plans.

The proposed work plan and project methodology adopts a phased approach to build upon existing information that is not duplicative of ongoing or previous studies. Phase 1, includes a detailed analysis of existing information, conducting a needs assessment, GAP analysis, additional data gathering, and a review of tools and model[s] selection. Phase 2 will commence immediately following Phase 1 with a focus on lake modelling.

Each municipality will define the required intake protection zones of a 1kilometer radius around an intake crib (IPZ1) together with the appropriate response time zone (determined based on input from the plant operator – IPZ2) as part of their own in-house requirements. These individual efforts will consider the local threats, intake conditions, and desktop assessments of intake protection zones. All intakes within the CTC region including the Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville Water Treatment Plant intakes that serve the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction will be covered under this study. The CTC Authorities will provide data and localized nutrient load analyses conducted for local gauge stations as part of their source protection work/funding to the project leads in support of this study. It is intended that the results of this work will be incorporated into the individual Source Protection Region technical assessment reports to support the development of the source protection plans.

It is important to recognize the connective nature of all tributary watersheds of the Great Lakes. By managing the source water in tributary watersheds, potential risks are reduced,

March, 2007 Page 254 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization through source water protection, to drinking water intakes located elsewhere in the water body. Applying lake based source water protection strategies will support the sustainability and integrity of the Great Lakes as a drinking water supply.

5.3.3 Other Vulnerable Areas: Aquifer Vulnerability Depth to First Aquifer

Depth to first aquifer is an indicator in determining groundwater susceptibility to contamination (Figure 100). Aquifers that exist at shallow depths (10m or less) are generally more susceptible to contamination. The depth to first aquifer and the depth to water table are the two main attributes that are used in the delineation of sensitive or vulnerable aquifer areas. In turn, these identified areas must be afforded some degree of source water protection.

In the CLOCA study area, with exception of the Oak Ridges Moraine physiographic region, aquifer materials generally exist at shallow depths (Figure 100). In the Oak Ridges Moraine, the first aquifer is within a range of 10-70 m. While surficial layers of sand and gravel where the first aquifer is within 10 m of the surface exist in the Oak Ridges Moraine, the moraine is not homogenous in its composition. Areas of fine-grained moraine material (material classified as non-aquifer material) that cover deeper water bearing material are present. Within the south slope physiographic region, the first aquifer is deeper than the southern part of the study area. First aquifer is between 10 and 50 m below ground surface with an average of 20 m. Surficial layers are for the most part, till (Halton Till) which is not considered an aquifer material.

The Lake Iroquois physiographic region in the southern part of the study area shows shallow aquifer conditions throughout the area. With the exception of an area in the central part of the study area northwest of Mitchell’s Corners where the first aquifer is on average 40m (range of 10 and 70 m), the first aquifer elevation is within 10 m of ground surface within the Iroquois beach and lake plain regions. Some isolated deeper aquifers (~30 m), however, occur near the Lake Ontario shoreline.

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Figure 100: Depth to first aquifer.

March, 2007 Page 256 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Depth to Water Table

The depth to water table is important in assessing aquifer vulnerability (Figure 101). A shallow water table generally indicates that the unconfined aquifer is susceptible to contamination. With the exception of some areas within the Oak Ridges Moraine, the water table is generally at a shallow depth throughout the CLOCA watershed. Within the Oak Ridges Moraine, the average depth to water table is approximately 30 m. The water table is deepest in the area north of Chalk Lake (approximately 40 m below ground surface). Generally, the greatest depths to the water table coincide with the greatest thickness of sand and gravel materials in the study area. South of the Oak Ridges Moraine, the depth to water table ranges from 1 m to 20 m below ground surface.

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Figure 101: Depth to water table.

March, 2007 Page 258 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization ISI, AVI and SAAT

Two main factors govern the vulnerability of an aquifer to surface contaminants: the depth from ground surface to the water table, and the permeability of soils above the water table. Soils have an inherent ability to “filter” and attenuate surficial contaminants before they infiltrate to the water table. Lower-permeability soils, such as silts and clays, are more effective at attenuating contaminants than sands and gravels. Generally, the most vulnerable aquifers have high-permeability soils overlying a shallow water table, and the least vulnerable aquifers have low-permeability soils overlying a deep water table.

Figure 102 shows the interpreted aquifer vulnerability for the CLOCA study area. This map layer was generated using methodologies developed during the Oak Ridges Moraine geological studies and the YPDT groundwater study. Data from the corrected YPDT database were evaluated to calculate “groundwater intrinsic susceptibility” (GwIS) values, based on depth to the static water level recorded in the well records and the relative permeability of the material above the static water level.

In Figure 102, a relative scale is incorporated to indicate aquifer vulnerability in the CLOCA study area. Originally 3 levels of sensitivity were delineated. Mapping for the ORM per the MOE requirements under the MOE’s ORM Vulnerability Mapping terms of reference (OMOE, 2001), grouped areas of high and medium sensitivity as more sensitive shown in yellow. This conservative approach was taken in order to ensure a higher level of protection for the Moraine (Earthfx, 2002). These groupings were modified outside of the boundary for the moraine, these areas not being areas of designated provincial interest and of relatively less ecological importance. Beyond the ORM boundary, the mapping reflects groupings of high sensitivity shown in yellow and medium and low sensitivity grouped and shown in blue while adhering to the Ministry grouping on the moraine.

Approximately 55 percent of the CLOCA study area is classified as “more sensitive” (Figure 102). This is mainly due to the shallow depth to the water table and unconfined aquifer conditions throughout the watershed. Generally, the eastern half of the watershed is mapped as more intrinsically susceptible to contamination than the western half.

Though there are areas of low vulnerability within the Oak Ridges Moraine, it and the Iroquois beach deposits are conspicuous as areas of high vulnerability. The south slope physiographic region, because of the low transmissivity of the surficial material, is generally an area of low vulnerability. The exception is in the area from Long Sault Conservation Area (located in the northeast corner of the study area) south to the Hampton, where localized outwash deposits lie at surface. With the exception of the area encompassing the Town of Whitby, where surficial soils are more permeable, areas south of the Iroquois beach deposits have low vulnerability. Areas of high aquifer vulnerability should be subject to the collection of additional water quality data. Provincial source protection technical guidance requires the assessment, delineation and protection of IPZ’s, WHPA’s, as well as Significant Recharge Areas and Highly Vulnerable areas (as identified in AVI, ISI, SAAT or SWAT analyses).

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Figure 102: Aquifer vulnerability.

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5.3.4 Potential Future Drinking Water Sources

The Region owns and operates municipal water and wastewater systems that service approximately 135,000 customers within the urban areas of Durham Region. The Region is responsible for water treatment and distribution to the customer. The municipal water systems located within CLOCA include (Personal communication with Durham Region staff re: Servicing Plan - Terms of Reference: Regional Municipality of Durham: Overview of Water and Wastewater Systems, 2005):

ƒ Three (3) surface water supply plants ƒ No (0) groundwater wells ƒ Ten (10) remote water storage facilities ƒ Nine (9) booster pumping stations ƒ 1370 kilometres of watermains

The Region is responsible for wastewater treatment and collection from the customer. The municipal wastewater systems include:

ƒ Four (4) water pollution control plants ƒ No (0) waste stabilization pond facilities ƒ Twenty three (23) sewage pumping stations ƒ 17 kilometers of forcemains ƒ 1,168 kilometers of sanitary sewers

The majority of the Region’s water and wastewater customers are serviced by Lake Ontario based systems, including the Urban Areas Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice, and Bowmanville. The current serviced population is 89,118. The development of these systems is currently guided by water and wastewater servicing plans that were completed in 1995. Since the completion of these servicing plans, individual studies have been undertaken on specific works associated with the Lake Ontario based systems as required to confirm the development of these systems, including Class Environmental Assessments and asset management evaluations. It is important to note that even as the majority of the Region’s drinking water supplies comes from Lake Ontario, there are appreciable good quality groundwater supplies within the Region’s jurisdiction that remain untapped that represent a potential future supply. The Oak Ridges Moraine, Thorncliffe and deep buried channel aquifers have proven to be very important in other areas currently experiencing water quantity stress. It is important not to discount these supplies. Ongoing water budgeting work will serve towards the quantification of these supplies.

Durham Region has experienced significant population and employment growth since the completion of its servicing plans, and this growth is expected to continue. The Region is in the process of updating the comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) study to develop a long-term servicing strategy for the design and operation of all municipal water and wastewater systems in Durham Region. The WWMP study will update and/or incorporate previous servicing plans and studies as required; and will satisfy Phases 1 & 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process.

Growth within Durham Region is currently guided by the Durham Regional Official Plan, which establishes the parameters for development within Durham Region to 2021. The Durham Region Official Plan outlines growth within the region as amended by Amendment

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No.114. CLOCA is completely within the boundary of Durham Region and population projections for CLOCA can be estimated based on projections provided in the ROP, recognizing that these projections will be revised to conform with the Growth Plan. Projections summarized in the ROP reports a combined population 585,000 for the urban centres of Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Courtice by year 2021 reflecting a 51% increase over the next 16 years which is more or less consistent with the reported annual growth rate. The ROP also presents policies associated with projected growth and applicable urban boundaries. Key policies for SWP Planning future demand assessment requirements are reflected in general policies 5.3.7 to 5.3.11. Policy 5.3.7 states that:

“Sufficient municipal water and sanitary sewerage facilities shall be provided to Urban Areas, within the financial capability of the Region, in accordance with Section 6, to accommodate anticipated growth and to achieve the goals of ‘this’ Plan”.

The Region’s Servicing Plan outlines required long-term improvements, expansion and additions to meet the population targets outlined in the ROP. o-op.htm&setFooter=/includes/planningFooter.txt

A review of the ROP resulting in the incorporation of the recommendations of the Official Plan Review through Ammendment No.114 as adopted by Regional Council, 2006. In addition, the Region is currently assessing the impact that the Growth Plan conformity,will have on the Official Plan.

The WWMP study will be undertaken in conjunction with the review of the Durham Regional Official Plan to establish water and wastewater servicing strategies within Durham Region to 2031, recognizing that the Durham Regional Official Plan allows for oversizing of site, intake, outfall and trunk components of water and wastewater systems to permit servicing capacity beyond the projected population and employment targets in the Official Plan. Direction on planning forecasts, including population, household, dwelling unit, and employment forecasts, will be provided by the Durham Region Planning Department, York Region Planning Department, and the Planning Departments of the lower tier municipalities in Durham Region. Ultimately the Source Water Protection Plan will incorporate the details regarding the 25-year (2031) and 50-year water supply plans determined by Durham Region. Several locations within the study area are currently under significant development pressure with a potential for significant land use change in spite of Oak Ridges and Greenbelt legislation. Growth of the urban centres in several watersheds is expected with its associated water quantity and water quality concerns. It is anticipated that urban growth will result in reduced recharge and related ecological impacts. Several communities use groundwater as their primary source of drinking water. There are appreciable groundwater supplies in this area of complex geology where there is exponential growth and a growing demand for water. These supplies represent a potential future supply for municipal and other drinking water supplies and should be understood and managed accordingly.

5.4 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Vulnerable Areas

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding vulnerable area requirements are listed in Table 64.

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Table 64: Data and knowledge gaps identified for vulnerable areas. Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Vulnerable Areas AVI Refined Map YPDT-CAMC data. required update Refine existing AVI. MOE geotechnical does not exist Update water level borehole and test well information through field information and data. work, or alternatively, request geotechnical borehole and test well data collected by consultants. Surface Water Intake MOE, Durham Region. does not exist No verified data Locations Map available. Estimates only. Potential DWS Map Various sources. partially populated TBD Protected Areas Map MNR, CLOCA data. required update Update required in the identification and delineation of protected areas: EAS, Life ANSI, Earth ANSI, wetlands. Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Data or Tools Gap Problem Comment IPZ delineation Lake based assimilation does not exist Lake Ontario IPZ study(s). collaborative study initiative.

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Specific Threats, as per current Provincial SWP guidance Module 1, is defined as ‘any contaminant (chemical or pathogen) either currently or having the potential to negatively affect or otherwise interfere, either directly or indirectly with the use or availability of any drinking water source from a water quality perspective’. The contaminants are associated with either a naturally occurring process or a land use activity, whereby the contaminant would degrade a drinking water supply should it reach the drinking water source.

The following sections represent a summary of preliminary information identified to date. A significant amount of data requested has not yet been received at the time of this report, including a provincially designed Threats Inventory Database which is anticipated to include various data sets managed by the province. In addition, it is assumed that a detailed threats inventory will be produced through the provincial Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Guidance Module 6 SWP program component. In the absence of this data, CLOCA has developed a Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Plan (Section 6.4) to assist in addressing this gap.

6.1 Threats to Groundwater Quality

CLOCA’s watersheds support a relatively high population and density of development, and as such have experienced some degradation of water resources commensurate with the degree of development. Key potential threats within the study area to the quality of water resources include (refer to Section 6.4 for details regarding threats of Provincial Concern, and a plan to inventory and rate local threats):

ƒ Sewage treatment plant discharge and biosolids land application; ƒ Private septic systems and septage land application; ƒ Road salt application; ƒ Rural and urban development including industrial activities; ƒ Agriculture, particularly nutrients and pesticides/herbicides; ƒ Closed landfills; ƒ Aggregate extraction; and ƒ Improperly maintained or abandoned wells.

Inadequate records (both in the amount and period of record) regarding threats to water quality preclude accurate statistically valid conclusions to be drawn. General trends, however, suggest an increase over time in nitrates and chlorides in ground water samples taken across the watershed particularly in samples taken from shallow wells. Although it may be premature to suggest a link to a specific activity, it is generally assumed that these trends are associated with agricultural activities and the application of road de-icing salts respectively.

6.2 Threats to Surface Water Quality

Potential threats to surface water within the study area are, in varying degrees, similar to the threats to groundwater noted in Section 6.1. Surface water quality analyses indicate increasing trends in nitrates, chlorides and aluminums particularly at the urban stations. Aluminum is used in many industries to make millions of different products. Structural components made from aluminum and its alloys are very important in areas of transportation

March, 2007 Page 264 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization and building. Activities of this type are associated with this the CLOCA area. These trends likely reflect agricultural activities (north of the urban centers) as well as industrial and commercial activities located in the urbanized areas. Preliminary analyses conducted for the Oshawa Creek watershed, support these assumptions and show loadings of parameters associated with agricultural activities in the upper reaches of the watershed. Decreasing trends are observed for phosphorus and some other metals like copper. The Darlington Nuclear facility is also located within CLOCA’s jurisdiction which may represent a threat to surface water quality.

6.3 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Threats Inventory/Assessment

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding threats inventory/assessment requirements are listed in Table 65.

Table 65: Data and knowledge gaps identified for Threats Inventory/Assessment. Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Threats Inventory Assessment Septic System Distribution Durham Region does not exist Internal data sets not Map (serviced boundaries). available. Estimates to Lower tier be generated from municipalities, OMAF serviced/unserviced area (census), Statistics information. Canada (census). Manure and Biosolids MOE, Field surveys. does not exist Data to be obtained by Storage/Application Data abbreviated surveys or Manure Application Data farm survey program. Fertilizer Application Data Abbreviated Survey. Pesticide / herbicide Application Data Potential/Existing/Historical Various sources of data does not exist Current internal data sets Contaminated Sites Data include; Ecolog ERIS, not populated are limited. Data Durham Region and partially populated sourcing is to be lower tier municipalities requires update undertaken through data (HAZMAT). Provincial too sparse requests to the province datasets: EC NPRI, spatially inaccurate and municipalities. NWIS, MNR NRVIS Access to provincial waste, MTO patrol databases pending. yards, MOE – HWIS, Data collection required. RCS, Spills, PCB db, Abbreviated Survey. WSIS, C o f A db, Waste Water Discharges. Privately held databases. Abbreviated Survey. Abandoned Wells Data WWIS, MNR, MNDM, partially populated Abandoned wells may be Municipal GW Studies. too sparse obtained from the YPDT Serviced areas. spatially inaccurate db (from WWIS/other) but is not complete. Research of other sources (e.g. Municipally serviced areas shapefiles required). Road salt application Data Durham Region, MOE, does not exist Data requested.

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De-icing Activities Data Abbreviated Survey. Abbreviated Survey. Snow Storage Data Cemeteries Data Hazardous waste disposal Data Storage locations of Various sources. does not exist Data requested. Potential Contaminant Data Abbreviated Survey. Abbreviated survey. Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Data or Tools Gap Problem Comment Recharge/Discharge and Groundwater Flow does not exist Could link groundwater Aquifer Water Quality Model recharge to aquifer to Linkages Assessment surface water quality. Threats Overlay GIS does not exist Overlay identified threats Assessment over vulnerable area mapping. Threats Inventory And Various sources. completed See Section 6.4 Issues Evaluation Plan

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6.4 Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Plan

Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Plan

Introduction The Threat Evaluation Plan is intended to identify and evaluate drinking water threats and drinking water issues in each vulnerable area. Each source protection technical working group is required to create an inventory of drinking water threats that may adversely affect the quality of a drinking water source within the source protection region. The identification of potential drinking water threats coupled with the understanding of Groundwater Vulnerability (Module 5) will provide a basis for water quality risk assessment under the source protection watershed assessment requirements.

The threats inventory will focus on the identification of threats in vulnerable areas because these areas have the greatest potential to impact sources of drinking water. For surface water, the vulnerable areas are designated as the surface water Intake Protection Zones (IPZ’s) and are delineated in the Surface Water Vulnerability Analysis (Guidance Module 4). For groundwater, vulnerable areas include wellhead protection areas (WHPA’s), highly vulnerable aquifers, significant groundwater recharge areas and future municipal supply areas (Guidance Module 5).

Under the source protection initiative a “drinking water threat” is defined as “an existing or future activity or existing condition that results from a past activity that is impacting or has the potential to impact a drinking water source” (Guidance Module 6, April 2006). A threat is usually an activity associated with known (studied and documented) deleterious effects. There are several types of land uses and or human activities that are considered essential to support communities that are known to have harmful effects on the environment. Over the years, scientific and technological advances have helped to reduce the impacts of these activities. These activities, however necessary, are still harmful. Risk assessment analyses and proper management, however, may assist in mitigating the harmful effects by locating these types of activities and land uses in the least vulnerable areas within a watershed. Threats may include landfills, activities resulting in the transport, disposal, or generation of hazardous waste, and land application of materials such as manure or pesticides.

A “drinking water issue” is a “substantiated condition relating to the quantity or quality of water that interferes with or is anticipated to soon interfere with the use of a drinking water source” (Guidance Module 6, April 2006). Drinking water issues are more associated with a specific land-use or activity within a watershed but can be a natural occurrence. Well construction records for example, often report sulphurous water found in bedrock wells. A series of drinking water quality samples that exceed the drinking water standards for Ontario would also be considered an “issue”. A “drinking water concern” on the other hand is associated with an activity that generates or stores a contaminant of concern from a chemical or pathogenic point of view. The threat is unsubstantiated, but reflects the potential of the activity to impact drinking water supplies.

In consultation with the public and local stakeholders, drinking water issues that affect the quality of water in a vulnerable area would be identified and evaluated, as well as the drinking water threats that could be causing the issue. In situations where several issues exist, the list of drinking water issues would have to be prioritized. Priority is to be given to those that are deemed to pose the greatest danger to human health. The drinking water

March, 2007 Page 267 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization issues list would also identify the contaminants of concern that are associated with each drinking water issue. The list of issues and contaminants of concern would contribute to the development of the above inventory of drinking water threats that pose a risk to the quality of a drinking water source.

A hazard rating for each contaminant of concern associated with an identified threat or issue would be assigned. A hazard rating is defined as “a scientifically determined numerical value which represents the relative potential for a contaminant of concern to impact drinking water sources at concentrations significant enough to cause human illness”.

The inventories of drinking water threats and issues and associated hazard ratings will be used as an input to the Water Quality Risk Assessment (Guidance Module7)

Anticipated Outputs include: • An inventory of drinking water threats in vulnerable areas around a drinking water intake or well; • An inventory and evaluation of issues that cause the contamination of drinking water sources; • A hazard rating associated with the inventoried drinking water threats and issues that rates the likelihood of a chemical or pathogenic contaminant penetrating a drinking water source as well as the potential severity of its impact; • Map(s) and a worksheet of the above information set out in a format described in this Guidance Module; • An inventory of constructed preferential pathways, or shortcuts, through which contaminants can more easily travel to a drinking water source

This draft plan will, based on local land-use and data collected and analyses completed to date, plan for the collection of information to support the required analyses for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). It may necessary to revise this plan to reflect and conform to additional provincial technical direction regarding watersheds with no municipal groundwater supplies but with appreciable supplies and or clustered privately supplied communities. Additionally, as municipal roles and responsibilities are clarified subsequent to the passing of the Clean Water Act, this plan may evolve.

Overview of the CLOCA Study Area relevant to a Threats/Issue Evaluation Land-Use CLOCA, a member C.A. of the CTC Source Protection Region, is the most easterly located authority in the CTC Source Protection Region that covers the GTA and surrounding areas. Environmental Land Classification (ELC) and land use information for the area indicates that the area remains relatively rural. The main urban centres of Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice and Bowmanville are confined to the southern part of the watershed, primarily north and south of the main transportation artery (Highway 401) and along the Lake Ontario shoreline. Residential land use is dominant in these urban centres, though other land use types include commercial, industrial and manufacturing with minor areas of agricultural, recreational and aggregate extraction.

The remainder of CLOCA is considered primarily rural with land uses including agriculture, hamlets, estate residential, aggregate extraction, recreation (mainly golf courses), woodlots, parks and conservation areas (Figure TI -1). Agricultural uses account for the largest single class of land use (approximately 70%). Agricultural uses are largely related to field crops with scattered sod farms and pasture lands. There are a few dairy operations found in the

March, 2007 Page 268 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization west and orchards and tobacco farms in the east. Natural cover including forests, wetlands and meadows account for 10% of the land area and are found mainly on the Oak Ridges Moraine, the Iroquois beach region and within the south-oriented river valleys. Urban uses presently cover approximately 20% of the jurisdiction. A further 10% of the land area is designated for development adjacent to existing developed areas in the south and in hamlets in the mid-watershed and upper-watershed areas. The proposed Highway 407 extension bisects the watersheds north of Taunton Road.

Figure TI-1: CLOCA Land Use Water Quality CLOCA’s Interim watershed characterization report indicates inadequate records (both in the amount and period of record) in order for accurate statistically valid conclusions to be drawn. General trends, however, suggest an increase over time in nitrates and chlorides in ground water samples taken across the watershed particularly in samples taken from shallow wells. Although it may be premature to suggest a link to a specific activity, it is generally assumed that these trends are associated with agricultural activities and the application of road de-icing salts respectively. Surface water quality analyses indicate increasing trends in nitrates, chlorides and aluminums particularly at the urban stations. Aluminum is used in many industries to make millions of different products. Structural components made from aluminum and its alloys are very important in areas of transportation and building. Activities of this type are associated with this in the CLOCA area. These trends likely reflect agricultural activities (north of the urban centers) as well as industrial and commercial activities located in the urbanized areas. As indicated earlier, the Darlington Nuclear facility is also located within CLOCA’s jurisdiction which may represent a threat to surface water quality.

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Preliminary analyses conducted for the Oshawa Creek watershed, support these assumptions and show loadings of parameters associated with agricultural activities in the upper reaches of the watershed. Decreasing trends are observed for phosphorus and some other metals like copper (see Interim Characterization report for more details). Threats Assessment Work to Date Vulnerability mapping on a coarse scale (240x240m grid) has been completed for the CLOCA area (AVI method) through the YPDT Groundwater Study. Beyond an examination of land-use products, some preliminary scoping analyses were conducted for this report in order to assess and develop a threats inventory work plan that would support future risk assessment work. Following on provincial guidance, data collection efforts have been recently initiated focussed on the location of drinking water threats considered to be of provincial concern (Table TI - 1). An inventory of these threats located in the delineated vulnerable areas outlined in the Vulnerability Module (WHPA’s, IPZ’s, HVA’s and SRA’s) is to be presented in the watershed characterization. These are the required inputs for the threats assessment process.

