Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

The New Normal: Doubling Commitment to Missional Intercession

As much as we salute their doggedness and immense sacrifice, the true heroes of missions exploits might not necessarily be them who crossed lands and oceans, left families and friends, received inhumane treatment or perhaps paid the ultimate price of martyrdom. Rather, they are those whose knees conquered kingdoms and established righteousness in the place of consistent groaning.

Undoubtedly, missions labour have entered a new normal with the global pandemic. But what is unchanging is the efficacy of prayer to the Great Commission. The harvest is becoming overwhelming; nations are rising against nations and the close of the age is imminent. If we truly long to see His Kingdom come and His will done on earth, then, only one thing becomes needful, it’s Prayers.

R.A Torrey captures it well, he says, “When the devil sees a man or a woman who really believes in prayer, who knows how to pray, and who really does pray, and above all, when he sees a whole church on its face before God in prayer, he trembles as much as he ever did, for he knows that his day in that church or community is at an end”.

In this edition of the Missions Prayer Alert, we present to you issues for prayers. We are emphasizing prayers for the unreached and the nations at large. Our emphasis remains on the frontiers; that is where the needs are severest. Moreover, this edition of prayers leads us into the New Year, our expectations are high and so is our trust in the Lord of the harvest.

As an association saddled with the task of networking, empowering, mobilizing and advancing the course of the Lord’s business, we again solicit for your unrelenting prayers. We have witnessed abounding testimonies of what God is doing through your prayers as we toil on with Him. Remember that every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form. If we pray we shall see Him glorified among the nations, if we don’t we have simply agreed with the devil to rule on. Let prayers be thy steering wheel and not a spare tyre. That is the new normal, doubling commitment to intercede.

For His Worship among the Nations, Andrew Gwaivangmin, Executive Secretary, NEMA [email protected]

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021


Thursday, October 1, 2020 Thank God for bringing us into the last edition of the Prayer Alert for the year. Pray that God will use you mightily in the place of prayer in this last quarter. Plead with the LORD to pour out the spirit of intercession over His Church in Nigeria so that many will stand in the gap for the unreached and the persecuted. Nigeria marks 60th year of independence today, ask the Lord to grant this country true freedom from every power holding her in bondage.

Friday, October 2, 2020 Many Christians who reside in rural villages across Nigeria and African can’t read or write and cannot connect on the internet. They depend totally on physical fellowships among themselves and on visits by disciplers and teachers from outside their village for spiritual nourishment. This has been greatly affected by the corona virus restrictions. Pray that God Himself will care for His sheep especially those isolated and needing constant care. Pray that disciplers will discover dynamic ways of caring for those who can’t connect online and can’t meet physically.

Saturday, October 3, 2020 Rape against women of all ages including very young babies and very old women is fast becoming an epidemic in Nigeria. It has been attributed to several reasons and the police and government seem helpless in tackling the menace. Bind the demons released for this purpose from the pit of hell. Pray that God’s spirit will take control of the atmosphere over this nation and let righteousness prevail in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, October 4, 2020 Ritual killing for wealth is another instrument in the hands of the enemy against the people of Nigeria. It is worse in the Southern part of the country. Plead with the Lord to set up a counter movement that will release life to our young people and increase righteousness and fear of the LORD in the land. Pray for young people already trapped in this evil that the LORD will encounter them and show them how to get forgiveness and salvation.

Monday, October 5, 2020 Pray for a Christian movement that will be mightily used of God to focus on cultists across the country and help youths trapped in cultism find new life in Jesus. Just as He raised movements like SCRIPTURE UNION, IFES, etc, may the Lord move some of His children to arise and bring cultists across Nigerian campuses, ghettos and city slums to Jesus.

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Tuesday, October 6, 2020 A sense of impending war still hangs over this country. Bitter rhetoric still flies around from all sides. Cry out to the LORD to keep and increase the peace of Nigeria. May Jehovah Shalom “...scatter the peoples who delight in war” (Psalm 68:30).

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Katsina state has been under constant attacks by Bandits and other armed militias even not minding the fact that the President and many top government officials are from the state. Pray for God’s peace over Katsina. Plead with the Lord to defend the poor and the weak, the fatherless and the needy in Katsina. (Psalm 82:3-4)

Thursday, October 8, 2020 The silent genocide of indigenous Hausa communities in the North West of Nigeria by Bandits and other militias is still ongoing. The worst affected communities are those that have welcomed Christianity. Please pray earnestly to God to resist this bloodletting and protect these communities. Pray for an end to killings in the North West.

Friday, October 9, 2020 Southern Kaduna has continued to witness attacks and government seems not to be doing enough to put an end to this ugly development. Pray that lasting peace will be experienced in this region. Ask that the government will be sincere and committed to her responsibility in ensuring security of lives and properties.

Saturday, October 10, 2020 Governorship election is holding today. Pray for peace over Ondo State. Pray for the will of God to be done in the election. Pray for emergence of a government that will fear God and be used by Him mightily to advance His eternal purposes both within and beyond the state.

