Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(12): 255-263

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 12 (2013) pp. 255-263

Original Research Article Purification and characterization of Catalase enzyme from bisporus

S.Susmitha, P. Ranganayaki, K.K. Vidyamol and R.Vijayaraghavan*

Department of Microbiology, Nehru Arts and Science College, T.M.Palayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India *Corresponding author


Agaricus bisporus widely known as the common edible , it is cultivated K e y w o r d s more than 70 countries and is one of the most commonly consumed mushroom. The occurrence of high amounts of proteins, , fibers, and low Agaricus contents are often referred in the literature in relation to their nutritional value. bisporus; Catalase is a ubiquitous enzyme found in aerobic organisms. The aim of this Sephadox-75; project is to determine the catalase activity in the Agaricus bisporus. Catalase has Polyacrylamide been purified to homogeneity in the analytical ultracentrifuge, DEAE cellulose, gel Sephadox-75. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed molecular weight 45 electrophoresis. kDa for Catalase, which constituted 90% of the total protein of the stained gel, suggesting that the native enzyme is tetrameric.


Mushroom is the fleshly, spore bearing The common white mushroom, Agaricus fruiting body of a , typically bisporus, is a fungus of the order produced above ground on soil or on its . This order contains over food source. Mushroom describes a 13,000 fungi, which are readily variety of gilled fungi, with or without recognizable as gilled . The stems and the term is used even more above ground spore body of agaric generally to describe both the fleshy fungi all share common features: they are fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota and fleshy, with a (stem), a pileus (cap), the leathery fruiting bodes of some and lamellae (gills). They often have an , depending upon the annulus (ring) which is a remnant of the context form deviating from the standard veil that protects the gills during mushroom morphology usually have more maturation. It is widely known as the specific names such as puffball common mushroom, button mushroom stinkhorn and morel and gilled and white mushroom. It is cultivated in mushroom are often called agaricus . more than 70 countries and is one of the most commonly consumed mushroom.

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Edible mushroom is consumed by humans potential application is increasing rapidly. for their nutritional. Mushrooms have been In this investigation it has also been used as food and food-flavoring material planned to impregnate antioxidant enzyme in soups and sauces for centuries, due to purification from and its their unique and subtle flavor. The physio-chemical properties for effective occurrence of high amounts of proteins, therapeutic treatment. carbohydrates, fibers and low fat contents are often referred in the literature in Materials and Methods relation to their nutritional value. Regarding their medicinal value, Collection of sample mushrooms are effective as antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral and hematological Agarics bisporus were collected from the agents and in immune modulating Tamilnadu Agricultural university, treatments (Wasser & Weis, 1999); Yang, Coimbatore and washed well in tap water Lin, & Mau, 2002). Mushroom first and then with the distilled water. The have been shown to possess antioxidant cleaned tubers were sliced and kept in capacity in in-vitro systems (Ribeiro et al., refrigerator. 2006). Like other matrices containing antioxidant compounds, e.g. phenolics Catalase enzyme extraction (Bendini et al., 2006; Quezada et al., 2004), organic acids (Mato et al., 2003) The sliced mushroom tubers were and alkaloids. Mushrooms can be used homogenized by pre-chilled motor and both as a food supplement and in the pestle. Enzyme extraction was prepared pharmaceutical industry. with 1000ml of cold 0.067M phosphate buffer (pH 7) for 200g of mushroom Catalase is a ubiquitous enzyme found in tubers. The homogenate was centrifuged at aerobic organisms. It efficiently catalyzes 10000 rpm for 30min and supernatant was the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to collected. The sediments were mixed with oxygen and water together with other cold phosphate buffer, allowed to stand in enzyme systems, protects cells against the cold condition with occasional shaking. harmful effects of reactive oxygen species Then the sediment containing buffer was such as superoxide anions, hydrogen subjected to centrifugation once again to peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals. Although collect supernatant. The supernatant was oxidation reactions are crucial for life, used as a source of enzyme. they can also be damaging; hence, plants and animals maintain complex systems of Protein estimation (Lowry et al 1951 multiple types of antioxidants, such as method) glutathione, C and vitamin E as well as enzymes such as catalase, Protein content of enzyme extract is superoxide dismutase and various usually determined by this method, using peroxidases. Enzymes have been crystalline Bovine Serum Albumin as significant industrial products for more standard. The blue colour was developed than a hundred years. For example, a by the reduction of the phosphomolybdic therapeutic enzyme was described as a phosphotungstic components in the Folin- part of replacement therapies for genetic ciocalteau reagent and biuret reaction of deficiencies. However, the range of the protein with the alkaline cupric

