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TOLoi i XlLIXoi HOo m

THE WATEBPjOBD HEWS," ESTABLISHED—1847 P^ . Purve Iarg<)3t Circulation id South of Ir&Qnd yors to H.R.E. the Prince of JWato 1, kfd ntry TKWA T , and Sucind Mtfion on S^TtTHDa y ! ¦ ,1 at Sc4. 49 and iO, COMineU-Sirwl i' . i : ; Hcnnns* ¦ , ; v: : • ! ! ( OPSO3IIE : THK TOOV I KCUI, BIBI). • " / : ; : Aii D • • ' , . ' L*) TThBIC^-OIffi PENNY; Yearly (in Advanc3),>3.4a.' ' : U\ I In fC:y© ! ' ^^ M j£" : . By Post(YcarW), 68. 6a. WlWiH u [gy All Cheques and P. ol Ordoro, mado paycblo /ff \(Tb " .Ul!=y J=}ii3 Uuu ' uii ilnU u .^y i OBNBLIUB P. EBDHOND, ! lo C at this Ofilooj " r, IS THE EWS oirouIateB exienrivory TBB N amoirat tho ai norckMits , traders »nd nobility; gentry, farming \yjy) Gold aad Frka Heddr3 ATOrdeS.' ^ ,\ttiu, Ao., . .»n "Vyatorfordj Kilkenny, lipporary, «nd the nouth[ of Ireland generally. Tha N EWB ^———^-ll—l¦ ¦ KM attained a aroulabon nevar equalled \y any papor • SPSOIALITI1B inbiished in "\Vaterfora, and ,1B admittedly tho lead- Wninj. ; ; important city, / JB » journal i n this with which thoro¦ in ' coimuniraUon from London. : ' Clyde ' - THE BEVERAGE Sireit daily Shipping Company, Ltd V-GLM-B SQBA, OF HEALT^/- Particular attention paid to dommbrdal and AcricrjI- DEC Mil BEB , Oity Plumbii^ &-@aaitas^ WOTIS 6< ¦ iW matters, j , . I , 1895. " THE ORIGIN AL ; Bojuior Stean Coctmunieafion ixftoeon i ^ (OflUdjEE ALE, I Automatic, | B EAWD . I AdrortitcmentB received tor tha NKW nv> i JL Scrorr Stcaaors; AKA : ' ' ¦ • -~\P& NMOEE, j ——r I ... "^iKsSs DA LLTCOITOH; COPELAHD. C0M- moBSsg? OOeTJiSLILO ! 8 ELLT Gladstone 8trct>5. "^ 1 T'- 'UBffi. DIJNOEJJESB VfATEBFpRXit-11^ K J PASTNET 1 .'EDnTSTOHE, ' BarroL-stTiind street. . , LIZARD. PLADDAVPOBTIAHD, EATHLIN, If egip tered Plumber ' #¦ Sanitary Engineer . SERVICE Miis Povf BR , 3AHDA, BKEEEYVOEE, TOWiiBD , IRISH CIVIL - 's WCIIH . - . . , TU6KAB. llr. HnqjiKB , Mayor VAIiENTIA, am ; iotendei: to \ sail aa under, Mra/QDilTi, John Street. I ' • Vcatlicr ' ponaittinpr. ; I PROPRIETOR : • BUILDING ; SOCIETY. : :¦ ¦ fouled , provouwd by usforcscon POHyiWAM i\hahBg;-4vi ^ff Oossitn UijRiKivA>'>6iii1 O'i/bniiollGtrcot.' olrenmstanocg), with liberty to tow Vtiada, and to call at , Qnay. Ass ' : any Port or Forts in say order; in or o[ut of tho (LATE OF MR. WILLIAM BAliRD'S DUBLIN), Established 1864. Incorporated 1874. Mr. HATsrUO coone, cuotoioary , OBBTN , Barrack direct. to Bocolra and Diachargo¦ Corgi}, or (or nny othor PIAJNUI ! Fran-a. Xrf. Mr. D parposo whalaooror.; :, -B- . chord Bc»!o, Chock Action Mr. WAHPKLLi Quay. ' : BEGS respectfully to thank tho Nobility, Gentry, ilanrsoro of Institutions, and Public LOAN8 GRANTED ON THE MOST FAVOURABLE , WiTmrOBH. 10 .0USC0S7. ' TO BUILD Panel Front, Hconces, &a; €p!sndid JIre. t'EBITT, ballybrickcn. ErcryTTJESDAT (Dfroct) ... , Bodic3 for the large shire of patronage they havo extended to him sinco commencing TEBMS TO ENABLE PEBSONS ToDo und " ¦ • ' ..I ' -. 1 T.m. HOU8E3 IN TOWNS, OE TO , Finish, only ! - Mr. AHrA"N , John-Stn-tt., . | i . ;. WEDNESDAYS (Via Plymouth); 4th Drcoriiberi 11 a.m.: business. i OR PURCHASE Mi(» ' PotyRB. Bread Street. | : Hth, 4p.m ; lBth. 11 tt.m ; 23th, No Silllnff. PAT OFF MORTGAGES THEREON. Mrs. D C 'TI.EK , Slpphrn |Streot. OLABQOW TO vuTBaro&i). i Emp.oying none but tho most compotont bandr| and having all ordore osocuted under his Tbe Buolncas ilrendy doDo execodo .£18 18yp oASH. ' ETCry UONDAY (Dlroot) Exoent iinl Dtbombcr ... 2 p.m. Jlr. JJ.'OI.A'N . lUll ybrickc*. \ ' ". ; ' . i own personal auporvision, he is enabled to undertake every class of £qnsl to mint . . Cni Itail. to Greonool ...6^3 pju. tiwo* sold at donbla KTIKKKNTf—P QcistivAN ,: Upper John Strce* Every.¦ THTJEBDAT (Dlioot) ... : ... „. a p.m. ^1,386,000. ibe price. ll»y bo IJKI on our lufltaj- DUrJOAEVAN-f Blr. K. K EOJJ , T.C, Main-Strcat. .: ' Cal. HUl.-to Qroonock ..£.21 pjn. Legal Expenses Fixed aod Elodoroto. max tj tUmt. UtBrzu/niB Vu.ac. Mathew WALSH . Miss M. CnHNireE. wATsarou) TO BEUUIX : Mr. . SMfSTiiSY Depostto received ot tho folloainj rate3, viz. :— TBAUCEE—Jili'f CXANCI , B«frc8hment Booms, and Erory SATTJRDAT (direct) ...... i - 1 p.m. E^aiiEl^IlB ^V»BDM.L. ; BXLUfiT 10 WiTOXTOUD—VU DOBtlB. Ordinary... ' ... 14 par Cent, por Annam. "Mr. Ilosday, S3rdDccamb«r;overyTu<^day — AND — JOKES TBOT, 81, Allon-StreoL (CiiooptiHth Dceoubsr) or One Year ... i „ „ CAPPOOTIN—Mr. W4TBKI0ED TO DUBLIB, l^ 2J HAEMOWlUIilS HAWE, Chapol Lane ; Every „ „ rAREICK-ON-gnrR—Mi" SATITEDAT (via BeUart) ... • .„ 1 p>m. l^or Two Tesra ... 8 , At S, 6,7, tnd 8 gnine&a, c&ah, en ths ^^ OHANNA H IABH , William 8U; U. I?. DTOJD Mrs . J 10 WiiTiBroiiD, Dr»E0T- For Ptcapcotno aod over; information addrecs tout vajne ever offered. Violins, HOOAH. ¦ ¦ VTEDHE¦ CBAYS, HhTocembor, 8 p.m; 11th, 6 p.m ; lBtb, G-EHISISAL FLUMBIM^r WOMK j . ' • ¦ Secretary. tlelodeons, Flatcs. Mnaical Boies, &o. MKADE. 8 p.m; 24th, 3 p.m. ! ALFEED H. MERCER, Beit Goods LISMOBE—Mrs- rriTziuroai) TO coal (Direct) IN THE UOST SATISFACTORY tIANNEE. , Lowest Prices. Euiui J!. KTNATT, Railway Bookstall. 62, Lovrer SaekvlHe-street , Dublin Icn3J applied to ill Iniarnm^nU. P* Every Thurcday .. .. *. '.. -.i — l p.ni PaTOWN—WI SB R OCHE. : ; COM 10 WiTinronD. Direet— KIM/-Mr». P ONATNE ond P. Coumns. FEIDATS, 6th December¦ , 6 p.m ; I3th, p.m.; SOtb , 6p.m ( _ Advortisor has had long and wide experience, hnvinf! carriod out oomo of tho largest • ¦ . : 27th, J * I rHE DOUBLE STAR PURE hotels TALLOW—T. Clsncv. ; ¦. p.m. . . r Plumbing and Sanitary Engineering Contracts in Ireland, including TCATJK70RD, BA1LWAI STATION—Uo:=ra; WixnroBD TO LOSDOS I ' , EVai7£atnrd«7 (Tia Sootbxs>ptun) ' ' ... 4 p.m EAEON t- SONB, Book Stand. - . ... cr:u HA v 2b IT A Z noy'jj; LOHDOB (St. Katharine Book), TO WAT*BK>:SD t FEII'AYB,,6th December 2p.m ; 13th, 8 « mi 20th, 2 p.m. 1 BrJACKHAf.L.8TSECT, tONDON— CLABrs, BON , 6 PiiATS, 85, Gractr tllb, t p.nj._ Public and Private Watar Works, \ ¦ : ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦ DUBLIN, ! . afcprtlj-Street. : • J{o tmnahlpmont by this routo. OWfira for oollooUon 01 For whloh ho holdB the Highest Testimonials C. MiTcnii/L & Co., Bed lion Coorl, Fleet-at. dolivory ol Goods cant to II'NJOUHI ft Co. ILimltodJ. li. Cantle'Strcot, Flnflbory j to Cljdo Shipping Company, ^0>EIHG:now Opened in the vicinit B. r.i W BITI 4 SON , 33, Fleet Street. 133, y of tbo Cat Uo LeadenhnU street, or Clyde Shipping Connany, £ WaMhoaao, In Watorford and District alono he can refer to tho following, amongst other, -ll-p Udrket. and qoito 8rtKLr.KT 4 Co., 5, Leadenbnll 8treot, E-O. 8t Katharine Dock, will receive prompt attention. conveniout to Klnj'o Hevii Boom 172J Fleet 8troet examples :—De La Salle Collogo, Watcrford District Luimtic Asylum (Now Buildings), Ursulino Bridge and liroadstone Termini, will bo fouad Temple . __m 'WATsiurOBn 10 PLTMO«rrn, direct, Convent, SVaterford und 's Collego Convent M<» IT6. STIIKET &.CO., Corn Hill. WEDNESDAYS. *th Doeembor, U a.m ;| 11th, i p.m. ; 18tb, Central Ireland llailwiiy, Imperial Hotel, St. John , tbo most Comfortable, conbjned i nith llodeicto SOAPS. ¦ Mfforf. Kino 4 POH , Vi , Polt Conrt, Fleel-St. 11 tmiiith. No faUing, of tho Good Shepherd, Carriek-on-Suir Convunt of Mercy, Tallow Carmollito Convent , Kilmac- Cbirges. Vi:itora " to Dublin choald c^me and iio KO Flfft-Sticet i do. do. ,.«.,„ PiTuooia TO Wiitaroiiu (direct) for i ' llr. J- Toe , 11ONDAYS, 4th November, 10 a.m. homas Convent of Mercy, and bos also executed Contracts in many of tho munsions of the thcmcelvc. . jylO.dm BA ABOH &; Son Abboy-ct | 11th, 11 a.m i lSlh, DOBLIN—Mropre. C 8. E , 10a.mi 2otb, 11a.m. i leading gentry of this and tho adjoining Counties. In addition to this ho obtamixl Prizes at COMPRESSED II. A. ilEAMT. F. B. O'K KEFFB, 1, St. Andrew-Street. WMOTTOBD To!8oDTninrToa. the Artizana' Exhibition in Work. «• Dublin for Excellence in Plumbing >m Evory 8ATUBDAY (direct), «j> m nuRLinGion BotrrniapToa TO YEAB^? Winarosn—Tu PLTBoom. All \7ork executed in the very best manner. Materials of first-class finish und quality. IB Every Saturday at Noon. References, if necossary, lijiginoore. EstimuteJ BOTEL AND REBTAVBAN 'l, WiixaTOOD TO NirraiTiiB. to all the eminent Dublin Architects and Civil LITERALLY AKD ABSOLOT'ELT PDBE, ST. ANDREW STREET, ! The Old " GUION j " Emigration Evory BATUEDAY.via Southampton ' 1 ._ ._ i p.m Free. Guaranteed BUCCCSB of all work executed at tho And consequently TTHOB ca CTEOHO .as Hmum TO W1TI&T02D. : mHE most Centrci, Moderate over ; ordinary Teaat3, , and Modem. V- Office. Every TUESDAY (viaLondon), Cargo only. ¦ii- Electric Light in bedrooma, nleo telep -3K WATKETORD ' TO OVKO Whioh oro largely mixed with OTACCII . hono S (Establlsii^d 45 Years.) D * accommodatio". Hot cr - yg^Alj ^ l>crj^ SATOKDAY (via Southampton tsi Newhaton), 4 f.m ©ow [pLuyiu^© a SAlR110?AiV lymiWi .d cold b.ulhj. Cooklnr a SE3 CXOE;OU' L7> DOV»B TO WATEXroES, la BcrllDgton. "5= ~.i—^_p> LOWEST BATES i COMPLAINTS are sometimes made of Yeast Oy : Every TUESDAY (via Boathimpton), ozwpt 24th Dcccmbir. (JylB.Ily) T. COELESS ond Catads ... £6 to £5 10s- CATHEKINE-ST W ATERFORD. reaching tho Baker " OUT OF CONDITION." , Proprietor. United Strttes Cargo only. . i THE COUNTY The Cape ... ••• £8 83. & £10 Hh- Thcso Stcussn have oicolloot iwoominoditlon lot Thcao are generally doe to tho Intervention ¦ OF iWEXFORD: An>tr»lia ... - £13 13B - Pac'ODiima* ' < of SUB-AGENTS, WHO KEEP IT TOO ¦JVXna^ICH—GLa a. PAS8AGE.II0ITET. GloatT7or ! To tho Nobility, Kt» Zcslmd ... - £U Hs t £1S 15v LONG before condiDft out, and may bo Gentry, and CoramonaHy of tho Cabin. Estorz. Steomgo. Eotnro. Town and County of Pcrnsmbnco, Sooth Atnerio.O Wntcrfordto Olugon „, 17a. Cd. £5a. 103, L5o. ENTIRELY OBVIATED BY OEDEEING A Fir«t-ck.:aFamilj ond Connorcial Hotel. ^Voxford. Babiu , ,, I ; „ Beliiuit, ... 17fc 6d. 26a. Kb. ISs. DIEECT FROM THE Itn?0RTER. „ Cork, ' .;.' 8r, Od. Ita. 83, 7o. 6d ? irho ben FBESH ARRIVALS every day. npHE " Glf ntworth" io the nearc3t Hotel in Mr Lonu3 iHD GENTLIHEK, Elo De Jantlro> 1. I „ Pljmoath and TUO OE = WAE, 0 TUG- OF WAK I a Qly io iha EaUwa» Eiation '¦ ° ° ° Free Biking Samples, and fall parttcularoOD i.» «ii , Banks, Steam- ABOVE HISTORY, S&ntOJ . ,, } ;l*7 03. Oi Southampton80s. Od. 8O3. IO3. 153. boat Oflccs, Tctejrapb ond Post OBcn, c-id to all pnb- THE oblch enjbrccei t-'so la Video, „ I a , London, via Soath* application to Uo plafcca of maosoment. gome ueapare a History of Jrelan j, licnte ¦ TUG - OF - WAR I P. KKBUA , Proprietor. 14, commenced ampton b Bail — — lii — by the; EQDEBT BoerosAjtef , .1 I TTltEEED EAUGHSOn, 15 and 10, Glonhrorth-ntroot. LimcSici. )y him, viz fijn Nicolan, „ J from Dublin ... lOo. Od. — ' 6a. —. : 28, CITY QUAY, DUBLIN. THE CBOV7 JT aosnrj, , tbat the actual liecorda tb'stn- Children above 3 and under 13 ycara o! a«o, Hal f Faro. ' " solves as maob as possible farther particulars and SalliDRB apply to Sole Agent for Ireland (tbe coantico c! Antrim MONCK - STEEET, aboald form tbe eonroca for Return Tickcta available for Two Ilontht—Not Tranofomllo. WEXFOBD. of information and tho foundsti CO General Agentp, cr NOTK.—The Cljda Shipping Company (limited) SMOKERS OF PLUG TOBAGOO end Doun oxceptcj.) yna pf Us ttructuro, GUION & ., can Inauro Goods shiiipcd by thcao . lines oC Stotuuera with tuch few Editorial Corameota 21 and 23, ; Wator-SttC3t, . 8HOOLD TfcT THIS OldI'otol U famous for cood.pnro Whisker , as might against all Sea Bisks, forms, Bates of Promiom, and all elocidsto tho text, will ihortly' ba read Liverpool. Information can be hadat,theOmcc3. tnd all other DrlnkB. y for tha Freight For Bates ot , be., apply to Hour J. Wmnio UBS. KELLY, Pnopunrrnree. Tno tvoik, & Co., Plymouth j Joan E. UAWIIBB London and 8onth- whlah nil! ba In tbja hfit style ol art ^7cle3, oaa tuo . Clojo to tho Railnay Statioa. ap24.tf t;ill doDtaln , Innland and Couth Western Hallway Company, Exoter EulldinirB, Arthur Strcot, many cDgraviog« sod photographs, : , and at the L. ft 8. W. Bailnay Eocoiring tlousca KENKTEDY'S facsimllles South oi Irolcad. West , etc., wth tho Pedigrees tnd Coats of throughout London ; Clyde Shipping Co., 12, Tictorla-etroot, Iuposial Uotol. Arms of Clyde Shipping Co.. Bochtutor I Boildings, 1S3 ton Anglo-Norman and coma , of tba WEBTEBN BAILW^AT BaUast ( Cromwcllian Service by iGBEAT Loadenhall Stroot, London. E.C. 1 Clyde Bhlpplnir Co.. Sail. LOTTET5 SACEVILLE-STEEET, Families. i , Steamboats, uto MILJOED Dovor DUBLIN. The pre80Dt Con pany 'B Ti'ains and mj Offices, Howhavon 1 Elizabeth Streot i (rier), 1 Sabaorl ptioo Lut of Three Qairto vith tho WATXB#OED a, Carlton Plate, Glasgow | Custom HOMO JBuildingi, Volumes at H ATIN, in connpetion Plug. (Onpoalto tho G oneral Post-OCloo and Tolejrraph OE:a) XI a Volomo is now placod bofore'yoa LinMrioi 1 Ion Soathamp- Champion GrcoBOCk 1 Dock Boad, Quay, War EE Tig=of= We are now buying Direct tt CsnrcAi I - from in tbe and LrriBicK. lAVATEEyouD ton 1 85. Edon Quay, Dublin 1 Patrick*! Qn»r. Cork. Th). I H E L B 0 U RIN E HO T E L. , , Gci3cvr»baryTIiCa pbent it.55 a.m., in Umo fbr the Trains on ^fc ^- K L^J Stoamship Company (limited) ^ \ J and livo Stock for Shij- 2iio ^7ictlow notol end Ecatanraa* the W sK-riord oDd Liirerici, Central Irolind , ZSTfcPv \yic\. recoivooa Goods ; 1 » ^^^N^-mbnt tho conditions mentioned tn and 1 »B oie LiDer. ' —^ ¦^ thoir 0,' 7, cad 8, WICKLOW-STEEET, I at 0 pJa., ^ BallingUnto. £0., to bo hart at WLBH2 Oil THa ROAD I DJ" .—Lea\< \\ ateiford (IJorth Wharf) 7~ : Offlcos. (Grafton-streot), DUBLIN. \ e»ipk \\trl Day, on. A rriiol ol 3.10p.m Train 11ID BBIBTOL llary. WATEBVOED irjrmrojp. ~ ' 1 "[A/TOST Ceatrdlly Sltcatcdl Comfortablo a!nd To wxuro tho Pots of Iho lircirid, 4 25 p.m. Train from wATiaioonTO SHISTOI-; «aoa DSIJTOL TO rpfi i—VI P r-^fr- comia- Ejeiar 6«ioa ficni roou Dee 4... 1 aft'ooon V----7 n n JLvJL IJoderato. Dinners ready all day. ¦ t!Ctcopt i U.3U p.m. 5'raini from Fermoy, and Tarsdar, Deo 1... 3.S0a(l'noon W(4neaday, ! BIDE A in aft'noon Satnrany, „ 7... 9 night 2.h p.m. Train from Lismoro, ABBrviKa Friday, ,, 6... 4 EIOHAED O'BKIEN, Poprictor. j oironniBtances pcr- Tursday, ,,¦!!'.« 4 aitfeoos Wednesday, „ 11...U m night : *it'V (.wenthor cud Saturday, „ H... alt HOOD '[| 'Lo morning followini? day. FridoT .. 13...11 J o ¦ " the W;_ IJa DOtJ Bt J2.25 p.m., ' 7 ajfnoon lrU r :Ui«.Fl TooS&y, 17 2.3»atfnoon Wedne»l«r. .. 1 (%%?^\ G_L|A S." tho;St^amor lccfinn Water Satorday, „ 31... » night MMM ! Pa^mMTt trti^e'ling by FridaV 20 .. 3 affnoon I M©1MIL Tho Fitit Tandtm from Now Ziafordby No SaU'g Wednesday. ,, |5... No hjurg Bicydo bailtl D Irel.nd BMC Sctiriiye 7>U1 fromed. . ToSSJr « l . ^) tctured at wu - Ijrd PL 'onsing PridV, 27 I alt'noon Baturdor, ,,. h..M m night u ll trh If l-TTj ! TUE Douous QTCLS UI . Tmid PO PDJICI»J n I,.. 0 affroi o WoiKfl. t « II'2S S- nqbjoct to ita being frcso^T " 31 3 aft noon Weducsdiy Jan na / 'S 'igs can only bo joooivod affnoou 8aturday, .. - 7 affnoon Fauds m Hand, wJomn:^BJ ^mm .Ss Cargo ,be starter! FridaJ Jan 3 i ^ x^m leather and Spirit ^ "Warehouco. J.D. personally eupcrintenda tiiao for t&e 8toanior to Jioming Balling., Cabim. of .the^m» win ™ ^ ail work dona oh KJ ihjpped in "Sfc n Sly 1 Mod prcmwM, and guarantees .. . bo open to rocdve Passengers arrivins by thoHisbl ~——~ i that j ill orders will ba rnncrrnALiiT from New Milford oill, ¦ The 5 \o a m Troin aod arrival o( oievner leaving Watcrford anriO-^UUren ii JEREMIA H HAYES «*?*£& in »H cafw, wiit¦ "S^^^ ZVo ^ (and / ai.it S£?5^ ; I i!!Ji!!]l!!) i!bi!!Jl!lJa bb^ C^MSu- . . (Lato of UcTtamara't) j Bt 7 30pii : LONDON j ^ ^S9 9 \J VAtlK-rWATXRFOnD AND Having Oprned Buolnos on hit onn account lnvtU {as &iloon,4£i Od ¦ ' ' ¦ (available ! nook; 1st dads and . at BlHOLie and8alooOj 353 6d ! . " '! . ?ndCksi Srd Claai ana Pore Cabin. 2030d A K D L1VEBPOOL n lie e, cAsrionosjiAij a - GSEBEp, i^^kF^ " ! " WATEBPOBD C7 R«piirs executed with qaickceai aad at (available one month) I lom£&[ FOFO acac3 Mffo (BcMpann Ao a©i?flc3- la now propared to supply his Friends eitr=5~" s!7 ErroKKo Saloon, 76a, j LOW KATES. j.' lit CI11M& COUNTY OF WATEEF0RD cad tbo Pnbllo generally nlth | ¦ 2na:CUaa& Saloon 50a. ¦ •• 1 ' , " THE BEST VALUE IN THE LEATHER TEADE OBB and ^ore Cabin, 33s 6d. ' " 9... alfnocn AGEUTO » . ! " 3rd CI S^f/.' " 8 mornini ilonday, ! „ * *. Z' QJX V ' 0200201273. will b« vpsm Clara Tioieta H#rf holding Third biinnn : on payment BEST IUPOETED • DOUGLA S CYCLd c< the Saloon ef the boato, oud the;o i VVQRKS^ tHo«id if (j n»c dircntlra. " mornini Monoay. i „ i«,..w nljht ROAD CONTRACTORS, intsratcd 1 JOHN8TOWN, WATERFORD additional fee of Sa., is cither IjnSv 16 T TO in County Presottroonla.—Days for l:jldln(; JQO X 3, 'ca£' of tn tn obtained I torn ISx A , | .. 1 SOJo3^ IT I , Gci5i IIj£;;ll:l Goodb Poi -herlinlbimotion ran tea, ; i. Jjgnoo? ^Jjgj ;*, J-*. WHITT T & Road Sccjiono, provioosto Bprinjr ^cuitcs , 189G. • ' 1Jn)inpF ,;I/iJ»erick ; the agentUr ¦Q. l. cr>ijED |i*»> T< ThefieDucxD For Kilcnlliboon , at MUepost, Tbarsdav¦ , Oth Jenaarv CEUFS, CALF, CEUMP, VAMP, j hi Wharf, Wat^rforf . 'CIoak. " .' i ¦HicpoLLsL Adelp tho Tims UOG . lBt n.O o SATIN CALli1 KID CALF EOAN8, tluvJ other important Stations, For Ganltior, at Callnsbine, oand daj, flth Jennirr , BASILS ^a ^aSli^ Vi/iBxI t?iEiB between! fro., can b« WMwkTERFORD. S and Throtgh Bates for Goods, ffi^ -|"?5W tt !5?r 'f SS- 42. ®UAV. ;1896, at 1.0 o'Clook. , : : and SH0J1 FINDINGS of all dc:oriptiona. Tablet , tie Great Wcstqrn Eiil- j UniXJTJAIXSD; AS ^ Obtained of MiJ G. H. HILL, For Middlothird , Trajnoro, Friday, JOth Jtncaiy District Agont, Adslphi Vlharf, , Watcrford. Bt 11.0 o'Clook ,' A ¦ w«y tWpanjfa ¦ ¦ ¦ . Bunoiy V^W rt ^t! ' Wharf ;i69G, BUTTS, BEND3 «nd CBUP3 of AE:ottc3 Ttttsnbs a^Licioira ¦ i ^ ' Saturday, lltb January c^otiiiioiri^ ¦V7»terford[ . I ! Av«r>s.6ca P« ^^ ^W - For Upporthird, Carriolibea, ¦ alnays In Stock. ! HAY LA1IBEET, General UnEasor. a ^ rinsl cbnaron ^ ;1896, at 11-80 o'CIooi. , . , : BE OBTAntUD OP ' HFNET 1 A Largo Btooi of BOOT UPPEE3, wbloh for i i'-tf For Glenaholry, Ballymaoarbsry. Ilondaj, ,13tb AI * ;•¦ '¦ '¦I'dii.Btf.clenainna.:, St j 'ADMIRABLY AOAPTLD Jonuary, 18DC, at 12.46 o'Clook. ylo, Durability, and WortaaDobip, cincot !b; GEO0EB3 Q/Q ( Hat Coahmoro and Conhbtido, Lhuioro, Tnc:ihy, 14t Meolled -^— AND TVINI! UGBCHflinS LINE TO THE WANTS vS. 1^ :J»ncary, 189G, at l?,0 o'Cl^oV, AMERICAN /^) For Dooiea Within Drom, Oltahnoro, Tharcdiy, : Ifaaufacturert' fOBK - , 16th January, 180G, st 12.30 o'Cloot. VEST BE8T COEK & DUBLIN WHISKIES- i— L sOTTrHAUPrbN-NEW OF INFANTS qiQ o^ /n For Dcc'.ca TOtbont Drom, DuErr.rvtn, Tridsj, 17th • aiJINNESS'8 XX 6TOUT, : {% : January. 180G, 6t 11 80 o Clook. . j WINES, BBANDIES, also all kind) of Tcmperacce I For Coanty at Largo, DuDgarvan, camo day, 17th Jannary, 1898, »t 1.0 o'Cloot. Drink:, to ba bad en tho Pzcml::i. i (LnnTSD)i At Duojarvan the bnilncas of tho County at Largo Pi-z&SB Norn ADDunr.a:— : 1 n.on rd . will bo cntDtod npoo et On4 o'CIocb. DUBLIN. toJo^a H Watcrfo and ! ' : INFANTS , All oppliiutXona for Prcaontmetits, La., meat bo SM^J&mm»UEUui \ ^ ATDUDAT S ^ uanwvaa. (yX? |T (l// llodced in my Ofilce, on or beforo S , the 28th No. 6, BAKRONSTEAND-ST, nmBh.st!ci«a;o« ^"mo^ni ^loon CcntoTfadindBallway.Wairfoij d. ^"-— " f\ TT ^ ¦: day of DECEUDEB, 1895, end no epplioation IU bo V/ATERFOED. HIGHLY ( CHl i enterod on tbo Presontmcnt''Shoi.'i thtt is not prepare! "TVON'T COUGH-JUST USK Southampton. |\ 'V9 ™^ lnaooordonco with tba Act of Ptrllsmont. | toirn or Liverpool to ^ INVALIDS & i Rgsolotion pasted by/tha Grand Jury at Bamnor COUGH—JUST i f TT^ON'T DV" ' TJ^E fflP fflA SERVICE. NUTWTI0U5: ^ ' Aesleca, 1893, omondod Summor Aldus, 1895. i . Ln-EEPOOL-PHlH^ ^ OSTUCTOXS iss OTOSIB:—(iewlvcd tilt Ufatnre WEDNESPAT._ \svtr. THE AGED To JIou> C ^>. QOSTEISr, " I BiwrtJi Fie** Art Uiao.HsJt tSt I Every »U ttaiat tiir vorii to ba txkan at Ajloarccd Sc3iba> (or . ! world in any TO •PH I tba County be lodged In tho Secretary eooDlrjr Vut cut tn tlmoLym L I V ^ERPOOL . r&4£££v the varioai Daroalct la wUl e=4 &DATIN&1 tOZZHOM &rS Callin^at Grand laty ' OHc«, \7aterford, not later thin 6 O'clock, p m BUILDER and COJi TRACTdf l •old. Thvr* la>D«iJitt«ly so Qn^^^ I^f^SeJphla on en the day previous to cacb Sessions and tbat no Tcnaort ntsadr tSatt ii so spoedv In fjvhiiralisf, so ee»tal» to 5irik bo rccolfodafter thit hoar, and in the CAM of the Bironr ot and yet UM most deli«iu QlraBhciTT, that Tender*M lodgod on tbo Satnrd»r preTiooi 07, T.6E IIAnOD, T7ATEE]?OI1D. cut take thea Cjat ty» Uejolatlcabo prinUaloa Uio thecti for l' TTEATING'a COUGH LOZENGES. and ¦ ¦ rc^cst- tnont Scsalona, i | BUILDING TVOEKS AMD CONTEACTS '• ¦;" . E. Q. iPAUL, Scorttary to tho Grand Jnry. *W ft Co.. . Pjoroptly »nd Carefully Er-ecntcd. | 77-EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. ) WCT¦ itoB0». BEENOE , , Concty Beerotar J 'B OfQco, Court IIooxs, ;;- 1 . ' Bontnampwn ui »>»'i^" Watcrford, 20th Jnly, 189D. ' " AKI DOCTO* WII4 mi. xoa " tter« Is aa _.to LOCAI. AQEHTB » ., ' smsumE E8TIMATES FllEE, \ better Congh U«di«tna th»n . KJEATtKo" I i In WEEDS ^^^ o ^te ^ f CivrrieoYeini^ii i %w| ! OnEAttPAOT-OU PPEO. LOZEHOES. On. EITM wildTtosr «KU 'l^d^ m PE0U tO01I'-Kew»it Dcilioi" Tttioda, «t«., for BalUogi, Ovoreoitln~ si, il ^\ (A=Z. j Worlishppa and Promiaea at c.tj. MttX tbej wUl S»* inlniT^aTsi.iS; »T0rt (Limited), b ^//S&a DIBEOT1 . ^^ "*" *• °Sv^i^W.t< jtJmjhl,. C ompW KldHW UdlM Oo«nm<», ato. PATTEaUO POST fSBT <^iV«yT Eolil eTprr^erelj ltga.Unit WOOt—PABMBBfl. ShephoraX «t«; •B BOI de414ti utlcj by KnlUut Wool to t "Nofir* : Waterside- t.tqp ^3 ta%5 , (iF» Quici Betoms, and UNRIVi¦ KEiLEDT. M 'or tianniaetnrs. w« gs 33JS-\S!»>Sv\ an»r»nt« BatUfactlou. foi Esla car Goads and CoUccUon iCAJsnioC-oB¦ »Srnis...Jamc3 , : AOBHTS WA117ED Wool (6?j3£&5$§i• mHE UNBIVALLED BEliED*. : ^' ' 4?^S^^r^^^ .&P^jClOfflo..^^ )-. ; JftK£^-ig£§g\ li1 st's -T ! ,', ! ...Biohara Uuiay- . .ci ¦ . a^Wa ^OTd BteamahipC^Jpainy^. nnATGFUL-coMrormwo. IIafa-*>; ^S Cllontm. M.-....Ptttriok NTi«ciit,73 675 l n G&wi'U^^ mimmm&s] DiuoACTAn! i...Jdhn CnlliMD.Tt' 6 ' ' : WIDOW ^TEtcU'fl PfiHALC Pll^La SOUTH DISCOUNT _JL Werfsmflu, P"»* . jrn^TiMter. i. i ; ' ' ' ' r-. . a oina fr - , , BANK, 86 SOUTH COBK.i* InoKAETOTm _JJ ¦— ; ; \- j , , *AJUL, ;fr • . : i i ! \ • ii . l : r^- 'i hare B repatationof over 100 Ycsrd. - ; la. Lint and SSMU Sana, Ainiuti-im 1h« Ifcn^rt WK,oS I..^ ond Dloconnt Doalj ; PKIVATE iDYANOES. Notice £0 all ilum of Bornwen, cCw or ItMta. asitsrS Ki S ^P^K5o^t I ¦ ti-o rfoviaoid lion ConUb «od PRBB BotU*of Ujdlclss. ud TRYIT,!: on thaliowo ball, st «ay KEAESIiEyS . WILLIAMJBTBBET, PUBLIN. The Grind Socrot o! bonowlnff money' IJ to know t KS dl-Ua**1» StHiT'xSiiVC 58, to go to in tho hou oj necd HaCCOTi , EttUWjtKlardMf , LONDON, N.W.I; s»ti»» fetsocsinto b*ti***a.aid alab U M dabta.C/ ^i WIDOW WEL0p'8 FEMALE PILLS : ESTABLIBBED 188a tboeonsW* «»poeUUe Offle* . Wrl&«<^forj«a«w * are tho acknowledged remedy for Percale cbmplalnta ' NATICHHA L LOAN BANK. 10 ANQLESEA i«^«5Ls*»o*^;i:; ¦ ¦ jC? fl /TV AND UPWABD8 lanf daily, otthont THE ¦ ; , D. SHAJrV. MAHAflDBsV ¦ ' ¦ »ay ael»T, ito all Borrowor*—Clerpjm«o rf; j 8TEEET, DUBLIK. ; ^ KEABSLET'S i ' tS&JLv . , noUoa . : Al ] , . : :: ; i'&rmero.S hopkMpers, psuT- Peopjo, male or feciato, ADT torn oi Money lent jon tho shortest . Ho . OfflJ^B WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS fcc» or Uw o * u$LtiW^> contain oo irritant drjog, ondi bays tbo approve! of i . I I : ¦; ;; ' i' I ' : ' BBEAKFASTB T Prdimmario)!. Can S^- WPBCWW*•I, , - _ |-r: ' -., tbe Mcdioti Profrealoii. WATEEPOED ANJ) TEAMQEE BAIL WAT. i • ¦f WO BIllNt i - ; '. Hismi Sfrof«»| ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ^XU«ttWBW7T K»•M"«"«• TO CA8H| BTJxrasjOHM. j ; : ; EE0 i . i ' . Awn yj^ji^W BflSB'r: vif? ;.;¦ -. ¦ .V ;]i Ex0libTtABl CA.THOU0 ¦ ve : Titao Tablo from Ootobor let, 1895, to April, SOtb •vrffTHEN jou »» Urpd of ta^ng n»o«eof» and BOB8EB mOKES TO BISQIS & V0UBLK * DOIUJH- • ¦! ! ; • . ' aa i 1d/-ieaob. ;: prasorlptlona and pombonnd», 1 ' - ' • >Cl«tU ITCliBT, ; ; j ; 9 Crates 4^» tfrt ' : J6C0, or nptil forlber jnotlce, , ! tfV myetertom : | ' ;¦ BASSBBB. ' Do the Short«*:Noti«3g ivt^Jlmm^m^Ji I a thoroughly a»rvieeaM» Q««. madelnthe¦ KEAB8LEY S . i . I ; yah; oo good, bul only rnlrj yonr , Xhl»l» aahner,|it vire nayi e*rrl*n to ; th» ¦ pm nj brik If (Ix be «ro>re4 In one; lot. " on tbe Government Stamp. No others rzo-a s i> » ra pq |pm P P j | | p | p m. tb, iwting weaknefB, &o., . from wUtover - itaHon* IK IrtUad f are pH ordert. . <| Keanley losliit'enR ' - prta<|lp^; ¦ ' ¦ ¦' »rl«ing. j , ' ' Yj I ONE BOX OF CLARIE'8 B41 PILL8 ate cennioo. . < ¦ bin bm 'hstlha h zd hm hm h a j cane¦ i . U wunqiad to two sH OlsahMgt*f rein tn» Urln»rrOrg« a, No STOMACH Mimcrw*. No EUCTSJ CITT. B«Ub6» «sx(Mqaindoreositit ^. :oiul): Lii-r- - _ : : i! tf'H g 15 10 « 13 0, 9 0 ? IS 5 SO 7 20 9 0 ' c( «tarppsfor pott- l aTtv«Lind f» of —4—^ " ll i ^II7tI«^-I)if KENNAfji &i8QNSr ¦ Sont in envelopo on rcottp( ty° InthtEMk. OtantattM b*arromKeroitrr. Bold is.Box a. " I Tm¦ 'ie 0 10 ll 15 1 20 ( 8 0; 4 ii 6 0 7 60 0 CO ! , bj i all CtsiljuMid Pttaat Bedlktio B B FEMALE ! j SunAiy Tra. • •• M. ti. •Mb Vend}™ K ^ W1D^^^VELOH'S PILLS. I **li. J. LEIGH, 82 '»nd 03, jQt. ! Buit«nitn«t throogboatth» tfprldim Mot to uy tddnx tar tii f r 1 1' ' 5 6 l T I »' D lumps br «t» Tn, Lacotw An ¦ - ;! Noothers »W gcnoln*. . Do cot be persuaded to buy \ i B I » * London. W.0-: ¦ :l : (r»lT8)'i JUkUTK Mmu n ¦ ¦: ' - He srard. . 'ij »»OM »ln lit (n P«n PJn ,P D p pi pi ts ' Ootrrrunl Otvf (foxfilrt, 'linootn. WholMalA- im M. . . £1O,OQO in obe»p«r or wprlbleif Imiutionn. TAey m»y ; to _ J^w '¦" S«« 1 i^idiHdM «Tcry 1». lid. nnd 2.. M. per box : 1 hm tani hm hm |h m If yen »»nt Potien dr Htodbills come jto Tn EXCXBL"iCOCOX; obl.&ed owirjwbere.iBt ' hnhra™ ... hmlbni eoat-14 *tnd 34 Stamp*, of (be Proprietors' Wfrd 10 ... ' 13 1» .» i « *M:... to 0 Nms Offloe, We iapply all oolctrt aod de»lgn». or b* ,„ no . ^q ia S).... (» » blaot, ted, %gr'Vot Printing!of •?•» description ;»gentt,«I»bcit & 80NB, ¦2, Wloelay¦ Street, Oxford. w low' - * - i Bigbf sheet putets-rio or t>ln»—« 1 : T' lAMBTJEFBOBSOB, B«rot«TT TM Ki»tt 0»M, !• . : : ; . -- Lowkfl. ¦ : - . . : - . . - :- : j . : ep5*kHty «t TH*. B«ff«|0fflce. ii . | l6trwt, . j . ; ¦ ¦ ¦ I . i 1 ; ":\ ¦ :¦ I ' ¦: 1 : I ¦ ' :. ; ' Mi S J±T± 3D S Christmas "Bazaar nriHESIrterB of Charity gratefully »okno»l»dge tho GENERAL SMITH WOKE i ornr OF WATEEFOBD. th« SlftlU at tho ¦: JL loUotrlng prU«» reoeired for • A»» j - : i i:j : f ' ' ¦ oomlnj: Bwiar For the Poor t-JjJ Not*,j iftof Mrs . [ ^ g1Jlllt H^ 1 iVA^LUABtE . Smyth j & H»nd«omel» Cama Walnut Wood Tabl«, SessoS&ooiag. Fopgc,,:; :j WHOLESALE ; AHD EETAIL LICENSED UiM AlPoner. th» lliwes Kellr and MiM Ol)onn|U ; WATERFORD.] !¦ PEKMISES, No. 37 MABKET ' H0U8E An Eldordon Qailt, Mr». ThbmM Kollj; » Breakf»st THOU AS STREET liy y/ni® ' rap ;; Mra. I . AT * i Igliaisfelill Millie IJ QX7AT, AND HANOVEB-8TBEET, ; Sot of China, Mrg. W. Power J A Table Gong, ^ Campiou ; a Tea 1 : Fielding. Quay t a Jardiniere, Mrf. ; E OR SALE . i . ii Servlos and Bderdon, MI BB Ahejrne and Mlm O Brten ; iraEcis HcBoasidl | a Table tamp, Mitt Whittle I An Eloctro PUted Tea *;%* to annbnnO8 to hfa - Onatomerv and tfca LC2S8, 28 Ycaw TJnoxplred. Annual Bont, ,£Ga. and CoEfoe Servioe iflva pieow), Mrt. J. GrooDO ! a BKGS i Graloffer ; Handsome Door Pobllo that ha has boa idded E0K8E- WILL¦ COMMENCE ON ! Skin Booking Hor«e, Mrf. General Smith Work carried on ¦ : - :r-: ' ' bo SOLD by AUCTION en. WEDNESDAY, Draporlei, the Miwet Powar, Manp ; a Ecadins SHOEING to the : [ " j TO B»rroo8tr»nd-itroet i a Jewel et too ttboro EstablishmUnt, and, with the aid of ; ' 11th DEOEUBBB, 1S95, at 12 o'Clock, on the Lamp, Mies Coonan, snpar- IHO Casa, Mrs. B WheUn t a W»U Eparano, MIH May compatent AcsiBtants ana bia own|perBonal Premi8ea, by dircctlona of Messrs. MAK i,^t> conawungoi nn»os ive every raibfactacD. 