Absolutely Positively 32 Count, 4 Wall, Intermediate Web site: www.linedancermagazine.com Choreographer: Kim Ray (UK) Feb 09 Choreographed to: Absolutely Positively by E-mail: [email protected] CD: Heavy Rotation

WALKS FORWARD, KICK CROSS POINT, HIP BUMPS, CHASSIS ¼ TURN RIGHT 1-2 Walk forward on right, walk forward on left 3&4 Kick right forward, cross step right over left, point left to left side 5&6 Keeping weight on right bump hips left, right, left and take weight on left 7&8 Step right to right side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right

PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT, STEP FORWARD, ½ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, PIVOT ½ TURN 1-2 Step forward on left, ½ pivot turn right 3-4 Step forward on left, ½ turn left stepping back on right 5&6 Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left, right, left 7-8 Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn left

STEP FORWARD, ½ TURN RIGHT, ¼ TURN BALL CROSS, STEP SIDE, BEHIND & HEEL, BALL CROSS, SIDE STEP 1-2 Step forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left &3-4 ¼ turn right stepping right to side, cross left over right, step right to side 5&6 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left heel to left diagonal &7-8 Step left in place, cross right over left, step left to left side

SAILOR STEPS, PIVOT ½ TURN, PADDLE ¾ TURN 1&2 Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side 3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step forward on left 5-6 Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn left 7&8& Touch right toe forward and paddle ½ turn left, take weight on left, touch right toe forward and paddle ¼ turn left, take weight on left

Dance finishes at front wall - step forward on right.

Music download available from iTunes

Linedancer Magazine, 166 Lord Street, Southport, United Kingdom, PR9 0QA Tel: +44 (0)1704 392300 Fax: +44 (0)1704 501678