By Rev. Rufus Calvin Zartman, A. M., S. T. D., D. D. Preacher, Evangelist, Genealogist, Traveler, Lecturer, Editor, Pastor thirty years of one Church in Philadelphia, Pa., author of many tracts and book8

Among his books "Heaven," "Eternal Life," "The Commandments up to Date," "The Holy Spirit," "The Unpardonable Sin." Among his tracts are: "The Mission of the Minister," "A Successful Church," "Pentecost and Woman," "Divine Healing," "Coming at the Eleventh Hour," "Ideal Evan­ gelism," "Personal Evangelism," "Visitation Evangelism," "The Deity of Christ," etc.




DEDICATION I dedicate this History to My Great, Great, Great Grandparema Alexander Zartman and wife Ann Catharina Zartrnan In Love, Honor, and Gratitude

Mns. R. C. (HATTIE EATON) ZARTMAN (1862-1930) Wifo of the F11mily Historiun


Family history like the arbor vitae begins with a seed which germinates, grows, spreads and ~ars fruit~ The vast Zartman family in this western hemisphere began with a husband, wife and a son aged five years. That genesis in America was in the year 1728 in Warwick Township, Lancaster County, Pennsyl­ vania. From there it grew and spread UJ'.\til now descendants are in at leastj'orty states, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Panama, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, and Africa. The printed history of our numerous family also had a genesis. There was a time as late as 1907 when like most families we had no printed history. There were some traditions. As late as 1908 no one knew who our progenitor was nor where he had come from. How did we ever get a written and printed history? The answer is interesting. Isaac Zartman, the father of the author of this book, somehow learned of Franz Zartman, of Frankfurt, Germany, and exchanged German letters with him. He also corresponded with Samuel Zartman of Jamestown, Ohio, with Solomon B. Zartman of York County, Pennsylvania, with John Jacob Zartman of Dornsife, Pennsylvania, and with other Zart­ mans. His search was for information about his kin. It is a deep regret that be did not live to see and read a printed Zartman history. In the autumn of 1894 Rev. Dr. John J. Kline of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, came to Philadelphia and introduced hims~lf to the writer, who up to that time had not known this divine. Dr. Kline had Zartman blood through his mother, Catharine Zart­ man, who married Jacob E. Kline. He thought there should be a Zartman family history, and considered me the suitable person to compile such a work. I suggested that he write such a history, but be said that the writer of such a book should bear the name of Zartman. The suggestion was a seed, that did not however germinate at once. In November of 1907 my two oldest sisters, Leah Mechling and Sarah Swinehart, came from Ohio to visit us in Philadelphia. They suggested that the Zartman relatives be invited t-0 a general Reunion in Ohio the following summer, and they also asked me, their "little brother," to prepare and read f.\t that reunion a paper VIll TBE ZARTMAN FAllILY

on the Zartman family in this country. These two suggestions were carried out and in August of 1908 the first Zartman Reunion was held. The fruits of that reunion were: the organization of the Zartman Association of America, and the election of a. family historian who was requesterl to publish a. history in book form. This History was printed in 1909, and in 1935 the Association requested the historian to revise and enlarge it. Needless to say our family had increased and multiplied as the years went on. And it continues to change daily. When I drew the dead line on accepting material for this book, I did so reluctantly for week by week brought additional material which it grieved me not to include. Some omissions and mistakes there are bound to be in a work of this nature. For them we beg your indulgence. Some interesting but lengthy data. has boo to be cut to a. bare state­ ment. This volume has been compiled when adverse circum­ stances were many and great and at times almost insurmountable. A Grecian sculptor worked many years 011 the image of a man. A friend who had waited for the finished product said, "It seems to me that you are taking a. long time to finish that sculpture." The artist replied, "That is true, but I am making it to last for all time." This history has been years in the making, but it is to serve for all time. Many and most sin,cere thanks to every one who in any wise has contributed to the production of this book.

THE AUTHOR TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Illustrations ...... •....• : ...... • . . . . XI Bouquet of Appreciation, by Josephine Diefenbach .•..... XIII Zartman Monument ...... XX Zartman Coat of Arms ...... XXI PART I Alexander Zartman the Immigrant Ancestor...... 1 PART II Jacob Zartman, Son of Alexander, and Family... 11 Chapter I Jacob Zartman and Family...... 11 Chapter II Henry Zartman, Wife and Ten Children.. 23 Chapter III John Martin and John Jacob Zartman... 151 Chapter IV John Peter Zartman and Family...... 178 Chapter V Samuel Zartman and Twelve Children.... 217 Chapter VI Michael Zartman and Descendants...... 250 Chapter VII Martin Zartman and Wife Susanna. . . . . 267 Chapter VIII Benjamin Zartman and Family...... 276 Chapter IX William Zartman and Family...... 291 Chapter X Adam Zartman, son of William...... 309 Chapter XI Peter Zartman and Family...... 315 Chapter XII Peter Zartman, Jr...... 321 Chapter XIII Jacob Zartman, Jr., and Family...... 348 PART III Alexander Zartman, Son of Alexander, and Family...... 366 Chapter I Alexander Zartman the Second...... 366 Chapter II John Michael Zartman...... 368 Chapter III Alexander and Barbara Zartman...... '80 Chapter IV Emanuel Zartman, Sr...... 396 PART IV Supplementary...... 403 War Data...... 403 Zartman Reunions...... 405 Other Zartmans in America...... 406 Germany and Denmark...... 408 Errata in County Marriage Records...... 414 INDEX...... 416

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Oppos{.te Page The Family Historian, Frontispiece...... III 0 Mrs. R. C. (Hattie Eaton) Zartman, Wife of the Historian VII The Monument, at Brickerville, Pa...... XX Zartman Coat-of-arms ...... XXI Emanuel Lutheran Church, at Brickerville, Pa...... 1 Auditorium of Brickerville Church, before Reconstruction 11 Interior of Brickerville Church (at present)...... 11 Zartman Homestead at Dornsife, Pa...... 14 Zartman Church at Dornsife, Pa...... 14 The Hom~stead at Brickerville...... 22 Farm and House of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman...... 38 Isaac and Rebecca Zartman...... 38 The Farmhouse at Pleasant Hill...... 38 St. Paul's Church, Glenford. Obie...... 42 Historic Old Zion, in Perry County...... 42 The Augustine Dombirer Family...... 42 The Homer C. Mechling Family...... 43 The Alpheus Otto Swinehart Family...... 54 The Swinehart Sisters and Brothers ...... 54 Allen IGng Zartman, D.D...... 75 The Diefenbach Family...... 78 Ruth Z. Clapp...... 88 Mary Irene Clapp...... 88 The Nichols Family...... 88 The Albert D. Helser Family...... 130 Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Zartman...... 134 David :Zartman and Family...... 134 The Bruce Hudson Baker Family...... 174 Peter A. Elsesser...... 191 The Mrs. Lewis H. Baker Family...... 222 XII THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Three Zartman Brothers of Norfolk, Va...... 248 Captain and Mrs. James M. Zortman and Daughter...... 264 Mabel B. Zartman...... 302 Helen L. Zartman...... 302 Daughters of Henry A. Zartman...... 312 . Charles F. Zartman and Family...... 312 The Henry C. Zartman Family...... 312 The Harvey B. Zartman Family...... 372 Samuel Reynolds Zartman...... 378 Mrs. Amelia M. Z. Scholl and 'lreat-grandsons...... 382 The Ezra A. Zartman Family...... 398 Mrs. Sarah Strichler...... 404 BOUQUET OF APPRECIATION

Standing one day beside a beloved sister-in-law, with a heart filled with love and appreciation for all she had meant to me, and to our entire family, I ventured to tell her of this feeling, and to express my very, deep gratitude for the unselfish devotion she had given us. With eyes wide with astonishment she looked into my face and said, "Why, my dear, you don't think I am going to die, do you?" How sad that we wait until death closes the ears and seals the eyes to speak our love and appreciation! Words could not begin to tell the depth of my feeling of love for my beloved "Uncle Rufus." From my babyhood on he has been a constant visitor in our home, and since my father went home there has been no difference. Many of my very earliest memories are connected with him, for did he not woo and win the lovely young woman who played the organ in my father's first Sunday School? Visits to Perry County were never fully happy ones unless he, too, was there; his advice and comforting companionship have been to our family a source of delight and joy. Only to one who is interested in the study of genealogy, whether in one's own or the intricate problems connected with finding the complete data for the family tree of which a friend is a member­ only such a person can appreciate what this valuable family history means. More and more are people searching for their several lines of ancestry, and it has become an art to be able to untangle the mysteries of the past. Many almost impossible­ to-solve problems have been presented in these years of searching for Zartman families. Of two I should like to speak. Something more than twenty-five years after the first edition of the Zartman Family History was printed, Uncle Rufus received a letter from a judge's wife in Ohio telling him that her great­ grandmother's name was Zartman, and that she had been married in Perry County, and asking just where she belonged on our "family tree." After a short time this letter was sent to me with the statement that though the dates and proof sounded absolutely correct, Uncle Rufus could not find any group of the family to which this new Zartman girl could belong, hence he was asking XIV THE ZARTMAN FAMILY me to go to Perry County and see if it could possibly be true that such a marriage took place in Perry County. But worse was to follow, for when I went to Perry County and copied every Zartman marriage in the records, I found fifteen Zartman men and women recorded as marrying in that county of whom our History contained not the slightest account. Hurriedly I wrote a letter to our historian-and then the trouble began. During the next five years together Uncle Rufus and I visited the immense genealogical horaries in Washington, the census department, where we examined Perry County records from its first census on {and found no new or unknown Zartman fam­ ilies), the Genealogical Library of the Western Reserve in Cleve­ land, the Ohio Genealogical Library in Columbus. Trips were made to surrounding county scats where all old marriage records were carefully searched, Perry County cemeteries were visited and every tombstone scanned with eagerness-finally after a second visit to the census department in Washington, and hours spent on the old records there, spelling out every name that looked like ours-I bad a new idea, drove to Perry County again and visited descendants of the Tatman family that had lived for many years in the other part of that county, then back to Fairfield County, to which Perry County once belonged-and there my suspicions were verified. In copying the old marriage records for use in Perry County errors had been made in all fifteen of these records, and in each case where the name Zartman occurred, it should have been Tatman. Thousands of miles had been travelled, hundreds of hours and many dollars spent in the attempt to solve this mystery! The second instance follows. Revolutionary service had been found for a number of Zartmans, but seemingly Pennsylvania Archives bad always placed such service in Pennsylvania Counties of Lancaster or Northumberland, hence the soldiers were not hard to identify. But suddenly I found a Jacob Zartman named as serving at a very early date as a Pennsylvania Ranger from Washington County. Again libraries were visited, hundreds of letters written and records consulted. Two or more years passed during which period a constant search was continued, but it remained for Miss Wingate, chief consulting genealogist of the D.A.R., to end the search by showing that Washington County had once covered all the central and western part of Pennsylvania, BOUQUET OF APPRECIATION xv and thus this Pennsylvania Ranger was none other than my own ancestor, Jacob, son of Alexander I. Such problems present an intriguing interest, but are none­ the-less disturbing. Because I, too, have the "bug" as Uncle Rufus once himself declared it to be, my own appreciation is very great, and the value I place upon all he has done for the entire family is ;; ;, 1ilitively inexpressible. I have read with delight the feelings of others of the family who likewise rejoice in this great Family History which has been prepared for us with infinite patience and care by our family Historian, Rufus Calvin Zartman. From some of _the letters received I am happy to quote por­ tions, which follow: Mrs. Anna Z. Richards of Lansford, Pa., writes: I must tell you how much I appreciate all the thought and energy you have given to compile another History. We, who have been helping so little, do not realize the big undertaking it has been; the least we can do is to make it possible by our subscriptions, which is a very easy way to acquire such valuable information. We must n9t think of our generation-it is the one who comes after us who will really appreciate your work. If Mother and Dad were here, how happy and proud they would be of you." Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Braybrooks (Ethel Schroeder) join in these words: "Rufus Calvin Zartman deserves great praise and our gratitude for the very fine work he bas done in writing our family history. His thought and effort in compiling this book can never be repaid by us, but we desire to express our sincere appreciation." Morris R. Zartman, of York New Salem, Pa., adds these thoughts: "As a member of the Zartman family in York County, Pa., it has been a privilege indeed to have become personally acquainted with the editor of our family History, Rev. Dr. Rufus Calvin Zartman, whose untiring efforts have made this publication possible. I am certain in expressing our thanks in this note of tribute for the wonderful work that he has accom­ plished, I voice the sentiment of all of our large family. He has shown us all that fine characteristic of the Zartman family, namely, loyalty and devotion in the preparation of this great work. It will be a lasting monument to him and as the years go by we shall not soon forget, but long remember that. he has rendered a real service to each one of our great family for which we sincerely thank him." XVI THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

From our poetess in California., Mrs. Harley J. Ingram (Ivy Brand) we have these lines: "Some may call you b"Other; others speak of uncle; while distant ones are proud to claim you cousin; but ALL unite in treasured fondness for you-esteemed in char­ acter and personage." On a sheet bearing the heading, "The New York Institute for the Education of the Blind" we find one of the finest para­ graphs: "Every member of our clan, from the oldest to the most recently born cousin, owes Rufus Calvin Zartman an ever­ lasting debt of gratitude. As historian and biographer he has served our large family with unflagging zeal and great distinction. His histories have been literally 'labors of love.' Cousin Rufus, our Herodotus and Plutarch, we salute you. May we ever be worthy of the fine tradition you have established for us." The concluding sentence proves the writer's sincerity, "If I can be of any further service, command me"-signed, Kenneth D. Longsdorf. From Agnes Zartman, Allentown, Pa.: "I, Agnes Zartman, wish to express my sincere appreciation to our cousin, Dr. Rufus C. Zartman, for the great amount of labor and interest involved in assembling the data concerning the genealogy of the Zartman family. This history will be valued not only by the Zartmans in the present time but also by future generations." Samuel R. Zartman of Lebanon, Pa., says: "Our Leader, Cousin Rufus Calvin Zartman, the author of this work, needs no introduction to most members of our Family that b\)ars his name. We, who have the privilege of knowing him, commend him and his work to our Family everywhere. May these trans­ cripts from his ripe experience be of more value to us all than much fine gold, and may it be to the Author a "life's ambition realized." Shamokin, Pa., from Cousin Wesley S. Zartman: "Once upon a time all Zartmans, excepting the immediate members of a family, were practically strangers, but because there is a 'Cousin Rufus' in the relationship we know each other as 'cousins.' "It always seemed to me that next to God and country, Cousin Rufus found his greatest joy in talking about and praising his cousins. There will never be another so lovable and devoted; everyone should deem it a privilege to assist, however little or in whatever manner, in the compilation of a history which BOUQUET OF APPRECIATION XVII will forever serve as a memorial to a man beloved. Because of his work over limitless territory we seldom have the good for­ tune of being in his presence, something we regret very much because when one talks with Cousin Rufus, one is immediately conscious of a great understanding and love. And even though he is seldom in our midst we hope that his days on earth will be many because as in the past, those who come in contact with him will be immeasurably benefited." How true are'these next words, from Camden, N. J.: "I have often told Rev. Dr. Rufus Calvin Zartman of the appreication of my wife, my daughter and myself of his years of earnest, un­ remitting, valuable and loving work on the History of the Zart­ man Family. My mother, Mary Zartman, was born in Mahanoy, Northumberland County, and many happy hours of my boyhood were spent there. It is only through his History that my daughter knows of her Zartman ancestry and kin. "We have known Dr. Zartman not only as a kinsman for a number of years, but also as a neighbor. We have been in his Philadelphia church, and I have been in close touch with his work as a historian of the family since his start on the first book. We are waiting with deep interest the new history. "In my earlier home at Sunbury, in Northumberland Co., Pa., I knew many Zartmans, but it has been only through the noble work of Dr. Zartman that I learned about them and their ancestors and of the great part the Zartmans had in the foundinp: and development of the United States. With love and deepest esteem for him and his remarkable work, I am, as ever, an s.d­ miring and devoted kinsman.-Calvin E. Shipe." Frequently we hear him speak with deep affection of "Cousin Jennie"-Mrs. Alex Cooper of Trevorton, Pa.-and in the loving tribute she brings, surely we can all agree: "I am very happy and sincerely grateful that I can write a few words of appreciation of our dear cousin, Rufus C. Zartman, for the work he has done in making the Zartman Family History possible. No one knows better than he, the tremendous task this has involved,-yet what a heritage he is le!lving for coming generations! "Words are so inadequate when one tries to convey even a small degree of our appreciation, but what we can all say is­ we love you, Cousin Rufus; thank you and God bless you." From Beverly Hills, Calif., comes a message penned by a XVIII THE ZARTMAN F.\MILY

business woman, cousin Florine Ellen Zartman, wife of Arthur Burritt: "Dear Doctor Zartman, I deeply appreciate your interest and the work you have done in gathering the material for this book for I know it is a tremendous undertaking and one that very few would have the ability to do. I shall prize this book very dearly." "It is certainly a monumental work that Doctor Zartman has done, and I know the House of Zartman will never find another who will do as much in the discovery and preservation of its history as he has done. Few families can boast of as com­ plete a record of its achievements as can the Zartmans."­ Edith M. Dornbirer. "l hope I have answered all the qur.stions you wanted to know to your satisfaction and again I must congratulate you and admire you for the energy you are putting forth to com­ plete this task. The Zartmans all owe you an eternal debt of gratitude. If I can be of any further servicP, kindly let me know." -Eugene Zartman, 003 N. Shamokin Street, Shamokin, Pa. "In compiling this new history Dr. Zartman has not only furnished vast information, but has also done boundless good in reuniting families who had become lost to one another through the World War, changes of residence. He found that some had died and reported that information to sorrowing rela­ tives. A very pathetic instance is that of n father and son who were lost to each other in a large city for many years, and he restored them to each other causing profound joy. Dr. Zartman has my deepest appreciation for the splendid work he has done." -Mrs. Catherine Baker, Fort Worth, Texas. "The entire membership of the Zartman family owes Dr. Zartman an undying debt of gratitude for all he has done to give this history to them and the generations to come."-Edna Sheets, Rochester, Ind. So, in the center of our bouquet we place the rose, signifying our love for you. Then, like the bouquets your own dear mother used to make, we will place tightly against and around our rose some of the beautiful acacia which our California cousins will furnish for this· shows our continuing friendship; bellflower-­ gratitude; pansies, royal blue and yellow, for thoughts of you; a bit of fragrant heliotrope, devotion, mingled with some per­ fect red clover blossoms-industry-some elder blossoms for the BOUQUET OF APPRECIATION XIX zeal you have shown; pinks for the ta.lent and lovely magnolia buds indfoating that it has taken much perseverance-to accom­ plish this huge task. Round our bouquet we will circle a wreath of blue forget-me-nots and then complete it with the shining laurel, because your memory and what you have done for us as a Family will be treasured with joy. JOSEPHINE Z. DIEFENBACH


Contributions came as free voluntary gifts from the fol­ lowing states: California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Washington. Total: 22. The largest amount from any one community was 8149.00, and that wa~ from Lancaster Co., Pa. The total No. of Contributors: 328. The subscriptions amounted to $831.50. The average sub­ scription was $2.53. The subscriptions were made in the months of February, March, April, May, June, and July of the year 1913. The contributions range from $.50 to $11.00. The total amount received was expended for the large and handsome Barre Granite monument and the four granite corner stones which define the space allotted for it. (See page 9 for further details.)

