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Klip^Ip '¦-' .'•J! ...I f i.iA>jvy^wixr /:y m- wmmmmvvm THE WATERFORD eHROHICIBflUTO^ WITH. THIS JOURNALd MAY 9, 1849. f REGISTERED FOR } ¦DT?Tni7 f SD(GI'E COPY—2d VOL. XXXH. NO. 25 { TRANSMISSION ABROAD.- j JTjXX^'JjilBY POST—2Jd. ~~ " THE WATERFOBD HEWS," ~~~ ESTABH8HKD—1SJ7. : ; PRINTING ! PRINTING ! — ' gtailtw ;T): ..fJFT - W hotels. I LARGEST CIBCOLATION IH THS SOUTH OF IBEI JJD ******* - . - ;V::^,ASSm,N A. WAHET TOTT ST] PuMMtA entry i"£IDj<r, ond &oond£d«'ttm on SATURDAY^ " ABTCHOa" MITE. WATEBFOBD AND CENTRAL ICELAND AND GREAT TC5LOBE HOTEL, Effective arrangements exist at THE NEWS Office at Not. -19 and 50 """"" KILKENNY JUNCTION EAILWAY8. £Sr ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE TRADE) RINTING Morn.*}., , JKnj-Stre.t, ¦ '' LOWER BRtDflE-STREET, DUBLIN , for P of every description, including (OPPOSITETHE PEOT1VOIAI. BUtX). ¦ Transatlantic¦ JANDAET, 1881. / ' . .. , , Peninsular, Mediterranean, and The shortest route from 3frs. RICHARD COFf EY of POSTERS, Bill-beads, Circulars, Note Headings PBICB-TWO PENCE ; Yearly (in Advanoo),8s.6a Oriental attamthipt. ' Waterfoidand Kilkenny to-Dublin , Proprietress (wiiow tin Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices, By Post (Yearly), Athlono, Parsonatown, or Nenagh, is' via Maryborough. EN; POWER & SON'S late RICHARD COFFEYJ. 10s. 6d. ATLANTIC SERVICE. TRAIH AJLTiRi-nons—The 8-SO aim. ¦ Memorandums, , Coursing, All Choauoa and P. O. Orders, Down, and (TsOp.m <«? " 7, 8, AND 33, GREAT GEORGE'S-ST., WATERFORD Rent Receipts, Rentals J5&T mads pavable T UBLIN TO NEW YORK DIRECT.— Up Excursion Tn\lna on Sundays,-, discontinued. Hunt, Race, and Invitation Cards, and all the to CORNELIUS KEDMOND, at this Office. * DJL ¦ Central ;. immediate neighbourhood ¦ ¦ ' ' as foUows :- FROU ' ' " MOST • ¦ oc, . WATEarOBJD. .. Forms used in Poor Law Uuions. i to the great , depression of Trade, of Law Courts and Tolegraph Offices ; a fow S.S. O^ LYMPIA ... Thursday, 18th OWING ¦¦ we have purchased Eome large LOTS of GOODS YE LET to or Aug., 1881 •" TBAIKS OH WXBK DATS. I 8OHD1T8 ; ¦¦ ¦¦ •¦¦¦ ' doors from King' to-ten 83^ E - LABELS any size pattern ; The NEWS (liberal in politics) circulates extensively S.S.' ITALIA ; ... do 1st Sept 1881 3: at unexceptionally LOW PRICES : s Bridge Tramway Line ; fivo , ; ¦ minutea' drive to any Cify Railway ; nowly deooratod • Machine-Ruling, Book-Binding, and, in fact, every amongst the morohants, traders and nobility, gontry, S.S. ASSYRIA do 15th Sept, 1881 STATIOKB. ;1 2&31 4 2 1243Gooa»]123 ,'1 23 TOILET SETS, ' " rJlij ' 3s. 6d. upwards. I TEA SETS 10s. 6d. upwards. ]' re-furnished, and supplied with every modern improve- thing that can be done in a firs t-class 1'rinting (arming olasses, &c, in Watorford, Kilkenny,Tipperary, , LONBONDKBRT to KTKW YOEK direct-Regular Sail- Class Class Class. Class, Clan/Class BREAKFAST SETS . ; :/:,'4,\ 16s. Gd. „ | TABLE do. (all patterns) 17a. 6d. „ and the south of Ireland gonoraUy. The NEWS hag ingsing every Friday. Thone Vessols leave New York A.st,.j P.K. I P.M. | r.u noon ; p.x. ment requisite for tho comfort of visitors, under the Establishment. attainod a circulation noror equalled by any) paper everyevl Saturday for personal supervision otMrs. COFFET and familyi- Londonderry. AIBO, a splendid CoU&tion of Dresden and Sevre China, suitable for Wedding from the published in Watorford, and is admittedly the leading J A E S —Dnolin to New York—Saloon Cabin, '.