0nr0 A ; Co., Established ^Wboleaale Wholan j twenty Ixsautllul pmca, vfcioa, ho b In n position to g tif3cnc p ! their Interest io tho Old DsakSi. Workboxcs, Ink Stands, per Mn R Whokn, A TBIAL SOLICITED. i c^ A 1& "irt)) /fe\ and Retail Wine , and Whiskey Stores, Wtuate i at from Messrs Lludssy and IJrampWn, London i a ¦ ¦ ¦ Now Departure last year has ¦ ' '¦ ^ success which attended onr induced ¦ ¦ ¦ No. 87, Market H IUBO Qaay; and Honorer-Dtrdet, , Quay ; I Two Handsomfl The gricrt i \ "= < I Hooiah Pipa, Mra. Hoaon , in whloh the 'Manniog'a carried on an! extenaive Table Coters, Meosra Waleh and Fieldlnff i a Coal j ua to again make Town and Country business for over Half a: Vase. i Messm W. Walsh & Sons ; a Splondid Doll, EBJJCIS icDOMELLj Century, They measure in front to Quay 31ft 61n, Miss Nolan, Patriok-ntreet i a Doll's Hon«, p. John ' Cbrlstcaas Treo, lit. Gold- THOMAS-ST.. WATEBFOBD. November 30th 0 | ' doptb, 63 feotj with ceparats entrance: to Store, Browne, King's Terrace ; '1 ; Dnolllnf{-Hcra»e and Cellars from Hauovbr-sr. ! rinff, John-streot. , , CONCESSIONS { Tho following Hnd friend* oloo eent a number of SPECIAL The Shop u Commodious, fitted vlth! ConnUro, prizes suitable for the CbrU'm&j Tree Drowinj ;— ¦ ' Sbolveo, Sitting Boom end Offloe. TbojWino and ' : AHD ¦ "^ THEATRE ROYAL, WA TER* O\tD. ¦ McaBrsWhito, Georges'-strcot; Miss Finn, Jobnstotrn; X). - ' ! - . i Whiskey Cellars are at the rero. . ' \ Mias Power. Bridee-atreet ( Mrs Toomej, Gcorga's- r* The Dwelling House to moat comfortable. It eon- street ; the Mlt3ea Meroin. " Por Cwo n^kta.Oaly ! 1 .,, . tsins Dining and Draning Eooms, Seven.Bcdrobino, Additional prizes for the Chriatraca Trco will b» ' & FBIDAY, DEO. Gth ond Ctb. ' of* THUESDAT Eltohen, &c: \ It f a in thorough repilr, having born gratofnlly acknonlodged. recently nowly Papered and Fainted, Gas and CUSS" Important Engagement of . S ¦ ¦ BplmMd MAM AIM 1 ' 0 Wator laid on. ! • . I COMPANY In the Matter of the Petation o: ! tho coming Wealo UP nSAELES GEOVES' LONDON .IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, The entlrb premlccj viill bo foand complote and Durinrr in perfect working,order, cot requiring one penny the Ratepayers cC the Kilmac to outlay. All bold underlecce fora term of 30 years, thomas Union. " from 25th Moron, 1802, at the annual rent of £52. •bie A PAIR OF SPECTACLES, These well-known baaineco concerns form, a IH THE COUNT Y OF WATEEFOED, tie* Tbeatre, London, under tbo WlHHIiFG 3LIHE8 OO From tho Gorrlok oorner blocV, being' oltoatod opposite the MaiUot I TU tho Original direction of Mr. George Eolomond, . Honse Cshcrojmarliots are held 4 times ueekly) and TO THE LOCAL G0VERNME1TC BOABD roo IEELAltD. i fccti Exponent of " Benjamin Goldfinch ," In tho ; In tho centre of the obipping district, dose to all That defy competition will he for Sale at every counter, and the extensive «=t»l b him at tho Tho Petition of the Undorelf;ncd Hotopaycn cf ibo Provinces, and played y "LAMfGHK A1EEIFALS tho Balltray Stations, recderinfr thorn suitable for UnloD In tbo County of Vla- are sura to make a lasting i Garrick Theatre, London, ; Kilmiotbomaa preparations made mpression, and still anybasiaees, ' To on eacrgetio Manager they .T7ill torford. »»ic: be found most valuable. All Eon to, Bate] and ; furth er increase the popularity of rfoc DECDHBEB 6tb, and FEIDAT Gtb, HUMBLI SHEWETH :— TnocsDiT, OP Taxes will bo paid to \pt galo day. ¦' pate, A Charming; Comedy in Three Aoto, 1. • Your petitioners deolaro tbat tbo Guarduns ¦ Immediate posscasion will be given to tho of tbo above Union have, for joaro pi3v , increiicd ifclfl A Sots of Spootaolca Porchsfcr. I tboir Kates from year to year annece^arily and prof. B STDHTZ GEUHDT. For partlcnlars apply 03 the premiocs. or to without juttlScatlOD. W «ru *I• «0 Cork, 27th November, 1895. on Wednesday, the 11th December, 1895. inquired into nith a view ifl a largo reduction, aud Eailway and othor Dobcntnro Forms of Tender can be obtained on application to a resultant saving to tho pockets of tbe Ratepayers. ' rondcred ...... 73 18 10 Stock, £31,650 ... . I Outstauding Fire locios...... S2.028 10 1 0(1 TIPPERABY TJHION the Acsistant Adjutant General , Cork, or Officer C. Your Petition, ra eubuilt aud allege tb.it tr.c 24.075 12 2 Rallw.y Prcfercaca Stocki Other BUES oning tbo ' I "n /j TR. FOLEY'S return from Manchester, Yorkshire Belfast etc Commanding Array Service Corps, Kilkenny. affairs of tbis Union ere uot conducted nith due , b7 £1WOO ... .. 19 B«0 , , jCompnny, viz :— 000 13 ? Tn nosicEi Head Quarter Office, Cork. regurd to tbeimorests of the Kotepujtri', and not Eiilnay Gaarsntoed Stcot, JVll Enormous Stocks offered at Old Prices. Blankets, Flannels 2?th November, iSOt by proper, judlcicus snd ilillfal manugiacni t\ UDclnlmcd Dividends £208 10 0 £28,500 „. is I Ur^'o 0bar^c8 and Sandry ... C0.133 15 2 APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICEE Calicoes, Sheetings, Table Linens, Flannelettes, GlaG3 Cloths and annual saving might bo goincd Pit oat any corrts- BsUnay Ordinary Stoci, dis decreaso lu effl ieiioy. AcccantsoatetundtDj 81G 11 8 , OF THE BANSHA DISPENSABY t WATER_FORD & LIMERICK RilLWAY ponding £3 CC0 ... _. ... ijm 8 Q •uC Dusters, Towels, Down Quilts, Table Covers, Counterpanes. Several Your PeticioLord ttiorcforo pray tbr.t the Dcporila £3 Security Loans on Company'ii polioits thfl DISTEICT. by Agents ... COO 0 0 ... 7 044 6 fi nHHE Committeo of management of tbo Bacnba Job Lots worth the attention of everybody. Please call and Price any Altorationo of Traiuo for Doconboi' i30G. Local Goverameot Board for Ireland „ secured npon Poblle Eaten... «J21 18 G b«e to ulll take tbe aiansgomcnt of tbe eHair8 ,, upon Pcrsond and Collatcni JL Dispencarj District will, »t their Meeting, ZjimoricJi, Snnia & Tnocn ZAno. 1 523 1 8 in at the Dispensary in Banana on Satntday, Article you want before purchasing elsewhere. of tbla Union iuto its own bunds for . Security ... ,„ 1 fxj r. be bold Company ' n on the 7th Prorimo, otl o'clock pm, procaed to the RHHE 9-55 a ra train from Sligo will net stop at Bucb time »3 tbe Board shall deem 'a Hou:s3, . Dublin & , wh necessary in order that tho present London ... nppointmontof adnly qualified Medical Practitioner JL Ardsollus or Ballycar, and wi ll be timed to leave „, ... 6.1C3 0 G bn disastrous state of cf!dlr3 Day bo ter- Furnitnro and Fittings ' to diecharge the dntiea of the district at a Salary Su-mile-bridge at 4-3 2 p m, Longpavcment 4 50 p m, at Head -15 | por and to arrive in Limerick at minated, and joar Petitioners protected 02cj and BranobE3 £1808 9 1 R of £110 par annum as Medical Officer, and J220 , 5-5 p m. dil nnnucn an Sanitary Officer together vjith Vcoclnation The 3-20 p m tialD, Limerick to Tuam, which no^7 from injury. Leas Amount written °2 ... ani cid Eestifltratlon fees. P, TQBM V7aits at Athenry on Wednesdaysand Saturdays till 8-5O VQTICB TO THE RATEPAYERS OF Till'. . ... 80 8 A & SOINIS p m, »8 Tho person appointed must reside in tho Dis- will leave there for Tuam on Satnudiys it 7-Io KILJIACTHOUAti UNION. pensary Beoldenoa and pay to tho Gtnrdlans oj tbo Balances due by other Inrnrtc^j by Tippcrary Union a rent of JS27 103 Od per annum F VAUGHAN , Traffic Minster. Comfanlei and Aewta tn Limerick Terminus MEETING of the Eatopaycrs ol tho on es CGC23 14 1 for came, , Nov, I895. A Kilmaothomas Unloa bai beon convcnel Cs^> handi and Binicra a iv> « 7 io Applicatioaa in writing enclosing diplomas, and Blllj Eceoifablo •" & BU to tako place at NEWtOWN on tho'8th DAY Z ¦ ^U !, tectimoaialo, xvlU bo rccaived by mB at the DlopaM^ry FUR NITURE ! OF DECEMBEB, for tho purpc:o of oi gn- Commuted Coaab. "' ' 10 , Bansha, on or before 12 o'clock noon, on the E£L CD) KT J2E "S2" 1 n, to tbo rioa Hon^- in^ Petition Iiocal Govcrnacat P-o.-.rd . Franco £31,1:34 U 7 <0 obovo day. GO TO praying that Body to adopt come means nheroby lie:] Amosnt er By Order, TEE GLOBE LOAN COLIP&KY tbe present excessive ratci could be reduced to a written c3 th EOBBET J. FEEWEN, Son Sao. A DVANCE8 from J32 upwards to nil reapsotablo par itith tbo adjacent Unions. (7§ p,o.) 2.8EO 1 10 . ti GlsavieT7, Aharlon, 19th November, 1895. J~&- Borroi7crc. Eany Bepiymenta. iicasonablo AH porcons concerned c-ro 'ontly rccjucctcd to Intercut. No Foca. ur^ J3.C31 9 B attend. ft Prcraiura Portfolio ol at Carriolron-Suir ITnaoa. aleJk'B f irailir© All appHcatloDo receive immediate attention Dated EOtb dny of Novfmbar, 1805. £142~. , WMrahome 150 d no and rccdvabla it and are treated moat (.tmfidmtall y, I. TUOKNTON i SOU, DrCEHDEB Next the Goardlana of this 10 fnturo ycarx. ON the 7ti " IIAWAGER " Solicitors for tbo Ratepayers. OntataBdlng Uoton will proceed to elect a NIGHT NUBSE JOHN-ST.i, , Cathedral Eqnaro, tor tho Worlihoa:s. 8alary, JJ25 per nmiom with G, Joha-ctrcot , KTnizz£z?& Watorford . iotereat ... 6,324 9 0 Ediono end Apartments. AND ASK THE1I TO SHOW YOU THEIE 4 IntereH oceroed... 2,437 17 4 J. MULLINS, aork of Union. " Oaall 3?ropaia" Advojtt;o~icnt:i Outstanding- Life £3rd Nov., 1895. prcmiame' and o Uiiniteii itcck of Pliable, w eli H&ie TO BE £,E T Twenty-four Words ,„ .„ _ cd. prdportiona o? p Etaiitoo pretaiums NEW ROSS UNION nnHE Commocloua Doollinp For Esch Eirrht Wordp after — _ £d. ... 3,034 14 3 Houso (in Crti-cliS3 " Anctiono" charged doubls. Owtaodicj Firo . : JL ordor) nlLh Stsbleo ond Qardon ottaohed In ~ premiami , : Oatca Ctrav7 Qcquircd, , CZJ P°ur Insertions (oonsecutlve) given fcr the M 1 201 J3 s A SUTGLE ARTICLJS. LADY LANE Waterford , reoeotl y occupied by Prico of Three. Sundry Debtcn ... ^ tbo lato DB. 'W IHTTT. All 87 KJ 1 . u the DECEIIDER Next, the Board rccoot ImprovcicatD. ¦ /TKNSAOTRDAT, 7th SOGDO, IZ-caaioa, os Sstol Fasaiclicl oa HODS Perfect ScjltaliaD.—Apply to —- ll.C^ 17 1 tl vJJ) of Gnardianjj vrill receive Tended for the supply Advcatcgcouo ffcs-zio. of DANIEL DUNFOBP , Solr , O'CODDC II Street to 100 Gallons p Wr.tcrford. f J{C\ uro Hew ^ilt ntoily , £352.072 6 0 ¦"£352.573 6 8 FROM i TO 20 TONS OF BEST OATEN Bwrinoss Hours—9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 0 \J' delivered tnico daily in tho city, What ' STRAW, priC3 o£fere. . V7o bavo carcfally czamlncd end! compared hcao Accosota with Ucia in tho Ledgers icd Jls3 thep to correspond To be delivered at the Workhouse in dry and connd "\\7J7 ANTED an AtsicJaot (or tbo Grocery tnd in o»o y partisalar. Delivery to be made without delay on VV Spirit bnsia«a. iI i1 (Sl^iced;,c LACBENCE HULLIGAF.v condition. Appy to A.B., N EW. Col co(jo Grc?nn., Dahlln, receipt of order ; and any person who snprjlies tv/o or Offlco, Dahlln, ?r GEORGE O. CABOLIN, ji^Accui«,.«.dltca. at a time can recoivo cosh immediatel ! Gth April, IE35. : G. P. DANIEL, ihree loads y 13 & 14, Broad-Street TTNOYLE'S Wonder Packet, On? Shilling. Silver on delivery JXJ> Mounted i Iocs j l'ipa in P A POPE, Clerk of the Unlwi. Caoo ; Pouch nitb i Agents : JOHN J MURPHY i J T. bacco ; Case of Ci|,'urB ; Shilling Pipa and Pln > > , Railway Terminus November iqth, 1895. Tobacco. Gttatest \nluc. o W. A. SARGENT, B.L. ' . KILMACTHOMAS IIMI0N OUR MELTON OVERCOATS Kfbfb Sfl^LING J'EIZEO nro ccc^cc] r.nd ! J. FITZGEKALD, 125, Qaay. ; nYCLE tDHJ'^U' f.,r Sale at P ii DOTL B'B, 79, OjayJ , Watotford. Prico S. C. ALLINGHAM Ambxuanco for Coavoyanoo of Fovcr JDEJfOT , only eixponcu each paskot , , SoHcitor, 21, O'ConneU-^treet. Potionto to Hospital, TTo' atod- WA nnTi?i]7> 'iiri'rh 'HP TTh Bpecial Value i ffured. • 112 : QUAY j tLJL Jlli iE&iij OJt&iU TJ-SOYLE'S -ld. Pacljotn h T3 nn iar;c;j 9 3 sale. . GUARANTEED ! Flynno, the GUhooI " oa. rTHHE Guardians of the KilmacOiomas Union will on . AT 20/r,-;. iiV Etery Poc^ ket wortii at Ioc.=t 6j. Evqijpnt | ya, and tbe O'Ketfle*, trboaa bujinfj them. DOTLE'B , , approral they confidently ba«« their cUim> JL TUESDAY the 10th day of DECEMBER 1S95. 70 Quay. Watorford. to tbe receive tenden for providing an Ambulance according to Bp7 at once. gratitude and oonfldeaos of their fellow-- , E. SHALLOE bna great picture in informing the Public tbat ho hc3 rfc:l7cd a Coaoiaooicnl With Silk Velvet Collar and Wool UNEQUALLED CIRCULATION countrymen plans ind Specificationi which can bs cim on appli- N T E D—A tboronQbly trained 1" Tha neit extract we gira ii Vko of thn WA young a ohaptcr from 8»y« cation to the Master of the Workhouse. Plaid Lining, pointer j must donn to sbci ; tria l required : tbe Boot of ^noba. ib* " E5 JEW, AHD «AB KOT." ; Bantry organ— ' By order, Gtito torrai to E. A. Wat h , Tramcrc. : ; " Far taking «ucb «Kp»M ibeot, WIliiAM HUNT, Clerk of Union. * ~VnTTANTED with taany another wWob we h«« WtnnrecalW, — ABE B7 FAE THE — A GAMEKEEPEB, for the Decr- ¦' ¦ Board Room. 27th November, 1895. W mCiHEJl^, V V park Coursing Club we wero denouncedia the typewritten"tpeecbea " , Liynoro, (a Pcciiantr of Mr Which oill ba lonnd of MUCH 8UPEEIOE QUALITY AND FINISH" TO ANY MACHINE preferred). Stote terms to tbs EeoreUtiei, Messrs Justin McC«rtby, To wild, inooberaiV tboy and immortal leading artloleg, «nd ia U>» frantiff ' ALEEADY IN THE 11AEKET, and has ovory coaDdenjo in otatlB^ of nill G i»e moat TJnqaaliOcd i Q'Brleo, and M 8 Egap, IJ.tioosl Bant, Lisaore. Bsticfaotion to Parchssoro. Thij Is claimed cot onlj^a eccount tbair tho;oagbly coicLU'Gs A Beepectable, Well-ednested Mtn ccctB ing, and nnvcnrpaloM; ¦ :¦ j best rcferci;.-3; SATUBDA.T, NOVEMBER 80,' 1890. yon 217 GHZ; CZ5TZ. lonj fc^fperienoi'. G.B, tlas Odea. personage* who on Injaj and Sanday ifcat ' , " Victgria " Hachines more Durable than th.029 of other Hakea- -TTVAMSCHINSKY'S DYE,_Best msnnfaotured plunged into • new campaign afalnit'Mr > . i CLEA1I8WQ THE HAW & SCALP. JLy Bt* Ail tbo moat Uodorn Improvements bare been incorporated, inclndina Sclf-Aotiotf Winder, Lcoca la throo abades—Jlhelr, , Brown and Blondo. and bia friendal'" ,£UvinK charged. The Cut, Style and Finish are in Prico 2. . By post, ^ Polley for Spool Winding, Aotom»tlc Bhnttlo Lifter, snd many other Automatic Flttioitn—tbua ' packed free froa ob3cr»*tinn majority of ; th« Diionited Inab' Birr, -ita ¦' > rendering ths " TICTOBIA " the 8lmplwt tlachino to Work, Cd. oxtrt. O'Grady, fiairdrcsjer, Wsterford. CITY EDIT10K. 1 , tbo Li : L A FEEPAEATION OF EGGS 8PIE1T ghted-EnnoJnc and llojt every way Superior, and th 1 " criminallV mUtnuuirh&s" tria m^Ur i ' . . :. I: AND EUCALYPTD8. Noloolcss, cod In overy way, o MOST PERFECT UACHINE. ja if ADIES COMBINGS made up. 2 '. firs t ounce nation dnring tbo JU lp. 6d. caob edditlcnl ounca. ' Uft t»o T*t * jL TriA i Bupcrior to 8onr> ifcj rcjulcr era S§ Orders by poat TKUTH WILL PREVAIL ! Catholic proceed^'Oo the 1- Vcatlj , Sbc^) Z!?£iohinc3 cso por ODat- Ohcapo? tli&s zh,y otho? la tio Hcsbot !. Color is gunranteed. !• receive prompt attention. O'Qrsdy, Ltdien air ^TLgS;! p:cveatai3 the Hair fading or tumins 1 ' nod vaatt which.haira been raised. * CALL OR WRITE FOR MY PRICES. GcotJ Hairdresser, the Qoay, ; t££j ?JZ82i!' dark, end rendering it eoft and Mr Dillon and bU cBqw. ia v '£5J&*E»m ! eilliy in sppcaranco, BEUYANTG' High CUBJ Bo3lslry OiHco, tlitj Tnc j inevilablo Tuolt of tha PolioV of Ruin Powin, 4 Lombard-iitrcst. Ladlea rcquiiing 118 and 2ID per Botth. pursued by the UcOirthyito Party ! since tbe Prlco :—1h * EMI?IBWoa] 81P7FQ 7TMI3 EpTE First-Class Bervints shoold apply to above, Men Post, 3d. extrj . JP UJlBEiIKD. E^TE^ OVjaiCOATG and Women Sprrants snpnlicr). , Arct daya of tbe aplit i» to ba eccn in tbe (H —0— /f^i EAIN TEADE on-1 Brcsehea QUJC and political life of . Ireland to-day. TUo| men who "' MJT 25/-, S©/- and 36/- ; ForeigD).—Eespectable,. experienced Man five years ago said wo vrero false to tbi PBOM requires Situation as Clerk, l&nd that Buyer, Ca-ibler 5 boro en becanco 170 preferred the Iriih JAMES CEOTHPT references cat;j(aclory, J'leaca eddrtca No. I,6i3. to the 9 s this cCr.K. ' Saxon Leader (&1AOT to inform bis nntacrona Friends and tbo , aro now tboating '' traitor" . . n« aniwtrcan be,mad* oat v^vmm O WISHES Pnblio that he bca purchasod from Urp. P. OFFICER'S DAUGHTER (Irish Cburch) msam- ¦ 9 FLTIIH tho Old snd nell-cstablishsd Hardnaro end Timber Buclncc) carried on b wishes in one another's oars. Torrent* of abnse poar r-oea, bat oa th« - Kkaj LADIES' d GENTS' HAIEDEE33EE, y her eit for a flrit Sitaation as Gorcrncn ; ohlldreo V«;»tter ****<*WW forth jfrom the,editorialand themills of the freecxr . |f «oe i. r«taed tba* tbe TOti til ^a*^ *"**!! Uo. dl, Grattan Canaso under 10 ; Certificate*- Intomedlato acd South Cathof a QOZJ?, T7ateFfora CHEAPER LINES KoooiDgton. Apply to " il ," Niwa OSco. and^^Wt H«alyit^ faoc *M ft condetnnatten o«; tb# "utvf icm *& *S§ And is prepared to coll the preesnt Stock, which is noil furnfsbcd ln overv Department, at a cori: ' 4 g led op to th« cidcroblo Ecdociics, io order tbnt j bc may bo enabled to supply bis Trcdo pith every dcsoii Ai UCTIONEEB having telicd for dobt qnanlity fastened in tbe Dillonito politii-tl carw.6 wh^b. \QimmW2rf rM!*te% _o- : es.ft) ' ptlon of jiiV Watcbca in . ^uu : tbo Nenont Gooda. A Li Coasignmcnt bs3 alrcsdr been reccjvcd, o«-Cblp " Bernard Bartoo," 3L0/G, -IS/® and 16/ good Koiog ordor nill tend one deadl ^ * i post freo for 7a Cd. Splendid opportunity. SADLIB y 8»i p< The just judgment , Bqnabble, bu» littto U to bjgliwid! fytvf tm I LADIES' COIIBINflC HADE UP, comprloin[j—FitsS and Second Quality Qacboo nod St John's [Dealer Coraent and Brickr, a largo , ^ . , variety of Lampj, end Best Boyal Darligbt Petroleum, nbioh ho offcra at Auctioneer, Taronortb, Staffordshire. noO.4i « cotae.t To blind the Irith peoi>U in t »h« - theie ineompeteofai to p^t,t ^r«^i»j£*fa| j j very Qcasonablo Ternn. , .1 Mt J. C, from bis loog and Toried experience M Manaijcr Io the above house (nbloh bo baa OOCT AN IUPOETANT AKNOUNCEJUE^T has failures tbeso monnUbank feu.^r. ^5 ^' than they ar9 in taVeyw of g»«y ialLiilt%ia«0 j § Jf UL como to our notice— ' ' Ai ir^ pnrchaced), respectfally . hopes to merit n ehare of pabllo pstronagoi ind Trill ondesyoar, by ctricS " 7/bat (be Cottutry in a Mrife which bring. jr,T , ,fj?^g^ed patrioUo Ir^bman., tb* ail.>**• ^ Th ^ Ireland." Re-platlng of Table O'Brien atria abont tb^ oountnr jJf !a *°* Oolden wor . ' \ ' QENEhAL DRAPERS, ! Best qnality. Moderate prices. ' Quick despatch. , 1>» «ff^>»^^i p GT P.8.—A Large Stock 0! Ammunition oloayo en hands, conjprlttng Curtbj & Horvoy'a Bc:t eoaviflho ftat ttr Htab• 5,!.1 Ul.ten?«« * maintainedapto tbe j>r^ea«\i»WM,«l»^^ UA1ZE—DoH. Trtth dorrnrrari} teadsney. . j j " ¦ % YAME8.~Fer tal« a Jane* Baftty Btoycla t th6" W 11 : ; ' Ponder nnd Cartridya 1 Blco ". Aifibcrito Petcot Stnokelecj 8porflO(; CartrWscx ' . ] with no longer. TnV wkoH. , P you come to tf«po»» tbt Mttttet:«MHf«n| WHEAT- ; wclgblnrj S21b^ fitted now raoinir tires " 8W ^K j sJ 13 ; ; Will bo sold cheap. Aidrr.si—" Jamej'i iaotloa we tha «S» K.J™ ?^^«<>» ^ p«"7 im wuown vnflM imt um m ijmm TOCMto ¦ j^i JS; 1% Broad-Streei 9 tbU OQce .^ difficnlUea, f PBgwi GOOD PHOTOOEAFH8 tbat .pWtof indetwV miikif&MMa •myjTONET—THE ABBEY LOAN AND DIS- ' ¦ E0E at \ mbf atll ud I tirmly b«lUe thi«l& JJuL OOTJNT BANK, 110, UIDpLE ABBEY .. jf i-m w-Mcm, i WATKEFOaD. • \ prices, also newest rtylei ot •• In ITemoriaia1' im&Sm'SSM Bank . : : j tbe p«opt« in Americaaad' AaknkteMmi^ S'i'BEHT, DUBLIN^-Tbeabove nukM.privab ¦RELEASE NOTE I—That FBAHOIII D. MnaPiir, Cards you sboald go to Mess to. POOLB & Co • hare girtn tba Cub advMocs In ony part of Ireland, without ball, -LL for eemp time; In par Ofilcc, and latel Photcsraphew, 84, MalL Waterford. ; •vppoft tKqr. HTtSBSmSBEBBi MSB or- EFlLEFSli . from £S to f il,0Q0. to Obrermcm. Elarmon,Tradcj- y employed bad not DeUered »b« t^^», ' In our Goal Depot bate, dooa not in any nay represent ' maSWgngj GIDDINESS, SEifeATIONS, J?AfNT8.j taen, Clork*. sad all r**pon«Ibl« VtiaooM, opon tho|r ^0 Tain* ilepuUUsn far Purity and Quality the tpint of . aloao, Eepaj- ns end io not eosbbrited to eot for na ; i • BORN. inAtp en *****- i I win tcaxattaUto tht wheli world' bow thxt oort noU of hand for taortor loflff period*. ; i ^ i M AnadfKlat «n erapUiatK " Bf iUfll." iwhJci his fceen monts can be smoued to salt the . oonveclenoo of MDBPH7 BEOS. ; ' ¦ On 13th JnA at 1M, 7th Anno*. Brooki™, New Tork UUurto eosiUtMA Incnrible, c»-» b» p*xm*D«DtI/ eared Bomvn *. All -eoamoaleatlosf txt kept itrietly pti- P.8,—rhia olco¦ applies to tbo Carrjine Buslnc^ i J I ! tho nlfe of Henrr BttDhootaa, Etrj.ol a iuighta •« leader of tbo' Vff tm K y 9| H | iSiriYEK'S ibba »«»«^ ?• ^« ™«d tit tmlO**l Ou tUui *//«2w<). Writ* to th« " 8*d«Urr", v»to. Write, «r opply por»onall/ ;for protpeefat, ; ; JOHN MURPHY, | ^ ' ** J'»Veotl Tips«wy, «M »it» of JUobtol »v S»T» BS tuny besTT doctors' bill*. It U by tt»e N0t)oe-B*foKi »pplyiBg ebewnere a^wy filoTfoTtoScr J. j DIB D ¦ '* ¦ *¦* 0 jDdloioni use of such articles of diet that » oonititution AnotioDW COifMEitCUL BUILDINGS, DUBLIN, S • ' . : ? : ^ ! : ° : \\ \ In M« Wstrlot knowing itoli Buk, *nd Hov»mb«r 25th U85, at h«r ^Mldtwit. Ktrfck 2*3** ; m»y.be graduallybuilt op unW strong,enongbto xasUt 1 onti* *ell on j i :; Agont for Ir«l»nd. j (a3 2Ck Mv arjaane ttfr»« *. «Via•• Mf i ii»: » ; i •' «"•» ?o» M« dealing irtth t> I Pope, tfti 60 Tmn.~RAr. ; i &SS%f5l »o d 1"'lonc uf7 ids/ / rt oootw » ft m i " :r : . fatal sh»ft by keeping onrielveiwelt fortified with pur* stating tjm|: oaot, to 1, jWaterford Butter Market 1 B ^«^1 -¦ blood OivQ,S ertipt ^_ i; .; ¦ ; E. KENNT HsJiagar. ) HLoirSia "« «Y aod % ptopedjnotnUbed tounfcf— Kumljerof firkiruwei ghed at the Ppbllo Batter l£uk ' ^ touuUt-VLtAiA nply 'with boiling if*t«r or milt— for Waeb Sitb ism ai U^t n«ld«>c « Ctlitoaid, Trprfnw, Wrm.- ¦ ' out. ending Prid»y (thU day). Prioe» :-T . ¦f- . i go)d in racl^i^ Orooert, labelled-'' JAJIU To Pig rtkden and cow Kwper*. (to0Djr-Cha4»U*,; ia«otaaaaHiolon»l^iK^f,MB££ E *F* Co.. Ltd, SotdaopathloCb tmtsta, London.1'— ' * 8}UMi; i U. 2)5 — ' ' 63 ItJ Od td Sp. eft ¥ *>Ja7&S t W*CbcSls* or «o5»-NibExtract ; TIKTILIEHSUKBM FOOD^-Ths flnirt food jor U f*«»BiB«Piti.Dueki,andallstoek. Pris«»s. TQ Hmnii^Xti.WiaaloVi 8oo ttla«fl ymp kM 1 bwMir^g^f iUctiaMitiactin. ittocipli f«r%«*i- P«« Wn> b*g. DUtUlanOmlifloa^d 1

¦ ¦ ^MlliiiiiiiMiilkl;lJ:i!m&MMMm\B, .:U'liU-U .: f- :i ,' - ¦ S;v^&?:*V lM h--r^A -:U-lv.r r. ^.kt ii i i iiliiB a —«w—» - ;¦¦ ¦ ¦¦! - ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ : i TTTuTtJie Chriotian Brothers mlcrh* ibt bfe ! .p , • - . ¦: . :' t .]-ife};-^-':i S ———^^^——— P—— »^«» 4... . i- - , . -. . . . .-.;rtj ¦tiaaeW witb5n! itfl odvantagco,! (and If thi* Buhop ; ; Jf«Te; hi* caatini Vote in faro* of the Waterford Board of Oriftrdlangl ii of lt would «iav» ii»- aeHasi' b&W&&-r!X-:;' J '%% bO j in;Biiy senBe faithful to the; Mayor : h* sw Qoreriiment , who, in]all 1 ¦ ¦ • - ' The Position¦ of tbe Kilmaothoma¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ s ¦;, - ¦ probAbUity,' «1U be nnanl- ' ; ' i , ' .' : i ; » j ; • ¦¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ aas. Th«r wwjlsdaawniahtbnUow DMb/,--. *. ,v/¦ ;*£ ' appeared to be :at tb« bottom of I^^-|||^^ |h^ |^ j ¦ • ' ¦ • • wbioh Death of Mr. W fiMgoiit, 8 : - • . UnioiL • • • . - ' -itrit ' I j : » 4. ' ¦ ¦ !•• Tfae weekly weetlog of tbe W*terfc+rlPoor Lai< Ur Hay**-K>h]bow did yim do witht tat> 4%irnoin> Esq., TO sntH THE GUABDUN8 MEET AT. LONG; ¦ LA8T I __ 'sOurporationmeet- XNTEEESTING PABTICXTLABS OF HIS , ; *ad ' as ¦ : ; I . ' . . . i • ¦ - _ . Mr Ocfley aw»nied ' r «»VV>iortpOft« v r. a!in common consiBtenoyY certainly they - HA^rroffir n/nS^^S^N^onaliaU ' : - - : ' scquenUy by JOHN : M/fl*ye»»v o»« ¦ ¦ .: ¦ ¦ nn i ™i« PTJBUo i tbe following rtoommendation ii j ; • . FAMI£JT. - ¦:, ; McCutTT.lIiq., V C. j ' * ' " '" :• r .: .. . ,. in justice, to deal with [tie Christian > . .; . . . - :—Hon IMPOETANT « matter. • i are bound ; tiBBia*; i ; from the| Pablio Proa library ^ Tbire were also; ioi att^ndarjoe : Dodl«y LBTTBB8:F BOM THE LO0AL Ur Dee propoeAa tbatadvartiMaient* ora oontrecVjr :- J ' question without delay." | Whether the •' ' ¦ : will be: On Wednesday nornlDg » figare in Fbrlescnei D t ; Dr George I Maokeijv 3 P1 Opt GOVERNMENT BOABD-SfiVEEE CBITI. Hhe vehlol* Nsrwg « EtpiSjat* . : ^tt^ra -L .' . ^Committee moved— jwell-knownj b« in»«iod in tb* ,¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . will be consistent or just in Wyie JP; Thoma* Connolly, Michael Maddook, A O1SM OF THE MANAGEMENT OF IHE id " Bt«r" ¦] ¦ ¦ ¦•¦;¦ ¦ •; -. ' : zLgeik Government # £30 8 1irf ota h« ths social pnd offio)»l life of county and city of ; IbmedUUly. ! J> y 1 Irish claims remains to be seen. Boardit ^21 'Si? ; ° ^ i PP %" *' * tb« Cadagan, TO; MJ Mnrpby, JP; H D FIehor, BusiNEsa ' ;• : Mr CBrUo ssoonded the inolfoo, wiieim iajne4•; with ot Worts for thelpurpose of ¦ ¦ the Free ' ' : ' ' SeaUng William " nsin coiu ¦ - ¦ Wnt erford passed away Io tbe person of T O; John Qoann i . . . .. ,,., . . j ,. brofe»s to be nillini; to try whit remedial Library, £U)Q be,'D' for the repairs . , John DalahODty, V D; Edward Thpv K «ff the houie Donojan Goorg« A ' do to kill .the National *pirit in and pretniaes. nnd JB200 for purohiue bt Albert Ssjrgent, Barristet'St'taw, Who dlod, after a , ClatDpeU, T ; O j MoiririoePower; Cheques Dishoaoxed FOOT 'Simoa isulatfon Pi"el books." 1 Edmund prennan, PatrlQk Grant, H V Ward, A 0 m y ty m anp. We, the A r*puit with brlof Illncw, st hit residence in Bereslord street in ujnj iw j. j.jjua\jj iM.jno, Ireland- ^ *% *T °^ ^ jftfererioei to the 'duties and AndetsoD, : J P ; W EWard, J P j David Halley, J i (Farm Oca BKOBT*3). - LATEST TELEQBkMS. I city iinited with .tbe le of funotions thla cit parts of . nMDlei of (-his- peop of ithe CommitUs will also bo read. y. 1 To tke many In thb and othejr Knoxl P Irish,' T KellT, Thoma* W»labi etc ! Toeaday last waa remarkable inasmuch as tho ? . .- ,' - - * " Irelin'd who-wore acquainted, wit tbV iata Mr r -¦ ' Ireland «ay to jtbem—" loutish to act fairly • ------.- . j - - ! ;Mf Joseph O'Mara, the woll- , h : Mr|Jobn Maokey iread tbe mlnutei ot the provions SflmacthomasgasrdUnaof militarynt? ^VCu-enZ ' ' . -A « ...I I!. *• lt- _L.;_ . ... , tbe gable end lot the cottago collapsed tho fc-undutlon tbeir effloe. A coupl. of remarkable letters were the claims of the CHtiBtian Brothers. . : AM *uaijpio v« Ufa .VVHDg IU CD18 nttcctlon irlth which be wag treated bis medical , fal Tbirt,-one Spanish soldier, .era WU and .^jan' 1 by being on tbe top of rebuilding read from tbo Local Govermn.nt Board tbongb tho - Christian BrotherB question j ctTBTOK HOCS» ; ward on Mond«y will; no doubt, a drain In a bog,'and ^tbe remainder Spaniard, aiw let* Remember Hint Ihe advisers, Dr W h Msokesy and Dr Stowqrt. There was conrso found commooication. were not of tbe decisive character •orrendered. The : WA ED. j ; ; be of ioterest. Mr Jti A Power . of neoawary. j 1 . ; ! i n |D »t, a National one. Whatever differences exist are comparatively few people in this city who are generally expeoted. The dlsouision on tbe eUte of ¦""'• k lllod rr "° ^^ < • »»Vil« Bant*, iB : i ; bad 85 plditnpers,. Mr Whelan, 10, Mr John Power, in a rather iinooherent manner reland this question is thebej-stoneof nnity, poodalam : aware of j thu lengthened connection arbiob tho tbe union wbloh nvoso was both interesting • EETUEKED UNOPP08ED. iia I between Cartyism and Pirnollism «na Mr MorrtB8oy, 6. There were 28 split fotes'bo- attaaked tha contraotor, tho Clerk of Worke, and tbe and 1 wriateTi'r Government is in power, for and 11 ancestorB . of | tho. deceased 'gentloman had with instrantive. Mr. PATSICX POWER D.V.C aid 'and W6«iy to, ]wst five years.' - Aid M e Power Monluefj between Power and onginW, and at one portion of tbe dlscnssloa , , and Mr Aoeuntus P Ward was duly nominated Oi Murphy and Mr John f.?