Sunday, October 11, 2020 The disturbing but growing trend of kidnapping rural missionaries by Islamic terrorists shows a well-organized move to impoverish the Church, weary her and frighten her into retreating from the fronts. Pray that the LORD will arise and help His people against this evil. Ask for wisdom for missionaries and mission leaders on how to handle this.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

In the face of all the attacks, persecution and terror levelled against the Church in Nigeria, there may be tendency to retreat, shrink in fear and just try to hold the fort already taken. Pray for courage for Church and Mission leaders in Nigeria. Let the Captain, who is Jesus Christ, cause His army to advance and keep advancing on all fronts especially in Northern Nigeria.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Pray that the newly elected governor of will yield to God and be used by Him to make policies that will bless Edo people and impact positively on the spread of the Gospel within and beyond the State. Pray for the breakthrough of the gospel especially in the northern part of the state which is populated by a significant number of Muslim populace.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 There is still fear that Corona Virus might still spread and cause massive death in Nigeria and across Africa. Thank God for His mercy so far in retraining this evil virus in Africa and pray that God will keep restraining it across Nigeria, Africa and the world in general.

Thursday, October 15, 2020 Pray for churches in Northern Nigeria who have lost so many members and Pastors to Islamic terrorism in recent time. Ask the LORD to comfort the leadership of the church and the members especially those directly affected by the killings and violence. Pray for the increment of peace and for wisdom for the leadership of the Church in Northern Nigeria.

Friday, October 16, 2020 Some of the unreached people groups in rural North are adherents of African Traditional Religion with distinct culture from the dominant Hausa-Fulani culture in Northern Nigeria. But this is changing all the time. The influence of the Hausa-Fulani culture is overwhelming and with it comes folk Isam, making it twice more difficult to reach many such people groups with the Gospel. Pray that the Gospel will get to the lost in rural Northern Nigeria on time before the arrival of Folk Islam.

Saturday, October 17, 2020 Prayer fatigue is a condition which affects believers who has prayed for long without tangible evidence of the answer to their prayers. Many believers in the country are already experiencing prayer fatigue as it concerns the violence against the Church, asking “how long oh LORD!” (Habakuk 1:2-4). Pray that the LORD will

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

encourage the faith of His children in this country. Ask the Lord to strengthen the hearts of all who pray, “...that no man’s heart fail them” (1 Samuel 17:32).

Sunday, October 18, 2020 Operation World led by Jason Mandryk has done tremendous work in Missions research globally, furnishing the Church with up-to-date and comprehensive statistics on the state of the harvest worldwide. Pray for greater grace, wisdom and resources for the leadership of Operation World.

Monday, October 19, 2020 Evangelical Mission Colleges across Europe are facing challenging times in recruiting missionary trainees. Few have had to shut down or merge with others in the last few years because they can’t get enough missionary trainees. Cry out to God to strengthen the remaining Evangelical Mission training centres across Europe. Plead with God to give them more wisdom, deepen their spirituality and provide more resources so they can train more. Pray that more Christian groups and individuals in Europe will be moved to set up sound Bible-based mission training centres.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 It is heart-warming to hear that in the midst of the wanton killings going on in especially against Christians, the Gospel work continues even where “Satan has his seat” (Revelation 2:13) among tribes in the Chad basin area. Bless God for the courage of His servants still labouring in such dangerous locations. Pray that God will cause His grace to abound much more wherever evil has abounded in the North East (Romans 5:20).

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Less than 5% of the 15,000 population of the Lopawa people located in Kebbi and Niger states are evangelical Christians. Islam remains the largest religion among the people although some encouraging progress is being recorded among the people. Pray that God’s Spirit will sweep through the people, causing a massive flow of Lopawa people into the Kingdom.

Thursday, October 22, 2020 Praise God for recent efforts made to engage the Gerumawa people of with the Gospel. They are estimated to be about 15,000 in population and remain mostly unreached. Islam is still the dominant religion. Cry out to God for the salvation of the Gerumawa people and plead with Him to send the right kind of labourers to this people group.

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Friday, October 23, 2020 The Gudu poeple of Song L.G.A. in still needs our intercession for their salvation. The influence of Islam has altered the culture of the Gudu people also known as Gutu or Gato to make them to resemble the dominant Hausa-Fulani culture. Most of the about 7,000 population of the Gudu people cannot read or write. Missionaries depend more on oral discipleship to pass across the Gospel message. Pray against the Islamic influence over the people, ask the LORD to set them free to serve the only true God.

Saturday, October 24, 2020 The Laru people of Borgu L.G.A of have no Bible in their Sengwe language and their population of about 28,000 remain unreached with the Gospel. Pray for the availability of Scripture in the language of the Laru people. Plead with the LORD to send more prepared labourers to the Laru field and pray for the success of some of our missions agencies labouring among the people.

Sunday, October 25, 2020 The Lagwan/Afade people found in Borno and Yobe states are still in desperate need of the Gospel. They are about 42,000 in population and have no Scripture in their language. Pray for a major Gospel breakthrough among the Lagwan/Afade people. May His kingdom come among the Lagwan.

Monday, October 26, 2020 A lot of progress has been made among the 19,000 population of the Achipawa people found in Niger and Kebbi states in recent years. Praise God for the breakthrough among this people group and plead with Him to empower His people labouring among the Achipawa people with wisdom, and the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about a major move of God among the Achipawas. Plead for God’s protection for the nascent Church in that land and for the missionaries labouring among them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 The Asu people are found in Niger and Kebbi States. There is no Bible available in the Asu language which is gradually dissolving into the just as the Asu culture is being absolved by the folk-Islam practices of the general Hausa-Fulani culture around the Asu people. They are about 9,000 in population and Islam is the dominant religion. Pray for the salvation of the Asu people. Pray for the availability of Christian Scriptures and evangelistic materials in the language and format that can be accessed by the majority of Asu people.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

The nomadic lifestyle of the Bagara, Shuwa Arabs of Dikwa, Konduga, Bama, Ngala LGAs of Borno State makes it difficult for missionaries to reach them. Almost all the over 200,000 population of the Shuwa Arabs are devoted to Islam since the thirteenth century. Bless God for the few believers found among them. Pray that God will raise intercessors who will not give God rest day nor night on behalf of the Bagara. May God burden and send outreach teams to the Bagara tribes from within Nigeria and Africa.