£12 12s |hmjh. m.'Km. h.m. h. m.i p.m. Eggs, Butter, Croain^nd Vegetables Farm NOW READY , an(K * , Waturford, departure' 7-IS I 1 0 1 .4. 0 6 15 12 0 6 50 ¦ ' ¦ ' • : ¦ ¦ ¦: - daily. Notwithstanding present high rates, teriris'. are Printed on Good Paper, and in iargo clear Type, journal in this important city, with whichthere is direct and^U Mg.' Steerage, JC6 6«. Londonderry to New Kilmocow 7 25i>l 10 .4 10 6 35 12 10" '7'0 . ! . .- . .:; . \$j £ : V: < ..;, Presents.all the 16 mostmoderato. Breakfeets B daily communication from London. Yo on c w £va ^u 14« i6s MulUnavat 7 35 j — i,4 20 6 45 12 20, 7 10 E^T -are most from 1 . 3d. Beds; from A NEW EDITION SeoondSetS? • ,; ?. l2* > . «> - ¦ ; SERVICES artistic Patte Is. 6d. each. Table d'Hoto daily, threo o'clock^ Sun- Particular attention paid to commercial and agricul- . Cabin(Inoluding ^ ' all necessaries for the* ^voyage), Ballyhale 7 55 1 35 4 40 7 15 12 45 7 30 . Our STOCK of DBS^ of NeweatLand rns OF '.oral matters. *8£& 8s. Steerage,'£6 6s. Thomaatown 8 10 1 50 -4 55 730 1 0' 750 ¦ ' days, five o'clock. Soup, Two JointB, Vegetables arid'¦ ^ Bennetsbridge 8 25 ; 2 5l5.fi 745 1-15' 8 5 •' •- . - . :•¦ ¦ - i. '^f/ifi:: . ¦ and Designs. \ Cheese, 2s. only, . ¦'¦ ' - - . .. BUTLER'S CATECHISM. By special ' v _ Advertisements roceived tor tho NEWS by all respeot- arrangements with the Railway Compa- Kilkanny arriral 8 « 2 20 | 5 25 8 30 1 SO. 8 25 ' ' iblo Newspaper Ajjonts in the United Kingdom. Pro- nies, passengers for the " Anchor" Line are forwarded CRESTS AND MOf iXQRAMS EXECUTED ON OLASs, CHINA , AND IRONSTONE. A Night Porter in attendance. All Servants paid by. TO THE to Unbhn Do: departure 8 55 j 2 30 . 5 35 — 1 «! 8 35 the Proprietress.-" All communications to boaddrossed,' CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS, &o paymont requisite from parties not known at top office. and Londonderry at greatly reduced rates.. Ballyragget 9 20)2 (;0 0 : — 25855 '¦ : , ' - On Passengers ' AGENT^pOR MUTTONS & COPELAND'S CHINA. , ¦;; - Mrs. 5QFFEY, Great Globe Hotel, ;>. Sale at . The News Office , booked through to all parts of the United Attanagh 9 SS , 3 0 : 6 10 — 2 15' 9 5 BALLS AND/Pljrtjidg : " . ¦ "¦ AQENT8 States and Abbeyleiz 9 60 1 3 15 25 — 2 30 9 20 , PABTIEB. , BTIPPtlED.wrtH Clrt'-LkBT AND Atl, OTHEB RKQUI8ITES. - - . .»• •. - ' Lower Bridge-street, Dublin. , With the Recommendation' of the Bishop of Waterford FOE SALE OY THE NEWS, AND FOB Canada. ! 6 - ADVEETI8KMKNT8 : . - . ! Drafts on America for sums of £1 and upwards issued Maryboro' arrival10 15 j(8 45 i 7 0 [ — 3 , 0 9 40 SPBOIAI/ ;AT ?XJrTION GrVHN TO MATCHINOS IN GLAB8 AND CHINA. (s26.2y ' No communication with any other house. f26.1y " -¦ and Liamore, the Right Rev. Dr. POWBR WATEBFOED—Mr. W. KELLY, Little George's-sti free of charge.' . , ¦ Mal-yboronghdep. uplO 53 4 2 : — • — — — A Catechism for tie Instruction of Children, Apply to local FortorllngtouJuno....;ll 11 1. 4 17 . ; — i — — —' ADELAIDE HOUSE TBAMORE—Miss CLANCY, Refreshment Booms, in Agents throughout Ireland ; to HBN- Dublin arrival 115 i 5.40 ' ' — ' , Strand-street. ' . DBMON_BROTHBRS, 47, Union-street, Glasgow ; 30, AUlone June. arrivl 4 45 , 8 SO ! — i — — — 9,.HADDINaTpN TERR4.CE,-KINGSTPJVN MOST - Rev.' Drr^JA^^TJTLER, Arch- OVE Square. ¦ Foyle-Btreet, Xondonderry ; DENIS .LYONS Ma-qrboro". dep. down l0 30.;.T-.. 