^? Waterford in| partloular, amd;tbe South of Ireland afterwardsMr. /Aitc* H whether Conservative !or Liberal, that .the people Wyley defeated two doug Wnelan, and 10 between Wbelan and Morruser. obargiod Mr P Msher with elating what wa* hot trao. WAIA , Oaairmso, occupied the returned 110 pposad for East Toxtetb Division c£ ! l hty Carty champions in 1 generally. Tbe doatb, whioh it ii our sorrowful the word ohair, end tbe other ftna rdlaiisprestnt wers— ' ' of Ireland will jn*ver bo sattaSed. until a . ful the first battle. ! ! The anniversary of tho judicial MrlBrennan sa^geatcd "lncbrreot" i Mesari. fjiierLOol to.dav Then we had Aid Knox, vrho, nt duty now , to; chronicle, has reminded us of many and William O'Brien, Jnhn Dee, Patriok Wal»h, l«avid measnre of jnBtico if meted out \o. these brave ths timo, had j ! . Ta» i Infamy by which Allan, Larkin, Mr! Miber, howover, explained tbe matter, Arr jirptAM PSCHMPD T>VAT> Ebrnethingito say to the Paul's hlatorlo end other references: which cannot foil to with, j : : « noble men who have obampioned the Square (Jlub ; MASCHesrtB j and O'Brfoa ' were hnrled wto the next¦ business was proceeded, . nd 1 , just getting home iriia dote race be of intsccat to our reader*. I : : : ' : 1 ¦ ' hts foe nigh a century, and who, by the with , : >an' year bft.did-what was almost un> Mr Hant replied /23C1. Strangers CHOICE Custom House Ward burgesses i TEn AUTircs has kindly promised tho ottend- conld tell that. . TO-DAY'S RACING pounds yearly sro granted by Govern- of iqueat thetitbe, nam'elySo try for a Sobolfsrablp, but ono i> Tho Chairman—Was not tbo cotiaito too thousand LAHatuon. on^the merits a gentloman ; BI ND. ' nnce of this colebrated Band Mr Andereon—Becauoe I ra»y toll you no to cub- this noUa icstitntion. What la at he was phtoktd by A few marks, and it nas sot nntil mitted last jeat adopted P ment ia supporting • ! who was referred ;to list i ! tbe Sisters of Charity: Bazaar 1 allowed to quarry there. : : ! I " SP0ET3MAN " OFFICIAL STAETIHG t<. t arn that Mount 8ion reoeives Dot week for tho ancceodiiiR year, nhlle Iwas Junior Sophistur, matter Ur Hunt (said It was, but co their surorUe by the Peril's 8qnare people in tho following the Poor, to be b ld on tbe 2nd and 3rd:Jtnc try. Mr Malisr euggcoted that It was entirely a pro'iolon bad been PBICE8. i St.to for primary oduoation, and true q that bo oUalned tbe desired college distinction. In tha made for outdoor relief. : - one penny of at* Uottoltc (Oh,leather Fl «' The Committee injeborge of tbo Bazaar aro oorklcg ' betwoen U10 Board and the contrnotora whero >m .i». flVilUloe of th« poor and the pound ynn Ollanguage— Mr fact be tr as, for bis tlmo nt college, far and away : Tbe Chairman said it was queer tbat tbo Clerk bod Hat it is Wholan will be certain to wlthanlll to make it the. most attracUve of atoneo cere QOL ; ! LINGFIELO M EETTNG. I iho wraltby Lhdt Monnt Sinn bos entirely Co >> found a useful, ear- the ahead . of tbo previous avorago reoords of Old not included tbe Item for outdoor relief of nest member of ! kind ever held in the city. Mr Anderson said he was only coDcjracd nith tha inblJeitiraate, de|)«n(i for Its »u{>port. ! Geneniw, therefore. M our the; Corporation. It is true he Trinity. : Ho was a gold medallist In ofasslco, and Tbo Clerk—But I told you distinctl I C0VEET3IDE STEEPLECHASE — Coaser may not : , : ' At a meeting held lust evening it statement that they nero got from tbo Covo, and y nt tbo timo ' contributions ruoy be; bow far ehort of wbatis spend up nights to knock off and get off in tho other higher brooches of learning hod a I did not lncludo It and yet you would not winner. Nine to two sgainnS, 1 a speech of inflated ; nATloruL CLUB was deoided to hold » Ball under ' quarried .there. : , . . • ' ¦ raa&o required most tf>e cum contributed fall. Do we bunkum to catch the gallery. brilliant and nnoccjsfol career as a studopt. Mr Maber uld bo «arj come of tba Qacst baildinga provision for It. _ j COWDEN 8KLLING STEEPLECHASE—Coa- and It is truo ho may Bui. ; tha auspice* of tbe National Club . I : AT ., fnily realize tbo Way thii f.ttera the BrotV.ore, not havo tho airs and awurance THE SAB. - I in Tramore built of etonea from tba Cove, and in- The Chairman—Kow was tbat ? tade winner. Hiao to fear agiioit. - of preientiov * ; early In tbe coming year. Mr bavlDg devotod hlmsolf the etndy : the mauy i eaorifien. on their part ; which it must . humbug * apirjg as a Qladstoho in ^argent U stanced tho Chspol. ' Tho Clerk—I niU explain tbo.rzbolo tbiDjj. Come i 60UTHEBN COUNTIES HANDICAP ; A collection in aid of (bo lnatro- ' aa B&inrilly ontail f Let us one and all try to realise- matters of finance, and it is true that owing to of tbe law, arid duly qualified himself to adopt It Mr Quann asked Mr Mabor, as a balldor, if howas fow yeara tgo them wu op to £700 a juatspent on 8TEEPLECHASE-J00 Miller wbner. Tea to TBD PAcntLL meota Food of the Pamoll Inde- his at it and prove bj our contributions on Sandny next vaulting ambition and a swollen estimate' of hia profe^ion, ho nt called to tbe Irish Bar not anare that stones taken from cMc . water i7onld outdoor rolle!. Tbo conseqoeneo was tho nnlon Lno ajainst; ' 1 DAND. | pendent Band 13 being orgnnlocd tllobaolnirjITotm into that we do so. bet the people rally! to the support own capabilities that he will not fling politics and , 18C3, ond at ones : nont veep whtn put into a structure especially nben drifted Into serioos financial difUcuIties, so much eo 1 WINTER HANDICAP HTJEDLE EACE-YeU ! in tbe city. Tee National Club practice, < celeallng iho Xioldster Ciraait for tbe ¦ of the ' Bothers ion Sonday next. Those nho havo a bastard izdcpmdtoea in one's face at have tbeie was an easterly wind. 1 that tho relieving ofScera conld not pot tbeir cheqaci low Girl winner. Seten to two oa. ,- ¦ ; !¦:¦*every started ft tubceription in aid of tho decorvinfj putsnlt ot bis avpeation. At nbont tho time young much will give Margtty and those |who hava llttla hand's torn " ! : • ! object In vloti. Mr MaLer eald tbat most of tbe houiu inTramoro Ci3bed to pay tbo outdoor relief. Tfaa ooncequooca Kencrouely. They will prove Sargent assumed tbo wig and gonn there wore i7oa that ono day yoa struck o3 every slnjlo cool oa I OVEBNIGHT 8ELLING HtJEDLE EACE— of that little will give Mr Jamoa Kelly wao 1 Accordini; tb Mr Timoth were built of stone got near the sea bench, and III aro not unmindful co dis- y Hcaly, giant inbllcots tit the Bar, and ho wa* intimaUly outdoor relief. Wbat wen tbo concsquencs P Hon Bumble Bee winner. Ten to one agilnst. by their contributions that they DICQ0BTED. gustod when he saw UEALrn 1 nben Mr: Gladstone retired from Quann himcelf .ups living iu one of thorn. ' hona ' (he Cbrlttion Brotboraare . . himself and closaly associated nlth . m&ny clever and noble rj many camo into tbA workbouxe P STAN8TED HUEDLE RACE—Xylop cf iho encrlflr^B nhiob described in tbo eamo ciiiDotm. tho pramienhlp in favor of Lord Mr Qrunn—And don't you 'know noil ai I do I ' ! generous quarter lawyer*, come of nboae names are £3 ,' household honsca Tbo Master—Not one at all. (ninncr. T«rd to ono against. : , makine tot rilluion und counilry. The aa I Bosabery,, that iho water runs down the colls of tbc^e P " sturdy and upright, a man of excellent Mr Jnsttn McCarthy words in Ireland]to-day. Tbe Lelnstrr Circuit was Tbo Clerk—Only three camo In out of tho hundred warmth with wljieh Ibey eubiioribe clll bo pro- wont to bis Lordeblp to ask for aeaurancea nn . Mr Mabor—I built two of tho bouses Ihoro myself, with standing, etc," thatihe took no but littlo interest the pro-omiuontly rtoh in legal notabilities In tboso and sixty on outdoor relief. When I oai making portlonatp to 'be effeotion , IOTO end esteem question of Home HuU>. The Peer Promicrdeolined and go and coo if thoy aro moping. | Bsath of Ur. Jooeph Oohsr. in tho contest. Conairforing the manner in day*, ool arouod tho dining tables ot fhe Bar, at an catimato following that transotlon I raado no vthio h th»-j rc/«rd tbe Brothbra bf Jfonat S/oD. aa aadlenca end then proceeded Co wako tbo Mr QaaDD—Tbe qncationa ctand::—trhethcr tbe which tho cliqw worked against Mr David lbs timo we sp'ak of, noro to bo found (be per- provision /or outdo: r relief. Tfai>y pat on 21 fa tbe On Toe»d»y last were laid at reatia tbe family boHal ThtT will r<>-ocbo \ha wordt of our beloved Bishop, famom * predominant partner apeccb.' Still Jostln ttonea are to be ' quarried in a proper place, or " Hjland, that gentleman's return is gratif ing in eonifitatEoca ofjwlt, oloqaence, aoamea and good ponod one year, and the following half year you ground at the. Chapel of Eaea, Ferrybink,. tho mortal We -vfil be i*ith ,.you . oe will snstun you y aod bia comrades clung to tbo Liberal coat .tails whether ve allow the strand itonea to bo pnt io tbe " the extreme, j flod Mr Qiceno not retired fcllowsbl p,Jthat bave oeldom bsnn equalled and no»er spent £20 or £30 on outdoor relief. I asked tbe remains of a distinguished certiflcattd eaginesx osd and WP y.ia wjth hia L' risbip in hoping that .from; although they cottdgo Vfolls. If you oliotr tbe latter, tbo bouses oom« the froy there ia littlo held " tbe Govcramenl io tbe hollow snrpasstd by any! similar tolerit in tbo rrotld. Wo relieviog odceri if tba poor woro suffering b meohanlc—Ur Joseph llaber, who died at ths jou will cot aacrificp one l»ta of your claims were or¦ DO doubt but that he of tbeir hind" all tbe time. Heal 's caodonr is will t roqblo no for years upon yearr. I darc:ay y tbe paratively early age of forty-threo years. Th* de- and Mr j can recall such' names oa\ Sorgcant Axmstroa;, I actloo tba goardinns had lokeo, and tbo oojrrer joa to renmin for centuries rxclnded from your Hylcdd would bo oitting repreaentativea certain to gltnr tbo clouded politlccl atmospbrro of tboro wero come inch etonca used in tbe baildinQ of I osss«d waa tbe son of tb* loXa William Ifaber, coal ¦ ' ' ponduioui In fii;6ro, bnt as incisive as a : keen-edged ' got wo» tbat thore waa not a whimper oat of ona of inat i-lg b'.n." Thla la tho messaije j next 8und«y » of tho ward noV7. : j . . - , . Ireland. ' the [Ohapal, but If so—did It not oost a mint of msrohaDt, Forr^bink. H* wu edooatad, firstly at J knife, io tbe law courts ; Mr RoUtonc, afterwards them. But tben the relief ran up from £30 or colltciion will coovoj io the Chriitlan Brolhors. ', Mr P Kenny, KinnBmeadow, tlr Healy declarpc!that at momenta mdnpy, troucnils almost, to do awuy ufth tbo damp. £40 tho NatioDaJ Sohool under " D»n " 8alliv«tt (a* ha ia Rolntonc-Spanncr, and " Bailor" Jobnrt n, at one Mr Zlabor eaid that when ho prepared tho Bpeclfl- & year to £300 or X500, and even slneo preparing affectionately remembered by those wto went to school AiroTHEC now knows that ho orres nBAXT OH of critiia in tho House of Commons ) his time reakonod tbo handsomest tr o at the Bar. callon be did not think aoyono nonld objtot to tba estimates I left it to tbe guardians to make whut to him); tbrn bo went to Moun t 8ijni osd finally to ¦ DEFEAT. defeat to the praise lavished on EDDMOND. daring the life of the di(credit«d Tbon there wore] tbo nQablo Theobald Poroell, Mr provision they thoug the Colloje 3o 0)1 Btephen-it where ha coraplet*d tis G EI»T CHttiwine 1 FAIB ill! Thta Day ot ' Traiore aioni f. , ht best for outdoor relief. I , , him in Paul's 8qrifire. ' The i J |jibrral Goternmeut he on m re Harrlp, who died tbo Father of tho Bar, Mr Tandy, distinctl eduobtioo. Us aervtd portion ot hi* »ppmiUet*liIp gobc'rlson. Irfdlif'a. SeMonablo Bargains in oil MJr Anderaon requested the Board to order tbo y tnonticnod that last year nbca tho rate clique thought they could rout Mri Mcao, Q C., Tbo Chairman—X think wo werd led to understand bis time in Liverpool. He afterwards passed ths Board imas i'reat-nts. | ' connipl ;** but tbo odvico «?as unbecdrd. Con- j'hol Board of Trade, ho explained, tad toned on of Trade examinatios, and gained a first class Chiof port to him not from motives of admiration or as Coucjel for i the Crown ; tho present Judge nTntpp tlnn ' that if there was no unusual expesao during speak of nor City Member Mr Hca oaid nrdni* tnr the nt thn forebhoro. and ho tho year Eon lnoor'B ocrtifloato in Liverpool ia 1840, and h* affection, but bscauso they hated Mr tlnulof; to 'y Matt e«s, and Mr Pler60 White, Q.C Some of that wo iroald now baio £itemporarlea of the sixties, Qacan—Ur Anderson has potree to intorfera absurd. WSJ OTJB EnanCT. any causo to regret is that from sbonlrl bave diccbarfred ourselves from 00r respon- Mjr eoal ceJobratcd in tho Chapel of EM 9 by tbs Ber. amongst tbem bticg CbarJfS H TIempblll, M.P., a oatstda the board (bear, hear). ' If be tblnta h« has a Tbe Chairman—Well tbera van only £ZGO spent i W Walab, CO; E«v T Kennedy, KHmicow. desoon; the Oentre Ward.: Mr Thomoa Bibilltipe, and if be used privato information con- lendid ortea- ; morning of January Slat, 1868, the full- troDchant speaker in bia day, and a sp risht to intorfera Kb has a right to do so. on outdoor reliof. What sboat tbo balance of £iC0 tba E«v John Uolllns, of Jlullinavit, wai the aib» ON tbe Quinn had no desire to entor the Council aid veyrd to him bjr tbe chairman of tha Irish Party oo examirjeit ; Edward Gibson, who oo* aa Lord Ash- Mr Anderson asfd that if atones troro taken from the t2»inat tho goardUns. deaoon. Very Eev Canon Walsh prodded, and thew - to take o£tioo Jiggea Bbip " lOaBis of Liverpool, laden with was simply msde use of by the clique for their his responsibility i that dfsbonor, too, nonld not bo bourne, ioccupiiis the high and boooorable post of Oori ho froald be obli^d c£ain£t tbo The Clerk—TtaeluUnce irfscpent on tbacottsgej were olao presrat—Eav Father* Dauphy and Walsh, ourt. But I do not believe Mr Redmond would r;nsrdl»Bn. : Gleatnoro ; Fathers Brophy and SHeveme j tineced fn>m an Bist Indian port, otrnek on a purposes. On tha other hand Mr Breen showed Lord CbiDCellor of Ireland ; Mr Jobo (now Jnd|;e) Tho 'Chairman raid be did not knorrboir it was' Brennan, a desire to enter bave done ony thici? of the kind (cbeeis). In try Gibs the chart , Gn at Nfwtnwo Head, Nor should we forgot to mention amongst bis friends The Clerk—How conld yo"3 whca you don' ' of this ward voted in favor of tho clique must bo of a representative Irii>b etalc3n]in (applansx) the 31erk wao right. t oomo Borrowing mother, sistsr and brothers, tad a Urge Tramore Bay. An alarm was given by persons cjlnd and oolleagnco that distiofini/bfld [fish Ispyor, I" naj|j- »n order was made forbidding tha contrzolor hero once in tbrcs montht T Dumber of tbs oeiglikourf, who lra»» and apprecJatad a matter of regret to all well-disposed citizens. tho safety and good carriage of the Iiiib vicinity who heard tbe cries raiued by tho —-nnmoly, BdnsrdlCaroon, and oho Danbar Barton, iM.f. to TUO tha stones ubi'ctod to, and Ur Llahor promiccd Tho Chairman—Tou are here every day, or aro tha noblo tnttn of hisobarsoter.—U»jrh» nstla p«ac«. in the Mr Breen, we aro glad to cay, is not in tho least " tho life-boat was launched and • anse. Mr Sargent himself cannot be said to hevo been a to sue tbnt order carried oat. sappostd to be bcrr, and yoa aro cot ahlo lain aiaireaaed crew, . deterred by defeat. Ho trill live to fight another On Wednesday night Mr Hoalv to exp rescuing what was then considered ; i ' great BUcconi" at tha B ir nor »oi he by uny moans & fl bo Local Qoyernmont Board nrot« atatlng that it cither. iuccoeded io day. VTNDiOATtD BT delivered a n murkaUy nbl« spoccb ' y th- the] had received tbo half-yearly report of thoir CITY PETTY 8ESSI0NS crew except tha captain, nho bad failure. I On tho contrary he nos regarded b Tbo Clerk—I b?g your pardoo, I bave explained tha entire , Tho follorring notice haB boon Till I to which he cimpleU-ly vindiontod wboso Dames are iven above, as Inspector, Mr Lynch-Stnnnton, on the . onion, which by a heavy eea nnd older of the toon, f{ it very clearly. If you Cianot nndcrstac3 It I can- THIS DAY. ; been Bwep t over-hoard THCiiuKiciPAX handed in tor Monday's ithe IndependKnt party and proved painstaking juniors they ne.ie evor rraajcf a satisfactory oharaoU>r as rcgadrbd tb* sonoral her freight ono of the most norkhoaao and tho not help yoa. Before tho Mayor (presiding). Aid Power drowned. The boat aafely landed FEAUCnisc Council meoting—" I will move that tbe majority of tbe disrupted Irish paitj ooM erudition aod manasemont and condition of tho , , Hr M7 R as&ockatvd nith. His pa'ieDCe, , performanoa ol their duties by tho coraia] officors of Tho Chairman—I can't understand it however Ward and Mr A McUen. on Tramore Btrand and was being made secure : at the next meoting of ths the caUB« of Hojne Rule In order to preoervo the lication made blu a valuable ! lmniencs fur back at I waves nnd Bafely, reached the \7o were tho firct to point out The Inspector aogizeettd that «ome Coathor pillows borronod £19,000 for the purpo:c3 of tbe Labourers Head CorjJtabla Try, prmaontcd »nd Hr Ailing- treacherous . BOOOE-onoElBa. ing columns that Mr Frank Mc- Sheriff, or Hlgo ' , enough; the figare ora the prupor havo this 142C ono Charles SnrgeDt was Hitjh bo obtained for nca in the infirmary, and asked the Aot and yon can t expect tbat for nothing. ham for tha defendant admitted a technical offence. 'doomed ship, whon, suro BELFAST. wayf to Donnell has etarfod borca-siioeing BailiQ—as bo V7ould bo called in those days—aod made out exoncbed in the clause inserted. Tho following guardians' favontabla conoidorotioa of this rcooni- The Chairman—Tbo coitago aro pajinj tbeir nay Tba magistrates imposed a fins of 6s and costs in nuvn : wa3 clfarly in addition to bis general work ot the amtthy, there «ni, aod la, peruapt, in the Old Exchange meodatioo. | : as well as in any union in Ireland. difficulty, was nov7 to| board tbe obip letter explains how the franchise was lowered io From onr kDonlcdgo of Mr Mc- : caeb CM3. i top The ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ Tbemas etrw t. of Litaeriok an inscription which mentlung Ur Lynoh-Stouotoa reported that six cirls arjod Tbo Master—Indeed they aro not. her like a hell," Cfld . ! ¦ I confidently Miaa M'Evoy, publican, Hlgh-Et, was prosecuted 'for ' tbe tea yawned roond Belfast !— : Donnell wo can : rccommood nny nork that it nas be who erected , tbe place ia the r«speetivelv 13, 13, 12, IS. and 11 yean, and tno boys, ID reply to tbe Chairman, tho Clerk caid tha '95 on a similar charge. • every moment the masts were expected to go by Town Hall, Belfut, 28tb Nov. V done by bia. year of bis 8brlo»olty over fonr centarles ago. Ia sirsd 14«ad 12 j«ira, were h\t*i oat to ocrvloo daring expense* uad«r the Labourers Act for the ytir —I am in receipt of yoor post bresoa bf tbe Sandsiy Cl Aot. cf a lion trol. Hill, aod vr»» mcotionod lo desputcbea for bis dio- Protestant nurse) ho Inoreabcd frora J22O to .£25 per assumption. Tho rental of tha cottages doea not osiug ag ility of a cat and tbe ncouragep C P Eedmood, Esq. WATnaronD N EWS, ncn venture eztensivvij bavo i-zpsrirnced tbe fata ths conrso bis tprwb CdastabU Lark dapoaed to finding three aea who tbe rope, end ; tinKUliihod l)r»To lady On a . poll boing taken tbo rcanU ntju ss follows lotorent io lefpic,^ bavo. oil old friends of bis to tta. : ; . T70S Bow passed p CooDty In tbo ln«h :— Tbo treiicherouadeck. A bcaty line mond' has beed watching tho Tou r 's sooL We aie told lhat BevPF thirty ycaro represented tbo FOE—Mewra Maddouk, Fisher, Campolt, The Clerk—1 am only endeavouring to explain Benoh dispieaed the case. j i fen irlio ilcoVcsy, Another from the boat with which be quickly at recent Council meetings^ and wo COHfEC-lIOH. Flynn has wrlit n a letter to Paol'e Parliatoent, and who was ono of the Cadojan, MJ Unrphy Forterwno, Ancraon, II L Ward, tho position to you. Yoa pay 5s per oo'.tago for the: publican was proeecnled by OonttaWo to him dizcusdons h's bribes at tbo time that tho ¦ Harrington for having aapplind drink njsde hia nay aloft, and seoaring it firmly round ' ready ond willing tb take all tho tiqoare, contessinfr be erred in gparoed Cest)e»g Connolly W E Wa'd, and Bedmond— li. .' ground rent of tbe plots, then county cess and to a drunken know ho is that bis precious protege nu capable of blrlhrisbtof tho nutlon noe being bartered a»q|y AatitrsT— tldatho Power, D Hally.Bronnan repairs, which crarl ' man. A Una ot IO4 and costs was loposed. Hi 's body, lowered; him osfely over cocure for tho Waterford ballovinf? , Knox, y in ovcry czza cnallow tbs Thornton «ief«nded. • ihe VOQC Bailor noceciary ctapa to : newspaper on " Truo Cathollo nnd aod emolnmoot. Lea voted against tho Dalabnoty, DonoV»n, Grant, Irl»h, John Por/or Thos renta recolved. ; j becroa baoled on board tbo conducting d for place of tbo , .. { Dupford the ship's cidd wbei'' working man a voice in tho civio affairs of our " and as a reward tbe votor^ Couoly Walsh. KeUy-11. . JJr anpliod for a transfer ot tha Uctnss coon by bia gallant Katiooal piinol pl-B. Possibly no may bo able to Union, , Tbo Cbnirman—We epeat a lot en repairs thiaj hold by Ui J. L Wright for tromuea a2d|;joined thore city. him wbeD ho next cntrjo before tbem I Thia Hi Jobn McCarthy, Chairman, gavo a personal voto year, and it will pot bo Jn Boan strost. to life-boat difficnlty of thia rescue pnblbb tbe letter In queitioo next week. rrj-oted necessary to QO to DO much: IlrJohn Blanalng. Mr Manning had porohased tho at!4 to 6be Aid Jamoa Knoz and tho pre- and dl'euntod him that be. cold moil of nhioh mado tbo namboro eqnal, and the motioa wa> expecsain fnrnre. ¦ rescuer. To in bis berth ot Wo understaod the Cotarolfrloncra to angered •ccordlrgly loot I interest in tbe wholesale bottling etoni and mineral (aalAlgerlaD) woa sick Rent Mayor »r»; candidates for propei I y whiJi lay about Tramorc, and neot to . The Chairman—Yon seem to think the rent! waUr manufactory the sailor XHC :i TnB TEiOHTSno' Of Natlnmil Kdncntlon hare CUD- ih* I>Ir Clampett : gave notioa that ho uonld rcpoat his of tlr Wright, add lntasdsd earpj- j^AjrojiAtrr. tfie Mayoralty of JP96. PEoauAinin. ceded tbe teachers' denmed acid n-fido In Sidtnouto, KugLiod, where bo oventnally motion ia o> fortnight. receipts cover everything wbile the fop*. i3 (bo rents), ing on the bnsineo* thexo. Thei application w*a who ballt Newtown Cr»nted. -I • , Thia 13 tho title of tho last tCTised the prograaim« of exam- died. It "as tbld Edward Lee, A DEPABTirBHT OT ASniCPMmsc. : doca not cover scything tayoad tbe current cipcn:;jJ ; tho ie*!d»noo of Mr P J Power, M P for ID repl to tbo Chairman, Mr Hunt stated THE UWI.B worU i from tho pon of Mr InntionJ. Tfcp ro»lB>-d pri.fr'oaie will come lofo Hnn«^, . The Clerk fsavfai; cent forward [the resolution y tbatj 0 i . ! boirrt. *« " Wnt, rfotd. Aoothir IntorestiDc; fart Is chat of lit tbo arrcgri cf tjh# cottago rents had bt'eq ht THB LATE MR. a lib- thnndrt, went by the Edmond Downey who, as operation >o Jgly. T"« buc> vro can tcclvo topics Ei»t 0 adopted last Board day on tho mol^on C broog JOHN SLATTEnY. J.P crash tneda OECnn UAH." ' , was In direct descent from bia oame- down to JU20 a couple of months ego. service Norria was awarded tho atlM ; ; nearly every I K EWD reader from tbe Education OEOD of the Dlstribt Inspector. E'lwirf Leo Redmoad, T C, secondod by Mr John ¦D.e.labanty, thia . ti.lu- vlio came over with; SiroDgboo In 1146, and Tho discussion tben ended and Mr Jamca WaUb In onr references last week to tba dcitb. ot tali etteaaad iLifeboat InatitnUon and «*•&»»« Wotorford. It Is Op Wrdorsdev l^at ti70Dlr-fi»u , tho D V C, received acknowledgments :fram tho Chief , of the Royal knows, wao bom in tho city of that w tU ti o year ^6 Id at Tippcrnry obo snppoit from Ur J E Bcdmond U P, tea J J Bhcs, talo of tho old land. We V o death ot Uwut r Ltd, sou cf the Protestant HSITT BOABD—AN ACQBIZVED COIJTiUCTOB—ttU flUl illnesa, waa tha remit of a »addeaV tataMai. W* h»T» acknowledge the receipt bod voIuDtcercd for service in Asbantee, lift ' tinea learned that Ur. Stattery aUyptd on slae*of potat« to do mom than briefly Dean of that illf. onsQura EIBRO.IOBCD woua mica. rind while * ia published by Watctfcrd on tbeir iray to tho war, Tfcs men , nea h* wu deeeaoJog the lana, which, as oar readers of tho work, and to state that ib The mothor of tbo lato Mr \V A Sargent Tho following letters vcTO iczd :— . know, ii a Oigt od fuag *. H* wu la bis oreal B«aJlh at UK 12 York-otrcst Oovrat wore In charge of Major Naahcott, and nero coon off who «aa the daughter of time of Mc^ra Downoy; & Co, ,, : '¦ D.'rothon Arfb"ll» Moore, th* accident ; bat u hia leg wu XnooaljInland b* by a nutnber of thfir milllary oomradeo. 'a Foit Co Tipporary, a ' " Local GovcrniaCtlt Board, Dublin, wai obliged to 11* up. Qr*T* oomptlojdonltu oed, puUj Gordon, at Sa 6d per copy. j j Edn*id Moor. , .I Moore , PAOI3 AOT PADUIOI7 Noverabor 1835. from the ahock of ¦ Yesterday Uecsrs Walsh and Son aooestor camo over l ere with " 4tb , th* fall, and firtl/ (ram tbe useawiaij factory ia in the mar- Centlcman nhoca Waterford, ever thougtful where the poor are " SIE,—1 aa d(rccte3 by the Local Qovtrnmesi deprliaUon ot hii aocostomed mrercUe, I - Portlaw TDE CDnaian- pnt up foreale at tbplr salcrooais raoroader'a army. Lady ' " - end we uodorstand Croni r/ell, oa an officer In that concerned, is, ! we nnderstand about to establbh a Bc»rd ffr Irolui) to forward, to ba laid b*for« th« MJpointed. i TO DU zoip - ! tot for Bale, VABtl. the interest Io Corrochdoff form. Macro »ai rowirded ' ' have been made mn Fur bia fidelity to hU leader Home : for the . pensioners Hie Cufiaghmore estate Bcftrd of Goard'ans of, Kilmacthoms.11 Usloo, th» epmo ipouirieal Tbe bidders were Aldarmoa Big- Galtco distriat, coro- °° THE TEMPERANCE HALL. nlth applo pp:cc:3lons ia tba These pensioners are . men who worked, while' they acoompaoyinir copy cf » lotter whioh they havt ooroca tha chariiTel' At BPfpnt there ins. tollcitor Clonmel, snd Mr W T Word, Clnnoiel. , yide traota of abont it p . prlaiOf} tbo Qlfa of Ahrrliw and wero able in the ejnployfnent of tho Beresford family. rootived from Mr Patiiok Carroll and with refcranc* to DISOTCTIOlir moro than a I'coupto of hdndwd hand? Aftercplrited fclddinif Aid Hifrgias wss deoUred tbe family bold (bat tha eabj'ct* referred to tberrio. I am to draw th» A very pleasaas ooupie ol hoar* were spaot by t&a A Bie aro not tbo Qiluse moa*, 1'"e tfoore Rnmour Insists that Mr Joseph' M&Icomson, of mtnbers of the T satisfaoton footing, th 1 Intervala during tha winter. ; j Timo worlaj caid to Ireland with (froianell, ! husband) these precious pearls arc to be preserved for j The Apostle (of truo Catholic Ale, SI & 02, Goorgc'a-atreet, Waterford, reminiscences ficaooes of the onion and tha natal Of tha Ubouion' Bototo paililng from these family special need, i and to insure against any potable loss Kir, obedient servant. i ^Natio nal feaUnghaa^thor curloaa conneotlon cottages.—I am, 70m TUB ZtAUTYEEH TUBES- ATOACiOUfl we ehonld DfJt omit to stato a they will remain at the bank. Tbe pearls will toffer " D 1 UicSanraAir, Assistant Seorstary." : h' attempted brlbory. iTbo 11 SISAAIi AHD iDALC 017 V7ODK aitb Caotlcrtog * by being that np in the dark, as is well known, bnt in To th» Clerk , KUaMthotnas TJulon." tjta most insulting traitor ottered Edoatd Lea, if ho fell In the responsibility of haying such treasures " C01DCKH0IUHT8 CELEBRATION VSt ZHS CTTT. inanxTmo!:lH ctatoment /. notorious thess days ; " Udn-itreet, Carrkk-oa-Buir ! • that ever came became a caitiff, to oonfer a terrible when they arc put in trust I ond oudaaouJi at coon a roty lOcCessfnl Sale of Pauoy nltb bit vions and in use U , tys th^c «• 17th October. 