Thursday, October 29, 2020 The Bade people of Guri LGA in Jigawa and Bade, Jakusko, Bursari, and Karasuwa LGAs in are one of the largest unreached people groups remaining in the Northeast. They have just Bible portion in their language and their population of about 383,500 is mostly devoted to Islam. Pray for a Gospel breakthrough among this tribe. Strengthen the hands of Missionaries working among the Bade in prayer and plead with the LORD to set the Bade people free from the hold of Islam and traditional religion.

Friday, October 30, 2020 The Bankalawa people are found in Bauchi state and there is no Scripture in their Bankal language. The dominant religion among them is still Islam. Pray that God will cause His salvation to spring out among the Bankalawa people. Let the Church of Jesus Christ take root and grow among them.

Saturday, October 31, 2020 The Egbira Koto people of Kogi and Nasarawa states are one of those people groups in that have fiercely resisted the Gospel over the years though surrounded by Christian communities. They are about 60,000 in number and are almost entirely Muslims. Ask the LORD to bless the labours of His servants among them with eternal fruits. Pray that many indigenous believers from Christian communities around them will be moved by the HOLY SPIRIT to boldly but graciously carry the Light to them.

Sunday, November 1, 2020 The Barke/Burkanawa people of Bauchi state are mostly adherents of African Traditional Religion but that is quickly changing as they are adopting the Hausa- Fulani folk Islam lifestyle more and more. If the Gospel has to reach them, it has to reach them quickly too. Plead with God to raise a team of dedicated and God- prepared Church planters to go to the Burkanawa people and cause God’s kingdom to be established among them.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Pa’a Afawa of Ningi and Bauchi LGAs, Bauchi state practice a mixture of Islam and animism. They are about 30,000 in number and have no Scripture in their Paa language. Break the power of false religions over the Pa’a Afawa in the name of Jesus. Pray that the eyes of the people will be opened to the hope that is in Jesus Christ. Ask the LORD to empower His servants among them to bear fruits abundantly.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 United States Presidential and Congressional elections hold today. Plead with the LORD to raise a righteous government in America that shall directly and indirectly help to reduce persecution of Christians around the globe especially Nigeria and in Muslim majority countries and bring back Christianity into the public place in Europe and Northern America.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Bole, Bolewa people of Bauchi and Yobe states are about 150,000 in population and almost all are Muslims. The presence of Boko Haram in the home area of the Bolewa people brings an extra measure of danger and difficulty in taking the Gospel to them. Pray for the availability of Gospel recordings and radio broadcasts in the language of the Bole people. Pray for peace over the Bole home area so that the Gospel can flourish.

Thursday, November 5, 2020 Until recently, the Kupa People group in Kogi State were one of the few remaining un-engaged-unreached people groups in Nigeria. Thank God for the successful engagement of the Kupa. Yet, there are not less than 49 Kupa villages with no indigenous church among them and there are probably just about 10 known Kupa believers. A lot of gospel effort has been carried out among the people with less visible fruits. The about 40,000 population of the Kupa follow Islam. Pray for a breakthrough among the Kupa people. Pray for the availability of Scripture and Gospel materials in the language and format the people can access. Uproot all barriers against the Gospel among the Kupa.

Friday, November 6, 2020 The relatively small population of the Buduma/Yedina people dwells in the Lake Chad Island. They are Muslims and remain unreached till now. Pray for a team that will adopt the Buduma people and bring them to Jesus. May the light shine among the Buduma.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

The Bauchi people group (distinct from Bauchi state) dwells in the Rafi and Shiroro area of Niger state. The majority of their population of about 37,000 follows Islam. As at today, there is no Bible in their language. Pray for the availability of Scripture and Gospel recordings in the Bauchi language. May the eyes of the Bauchi people be opened to the saving power of our Lord Jesus. Bless those laboring among them already that they will certainly experience a harvest of souls.

Sunday, November 8, 2020 The Busa/Bisa people of Borgu LGA in Niger State and Bagudo LGA in are atill unreached with the Gospel until now. Praise God, the New Testament has been made available in their language. Pray that the over 70,000 population of Busa people will have access to the good news. Pray that the LORD will send more passionate labourers to the Busa people.

Monday, November 9, 2020 The Duwai People of Gashua LGA, in Yobe State were among the initially identified unengaged peoples. A recent visit by NEMA management, primarily to assess the work among the Duwai people revealed that a lot still need to be done to effectively reach the people who are also threatened with extinction. Pray that efforts to reach the Duwai people will succeed. Pray that the about 19,000 population of the Duwai will have access to the Gospel message in a format and language they can understand.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Kyanga People are found mostly in Kyengakwai, Kamba LGA of Kebbi state. Over 22,000 people in desperate need of the Gospel of salvation. Pray for the availability of the Bible and other Gospel materials in the language and format the Kyanga people will understand. Ask for grace for all laboring among them. May their works prosper and may their fruits endure. Pray for protection for the few believers found among the Kyanga from bandits and Islamic extremists.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Bauchi State is still the State with the highest number of unreached people groups in the country. Praise God for recent efforts to engage these tribes with the Gospel. Pray for a God-visitation over Bauchi State. Pray that God will use the religious and political leaders in Bauchi State to advance the Gospel knowingly or unknowingly.

