October 2008
October 2008 UpdateNews for the Members of SAE International SAE plays major role in China International Auto Parts Expo Members asked A co-organizer of the China International Auto Parts Expo (CIAPE) 2008, to be held to vote for SAE November 12-15, 2008, in Beijing, China, SAE International, as part of its compre- Board of Directors hensive participation plan, will organize From November 1-30, SAE International and present a special Executive Power- voting members are encouraged to par- train Panel. This two-hour program will ticipate in the election of the President feature senior-level leaders at prominent and Directors. Those elected will officially powertrain companies/organizations from begin their term on the SAE Board of around the world discussing the latest Directors in January 2009. technologies. The voting process will occur on SAE’s A second special SAE event will address website (www.sae.org/encvoting). trends in the automotive industry, presented by Neil Schilke, Managing Director of the Officer nominee: Automotive Resources Institute, an SAE In- 2009 President: James E. Smith, West Vir- ternational affiliate organization. Schilke will ginia University discuss new and advanced technologies and trends that are impacting the global automo- 2009-2011 Director nominees: tive OEM marketplace. By understanding Hal M. Heule, US Airways the long-term trends and how they affect Laura Hitchcock, Boeing Co. the supply chain, attendees can gain insight Andris Lacis, BTG Systems Inc. to positioning their companies for future During a June visit to China, a delegation led by SAE Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer David L.
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