AUSTRIA CONNECT GREATER CHINA 2019 CHINA’S ROLE IN ASIA AND THE WORLD 24 - 25 October 2019 | Hong Kong (programme per October 17, 2019)

with the support of

a joint-programme by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs BMDW and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber WKO


THURSDAY, ARRIVAL DAY AND WELCOME COCKTAIL 24 OCTOBER throughout INDIVIDUAL ARRIVAL the day We suggest an arrival in the late afternoon. AUSTRIA CONNECT Conference Hotel HONG KONG OCEAN PARK MARRIOTT HOTEL Address in Chinese 180 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong 香港仔黄竹坑道 180 号, (by MTR: to , Exit B) 中国香港 T + 852 3555 1688 W hotel/

18.30 – 21.00 WELCOME COCKTAIL 19.00 Official kick-off Franz Roessler, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong Michael Otter, Chief Executive Officer, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber WKO Charles Ng, Associate Director-General, Invest Hong Kong

Dress code: business casual, no ties Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Pier Lounge & Bar | Ground Floor

FRIDAY, AUSTRIA CONNECT CONFERENCE | MORNING SESSION 25 OCTOBER From 08.15 on- REGISTRATION & COFFEE wards Dress code: business casual, no ties

Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Lobby Grand Ballroom | Level B

09.00 – 09.30 OPENING REMARKS • Franz Roessler, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong • Michael Otter, Chief Executive Officer, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber WKO • Dr David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Hong Kong • Karl Ernst, Austrian Consul General for Hong Kong and Macao Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Grand Ballroom | Level B

09.30 – 10.00 WE THANK ALL OF OUR SPONSORS, MEET SOME OF THEM • Marko Asanovic, General Manager, AST | Eurojoy | Olympjoy • Dietmar Rathbauer, General Manager China, blum • Michael Zankel, Regional Director East Asia, Gebrüder Weiss • Michael Reichel, General Manager Beijing Branch, Raiffeisen Bank International • Stephan Danne, Managing Director Hong Kong and Thomas Steiner, Na- tional Key Account Manager, Kuehne + Nagel Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Grand Ballroom | Level B

10.00 – 10.45 KEYNOTE SPEECH | CHINA’S ROLE IN ASIA AND THE WORLD Roland Hinterkörner, Partner at Orfi Capital and Founder of consulting and publish- ing business Expertise Asia

Expertise Asia contains a daily blog to communicate analysis, thought-provoking ideas and controversial opinions on finance and current affairs by its author Roland Hinterkörner. Previously to his roles as portfolio manager at Orfi and consultant at Expertise Asia Roland has worked in banking for 26 years, mostly in the capacity of advising corporate and institutional clients in Europe and Asia. Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Grand Ballroom | Level B

10.45 – 11.15 COFFEE BREAK

11.15 – 12.30 PANEL DISCUSSION | THE POWER OF CONNECTIVITY About the Greater Bay Area, Belt & Road, China – ASEAN Moderated by Martin Glatz, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Beijing

Panel: • Carmen Cano de Lasala, Ambassador/Head of Office, European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao • Roland Hinterkörner, Founder, Expertise Asia • Thomas Schmitz, President, Andritz (China) • Nicholas Kwan, Chief Economist, Hong Kong Trade and Development Council Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Grand Ballroom | Level B

12.30 – 14.00 LUNCH BREAK Venue: Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel | Marina Kitchen & Café | Marina Wing, Ground Floor (G/F)

FRIDAY, AUSTRIA CONNECT CONFERENCE | AFTERNOON SESSION 25 OCTOBER 14.00-15.45 CHINA’S DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION | TECHNOLOGY IN B2B2C Panel Host: Christina Schösser, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Shanghai (parallel session 1) Venue: Grand Ballroom 1 | Level B

As consumers place increasing importance on convenience and value, they enable

start-ups with disruptive business models to emerge, while tech giants such as

Alibaba dominate the retail landscape, and traditional firms lag behind. During this

session two leading experts for Chinese consumers and industry will elaborate on

how to take part in China’s digital transformation through online platforms, social

media and e-commerce.


Stefan Kracht, Owner, Fiducia Management Consultants China is already one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, ena- bling more efficient user interactions, and prompting more industrial buyers to act like consumers. As digital services become an increasingly important source of in- come, Austrian suppliers of high-tech manufacturing solutions to China will need to rethink their B2B strategies and focus on how to engage with consumers directly, which Stefan will address in this session.