Thursday, November 12, 2020 Eggan People are like the Egbira Koto in resisting the Gospel in Kogi State. But God’s searchlight has focused on them. Pray that recent efforts to engage the Eggan people

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

will yield bountiful fruits. Pray against the spirit of Islam that holds the Eggan people captive. Ask the LORD to encounter the community leaders in the Eggan tribe and save them so that they can influence their communities Christ-ward.

Friday, November 13, 2020 The Butu Ningi People of Bauchi State still needs our intercession for their salvation. They are about 55,000 in population and have no Scripture in their language. Earnestly pray against the over bearing influence of Islam over the Butu- Ningi people. Plead for the establishment of the Church of Jesus among them.

Saturday, November 14, 2020 The Duguri, Dugurawa People group lives in Tafawa Balewa and Alkaleri LGAS of Bauchi state and in Kanam LGA of . Fortunately, many Duguri are literate and can access the Bible in Hausa language. Although about a quarter of the Duguri people practice Islam, majority are still traditionalists. Pray that the LORD will bring forth a strong local Church among the Duguri. Plead with the LORD to send more labourers to the Duguri field.

Sunday, November 15, 2020 Using sex and marriage as a means of spreading Islam is real and taking place among Christian populations across the country. It is estimated that thousands of girls from Christian homes have already fallen victim to this satanic devise. Pray for God’s protection over girls and young women from Christian homes and communities. Use God’s WORD to frustrate every agenda to harvest Christian girls for Islam.

Monday, November 16, 2020 This a busy week for NEMA. Commit the NEC/BOT meeting that commences today into God’s hand. Also pray for the Annual General Assembly (AGA) beginning from 18th November to 20th, ask the Lord to superintend over these important meetings. Pray for travel mercies for all participants.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 There are many tribes in Northwest and Northeast that have resisted Islam or have been out rightly rejecting it in favour of the Gospel. Such people groups or communities are under constant pressure to embrace Islam or face political subjugation, economic boycott or worse violent attack as we see in so many places today in the Northwest. Pray for God’s protection over these communities. Ask that their community leaders will have courage to maintain their cultural and religious identity. Pray for a strong and enduring influence of the Gospel in such places.

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Pray for the destinies of the children of Martyrs in Northern Nigeria. When parents die suddenly, the children are in danger of being dispersed and ending up on the street. These children were born with great mandates before terrorists killed their parents. Pray that God will lay His hands upon them, provide for their education, lead them in their spiritual journey and cause them to succeed. Thank God for agencies and individuals who invest in the education and care of the orphans of martyrs. Pray for abundant supply of whatever they need to fulfill their mandate.

Thursday, November 19, 2020 Insurgents are still wrecking havoc in the North East, particularly in Borno State. Pray that God will fight for Nigeria against Boko Haram and ISWAP. May the LORD thunder from heaven against them. Pray that their sponsors and sympathizers in government and outside of government will be exposed, disgraced and removed. Ask God to repeat Babel within the camp of the terrorists.

Friday, November 20, 2020 Appreciate God for the success of this year’s Annual General Assembly, pray for great grace to be able to implement the resolutions. Ask for journey mercies as delegates return to their various destinations. Pray for God’s abundance help as we enter into a new ministry year. Saturday, November 21, 2020 Fulani Nigerian also known as Mbororo are scattered mostly in Nigeria and Cameroon. They are nomadic and fiercely reject education and permanent homes. They are almost entirely Sunni Muslims and very resistant to the Gospel. Praise God for the few believers found among them. Pray that God will bless and multiply them. Pray that these Mbororo believers will have access to sound teaching and discipleship. Pray for Missionaries making effort to reach the Mbororo that God will bless their labours with great fruits in 2021.

Sunday, November 22, 2020 The Sokoto Fulani are a sub-group of the Fulani tribe. The Sokoto Fulani is made up of Ruling class known as the Toroobe which excises authority over much of Northern Nigeria and the Bororo who are nomads. The Sokoto Fulani are virtually all Muslim. Pray for a loosening of the hold Islam has on them. Pray for the top leaders of Sokoto Fulani from the Sultan to the Emirs that they will encounter Jesus and influence their communities for Him. Pray for a big breakthrough among them and that God will give wisdom, courage and anointing to all Gospel workers focusing on them.

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Monday, November 23, 2020 The Gana-gana people group is found in Niger, Kogi and the FCT. They are about 143,000 in population and majority are Muslims. Praise God for a number of them who identify as Christians. Pray that God will revive these indigenous believers and spread His fire through them to reach the rest of the people.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 People fleeing violence often camped in IDP camps across the North are in desperate condition. The government is not doing enough to care for them. There have even been stories of Boko-Haram and Bandits attacking IDP camps, killing wantonly and abducting women and girls. The situation is even worse for Christians in those camps who are at the bottom of the government pecking order. Please pray for the protection of families trapped in IDP camps. May the LORD provide for their needs and heal them physically and emotionally.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 The Gurutum People of Bauchi and Alkaleri LGAS of Bauchi state are still unreached with the Good news of Our LORD Jesus Christ. Almost all of them are adherents of Islam and the Bible has not been translated into their language. Pray that God will draw the Gurutum people into His kingdom. Pray that the people will have access to Missionaries and Gospel materials.

Thursday, November 26, 2020 The Jilbe people group live on the border between Cameroon and Borno state in Nigeria. They are relatively small, just about 3,400 people and Islam still holds sway over them. Let us plead with the LORD to shine His light on this group and cause a mass conversion to take place among them.

