1 Appendix A. List of Plant Species That Were Observed Or Collected At

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1 Appendix A. List of Plant Species That Were Observed Or Collected At Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District – Vascular Plant Inventory 1 Appendix A. List of plant species that were observed or collected at Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District. Species list derived from species seen or collected by UA Inventory personnel, specimens located in the University of Arizona herbarium (from 1909– 1996), Bowers and McLaughlin (1987), Rondeau and Van Devender (1992), Fishbein et al. (1994a), Fishbein et al. (1994b), Fishbein (1995), Fishbein and Bowers (1996), Guertin (1998), Halvorson and Guertin (2003), long-term monitoring plots 1998–2004 (SNP in prep), fire-effects monitoring (Saguaro National Park, unpublished data). Species in bold-faced type are non-native (from USDA 2004). Family Scientific name Common name Acanthaceae Anisacanthus thurberi (Torr.) Gray Thurber's desert honeysuckle Carlowrightia arizonica Gray Arizona wrightwort Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. purple scalystem Justicia candicans (Nees) L. Benson Arizona water-willow Ruellia nudiflora (Engelm. & Gray) Urban violet wild petunia Siphonoglossa longiflora (Torr.) Gray longflower tubetongue Tetramerium nervosum Nees hairy fournwort Aceraceae Acer glabrum Torr. Rocky Mountain maple Acer glabrum var. neomexicanum (Greene) Kearney & Peebles New Mexico maple Acer negundo L. boxelder Acer negundo var. interius (Britt.) Sarg. boxelder Agavaceae Agave chrysantha Peebles goldenflower century plant Agave palmeri Engelm. Palmer's century plant Agave parryi Engelm. Parry's agave Agave schottii Engelm. Schott's century plant Agave schottii Engelm. var. schottii Schott's century plant Yucca baccata var. brevifolia (Schott ex Torr.) L. Benson & Darrow Spanish dagger Yucca elata (Engelm.) Engelm. soaptree yucca Yucca elata (Engelm.) Engelm. var. elata soaptree yucca Yucca schottii Engelm. Schott's yucca Aizoaceae Trianthema portulacastrum L. desert horsepurslane Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus L. prostrate pigweed Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. mat amaranth Amaranthus fimbriatus (Torr.) Benth. ex S. Wats. fringed amaranth Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. carelessweed Amaranthus powellii S. Wats. Powell's amaranth Froelichia arizonica Thornb. ex Standl. Arizona snakecotton Gomphrena caespitosa Torr. tufted globe amaranth Gomphrena nitida Rothrock pearly globe amaranth Gomphrena sonorae Torr. Sonoran globe amaranth Guilleminea densa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Moq. small matweed Iresine heterophylla Standl. Standley's bloodleaf Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl. woolly tidestromia Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Ait. fragrant sumac Anacardiaceae Rhus lancea L. African Sumac Rhus trilobata Nutt. skunkbush sumac Rhus trilobata var. pilosissima Engelm. pubescent squawbush Rhus trilobata var. racemulosa (Greene) Barkl. skunkbush sumac Rhus virens var. choriophylla (Woot. & Standl.) L. Benson evergreen sumac Toxicodendron radicans ssp. divaricatum (Greene) Gillis eastern poison ivy Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene western poison ivy Apiaceae Bowlesia incana Ruiz & Pavón hoary bowlesia Daucus pusillus Michx. American wild carrot Lomatium nevadense (S. Wats.) Coult. & Rose Nevada biscuitroot Lomatium nevadense (S. Wats.) Coult. & var. nevadense Nevada biscuitroot Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coult. & Rose alpine false springparsley Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. ex DC.) Heller bristly scaleseed Vascular Plant Inventory derived from Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District, Open- File Report 2006-1075, November 2006; Edited by Brian F. Powell, William L. Halverson, and Cecilia A. Schmidt; U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District – Vascular Plant Inventory 2 Family Scientific name Common name Yabea microcarpa (Hook. & Arn.) K.-Pol. false carrot Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium L. spreading dogbane Apocynum cannabinum L. Indianhemp Haplophyton crooksii (L. Benson) L. Benson cockroachplant Macrosiphonia brachysiphon (Torr.) Gray Huachuca Mountain rocktrumpet Nerium oleander L. oleander Araliaceae Aralia humilis Cav. Arizona spikenard Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia watsonii Woot. & Standl. Watson's dutchman's pipe Asclepiadaceae Asclepias angustifolia Schweig. Arizona milkweed Asclepias asperula (Dcne.) Woods. ssp. asperula spider milkweed Asclepias glaucescens Kunth nodding milkweed Asclepias hypoleuca (Gray) Woods. mahogany milkweed Asclepias linaria Cav. pineneedle milkweed Asclepias nyctaginifolia Gray Mojave milkweed Asclepias quinquedentata Gray slimpod milkweed Asclepias tuberosa L. butterfly milkweed Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior Woods. butterfly milkweed Cynanchum arizonicum (Gray) Shinners Arizona swallow-wort Funastrum crispum (Benth.) Schlechter