Table TI-1: Drinking Water Threats of Concern (April 10, 2006 – Draft Ministry of the Environment) DIRECT INTRODUCTION Where activities result in direct loadings of drinking water contaminants into source water. • Water treatment plant waste water discharge • Sewage treatment plant effluent • Sewage treatment plant by-passes • Industrial effluents

LANDSCAPE ACTIVITIES Where current and historical landscape activities introduce landscape loadings of drinking water contaminants. • Road salt application • De-icing activities • Snow storage • Stormwater management systems • Cemeteries • Landfill • Organic soil-conditioning • Septage application • Hazardous waste disposal • Liquid industrial waste • Mine tailings • Biosolids application • Manure application • Fertilizer application • Pesticide / herbicide application • Historical activities – contaminated lands STORAGE OF POTENTIAL CONTAMINANTS Where commercial quantities of potential contaminants to drinking water are stored, presenting the risk of introduction through containment leaking or failure. • Fuels / Hydrocarbons

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• DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids) • Organic solvents • Pesticides (of concern to drinking water) • Fertilizers • Manure

To date, CLOCA has received data on landfills (active and inactive) and the location of water treatment plants from the province. Additionally, CLOCA has downloaded and performed some preliminary analyses on the NPRI dataset. No other data has been received. Requests to the Durham Region for threats related data are currently outstanding. There are neither any WHPA’s nor inland IPZ’s located within CLOCA’s jurisdiction. This plan will focus on the collection of threats data associated with the Highly Vulnerable Areas (HVA’s) and Significant Recharge Area (SRA’s) as well as shoreline activities that may pose a threat to the Lake Ontario intakes for the Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville Water Treatment Plants. It is anticipated that IPZ’s for the Great Lakes will be available subsequent to the completing of the Municipal Grant Surface water Vulnerability Project recently approved for this area. As this information becomes available, the inventories will be updated accordingly.


Figure TI-2: AVI Mapping for CLOCA Figure TI-3: Net Recharge for CLOCA

Figures TI-2 and TI-3 show highly vulnerable areas (AVI) in yellow and areas of highest net recharge (region YPDT model) in yellow respectively. These areas tend to correlate well with areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine and along the Iroquois shoreline feature being the key areas within the study area. Additional areas within the Bowmanville watershed will also be addressed.

Threats/Issues Inventory Plan: A flow chart from the Guidance Module helped to frame the plan process.

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Figure TI-4: Threats Inventory and Issues Evaluation Process (MOE: Module 6)

Drinking water Threats

Phase 1: Build Data-Store and populate to be provided provincial database 1 Collect additional information for the following groupings: Threats of provincial Concern categorized by: a. Direct Introduction (Point sources) b. Landscape Activities (Non-point Sources) and ; c. Storage Facilities (Potential Contaminants) 2 Collect information on drinking water issues including exceedence reports, known areas of drinking water contamination (note: significant threats/issues representing an imminent threat to drinking water supplies will immediately be moved to the risk assessment process as outlined in Module 7) 3 Collect information pertaining to preferential pathways including abandoned water wells, pits and quarries, storm water sewers, tile drain and septic systems) 4 Reformat and quality check data as required and populate provincial database 5 Update inventory to include delineated Lake Ontario IPZ delineations

The information collected should have at the very minimum: spatial attributes (including shape files to identify parcels), source identification codes, a description of the location (size of property, type of operation, name of operation, period of record), associated chemical use and classification (Chemical, Toxicity, etc.). This information will be catalogued in the watershed characterization report as suggested by provincial guidance documentation.

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The methodology for data collection will encompass:

Phase 1 ƒ requests from provincial and municipal partners coupled with a desktop orthophotography review ƒ In-house business reviews such as business directory surveys Phase 2 (prioritized threats) ƒ Abbreviated “Windshield” surveys and ƒ Door to door surveys in identified areas of specific concern

Phase 2: Assign Hazard coding to each identified threat located in an identified vulnerable area as follows:

1 NAICS or ICS code will be assigned for ƒ Each point location ƒ Each non-point location (assigned to the parcel) ƒ Each identified preferential pathway 2 Prioritize threats and assess Threat per guidance

Phase 3: Risk Assessment Process

Products from the Threats/Issues Inventory Analysis and well as those from the Vulnerability Analysis will support the Risk Assessment Requirements. It is anticipated that risk assessment information will support land-use decisions in the implementation phase of Source Water Protection.

To reiterate, it may necessary to revise this plan to reflect and conform to additional provincial technical direction regarding watersheds with no municipal groundwater supplies but with appreciable supplies and or clustered privately supplied communities. Additionally, as municipal roles and responsibilities are clarified subsequent to the passing of the Clean Water Act, this plan may evolve.

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7.1 Identified Issues

One of the main objectives of this report is to provide an overview of existing conditions (hydrologic and land use) within CLOCA’s jurisdiction in an attempt to identify key issues and areas of concern related to drinking water source protection and gaps in that understanding. An issue, as per current Provincial SWP technical guidance Module 1, is defined as the realization of a Specific Threat within a drinking water source. The following sections highlight information identified to date and should be considered preliminary in scope.

7.2 Identified Concerns

As per current Provincial SWP technical direction, concerns differ from issues in that concerns are not supported by scientific information such as monitoring data. During the watershed characterization process, water quality and quantity concerns/complaints that may have some bearing on SWP activities were noted for further study in the CLOCA area. Where it is premature to document these concerns or the geographic locations with which they are associated as some of these complaints have yet to be verified and or have little or no information available to substantiate the concern, it is appropriate at this time to report general findings.

7.3 Identified Issues and Concerns Summary Sheet

The following sections summarize various issues and concerns identified to date from both historical studies and monitoring data. This summary reports on findings only, and should be considered preliminary in scope. Details regarding the analytical procedures, methodologies of collection, reported errors or interpretations, protocols, or analyses methodologies are obtained from the related reports as referenced.

7.3.1 Issues: Preliminary Summary

Historical surface water quality information has been catalogued for the study area to present the key trends and significant findings. Table 66 outlines the preliminary findings of studies that have included water quality study components. The reported information has been gathered from both existing and draft Watershed Management Plan reports for the study area. For additional information, refer to: .

Table 66: Issues: preliminary summary gathered from historical reports of interest. Report Key Trends/Significant Findings

CLOCA Conservation Report ƒ found contamination by industrial and sanitary waste (Ontario Department Of Energy ƒ municipal storm drain outfalls were found to be negatively affecting And Resources, 1964) the water quality beyond reasonable limits ƒ high coliform counts CLOCA Watershed Inventory ƒ tested 13 sites using both biological and chemical methods

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(Gartner Lee Limited, 1979) ƒ the headwaters had limited levels of contamination and nutrient enrichment

ƒ nutrient enrichment levels in this northern (agricultural) area were elevated compared to those located in the mid-stream area ƒ mid-stream areas were considered uncontaminated ƒ the mouth of the creek and Oshawa Harbour had the poorest water quality Oshawa Creek Watershed Study ƒ chemical tests were conducted at 11 sampling stations and 7 storm – Main Report (Totten, Sims and sewer outfalls Hubicki, 1995) ƒ contaminant concentrations tend to increase towards the downstream area

ƒ phosphorus levels were high in the westerly headwater areas ƒ Goodman Creek had consistently high readings for virtually all parameters ƒ indicated a historical decline in contamination concentrations for a number of parameters including total phosphorus and heavy metals ƒ several storm sewer outfalls had high readings of heavy metals ƒ according to this study, the majority of potential water quality problems will occur in the two midstream portions of the watershed as a result of future land use designations ƒ recommends an annual monitoring program Oshawa Creek Water Quality ƒ chemical testing was conducted for 5 sites Study (Durham College, 1995) ƒ northern sections of the watershed show generally good water quality and as water moves downstream, it becomes more contaminated

ƒ faecal coliform was the only parameter to exceed the Provincial Water Quality Objectives at all five sampling stations Nitrate and Phosphorus Levels in ƒ examined 30 years of MOE nitrate and phosphorus data Selected Surface Water Sites in ƒ there was excessive plant growth and subsequent plant decay in Southern Ontario 1964 – 1994 1964, 1980 and 1984 due to nitrate levels with no apparent trend in (University of Guelph, 1999) decrease or increase ƒ phosphorus levels caused excessive plant growth in 1964, 1965, 1968 and 1974, but a general decrease in phosphorus levels was observed CLOCA Watershed Inventory, ƒ High levels of bacterial contamination and nutrient enrichment in the Gartner Lee Limited, 1979 East Branch of Soper Creek ƒ Elevated nutrient enrichment in northern (agricultural) areas of Oshawa Creek ƒ Warm water temperatures noted on all branches in Lynde Creek ƒ East Branch of Lynde Creek contaminated with nitrogen, and chlorides ƒ Nitrogen, organic enrichment, phosphorus and turbidity contamination in Lynde Creek CLOCA Conservation Report ƒ Contamination by industrial and sanitary waste in Oshawa Creek (Ontario Department Of Energy ƒ Municipal storm drain outfalls negatively affecting water quality in And Resources, 1964) Oshawa Creek ƒ High coliform counts in Oshawa Creek ƒ Contamination by turbidity in Lynde Creek ƒ Direct discharge of stormwater and an absence of sanitary sewers in Lynde Creek ƒ Chlorine contamination from swimming pool discharge Oshawa Creek Watershed Study ƒ Goodman Creek had consistently high readings for virtually all – Main Report (Totten, Sims and parameters Hubicki, 1995) ƒ High readings of heavy metals in Oshawa Creek ƒ High Phosphorous levels in westerly headwater areas in Oshawa Creek Oshawa Creek Water Quality ƒ Faecal coliform exceeded the Provincial Water Quality Objectives at Study (Durham College, 1995) all five sampling stations

Nitrate and Phosphorus Levels in ƒ Excessive plant growth and subsequent plant decay in 1964, 1980 Selected Surface Water Sites in and 1984 due to nitrate levels with no apparent trend in decrease or Southern Ontario 1964 – 1994 increase ƒ Phosphorus levels caused excessive plant growth in 1964, 1965,

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(University of Guelph, 1999) 1968 and 1974, but a general decrease in phosphorus levels was observed Ministry of the Environment ƒ Chlorides drastically increased in Lynde Creek Permanent Site #010800102 at ƒ Phosphorus and copper routinely surpass water quality objectives in Victoria Street Lynde Creek ƒ Bacteria levels curtail recreational use (e.g., swimming) in Lynde Creek Inventory & Assessment of Four ƒ High levels of alkalinity, hardness and pH in Lynde Creek Creeks in the CLOCA ƒ High Dissolved Oxygen levels in Lynde Creek Jurisdiction (Tumey, 1984)

Lynde Creek Watershed ƒ Discharge from Chalk Lake displayed highest recorded levels of Resource Management Strategy suspended solids, faecal coliforms and temperatures (Gartner Lee Limited, 1994) ƒ High levels of phosphorus and copper throughout system

In addition, three reports were produced by Environment Canada in 1999 and 2000 (Oshawa Harbour Pollution Prevention, Environment Canada, 2000) that examined the concentrations of various chemicals in Oshawa Creek through benthic sediment sample collection. Sample collection site locations are referenced in the Oshawa Creek Watershed Management Plan (CLOCA, 2002). The conclusions are based on the Lowest Effect Level (LEL) and the Severe Effect Level (SEL) set out in the Ministry of the Environment Guidelines. Each of the following sites had readings that exceeded the LEL. Some contaminants (shown in bold) also exceeded the SEL summarized in Table 67.

Table 67: Issues: preliminary from 2002 EC, Water Quality Exceedences (Oshawa Creek). Site Location Readings exceeding LEL in Benthic Sediments for:

OA01 Oshawa Harbour Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Phosphorus, Zinc, PCB’s

OA02 Oshawa Harbour (Mouth of Montgomery Creek) Chromium, Zinc, Mercury, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Phosphorus OA03 Oshawa Harbour (Mouth of Oshawa Creek) Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Phosphorus, Zinc OA04 Montgomery Creek Chromium, Zinc, Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Phosphorus, PAH’s OA05 Oshawa Creek Chromium, Nickel, Phosphorus South Trail System OA06 Main Branch of Oshawa Creek (in industrial area) Phosphorus OA07 Goodman Creek Lead, Phosphorus, PAH’s OA08 Main Branch of Oshawa Creek (in urban area) Nickel, Phosphorus, PAH’s OA09 Main Branch of Oshawa Creek (north of Taunton Nickel, Phosphorus Road) OA12 East Branch of Oshawa Creek (south of PCB Winchester Road) OA13 West Branch of Oshawa Creek (north of Manganese, Phosphorus Columbus Road) OA14 West Branch of Oshawa Creek (north of Phosphorus

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Columbus Road) Site Location Readings exceeding LEL in Suspended Sediments for: Oshawa Simcoe St. at Valley Drive Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Creek Manganese, Nickel, Phosphorus, Zinc, PCB's, PAH’s Montgomery Harbour Rd. Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Creek Manganese, Nickel, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury.

The Ecosystem Health Division of Environment Canada, Ontario Region (EHD-OR), conducted a screening-level survey of sediment quality in Canadian tributaries to Lake Ontario during the summer of 2002 (EC, 2003). The objective was to begin a track-down program to identify potential sources of contamination to the lower Great Lakes by assessing sediment quality in deposition zones in each tributary. More detail is found in the report: Sediment Quality in Lake Ontario Tributaries: Part One (West of the Bay of Quinte), EHD Report No. ECB/EHD-OR/03-01/1, EHD, Ontario Region, Environment Canada, April 2003.

Table 68 lists exceedences of sediment quality results when compared to the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), 2002) and Ontario’s Sediment Quality Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1992).The threshold effect level (TEL), represents the concentration below which adverse effects are expected to occur rarely.

Table 68: Issues: Exceedences of Sediment Quality Guidelines (EHD-OR, 2002, Lake Ontario tributaries). Parameter Exceeded Tributary PCB Oshawa, Montgomery Creeks Endosulfan sulphate Oshawa Area PAH Montgomery Creek Cadmium Montgomery Creek Chromium West Corbett and Montgomery Creeks Copper Montgomery Creek Mercury Montgomery Creek Nickel Montgomery Creek Lead Montgomery and Robinson Creeks Zinc Montgomery Creek Manganese and Iron West Corbett Creek Silver Montgomery Creek Tin Robinson Creek

The Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project (DRCWMP), as described in Section, collected and assessed benthic sediment samples at sites upstream and within each coastal wetland within Durham Region. Targeted compounds include those that are typically associated with sediment, being organochlorines (including DDT and PCBs), metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s).

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Analytical results were compared with the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2002) and Ontario’s Sediment Quality Guidelines (Persaud et al., 1992). The federal guidelines use a threshold effects level (TEL) and a probable effect level (PEL) for evaluating adverse biological effects in aquatic systems. The provincial guidelines include a lowest effect level (LEL) and a severe effect level (SEL). Analytical results were also compared to the results of the 2002 EHD-OR study mentioned previously.

A summary of the sediment quality guideline exceedences are listed for each marsh within the study area in Table 69 (from: Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project: Year 2 Technical Report, March 2004, EC).

Table 69 : Issues: Organochlorine, PAH, metal parameters exceeding TEL and PEL guidelines, DRCWMP, 2002. Wetland Sampled Pesticide PAH Metal by TEL PEL TEL PEL TEL PEL Cranberry Marsh CLOCA 0 1 1 0 2 0 Lynde Creek Marsh CLOCA 0 1 5 0 0 0 Corbett Creek Marsh CLOCA 2 0 1 0 1 0 Pumphouse Marsh CLOCA 2 1 5 5 2 1 Oshawa Second Marsh CLOCA 1 0 8 0 0 0 McLaughlin bay Marsh CLOCA 1 0 2 0 0 0 Westside Marsh CLOCA 0 1 2 0 0 0 Bowmanville Marsh CLOCA 0 1 0 0 0 0

Results were variable when compared to the EHD-OR study and a subsequent follow up study in 2003. Exceedences are briefly summarized below:

ƒ Chlordane was detected at Pumphouse Marsh. ƒ PCBs were observed at West Corbett Creek, a tributary to the wetland. ƒ Pumphouse Marsh contained the highest concentration of PAH’s of the coastal wetlands studied, with a total PAH (sum of 16 parameters) of 11,880 ppb. ƒ Oshawa Second Marsh contained the second highest level of PAH’s at 4,426 ppb. ƒ West Corbett Creek had chromium levels exceeding the PEL. ƒ Both Pumphouse Marsh and Robinson Creek showed lead concentrations in exceedence of the PEL.

Table 70 details exceedences of the Ontario Provincial Drinking Water Standards (ODWS) of groundwater samples collected through the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN). The analysis was generated using AquaChem™ statistical software. Note that none of these exceedences are health related under the ODWS’s

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Table 70: Issues: Preliminary summary of PGMN Exceedences

Carbon; Sampling Al Cl Fe Mn Na Colour dissolved Turbidity Station Date (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (TCU) organic (NTU) (mg/L) Ontario Drinking Water 0.1 250 0.3 0.05 20 Standard 5 TCU 5 mg/L 5 NTU mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

W0000040-1 8/14/2003 0.00 238.0 0.00 0.00 106.0 2.20 W0000040-1 6/23/2004 0.00 168.0 0.00 <0.0001 70.4 2.00 0.07 W0000040-1 10/20/2004 0.00 462.0 0.00 <0.0001 155.0 <1 0.12 W0000040-1 7/6/2005 <0.0007 318.0 0.01 <0.0001 113.0 1.00 0.08 W0000040-1 11/3/2005 <0.0007 555.0 0.01 <0.0001 229.0 3.00 0.08 W0000041-1 11/21/2002 0.00 40.8 0.20 0.02 38.4 0.70 W0000041-1 7/12/2004 0.00 33.5 0.29 0.03 30.4 6.00 0.44 W0000041-1 9/13/2004 0.00 31.7 0.41 0.03 29.5 9.00 0.58 W0000041-1 6/6/2005 <0.0007 34.1 0.42 0.05 29.0 7.00 0.89 W0000041-1 10/20/2005 <0.0007 33.1 0.41 0.04 29.2 7.00 0.58 W0000042-1 11/28/2002 0.00 84.4 0.02 0.00 33.2 0.50 W0000042-1 6/23/2004 <0.0007 93.2 0.02 0.00 36.5 <1 0.16 W0000042-1 10/20/2004 <0.0007 82.1 0.02 0.00 33.4 <1 0.09 W0000042-1 6/9/2005 <0.0007 70.9 0.02 0.00 29.0 1.00 0.13 W0000042-1 11/7/2005 <0.0007 67.5 0.01 0.00 26.9 <1 0.08 W0000043-3 11/5/2002 0.01 100.0 0.01 0.02 69.4 85.00 W0000043-3 7/6/2004 0.01 368.0 0.05 0.01 195.0 1.00 0.18 W0000043-3 10/6/2004 0.02 358.0 0.11 0.02 198.0 3.00 0.55 W0000043-3 6/16/2005 0.14 361.0 0.74 0.11 199.0 3.00 0.25 W0000043-3 11/3/2005 <0.0007 366.0 0.08 0.01 198.0 5.00 0.22 W0000044-2 9/18/2002 0.00 19.3 0.18 0.13 7.8 1.40 W0000044-2 7/6/2004 0.01 19.3 0.22 0.10 7.6 <1 0.90 W0000044-2 10/6/2004 0.00 19.0 0.51 0.12 7.6 5.00 2.15 W0000044-2 6/16/2005 <0.0007 19.8 0.55 0.10 7.4 36.00 3.46 W0000044-2 10/26/2005 0.03 19.7 0.55 0.15 7.7 18.00 3.73 W0000044-3 11/5/2002 0.00 360.0 0.08 0.02 192.0 3.00 W0000044-3 7/6/2004 0.01 83.3 0.00 <0.0001 60.2 3.00 0.23 W0000044-3 10/6/2004 0.43 71.8 0.58 0.02 60.2 3.00 1.38 W0000044-3 6/16/2005 <0.0007 58.1 0.01 0.00 57.1 4.00 0.62 W0000049-1 10/24/2002 0.00 2.4 0.31 0.01 276.0 0.70 W0000049-1 6/29/2004 0.00 2.6 0.47 0.01 11.9 3.00 1.96 W0000049-1 9/14/2004 0.00 2.4 0.48 0.01 11.9 12.00 1.18 W0000049-1 6/28/2005 <0.0007 2.9 0.63 0.01 12.3 18.00 1.09 W0000049-1 11/7/2005 <0.0007 2.8 0.48 0.01 12.6 7.00 0.81 W0000166-1 9/11/2003 0.00 2.3 0.45 0.02 6.8 0.60 W0000166-1 6/21/2004 0.00 2.4 0.40 0.02 7.8 6.00 2.28 W0000166-1 9/8/2004 0.00 2.5 0.34 0.02 8.0 2.00 1.43 W0000166-1 6/9/2005 <0.0007 2.7 0.44 0.02 8.2 1.00 2.73 W0000166-1 10/19/2005 <0.0007 2.4 0.42 0.02 8.6 3.00 1.81 W0000167-1 11/28/2002 0.00 20.9 1.31 0.19 12.6 6.00 W0000167-1 6/21/2004 <0.0007 22.3 1.09 0.17 14.4 19.00 8.02 W0000167-1 9/8/2004 <0.0007 18.1 0.99 0.19 16.1 24.00 4.16 W0000167-1 5/26/2005 <0.0007 24.1 1.15 0.24 11.0 19.00 4.63 W0000167-1 10/19/2005 0.00 16.1 1.68 0.31 12.6 20.00 7.34 W0000168-1 11/21/2002 0.00 13.1 0.12 0.01 17.6 1.10 W0000168-1 7/12/2004 0.01 11.8 <0.0002 0.01 17.4 5.00 0.16 W0000168-1 10/12/2004 1.89 11.3 1.17 0.02 17.7 2.00 96.00 W0000261-1 7/31/2003 0.00 1.3 0.00 0.00 3.0 0.70 W0000261-1 6/15/2004 0.00 2.0 0.02 <0.0001 2.9 1.00 0.07

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W0000261-1 9/7/2004 0.01 1.8 0.00 <0.0001 2.6 <1 0.08 W0000261-1 6/28/2005 <0.0007 1.8 0.01 <0.0001 2.4 <1 0.07 W0000261-1 11/8/2005 <0.0007 1.9 0.01 <0.0001 2.5 <1 0.08 W0000262-1 7/29/2003 0.00 9.3 0.02 0.05 6.8 0.40 W0000262-1 6/29/2004 0.03 8.0 0.05 0.04 5.2 <1 1.09 W0000262-1 9/14/2004 0.00 7.6 0.05 0.04 5.1 2.00 0.20 W0000262-1 6/27/2005 <0.0007 9.9 0.06 0.03 4.9 2.00 0.20 W0000262-1 10/18/2005 <0.0007 10.0 0.07 0.04 4.9 1.00 0.38 W0000263-1 7/31/2003 0.03 268.0 0.05 0.00 203.0 1.30 W0000263-1 6/15/2004 0.01 388.0 0.00 <0.0001 196.0 2.00 0.09 W0000263-1 9/7/2004 0.01 232.0 <0.0002 <0.0001 171.0 <1 0.07 W0000263-1 6/27/2005 <0.0007 241.0 0.00 <0.0001 194.0 2.00 0.08 W0000263-1 10/18/2005 <0.0007 221.0 0.00 <0.0001 170.0 1.00 0.08 W0000264-2 8/12/2003 0.24 34.0 1.02 0.04 129.0 0.20 W0000264-2 9/9/2003 W0000264-2 6/16/2004 0.15 4.4 0.05 0.00 30.0 16.00 4.42 W0000264-2 7/20/2004 0.10 3.4 0.05 0.00 21.0 6.00 0.47 W0000264-2 10/5/2004 <0.0007 2.4 <0.0002 0.00 10.5 3.00 0.18 W0000264-2 6/15/2005 <0.0007 6.5 0.00 <0.0001 10.2 <1 0.10 W0000264-2 10/24/2005 <0.0007 2.6 0.01 <0.0001 5.2 1.00 0.26 W0000264-3 8/12/2003 0.00 3.0 0.14 0.02 26.4 0.80 W0000264-3 9/9/2003 W0000264-3 6/16/2004 <0.0007 2.4 0.14 0.01 10.9 3.00 0.18 W0000264-3 10/5/2004 0.00 2.2 0.16 0.01 9.3 2.00 0.21 W0000264-3 6/15/2005 <0.0007 2.2 0.14 0.01 6.4 4.00 0.27 W0000264-3 10/24/2005 <0.0007 2.2 0.18 0.01 5.6 3.00 0.39 W0000265-2 8/12/2003 0.00 3.2 0.10 0.01 28.4 1.80 W0000265-2 9/9/2003 W0000265-2 6/16/2004 0.00 3.2 0.13 0.01 25.3 7.00 0.13 W0000265-2 7/19/2004 <0.0007 3.1 0.11 0.01 24.5 8.00 0.14 W0000265-2 10/5/2004 <0.0007 3.1 0.15 0.02 24.9 6.00 0.16 W0000265-2 6/15/2005 <0.0007 3.2 0.14 0.01 24.4 6.00 0.16 W0000265-2 10/24/2005 <0.0007 3.0 0.16 0.02 24.4 6.00 0.17

Biological Water Quality Monitoring of Oshawa Creek Watershed (CLOCA, 2000) examined Oshawa Creek in terms of biological analyses (Table 71). Indicator species and Water Quality Index (WQI) values were the parameters used to determine the level of impairment at a particular site (Griffiths, 1998). The sites examined coincide with the locations of the sites in the Oshawa Harbour Pollution Prevention Study (Environment Canada, 2000). Furthermore, the sites are grouped into three categories, agricultural, wildland and urban land use, which are used as a comparative measure.

