RNLI Annual Report and Accounts 2017
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We are the RNLI: RNLI Annual Report The charity that and Accounts 2017 saves lives at sea Every day of every year, One Courageous Community people of all backgrounds get into danger in the water. It’s a problem we’re here to tackle. We’re here to explain the risks, share safety knowledge, and rescue people whose lives are in danger. We’re here to work with others to make the water a safer place for everyone. We’re here to prevent tragedies inshore and offshore. And with your support we always will be. Contents Welcome 32,116 people rescued Annual Report Welcome from the Chairman and Chief Executive or assisted of the Trustees of The RNLI had a successful 2017, however After a lot of turbulence and change, you measure it. We’ve achieved remarkable we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. the Royal National things together, and that work has saved We’ve mapped a courageous new way ahead hundreds of lives. and must continue shaping our organisation Lifeboat Institution All RNLI people are lifesavers – whether together to halve domestic drowning and make they’re rescuing others at sea, supervising a significant impact on international drowning. beaches, educating or influencing, fundraising, We will do all of this as well as operating, 3.32M or behind the scenes getting Saving Lives at Sea supporting and developing the best maritime preventative onto our TVs. lifesaving service in the world. That is what we actions carried As you’ll see in the following pages, we are here to do and, so long as people remain enhanced our fleet, rolled out lifeguards to at risk, we will keep doing it. out by lifeguards more beaches, and saw real-life examples of We must also keep in tune with our Our purpose, our impact 3 how Respect the Water is preventing drowning. volunteers and supporters. I see the RNLI as We reached young people in new and inventive wholly owned by the public and we will never Breaking the drowning chain 9 ways and we made strides internationally too. lose that connection. We’re listening carefully I spoke at a Global Drowning Prevention Forum, to the public mood and adapting. that we organised with the World Health Everyone who contributes to our work, Lifesaving 15 Stuart Popham and Paul Boissier Organization and Bloomberg Philanthropies, at the RNLI’s All-weather Lifeboat whether crew or shore-based, a volunteer, 207,839 Building for the future 19 which inspired vital commitments from UN Centre in Poole a supporter or a member of staff – is the hours at sea ambassadors, NGOs and UN agencies. embodiment of the RNLI. People and fundraising 23 given to rescues ‘ The more we strive to improve any other organisation. Change is rarely easy I am so proud to be associated with this ‘We’ve mapped a courageous and exercises Financial review 27 ... the greater chance we have and I’m grateful to our volunteers and staff great organisation. Wherever I go, people new way ahead and by crew members for recognising that. They did all they could talk about the RNLI with such admiration Governance 33 of halving drowning’ to achieve success and highlighted the areas and appreciation. And that doesn’t happen must continue shaping where we can do things better. by accident – it happens when thousands our organisation’ Independent auditor’s report 43 Our national fundraising campaigns, like The more we strive to improve the way we of individuals care deeply and give vast Mayday and Fish Supper, were a triumph – and work together, and the way our organisation amounts of time and energy. These wonderful people have such passion Financial statements 45 we had a record trading year. I’ve met so many operates, the greater chance we have of halving I want to say thank you to everyone and belief in our cause and it’s our duty to of the people who make that all happen and it’s drowning by 2024. It’s a challenging road but who has put so much into delivering our ensure that their time and money is put Notes to the accounts 51 clear that they help in so many different ways. the outcome will be worth it. lifesaving service and raising funds. There are to best use. Last year wasn’t all plain sailing. To reach You make all this possible, so thank you so many things to celebrate about 2017: Our lifesaving mission is vital and it’s only 95% RNLI officers and contacts 71 bold targets we had to make bold changes for everything you do. the rescues, the extraordinary success of possible with the support of people like you. of our people to the way we think and do things. That was our prevention work and the delivery of six are volunteers Awards 76 a huge challenge for many – particularly new Shannon class lifeboats to name a few. when things didn’t