T11E Mo:-u~rn:--r NI' B1m'KE11v1LLE, PA,



In it are four figures: I. That of a I_outh in blue uniform. 2. That of a dolphin. 3. That of a r,psed sword. 4. That of a orown. 5. It has the colors of red, blue and gold. ZARTM.AJ."l'N 88 a name is significant. The German word ZART me&DB primarily tender: not weak, but in the sense of kind, considerate, compassion­ ate, forgiving: and ZART secondarily means gentle. The original ZART­ MANN may have been tender in the sense of kindly, merciful, and let us hope be was also truly a gentleman in character and demeanor. The name is Ger­ man or perhaps Austrian in origin, and so ends with a double n, or with a line over then as ZARTMAN. When our ancestor in 1728 in Philadelphia took the oath of allegiance to King George the Second be signed bis name in German as Alexander Zart­ mann. When be purchased 179 acres of land in Lancaster County, Pa., Thomas Penn and Richard Penn gave him a deed in which they wrote bis name eight times in English 88 Zartman. In the coat of arms is a dolphin, a mammal of the sea that is active, strong and swift. The ancients bebevea the dolphin had superior intelligence and was a benefactor of man. The dolphin is seen on very ancient coins and medals, and it is conspicuous on the coat of arms of the Princes of France. The dolphin in our coat of arms is Peron's and of satiny, silverr. white; it is the symbol of the German medical profession; in connection with the name Zartman, meaning tender man or gentleman, probably the family name was derived from the deed, both of kindliness or mercy, or from the manly bearing of the individual. The human figure, be it male or female, with the uplifted sword and armor indicates that the Zartmanns were warriors as well as "first aid" men. The crown at the base of the youth denotes that they were a branch of noble, royal blood, probably knighted for their deeds of mercy. The raised sword does not signify agip:ession, but defense-the readiness and willingness like Joan of Arc to use 1t, if necessary. The profusion of gold in the coat of arms also indicates the idea of kni~bt­ hood, as does the red color. The blue which is so prominent betokens mild­ ness of manner, and kindliness of spirit. In a recent letter Josef Zartmann, of Neckarsulm, Germany, writes of the traits of the Zartmanns 88 he knows them. I quote: "The Zartmanns were always bale and a strong people. Through their erudence and popu­ larity they everywhere soon endeared themselves. They gwckly accommooated themselves to circumstances, and throu~h their mental versatility they were able to help themselves in all life situations. Those who took up trades and arts ·achieved great skill. The Zartmanns were always es~cially inclined toward labors of an artistic bent. Many works testify to the highest artistic skill. In public life the Zartmanns always took an honored part. As repre­ sentatives of the people they always made great sacrifices and were ever ready to devote themselves to the welfare of their fellowmen," He writes further-"! have noted that throughout hundreds of years the character, nature, and even outward expression of the Zartmanns have clearly main­ tained themselves." Rwus C. ZARTMAN, Family Historian.




EMANm:1, LuTmmA:-1 C11unc11 A'l' llmcKt:nvu.u:, l'A,


Alexander Zartman and Wife, Ann Catharina, Sons Jacob and Alexander

"People will not look forward to posterity who do not look backward to their ancestors."-Edmund Burke

THE AUTHOR OF THIS WISE COMMENT was upright, con- scientious, conservative, religious and profound. His character commands Universal Respect. He was born in Ireland in 1730,-two years before our Zartman ancestors arrived in America. Many great things have had small beginnings. The giant oak grew from a tiny acorn. The mighty sea is an accumulation of little drops of water. From Alexander Zartman, Wife and two sons in this country has sprung forth a family now located in forty or more States of our Union, from Massachusetts to Washington and from Florida to Alaska, and Canada, Mexico, Panama, Hawaii, Phillippine Islands, and Africa. This mar­ velous growth began in Lancaster Co., Pa., in 1728, four years, five months and twenty-two days before George Washington was born. Alexander Zartman, my ancestor, and his heroic wife, Ann Catharina, and their sons, Jacob and AlexandP.r II, seem like four giant pillars supporting a vast human super­ structure-the Zartman family now spread over such a vast area.

ALEXANDER ZARTMAN AND ANN CATHARINA ZARTMAN and their son Jacob aged five years came from Germany in the summer of A. D. 1728. They are classified with thousands of other immigrants as coming from the Palatinate. It is more probable that they came out of the province of Wuer­ temberg. They came down the River Rhine to Rotterdam, Holland, and from there, on June 22, 1728, via Cowes, they sailed for this new, faraway Western world. Their ship was a 2 THE ZARTMAN F .AMILY

sailing vessel named Albany, and the master of it was Lazarus Oxman. This ship was their home for seventy days. On or about 8/31/1728, the Albany came up the Delaware River and arrived safely in the port of Philadelphia, which was then a city forty­ five years old. That was 213 years ago. The Albany on this most important voyage brought over thirty adult male passengers. The total number, counting men, women and children, was about one hundred passengers. The names of the following males are on record: Andrew Ablin, Lorentz Belitz, Johan Daniel Bengel, George Frid. V. Berbis­ dorff, Jerig Fred Bergenstott, Jan Bloemen, Hans Georg Buch, Georg Wendel Buegel, Hans Jacob Donbach, Conrad Dubois, Friederich Eichelberger, Georg Gertner, Johan Philip Glasser, Casper Hoth, Martin Kalb, Mathies Kapling, Michel Keim, Johan Carl Keil, Hans Meuller, Hans Georg Motz, Hans Jerick Rieger, Casper Riedt, Simon Scholler, Philip Shoman, Johannes Shonfeldt, Heinrich Stellfeldt, Frid Christof Von Steysplatz, Philip Thoman, Jacob Weiess, and Alexander Zartmnnn. , Our ancestor and the men who came with him on the good ship Albany qualified as American citizens on 9/4/1728, in Philadelphia. A law had been passed by the Provincial Council requiring every male immigrant, sixteen years of age and up­ wards, upon arrival at the port of Philadelphia, to appear before the Mayor o:i' Court of the County and subscribe allegiance to King George II. This was done by Alexander Zartman. The oath of allegiance to which he and bis fellow-voyageirs sub­ scribed was as follows: "We, subscribers, natives and late inhabitants of the,,Pala­ tinate upon the Rhine, having transported ourselves and families into this Province of Pennsylvania, a colony subject to the crown of Great Britain, in hopes and expectations of findin~ a retreat and peaceable settlement therein, do solemnly promise and en­ gage that we '\\

Alexander Zartman signed his name to the foregoing oath, and a certified tracing of his signature is given herewith:

This is a facsimile of bis autograph. The name as be signed it in German is Allexander Zarttmann. Evidently he liked to double letters, for ·he uses "ll", "tt" and "nn." But never afterward is his name found in that form. Subsequently it in­ variably is written and printed A-1-e-x-a-n-d-e-r Z-a-r-t-m-a-n. Even the double n is discontinued by him. So he wrote it in and signed it to his last will and testament. In the deed which Thomas and Richard Penn gave him on sheepskin, his name is written with a goose quill eight times as ALEXANDER ZARTMAN. Our noble ancestor had a most interesting and unique ex­ perience on the Atlantic Ocean, and one that we chronicle with pride and gratitude. It evinces the piety, faith and Christian character of the man. A child was born at sea. The parents de­ sired to have it baptized on board ship. There was no clergy­ man on board to administer this beautiful, sacred rite. Though not a minister, Alexander Za: tman, whose Christian piety must have impressed the parents, was invited to baptize the sea-baby. He accepted the honor and christened the child. The writer has crossed the ocean four times and preached on great steamships, but bas never bad the privilege of baptizing any one at sea. Fol­ lowinr is the record of this baptism: "A daughter of George Wendel Buege), born on the ocean in July, 1728, was baptized by Alexander Zartman. The child was named Maria Eva. Sponsor was Maria Eva Krimm." To validate this act by a layman Alexander Zartman caused the record of it to be made in the baptismal register of the Muddy Creek Church, Lancaster County, Pa. This interesting and gratifying fact is inscribed on the first page of the record of baptisms in the Muddy Creek Lutheran Church. It appears that Alexander Zartman and wife attended this place of worship in the years 1728 and 1729. 4 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

After tarrying some days in the City of Brotherly Love, Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman, by some means, proba­ bly by following the pike leading to Harrisburg, found their way into the Tulpehocken region, southwest of Reading, possibly not far from the Muddy Creek Reformed and Lutheran Church. Later, and before 1730, they moved to Warwick township, Lancaster County, Pa. There near the pike, just south of what now is known as Brickerville, they settled on a tract of land which they purchased in 1738. On that farm they resided thirty­ two or more years, and there they died. On 4/25/1738, Alex­ ander Zartman obtained a warrant for. the survey of a tract of land in Warwick township, Lanraster County, paying therefor twenty-seven pounds, fourteen shillings and ten pence (:$134.24) for one hundred and seventy-nine acres. This transaction is re­ corded under date of 10/12/1750, together with a draft of the land. The books containing these records were formerly in Philadelphia, but are now in the office of the Secretary of In­ ternal Affairs, Harrisburg,, Pa. (See Patent Book A, vol. 15, p. 524, and Patent.Book D, vol. 6, p. 130.) This plantation of 179 acres, with liberal allowances for roads, was deeded to Alexander Zartman by Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, proprietors of the Province of Pennsylvania. The original deed on sheepskin is at present in the custody of the writer, through the courtesy of Ezra G. Zartman, late of Man­ heim, Pa. In my first visit on the famous Zartman farm in Warwick Township it was owned by William Zartman. The son Ezra had an inborn appreciation of antiques, of relics, of keepsakes. He was the holder of the venerable old deed on sheepskin written with a quill in English. It was very fortunate Ezra was then guardian of the old deed or it would have been destroyed when . the house burnt down. I was prompted to have a thousand facsimile copies made of the deed so as to perpetuate it and to teach all descendants from Alexander Zartman that the one and only English spelling of the name is Zartman. In the old deed it is written that way eight times and only that way. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN AND Win 5


"THOMAS PENN AND RICHARD PENN "Esquires true and absolute Proprietaries and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware To All unto whom these Presents shall come, GREETING. "WHEREAS in Pumlance and by Vertue of a Warrant under the lesser Seal of the said Province bearing Date the twenty fifth Day of April 1738 above was surveyed and laid out unto Alexander Zartman a certain Tract of Land situate in Warwick Township in the County of Lancaster bounded and described as follows, viz, Beginning at a marked Hickory and from thence extending by Adam Overly's Land South fifty eight Perches to a marked black Oak thence by Egidius Hoffman's Land South sixty Degrees East fourteen Perches to a marked Black Oak South forty Degrees East thirty seven Perches to a marked white Oak North forty four Degrees East thirty two Perches to a marked white Oak South forty four Degrees East one hundred and twenty one Perches to a Post and South forty Degrees West twenty two Perches to a marked Black Oak thence by John Bronboar's Land South eighty four Degrees East one hundred and twelve Perches to a marked white Oak thence by Mathias Wand's Land North twenty Degrees West fifty one Perches to a marked Spanish Oak North four Degrees West sixty eight Perches to a marked Chestnut North eleven Degrees East forty four Perches to a marked Black Oak and North thirty Degrees East fifty six Perches to a marked Black Oak thence by the Lands of Jacob Fletcher and Nicholas Smith South eighty five Degrees West two hundred and fifty six Perches to the place of Beginning containing one hundred and seventy nine Acres and an Allowance of six Acres per Cent for Roads and Highways as in and by the Survey thereof re­ maining in our Surveyor General's Office and from thence certified into the Secretarie's Office may appear NOW at the Instance and Request of said Alexander Zartman that We wou'd be pleased to grant him a Confirmation of the same. !{NOW YE that in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Seven Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Ten Pence lawful money of 6 THE ZA.RntAN FAMILY

Pennsylvania. to Our Use paid by the said Alexander Zartman (the Receipt where of We hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Alexander Zartman bis Heirs and Assigns by these Presents) and of the yearly Quit Rent herein after mentioned and reserved WE HAVE given granted released and confirmed by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Successors Do give grant and release and confirm unto the said Alexander Zartman his Heirs and Assigns the said one hundred and seventy nine Acres of Land as the same are now set forth bounded and limited as aforesaid WITH all Mines Minerals Quarries Meadows Marshes Savannahs Swamps Cripples Woods Underwoods Timber and Trees Ways Waters Water Courses Liberties Profits Commodities Advantages Hereditaments and Appurtenances and Limits aforesaid (Three full and clear Fifth Parts of all Royal Mines free from a1l Deduca­ tions and Reprisals for digging and refining the same and also One Fifth Part of the Ore of all other Mines delivered at the Pitsmoutb only excepted, and hereby reserved) And also free Leave Right and Liberty to and for the said Alexander Zart­ man his Heirs and Assigns to hawk hunt fish and fowl in and upon the hereby granted Land and Premises or upon any Part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAID one hundred and seventy nine Acres of Land and Premises hereby granted (except as before excepted) with their Appurtenances unto the said Alexander Zartman his Heirs and Assigns To the only Use and Behoof of the said Alexander Zartman His Heirs and Assigns forever TO BE HOLDEN of Us our Heirs and Successors Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Connestogoe in the City of Lancaster in free and common Locage by Fealty in lieu of all other Services YIELDING AND PAYING there­ fore unto Us our Heirs and Successors at the Town of Lancaster in the said County at or upon the First Day of March in every Year from the First Day of March last One Half Penny Sterling for every Acre of the same or Value thereof in Coin Current according as the Exchange shall then be between our said Province and the City of London to such Person or Persons as shall from time to time be approved to receive the same AND in case of nonpayment thereof within Ninety Days next after the same shall become due that then it shall and may be lawful for Us our Heirs and Successors our and their Receiver or Re- ALEXANDER ZARTMAN AND WIFE i

ceivers into and upon the hereby granted Land and Presmises to enter and the same to hold and possess until the said Quit Rent and all Arrears thereof together with Charges accruing by means of such nonpayment Reentry be fully paid and dis­ charged. WITNESS James Hamilton Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said Province who in Pursuance and by Vertue of certain Powers and Authorities to him for this Purpose inter alia granted by the ·said Proprietaries bath hereunto set bis Hand and caused the Great See.I of the Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia this Twelfth Day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty the twenty fourth Year of the Reign of King George the Serond over Great Britain etc and the Thirty Third year of the said Proprietaries Government." One of these facsimile deeds was mailed to a young lady in Columbus, Ohio. It brought me the following Jines of apprecia­ tion. "Columbus, Ohio, December 17, 1936. My dear Uncle Rufus: I thank you so much for the interesting copy of the deed which the Penns drew up for our first ancestor in America. You do so many ni"e things for people and that is one reason no doubt why so many thousands love you. With love, Edith." Now I feel reassured that my deep and strong appreciation of the old deed is correct and commendable and that it shall be made permanent by this early insertion in the new History. During the first two years of their residence in Lancaster County Alexander Zartman and his wife attended the services of the Lutheran Church at Muddy Creek. At that church was made the record of the baptism at sea. These facts and their subsequent connection with the Lutheran Church at Bricker­ ville induce us to think that they were Lutherans before they came to America. However, they may have become Protestants only after their arrive.I in thi11 country. Up to the time of the War of the Revolution the Catholics bad no property rights in Pennsylvania. There were likely no Catholics in Warwick township at that time. These facts may have ca.used our pro­ genitors to espouse the Protestant faith and to join the Lutheran Church. The Emanuel Congregation at Brickerville was organized in 1730. Alexander Zartman and his wife, Ann Catharina, were charter members of it. Alexander was one of its first four 8 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Trustees; he and the other Trustees secured 39½ acres of ground for the use of the Church. This grant of land was obtained from the lawful owners, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, sons of the famous historic personage William Penn, and the identical tract of ground is in the possession of the Emanuel Church to date; on it is the beautiful house of worship, a manse, a cemetery, and a pretty grove in which Sunday School picnics, reunions and other social gatherings are held. Emanuel Church, sacred and beloved edifice, was erected in the year of our Lord, 1805. It was completed and dedicated in the year 1806. The records show that the three sons of Alexander Zartman II made large contributions toward this honored house of God. These sons were John Michael, Alex­ ander III and Emanuel. It is of record that these brothers contributed time, labor, materials and money. They used their teams of horses or oxen and did much hauling of building materials. The father of our country wrote the immortal words: "Nothing but harmony, honesty, industry and frugality are necessary to make us a great and happy people." With sincere and reverent spirit we may apply the foregoing words of George Washington to the work and building of the kingdom of God. The spirit that prompted materials and builded the house of God is admirable and most praiseworthy. This is very laudable family history. In 1928 the interior of the Church was remodeled, the galleries were removed, a sloping .floor was put full length across the second story, pews were installed in this auditorium, new memor­ ial windows were installed, the reredos, lectern, altar and pulpit were placed in this very pleasing sanctuary. All of the fine hand wood carvings were saved and utilized. The room on the ground floor is now utilized by the Church School. The alterations modernized and greatly beautified the interior of this dear church at a cost of thirteen thousand dollars. Jesus the Founder of tho Church said: "Beek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness." "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." "By their fruits ye shall know them." Alexander Zartman, though a comparative stranger in this community, having been here only two years from a foreign land, was chosen as one of the first four tnistees of this new church in 1730. That was a real honor and a proof of frnternnl confidence nnd esteem. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN AND WD"E 9