Friday, November 27, 2020 Kakanda is the name of another major tribe found in Agaie and Lapai LGAS of Niger state and Kogi LGA of Kogi state that is still unreached with the Gospel. They are about 42,000 in population and Islam is the dominant religion among them. Pray for the success of all efforts by the Church and the Mission community to open the Kakanda up to the Gospel. Ask God for wisdom, grace and anointing on behalf of all Gospel ministers and all believers living and ministering among the Kakanda.

Saturday, November 28, 2020 Brazil is the worst country hit so far by COVID 19 pandemic in South America. Brazil happens to be a strong evangelical country and a mission sending one for that matter. Plead with God to heal Brazil and Brazilians. Pray that infection and

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

death rates will slow down and stop across Brazil. Ask the LORD to strengthen the Brazil President and give him wisdom in these troublous times.

Sunday, November 29, 2020 Jimbin People group are found in Darazo LGA of Bauchi state. Almost all the 3,500 population of the Jimbin are Muslims. Intercede on their behalf that they will be drawn to Jesus. Plead for open doors for every missionary and Gospel minister laboring among them.

Monday, November 30, 2020 Pray for the Gwa People of Toro LGA in Bauchi state, that they will turn from idols and worship the only living God. Ask for fruitfulness for all missionaries laboring among them. Pray that Toro believers shall be properly discipled and taught to bring others to Jesus.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Praise God for ministries that have been used of God to help the Church in Nigeria in the area of discipleship and Christian Growth. Yet, a lot still needs to be done especially in discipling young people with genuine call into Christian ministry. Pray for more God-led, Spirit-controlled discipleship ministries and individuals to arise in Nigeria and provide guidance and support to youths aspiring to go into ministry.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 Wage war against the spirit of false prophesy and false teaching ravaging the Church in Nigeria. Plead with the LORD to silence the voices of false prophets and false teachers across the nation and across ministries and denominations. Pray that God’s people will hear only the voice of the SHEPHERD (John 10:27) and follow only HIM.

Thursday, December 3, 2020 The scarcity of genuine physically verifiable miracles have driven believers and unbelievers alike into the hands of lairs and fake miracle workers and those who deal with familiar spirits in Nigeria. Cry out to the LORD to visit His Church again and give us abundance of THE SIGNS OF THE KINGDOM (Mark 16:17-18). May genuine miracles be common among God’s people in this nation, restoring the faith of the believers and drawing unbelievers into the Kingdom.

Friday, December 4, 2020 Prison ministry has been used by God over the years to transform people who went on to impact many others. God has also used it in some places to establish a

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

community of believers among unreached and access-restricted communities. Pray that the prison ministry in Nigeria will blossom in these end-times. Bless all prison ministers in Nigeria that they will operate under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT. Ask the LORD to raise more burdened and anointed prison ministers.

Saturday, December 5, 2020 The level of sexual immorality and pervasion being reported against Christian leaders in Nigeria in recent time is such that should never be mentioned among God’s people. Pray that Jesus Christ Himself will sanctify His people and raise a Church that will be blameless in the eyes of the world. Pray that the Spirit of repentance will sweep through the body of Christ in Nigeria.

Sunday, December 6, 2020 Mobilizing young people into mission and life of sacrifice is becoming even more difficult than ever as things are becoming harder while materialism continue to grip young people. Pray for professionals in the Church, that they will have eyes that see ‘THE REWARD’ by faith (Hebrews 11:26). Pray for a generation that will courageously march into missions, wholly trusting God with their lives and not scared of hardship if that is God’s will.

Monday, December 7, 2020 The Gera or Gerawa live in Bauchi and Ganjuwa LGAS of Bauchi state. They are the dominant inhabitants of the city of Bauchi and are relatively modern and educated. Ask the LORD to send forth harvesters to the Gera people. Pray that the few Gera believers will be given boldness to share the Gospel with their own people. Pray for a strong and growing Church among the Gera.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Almost all Churches in this nation have more women than men. Men are majority among the un-churched. A recent survey revealed that in families where the father comes to faith first, there are about 95% chances that the whole family will follow. Pray for a mighty move of God that will target men and fathers in Nigeria.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 Islam is still the dominant religion among the Dendi, Dandawa people of Argungu and Bagudo LGAS of Kebbi State. They are just about 3,500 but are precious in God’s sight. Plead with the LORD for their salvation. Pray that all efforts to reach them with the Gospel will be successful

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

The city of Kano is one of the Islamic households in Nigeria. Pray for a massive urban discipleship making movement to sweep through the city of Kano. Pray for an unrestricted movement of the Gospel through Kano old city among and through the indigenous Hausa/Fulani population.

Friday, December 11, 2020 Many citizens of Katsina State have shown anger and disillusionment with the state and federal governments for their repeated failure to stop reckless killing by bandits. Pray that this disillusionment with the constituted authorities (which are all led by respected Muslim leaders) will drive many to be open to the Gospel message and put their hope in Christ.

Saturday, December 12, 2020 has a sizeable indigenous Christian population capable of finishing the task within the State and beyond. Pray for a mighty revival that will sweep through the indigenous Christian population of Gombe State, setting thousands ablaze for the kingdom thereby raising a mighty mission force.

Sunday, December 13, 2020 The majority of the indigenous populations of are professing Christians. Plead with the LORD to call out a ‘People of power’ from among them that will carry the Gospel boldly to the unreached tribes and the huge Muslim population within the State.