Table 71: Issues: Biological Conditions – Oshawa Creek (CLOCA, 2000) Site Number Site Location Condition Comments/Concerns OA01 Oshawa Harbour Impaired untreated sewage and contaminated storm water OA02 Oshawa Harbour/Montgomery Creek Impaired organic enrichment mouth OA03 Oshawa Harbour/Oshawa Creek Impaired organic enrichment mouth cumulative effects from upstream areas OA04 Montgomery Creek, south of Impaired high level of organic enrichment Wentworth St. OA05 Main Branch, close to Oshawa Seasonally cumulative effects of industry, old Harbour Impaired landfills, untreated stormwater flows,

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direct pollution OA06 Main Branch, north of Hwy. 401 Unimpaired organic and nutrient enrichment OA07 Goodman Creek, north of CPR Impaired organic and nutrient enrichment tracks (untreated storm water) OA08 Main Branch, south of Adelaide Unimpaired some evidence of organic and nutrient Street enrichment OA09 Main Branch, north of Taunton Road Unimpaired some evidence of organic and nutrient enrichment OA10 East Branch, north of Conlin Road Unimpaired some seasonal impairment due to an upstream beaver dam at time of testing OA11 West Branch, south of Winchester Unimpaired high level of organic and nutrient Road enrichment OA12 East Branch, south of Winchester Unimpaired Road OA13 West Branch, north of Columbus Unimpaired Road OA14 West Branch, north of Columbus Unimpaired Road OA15 West Branch, north of Columbus Impaired high level of nutrient enrichment Road (agricultural practices) OA16 West Branch, north of Columbus Impaired high level of nutrient enrichment (direct Road access of livestock to creek, pesticide application on adjacent lands, lack of riparian vegetation) OA17 West Branch, north of Howden Road Impaired high level of organic enrichment (livestock access to creek) OA18 East Branch, north of Columbus Impaired high level of organic enrichment (animal Road access to creek at nearby zoo)

Other identified issues to date include data received from the MOE regarding recent spills reported in the study area through the Spills Action Centre. Figure 103 depicts the location of reported spills (2000-2005) that have occurred within the study area mapped from the data set received from the MOE. Spills are delineated by spill type as reported in the data set.

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Figure 103: Spills reported in the CLOCA study area (2000-2005).

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7.3.2 Concerns: Preliminary Summary

The following information represents a list of potential water quality and water quantity concerns within CLOCA’s jurisdiction. Note that these impacts/potential impacts are generally reported in areas with unregulated (private wells within communities, small commercial operations) systems in shallow aquifer systems and to surface water bodies across the watershed:

ƒ Elevated nitrate/chloride likely associated with cross contamination from private septic systems, road salting and agricultural activities. ƒ Elevated nitrate/phosphorus/bacteria associated with agricultural activities and manure spreading. ƒ Concerns associated with paper fibre biosolid (PFB’s) spreading: PAH’s, TPH, lead, phenols. ƒ General contamination concerns associated with abandoned unsealed/ improperly maintained private water wells. ƒ Concerns on low water table conditions caused or exacerbated by increased development (more of a surface water/ecological concern than a drinking water concern though there are areas on private wells adjacent to developing areas where impacts may be felt). Note: Where no concrete evidence could be found at this time to substantiate water availabilty concerns in the Iroquois beach based communities (or link concerns to a cause), Lower Tier municipality development approvals routinely require water storage for such activities as firefighting that suggest a water supply problem in some areas such a Courtice. These conditions may be natural and may not be as a result of development activities. Discussions with planners re: local current and historical environmental reports) revealed that known documented concerns are either associated with temporary construction dewatering activities which are generally goverened by permits with conditions to deal with potential interference or associated with periods of low water (drought conditions). Long term trends do not indicate significant impacts (<0.5m water level drop). Though hydrographs appear to reflect more 'flashy' conditions, no long term downward trends observed.

Table 72 presents a preliminary summary of the inventoried concerns identified to date within the study area.

Table 72: Concerns: preliminary summary. Nature of Known Source Issues Date Comments/Source of concern Geographic Noted information locations Water Stephen’s SW low Interference – 19/05/05 Perceived, un- Quantity Gulch flow unregulated investigated, reported takings? to MOE Courtice Shallow Seasonal 19/05/05 Perceived, likely GW climatic impacts or associated with temporary permitted construction activities. Most of Courtice IS municipally serviced Golf Course 19/05/05 Perceived - private

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in general water well impacts feared – no substantiating data Water Macedonian Shallow Cross 19/05/05 Preliminary Reports Quality Village GW – contaminations: documented in DR private septics/shallow Hamlet servicing study wells – wells un-investigated unserviced Columbus Shallow Salt storage 19/05/05 Replacement wells GW (1st/2nd provided to some aquifer) homeowners, MOE private records, DR Health wells – Dept. unserviced Sun Valley GW WHPA studies 19/05/05 Requires investigation communal done? system Tyrone GW - 19/05/05 private wells – unserviced Hampton Shallow septics, SW? 19/05/05 Most wells are deeper GW artesian wells, but some impacts have been noted with local shallow wells- DR Hamlet Servicing study ORM Shallow PFB spreading, 19/05/05 Perceived, Data does GW biosolids, manure not support spreading/storage? contamination effects CLOCA wide Shallow Wells: potential 19/05/05 Unregulated systems GW threat? (includes, abandoned, improperly maintained wells, small commercial operations)

7.4 Inventorying Identified Issues and Concerns

There are a variety of ways that issues and concerns identified and inventoried can be expanded, including:

ƒ Water quality review; ƒ Previous Watershed Plans/Studies; ƒ Land Use Information; ƒ Correspondence • newspaper articles, letters, e-mails; and ƒ Telephone conversations that have been documented.

As the inventory of identified issues and concerns presented in this report is expanded, a map of the issues contained in the inventory will be produced. Data to support this map is not listed in the matrix but may be available through local sources as identified above.

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7.5 Data and Knowledge Gaps for Identified Issues and Concerns

Identified data and knowledge gaps regarding identified issues and concerns requirements are listed in Table 73

Table 73: Data and knowledge gaps identified for SWP Issues and Concerns. Identified Data/GIS and Analytical Gaps WC Deliverable Data Set Name or Data Gap Problem Comment Source Identified Issues and Concerns Inventoried Issues Map Various sources. does not exist TBD Knowledge Gaps (reference material or tools) WC Deliverable Data or Tools Gap Problem Comment Inventoried Issues and Existing spreadsheet requires update Concerns database tool to be enhanced

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The Source Water Protection Program, initiated in 2005, consists of two phases ultimately leading to the completion of a Source Water Protection Plan. The two phases include Phase 1, the Assessment Phase, and Phase 2 the Implementation Phase. Components of the Assessment Phase are summarized on Figure 1 and include:

ƒ Watershed Characterization; ƒ Issues/Threats Identification; and ƒ Risk Assessment and Categorization.

A preliminary structure for the threats assessment framework is summarized on Figure 104.

The CLOCA watersheds, along with the watersheds contained within the CVC and TRCA jurisdictions, are part of the CTC SWP Region. This report provides a preliminary assessment of the Phase 1 Watershed Characterization and includes a conceptual model of the water budget for the watersheds in the CLOCA jurisdiction. Similar reporting for the CVC and TRCA watersheds are completed under separate cover. Future work will initially focus on refining the Watershed Characterization and Water Budget prior to tackling the other components of Phase 1 listed above. This report documents what information and knowledge is available and what are the data and knowledge gaps. This assessment will then help to determine the future work plan which will outline the various tasks, and expected budgets, for work program to be conducted from August 2005 to July 2006.

Specifically, this report summarizes:

ƒ General watershed characteristics and the physical setting; ƒ Various existing monitoring programs that form the basis for the ultimate SWP monitoring program; ƒ The known quantity and quality aspects of the flow system including both the surface water and groundwater regimes; ƒ Existing protected area delineation; and ƒ Perceived data and knowledge gaps and key issues of concern.

There are no municipal wells or river intakes situated within the CLOCA watersheds. There are however large communities that obtain a water supply from Lake Ontario such as Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville. There are also smaller communities and private residences as well as communal operations (such as schools, churches and community centres) that obtain a water supply from private wells. Presently there are no known significant threats to public municipal water supplies from both a quantity and quality perspective. Private and communal systems have not been assessed under this initiative.

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Figure 104: Threats assessment framework. Figure from MOE, 2004.

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March, 2007 Page 295 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization APPENDIX 1: Summary of Existing Watershed Reports (SWP Related)

CLOCA_ID Title Author YYYYMMDD Bird and Hale Ltd. / Terraprobe / POFG188 Draft Environmental Impact Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Archeological Services 20010829 POFG3 Report on Water Supply for Olympian Hills Golf Course Morrison Environmental Limited 19970923 POFG188 Hydrogeologic Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Hydro-Geo Limited 20010412 Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Subdivision, PSDG273 Whitecliffe, Courtice Golder Associates Ltd. 19940708 Closed Whitby Landfill Investigation of Vegetation Decline, near Heber LHDB7 Downs Conservation Area Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19990108 Preliminary Hydrogeological Investigation and Remedial Alternatives PSSG108 Evaluation for CLOCA Property: Canviro Consultants Ltd. 19880215 Addendum to Environmental Management Plan; Heather Glen Golf Niblett Environmental Associates PPSG399 Course Inc. 20000612 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG595 Hydrogeologic Investigation of Pinecrest East Limited 19951115 PPSG44 Water Budget and Stormwater Management Study Burnside Golf Services 20001109 Hydrogeologic Investigation at a proposed Sanitary Landfill Site, in PSSG69 Darlington and Cartwright townships Hydrology Consultants Limited 19730201 Water Resource Investigations of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Ontario: NGWR4 Geology and Hydrogeology Geological Survey of Canada 19971001 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Water Quality of Ontario Ministry of Environment NPHO2 Headwater Streams, Oak Ridges Moraine and Energy 19961201 Preliminary geotechnical and hydrological evaluation of a proposed 40 lot residential subdivision and [Winchester] golf course part of lots 32 POFG2 and 33, Concession VII, Whitby Township Golder Associates 19880204 Hydrogeological study, Phase II of a proposed cemetery site, East POFG382 Whitby, Part of Lot 17, Concession 3, City of Oshawa Morrison Beatty Limited 19820908 Geotechnical Investigation and On-Site Private Waste System Design Bruce A. Brown Associates PPSG371 for a proposed crematorium Limited 20000808 Hydrogeologic Assessment, Farewell Creek Community Concept, Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSSG43 Hydrogeologic Assessment, Courtice Urban Area, Town of Newcastle Ltd. 19930303 Initial Environmental Evaluation of Extensions to Runways 04 and 12 ESSA Ltd. / Greer Galloway of Oshawa Airport for the City of Oshawa & Transport Canada Airports Group / LURA Group / Rowan PSSG126 Authority Group (Draft) Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. 19931031 PSDG785 DRAFT REPORT Peto MacCallum Ltd. 20010516 Hydrogeologic Assessment, Proposed Tyrone Development, Town of PSDG177 Newcastle Hydrology Consultants Limited 19820815 Henry Kortekaas & Associates POFG92 Preliminary Landscape Analysis Inc. 19880321 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG77 Hydrogeologic Assessment Ltd. 19900428 PSDG797 Phase 1 Peto MacCallum Ltd. 20020213 Preliminary Hydrogeological Evaluation, Proposed Industrial PSDG594 Subdivision, Taunton Rd., Oshawa 18T-90040 Golder Associates Ltd. 19900901 NPHG2 Environmental Land Use and Hydrological Study of Northeast Oshawa Damas and Smith Limited 19760206 PSSG26 Landfill Golf Courses National Golf Foundation 20000119 A soil investigation for proposed residential subdivision [Libbywood POFG94 estates] , Block B, Lots 31 and 32, Con IV, Newcastle Soil-Eng Limited 19851231 Agra Earth & Environmental PSDG59 Geotechnical Investigation for Brooklin East Limited 19990920 Highway 407 Route Planning and Environmental Assessment Study; Highway 48 E to Whitby-Oshawa boundary WP 282-86-01 MTO PGDG13 Transport Planning Office Paper 1 FENCO / Lavalin 19910131 Soil Test Borings for Proposed New Subdivision, Hopkins Street, PSDG98 Whitby Twp, Lot 22, Concession 1, Whitby Ontario J.T. Donald & Co. Limited 19741231 U.S. Department of Agriculture, NLPG13 Ponds for Water Supply and Recreation, Information Booklets Soil Conservation Service 19710101 PSDG307 Geotechnical Investigation Soil Probe Ltd. 19990609 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG12 Hydrogeology of Proposed Residential Subdivision, 18T-91017 Limited 19940701 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PPSG300 Private Servicing for Water and Sewage Ltd. 20000103

March, 2007 Page 296 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Report On Hydrogeological And Geotechnical Investigation Proposed PSDG38 Cullen Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19911209 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PPSG687 Hydrogeologic Assessment (technical appendix) Ltd. 20010315 Handbook of the principles of hydrology Gray, D.M., ed. 19701231 Preliminary Hydrogeologic Assessment; Proposed Residential Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG101 Development, Part Lot 25, Con. 6 Ltd. 19890501 Waterloo Geoscience POFG521 Hydrogeologist's Report Consultants Ltd. 20020530 Preliminary Hydrogeological Investigation and Remedial Alternatives LOVS1 Evaluation for CLOCA Property Canviro Consultants Ltd. 19871201 Factors Affecting Suitability of On-Farm Remedial Measures for Non- Point Pollution Control, Report on Soil Conservation Practices in the NSTG19 Canadian Great Lakes Basin Pharo, Christopher J. 19820405 Ontario Ministries of Natural Resources, Environment, Guidelines on Erosion and Sediment Control for Urban Construction Municipal Affairs, Transport & PGDP5 Sites Communications 19871201 POFG437 Preliminary Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Evaluation Golder Associates Ltd. 19860214 Natural Heritage System for the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, GTA Geomatics International Inc. / Portion, Background Study No. 4 to the Oak Ridges Moraine Planning Oak Ridges Moraine Technical NPHO1 Study Working Committee 20010107 Hydrogeological study, Kingsway subdivision, Oshawa (parts of Lots 1 PSDG16 to 3, Con II) M.M. Dillon Limited 19920831 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 Best Management Practices - Horticultural Crops Affairs 20000711 Sewage Disposal for the Hamlet of Ashburn, for Whitby Planning PSSG161 Department Underwood McLellan Ltd. 19831112 POFG188 Supplementary Monitoring Report, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Hydroterra Limited 20020827 PSDG44 Carruther's Creek Marsh Wetland, Environmental Impact Study M.M. Dillon Limited 19941129 Environmental Considerations for Proposed Official Plan Amendment, G.M. Sernas & Associates POFG487 Part of Lot 17; Con. I, Scugog Limited 19890927 Supplemental Ground Water Study, Proposed Glovers Road PSDG6 Residential Development, City of Oshawa Jagger Hims Limited 20020809 An Organic Soil Capability Classification for Agriculture and a Study of Federal-Provincial Rural NSTG19 Organic Soils; Simcoe County Development Agreement 19690901 LHDB7 Whitby Landfill 1993-1994 Surface Water Monitoring Program Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19990108 Preliminary geotechnical & hydrogeological evaluation of proposed residential subdivision Cole/Thapar property, Lot 17, Con I Scugog POFG487 Twp. Golder Associates Ltd. 19890515 PSDG268 Environmental Evaluation of Bonnydon and Gay Properties Bird and Hale Ltd. 19930210 Preliminary Report to Address Environmental and Water Resource PSDG262 Concerns D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 19950201 Halton Aquifer Management Plan - Phase 1 (Background NGWR6 Hydrogeology), Report Halton RM 20010108 Ontario Ministry of Natural NWTG7 Northern Ontario Wetland Evaluation System - August 1992 Draft Resources 19920831 Hydrogeological Assessment, Stormwater Management and Bruce A. Brown Associates PPSG371 Functional Grading Plan Limited 20000808 Supplementary Hydrogeological Investigation, for Hampstock PSDG785 Developments Inc. Peto MacCallum Ltd. 20010518 Linsley Jr., Ray K., Kohler, Max NLPG17 Hydrology for Engineers (Second Edition) A. and. Paulhus, Joseph L.H. 19750101 PSDG59 Report to Brookvalley Developments Soil-Eng Limited 19981125 Principles of understanding between Blue Circle and Clarington for LWSA1 waterfront regeneration trust for Westside Marsh not reported The Web of Life, a Plan for Two Dynamic Coastal Wetlands Lynde Central Lake Ontario LLNG1 Shores Conservation Area, Management Plan Report Conservation Authority 19990301 Report on Hydrogeological Impact Assessment Proposed Durham PSDG14 Fields Subdivision, City of Oshawa Golder Associates Ltd. 19930302 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 Best Management Practices - Water Wells Affairs 19970101

March, 2007 Page 297 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Preliminary Landscape Analysis for Bowmanville Highland Estates Rural Development Consultants PSDG291 (Mearns Farm) Limited 19891006 Report on Geotechnical Investigation FKT Co-Tenancy Development, PSDG62 Parcel South of Conlin Road Golder Associates Ltd. 19950510 Groundwater Management Strategy Study, York, Peel & Durham Agra Earth & Environmental NGWR2 Regions, Phase 1, Draft Report (18 Aug. 2000) Limited 20000822 POFG168 Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Investigation Terraprobe Limited 19930118 Hydrologic Assessment, Proposed Madgwick Development, Town of PSDG187 Newcastle Hydrology Consultants Limited 19820309 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG234 Hydrogeologic Investigation Ltd. 19870312 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 Best Management Practices - Water Management Affairs 20000808 Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Systems in the Oak Ridges NPHO1 Moraine Area Proctor & Redfern Limited 20010107 F:engineer s\memos\p c Provincial surface water quality monitoring network Sisson, Perry 20020923 Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Investigation, Private Water Supply & PSDG291 Sewage Disposal Systems; Bowmanville Highland Estates Peto MacCallum Ltd. 19891006 Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation to Subsurface Soil PSDG250 and Groundwater Conditions, Lacroix Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19870312 OPA-1998- Hydrogeologic investigation, proposed Honey Heights [residential] Walter H. Gibson & Associates 005 development, Scugog [Reach] twp, part lots 21 and 22, con VIII Ltd. 19891110 OPA-1998- 005 Letter with Walter H. Gibson (19880506) appended V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19980910 OPA-1998- Walter H. Gibson & Associates 005 Addendum to geotechnical investigation Ltd. 19880506 OPA-2002- Aggregate potential and groundwater table evaluation; Condor Pit, 009 [Uxbridge twp, part lot 22, con III] Gorrell Resource Investigations 20020731 OPA-1999- Hydrogeologic Assessment of proposed expansion of Sunny Brae GC, 014 Scugog twp, part lot 14, cons IV & V Hydro-Geo Limited 19991022 OPA-1999- Peer review of Hydro-Geo Limited (19991022) Sunny Brae 9 hole 014 expansion. Oakridge Environmental Ltd. 20020913 OPA-1999- Water supply and hydrogeological study, proposed Sandhills GC, 007 Uxbridge twp, [part lot 16 - 18, Con IV] Beatty Franz Associates 20010131 OPA-2002- Waterloo Geoscience 003 Pumping from a pond for irrigation, Darlington, part lot 10, con VI Consultants Ltd. 20020527 18T-88006 Peer Review, part lot 22, con VII, Uxbridge Jagger Hims Limited 19970409 Hydrogeologic study; proposed residential subdivision, hamlet of Walter H. Gibson & Associates 18T-82033 Prince Albert (Scugog [Reach] twp) Ltd. 19970711 18T-82033 Peer review Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19980327 EA; effects of unregistered dump on proposed subdivision, part lot 2, 18T-86013 con V, Pickering Twp V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19971208 Hydrogeological investigation of proposed residential subdivision, part 18T-86013 lot 2 , con V, Pickering Twp. V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19970831 18T-86013 Peer review of V.A. Woods (19970831) Jagger Hims Limited 19971203 Hydrogeological and geotechnical investigation of a proposed 18T-86013 subdivision, part lot 2, con V, Pickering Twp. V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19980131 18T-86013 Response to outstanding hydrogeologic issues (18T-88013) Hydroterra Limited 19980626 18T-86035 Peer review of Gartner Lee (1997) Jagger Hims Limited 19980311 18T-95035 Gartner Lee Associates Limited 1998rev Rural servicing study; Goodwood residential development, Uxbridge, 18T-99003 part lot 15, con II. Jagger Hims Limited 19980525 Groundwater supply assessment, Goodwood West residential 18T-99003 development, Uxbridge, part lot 15, con II Jagger Hims Limited 19981125 Hydrogeological investigation; proposed industrial subdivisions, 18T-99002 Scugog [Reach], part lot 13, con VI Golder Associates Ltd. 19940708 Supplemental hydrogeological evaluation, proposed dry industrial 18T-99002 park, Reach, part lot 13, con VI. Jagger Hims Limited 19980401 Preliminary geotechnical and hydrogeological evaluation of proposed 18T-88006 residential subdivision Uxbridge, part lot 22, con VIII Golder Associates Ltd. 19871222