The historian, Dr. Rufus C. Zartman, at the fifth national reunion on 8/14/1913, married a couple in Emanuel Church, namely, William Milton Fahs and Miss Sarah Jane Becker, both of York, Pa. For this felicitous event the .church was crowded to its capacity. At the seventh national family reunion the historian baptized in this church June Permilla, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levi Zartman, of Lebanon, Pa. The date was 8/19/1920. These sacred rites were preferred in that church because of its historic background, and on account of associations with it by members of the Zartman family for more than two centuries. The old State road or pike runs through these grounds, just north of the church. In the beautiful churchyard west of the stately old edifice lie the mortal remains of Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman. No stone marked their place of burial. This impressed us as very sad and shameful neglect and we resolved that as soon as possible money must be collected, and a monument erected to the loving memory and in grateful honor of our esteemed and most honorable forebears. At our first three family reunions the historian published the fact that our worthy ancestors bad no tombstones and urged that we unitedly raise a fund and erect a suitable memorial monu­ ment at the place of their burial. The unveiling and dedication of the monument took place at our 5th national reunion on August 14, 1913. The event never to be forgotten, was very largely attended and profoundly impressive. All rejoiced and thanked God that at last this very important duty was so grandly and happily attended to. (See Preface for further details.) Alexander Zartman and his noble wife Ann Catharina bad two children, sons, named Jacob and Alexander, Jr. Since publishing our History in 1909 we have made many interesting discoveries which now appear in this revised volume. Thirty years ago we did not know when and where Jacob the older son was born or married. We surmised that he might have been born in Germany and brought by his parents to America. Now we know as a fact that he was born in 1723 in Germany. He was therefore five years old in 1728 when his parents brought him with them on the eventful voyage to North America. The 10 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

younger son, Alexander, Jr., was born at Brickerville, Pa., on 7/29/1731, which was six months and a half before George Washington was bom. Alexander, Jr., was the first Zartman born in the western hemisphere. We have been unable to find that these parents had any other offspring. Diligent and wide­ spread quest has been made, thinking they might have had other issue. We have found none. Jacob and Alexander, Jr., lived, grew up in Warwick Twp., in and about Brickerville, Lititz, and Manheim. These sons came to be the two strong branches of the Zartman family in North America-the Jacob Branch and the Alexander Branch. These leaders married and each had a family of commendable size. Jacob was father of four sons and four daughters. His brother Alexander bad three sons and four daughters. Both of these families grew to maturity in Lancaster Co., Pa. How­ ever in 1768 the Jacob family with the exception of Jacob, Jr., and wife took up residence near Sunbury in Northumberland Co., Pa. Alexander, Jr., and family remained in the place of his nativity in Warwick Twp., Pa. In our former treatise which appeared in 1909 we were unable to announce when and to whom Jacob was married. Our slogan or motto is "Seek and ye shall find." Our search has been happily rewarded and we can now quote from the marriage records of Rev. John Casper Stoever who says that he married Jacob Zartman and Anna Margaretha Riehm on 8/14/1744 in Warwick Twp., Pa. This bas been very gratifying information concerning my great great grandparents. I hope some day I can tell them face to face that I found their long hidden secret. I am still in quest of like information about Alexander II. He married a lady by the name of Magdalena. He may have called her "Lovie" or "Maggie" for short, but what was her maiden name and what was the date of their . marriage? Who can find these secrets for us? For this hunting you need no expensive license and the season is open the year around. Try your luck! AUDITORIUM OF BRICKERVILl,E C11unc11, HE~·onE RECONWfJIUCTION There were high g11llcries over the front 1111d on the cnst nnd west sid1•s. On the south side, hnlf-wny up the w11ll, w11s thu pulpit, of oct11gon11l sh11p1•, resting on n monolith, giving it tlm 11ppcnrnncc of IL wine-gl11ss or clu, lice. Above the pulpit hung II so1111ding-bouril. A nnrrow, winding stnircnse led up into the pulpit, reminding thu prl'nclll'r of the strnit nnd 1111rrnw wny to life utcrnnl.

IsTERIOR OF BUIC:KERVILLE Cnunr:11 AT PRF~~EN1' (llP1-l'r.~1m1)

PART II Chapter I Jacob Zartman and Family

JACOB, eon of Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman, was born in Germany in 1723 and brought by hie parents to America in the year 1728. He lived with his parents on a farm in War­ wick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., with his parents from 1730, and later with his only brother, Alexander, Junior. In his youth Jacob was do~btless an attendant at the services in the Emanuel Lutheran Church, Brickerville, Pa., He was nurtured and reared under Christian precept and example by devout parents. At the age of twenty-one be bad courted and chosen bis life partner: so on 8/14/1744 be married Anna Margaretha Riehm (Ream). This marriage was solemnized by Rev. John Casper Stoever, a notable Lutheran minister of that period. The mar­ riage took place in Warwick Twp. Thie is news never before published. We discovered the record of it in the Historical Society of Lancaster Co., Pa., at 307 N. Duke Street. This was the initial marriage of a Zartman in North America. What thrills and pangs of joy come from genealogical research-as in bunting, finding, and bagging game! If Jacob was twenty-one at marriage, then he was born in 1723; and it also proves he was born in Germany, and brought by his parents to America at the age of five years. To Jacob and Anna Margaretha were born four eons and four daughters. We found the birth records of only three of their children. In the baptismal register of Emanuel Lutheran Church it says Anna Margaretha was b. 10/28/1755, and that Eva was b. 10/1/1758. Then in Zion Cemetery, Thom Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, on Peter's tombstone it reads that he was b. 3/15/1760. From Jacob's last will and testament we know that their eon, Henry, was their "first born." The parents m. in August 1744; hence Henry may have been b. in 1745. The eight children of Jacob and Anna Margaretha may have been born in the fol­ lowing order: (1) Henry in 1745; (2) Martin in 1747; (3) Jacob, 12 TlUl ZARTMAN FAMILY

Jr., in 1749; (4) Susanna in 1751; (5) Anna Margaretha, Jr., 10/28/1755; (6) Eva, 10/1/1758; (7) Peter 3/15/1760; (8) Anna Maria, 1762. As to when the other children were born we can only con­ jecture. I have put Martin second in the list of births because his father, in his will, mentions Martin first four times. We would like, especially, to know the date of the birth of Jacob, Jr., who wrote his name high on the scroll of fame by devotion to his church and by heroic service for his country in the War of the Revolution. The eight children of Jacob Zartman, Senior, grew up on the Zartman homestead in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., and all but Eva are mentioned in their father's will written in 1793, and published herewith. On this farm is a large brick house with a kitchen and dining­ room in the basement and then two full stories above. Just south and east of this substantial brick dwelling house erected in 1861 is a strong spring of very fresh water which is worth a fortune. This water flows through the two-story stone spring­ house in which is a large fire-place specially useful on wash days, butcherings, and at the cooking of apple butter. There is also a rock-hewn trough, filled with the cold spring water and holding the earthen pans and jars that contain milk, cream, butter, and fresh meats. In the second story of the spring­ house is painted this date: "December 1, 1776.'' Did my great grandfather, Henry Zartman, paint these words? He owned those premises then, and was at that time on the Committee of Safety of Mahanoy Township in connection with the War of the Revolution. Near the brick dwelling stood a tall and beautiful bushy, pear tree that bore delicious fruit and from which four genera­ tions gathered large crops. On his initial visit to that place the writer ate of those pears, and examined the tree. That was on October 19 and 20, 1895. Early in the present century a de­ structive gale blew down the famous pear tree and ended its usefulness. A gavel from it, used at the first national reunion in Northumberland Co., Pa., is in the custody of the family historian. The gavel was made by Henry B. Longsdorf, father of two ministers. On this famous farm is a brick church, well known as "Zart­ man's Church." It is the property of the United Evangelical JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY· 13

Denomination. That brick church was erected in the year 1864. The first Sabbath day which the historian spent there was 10/20/1895. He preached in the forenoon on the "Trans­ figuration of Christ"; ih the evening, on "The Penitent Thief." At both services be was assisted by his cousin, Rev. Daniel Zartman Kemble, a minister of the U. E. Church, then living retired in Jersey City: Cousin Samuel S. Zartman started the hymns and led the singing. At the night service there were present about seventy Zartmans, and some Kobels, all new and strange to the writer. He bad not then learned who was who in the immense relationship. Cousin Rose Zartman of Ohio bad visited there in 1885, and the writer's parents, Isaac and Rebecca Zartman, accompanied by Bernard and Leah Mechling, made a brief visit there in November of 1892. Isaac Zartman's father, Alexander Zartman the 4th, was born and reared on that farm and Isaac's mother Saloma Kobel was reared on a farm nearby; but Alexander and Saloma Zartman had left there eighty-one years before that and migrated to Ohio in 1811. If any one would ever undertake to trace out these intricate and involved relationships, he might be thought crazy, or expecting to perform a miracle. There was one like Julius Caesar, who came, and saw, and conquered. He believed the Zartmans in America were all inter-related and of the same kin; he has demonstrated his theory to be correct. Regular services are no longer held in this old and dear Zart­ man's Church; but annually there is a home coming service there at which the writer has been the guest preacher on several occasions, and has learned to know the many relatives there as in many other areas. On this Zartman farm, first owned by Jacob Zartman, Senior, are three burial grounds near the Church: one is directly in front of the. church, and in it are believed to repose the bodies of Jacob, Senior, and son, Henry, both of whom rendered service in the Revolutionary War. The grave of neither one was marked in any way. To us, this was unpatriotic, un­ grateful, unbearable. Our appeal to the War Department in Washington brought us two properly engraved marble monu­ ments which we erected, and at a public service unveiled and dedicated on Sunday afternoon, 9/23/1934. The impressive 1:1ervice was attended by one hundred and fifty persons. The offering given covered the expenses incurred by the erection 14 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

of the monuments. At the dedication of these memorials the historian spoke as follows: 1. Jacob Zartman, Senior, buried here, was my great, great grandfather; he was born in Germany in 1723 and died on this farm in 1793, aged three score and ten years. His parents brought him to America in 1728. He lived forty-five years in Lancaster County. In 1768 with his wife and children he came to North­ umberland County. Here he purchased a farm of 122 acres. In June 1780 he entered service in the War of the Revolution under Ensign Simon Herrold's party of the Militia of this County and was on the pay roll. He died on this farm and it is believed that he is buried here. Apparently no tombstone ever marked the spot of his interment. We are here today to honor his memory because of the patriotic and heroic service which he rendered for the freedom and independence of his and our country. The Government, through the War Department in Washington, and at our 13olicitation, has donated a headstone for this hero. I now have the satisfaction and honor to unveil this memorial. 2. Henry Zartman, son of Jacob, was my great grandfather; he was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., and grew to manhood there. With his parents and family in 1768 he came to Northumberland County where he became a very prominent, influential, useful, and public-spirited citizen in church and civic life. He served the State for some years in the office of Justice. In the War of the Revolution he served on the Committee of Safety from Augusta township in 1774; later be served on the same Com­ mittee as representative from Mahanoy Township, until 1777. He was also a Constable in this county in 1790 and 1791. No tombstone has marked the place of the sepulture of this hero and patriot. The Government has also kindly donated a head­ stone in his honor, which I do now unveil with grateful hand and heart. May the buried ashes of these heroes and patriots rest in peace, and in the morning of the resurrection of the just be crowned with everlasting life and glory!

"Our Father's God, to Thee Author of liberty, ZARTIIAS HOMESTEAD .\T DORS!-IIFE, PA,



To Thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freed'om's holy light: Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King."

Jacob Zartman, Senior, wife and family, were members of the Himmel's Lutheran Church. The registers there of baptisms and communions make frequent mention of them. The first recorded communion held in Himmel's Church was just four days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence; there were sixty-four communicants. Once on the honorable list were Elder Henry Zartman and wife, Elisabeth, Martin, and Anna Maria Zartman, both single. At the communion on Christmas, 1795, when eighty-three communed, Jacob and Peter Zartman, brothers, sons of Jacob, Senior, stood side by side at the sacramental altar. As one passes through the aisles of this "Heaven Church," as its name implies, it is gratifying and inspiring to rethink these thoughts pertaining to our fore­ bears. The sense of gratitude for the historic records of our ancestors deepens and becomes more and more gratifying.

In February of 1703, Jacob Zartman, Senior, made his last will and testament, and died either in February or March of the same year. He is most likely buried on the farm where he spent the last twenty-five years of his earthly pilgrimage. Fol­ lowing is a translation of his last will, which we found in the court house at Sunbury, Pennsylvania:

"In the name of God, Amen.. I, Jacob Zartman, of Mahanoy township, in the county of Northumberland, having taken to heart how that all men must die, but the time of death uncertain, have therefore thought fit to make this my last will and testament that my family may know bow it shall be had with my estate after my decease. First, I give and bequeath unto my two sons, Martin and Peter, my land and plantation whereon I now live, and to their heirs and assigns forever, as tenants in common, on the following condition, that is to say, they shall bring all my affairs into order, and finally settle everything and then clear the land out of the land office, and after this is performed, then my 16 THE ZARTHAN FAMILY true friends and neighbors, Martin Hoyl, Peter Forster, Philip Moyer and Samuel Weiser shall appraise the same, and after my sons, Martin and Peter have deducted their reasonable cost, as also twenty pounds for the new barn, then the overplus shall be divided share and share alike between all my hereinafter men­ tioned children, to-wit: Henry, Martin, Peter, Jacob, Margareth, Anna Maria and Susannah, at and upon such time as the said men shall appoint, who shall have respect in the appraisement of the dower which my said two sons must give to my wife, Anna Mar­ gareth, according to a writing, which I gave unto her, dated the 23d day of July, 1791. Second, I give and bequeath unto my son Henry the sum of one shilling and six pence ster:ing as my first born, and as such he shall no other or more demand. Third, It is my will and I give my little movables which I am yet in pos­ session of, and which I have not yet distributed among my chil­ dren, to my said sons, Martin and Peter, with this proviso, that if the horse which I have destined for my said wife Anna Marga­ reth during her natural life, be yet living at the time of her de­ cease, the same shall also be appraised and the money divided as aforesaid. I ordain and constitute herewith my aforesaid sons Martin and Peter executors of this, my testament, and make void all former wills by me made, be they in writing or verbal, and constitute this above. In witness whereof I have signed this with my own hand and put my seal thereto the 11th day of February, 1793. His JACOB X ZARTMAN. Mark" The witnesses were Martin Hoy! and Sam. Weiser. The will was probated 3/30/1793.

On 7/9/1798, the children and heirs of the said Jacob Zartman, Sr., deeded an estate to their brother, Henry Zartman, for and in consideration of the sum of 366 pounds (Sl,771.44) paid by him. The names attached to this deed are as follows: 1. Jacob Zartman and his wife, Regina, of Heidelberg town­ ship, in Dauphin county. 2. Susanna Zartman, intermarried with Conrad Schreckengast, of the county of Berks. 3. Anna Maria Zartman, now intermarried with Henry Groninger, also of the JACOB ZARTllA.N A.ND F.llOLY 17 county of Berks. 4. Martin Zartman and Susanna, his wife. 6. Anna Margaretha Zartman, now intermarried with Thomas Dobson. 6. Peter Zartman and Catherine, his wife. We have some further knowledge concerning these daughters of Jacob Zartman, Sr., namely Mrs. Susannah Schreckengast, Mrs. Maria Groninger and Mrs. Margaretha Dobson. Daughter Eva is not mentioned in her father's will and may have died. The four sons of Jacob will be treated in the order in which they are mentioned in bis will, viz.: Henry, Martin, Peter and Jacob, Jr. SUSANNA ZARTMAN m. Conrad Schreckengast and bad a son, Martin, b. 4/3/1786, bapt. 6/21/1786. Sponsors Martin Zart­ man and wife Susanna. The baptism was in Himmel's Church. ANNA MAm.-\ ZARTMAN m. Henry Groninger. Their children were: 1. Maria, b. 10/1/1781; bapt. 10/28/1781, sponsor Michael Groninger. 2. Elisabeth, b. 11/16/1782; bapt. 12/1/1782, sponsors Henry and Elisabeth Zartman, uncle and aunt. 3. John Henry, b. 11/27/1784; bapt. 3/27/1785. Witness, Jacob Groninger, single. 4. John Peter, b. 3/21/1787; bapt. 4/29/1787. Godparents, Uncle Peter Zartman and Aunt Catharine Zartman.

ANNA MARGARETHA ZARTMAN m. Thomas Dobson of North­ umberland County and had a daughter, Catharina, b. 3/29/1786; bapt. 4/23/1786. Sponsors were Uncle Peter Zartman and bis wife, Aunt Catherine Elisabeth. All of these baptisms are of record in Himmel's Church,· organized in 1773. In his former treatise, the historian had found very little to write about the Schreckengasts, Dobsons, and Groningers. On 7/30/1910 a very interesting letter was written by Jacob R. Hi:bush, Surveyor, Conveyancer, J.P., N.P., Ins. Agt., and Prominent Church Elder from Mahanoy, Pa., as follows: "On page 12 I find you name Mrs. Margaretha Dobson and some others that you have no further knowledge of. Dobson had a tract of land on the north side of a small mountain about one and one quarter miles south of Mahanoy, Pa., and one mile 18 THE ZARTMAN FAIIILY

Southwest from where I was raised; he used to go by the name of 'Tom Dobs.' On 5/26/1873, I surveyed the tract of land containing fifty-four acres and allowance for Annie Dobson, she sold part of it. I made the Deed for the part sold. There are some of the Dobson descendants in our neighborhood. I did not know they were Zartman descendants until I saw the . Zartman History.''