Monday, December 14, 2020 The Tiv People of Benue, Nasarawa and Taraba States have suffered greatly at the hands of Islamic terrorists in the last few years. The killing is still ongoing and the Church within the Tiv has paid a huge price. Pray God’s protection over the Tiv people. Ask the LORD to strengthen the governments of Benue, Nasarawa and Taraba States and burden them to do everything they can to protect the Tiv population within their States. Pray for God’s comfort and visitation on His Church within the Tiv race.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Pray for the tribes scattered in Southern Kaduna that are presently under threat of total annihilation at the hands of terrorists. Cry out to the LORD to stop the genocide going on in Southern Kaduna. May He comfort the people and give them justice. May the LORD scatter them that have ganged up against Southern Kaduna people while bringing the indigenous people of Southern Kaduna together in repentance, reconciliation and revival.

Prayer alert Oct-Jan 2021

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 The number of Chinese expatriates in Nigeria keeps increasing and they are almost all virtually unreached. Pray that God will open an access door of ministry into the Chinese population in Nigeria. Ask the LORD to send prepared and skilled missionaries that will focus on the Chinese population in Nigeria.

Thursday, December 17, 2020 Adamawa State has a huge indigenous Christian population, estimated to be equal or more than the Muslim population of the State. If God’s people in Adamawa State are revived, empowered and encouraged, they can reach the rest of the unreached people groups within the state and even go beyond. Pray that this will happen.

Friday, December 18, 2020 Pray for the Church of Jesus Christ in Borno State that it will not die but in the midst of the ongoing horror, will be emboldened to defy satan and disciple the whole of Borno for Jesus. Pray for God’s protection over the remaining Christian indigenous communities and Christian institutions in the State.

Saturday, December 19, 2020 The Jukun people of Taraba and parts of are one of those tribes that have faced repeated attacks from the Fulani militia and also occasional conflicts with neighboring tribes. Plead for God’s peace over the Jukun. Pray for a big move of the HOLY SPIRIT among the Jukun that will result in the discipleship of majority of the people. Pray for the Governors of Taraba and Benue states and all that rule with them that they might make policies that will secure the Jukun and other peoples in the states.

Sunday, December 20, 2020 As we step into the Christmas season, pray for peace over Christian communities especially in volatile areas. Overturn every plot to turn this season into a time of sorrow for the Church. The enemy of the church shall not succeed in carrying out any attack this festive season in Jesus’ name.

Monday, December 21, 2020 Pray that this Christmas season will be effectively utilized by believers across the nation to show Christ’s love to their Muslim neighbours and in so doing draw them to Jesus. Plead with the HOLY SPIRIT to use Christmas meals, special church services and even Christmas music to draw unbelievers to Him.

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Pray for hearts of millions of unbelievers and backsliders to be open to the good news of Christ’s incarnation and vicarious death this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 Pray for God’s divine protection and the release of hundreds of Christian women and girls abducted by various Islamic groups in recent months and years, some of them are wives and daughters of Pastors and Missionaries. Cry out to God to surround them with His glory wherever they are and set them free to the Glory of His name. Plead with the LORD to spare the Church and the Mission community any more of such calamity.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 Pray for God’s glory and power over the few indigenous believers in Sokoto state. That He will multiply them, increase their strength and use them mightily to bear witness of His power over sin, Satan and death. Pray for those who are trying to disciple and support them that God will encourage them with great fruits.

Thursday, December 24, 2020 Nigeria ranks as the 12th worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution on Open Doors' 2020 World Watch List. Nigeria was added to the U.S. State Department's “special watch list” of countries that engage in or tolerate severe violations of religious freedom for the first time last December 2019. Pray for a general relief from persecution for Christians across Nigeria especially in the North. Ask the LORD to cause changes to occur in the Nigerian government that will give His people peace.

Friday, December 25, 2020 Today is Christmas day, a day most Christians around the world rejoice and thank God for the Gift of His Precious Son JESUS CHRIST. May the Church in Nigeria receive a season of joy and peace from the LORD starting today. Pray for all God’s people (no matter where they are hidden in this country) that they will know the sweet presence of Immanuel. Saturday, December 26, 2020 Continue to plead with the LORD to raise Christians, especially Church leaders in positions of leadership who shall speak up against the killings and oppression of Christians, who shall seek justice and defend the oppressed in Northern Nigeria.

Sunday, December 27, 2020 Praise God for a new effort by NEMA management to be compliant with the current ‘new normal’ of on-line activities. Pray for NEMA member agencies that are yet to

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connect online that the LORD will enable them to do this soon for effective networking. Release God’s blessings on the mission endeavours of our churches and missions agencies.

Monday, December 28, 2020 Thank God for the success of the ‘The Nigerian Missions Security Summit’ held few months back to provide an opportunity for information sharing on practical ways by God's wisdom, the Missions community can respond to the challenge of insecurity and forge ahead with the Great Commission in Nigeria. Pray that through such summits, God will give the mission community wisdom, skill and understanding and show her practical ways of ensuring security on the field.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 Many of our mission agencies have organized special mission activities and outreaches in this season; ask the Lord to bless this strategic effort such that many souls will be won for the Lord. Continue to pray for greater harvest as the year comes to an end.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Thank God for His grace over His Church in the year 2020. The Church has just gone through yet another turbulent year but the LORD kept His people. Praise Him for the lives of our Fathers in the Lord, our Mission Leaders, Fellowship Presidents, CAN Leaders across the country and all that God has raised to represent His people in Nigeria. Thank God for the gains of 2020 on all the mission fronts.

Thursday, December 31, 2020 Praise God for seeing you through this year. Pray for healing for all that are hurting, comfort for the broken-hearted and joy to them that are in despair. Pray that the hearts and the hands of God’s people in this nation be strong as we step into the New Year.

