Mango is an online language learning system teaching practical conversation skills for a variety of popular languages.

It’s fast, easy and available online from home or at the library. The best part is that you can Your Passport to Learn a new language on your Kindle Fire, Nook learn at your own pace. HD, Apple or Android device, free with your Learning. Mango Languages is FREE for Huntley Library Huntley Area Public Library card. cardholders through the library’s website, or mobile apps for Kindle, Nook, Apple, and To start, set up your account with Mango online, Android devices. and download the Mango Languages app for

Choose from over 70 foreign language your personal device. Log in to your mobile courses including: device with your Mango Languages email and password, and get started. Arabic Finnish Irish Russian  Full access to most Mango courses Chinese French Italian Spanish  Interactive phonetic spelling Croatian German Japanese Swedish  Semantic color mapping  Articulated pronunciations Czech Greek Korean Tagalog  Literal translations  Download courses to learn offline Danish Haitian Thai

Dari Hebrew Turkish Select from over 70 foreign language courses or 19 English as a Second Dutch Polish Language courses and learn online Farsi Indonesian Portuguese Vietnamese Huntley Area Public Library at your own pace. Plus 19 English as a Second Language Courses for those who speak: Information Desk (847) 669‐5386 ext. 3 Chinese German Polish [email protected]

French Japanese Spanish Website And more! LA 7.16.18 Ready to get started? Step 3

1 Visit the library website at Click “Mango Languages” under “Online Resources”

2 Click:‐area‐district/start

3 Click “Create One Now” and create a new account by entering your information. In the future you will log in with your email address and password. Once you create a profile, an email will be sent to the address you provide. You must click on the link in the email to continue.

4 Hover your mouse in the left column to navigate the website. Explore these choices and click on “Languages” to choose what you would like to learn. Select the course you would like to begin.

5 Select your language course by either clicking on the language, or clicking the Step three tabs at the top of the page. 4 Step 6 Once you have selected a language, it 5 will take Mango a moment to load your course. 7 You may choose “Start Learning” or “Take the Placement Test.” Make your selection to begin.

8 Log off and return whenever it is convenient for you.

Step Mango Premiere is a one of a kind language learning resource 7 that teaches language through film.

Select a film and choose the interactive level you prefer: Movie Mode or Engage Mode.

Watch the scene and customize the subtitles in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Review individual sequences in the film to ensure you understood the conversation. When you’re comfortable, move onto the next scene.