Written in answer to a letter to His Majesty under date of 6/2/1662, concerning the admission of Freemen, the following reply was made 8/3/1664: "All Englishmen presenting a certificate under the hand of the ministers or minister of tbf' place where they dwell, that they are orthodox in religion and not vicious in their lives and also a certificate under the hands of the select men of the place or the major part of them that they are freeholders; and are for their own proper state (without heads of persons) rateable to the country in a single county rate, after the usual manner of valuation in the place where they live, to the full value of ten shillings, or that they are in full communion with some church amongst us; it shall be in the liberty of all and every such person or persons being twenty four years of age, householders and settled inhabitants in this jurisdiction, from time to time to present themselves and their desires to this court for their admittance to the freedom of this commonwealth and shall be allowed the privilege to have such their desires propounded and put to vote in the general court, for acceptance to the freedom of the body politick, by the suffrage of the major pa.rte according to the rules of our patent."

OATH OF A FREEMAN "I, being by God's providence, an inhabitant within the jurisdiction of this commonwealth and now to be made a freeman, do here freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the govern­ ment thereof; And therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful! name of the ever living God, that I will be true and faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound, and will also truly endeavor to maintain and pre- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 19

serve all the liberties and privileges thereof, submitting myself unto the wholesome laws made and established by the same. And, farther, that I wili not plot or practice evil against it, or consent to any that shall so doe; but will timely discover and reveal the same to la.wfull authority now here established, for the speedy prevention thereof. Moreover I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any such matter of this state, wherein Freemen are to deal, I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall in my own conscience jud11;e best to conduce and tend to the publick weal of the Body, without respect of persons or favor of any man. So help me God, in our Lord Jesus Christ."

The above oath of a Freeman was taken by Jacob Zartman, Senior, who was now living in Northumberland Co., Pa. The language, spirit and purpose are portrayals of strong upright Christian character. In 1771 a Jacob Zartman is taxed as a freeman in Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa.,-amount of tax 15 pounds. In 1772 he is also truced as a freeman in the same amount. The foregoing tax was imposed on lands owned by Jacob Zartman, Junior, who then lived in Lancaster Co. At that time Jacob, Senior, owned no land in Lancaster County. For the above interesting finds the historian is indebted to his niece, Mrs. Josephine Zartman Diefenbach, Historian! When great, great grandfather Jacob Zartman took the above Oath of Freeman he had been in America 46 years. It was now A. D. 1792. . On June 20, 1754, Alexander Zartman and his wife, Ann Cath­ arina, deeded seventy-one acres of their farm to their older son, Jacob. This deed was recorded 7/6/1755, and the following is an abstract therefrom: "Alexander and Catharine Zartman, for the love and affection they have and do bear for their said son, Jacob, as also for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings (Sl.20) current money of the Province, to them paid . . . do acknowledge them­ selves therewith fully content and paid." This was Jacob's patrimony, and therefore no mention of him is made in the will of the father. 20 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

On 10/6/1762, Alexander Zartman I wrote his last will and testament, which was probated 12/27/1762. He may have died early in December 1762. His age is not given. If he lived the allotted time-three score and ten years, then ho was b. in tho year 1692. He lived in America thirty-four years. How devoutly grateful we are for the pluck and courage and kind Providence which brought him and his good wife to this land of the free and home of the brave! All honor to them and heart­ felt thanks to the God of our fathers! Ann Catharina survived her husband, and carried out the instructions of Alexander's will. The time of her decease has not been discovered. The last will and testament of Alexander Zartman is on record in Lancaster, Pa., and is as follows: "I, Alexander Zartman, of Lancaster County, yeoman, being sick and weak in body, but of sound mind and memory. Thanks be given unto ·God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following: Item, I give and bequeath unto Ann Catharina, my beloved wife, all that my plantation and tract of land situate in Warwick township in the said county of Lancaster, containing about one hundred acres, together with all the rights and profits thereon or therefrom arising during her natural life, and after her decease, I give, devise and bPqueath the said plantation and tract of land unto my son, Alexander Zartman, to hold the same to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my said wife and to her heirs and assigns forever all and singular my personal estate whatsoever I may or shall die possessed of. And I do hereby constitute, make and ordain my said wife to be my only and sole executrix of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly disallow, revoke and disannul a 1 and every other former testaments, wills, legacies and executors by me in any ways before this time named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of October, 1762. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN." Tho subscribing witnesses to this wiH were Samuel Royer, Jacob Hauser and Emanuel Carpenter. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 21

On December-.', 1759, Jacob Zartman deeded to George Grafie the seventy-one acres •which his kind Christian parents had given to him and his family in 1754. The consideration was two hundred and eip:hty (280) pounds ($1,355.20). He had also acquired other land arid on 2/15/1764 he deeded another farm of seventy-five (75) acres to George Graffe. It looked as if Jacob might intend to change his place of abode. I wondered where he would go. Think of leaving beautiful, ferti'e, pro­ ductive Lancaster County, Pennsylvania! On 8/2/1768 my beloved great, great grandfather was sold out by the Sheriff of Lancaster County to satisfy a judp:ment of two poundR and eleven shillings, and a mortgage of seventy-two pounds, ten shillings and six pence. The eighty acres sold for one hundred ninety-one (191) pounds and ten (10) shillings. To force the sale of his property to satisfy such petty claims could not· have been prompted by the second Comn:andment-"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Quite possibly out of a sense of humiliation, Jacob and his beloved wife resolved to move out of the community in which they had resided forty-five years. Thereupon they removed to Jackson Township, North­ umberland County, Pa., and purchased a farm of one hundred twenty-two (122) acres at the base of Line Mountain. The consideration was eleven pounds ($53.24). On 4/3/1775 John Adam Shaffer deeded a farm of one hun­ dred (100) acres to ,Jacob Zartman. These tracts of land along the southern base of Line Mountain constitute the beautiful Zartman homestead of the Mahanoy area. It is a place of grcnt historic interest and from it have gone forth strong, noble men and women of the Ja~ob, Branch into many states of the Union such as Virginia, Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, 111inois, Michigan, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Oregon, WI\Bhington, Texas, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota. This beautiful homestead at Linc Mountain after Jacob's death was owned by his sons, Martin and Peter; then by their brother, Henry; then by Henry's son, John Martin; then Mar­ tin's son, Daniel; then by Daniel's son, Samuel Seiler Zartman, who in 1920 sold it to Edward Hilbush for $5,000.00. 22 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

The older son, Jacob, is not mentioned in the last will and testament of his father. Not a thing is here devised to son Jacob. The fact that he did not contest the will is high praise to Jacob. Had not the elder son received his inheritance in 1754 when the parents deeded to him seventy-one acres of the homestead? That is true, but some sons would try to upset the will and get another slice of the estate, and thereby create shameful notoriety. This home, in precepts and practices, was soundly Christian. It was an ideal home. Here is a picture of the stone edifice in which our ancestors lived on their farm of one hundred seventy-nine (179) acres. This pretty and historic home was destroyed by fire in 1920. Just eighteen months before that misfortune, the historian hired a photographer to make this picture-the only one known to be in existence. THE HOMESTEAD AT lllllCKERVILLE1 PA.

Chapter II


HENRY ZARTMAN, son of Jacob, Senior, son of Alexander I, is at the head of a numerous family. Jacob in his will calls Henry "my first born." We do not know the date of his nativity. He was born possibly in 1746 in Lancaster Co., Pa., where he dwelt until the year 1768. He m. Elisabeth Hauser (b. in 1764), daughter of Jacob Hauser, Lancaster Co., Pa., who served in the Lancaster Militia in 1778. Jacob Hauser was b. in 1711 and d. in August 1793. The children of Henry and Elisabeth Zartman were as follows: 1. Christena, seems to have been the first born daughter and that may have been in 1772. She m. George Neihart and had a daughter Barbara, who burned to death one night in the home of her Uncle John Jacob Zartman. 2. John Martin, b. 12/31/1774. 3. John Henry, b. 9/6/1776. 4. John Peter, b. 11/30/1778. 6. John Jacob, b. 12/10/1780. 6. Elisabeth, b. 1783. 7. Sophia, b. 3/12/1785. 8. Alexander, b. 10/29/1786. 9. Samuel, b. 12/13/1788. Also Michael, b. --, d. -- in 179.9; a blacksmith.

Elisabeth, mother of this large family, d. in 1793 and was buried with her husband in the cemetery at Zartman's Evan­ gelical Church. It is remarkable that there are four Johns in this family. We doubt if the parents named and had them baptized that way. We found the birth and baptismal certi­ ficate of John Jacob and he was christened with that name. We think the other sons assumed, or added, the name John. At that same time there was another Peter, Martin, and Henry Zartman in that community. There may have been confusion with each other's mail, causing them to prefix the name John. 24 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

In court records these sons of Henry usually go by the names Martin,, and Jacob; but occasionally John is affixed; this has been quite troublesome to the historian. Henry Zartman was a prosperous farmer; at the time of his death he bad an estate of three hundred twelve (312) acres. He was a man of affairs, popular with his fellowmen, minister­ ing to the public good, and a prominent churchman; he and his good wife Elisabeth were frequently invited to net as godr:arents in baptismal services. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Zartman, was still single when her father made his will in 1803. Sophia is not mentioned in the will; she may have been deceased. Michael, though dead prior to 1803, is named in the will and the father devises his share of the estate to Michael's sons, John Henry and Michael, Jr. Following is the last will and testament of Henry Zartman as translated. The will is of record in the Court House in Sunbury, Pa.

"In the name of God, Amen. I, Henry Zartman, of the town­ ship of Mahanoy, in the county of Northumberland, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form followinl', (that is to say): First of all I resign my soul and body into the hand of God, who gave it me, and I order and direct that my body be buried in a decent like manner, and that my funeral expenses and just debts be paid by hereinafter named executors. First, I give and devise to my son, Martin Zartman, his heirs and assigns, all my planta­ tion whereon I now dwell, containing two hundred and six acres, and one hundred and six acres of hill land adjoining Philip Lefter, for which be is to pay eight hundred pounds in real specie of gold or silver money of Pennsylvania, exclusive of his own share, in sixteen instalments. In one year after my death fifty pounds to my daughter Christena, intermarried with George Neihart, and fifty pounds in two years after my death to my son Henry, and so on, fifty pounds yearly to each of my children, to-wit: Peter, Jacob, Elizabeth, Alexander and Samuel, and fifty pounds to my two grandsons, Henry and Michael, heirs of Mi­ chael Zartman, deceased, and so on fifty pounds yearly in rota­ tion; beginning at Christena, till the above mentioned sum of eight hundred pounds is paid, and the said three hundred and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 25 twelve acres of land to be held in security till the eight hundred pounds are paid in manner above mentioned. And, .further, I order that my son Mar11in shall give my beloved wife, Elizabeth Zartman, leave to live in the house I now live in with him as long as she lives, and she is to have one-fourth part of the garden during her lifetime, and Martin is to give unto his mother ten bushels of wheat, five bushels of rye, five bushels of buckwheat, fifty pounds of beef, one hundred pounds of pork, ten pounds of flax, ten pounds of tow, four pounds of wool, a sufficiency of wood at the door cut small, the grain to be taken to the mill; the meal to be brought home to the house yearly, and every year one bar­ rel of cider and one barrel of water cider, and as many apples as will make one bushel of dried apples, if a good year for apples yearly and every year, as long as she lives all the above articles to be given, exclusive of the eight hundred pounds, and Martin is to keep a cow in feed for bis mother as long as she bas a cow. Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Elizabeth Zartman, three pounds of the money that is in the house, her own bedstead, bed and bedding, one cow, the clock, a copper kettle, a small pot and frying pan, her own chest and one-third of all the personal estate. Thirdly, I order that all the remainder of my personal estate be sold at public vendue as soon as possi­ ble by my executors hereinafter named and equally divided among my eight children (and my two grandsons one share) to­ wit: Christena, Martin, Henry, Peter, Jacob, Elizabeth, Alexan­ der, Samuel (and Henry and Michael, heirs of Michael Zartman, deceased) one share, and when my wife shall die all that she has left shall be sold at public vendue and equally divided among my eight children and my two grandsons one share. Fourthly, I give and bequeath unto Catharine Zartman, widow of Michael Zartman, deceased, since intermarried with Daniel Kauble (Ko­ bel), five shillings for her share in full. Fifthly, I give and be­ queath unto Henry Alfice five shillings for bis share in full. Sixthly, I order that my two sons, Alexander and Samuel, shall be under the care of my hereinafter named executors and shall be bound out to such trades and to such masters as the boys shall choose, as soon as convenient after my decease. And I do hereby appoint my son, Martin Zartman, and John Laur my executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my 26 TRE ZARTMAN F AWLY hand and seal the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three. His HENRY X ZA.RTHAN." Mark." Witnessed by Martin Zartman and ·Abraham McKinney. Probated October 1, 1803. The testator is most likely buried on the old homestead, which in his deed to the place is called "Hen­ ry's Delight." The place of sepulture is assumed to be in the cemetecy directly in front of the church on "Henry's Delight." And there we caused a monument to be erected in his honor on Sunday, September 23, 1934. Finding graves of worthy and notable forbears unmarked has been truly painful, distressing to the historian. He rejoices greatly in the fact that he has been able to remove this• stigma and to erect suitable memorials where they were wanting. As an illustration, think of the magnificent Barre granite monument in the necropolis at Emanuel Church, Brickerville. JOHN HENRY ZARTMAN JOHN HENRY ZARTMAN, son of Henry and Elizabeth, married a woman by the name of Barbara, b. 2/5/1780. In the year 1811 they moved from Northumberland Co., Pa., to Percy Co., Ohio. There John Henry purchased a farm which in his will he devised to his wife, Barbara. They bad no children; so after Barbara's death the farm was to become the property of Jacob Sawitze, a young man they had reared, provided Sawitze would properly care for and support Barbara. The will was not dated. It designated Isaac Zartman, father of the writer, as executor, and says: "It is my will that the said Jacob Sawitze shall have my said property after the death of my said wife, as an estate in fee simple to compensate him for supporting my said wife, as aforesaid. It is further my will that the said Jacob shall, after the death of my wife, pay fifty dollars to one Frederick Dupler, whom I raised." Sawitze failed to meet these requirements and did not inherit under tho will. This John Henry under name of Henry Bartman served in the war of 1812 from 9/1/1813 to 3/1/1814. John Henry d. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 27

1/31/1840 and Barbara, as his widow, d. 2/15/18~6. They are buried side by side at Zion's Church, Thom Township, Perry Co., Ohio. Two nice red sandstones, with plain inscrip­ tions, mark their place of sepulture.


.Al.ExANDER ZARTMAN, IV, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was born 10/27/1786, at Mahanoy, Northumber­ land Co., Pa. He was a blacksmith and former. About the year 1807 hem. Salome Kobel, b. 9/15/1786, at Mahanoy, Pa., a daughter of Frederick Kobel and his wife Sophia Daniel, who was a daughter of Adam and Barbara Daniel. Sophia Daniel was born 4/10/1765, and died 12/14/1847. To Alexander and Salome Zartman were b. nine children, to-wit: 1. Sarah, b. 7/15/1808. 2. Catherine, b. 1810, d. 1812 by accident. 3. Israel, b. 1/0/1812. 4. Isaac, b. 3/4/1814. 5. Joshua, b. 5/10/1816. 6. Henry, b. 8/20/1819. 7. Levi, b. 10/5/1822. 8. Margaret, b. 7/27/1827. 9. Magdalena, b. 1/29/1831.

