National Alopecia Areata Foundation A YEAR OF HEROES

2018 Annual Report If you or someone

In 2018, the movie screens were full of superheroes and so was our community! If you close to you has wanted to see Black Panther, or Aquaman, chances are you had to wait in line. Yet we at the National Alopecia Areata Foundation saw superheroes every day without ever alopecia areata and having to buy a ticket. Kate Ekman and Anamarie Tan were a classic dynamic duo as they met with legislators in Southern California and on Capitol Hill, and convinced congressional representatives you’ve acted to help to support NAAF’s efforts by co-sponsoring H.R. 2925, legislation that would help the entire American alopecia areata community by providing coverage for cranial prosthetics as durable medical equipment under the Medicare program. These two the community in powerhouse young women are emblematic of the many dedicated community members who make up the Legislative Liaisons, a program that grows more effective every year.

some way, you too Andrea Konopka displayed her superpowers of understanding and personalized support as she mentored Amelie Olofsson on how to better cope and grow stronger from her own alopecia areata experience. And other Youth Mentors did the same! 2018 was the are a superhero. first full year of our Youth Mentor program, and its growth has been phenomenal as more and more children and teens with alopecia areata—and their parents—benefit from the experiences of other young people with the same disease.

Dory Kranz Arash Mostaghimi, ace alopecia areata investigator, summoned the power of the voice President and Chief Executive Officer of the patient to better illuminate the burden of this disease and demonstrate how vital patient input can help develop better treatment outcomes and even insurance approval. Arash also harnessed the dynamism of scientific discovery to create a more accurate and up-to-date prevalence study, helping researchers better understand not just how many people are affected by alopecia areata but the severity of the condition.

And like a certain animated superhero family, the Kaye family united to form an Bob Flint incredible team of action and support with their sponsorship of the Youth Mentor Chair, Board of Directors program. Additionally, Ernie Kaye courageously brought alopecia areata awareness to the fore with his poetry, photography and bold presentation to his school.

These are the community member superheroes we spotlight in the pages of this annual report, but there are so many more out there. If you or someone close to you has alopecia areata and you’ve acted to help the community in some way, you too are a superhero. In the tradition of Peter “Spiderman” Parker or Diana “Wonder Woman” MISSION Prince, your own school or workplace may not know all the good you’ve done . . . but we do. And so does the alopecia areata community. On behalf of them, we thank you and pledge to honor your heroism by redoubling our efforts to bring about a world without NAAF supports research to find suffering from alopecia areata—a world built by heroes like you. a cure or acceptable treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease, and educates the public about Bob Flint Dory Kranz alopecia areata. Chair, Board of Directors President and Chief Executive Officer


1,447 6,967 148 people participate in inquiries are answered, Mentors and 107 and are helped by 133 630 Ella dolls are Mentees participate in NAAF support group shipped, and 133 NAAF’s Youth Mentor When I was diagnosed with alopecia totalis at a young age, I didn’t know anyone meetings around the people are assisted program, resulting in with a similar experience. I grew up in a supportive environment, but I wish I had had country. with wig purchases by matches. a mentor who could relate to my struggles and with whom I could share personal 54 thoughts and ask questions: How do I tell my friends? What treatments are available? grants from NAAF.

I am thankful to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation for building the Youth Mentor program and providing children and teenagers a support network. I am proud to be a part of this community and serve as a Youth Mentor. 2,646 new posts created by 691 When I was matched to my mentee, Amelie, I was overwhelmed with honor and excitement. Amelie is a five-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with alopecia 931 members of the people attend universalis. During our first interaction, an introductory phone call, I spoke mostly new alopecia areata the annual NAAF to her parents and shared my story while answering any initial questions. We then community of the Conference. 102 arranged to meet in-person. I arrived at the restaurant and saw a beautiful, yet rather shy ballerina with no head covering. I walked in, and after introducing myself, online SmartPatients attendees (including I proceeded to take off my winter hat along with my bandana, a staple item in my organization. 40 children and teens) wardrobe. I wanted Amelie to see that my head was also totally hairless. Each time I receive scholarships see Amelie, I take off my bandana and each time she opens up a little more. Due to helping pay for a her young age, Amelie may not understand treatments or social perceptions, but she understands that she is not alone. For that reason, and many more, I feel blessed to portion of the cost. be Amelie’s mentor; this experience has been very rewarding. Amelie inspires me to be a better advocate for the alopecia community and I have even been embracing “the bald look.”