256 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(12): 255-263 tartarate were measured at 660nm by the dialyzed enzyme solution was applied spectrophotometer. 2ml and 0.4ml of to the column and washed with 4 ml of mushroom supernatants were used to Buffer A. Elution also done by distilled determine the protein content. water. Active fraction detected for catalase activity by monitoring the decrease in A240. Catalase assay The fractions were collected and pooled (Sadasivam and Manickam, 2008) for subsequent purification in sephadex G- 75 column (0.5 X 5 cm) that had been The supernatant of Agaricus bisporous equilibrated with Buffer A (pH 7). The was used to determine the catalase activity active fractions (8 ml) were diluted to 32 by monitoring the decrease in A240 ml with the Buffer A in order to reduce the resulting from the elimination of H2O2, salt concentration. The fraction was then using a Hitachi U-3210 applied to the column and washed with the spectrophotometer. 3ml of Hydrogen 3 ml of Buffer A (pH 7). Elution was peroxide Phosphate buffer is taken in a performed with distilled water (total cuvette and mixed in 0.01-0.04ml of volume 15 ml). The volume of 1 fraction sample. Read against a control containing was 1 ml. Then the enzyme was stored at enzyme solution but containing H2O2 free 4°C. PO4 at the wavelength of 240nm in spectrophotometer. The time required Molecular weight determination of from 0.45 to 0.40 is noted. Thus the purified catalase decrease value is used for calculation.

Ammonium sulphate precipitation and The standards used to make a plot of log dialysis molecular weight versus mobility of the protein band were: lysozyme (14kDa), Ammonium sulphate precipitation of pepsin (36kDa), egg albumin (45kDa), antioxidant enzyme was done in an ice bovine serum albumin (67 kDa), bath using the finely grounded ammonium phosphorylase B (94kDa), ovalbumin sulfate. The powder was weighed and (43kDa), trypsin inhibitor (20100 kDa) added slowly to the extract by constant and_ -lactalbumin (14 400 kDa). stirring to ensure completely solubility, and the solution was centrifuged at Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide 10000rpm for 30min at 40C. Different gel (SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis of precipitation steps were carried out for purified catalase Calatase enzyme precipitation (45-90%) and precipitates were collected. The SDS PAGE is performed using a 10 % precipitate was dialyzed against 50mM separating gel, 4 % stacking gel without- potassium phosphate (pH 7) for 24hr by mercaptoethanol. The samples were heated changing the buffer thrice. The dialyzed for 5 min at 100 ºC in capped vials with fraction was used for further analysis. 1% (w/v) SDS in the presence of - mercaptoethanol. Electrophoresis was Purification of catalase enzyme performed at a constant 125V (8.0 mA) for (Tony ching et al., 1973) 4 h in Tris-HCl buffer pH 8.3. After electrophoresis, proteins in the separating DEAE-cellulose column (1 by 3) gel were made visible by staining with equilibrated with 50mM pottasium Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250. phosphate buffer (Buffer A- pH 7). 30µl of