In the summer of 1811 Alexander Zartman, his wife Salome and two infant daughters, in a Conestoga wagon painted blue and drawn by four horses, moved from Northumberland Co., Pa., through the Keystone commonwealth and out into central Ohio, five miles north of Middletown, later and now called Somerset, birthplace of General Phil H. Sheridan. Brothers John Henry and Samuel Zartman, and cousin Benjamin Zartman and no doubt other relatives accompanied them on this long, tedious and hazardous migration, made in strong form wagons. On this trip they covered a distance of at least 550 miles. Alex­ ander located in Hopewell Twp., two miles southwest of North Perry, later and now called Glenford. His brother John Henry went a mile farther to the southwest. His brother Samuel settled at or near Somerset. Their uncle, Peter Zartman, and family located in Thom Twp., Fairfield Co., about two miles 28 THE ZARTMAN F AJlILY

west from Alexander. Benjamin Zartman, first cousin of Alex­ ander, John Henry and Samuel, continued his journey about 150 miles farther to the southwest and located at Millville, Butler Co., Ohio, arriving there on 11/9/1811. On 5/15/1813 Alexander Zartman purchased 160 acres of land from John Swinehart and wife Christena, of Fairfield Co., Ohio. The land is described as section 19, of township 17, range 16. The consideration was $200.00. In his will grandfather devises the four-horse wagon to his son Levi. The writer as a little boy often played in that wagon-bed with the Uncle Levi boys. John Swinehart bad purchased the land from the U. S. Govern­ ment while James Madison was President. It was upon this farm that Alexander IV and his good wife Salome reared their large family and lived the rest of their days. This land until quite recently remained in continuous possession of Zartmans. Alexander IV was prosperous and got to be a large land owner. On 3/17/1830, he bought half of a quarter section from Lud­ wick Ridenour and bis wife Catharine; consideration, $800.00. On 3/23/1833, he bought an 80-acre farm from Thomas and Elizabeth Cowen; consideration $800.00. On 5/13/1837, he bought a farm from John and Catharine Snyder; consideration $1300.00. On 12/18/1838, be purchased a lot in Somerset, Ohio, at Sheriff's sale for $235.00, on N. Columbus Street. When Alexander IV went to Ohio be first identified himself there with the Lutheran Church, in which he had been brought up, but for reasons which to him seeme.d good and sufficient, he left the Lutheran Church and united with the Reformed Church, of which his wife was a member. Therefore their children were brought up in the Reformed Church. From the lips of some who saw and knew Alexander Zartman IV, we that he was a.bout five feet eight inches in stature, muscular, very strong, robust and corpulent, weighing con­ siderably more than 200 pounds. He died 12/31/1851. His wife Salome died 4/8/1862. A granddaughter, Miss Rose Zart­ man, late of Columbus, wrote the following about Salome Zartman: "Grandmother was a fine character. She demanded obedience from hl'r grandchildren, which was right. She was courageous. Grandfather got homesick and wanted to go back to Pennsylvania, but she said, 'You can go if you want to, but JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 29

I am going to stay.' I think she was an artist. She had a sampler which we all admired. She could knit mittens with a double, o.nd different colored yams for the grandsons. She knew the value of herbs, of which she bad all sorts in her garden and she would make tea for any who were sick and I do believe she succeeded better along that line than many of our modem doctors." Alexander and Salome Zartman sleep side by side in the church­ yard at St. Paul's Ref'd Church, one mile south from Glenford, where the first national Zartman reunion in America was held on 8/30/1908. The last will and testament of Alexander IV is as follows:

"In the name of the benevolent Father of all, I, Alexander Zartman, of Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, do make and pub­ lish this my last will and testament. "Item 1. I give and devise to my beloved wife, Salome, in lieu of her dower the small house now occupied by my son Levi, the half of one-third of all that is raised or produced on the farm on which we now reside in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, and also the following property, viz.: one cow, to be kept on the farm, the copper kettle, one ten-gallon iron kettle, the clock, a cooking stove, not worth· more than twenty dollars, cupboard and all the dishes and knh·es and forks in it; the bureau and all the books and bookcase, a place in the spring house to keel) her milk and other articles which she wishes to keep therein; the loom and all belonging to it; one spinning wheel, a spot in the garden suf­ ficient to supply her wants, the buggy, harness and a horse, bri­ dle and saddle (the horse is to be kept on the farm), fifty bushels of wht'at and five hogs in the pen, two beds and the chairs and table and cooking utensils, the interest of five hundred dollars as long as she lives. ''Item 2. I devise and bequeath to my son Levi, his wife and his heirs, the farm on which I now reside, situate in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, containing 124 acres, for which he is to pay 150 dollars one year after my death to my daughter Sarah and her husband and heirs; two years after my death 150 dollars to my son Israel and his heirs; three years after my death 150 dollars to my son Isaac and his heirs; four years after my death 150 dollars to my son Joshua and his heirs; five years after my 30

death 150 dollars to my son Henry and his heirs; six years after my death 150 dollars to my daughter Margaret, and seven years after my death 150 dollars to my daughter Magdalene. It is fur­ ther my will that my son Levi is to have the four-horse wagon (Conestoga) and all belonging to it, the cider mill and press, and that he is to haul, cut the wood ready for the stove that my wife shall need as long as she lives. "Item 3. I devise and bequeath to my two daughters, Mar­ garet and Magdalene, a tract of land containing 160 acres and with the land each fifty dollars in money. The land is situate in Hardin Co., Ohio, in Range nine, township five; the land shall be equally divided between my two aforesaid daughters by my sons Joshua, Henry and Levi. For their services each shall have ten dollars and the costs for surveying, dividing the land shall be paid from my estate. It is further my will that each of my two daughters aforesaid shall, have each twenty-five dollars in money, and my daughter Magdalene shall have seventy-five dollars for the purpose or' purchasing her house furniture, bed and clothes, etc., and my daughter Margaret shall have ten dollars for the same purpose. "Item 4. I devise and bequeath further ten dollars to the Lutheran minister and ten dollars to the German Reformed min­ ister of St. Paul's Church, Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, and twenty dollars for the purpose of the above-named church. "Item 5. It is further my will that the rest of my property shall be brought to public sale, and after it is sold the money is to be divided equally among all my children after my just debts are paid. "Item 6. I do hereby nor:...inate and appoint my sons, Isaac and Israel, executors of this, my last will and testament, hereby authorizing and empowering them to compromise, release and discharge in such manner as they may deem proper, the debts and claims due me. "I do also authorize and empower them to sell all my other property not mentioned in this, my last will and testament, and to pay my just debts, if any, and fully to settle my whole estate. "In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of July, A. D. 1847.


Witnesses: Andrew Smith and Jacob Weimer. Probated 1/10/1852. Item 4 of the foregoing will is unusual and noteworthy. It contains three charitable bequests. That was very rare in those early days and exhibits ·a commendable spirit. It is an example worthy of imitation. When St. Paul's Brick Church was erected Alexander Zartman 4th contributed $90.00 in gold. He was the largest giver. In a letter to Isaac Zartman, dated Lancaster, Fairfield Co., Ohio, 2/7/1865, Philip W. Wagenhals, M. D., writes-"lt is almost useless for me to bring to your recollection bow we used to meet around the bedside of your poor afflicted Father, and listen to his tale of suffering, and with all expressing not only a willingness but a desire to die, and a faith in God such as but few men have. It is now many (14) years since he died, yet I have not forgotten him, and I have said and thought to myself that I should like to die in faith and consciousness as did your Father, Alexander Zartman."

ISAAC ZARTMAN, son of Alexander IV, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 3/4/1814. In the English family Bible of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman are recorded the names, births, baptisms and confirmations of their children. These were written by the hand of Isaac Zart­ man as follows: "Isaac Zartman was b. 3/4/1814 in Hopewell township, Perry Co., Ohio, and was baptized the same year by the Rev. Jacob Leist, and was confirmed as a member of the German Re­ formed Church by the Rev. David Long in the year 1830, and was married to Miss Rebecca King on Thursday the 25th day of June 1835 by the Rev. Charles Henkel; the said Rebecca l{ing was born in Thorn township, Perry County, Ohio, on the 21st day of May 1816, and was baptized the same year by the Rev. George Weisz, and was confirmed as a member of the German Reformed Church in the year 1832 by the Rev. David Long. "Leah Zartman was b. on July 17, 1836, and was baptized on Oct. 2, 1836 by the Rev. Thomas H. Winters, and was con­ firmed as a member of the German Reformed Church by the Rev. F. W. Dechant in the year 1852. 32 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

"Solomon King Zartman was born March 3, 1839, and was baptized May 28th, 1839 by the Rev. Thos. H. Winters, and was confirmed as a member of the German Reformed Church by the Rev. Henry King in the year 1857. "Sarah Ann Zartman was born January 25, 1841, and was bap­ tized on the 11th of April, 1841 by the Rev. Christian SpielrutUl and was confirmed as a member of the German Reformed Church by the Ilev. Henry King in the year 1857. "Levi Zartman was born July 20, 1842, and was baptized on the 17th day of September, 1842, by the Rev. Samuel Danius. Levi died of scarlet fever on December 23, 1848, aged 6 years, 5 months and 3 days. "Magda'.ena Zartman was born June 11th, 1844, and was bap­ tized on the 28th day of July 1844 by Rev. Henry King, and was confirmed as a member of the German Reformed Church in the year 1860 by the Rev. Charles W. Hoyman. "Angeline Zartman was born February 25, 1847, and was bap­ tized in the same year by the Rev. W. H. Lehman and was con­ firmed as a member of the German Reformed Church in the year 1862 by the Rev. Charles W. Hoyman. "Allen Zartman was born June 8th, 1849, and was baptized the same year by the Rev. F. W. Dechant. "Margaret Jane Zartman was born January 10th, 1853, and was baptized the same year by the Rev. F. W. Dechant. "Rufus Calvin Zartman was born November 10th, 1856, and was baptized the same year by the Rev. Henry King and was confirmed as a member of the Reformed Church by the Rev. Charles Wesley Hoyman on September 20, 1873." In a foot note was added this line: "All of our children were born in Hopewell township, Perry County, Ohio." Before giving the genealogy and history of the sons and daugh­ ters of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman we record the ancestry of this famous and honored couple:

ANCESTRY OF ISAAC AND REBECCA ZARTMAN COMPILED AND EDITED BY MRS. JOSEPHINE ZARTMAN DIEFENBACH, GRANDDAUGHTER OF ISAAC ZARTMAN Only verified and authentic information has been used. To those who are interested, the study of one's ancestry is like the unrolling of a panorama, or the solving of an intricate JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 33

puzzle. As each piece or date is found there comes a deep satis­ faction in seeing the picture gradually assuming form, and be­ coming more perfect. So to those of us who are descendants of Isaac and Rebecca King Zartman there is not a little satisfaction in knowing that for generation after generation ancient a.nd hon­ orable families have played their parts in our heritage. How all tl.e information was obtained makes a fascinating story, but one which has no place in this History. The earliest date to which we may lay claim, one which came to us through the Institute of American Genealogy, is 443 B. C. when we find our ancestor, Antenor, as King of the Cimn:.erons. Names of shteen generations follow, and we come to Francus, who was King of the Franks when Christ was born. The line is then through twenty-four more generations to Marcomir, who was the last King of the Franks, in 393 A. D. Dates and names are authentic and our connection is made through the marriage of Briand Daniel, who in 1568 married Marguerite Humbert, daughter of Jacques Humbert, direct descendant of Marcomir, and Antenor. In 1420 A.D. in France Amedee Daniel, Lord of Desvres, was born. He married Amelie de Vert, by whom be bad two sons, Jean and Phillipe. Phillipe married Agnetta, daughter of the Count of Bilbao in Spain, and their grandson was Briand, who married Marguerite Humbert. This Daniel line traces directly down through the years to 1626 when Jean Daniel de­ serted the church of his fathers, accepted the Protestant faith, and was driven from his home to Germany. Here he lived as a Huguenot refugee, and it was his grandson, Adam Daniel who came to America where he married Barbara Kleist. Their daughter, Sophia, married Frederick Kobel, and their daughter, Salome, was the mother of Isaac Zartman. An interesting side light in this lino is the fact that Magdalena Daniel Foster, wife of the Rev. Wm. Foster, who, with our great-great-grandfather, John Christian King, founded Zion Church in Perry Co., was a sister to Sophia Daniel [and aunt of Salome Zartman]. Tho Kobel line is anothei- interes•ing story. In 1709 there ar­ rived in New York Jacob Cobell from France, with his wife Anna Maria, and one son. In 1711 Jacob Cobell took an active part in the Canadian Expedition from Huntcrstown, N. Y. He was a member of the Catholic Church, but his wife was evidently a Protestant, for only Protestants could settle in the Schoharie 34 THE ZARTMAN F A.M:ILY

district, and in 1712 a son was baptized by the Lutheran minister, Rev. Kocberthal. In 1727 Jacob Cobell or Kobell was a resident of the Tulpehocken district of Penna., where he died in Aug. 1731, at the age of 49, having been born in 1682. Though he left nine children we have the names of but three sons, Henry, John and Frederick. Frederick the 2nd, son of this Frederick, was the husband of Sophia Daniel, parents of Salome, mother of Isaac Zartman. Serving in the Revolution were Jacob Zartman, son of Alex­ ander the Great, and his son, Jacob, jr., both privates in the Pa. milit;a. In the same militia served, also, Alexander, 2nd, son of Alexander the Great, and brother of Jacob. And with their father, Alexander 2nd, served his three sons, Alexander the 3rd, (known as Sandy), Michael and Emmanuel. Henry Zartman, son of Jacob Zartman, sr., had the distinction of serving on the Committee of Safety, Northumberland Co., Pa., as a representa­ tive from Mahanoy Twp., for a period of three years. Jacob Hauser, father of Elizabeth, wife of Henry Zartman, was also a private in the Pennsylvania Militia. The name of Frederick Kobel, father of Salome, mother of Isaac Zartman, is also found on the roll of revolutionary soldiers. Rebecca King Zartman's family was another interesting study. Her father, Peter King, with his four brothers Christian, George, Philip and Jacob, as well as their brother-in-law, Adam Spohn, all fought in the Ohio militia during the War of 1812. Peter King and several of his brothers were assigned to the army directly under Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison at Sandusky, 0. Peter King was the son of John Christian King and his wife Ann Catherine Baum King, who came to America from Wittenberg, Germany, landing in Philadelphia on Sept. 27th, 1786, and taking the oath of allegiance to his new country the following day. With them they brought their four children, John, Peter, Christian, and a daughter, Marillas. This family Jived for 20 years in Rocking­ ham Co., Va. and moved to Ohio in 1802. John Christian King was a fine scholar, splendid singer, and a teacher of the German language. With Rev. Wm. Foster (husband of Magdalena Dan­ iels) he organized the Zion Reformrd-Lutheran Church in 1806. John Christian l{ing attended the first meeting of the Ohio Synod of the Reformed Church in tho U. S. as a delegate elder. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 35

On Sept. let, 1812, Peter King m. Mary Magdalen!! Whitmer or Witmer, of Reading ~wp. Perry Co., 0. She was the daughter of Peter Whitmer, 2nd, and Mary Magdalene Overmeyer. Mary Magdalene Overmeyer was the daughter of Capt. John George Overmeyer born in Baden in 1727, eon of John George Overmeyer, sr., who was b. in Bavaria in 1680, and his wife, Ann Bane. John George Overmeyer, jr., arrived in America in 1751, at once took the Oath of Allegiance and entered into his duties as a citizen of the United States. He was twice married, both times the offici­ ating clergyman being John Caspar Steever, probably the best known early Protestant minister of Pennsylvania. The second marriage of John George Overmeyer was performed at Hanover, Pa., where he married Anna Barbara Vogt, born in 1741, one of the five children of Jonas Vogt. Her only brother, Michael, is the ancestor of the various branches of the Vogt family whose members arc so vitally connected with the Zartman family in Ohio. Jonna Vogt died in Northumberland Co. Pa., in 1790; Jonas Vogt was born in Basil, Switzerland and came to the United States in Aug. 1751. John George Overmeyer not only served on the Committee of Safety of Northumberland Co., Pa., for a number of years but he acted in many appointive and elective offices of his county. As early as 1777 he was already made a captain in the U. S. Army, and on his farm, not far from Selinsgrove, Pa., he built a block house to which the settlers fled for refuge from the Indian attacks on many occasions. It was here that Anna Barbara Vogt Over­ meyer distinguished herself by caring for sick and wounded soldiers and neighbors while her husband was away in the army of the great General George Washington, serving with him at the sieges of the New Jersey tciwns, and the terrible winter of 1777 at Valley Forge [where they nearly perished from cold and hunger]. At the close of the war Gen. Washington asked Capt. Overmeyer to return to his farm and block house to help protect the countryside from Indian raids and here, again, he disting­ uished himself as soldier and citizen. He died in 1805 and was buried in the family plot on his farm. It has been mistakenly recorded that his wife, who lived some years after his death, came to Ohio and is buried there. She is buried beside her husband in the family plot, which is west of Selinsgrove, in the shadow of Bald Eagle Mt. 36 TSE ZARTMAN F AllILy

Peter Whitmer, 2nd, father of Mary Magdalene Whitmer King, was bom in Northumberland Co., Pa., in 1760, son of Peter Whit­ mer, sr., who was born in 1737 in Hertzheim, Germany, and came to the U.S. in 1747, in turn, was the son of Peter Whitmer, the elder, who came from Germany to Lancaster Co., Pa. some years after the arrival of his son. Peter Whitmer, sr., served as a matross in the Pa. lines during the Revolution while the son, Peter 2nd, served three years as a private. He later was made an ensign, and served as late as 1796. In 1801 Peter and Mary Mag­ dalene Whitmer, with her brother, started from Northumber­ land Co., Pa., for Ohio. All went well until they attempted to cross the Ohio River at Wheeling. Here the ferry boat tipped, furniture and treasures were swept into the angry waters, and the horses alone were saved. Both families lived in Belmont Co. Ohio, for several years, but in 1803 they proceeded to Perry Co. where they located on /arms in Reading Twp. Descendants of the Whitmer and Overmeyer families became some of the most prominent citizens of the county, taking an active part in church affairs and civic matters. Children of Peter King and his wife Mary Magdaline Whitmer were: 1. Salome, who m. Michael Kotterman. Both are buried at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, where they lived. 2. Anne Catherine, who m. John Smith, lived and died near Glenford; both are buried in the St. Paul's cemetery. 3. Rebecca, who married Isaac Zartman; both are buried in St. Paul's cemetery. 4. Lydia, m. Michael Foucht (Vogt); buried at Washington Chapel, near Fremont, Ohio. 5. Susannah, m. Samuel Wiseman; both buried at Eaton, Delaware Co., Ohio. 6. Solomon, who d. in infancy and is buried in Zion's Cem- etery, Perry Co., Ohio. . 7. Mary Magdaline, m. Porter Cline; buried in Walnut Prairie, Ill. 8. Peter C., m. Caroline Mechling; buried near Sycamore, Seneca Co., Ohio. 9. David C., m. Margaret Mechling (dau. Sarah Zartman Mechling) who lived to be ninet.y-eight years old, dying in 1929. Both are buried in St. Paul's cemetery. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAYILY 37

10. Leah, m. Jerry Alspach; buried at Thornville, Ohio. 11. Elizabeth, m. Samtiel Alspach; buried at Thornville, Ohio. 12. John C., m. Elizabeth Rarick; buried in St. Paul's cemetery. 13. William C., m. 1st. Mary Ann Zartman (daughter of Henry Zartman, son of Alexander, and brother of Isaac Zart­ man) who d. in 1866 and is buried in St. Paul's cemetery. Hem. 2nd. I{ate Vogt, daughter of Christian Vogt. Both are buried in Topeka, Kas. 14. Franklin C., m. Rachel Zollinger. [They lived and died in Newark, Ohio. They are buried in Cedar Hill cemetery of Newark, Ohio.]