As someone who has 18 (and counting) years of experience, there are highs and lows to this autoimmune disorder. I will continue mentoring Amelie throughout her alopecia journey, or for as long as she needs a mentor or a friend. As Amelie matures, she will have more questions and I am ready to answer them. To anyone coping with alopecia, please reach out to me or someone in our supportive community we are willing, able, and anxious to help!


NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 6 Since 2012 we have better informed and built AWARENESS & ADVOCACY relationships with our elected officials through RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS AND ENHANCING HOW the Legislative Liaison ALOPECIA AREATA IS PERCEIVED AND APPROACHED program. These community members meet with and educate their congressional representatives and senators both at home and on Capitol Hill. Throughout 2018 $2 billion 6 440 million the Legislative Liaisons secured the support of 23 increase in funding senate offices meet impressions created congressmen and women approved by Congress with Gary Sherwood by 49 media mentions who agreed to cosponsor the for medical research and Legislative of alopecia areata bill H.R. 2925, which would programs at the Liaisons Allyson Saca and/or NAAF in such have reclassified cranial prosthetics as durable medical equipment eligible for Medicare (the bill will be National Institutes of and Ebony Jean during diverse outlets as reintroduced with a new number in 2019). Among our most energetic legislative Health which is the a separate mini-Hill USA Today, Sports champions are the two-woman team of Kate Ekman (pictured left) and Anamarie amount for which we Day in an effort to find Illustrated, CNN, Tan (pictured right). were advocating. Of an author for a senate the BBC, and many Meeting Anamarie was really special for me because she was the first woman that, $605 million, an companion bill to others help spread with alopecia I’d met who lives her life bald. She told me her unique story and I $18.4 million increase H.R. 2925. awareness. admired her resilience and style. Plus, teaming up worked! We were selected to go over the previous to Washington DC for Hill Day together, and we set up NAAF fundraisers to help the organization with the cost of the trip. I realized I’d never had a tangible way for fiscal year, is slated for my friends and family to support me with my disease. My work with NAAF and the the National Institute inspiration I felt from seeing Anamarie thrive has helped me “come out.” In DC we of Arthritis and 244 17,391 advocated with other Legislative Liaisons, which was a really wonderful experience Musculoskeletal and of camaraderie. And it led us to success in securing Rep. Ted Lieu’s co-sponsorship Legislative Liaisons viewers see 10 of H.R. 2925! Skin Diseases which (40 coming aboard community videos has an alopecia areata in 2019) participate during Awareness KATE EKMAN, Legislative Liason portfolio. in 72 legislative Month What’s Your Being involved with the Legislative Liaison program was a truly life-changing meetings both in Super Power? experience. I found my passion for advocacy and awareness, and connected with district offices at home campaign which raises my first real-life alopecia friend, Kate! I learned how powerful my voice can be and in Washington, $110,000. when having open conversations about my appearance as a bald woman. I also

learned the importance of raising awareness about alopecia. Shortly after, I was 79 DC, including our invited by NAAF to go to Washington, DC, to advocate at Capitol Hill! Having our Hill volunteer-led events 5th annual Day on Day to look forward to, I was inspired to create a team fundraiser with family and spread awareness and Capitol Hill. This is friends during Alopecia Awareness Month, and we raised over $5,000! Seeing this raise $264,000. our largest Hill Day to accomplishment and securing Rep. Lieu’s co-sponsorship has encouraged me to continue using my voice to raise awareness and create change. date outside of our DC NAAF conferences, ANAMARIE TAN, Legislative Liason and we plan to grow it further.