wavyleaf twinevine Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides (Dcne.) Schlechter fringed twinevine Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum (Vail) Kartesz, comb. nov. ined. Hartweg's twinevine Matelea arizonica (Gray) Shinners Arizona milkvine Matelea parvifolia (Torr.) Woods. spearleaf Matelea producta (Torr.) Woods. Texas milkvine Aspleniaceae Asplenium trichomanes L. maidenhair spleenwort Asteraceae Achillea millefolium L. common yarrow Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis DC. western yarrow Acourtia nana (Gray) Reveal & King dwarf desertpeony Acourtia thurberi (Gray) Reveal & King Thurber's desertpeony Acourtia wrightii (Gray) Reveal & King brownfoot Adenophyllum porophylloides (Gray) Strother San Felipe dogweed Ageratina herbacea (Gray) King & H.E. Robins. fragrant snakeroot Ageratina paupercula (Gray) King & H.E. Robins. Santa Rita snakeroot Ageratina rothrockii (Gray) King & H.E. Robins. Rothrock's snakeroot Ambrosia ambrosioides (Cav.) Payne ambrosia leaf burr ragweed Ambrosia confertiflora DC. weakleaf burr ragweed Ambrosia cordifolia (Gray) Payne Tucson burr ragweed Ambrosia deltoidea (Torr.) Payne triangle burr ragweed Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne burrobush Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Cuman ragweed Anaphalis DC. pearly everlasting Antennaria marginata Greene whitemargin pussytoes Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. small-leaf pussytoes Antheropeas lanosum (Gray) Rydb. white easterbonnets Artemisia dracunculus L. tarragon Artemisia dracunculus ssp. dracunculus L. wormwood Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. white sagebrush Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula (Woot.) Keck white sagebrush Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. sulcata (Rydb.) Keck white sagebrush Baccharis brachyphylla Gray shortleaf baccharis Baccharis pteronioides DC. yerba de pasmo Vascular Plant Inventory derived from Vascular Plant and Vertebrate Inventory of Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District, Open- File Report 2006-1075, November 2006; Edited by Brian F. Powell, William L. Halverson, and Cecilia A. Schmidt; U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District – Vascular Plant Inventory 3 Family Scientific name Common name Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pavón) Pers. mule's fat Baccharis sarothroides Gray desertbroom Baccharis thesioides Kunth Arizona baccharis Bahia absinthifolia Benth. hairyseed bahia Bahia absinthifolia var. dealbata (Gray) Gray Dealbata's bahia Bahia dissecta (Gray) Britt. ragleaf bahia Baileya multiradiata Harvey & Gray ex Gray desert marigold Bebbia juncea (Benth.) Greene sweetbush Bebbia juncea var. aspera Greene sweetbush Bidens aurea (Ait.) Sherff Arizona beggarticks Bidens heterosperma Gray Rocky Mountain beggarticks Bidens lemmonii Gray Lemmon's beggarticks Bidens leptocephala Sherff fewflower beggarticks Asteraceae Brickellia amplexicaulis B.L. Robins. earleaf brickellbush Brickellia baccharidea Gray resinleaf brickellbush Brickellia betonicifolia Gray betonyleaf brickellbush Brickellia californica (Torr. & Gray) Gray California brickellbush Brickellia coulteri Gray Coulter's brickellbush Brickellia eupatorioides var. chlorolepis (Woot. & Standl.) B.L. Turner false boneset Brickellia grandiflora (Hook.) Nutt. tasselflower brickellbush Brickellia pringlei Gray Pringle's brickellbush Brickellia rusbyi Gray stinking brickellbush Brickellia venosa (Woot. & Standl.) B.L. Robins. veiny brickellbush Brickelliastrum fendleri (Gray) King & H.E. Robins. Fendler's brickellbush Calycoseris wrightii Gray white tackstem Carminatia tenuiflora DC. plumeweed Carphochaete bigelovii Gray Bigelow's bristlehead Centaurea melitensis L. Maltese star-thistle Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Arn. Steve's dustymaiden Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) Nesom rose heath Cirsium neomexicanum Gray New Mexico thistle Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. wavyleaf thistle Cirsium wheeleri (Gray) Petrak Wheeler's thistle Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. asthmaweed Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. Canadian horseweed Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. var. canadensis Canadian horseweed Coreocarpus arizonicus (Gray) Blake little lemonhead Cosmos parviflorus (Jacq.) Pers. southwestern cosmos Dimorphotheca sinuata DC. glandular cape marigold Encelia farinosa Gray ex Torr. goldenhills Encelia farinosa Gray ex Torr. var. farinosa goldenhills Encelia frutescens (Gray) Gray var. frutescens button brittlebush Ericameria cuneata (Gray) McClatchie cliff goldenbush Ericameria cuneata var. spathulata (Gray) Hall cliff goldenbush Ericameria laricifolia (Gray) Shinners turpentine bush Erigeron colomexicanus A. Nels. running fleabane Erigeron divergens Torr. & Gray spreading fleabane Erigeron flagellaris Gray trailing fleabane Erigeron neomexicanus Gray New Mexico fleabane Erigeron oreophilus Greenm. chaparral fleabane Erigeron speciosus var. macranthus
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