On the farm on which he was born and reared Isaac Zartman, father of the historian, lived his whole long, useful life of 87 years and 1 day. As a boy he got very little schooling; he had to work on the farm and there were no free public schools. He used to say that when be was 15 years old he went to school three days, and then he was a graduate. But he read and studied a great deal privately, and took some night schooling even after be had children, in order to fit himself better for life's duties and op­ portunities. He had high aspirations. Before he had reached bis majority he had learned the carpenters and cabinetmakers trades. In 1834 he and several other young men of his acquaintance made a trip west on horseback to select a place where they might make their fortunes; they rode through Ohio, northern Indiana and Il1inois, up on the west shore of Lake Michigan, and as far north as Fox River; then they came back to a town of about 500 inhabitants, called Chicago; there much building was going on, which appealed to Isaac Za!,'tman, because he had just ac­ quired his carpenter's trade; he resolved to locate there; but he had a girl, Rebecca King, back in Ohio that he must return to see and get her consent to go with him to that Indian town of Chicago. So he returned to Ohio and asked Rebecca King to marry him and go with him to Chicago. She agreed to marry him, but not to go out there among the Indians and into the swamp of Lake Michigan. Perhaps it was just as well or better for them and their children and children's children. At any rate on 6/25/1835, Isaac Zartman and Rebecca King, born 5/21/1816 daughter of Peter and Mary Magdalene King, were united in marriage by Rev. Charles Henkel. Both had been confirmed at 38 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

the age of 16 years as members of the Zion Reformed Church, Thom Twp. Later they transferred their membership to St. Paul's Reformed Church in Hopewell Twp., and there they re­ mained earnest faithful members until death. Their total mem­ bership was 143 years, mother 72 years and father 71 years, mak­ ing 143. In St. Paul's their nine children were baptized, cate­ chised, and confirmed. They began housekeeping in a log cabin on Pleasant Hill, on a quarter section of land sold to them by Alexander Zartman IV, Isaac's father. Later they were able to buy more to it until they had a farm of more than 200 acres. Here on Pleasant Hill they lived together in happy wedded life 65 years 8 months and 10 days. They celebrated their golden wedding, and their 55th, 60th and 65th marriage anniversaries. All of the buildings on the farm-the large frame house, the bank barn, wagon shed, shop, carriage house, cider press, smoke house, spring house, corn crib, wood house and bake oven-were designed and con­ structed by Isaac Zartman., He was a farmer and chiefly a grower of fruit. He had extensive orchards of peach, apple, cherry, plum and pear trees, and a vineyard. No choicer, finer fruits were ever grown than by him; with him fruit culture was a science, and he gave lectures on the subject which are in print. Because of his fame in fruit growing the Governor of Ohio offered to appoint him Superintendent of the State Farm located near Lancaster, Ohio. It was an alluring offer. Accompanied by a dozen trustworthy friends he visited the Farm, carefully and critically examined it. The trained blue eyes of the inspector at once observed that all of the peach trees had the "yellows," caused by the deadly borer, and could not be revived; he remarked, "In three years these trees will all be dead, and the farmer would be blamed for the loss." The offer of the Governor was declined with thanks. We, the sons, were disappointed, but the wise, good mother thanked God for our father's judicious decision. Isaac Zartman, Esq., was a servant of the public. For 17 years be was a school director, for 24 years township treasurer, for 54 years Justice of the Peace; he settled up 17 different estates; he wrote the wills, deeds and mortgages for everybody in the com­ munity; his counsel was continually sought by friends and neigh­ bors. He had a turnkey with which he extracted the teeth of people far and near before the days of dentists in that section. J~AAC AXI> UERECCA ZAll'l'MAX (1814-1001) (18Hi-lllll-l)

Tm,: FAnM lloUHB A'l' PUJA:


As a citizen he took the most 11Ctive interest in civic affairs and was always looked upon as a leader. When a young man his ardent love of music caused him to study and to master the gamut. He possessed a magnificent baritone voice which enabled him to be a fine musical director. For forty or more years he led the singing in church anq. Sunday school, and for 35 years be taught singing classes in churches and school houses; first he taught the buckwheat notes, and then the round notes. The church he served in the offices of deacon, elder, trustee, clerk, liberal supporter and unfailing attendant; the Sunday School he never missed; he led its singing, and for half a century taught a men's Bible class. Among Inst tributes paid to him by ministers, relatives, neigh­ bors and lifelong friends were the following: "His Christian life was earnest, sincere and useful," "always gave liberally and cheerfully for the work of the Church," "pub­ lic-spirited and most helpful to the community," ''kind and de­ voted in the home, a faithful husband and an affectionate father," "pious, godly and prayerful," ''kind and hospitable," "be may be likened unto a grand old patriarch," "kind and considerate," "a stalwart disciple of Christ," "a Christian father at the bead of a Christian household," "he had the pre-eminent quality of goodness," "he threw the full weight of his influence on the side of right, of virtue and uprightness," "I know of no man in pri­ vate life who has labored so faithfully, successfully and so un­ selfishly for the church, for the community or for the world at large," "I regarded him as a superior man; none was more loyal to his church; more faithful in attendance upon pub'.ic worship, nor more inspiring ancl encouraging to a pastor. I always found him with clear-cut convictions of right and duty and ready to live by what he believed," "to know him was to love him," "vol­ umes could be written on such a beautiful, useful and influential life, and then the half would not be told," "God has called home one of the great and good of earth," "he lived a blessed life, he dit'd a glorious death, and now be rests," "for father Zartman to die is gain; we will meet him in heaven." On the day of his death he signed his name ton legal document; here is the copy of it: 40 THE ZARTMAN FilULY

Words and sentiments equally beautiful could be written of Rebecca, wife of Isaac Zartman. Her strong character did much in every way for the life and character of her husband and house­ hold. After an illness of about ten minutes Isaac Zartman died, 3/5/1901. His last utterance was in German, "lch gehe in die ewiokeit"-I am entering eternity. His funeral texts were: John 16:32, and Psalm 37:37. Rebecca Zartman died July 28, 1904, aged 88 years, 2 months and 7 days. Her funeral texts were: Job 5:26 and Rev. 2: 10. One of her last utterances was, "Surely we shall all meet in heaven." Her funeral was on Saturday 7/30/1904. These servants of the Lord sleep aide by side in St. Paul's church­ yard, Glenford, Ohio, where more Zartmane are buried than any­ where else in the State of Ohio.

1. Leah Zartman while a young woman taught four terms of school. On 1/17/1867 she'm. Bernard Mech'ing, b. 4/21/1837, a farmer and stock-grower on a large and beautiful farm at Glen­ ford, Ohio. Their children were: 1. Mary Estella, b. 8/29/1869 2. Sylvia Rebecca, b. 6/8/1872, d. 10/6/1872 3. Homer Calvin, b. 11/17/1876

Mr. Mechling made brick on his farm and with them erected a commodious and beautiful dwelling, one of the finest in Perry county. He was a faithful churchman and for many years the capable superintendent of the Sunday School in St. Paul's Luth­ nran Church. He had been previously married to Margaret Rumberger, b. 10/21/1838. That marriage was on 5/26/1859 and two sons were born: Owen H. b. 12/10/1860; and Albert Wesley b. 1/26/ 1862; their mother d. 1/16/1863. The sons grew to maturity, married and reared families. Albert W. d. in Aug. 1937. Owen H. survives and resides on a farm at Glenford, Ohio. Bernard Mechling died suddenly on 4/17/1896, and is buried in the Churchyard of old St. Paul's near Glenford. Mrs. Bernard Mechling had Sunday 4/25/1926 as her last day on earth. She was up and about the house all of that Lord's day, selected the text for her funeral and told her daughter where she wou'.d find her clothes in which she wished to be buried. At 6 P. M. iihe re- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 41

tired, apparently in her usual health, fell asleep, and in about hall an hour she ceased to breathe. Her doctor was summoned and he said, "She will ~ot wake up, her heart has ceased to beat; she is dead." A Christian at death falls asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep from which none ever wakes to weep. Her age was 89 yrs. 9 mos. 8 days. She was buried beside her husband. Mary Estella Mechling attended Thiel College in Greenville, Pa. 1888-1890, and in the winter of 1895-6 studied music, German, and China painting in the City of Philadelphia. On 6/23/1897 she m. Rev. Augustine H. Dombirer, b. 11/24/1865, a Lutheran clergyman, a graduate of Capital Academy 1883, Capital Uni­ versity 1887, A. B., Capital Theological Seminary 1890. Children bom to Rev. and Mrs. Dornbirer are the following: Wayne Mechling, b. 2/15/1899; Elmer Robert, b. 10/5/1900; Edith Magdalene, b. 1/15/1903; Rufus Frederick, b. 1/21/1905; Bernard William, b. 6/12/1907; Leah Elizabeth, b. 11/7/1912. These sons and daughters and their parents are all alive. Wayne Mechling Dornbirer is a graduate of Capital Academy 1916, Ohio State University 1922, B. S. On 10/23/1926 he m. Marian Schwartz, b. 5/4/1904; she attended Randolph Macon 1920-1922, and in 1923 graduated from Dayton Normal School. Their children are: Clara Anne, b. 2/3/1930; Wayne Mech­ ling ii, b. 5/3/1935; Jane Elise, b. 2/26/1037. Their address is 1251 Mooberry St., Columbus, Ohio. Elmer Robert Dornbirer graduated from Capital Academy in 1917, Capital University 1922, A. B., attended American School of Typography 1924-1925, graduated Law School, Franklin Uni­ versity, 1928. On 6/26/1935 hem. Hilda Marie Hemminghaus, b. 10/20/1906, Columbus, Ohio. She is a graduate of Johnson High School, St. Paul, Minn., 1924, attended McAllister Col!ege 1925-1926, graduate University of Minnesota 1928, B. S. They are at home at 998 Montrose Ave., Columbus, Ohio. A daughter, Miriam l\Iarie, was b. 9/29/41. · Edith M. Dornbirer is a graduate of East High School, Colum­ bus, Ohio, 1920, Capital University 1925, A. B., Penna. School of Horticulture 1928. Rufus Frederick Dornbirer is a graduate of Capital Academy 1921, and now Superintendent of Perry County Children's Home, New Lexington, Ohio. On 4/2/1926 he m. Josie Shrider Ice, b. 6/26/1803; she graduated from Glenford High School and at- 42 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

tended Ohio University and Muskingum College. Their son is, Robert James, b. 6/25/19,P. Bernard William Dornbirer graduated from Capital Academy 1923, attended Capital University 1925, graduated from Ohio State University 1925, B. Sc. in Jour., attended Bowling Green College 1936; has been head of Dept. of Commercial Education in Rio Grande College 1937; is now teaching in High School in Newark, Ohio: subjects taught, Salesmanship and Personal Bookkeeping. On 6/12/1936 he m. Pauline Ruth Musse:man, b. 3/16/1917. . Mrs. Pauline Dornbirer was born in Columbus, Ohio; in 1934 graduated from North High Schoo!, and in 1937 attended Rio Grande College. Prof. and Mrs. Dornbirer reside at 15 Wy­ oming St., Newark, Ohio. Leah Elizabeth Dornbirer is a graduate of Columbus East High School, 1931, and of Capital University in 1935, A. B. On Wednesday evening 12/29/1937 she m. Roland Lester Boys, b. 10/23/1914. The happy marriage took place in Christ Luth­ eran Church, Bexley, Ohio. A son, William Earl, was b. in Col­ umbus, Ohio, on 10/9/1938.' Mr. amd Mrs. Boys and son live at 720 College Ave:, Bcx:ey, Ohio. A second son, Terrance Eu­ gene was b. on 3/19/1941 in Columbus, Ohio. Rev. ·A. H. Dornbirer served his initial pastorate in the two Lutheran churches which constitute the Glenford charge, St. Paul's and Goodhope, from May 1890 to Aug. 1891. Then from Aug. 1891 to Aug. 1907 he was pastor of the large Zion Congregation in San­ dusky City, Ohio, in which church he was the immediate successor of his sainted father. While in that prosperous pastorate Rev. Mr. Dornbirer was called to be the Manager of the Lutheran Book Concern, located in the Capital of the Buckeye Commonwealth; he accepted that responsible position at a time when it was hardly a paying proposition, and with firm faith and strong conviction made a complete and great success of it for thirty­ three years, resigning in June of 1940. During all of those labor­ ious years Rev. and Mrs. Dornbirer and their growing family resided in a pleasant and comfortable home at 1784 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio. And in addition in recent years they had many happy days in their bungalow near Glenford and beautifully situated on their own farm. In June of 1940 Capital University decorated Rev. Dornbirer with the highly merited honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. .t,,i}{,'!// Hialorlc Old Zion'• in Pon'J' County Zion lfofornwtl 111111 J.utlll'mll Church, t•r1•r.l<'d in !ROil

i'h. P.\UL'H C11u11c11, G1,EN~·mm, 01110 Wlwru firHt- lfouninn wn~ h<'ltl, in !!JOH

THE AUGUSTINE Doa.-.anu:n FAMILY Back Row: Elmer, Roland, Elizabeth, ,vmiam, Josie, Rufus, Robert, ,vayne, Clara Front Row: Hilda, Jam,, Pauline, Augustine, William, Estella, Terrence, Edith, Marian, ,vaync JI

THE HOMER C. MEcHLJM, F.ui1u· Back Row: Irene ML-ehling DeniHm; Curl; Eleanor, Eugene's wife; Ann Selby, their daughter; Eugene l\frchling; Hru-old Mechling; Loin, Harold's wife; Bcnlllrd; Rnlph; Evelyn l\kchling Foucht Fronl. Row: l\lnry Jane, Tommy u·e and Floyd Denison; Homer C. Mechling; ShirlL•y Ann Mechling, Harold's duughkr; Gertrude Mechling; Carl Foucht; Urlmn Foucht


Homer Calvin Mechling as a lad attended the rural grade school; was a student three years in Capital University, then, because of the untimely death of his father, was called home to assunw charge of the large farm where he lived with his mother and became an extensive farmer and stock-grower. On 12/4/1900 he m. Gertrude Gordon. Their happy family consists of two daughters and five sons as follows: Evelyn Estella, b. 10/20/1904; Harold Gordon, b. 5/19/1907; Homer Eugene, b. 3/24/1909; Irene Katherine, b. 11/1/1910; Carl Leroy, b. 2/18/1913; Earl Bernard, b. 4/9/1916; Ralph Edwin, b. 11/27/1918. These seven children ,~re all grad­ uates of the Glenford High School, from which their parents, Homer and Gertrude, were among the first graduates. Homer became the owner of the farm, which is complete with modem equipment and stock of the finest. He and bis family arc members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Glenford, and active in church and community affairs. Evelyn Estella Mechling is a graduate of Ohio University at Athens in 1925, and holds a life certificate for teaching. She taught school at New Lexington, Monclova and Jacksontown, Ohio. On 6/16/1929 Evelyn m. Urban Foucht, son of Albert and Lillie Zartman Foucht. He was b. 5/6/1894, near Glenford; he is a member of St. Paul's Reformed Church, and actively engaged in the Sunday School and church work, serving as Sun­ day School superintendent for some years. A son, Paul Edwin, was born to Evelyn and Urban on 3/13/1933; d. 6/25/1938 suddenly from appendicitis. Their 2nd son is Carl Urban, b. 9/6/1936. Urban is at present engaged in farming near Glenford. Harold Mechling is a graduate of Glenford High School 1925, where he distinguished himself as an athlete, and later was a star player on the basketball team of Bliss CoI:ege, Columbus, Ohio. He was for some years his father's helper on the large home farm, but is now employed in the State Highway Depart­ ment, living in the village of Glenford. On 5/26/1934 hem. Lola Smith, b. 3/5/1905, daughter of Homer and Zoa Rousculp Smith. Lola was b. at Glenford, Ohio, where she attended High School. Their daughter is Shirley Ann, b. 7/23/1935. Homer Eugene Mechling is a graduate of tho Glenford High School 1927, and Capital University 1931, where he won the coveted Beren boots annually awarded to thP, most outstanding 44 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY athlete; employed as athletic coach and tea~er in the public schools of Junction City and New Lexington, hio, and later in High School of Chilicothe, Ohio. On 6/4/19 6 Eugene m. at Niles, Ohio, Eleanor Louise Selby, b. 1/21/190 . Their daugh­ ter is Ann Selby, b. 2/27/1939, in Chilicoth Eleanor gradu­ ated from New Lexington High School 1925, and in 1929 from Ohio Wesleyan University. Irene Mechling is a graduate of Capital University Normal School, and was a teacher in the Glenford Centralized school. On 4/28/1934, she m. Floyd Denison, son of Frank and Ada Zartman Denison. He is a farmer and they live near Glenford, Ohio. Their children are: Mary Jane, b. 2/14/1935; Tommy Lee, b. 2/27/1940. Carl Leroy Mechling is a graduate of Glenford High School 1931; Capital University 1937; he is teaching in the High School near Bexley, Ohio. In a recent letter he writes: ''I am teaching Mathematics, Science, and Physical Education. I am coaching Athletics too." ~ Earl Bernard :J14echling graduated from Glenford High School in 1934; is with the army at Fort Knox, Ky. Ralph Edwin Mechling graduated from Glenford High School in 1936; is with the U.S. Army near San Antonio, Tex. Solomon King Zartman, oldest son and second child of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman, was b. 3/3/1839, on the PleBl!ant Hill Farm, •near Glenford, Ohio. At the age of fifteen he was con­ firmed a member of the Reformed Church by his great-unc!e, Rev. Henry King. He m. 12/30/1862 Malinda Foucht (Vogt), daughter of Christian Foucht of near Upper Sandusky, Ohio. She was a sister of Jacob W. Vogt, and they were descend­ ants of Michel Vogt, brother of Anna Barbara Vogt who married John George Overmyer and was the great-grandmother of Rebecca King Zartman. Together Solomon and Malinda established a Christian home across the road from his father's residence and here the twins, Parley Emmett and Pressley Elmer, and the oldest daup;hter, Myrta Gladys, were born. During the years in this home the husband taught school for twelve winters and in the summer time farmed. He also taught what was then known as "geog­ raphy school" in various districts of Perry County. In those schools geography was sung from maps and exceedingly inter­ esting and impressive. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY . 45