1805. . „_ _ indaoioUB and in- Yesterday blmcalf ; to get a blohoprio for another Oa Snadajr lwt UM twmtytif bth aoasWaaryef tk* )» USti „ sdi torial i P«n-' Th°' (us, oas ooenoj In tbe Protestant Hall, peettSffi upon ¦' SIE—I bes respeotfully to inform yoa that two Work, and to make a. goneral cGlcer of a third 1 rmal |nyesuturfl ) of Lord Roberts In bis o«rd»r of Anan. I*rkin and O*Brt»o at! tUtx&mtmwsa o*l*> Cathcrlno-street, onder the gueplp&s and in aid of brother, The fo years ago I tesaVredto sqpply beef and mvttca kt tio thB 8 *±f tjjq family—1!»0 a brother, no behove. position of Field Marshal of the British Army took My brued In W»Urford by a pahlk) imfcawln* throa«k Ik* forward n ea' ^?" .k. iU-tionl of the eotteaa ; and! tbe funds of Tonng Women's Cbrlatla^^Axsoolatlon, member ot WorkhouM.Eilraac tbomas, Co Wi^utonL tender atreett of Co* cJtr. BIwk with eaorn and|eon- place on Saturday last when he was presented with the Botwithatasdiar moved tbrf the t^.«2£ £^- (yj JS>i a.Tc .fc ^ a useful and worthy lottllntioo, wltb nblpb most of T 1 waa accepted, I supplied, for- six months and once only . w* amutaU^tibl r*tt asd tb*»*«*•* be caO«U»aJ the ^^ temot, and jot. strange to say, tba brothor In Holy baton so. long associated with the command, by the ol Waterlord laoVed oa Swift bat thai wMU mUm P° K ^lf ^^'^B^na^.cf f aS National tbo Rlrla of the various Protestant communities of was I reprvnindidby tho Muter for quality of me4t adoiraUaa oi Eaglutd ^ S ^ a ' *ttet«>ardB became Dean of IWaterford, aod Queen at Windsor Castle.' . ; and tk* »"g"*> sujp hat* yssttsssit given injanother column P tbe city aro ossociated. Tbe interior of tba Hall Order*, 1 supplied. In U»rcb 94,1 tenderedagain and my tenddr to* souls of com* of their (tllow-aoaatrna ea, thai SSrSl letter Loo died Govornor.Gd*B> Baad ro*maia SftMteoaxsaat •»«•. WM the proceedings, jrmonaot (hem "being Mrs Day, The to and being lowest I was ' ags^n contractor r on* o'clook, and mads a eempitt*s ireaft of tbsjd ty. Is for tk. c*hir jrtiSSifSa itrtMOae, ' C entered the onti-ParnclHte won}^ mcompletp nitbot)t> mention; roomof lie fate Marquis' of Waterford. ; headed Vj wta A nrco Palace ; Mrs Goff, Qleoville; Mr« AIWIDP, llr» Tbls hones ' ¦ six months ; only onca wu part of my meat retorned, tb* nralfcnt bum wkiih baa *•*» ean>*4a* ! [meeting held in Dwblinj to« of l6t« ye8r8 MriW A Sargont wa* Orowo Mr tarries Phelan, of Llsfuncneon, the. well known ly meat for ¦ oaaj auallar o*l*u»Uoa« la n*«t*f(*T4 la pan 4Sai . i Bennett, llrs- John 8lrangmao, Hn i Wilson inB»hat . bat through illnessI WM unable to supp adStkm to ta* u »"""~ M o^nrpr, and found for Walerfora, Barony High Constable racing man, while hunting with the. Tipperary Hounds meat at considenb y th* rara*U Brass Baad, UutWolf*To tM F» sad ^^ w y, Mrs W H 8mltb, Mrs ElwiD, MIM II CD - Prolscntor month. Tha muter purchased Dram Bud also took, part la th« mo— Vast, i < evidence given thoro. Eo ee SBOCTSsion to Mr S,amuet Jones, be a few day* agp caffl? down at. a {llff fence and while I he difference vii stoppi d aad aatk his verdict W tie , dereoni Mrs Line, Utes Smith, Mita Gorltndo for Oaultler la , higher price thanmy price. Uma badle*, wbo bar* rtsdarta mafi'iavalnaM* sjssMaa**) This would be all -n.liionni.n,rk of ths Crown, and bold otbor fin ' tiip p-qnnd, itctived [ a kick la the head bom hii protest U I knew to tha Hattoaal eaase, wen hicaly oa Si, latirvratcat declares : ' While,. Mrt WaUb. Mias U F White, tin CE host my aoooont. I «ud not make say v^masaaad IMr l appolritments a» well , Hi* |work (lQrse, Ur phdw U at FeUurd under medical treat- my oontnet. 1 received thrta resderleg of til* 4*aenU msaia. Tk* «ro**»al*«wsiabl*; Denny, Maypark j Miw Panl, Bollyglan j \ Uw W mlDor oflcbl it was fair during os* from a aamerical polos of aas of •&S2j&glaia^ aassa Mhoir- Ltcensing li»n la recognised by bath each cheqno a total of ti o vl*w] *adabo*ia skatS ch»r?« agaiait £ **" ^fthdf Ho ni, SSbefore «ho Ooniial «««*»g ^otarf L Maokrsy, tady Lagfl t Min U H Pcct, r>nd 3ai«, upola the Irish cheques In payrsent—ont ot Wat*rtot4. HU alltli* (real cmtna af Haitoasitaatgaata of eottMi"^ Tb. legal profession aaja valuable lest I The Kilkenny Hounds meet at the Bridge -to-day Wbea each cheaua wu presmtad ti. j tha oonohry, th* aanery of ta«s* tho LwU °?b, &Sa pmttesen, , S^ penal Hotel hisj determination bnt by no mean's lait, Mrs Mercer, nbo WM a most braiiphesol the • ¦ , months supply. wjo 1oasat aaddK 5 ever «fffcln>lly answer* I^t on ths «ngfi«stlon of oSoX tho lm 1 Mr Harry 8argent, tbe genial ; (Saturday) at 11 o'clock. . i diihonoured. The last cheque I reoelvi i tbn ttnglt for tba liberty of their Sopto wU «va>»t> . y. If tot i» not making a indefatigable, painstaking aod conrteoco Songrary boo t. Hi* brother, were always flhflfalhyfta ' I ' * rosnlt o« the; dUcoasion w»» • », wlthdrajrn, and »U» SoTotewitt Mr Heal ' hu Upon Bpor l," li too well i meeting of the KiUnactLomu Gnardians on guardiiuis wu dUhoncuied(our tinea aodl I ' ' ' ' - HI. • Tba saleroom and it* environspresented anl' ior of (' Thoug At the from the Mr M 1 Marpnjr, tho motioa ^m^ jo ^irit-tliB SccreUry. to| neod ' the following letter was read. -— : , a« a mean, ¦ appearance, particularly after tbe lights known in Waterford Cltv and Connty Tuesday last, did not get cash, tof fou* nqnths, I did not oompWa following wis appointed «J"w « na«i, Ue»i« m-wally:& o not know what wordjon)t quite gay , : : hmore, Nov.' and j SALIS.—Mr JohnMurphy, Anetj sneer, sildttetkresv the B^ard-The Cbaii- 'Tfclsolulty, manrX w» jmtjiy- on; tbe b«odaomely draped oulls, refdionoo bete. He came from London too laf ! . " Cunag , 1935, or Wakea protant and now I wish to draw your attontlj>a plaoo nud rfportjto . 1 biW ^i^a ft i fctte wcte turned clr- are deepl touched at the lots of property belonging ta ijj- 'ohik. UcCuthr ConnoUy, B dDond, Umvhy, ~ ; flowers aod foliage, tbe bandeome unhappily to fee bia brother before he died, a •• DBAR MB HpsT^-| y to hut day s contract. It was declaredthe last Tuesday on Liaaaock, ¦ i »n«mn« lif Bii Dili oTiwhich is that tbe the profusion of sympathetic exprasioM contained in to relate Saturday last, as follows t—Lot t to Mr Tteiwon: Breanan and ^Cap^ / ' . attired Ud vondori, and damstanco wbinh bn DBceisarll; very mnflb aSeotod most kind and of September J695. I tsbdered, bet strong* , i* Cadosao . Wy^^ A and bandsomcly y l , forwarded me from the Kil- trast, for 245 eulrjtU. lit 3 to d tto, JQs£SfisX '' crowd wblch ' thronged , tbe thoi veteraa •pottsm»n. The fnn, or»J toda^r w*a !the resolntion you bavo though U WM pontraet day tto gnardUa attended apd far - ^SSK"i Sffi;4s J I SL-SISB the Mlmated of tbo Board of Guardians,' and I bee of yon to "Foor Lota toMr TofaB PhtUtttoaOrnrn^t Mnr Strtrin -~ :: qnlto a pioturetque oom» Uricly attended by all olawes and creed* raacthorosis bminea was nMtponed for » w»ek. : gaardlas * if n ¦' ' the Ilarlseta. of thf late btjlldintf, : forming b chairman and to the Board my grate- 'Tnesday my tender wa»—tot A, Strange, soUdlort, had'canii^ tab, •!-. •¦* : t.rt : • . •'¦¦)* Eound |About] 1 4 witl» theJsneieM wat a great and varied stobk community, and tbe Interment topk placa at : t o cocrey to your attended tbe foUowlng havo been creu'1 * . wag not fair binatluo. There ¦ : ; for their kind : word*. I well know, also, tut mntton, S}d 1 tor ox beads Is l: A, 8hp"r; *nd that it eatjmej>*t« which woold oconpy oow cemeWry, John'* Hill. | : ful thanks beet, 41s lid } . j ' CbryBantbemum ges ot ot fancy articles, to sorrow ray ' dear bntband'f death is . to was declared contractor for beet at V, rt weather bit 'been thojrolo tot U* J^'gata SS *•?<> prink «ffarA M« it goei Vftiopt , ! the pbief monrnor* wero~Mt; H B Sargent what a real Mr Thos Lanrenoe, ' improTOneni tt»e u uw w to aW Dublin I exfaibitora i'R more tpaca thtan we» aa yon witi all my heart f or yoni ' beads Conoert at Doagajrran, -; [ ' : to-d .j rtvm a Might «fmea late. itock-curket phjuio—" trans- (brother), and Ur Blebsrdl. Mr [Blobard Strgent, yourself, and I thank Ms ; for mntton, 7d perlh j cows , Is Od. Im«i %S o( ft rettlinc dowa-exoeptw'rmlft. . ^__ tbo WaUr- tbo Show when their iwbibiul caying that—^o » lympaUjy" —Btlfcteme, yours very truly, : yon to Inform me Is It ' H -^^ ; the ^JBt» apdagoodde* l of money changed Babdon, (cousin), wit notiroldably obeootj- : Mr true . respeetloUy ask any use to t n- An tntertainmtntof a, soptriarchwact ir»«a ' ataL ¦- ¦: ' S' - no jdotibt'' wilt 6iStt on actions wero brink, ; KIlmacthftTnas, fi.rd Bntter limpet (or tbe Opinions Ruhard- were pleasantly diversified Palmer bad orarge ot tbe fonoml ttrrnugamenlJ. dor for Union la tutor*—Your obeomt, h«e oft Wednesday wining is.CjSr ¦<$m Mr proceeauig* ^^'^^T^^tlftoiU^ Mr CantwiUand hanaV" Tas ' ' - ' ¦ i T-i-T-- - -iirr--- - :...... - *r»erf^21r I I ¦ . raised, i Certainly .' m ' HI IMK I MI I , I II 1. , ,j Tieateuant Goff ton Of W O I> Goff, E9q.JP, has eorvant, organi«e ¦ ' - -S to make the rjhow B succesa,! ; ' of ofT at four and ei ffirij ABT8 AND [CQAFTB EXHIBITION Faithlegg Harriers showed splendid sport In •' 1 be Seeretsiy \W^ Government Board. sOready oaWds, w> .^rJ^^EvTi tSffl '- ¦ ¦ ! «eaf mid in- , lortrnmentalmuiOo which cam. . ght The ' • ^ Urt w«k amon»t«d to I*l» ¥Sf^ Srk &W» •«" '' .; ''} I. Owing to! the | " ° th. £pable »nd experimced : vicinityof Pembrokest0*0 y«*«d»y. First they ' An oijer w»s ujotmingtba Loos,!Gov enuatjot to state thaj in potet of mem ¦« l u . our ad- cbc rrtpectively under and [¦ •! the mad* _ *n JUaiJ^SSSi^;^ S.6I 8. Wal«for« (• «2 *£* Afth^weSk wnoon*^ *• lH- creasing derxiana* on iof Wo4«=« Poft Denny W L \ LOCAL SKILL ! I I hadi a most enjoyable circlingrun of about 4O miaous Board tl <\t Carroll h*d not given Mtiafution as a con- cqnallAd if not surpassedthat J AUOTHEa ; nmr» columns S^aaS T OBefol aod altiattive exhibition wai ¦ ¦ <4:*4nd fox tractor. , I: ' . . " - tstnmUnt ot the kind ever given}'la l!m»«i '>»i7B 5-i i?3$ r Madtar In Dublin on Toe«d»y, W His Excellency tha dofitlalonj at a dashine A. QOSiTlOB Of AST AMBOLilCI-vA BACKHAKl IB more : gratifying stUI that ^^4%rW^ •ood-cirvme, Judged by M«« » J Mnrphy, Lom> opened broke cover and bropjljt allJ|na«yZS'^fflS^ ^ . CadojaD, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. < Ona of »o where tho quarry got to ground- oouruviarr TO.yATBis nm'i rAraa. vert mil tepuKttted not only SJMOI MS M ' r Juob snd Kdnln Jacob ; in pnotognpny, tor whlcn. Earl pico WhJtfleld, o«j tb* it W SL S': ^'<:: kt 0 Crokff I tba mojt admired exhibits, WM ^b|» beantlffjl ilde- of the hardest riden in the country were in the A long diwnMsloatook place on tbs qaotioa of |r» ^•Jw Dramming ttrfipm'% DTBingro«Atkina . Mr / V WUfefand Tobla and Son* factor* Some patji sti mmmt^J M and alfo a , " Qake and Bread ComV boarl execahd at Ue^Mt In field arid'one of them assured o» tt»t {he day'* sport vidisf an suabnlanoe for th* renwvaj of fever Catholicvied wuh«sd»a^fai&elS3ssiiiSiil0] were tha 'lodge* ; dewriDtJori of wh|<:h was publishsd in! the.j past yean.; to tba hosnit»,l Tb* Clerk prodwwdp l«as wUos \»i the soccessof tbe wstcert Mtition ' the exhibit* In which cams tmdnr the critical tbis oUy. a thev h»d wa» the best Tor two , MsSTwC7 aw2a5iEe 5^ week.' N»V*. We are at iberty to meoUoni Mrs PalUser, Annestown, was attended rec^nUy ay been preparedand reoooB*sd*d tb*|a4v*HI «*s»«t< admSsaionhad tQ Ve rcrtued.. ^F*.- W <' mmmmmgM iupervidoD ofiM»»d«mei6now , : Gofl and W Mackesy, bit * ' lor tender*in thftsj WaWrford Mpers.' Be , and thalr tr»t the panel* were dealgned by Mlis Dobbyn reroinent foreign wcialist, Uqder wfaose treatment b* UsnVd AU the competitorswere amtfeari work wai now »n tatMtsd thsttb* admtisattnt b* f lven t»ik* N iws 1 1 Pri«» wer« Watorfoid. Onr Dublin com spondent i loform* as shown mantefl ppivTcrosBfc • of»my hShio» *" I" "" - ot (jb.*h , "Expr^" | ¦;- . -: - • '' : -: i i ; 0?h«- OstljoUc: TrnBte«« of tbe ?°ji monsst tho exhiblU in the ntiojpective tectlonof what we Watpffordians, county «n4 city, never . Tb* ch u»a^iujB|iM> * b < Faaor «tafl No. i—tin Horn, tbe Uiases: Horn. Mn Exhibition ia[ a 6ne collectionof diWiig g muca ' Alusworth.: China tho Art*and Crafts believed, that the lateilord wa« threatened with assas*< ' Uooay - . Alletoon, Mln , GlaM and Basket #luablo iudnjtry which long "^o ft ^^W U ctrw. M W Chapnmn W*u5fonl ela»-» ha» inatiorj, , Tha D1«OJW eng«nderea by hU .one time U.B*.M«aated wba« tS*«**sj|t> wa* Utn Ur ai WrtteuUr. ¦ ¦ Bt»ll-Mr» W«!« «<« . **n- " , Mlw decayed; Tbi»art «n»nufccl|niefanow,:ai iswen * wiJA •«• *£*fig#imt<*» *& *TM ^rthi MMterih.p,>DO«4d Stall ffg. S-Mra Bennett, SUM i iincd harshtreatment of his]tenantrr. was bluer «aormhfor omb«liae*t H«4tMl< »ot doa* *rHk««t 1, f

:¦:; ¦'• ¦! '¦ Mi; i : \. i p 1 ¦:¦ !r

terrets, for the.purpose : ol kllllbg groand game; CitheHoe W«Ub, of H —*— . ' ' ¦ ¦' : ' ¦ XO8. AND IN POLL : . • !l viotlon to be endonedjon tbe Uoanss. William Doyle. • i . ,' . .I;!: ¦!- ESTATE " ; ' •• ' ¦! .. J. F. Qolrko for tbo defendants. ; - I Who was ; M' . i- i HIS FACULTIES. i : Duntjarvan. ; ' j : whioh ; evidence found on tho:preml8oi, WM also' fined. . Tho After i» lengthened hearing, in remaining oases irere of t trivial ohaxaotsr. ' ¦ Mf. John Canon, Chairman of the Town Boar<3, Was given by Mr. Qalnn, ConBteWe Slarrelly. Ana AFFBA¦ iY BETWEEN TENANTS j AND T [ E ' : ' Tbere'is at present aa lnxute of tha Kilmacthom&s II : !-.; . :¦ ' Commissioners at Tbarsdaj Oonstable Doyle, their wpnbips [ordered Mulpahy ; i j WOODRANGEp. ' j. . . . .: ; Union Workhouso,who ia one of the very few whoso presided over ten other i ' special coats, or go to T. O'Connor, to be fined 30s. with 10a. CTQLINGr, ' ROWING, RACING age exceedsthe century. NioholaaFiU geraldis now night's" meeting, bis colleagues being gaol for a month. They dismissed the obargo HATCHEfS AND KNIVES IN EVIDENCE. Ptt, ons hundred and throo years old and, though hale Captain E. Currao, J, V. iBy&ni M. J. Caoey, tgainst the other two defendants on the mortta. ¦ land hearty would a, fitting term to apply, ' . Th» pneumatlo'tyre ' "' ¦ ' ¦¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ b« soaioely James Hayei, E. Zoobun, M. ! summoned Mr. Con- Btartled many I (Faoii Oca RifoeoKrJB). - : . : physically strong' and O'Brien, John .Bailer, blatrlat-Inspeotor Penroae A' WONDEHFOL oaUilde as wollos Inside the cycling h» is at least looking as it Is Batlu- |for havtog At tho lit nore Petty Sessions on 8aiurdav last tbe healthy M many man who has but aohleved the Foloy, atd John Scanlao. iThls meeting, nellj publican, residing »t Carrlckbe*, IKVENTION. trocld, bat, it I mistake not, The s> F . narked by personalities, bill licensed pramlaea open for the Bale of drint on presiding magistrateswere Major Tannorj(in the chiir) 'span ofjosjrs which the Projphet referred to—threo . .A Til JTTAIST AO| v ^1 fcctory to reoord, was not : drinking Fennington Engine is likely to llok *Mr. Orr; B.M., Mr. John :Noonan, CoL Cotton, Mr. j. score and ton. Not alone is hla physical strength buiinesa was dealt witti in a moro Borloua Bcmday, the 20th Ootober, snd i pcraons creation, to use a forcible If not altogether elegant ' and the solr, M.P.v appeared tor tho E. FenrosB, and Mr. E. E: Baker.; The prinolpal oase remarkable but his lntellootuol powers are soarcely anil business-like manner tban la usnal lyj the oasa, j therein. I Mr. Bhoe, i expression. The Autocar, a new London journal, 1806. defence.! ¦ ; j ; : ¦ before the magistrates was one in which two mon, both In the least unimpaired and his memory Is as' fresri ^^A BOOK of 480 pages, in leatitrettocover a, containing In* Tho total • ooat of the i famous Blab, incltwcjj discusses this Intention at length, and gives partlou- Fitzgerald's history Is 1 : Tbe, defence was that ono of the defendants was * lara whiob, named Michael [O'Dpnnell, father and [son, living at almost; as ever it was. Poor formation for the use 01 all members of a household. Tbo engineering, obliteration; and rd - englneorlta, two were I am pertain, will bo of Interest to my Monntomve, ; w«ro sommoned for «ssaiilting a wood- a sad bat not unfamiliar one, Sine* he attained, to Bo. Id., £13 ioria f idt travellor, and tbat the other leaders. Tha Penaington Engioe, this authority subject* Include Politics, Trade, Dlography, Literature, Homo onfounU to the tiay liltUjmim of £28 guos B. : n>Dger on the: buko of DovonBbire-'s lestate named manhood's prime ho has be«n engaged la manual price, tad £7 1». 103. for asserts, was first publicly experimented with about a management. Fashions, Recreations, darden management¦ , 17«. 8d. beiDg the original i Tho case was dismissed on the morita. Michael] O'qrady. . Mr Thomas Slnttery, Bolloitor, labour only to find tha nocoBHity, when years over- ; consequent upon the Brasnro of tho year ago, and is tio Outcome ot a sories of successive ' rest for his declining Poultry, &cV, &c. ! alterations ; Tbo other cases were unimportant. ' developments which have been made »ppeire4 for ths ivrosecution. ! took him, of soaking shelter and Commissioners' name*. Mr. Edmond 0 Shea, In light engines . O'Grady, who its an old man, stated that he was in days In the Workhouse. To tho latter institution tbo wort, by Thomas Kane & Company, of Chicago. NOT, FOR THE TOP SHELF OF YOUR BOOK CASE, BUT monumental eonlptor, Kilkenny, who did Cappoauln. j I the service of tii Duke for over 6fty years. On Wed- too ha was aocombaniod by tho wife who tor over FOR USE AND for the total amount. At firBt there In tho tncycle driven by. this nesday ' who were halt & century had sharer of his joys and REFERENCE. EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Bent in his bill ; I am reliably informed tbat tho Horse-Ence Com- THE engine no balanco .week he;met; the two defendants, been tho wos a disposition on the part of the Board to defar wheel is re- tenants on tha , property, in a wood on 1 the estate' re- sorrows. Only some four ye»rs"did tbia oouple, who NO HOME COMPLET meeting, mittee intend holding noxt March : tho6« popular HOTOE quired, - the start being effootecl E WITHOUT IT. navment, but Mr. O'Shca came before tbe similar rules aa tlie Kllmaokhamaa acd moving jsome ,timber. No one was allowed to take weathered ths storm of life together BO long, find it ' his contract was com- sports under BlOTCLt, by the pedals in the usual manner, onl having explained that other raoes", whioh were such a pronounced successi timber exespt they were provided witb o written order, necoa&orjrto throw themselves for support on tha payment of what was due to bits. ' As: soon as the engine .; gets 'elr authArity. union.; They hod family bat all GIVEN FREE to nkers pleted, required Over £40 is on bands, whioh .amount will mike a to work, it over-runs the pedals, and hs asked thcJ defendants to produce fh 1 reared a- large , jg of hesitation a oboque was ordered to be whioh are connected " With B«id the old man : young O'Donnell boyB and girls, had gone to tha Land of too Fret In After some decent show. .It Is very gratifying to the public to with a ratchet gearing, and the rider can either pedal ;that;" , . " filled for tho amount. _ .. ,i part, and they may canght me by the neck, threw me.on tbo ground and their youth, leaving their poor old parents the only dealJ of reason on his Blfle boir of this resolution on their faster, and so keep ahead of tho engine, and do some : Mr Byan bad a good rest assured that overy support, will bl) extended ; Stamped!OD roe. I When f got; np be knocked me'down members of the family who remained In the old I Sunli&^te ' ORTfllN 'rom whomone the Soap Is winner of terrible was tbo ololoning suffocation ibat Measra, handle-bar, i the eledtrio current la ehbt :off , and ! before he could get his Damo in marblo " Mr. " You did noti attempt to UBB It on blm," asked Mr roaohod the very advanced age of ninety seven. 4? X" purchased 5uallght to tbe promoters of Verlln ond Williams, solrs , denounced *ucb a etato instantly tho oyolinderd convert themselves into air ' ' " ' '-^ //M \\^J5E§S^K? ( 1 Almanac Scanlan, referring, presumably, ef affairs. Mr. Marmlon is now opening his eyes to 'The SUttery. : i ! ' I i . Those who wore in the houce at tbo time say that COPIES , aooounend tbat It was f very bard brakes. . bloyoio, I which, has 4in. i .tyres, thus < ' ' the grief of old Fitzgerald at the loss of tho partner with 1 a tablets tbe elab bueiness the fact, and intends making some Improvements. obtaining the acme of comfort in riding, it, of course, " Ob.inot at all" ejiid tho witness. .' , S lr 'J) %^^[ W^^%r-i to knock eenso Into tbe heads of oome people." ; , O'JDonnoll, senior, was then eiaminod In a cross of his joys snd sorrows was , touching in the extremo My precious hints, I think, were not oat of place built specially strong to stand tho Etralnj yet with all and it is* Itia tlmq tbot tho Commissioners and tho rate- this, cise. for aaSault which he hod enterdd against O'Qrudy. still pathetio to he&r him referring to her The concert and ball are the absorbing topics of and with engine and attachments complete, it death, i In: his long career Fitzgerald moved littlo payers set themselves in earnest to examine into weighs but 651b?., the wei ht He said he wentto ths wood for timber having obtained 4 NOTE IMPOETANT.-T0 prevent the boar. It is to be hoped they, won't fall on a fast g . of tbo! engine and tb« necessary Bis son was Ii.om tho locality where'he first saw light—Bally, j and If possible improve tho financial position of tbo attachments alono being only 121D3. ¦ The^leotrio ^ permit from the forester.; ^_ ^ ^ ^^^^^ OFTEN will Illostrate my meaning. day, for bam and cold mnttori, &0., would bo pro- carrjlog a pioce'of »tree on his 'shoolder when O'Grskdy laneen, about three miles from Kilmacthomas, and Board. A fow figures tofablo to puffs and pic-cakes and champagne to battery will last for months, and ia easily recharged Tbe total liabilities of the Commissioners amount came up to him'and eadd " you thief of a robber, whero honcO it has not been crowded with the stirring in- the old woman's beverage, wake-tay, TnoBO items or renewed, whilst:' one ohargo of petroleum Is guffl< ' cidents which j to JE7 787, and the balanco duo tbo bank on ove r- are you going i with tho timber." With that, witness were asoociatrd to so largo an extent I i i^^^^ ; BOY mmm . at tbe last ball produced « feeling of eeml-morbldity clent :for a run of from fifty to one hundred miles, with tho history . draft is no less & sum than -£1,079. In this connection according to stated, O'Orady banght tbo tree and threw it down off of the country for the last century. and . dulneis, Tho object Is to establish a cool gradients, eto , encountered. . ! ' His; regain possession But though bis momory does not rccaU recollections the Bonk of Ireland have returned the Board's Aa to speed, tho Companyclaim that his ion s bock, j son thought to interest of tbe artlzsnb' fund for the poor. The coal ot charity burns in the of the 6tick ' btii O'Grady knocked him down again. of many of the events of national importanco in tbat cheqao for instalment and 's bi boart, which SPEED. a mile can bo ridden in 58 seconds, dwellings loan, because tbe instalments or the generoue grate of Mies Penny g Witness Interfered but O'Qrady. threw him on the period ho is ioonJy alive to everything of a local sheds tbo warmth of comfort and sympathy. This to that, ebould all we bcar provb brood of his bad a largo oharaotor in whioh he played a part. ; The rivalries other loans—for tbo water worka, ijuars, nnd flag- correct, it fci pasalblo we may bo riding our blcyclei back on the ground, j O'Grady ¦ provided for. Thfa, owing! to Udy is tbe promoter. cleaver with him tnd witncis alleged h» tried to uso it of tho pollens and tho Ooict be is fully at home with, CZticwzirage - EEottiie Manufacture. ' ging—had not been In the person ot Mr. Miohael O Connell, inventor next year to Tramdro under seven minutes I The ¦ a recent rule of the Board of Works, will entaH a on him. . 1 j [ : and he still tolls of the many bloody encounters and proprietor of tho corn and saw-mills, i» de- Waterford and Tramore Railway will have to look between tbo factions which be witnessed—and I am loss of 5 per cent to tbe Commissioners for abont a sharp, Mr. - Ponnlngton Major|Tnnnerj-Yonr story is that O'Orady camo up monstrated tbe faot tbat indnstry, backed np by , tho inventor, has just landed 1 afraid took EWS Watsro month, as tboy are not yet in a position to Bend on In England yith «pefclmena ot the motor-bicycle and and your eon; having a tree on his ! baok, be threw him part in—for he romarked to e. N ro- J0EH GAETOY'S liineral persoveronce, Barely loadB to the discovery of tho down and threatened him with a knife, | and that you portor jwho had a obat with him this wccS that ho ¦ .^i^ss ' ! tho other obeques. now commands a motor-driven vlctorkis (for the engine can be applied • : r—r- : ; . BUB obtained for tbe water works, " gold nugget" prosperity. He did nothing andj you) son did less 1 I : could handle a " wattle," as ha called it, CLS well aa f The last loan and nttb to all kinds of vehicles as well aa to tha bloycle), BO which—according to Mr. Soaolan—there is not good buslneo?, owns land and cattle, &o., ' " That's tliB truth.iyour honour,',' sold the witneca. the best of thorn In tbeso days. Tbo old Instinct Maanlactured by Her Majesty's Boyal Lottora Patent, and unrivalled of prudvnae and sound calculations Is stoadlly and we may oxpeot to hear of practical tests within 1 war next He for their Absolute Purity tbo like in Ireland. Of course be meant an regards tho noxt few days; O'Doinoll, jdnior^ examined. stated rose In him too when he was relating rominisconces acd Accurate -Preparation, In ovldenco of which teo latest Analytical BeporU from ths moat took: profitably working out an expansion in the field of that when O'Grady jcame up be Svna removing some of tbeso exoitiog incidents, and, if , like Goldsmith's ominent anolyst3 of tho day. ¦ J r- im fficiencjr ; but th« Town Clork it np tho ' Tho fallowing explains itself :— and said—" Thero is not the like of them enterprise. timber which' he|had obtained permission to take atrtjr, veteran soldier, he did not shoulder his crutch and other way, Mr. Collins, draper, bos jumped into a broad PAPEK "DBAB SIB—Would you 1 kindly ' how bow fields woro won Ireland, for 'the money," nbicb referred to their O'Grady shouted out that it waj the merchant s timber, p , ho twinled his stick witb ¦ In etiila of success in butines.*; It is pleasant to CHABCRB. insert the following in your cycling ccso and agility Trhioh in the far ofl past mast h&vo " j Sccurat© Preparation. superiority. In fact, ho gave as hi'B anthorily for notas of this week. We art organ- and rushing at him knocked tho ;trco ho had on hii " j . no less authority tban Mr. Cotton, bbbold the bum of Indontry abont his premises, shoulder on to the ground. He got up and caught,tho made him a valuable ally in many a hard fought fi ght. Free from tbftt statemont ittronisod by numeroue customers. Ho sell goods ising for St. Stephen's Day a bloyoio paperohaao Questioned it ho had a personal recollection of " Lead." Local Qovornment Board. j p whioh ought prove a capital day' tres again when 0 titady drew on him a big cleaver he the I o! tbe at very low prices, and all the ouatoth that wai s sport. Any of the ' : bxoitlng poriod of Ninety Eight, when tho practically " Preo from Poinonoua Ilatter." (Metaitc or othormBe) Mr. Scanlan, however, was sceptfoal . as to Mr. boys wishing to join those already invited will kindly had with . him and cut his hand ^h , it. Witaesa I judge of waker worksi He diverted from the town he Is, by adopting popular caught him and as O'Grady was trying to come ct bim |ast attompt to shake off tho joke of the foreigner ' Cotton's ability as a commonicalowlth!tb! oundersigned as soon as possible was mtde " ! ; " Absolute Purity" Guaranteed ssserts there Is not one drop of nator rales, Inducing back. No betUr man Is there than for particulars, again with the cleaver he fooid it necessary to take , Fitzgerald said hn had not, but then ba (Mr. S.)' he to promote every laudable project, whether it bo aa tore wish to ascertain the exact was only six ysars old at the timo end in ' throug h the reservoir or filtering bods, and nnmbcr coming1.