WHATEVER HAPPENED TO... CHARLIE FROM WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY eter Ostrum shot filming so we would have that surprised This interview took place Peter Ostrum, to fame aged 13 expression on our faces. I had a genuine at The Hollywood Show, aged 13, with in playing Charlie grandfather-grandson type relationship a celebrity signing convention Willy Wonka & Bucket in the 1971 with , who played Grandpa in Los Angeles where four The Chocolate P Factory (1971) Gene Wilder movie Joe. I also had a good relationship with times a year visitors get to meet Willy Wonka & The Gene Wilder, who played Willy Wonka. their favourite stars. Visit Chocolate Factory. I think that came through on the camera. www.hollywoodshow.com Peter, now 56, practises as a vet in “I haven’t seen Gene in years but I’ve for more Lowville, , where he lives with remained close with the other kids and we details. Loretta, his wife of 27 years, daughter have enjoyed so many reunions over the Helenka, 22, and son Leif, 17. years. We all share a special bond and today “I began acting with the it’s as if they are family. Playhouse in Ohio which had a very “I was offered a three-picture deal with successful children’s theatre. They were the studio, but I decided not to pursue asked to suggest children for a new movie acting. Looking back, my pay cheque was and the next thing I know, I’m cast as paltry, but it was during filming that Charlie Bucket. I really became interested in medicine. So I “The filming was a life-changing event bought my first horse with my earnings and because it was shot in . My father that started my current career path as a vet. travelled with me – he had served in “Whenever I meet fans of the movie, Germany during the war, so it was a very they want to know if the set was really emotional time for him – but we made of candy. Everything we ate was discovered Munich was a fun place to be. edible except the wallpaper – which really I BOUGHT A “There wasn’t any glitz and glamour on did taste like wallpaper. It was pretty gross. HORSE WITH MY set. We were young teenagers and we were “People tell me they watched Willy EARNINGS AND expected to work as young adults and be Wonka so many times growing up that they THAT STARTED MY professional, so that meant showing up on wore out their VHS copy. We had no idea time, knowing your lines and there wasn’t we were making a classic, which even CURRENT CAREER any messing about. I soon came to the coined a new phrase: ‘I’ve found the golden PATH AS A VET realisation that acting was a lot of work. ticket.’ I will always cherish my memories “The most impressive set was the of making the movie, but I feel I won the PETER OSTRUM chocolate room. Our director Mel Stuart golden ticket by becoming a vet.” didn’t want us to see the set until we began Tiffany Rose TWENTY YEARS AGO FROM THE NOW MAKE IT A LASTING PEACE Historic ceasefire must be permanent, John Major tells IRA. September 1,1994 A quarter of a century of murder and coming into effect there were two fired at a police station in County bombings was due to end at midnight last shooting incidents and reports of Fermanagh. A police patrol also came night as the IRA laid down their arms. widespread demonstrations. under fire in West Belfast. But within minutes of the ceasefire Ten minutes before the deadline shots John Major stepped up his peace drive A new beginning: Catholic boy embraces were fired in the mainly Catholic Markets by urging Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams a British soldier in Belfast yesterday area of central Belfast. Earlier, gunmen to disown the carnage forever. PHOTOGRAPHS: GETTY IMAGES; KOBAL; PACEMAKER PRESS PACEMAKER PHOTOGRAPHS: GETTY IMAGES; KOBAL;