In 1875 the family moved to Thornville, Ohio, where the father was successively merchant, postmaster and mayor, and also served as a notary public. In this home the youngest child, Nellie Zephyr, was born. In the summer of 1888 the son Pressley went to Dayton and at his urgent insistence, in October of that year, the family came to make their home in· that city. Soon after Solomon entered the employ of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and for twenty years was one of their most successful solicitors. In Sept. 1909 he was retired on pension by this company. Not wishing to be idle, however, he took a position as operator of the elevator in the Christian Publishing Association building, serving in that place until within 48 hours of his death. He passed away in the late afternoon of Saturday, 3/15/1919, aged eighty years and twelve days. On his eightieth birthday nieces and nephews, bis brother Allen and wife and his sister Maggie, as well as his own children and grandchildren attended a delightful birthday celebration at the home of his daughter, Myrta Dorfmeier. Many gifts and affectionate greetings made felicitous this last birthday. Rev. Dr. J. F. Burnett eulogized Solomon King Zartman as follows: "I have come to express my personal appreciation of the life we a!l so deeply mourn, and to bear public testimony to the value of the life he lived, and the service he rendered; and I feel auth­ orized to say that the tribute I pay to-dlly to the deceased is shared by all those whose privilege it WIIS to know him in the capacity of an employee in the Christian Publishing Association building. "I knew him under the common conditions of daily toil, and saw him only as he really lived his life. He was not in his old age reduced to the level of dai'y toil, ·but he elevated daily toil to the plane of a high-toned Christian gentleman, and, were titles to be conferred to-day, it would be perfectly proper, and wholly just, to write on the crown of his earthly achievement 'the Grand Old Man of the Daily Grind.' To him a day's work was not merely the completing of a task; not merely the putting in of so many hours in the ensiest way; not merely meeting the terms of the contract; it was the dignifying of the common task. In his conception of life, one man was the greatest thing in the world, 46 THE ZARTMAN F AMJLY if that one man be true to himself, and to those he served. To him, greatness was not the doing of a few great things, but the doing of many little things in a great way. The doing of a com­ mon task in an uncommon way is the most enviable achievement of the toiler in any line or profession of service. In all his daily rounds of service he felt the companionship of him who made ox­ yokes in Joseph's carpenter shop, and to whom the common task is dearer than the refined, exclusive evolvement of culture. In the estimation of the toiler of Naz11reth, the things that are com­ mon to all men are better than the thing$ that are pecu:iar to the few. ''There was one element of his life which I greatly appreciated, though so delicate as to be scarcely discernible, was nevertheless quite definite and pronounced. Down deep in his being was a quiet vein of humor. It was not a torrent, not even a current, and yet from out that quiet vein of humor would flash at times a gem of rarest brilliancy-a glittering jewel of intellectual setting, worthy a p!ace in the best expression of wit, and though diamond­ like in sharpness, it was never used with which to cut the heart of his fellows."

The following tribute, written by Dr. J. F. Burnett of the Christian Publishing Association, was published in the "Christian World" in honor of Solomon K. Zartman: "His faithfulness to the common task; his consideration of the rights of others; his kindly attention to the convenience of those he served; his pleasant greeting, alike to all; his willingness to oblige even at his own disadvantage; the influence of his char­ acter, made strong by faith in Jesus Christ; his patient waiting in service; his genuine appreciation of the smallest consideration; his true gratitude for favors shown him, and occasionally a bright . reminiscence of the past, were some of the daily blessings which came to men and women through his life and service. I cannot content myself to close this brief testimony to the worth of the deceased without calling attention to his large contribution to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This humble man, this man who lived his life in its humble way, contributed to the Kingdom of God two ambassadors of the Cross-Rev. Pressley E. and Rev. Parley E. Zartman-so that he, being dead, yet speaketh." JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY. 47

For many years "Uncle SoJlie" taught a large Sunday School class in the Trinity Reformed Church, Dayton, Ohio. He served the same congregation as elder for some time and both he and his wife were faithful members of the church. He and his wife are both buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Parley Emmett Zartman, one of the twin sons of Solomon and Mnlindn Zartman, was b. 2/19/1865 on a farm near Pleasant Hill, lived at Thornville and graduated from the High School of that place. In 1889 he graduated from Heidelberg College with the degree of A. B., and in 1892 from the Heidelberg Theo­ logical Seminary. In May 1892 be was licensed to preach by Tiffin Classis and on 8/16/1892, he was ordained by Lincoln Classis in Sioux City, where he was pastor of the Reformed Church until Aug. 1895. He then became secretary of the Y.M.C.A. of that city and served until 1898. From 1898 to 1900 he was pastor of the Reformed Church of Three Rivers, Mich. From Sept. 1900 to Oct. 1902 he was pastor of Bethel Reformed Church of Phil­ adelphia, leaving to become Assistant Secretary and Treasurer of the Evangelistic Committee of the Presbyterian Church under which committee he served for many years, residing most of the time at Winona Lake, Ind., where he recently became pastor of the Presbyterian Church. While attending the International Christian Endeavor Con­ vention in Boston, Mass., he met Effie Kathleen Stevenson, whom he m. 6/25/1897 at Independence, Ia. Kathleen was born at Littleton, Iowa, 11/13/1871, and died at the Presby­ terian Hospital in Chicago on 12/5/1921. After attending the Kindergarten Training School at La.Porte, Ind., she taught for five years in the schools of lndependence, .Ia. In every art of life Kathleen was accomplished; teaching, home making, needle­ work, there seemed to be nothing she could not do. The social graces were hers also, and her friends among high and low were numberless. She was active in all phases of church life, served as president of the Winona Missionary Society and of the Winona Women's Club. She was for a number of years at the head of the Department of Young People's work of the Presbyterian Synod of Indiana. Her influence for good was felt everywhere. A daughter, Rebecca, was b. and d. on 10/9/1911. Both she and I{athleen are buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. The Degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by Muskingum College. 48 THE ZARTIL\N F AMILy

In March 194_0 in Indianapolis, Parley E. Zartman and Mrs. Mabel Houser, widow, of Winona Lake, were married by Rev. Harley Overdeer, a brother-in-law of the groom. The bride and groom had known each other 35 years, and both are highly es­ teemed and greatly beloved. Pressley Elmer Zartman, one of the twin sons of Solomon !{. and Malinda Vogt Zartman, was b. 2/19/1865, on his father's farm on Pleasant Hill. He spent his boyhood on the farm, then with his parents in Thornville, Ohio. He worked for a few months in a printing office in Goeben, Ind., then in 1888 went to Dayton, Ohio, where he was connected with the Christian World Com­ pany of the Reformed Church. For nearly a quarter of a century be was in the offices of the Christian Publishing Association of Dayton. When a lad he was catechised and confirmed in the Reformed Church and for many years he was a most earnest and active member of Trinity Reformed Church of Dayton, Ohio. While engaged in his work with the Christian Church he became inter­ ested in a local missionary venture of that denomination and be­ gan teaching a Sunday School class which he later organized into an active congregation. Quoting from Llie obituary written at his death, 8/19/1923, Dr. Burnett says: "His strength of purpose and executive ability wns remarkable for he accomr!isbed this good work while faithfully and efficiently performing bis duties for the publishing company. His abi:ity as a speaker was unusual and Wa!nut HiJs Church of which he was pastor for many years is a silent tribute to his great ability as an organizer. He was pastor of Shiloh Springs Church, Dayton, Ohio for a year and retired from that pastorat.e (not the ministry) that he might 1,?ive his time to the work as vice president of the American Insurance Union." Press had splendid musical talent. He was an acceptable solo singer and an excellent player of the cornet. He came to be called the "Printer Preacher." Press WIU! the first of the Isaac Zartman family to locate in Dayton, which be did in 1888; in the same year be prevailed upon his parents to move there from Thornville. On 11/28/1894 Press was married to Miss Lizzie Etta Kiefer, a resident of Dayton, Ohio, and an active member of Trinity Re­ formed Church. During the years of his pastorate at Walnut Hills, Mrs. Zartman was an able assistant in the work of the JACOB ZARTHAN AND FAJULY 49 church. She is living in Dayton at 1911 Malvern Ave. They had two daughters: Florence Maude, b. 1/18/1897; and Margarette Elizabeth, b. 7/10/1899. On 7/26/1916 Florence m. Homer E. Mount, b. 6/14/1894. Their son is Robert Zartman, b. 4/27/1918. The Mounts reside at Spring Valley, Ohio. Robert has graduated from High School and is working on their. farm. His father is in the employ of the National Cash Register Co. Margarette E. Zartman on 6/15/1921 m. Ross S. Bryan, b. 11/13/1882. To them were born three sons and a daughter: William Elmer, b. 5/4/1922; Ross, Jr., b. 8/3/1923; Charles Al­ lan, b. 12/1/1929; and Mary Louise, b. 2/22/1932. On 3/3/1932, when Mary Louise was 10 days old, her mother Margarette de­ parted to the "Father's House of Many Mansions." The father and children reside near Dayton on Route 7. In June 1940 the son Wm. Elmer, graduated from High School and in May 1941 Ross, Jr. graduated. Rev. Press Zartman died on 8/19/1923. His death resulted from a carbuncle that vitiated bis blood. His body was interred in the cemetery of the Shiloh Springs Church. Sometime before bis death the following poem appeared in the official paper of the Christian Church. We quote it because of its fine tribute to "Press."

A SPLENDID TRIBUTE He's my friend, and he's my brother, For favors needed, I ask no other; For in a spirit most sublime He'll help a fellow every time. He can write a book, and print a page, And talk as wisely as a sage; Can teach a class and lead a choir, Can play a harp and strum a lyre; He can preach and be can sing, Indeed, can do most anything; He can frown, and smile some, too, He keeps his friends from feeling blue; A story he can tell quite well, Can work and talk, and joke a spell; He dresses neatly and in style, 50 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

And feels his keeping all the while; But never in the least degree, Says, "You are not as good as me." His people say his preaching's great A fact I'm happy to relate; For in this day of great pretension The "preaching" gets but slight attention; Should one be slipping down the hill, Hounded by hate, and treated ill, He'll do his best to help one through And to that one's life be sound and true. But I've overstepped my space, I see, His name is Zartman, Pressley E. -Jcdekiah.

Myrta Gladys Zartman, the older daughter of Solomon K. and Malinda Vogt Zartman, was b. 11/30/1870, on the farm which her father owned, on Pleasant Hill. She attended grade schools and the High School at Thornville, where her parents had moved. She moved to Dayton, Ohio, in Oct. 1888 with her parents. There on 9/3/1900 she was married to William F. Dorf­ meier, b. 4/2/1860. Mr. Dorfmeier was for many years an expert book-binder, later was employed in the shipping department of the Rike Kumler Dry Goods Co. He and his wife were both members of the Central Reformed Church, and Mrs. Dorfmeier was active in the various women's organizations of her church and in several civic organizations. Their son, Virgil Zartman Dorfmeier, was born in Dayton, Ohio 7/24/1891. He graduated from the Steele High School of Dayton in 1909, and from the Arts Department of Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, in June 1913. Three years later he graduated from the Law School of the same University. On the day the United States declared war against Germany Virgil en­ listed for Army service in the Infantry. He was stationed for short times at Fort Benjamin Harrison and Camp Funston and on 6/4/1918, left in the 353rd Regiment for France with the Am­ erican Expeditionary Forces. Following the signing of the Arm­ istice be was with the Army of Occupation in Germany until May 1919. He was 1st Lieutenant, and served during the major engagements in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne, two of the JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 51

most deadly battles of the entire war, acquitting himself with highest honors and showing splendid courage. He was honorably discharged from the army at Sherman on 5/30/1919. Returning to Dayton he opened a law office, and took up bis work where be had laid it down to serve so splendidly at his country's call. On 6/12/1924, Virgil m. Ruth Naomi Dean of Middletown, Md. The ceremony was performed by Ruth's brother, the Rev. O:;car Dean, a Lutheran minister. Ruth was b. in Middletown, 11/14/1891; she graduated from the Middletown High School, attended Hood College at Frederick, Md., and did some work in special courses in Columbia University in New York City; and taught school in Maryland for several years. Virgil and Ruth Dorfmeier have two children: William Dean, b. 7/28/1925; and Joan Ruth, b. 10/17/1926, both are in High School. They reside at 960 Manhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Wm. F. Dorfmeier passed away on 3/24/1935 in Dayton, Ohio. Her body was interred in Woodland Cemetery. Mr. Dorf­ meier is at home with his son Virgil. Nellie Zephyr Zartman, younger daughter of Solomon K. and Malinda Vogt Zartman, was b. in Thornville, Ohio on 8/6/1877, where she attended grade school, until her parents re­ moving to Dayton, Ohio, she attended the Dayton schools, and for a number of worked with her brother Pressley at the Christian Publishing Association. Following the death of her mother she and her father lived together, each continuing their work, and after his death Nellie spent some time with her sister, Mrs. Dorfmcier. She d. 10/18/1923, and was buried beside her parents in the cemetery in Dayton, Ohio. Sarah Ann Zartman, second daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (King) Zartman, was born on Pleasant Hill, Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, 1/25/1841. Her patemal grandfather Alexan­ der Zartman and wife came to Ohio in 1811 and located on the farm where Sarah was born. Sarah was bapt. 4/11/1841, in St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, by Rev. Christian Spielman, and confirmed in the same church in 1855, by her great uncle, Rev. Henry l{ing. She taught several terms of school, and for some years lived in the home of her uncle George and Aunt "Sallie" Mechling, helping with the housework. 52 THE ZART.\L\N FAYILY

Being asked by the historian to write the story of his mother's life, her son Alpheus says: "I have found that this must be more than a story, it must be a filial tribute. Also, I find it impossible to pay any adequate tribute to my mother without including my father, who for almost thirty-five years was a loved and respected member of the Isaac Zartman family. "My father, Noah Swinehart, b. 4/3/1841, was the son of Samuel and Margaret Swinehart. Een:uel was the son of George Swinehart and his · wife Ann Catherine .Zartman Swinehart, daughter of Peter .Zartman. "My parents were born and reared within one and one-half miles of each other, my father's hon:e teing in the 'Clouse School District,' No. 7, while that of mother was in the 'Smith Schoo'. District,' No. 4. Our parents were brought up to faithful, honest toil on the farm, the boys and girls often working in the fields, but the girls were first of all trained to be good house­ keepers. Father and mother studied Geography and Grammar in addition to the Three R's. Not only spelling schools but Geography schools and singing schools brought the young people of various districts together. "My father also studied algebra and during the winter of 1861-62 attended Prof. Nourse's Normal School in Somerset, in preparation for teaching. Instead, he volunteered for service in the United States Army and served in the 126th Ohio Volun­ teer Infantry from Aug. 1862 to the close of the Civil War. His diary tells much of those years of toil, conflict and danger. In my father's regiment were also Grandma Zartman's brother, Frank King, and my mother's cousins, Peter Smith and Alfred Zartman. Father was shot through the left hand in the Battle of the Wilderness 5/6/1864, but was spared other bodily harm. He was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio, 7/1/1865. On 10/3/1865, father and mother were married by Rev. Chas. W. Hoyman. Early the next spring they began housekeeping in a log cabin on a farm then belonging to his father, Samuel Swinehart. Year after year tho land was cleared of trees and stumps, and in the fall of 1868 father bought the farm of 83 acres from his father at the rather high price of $50.00 per aero. On this farm he erected a substantial six-room house, large JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAl\lILY 53 barn and all other buildings. The next 15 years were a period of hard labor and struggle for them. Here their six children were born: Alpheus Otto, b. 7/24/1869; Delilah Florence, b. 3/31/1871; Mary Olive, b. 10/2/1872; Huldah Rebecca, b. 5/5/1874; Cyrus Bercelius, b. 8/27/1878; Dorsey Meade, b. 5/2/1882. Probably owing to exposure during the years in the war, father suffered with rheumatism and catarrhal trouble, and because of this and the fact that better schools were de­ sired, the farm was sold, and with Uncle Will Parks' father bought a hardware store in Somerset. How bravely and loyally father and mother cooperated in making a good living and rearing their children, it would require pages to narrate. ''Our parents were both devoted to their church. Both were baptized, reared and confirmed in the old Lutheran and Re­ formed St. Paul's congregations, near Glenford. Father taught the men's Bible class at St. Paul's church, and later the adult class in Somerset, where he also served as a church officer. Mother was a member of the Reformed church and enjoyed the various activities of her church. As in religion, in education and music their interests were always maintained. Both our parents loved to sing, especially the hymns of the church. Mother's voice, singing 'Nellie Gray,' 'The Song of the Mock­ ing Bird' and the fine hymns, still rings in my ears as a blessed memory. Father was a country school director, a trustee of Hopewell Twp., and in Somerset served for several years on the Village Council and School Bfard, he also was Treasurer and Director of the Somerset Fair Board. "Father and mother always manifested a close interest in the joys and sorrows, welfare and misfortune of all members of their respective families. Mother, especially had a remarkable memory for birthdays and all manner of happenings in all the respective households, both nearby and farther away. She, like Grandma Zartman, always kept and cared for her plants and flowers, both outdoors and in the house. One year she wrote mo that she had exhibited fifty-two kinds of chrysanthemums at the Somerset Fair. "Father's sudden death, caused by a cerebral hemorrhage, occurred 3/1/1900 in Somerset, after which mother and my sister Lilah lived in the home until 1029. an illness of only one day, mother passed away on 10/28/1929. Funeral sen·ico11 54 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY were held at the Reformed church, conducted by her pastor, Rev. M. P. Schoepfle; Text: II Timothy, 4-7 & 8. Both are buried in the Somerset cemetery. "Father and mother both bated falsehood, both loved and respected sincerity wherever they found it, among rich and poor, high and low; their circle among worth while people was ever widening, they were loved, trusted and respected by all."