-!-Ygura very truly, F. W. Bpinks, tho weapon from him! O'Grady then made off. hia Cotwty mqslng for tbe benefit of other* or otherwise. : ' To "Mr Slattsry-iO'Donnell stated that he btd 0 Watorford home ho was of courca removed from tha meet tho wishes; of numerous that the plpos are not working. Bather a serious : Tramore ; J. A. Walsh, 35, Tha Mall, Waterford." \ Customers, I have added to ray Mineral Tbe Town Clerfe reEonted It prottj Mrs. Morrissey, hotel proprietress, has just Q written ordor for the timber with him tt the time but theatre whero the national drama, or tragedy, vma TO otatement that , sbo Although Ivor was anything but boing enacted. His oaxliest recollection was thai \Vater plant one of DAK RYLAND'S latest be told Mr. Scanlan be was talkiDg expired. Muoh rogrot is felt at tbia Bid event THE PRIZE pablio fancy, five waders of this he did not ebow it to O'Gnuly because be bad not SYPHON FILLING vrcrmly, "ben hiring : onl in tho very meridian of life. She nag his father dug tho grave for Sullivan tba poet knav? very little of; but lit. Soinkn y WINNCBS. column succeeded in spotting that asked for it. jBobad a batcbet with him at the time , , Trho MACHINES—Certificate of which see below—and about what ha decidedly a noble-boarted woman, full of sympathy O'Grady, was buried tboro sometime about the year 1800. tie will in future be able maintained be was right, and that when the pipos boifso as tbo winner of the Man- but denied haviflff attempted to use it on for tbe poor, and permested in all her I mpulses by a Mr Goode, thb Date's forester,' was examined and haa often boen in Waterford City and says ho v?as to meet their requirements with all the different Drinks viz. : : were being laid " thero was not , a bit of caulking chester November Handicap. Conseqaently the three , sterling vein of generosity and sincerity; May God prizes stated that ha; find given the O'DonntH'a an order for always fond of Waterford mon. Tho old man hns done to them." Ho also told tbo Town Clerk it was r/hlcb I offered for competition have been won. retained, wonderful vi SODA j WATER, . . , business to be defending theso workB, to gjvo to her soul that joy eo rapturously spoken ol Martin Stafford, of 30 Grcen-3t., and John Mackoy, of tho timber which wso required for a building they were gour and notwithstanding bb not hia by 3c PauL ' greeting; - It would bo their duty to produce tbe order weight of 103 years onjy a couple of months ago ho CRYSTAL SODA WATER. • CERTIFICATE. ' which tbat official retorted that be would not listen 13 Patrick-st, ran a dead heat for drat ' place, Mr. wolk ¦ inaccurate. Mr. Scanlan then made a Stafford's coupon , to O'Grady when be appeared on the scene. He did odjfrom his native placn back to tbe union—a CRYSTAL SODA WATEK (SMALL). : to what was Iiioaoro- read—Ivor, 1; Bride of tho Sea 2; long tbreo Irish miles; Ho Is imputation upon tbo contractor, and Mr. Count Schbmbcre,: 3i and Mr: Mackey'e Ivor, 1; Parlu not know anything oC the row which bad occurred but up and about ovary DOUBI^E SODA WATER. : : " Tliia is to certify.that Mt. J6HN GARVEY, terlons he know tho parties had been bad friends for a long day and looks as if he will still hold out for many a Beary, 'be Surveyor, explained tbat the pipes vvero Tbe only other oivil oaaa at tbe fortni ghtly flCD- III, 2; Count8cbomberg,3. None of the three othera J ' ' last, in addition to the affray time past. They bad been engaged is litigation for day. Every caro and attention 1B shown by Dr CRY ST IL LITHIA WATER. Mineral Water Manufacturer, Waterford, has so mado as not to need caulking or "leadiog." Mi. eions on Saturday who gave tbo winning horno sneceeded In naming the Walsho, 1 botweon the tenants and tbe woodranger on tho years. ' . '!' ; i Mr M'Keon and th» other officials of tho CRYSTAL 8ELTZEK WATER. j been supplied with one of our YPHOS Scanlan, however , threatened not to let ttio matter second or third,but asMr.Thomas Breen, of Francis st, Institution and ovorything S propeity, whioh la fully reported in our OTO , Major Tanner, aftor/ consulting with bis brother magis- that can bo done to edd end and then we rtuumod our discussion on finances. Devonshire mentioned Rock D as well as Ivor, and as that comfort to his declining CRYSTAL KALI OE POTASS WATER. MACHINES, which obtained the Gold Medal at columns, TjuB tt Bummoos issued by Jane Collins, a horso was actaally. placed fourth , I naturally decided trates, Bald it was evident tbe O'Donnell'K had a right to days has boen done, Poor Tbfl (ubsequent proceedings ahowed tbat tbe take away the timber on tha occasion but thoy should Fitzgerald's story is a sad ono though in many res- ABOlliTIO GINGER ALE. a sbsky condition at- present, acd domostlo Beivant, against Mr. Alex. Hesktn. Col- to give him third prite. Mr. Breen's tip was—Ivor, two recent International Exhibitions for Board Is in dup and 1; liale, ' hav« shown the written permit when the woodranger pects aommonplaco enough, and it h a curious AROMATIC CR Y STAL ALE. ; something is a-on done we may expect a lins aued blm for £1 14s., bilaDCO of RBgos , 2; Bock Dove, 3. Mr. Pierce Power, Mayor s commentary ; Excellence of Product onleas in support of her case It waa alleged that she hired Walk, gncsscd—IvorJ 1; Nowcourt, 2; Amphidamus, 3, came along. Thoy would bo each Uned one shilling and on tho vaunted Guocess of our pres3nt OHAMHAGNE serious deadlock. Mr. Denroche, Treasurer, wrote costs for the aseault, | and he advised them to chow a social system that after a long and weary life of toil 01DER. ! could not advise the CommiEBionerB with Mr. Heskln In May lost for throe months. and Mr. P. Power, of 8ummerville, Dunmoro East, Ivor, he is obliged ' HOP ALE. ¦ to say that he She left in August, and iho defendant refused to 1; Bed Ensign, 2; Tho Docker, 3. To Mr. John Joe kindlier feeling towards their neighbours in future ^nd in tho end to cook shelter, not to siy a " Date(J th s Tv/euty-third day of November, obeqnes for tbe .£273, amount of Instal- homo, ^or tho closing days of a ¦ '1 ' to pass pay her tbe nages due. Devlin, of Francla-et , belongs tho dlstlnotion of soleot- not to be spending their money in law. . useful and honour- LEUONADE No. 1. Ono Thousand Ei ment of loans, without consulting fho directors of ablo career, too, In an Irish V/orkhouee. ght Hundred and Nincty- Bank., Subsequontly tho directors Air. Heskla appeared in person to contest .the Ing tbo threo placed horses, but, unfortunatoly. notln LEMONADE No. 2. the Provincial ' THE HOT AIR BATH VEE8US THE . ; five. ; would require seourlty for the claim. Ho alleged tbat ha bad engaged tho plaintiff the order arranged by the judge. Mr. Devlin's coupon GINGER ALE. ¦ ¦ wrote to say they , the engagement bciog was—Accaparcur, 1 ; Ivor, 2; Count Schomberg, 3. before it could bo made. There- was also a ot tbe rate of £9 a year for PASTEUR INSTITUTE. " DAN RYLANDS, Ltd.j advanco a . i^hole year certain. She left bla employment No less than 324 entered this com- All ! of which are bijjbl y recotamended by letter from Mr. Denrocho in wHieb he states tbat SIR CXIABLES A. CAMEKON, M.D., 4 the oheqne for X49, presented attor three months had expired, and on princlplo he 324. petition, a fact which shows in a D.P.H. «• Stbtnairfooirtoo., BarrUanszKJ.clffv" ho should return , Mr. marked degree how these tests of Granite, Watorford, 27th Nov., 169B BREAD I (Cambriago), F.E.C.S., M.R.C.P.U P.I.C. [ ; h another bank, unleas steps rrero taken refused to pry her as ehe broke bor contract, throug SliUteiy, wbo appeared for tbo plaintiff, poioted out skill or luck nro appreciated by a number of those before 3 o'clock of the day the lottor was written TO run liOiTou OP TUG wiii:aroEi> HEWS. ' that the sum claimed was admitted to have been who read THE NEWS. I hopo from time to tlmo to 7 r ' for a lodgment. This was tbo unpleaosnt position repeat these competitions. At D EAC 8IE,—In your report of tho proccsdingn at S Z2 U 5? had to faoo on Thursday night. earned by bis client , and he { aeked the benob not io present no evont of h € WM il JT dl , the Commissioners Importance agitates tbo racing world, nnd until the last week's Waterford Board of Guardians' meetiog, 1 O'Brien remarked it was aj bad beginning, deprive ber of her juet right. Mr. Heskln retorted Mr D P Fortescue io described « having characterized 1 PEETECT BREAD OP HEALTH. As Mr. by /say ing tbat tbe complainant bad left bit em- curtain rings np again nt Litjcoln in Marc h, lovers of but tho Town Clork allayed his fears by telling him tbo legitimate pastime will hire little to occapy their as absurd the idea of attempting to sweat hydrophobia had been paid off. He B I EO said that ployment at a very busy time of tbe year without out of^the system, by tbo Turkish Bath, Of other means. Beet Bread for all ; nouriBhing and catily that the £40 n'otico, and ho had bcon put to muoh expense on minds. In tho meantime it is just possible I may start TOE he bad written to tho Treasurer j informing him a guessing competition or two of which moro anon. Mr Fortescue in probably unaware that, so Inng ngo as digested. Jlado tolely from Wbeatmc.il ; pre- Commissioners were gottirjg a loan of this acoount. in the year 1B$6, Dr. Buuioon, sn. eminent French pared by MEABT i Co.'a Special and Secret Proccn. tbat the ; Major Tanner said it CTOJ ai well established custom During the] next fow weeks the lllo- PICTURE TI0KET3 NOW BEING GIVEN OUT .£630 and that a lodgment would be! very soon INTERE3T. gltimate or steeplechase meetings physician, resident in Paris, succeeded in actually sweat - Kecommended by the Medical ;Profec:ion. As supplie d ' wi pe out the overdraft, j Dnder theao la the country that a month's notlco on either side ing hydrophobia out. of hia own system, by means of a to Windsor Castle. ; made to should be given before the term of employmsnl rcas arn likely'to afford much interest to circumstances Mr. Denroohe consented; to honour Irish Bportsmen. The Manchester meeting on tho vapour batb,. after several painful and distressing terminated- Tbo magistrates gave a dsoreo for £1 symptom', indicative of that disease, bad alread begnn Try Triticiimina Biccaitc ' lOtb and 11th has attracted Iho following well known y CHRISTMAS y elicited tbat tho markets aro £285 in and co3ts. to show themoplvcs. ' Thi.4 is a cure Such 03, so far 03 I A gents for W»tcrford :— AND NEW YEAR PICTURE bit ' Casa The Dame of Mr. James C&hill, Railway Station, cbaters—BwanBhot, Birst Prize, Mica Baron, Drumgoold, debt aod bo orged upon tho Commissioners the Tbe Jew, Aline, Scavenger (Mr. J)yas's), Vivid Event, nm awaro, has nover been even attempted nt any Pastenr 1895 ' of goingUalo tbe wholei question undar nas ommltted from tbe list of candidates for (be Institute, and it has been followed by many others of I necessity the !vacant relieving odjerabip published in last Romancer, $ilont Bea, ' Sheane/ Foghorn, Master Joe, Wi J. SMITH &: CO., the advice and guldauco of their T, own; Clork. It Thunderclap, 8allygroye (Mr, J. Jnmca'si, Bnttonhole, tho same clnssj enrriad out by Dr Buiflson and by other already arranged that a Bummary of tho ness's tows, though it waa giren in tbo subsequent persons, the particulars of which I will gladly furnish HTcohiao Ecfeoro Cz Confestio^cro, : rh TETEA-T U lIlat brirjgs life end brightiieM to tbess qqaiat : jus been divisien lists. Bellavalley, Thorat, Balvlne, Oracle II, Lord Dronheda, ' them. y^¦ ^ old ' affair! of tho Beard shall be laid before Prattle, First Dragoon, to any of yodr readers who may desire to^nave I GEEAT GKOEGE'S-STKEET yy • cottaps dotted om tho lanij t—tho merry children wbo pi»tt!s finanoial Canvassing for tbe vacant medical ofBoersblp of Whitehead, Crossing (Mr. W. will also g ' those who wish to eeo them the names , WAfnEFORD ^j the ratepayers, who, for their 6wn sakos, should tl'Aaliffo's), Landmald, and tbo old Manchester hero ive to sSi ronnd tho Crcaidojla Winter 2nd roam sboot tho fields, ia in the question. Of the Jgl 079 the Ballyduff dispensary distrlot is already proceed- and words of more tban twenty qualified physicians * dicerful Summer wcatb^ *&\ tike a warm interest . , Tranby Croft. j . j j '; tnd who can depict ruttio child-lifa 7/** bank only £500 Is secured, GO that the ing apace. Toe vacancy arises owjng to the who havo made, written declaration in farour of the —{ liko tto great Child P jnler, ' FCSD. ISOROXV, whoss tusos* due to tbe similar positioa At the Ndttlngham meeting fixed TP> bas been dealing in a very gontrous eplrit appointment of Dr. Stopbonsun to a THE wiDoim for tbo hot air, or vapour bath cure for hy drophia, in prJertnco Xreasuror Dunmore district of the Waterford union. 16th and 17th December tbe ' Board. Last October twelve-monthBjtbo in the STABLE. Wldger stable will bo well repre- to Pasteur s troatmont. It is scarcely necessary to Bay with tho l)r WSE CAriLE FEEDETG was .£794 ; last Ootober it was £1. 141 ; Dnrhig bla Btay in this district Stophenton sented. Royal Red Is at the head tbat thb hot niri bath; which haa frequently cured bydro- overdraft exceedingly popular witb all classes, and his bobia. can nltto be u^cd with good hopts forpruveatlng faots whicb wore montione* bj tba Town Clerk , of the Nottingham Steeplcchnso with 12st 101b, and p O'ConLor lo remark— " Atd doparture will bo learned with regret. it* development This prevention is nil tbat Ptfteur s ' , ohloh lod Mr. then como the following Irlah horcca—Tbo Jew (12ot 8 WMI1&' I & WAfgHIK ' g and A case of fever was admitted to tbe fever hospital treatment is supposed, by its ndmirera, to bo nblo to do. W' ' ' i ¦ L_J these God-fearing men did—tj land ttio 41b), First Dragoon (llBt 31b), Tlrst Prite (list), JL ' tha"s all laBt, tba patient being a tramp who bas It makes no attempt at curing hydrophobia. Particulars wo bavo nt great ezpca» secured for par; . jT f in debt X«K>." The Town Clerk said It wos on Tuesday CroaKhpatrict (lOst 31b), Miis Baron (lOst 71b), Clogb- SPECIAL FEEDING CAKES { towi been temporarily au inmate of the workbouEO. A of tbeso nnd other facts bave already been cent to Mr For Fottonlnff acd Finiahing only .£370. wbloh is not mnoh of a difference. ran (lOst 61b), Elfrida (lOst 61b), Castlewarden (lOat OC Stook. order agreed to, but I under- trained nurse was obtained from one of tbe Dublin 31b), Fortescue and¦ to tha other Waterford Poor Lao Guar- There was no definite and Schooner (lOst 21b). . fiuarrttftnii ' : l matter will not be allowed to drop. : nursing institutions to attend to tho cacs. atand the Mr. Joe W d|jer purchased Boatman I don't doubt that ' Count do la Poor's child, referred Too next important mutter under consideration miDiactlioiaas. A PUBOHASC. from Mr. Henry LIndo at a long to by Mr Fortacuo ot last week' of the town.. Mr. s meeting of tho O akes for Young Stock , cms the sanitary condition fignro. T le horse appears In tbe Wotcrford Guardians, haa returned apparently quito moved for tho appointment of a commltteo The first market for fae pigs, which his baca held Manchester entry list in Mr, Wldger'» name SHEEP AND CALVES. THE FIRST PICTURE TICKET Scanlan villago for over twenty yeara, wes held on well , from Paris. As, according to an eminent French k> this class of wore. He seems to thini [a the Next year 0 JJotroppHtan Uejatta , to reeulale Taesday last and turned out a great encccsa. veterinary surgeon, M le Blnnc only ono in tnenty^on that by utilising tbe committee systom more largely TncaETBOPOLi- will bo held on Thursday and an average of persona bitten by mad dogs aro actually [ j WILL BE OITEW OUT ; could bo: moro econo- : Too movemont for tbe ending or mending of tbo J^g the operations of the Beard ' TAH BEGATTA. Friday, 2nrt, and tbe petition, j the sea at Tramoro, it would most likel Government Board asking for tbe BAN ur. by; Red Gauntlet—Velvet Black ran y, -bo qnitu aa "^ Acd Ono each ^ for a rate of 8d. in tbe £. Now it cost tbeta to tbo Local it actually ia. ', If it' bad bad hot lur, or Tftponr bath Ticket fo|Iowing week,' ontil Fire h»»e been gWea roads Intervention of that bodj. ia being signed by numer- up for tho Members Btako at tbe Eridcb fsom cS5 163. 0&. to &710n- Oft - \ la in the potrad for a couplo of miles of BtreetB. treatment, 1 quits expect that that it would bo many out- Thcao Fife Ticket* will be taken In exebatigs for a on again. : . . : ous influential ratopayern In tbe district. JohnBtown Coursing meeting on Tuesday. PEU TON. Copy of tho Tho motion will coma degrees , more I secure ngainBt future dovelnpmcnt of great Picture, " Waiting & Watching," ¦ that C«ptam Vsole aind Mr. O'BriuU Tom Lynch, of Dublin, who recently hydrophobia symptomi than it U at present 'I ho case daring Carumii or New Year'i week, at any It is a pity xramoro. BOXINO. gave a flotlt exhibition In Waterfoid, T* ¦ ¦ ¦ <^j their differoDC» about the Foaffoldinij of Ethe{ Wilkins of Twickenham, a little girl thrco years « of our -Prancbes* ' 1 canoot »ottl« A sensational caso nnder tbo Excise Act is billed is matched to figbt Dan Creedon, of ^^ having recouree to law The latter gentle- old, who died on Oclj 13tb, ia Paria, atUr a month's H. iMBGWiiY without for the Sessions on Monday week. Two old antagon- Cork , to a finish. treatment b & BOH, man wants to erect a scaffolding to camont h^a j y inoculation with poi«on at tho Pasteur D Vesle obdurately rafaocs pcr- lets enter the legal arena tnd one of tbo aoinbatanta In the continental lists quotations Institute, suggests iljat Count de la Poer'g chHd ran n WATEB.FORD. OUR ¦^INDIAN house but Cnpt*' " PURE TEA * to. Tba Ccmm'iislonefs have docidoil whfcpers about "rolat|on3- LDplflKG nro already given for the spring very fair chonco of becoming U Pasteur « 282nd failure ~i JJca moro Flaronr and h"j , , to do iSnooting game ha» pot been a vory lively oo- ^P fitteajftli than any other, and witb a Prvwst " legal nt«I" » compol tbe Captain to to FOBWABB. ¦ baudicapsjenter or not. 33 to 1 Is 281 persons hiving already died after his inoculations. Q-\ . north more than Qd., docs cot iacttull to tako capation round bore slooe the opening of theoeacoo, offered onltho field for tho''Lincoln Mr Fortouein' and y cost joa la. GJ. per )b ' $*) "13^ ced hot have tho least doubt in his ^J « Waiting- Waictioj," tla 'title of our Picture " tt0 ftrti? 8' dwelIIn 8 tbe fMthered tribe from foreign parts not baving Handicap and City end Suburban and 40 to 1 on the mind that, ehonld I be bitten by a mad or suspected ; H. . MCWtttely '^2 T*." ^- " « ^ any number aB yet. Notnlthstandlng, In Hay. Tbo GARDE & CO., J—j , represents what we are always doing— Waiting carefully oa onr m .till. This time they say that the rain arrived in field for the Jubllco Stakes, ^nn folloir- animal, I will try, in iny own person, tho virtue! of ¦ Customcn, and Watching ths Plaining Walah and e. friend got a fairly good bag on ing aro the Grand National Publio Accountants arid Auditors «-jg market* of tba World is their «^ through tho wjnoows ana aoors. ar. Mr ;E A quotations—14 to ,1 hot air, or vapour b» h treatment, in preference to going ¦ interests, hence—Try, and you wil! find there is eomlDg Ttiasday, 21 snipe and a brace of woodcock falling Cloleter, 16 Catbel, Manifesto, Von der Bergand Wild ROYAL INBURANCf i jjH U no»!»«• in ihe'World- -r romarki tbat tbeca people wont tbelr houeeo for a oure to what I mncdvoto bo tho nearest approach IHJILDINcis, fe» wh«rq you' can get eueh Bulk and Qoalitj for a Shilling "H Besrv to tbctr guO3. Man from Borneo, 20 jEwp, Cocli of tho Heath, Father to a hell upon! earth full cf cruelly tortured oniiuali, ' as frorfl tb» \-^ hermetically ecaled. Whether ot not the Commiu- with the about tbe ¦ H ond 45, DAUE-STEEET,' DUBLIN, : matter. I ^Negotiations Admiralty pier O'Flynn, Why Not and Horizon. Those who back the that is to say a VcsU or Institute, He u, pcrhapi cot . , olonorB mado no order on tbe ago two moved » resolution, whloh waa dre |in ptogK se, I bear eouodinga are to be taken last named at hl» present should see good hedging, j anaro that c^versl jean such anti rahtc'ior Dndirtiiko ' Mr O'Connor tbat a obart of tbo bay will bo drann up ' iUl The O of London ^5 Ifewcastle Tea tbe effect that tbo eanilary proceedings Eooa and Tho Wexford CO. gave a smoking Paltcur Institutes, ixT'l'uria (. y), hJid to be elofed, p»nluc ondl Wrlllo^-op Boc'.:?, Co. & cdoDtcd to for |tbe impection of the Government Qepartmoat. 8U0KIKQ , on acoount of tho deaths within ten duys (in Juno r.nd Stocktaking end Jlnvutlgctlons ¦ h» taken no c3 formerly-aftor tne board mooting*. concert last evening. to whlcp , tbo Pre- LOCAL BRANCHES : . I : «• leave room for! onl on« Tho work of repairing tho old storm wall ia io COHCEBT. an ndmldjion fca of Is was Julyi 1880), of eight pcrcoca, Trho had, apparently; !all , paratlon of Trsdlnfj Accountc, Bilancc ¦ This practically will y WATEEFOED—4, BEo*» 6i. i KILKENNY— 43 .HUH-ST I " but tbe next meeting will pfoijreos. charged, I • been inooclated at th ro, and that tha esUblisbment of yheetK , Partnerchlp Accquoto, Kfntals ABILB-S». rneetlng in a fortnight, , ! J I ^AEM)^7— 4. C I i Everyone, I am sure, will be glad to hear that A Smoking Concert and a danc», snch Institntcs in Brucicls end in Florenpa wia and Chnnccry, Bankruptoy sod Executor- 5 I>i S : ViComrnodore" James Kirwan. ex-second cox of the forbidden : b pcative tnnitary autnoriflcj chip AccountJ ; *° M RMn cave notice that bo nould propose a On TUB TAPIS, nndor tbo auspices of ibo Watorford yi tho rci i ¦ lifeboat, is to receive zs s week, which the guardians for fear of similar rcoults enduing. : I , hava no And cot on :} J autborl.lng £500 of tbo Gibbons' bequeat Bicycle Clib, are on tbe tej rlt. ' ¦! • ¦ PICTURE TICKETS NOW 1 - ' ¦ c uAMm keeping tb« decided on ;Wednesday to allow him. This result wax wish whatever to add my name to tha list of thooo v.bo ' Secretaries, Liquidators, Trustee?, Arbi- 1/ BEING GIVEN dUT. X " be in.ested for tbe purpooe of h the good offices of Mr Quann The Iriih Wheelman this weolr glvcj . p park In repair and paying achieved ttrong , one of have been sacrificed on tho filtar of '' scionco, fibilyico trators, &c. . tatbinif Btrand and guardians of the division. Here is a list of some of BHALLOB. a portrait mPaD on io hiB overboard from his Yacht four railes from land, a cursory glance at tbo ropoii s, tbe Show, as a novelty ' LI3?E ond PIEB, d0j th Kof &Vn *»• also? moved fell . A DEPlloRADI.n CASE, . ^IHl|Air A1S YOU, COifHC -^ Sci for Ireland. H B a Kirwan got him on board with great difficulty as Mr exhibition, is decidedly flatji talo ond nnprofitnblo, : ' TO DRJIMK ? TUE . SEOUKJTY c»nnot bo Mci-llcd. At Ifu.t- P Power's two sons were too joung at the time to render Tho Tram'oro Gun Olr^b resumed At( tho City ^"qlieo Court oniTneaiay, boforo McMrs ; . valuation , 31>t e aecWd by Mr. Eyan, M J . jDbcorober, 1804, tbo List Cmrsi Tn«o w« assistance. . . SBOOTIKO. operations! jthla wcok, rtvhcn, four John Bjjin ood N Whito, JJ'OND Xr,oHB waa 'cqual' to i£113 ¦ i iTulv lith. 1871—Miss Fieenun, daughter of Mr St : ^ . 14t. GJ. for o«cry KTHT T T^n CimATTHR rr IS BEFORE THB nWLcin4 lOlO| • CONDITION 1 ¦!. ;¦ ¦ " an ^ ^^^^ decided with tbo uso . of a Homo Trainer on which the The girl did bot appear, tint hor mothor cima for : ! . :' bacoma. es-offlcio member f Hon Seo t° the life boat, presented Kirwan With 3 : ' WM. A. ftAUGENT, B.L. , S'S 'Pe^wd p ; ' , " ' rider can uso bis own machine. •' i card and in eitcnnatfon stated that hiir daagbtor nps Ul.tf) aBTHUn KELLY e sovereign for this feati . . ' : , Solr. : Board have al.o lad named Edmohd Doyle who was being ; In o^er not to clash with the Liver- only 13 TBara cf pje.J' , . , ICXUIACTE OUA B :—THOMAS P. WALSUE. KELLYfS IMPROVED 6b^?°f^.,l Government wrilteo ! 1872—Aj Bsrgcant Uolono added that thtro nocp fonr preripui h for tho BooIyglaa. carried out to sea under tbe stormwall. Kirwan was THE DUELJH pool'Oyclo:Show, and to meet tbe inclndiog OOD J ? ^ . Sn divloiooof , la coavloUoaa &s&intt fbo de^ndantj a pie the appointment Mr assisfcsd on tbisjoccasion by AVilHam Kiely; BHOW, ' conveniencoof caveral oxhlbiton, it for dronkenness; On* of tbcsowM recordoj as lately ^tby . John haj' : ¦ ¦ ^t^KUkety- ; i June, 1878-^Sir Blundell's son,who' was washed ' been decided to altcr'tbedato of as lj»t month. ' | l] . i . ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wm. White to the maglstMcy. J, . . into tlu> surf at Dunraore East. Kinvan tho Dublin Show to January 2Sth, 27tb, '28tb . ; J,:.- . " ! T?$r! * ^ ™^MW petty¦ IMP. «» «¦«»; off a rock ¦ , 29th J Mr Ryaa exproiscd himself shaakod : at such . d I- \WhniO8i At the Carrlokbeg had 3 hard ' struggle with the sea to effect^this rescue. ' > ¦ ' ¦ :l • reoordifor ayonng tin of only lo year* of ago. Qe -L.- Itiorwa of doff stealing waa heard. It wa« . ! :l i I - 1 ' C maa 1 named Kerwlok , i June ICth, I878—Daniel Corrigan, whose b. oat ¦orlously; »dmODUhodj the mdtbtr aa to: tho graV9, of S t S toi£?d3 of s eapsiied at the back strand at midnight, j snu tiiMd;a aoval ¦ moral respontibilUy the Incarrod by allowing her child YJ f " 1 have^xaained spedmeni 8od« Md^r 'i ; ' 8 two lada- ram- 4 Jltmrlce and John ' ; % the ; beam, : : , ' ! ihlnsfi h : I i j - 1 . I _ tho roidway a young Waok - aaa ti »t witnessed on any occasion hitherto, all tho bonsot 1 | X?hen ft«y met on beautifully illuminat«dand embtatod Nationalists . Arid wlld'roics jnibeauty abound. v ! , Tho woman (aid that the girl was coming homo from belonging to bU client, vrhioh thqr being : j bar onole'a hoc no] i' ; - , im fox U«ler of both sootlons, Tbe proccssioa started (Tom tba old There the bees hondy-lAden bretum with the ptoro, | j' ' , vA^>IJjW following them borne. ¦ ' tb« dog v Mr Ryan—That is no exenss for you at all—to say toot away with them, hlstorlo tower at ? o'olook headed by tha Plltawn Pifo They have wooeaVfrom the flow'reti all day, ' ' ' ONE SHILLING A SIXPENCE USE OUR ¦nW trete on' tbo Monday fol owing .asked m Drum Band plavlng c&tioBal air« with ghtj toroh . to tbat a woman; of yoor timo if lif0 should have to ba | Bcmra); by owner to give! him hfa dog, but and *I And the thrushes^keep ttfnc tile:;song of the told that yotu Jittlo girl has been four tines convicted ¦;: PER POUND. •; ; ^CmHoklieg the bearers maroblng four drop do^n tho malt) itre«t' . mower, ' ¦ i , £|22s£^^ they gave op the ftnimal to t«o ' mill ro«d to tba :[ : ! ##?£*# ¦ . In tblicourt. 1 I | I .. ; ^'iitBS^ir^fl *t£stf reply w«« that back the olifqaay wfaoro it terinlBBtcd, On the hlllslde,' 50 far, far away. ¦ 1 ' ' - 1 r ¦ Tho mother protested that hqr daughter nos op only :; ' : —-:o:-r :> ZSahiainta when going borne, and whom they met ths torob beorsn forming 4 clrolo for a cosiidorablo ! ¦ ' ' !' ; . ! . . playing God Save ' I I : osoo for drnnkenneas. i , ' ( ' ' : ! >:» cSolatxttAt. They were uttd !>y sgw Bunitan, tlmo, the band Ireland. Ohoer* were I can hear the cows low neath the ' tbe n>»tt«r WM reported, to point out to siren again »noTstrain for th* martyred deftd. tbowins ¦ ¦ trees on the Mr Byan—" Only lotloo I'' It U o ihame for you. I i -S ^3bbn> lrltor bawnj . ' . . . ; ::V'| ' : 1 ,. : Sergeant Malone ihan'rtad *nl Ibo four roeord*, tbo "' tfaff parties were to whom tbe dog was olearl;tbat -ths sp W»trona)l'y is oherishod within j I I ' •Mm »W the bosoms bf tile people of Piltown aadearly as it w»s . In fancy, as maUofyand c !ear, : '. :' fines being 2f Cd, 6»J 10j'6d, »nd 5«. ' : HENRY WH ITt:! CO., SMO. hut they Wled to ;do so, [and when »K »ID ' ¦ ¦ faalr And asf sweet as tbej' larki at Mr Byan atked the mothoe what f he bad to Bay to In 8lx»y-i»T»n' »* m»' "• i •*•* that tho jrouag sky tummortide' dawn, L Kerwlok »bont retuxnirfg-tbranimsl that; bot' ' . ¦ T ' -. ¦? ' , ,•' ^^^^^L I i *^^^^^j l*^ j*lrt^tt^^ r ' i M« | ^Sr7 *¦ u ' 1 * JlJlWp^SffMBlP'jt^Wi^»! pull :£Itw Mb* m«n of Piltown, who orgaoUad tha meeting, may well Tbe gay rhilte miiilens slnblng I hear. - j ¦ i 1 • the made no 'aniwer. : ; 50 & 61, ^jUAY. , ' ' ** ^^tt^i^''^" ' ' ' -* =^ ' ']SS in*lot. .Mm tod the •ergejrot bo do thoif op ' ' The police were liked if tba) fines wore paid for the TMB» oongmtnlfttethomsol»es the eqecesi of oaoh • grand¦ i Or the boysj ias they stray down the shaddd boreen, ¦ .2JJt-iaS thU to would never »ee |th« aalmal agalni : .; • . . ¦ ' • To- the dance by!tie old bfeechen tree ; 1 ' | girl In each lastanoo.i : I . ' • • i • ¦ ¦atf in. . ; . M - ! i , j ConsUbls Onnln wld iho went to gaol on the last W. Th«rik»'K»Wok b»TiaK Wn exfttalnod, Mri ¦ ¦ , In thjs dark i dungeon deep in my visions ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' j#iiwlttt' : -:. j. 1 : . EUm»cow- ' ¦ '! ' are seen occasion, j . ;.!!. : ; ; ' liSL JSithit oti tbe comp » own ibowtngj i . : Though I know they are far o'er the sea. ' Mr E very / ! *u the ftrtt, »ppearinoa of the band in pbbllu glnaa [ 1 remored • Whea ym d i ¦ ' ¦ HAVING his Praotioe-flora 134 theJ MKl aaans. of treiofaery in Commilt«e Eoom 15. cj>l fatty tomb that .the Jyrkntsihave i i 1 !' I • • , I ' • i • ' >' QU :¦ ¦ made, ; ' ! . ¦ ¦• • • . ' : iY. may b« « oB»ulted oa j«U brmncht* Thf msmb»r«, who remained ' PirasUit* io » man, '¦ | i , ' f j- ' FibrelCbtaiola I ixbe now interlining for Ladica b:« nfutd' - Afir from:lreland;cuiW4 ' ! ' j . |." ' s< P»ofe*»iondall y 11 bl» iB^M«j»«e ¦ : afUnrirdt to ttteni ths Wbla mufinsi , with fame of ma ehtet. : DwSMi iinde In.c'fUm or Natural, Bro»nr 8Iat* ¦ ¦ ' ' r th«!«taltth»t th» Imtnuunta wer» " ecrpt' by tho Sb^Jhe myfnamefrpm U»y ' »nd Bla«k. i :| 2/ -T.nK-U\k:hh.\. . iOutlM tnar^r roll fade Sleevfi'and Skirtt supported by F>bn* j .Md ftiMlnrf ln.thflr.poMoMlonuntil 8.ior- WUen yod itrike ttjr yourcnains ind itjnYdt rifi Chsmoia fray he batted utmoit Impunity, r<1»7, WMH t*«TW«r» »e«ln h*nt»1 onr to the Tobnv ¦ nltH j the ; If»t(p ial & Literary dub, I, 1 ¦ : to far«stha intpr A alight sbtk* M<&&H&!5! smm* ^I 1 "-*'**^ A"F- "'' -] :"?*« 0 «>*w»e». Anahereh»ng««Ul«, bnt p»»h«p« ' Witerford,¦ ! • li ' . JnlBff It oobotrned. wff ?im,tmmXintitn " 0 ' - • ?¦¦ ¦ after the; then to ; j: . • i- •-' - il j I;]} V . setereU 1arnibiDg lirill reetore, SS ^SsSifeMrfew{ih j ; j M: r.belr,orlgln«l ahipe. ! Used by DraMmaiett in pre. *ri iiJOBiut ; | | ; Cakr«ti<<(!:¦ Vu*)\ ThU l lfc*! *X fer«ne«ti HtirelitbJ< Jrtnolint, Caivau, 4e. Writ# /^J.OOD! 4J»n c*n fina ,,«i»kujr^k aurtaf th» iBobertoO LfldHe?* iStUonabl. BarglldiiiSall tor ptUerai to! I obirUon, lidli»,:: Kergtniobk Co, WlkiUr Moam. ^M^iu«¦< ; \\ ¦ ' : VT^ i :« L <^mHi! f UUmMaOj -:l - ' I ¦jTr, : i Llotrtek,, PrWw»o» (t «rll|*jiSfJjWKJ''}' 'firr 1fciiiiLiii ™ '¦ ' ; <*¦ > *#, i T^^ ' ' """ I T 1 *. 1 i I" . ; . i i ' . 1 I "- " " «§ iii ^^ w^^diipetf.: ; '. ' :r:!- - '^^ rv£ ' *'^ \ ' ' ¦ ' "¦ : ' ' i| •; •!¦ ¦ '. . iv ! r- ¦% ; ¦ I !!! ^ ¦ ¦ ' :;; - ¦l- i'i ^-ii I-] : " i-^,- -Mn t: ;- . ' ¦ ¦ |l :# V UiS^-^wm WiV- ¦ ¦ - - ' ¦ ' - • - . I' -r- . - I i i ; \ : : i; ¦*i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : J • ;¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ ¦' •¦•¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ' - ' ) : ¦• ' i i " ' ¦ i ' 1 :: ^ * ;- • - * . | . :¦ : . - . r i . !¦: ' |:. , . - i •! r 'H^ - ' • - ¦ i \ h - < ' i • ,-—I r->. j 2Tl-?73 ESS EaaEgE ^ ^ '• - ;] yitflB^. : [ :l :l^ '; ^ i |BJ St R :|i3yjsf| v . . I' -^^fe ; ; ; ¦ : i- v 'I I i - -ij ' : • ; i ,|