March, 2007 Page 298 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Environmental investigation, proposed subdivision, Uxbridge, part lot 18T-88006 22, con VIII. Golder Associates Ltd. 19940531 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 18T-89079 Groundwater investigation; Scugog [Cartwright], part lot 24, con XII Limited 19900630 Groundwater supply assessment, Goodwood West residential 18T-98020 development, Uxbridge, part lot 15, con II Jagger Hims Limited 19981125 18T-98020 Pumping test data [Project 98953.02, Wells WW1 & 4, TW98-1] Trow, Dames & Moore 19981130 Preliminary geotechnical report, Goodwood industrial park, Hwy 47 at 18T-98020 RR 21, Uxbridge Twp. Trow Geotechnical Limited 19880425 18T-98003 Peer review of Jagger Hims supplementary letter (19990720) Hydroterra Limited 19990909 18T-98020 Peer review of Jagger Hims Limited (19980531 and 19981130). Hydroterra Limited 19990420 18T-98020 Response to peer review. Jagger Hims Limited 19990720 Goodwood NE residential development, groundwater supply 18T-98021 investigation, Uxbridge, part lot 16, con III. Jagger Hims Limited 19981222 Subsurface sewage assessment, Goodwood NE residential 18T-98021 development Jagger Hims Limited 19980601 Preliminary geotechnical study, residential subdivision, Uxbridge twp, 18T-98021 part lot 16, con III. Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd. 19990122 On-site sewage disposal and nitrate impact assessment, Goodwood 18T-99003 residential development, Uxbridge Twp part lot 15, con III Jagger Hims Limited 19990216 Groundwater supply investigation, Goodwood residential subdivision, 18T-99003 Uxbridge Twp, part lot 15, con III Jagger Hims Limited 19990216 Proposed residential subdivision, Goodwood N, Uxbridge Twp, part lot 18T-95022 16, con II Goffco Limited 19990915 Preliminary hydrogeological evaluation, proposed Goodwood N 18T-95022 subdivision. Jagger Hims Limited 19911112 Hydrogeological investigation, proposed Elgin Park subdivision, 18T-95019 Uxbridge town (part lot 28, con VI) Golder Associates Ltd. 20000503 Addendum to hydrogeological investigation, Elgin Park s subdivision, 18T-95019 Uxbridge Golder Associates Ltd. 20001110 MOEE hydrogeological technical information requirements for land A1402 development applications. Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19940531 D0722 Natural resources - areas of natural and scientific interest File various D0726 Groundwater Management Strategy Study for Durham File various OPA-1999- Hydrogeologic Evaluation, Simcoe Landing Golf Academy, Brock 001 [Thorah] township for Kaneff Properties Limited. Terraprobe Limited 19990729 OPA-1999- Hydrogeologic Evaluation Simcoe Golf Academy, Brock [Thorah] twp. 001 (Kaneff Properties).L Terraprobe Limited 19991004 OPA-1995- Hydrogeologic Assessment report, proposed [Crooked Green] golf 006 course, Darlington Twp (part lot 3, con IV) Geo-Logic Inc. 19971231 OPA-1997- Hydrogeological assessment for Westwind golf complex, Pickering twp 010 (parts lots 13 to 15, con VIII) Burnside Environmental Limited 19961224 OPA-2002- Water supply study, AGS golf course, Uxbridge twp, parts lots 22 to 001 25, con I Beatty & Associates Limited 20020426 OPA-2002- Hydrological assessment, proposed [Angus Glen Development, 27 W.B. Beatty and Associates 001 hole] golf course, Goodwood, Uxbridge twp. Limited 20011231 OPA-2002- Geology and aggregate resources, proposed [Angus Glen, 27 hole] 001 golf course, Goodwood, Uxbridge twp. Jagger Hims Limited 20020211 LOPA- Hydrogeological assessment of Victoria Woods golf course, Newcastle 1997-014 (Clarke Twp), part, lots 26 & 27, con I. Burnside Environmental Limited 19971028 OPA-1992- Phase II hydrogeologic evaluation, proposed golf course, Scugog 010 Twp, part lot 10, con I. Hydroterra Limited 19960831 OPA-1992- Phase II hydrogeologic evaluation, proposed golf course, Scugog 010 Twp, part lot 10, con I. Hydroterra Limited 19960831 OPA-1992- Phase I hydrogeologic evaluation and EIS, proposed golf course, 010 Scugog [Reach] Twp, part lot 10, con I. Hydroterra Limited 19950131 OPA-1992- Draft Phase II hydrogeologic evaluation, proposed golf course, 010 Scugog Twp, part lot 10, con I.-Response to CLOCA re 3 questions Hydroterra Limited 19961220 OPA-1995- Preliminary geotechnical and hydrogeological evaluation, [DeGraauw 005 Holdings] Pickering Twp, part lot 11, con VIII Golder Associates Ltd. 19880728 OPA-1995- site servicing and impact study; proposed Spring Creek residential 005 development, Pickering Twp, part lot 11, con VIII. Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19950831 OPA-1997- Draft report; existing conditions, EIS, proposed Olympian Hills golf 014 course, Oshawa [East Whitby Twp, part lots 12 to 14, con IX] Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19990217 OPA-1997- Hydrogeological study; proposed Watson's Glen golf course, Pickering 023 twp, part lots 1 & 2, con VII Oakridge Environmental Ltd. 19990731 March, 2007 Page 299 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization OPA-1997- Hydrogeological study; proposed Watson's Glen golf course, Pickering 023 twp, part lots 1 & 2, con VII Oakridge Environmental Ltd. 19980430 OPA-2000- Groundwater supply and sewage servicing investigation; [Cherry 005 Downs], Pickering Twp part lots 14 to 17, con VII. Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19930732 Rural servicing study, XMPL, phase II, Claremont, Pickering twp, part 18T-88030 lot 19, con VIII Jagger Hims Limited 19970204 Groundwater availability study, proposed subdivision 18T-88030, 18T-88030 Claremont, Pickering twp Geo-Logic Inc. 19890321 Report on test drilling program, groundwater availability study, hamlet of Claremont Geo-Environ Limited 19850228 Preliminary soils investigation and septic tank suitability, Goodwood 18T-88031 Industrial park, Uxbridge twp Trow Dames & Moore 19880404 Preliminary groundwater availability study, Goodwood Industrial Park, Uxbridge twp. Trow Dames & Moore 19880331 Minstry of Environment and Goodwood well contamination investigation. Energy 1987 Preliminary geotechnical report, Goodwood industrial subdivision, Hwy 18T-88031 47 and RR 21, Uxbridge twp. Trow Dames & Moore 19880425 Preliminary groundwater availability study, Goodwood industrial park, 18T-88031 Uxbridge twp Trow Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 19880223 Groundwater availability and septic system suitability study for Uxbridge twp, part lot 15, con II. Trow Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 19900829 18T-96015 Peer review, Jagger Hims letter reports. Hydroterra Limited 19970930 Hydrogeologic investigation, proposed residential subdivision, Zephir, 18T-96015 Uxbridge [Scott] twp, part lots 26 & 27, con II. Terraprobe Limited 19961210 Groundwater resource evaluation, proposed 18 hole [Granite] golf 18T-98007 course, Uxbridge twp, part lots 9 & 10, con I. M.M. Dillon Limited 19981016 18T-98007 Granite golf, working paper #1 M.M. Dillon Limited 19980904 Hydrogeological study, St. James G & CC, Uxbridge twp, part lots 9 & Rural Development Consultants 10, con I. Limited 1990630 OPA-1997- Demonstration well program, proposed estate subdivision, Uxbridge, Rural Development Consultants 024 part lots 8 & 9, con IV. Limited 19921130 OPA-2000- Hydrogeologic study, proposed Heritage Hills II subdivision, Uxbridge 003 Twp, part lot 22, con VI Hydro-Geo Limited 20010117 OPA-2000- 003 Peer review of Hydro-Geo Limited (20010117). Jagger Hims Limited 20021028 OPA-1998- Level II hydrogeologic assessment, proposed Brock Pit; license 011 amendments, final report [Brock twp, part lots 11 to 14, cons IV & V] Stanley Consulting Group Ltd. 20010606 OPA-1998- Hydrogeological investigations for Custom Concrete Ltd., Brock twp, 011 lot 12, con IV Dixon Hydrology Limited 1988 OPA-1998- Site plans Haight Pit (P747050), Plant Pit (P742761), North and Esker 011 Pits (P7401134). Brock Aggregates Ltd various OPA-1998- 011 Private water well survey, Sunderland properties. Groundwater Science 20001113 OPA-1998- Documentation [peer] review, Sunderland property, Brock Aggregates 011 Inc. Hydroterra Limited 19991130 Report on test drilling program, groundwater availability study, hamlet of Claremont Geo-Environ Limited 19850228 Preliminary groundwater availability study, Goodwood Industrial Park, Uxbridge twp. Trow Dames & Moore 19880331 Groundwater availability and septic system suitability study for Uxbridge twp, part lot 15, con II. Trow Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 19900829 Hydrogeological study, St. James G & CC, Uxbridge twp, part lots 9 & Rural Development Consultants 10, con I. Limited 1990630 Preliminary geotechnical assessment, proposed rural estate GRCA-007 development [on 23 ha], Newcastle (Clarke) Twp, part lot 19, con II Soil-Eng Limited 19891130 Geotechnical investigation, proposed water pollution control plant, GRCA-001 expansion, town of Newcastle, Durham RM Geo-Canada Ltd. 19910731 Soil investigation for a proposed residential subdivision, town of GRCA-002 Newcastle, part lots 26 & 27, con I Soil-Eng Limited 19900131 Hydrogeological assessment for proposed [residential development, GRCA-003 town of Newcastle] V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19910531 Geotechnical investigation, proposed [lakefront residential] GRCA-004 development, Newcastle. V.A. Wood Associates Limited 19900731

March, 2007 Page 300 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Ganaraska River watershed study, phase 1, background report, final GRCA-005 report Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19950503 Preliminary groundwater assessment, proposed rural estate GRCA-006 development, Newcastle (Clark Twp, part lot 19, con II) Rannie, T. 19891205 Technical background report, Dufferin Aggregates, Mosport Pit, GRCA-008 application to licence an [additional] 4 ha pit. Jagger Hims Limited 19951130 GRCA-009 Foster Creek Subwatershed planning study Gartner Lee Associates Limited 20010312 Hydrology, Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd, Newcastle landfill, Marshall Macklin Monaghan GRCA-010 proposed infill [Clarke twp, part lot 11 & 12, con III] Limited 19890717 Hydrogeological Study, Proposed Watson's Glen golf course; Town of 099 Pickering Lots 1 & 2, Con VII, part. Oakridge Environmental Ltd. 19990701 098 Handbook of the principles of hydrology Gray, D.M., ed. 19701231 A management strategy for the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watersheds; report of the Duffins Creek and Caruthers Creek joint Toronto Region Conservation 097 task force, -DRAFT- Authority 20020626 Greenland International Consulting, Inc. / ESG 096 Nonquon River subwatershed study; background report. International 20020719 101 Island Lake, hydrogeological study, Durham RM Dixon Hydrology Limited 19890915 Hydrogeologic study, proposed landfill expansion [40 ha in Darlington, 102 Lots 11 & 12, Con III), Town of Newcastle. Morrison Beatty Limited 19821130 Hydrogeology study, Darlington [Lot 10, Con IX] land fill site, Durham 103 RM Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19790420 Installation of 4 additional monitor wells, Darlington Landfill, Durham 104 RM Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19800423 Plan of operation and management for proposed T. Puckrin & Son Limited, sanitary landfill, Scugog [Cartwright?] Twp, lot 10, Con I; 105 Municipality of Scugog Hydrology Consultants Limited 19740731 Report on T. Puckrin and Son Landfill, Township of Reach (lot 10, Con 106 I N½) Hydrology Consultants Limited 19731231 Amended final plans and specifications for [Darlington-Cartwright] 107 landfill Hydrology Consultants Limited 19740331 Final plans and specifications for Durham sanitary landfill, Darlington 108 lot 32, Con X) & Cartwright (lot 3, Con I) Townships. Hydrology Consultants Limited 19740131 Report on the design and operation features of a proposed sanitary landfill in Cartwright (lot 3, Con I)and Darlington (lot 32, Con X) 109 townships. Ambrose, H. 19730601 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 110 Groundwater monitoring and impact study Brookwood development Limited 19880204 Review of hydrogeology and assessment of existing designs for Brock 111 [Road] North and South landfill sites, Metro Toronto Golder Associates Ltd. 19870512 [6 observation wells] field and laboratory testing program, Brock South 112 landfill, Pickering twp. Golder Associates Ltd. 19870501 Guidelines for establishment, operation, management , maintenance Minstry of Environment and 113 and closure of landfill sites in Ontario. Energy undated Minstry of Environment and 114 Water well records; Durham, Northumberland and Durham Energy not reported Private water system study, hamlet of Claremont, town of Pickering for 115 MOE Simcoe Engineering 19850215 Report on a test drilling and groundwater availability study, hamlet of 116 Claremont, town of Pickering Geo-Environ Limited 19850215 Hydrogeologic review report; proposed residential developments, Baldwin Estates and Baldwin Gardens, Parts of Lots 27 & 28, Con IV, PSDG659 Whitby. Geo-Logic Inc. 20000508 PSDG659 Soil Investigation Soil-Eng Limited 20000630 PSDG660 not reported Report on a Hydrogeologic Study, Draft Approved Residential PSDG68 Subdivision, Hamlet of Ashburn, Whitby Gibson Associates Ltd. 19960912 PSDG735 Subsurface Drainage Assessment of a Filled Ground Slope Soil-Eng Limited 19870128 PSDG781 Hydrogeologic Study Terraprobe Limited 20010619 PSDG785 not reported PSDG785 Supplementary Hydrogeological Investigation Peto MacCallum Ltd. 20010518 PSDG791 Preliminary Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation Golder Associates Ltd. 20011003 PSDG797 Phase 1 Peto MacCallum Ltd. 20020213 PSDG90 Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19900301 Soil Test Borings for Proposed New Subdivision, Hopkins Street, PSDG98 Whitby Twp, Lot 22, Concession 1 J.T. Donald & Co. Limited 19741231 March, 2007 Page 301 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Further Soil Test Borings for Proposed New Subdivision, Hopkins PSDG98 Street, Whitby Twp, Lot 22, Concession 1 J.T. Donald & Co. Limited 19750211 Geotechnical Study Regrading of Block 'A' Proposed Industrial PSDG98 Subdivision Sunray Street, Whitby Dominion Soil Investigation Inc. 19810901 001 Bayly St Pumping Station; discharge section stage II Gore & Storrie Limited 19780911 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 002 Central Duffins and Airport collectors interim sewage works Limited 19751014 Predesign report: York Durham Sewage Works, Southeast Trunk 003 Sewer James F. McLaren Limited 19741031 Ground water monitoring for Carruthers Creek sewage works; phase I 004 - installation of monitoring wells. M.M. Dillon Limited 19891013 005 Investigation of rock squeeze K.Y. Lo Inc. 19900326 006 Site Investigation for Water supply plant, Ajax Cutforth White Associates 19901023 007 Geo-Canada Ltd. 19890630 Carruthers Ck sanitary sewer; installation of groundwater monitoring 008 facilities M.M. Dillon Limited 19960123 Report on an investigation of private groundwater supplies, hamlet of 009 Ashburn Morrison Beatty Limited 19900124 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 010 Brooklin direct grant program hydrological report Limited 19900308 Geotechnical assessment and well impact assessment, proposed 011 zone 3 reservoir, [800 m N of] Conlin and Harmony rds, [Oshawa]. Golder Associates Ltd. 19991224 Geotechnical investigation report, [former Whitby Auto Wreckers] 012 proposed Victory Estates [serviced residential] development, Whitby Geo-Logic Inc. 19940630 013 Geology and ground water hydrology; Lynde Creek watershed. Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19930731 Well interference and monitoring study, Pinecrest planning community, Marshall Macklin Monaghan 014 Oshawa Limited 19930306 Report on well construction programme, community of Orono, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates / 015 Regional Municipality of Durham Morrison Beatty Limited 19860605 016 1960 017 1965 018 1986 019 Newtonville Water Supply, Phase I Hydrogeology MacLaren Engineers Inc. 19871007 Improvements to private water systems in the hamlet of Newtonville, Town of Newcastle. Report to MOE, Volume 2, Results of lot survey 020 and assessment of water supplies. MacLaren Engineers Inc. 19840920 021 Newtonville water supply, phase I report. MacLaren Engineers Inc. 19870107 022 Newtonville water supply, phase I report. MacLaren Engineers Inc. 19880107 023 Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19900102 024 Skinner Springs Supply, Town of Newcastle (Darlington, lot 5, Con VII) Hydroterra Limited 19890321 Class EA for Zone 1 water storage reservoir, Town of Newcastle 025 (Bowmanville) Durham RM, Works Department 19930510 Geotechnical investigation and well impact assessment, proposed Bowmanville zone 2 reservoir, [Darlington] lot 12, Con IV), town of 026 Newcastle Golder Associates Ltd. 19920819 Report on improvements to private water services in the hamlet of 027 Newtonville, town of Newcastle MacLaren Engineers Inc. 19840920 028 Permit to take water, Orono Municipal Wells MW3 and MW4. Jagger Hims Limited 19991221 029 Hydrologic appraisal, Orono water system for Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 20001130 Property survey of private sewage disposal services, Orono urban 030 area, Municipality of Clarington Jagger Hims Limited 20010918 Testing of Municipal well 2 and test well 11-74, Cannington well 031 system, Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 19891031 032 Hydrogeological evaluation of Cannington municipal well system Hydroterra Limited 19881130 033 System Permit evaluation, Cannington Municipal wells. Jagger Hims Limited 20000331 034 Sunderland municipal wells 1 & 2; application for permit to take water. Jagger Hims Limited 19981117 Class EA; Cannington communal water supply works; schedule B 035 (documentation) Jagger Hims Limited 19961122 Cannington communal water supply system; response to MOE 036 comments Jagger Hims Limited 20001108 Groundwater impact study; proposed new municipal well, Uxbridge, 037 Durham RM. International Water Supply Ltd. 19900309 Long term water supply for small urban areas in Scugog, Uxbridge 038 and Brock; feasibility study. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19931220 Water supply availability [Port Perry, Uxbridge, Cannington, 039 Sunderland, Greenbank and Blackstock] Durham RM, phase I study. Hydroterra Limited 19920831 March, 2007 Page 302 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Future ground water development [Port Perry, Uxbridge, Cannington, 040 Sunderland, Greenbank and Blackstock] Durham RM, phase II study. Hydroterra Limited 19920430 041 Hydroterra Limited not reported 042 Report on water works system, township of Brock (Cannington) Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19881229 Preliminary hydrogeologic review for Uxbridge supplementary water 043 supply Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19900503 Hydrogeological study, Island Lake (Uxbridge Lot 22, Con I and 044 Whitchurch Lot 20, Con IX), Durham RM Dixon Hydrology Limited 19890622 Groundwater availability study, Uxbridge Township, part of Lots 23 to 045 26, Con VI, Durham RM Morrison Beatty Limited 19920428 International Water Consultants 046 Groundwater investigation, Town of Uxbridge, Durham RM Ltd. 19770526 048 Construction and testing of Blackstock municipal well MW8 Jagger Hims Limited 19991007 International Water Consultants 049 Preliminary groundwater study, Town of Uxbridge Ltd. 19760505 050 Groundwater investigation, Town of Uxbridge, Durham RM. Turnbull, D.R. 19790928 Permit to take water, TW99-2, Groundwater supply investigation, 051 Village of Woodville. Jagger Hims Limited 19990507 Greenbank [water supply] exploration programme, summary report, 052 Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 19900930 Engineer's report for water works; hydrogeologic component; Uxville 053 [industrial park] water supply. Jagger Hims Limited 20010518 054 Report on private well supplies, Greenbank, Scugog township. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19860321 Well construction and testing (Scugog Twp part of lots 12 & 13, Con 055 XI, Hamlet of Greenbank. Hydrology Consultants Limited 19860406 Groundwater availability and testing near Greenbank, Scugog Twp 056 (lots 11 & 12, Con XI) Hydrology Consultants Limited 19841126 Groundwater availability, well construction and testing, Hamlet of 057 Greenbank Trow Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 19850826 Report on private water supplies, community of Greenbank, Scugog 058 twp. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19830731 059 Capacity testing, Greenbank communal system, Scugog twp Hydroterra Limited 19891130a Regional hydrologic appraisal, Greenbank exploration program, 060 Scugog twp, Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 19891130b Status report, groundwater exploration and water supply, Greenbank, 061 Scugog Twp. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19900402 Greenbank [ground water] exploration program, Scugog Twp, Durham 062 RM Hydroterra Limited 19890830 Hydrogeological investigations; Honey estates, Phase 2, Scugog Twp 063 (part, lots 21 to 23, Con VIII) Goffco Limited 19990427 064 Groundwater appraisal, Village of Port Perry system, Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 19890206 065 Hydrogeologic report, Greenbank water system, Durham RM Hydroterra Limited 20000501 066 Permit to take water, Port Perry municipal wells Jagger Hims Limited 19981120 International Water Consultants 068 Preliminary groundwater study, Port Perry, Durham RM Ltd. 19750210 International Water Consultants 069 Groundwater investigation, Port Perry, Durham RM Ltd. 19750911 International Water Consultants 070 No. 6 well construction; Port Perry, Durham RM Ltd. 19761108 Municipal Well MW6, groundwater impact assessment [on closed 071 Blackstock landfill site], Jagger Hims Limited 20001130a 072 Groundwater resource evaluation, Blackstock municipal wells. Jagger Hims Limited 20001130b 073 Port Perry water system, engineers report, Durham RM Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 20010531 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 074 Hamlet servicing study, Durham RM Limited 19900618 Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Oak Ridges moraine area (part of Hunter and Associates with 075 background report no. 3. Volume 1) RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 19960131 Bibliography; hydrogeologic evaluation of the Oak Ridges moraine, Hunter and Associates with 076 part of background report 3, Volume 2. RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 19960131 Oak Ridges moraine hydrogeologic evaluation, part of background Hunter and Associates with 077 report 3, Executive summary RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 19960329 Graphic monitoring data (appendix II) and glacial geology and cross sections (appendix III), hydrogeologic evaluation of the Oak Ridges Hunter and Associates with 078 moraine, part of background report 3, volume IV RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 19960131

March, 2007 Page 303 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Appendix IV, selected water well record printouts [by township], Hydrogeologic evaluation of the Oak Ridges moraine area., part of Hunter and Associates with 079 background report No. 3, volume 5 RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 19960131 Soil Investigation for a Proposed Subdivision, Blair Street Whitby Twp, PSDG403 Part of Lot 24, Con. 1 Chih S. Huang & Associates Inc. 19870422 POFG468 Phase II Hydrogeologic Evaluation Environmental Impact Study Hydroterra Limited 19960911 Preliminary Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Evaluation for a PSDG791 Proposed Residential Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 20011003 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG122 KINGSWAY MEADOWS AND ESTATES LIMITED Limited 19990329 Groundwater Monitoring and Impact Assessment for CLOCA's PSSG108 Oshawa Property in 1989 CH2M Hill Engineering Ltd. 19910401 Groundwater Availability Study Proposed Residential Subdivision, Lot Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG573 12, Con. 6, Oshawa 18T-86052 Ltd. 19900119 Preliminary Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Evaluation, Proposed POFG293 Subdivision, Macedonian Village, near Brooklin, Ontario Golder Associates Ltd. 19870827 Niblett Environmental Associates POFG23 Draft Report Inc. 20010831 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG12 Infiltration Potential Report, Harmony Creek, Branch 3 Limited 19940204 York Peel Durham Steering Committee / AMEC Earth & Groundwater Management Strategy Study; York, Peel and Durham Environmental Ltd / Totten Sims APJA2 Regions, Phase 1 Final Report May 2001 Hubicki / Terraprobe Ltd 20010501 Halton Aquifer Management Plan - Phase 2, (Municipal wellhead NGWR6 protection program, technical study) Report Halton RM 20010108 A Report to Harmax Developments Limited, a Soil Investigation for PSDG262 Proposed Residential Subdivision Soil-Eng Limited 19960918 POFG188 Hydrogeologic Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Hydro-Geo Limited 20010424 POFG11 Hydrogeological Study, Proposed Residential Development not reported Walter H. Gibson & Associates PZOG1232 Hydrogeologic Assessment (technical appendix) Ltd. 20010315 PSDG280 Hydrogeological Study for Proposed Macourtice Gardens Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19910926 Proposed Environmental Impact Study, Proposed Columbus Golf POFG188 Course Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19991221 POFG23 Crooked Creek Golf Course, Environmental Impact Study Shadowland 19991122 PSDG110 Supplementary Geotechnical Investigation McClymont & Rak Engineers, Inc. 19990623 Groundwater Management Strategy Study, York, Peel & Durham Amec Earth & Environmental NGWR2 Regions, Phase 1, Draft Report #2 Limited / Peter G. Rider 20001213 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Best Management Practices - Livestock and Poultry Waste Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 Management, (Sustainable Farming) Affairs 19940101 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Best Management Practices - Integrated Pest Management, Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 (Sustainable Farming) Affairs 19960101 Hydrogeologic Assessment, Proposed Residential Development, PSDG202 Town of Newcastle Hydrology Consultants Limited 19830113 Landscape Analysis, Golf Course with Estate Residential Development, Lakeridge Links Golf Course, Whitby Lots 32 and 33, Cosburn Giberson Consultants POFG2 Concession VII, Town of Whitby Inc 19880408 LHDG1 Mammals of the Lynde Creek Watershed, 1999 Barton, Melissa 19991026 Hydrogeologic Study, Draft-Approved Residential Subdivision, Hamlet Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG68 of Ashburn (Whitby) Ltd. 19960912 Geotechnical Investigation and Slope Stability Analysis for the PSDG479 Proposed Hunter's Farm Soil-Eng Limited 19960930 Hydrogeologic Assessment of Existing Conditions, Commercial Waste Walter H. Gibson & Associates POFG93 Disposal System Ltd. 19880915 Bird and Hale Ltd. / Terraprobe / POFG188 Environmental Impact Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Archaelogical Services 20020408 Niblett Environmental Associates PPSG399 Heather Glen Golf Course, Environmental Management Plan Inc. 20000606 POFG491 Hydrogeologic Investigation Geo-Logic Inc. 20000824 G.M. Sernas & Associates PSDG306 Oshawa Creek Tributary; Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Limited 19950206