go strictly to plan. There’s We also completed some really progressive Thank you 77 always pressure to improve and be compliant Stuart Popham work necessary to deliver against our Paul Boissier and, in that respect, we’re no different from RNLI Chairman strategic targets. RNLI Chief Executive 11 2 Our purpose WHAT WE DO Our purpose, RNLI volunteer lifeboat crews provide a 24-hour rescue service in the UK and Ireland, and our seasonal lifeguards look after people on busy beaches. Our Flood Rescue Team helps those affected by flooding. This forms our concept of operations in the UK and Ireland, which works our impact to measurable performance standards. WE’RE MORE THAN A RESCUE SERVICE Our aim is to defeat drowning by Wherever drowning occurs, we aim to defeat it. With your support the RNLI can break the drowning chain and make empowering communities and saving LIFEBOATS FLOOD RESCUE PARTNERSHIP AND ADVOCACY early interventions by influencing, supervising and educating people. We work with partners to understand the risks and lives through these principal activities: Our crews aim to launch their lifeboats within 10 minutes of Our flood rescue teams can reach nearly any flood We are working to get the global drowning problem onto offer innovative solutions – and our Community Safety being notified, and can operate up to 100 nautical miles out to sea. rendezvous point in the UK and Ireland within 6 hours of the agenda of policy makers. We collaborate with other teams share that knowledge with anyone using the water. We aim to reach at least 90% of all casualties within 10 nautical request. These specially trained volunteers can also deploy organisations to understand the causes of drowning, We share that expertise internationally too. We give support miles of the coast within 30 minutes of launching in any weather. internationally within 24 hours of being notified. undertake research, model the risks and offer solutions. to countries where drowning rates are significant, and work The vast majority of our crew members are volunteers. with like-minded organisations to raise awareness of the problem and how we can address it together. All of these lifesaving activities are underpinned by people and initiatives that generate income and ensure that we are well governed. OUR VOLUNTEERS Volunteers remain at the heart of our charity, supported by expert staff working in partnership to enable communities to save lives. Around 95% of RNLI people are volunteers, including more than 4,950 crew members and 23,000 community fundraisers. Thousands more dedicated volunteers raise awareness, give safety advice and help in our museums, shops and offices. Find out more about our people on page 23. LIFEGUARDS COMMUNITY SAFETY FUNDING Lifeguards aim to reach any person up to 300m from shore, Community safety is core to the RNLI’s operations and underpins As a charity independent of government, we rely on the within the red and yellow flags on RNLI-patrolled beaches, our aim to halve accidental coastal fatalities and significantly generous support of donors to meet the cost of our lifesaving in 3½ minutes. reduce serious incidents in the UK and Ireland by 2024. We use activities. We set exacting standards in our fundraising to research, targeted campaigns and lifesaving plans to encourage protect and maintain good relationships with our supporters changes in people’s behaviour, in and around the water. and ensure financial stability. 3 4 Our purpose Our purpose OUR IMPACT IN 2017 OUR STRATEGY TO REACH THESE GOALS SAVING LIVES • RNLI lifeboat crews rescued or assisted 8,072 people In 2017 we brought together thinking from across the entire ‘ The Float to Lerwick lifeboat crew pulled on and our lifeguards assisted 24,044 people. organisation to write our new lifesaving strategy. It’s an Live advert all their experience and insider • Our Respect the Water campaign was the biggest yet. evidence-based approach, with objectives rooted in years of 99,411 knowledge when five fishermen The campaign helped to prevent several deaths and insight about who is drowning and why. The circumstances in was the Children taught water jumped for their lives in March. 73% of the UK population now think about safety which people drown vary by location and type of activity but The trawler Ocean Way was safety messages as a direct around the water, compared to 71% in 2016. the risk of drowning follows a common chain of events: the reason I rapidly taking on water off a remote • There’s a growing awareness and acceptance among drowning chain. result of our work with archipelago in Shetland and attempts the international community that drowning is an Our strategy is to work back up the drowning chain to knew how international partners to pump her out had failed.