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Analysis of pH profile Similarly, protein content of edible mushrooms taken for analysis revealed The activity of catalase for different pH that the presence of total protein about was obtained using 0.067M potassium 2.05 µg/ml in Agaricus bisporus. phosphate buffer (pH 3 to pH 8). In each pH buffer (1 ml), 30µl of enzyme solution was mixed and kept for overnight at 4 °C. Catalase assay After this period, enzyme activity of samples was analyzed under the standard Catalase assay was performed for the assay condition. supernatant of mushroom extract, enzyme activity were measured at 240nm Analysis of thermostability wavelength. Time taken for the reduction of A240 values from 0.45-0.4 was noticed. 10µl of catalase was placed in water bath The enzyme activity for Agaricus bisporus at a temperature of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and was calculated as 12.05 U/ml. Previous 60°C for periods of 60 min. Enzyme studies had shown catalase exist in activity after treatment was analyzed under multiple forms in several plants such as the standard assay condition. tobacco, saffron, cotton, mustard, maize, wheat, sunflower, castor bean, spinach, Storage stability pepper, loblolly pine and kohlrabi (Havir and McHale, 1987). In the present study, 30µl of catalase was mixed with 1ml of catalase enzyme from Agaricus bisporus potassium phosphate (pH7) buffer and was 12.05 U/ml and specific activity of stored at the 4 °C. Enzyme activity was 14.3 U/mg. Catalase activity of Agaricus analyzed every day up to 1 week in order bisporus was determined in the presence to find out the storage stability of of hydrogen peroxide. enzymes. Purification and molecular weight of Result and Discussion catalase from Agaricus bisporus

Protein estimation The enzyme eluted as a single species in the initial DEAE-cellulose Standard graph was plotted for bovine chromatography step. Additional serum albumin using spectrophotometric purification of the enzyme was achieved reading at 660 nm. Total protein obtained by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75. Table for Agaricus bisporus were 2.05 mg/ml for 2 summarizes the results of each step of 20 µl and 4.3 mg/ml for 40 µl sample the catalse purification. The enzyme was (Table 1). Ouzouni et al., (2009) reported purified about 51.07-fold, with a final the fruiting bodies of mushrooms contain specific activity of 14.3U/mg. The overall about 56.8% , 25.0% protein, recovery of the purification was 14%. The 5.7% fat and 12.5% ash on a dry weight molecular mass of catalase in dialysate basis. Previous research on the use of revealed about 43kDa and purified mushrooms in human nutrition, especially catalase 45 kDa (Fig.1). ). The peak on their nutritive and curative aspects, specific activity of catalase was 14.3 U/mg proved without doubt that mushrooms are was observed for Agaricus bisporus. There extremely important (Grlic, 1980). was rise in specific activity in each


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(12): 255-263

purification step. Loewen and Switala Effect of pH on catalase activity (1987) were observed the rise of specific enzyme activity in every purification step. The pH profile on the activity of catalase The native PAGE method developed by enzyme from Agaricus bisporus Hedrick and Smith (1968) provides mushroom was shown in fig. 2. The estimation for proteins analyzed on gels of optimum pH for the strains of Agaricus successive high acrylamide concentration. bisporus was 7.5 and had a minimum As it has been mentioned above, the activity at pH 3.5. molecular weight of catalase T is between 225 - 250 kD, and for catalase A Effect of temperature on catalase considerably lower 170 - 190 kD. The activity molecular weight of purified catalase of Agaricus bisporus was 45 kDa. Since the Purified catalase from Agaricus bisporus separated enzyme appeared as a single was stable in potassium phosphate buffer band, it was concluded catalase enzyme to (pH 7) for more than 4 days at 4°C, as a be tetrameric. From the reported data, it decrease in activity observed after 5 days can be concluded that catalase varies in its (Fig. 3). After being heated at 10-30°C for MW depending upon the source from 60 minutes, catalase from Agaricus which it is isolated. bisporus retained 26.98 units/ml of the

Table.1 Total protein content of Agaricus bisporous

Sample Agaricus bisporus volume (µl) (µg/ml) 20 2.05 40 4.3

Table.2 Purification of catalse from Agaricus bisporus

Total amount Total Specific Recovery Purification Purification step of protein activity activity S.No (%) (fold) (mg) (U) (U/mg) 1 Supernatant 430 121 0.28 100 1