701 i T-. .. — '952 PASSAGE EAST—The Misses L , Hotel, , Listowel ; '1 bishop of Cashel and Emly. CARRIOK-ON-SUtB—Mr J. M: MUEPHT, News Agent. rto • HENDERSON BROTHERS, Balljbionhv ...: 10 56- — 7 48 ! — — 10 21 .& rnHOMAS LURRING RECOMMENDATION : J. G. ? .v> Ro.«r»*;.......-.:..:-,.. ::tU • 8 3 has much pleasure in Advts.) INO ON (myl4.^f) . .-_,,: . , 13 Ed«n-qnay,Dublin. '. 84 — i — — - OKE " Iappi/ro of of this Edition LONDON-^For K & S , 10, Bolt ^ Faiaonstown !12 4' — .9,0.1 . , -L informing MB Friends and the Publio, that the of the Right Rev Dr. , London, E.C. ' . "" ¦ : KOBE co. JAM88 BUTLER'S Catechism Conrt, Fleet-strcot ' 8S¦ I ' " W^ above Establishment is still carried , and recommond it to the Neiiagh.; ;_:........|1» . — 9 20 . — — — ^0 on as heretotore, — ¦ — — to intimate J UBLIN—Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SON, Abbey- watorfor d Steamship Company Tesiplemere • ;....ri 18 ' '— , 8 17 — — •! 10 54 BEG the RETURN, of their BUYERS from the MARKETS with a LARGE and and solicits a continuanco of Faithful of these Dioceses. VARIED ASSORTMENT of tho patronage 60 liberally ctrcet. (litUITED). Ttatt-Ics arrfTal 136, — '835.. — . — ! — bestowed. mh4.1y ?J " JOHN POWER, R.C.B. INTENDED ORDER OF SAILING—NOV., 1881 " Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1879." . ¦ STEAMZES j TOWATEBTOIP . ' A VS TJ UVt AND WINTB B - GOO-D S , BOATS ¦• KOYAL TALBOT ORDERS from any part of the Diocese, sent in and THE IBISH REGINALD, COMERAGH • '¦ ' ' ¦' • ' COUPBIEINO !— , LARA, ZEPHYR, i TBAUa-OH WIXK DAIS. tUITOATS FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BRISTOL. directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher, GALTEE, RANGER, IDA, TINTERN, ROSA, EX- Waterford News Office , 49 King-Btreet ¦:¦ •• I DBESSES—Some Cboico and Useful Materials in all the NSW TWEEDS, SERGES, JAMES REYNOLDS ATEEEE , promptly at- WHITE STAR LINE PRESS, and Steamer building. CTATIOBS.' .. ; |-l?»lia3, a-42il*8 Hi i. , C , tended to. ¦¦ jClaas. Class. Class/Class. 1243124a ; , ' NOyELLE; and'FRENCH CASHMERES, ic. (Late of tho Christopher Hotel,' Bath.) The Trado snpplied ou moderato terms. ROYAL AND ' "XT-OTICE. — Tho .Waterford ¦. .. May be had MAIL STEAMERS, "V-lli V . ; . •- : AJC. i A.M.;J A.M. .( J.M. CIaai CIass. A fow minutes' walk from tho Joint Station. Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in UNITED STATES ^NafitaTtKs. -Ll . 8teamshipCompany (limited) | | UILLINEB.T—A very large , and . carefully-selected assortment of LADIES' BONNETS and the Diocese. J" ' ' z«c Qoods and lira Stock for Sblp- rTlHE Hotel is open for the Mails. Ni ht -, «* NOTICE.—The Steamers of thin lif11l»iVil i *^«on the ... , i m'iih!'n'. i h m [..h m hmj pm ... HATS, in Plush, Satin," Velvet, Beaver, Fur, and Straw of every description. g lino take the Lano Routes, rccom- *^^^^gH[B|B B(^nient condittonx montloned in -L Portor in attendance Tram Cars from the Hotol _ "DILLIARD BALLS ^nsslii M lVs. , B ' ' ' ~ \ s , C HALKP , ¦ Bailing 1M¦ , Ac., to ¦ be bad at theb ¦ i' " MAJTriES—ThisDepartment will be found replete with all the Latest Patterns in MANTLES, door every five minutes.
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