March, 2007 Page 304 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Groundwater Recharge-Discharge Assessment, Potential PSDG31 Development Impacts, Courtice North Golder Associates Ltd. 19960425 RPRG772 In-Ground "Class 4" Filter Bed Sewage System Design, Occo Van Tijn Grace & Associates 20000221 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG12 Erosion and Seepage Report Harmony Creek Branch 3 Limited 19931001 NGWR1 Durham Region Groundwater Strategy Terms of Reference Sisson, Perry 20000216 Report, Hydrologic Investigation, Proposed Townline Estates Development, Darlington Twp., Lots 31 and 32, Concession III, Town Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG205 of Newcastle. Ltd. 19860530 18T-87079 Marshall Macklin 19890630 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PZOG1250 Hydrogeologic Assessment Ltd. 20010725 Niblett Environmental Associates POFG23 Crooked Creek Golf Course Inc. 20011130 POFG40 Heather Glen Golf Course Hydro-Geo Limited 20000106 Marshall Macklin Monaghan PSDG16 Hydrogeological Assessment Limited 19990408 Trow Ontario (Oshawa) Ltd. / POFG400 Preliminary Groundwater Availability and Septic Suitability Study Trow Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 19870310 Niblett Environmental Associates POFG23 Crooked Creek Golf Course Inc. 19990329 PSDG279 Cliffgate Associates Limited not reported Associated Testing Services Limited / Cosburn Patterson PSSG142 Hydrogeologic Assessment and Development Town of Ajax Mather Limited 19970301 Geotechnical Study Regrading of Block 'A' Proposed Industrial PSDG98 Subdivision Sunray Street, Whitby Dominion Soil Investigation Inc. 19810901 POFG250 Hydrogeologic Investigation Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19900115 Halton Aquifer Management Plan - Phase 3, Discussion Paper on NGWR6 Groundwater Management Policy Options (Draft Report) Halton RM 20010108 Oak Ridges Moraine Technical NPHO3 The Oak Ridges Moraine Area Strategy for the GTA Working Committee 19940418 LHDB7 Whitby Landfill Site Expansion Design and Operations Report Gartner Lee Associates Limited 19990108 RPRG134 2 Sewage Disposal System, Westlake Estates Hydro-Geo Limited 20010724 Walter H. Gibson & Associates PSDG260 Hydrogeologic Assessment Ltd. 19890316 Report on Hydrogeological Impact and Slope Stability Assessment, PSDG11 Proposed Medlands Residential Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19931210 Marshall Macklin Monaghan NSSA6 Geological and Hydrogeological Investigation Limited 20010405 PPSG660 Stormwater management; Fercan Developments, Oshawa D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 20010131 Preliminary Hydrogeologic and Geotechnical Investigation Proposed PSDG279 Residential Subdivision Terraprobe Limited 19930604 Report on Geotechnical Investigation Proposed 511 Unit Residential PSDG12 Subdivision, 18T-91017 Golder Associates Ltd. 19940601 NGWR1 THE CLOCA GROUNDWATER SYSTEM INFORMATION REPORT Sisson, Perry 19990602 Subsoils and Hydrogeological Investigations for a Proposed Estate Bruce A. Brown Associates POFG460 Residential Subdivision, Town of Pickering Limited 19880408 Regional Municipality of Durham, Scugog Golf Course, Environmental POFG468 Impact Study Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19970403 Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Subdivisions, PSDG262 Courtice, Glen Estates and Trullsway Golder Associates Ltd. 19960918 Preliminary geotechnical and hydrogeological investigation for a home POFG269 improvement centre Golder Associates Ltd. 19890630 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural NSSA18 Best Management Practices - Field Crop Production Affairs 20000712 Groundwater Assessment of Proposed Residential Development, Oak PSDG54 Ridges Estates, City of Oshawa Hydroterra Limited 19870731 Evaluation of Ground Water Responses Applied to Bowmanville, Ontario Ministry of Environment NGWR5 Soper and Wilmot Creeks, IHD Drainage Basin Report and Energy 19810101 PPSG44 CARRUTHERS CREEK GOLF COURSE (PHASE II) EIS Gartner Lee Associates Limited 20001102 Johnson Sustronk Weinstein & NPHO1 Landform Conservation in the Oak Ridges Moraine Associates / HBT AGRA Limited 20010107

March, 2007 Page 305 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Options for Tomorrow, Alternative Planning and Design Approaches for the Oak Ridges Moraine, Prepared for the Ministry of Natural NPHO1 Resources, Greater Toronto Branch, Background Study No. 6 Ecologistics Limited 20010107 PSDG3 Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation Golder Associates Ltd. 20000710 POFG201 Hydrogeological Assessment, Proposed Residential Development Terraprobe Limited 19991216 Hydrogeological Study, Proposed Watson's Glen golf course; Town of Pickering Lots 1 & 2, Con VII, part. Oakridge Environmental Ltd. 19990701 NLPG14 Systematic Study of the Nearctic Larvae of the Hydropsyche Group Various authors 20000905 Alpha Environmental Services PPSG634 Hydrogeological Assessment; Proposed Temporary Driving Range Inc. 20020820 Kortekaas Lally Holmes POFG468 Turf Management Report, Golfer's Dream Golf Course Associates 19970327 Groundwater assessment of a proposed residential development, POFG75 Gaud's Corners, Darlington Twp Lot 15, Con III. Hydroterra Limited 19870501 POFG188 Environmental Impact Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 19991221 Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation, Brawley Estates PSDG434 Subdivision Golder Associates Ltd. 19890328 POFG3 OLYMPIAN HILLS GOLF COURSE R.F. Moote & Associates 19970609 Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation, Durham Fields PSDG14 Subdivision, Oshawa, Ontario Golder Associates Ltd. 19890925 PSDG781 Hydrogeologic Study for a proposed residential subdivision Terraprobe Limited 20010619 POFG40 Hydrogeologic Study, Heather Glenn Golf Course, Town of Pickering Hydro-Geo Limited 19990513 Central Lake Ontario NSSA36 Natural Heritage Documentation Conservation Authority 20000904 Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, Executive Hunter and Associates with NPHO1 Summary RavenBeck Environmental Ltd. 20010107 POFG188 Environmental Impact Study, Proposed Columbus Golf Course Bird and Hale Ltd. 19991221 PSDG1 Hydrogeologic Assessment Geo-Logic Inc. 19980527 Base Flow Impact Assessment of Proposed Bonnydon & Gay PSDG268 Developments Golder Associates Ltd. 19930210 PSDG780 Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Peel Property Hydroterra Limited 20001127 Walton & Hunter Planning NSSA45 Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Economic Impact Study Associates, et al. 19991119 Hydrogeological Assessment of Trullsway, Phases 1 and 2, and Glen Cambridge Engineering and PSDG262 Estates, Phase 2, Courtice Planning Consultants Limited 19900926

March, 2007 Page 306 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization APPENDIX 2: Drinking Water Surveillance Program (DWSP)

Preliminary Analysis (raw water): Oshawa WTP

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant 29 Min Avg Max 28





23 Chloride Concentration (mg/L) 22


20 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant

0.6 Min Avg Max




0.2 Nitrate Concentration (mg/L) Concentration Nitrate


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

March, 2007 Page 307 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant 0.035 Min Avg Max





0.01 Nitrite Concentration (mg/L) Concentration Nitrite


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant


Min Avg Max




0.2 Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (mg/L)


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

March, 2007 Page 308 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant


Min Avg Max




0.02 Phosphorous Concentration (mg/L) 0.01

0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

Drinking Water Surveillance Program Oshawa Water Treatment Plant


Min Avg Max 8






Phosphate Concentration (ug/L) 2


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year

March, 2007 Page 309 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization APPENDIX 3: Surface Water Quality Characterization (PWQMN/CLOCA)

All Water Quality Monitoring Sites Figure 1: Box and whisker plot of Aluminum concentrations Figure 2: Box and whisker plot of Calculated Total Dissolved Solids Figure 3: Box and whisker plot of Chloride concentrations Figure 4: Chloride data (Summary of 5-year averages) Figure 5: Box and whisker plot of Copper concentrations Figure 6: Box and whisker plot of E. Coli concentrations Figure 7 Box and whisker plot of Escherichia Coli concentrations Figure 8: Box and whisker plot of Fecal coliform concentrations Figure 9: Box and whisker plot of Fecal Streptococcus concentrations Figure 10: Box and whisker plot of Iron concentrations Figure 11: Box and whisker plot of Lead concentrations Figure 12: Box and whisker plot of Nitrate (Filtered) concentrations Figure 13: Box and whisker plot of Nitrate, Total (Filtered) concentrations Figure 14: Box and whisker plot of Nitrate, Total (Unfiltered) concentrations Figure 15: Time series plot of Nitrate, Total (Unfiltered) concentrations Figure 16: Box and whisker plot of Nitrite (Filtered) concentrations Figure 17: Box and whisker plot of Nitrite (Filtered) concentrations Figure 18: Box and whisker plot of pH Levels Figure 19: Box and whisker plot of Phosphorous

Bowmanville Creek Figure 20: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations Figure 21: Time series plot of chloride concentrations Figure 22: Chloride values at the Bowmanville Creek Figure 23: Chloride versus time for the Soper Creek Figure 24: Time series plot of coliform (total background)

Farewell Creek Watershed Figure 25: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations Figure 26: Time series plot of bacteriological levels Figure 27: Time series plot of chloride concentrations Figure 28: Time series plot of iron concentrations Figure 29: Time series plot of lead concentrations Figure 30: Time series plot of nitrite concentrations Figure 31: Time series plot of pH levels Figure 32: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations Figure 33: Time series plot of zinc concentrations

Harmony Creek Watershed Figure 34: Time series plot of bacteriological levels Figure 35: Time series plot of chloride concentrations Figure 36: Time series plot of nitrate concentrations Figure 37: Time series plot of nitrite concentrations Figure 38: Time series plot of pH levels Figure 39: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations

Lynde Creek Figure 40: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations Figure 41: Time series plot of chloride concentrations

March, 2007 Page 310 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Figure 42: Time series plot of Chloride versus time Figure 43: Time series plot of coliform concentrations Figure 44: Time series plot of coliform concentrations Figure 45: Time series plot of copper concentrations Figure 46: Time series plot of fecal coliform Figure 47: Time series plot of fecal streptococcus concentrations Figure 48: Time series plot of Iron concentrations Figure 49: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 50: Time series plot of total nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 51: Time series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations Figure 52: Time series plot of pH levels concentrations Figure 53: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations Figure 54: Time series plot of zinc concentrations

Oshawa Creek Watershed Figure 55: Time Series plot of aluminum concentrations Figure 56: Time Series plot of chloride concentrations Figure 57: Chloride concentrations Figure 58: Seasonal chloride concentrations Figure 59: Time Series plot of coliform levels Figure 60: Time Series plot of (total background) levels coliform Figure 61: Time Series plot of copper concentrations Figure 62: Time Series plot of fecal coliform levels Figure 63: Time Series plot of fecal streptococcus Figure 64: Time Series plot of iron Concentrations Figure 65: Time Series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 66: Time Series plot of total nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 67: Time Series plot of total nitrate (unfiltered) concentrations Figure 68: Time Series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations Figure 69: Time Series plot of nitrite (unfiltered) concentrations Figure 70: Time Series plot of pH field levels Figure 71: Time Series plot of pH levels Figure 72: Time Series plot of phenolics Figure 73: Time Series plot of phosphorous concentrations Figure 74: Time Series plot of zinc concentrations

Soper Creek Watershed Figure 75: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations Figure 76: Time series plot of chloride concentrations Figure 77: Time series plot of coliform levels Figure 78: Time series plot of coliform (total background) Figure 79: Time series plot of copper concentrations Figure 80: Time series plot of fecal coliform levels Figure 81: Time series plot of fecal streptococcus levels Figure 82: Time series plot of iron concentrations Figure 83: Time series plot of lead concentrations Figure 84: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 85: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations Figure 86: Time series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations Figure 87: Time series plot of pH field levels Figure 88: Time series plot of pH levels Figure 89: Time series plot of phenolics Figure 90: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations Figure 91: Time series plot of zinc concentrations

March, 2007 Page 311 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

All Water Quality Monitoring Sites

Aluminum Concentrations

1.5 Legend

1.2 Max.

75 perc. 0.9 Median 25 perc. 0.6 Al (mg/l) Min. ODWS = 0.1mg/L 0.3 PWQO = 0.075mg/L


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 1: Aluminum concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Calculated Total Dissolved Solids

5000 Legend

4000 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 3000 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 2000 Min. calc TDS (mg/l) 1000


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 2: Calculated Total Dissolved Solids for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 312 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Chloride Concentrations

500 Legend

400 Max.

75 perc. 300 Median 25 perc.

200 Min. Cl (mg/l) ODWS = 250mg/L 100


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 3: Chloride concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

80 Lynde Cr Oshawa Cr 70 Har / Far / Black Bowmanville Cr 60 Soper Cr


40 chloride (mg/L) chloride 30


10 64-68 69-75 76-80 81-85 86-91 92-97 2003-04

Figure 4: Summary of 5-year averages of chloride data for PWQMN stream flow sampling stations situated closest to Lake Ontario for each major CLOCA watershed.

March, 2007 Page 313 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Copper Concentrations

205 Legend

164 Max.

75 perc. 123 Median 25 perc.

82 Min. Cu (ug/l) Cu ODWS = 1000ug/L PWQO = 5ug/L 41


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 5: Copper concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

E Coli Levels

18000.0 Legend

14400.0 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 10800.0 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 7200.0 Min.


0.0 E ColiMF BY FC-BCIG (Counts) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 6: E. Coli concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 314 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Escherichia Coli MF Levels

10000.0 Legend

8000.0 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 6000.0 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 4000.0 Min.

2000.0 Escherichia coli MF (counts) 0.0

S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 7: Escherichia Coli concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Fecal Coliform MF Levels

180000.0 Legend

144000.0 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 108000.0 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 72000.0 Min.

36000.0 Fecal coliform, MF (Counts) MF coliform, Fecal 0.0

S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 8: Fecal coliform concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 315 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Fecal Streptococcus MF Levels

56000.0 Legend

44800.0 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 33600.0 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 22400.0 Min.



Fecal Streptococcus, MF(Counts) Streptococcus, Fecal S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S WQ WQ WQ WQ W WQ W WQ W WQ WQ W WQ W WQ W WQ Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 9: Fecal Streptococcus concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Iron Concentrations

16 Legend

13 Max.

75 perc. 10 Median 25 perc.

6 Min. Fe (mg/l)Fe ODWS/PWQO = 0.3mg/L 3


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 10: Iron concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 316 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Lead Concentrations

300 Legend 250 Max. 95 perc. 200 75 perc. Median 150 25 perc. 5 perc.

Pb (ug/l) Min. 100 ODWS = 10 ug/L



S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 11: Lead concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Nitrate Concentrations

30 Legend

24 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 18 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 12 Min. ODWS = 10 mg/L


0 Nitrate (Filtered Reactive)(mg/l) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 12: Nitrate (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 317 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Nitrate Concentrations

20 Legend

16 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 12 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 8 Min. ODWS = 10 mg/L



S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Nitrate (Total, Filtered Reactive)(mg/l) 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 13: Total Nitrate (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Nitrate Concentrations

10 Legend

Max. 8 95 perc. 75 perc. Median 6 25 perc. 5 perc. 4 Min. ODWS = 10 mg/L



S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Nitrate (Total, Unfiltered Reactive)(mg/l) Stations

Figure 14: Total Nitrate (Unfiltered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 318 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Legend 10 SWQ1 SWQ2 SWQ3 SWQ4 8 SWQ5 SWQ8S ODWS = 10 mg/L 6



0 1 1 2 2 2

Nitrate (Total, Unfiltered Reactive) (mg/l) Reactive) Unfiltered (Total, Nitrate 9 9 0 0 0 96 98 00 02 04 Time

Figure 15: Total Nitrate (Unfiltered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

Nitrite Concentrations

7 Legend

6 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 4 Median 25 perc. 5 perc. 3 Min. ODWS = 1mg/L


Nitrite (Filtered Reactive) (mg/l) 0

S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 16: Nitrite (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 319 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Nitrite Concentrations

2.0 Legend

Max. 1.5 95 perc. 75 perc. Median 1.0 25 perc. 5 perc. Min. ODWS = 1mg/L 0.5


Nitrite (Unfiltered Reactive)(mg/l) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 8 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 3 0 1 2 3 0 4 4 2 5 7 5 Stations

Figure 17: Nitrite (Filtered) concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

pH Levels

10 Legend

9 Max. 95 perc. 75 perc. 8 Median 25 perc.

pH 5 perc. 7 Min. Upper Limit = 8.5 Lower Limit = 6.5 6

5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 18: pH Levels for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 320 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Phosphate Levels

10 Legend

Max. 8 75 perc. Median 6 25 perc.

Min. 4 Phosphate (mg/l) 2


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 4 7 5 5 Stations

Figure 19: Phosphorous concentrations for streams in the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority study area for the years 1964 to 2005. Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 321 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Bowmanville Creek

0.20 Legend Legend I SWQ15 0.16 H SWQ16 G SWQ17 K K SWQ4 ODWS = 0.1mg/L 0.12 PWQS = 0.075mg/L K K K K 0.08 I

Al (mg/l) K K IK K K K I K I KI K K I K I K G GG 0.04 K GGK I IGI IGG G H KHHI GGI G IGG K G KI 0.00 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Time

Figure 20: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations for Bowmanville Creek between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.


19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 21: Time series plot of chloride concentrations for Bowmanville Creek between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 322 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Figure 22: Chloride values at the Bowmanville Creek PWQMN station near Lake Ontario.

Figure 23: Chloride versus time for the Soper Creek PWQMN station situated closest to Lake Ontario.

March, 2007 Page 323 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

300000 Legend Legend I SWQ15 H SWQ16 240000 KK G SWQ17 K SWQ4 K

K K 180000 K

120000 K



19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 24 Time series plot of coliform (total background) for Bowmanville Creek between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 324 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Farewell Creek Watershed

0.20 Legend Legend G G SWQ3 0.16 G G ODWS = 0.1mg/L PWQS = 0.075mg/L

0.12 G

G G G 0.08 G Al (mg/l) G G G G G G

0.04 GG G G G

G 0.00 19 19 19 19 20 20 80 85 90 95 00 05 Time

Figure 25: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

700000 F Legend Legend F H Fecal coliform, MF 560000 K Fecal Streptococcus, MF F I E Coli MF BY FC-BCIG F Coliform (Total, M/F BCKGRD) F F F C Coliform (Total, MF) 420000 C

F F 280000 F



Figure 26: Time series plot of bacteriological levels for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 325 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

300 Legend Legend G SWQ3 240 G ODWS = 250mg/L

G 180 G G GG G G G G G G G G G G G G G 120 G G G

Cl (mg/l) G G G G G G G G G G G G G GG G G GG GG G G G G G GG G GG G G GG G G G G G GG G G GG GGG G G GGG G G GG G G G G 60 GGG GG GG G GGGG G GGG GG GG GG GG GG G GG GG G G GG G GG G G GGG G G GG GG GGG G G G GGGG GGG GG G G GGG GG G GGGG G G G G G G 0 G 19 19 19 19 20 20 80 85 90 95 00 05 Time

Figure 27: Time series plot of chloride concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

6 Legend Legend

G G SWQ3 5 G ODWS = 0.3mg/L G G G 4



Figure 28: Time series plot of iron concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 326 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.160 Legend Legend G G SWQ3 0.128 ODWS = 0.01mg/L


0.064 G Pb (mg/l) Pb


Figure 29: Time series plot of lead concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

0.20 Legend Legend G Nitrite (Filtered Reactive) G H Nitrite (Unfiltered Reactive) 0.15 ODWS = 1mg/L

0.10 G G G G G G G G G G G G G 0.05 G G G G G G G G G G G GG GG G GG G GH G GG GG H GGG G GGGG G G G GG G G G GG G GG G H GG GGG GG GGG GGGG G G GG G GGG G GGGGGG GG GGGGG GGGG G G H Nitrite Concentrations (mg/L) GGGGGG G G G GG GG GG G G GG H HH GGG GGGGGG G G GGGG HH 0.00 G G H 1 1 1 1 2 2 9 9 9 9 0 0 8 8 9 9 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 Time

Figure 30: Time series plot of nitrite concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 327 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization


I 6

5 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 0 5 0 5 Time

Figure 31: Time series plot of pH levels for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

1.25 H Legend H Legend H Phosphorous, Total 1.00 H

H 0.75 H

0.50 H H H H 0.25 H H H H H H H H H HH H H H H H H H H HH H H H H HH HH HH H HH HHHHH H HHHHH HHH HH HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH HHH 0.00 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH HHHHHHHHHHHH H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Phosphorous ConcentrationPhosphorous (mg/L) 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 0 5 0 5 Time

Figure 32: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 328 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.07 Legend x Legend x x Zn 0.06 x ODWS = 5mg/L x PWQO = 0.02mg/L

0.04 x

x 0.03 x x x x x x x x x xx x xx x 0.01 x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xx x x x x x xxx x x xx x x xx x x x xx x xxx xx x xxxxxx xx xx Zinc Concentrations (mg/L) xxx x xxx x xxxx x xx xxx x xx xxxx x x xx xxx x xx xx x xxx xxx x xx x x x x x x x x 0.00 x x 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 0 5 0 5 Time

Figure 33: Time series plot of zinc concentrations for Farewell Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 329 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Harmony Creek Watershed

120000 Legend Legend G J Coliform (Total, M/F BCKGRD) 96000 G Coliform (Total, MF) G J H E Coli MF BY FC-BCIG I Fecal coliform, MF G Fecal Streptococcus, MF 72000 G G

48000 J J


Figure 34: Time series plot of bacteriological levels for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

1000 Legend G Legend G G SWQ12 800 G ODWS = 250mg/L

600 G G G G


Figure 35: Time series plot of chloride concentrations for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 330 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

7.0 Legend Legend G G Nitrate (Filtered Reactive) 5.6 H Nitrate as N


G 2.8 G G G G G G G G G GG G GG G GG G 1.4 GGGG GG G G GGGG GGGGGGGG GGGGGG GG H G GGGGGGGG G GG H G G GGGGG GGGG G GGGGG GGGGG G GGG GG Nitrate Concentration (mg/L) G GGG GGG GGGGGGGG GGGGG GGG GGG G GG GGGGGGG GG G G GG 0.0 GGGGGG GGGG GG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 Time

Figure 36: Time series plot of nitrate concentrations for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

0.35 Legend Legend H G Nitrite (Filtered Reactive) 0.28 H Nitrite as N ODWS = 1mg/L



H G G 0.07 G GG G G G GG G G G G GG G GG GGGGGG GGGG G GGG G Nitrite Concentrations (mg/L) G GG G G GGGGGGGGGGGGGG G G GGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 0.00 GGGG GGGGGGGGGGG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 Time

Figure 37: Time series plot of nitrite concentrations for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 331 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

10.0 Legend Legend H pH 9.0 D pH, Field H H Upper Limit = 8.5 D HHHHHHHHH DD Lower Limit = 6.5 H HHHHH HDHDH H 8.0 H HH H DHDDHD HHH HDDHH HDHDHD H H D D 7.0 D pH Levels


5.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 Time

Figure 38: Time series plot of pH levels for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

2.0 Legend Legend K Phosphorous, Total 1.6 K



0.8 K

K 0.4 KK K K K K K K K K KKKKK KK K KK KKKKKKKKK K K K K KKK KKK KKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0.0 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K Phosphorous Concentrations (mg/L) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 Time

Figure 39: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for Harmony Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 332 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Lynde Creek Watershed

0.40 Legend Legend H SWQ1 0.32 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 R SWQ8 R J SWQ9 0.24 ODWS = 0.1mg/L R H PWQO = 0.07mg/L H H H H H 0.16 Al (mg/l) H H H H H HRRH 0.08 RH H RR RR HH H R RJRR H R JR 0.00 R J 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 40: Time Series plot of aluminum concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.