China’s 1.3 billion consumers are tech savvy, novelty driven and always hungry for more. What does this fast-changing consumer landscape mean for foreign busi- nesses? KMPG’s recent global survey of 25,000 customers sheds light on the shift in consumer behavior. Reza Nobar from KPMG will take us through the findings and highlight which new technologies and innovative trends will affect businesses in 2019 and beyond. OR FROM “MADE IN CHINA” TO “CREATED IN CHINA” 14.00 – 15.45 Panel Host: Birgit Murr, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Chengdu (parallel session 2) Venue: Grand Ballroom 2 | Level B

INNOVATION IN CHINA AND CHINA’S GLOBAL INNOVATION INITIATIVES Alexander Welzl, Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna Presentation by Mr. Welzl followed by a panel discussion Alexander G. Welzl is a China-expert with focus on the National Innovation System of China and the management of innovation players and corporations. Mr. Welzl

maintains relationships with leading Chinese innovation players and corporations. He is amongst others a visiting fellow of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou and invited speaker in some of the leading Chinese universities. In his introductory presentation Mr. Welzl will focus on aspects of strategic steering mechanisms and procedures in China facilitating mid- and long-term innovation processes. Special attention will be given to the impact of digital business models, AI and quantum information technology in China as well as Chinese government’s

growing focus on green economy. In this context Mr. Welzl will address the key-role of corporations as power houses and driving forces of national and regional innova- tion systems in China and in Austria. Panel: • Craig Burchell, Vice President Global Trade Affairs, Huawei Technologies • Toa Charm, Chairman, OpenCertHub • Andreas Wippel, Chief Sales Officer/Mobile Application, AT&S Asia Pacific

15.45 – 16.15 COFFEE BREAK

16.15 – 16.45 SUMMARY OF THE WORKSHOPS • Christina Schösser, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Shanghai • Reza G. Nobar, Director, KPMG China • Stefan Kracht, Owner, Fiducia Management Consultants

• Birgit Murr, Head, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Chengdu • Alexander Welzl, Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna Venue: Grand Ballroom 1 | Level B

16.45 – 17.00 CLOSING REMARKS Venue: Grand Ballroom 1 | Level B

17.30 DEPARTURE OF BUS From Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel to Hotel Island Shangri-La Meeting for departure: Hotel Entrance, LG, Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel 18.00 – 20.30 AUSTRIAN NATIONAL DAY RECEPTION Dress code: business attire, feel free to wear Tracht

Venue: Ballroom, Hotel Island Shangri-La, Pacific Address in Chinese Place, Supreme Court Road, Central, Hong Kong, 香港中區法院道太古廣場 Level 5

20.00 TRANSFER 1 BY BUS (optional) From Hotel Island Shangri-La to Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel Meeting for departure: outside Ballroom at 19.50

21.00 TRANSFER 2 BY BUS (optional) From Hotel Island Shangri-La to Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel Meeting for departure: outside Ballroom at 20.50

ALTERNATIVES: MTR South Island Line from Admiralty Station to Ocean Park Sta- tion (Exit B | 1 Station) or Taxi

22.00-0.00 Austrian Artist Rupert Gredler Vernissage at Giando x H12 Wildlife and Community Trust Charity (optional) Italian dolce surprises, excellent wines, live music, and stimulating art. This joint event is organised by Galerie Junger and Caprioli Group with the kind support from Austrian Asian Association (AAA), Austro-Cham Hong Kong and ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong. Donation at doors requested. Address in Chinese Venue: Giando Italian Restaurant & Bar, Shop 1 香港灣仔星街 9 號星域 Groundfloor, Tower 1, Starcrest, 9 Star Street, 軒 1 座地舖 Wan Chai, Hong Kong

SATURDAY, EXCURSION (optional) 26 OCTOBER 09.00 – 13.00 Hong Kong Old & New Tour Although Hong Kong was governed by Great Britain for decades, it retained many traditional Chinese features. During this tour you will visit some of the monuments, heritage buildings and historical sites that gave Hong Kong its unique atmosphere. A great way to get to know Hong Kong and its famous landmarks and history. Dress code: casual Meeting for departure: Hotel Entrance,LG; Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel at 08.45 Please note: A separate registration is necessary if you would like to join this tour.

Typhoon and Black Rainstorm Arrangement Typhoons may form and affect Hong Kong from May to November. Tropical cyclone advisory bulletins or warnings are issued by the Hong Kong Observatory when a tropical cyclone moves within 800km of Hong Kong. Please pay attention to latest news announced by Hong Kong Observatory ( and notifica- tions in the Superevent App. Please note: The event will NOT be cancelled or postponed, but public transport services may be delayed or limited.