Friday, January 1, 2021 Bless God for the privilege to see the New Year. Declare that 2021 shall be a year of expansion and advancement for the Church and the Missions movement in Nigeria in the name and power of Jesus Christ. Use Isaiah 55:12-13 to pray for God’s people in this nation. Prophesy over Nigeria that she will hear and heed the voice of the LORD this year. Frustrate every ungodly agenda for the year and declare that only the purpose of God that shall stand (Proverbs 19:21) over Nigeria in the year 2021.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

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Continue to remember our dear sister Lear Sharibu who remains a captive in the den of Boko Haram. Pray that God’s presence will surround her and keep her spirit pure and her faith strong. Believe God for her release and that of all Christian girls/women held in Islamic captivity in Nigeria and the world at large.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Praise God for the success of a medical outreach which was conducted in one of the main Kanuri towns in Yobe last year as part of a larger effort to reach the Kanuri with the Gospel. Pray that the HOLY SPIRIT will preserve the fruits from this outreach and use it to kick start a mighty church-planting movement among the Kanuri in Borno, Yobe and Jigawa states.

Monday, January 4, 2021 Thank God for the on-going translation of a gospel resource known as Discipleship Essentials. This resource is a very good tool for discipleship and will serve as a tool for our missionaries on the field. The material is been translated into Hausa language and will also be hosted online for access to users. Commit the translators into God’s hand, Pray that they will be diligent in their work to the glory of God and will work under divine unction.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 Praise God for His divine provision for NEMA operations in 2020. Pray and bless agencies, churches, fellowships and individuals that God has used to meet the needs of NEMA office and her member agencies in the midst of the economic downturn caused by the COVID19 pandemic. Plead with the LORD to continue to meet the needs of NEMA headquarters, the management team and all her staff and their families as well as member agencies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 The Niger-Kebbi border area is host to many unreached people groups that are open, and in desperate need of the Gospel. Pray that the Church in Nigeria will arise and go up to take this land for Jesus (Joshua 17:17-18) this year. Pray for a great move of God sweeping through these tribes.

Thursday, January 7, 2021 The United States has sent warning to Nigeria about the infiltration of Al-Qaida and ISIS fighters into Nigeria. Even the South will not be spared from the mayhem these can unleash according to their projections. Please pray against all agendas,

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conspiracies and plans of bringing in more terrorists from abroad and unleashing war across Nigeria. Pray that God will frustrate these fighters and their agendas. Plead for end to violence across Nigeria and not their escalation.

Friday, January 8, 2021 Praise God for all initiatives by NEMA and her member agencies and others to care for the families of our Brethren in the North affected by Islamic terrorism. Pray that these initiatives will succeed, grow and be used mightily of God to touch the lives of our Brethren and their families. Pray that more believers from within and outside of Nigeria will be moved by God to pray for, give their resources, and do whatever they can for the welfare of victims of terrorism in Northern Nigeria.

Saturday, January 9, 2021 The long-drawn debate whether Christians should (militarily) defend themselves against Islamic terrorism in Nigeria is becoming more louder, divisive, and a big hindrance to a unified response to the crisis by the Church. Ask the LORD to lead His people. Pray for humility and understanding from both sides of the argument and that the church may speak with one voice under the leadership of Jesus.

Sunday, January 10, 2021 Shoe repairers from the North have flooded the cities of the South in recent time. Their number continues to increase. Almost all of them are Muslims from unreached people groups in Northern Nigeria and neighboring countries. Plead with the LORD to raise a ministry that will be dedicated to solely ministering to these needy ones. May the LORD show His people a way to harvest these ripe souls for Him.

Monday, January 11, 2021 In recent times, many soldiers fighting Boko-Haram in the North East have come out to condemn their superior officers for their handling of the war against terror, even accusing them of betraying their own comrades to the terrorists. Pray for God’s protection over the Nigerian soldiers fighting in the Northeast. Pray that all saboteurs in the Nigerian army be exposed and disgraced out no matter how highly placed. Pray that God Himself will fight for us as a nation.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Plead with God to burden all major denominations in Nigeria to embrace the Diaspora ministry as one of the best ways to engage the unreached in these last days. Pray that those who promote this movement will find open doors and acceptance by ministries and denominations across Nigeria especially in the South. May the Spirit of God sweep through the Church in Nigeria especially in the South, raising for

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Himself an army of vibrant and anointed harvesters to bring in the ripe harvest among the Northern Diaspora population in the South.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 An average Christian on the street especially in the South is still scared of ministering the Gospel to a Northern Muslim. The fear of violent reaction, worry of language barrier and the feeling of inadequacy are some of the barriers the enemy has laid against the massive evangelization of Muslims especially in the South. Cry out to God to remove all barriers against the evangelization of Muslims in the South. Pray for boldness for Christians, old or young, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, may God’s Spirit embolden His people to reach out to Muslims in their neighborhood with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 14, 2021 Raising funds for mission in the face of Nigeria’s economic downturn and the global pandemic and the economic catastrophe it has caused will be a great challenge to God’s servants in months and years to come. Pray that Missionaries, Mission leaders and all God’s servants in Nigeria will renew their trust in God for their provision, be guided by the Holy Spirit and walk in courageous faith.

Friday, January 15, 2021 Pray for the leadership of NEMA beginning with the Board of Trustees, members of the National Executive Committee, the Management Staff, member agency leaders and every Nigerian Missionaries. Pray that the grace of God will be renewed afresh upon them. Ask that this year will witness much breakthrough in our obedience to the Lord’s Final Command.