ggt 0 ; the wayto Lonaonebnisiallytooffloiao .thls , ^^ , : ^ ^' THE MUNlgiPAL ^twae;until the ratepayers,como forward speech bat M| tfaat gentlemaaHadleit chamber iAtl /^n'r»T» '' Aa A iPTlAV '. totrHsgo »a 7 TJTA-UKiS SS DUAYJ A Vi - .. . : ^ ELECTIO NS tako more ' .iAb trUUif' AW . A JTlxai. {b« prf^t,^ pf hip eonatltnenoy we™ ntiiog blm »! ' ~" : |! - . ¦ ; ! : i J^^d a lively Interest* tbto they ao m the immediately after the result was made known this ¦ : band.ooo rprojoota , (Before Messrs John' By»h and JNTVbll*'- IRISH NATIONATIONAVATL HYMN.HYMN ; • J>, ,. j .. .j * o ion Mas a small loken of thslr! !' _ 1 . ;. : Corporation. Although beaten this time he Wouia request fruld not be gratified, i i td d eci»t ' ¦ | Ano oioottons 0ATHOUO ' ™8i v,ft?. 2''5 , oPP' 'oa of bis. blgh A fish seller, nuned tf.rjr Wal^. wM «nk to gwl for :¦ __ foritho ; Beats on tho , Munioipal 'S^ n, pna he would not go out of his own ward Aid I Mahony In suitable terms acknowledgedlthe FATHER FLTNN'8 ' "TKUE ?sl ^f da d of nntal l h de tl0tt to fi«te«n default c5 paying « ftn. of tOs and the „ j VmPBfaT-iJuT ¦ f Olt -" - ° i . SJ' , " <^ays. in ¦ * " Lounoil fliioh beoamo r,~h1 would 60 on again, and ha would fight vole of thanks and 'the proceedings came to a close/. ^" W . VATrnWAT. PAPEHr&VUM "• TURNSJ.uxw.10 SfcWs oonntry. f« ,' F^^ithar Flynr., Ul.Mkat of »id» is.oes. ThJ COJ U, for drnnkanne'is ou thVpabllo Hwet. ' i vabant by rotation wero hoia f.? . UL ' 1 1 range :ha3 un«t, anai'though contests SLSS? ' * " " , ,S' > ft'l M?, .ONr ; HIMSELF. ["' froo priest that tia UUtt 4 Oh Tx>rei took place in hSSn^tal ^ n ^^f^ M? ^ ! " • ^a'ltemiLiUUa » " (too| M»r(taretJ lvon. nurriodwom .nT«»ltoIiarf»dbj ^^^ "Coro Head." D»"on "dp Brio WM that the Wetsroby «na tho CoaaUbl*,Cnt,ln for being aronkWWaWr-strest tha rro^ory „ ^^ ^ Eb.0 Ifeov. Gontloman'0 ¦ t we r t 0 Th. To^uM ™^ ^ ^£^^T^^ :i ' r:F ' ' ¦: -- . ' .:. , i7'? . ,! ba '' lV' Mld Knowing «*« t» lw; prevloo. p»tnrd.y night at iJn^ciook.,; pfos»- ^^ ^ 1 Ph n f n1 P'Odnct from. thefi peitilent subterranean outbr «i!d abe h«r, tra» ^ to All U not peaco' or happiness In Paul's Square. „! "}?" ?? , was not too bid wbw ha s*« tha Wte thathad beonpropoaoa " Tal ;, - . 1 ftB 81 . ¦ ! «h» w«s staprgerlng abont th» plab*. Bhe had oom From tcat« ana martyta^Icfca, . years. Pornjujj iW <£ ' ' ^o. T\ '?* him, eaid °* I- Me eentlemon - who told as some year* ago thsf !*. ?f4 i . * *tfioiiver w ""PO"'the contests there, was^ i WATEBFOMJ» AND OENTHAL IRELAND . RAILWAY From millions exiled fronvtt.eir nomoa, . no ooiiHr.? if '-' groat deal ia what Mr Broeu said; Ho ¦ doth ever '. ^involved vraseooountaWe for a WM "Mo that when ho enooeadi In getting ! '' ¦ COMPANT. I j This pn^i rise™ laJk ttl * ™ into the political existenoe,,; ..The ' humiliating specttole to the deMt of the Oringemonof W.terford. deolarrt she WM flnod la.t Jua/ fidtunkiSSuL The drfend. nrfcBOnt^l by Aoti-Parnellltea to-day ia a BUulclcnt that tho Popehis wM . but a priest ia Borne, and that ki ant *ppe«red along wUh W^asbind, wbo defendad judgment' on thoBo who denoonoed:na«as traitor^ *0Wd treat Bwoript with : contempt, gnt to oa» her cMB. , H» explcseea a. 1 vetj h»gh opinion of hU m _ejtnor ¦ anti-reUglo'nlst« ad infiniinm, witbont attamptioa to , i°o . Blyna s »nitt»avsrsionson Messrs Mloi sponsa M » wife tnd « mother. ' > m 17 l nq r th r f the 0"«vi»»00 1 r-., - °- — »*13"»»««ainowtteraania il to thotha-mdet. : ' ' ' WO d HiUl moi? P*M w the' h ¦ 1**B y"»—Why don't vpd Ukg tbo money fron b« i; ' « ¦: : W -1*" ° .° ^ ° ° fi ° Pi~" " fo^P ^fe.r"5!F» 7^?* f *«!«»eomon• aon the*thos«th6 weMsub- ThaThe SeoSeoretrets.ryr, /otoidad ththa8 notice:D0tlc8 : convonlOffOfr m^et- emphDetoe it. . 1 tbe«.nen MI«!2» whs*I. Dillon£2!?B «nd OBrien were * - 1 T i : Darti>M<..ca t7WSSS«i. 0W16m• ~ ota 0 certainly likethoe • wero Flynn of bin flar^ carryln, so th*t.b«ad c«i t drlnk ilf . j 1. blight md uar I ' 1 Thew wM a fight j Iv.^ " Mi Bnisn in takeninir, o nd thered. Beport and Statembnt of Aoooant* ¦ : The Opinions now held by Ffttbor uJ<1 kte Prom famioB 'a Wrna, ta lli, ,u h n0 of ; • ¦ !¦' think;, of bU late em- th t -I K* ? W W0I'U»- Gnarf tWa onr oonnirT weU- i ' °f tho, Cnstomhonw,; Centre. West badl^WnTl^ ff ? mCI? (tho 7 ! M . . i trol%JLl wnat thep rite!, .t tt^D1T\tt ^S"\'^.. hV^»f °L ?AT°2 M^ t^ "' Mai eSouth ; tl J J?' P™**?'~^at h® of y0of Tbei Cbairioan «aia-aentlemento, in moving fothg Lot Tallejdifoh ln Rotdon croin . , Wftrds, but thonsh Bomo oia membira wa?Lrt,^ lDg 8Omo^ *' . of tho W e iBUM • S&M^L ^ M adopUbo report I would like enter lnto> W icUing pnW.c. who. did no "^^^^^ ^^ S" ' ' ? Of Thy pfotan«On t.U of tho Manloipal bodv SdI n™ ! X? Si n8<: ^'^Howe 6plk of>ho Wa^rford 5 "'• ^ "^a»Br.r MTetb4M Mcred h ll.!oij1 aBiote3 ^ P ' ^^° «r. ^t" trusted that Bbotfexphnallono. Qa the nhole«heto Is rraKoo. notpnbllaD tbo dooumonts, Ttould,. of oounc, never ^hadYbroogh' ^Fe on tha ^country.^^ No"a-baa* of DUlon and . That* worahipsi fined the defen fSljW," will expect a word from^ jme in wiswer on]y findeitkoo oat of 71 momb«rs of th« Party, oat- Borgeaat M.lone said the prisoncj was not convicted (JX moUerKhd ! . ^° cSsSSSS? wS Knd™ he (l£Srt WJ°S^fiSSSd adv . a^%m ?? ? ° In the flrot ohjo trnfflo _ »ay ^^e d M a PamoUito^ floior^bt ' ^°*! . : 3er0and ^364. a there ydar rfl-ong phrasei leader. criticJUig .my vota and gna y, Ow flmn, nna th0I0 nnknown «nen from there since 1880, M he had been¦ aw»y from tha dty j;,om .T.ry ill . ,£» - thoughJbo what iLSkif v not to bo upoatang.^^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦;¦ ' •; 1 WU the ou'R°»8 ConnciUoi ho 9S ^ ^ . bnn- . «aa an; uere.eo of £20, and in theSecond elan an action in tho Oonndl of the N»Uon&| fccderation held Dublin lind lho F*lo, to objoot to. his expnl.fon froa aiuca then. i of by »f,t »year•*'., -w^h.chh. I thinkIWnk. mo^o,tt bo cco^ifslldereddefed tery altogether unneccairy, afi; the facta would " S5? Mr Ryan-^*, yon o.oaey.of tb^p rUon Ye .e^D« ThisIhi. fay£.? thoh ^righthl to abaro " *Zl£"* ? £ **.• .ff <') <** KeUyeU, ^(OartoMSSy , tho Mr Broou--I&22L5^f^ "S.?SS?.»n.l T?h.. "S > - . b«4 o! would lie ;{ff 1^H^^ ^^ £ itn^^| tiXhyW ^^^ ^^^ ** ?i 6 1 3b H W 1 TUa taowa.. ahowd «n4« tho hav, 4h ^yW rc^era b«. ^f warfer it to mato 7. M Uj .Let ielernlt, ! / f(PparnelUto)^M ^n^f ^ ^"^ y'^. thto, bat non IVoe I™ V^siddlodiT. ?the011 rig - £ht? "•J"" "'- , to the extont of .£59 to to.the belonging to me. He would not i^s becauo I ¦:• nna Cullinane, (Carty), ana inith8 West horse.** pai!oeU, bomis, etc., is aue , [formed |an.opinion whether l ooteda^^ loccord ing »t Omagh .nd gavo tim » lMtch»nxse. How unanaweri g Why !« li, Lord, ik& . we meet lose Rt M?83ra Oadogui and M'Qrath Boonrod ro- .,. no» ¦ ,. ! to ou faoi'itlng n greater amoniit for tbo oarrlagp of «nd«aic«. Thia. es a delosate^I wtJ tM)Bnd to do^ , auo ^\ t au argutmrnt for endoralcg tbo sotioa ot thb he was ao sure, I supposu, that I would be coming back, ' V ? In Tha Iftrrn n»^^^ M proeeeding leave tbo paioo^ ls ' Tbo Wol« thst we love t election without tanoh diffioul^. : the Centre Chamber who ^ poit, and about an equal amount bM been 1 ilid li Wu-dlem of eontsqaoncaa. . _ majority of ,the Irish Party whou they; it last declare to him again. , i ' the oouveymea of eurpnea to IH« that Jjon may learn to ohoo;o WaM Mr Graingoi ana Mr B P Phelan^^ Trero tho Th. M,.™ « > received in exceaa of Uat vear for I -Nowj alr, to tha point. If my voto was a him incorrigible »nd brand him with it caneure that Mr Griffin repeated that bo would bo put to th» Tho path that leado above! rctuing Conneillors. "ddreo'lnB them, caia-Qentlemen. horaos. The toDDQgo of goods ehowj a falling ! ofl tnko of my duty und rtoponeibility o.(tht make him hide hla head among honourable Irish cost of IOJ to repair the damage csusod by ths prisoner's Thb latter did not seek re- before von' ™ T yon : Tho tiow you ; election and for the vaoanoios Messrs J J Breen to My 0D0 thi BboQt Mr m'nuBtlng to 1,627 tbb», equal to 6 pot cent, iana as a. delegate has astounded me; | T take grave V»tionaU«t». F«ther Plynn I. indlga.nt beo»ns« the violence. _.,,' . I I . Breen «nfl ?n » "! e to ex lB "» •£484 Thl. U Coanoll of the P>d«»tlon did not onw 'i Coamltiefe 'jfor Why is l.l, Lord, we cannot com George 's-st ond Mr Thoa Quinn, Bridge-at ps well ad to tho'p.rli. mA" "/ " P '°- Io ^^i in money, equal to neirly S( per eeot. , «xcoptidu ta your atbtorrient, and . characterise It M Mr Kjan- 5Toa might as well look wool in the Dd r M ' Grtungor wero The rert'MDJ£n t. » »»• princitally, inde«f I may M altogether, la Indl.i, ANO n nomin^d. election resulted In all tta B '"erted y( m, " ^ -t'« houses expect to got lO. from the m.a in the That ™.m . ^rS i. #r«tt« ¦ m^ SS™ »%?n eBch ll c i ( olrrled 1,700 ton. ri,^ *«*««,« ^ Sffi^ufff h lS?«<2sTB two latter. & hoaa of tho bion ° > " ' "» ' "» P«l»' oofo, Sf whio'o commodlty/ie ' AK Haromit^ ^ MCI. • r ^5 ¦ ' A gBoSlf.ocdhor goal™SI Janafl hlu£cborh« I ?° o^ S=l^li 0Dld h ' ' p!-period. ;. - . ; OABlf .- .-BOM or hls coantrr lo hi. vile, pur.iilt of prlv»U v«stt»nc» „. *- „ v well„ T JU \ . 1. . k -» Wards, waa there anything like an exhaustive poll '' * ,r "° bccn Mi«ei h »«s iban in the cormp3udln« ta.t perwn.f 7luc W «<™^yeiy ; I don t want to be too h«rd nar U,L Hni^^ n »b«8 «»« batter prlc. for .,.tJ nd Towrr' ^'ner Flynn's voto was' cot m cccordinco »nd aE(trandi»em<>nt. Tb. indep"l^*endent" wth j 7 "1110 1 n°D'd ^t a K oortj - the Indignant riao. , ' . °f on him. lha. pruoasr-was convicfjd and sent to j«I Why i. it, Lord, thai eacriCoo . . , OUSTOMoi V.-tt "ttyu°i!lHOUSE WABD-Attu. . Saw come'to mowT TTbe«refo«fnrc« wo M , ! whereas tbta balf witti tne wishe. of &e overwhelming majority ofj ' . " ^' ° » ^ did not lo:e ono I am told, VM comewhat obcaper, D S T COMPOBT BI,» for a month. .. Sad rtacl *) teats prcparo3 ? ¦ m. , | nennv and hS , . , ' Nationiluta of AV.totford. who, haS thoy known. he- . »* ?*B tTws . ntt QOJTB * . : P ® 6 wault of tho fight in thin Ward "tishotioo at the oamo time of ycitr the priea of pigs w.a lo . loir that f.rroera bare .°JB»d Dg tba/mfWno'eTU .nd blms«lf ln .gwoient* Uas s1110tr«t Uvu - It ia th.t ye iri Parfl di6o ' ' . • } , WM probably dWdSJ"«,« m0Dey would have to tcted. woald have givqn him » mandato •' , " : ai'«d with more interest than that in Bmon2tt mt Kllon-oltlzona not fed tbom to anything like' the name extent, ^a J-M-artinW Morri3- h9 wu ft daj£r ead May be with Chriat co-holra - ' - °" any of tho fhp»r¦ &.£ of:B very diilercat character." ' In its! opening sentence J^**' * ' who "^ ^ "*> o'ner Wards. Thb dumber of oonteaU whloh hove ' S „ oe ha«o loot not only tbo oonVoyanco of tho cprp, ' ^ T^I"1 whVcI ^I^th »% f?uT,»J'n bone,u and belongs' to Bonmahon, ¦ was..kronght op for ' TIr TV • 11 prepated ! a yoT.rl^«r..y*«Ur.T."U. Healy. has beoa arraigned rutfo^0nJX'. ^ T»?« w^hm . n£.» £ on tho Xcnd ¦ Mil e°°nUy b,eea ton8ht Dnt hora with varying fortunes Th« »u7T concludedi*J J < ' ' - bnt also of tbo pigo, in wbloh traffla ¦ there 1« in -tad ou 4bt.tW CrriiJCj.1hly^ ImportaT««ni*-mntf oa. tBo • Sraa BJ U. fto th«. " "¦ by ,xpn.Bai bi, thanks to llvo .took is a aeri- re a Jurv {f hU countrymen-'-^ry t^r . fc ^w ^Xaft F*^ {» &**The Mon^y political parties represented Was^o doubt thJc ^n^i! Dn decroise. The docr-iao In fSo l shoald PU 10 accused pbaded gmlty. Mr «na «K«nt. osaooiated bat it is one wbiob is. comaon IuM oha of tha jurors. Doyou mcan tp say anlnst Mmi «nd roJeoU him, as the pooplo did la thb o ' ,A • "-^mjuiy . lot. mis ;iaot. ane csadidatca wero— nlHi hi™ (., a. » .." """"»« ou« ono Nationalists of Wnterford to af m Id tsj^ud no rijht to b« coining into the taty TO T. OIm. EmDU.TOEnc orni THTElf WiTDBmDffiTnmoiiD Hiinm wa. jfc , A" ' h'm 'D the electioa- ' bbourlug Our tt«ffia taSe a mandato from the ballot-boxes lo S»oth Kerry »nd In the Convention for " - Power, dra01 per, . Breadsj Pamellito, (out- to dl tbo nolg tine*, evidenco J West to Se' drsak, and sent hua to g&ol for 18 hours. • ^ sbow, « deorcaai of 2.176 bead, find Iti. Htaly guilty befaro I had hctrd tho W.l.rford. F.tber Flynn doea cot aena to havii 1 ^aortikar, Paniell-it, SOUTH-ere WAED. in ojttle and calves 1 '¦ nj»do np hlj( mfnil about the Bouth Kerry .leotion. Zi There vu no case of public inteitst disposed of oa Q n,lr^T ^Qn^t^iaotr^t^BiX ^^ 0''^F ^ ^^ i' ' m Foa n^natcd S l,.r c.nr and of £259, eqU0! to 29 per o.nt. Do you. I - di^" ' i 1 Wat0h" ' for tho two ?r , . i be hoard »ny trotaendoos defonco in Eutland Squaro Wednesday. - . J . . l B^?« ^: 1 ^ ^ SfcS %tg £ ? T t Crby ltyi ^ Th " T cttQt CooB^ ^^ In «h«ep and Umba there in a dMti-ase of 4,fl8 brad, !»i|V ninBDABB TO inBiiro&TaiNBtwr/ATO i ' - aa yon may consider tho snbj-ct . was put ' » Uttor ' ei"oriblp8 in tbo Sootb Wa'd Thr why doeii ba not oommnnicate th» faots to the pnblio TI1DESDAYX SiwetaVy or Ireland, ; ^"e^S ?man^^^ ^ * ?? !forward?' ' * -i ? tho Catty Club outgoing Coucillon were 27iper pocket ! If yon mean this I man who diJorfUdaa lacffeniyte Watcrford g«ntld- (Before Messrs J N White and John Ryan> ooloSns.-F.SfulIy yonrn , . ! , and the , P.rnellite, and Mr jJ Kcllv On v I" with ldaded dica iu my 00 03 wi'n which tho oitben* Carty. Both Wer« ' ' o»nt , and of JE«2 equal to 86- psrwm. The markets " not know your mon, and you mnst be man »a , OBDINWJIS. ' : CHAELSS TATtoB, 8olleitor. J " . aro long pur £ nomlDntio^'ntnin .nrt u, . must iay you do. i ittmuiar TJ ' io ihc. pooth and we»t of EnL'land have been .bad oj a joror. If tbia OAT'S iiEAT MAN" AND " A MBaaLT BONBABV The following were fined for drunkenness :—Patrick THE ammo LABD BILL. . wore reaortod to to leocuro ; his ro- addition to tbeeo Mesa.B D.vid H*l«!,^i . I I T - inlcratJ iraornnce of tho-6rst duty . * turn by the troupe » iB 5nld t0 t! Inor-aRed importatloa of . O'liricn and DiUon n ™ .2» 0th 1 1 terms flTon more revoliii.g, «j O'Brien, lc» 6d ; Phili AWward Morris 8iB,-n« anxiety fait by nil panics a» to tbs , bf poUtioIanB ; who ; run" that Parnelllte, and William CuJlionne M«»«i£ WVII,' "wlD« " . »° ba thereby you defend Mewra . ? . , .f " / Sowp ,.6s ; John , a» ' from : our J»»n »t>£ »d In foh " »1 eDglny the jerdiot ota constltuojcy «»' meaaarowill b« my excn«6 forBubmttw», a, th» resnH Ill-famed orgomaation. Charaotoristio att^oks wero Carty, came forward Mr Grwno «.?f,^« „ Vh» foreign m»at ; but thi-ie are indications of'an im- theysabnVriU have cauoa to «»y " tava UJ «dj Jani?"l'-i Murp hy, cs; WilliamByrrie , Pfltown , w*3 , .one .oggeabona wbloh modo on Mr in the tr.de nod I look for a batfer Mr Healy. cuduot I could take 7 to f witWfteopSn df . fiS of loD* pmcttol exp.nence . Power, and IMr Morrlnsoy too, by the norninx of th« pMI,o e hi, bu^ne.. ^.,n . pro'ement MeW' In Judging ^I ^tinZTA ^l n^A?Z ^'l'7tf 4- °' 48 It. de.a.l may prorq ; ol importance. organ whichi ls ' " tr.ffic In tbowmtrr and i.pring o.wtt... A. rPK< ,d8 ' I " " bemg drunk £d incapable il charge of ta if worked out . produced under the ; same patronage, allowing him 8uta lent time tod wi«Wh S ? P mandate fronVu?bod , i " ^ ^W MJ ^ 13 KKS et^e^rifn . d«.ft ^ *hile ^. N*«1 ^frf aW t«* dl ™lU be one further Mtonlsblnic "[ «3 oad car. i- »i«f .^ - . * t n ga?- "Ul rareUtlm to man, l th 5te eMtSTft *l f ^? ' " *a, not antieip.f.P*' d ' ifko .Mil shown for and eonicion&j. °^gnearly thwa tunea thehe number of votes cast generally tbn Mr CulliBttD0 WOD ""Hot.. Th. ro is ?p addltion.l _ ; my "patriotism : is ruled by honour, . hi»o to decide Lotween the IrUh Pirty and tho Etaly on a charge of dtunkcnnetj the prcTiOHs niKOU fie ./dth.t ita re-4n«tment on".»«»n «xlT^s'ended cbMi«a*%«oB.idia ff 1 y^Mr curHiVi.Vo.id- M ^n5n ZKr.f -- ***«>** **«a°ni *iu ^^c, but juries diotat .St^uu^^«r« » Vsia»1 on «>°Q; KCarty oClubSb protese ; . ' ' . and^'• the" Koner»l oplnion M II Q? rct: West, rn rebate. TBe .robaU ««ceemen» bav- Accordingto yoorcelf there waa trial by jury, orattp.—E>> STAB]. | pleaded not guilty. ; bs nannlj welcomed; and ba a &tt>at rtep toward* »J f - ^^ iros that In , J.«VL J thhs tho L&Da Qptation. Aldeiman Murphy was the preaUJng officer In hla party bad » much strong m« "dkpifed on SOih Juno last , negotiates «ro aro bodnd by evidenw and not by majidate, tnd -— ; Constable Crouin then proved the offencey-and flral aeUfcmentjof the Word and when tho roDreseXtive Kr Company for . ¦ My.a!g«it:on i» to tiit«nd tf8 liino of;re-paynient to Bcrntiny Jmd couoludea ho Heyland won « most meritorioda ITcf arl £, rh Pond'"K with the Grm Westernbo In 00T 07 YODH own' UODTH TOO STIKD coHDEHtiirr , : Sergeant Malone said thrre were i54 convictioaa down (in- declared tho result aa follows :- Parnelllte her, " ne al of !t : Wo ha< bdp^d ta a position to ( aS^f^dfaBefe nt. 13 being wjthin 12 month* 79 y.»M . tnd (thna bring the iulalaents , and oonaiderinr tbo, olronmotonoo ronm^nnnr«, " " * I %7cnlltoDublia akiua of » .ora h«d" in conMq<,eu« IN" THE CITY: POLICE COURT. ,oa to -2l per «nt. ^h ns. wbi atB,«o B a ffi ake .omo aononncoment to you to-day on the • : P^ lper P nd numb»rs jAMia A. POWEB; (ParnoUito) ! 73 "• ««»" «« very popnUr. of oy relations witb'Mr Farn.lL who was nominated : : i 5^' , "?" r?•rE. ii P!!i[that?n helad *? " ~< : ^^B ° I>oaneU Ukea^ for sJuth Ktrry partly if not '• altogether on. my i the" ^^pled nn - n ^inralU T WM i.«loa. o! ' anv ' _J' . _ ; ge on Wednesday.y' He W that "when"" the rccomn.cndatiou«i.m-3.3aM . aud. S naturally I wj« j.Joa. of l any Cour , suWS e foundbun» ViT he was notX drunk butk r b^elcction. I met ! BA.TURDAY. ; wasjsuffer- interfficnco which might endanger ¦ of the n« he had been »nd wished|him (Bofero tha Ki bt Worshipful tb9 Mayor nsS j ??- . , "" ,"£s . '« Wm abcidentallyonhiB w.y to Kerry, s mb bul r »»« u e ¦ a feeling of prejudice at »U It was ! .Mr. W. B. Ward, J.P.) | ' ™. P nylZll , , . 1 ; ¦ With lond opploouo.: .; we biuve p»id . £f tbe remiinder of tb. amount ralwd succcd, and if Ib* |/? l,a L A I J ibn Ccene (ParoeHitol »A asain.ti tho man who strov.todcic.tibim.- bnt b^. TD8 MDT wuo OOT ontcmu. j ZUffwf, ' Tt * ^ Annpa In- Ytocarly eavins Ml Power got Q:rottBing .rocaptlijn on coming for- Ja« Kell bj loanf , renut'inj? «lto K«thcr lo ada.lait io ioterost ^r ^a ', y (Carty) ZMS<> „ T- Z? < *° M * Mr Culllnsoe proposed a voto of thank, t« th« so lar as com^liinu voted on that evidence that tha cite tjoinat Ur Healy drunk the trevlcas night at John *. HU1.. Th. defend- ,i! £ " ; ' . , MurpM hyC for. t>o moat admirablomuinot Boardof Trad,, unavoidable Tb,e r. qnira inonu en- . n W e * 0 , i 1 in whioh ho presiding officer, and caid thf cand.dM« n ^«rn nil was not provra; Hero, sir, hiving vbdicatcdlmy voto, ant .umltted ber fault, bot pieadod In extenu.Uon that 1 J" jii u? ? ^i"?- ^ ! , J i- has presided in this election. the aamo time I tall.f u.tfcer «pendtture-on capital aeoouot efJMOO. bean ia the Onion ital for f, Head-Constab e Fry said^ that. CahiU showed hna , A. 70 0 0 81 10 0 38 10 0 At] . exceeaiogly «cl plwed with the minn , in Mnh t might atop and add iot Mother word, but « I Intend «*• Jjd hosp a couple f the. ¦ 9 tb P0 8 & 80burgo30ssoa who * •««« -HhoB«» h we aro not .grefd a. to the neeeoBiiy »<>uth., sad tho modicum of ll^d refreshment which pledge at eleven o clock In the mormng, and he 5- '? °.'' ^ ^ ? he bad discharged«£• h a dJ.ea< dnrl» WS to writo no moco on this unpleasant aubject, I tflko tbo 2 n S n 2150,? n %^ 611 in tblnted ' demind bo a BTB >ho look on hor w bom0 overcamo her. The ll.ycr was drunk at sevenjn the evening, C' ^5 ° - ^ ^^ dur^'' ^ al«° tiTbpr^ ii rtcTad'that him al f ?' !>>• cl.bomf Brrawmcnt. th«y rL~i: t,AMni, #»,« Ejlnckv* '-^1 tlilnlt »nn nttinir »7 -° * ° rTn Z^Lrt ^vjfe ^^tonco g tho their e Oct^ auch ,mall traffic.a cure, there I., I suppoae, fL S asked ber if it was W jo, at being rricMoa from bob- .Mr H.nrahan C.P.S. stateS there were three _ ' .- ¦; ^ * ^ ^ of re^eeota ,ad promi.ei? II « tbo toe DUcura iBHELTCirr BIOT BSDE;,. .d.f.ndant * woaId the «DD ;»I issWoarJ , while £ "at. Ithe't headL Tof .SIf If can now ""'8° h«d8(h « bear^ ° >» t6e p,;orc». There the ous» of your friends, and blacken more «>•* f '£° ™* ' " ' ? non'd ^^er nol Sr/ncurrentlyV " onabled , ia a'ome de r.«, to meet the1 AariouL &&$ thsJplL _ afford to Mr Hjland briefly secondVd tha tbere ia Dot "" "^ *">*"oa U> baci up ' ^ would 6 veto of thanka ohjricter of Mr Healy. ThU is both un- nw ! Heir worships (hem sentenced CaiuU (0 48 honrs' aid mbre tho Th?ilf,DS!-Whf,. Jnf?on inland t« on tn ^ P ' the present wi« and impolitic; I. hiU .ll round, and cuts both ^n^l^Ztme^raVo ^r'oplrl''r ! i^nmeut W . dtrge, aud Mr Ry^, ! ways; 8ido itsues open op tho patt, and people wdl Froncay Chill (a priaonor>-ToU thorn ,on aro goijs icmarkcd that CahlU Would spend Christmas at toe tt a^ittft sa rjjmembcr how Mr Dillon was pulled up in tho Home home-at iq o'clmjlc (laughter)- ' pnbbc expense. : .»iw:Ea » taaS s^w r.«rsid wcof Caimons by our friend Mr Balfour for a RroMly DofendaOt, aoi'd ronowfd laughter, immediately toqk ! Cahiil—Thanks be to God, your worship, the bless- s s s> biibop ; people will Ur Cahlll'i advloo,. and eho waa discharged with a ra- ing of God on you. When 1 come out my head wiU vugiar: and wanton attack upon ¦ a^^ ppS| 'Mr O'Brien', book , which if it dpes -not piimand. j : . . ' be all right and I will never drink a pint again. remember ¦ : ' Franoey-j-I tb;l ol£l-o better than an, man ^Uugbter). it may be of use to you when you 'come out. .T-S-S. is ¦ character of tho Imh j courEMonaar puran-cro en u.a how went to Umericltand 'a ELOq^Eirr rLEADiKa ! Cahill—No, think you. Keep Jt there and see if I Of »« a^er d Bivo liSI???n«!a ^ID h fnct tb" D°De <*'t' o candidates bna ' SSohar ^ therenF Han ' S'.tern Wof .peel.1H . S. «- r^niomber both gentlemen A BisTlHaciSHJiD PEi80t(ca ^^mB§^B *£ ,?.L°A!. . . ' iHS. M^?- ..^ keep ge whetf I come «iut. ^.^^»?i ™ tha saintl learned, and 'he . pled B not you can * i ' . bc^tc-^ght^he wo wantonly denounced and defied y, Borrows THO iiiotcTEBiAi. HBAJIT. i ruNDa. . ^ . who ba» good, if not .,„ ch e(J bY Cca pvc me the benefit of the doubt (faoghter). a drna lo Market introdnaed tho politicol( olomant into ^this contest the fl^bt, and the polities of tbo majority It would givea to Mr Noit. lhe lato'&creUiry; wbp retliidd on loqucnt biihop of that .dty, of Mr Th elM Fr(tBC0, ClhiU . Moray Vine? sti prtMot almost th* ¦ I , ¦ ¦ ^haii1 either them. Healy ^ ' ,, oa ^ ', . ' .. i. 1 ..:j b« y ndyoncod, bbt tharc ia tn eaciar woy (applouBo). j. be aomei.h.t of an enigma to usoert.in. M.s.ra wcouot of family rco3oni. Too fact tbnt we h»ve Jbattpt yBhonaliat ,ublo Bn) h .h b.(,^g aronfc Frida, night a : . ^rald t*iw:ll tho has day last for . ' , - : n»t thin qnfrttoD, Io Norfob«rt 189*, thu Mr Morxissoy,who wca also well weelvod.cccondod Anthony O.dognn and James H McThe.Gr ath were the beent»'a able to .nd«otag-»P. 110 Straopa'. nomination p.por in an Improved oonditiou. -is^^tur ^; l n ^0"1 was ruled invalid on . .bourn that our prnport, i* ^\l ^^r^lT^11 "0 ta1thi ^opo '9^ r^Zi^ lU roprcsontative^ inZrJutho Conw=U^, f(A i ^vo.^^rce-QpodA men teobnlcl objpctl-^ ' opr ourrent.naif- : ; ; :: ! »onM bring ha^ - ^ PP ^ miaed, by Mr Kenny ond Mr Tb.-re la . consid,rablu increase io tbASStM ^r^^^w ws smm == ii=5SF K.nnb7. ' b°th ) r Cidogon, anj with tbo removal of that BcntlerraV. year's rccdpU to d».o, aod every pro.pect.He I rrr EEO B . ' ^L : pL^TainV^ ^J° J. ' d C owd8 f >a A I " representative^ £ on the< Vo°*J *"Ho&td , and it shorn name from the| list of condldat«a ¦ mnch of the .aid; of au hnprovroent In the o«tie iraae, su tbat Tnd^^ft lot of .blootf-a Mnibl. lot-and I aa '• as wako as an "P ****?", we" tt r I iddrewoa to th« Freu on , Indictruenta an chUQy three ; the^ aSair of tho cheques^, ^ ; ^ I Bi J" 7^f I T »,. .« .n.U.. » l. b» tho groat wnfidenoq, they hav«, in m< w electing me lateroat wbloh wquld otherwiBe' bare fcen manifrated tbo outlook la e.ti.f-otorv. TKo Bill for the ex.en.loo , llr Xfealy ouldI dt" (laugbt.r). 