Agenda Reports Pack (Public)
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Public Document Pack Strategic Planning Board Agenda Date: Wednesday, 9th October, 2013 Time: 10.30 am Venue: The Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA The agenda is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 is taken in the presence of the public and press. Part 2 items will be considered in the absence of the public and press for the reasons indicated on the agenda and at the foot of each report. Please note that members of the public are requested to check the Council's website the week the Planning/Board meeting is due to take place as Officers produce updates for some or all of the applications prior to the commencement of the meeting and after the agenda has been published. PART 1 – MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC AND PRESS PRESENT 1. Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and for Members to declare if they have a pre- determination in respect of any item on the agenda. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 8) To approve the minutes as a correct record. 4. Public Speaking Please Contact : Sarah Baxter on 01270 686462 E-Mail: [email protected] with any apologies or request for further information [email protected] to arrange to speak at the meeting A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the Ward Councillors who are not members of the Strategic Planning Board. A period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following individual/groups: • Members who are not members of the Strategic Planning Board and are not the Ward Member • The relevant Town/Parish Council • Local Representative Groups/Civic Society • Objectors • Supporters • Applicants 5. 13/2224N-Proposed Residential Development of up to 120 Dwellings, Highway Works, Public Open Space and Associated Works, Land west of Audlem Road, Audlem, Cheshire for Gladman Developments Ltd (Pages 9 - 54) To consider the above application. 6. 13/3210N-Outline application for the erection of up to 36 dwellings, access works and open space, Land East of 22, Heathfield Road, Audlem for Mr Frank Hockenhull, Hockenhull Properties Ltd (Pages 55 - 76) To consider the above application. 7. 13/2604C-Reserved matters application for access/appearance/landscaping/layout and scale on outline application 11/0736C - Redevelopment of land for up to 200 dwellings, community facilities and associated infrastructure, Loachbrook Farm, Sandbach Road, Congleton for Bovis Homes (Pages 77 - 98) To consider the above application. 8. 13/3314M-Glasshouse for tomato production with associated hard standing, fresh water tank, heat storage tank, package treatment plant and landscaping Resubmission of 12/3873M, Stocks Lane, Peover Superior for C Rudd, Frank Rudd & Sons (Pages 99 - 112) To consider the above application. 9. 13/3575M-Proposed erection of a marquee at Mottram Hall Hotel (resubmission), Mottram Hall Hotel, Wilmslow Road, Mottram St Andrew, Macclesfield for Andrew O'Brien, De Vere Hotels & Leisure (Pages 113 - 130) To consider the above application. 10. 13/3576M-Listed building consent for proposed erection of a marquee at Mottram Hall Hotel, Mottram Hall Hotel, Wilmslow Road, Mottram St Andrew, Macclesfield for Andrew O'Brien, De Vere Hotels & Leisure (Pages 131 - 144) To consider the above application. 11. 13/3041M-Extension to Time Limit of 03/2155P - Erection of 2 No. Three/Four Storey Office Blocks (resubmission of 02/1973P), Land at Junction of Earl Road and Epsom Avenue, Handforth for Orbit Investments (Properties) Ltd (Pages 145 - 150) To consider the above application. 12. WITHDRAWN-13/3018N-Outline application for up to thirty nine houses of mixed type to include 30% affordable, 414, Newcastle Road, Hough for Mr David Wooton (Pages 151 - 174) To consider the above application. 13. 13/3025N-The erection of 44 detached/terraced dwellings, parking and amenity space; and the creation of public open space, including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. The original outline application was not an environment impact assessment application, Land off Vicarage Road, Haslington for Elan Homes Ltd/Muller Strategic Ltd (Pages 175 - 190) To consider the above application. 14. Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider passing a resolution under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information in accordance with paragraph 5, pursuant to part 1 of Schedule 12 (A) of the Act. PART 2 - MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THE PRESS AND PUBLIC PRESENT 15. Update following the refusal of planning application 12/4146C, Land off Dunnocksfold Road, Alsager (Pages 191 - 196) To consider the above report. This page is intentionally left blank Public DocumentPage 1 Pack Agenda Item 3 CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Strategic Planning Board held on Wednesday, 11th September, 2013 at The Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA PRESENT Councillor H Davenport (Chairman) Councillor D Hough (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Rachel Bailey, J Hammond, J Jackson, P Mason, B Murphy, C G Thorley, G M Walton and J Wray OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE Mr N Curtis (Principal Development Officer), Mrs R Goddard (Senior lawyer), Mr B Haywood (Principal Planning Officer), Mr S Irvine (Planning & Place Shaping Manager), Mr C Kearney (Enforcement Officer) and Miss E Williams (Principal Planning Officer) 63 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Brown, P Edwards, P Hoyland and S Wilkinson. 64 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/PRE DETERMINATION In the interests of openness in respect of applications 13/1052W and 13/1223N, Councillor J Hammond declared that he was a member of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust who had been a consultee on the applications, however he had not made any comments in respect of the applications. 65 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the last bullet point relating to the Section 106 Agreement in respect of Minute No. 54, application 13/0336N being amended as follows:- ‘Reiterate previous Section 106 agreements in particular concerning the public access from the NW corner and the SW corner of the site and public transport. (Funding of £330,000 to be made available for footpath and cycle improvement and £300,000 for public transport).’ In addition in relation to Minute No. 54 it was requested by Councillor J Hammond that that a way should be found through the overall Page 2 development of the Site to accommodate the concerns of Weston & Basford Parsih Council. The existing sparse planting needed to be made more robust to mitigate the impact of the tall warehouse buildings on residents of Larch Avenue and Weston Lane Basford from both a visual and noise impact point of view. As such land along the south side of the A500 Shavington bypass was within the highway boundary therefore he felt mitigation was both feasible and achievable through the overall masterplan of the site. Whilst this was not part of the application he requested that it should be stipulated as an informative for the overall development. The Planning & Place Shaping Manager advised that this request could be accommodated. 66 PUBLIC SPEAKING RESOLVED That the public speaking procedure be noted. 67 13/1052W-DEVELOPMENT OF A PIPELINE CORRIDOR COMPRISING OF THREE PIPES BETWEEN THE BRINE FIELD AT WARMINGHAM AND THE SALT FACTORY AT MIDDLEWICH AND FOUR PIPES AND A FIBRE OPTIC CABLE LINK BETWEEN THE SALT FACTORY AT MIDDLEWICH AND THE CHEMICAL WORKS AT LOSTOCK; ERECTION OF A BUFFER TANK AT THE WARMINGHAM BRINE FIELD; A BUFFER TANK, PUMPING STATION AND FOUR SETTLEMENT TANKS USED IN THE PURIFICATION PROCESS AT THE SALT FACTORY AT MIDDLEWICH; A PIPE BRIDGE CROSSING AT THE RIVE DANE; A PUMPING STATION AT BLUE SLATES FARM; TWO BUFFER TANKS AND A PUMPING STATION AT THE CHEMICAL FACTORY, LOSTOCK; AND OTHER ASSOCIATED ANCILLARY DEVELOPMENT FOR JOHN MELIA, BRITISH SALT LTD Consideration was given to the above application. (Mr Adams, the agent for the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application). RESOLVED That for the reasons set out in the report the application be approved subject to the following conditions:- 1) Standard conditions; 2) Submission of detailed construction phasing plan; 3) Seven days written notification of commencement of development; 4) Tree protection details; Page 3 5) Arboricultural method statement including details of all trees/hedgerows to be removed prior to commencement of each phase of development; 6) Reinstatement of hedgerow and compensatory tree/hedgerow planting. 7) No removal of trees or shrubs during bird breeding season; 8) Submission of wildlife protection plan; 9) Detail of the great crested newts mitigation measures prior to the commencement of development. 10) Method statement for barn owl protection during construction phase. 11) Preconstruction surveys for badgers informing the need for mitigation 12) Preconstruction surveys for otters and water voles informing the need for mitigation; 13) Detailed mitigation strategy for any works affecting otters/water voles or their habitat; 14) Preconstruction surveys for reptiles informing the need for mitigation and provision of reptile method statement;