113 $556,283 18 researchers and in research funding, clinical studies gain interested parties through current grant recruits via NAAF website, representing 35 awards and future emails and social media NAAF WORKS WITH SUPER HEROES academic institutions commitments support channels. IN RESEARCH TO FIND A TREATMENT and research centers 7 basic, translational, across the globe, 34 and clinical research 2018 marked another exciting year of progress for the alopecia areata biopharmaceutical projects in alopecia 2 community. As our partnerships between patients, scientists, and industry mature we industry areata publications elevate are closer every day to the first of hopefully many safe, effective, and FDA-approved representatives, the significant burdens therapies for alopecia areata. While developing new medications is tremendously 10 representatives and impacts of alopecia exciting, it is critical that we simultaneously continue to build a foundation of research from government areata. that translates the impact that alopecia areata has on patients from anecdotes and 23 stories to rigorous data that can be used to convince government agencies and other organizations, Health and Research insurers to approve and pay for these medications. and 26 early career Ambassadors investigators participate participate in 7 Fortunately, with the support of NAAF, industry partners and the alopecia community in 2-day Research roundtables and focus travel grants totaling itself, we are making progress on this front as well. In the past year, publications Summit to set the groups to inform support young on the financial burden of alopecia areata on patients, the impact of alopecia $8,400 areata on sexual quality of life, and the utilization of mental health resources and strategic direction industry of patient investigators. complementary therapies by patients with alopecia areata have started to quantify for our Treatment preferences. the impact of this disease on patients. These studies, in combination with ongoing Development Program. advocacy efforts by the NAAF community are beginning to justify to the Food and Drug Administration and insurers the critical needs of patients with alopecia areata. Ultimately, the benefits of new and effective medications for alopecia areata can only be realized when these drugs are paid for by insurance and affordable for patients from all socioeconomic backgrounds. I am thankful to NAAF and its members for their ongoing efforts in this area, and with continued and systematic effort I am excited for a future where the significance and value of treatments for alopecia areata are no longer up for debate, but an accepted standard in healthcare.

■ NAAF and Collaborative consortium develop ■ NAAF coordinates publication of “Alopecia draft patient-reported outcomes instrument Areata is a Medical Disease” article to ARASH MOSTAGHIMI, MD, MPA, MPH for alopecia areata and an initial briefing help elevate awareness of the tremendous ASSISTANT PROFESSOR report is submitted to the Food and Drug physical, emotional, and social toll of alopecia DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY Administration. areata on affected individuals and move the BRIGHAM & WOMEN’S HOSPITAL public agenda forward. ■ FDA releases its Voice of the Patient Report highlighting the significant psychosocial ■ NAAF transfers administration and ownership impacts of living with alopecia areata to help of Alopecia Areata Registry data and drive the benefit risk assessment of potential associated samples for the next phase of new treatments. growth and accessibility, ensuring its longevity.


2018 OPERATING REVENUES* 2018 OPERATING EXPENSES S/B $2,110,715 $2,563,689


I was diagnosed with alopecia areata during my freshman year of high school. My sudden hair loss was difficult to cope with and resulted in my wearing hats Contributions - 42% Support & Education - 41% everywhere, covering as much of my face as possible. Embarrassed by the onset Grants & Sponsorships - 22% Treatment Development - 30% of my alopecia, I avoided telling my friends for weeks, and was often laughed at for Awareness & Fundraising Events - 20% Awareness & Advocacy - 11% my “new look.” After months of feeling depressed, it was time for me to take action. Treatment Development Services - 8% Fundraising - 12% I was introduced to NAAF, and we have since formed a powerful relationship. I am Conference and Publications - 8% Administration - 6% grateful for all that NAAF has helped me accomplish through two years of support. *Note: Total operating revenue excludes a net investment return of ($87,910) Last year, I delivered a speech at my former middle school on “being different.” It marked the first time that I shared my story to a group of people, and NAAF was there to support me. For my school photography project, I created a book dedicated ENDING NET ASSETS THE COMPLETE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE to alopecians, taking portraits of wonderful people willing to be a part of my project $2,650,454 AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE AT NAAF.ORG OR BY MAIL FROM THE SAN RAFAEL OFFICE thanks to introductions made by NAAF. With the help of NAAF, my family and I have launched a fundraiser to help support the Youth Mentor Program. So far, we have 2018 Donors raised 75 percent of our initial goal of $250,000!