2 Dialysate 92 82 0.89 67.7 3.1

3 DEAE- cellulose 87 52 1.67 42.9 5.9 Sephadox G-75 4 1.2 17.2 14.3 14 51.07 fraction


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Figure.2 pH stability of catalase from Agaricus bisporus


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Figure.3 Storage stability of catalase from Agaricus bisporus


5 m n 0 4

2 4 t a y t i

v 3 i t c a e 2 m y z n E 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days

Figure.4 Temperature stability of catalase from Agaricus bisporus


5 m n 0

4 4 2 t a y t i

v 3 i t c a e

m 2 y z n E 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature C

261 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(12): 255-263 enzyme activity measured at 30°C for 60 References minutes but became completely inactive after treatment between 40-60 °C for 60 Aydemir and Kuru. 2003. Purification minutes. The thermostability of Agaricus and characterization of Catalase bisporus catalase was shown in fig.4 . Chicken Erythrocytes and the effect of Various Inhibitors on Enzyme Noted that the most interesting Activity . Turk. J. Chem. 27: 85- 97. characteristics of catalase from mushroom Bendini, A., Cerretani, L., Pizzolante, L., was the optimum pH and temperature. The Toschi, T. G., Guzzo, F., Ceoldo, S., et optimum temperature and optimum pH for al. 2006. Phenol content related to purified catalase from Agaricus bisporus antioxidant and antimicrobial activities on enzymatic reaction were 30°C and pH of Passiflora spp. extracts. European 7 respectively. Similar temperature and pH Food Res. Technol. 223: 102 109. has also been reported by Aydemir and Grlic, LJ. 1980. Wild growing edible Kuru (2003) on catalase enzyme of blood plants. Education, Zagreb erythrocytes. (Samoniklojestivo bilje. Prosvjeta, Zagreb) (In Croatian). In this investigation antioxidant enzyme Havir, E.A. and McHale, N.A. 1990. purification from edible mushroom may be Purification and characterization of an used for effective therapeutic treatment. isozyme of catalase with enhanced- Many medicinal properties have been peroxidatic activity from leaves of attributed to mushroom catalases including Nicotiana sylvestris. Arch Biochem inhibition of platelet aggregation reduction Biophys. 283: 491-495. of blood cholesterol concentrations Hedrick and Smith. 1968. Size and prevention or alleviation of heart disease charge separation and estimation of and reduction of blood glucose levels, also molecular weights of proteins by disc prevention or alleviation of infections gel electrophoresis. Archi. caused by bacterial, viral, fungal and Biochem.Biophy.126: 155-164. parasitic pathogens. Consumption of Loewen, J. Switala, M. Smolenski, B.L. mushroom containing phytochemical with and Triggs-Raine. 1987. .Biochem Cell potential antioxidant properties can reduce Biol. 68:1037 1044. the risk of human disease. Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L. and Randall, R.J. 1951. Protein Acknowledgement measurement with Folin phenol reagent . J.Biol.chem.193 : 265. We acknowledge our profound gratitude to Mato, I., Huidobro, J., Simal-Lozano, J., the Department of Microbiology, Nehru and Sancho, M. T. 2003. Significance Arts and Science College, T.M.Palayam, of nonaromatic organic acids in honey. Coimbatore for providing the facilities for J. Food Protect. 66: 2371 2376. research work. We are highly indebted to Ouzouni, P. K., Petridis, D., Koller, W.D. Dr. Anirudhan (Prinicipal) and Riganakos, K. A. 2009. Nutritional Dr. J. Rathinamala, Dr.T.Balasaravanan value and metal content of wild edible Mr.V.Shanmugham and mushrooms collected from West Dr.Meenatchisundaram [Associate Macedonia and Epirus, Greece. Food Professors] Nehru Arts and Science Chem. 115: 1575-1580. College, T.M.Palayam, Coimbatore for Quezada, N., Ascensio,M., Del Valle, J. their valuable help to complete this work. 262

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