1 ^ *ft ^?? ^ • * •« to oSit ; £Bd h»T» th» bonoar to ¦ of the tfmesh.ea*d.L and the Kerry revolt. ^»Qnd that «^ was over. S^Iho «lossJ^ wajs?5f theirs, forP 'tralS. y hi verr JbSoSit once ogam (applauM). I haw Jo thank von. Aid fn the remit was | us ilr Cado^oo and "Mr the Central Ireland Aiilway Iroo Moa..ta,oli.ck of ih Party .ubsoqpeat The M.vor-Are yon-now f I yWTi».tJthfBfnln iewi nntun»nrt UrwB » was elected od the committee- it can bo said that the exhibition given was>eqoal to rour . I ' , Murphy, for tho veiy : impartial manner in which you UeGr.tb came i^r«wd a, the nominee of no to Molllnitar .nd for the amalgamation of tbo Kil- in tvi tr-n finit n(Tnnpi-j evidcntlv thov could not b« -Francsyl-As sure as yon are tbora ; snre I nearly ^ j "?™F- . aW(Ungtt«r). What aro,eto laughio,wb itf. W«nt the very best ever played on the/ar-famed fleU , ^ ^ ^^conduoted ™" • ¦ party, «nd as staled before, tbeir politic. Is Bomb- keooy Junction Ciompsny and olbifr purpose., baa ^»inA W« imi n»rL d»DDcd fm ?ht Cict 0[J cam() d, *1 and XtoEiubtHon. Gerald W. B*lfocr, II.P:, hayo , . . .rovedJ h against him, and wore dropp d for the fadict- ojtif j u id mnch ralse n team, Murph bnofljT ocSnowledgod tho voto of wbat of an enigoja ' , and but for tbo e ^ ^ ^ ^ for Chief Seorotary for Ireland. | AW y to all. Mr Kenny was pot panod the Houae of Common* ' tbonlffl, , .»#»»....forward*• b»jy thl»un Paul'xwutus.. 8qu.i rtj ciiquo lor s«o euaaen aisro.uiion 01 I?*rli»ment.trAm&weui. oouldwruuiu \iptowmuo.blyij ]1 ' • ""^— »"-'¦»*"' > .1 I oi^u'i r« clique for the oudden dlsrolutlon of ^ ^ ' 0BNTKE^ WAilD. ; purpoua of onstlog Mr MoQratb, end Mr Boxen have become Ian thla ytur. It will Oome before the m_ T>QT+rr J5fl"ily/T1onr—ui ¦ iTamOre a°— > _ . .. c«n>0 forward aB »n Independent Labour caodldote. HoUso of Lord, in the forthcoming Se.sion, . lif^S you lot b« off for|l thisl%^ charg.. Tb.ro is »,,y warrant , A » ^ ^f ^V Jp j. „„„.,,;-„ InotIPE Mr Healy. . SS1HE SS53«chhn a—n >,. mrrtAnr nf t*im« rS>• AfriTtli^ ill «!»0* —^ * "^P"^ ? t< n say in the heading of.yourof leader, •' Mr Healy ont against m» already for a month. I'm read, sxd l, h£ f,?Ua™ ™? ^TU Il1 i3:.r wt *„„, » ed 1 by majority the dele " ,. That williog tJput *p th.t bemonth , toso a. I'll bo out bafcro; * ' ' ?,?i£ ! S i£' "J 11with^!"? 1 V23rj &*rz'srjs&£ ^as Condemned a Bat». Then I'll abl. oatataeaw the N.(r All must admit^ that he^ ^..chargfe. tho : &w ^air«?w.c: UnoU. .hB.deiega'C' ^re eveiJy dirided, suteen CbrLtm^. : "f^e. i*. 2TSL-* {StF^SSb^SSS^ ^ . ,e« all rijbt .gain lUughteru i : greatest efficiency and absoluW impartiality tho Wc ch fide • and bvcry thouKhtful Imhman, 4ho lova " entored into a consultation M to onerous duties pertaining to the office, havingan exact ! ?,,.! I^HS ^wkdom th^rudenw and Tb"1 "orshii . then , tant the«w ( au.e, wJl«> qdostion too wisdom, tho prudeneo, and ' defendant> Kspj i tor rUstritmiveiastlee y. decirionaon the St theioodtomo of tne men wfio . , ^^ ^ ^ ^ t on^ fighting ti.bornor. He r.;ter»tod few occasions that some of the kiiowing ones ie = . bti 1 sxsifssb si!:: Foanoo, kep evinced K Mr 6I been W»tcr d H rb r O«»»»"-«»«>"«; >'° IB16H HATIOK TWO - , ,_4"K=Power r^, Carrfgavantry,iss for™™ recovery fg^HgStaaiS" for though& °BroS{ fought' a gooa= ana eonelod" . d-;* nebkrad ibe. result*. oo.-fojlons:^- '^ . i - , ^^ i DIVIDED in , . tht at.tement th.t tbo bench would .00 hia at the bej a tendenoy to Indulge themselvci In the catch-as-can- liD st Mrs lElUn fMHU : rel tho °S 3E liUrt C^ I R (Nentral) ; « |he:maU«" ^ Jto ¦ Maryboroo^b .J to : gap—tha author of the sinniag of the 7ear all right, providad he was not pan- catd, ,tyl8, receivedian tbe approbation of alL of» iBm of»t» wBe5 dne. I : , . ,._ J^nly fight the ffiflaW of WhlgSBrf h strongerother in jiiiia f. be , f via^" S; "'iS!^k so.o as to rrLemedy.,n» i and Bred tha man out of tha f i Me had great faith la Mr JOaI andJ laintiff H MOOBAT D (Neotr.l) 33 nominal majority, and this in hod.,°" l'hi* "^S '< ffm Tno \og { a b & tbe rtndenUwas tber Thoe was no appearance fordefendant, p g^^goj , olH^nBJcipaIltylBan>i.y and " ^ . ^ Hea y cluuscs-by mero Bir. nro two ^^to pmy tbe w^ndthat come bick from the State* a MoffiHGraingcr an'd QoWwu looked Patrick Kerb, (C.rty) ... 28 onity. thore Tnt ««v rolling, which was qu y tqkenpowesdon ol by p S&^rasi^jgfflS1 of tSe malcontent; If you willj but touches not ths root, tlou to It? ma off. ' : the Commffrdnln, and OTercomigigall opposition, they Bs he «««*£ 6 oxTn!CounolClore »4 , wer« declKs.red dulw"y elected , 1 Kilienny, and t&o letters wbleb sboflld be del vortd a i scored a point. After, bLi^w ^Willeds^ to%6$a tlesss a^which rodmUted K. ^f S^Ss^, .n—L ofSa voteMof^h ^Stha WarlmT- ^"^ r the 3U8i> o|'the enl, aod ao effectq no cure. Leader Mr Wird-I bavs given bid several chases*, ecd I k J kick oot the stodeau ^ 3 ^Wncd Sow. CWogac. , wboj wo. reived ^th obp^ers, ,n W.teVford ut tw.lvo o'clock M ,.m« for reply, week u welL , | ' wer^e noti long in changing the rnk to their opponent', "° 'Sfro t 5>c d=SZ He^o^ of fSSded««d bylb,M.^or ,_ «' not, . nntil wor ihip ciutfd tbs r«n)ell .pliV, therefore It should ba bad to jlye blm a month this ^vi E r to lot of on account - ^ mingled with some interruption., proposed a voteHe for tioon up day mall aro 1 received , dlmmton now Serg.iht lU'oae now' informed tha oosrt th»t U;sn territory and for a time made, ttyiogs very Uvely, but f^T^^ hi^rh«.nnut a tronble u^^rall«*"^»a ^f Sthtni)J 45 *» Alderman Mahoney for botU and wbtn It i. too latoi tor « elin lasted from the Party, it is ciudc^ ' ' Just now" besaid. "' "' «•' tbo^« ptwldimr. 8 A p!a>;,' The iuffgcatlon of Sir Thomas Esmonde will were I82|oouvlotion» agaiatt the d«r«ndant. . | :, the anperb defence play of th* Commercial backs M« feiSsfffl ? to Ppay ten ' " £, nV««) " '" 35 jt obtr ttCL mll0 1 the Ollrae a LlUlt eek th« wera .can. is another w.r».at ont ^ thlSUtes again and would ' "' 27 oald f" " « ? » *««» Bio09 fi "1 he "P ? »J- " ""'"« ^^ hat s to b»aaopted,tbeIri»hP»rIUmrataryParty must Th. M.vor-^Aod tfa.r* fcr* prerenWd thepottibUityof d sc^re, bnt theformer on • r r*U be 'btck in w^no TTffilJn rt&nSi ' ' bad bo(nelected to r,Wsent tbem_ln faot aau t Oux davaout of tho slx weok days, and uodoub,edlr nth bim- ' eeveral occasions sent the leathertirer iu MMtr^no fnrthVr'' 'i ,?.^faiSS GrJn^ond Qalnn el-.etcd 7 btuj orgaulied on different lines, e now-modus oj«najfh. greatly doubted that di>fen4»at *no by. ostt Sa dc«t=cS?foritl» i _ »ffin"*", and ,. ioti«. , . . comply with? the doslre of> the. Post Office to waifcat ' ' t 't C mM ata- k ComiaeTCi»Ji ™ ' J"V jLlfiii,,!,, ' n, 1 sy, an cannot work,. • ! would t^'e the eity. ! ,J • • 2 5li r ? .^«°*g« theWat«ford i?^. A Vplco-Wbat abaat the market? i ! Hatyboro an unlimited time for the G.oat Southern : ¦ ¦ minuta if you Ut me. Voaoh headeU by and respondln^ f to Xhp. bill of tbedr for, MrP??iPow«^s summ^ed by "«''. ^" uko Ifh^n,'famfl, from the b£ f^"«'S i ^.lr -nTTrnitn umrr nnrjT ' • FraacTy-11 1 go this tended U tbe ¦«H wtak him jib .ndVestern Co', tttfoj. . ' «••»• •»». bi-Mer. °f llr W«a; voaoh tor poor Frank-ths r.gar- mldable captain,:P vValsb, tbe wgst'O'Flabwtr,tb* f^haCgneg lectedto provide a ^J£ ^l ^&$ %fi £He$ L f f. ? t *d . . W . - ' a, ,"« STuSi Jto« of^Un^ rLtrrmB fo' mii * Board of'ffl SS ^ in TMtore. spwk he wonia | reliro &e did not want to |ba 4B«red. todo this, and bsta made the department a I. ,ay In tha f«e ol »taJ^» *U«PJ?*^" reotlon from the dead (Unghter). anxious M 8lnnott, and nerrBl^Mr, bronjfi the S to wme ofthathb hou^ g»£cf^^g|TO3nr«1 ^xV» |^oThlB iur ponveyancevuaTtrjun.u ofui tb.u«b m.ilsUIBAIS ore unwiie. The Jfabiaa policy would have soft side of the Mayor £ g i WJ U "i V«'° fL ™^ ; ^ JBnTbferea«curt Btm. i, : ToryJVWJ KOSOQ.blereoBOQinie offeruuet for mt jurcs Mr-w.rd-If you get at ths leather right through their.oppkm «ol», and by • Beat « V> - A ?fh»!^* cLarfftan?larv omceniofficers ofOl lHOt bodDOQyy reportedreponca to to*» rr . .'.J *» t*Vk«« «vill^n tvffui !,in tbrnethrea An.vonr* ThevTh#»» i« L ' .. ! ... . . Sh^h •» t^e- rf£ «iooBild roM. lotwroptlm rt thto point from Maryboroto KllkennyJ.nd thex. U no rea.on, bc5» a sound peaceble one. A convenUon must bo ,on wiufbe all right. i bit 0J strateaio play regUtere3Vp£«« JJTomtMt to " preTemtionof putlii health. *• b»JJ gJBg l f ^ wb.fh.r necessarycccssai foio u^^ would al «»y» - n°a l fa ^hta. *^W^ T™ ; "B"B " " Aia-Mahony asked the crowd to Give Ut . Cc.io- far aa tbo Company is concerned, for the oontlnnanco^ hS: . Wby not wait to hear its voice. What good The t|.,or j-I belisr. it wIU b».II *b» «mo ^^a& ^lSS ^»SltiS^SSMS Waferford, appeared for the j™rl : BDa ' ' : . 'tget . month to- ft U h ' Uea bMtln of' Iho preisnt "defectlvO : mail service. .Tbo ; redblts will come of. removing Mr Healy «ff the w* let hm off or not. If bedos.n 'mnch thelrowBw»y ^ainrtl ^e^lh*KS3ewwa3 d the object wth which the ?/H^ i io ' ia1afnohaa bBitte>j A amaU thbg.to.S.lde the Irub people day he will % J ^J ^^S ^^S ^^ ^^ni berabroneht ,, n . h' «-«. nna ^bir lLw tl { Kill ; ho Is a memberof Vrwetr-Gl.i.m» unta to-morrow, and Mr Fatten. ^^ ^ i»iE M ° vey he baa got Mr00 <**».j£ Mr Caaogan bad proceeded far wit/ hi. cadre,,, from tbe . flrat «.r..b?.P..jJt.»d teab;jjarjW on. He bebngs to tha Part; 3o^B«u 3 po»^^ ?''*?»¦?[ ' bgd ptJ ,tcf ercnoo to- bb tdminlstratlon of oor-M5 train from- W.te.ford . connected wi Vb. KfSL u. ^icl;relSnce '^ "^ wbg?i o«^«^J» "» ¦ dof«~ SaasSSF*-^-^ a?ssasbot p*r«t timidl. ; •"• inThr^. H8?Mr l»HMl.|ltf• didwWah not be bad ld of Ireland.—I am.;dear air, o.pose4«ut.on Bundv nijbt at nin. o'orook there ^f, u,t rewarded wtth »!polnFw i ^. poW** there t^ fcr Wa?dW Mld he all rlgbt; for WBy of ramming th» aalt«r but runniDg '«notber WftUrtord or of tho peop ^ O*Fl*lert,K obtamed - ^^ ! ^ andfa ^^ i ^^ ^ ; gl&l McGrStb: Mr C«lo«Mpgree , *»d *» 1 " ' " ' ¦! w.r.annmb»rofi1rl»on «E» footpsth In Misb»«l-*t., o,-. <«B«Ji.inO thm Kent mSri *M. »» fh ^Fi; ^ ^^ w« noi pgree .«on «ww9aj pfl.MpoioM brne-fcflaa-d tralp, ap»pad w,Vnoprp>pectwe «oo no prpspectof01 aaaaiuonai/dltiona lbasinoasiDesag .m,™ MthfollT. ' «"r fe«; ^-/ ;»*"-, %f&^ej-gnd- ftey como Jpowern«^ J *5 "' "• ; ." V" iVK»in'onnt u^nSVC canvaaanfen'for ^"Von onn^ hour.i bo ^tbon«on. g;n^^ewey y aia , t™tp, ; have..^ the Actan enfo. f^Mr* Pas be ^^ bad- ^ ^ n °^^{« »>«»!> <4»nJ blm « wry iotoUiScat o«n otsd f cry W p»yforthe o»penft«l'lw-; Thequeatjon, hojreverv tbo arrang^^^^3 ^ ^ the . oth*r^^ , tbo ! 1 f bog (Tmo»e tbJ tbe cogrusAnce^f y -.nt teoaiBirould wblUt «^X ff tndbi dsVk on clrcnmsp«t (Uagbtir). . ui Btlft nnder oonstdbratlon, th»t «wtl»B ftf toe tha ww* ^^ . ' ibe CorporaUon ^ S Mayoralty i ,i reportof tbo director. andtho.Utemetit of accoonu: »,, ^ ef thHa7witb of 4»f«aant , i!aa »wa, c^ fcort . itoodHOT¦ BJtWs^T potati; te icw ft . ' g ^ fl. "" ^ ? ^ ^ ^ SiS™^™L tS; A. TokT-.Wh.itabout the ¦ ¦ ^-o »,™.«T " DQ lsl 8We, 3 poIntt. ' 1 c-i afford llr Power every facility j w <*"> , " SrtnrdftJ »'Bbt(toU|«g^. b}«rX Th«£«<^ MrlOadog.ti-Now, Aldorman, you will haw to oo, toboltted bs recei ved and adopted, i • I THE EMPMYKS I1EJOINDER. MthsJ hid in bMk lsaei when they s»w th. 0?n.UM^ • Malon. add thore wo no reoord agUnit ' ,¦ A m«ob betwe«a the Ist't* mt rfjwth the abovw i The Interesttnir and oultrired:Fr. ecrlbs wbri w.s in- 8sr«9«ninda. nt ¦ ¦ . Ujj g S^SiA U ^?^> »^>{^ Hljno, rejoins:— dA : j • ' U aanoonoedto take placeom lottd»^8UiD«cember. rttlt suSgested thai an o^ \ $££&&$£ ff iSl %£d±l$ *"-* ^ "^ ^ ^^ * iJ^^kt* Waterford br tfl&^ax&szte ««» «» aJ6^w5smttt»»ft:lom ire tt Xm&£2BBSttA ^^^jwaascss iss^^&fSSSB r^^JkriSst»tf»ij BHOT Hlan^W.M ^^- * 11 1"^"*61 1 afJAharty; ,to put oro < c Efttefttt^itM^ ^r^ tbi > : : aSSot S^S^; - ' fcbaw^^fo *»rock «S. °SrtK?! SSS: f . «.. '»! gre.t ! wantl o! ¦aotnlmUy atngog.t i tho cot'rlefl forward to nextt •ccount.r^sfe«i !; .. ! ' -| .; Sd7tte>b..1S^. *att &nUwUl Improve wttsrs £ CTi'V "' w^,? ° " *T " ;J ^^ »r t> ' r • , ^^r tnat Mr ll'Coy not »bo. «^ « ™^» .babfl I^g * ' ^ 11 a out hLnilt know e tV W i . T for metrfof that boiy at tbe|Pre.ont time. (V/ J. 0, ^1/ eeodnded tbi reo6lutlon, trblco A ^T'.T " ^L11360T^e6d ' «» droak in a ea .1. - V : 101"0™ ^ being .b'/H.f om °^fe° ;M2lwroagnh «Veww. . A.Voiee-How^flt. m.nl pu _ iB. w»i nnaninW j l(ot £» " cSntmuea io Uy b»ld by the Qr«t, Wtstern Eatlway CoSpiny, and l ^ -^SK J* 'feS f)- - ., .J • . o«ld do "J^^ ^ ^ -lVwID %^ia^snbt, : ^' m^BSSsm i ^-wafifSiaBH , «i9BEBr»M-w ssS^gg^ cS^fesb?Ue B s^aseafei I 5?isf iH ,«2 s3 g^eSws it abutton;abou, ¦P^^fe: ™ i^sfc7? 1 :« »'^ f He did Ore s,. Mr. Bmm0- DIUoo iiconded the rwolutlo^n, wkiohm Jfifl * 9 rior ^i • ' dilnk, or»Ad * djetorbones In thsitrett, ul l uted esto« on ibe bmgtsaftstow « i ^or eTmZi "3?c s n ^^-^The ¦S^M'ffi K^l^Sto-K S "» retire as long «m., M5«iSM6« lt iUi tto„.—^^layj,, r.it°f- ^- ^A**f mm^^ r#«rf «d ^^^ andgna eotu. » ^oe ***Ifollftoils. B«»»»^ ¦»«« i *•¥Skt"• •*u. • :.r ; » "r—iitt^ tun oom)mrmnm> to» B tbtheirel? snoshoutinntineg forior ' hene wa»was notuui ; gKVomgUIK toI« ¦<"» » '""s torritarriedou nn«m.tm- cotii, and««i aftera«u>r. wooseme remsrt*remarks ttmirom ^I, ??^Ji M co^^ K^iS —m »>wri' , 1 1 -^ 1 . EESsts^r^^^A ^i^&ls.tt^ ^prs***- £?y><^gsi!sra»a^VS»SS"^s^3 ? S^^ I «I^^*^^f^±»^ ^ .*^*^.: ^»»™u.-"-"^^^£i^J2sa^.?!--::"^^1,:!:, - • ; doffigV ^ ^ tb« Bo^rferTdtunktniiffland^fhfo^to^P^^ ^H^iSiXVfnereWrnof ^\hmM ^Z ^^^S ^Am ^'Atfo Uoneers, tbei Mali, put np for (Sale «n t«il iilSii?M5»» ^ssSa^g|HS|H i

• ¦ ¦ ~- S1^. SsIUM ©^|S *W>T «»^f -Mr *1 J T ^350. kafisbcioiy wtoe» 'fojJ« E» «S ^ *oafc I«t«n»tade4 WG»th,wtow«(r^aen(lytaerrnptedi ^he retJr«d »t Ztao. -Mr )R. Murphy ,enter.". ii:\'i ¦'S j •. . .^¦ W^^J8» ¦<*» ^T.<%?•"^•". MfSSJr5!T^'li., rT3»--it k.'««nrt»ar*' tfiT <#iiil! > nt«»* %n ww^^*11/^^tN ^v.^SeaM'lelosslr-^ao* . !D'A -#f4HH ^ia««a- ¦.-¦» W at do iwwiw ^OM W:^^^*jyt;jg>fg3g* k :;, i^fffl K 3i^^^«*«an!» ««t>flntrplaff^5of «HjwnrtesiilVBt the^ time.l«i Twenty mr»»gp hp*^»>4 S retired vMr«Wgt ?^"^iit fi runW?IJe.* j *^a ^°,%^Si nwnttoH" f oi&nf o»i>dSi ciUeialtentton; tttte 1 irk« eamff ^t I£M< | retehid'** h*• W35L« . «> I iS't aiit a ds^^ieiBe««J^»«fJ*?3 ftSj "£3 !SSr ^5 aS >6r*ISr 'bo*dow<*• »<^«l*r«»*¦ Si W< tb.«adtlS he of tinf W j»oirri ^^ oSrS« t!nStW»*'-»e4 to the ^rwgh Hatp h»dfi8i«jy i^t^CVm'mPimiSiS&l^ ¦ ilprt inw»» »t^ ^^W ^SS ^ 0 ¦ : ¦¦ l ^ -mnrj i^kitj rpi^iii^ttt^'i i ' i#swM&^aiiitt» !fta £i ¦ ST.a&u dif 5* Ni* ^w^l^liiW. i>« sfflffs ?^ R,"KKSlnf^' »i •' !i" 1.i; i sw1*! w«/»bM?w>«'^ih n^iw q- ; ;rJ ; i 1 ; ^ ^ ^ la ^ iMiii^ v 4f^:--;iv -:i ^- S ni ii:-;¦'yi -^it"-.-/-if": - P ^ of the i To eubatltate tha Carpoty.tton foe .ths <3r*o.dJ «rj ot t ^* l»w» 'f * . Members Ortho -rtStiag Committee under the Ganoral B ^o ^^^ H ^i f1^'" «lt<;Vf th*^"«8 Prisoas (Irejaid) Aot, 1877 and to mUe :^«W»» <* Woi« «»•,»»* ^ applicable ffioi nj ffi& °^ J* W0rtord[i,tepotation. j tha povren, da ies, ragalations, aotboriUes, olanses, Dated ttli lith!dsy of Kovamier i»i : ' ¦ ¦; ': ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' . ¦ t ^ ™""" T ¦ ' and provisions, orjeome of them 1 0B1 .1U ' L ' contained fa ths said . ! THOMAS P. ! MIGHAEIi ' ¦ ¦ " ' STfiANUB, Solteltor. ¦ ¦" ' ¦ | .HORSE; (Extension of Limits the Boioogh Watertora, in Aot ot in anj Aot amending the same to the VJsitlnff : - ' : ; -f ^-HdRSE.!:! • |: ! L : . ¦ I A 1 o! \ ' \ven^ri^' ¦ ¦ SHAKESPEARE. JSpWt ' . °' ' ¦ . ¦ • ' . •'. . ' • the County of Watorford; alteration of Worda;alt«r- Committoe tdgappolttted by the Bill aa may be pres | ; i . i; . . I i , General Grpcw, ?i JS^fc* iteohttt,-; : JA&laME8a J. PJBELYuat Toiin i]2 T¦: • ' ¦ ¦ Saier aMoa of S«oUona SO anjj 92 of Mnntbipat CorporatlonB oribed by the BiU -, and to traosfar to tho Corporation ! " f *' * f * • *<»Hn Pje«» I i~ " ' -i ; ' "j " ' i— >~ . . Kscal and other and enable them ; to exerdsa ! tho ftectl pawera 1 ¦ atertorf- Ireland Aot, 1840 n> Transfer oi of the HOLMEnnrirpbS , nnri/! • UJ.-.1- ~ powers of Grand Jury of tha Obnntyi of tha CHtyof Grand Jary of Uie Connty of tho atyof W^rfordana ] GEEM 4 QBEJG, - To oirery horso ugon thia , Waterford ; Bortrlotlon qf thu Grana Jury of the County, of ! 'JOi .ABtogOon Btroot. Westminster, ¦ j /*? , ^W aterford Water*ordto CorooraWori of Yfatorford now ; ' mmi!^- 9. & 10 , I^a^ricfcSi and extlnirulsblngof Jury owfees ln eitonied exercised by Uioso Grand J«ries' rasp^^^^ money ; Provision as to aoooantfl and consolidation roa,d» and footpathi within the extenied borongb. ana , -^—U— > J [ ! i ' . - - After 1U0AULAT. 1 • f mM£GM&£ !¦ ¦-¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . of Rates ;: Power to mako rates projpsotively; and re- to rostriot, alter, pr extinguish tha chargo of Grand :. (Faoir - OUB, BEPOnrnis.) . .' .. . and Brandies, Jury Cess within the eitendod boroagh Teas, Wines, Whiskies &c,, trospeotiTely; Provision as to ahare of Estate or othor ana to oDable Mr Choo. W POWEB. 3 P «r JM«J Ott,c dntr nudor Probate Dutioi (Sootland and Ireland) : Of tlo Best Brands, at Love8t Poasibj e Prices. the Finanos, Aot; 1804 Aot 1883, w amended by ; e j to above branch of Appointment of Governmoot Auditor; Compulsory tended borough and to sopaUto the navTdbrtrict tJ.?'° Wm Britt0D« J P Walte' opened a Bakery in addition business, he [» from 1 ! w7 I 1 ?1 Bl 8r P«ow' ' 5 HAVING powers as to rebuilding oc repairing dilapidated I tho County of Waterford and to reatriot and^Sinimlah - T *!" '? A . ^r» John. Dopoolly, E Comet- 1 [^I^OJ)! . sopp lying a Superior Quality Of 3read , none but the Best Quality F buildings and reoovery : of oxpenao ; 'Application tho powersafd ol »h»lto Magistratethea or Jnailoes of th» Peaooi Iord- J Mr Mnlllno, Clerk,! and Mr ^Dbnue, Master, ?^ 33arm made from Hops odaea ; Eogolation as to rsbnild- of tbo Connty |orWat8rford or oth«r ' were aho present. • i : . , .| | . ¦ beini? used in its manufacture, andlTire Ilisll and Milt c ot monies in oortoln wo'oP' authorities over ; ^rotJEr Yeast aud other Chemicals. See Sir iogs of old BuildingB t BegUtry of Tenemoat . HouBea 0 boroogh. and the new ' Theraare 104 Inmatea in tho bodso 1 ao oompared Bte^ guaranteed freo from Foreign Chads and1 ^IdktxiotJ"^ from count rotea or . : ¦ and regulations aa to stait&r; m&ttera accom- * i coasos aav. tho5e; Jeviea wikb 2»1 for ^ corresponding week luet year. The Cameron's Certificate of Merit at foot ! modation in snoh honsea : Corporation may alter or to bo levied by tho Corporation ; and to oooatitnto total niimbsr of parsons oh out-door relief is in position of new Btroets, eto, and regWato height of C3" VAN DELIVEB8 DAILY TO ALL PAETS OP THE CITt. buildings ; as to ro-Eamirig andnnmberlnfr of streets, , eto, Power to fix oi MEROH M.D., D.P.H. (Cambriago), P.E.0.8 L, eto, ; Provisions as.to projections ™ ° e a Q b»]aofi6 -33W in the the Report from Sit OHABIXB A. C* , M.B.CXP1, j brookets, lanterns, platen, bo, against houses, and to bave exercised jurisdictionpairt of th»ex nd dboronnh : , l ^ baofclto oredit Professor of Chomistrj, B.C.S.I., Mbdical Office r of Hoalth for Dublia ; City &«; and ! diaposo; of the as if those lands had been tne guardians. , ..; ; |. i i , dose unnecessary streets, oritfnally comprised within °' f@AyKI@ a oSta thcroof ; Provisions as to excavations, tnnnels tho boundaries ol the borongh aa donned for¦ Municipal Tho *««•» Qorernment Board nrota . that OS no pT^LLD®l^l©i RflAKl® "" BciLDnjas purposoa. ; ; i : . . ; ¦ : ' ¦ • •» Orry LABOEAIOBT, UtOTiciPAi , Come Emu ^^ footways _ . ' appllo&tioa pipes, wires, &o, in imWio Btrdofcj and , . had been raooived for tb« no«uion «f . !¦ jnajimcT : ~ ¦ Dublin, Pobrniry and as to fixing advsrtseemonts ; Ecgnlstlons M to To abolish all | Pr any offlnosOf nndor tho Grand' Jury nnrso ia tbe norkhonee it i , . . . 27th, J3 ! ' for tho Coanty City imd to would i bo nell if tbo havo carofuily analysed a Loaf of Bread • submitted to mo for tbat purposa orootion of hoai-aiog», soaffolds, &o; By?-lawa for tha ot ^ho Waterford provide guardians offered a higher tataryiaqd advertised "I ¦ W resolution of itroot traffio ; Provisioos aa to health for compensating any officer aotinff nndsr again. : Jlicffixr, O'Bmin, Patrick 8troet, Waterford. I find tbat U na* been proparod from Fir,: . the Grand Tbe Clerk on reading tbe letter mentioned perfectly frea end sanitary condition of tbp boroqgh, .examining Jury of the Connty of the City of Wate/ford and the that the salary bad beda Flour ; that it has boon properly formontod, and that It is from adulterantst ; and toatlng of hoaaa drains, and rooovery of expense Graad Jnry o^the County-of Watarford fixed'at £25 a' yw, nb4ob, excellent flavour. ' , or either *> bn believed, nca. tbe usual figure.' Tha uarao would | ^fjoiata—^nrETIl3:'3rl"sr Cs-posr, <12» | Quay, . ^ilTc!.torr-i?o3?«a puritioa. It hafl a fine coloni and of eame; na to promises onteide Municipal Boundaries them, whoso offloes are amolnments may be abolish.'*' , . ; " 0HAELES A. 0A1IEE0N , Publio Analyst for tha City of Wttafct draining into Corporation sowers ;. Bye-law's as to or interfered with by the provisions a be added, coat tbo union about 1/666 a sear of tho Bill, a altogothor. - ' ' '¦ ¦ regulation and inspection of Corporation markets ; to enable the Corporation to apply any of thoiroorporato . . ' ; | . •; ! A TRIAL EESPE0TFDLLY. BOLIOITEX). . Investment of TruBt Fonda in Corporation Btook ; fands. ratea.rents or revenues for auoh purpose and to Mr Morris consldorod the oalary 'offered very &o; Byo-l&wa for removal of house refnaa and oleans- authorise and confirm any ajfteomonta made or to bo good, and after a abort dicoaseioa it nu dvoided to ingot privies, ashpits, &6 ; Penalties for chimney to ttuy offlcor a£feot< advertise egaln at the samd fljjaro. [ Bros ; Appeals to Quaxtor Sessions ; Byo»I&ws ; K O" B ' : ST Sanction wan received to tho payment to X)r InSiotion, recovery and application of penalties j Moran cf i j : . ' ;i remunomtlon at tho rato of three guineas ¦ ¦ ¦ c Alteration of existing and levying of new tolls, ' rates, per ncoi for nttendlnf; * : i , jj? ¦! CCS90S, &o ; Amendment of Waterford Wator Aot, and to mako snoh other provi«lo to tbe dntica of Dt Wail . fl and coafer auoh othor during tbo Ulncss ol tbat ' : 1871. and Watorford Eleotrio Lightly Order, 1892 powers with rofcrenoo to the transfer of tho fiaoal and gontleman. ; < i : " ' 3HH ' Tbo remaining buaincsa *' ¦ Incorporation repeal and amendment of Asia and other poweraof the Grand Jar, of the City of Watorford, WOJ of a ptwoly roatlna I ¦ -y?j : othor purpose;) ' ¦ and tbe rostnotiOfl, altet»tion or character. ' . ' ponon of oxtWotion of tho JSams I ! Hams 11 Hams ! tho Grand Jury of the County ^pf Waterford over tho now district and a« to TvTOTICE IS HEBEBT GIVEN that tho Mayor, existing» «oo«w>»uraoUscS aa j DANCINQ OT A OAtfHEDML. l\l Aldermen, and Burgesses of the City or Borough may be nooessary or desirable. : Mild .Cured from Id- per lb. \ _ To amend and ! ' w Jk ot Waterford, acting by their Council (hereinafter called jenlarao the hortnwin» ^«<>-, ^« »v- A slngnlar ftn a nttraoiiro %> Corporation end to oathoriso tho Coti/otcjSoa to MIlo of the oustum of " 1 he Corporation".), Intend ta apply to'Parliament in farttier monies for borrow jfanoinff in oburoboi is otiU praotood thrw Umos o. jaw ¦* « Brands. Denny's, Lunham's, Mattersoa * tho ensuing 8ossion for leave to bring lhja Bill [herein- the purpose of Drainsje and other in the gwat oatbedral EP . Breakfast Bacon. Finest ' s ' sanitary obJQOts &ad tho ottrar purposos of 8«Tille^namo)y, on tho fiant 4^ after called "Tho BiK")for tho following or some of tho by the Bill by miaaa to bo authorisid of tho Immaculate Conooptlon and of Corpus ChiiBli. . US ^ of Debenture Stock 03 provided 1 th rt ds /\ 1/10, 2/10, following purposes, that is to say (in: this notice the by tho VVBt«rford Corporation (Debaatnrd "i ™? . ™° '* J» of the Carnival. Zadioa aid Goyloa TcahJL/8, . por Ib.. expression " The Borough" means the existing Borongh Stook) Aot, O8Sod tha 1SS9, or otherwise as may be fixed by tho Bill and to thetwS time* . SuE* ?J '? oostoms of paces of o£ Waterford for Municipal purposes ; the expression make provision as to tbo of.phiUp II, yrfth plnmed bats, dance a stately property, ratos and rotenuos aoalal DRY TISH, HADDOCKS, BLOATERS, KIPPEKS, a " Tho Extended Borough means the Borough of Wa- to bo charged (or the purpooo of snch S?n,i? f "easnro, for about balf an hour to provide borrowing, and nitruo tnoih Iron ooreona in.front terford on it will be extended by the Bill ; the Expression as to the' ankina of the monies to be borrow- of tho hi»b altar. ¦ ALL KI2W3 OP PBWT 'jUfD VEGETABLES AB iff BEASOif. (ha:Boroug ed with moniea borrowed by the ' r°!'°Od bl 8 ond "Wte for tbo Bleeaed . J " Tho Council" means tho Council of h, and Corporation, end to Tiirf/««S ?q MdJ '5 ? %jj> 3S\L - (rtf ? New District" means the lands provide Tor tha extinction and payment hnTISS ?nd wblt« for Corpns Christl. Tho tbs expression " The borrowed of monies eo th ent3 edded to the Borongh by tho extension of its Boundaries , and to provide- that any mono; to b» eo kl P minOCt-Uk0 ai^» ™* ' borrowed shall not be subject or To?oI^u6.s. «"> ¦ tor tho Municipalpurposes, unless there be anything in to tha apsration of or bo 11 limited by tho provisions of Scotion 2y3 of tho P nith'oML^S^™ 8 hymn "ran£rod for" three voioco T3H WAfllKDHjn) j ora ,.¦ •, • ¦ j tt» context repugnant to Bach meanings) I— Health (Ireland) " nblio aV b WFEHLm ©3).'S . KiEWAiii• • i Aot, 1873. cy $!*LoiV m°at > aanB ta^nowo!tho i To extend the Municipal Boundaries of the Borough To mako provision for tha consolidation 2' as tho same are at present defined by the Act 3 and 4 of tbo rates now lovlable by. thfl Corporation, and as to,aaacaaing Victoria, cap. 108, as amended hy the Act 6 and 7 levying and colleotisg tbe ratos . ^s rate or fltrch concolidatod u>: Victoria, cap, 93, for Mnnieipal purposes, no ad to com- , and for tbo making of rates prospcctlvely. and ^ , , prise within the boundaries of the extended Borough all cotrcjpocllvely to pay charges and expenses WlBAlbHff l. 124 QUAY WATERFORDl 1 or to be Incnrrod by Incurred mmAlLTtm or some part or parts of tho lands in the County oi Wa- tbe Corporation, and for aninl>a- terford situated outsido the Borougb within the [imita mating or consolidating tho •cooonta of (be Corporation as may be provided by tho Bill, CD" T7BISOI7'a Uarjaotio CaicUvo 1 hereinafterdescribed , or within such other limits in the To provide and Applionooa ESTABLIS1U31> FOJiTX YEABS. WATESFOED AND CENTBAL said County as it may be de6ned by the Bill ; that is to doclare us to the amount oc. chare IS ot lie EaUtfi duty payable to tho Local 70D IBS CDED AND CCLICP 07 EAILWAY. "7=— (Ireland) Aooount Taxation IndipcitioD the ex- under tbe Probate Duties (Scotland , Constipation, Nerconanoea, Commencing at Mount Misery Lodge, and Ireland) Act, 1888, as amended by Nonrolgia, - M" tended Borongh Boundary Lino will extend west- tbo Section 19 of Spice Diaeoco, Brcnohitia , SCAB 8HEEFc Cheap Cuadoy Sicfcets. Finanoo Act, 1894, olaimablo by the Corporation, Asthma, Weak Chest Do not xkk 7007 thecp in tho wlBtcr eetson hj appljta ward in a straight line to a point in the lane one and to fix tha princip , LiVor Torpldity, les upon wbloh tho amount pay- I1UH3 Coinplainta, Billonsueaa, Dyspepsia, poiioaotLJ dips, Lo.t tut usa tho old uid inlallibla Dressing &0NDAY, 20th OCTOBER, tad txtW< hundred feet north of Manning's publichouse m tha able is respoot of snoh claim shall ba General Debility, Paioa^ln OV paid to tbe ascertained and Joints, Stiffuesa in Joitt] log fianday tilt farther BOticr^Eelnrai townland of Newrath, and thenco in a straight line Corporation, and to make tho neoa£3ary Heart Palpitation, Bhonmatlsm, Lumbaso Loas'o IToa-PoInonoufl Spcoiflo. »t SINGLE FABE3 WOI to a point aboui ten feet west of the entrance gate provisions for snob purposes. 