My character has grown immensely over the past two years. Learning to cope with a DIAMOND BENEFACTORS PLATINUM BENEFACTORS disease that makes me look different has made me a stronger, more compassionate $50,000-$150,000 $25,000-$49,999 person. I am so fortunate to have NAAF in my life. Mitchell and Nancy Kaye Jeffrey and Jenny Kelter Matthew and Stacy Perry Industry Sponsors Aclaris Therapeutics Industry Sponsors ERNIE KAYE, Concert Pharmaceuticals Bioniz Therapeutics NAAF COMMUNITY MEMBER Eli Lilly Leo Pharma Pzifer

We are grateful for the collective generosity of our supporters.

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 16 GOLD BENEFACTORS Richard Murphy and Maya Holton BENEFACTORS $10,000-$24,999 Kate Mulligan Tim Irvine $1,000-$2,499 Peg and Ed Breslow Sofia Nasr Monica Kim and Annabel Abrams Stephen Chaletzky Debora and Luis Pellicano Peyton Hemann Johnnie and Rex Amonette and Eleanor Peters Wiet Pot Melissa King Cynthia and Woody Andrews Leslie Dumont and Fred Levin Darlenys and Gladys Rosa Noel Kratzmann Rose Bauer-Apostolakos and Judith Glick Debra and John Socks Isha Kumar Constantinos Apostolakos Amanda Hansel Sandra and Bruce Swanson Kerry Long Judy Bank Ann S. Hedges Anamarie Tan Mary Longsine Harris Barer Andrea and Jerry Knutson Josh Tenuta Keith and Maria Mahnken David Bartash Jenn, Jon and Alayna Kraus Ranjit and Rupal Thaker Maggie McBennett Max Berger David Kroin Erin Thorvaldson Roberta Miller Donna Blank Susan G. MacMillan Shankar Vedaraman David Moody John and Sonya Bowman Deirdre Nero Mary and Ed Wojtowicz Jennifer and Jimmy Moya Linda and Paul Brady Michelle O’Shea Jim O’Connell Paula Brestensky Kim Shanahan Foundations & Organizations Kate C. Paley Steven and Susan Burlingame Mrs. Natalie Silverstein Friedman Family Foundation Jason and Emily Pierce Victor and Helen Castillo Lawrence and Sandra Small William P Butler Rev Trust Brian and Danielle Quarles Mike and Janis Chapman Adam, Jamie and Eric Wagner McKenna and Gregory Reitz The Chaudhary Family Businesses Pam, David and Talia Rubins Tiffany and Jared Chupaila SILVER BENEFACTORS BTIG, LLC Brice and Laurence Russian Bruce Cleland $5,000-$9,999 Downtown Chiropractic Eileen and Doug Smyers John M. Connors Maria Beckett Horizon Trust & Investment Dan Spiteri Jim and Marilyn Cook Michael Benedek Management Robert Taglich Bradley Curtis Peggy and Jay Bokulic Murray Hill Chiropractic Amanda and Adam Wagner Shamsha Damani Mary Bundrant Rozina Damani Carl and Susanne Chiappa BRONZE BENEFACTORS Foundations & Organizations Daniela Delaney Warren and Jinhong Deitch $2,500-$4,999 Alben F. Bates & Clara G. Bates Carl DeTorres Susan DeLaGarza Allie, Jon and Coleman Bridges Foundation Jolayne Devers Robert and Ana Flint Christie and Kevin Davenport Cause Fund Kim and Robert Dolliver Wendy and Brian Gorgacz Rajiv and Shamita Dewan Cloverfields Foundation Brian and Cassandra Downes Maura,Tricia and Mark Hashem Lynn and David Dickens Dale and Max Christina Dunning Ann Hollins Allison Dunlop-Keenan Berger Family Trust Catherine Dyer Linda Kaye David Dynof, MD Lampert Byrd Family Fund Scott and Debbie Eagle Josh and Kiah Lang Jim and Carla Flug Silicon Valley Community David Ebersman Marty Magpuri John Foren Foundation Braden Edwards Leigh and William Matthes Christine Gardner Somerset Academy Bay Caryl Ellis Eisen and Maureen McGettigan Peter Greene Morris Eisen Lisa and Brad McIlwee David and Ami Handler Businesses Kate Ekman Angela Mezo Marilyn Hirsch and C & K Healing Touch Kirk and Lisa Emiliani Gary Gordon, MD, PhD Emerson Automation Solutions Cecil Flamer Nero Immigration Law