Figure 41: Time Series plot of chloride concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 333 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Figure 42: Chloride versus time for the Lynde Creek PWQMN station situated closest to Lake Ontario.

400000 O Legend Legend H H SWQ1 320000 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 R SWQ8 J SWQ9 240000 H H

160000 H H H H 80000 HH HHHHH HHHHHHHHH HH HH HH HH HHHH HHHHH 0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 Coliform(Total, M/F BCKGRD) (counts) 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 43: Time Series plot of coliform concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 334 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

64000 Legend e H Legend H SWQ1 51200 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 R SWQ8 J SWQ9

38400 H H

25600 H OOO H H H O H O HH 12800 H HH H H O H H HR H H H O H H H H H eORHe HHHH H Coliform (Total, MF) (counts) MF) (Total, Coliform He H H H ReHRH HH HHH HHHHHH HHH HeHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RHReROHeRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 44: Time Series plot of coliform concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.


Figure 45: Time Series plot of copper concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 335 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

10000 Legend Legend

L H SWQ1 8000 F SWQ30 I SWQ31 L SWQ8 J SWQ9 H 6000

H L H 4000



Figure 46: Time Series plot of fecal coliform concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964- 2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

6000 Legend Legend H SWQ1 4800 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 R SWQ8 J SWQ9 3600 H O HHHH H


Figure 47: Time Series plot of fecal streptococcus concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 336 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

6.0 Legend Legend H SWQ1 4.8 H e SWQ30 O SWQ31 H H R SWQ8 H J SWQ9 3.6 ODWS = 0.3mg/L


Figure 48: Time Series plot of Iron concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

4.0 Legend Legend H SWQ1 3.2 e SWQ30 O SWQ31 R SWQ8 H J H SWQ9 2.4 H H H eH ODWS = 10mg/L HOR H H HeRO H HH HH H H H H O HHH R H 1.6 H H H HH eO HH H HHH H HORH HH H eRe H H HH H ORH H H H H H HeH HH 0.8 HH H H RO H H H HHHH H H H e H H HHH HHH e H H H H HHH HHH ORHH HHH HHH HH OHHH HH HHHHHHHH HHH H Nitrate (FilteredReactive) (mg/l) 0.0 HHHHHH HH HeH H 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 49: Time Series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964- 2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 337 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

4.0 Legend Legend O H SWQ1 3.2 e SWQ30 H O H SWQ31 H R SWQ8 H J SWQ9


Nitrate (Total,Filtered Reactive)(mg/l) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 50: Time Series plot of total nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

0.20 Legend Legend H SWQ1 0.16 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 H R SWQ8 HO J SWQ9 0.12 ODWS = 1mg/L e H H H H 0.08 H HH H H H H H H H HH H HH 0.04 H HH HHHH H H H H HR H H Oe H H H H HH HHHH H H H HH OeHHH H H H HH HHHHH H RH HHH HHH HHH H R HHHH HHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHRHRHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHOHOeHHHH H HHHHHHHH HHHRHHHHHHHRH HHHHHH HH OeHReReHeHHHHH HHHHH HHHHHHHHRHRRHHRHRR Nitrite (Filtered Reactive) (mg/l) Reactive) (Filtered Nitrite H eO RRRRRRRR H 0.00 HH H RRHH HHHH H RRRHRRRRHR 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 51: Time Series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964- 2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 338 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization


H 6.6

6.0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 52: Time Series plot of pH levels for Lynde Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

2.0 H Legend H Legend H SWQ1 1.6 e SWQ30 H O SWQ31 R SWQ8 J SWQ9 1.2 H H 0.8 H H H



Figure 53: Time Series plot of phosphorous concentrations for Lynde Creek (1964- 2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 339 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

100 Legend Legend H H SWQ1 80 e SWQ30 O SWQ31 R SWQ8 J SWQ9 60 ODWS = 5000mg/L PWQO = 20 H

Zn (ug/l) 40


Figure 54: Time Series plot of zinc concentrations for Lynde Creek (1980-2005). Data were collected as pare of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 340 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Oshawa Creek Watershed

0.30 Legend H Legend I SWQ10 0.24 G SWQ11 H SWQ2 ODWS = 0.1mg/L 0.18 PWQO = 0.075mg/L IHI H H 0.12 Al (mg/l) HH H IH H HI H H H H 0.06 HH H I H HHH II I IHGHI I GH GI 0.00 H 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 55: Time Series plot of aluminum concentrations for Oshawa Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.


Figure 56: Time Series plot of chloride concentrations for Oshawa Creek (1964-2005, n=369). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 341 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

300 Legend Legend I SWQ2 240 I

180 I I I 120 I Cl (mg/l) I I 60 I I III I I III I I 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 Streamflow (m3)

Figure 57: Chloride concentrations verses streamflow for Oshawa Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

400 Legend

Max. 320 75 perc. Median 240 25 perc.

Min. 160 Cl (mg/l)


0 Spring Summer Fal l Winter


Figure 58: Seasonal chloride concentrations for Oshawa Creek at Simcoe & Bloor (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN station 06011100102).

March, 2007 Page 342 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

280000 Legend Legend H H H I SWQ10 224000 G SWQ11 H SWQ2

168000 H

112000 H


Figure 59: Time series plot of coliform levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

400000 Legend Legend H H I SWQ10 320000 G SWQ11 H H SWQ2

240000 HH H H H H H H 160000

H H HH H H 80000 HH HH H H H H HH HHH HH HHHHHHH H HHHHH 0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 Coliform (Total, M/F BCKGRD) (counts) BCKGRD) M/F (Total, Coliform 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 60: Time series plot of coliform (total background) levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 343 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

90 Legend Legend HHH I SWQ10 72 K SWQ11 H SWQ2 H H ODWS = 1000ug/L 54 H PWQO = 5ug/L HHHH HH H HHHHH 36 H H Cu (ug/l) H HHHHHHHH H


Figure 61: Time series plot of copper concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

13000 Legend H Legend H I SWQ10 10400 G SWQ11 H H SWQ2

7800 H H


Figure 62: Time series plot of fecal coliform levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 344 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization


Figure 63: Time series plot of fecal streptococcus levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

10 Legend H H H Legend H I SWQ10 8 H K SWQ11 H SWQ2 ODWS = 0.3mg/L 6


Figure 64: Time series plot of iron Concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 345 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

20 Legend Legend I SWQ10 16 K SWQ11 H SWQ2 H ODWS = 10mg/L 12




Figure 65: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

20 Legend Legend I SWQ10 16 K SWQ11 H SWQ2 H ODWS = 10mg/L 12



Nitrate (Total, FilteredReactive) (mg/l) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 66: Time series plot of total nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 346 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

16.0 Legend Legend I SWQ10 12.8 K SWQ11 H SWQ2 ODWS = 10mg/L 9.6



HH H H H H HIHHIIHIH H H IHIHIIHI 0.0 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 00 Nitrate (Total, UnfilteredReactive) (mg/l) 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 Time

Figure 67: Time series plot of total nitrate (unfiltered) concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

0.40 Legend Legend I SWQ10 0.32 H K SWQ11 H SWQ2 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.24 H


Figure 68: Time series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 347 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.05 Legend Legend H I SWQ10 0.04 K SWQ11 H SWQ2 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.03


Nitrite (Unfiltered Reactive) (mg/l) 0.00 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 69: Time series plot of nitrite (unfiltered) concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.


6.0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 70: Time series plot of pH field levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 348 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization



5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 Time

Figure 71: Time series plot of pH levels for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

130000 Legend H Legend I SWQ10 104000 K SWQ11 H H SWQ2


52000 H


Figure 72: Time series plot of phenolics for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 349 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

2.0 Legend Legend H I SWQ10 1.6 K SWQ11 H SWQ2

H 1.2


Figure 73: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for Oshawa Creek (between 1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

300 H Legend Legend I SWQ10 240 K SWQ11 H H SWQ2 H ODWS = 5000ug/L 180 PWQO = 20ug/L H H


Figure 74: Time Series plot of zinc concentrations for Oshawa Creek (1964-2005). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 350 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Soper Creek Watershed

0.5 Legend x Legend J SWQ18 0.4 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x 0.3 SWQ5 ODWS = 0.1mg/L PWQS = 0.075mg/L 0.2 Al (mg/l) x x I I x x 0.1 x x Hx H JK K 0.0 J 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 75: Time series plot of aluminum concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

300 x Legend x Legend J SWQ18 240 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 x I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x 180 SWQ5 B ODWS = 250mg/L

B 120 B Cl (mg/l) B Bx B x Bx x x x Bx x x 60 B x xB x x x B x x x x x x x x xxxxxx B x xxxxxx x xx xxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxBx xxxx x I xx x xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxBxBxx xBxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxBxxxxBxxxxxxxBxxxx xxxxxBBxBxxBxBxxxxBxBBxBxBxBxBBxxxxxxxx Jx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxBxBxxBBxBBBBBBxxBxxBxBxxBBxxBBxBxBxBxxBBxxBBBxBBxxxxxx J xBBBBBBxBBBBBBxBBBBBBBBBBBBxBBBBBxBBBBBBBBBBxBxBBBxBxBBBxBBBBxBxBBB KK 0 BxBBBB BBBBBBBBBB Bx HH 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 76: Time series plot of chloride concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 351 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

7000000 Legend Legend x J SWQ18 5600000 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x 4200000 SWQ5

2800000 x

xx 1400000 x x x x x xx x xx xxx Coliform (Total, MF) (counts) x x x x x xx 0 xxxBxBxBxBxBBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBBxxBxxBxBxBxxxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 77: Time series plot of coliform levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

5000000 Legend Legend x J SWQ18 4000000 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x x SWQ5 3000000

2000000 x x

x 1000000 x

x x xx x x xxxxx BxBB x xxxxx xB 0 BBxBxxBBxBBxBxBBBxBxBBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 Coliform (Total, M/F BCKGRD) (counts) 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 78: Time series plot of coliform (total background) levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 352 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

150 Legend x Legend J SWQ18 120 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 90 x ODWS = 1000ug/L PWQO = 5ug/L x 60 Cu (ug/l) Cu

30 x BxB x xx x xBx xB xxBx xB xxxBxBx xx xBBB BxBBxBxBxxBBBBBxBBxx xBBxBxBxxxBxBxBxBxBBxxBxxBxxxBxxBxBxBxxxxxxxxx 0 BBBBBBBxBBxxBxBxxBxBxBBxBxBxBBxBxBxBxxxxxxxxxxxxx x JHKxJHIKx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 79: Time series plot of copper concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

60000 Legend x Legend J SWQ18 48000 K SWQ19 x x H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 36000

x x x x B x 24000 B B x B

Fecal coliform, MF coliform, Fecal x B 12000 x xxxx x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x xx x x B xxxx x B x x xB x BBBxx xB x x BBBB BBxxBxxBBBx BxBxxBBxBxBxBxxxBBBBxxxxxx 0 BxBxxBxxBxxBBxxBxxBxBxBxBxxxxBBxxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBBxBxBBBxBxBBBBBxBxBxxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBBxBxxBxBxxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxxxxxxxxxxxx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 80: Time series plot of fecal coliform levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 353 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

40000 Legend Legend

B J SWQ18 32000 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 24000 x x x B 16000 x

x x

x x 8000 x x x B x x x Fecal Streptococcus, MF x x xx B x x x xxx x B x B BxBx BxxB BBBxx B x BB xx BxBx Bx xxx x BBxBxx xxxxBxBxBxxBBxxxBxBxxBxBxBxBBBxBxxxxx x 0 BxBxxBxBxxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxxBxBxxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBBxBxBBBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 81: Time series plot of fecal streptococcus levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

15 Legend Legend

x J SWQ18 K 12 x SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 9 ODWS/ PWQO = 0 . 3 mg / L

6 x Fe (mg/l)Fe x x x x 3 x x B x x x xBx xBx B xx xBxB x x x xx BxBxBxBx x xxxxxxx x xxxx x x BxxBxBxBx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x I 0 xBBB x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xJHxKJHxKI 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 82: Time series plot of iron concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 354 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

50 Legend Legend J SWQ18 40 B K SWQ19 B H SWQ20 I SWQ21 x B SWQ35 x SWQ5 30 xx ODWS= 10ug/L

20 x x Pb (ug/l) x

x x x x x 10 x x B x B x xB x BBxx BBBxxxxxxxxxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x BxBBBBBBBB BxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBx 0 x JHxxKKJHIxK 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 83: Time series plot of lead concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

6 Legend Legend B xB J SWQ18 5 B K SWQ19 x H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B B SWQ35 x x x x x x SWQ5 4 BB B B BxBx ODWS= 10mg/L B xBx B B x Bxxxx x B BxB x x xx x xx x xx Bx x 2 x x xx Bxx B BxxB xxBBB x x xxxx x BBB x x Bx BxB xB xB BxBx xBxxBBxx xxBx x xBx x x BBx BxxB xBx B BBx xxxxBxx Bxx xxx B BxBx BxxBx BxxBxB x 1 BB xBBxBB Bxx x BBBx xxxxxBxxxxx BxB BBBBBBxxBx BxBBBxBxBxxxBxBB BBBBBxBBx x BBxxBxBxBx BBBB BBBBBxB x BxBxBBxBxBxBxBxxB BBxBx xxxBBxBxBxBBxBBBx xB B x xxxx B B B x BB x x x x x x x Nitrate (Filtered Reactive)(mg/l) 0 x B x 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 84: Time series plot of nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 355 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

6 x Legend B Legend B 5 xB J SWQ18 B B K SWQ19 x x H SWQ20 x I SWQ21 B x 4 xx x B SWQ35 x x x x SWQ5 B BxB x xBBxB xB x Bxx B x ODWS= 10mg/L xx BBxBB 3 x Bx xx x B B x xxB x xBx x B xx x x xBBBxx B BBBB x x B BxBx BxxB x BBx xBBxBxB xx 2 xxBBxxx x x BxBx x Bxx BB x x x x B xx x B x BxBx x x xxBxBx B xx BxBxxBxBBxxxxx BBBBBxBBxBBxx xx BBxBxxBBxBxBBxBxBxBxxBx x x 1 BBBxB BxxBxBx xx Bxxxx Bx xx x B x xxxxB x 0

Nitrate (Total, FilteredReactive) (mg/l) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 85: Time series plot of total nitrate (filtered) concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

2.5 Legend Legend J SWQ18 2.0 x K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 1.5 ODWS= 1mg/L

1.0 x x

x x 0.5 x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x xxx B xB x xxx x xxBx xxxxxxxx xxx Nitrite (Filtered Reactive) (mg/l) Reactive) (Filtered Nitrite xxxxxxxxBxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxBxxBxx BxBBBBxx x 0.0 xxBxBxBxBxBxBBxBxBBBxBxBBxBxBBxBxBxBBxBxBBxBxBBxBxBxBBxBxBBxBxxBBBxBBBBxBBBxBxBxBBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 86: Time series plot of nitrite (filtered) concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 356 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

10 Legend Legend x J SWQ18 9 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 Bx B I BBBxx xB x x SWQ21 BB Bx xx B BBBx Bx BB BxxBBxBxxxxx SWQ35 xBxBBBBBxxBBBx BBxBBBx xxxxxx x BxBx x xBx xBxBxxxBxBBBxx xx x SWQ5 xxxxxxxxx xxBBx BxxBxBxxx x 8 x xBxBxxBxB xBxB Bxxx x B BBxBxB BxxBBBBxxBx x x x Upper Limit = 8.5 x BxxBxB Bx Bx x x xBBxxxx BBx xx BxBxBB B BxxxB x x Lower Limit = 6.5 xBBx B xB x B Bx x x 7 B x x x pH, Field B x


5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 87: Time series plot of pH field levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

10 Legend Legend J SWQ18 9 K SWQ19 x H SWQ20 B B I BB B x BBxBx x Bxx SWQ21 x BBBBxB BBBBBxBxBxBxBxBBxBxBxxBxxBxBBBxBxxxx xxx K B xxx BBBBBxBBBxxBxBBxBxBxxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxBxxBxBxxBxxxxxxxxxxxx xJHxHJK SWQ35 xxBBx x xBxBxxBBBxBxxBBxxBxBxxBxBBxBxxxBxxxxxxxxxx x Ix x x x Bx Bx BxxBxxxx xxxBx BxBxBBB x x x SWQ5 xBxBxxBxx xBxxxBxxxxx B x 8 Bx BBxBxxx x Bx xBBxxB x Upper Limit = 8.5 xxx B x xx Lower Limit = 6.5

pH x B 7


5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 88: Time series plot of pH levels for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 357 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

8000 x Legend Legend J SWQ18 6200 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 4400 x x x

x x x 2600 x x x xx x xx x

Phenolics (ng/L) x x x x x x xxxx x xxx xxx x xx x xx xxxx x 800 x x x xxxxx x x x xx x xxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx B x xxx x x -1000 x 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 89: Time series plot of phenolics for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

3.0 Legend Legend J SWQ18 2.4 K SWQ19 x H SWQ20 x I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 1.8 B x x 1.2 xx x xxxx B x x x xx x xx x x x xx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxx x 0.6 xx xxx x xxxxxx xxxx xxx x x B xxx x x xx B B x x xxxx x xx xB x Phosphorous, Total (mg/l) x Bxxx x xx xx x xx xxxxxxxxx x xxxxB x x xxxxB xxxxx x x BB x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x BBxBBBB xBxxBxBx xxBxBxxBx Bxx x xBBxBBBBBBBBxBBxBB xxxx BBBxBxBBBxBxxBxxxxBBxBxBxBxxxxxxx xxxx xxI 0.0 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBxBxBxBBxxBBxBxxBxBxBxBxxBxBxBxBxBxBBxBBxBxBBxBxBxxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xJHKJHKx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 90: Time series plot of phosphorous concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

March, 2007 Page 358 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

150 Legend Legend B J SWQ18 120 K SWQ19 H SWQ20 I SWQ21 B SWQ35 x SWQ5 90 ODWS = 5000ug/L PWQO = 20ug/L

60 x Zn (ug/l) Zn B B x Bx x x x x x 30 x B BB Bx B xB B Bx xB B x x xB B BBBxB xxx BxBBxB xxBxBxBB xx xx xBBxxBxxxxBBxxxBxxxBxxBxBxBxBxxBxxBxxx xxxxx xBBxBxBxBxBxBxBBxBxxBxxBxxBxBxxBxBxxBxBxxxxxxxxx xx 0 B xBxBxxBxBxBBBBBBBBxBxxxx xx xHJKJHIKx 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 02 Time

Figure 91: Time series plot of zinc concentrations for Soper Creek between (1964 and 2005, n=380). Data were collected as part of the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network and the Central Lake Ontario Monitoring Program.

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APPENDIX 4: Surface Water Quality Modelling (AVGWLF/CANWET)

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APPENDIX 5: Surface Water Quantity Characterization (HYDAT)

Daily Mean Flow at WSC Stations (6)

Lynde Creek at Whitby (02HC018) Oshawa Creek at Oshawa (02HD008)

daily mean total flow (1959-2000) daily mean total flow (1959-2000) 5 4.5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 1 Streamflow (cms) 0.5 0.5 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013) Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD0014)

daily mean total flow (1980-1993) daily mean total flow (1980-2000) 4.5 3 4 2.5 3.5 2 3 2.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 1 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow

Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.5 0.5 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006) Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007)

daily mean total flow (1959-1995) daily mean total flow (1959-1987) 6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 1 1

0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

March, 2007 Page 388 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Daily Mean Baseflow at WSC Stations (6)

Lynde Creek at Whitby (02HC018) Oshawa Creek at Oshawa (02HD008)

daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4

(cms) Streamflow Streamflow (cms) 0.2 0.2 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013) Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD0014)

daily mean baseflow (1980-2000) daily mean basflow (1980-1993) 0.5 1.2 0.45 1 0.4 0.35 0.8 0.3 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.15 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.1 0.2 0.05 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006) Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007)

daily mean baseflow (1959-1995) daily mean baseflow (1959-1987)

1.8 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1 1.2 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.2 0.2 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

March, 2007 Page 389 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Daily Mean Distributed Flow at WSC Stations (6)

Lynde Creek at Whitby (02HC018) Oshawa Creek at Oshawa (02HD008)

daily mean total flow (1959-2000) daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) daily mean total flow (1959-2000) daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) 300 400 250 350 300 200 250 150 200 100 150 100 50 50 Cumulative Depth (mm) 0 Cumulative Depth (mm) 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013) Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD0014)

daily mean total flow (1980-2000) daily mean baseflow (1980-2000) daily mean total flow (1980-1993) daily mean baseflow (1980-1993) 350 450 300 400 350 250 300 200 250 150 200 150 100 100 50 50 Cumulative Depth(mm) Cumulative Depth(mm) 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006) Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007)

daily mean total flow (1959-1995) daily mean baseflow (1959-1995) daily mean total flow (1959-1987) daily mean baseflow (1959-1987) 600 400 350 500 300 400 250 300 200 150 200 100 100 50 Cumulative Depth (mm) Cumulative Depth (mm) 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

March, 2007 Page 390 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Daily Mean Cumulative Volume at WSC Stations (6)

Lynde Creek at Whitby (02HC018) Oshawa Creek at Oshawa (02HD008)

daily mean total flow (1959-2000) daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) daily mean total flow (1959-2000) daily mean baseflow (1959-2000) 35,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Cumulative Volume (cu.m) Volume Cumulative

0 (cu.m) Volume Cumulative 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013) Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD0014)

daily mean total flow (1980-2000) daily mean baseflow (1980-2000) daily mean total flow (1980-1993) daily mean basflow (1980-1993) 16,000,000 25,000,000 14,000,000 20,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 10,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 Cumulative Volume (cu.m) Volume Cumulative Cumulative Volume (cu.m) Volume Cumulative 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006) Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007)

daily mean total flow (1959-1995) daily mean baseflow (1959-1995) daily mean total flow (1959-1987) daily mean baseflow (1959-1987) 45,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 25,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000

Cumulative Volume (cu.m) Volume Cumulative 0 (cu.m) Volume Cumulative 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

March, 2007 Page 391 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Monthly Mean Flow at WSC Stations (6)