Saturday, January 16, 2021 Praise God for the growth of His Church among the Hausa. A lot still needs to be done before the Hausa can be considered to be adequately reached with the Gospel. Pray for unity among the Hausa believers in Nigeria. Pray that they will be filled with determination and strength to reach their fellow Hausa who are still bound in Islam and traditional worship. Pray for God’s protection and peace over the Hausa believers.

Sunday, January 17, 2021 Pray for the Operation Re-engagement of Kanuri in Yobe State launched by NEMA to succeed. Plead with the LORD to raise mission agencies, missionaries, fellowships and individual believers who shall key-in to this project, commit to

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praying earnestly for breakthrough among the Kanuri and as well prayerfully consider taking active part in the reaping of the waiting harvest among them.

Monday, January 18, 2021 Ado-Ekiti is considered to be a Christian majority city. Like all cities in the South, Ado-Ekiti is now home to thousands of Northern Muslim migrants, most from unreached people groups. Pray that God will raise ministries and agencies from within the city and Ekiti State that will be empowered to bring in the harvest of souls residing within the city and its surrounding towns and villages.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 Pray for miraculous provision to meet some of NEMA’s pressing needs and on-going projects. These include the Guest House, mobility, office equipment etc. Ask the Lord to send us help in amazing ways.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 The itinerant ministry in Nigeria at the moment is at best chaotic and without any form of harmony or leadership. This aspect of ministry which covers such areas as: street preaching, bus/taxi ministry, market ministry, early morning preaching (morning cry), and others is vital in reaching the un-churched and some segments of society not easily reached by conventional ministries. Pray that God will raise a ministry or individual that will be burdened and gifted to provide support, training and resources to itinerant ministers in Nigeria. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help bring harmony to this aspect of ministry.

Thursday, January 21, 2021 Pray for the Nigeria Evangelical Missionary Institute in Jos. Ask the Lord to release His grace and power unto this institute for the equipping of kingdom advocates. Pray that as they resume a new session, the blessings of the Lord will rest on the trainings. Receive God’s blessings for the management and trainers in the institute. Friday, January 22, 2021 Plead with the LORD to give wisdom to Missionary trainers and mission leaders in Nigeria to develop an effective specialized training that will focus on preparing thousands of effective Gospel workers specifically for work among the Fulani, especially the nomadic Fulani. Pray that this will be possible sooner rather than later. Pray for thousands to be raised, trained and anointed for bringing in the ripe harvest among the Fulani.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

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Pray to God to raise a new generation of Northern youths especially from the Hausa- Fulani majority that will think independently of their elders, ask questions about faith and be willing to decide their eternal destiny free from traditional influences. Pray that open-minded youths will attain positions of power and influence in Northern Nigeria and help move the region towards freedom and liberty.

Sunday, January 24, 2021 The are found majorly in Niger, Kaduna, Nasarawa and the FCT. The Gbagyi has faced attacks in recent time by Fulani Militia and Bandits like other indigenous tribes in Central Nigeria. Pray for the peace of the Gbagyi people. May the LORD give them justice and protect their communities from attacks. Ask the LORD to pour His Spirit upon His Church among the Gbagyi and turn her into a formidable kingdom force.

Monday, January 25, 2021 Ask the LORD for the salvation of all the Kitimi people of Saminaka LGA of . Their 3,800 population mostly follow Islam and the Gospel is yet to find a strong footing among them. Pray for the removal of all obstacles standing against the movement of the Gospel in Kitimi land.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 The Kami people group is found in Lapai LGA of Niger state and Kwali LGA of the FCT. The Kami is about 9,500 in population and follow Islam until today. May the LORD raise some of His children from the FCT to pray for and carry the light of life and the love of Jesus to the Kami people.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 The Kanuri (Yerwa, Manga, and Beriberi) found in Bornu, Yobe and Nasarawa states is one of the major people groups in Nigeria still unreached with the Gospel. Over 7 million souls almost entirely without Christ, and heading to a hopeless eternity. The New Testament is available in the but satan still blocks the Kanuri from seeing the Light of the Gospel. Break the power of Islam and satan from over the Kanuri. Pray for a major Church planting breakthrough among the Kanuri.

Thursday, January 28, 2021 As major shifting and changes are happening at the highest level of Nigeria politics in preparation for 2023 presidential elections, plead with the Lord to use these changes to bring about His divine purpose for Nigeria and Africa. May the LORD lower the wicked, the corrupt and the arrogant and may He raise the righteous, the

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Godly and the humble in the highest level of Nigeria’s politics for His Church’s sake (1 Samuel 2:7).

Friday, January 29, 2021 The ministry of praying women has been used by God throughout Church history to change the destinies of nations for the better and birth mighty revivals. Pray for an uncontrollable sprouting of praying women groups across the nation to hold up the hands of mission agencies and missionaries and help usher in a revival.

Saturday, January 30, 2021 We must continue to pray that God will burden His Church more than ever before to share more generously the material things God has blessed her with, with the mission community. Pray for a heart of generosity for Church and fellowship leaders towards missionaries and mission agencies. Ask the LORD to give success to all mission fund mobilizers.

Sunday, January 31, 2021 Praise God for bringing us to the end of this prayer alert edition. Thank Him for grace and strength given to you and others to share in this feast of prayers. Ask for more grace to be part of the next edition. Pray that your prayer will be enriched and that God will use you in particular to move mountains and shake kingdoms as you continue to pray with the Nigeria Missions Movement.