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 18 Deb and Chad Frazell Vanessa Loy Nancy Stark and Stanley Lezman Foundations & Organizations Sowmiya Gangadharan and Jim Lucey Steven and Farrel Starker Amazon Smile Guru Mathur Celeste Lutrario Ann Marie Steele Corporate Kids Events James Gassel Ken Ma and Wendy Yu Joseph Stein Enterprise Holdings Foundation Danika Goolsby Barbara and Stewart Mandell Mary Ann Stepp Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Linda and Leo Gordon Anne Mantsios Errol Stern Lipkin Family Foundation Nichole Gordon Marie Mason Bethany Storm and Marlboro High School Julian Grant Nancy N Matthews Josie Emond Nicholas Endowment Jane Graybill Claire McCarthy Jessica, Ryan and The Elno Family Foundation Nora Grose and Elizabeth and Gordon McNabb Audrey Sunnenberg The Perlmutter Family Madison Farrand Grose Charlotte and Brian Mitchell Aileen and Kirt Switzer Foundation Gerri Grossmann Bonnie and Helen and Ted Szywala The Uplands Family Foundation Arman Gupta Anthony Montcalmo Patty Tager and Rami Geffner Toledo Community Foundation Robert and Christine Hammond Ann Moore Rita and Burton Tansky Earl and Kay Harbaugh Mary Murley Leo Tress Businesses Tim Harkins Mindy Myers Austin H. Turney Better Health Medical Debra and Richard Harris Kenneth Nalaboff Molly Tuttle Black Knight Technology James F. Hashem Heather Nienow Krista and Chris Valluzzo Enerpace Executive Coaching Benjamin Henry Maryalice Noplos Amy and Ira Waldman IBM Christine Herman Jennifer and Lila Olson Richard Waldman Lifetime Physical Therapy Jason Hooz Kathy and Alan Pallie Darlene and Cory Wanatick Mach IV Motors Beth and Brooke Horstmann John and Michele Pastorius Greg and Michelle Ward Parrish Construction Group Mark and Rachael Imm John Peak Neal, Debbie and Perfect Health Solutions Doris Johnson Robert Pedrero Rafi Wasserman Travel Centers, LLC Michael and Heidi Kahn Kelly A. Pratt Bryant and Sharron Watts VP Construction, LLC Tom and Sharon Kelley Donna and James Radford Ewing Werlein Jr and Peter and Karen Kensicki Elizabeth Reed Kay Werlein GRAND PATRON Melanie Kirk Flora Reusch Melanie and Mark Whitmore $500-$999 Robert Kirkwood Allen and Sidney Rishe Edith and Kawin Wilairat Lynne Ambrosini Jason Kist Steve and Cyndi Roach Tom and Molly Williams Kameron and Jennifer Balzer Gary and Sue Kostecki Phyllis and Sidney Rodbell Lucinda Wilson John Paul Basile Leena Krasno Pat and John Salisbury Jamie and Aaron Wolf Thomas and Nancy Bauer Gerald Krueger, MD Jeannie Schwiesow Michael Wolfson Cynthia and Richard Bernard Kathryn and Ted Kuerschen David and Debra Sensibaugh Vashti and Richard Wood Richard Bernat, III Raymond Kwong Jeff Shamrock Martha Worthy Dr. Ron and Jeanne Bishop Gwen and Hoy Lanning, Jr Kim and Bill Snyder Xiao Jun Zhou and Nancy Black Keisha Lawrence Vanessa Sorenson and Michael Jian He Martha Blake Dean and Tess Leffelman Evan Lee Xiaolei Zhu Susanna and Philip D. Block IV Jackie and Leslie Linevsky Dr. Timothy Stanford and Family Sanford Zweifach Chris Bondurant Gerald and Linda Lipkin Milica Bookman Kerem Bortecen