OSHAWA CREEK AT OSHAWA (02HD008) 1959 - 2000 LYNDE CREEK AT WHITBY (02HC018) 1968 - 2000


2 2

1.5 1.5

1.10 1 1 0.91

0.70 Streamflow (m3/sec) Streamflow (m3/sec) 0.5 0.5 0.46


HARMONY CREEK AT OSHAWA (02HD013) 1980 - 2001 SOPER CREEK AT BOWMANVILLE (02HD007) 1960 - 1987


Streamflow (m3/sec) Streamflow 0.53 0.2 (m3/sec) Streamflow 0.5 0.14 0.1 0 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC



1.5 1 1.29 0.8 0.72 1 0.84 0.6 Streamflow (m3/sec) Streamflow


March, 2007 Page 392 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Annual Mean Flow around Mean at WSC Stations (6)

Lynde Creek at Whitby (02HC018) Oshawa Creek at Oshawa (02HD008) annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow for 1959-2000 annual mean baseflow 1959-2000 mean flow 1959-2000 mean baseflow 1959-2000

1.6 1.8

1.4 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1.11 0.91 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.69 0.6 0.44

Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.4 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 1959 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 1959 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Harmony Creek at Oshawa (02HD013) Farewell Creek at Oshawa (02HD014) annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow 1980-2000 annual mean baseflow 1980-2000 annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow 1980-1993 annual mean baseflow 1980-1993

0.9 1.2 0.8 1 0.7

0.6 0.8 0.5 0.71 0.6 0.4 0.41 0.3 0.4 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.2 0.30 0.19 0.2 0.1 0 0 1979 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1980 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001

Bowmanville Creek at Bowmanville (02HD006) Soper Creek at Bowmanville (02HD007)

annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow around mean annual mean baseflow around mean annual mean flow 1959-1995 annual mean baseflow 1959-1995 annual mean flow 1959-1987 annual mean baseflow 1959-1987

1.8 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.29 1 1.2 0.86 1 0.8 0.82 0.8 0.6 0.52 0.6 0.4 Streamflow (cms) Streamflow 0.4 (cms) Streamflow 0.2 0.2

0 0 1959 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1959 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988

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Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Characterization (PGMN)


Table 1: Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Wells within CLOCA Table 2: Basic Ground Water Chemistry Table 3: Basic Ground Water Statistics

Figure 1: Time series plot of Antimony for Recent Deposits Figure 2: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for Recent Deposits Figure 3: Time series plot of Antimony for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 4: Time series plot of Antimony for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 5: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 6: Time series plot of Antimony for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 7: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for Thorncliffe Fm Figure 8: Time series plot of Antimony for Scarborough Fm. Figure 9: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for Scarborough Fm. Figure 10: Time series plot of Antimony for All Wells in Study Area Figure 11: Time series plot of Cadmium for Recent Deposits Figure 12: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for Recent Deposits Figure 13: Time series plot of Cadmium for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 14: Time series plot of Cadmium for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 15: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 16: Time series plot of Cadmium for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 17: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 18: Time series plot of Cadmium for Scarborough Fm. Figure 19: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for Scarborough Fm. Figure 20: Time series plot of Cadmium for All Wells in Study Area Figure 21: Time series plot of Chloride for Recent Deposits Figure 22: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for Recent Deposits Figure 23: Time series plot of Chloride for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 24: Time series plot of Chloride for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 25: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 26: Time series plot of Chloride for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 27: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 28: Time series plot of Chloride for Scarborough Fm. Figure 29: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for Scarborough Fm. Figure 30: Time series plot of Chloride for All Wells in Study Area Figure 31: Time series plot of Nitrates for Recent Deposits Figure 32: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for Recent Deposits Figure 33: Time series plot of Nitrates for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 34: Time series plot of Nitrates for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 35: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 36: Time series plot of Nitrates for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 37: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 38: Time series plot of Nitrates for Scarborough Fm. Figure 39: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates Scarborough Fm. Figure 40: Time series plot of Nitrates for All Wells in Study Area Figure 41: Time series plot of Nitrites for Recent Deposits

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Figure 42: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for Recent Deposits Figure 43: Time series plot of Nitrites for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 44: Time series plot of Nitrites for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 45: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 46: Time series plot of Nitrites for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 47: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 48: Time series plot of Nitrites for Scarborough Fm. Figure 49: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites Scarborough Fm. Figure 50: Time series plot of Nitrites for All Wells in Study Area Figure 51: Time series plot of Sodium for Recent Deposits Figure 52: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for Recent Deposits Figure 53: Time series plot of Sodium for the ORM aquifer unit (depth <30m) Figure 54: Time series plot of Sodium for the ORM aquifer unit (depth >30m) Figure 55: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for the ORM aquifer unit Figure 56: Time series plot of Sodium for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 57: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for Thorncliffe Fm. Figure 58: Time series plot of Sodium for Scarborough Fm. Figure 59: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium Scarborough Fm. Figure 60: Time series plot of Sodium for All Wells in Study Area

Water Depth to Depth Depth Coordinates Well Well Elev (m) Water to to Aquifer Well Name Diam Record Approx (static) Screen bottom Unit (in) # Easting Northing (m) (m) (m) Recent 1915344 W0000040-1 676725 4864502 164 36.00 5.7 9.7 9.8 Deposits Thorncliffe 1904189 W0000041-1 680925 4870406 160 6.00 7.8 45.4 46.6 Fm 1901748 W0000042-1 683415 4879873 340 6.00 44.0 50.3 50.3 ORM Thorncliffe 1900044 W0000043-3 685176 4865920 124 1.50 6.9 34.7 35.7 Fm 1901484 W0000044-2 685855 4870713 151 1.50 4.6 11.9 15.1 ORM Thorncliffe 1909981 W0000044-3 685855 4870713 151 1.50 17.3 36 36.2 Fm 1909981 W0000049-1 666022 4876319 281 6.00 2.7 13.1 15.5 ORM

1913007 W0000166-1 678061 4875464 223 6.00 14.0 40.2 47.2 ORM

1901733 W0000167-1 678316 4874559 206 6.00 3.2 9.8 11.6 ORM Thorncliffe 1915928 W0000168-1 680630 4871089 170 2.00 Artesian 27.1 28.6 Fm 1916295 W0000261-1 657113 4877359 316 2.38 25.9 25.9 28.9 ORM

1916296 W0000262-1 668198 4872526 207 2.38 10.3 16.8 27.7 ORM Recent 1916117 W0000263-1 660754 4866597 141 2.50 6.6 5.8 7.3 Deposits 1916292 W0000264-2 679511 4880184 302 1.25 6.2 7.3 10.5 ORM 1916292 W0000264-3 679511 4880184 302 2.50 6.4 48.9 59.6 ORM Scarboroug 1916293 W0000265-2 679517 4880189 302 2.50 7.4 122.5 140.6 h Fm

Table 1: Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Wells within CLOCA.

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Nitrogen; Ionic Sampling Water Nitrate Station Code K Na Ca Mg Fe Cl F SO4 HCO3 CO3 total Balance Date Type as N Kjeldahl (%) Ca-Na- 2003-2005 W0000040-1 1.48-2.4 70.4-229 157-250 20.3-32.1 0.001-0.009 168-555 <0.2-<0.3 61.6-82.6 0-402.19 0-0.76 0.17 5.7-7 0.29-10 HCO3-Cl Na-Mg-Ca- 2002-2005 W0000041-1 0.77-0.84 29-38.4 14.4-30.4 11.5-14.2 0.2-0.42 31.7-40.8 0.29-0.44 0.1-0.5 0-140.9 0-1.27 0.25 <0.01 0.02-1.6 HCO3 -Cl Ca-Na-Mg- 2.58- 2002-2005 W0000042-1 0.98-1.15 26.9-36.5 77.2-84.6 12.9-13.4 0.01-0.02 67.5-93.2 0.03-0.07 24.2-26.8 0-216.5 0-1.05 0.12 0.02-2.5 HCO3 -Cl 2.9

2002-2005 W0000043-3 Na-Ca-Cl 1.35-4.3 69.4-199 22.80-34.2 8.15-16.6 0.01-0.74 100-368 0.38-0.80 <0.3-<0.8 0-105.9 0-1.24 23.50 0.00 0.14-2.8

Ca-Mg- 2002-2005 W0000044-2 HCO3- 1.22-1.55 7.4-7.8 84.10-88.6 20.8-21.5 0.18-0.55 19.-19.8 0.08-0.13 110-116 0-206.3 0-0.80 0.24 0.00 0.24-3.4 SO4

Na-Cl- 2002-2005 W0000044-3 0.7-2.6 57.1-192 4.70-36.4 2.16-15.8 0-0.58 58.1-360 0.27-0.56 0.50-5.8 0-56.27 0-8.00 1.30 0.00 1.02-12 HCO3

Ca-Na-Mg- 0.22- 2002-2005 W0000049-1 0.76-11.8 11.9-276 34.60-620 15.8-134 0.31-0.63 2.37-2.92 0.13-0.18 0.15-1.55 0-242.92 0-1.35 0.25 <0.01 HCO3 5.14

Ca-Mg- 2003-2005 W0000166-1 0.82-0.95 6.80-8.55 38.20-43.6 16.5-17.4 0.34-0.45 2.3-2.67 0.10-0.17 11.2-17.1 0-201.37 0.1-1.17 0.09 <0.01 0.31-4.7 HCO3

0.26- 2002-2005 W0000167-1 Ca-HCO3 3.7-5.0 11-16.1 97.90-115 9.44-10.9 0.99-1.68 16.1-24.1 0.05-0.13 6.4-25.8 0-379.39 0-0.58 1.26 0.5-2.7 1.63

Mg-Ca-Na- 2002-2004 W0000168-1 0.90-1.2 17.4-17.7 23.90-39.2 18.3-19.1 0.12-1.17 11.30-13.1 0.23-0.25 0.43-0.8 0-185.24 0-1.41 1.22 <0.01 0.04-12 HCO3

Ca-Mg- 0.75- 0.34- 2003-2005 W0000261-1 HCO3- 0.89-1.43 2.4-6.8 66.50-97.2 13.8-18.7 0-0.07 1.30-10 0.04-0.15 18.6-61.4 0-283.84 0-0.98 0.05 2.23 1.82 SO4

Na-Ca-Cl- 0.75- 2003-2005 W0000263-1 0.89-1.43 2.4-6.8 66.50-97.2 13.8-18.7 0-0.07 1.78-10 0.04-0.15 18.6-61.4 0-283.84 0-0.98 0.05 0.64-3.6 HCO3 2.23

Ca-Na- 0.07- 0.54- 2003-2005 W0000264-2 1.39-19.4 5.17-129 29.00-74.0 5.25-50.6 0-1.02 2.4-34 0.04-0.22 9.06-23.4 0-187.44 0-1.64 2.20 HCO3-Mg 0.13 1.63

Ca-Na-Mg- 0.18- 2003-2005 W0000264-3 SO4- 1.38-2.1 5.61-26.4 47.80-55.1 11.1-12.3 0.14-0.18 2.19-3 0.10-0.12 33.1-45.9 0-193.83 0-1.28 0.06 <0.01 0.99 HCO3

Ca-Na-Mg- 2003-2005 W0000265-2 0.93-4.1 24.4-28.4 21.00-25.0 10.3-11.7 0.10-0.16 3.02-3.24 0.16-0.22 0.5 0-189.69 0-1.87 0.64 <0.01 0.48-4.3 HCO3

Table 2: Basic Groundwater Chemistry

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Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for (ODWS) decreasing trend calculating probability W0000167-1 K mg/l 5 3.70 5.00 4.50 0.61 3.81 4.87 4.98 0 -4 -0.73 Na mg/l 5 11.00 16.10 13.34 1.96 11.64 12.60 15.42 0 -1 0.00 Ca mg/l 5 97.90 115.0 106.5 7.60 98.74 107.00 114.20 0 -4 -0.73 0 8 Mg mg/l 5 9.44 10.90 10.13 0.61 9.51 10.20 10.74 0 2 0.24 Fe mg/l 5 0.99 1.68 1.24 0.27 1.03 1.15 1.53 5 2 0.24 Cl mg/l 5 16.10 24.10 20.30 3.21 16.90 20.90 23.38 0 -2 -0.24 F mg/l 5 0.05 0.13 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0 6 1.22 SO4 mg/l 5 6.40 25.80 11.96 7.87 7.04 9.40 19.56 0 -10 -2.20 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 379.3 275.0 155.73 127.79 321.93 369.38 0 6 1.22 9 3 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 0.58 0.30 0.22 0.09 0.24 0.52 0 0 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.26 1.63 0.67 0.65 0.28 0.40 1.29 0 4 1.02 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000040-1 K mg/l 5 1.00 2.40 1.64 0.50 1.19 1.60 2.12 0 4 0.73 Na mg/l 5 70.40 229.0 134.6 60.69 84.64 113.00 199.40 5 6 1.22 0 8 Ca mg/l 5 157.0 250.0 210.8 37.07 173.80 207.00 246.40 0 4 0.73 0 0 0 Mg mg/l 5 20.30 32.10 27.32 4.68 22.58 27.20 31.66 0 2 0.24 Fe mg/l 5 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0 8 1.71 Cl mg/l 5 168.0 555.0 348.2 159.09 196.00 318.00 517.80 3 6 1.22 0 0 0 F mg/l 5 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.20 0.20 0 6 1.31 SO4 mg/l 5 61.60 82.60 72.18 9.67 62.28 72.60 81.88 0 -2 -0.24 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 402.1 292.0 164.86 136.90 352.04 386.90 0 6 1.22 9 9 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 0.76 0.50 0.31 0.19 0.50 0.75 0 2 0.24 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 5.70 7.00 6.23 0.60 5.74 6.12 6.82 0 2 0.34 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000041-1 K mg/l 5 0.77 0.84 0.80 0.03 0.77 0.80 0.83 0 -3 -0.51 Na mg/l 5 29.00 38.40 31.30 4.01 29.08 29.50 35.20 5 -8 -1.71 Ca mg/l 5 14.40 18.20 17.06 1.55 15.48 17.50 18.16 0 8 1.71 Mg mg/l 5 11.50 14.20 13.28 1.12 12.10 13.50 14.20 0 9 2.02

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Fe mg/l 5 0.20 0.42 0.34 0.10 0.24 0.41 0.41 3 8 1.71 Cl mg/l 5 31.70 40.80 34.64 3.56 32.26 33.50 38.12 0 -4 -0.73 F mg/l 5 0.29 0.44 0.37 0.06 0.31 0.38 0.43 0 -2 -0.24 SO4 mg/l 5 0.06 0.50 0.30 0.19 0.06 0.06 0.34 0 -5 -1.01 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 140.9 112.5 62.91 56.20 140.52 140.84 0 8 1.71 2 3 Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.27 0.93 0.53 0.42 1.11 1.25 0 -2 -0.24 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000042-1 K mg/l 5 0.98 1.15 1.06 0.08 0.99 1.01 1.15 0 -6 -1.22 Na mg/l 5 26.90 36.50 31.80 3.82 27.74 33.20 35.26 5 -6 -1.22 Ca mg/l 5 77.20 84.60 81.86 2.91 78.72 83.20 84.08 0 2 0.24 Mg mg/l 5 12.90 13.40 13.16 0.18 12.98 13.20 13.32 0 -5 -0.98 Fe mg/l 5 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0 0.00 Cl mg/l 5 67.50 93.20 79.62 10.44 68.86 82.10 89.68 0 -8 -1.71 F mg/l 5 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0 1 0.00 SO4 mg/l 5 24.20 26.80 25.34 0.96 24.48 25.20 26.32 0 -10 -2.20 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 216.4 171.4 95.89 84.51 213.78 216.25 0 2 0.24 9 9 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.05 0.60 0.44 0.12 0.69 1.02 0 2 0.24 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 2.58 2.90 2.73 0.13 2.61 2.73 2.86 0 6 1.70 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000043-3 5 K mg/l 5 1.35 4.30 2.93 1.12 1.81 2.90 4.02 0 0 0.00 Na mg/l 5 69.40 199.0 171.8 57.31 119.64 198.00 198.60 5 7 1.47 0 8 Ca mg/l 5 22.80 34.20 31.20 4.74 26.64 33.30 33.84 0 5 1.01 Mg mg/l 5 8.15 16.60 14.71 3.67 11.29 16.40 16.52 0 9 2.02 Fe mg/l 5 0.01 0.74 0.20 0.31 0.02 0.08 0.49 1 6 1.22 Cl mg/l 5 100.0 368.0 310.6 117.80 203.20 361.00 367.20 4 4 0.73 0 0 0 F mg/l 5 0.38 0.80 0.65 0.16 0.49 0.70 0.76 0 8 1.71 SO4 mg/l 5 0.30 6.90 0.00 2.79 0.50 0.80 4.46 0 -7 -1.52 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 105.9 82.96 46.42 40.18 104.15 105.26 0 4 0.73 0

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CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.24 0.81 0.47 0.36 0.91 1.14 0 0 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.06 0.20 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.15 0.20 0 -1 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000044-2 K mg/l 5 1.22 1.55 1.34 0.16 1.22 1.26 1.52 0 -7 -1.52 Na mg/l 5 7.40 7.80 7.62 0.15 7.47 7.60 7.76 0 -2 -0.24 Ca mg/l 5 84.10 88.60 86.54 2.04 84.34 87.10 88.44 0 -2 -0.24 Mg mg/l 5 20.80 21.50 21.18 0.29 20.88 21.20 21.46 0 6 1.22 Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability Fe mg/l 5 0.18 0.55 0.40 0.18 0.20 0.51 0.55 3 10 2.20 Cl mg/l 5 19.00 19.80 19.42 0.33 19.12 19.30 19.76 0 3 0.51 F mg/l 5 0.08 0.13 0.11 0.02 0.09 0.13 0.13 0 7 1.52 SO4 mg/l 5 110.0 116.0 113.2 2.17 111.20 113.00 115.20 0 -3 -0.49 0 0 0 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 206.3 162.1 90.69 78.70 202.77 205.64 0 4 0.73 0 0 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 0.80 0.49 0.34 0.11 0.69 0.76 0 -2 -0.24 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000044-3 K mg/l 4 0.70 2.60 1.48 0.84 0.79 1.32 2.31 0 -4 -1.02 Na mg/l 4 57.10 192.0 92.38 66.43 58.03 60.20 152.46 4 -5 -1.44 0 Ca mg/l 4 4.70 36.40 13.42 15.39 4.72 6.30 27.83 0 -2 -0.34 Mg mg/l 4 2.16 15.80 5.77 6.69 2.21 2.56 11.89 0 -2 -0.34 Fe mg/l 4 0.00 0.58 0.17 0.27 0.01 0.05 0.43 1 0 0.00 Cl mg/l 4 58.10 360.0 143.3 144.83 62.21 77.55 276.99 1 -6 -1.70 0 0 F mg/l 4 0.27 0.56 0.40 0.12 0.30 0.38 0.51 0 -2 -0.34 SO4 mg/l 4 0.50 5.80 2.79 2.29 0.85 2.43 5.02 0 0 0.00 HCO3 mg/l 4 0.00 56.27 32.32 26.06 6.79 36.51 54.50 0 6 1.70 CO3 mg/l 4 0.00 8.00 4.48 3.91 0.72 4.96 7.85 0 2 0.34 Nitrate as N mg/l 3 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.05 0 -1 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl


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K mg/l 5 0.82 0.95 0.88 0.05 0.83 0.87 0.93 0 -2 -0.24 Na mg/l 5 6.80 8.55 7.87 0.66 7.20 7.97 8.43 0 10 2.20 Ca mg/l 5 38.20 43.60 40.10 2.11 38.48 39.40 42.32 0 -8 -1.71 Mg mg/l 5 16.50 17.40 16.86 0.36 16.54 16.80 17.24 0 2 0.24 Fe mg/l 5 0.34 0.45 0.41 0.04 0.36 0.42 0.45 5 -2 -0.24 Cl mg/l 5 2.30 2.67 2.47 0.14 2.34 2.44 2.61 0 6 1.22 F mg/l 5 0.10 0.17 0.13 0.03 0.11 0.12 0.17 0 1 0.00 SO4 mg/l 5 11.20 17.10 12.78 2.45 11.32 11.80 15.18 0 -8 -1.71 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 201.3 158.1 88.44 77.93 196.76 199.94 0 6 1.22 7 5 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.17 0.78 0.47 0.27 0.96 1.14 0 0 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability W0000265-2 K mg/l 6 0.93 4.10 1.80 1.19 0.98 1.36 3.06 0 -15 -2.63 Na mg/l 6 24.40 28.40 25.32 1.55 24.40 24.70 26.85 6 -12 -2.10 Ca mg/l 6 21.00 25.00 24.13 1.57 22.55 24.85 25.00 0 12 2.10 Mg mg/l 6 10.30 11.70 11.27 0.52 10.70 11.45 11.65 0 14 2.49 Fe mg/l 6 0.10 0.16 0.13 0.02 0.11 0.13 0.15 0 11 1.88 Cl mg/l 6 3.02 3.24 3.14 0.08 3.05 3.16 3.22 0 -7 -1.13 F mg/l 6 0.16 0.22 0.19 0.03 0.16 0.19 0.22 0 6 0.94 SO4 mg/l 6 0.06 0.50 0.00 0.18 0.06 0.06 0.28 0 -5 -0.78 HCO3 mg/l 7 0.00 189.6 132.6 90.65 0.00 184.19 187.72 0 14 1.97 9 7 CO3 mg/l 7 0.00 1.87 1.05 0.77 0.00 1.41 1.69 0 2 0.15 Nitrate as N mg/l 5 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000168-1 K mg/l 3 0.90 1.20 1.04 0.15 0.93 1.03 1.17 0 -1 0.00 Na mg/l 3 17.40 17.70 17.57 0.15 17.44 17.60 17.68 0 1 0.00 Ca mg/l 3 23.90 39.20 29.70 8.29 24.32 26.00 36.56 0 -1 0.00 Mg mg/l 3 18.30 19.10 18.57 0.46 18.30 18.30 18.94 0 -2 -0.61 Fe mg/l 3 0.00 1.17 0.65 0.64 0.02 0.12 0.96 1 1 0.00 Cl mg/l 3 11.30 13.10 12.07 0.93 11.40 11.80 12.84 0 -3 -1.04

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F mg/l 3 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.01 0.23 0.23 0.25 0 0 0.00 SO4 mg/l 3 0.06 0.80 0.62 0.37 0.13 0.43 0.73 0 -1 0.00 HCO3 mg/l 3 0.00 185.2 119.0 103.30 34.37 171.84 182.56 0 1 0.00 4 2 CO3 mg/l 3 0.00 1.41 0.92 0.80 0.27 1.37 1.40 0 1 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 2 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000261-1 K mg/l 5 1.13 1.43 1.22 0.12 1.13 1.20 1.34 0 3 0.49 Na mg/l 5 2.40 3.00 2.68 0.26 2.45 2.59 2.96 0 -8 -1.71 Ca mg/l 5 66.50 69.20 67.80 1.06 66.86 67.40 68.92 0 -7 -1.47 Mg mg/l 5 13.80 14.10 13.96 0.15 13.80 14.00 14.10 0 -2 -0.25 Fe mg/l 5 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0 4 0.73 Cl mg/l 5 1.30 1.97 1.75 0.26 1.49 1.83 1.93 0 4 0.73 F mg/l 5 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 2 0.24 SO4 mg/l 5 18.60 19.10 18.80 0.21 18.60 18.80 19.02 0 -1 0.00 Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 242.0 192.1 107.43 95.26 239.21 241.77 0 -2 -0.24 3 5 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 0.98 0.61 0.43 0.13 0.86 0.94 0 -2 -0.24 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.75 0.98 0.87 0.10 0.78 0.88 0.96 0 -4 -1.02 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000262-1 K mg/l 5 0.89 1.07 0.98 0.08 0.90 0.99 1.06 0 -8 -1.71 Na mg/l 5 4.90 6.80 5.39 0.80 4.90 5.10 6.17 0 -9 -2.02 Ca mg/l 5 90.20 97.20 93.10 3.45 90.32 91.10 96.92 0 8 1.71 Mg mg/l 5 17.40 18.70 18.08 0.61 17.44 18.20 18.66 0 6 1.22 Fe mg/l 5 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0 10 2.20 Cl mg/l 5 7.60 10.00 8.96 1.10 7.76 9.30 9.96 0 4 0.73 F mg/l 5 0.04 0.15 0.10 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.13 0 -2 -0.24 SO4 mg/l 5 55.10 61.40 58.22 2.91 55.14 59.20 60.92 0 4 0.73 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 283.8 222.8 124.66 109.24 276.07 282.84 0 8 1.71 4 7 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 0.88 0.56 0.33 0.24 0.64 0.79 0 4 0.73 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 1.06 2.23 1.54 0.56 1.08 1.44 2.09 0 6 1.70 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

