The 2005 Japan-Russia Energy Forum Vladimir I
ERINA REPORT Vol. 64 2005 JULY 特集 新潟・日ロエネルギーフォーラム2005/ The 2005 Japan-Russia Energy Forum Vladimir I. Ivanov1 Director, Research Division, ERINA The 2005 Energy Forum, which took place in Niigata a high-capacity oil pipeline from Eastern Siberia, linked on March 8-9 at the Toki Messe Conference Center, was to an export oil terminal in southern Primorskiy Krai. The the second international conference of this kind. Just over problem of funding and international participation in this a year earlier, ERINA’s first Energy Forum was held as venture attracts continuous attention. Japan has thus far the culmination of a project entitled Energy Security and proposed the scheme for supporting this project, although Sustainable Development in Northeast Asia: Prospects for there has been some interest shown by China and the ROK. Cooperative Policies, which ERINA had implemented in Secondly, there is growing interest in Japan in the collaboration with the Northeast Asia Economic Forum abundant reserves of natural gas to be found in new sources from 2001.2 This dialogue and research project supported in Eastern Russia, including Sakhalin, Eastern Siberia and by the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership was Yakutia. Greater reliance on this fuel in the Northeast Asian aimed primarily at discussing energy security and relevant subregion offers the prospect of reduced dependence on oil policy issues in a multilateral format. and higher efficiency in the power sector, compared with coal, as well as the signi cant environmental bene ts that Background natural gas-based applications can offer. In this context, The spotlight of the Forum3 was on dialogue the progress made in implementing the Sakhalin II project concerning such practical topics as the Eastern Siberia- and the success of marketing arrangements for its output oil pipeline project (the Paci c pipeline, for short) serve as pioneering examples.
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