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 20 Ray and Betsy Braun Kevin Gerrity Chris and Satu LaMarca Ed Reinhart Chris and Diane Brody Tom Gervasi and Irving and Lenore Levine Samantha Renneker Margot Brown Marian Nasuti-Gervasi Carla Lewis-Burnett Angela Richmond Lauren Bumby Stacey and Jim Giardina Marc Lisker Janis L. and Jimmy Roberts Stuart and Lowen Bush Barbara and James Gilligan Dominic David Lovely Kathy and Ron Saca Ms. Sarah and Dana Caro Laura Graham Catherine Madison Sofia Sanchez Michael Carson Barbara and Robert Griffith Jenny Mager Kenneth Satir Heidi Castelein Eric Gros-Dubois Jason Malinowski Andrea Sayer Andrea Cefaloni H. E. Gross Deane Manolis Brian and Lynn Schaezler Helen Cerulli Kathleen and Jorge Martinez and Michael and Barbara Scharf Christen Chambers Daniel Groszkiewicz Anissa Mendez Eric Schoeman Steven Chen Adriane and Robert Guerin Julie Matthaeus Emanuel Sergi Mary and Joseph Cilibrasi Nancy and Jack Gutzler Kathleen M. McGann Sharon Sevier Robert and Veronika Cinek Sanam Hakam Robert McGarrah Shannon and Jeff Sheldon Andy Colman Thomas and Regina Halloran Lorelei McGlynn Gwen Short Beth Colombe, PhD Katherine Hanson Marcelo Melendez Ruiz Dave Singer Marcia Cooper Kandace and Chad Hatch Paul Meyer Mary Ann Smith Dennis Coral Katie Hazlewood Litsa and Peter Mikhalevsky Tom and Robin Smith Patrick Curry Amy Heredia John Miller and Kathie Kinsella Jackie Stemwedel Jeffrey Daneff Keith and Liz Hoffmann Douglas and Allyson Moyal Lauren Stone Jonathan Daniell Judy Hollingshead Lorraine Mulligan George Surla Michelle Davenport Mrs. Jane Hosp Bradley and Danna Munson Scott and Jane Swenson Veronica Davis William Hyman Heather R. Murphy Jean Thayer Kellie and Cory Deffendall Margaret Jacobsen William Murphy Heather Todd Hunter DeHart Paul and Barbara Jacoby Karen Nagle Stacey and Michael Tolpa Karen and Mike Dermo Shusten Johnson Thomas Nix Susanna and William Tong Rosa and Richard Dest, DDS Nancy and Michael Jung Denia Nunez and Ric Roth Adam Tonis Amanda and Joann Diblasi Leslie Kasten John O’Connor Christine Trapani Jamie Donovan Catherine Kawaja Leah Odeneal Serena Troyan Kathleen and Edgar Edwards Despina and Brian Keegan Joe and Lisa O’Grady Cheryl Turner Geneive Eidson Charlie Kennedy Lauren Onley Becky and Peter Umhofer James Elliot Reza Keshavarzi Joy Ott Melanie Vernon Debra Ferrari Barbara Kettler David Owens Sherri Vischio Dr. Karin Fox and Richard George Rahul Kharkar Kim and Lou Passarella Amy and Eric Wagner John Flottmeier Sang Kim Sheetal and Vipul Patel John Warner Michael Forman Nicole Knoll Vance Patterson Pat and Craig Webster Melissa Frank Brenda and Kenneth Knopp Annette Perot and Robert Ham William Wells Chad Frazel Harold Koessner Nicole and Tracy Peterson Chris Wiegel Norma Freiberg Katherine Kramper Thomas and Virginia Pollock Darlene Wisecup Vinci and Ben Fujihara Dory and Jim Kranz Nancy Pollot Cindy and David Wittels Lee and Sue Gaskamp Erika and Kayley Kubat Bradley Preisinger Dr. Janice Wolf Elisa Lajonchere Paula and Larry Quinn