8oiatic3, , bo U»nfd brt^ PoJn in Bock, Weakness in Ouamntcod to euro tbo wont cases of Scab in abocp 8Utlon8 (W»terford by Waterford and Limerick To provide for tho appointment Gout, Bios' , to Maryboroa^b) th«i to the Cattle Dock of tho of on Auditor of Iildnoy Diisico, &o, ot lamba In ODO npplicatlon, 11 oropcrlr apillod to tho «kla, np train, and thence along' the wall be- the oooonnts or some oi the accounts of the ¦ vrithonttho alightcit pocslblo liijarr to «o wediest inlmal. available lor return uat ixj I Bairway Company, by tho Local Corporation i ' tween the public road and the railway premises te Government Board for Ireland ZJ Notblcz will cqa&l it In producing quantity and qaillty in 4.0 p.m. do«n traini. .. maka provision , and to vool, which is f allv borne oat b tone ot tno lajgrit wool the running shed of the as to tho duties of such Auditor, FACTS . / E. A. NEALE, G«ntal Uta to the north-west coigno of To ^requiro and compel bnjere in tbe Unilod KlogJom. : Head OEcea Waterfurd and Limerick Railway Company, owners and ocoupicrs of Oar Applianoco aro highly MogDOtio, and have stood Lamba mav b« dressed with tbo crves whilit Backing, for , Wtterford Temlnna and buildings or structures which trrenty-tiro years thenco in a strai ht Jia'e acroM the river Suir to the may be dilapWatfd or ' publi p test. Thouoanda havo tried tbo destruction of Tick, Llco, io. [ — Wth October, 1S05. g uofit for use or occupation or them and found NO SINGLE PORTEE BOTTLED It aneot possibly injure carry prejudicial to tbo thorn Bncnossfal. BY US BUT ONLY tho w• ¦ ¦ uu B ¦ to a point three hundred C . G. T?H1TE L SOfl eastward nod ¦ and thence «or &dangerousZ22! buildings,ilT ' °i ^»^«5otTnuiJSi: 80ME LATEST ' ._...... V/atcrfcrd. UP xaiiKa . . and to oompol inmates of TESTIMONIALS Hiia-s:-o: [iiA.ss ...... fifty feet south of the said public road and situate houses cdnuu^s, such H. BELL .^ j Watorford. . Wre* D»jt . i buildings to removet herefrom $.a ' p.m eta in tho townland Boundary between the Town'ands To onablo the Aud coy rc:peclcblo ChomiH or Ilcrchant : owner to removo and take pooEOOQion "WEAK V/»t«iford dop ... 7. 0. IM ill of Logloss and Dobbyn's Parks, thence southward 0P : taitiOi b BACK PROM A HPBT. Kilktnnr „ } ° - y th6 '"see or (Soapier to Tra f .- 8J0 '«. IW along tha'townland boandary separating the town- tbeoomo^m K> or remainT m a mjaous- or it v , »o.K PD , Ncagh, 24th Anirust 1895. llarrboroaiih art . ... I ».» •.! r.U danEerouB oondilion, 8Imrta to«i0 ¦ lands of LoglssB and Euthfadden from the town- and on refusal of tho proper partiej ¦rrJH ^n "h K J<"» th.it I uavo deritod Do. dop _ i fcM ' I.U a t to put snch great bencUt from your ilagnotio Bolt. iilSATlD BIICOXJRAGE IEISH ART D=tUa txz : 11 property in tope*, I had been WATMBM -. .M 12» 19. 0 With . land of Dobb 's Park to the Western end of the ««t tho 0"" yn fr snao in the Oo/poration, nV a wcak bM cao0«1 b DOTVN IEA1N8. Narrow Lane, from westward in a strai mth power to tie Corporation to hnfrf^l ,. *' y a hart " thenc* ght cell or deal with ' ' nppUanC0 m bMk bM A"»»"» Eiofpt a m a-n fj iI line to the north east corner of the townland of snoh property as thoy think 6t. ^t lboigerovcry LT * OELTIO CRdSSES. Tbondan Cleaboy thence southward along the townland To require and oompol occupiers and tenants of ' J Onico. Wedji bouses to vacate premiteo ordered by a The "W. B. CO. are the onl DabUn dep Sati & lit «.O 7.*) ftlS l.M I boundary between the townlands of CJeaboy- Ma^lsUato to JOILLIODSNESS y Manufacturers of Genube EDWARD Ol'SHEA. llxrjboroujh an Ucndajrot bo pulled down or repaired, and to permit the owner , CONSTIPATION, &o. 8.3 $M la40 113 1 and Clasbrea to tho public road leading tndh prcnusss ol ¦ UJ' nonnmcatal Cs Arohitoctnxal Gcniptor Uontli only •—<-~* , or the Corporation iTcoae of fXro b ThD Emporium. 4.7 Eglinrfoo Strcot, from 'Waterford to Pohlnw, and continuing in a tho owner to y Do. dop .„ &15 19.U 135 1 carry ont tho Ord.r, and to provide for ¦ VTorls—KILKENNY cod 0ALLA2I. Ellkonnr ,, 7.40 8.&5 straight line through the lands of Miss Haciett bousing the f£ 'X^K . . i CJ ' 1JL30 &AH mmatea of saoh promises in the meantime doY°e f r m ™^r M ha,. Eigb-Class AEEATED & MEDICIIAL WATERS WetorJonl arr ' ' » 8S' | II. 0 U10 I.lj and Messrs Widger to the public road leading from or outiGiwise, MAEBLB AND STONE CAWING, TOKEN- Waterford to Skibbereen at a point in the town- To make provision ea to tho application Of Bnrplns IN THIS CITY. ING AND POLISHING UILL8, uAnrnoEOuaH ABD I UOUBIEIEIIJCK IE land boundary between the tow.lands of proceeds of any money received by tho Corporation KILKENNY. | . for the sale of health I enjoj at prcoout I have beon a Tycor and Lisdnggan Big, two hundred property in oaeas whoro no eEnduumauu is stranger to fofyoars! __ , - . a.m on southwest ang made for it by tho person entitled thereto " |_ PCISB AaDBEEOD. Manufactured by Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent . Quarries—KILKENNY end TLPPEBASY JUryboronirn and fifty feet west of the le of the dep ' 8. 8 — Jjo Wciit,and thoace in a strai To provide for the re^i.tration of t«DO mant "" SpccialiticJ In Bhclr, Eod, »nd Green Irish UoontzacUlcK arr 8J3 ¦ ' . — • ! s^O " townl&nd of Browley ght tou;ca BRONCHITIS. ' ¦ ; 's land to tha north- and o all owners of ouch hoaxes, and to Ilarbles. ' ; ' a.nj' . -1 ! £.u line through Mutthew Phelan provision with referonoo make 33 Groat MonntmcBIck drp &M — . (.10 to tho nomber of famfllcs and j Brunavrlok-ot, Dublin Celtio Croc;c3, lluxal TaWet3, Altars, Jo'nts, eto. _ east oiglo of the townland of Pastime Knock and persons to bo parmiu^ to oocopy | 12th U««h, 18CS. llaijbprongh air JJO . g,so along the townlandboundary sbparatiDjj tbe town- ,mobTnem?nt ^7crt2 nad Culc::3-17A?r;iiaXDB. \7ctorford. in irreit rariety. i yot farther Inionaatlon aou ths Tlmo Tabli d houses. a 0 ompowor tbe Corporation I can cocJrm aU I ever taid ibont your tlafenotio Lane ^^ and King's Jleadow from to mako bye- tavfeontor.! It Dot ulon. cured Four Gold and Prize HeA&b—Dublin, Cork, ptny, to bo h»d at aU 8Utlona. lands of Pastime Knock laws roles, and regulations wfth referonoa " mo of ohronla bronchiUs ¦ and along the townland to tho but has acUU as a rsry valuablo preventive, " Bo3ton, and London Exhibition». \ * the townland of Lohgcoursc number of ocenpant., air, .pace, sanitary froo from tho having kept mo ; H«Ld Oflc«, Wrt rtM4^toSS of Kicg's Meadow acoommodatioa matters, and compliant for many yearn. From m» ninnrl H. WILLIAMS, MANAGER . Estimates und Dccignooii Applicatioa. ? . 0&SS!g? boundary between &c towniends and otherirlco iu tho CMo of inch enco I cui eijr vour tn-fflovf gomfer^shSdd ' road leading Don&Bfl. Buflercr bom bronchitis U wfibJ' ISXJ, , THE TBADB 8UPPLIED. and Prior s knock to the public from nnd dlfflculty of brcathiur ~~ ((Jy3 From the laet-mfn- To make provision VT ILLUU DAVIS (of Wm ' : TO NEBV0U3 80PPJEEK R& Waterford to Dungarvan. as iuto the robnlldinK of old Davis «ud 8on). : EDWARD O'SHEAi Jo»t PublUoed.» «ntai«m» Edition of ¦ tioncd point on the public road leading from Water c nf J» « lho by,-laws and , Soulpterl' a MW.£ ?.* TJ m«n£Tr S .? °S!^ enact "O KILKEKKY. ' ! ¦ ¦ XlidUal Work, fatitl^, "" "! ford to Duogarvan the Boundary Line will extend 1 8 toKe W thIa anci^Pal RONCHITIS ! AND WEAK CHEST. 's Kiver to where it fSn aSio'! ' ^ i* Anjrrim strcot HOW TO ENSURE along the centre of John To nnthoiita , Dublin* HEAL^ crosses under the public road leading from Water- thB Corporation to alter or vary tho Jlth Ilarch, 1805. Or THE CONFID£NT IAT posit on or dtectlon of UagIcUo psreiji t £ord to Tramore, and thence in a straight lino to a eny intended now .tiSft&S 1° ^ L™* 'nvlgontor. which I got Iron, ,m a HOWLETT'S HOTEL, BY MESSES - tb0 baildin iuo of - fo . ftSa^ point in the publio road leading from Waterford MthTS, , ffj, such ctroet, and the l OP I M C OKNEB OP TH01IAS-ST. width of tho roadway and footpaths of , ^W' 'U^ssss^^ S5J O 1^/ v AitcO'CONKELL-ST formerl snoh etreot er,oiy:sz J to Drumcannon where a house y stoodj as ond to reqnlro tho oonstrnotlon oi back pajeaiwln ^ •WATERFOIIDJ shown on the ordancc map, end about [Cvcnty-two COBO 5*!. ^AVOID tho of noo etree'j>, and to enable tho Corporation In tho Jmmediato Vicinity of tho Dungarvan, H^" PISBiSB. i perches north of the lane leading to Power i> house O8S „ ._ .—-—^_^_ _ _ I>BBI8 BenA.B, ^JfA' "^",w '"? aetr ««-oot T7hiohis of a Limerick ond Kilkenny EaihT»y3. , n p ?t%7 J EEGAIN HEALTH. « Ballytruckle, thence eastward in a straight line * 3 bj ^o onactmonto or T1ENBBAL RHEDMATIsiL ¦r-T^ rS) <§ H-Jl (F\ —¦) HEALTtj . A eociAi, amsscs. across the public road leading to Ballymocaw near hve Uw. l^M ?* "iT " ( '¦ fl <*=- >*X Carhu-GariC, Catriatohlll O' BKBAKFAST8, LUNCHEONS. DINNERS boundary between -the , ^ , TEA to. where the towuland Tonjn- ! Co. Cork, icth Dccombor IK>4 At Shortest Notico and Modotato Cherrcs. aji yAU8E3 BTMnOlII. uaTBUIata lands of Ballytruckle and Grange Lower meets To aotnoriso tho Corporation ta restate and control duSifta^ ' tbo height and stractnr* the said road to a point m the pnblic raid leading of acy buildinffs propocod to WELL-AIBED BEDS und situate in the townland boundary b« erected within ths Municipal Boundaries, and to TO) to Dunmore mako provision aa to prohibiting ] (Rev) Jons W lUnn n, A U n between the Townlands of Grange Upper and tho ooonpatlon an a ¥ TPT?W^I?B A A ?J«*^k>»U df olUnc faouso of any nsrr bniidkj iU) W Choica Wines, Liqucrn, Spirits, Stout, Ales, Clears, D Laaaltoi»7D«jir»aJoa *%*&*& Lower and about filty eight perches wb«t nitboat thoconcunt O iyLyiiJAi BJ& AhJ&O k A U J _ £ °Jg.«5,APPaUt«, PalMCth» Kk udWba-Oa Grange of tbo Corporation. '. HEUMATI8U IN THE KNEES, Ac. &AIA 9 Beat Dublin and Cork Whiskies, LuncheorS • , of the north-west angle of the ToEroland ;of To -JJ—w Euan' empower tho Corporation to alter tha nnroo of s Prifato Hotol, Rntland squaro, 2?r©UCh Church-Street (Opposito Liverpool Landing Stage), Trciia lIonsatTB. '/***a"dttunr ' other iilm«o l.«wH«b, it "t 1—*- ". I Willinmstown. From tho last-mentioned point on aoy street, lane, court, cHoy, paocajo Dublin, 23rd Nov. 1894. Wcterford. , or otbor plnco UOOBIO the road leading to Dunmore and fifty! eight per- witbia I ho MunicipcJ Bonndorien, In tho interest ot cniferiog humanity llics HOWLE TT (lata of Ship iiotclJ.Proprietrcaa RhMm^tUnvOoat,! V«anl«ia, Zpilem-*tl and to cause tbe o I Ihlnlc it my duty to bear t< etL-uony to the CHOPS fienooa aad aliiuiit\ o«£ to be namborod. great bcntJt I dorlvod froa , STEAKS, SOUP, TEA, COFFEE, BOVRIL &c. land of Williamstown the Boandary Line will ix- To provido that no tbrnat oat eoaffold, wearing yoor Moirnotlo An- , uefol crane, or pliancpa. } fluffcrod from rhoumatuni. paxticuSrl; ' ?U£SCEIPTI0MS tor lb. alMation d aaOaraw projections are to bs erected in knees, and I, in thu EoTABi/i snBD l 816. tho cono( tend in a Btraight line in a north-easterly direction or over any etroota haro picasuro in etatlpg that your Applianco; minoriiacritn, wttb tall lutneUemtati without tho consent of tho Corporation , left mo without a clnglo pain. Dinners oil Joints with prepantloa and DM. Contain* alaoaoa* Matty Mffa to the public road leading to Dunmore and Passage and to enable Vegetables from 9d to is Hrrien*, or tha • i ; . : i ' the Corporation to fix broc!r.ote and lanterns and plates j Jonv TnAvvoa. VTATEIiFOnD DAVIHGO tn the cast end of wDliara Usfihcrs louse and Indicating HAUS WAY TO by the wall forming the western boundary ol tho position of firo hydrants against any ff CONHELL BTBEET. PEE8BBVE BEAMB; along bpose nithln tho Municipal Boundaries /TiHHONrc BHEUIUATI6M AND SCIATICA. None but tbe Best Drinks served at IHajUat«a by uuattmUmOanUitiommtlMri the demsne of W G D Goff to tie south bank ol , and to elect)any \l_/ : Popular Prices. who Java boea natottito ihaaUk. ttou eonccessary court, l»ne, alley, pucage, or street Woodblca VUla, St Simon's road, UroaJ* Suir , and thonce across the said riier Soothsca, Nov leth 1635. rencs £Okh Hovn 1891, J3127,'«H Cs. Id 7 tm \j the Biver withia the Municipal Boundaries, 1 , p^ ' * *»>* V>* latt*Bp \<* and to , cell or 1 had railcToJ from Ohroslo Ehoomjllsm and Sc sSSo in a straight Kne to meet the borough Bonndary dispoca of tho clto thereof vthen my, 'attca In Ate* a aeaofpuvath Co clocod np aa cf uio- sides, Up, and' leg for many years. When in Oalway D EVEBY MONDAY pugpkM oa; tta fmtli— on the north bank of the Baid river. The Boun- four years ago - OPEN- ANDi PBIDAy I c u r *° ttmtl 1 I procurod from you one of roar Spoclal STO UT, 2°- BASB 3 WWLBKEY ¦ i^tiSwf" * " * * ? "«»•»- 4 " ¦ • : * To make Poser Belts DC 9 ii&2 ttom 11 to HeOf-pa«t 3 q'Clock. . dary Line will then eitend along the Borough provision for preventing oxoavatlons , which JTOBUD me from my low o . , health and etato of ? point of commencement of the tunnels, f onoro, or drains, or tho laying CUBED mo o! tbe pains. I am so convinced of the D n > HE vat xtsvYiarrm ni Boundary to the of ptpos cfflCAey of : X atoi lo aim»iv»li* tntxa or wire in, under or over so/ public «.eoc or foot " roar llognbt Belt that I conaidor It my doty to MIMEJSiAJL ;WATEJ - i Uata cf InUJC;t ftnowed-^[12 8o. i 'l u/ MidnM oa BXCEirTOrtWOnil new Bonudwy Line at Mount Mincry Lodge y)»e yon thii Information &8 S pcr Ccnt. - war. or tho erocttoo pf any boi^d, fenuo or cciCold In or , uhlch I hopa niay U^cflt otter cforeaid. . i ojer »ny etreot roi!«Tcrs. i ! Any person o»y deporft Monoy »o tha extent of Addrm—Meiara. BAENE8 4 CO; iS, I* j or react, cr the fixing ol gnjr nlncird, bill or (Ur?) ALlc» C»nr ENTRANCE THROUGH HALL-D00R W £50 in a year, scd in tddiUon 8 XM 2, CoUonado, Hllltown, DublUl, account rfsiches £200. .' ' " i ! ,,«. ecamiiiitam n txrox atac. ,21 comprise parts of the Towobwda of Mount Misery and To empoiTcr tho Corooration to raake bye-law» for ro- 23th October, IED1 ; A oaD, his wife, aod ohildrcn ciay H Nevirath in the Parish of KilcuUihten and Barony of SB.aUng tho rpnto W bo obwrvod bj naispeed« t which I have much leasure* each baro • A^Stf^^ veBicle> «Bd velocipedes of all kinds p In codndlog tho pratad of your DlKIMe ROOM. tcparato dt^xsit account. ' i££K^ ma/ tmverto anj etroct tlflgnetio Appliances. ' ' ! JXilculliheei), parta of the TowDlands of Gibbet Hi I wlibln the SIunlci . 1 suCorod severely for aovcr&l ycais j ' pal B unaarlo. aud io prohibit th»pa8»go trom frequent attacks 'of Nervous Ilxhaustion aud DIUIjEEO—O/r Jointo, ; - The StWcteat Srcf£cy ia observed with re No charge is mada for Tan Book«. ; • , inllj w«t<»nd Dobbyn's Parlu, Browley West,*and Liadugian Litt e, ' " '' * ' " 'h» «rr/ lj»g -of llchts and not? moro thia a year ajo. I havo HOT had any return of tbo ...... / ¦ i , J>/ eoa«»o»d»(u oia», < : Pp UilUbTelodla^i attacks, and Had DIIIIIEED—Soup, Sucaa np to jeio may bo *itbdriwn at any tn the Parish of Trinity Without and ljarony if jo mako bettor ray otroagto quite restored. Joints, Sweats . j J, ; ¦ tin. of frovltho tlon In regard to tho hcalUund ead- I (Mr») ...... /Q without notico. ' : ' thu Tewolands of Manor tor^ condition cit/ and llur KnxwjH. ] : tCddletbird. Parts of , Baliy- parUeolarlj to prohibit tho L UN CHE ONS AND I Tha eatlre faad» aro inTetted S IB KBSC V, BAH X U truckle, Grango Lower, Grange Upper, Cove and Own? op or cmbouiiug of injVoDnd iith Sffeniivo or ¦ SUPPERS B0T in GoTernment SotrUmnptoaB vildian, uuwholojotne matter | to empower the Corporation TO) REDMATIsil (PAINS IN THE . : • SMALL STEAK, CHOP Secnrity. and the new 8»Tlng« ' Ohaaercr bMiM Novrtoivn, cad the Townlands of 1'rioratDock and to oxaMloo BODY). i , CUTLET OU llUAT PIE, Cd. B,ank> Act(&4 »o6"ft5 ana teit hoa»o araipt and toejocover tha oxtxmscs ennencted JiCL; IWoodvllto, Athlone, 3rd September, )B»». Vic, C.p. 21) placfca tho Bank undej tbe TWO-AND-A HAU pn CBHT,' M I Ballycourdra, in tho PariBh of:Bt John's Wiibont, a4d with any eucn hat and to provide that no 1 Jopemilon aBowed personownin g or I gladly testify to tho value of your Ilasnctlo Appliances ObW paaol: o2 Dpiood, Gpacfl or. Eocst Scaf, lacia cz 'l Foxrl rod control vt thoTcostca Suvinga •» l»EfOSIT8, i»Sl»blt) eadOMaV | thit portion of the district commordy known aa Pole- ocoupjtnff property oiit«ido tho Municipal iJoundarica nor W ss a rttccdf fdr Bhoamdyt mon V<"6-iy) oa the mlnlmmjataontU > fcalaiwaa,i whm am 1 , with the couscav of the especially In the obcutand bact ' Your Appliances, I can I JOHN HAJETY, ' ¦ nil in tha Barony of Gaol tier and also those portions el Corporation and upon sacb terms of paymont and conditions positively acsdrt, iroro tho means Ho\q about these toUmJOOO. • • " ! us may bo agiood on. . - ' ol giving mo immediate [ Prices ?— Tlie$f are All Biulit [ . Actnary atd Secretary. ! T* flu Eirer Snir and bed and ahorea tber«d{ in the rf lief, ond 1 can recommend thca to euSorors from liboa. flTOCKa «nd BHABJ3 parohwd Md idtg and Iliddlcthird To make byo-bws, roto, and regnlaflooj for thortraotal of m»Uo Ptina. ¦; Bcroniej of Eiloulliheen intMod [a honso refuse end tba elcaattngof . . ; W Bon«» (Cartata). Qj3 Boundary lane above described, and to constitute pririds, tahnita, and dustbin«. 8ATIH0S Jo ohergo e»pen«s and ljflict p«n*lti3j on owners nnd occo- " DB[PAE«M7ii oil hnds within the extended boundaries part of the plen of honsu in which firei in ehlnnsn oocnr RHEyiIATI8M.| . ES for th« •nooor»j»«»wtot Thrift Jkt B-JlE h for all purpoaa, as if they To cnabh) the omctM cf tha Corporation to enter opoa nnj ; Can-lei, Donegal, 3"th IJarcb, U3J. ¦Budl wnM oa dopwii,wai aJUow» extended Boroog hull promises Jor to IsttrfV TXB comprisad within the boundaries ot tb? yMpow of toeing th.) fho provWoni of tbo 1 navo nom cno of your UagnoUe Brits (or rtovcral years, no NOT taK)hoowpl«t«d*l. ' " ¦ originally been Act "fd th. Pntllo Hralth (Jre&nd^ Acw 6r otlicrwlso aro asd nnd them HSIZHBIVB IKID JZL j " .' iF'5 as defined for Municipal purposes by the sail! >cry uccf ul. 1 would recopuneud oao to any W <2> \w. i^\m m a a lOlMtiT l $m Borough, r D y pa«m tttgriavaa by any deteratantlcni or by nay oon- i MnfrDCtio Traco. | ^ at>W'•"ilH vleiSon oi older sodhr all or any of the |Oi All klida mado «nd kopt It Stock. ' >0k nra «g«.v.ti»ttai -»a>h ¦ uuipiiewl vested in and exercised by them' under this prorisiomof tfco BUI, ¦ Btronslj nJCoa- H respectively To alteg vary, or repeal my msaaciL Thoacni4s £;ol4.'! i ¦ ¦ : ?^W v ' in- A , exintlnz - BOTTLIUC3- HnSl!] cay publio or local Act of Parliament^ bye-Isva, rules or . ; i ©TO^eiDS, . I power of rcaolatloss, and to make, order or rescind bje-lawj, ruks, * BE3KBK0KAXlu5ick; *» Provisional Order or Charter 'or i otherwise or to bj orders, regolatioss and resolutions /or or with reapoct to tha Letters rcfiuoutliis sdvico rcjarflng the »ppUcation ¦ £ : ¦ ollu oar S0AP(Ior5aultiT«8U BI) ^ conferredon them by tha Bill, and also tha powers and objects ol tbo Bill, cr any of taoni, end to anthorfso aad on- Aeplisneea receive onr best attontloa. " " H! 1:G H ;S T & % E T|' W E E F I) i'^^ ^ r^w! ¦ . JTIUK0X> foroo ths imposition of pennlttea for brcaoh or non-obsor luno Inteators anS Patentoiaof Cnratlvo Ifagnetlo ArplliDCC] « 0 E Bi.TKHBti8a authorities ol til peroona now; or hereafter holaing^Olficei of these b/c-!aws >ud others tuMcT , and to conatitDto tho Corporation , and to vrovido for tho rocovory i AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS r ' tha Corporation and application of potultlcsondto (Tortile to: tha eoallrma* . 0M7INQ to tbe cicot iboicaoo tn Wo Unaineiu, bo ba» been oUigcd to EXTEND HIS PE13MI8ES oii H tJis Urban Sanitary Authority within the extended tion oi sach bye-law*. j . Ha«in(.j talon tho whole ol tbo Old: Meat Haricot In To authorise tho Corporation for tho purposes of tha Sill HIGH-8IBEET, ho is non in a jxallion to Borough, and to extend and make oppliobb to the \& moot all Ordp.rnwith doo promptitudo and tho fullcct oatlsfaetlon. Ho jcttly attrlbuUvj ¦ (if to lory tho oxistlDg tolls, rotes, -cesacs, foik, and oharges now WEiflrol^r ' his Wond"rful extended >Borough all or any the 'provisions of any anjborisod to bo lovlod, or any of them! within tbe ucaita o< cboo Bnocciain Butlncia to tho : ! . ' !: ! publio or local Acts of i uiVvntWht, Enactments the eitondcd boronao, or as shall be provided by the Bill 9 LOWER SAOKVILLE STREET, , I ¦ ' ' ; ¦SJRJSAKIEnT tavinonal and other Orders Clwl'iurijand Bye-laws ii and to preserve, coo/or, vary, or oxllDstUhexemptions from N: DUBLIN. . ! - j : j AHD SUFEEIOE QUALITY OF HID DED3K8, 4-:PSAQO» ;$££ ; . ' ; ¦ ! the payment of existing or fotcro toUi, rates, dues. ccue *. I I H4IB MEBCHAlwF ¦ fosa vrtthin Uia Borongh. . _ _ j not>, tan, asd charges, .anil con/cr, vary, or extinguish ana thoosro oxerohed in Bottling, noiabky QUINKESS'8 BTODT, BASS & 1>O* S ALB. R DTRnif rf • - ! To alter and re-arrango tho j retiiit division of , tbc other rights and prifilcgos,' and to alter o'xistlDg tolls, rates, ahd CO'S ALE, HOP BIXTEBS, CIDEB,:&o. : PTSHEC ccuo, fees, and other charges, and to lpvj other Colls, ratcj . | Borougb into Wards for Municipal purposes, its aa tc ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , district, and if thought oW ccssca, aid foes, ' ' . I . . ! In ba knifEEAIi WATER FACT0EY, tbo Maohlnery «na M»«erial«j osed la tho raakln» »i »», caaposa tia now pbU to TO con/cr upon tha Corporationof tbe oxtonaed Borough Q L X RoTzatf Limpa lIiO«ol'W»tcra oto of th« ;Very Boat Desetlptioa tb&t can potsiblj bt, had. Thtrcfotc, bDowkiTth« PVM1° C V S the nunes ot the existing Wards or to create sod Ana tb£ ofllcors under them all power* and aoUioritlcJ '¦ ; (rinatzo). ; , 9M*»tbo PBbHo Wards. ; : . ; ! I i necessary or desirable /or the purposei of ths' to comi«ro hU M. W. with wxjother moW pr Brand.; , : EMM naw ' B'U, and to ' Insist on having a Xo make provision for the making out of tha lists ol rep*sl vary, or Mtingolsh alTrlghu, ! powers, authorities, I i Hla GISOBU AlB, LKUOHADB, OEAKQB CsuueioNB, lor Pnrlty, AcraitloD, forlsdlctlons, privHrae*, aad nemptioiu'waloh mayinuirloro BOWATTS LAUi?. 1 Aroto* and EIM M.* « burgesesa and the election of membersof the Council ol with the object s of the BUI (toy ot FloTonr cannot bo oxoellod. Hp nottld ca(l »ptclal , of of them, ¦ ¦ ¦ attention¦ to hit¦ Epwjae SODA. iqrp£ pL.if ths extended borough, and as to the tenure of 'office c! To authorise ths CorpoisitivB to de/ray all cojta Onr tamps nro the most aid Aeration £t ba» no o^n»| : |. ¦!¦ : . . "my , charges, Economical Best , ¦ the iTitfa'ng Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors, tho asd expenses incurred, or to bo incurred, In respect of the , * and Bna ] proposod iBpUcation to Faillomest, or Incidentalot rclatli g ., Easiest Usiacod. . 17 1 BI0E ha U d lnv tb0 M tioa of tt« JP»Wlo to . 1 ; jHAIR STAIN' - ¦! • reactionoi the existing Aldermen and Councillors, and therste, out of any1 monks, revenues WiN r^Smh?!-^ ^, T "° ! "° ^ ¦ hi. TEAS i -duties' ' , xatca, cesses, or LvMAByEli". WIMEB, pPI«Ii a, ^&o, , j^ : ' ! . .: ¦ • ! ; ¦ For watering gray hair to iu o'ri ths of tha existing officers and servanU ofthe ¦ Made In 8 lUo of 40, K) ajid : ,. (ny27.0n)» gtwl nlo«r i not J Corporation, and in particular ta alter the tenure ol raised ky the BIU for «uah ^topest* I •. T 1 i . ;; ameno 1 . i \9i dndlo Povrar. ; j : AT 10, BAB^ONSTRAin) i STBEET, wkTERFORD. .: effico ot tie Borouch Tretsoref, and to authorise the To liter, , ««, cr rtseal so far ss msy be¦ nrcesswy A hlgb-cUui centraldraught /or the purpoaea of the Kill tlo /ollowiDg acts, Charters ¦ Corporationto appoint him a Collector of Grtai Jury »nd , or Lamp. No bettor lams ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ Orders, or some ci thern, vlx—3i^ *tb Via, e»i>. J03, BB4 proeuratije. Bsaptlful ¦ • ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ '' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Cenor Prnmtrnrnt Rate or otherwise in the borough, fifh sad 7tli Via. cap.sj, rdaaaj lo Muoidpal Corporiton* . si^ulw lltfiifc. EaatwimlMkl l i - i i - i! ask. ! w&E3E 5%rjLBsrjr - \ . . . . la U«W tlie Act eih taiytU William IV £ad to remunaratehim by »»Uiy: ot«ttoTwi»o., • ; . , cap. Juf relsun» 'EH wwt\fepiB> ly IMH simple, safe. I toGwndJiirieJt fbe * Dutioa (Sootludtnd Ireland) (Oppo ^UO to^i To confcr oh tho Coiporation nil rnch othir povren its Aot, 1888 1 ths Kntaoe Aci J89t ; tbeana the BECV ITA B I fq«t. QBol). ,; /.] ^l , W>t«rford, Dangarvsn m jESgE^^SjMM*»^gay^^gtaaK ^IMKISjBM r & ," tnay bo necessary« r erpedientot to be inrolred in the land Ustoore n»llway Ae^' 1^ iV«tcr/or«V Danl Bra ' In 9 sizosof 20snd 30-Candlo High! iStreet and I Barropsirapd sjreet CTtvinand LitmoroJtoilwij , ^ ' jWater ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ proposedextension oi tha boiougb boundariesand in tha Ad 1673, reUtinUr fo the Water- ¦HH^HMUHsr - ' i ' andPower. - [ ; ford ' ¦ . 1 i"«»»oiiaiafl«ri». . 1 j : .- ,. . e»ten«ion alteration ford, DupgarrauandlAimon Kallway Companyi tho Act 4 ; ^HHUB P r A c««p popularlamp, I frtm lorofoU ' ' proposed i , ! addition, tad ' is- Anne/cap. Hi Qva :c*p. I ¦ orKtlr-. - . ;. i SBingSieiit of Wwda. ¦¦ : '!. ; ¦' '¦ rg* /. 16* 0«tm III, cap. 1M. -J3 jfiflBHr^Bkj' '! ' clrottl4r TTlck.;: ; ' [<. audit George III, csp. t3 ; the WaterMrS Water AOL IKVI • . tS&snsshi«™» " / ' M To amend Section 03 ol.- tho Municipal Corporations and ths Acts therein referred V> I th« WJieifonl Waterworks ' ¦ iar Provisional Order, 11876 ; the Watorford ""M 1"»"'>tiaspSlw A 80 Candle Power jlamp. urauaujA ra. iowr^iw urovjae ttw iednction of Corporation Da. i of tto CounoU j of Hie b«ntnr» Stock Aot, 1889 ¦ the Waterford EJoctrioMiEtloK tta^quomn Corportdon »t Ordir, 1892, relatiof to the ObrponUion, 1 sad ail other A£t£ B0Wfi¥3 !«|adBD0i. " ••¦AiJaoAcM" 1 ccfinitry monthly or other meeting*, Mai to make iToriiional Orden, Charten or 'Seeds mlatlng to the Cor. v ¦ *°«»>f°£gtof jt °>' .i^HCTOKilAi SI/ATjES; u to the date and othttivisa oiE. tha poTsiioo. the said Onnd Jprios or the' aaid Compaur, or •|. . : (»Ur> : . ! . ] ; ¦ ptotidtmi maurterir way be the | , I ; i IN8TBAP OP WELSH SLATES AifD ENptlSH lBd». j | istettBg ot ilM CoaDoiL at presenttaqoin dto t« hold wbi^> ne<»«Mr7 forth*wrp9«e «0' Bill. , I ~ "" I ! To faoorppraf* with tie jBOJ/ with «och nodUoxtlcmso i nUnnlUANt o! oottte lit day of Novemberin each jear. taay be requUlt* or «ooe of the provisions of iLANItHN A Xt 0»nai« Power lamp. 1 Archltioi vfriu*-" We 'ira : mnoh plUwsd ¦•Hb W»terford ; «11 the Town* 1 ;« ' .^Sl^^ *?"& tiem." rv.1 aii^, 0\>rep»»lSection 6Ool th» Watdr Act, ImproramintClauses Act Wit t W ;TOwt-s Invprotdttwnt ; Wikltoat.WlBamari ~°? ',.1 ™'j!°/<"l&.r- ' l$7lf and to extiadtlM prorisjow erf tho said iot asd (irclsaalAet, UH . andl? n«od!belortedn± niter, rtpeaj rfffi atioTi Order, or extetiil orerL oe extended: boroo»;h any of tbvtiritUlwu tawp «4 the ElectHoLi ghting 189% ;•» H» p» thoW^AtH, or'either of them. whi|h may W Perfect ^Door ^, /i*Lifif"ll QaMjCo i Wte^»I«oowmeiid ftieni iftb,obe»pett«nd best eBii ten Mel" ' ym#BW b«**i«ldedb» th» Bill, Over tha newdirtrict «it«n the iuThe^bi eo • UtOf. ' . .-. : .. .¦ ijaJ ,C«n11 tortfujh. Act ¦ ' ) - i ¦ ii ¦ . . . ¦; -QBO of th» boai and JL tha ea.Io.at A>chltect, Dobliit wrlUw-SiThe Vlctorl. Hi better ' -.jwd'HWPjW' .taaiwllh * proviiion*U th« said Ac* l« 2S i$'^li£2 ? v T' ' ««illed ¦¦VnhH 8* I* • »«4 «ti2 ^1 DP NOT. TjflE iiirr.PTHlBB, ¦'•^ffi^* »• wt *W ^tr'F ft» l Biigor." ExUWUon.,1888, ud Ood BiblMUoi lB^A •ndwtbeorHO mdHbmfer L*l« pbrpo**.ot to« BiU ^ ^^ ¦ 4- - '4^:^ i*U^»V|.: 1 . P&a^Irmwitilii l ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ : -i'L,' " ¦P": ' '" '- ' :M ; V ' K-i^i- • I . • "' ¦.. • •I 'T ':.: 'Micf cb f»ii ?nt.tjPAitTi qrtABsBEH JBDUTBW ^At^cAfnoi'W .. - li dmll iMtrAorsndotnf ^W i lli Oiii/iwya ^ compa£ and InoSeiill ue^beJa:l tb«**«,'l boili»t> M *$, ^ tonedjoat witUfla.liu.iiV "pSTton noi jtrpit X m$®mwmm2 • W ?*#«• «< *2M*p*wa- *•!• jut 7J0TOBIA I SUIB OlIAliffiS; OflmntLArt-fe-.