March, 2007 Page 401 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

W0000263-1 K mg/l 5 1.10 2.40 1.54 0.62 1.10 1.10 2.24 0 -1 0.00 Na mg/l 5 170.0 203.0 186.8 15.26 170.40 194.00 200.20 5 -8 -1.71 0 0 0 Ca mg/l 5 64.50 127.0 88.24 23.18 71.42 82.30 110.44 0 -8 -1.71 0 Mg mg/l 5 3.11 6.80 4.34 1.49 3.19 3.94 5.90 0 -6 -1.22 Fe mg/l 5 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0 -2 -0.24 Cl mg/l 5 221.0 388.0 270.0 68.22 225.40 241.00 340.00 2 -6 -1.22 0 0 0 F mg/l 5 0.02 0.20 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.15 0 1 0.00 SO4 mg/l 5 16.90 23.30 20.26 2.90 17.26 20.40 23.14 0 -4 -0.73 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 313.4 214.4 122.99 96.83 251.52 294.16 0 4 0.73 0 6 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.20 0.88 0.50 0.39 1.03 1.19 0 4 0.73 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 1.77 3.40 2.54 0.88 1.77 2.49 3.34 0 -4 -1.02 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000264-2 K mg/l 6 1.39 19.40 5.98 6.83 1.49 3.55 12.91 0 -15 -2.63 Na mg/l 6 5.17 129.0 34.31 47.24 7.69 15.75 79.50 3 -15 -2.63 0 Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability Ca mg/l 6 29.00 74.00 48.97 15.42 33.05 50.15 63.70 0 5 0.75 Mg mg/l 6 5.25 50.60 13.30 18.28 5.55 5.99 28.35 0 -11 -1.88 Fe mg/l 6 0.00 1.02 0.23 0.41 0.00 0.03 0.54 1 -7 -1.13 Cl mg/l 6 2.40 34.00 8.89 12.40 2.48 3.93 20.27 0 -7 -1.13 F mg/l 6 0.04 0.22 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.16 0 0 0.00 SO4 mg/l 6 9.06 23.40 12.17 5.54 9.30 10.02 17.20 0 -13 -2.25 HCO3 mg/l 7 0.00 187.4 129.4 88.53 0.00 175.97 186.78 0 10 1.37 4 1 CO3 mg/l 7 0.00 1.65 0.74 0.60 0.00 0.88 1.32 0 0 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 5 0.07 0.13 0.10 0.02 0.07 0.10 0.12 0 -6 -1.22 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000264-3 K mg/l 5 1.38 2.10 1.62 0.29 1.39 1.58 1.91 0 -8 -1.71 Na mg/l 5 5.61 26.40 11.72 8.48 5.91 9.34 20.20 1 -10 -2.20

March, 2007 Page 402 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

Ca mg/l 5 47.80 55.10 53.02 3.02 49.96 54.00 55.06 0 10 2.20 Mg mg/l 5 11.10 12.30 11.84 0.49 11.30 12.00 12.26 0 10 2.20 Fe mg/l 5 0.14 0.18 0.15 0.02 0.14 0.14 0.17 0 4 0.73 Cl mg/l 5 2.19 3.00 2.39 0.34 2.20 2.22 2.74 0 -8 -1.71 F mg/l 5 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.12 0 6 1.31 SO4 mg/l 5 33.10 45.90 36.98 5.23 33.26 35.40 42.34 0 -10 -2.20 HCO3 mg/l 6 0.00 193.8 128.0 99.19 0.00 191.16 192.98 0 8 1.34 3 5 CO3 mg/l 6 0.00 1.28 0.56 0.50 0.00 0.61 1.07 0 4 0.57 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.00 Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

W0000049-1 K mg/l 5 0.76 11.80 2.98 4.93 0.76 0.79 7.40 0 -9 -2.02 Na mg/l 5 11.90 276.0 64.94 117.99 11.90 12.30 170.64 1 1 0.00 0 Ca mg/l 5 34.60 620.0 152.5 261.33 34.80 36.40 386.60 0 0 0.00 0 2 Mg mg/l 5 15.80 134.0 39.82 52.65 15.84 16.70 87.08 0 1 0.00 0 Fe mg/l 5 0.31 0.63 0.47 0.11 0.37 0.48 0.57 5 8 1.71 Cl mg/l 5 2.37 2.92 2.61 0.24 2.38 2.56 2.87 0 4 0.73 F mg/l 5 0.13 0.18 0.16 0.02 0.14 0.16 0.18 0 -6 -1.22 SO4 mg/l 5 0.15 1.55 0.71 0.63 0.16 0.50 1.41 0 2 0.24 HCO3 mg/l 5 0.00 242.9 172.8 97.89 81.43 206.21 230.33 0 10 2.20 2 3 CO3 mg/l 5 0.00 1.35 0.81 0.53 0.23 1.02 1.26 0 0 0.00 Nitrate as N mg/l 4 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.00 Parameter Unit Number of Min Max Mean Standard 10th Median (50th 90th Number of Mann Kendall Statistic Mann Kendall Statistic, Samples deviation Percentile Percentile) Percentile Exceedences indicating increasing or approximated Z value for decreasing trend calculating probability Nitrogen; total mg/l 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Kjeldahl

Table 3: Basic Ground Water Statistics

March, 2007 Page 403 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.0035 Legend Legend 0.0030 AAAA A A A A W0000040-1 A W0000044-2 A W0000263-1 0.0025 EPA = 0.006mg/L 0.0020

0.0015 Sb (mg/l) Sb 0.0010

0.0005 A A A A


2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 1: Antimony concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.0040 Legend

0.0032 Max.

75 perc. 0.0024 Median 25 perc.

0.0016 Min. Sb (mg/l) Sb



Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 2: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 404 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization


0.0035 Legend Legend HHHH H H H H H H W0000049-1 H W0000167-1 0.0028 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H W0000264-2 EPA = 0.006mg/L 0.0021

0.0014 Sb (mg/l)Sb


0.0007 H H H H H H 0.0000 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 3: Antimony concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.0040 Legend Legend I W0000042-1 0.0032 I W0000166-1 II I I I W0000264-3 EPA = 0.006mg/L 0.0024

0.0016 Sb (mg/l) Sb I

0.0008 II I 0.0000

2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 4: Antimony concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 405 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.0040 Legend

0.0032 Max.

75 perc. 0.0024 Median 25 perc.

0.0016 Min. Sb (mg/l) Sb



Stations for ORM

Figure 5: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.0035 Legend Legend 0.0030 GG G G G G W0000041-1 G W0000043-3 G W0000168-1 0.0025 G W0000044-3 EPA = 0.006mg/L 0.0020 G 0.0015 Sb (mg/l) Sb 0.0010 G

0.0005 G G G 0.0000

2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 6: Antimony concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 406 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.0040 Legend

0.0032 Max.

75 perc. 0.0024 Median 25 perc.

0.0016 Min. Sb (mg/l)Sb



Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 7: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.0040 Legend Legend C W0000265-2 0.0032 CC C C C EPA = 0.006mg/L


0.0016 Sb (mg/l)Sb


C 0.0000

2. 0 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 8: Antimony concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2003 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 407 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.0040 Legend

0.0032 Max.

75 perc. 0.0024 Median 25 perc.

0.0016 Min. Sb (mg/l) Sb



Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 9: Box and Whisker plot of Antimony for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.0040 Legend Legend A W0000040-1 0.0032 G W0000041-1 HHAAIICCHHGGAA CH H GI CHGA AH AHIGC I W0000042-1 G W0000043-3 A W0000044-2 G W0000044-3 0.0024 H W0000049-1 I W0000166-1 H W0000167-1 G G W0000168-1 0.0016 H W0000261-1 Sb (mg/l)Sb H W0000262-1 I A W0000263-1 H W0000264-2 H I W0000264-3 0.0008 G C W0000265-2 H H A HIAI H G AC AGH HGI 0.0000 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 10: Antimony concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 408 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.00012 Legend Legend AAAA A A AA A A W0000040-1 A W0000044-2 0.00009 A W0000263-1 EPA = 0.005mg/L

0.00006 Cd (mg/l) Cd

0.00003 A

A 0.00000

2Cd 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 11: Cadmium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.00020 Legend

0.00014 Max.

75 perc. 0.00008 Median 25 perc.

0.00002 Min. Cd (mg/l) Cd



Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 12: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 409 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.00035 Legend Legend H H W0000049-1 0.00028 H W0000167-1 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H W0000264-2 0.00021 EPA = 0.005mg/L

0.00014 Cd (mg/l) Cd

HHHH H H H H H H 0.00007

H H H 0.00000

2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 13: Cadmium concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.00012 Legend Legend II I I I I W0000042-1 0.00010 I W0000166-1 I W0000264-3 EPA = 0.005mg/L 0.00007

0.00005 Cd (mg/l) Cd

II 0.00002 I


2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 14: Cadmium concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 410 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.00020 Legend

0.00016 Max.

75 perc. 0.00012 Median 25 perc.

0.00008 Min. Cd (mg/l) Cd



Stations for ORM

Figure 15: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.00012 Legend Legend 0.00010 GGG G G G G G W0000041-1 G W0000043-3 G W0000168-1 G W0000044-3 0.00008 EPA = 0.005mg/L

0.00006 G

Cd (mg/l) Cd 0.00004 G


0.00000 G

2Cd 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 16: Cadmium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 411 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.00025 Legend 0.00020 Max. 0.00015 75 perc. 0.00010 Median 25 perc. 0.00005 Min. Cd (mg/l) Cd 0.00000



Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 17: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.00012 Legend Legend CC C C C C W0000265-2 0.00010 EPA = 0.005mg/L


0.00005 Cd (mg/l) Cd


0.00000 C

2Cd 0 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 18: Cadmium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2003 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 412 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.00011 Legend

0.00009 Max.

75 perc. 0.00007 Median 25 perc.

0.00004 Min. Cd (mg/l) Cd



Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 19: Box and Whisker plot of Cadmium for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.0004 Legend Legend A W0000040-1 0.0003 H G W0000041-1 I W0000042-1 G W0000043-3 A W0000044-2 G W0000044-3 0.0002 G H W0000049-1 I W0000166-1 H W0000167-1 G W0000168-1 0.0001 HHAAIICCHHGGAAG HC H GI HCGA AHAA AHIGC GIH H W0000261-1 Cd (mg/l) Cd H W0000262-1 G A W0000263-1 H A G II W0000264-2 HIH HA I W0000264-3 0.0000 G C C W0000265-2 A G -0.0001 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 20: Cadmium concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 413 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

600 Legend A Legend 500 A W0000040-1 A W0000044-2 A A W0000263-1

400 A ODWS = 250 mg/L

A 300 A A A A A 200 A


Chloride Concentration(mg/l) AAA A A 0 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 21: Chloride concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

600 Legend

480 Max.

75 perc. 360 Median 25 perc.

240 Min. Cl (mg/l)



Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 22: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 414 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

40 Legend Legend H H W0000049-1 32 H W0000167-1 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H W0000264-2 24 H H ODWS = 250 mg/L H H 16 H

H H H 8 H H H H H H H Chloride Concentration(mg/l) H H HH H H H H H H 0 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 23: Chloride concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

100 Legend I Legend I I I W0000042-1 80 I W0000166-1 I W0000264-3 I I ODWS = 250 mg/L 60



Chloride Concentration(mg/l) II I I I I 0 III 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 24: Chloride concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 415 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

100.00000 Legend

Max. 80.00000 75 perc. Median 60.00000 25 perc.


Cl (mg/l) 40.00000



Stations for ORM

Figure 25: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

400 Legend B Legend B B B B B W0000041-1 B W0000043-3 300 B W0000044-3 B W0000168-1 ODWS = 250 mg/L


100 B B B B B B B B B

Chloride Concentrations(mg/l) B B B 0 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 26: Chloride concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 416 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

400 Legend

320 Max.

75 perc. 240 Median 25 perc.

160 Min. Cl (mg/l)



Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 27: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

3.30 Legend Legend G W0000265-2 3.24 G ODWS = 250 mg/L G 3.18 G

G 3.12

G 3.06

G Chloride Concentration (mg/l) Concentration Chloride 3.00 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 28: Chloride concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 417 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

3.30 Legend

3.24 Max.

75 perc. 3.18 Median 25 perc.


Cl (mg/l) Min.



Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 29: Box and Whisker plot of Chloride for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

600 Legend A Legend A W0000040-1 480 G W0000041-1 A I W0000042-1 G W0000043-3 A A W0000044-2 G G G W0000044-3 360 G G G H W0000049-1 A I W0000166-1 H W0000167-1 A G W0000168-1 240 A A H W0000261-1 Cl (mg/l) A A H W0000262-1 A W0000263-1 A H W0000264-2 I W0000264-3 120 C W0000265-2 G I I G GI IG I G H G G G G AAH H HA HAAH 0 HG HICCIIHHIHHGCHIIHIIIHCCG HH HICH 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 30: Chloride concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 418 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

8 Legend Legend A A W0000040-1 A A W0000044-2 6 A W0000263-1 A A ODWS = 10mg/L

4 A A


Nitrate as N (mg/l) A A

0 AA A A

2Nitrate0 as N 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 31: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

8.0 Legend

6.4 Max.

75 perc. 4.8 Median 25 perc.

3.2 Min.

Nitrate as N (mg/l) 1.6


Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 32: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 419 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

2.5 Legend Legend H H W0000049-1 H W0000167-1 2.0 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H H W0000264-2 H ODWS = 10mg/L 1.5

H H 1.0 H H H H Nitrate N as (mg/l) 0.5 H H H H HH H H 0.0 HH H H

2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 33: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

3.5 Legend Legend

3.0 I I W0000042-1 I I W0000166-1 I I W0000264-3 2.5 I ODWS = 10mg/L 2.0


1.0 Nitrate as N (mg/l) 0.5

0.0 II I I

2Ni t0 r at e as N 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 34: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 420 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

3.0 Legend

Max. 2.4 75 perc. Median 1.8 25 perc.


1.2 NitrateN as (mg/l) 0.6


Stations for ORM

Figure 35: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.25 Legend Legend G W0000041-1 0.20 GG G W0000043-3 G W0000168-1 G W0000044-3 ODWS = 10mg/L 0.15

0.10 G

G G Nitrate as N (mg/l) 0.05 G GG GG G 0.00

2Nitrate0 as N 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 36: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 421 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.30 Legend

0.24 Max.

75 perc. 0.18 Median 25 perc.

0.12 Min.

Nitrate as N (mg/l) 0.06


Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 37: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.020 Legend Legend C W0000265-2 0.016 ODWS = 10mg/L




Nitrate N as (mg/l) 0.004


2Nitrate0 as N 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 38: Nitrate concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2003 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 422 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

2.0 Legend

1.6 Max.

75 perc. 1.2 Median 25 perc.

0.8 Min.

Nitrate as N (mg/l) 0.4


Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 39: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrates for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

8 Legend Legend A A W0000040-1 A G W0000041-1 6 I W0000042-1 A A G W0000043-3 A W0000044-2 G W0000044-3 H W0000049-1 I W0000166-1 4 H W0000167-1 G A W0000168-1 A H W0000261-1 H I I W0000262-1 I I A W0000263-1 H H W0000264-2 2 I Nitrate N as (mg/l) HA A W0000264-3 H C W0000265-2 HH H H H H H H HGG 0 HIICCHHAAGGGH CHG GI CHGA H IGCHAG H 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 40: Nitrate concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 423 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.40 Legend Legend A W0000040-1 0.32 A W0000044-2 AAAA A W0000263-1 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.24



AA Nitrite as N (mg/l) Nitrite as A 0.08 AA A A


2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 41: Nitrite concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.4 Legend

0.3 Max.

75 perc. 0.2 Median 25 perc.

0.2 Min.

Nitrite as N (mg/l) 0.1


Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 42: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 424 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.25 Legend Legend H W0000049-1 H W0000167-1 0.20 H H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H W0000264-2 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.15

H H 0.10 H NitriteN as (mg/l) 0.05 HH H H

HHHH H H H H H 0.00

2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 43: Nitrite concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

0.060 Legend Legend I W0000042-1 0.052 I W0000166-1 II I I I W0000264-3 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.044


Nitrite as N(mg/l) 0.028

0.020 II I I

2Nitrite0 as N 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 44: Nitrite concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 425 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.30 Legend

Max. 0.24 75 perc. Median 0.18 25 perc.


0.12 Nitrite as N (mg/l) as Nitrite



Stations for ORM

Figure 45: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.40 Legend Legend G W0000041-1 0.32 G W0000043-3 GG G W0000168-1 G W0000044-3 ODWS = 1mg/L 0.24



G G Nitrite as N (mg/l) Nitrite as 0.08 G GG GG G 0.00

2Nitrite0 as N 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 46: Nitrite concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 426 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

0.40 Legend

0.32 Max.

75 perc. 0.24 Median 25 perc.

0.16 Min.

Nitrite as N (mg/l) 0.08


Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 47: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.040 Legend Legend C W0000265-2 0.032 ODWS = 1mg/L




Nitrite N as (mg/l) 0.008


2Nitrite0 as N 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 48: Nitrite concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2003 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 427 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

2.0 Legend

1.6 Max.

75 perc. 1.2 Median 25 perc.

0.8 Min.

Nitrite as N (mg/l) 0.4


Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 49: Box and Whisker plot of Nitrites for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

0.40 Legend Legend A W0000040-1 0.32 G W0000041-1 AGGAAA I W0000042-1 G W0000043-3 A W0000044-2 G W0000044-3 0.24 H W0000049-1 I W0000166-1 AG H H W0000167-1 G W0000168-1 0.16 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 A H W0000263-1 H H W0000264-2 G AAG Nitrite as N (mg/l) Nitrite as A H I W0000264-3 0.08 C W0000265-2 HHIIAAG H IA HA I HHIICCHHGG CH GI CHG H IGCH H 0.00 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 50: Nitrite concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 428 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

250 Legend A Legend A W0000040-1 A A 200 A A W0000044-2 A W0000263-1 A A ODWS = 20mg/L 150 A

A A 100 Na (mg/l) Na

A 50

A AA A A 0

2Na0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 51: Sodium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Recent Deposits for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

300 Legend

240 Max.

75 perc. 180 Median 25 perc.

120 Min. Na (mg/l) Na



Stations for Recent Deposits

Figure 52: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for the Recent Deposits aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

March, 2007 Page 429 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

300 Legend H Legend H W0000049-1 240 H W0000167-1 H W0000261-1 H W0000262-1 H W0000264-2 180 ODWS = 20mg/L

H 120 Na (mg/l) Na



2. 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 53: Sodium concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth <30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

40 Legend I Legend I I I W0000042-1 32 I W0000166-1 I I W0000264-3 I I ODWS = 20mg/L 24

16 Na (mg/l) Na

I I 8 I I I I I I I


2Na 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 54: Sodium concentrations for monitoring wells within the ORM (depth >30m) for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 430 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

300 Legend

Max. 240 75 perc. Median 180 25 perc.


Na (mg/l) Na 120



Stations for ORM

Figure 55: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

250 Legend Legend G W0000041-1 200 G G G G G W0000043-3 G G W0000168-1 G W0000044-3 ODWS = 20mg/L 150

100 Na (mg/l) Na

G GG G 50 G G G G G G G G 0

2Na 0 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 56: Sodium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Thorncliffe Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 431 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

200 Legend

160 Max.

75 perc. 120 Median 25 perc.

80 Min. Na (mg/l) Na



Stations for Thorncliffe Fm.

Figure 57: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for the Thorncliffe Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

C Legend 28 Legend C W0000265-2 ODWS = 20mg/L 26 C C C CC 24

Na (mg/l) Na 22



2Na 0 20 20 20 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 58: Sodium concentrations for monitoring wells within the Scarborough Fm. for the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Program between 2003 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 432 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

29.0 Legend

28.0 Max.

75 perc. 27.0 Median 25 perc.

26.0 Min. Na (mg/l) Na



Stations for Scarborough Fm.

Figure 59: Box and Whisker plot of Sodium for the Scarborough Fm. aquifer unit from 2002 to 2005.

300 Legend H Legend A W0000040-1 240 G W0000041-1 A I W0000042-1 G W0000043-3 A A G G G A W0000044-2 G G A G 180 W0000044-3 A A H W0000049-1 I W0000166-1 A H W0000167-1 G W0000168-1 H H W0000261-1 120 A Na (mg/l) Na A H W0000262-1 A W0000263-1 H W0000264-2 G A I W0000264-3 60 GG G C W0000265-2 G I I C HG GI GI G I CCH C CCI G HG HG A H IHHAAIIH HIHAH HIAH 0 HI HH H IHHHI 20 20 20 20 20 02 03 04 05 06 Time

Figure 60: Sodium concentrations for all wells within the study area. All samples were collected as part of the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network between 2002 and 2005.

March, 2007 Page 433 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization Appendix 7: Groundwater Quantity Characterization (PGMN)

W0000040-1 W0000044-2

2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 160.0 147.3 159.5 146.9

159.0 146.5 146.1 158.5 145.7 158.0 145.3 157.5 144.9 Groundwater (masl) Levels

Groundwater Levels (masl) 157.0 144.5 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND

W0000041-1 W0000044-3

2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 153.5 139.5

153 138.5

152.5 137.5

152 136.5

151.5 135.5

151 134.5 Groundwater Levels (masl

Groundwater Levels (masl) Levels Groundwater 150.5 133.5 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND

W0000042-1 W0000049-1

2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003 2004 279.0 297.5 278.5 297.0 278.0 296.5 277.5 296.0 277.0 295.5 276.5 295.0 Groundwater LevelsGroundwater (masl)

Groundwater Levels (masl) Levels Groundwater 276.0 294.5 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND

W0000043-3 W0000166-1

2001 2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 119.0 210.0 118.5 209.5 118.0 209.0 117.5 208.5 117.0 208.0 116.5 207.5 Groundwater Levels (masl)

116.0 Groundwater Levels (masl) 207.0 JFMAMJJ ASOND JFMAMJJASOND

March, 2007 Page 434 of 435 CTC SWP Region – CLOCA Watershed Characterization

W0000167-1 W0000263-1

2002 2003 2004 2003 2004 204.0 136.0

203.5 135.5

203.0 135.0

202.5 134.5

202.0 134.0

201.5 133.5 Groundwater Levels (masl) Groundwater Groundwater Levels(masl) 201.0 133.0 JFMAMJJ ASOND JFMAMJJASOND

W0000168-1 W0000264-2

2003 2004 2003 2004 173.5 297.0

173 296.5

172.5 296.0

172 295.5

171.5 295.0

171 294.5 Groundwater Levels (masl) Levels Groundwater Groundwater Levels (masl) Groundwater Levels 170.5 294.0 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJ ASOND

W0000261-1 W0000264-3

2003 2004 291.5 2003 2004 297.0 291.0 296.5 290.5 296.0

290.0 295.5

289.5 295.0

289.0 294.5 Groundwater Levels (masl) Levels Groundwater

288.5 Groundwater Levels (masl) 294.0 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJ ASOND

W0000262-1 W0000265-2

2003 2004 200.0 2003 2004 299.0 199.5

199.0 298.5 198.5 298.0 198.0 evels (masl) 197.5 297.5 197.0 297.0 196.5 Groundwater Level (masl) 196.0 296.5 Groundwater L Groundwater JFMAMJJASOND 296.0 JFMAMJJASOND

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