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 22 Foundations & Organizations Richard Albert Luke Chen Tyrone Folliard-Olson Anthony & Catherine Fusco Jon and Kathleen Andera Carol and Daryl Chin-Fatt Martha Forsyth Charitable Foundation Rachel and Mark Anderson Wendy and David Choy Susan French Debbie and Bob First Foundation Dee Armstrong Robert and Nancy Clark Kenji Fujii Florida Society of Dermatological Donna Astor-Lazarus and Mathew Cogan Kathy and Lee Gause Physician Assistants Dr. Clifford Lazarus Arthur Cooper Carolyn Gdowski Keith & Virginia Smith Family Lynn Barnes Stephen and Gayle Corbin Mary Georgatsos Foundation Linda Bauman Tinet Crowell James Gerspacher Knights of Columbus Ladies Sheryl and Jeff Beiter Mike Curran Maria and Jay Ghazal Auxiliary #7198 Guinevere Bell Mary Beth Curry Dr. Carolyn Goh Mayfield Junior School Olga Benda Ian and Matilda Dalziel Lissette Gonzalez OtterCares Foundation Andy Bender Ira Dansky and Gari Hill Dansky Julie and Joel Goodman Philadelphia Phillies Peter Benjamins Mary Davenport-Yant Bob and Diane Goon Pledgeling Foundation Debra Bernstein Jill Dayan Sheena Goss Princeton R-V School Victoria Better Ernie and Elizabeth DeCarlo Rob Greenberg Richard and Beth Sackler Vaithi Bharath Marie Delia David Greene Foundation Connie Bird Christianne DeNardo Reuben Greenwald The Roxborough Family Kalika Blake Mona Desai Bobbie Griffin Foundation Frances Blaustein Cheryl Diano Jenny Grossman St Katharine Drexel Regional Steven Bloom Graciela Diaz Chandan and Anita Gupta Catholic School Andrea Boccafola Cipa and Misha Dichter Lowell Gutzler Wesclin Senior High School Chad and Carrie Bock Brett DiGiovanna Dennis Hacker and Taryn and Ruby Bogonovich Fabrice DiGiovanni Juanice Gillespie Businesses Ramona Bonilla Barbara and David Dobrinen Mary Jo and Thomas Gubricky Freedom Wigs, LTD Lisa Bonta Amy and Frank Dosch Michael Hanusin Harkins Builders, Inc. Gregory Borca Amy Drott David L. Harbaugh Le Beautique Salon Chelsea Bottinelli Tiffiny Duchene Sally and Stephen Harr MRB Cleaning Services Lisa Bowler Joy Dunn Gregory Harre Southeast Landscaping, LLC Nancy Bricker George and Lisa Dutra Todd and Kristi Harris The Promenade Grille Dianne Brucker Barbara Eckert Kandace Hawkinson Gerry Bukary Marc Eigner Amanda Heidinger PATRON Thomas Burns Zainab Ellam Claudia Held and Scott Mroz $250-$499 Andrea Butt Todd Ellis Anne Herrera Lawrence, Jaylyn and Magen and Peter Buzyna Cynthia and Brian Engel Susan and Michael Herzog Lucas Abrahamian Dennis and Catherine Bye Dana and Rick Evans Marcell Hetenyi Sheri and Jerry Adamson Laurie and Robert Byren Karen Faccenda Sheri Holder Harry Agress, Jr, MD Laurel and John Campbell Betty Faulkes Chris Hollingsworth Bonnie Alderman Danielle Candray Luann Firestein Steven and Sharon Honeywell Robert Allen Tim Canty Wendy Fiser Michael Honig Catherine and Brian Allison Paul and Rebecca Carlson Alana Fishberg Emily and Dean Hudson Mani Allu Lorena Cauvi John Floramo Gerald A. Hulbert

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 24 Ubong Ituen Denise and Michael McKeigan Bruno and Isolde Reule Alan and Kim Waldbaum Cheryl Jackman Marva McWilliams Dawn and Mike Rezente Christina and Scott Warder Leigh Jackson Tal Meirson Jennifer Ridge, MD Michael Weiner Juliana Jaoudi Amy Meservey Noel Rieder Rebecca Weiss David Johnson Ned Meyer Jesse Roth Linda and James Wenzinger Deborah Johnson Bethany and Evan Mitcheltree Patricia and Michael Rotondi Pamela Whelan Neil Johnson Ahmad Moini Daniel Rourke Jenny White Tanya Johnson Joshua Morss Dennis Rueter Steve and Cheryle Willingham Reuel Kaighn Naveen Motwani Ann Ruffner Carlaine Willis Nicholas Kaplan Ana Moya Manish Sangal Germaine and Gary Wyetzner Virginia and Myron Karki Paul R Munch Dawn and John Savona Frank Yanez Elizabeth Karr Amy Murchison Daniel Scali Suzzanne Ybarra Andy Katz-Mayfield Charles Murphy Mindy Scheier Robert York Elliot Kaye Chris Murphy Harvey Schulweis Cathy and Ronnie Young Matt Kelley Irene Navarro Collins and Gail Seitz Tesha Young Cathy and Dick Kelly Dr. Javier Navarro Gary Sherwood Ronnie Zeidel Christy, Colby and Michael Kempke Thomas Newton Norman Sinel Linda and Gary Kennedy Christina and Cynthia Nigro Winifred and Victor Sirbu Foundations & Organizations Mrs. Analia Kerner Byron and Julie Noeth James and Theresa Smith Arizona Diamondbacks Jeanne Khoury Bruce and Joan Nordstrom Len Sperling, MD Baltimore Orioles Donna K. Kraus Liza Nowicki Anthony Spiteri Cleveland Indians Romaine and Gregory Krystowiak Sheila O’Connor Nancy Strauss Commonwealth Cynthia and Jason Kuhn Heidi Odmark Duey and Laura Stroebel Cares Fund, Inc. Luke Kumanchik Bryan Ogden Jonathan Sugar and Harley Davidson Foundation Monica Kumar Santiago Ortega Nancy Barbas King Street Angelica Larriu-Grau Andrew Orth Nancy and Howard Sunkin Intermediate School Jennifer Laurelli Barbara Osborne Tami Sunshine Maclean Charitable Foundation Virginia Leali Gerald and Sharron Page Stephen Swartz Okawville Community Cheryl S. Levine Priyank Patel Jennifer and Timothy Tabler High School Harriet and Donald Levy DeAnn and Michael Payne Anne Taylor Pappagallo Family Foundation Dennis Lindner Karen, Mark, and Laura Peoples Joseph Tenedora Pittsburgh Steelers Mary Lioudis Linda Peters Nia K. Terezakis, MD Red Bud Fire Company No. 1 Stacy and Steven Loncher Philip and Susan Plantamura The Tewari Family Spina Bifida Association Joseph Longo Barbara Polk Brian and Marcy Tivol of America Stephen Luparello and Nancy Polley-Aibel Linda Tygert-Lillard St. Francis Parish School Laurie Drysdale Paul Prairie Gene Van De Walker Swig Foundation David Lusk Letty Pressler Colleen Vancuren W. Washington Couty Community Gavin Hunt and Vera Price, MD Margaret Veldman School Dist. No. 10 Sara MacKinnon Hunt Marion Queen Francisco Verdecia Yonkers Family Charitable Fund Carla Maarraoui Diane and John G. Rakocy Lynsey and Eric Vinikoff Bridget and Robert McGowen Frank Ratto Lola Wagner Fred Wahl

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 26 Businesses Ameriderm Research 823 Donuts, LLC American Wigs & Beauty Supply Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Curls by Cass Donald G. Bohning & Associates Evolution Road, LLC First National Bank of Okawville Form Fit Function Groupmatics, LLC Ideal Concrete Block Co. Leesman Funeral Home Nascote Industries Nippon Steel U.S.A. Old Exchange National Bank Rick Roy Construction St Clair Pediatrics Travelers Companies, Inc.

NATIONAL ALOPECIA AREATA FOUNDATION 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 28 NAAF is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and advised by two Research Advisory Councils comprised of leading experts in alopecia areata research and treatment. NAAF demonstrates excellence in governance, accountability and transparency by earning the highest rating on the following industry standards: the National Health Council Standards of Excellence; and the Better Business Bureau – Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability.

2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Flint, Chair Debora Pellicano, Chief Financial Officer Deirdre Nero, Secretary Jeff Daneff Ann Hollins Jerry Knutson Jim O’Connell Donna Radford Kimberly Shanahan


2018 KEY STAFF Dory Kranz President & Chief Executive Officer

Jeanne Rappoport Chief Administrative Officer

Maureen Smith Chief Development Strategist

Natasha A. Mesinkovska, MD, PhD Chief Scientific Officer

Laura Ralph Support & Education Director

Mary Cosgrove Technology & Publications Director

Gary Sherwood Communications Director

Abby Ellison Research Director

Kristen Adams Office Coordinator

NAAF is a public, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code with Federal Tax ID# 94-2780249. All gifts and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.