Alpbeus Otto Swinehart was born in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., attended the Clouse school 8 years, and for two of these years his Uncle Will Parks was his teacher. At the age of 15 he entered Somerset High School. In September 1886, he entered Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, where he graduated in 1890, second in a class of 13, seven of whom were ministers' sons. During his senior year he was editor of the college paper. Entering the Seminary at Capital University he became pr~ ficient in the German language, which was invaluable in his ministerial work. He completed the Seminary work in 1893, and was ordained in St. Paul's Church in Somerset. During the summer of 1891, he preached in missions in Washington Co., Kan., and upon the completion of his Seminary course, he accepted a call to become the pastor of these churches in Kansas. From there he was called to Immanuel Lutheran church in N cw Orleans, La. On 9/22/1898 hem. Rosina Keck, b. 8/29/1875, in Baltimore, Md., daughter of Wolfgang Frederick and Elizabeth Keck. Her education was obtained in the parochial and public schools of Baltimore and she was confirmed in St. Peter's Lutheran church, Baltimore, in 1892. At the time of her marriage she was living with an uncle and aunt in Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Tho moist climate of New Orleans did not agree with the health of Rosina and Luther, and Alpheus accepted a call to the German Graco Lutheran church of Fort Wayno, Ind., and in Oct. 1902 he accepted a call to Attica, Ohio. In 1905 he became pastor of three English congregations near and in Tescott, Kan., remaining there until Sept. 1914, and for three years during that time he was also President of the Kansas-Nebraska District of the Lutheran church. In 1914 he was cnlled to Spokane College, Spokane, Wash., where he taught English, German, Mathematics, History and Religion. In 1017 ho REv. ALl'HEUS Orro SWINEHART AND TEN CHILDREN Back Row: Loy; Sarah; Luther; Walter; Bertha; Ruth Front Row: Mary; Huldah; Alpheus Otto Swinehart and wile, Rosina Keek Swinehart; Ralph; Paul

J/nrk Rn11•: Dnrst•y 1\1.; Iluldah R.; Cyrus B.; Mr~. Lnurn; Alphcus 0. Fm11t R011•: :\lrs. Crl'torn; Dl'lil:th F.; l\lrs. Rnsinn

l\fory 0. Swim·hurt Tm: Hw1:-.EtL11rr S1,.;•m11~ .-11>1> l111m·11t:us

JACOB ZARTHAN AND F.UULY 55 entered upon German and English mission work in various North Idaho Fields, serving St. Maries, Coeur d'Alene, Sand­ pC1int, Rathdrum, Carlin Bay, Kellog. This work be continued until 1939. The territory was extensive and the laborers few. Rev. Alpheus 0. Swinehart as a pastor was faithful, as a preacher capable, both in German and English, and loyal to the Great Head of the Church. As a husband arid father, he was greatly beloved. In one of his last messages to the writer, he says: "Dear Uncle Rufus: Our four girls are at home and have continually had their work, and their mother still bas hers also. Our four married children are in their own homes. Our friends out here who met or beard you, distinctly remember you after nine years. You made a distinct and good impression on all, but especially on our own family. Your good visit was ::i. never-to-be-forgotten privilege." For more than six years previous to his death his health was impaired by a complication of cardiac and renal disorders. His last five weeks were spent in Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, where he passed away on Saturday afternoon, 6/1/1940. Fun­ eral services were held from First English Lutheran church on 6/4/40, Text: Matthew 11: 28-30, with interment in Green­ wood cemetery. The widow, three daughters and son Ralph reside at W. 2918 Sharp St., Spokane. Ten children were born to this family: Luther Osv9ld, b. 9/1/1899; Bertha Rosina Catherine, b. 7/9/1901; P 1 Al­ pheus, b. 1/8/1903; Ruth Elizabcih, b. 1/29/1905, 'ter Frederick, b. 7/27/1907; Sarah Will,elmina, b. 11/1::St .11:110; Mary Estella, b. 9/30/1913; Huldah Margaret Rebecca, b. 5/4/1915; Loy Thomas, b. 7/29/1916; Ralph Henry, b. 4/11/ 1919. The children were all confirmed in the First English Church, Spokane, Wash. Luther 0. Swinehart, b. in New Orleans, graduated from the High School course in Spokane College; he was m. 7/8/1925 at Sandpoint, Idaho, to Judith Eleanor Olson, b. at Rhine­ lander, Wis., 5/19/1899. She graduated from the Sandpoint High School and attended the University of Idaho at Moscow and the University of Washington at Seattle; was employed for several years in office work at Sandpoint. They have one son, Howard Luther, b. 4/11/1927 at Sandpoint. For more than ten years Luther was employed by the Weyhaeuser Lum- 56 THE ZARTMAN F AMlLY

ber Co. at Sandpoint in a responsible position; later accepted a position as District Manager in Coeur d'Alene, and at present is Sales Manager and Purchasing Agt. for the Calif. Dist. of the Diamond Match Co. at Chico, Calif., where they reside at 667 E. 4th St. Bertha Rosina Catherine Swinehart was born in Fort Wayne, Ind.; attended Spokane College and Lewis and Clark High School in Spokane. For a short time she was employed in a department store, then became a dental assistant, until the time of her marriage on 6/25/1930 to Henry Jacob Ernst, an optometrist, who was b. 4/23/1903 in Eagle River, Wis. Dr. Ernst is in business, hio location being in the Crescent Dept. Store, Spokane. Their address is 224 W. 25th Ave. They have two chi dren: Suzanne Ruth, b. 10/18/1937; Matthew Loy, b. 10/28/1939. Paul A. Swinehart, b. in Attica, Ohio; graduated from Lewis and Clark High School, attended Washington State College at Pullman. After being employed for n:ore than seven years by various Spokane firms and with the United States Forest Service, be entered North Pacific College of Optometry at Port­ land, Ore., and graduated in 1932. On 9/1/1929 he was m. at Harrison, Idaho, to Agnes Laura Ward, b. 5/23/1903, at Backus, Minn. She attended the Lewiston Idaho Normal School and taught school fer two years; is a graduate from the Deaconess Hospital in Spokane, and followP.d the nursing profession chiefly in hospital work. They have three children: Donald Paul, b. 5/1/1933 in Spokane; Paula Ruth, b. 3/31/1935 in Portland, Ore.; Martin Allen, b. 2il0/1940, in Spokane. For some years Paul was employed by Roy & Loulin, Portland, Ore., as op­ tometrist, and he is now employed by Washington Optical Institute, Spokane. They reside at W. 4-18th Ave. Ruth Elizabeth Swinehart was b. in Attica, 0.; attended Lewis and Clark Pigh School and is Assistant Cashier at the Washington Water Power Co, For a number of years she has been a member of the Bell Canto Chorus in Spokane. She resides at W. 2918 Sharp St., Spokane. Walter Frederick Swinehart, b. in Tescott, Kan.; graduated from the North Central High School in 1925. On 9/6/1931 he m. Audrey Anderson, who graduated from Sandpoint, Idaho, High School and attended the University of Jd11.ho. They have JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 57 two sons: David Calvin, b. 3/31/1935; and John Frederick, b. 11/6/1939. They have made the following request. "We the parents of David Calvin request mention in the Zartman History, that David's middle name was taken from that of his illustrious great-great-uncle Rufus Calvin." The historian lays down his pen and with most affectionate greetings and sincerest good wishes, bows to parents and David Calvin! May David Calvin, like the Ho'y Child Jesus, grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52. Walter F. Swinehart is employed as clerk and bookkeeper at The Centennial Flour Mills, in Spokane. They live at S. 1313 Division St. Sarah W. Swinehart was b. in Tescott, Kan.; graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1928. She is stenographer and bookkeeper for Harper Meggee, Inc., Spokane, and resides at W. 2918 ~harp St., Spokane. Mary Estella Swinehart, was b. in Tescott, Kan.; graduated from Lewici and Clark High School in 1931. She is employed as stenographer for the Federal Land Bank in Spokane, and resides at W. 2918 Sharp St. Huldah M. R. Swinehart, was b. in Spokane; graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1934. She is stenographer for the Washington State Unemployment Compensation Bureau at Olympia, Wash. Her address is S. 1825 Water St., Olympia. Loy Thomas Swinehart, was b. in Spokane; graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1934, and from the University of Washington at Seattle, in 1910. He was m. 9/1/1941 to Mae Hussey b. 8/27/1918. Is now attending Northwestern Medical School in Chicago, Ill. His address is 70 E.Bellevue, Chicago. Ralph Henry Swinehart was b. in Spokane; graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1936, attended the University of Washington in Seattle, and is now attending the Eastern Washington College of Education. He lives at W. 2918 Sharp St., Spokane.

Delilah Florence Swinehart, oldest daughter of Noah and Sarah Zartman Swinehart, was b. on a farm in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., Ohio, two miles south of Glenford, and half a mile from Pleasant Hill farm. She started to school at the age of six, 58 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

and that she might have company to and from school, her sister Mary, then four and one-half years old, also started at the same time. They had the unusual experience of both be­ ginning school and finishing on tho same day. They started at the C'.ousc School and here they, their brother Alpheus and sister Huldah, attended until the family moved to Somerset in 1884. Lilah graduated from Somerset High School in 1890. She was confirme,. in St. Paul's Lutheran church, Somerset, and for many years was a teacher in the Sunday School, was Secretary and President of the Ladies Aid, active in the Woman's Missionary Society, Luther League and Junior Mission Band. She remained in Somerset until after the death of lier mother in 1929, when she moved to Dayton, Ohio, where she is a member of Hope Lutheran church and takes an active part in the various organizations. She and her sister Huldah reside at 1911 Mal­ vern Ave. This sketch, in regard to Delilah Florence, cannot be closed without mentioning the fact that for many yearsshe was the home-keeper, and together with "Aunt Sarah "kept the old home open, the flowers blooming, and the welcome warm for the absent members of tho family. Mary 0. Swinehart was born in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., and started at the "Clouse School" at the age of 4½ years. ,,11ile living on the farm she attended Reformed and Lutheran Sun­ day School and Church on alternate Sundays. In 1884 the family moved to Somerset, where her father, Noah Swinehart, pur­ chased a hardware store, having Uncle Will Parks as partner. Later the Parks interest wa.,;i purchased, and the oldest son of the family started to Capital University. Mary seemed to be the member of the family to assist in the hardware store and many times was spoken of by her father as "his boy." In Somerset she attended public school, graduating in the same class with her sister in 1890, and after graduation she and her sisters were for some years in the millinery business in Somerset. In the spring of 1904 she accepted a position with The G. T. McCauley Co., a wholesale millinery firm in Columbus, and in August went to Dayton, Ohio, being in the employ of a branch of the Columbus firm for two years. For 18 months was employed at the National Cash Register Co., then entered Miami Business College, taking her first office position in 1909 with the Dayton Journal-Herald. In 1910 she accepted a posi- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 59

tion in the law office of Prugh & Prugh, and later became affili­ ated with the Ohio Savings and Loan Ass'n, and the merged institution, the Security Savings and Loan Assn, in which she was Assistant Cashier, and continued in this position until her death. She was confirmed in St. Paul's Lutheran church, Somerset, where she served as organist in Sunday School and church. Her membership was transferred to Hope Lutheran church in Dayton, where she was a member of the choir, taught in the Sunday School for 25 years, served ns President, Secretary and Treasurer in the Women's Missionary Society, and also as an officer of the Miami Valley Group of the Women's Missionary Federat,ion of the American Lutheran Church. For a number of years she was a member of The Businei.s and Professional Women's Club, The Y. W. C. A., The Young Women's League, and the Beta Chapter of Delphian. On Saturday, 10/27/1934, after a pleasant afternoon and even­ ing with her sisters, and in her usual excellent spirits, she was stricken without warning with a cerebral hemorrhage, soon lapsed into unconsciommess, and was removed to Good Samaritan Hospital, where she passed away the following morning 10/28/ 1934. Funeral services were held at Hope Lutheran Church on 10/30/1934 in charge of her pastor, Rev. Lawrence S. Price, Text: John 10:16. The body was taken to Somerset, where a short service was held at the home of her brother Cyrus on Wednesday afternoon, 10/31. Interment on the family lot in the Somerset cemetery. Her life was marked by unfailing faithfulness to duty, kind and generous disposition, piety and devotion; her family life, by tenderness and concern for the welfare of those dearest to her. Huldah Rebecca Swinehart, youngest daughter of Noah and Sarah Swinehart, spent her childhood days on her father's farm near Pleasant Hill. She attended the Clouse School, and the grade and High School in Somerset, graduating in 1892. She at­ tended Normal School at New Lexington and taught in the pub­ lic school for several terms, following which she assisted her sisters in the millinery business in Somerset until 1904, when she went to Dayton, Ohio, and for eight years was employed in the millin­ ery department of one of the large department stores. She then took a commercial course at The Miami Jacobs Business College. 60 THE ZARTUAN F AUILY

Of this time she writes:" "It was while I was attending Miami Jacobs that Dayton was visited with the disastrous 'Dayton Flood' [1/25/1913]. At that time sister Mary and I were living with Aunt Maggie Vogt at 407 Oxford Ave. and fortunately had not gone to the city that morning. The entire city was soon with­ out electric power, gas, telephones, no water under pressure, cooking was done on all kinds of improvised stoves. Aunt Mag­ gie, as well as all who were out of the flooded area, soon had her home filled with refugees. We, with thousands of others, made daily trips to re'.ief stations, standing in the 'bread line' getting food and supplies, according to the number in our homes. When the water subsided sufficiently Uncle Sollie, Aunt Malinda and Nellie Zartman, the Dorfmeier family, Will, Myrta and Virgil, came t.o Aunt Maggie's and remained until their homes were again ready for occupancy. "Uncle Sollie at that time lived on Jones Street, and I made a number of trips there with him and helped him to dig out of the mud (and it was mud). The cars were running only part way, the other distance we walked, taking our lunch with us, and if we needed any tools, had to carry them along. I remember walk­ ing up Main Street, from Fifth St. to Monument Ave., dragging a shovel after me." Since completing her business course, Huldah has occupied several responsible positions as bookkeeper, stenographer and secretary in well known Dayton firms. Since 1928 she has been employed as secretary and bookkeeeper for John H. Otto,Home Builder and Realtor, with offices in the Reibold Bldg. After going to Dayton Mary and Huldah lived with their Aunt Maggie Vogt for a number of years, first on Bond St., and follow­ ing Uncle's death, they lived in· the home on Oxford Ave. until their aunt's health began to fail. For 13 years they lived in the Bellevue Apts., but with the death of their mother, and the re­ moval to Dayton of their sister Lilah, they moved to Dayton View. Huldah was confirmed in St. Paul's Church in Somerset, and transferred her membership to Hope Lutheran church in Dayton, where she has taken an active part in church work, especially in the Sunday School, where for many years she was a teacher, in the Women's Missionary Society, being one of the organizers of this department, and she also helped to organize the Junior JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 61

Mission Band. She has been an active member of the Business and Professional Women's Club, a member of the Y.W.C.A. and .,· the Young Women's League. She with her sister Lilah resides at 1911 Malvern Ave. Cyrus B. Swinehart was born in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., on the farm which his father bought from his grandfather, Samuel Swinehart. When be was 5½ years of age his family moved to Somerset and there in Sept. 1884, he started to school. He him­ self has verified the fact that for three months after this "start" he ran back home each time after his sisters took him to the school house, and consequently received many switchings, until as a final inducement his father promised him a rubber ball for Christ­ mas, which proved to be the incentive for regularly attending school. Grade school was followed by High School, from which he graduated in 1897. During his later school years and following he worked in his father's hardware store, until 1900, for several years he worked on a farm, then owned by the family, and ·in 1906 again entered the hardware business, in the employ of Mr. C. E. Love, where he was at the head of the plumbing department. Here he remained until 1919 when he was appointed Rural Mail Carrier out of Somerset which position he faithfully filled until the time o{ his death. In this position he was energetic and painstaking, and in all these years not one complaint was made against him or his work. He was a real friend to all his patrons. On 9/8/1905 he enlisted in the Somerset Company of the Ohio National Guard, and after serving eight months as private was elected Second Lieutenant of Infantry. In 1910 he was promoted to First Lieutenant, and on 11/17/1911 was commissioned as Captain, and this Commission he held until tho Company was mustered out, 6/15/1916. On 4/22/1915 he m. Laura Ellen Kochensperger, daughter of George and Barbara Ifochensperger of Monday Creek Twp., Perry Co. They went to housol,eeping in a new home built just next door to "Aunt Sarah's," and here a cordial welcome always awaitrd relatives and friends. Cyrus was kind, considerate, of a jovial disposition, greatly beloved by all the relatives and a host of friends. A letter from him contains two statements: "Let me give a bit of advice to my younger boy cousins: Boys, learn a trade or take up a profession 62 THE ZARTMAN F illILY

of some kind. A trade or profession, once mastered, can never be taken from you." "Happy, though married eighteen years, the string to our home in Somerset is always out to our friends and especially to the Zartman freundschaft." He was confirmed in St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Somerset., by Rev. E. A. Young, and in this church he and his wife have been faithful, active members, occupying positions of responsibility and trust, both in the Sunday School and church. After an illness of less than a month, Cyrus passed away on Saturday morning, 2/24/1940 at his home in Somerset. He had a serious heart lesion, which caused his unt.imely death. Funeral services were held on Tuesday p. m. 2/27/1940 in St. Paul's church, in charge of his pastor, Rev. Orville Doeskin, and at­ tended by a host of relatives and friends from many parts of the county and state. Interment in the Somerset cemetery. A friend in Somerset who had known Cyrus from his infancy wrote saying: "l was always glad to meet Cyrus, he was so pleas­ ant. His jolly disposition made him many friends, and we will all miss him, especially will he be missed in his church, where he was always in his place. He was held in high regard, nice to every one, regardless of creed." Dorsey M. Swinehart, youngest child of Noah and Sarah Swinehart, was b. in Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., being the young­ est grandson of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman. He graduated from the Somerset High School in 1900, during his vacations and after school worked in his father's store, and for some years worked on the farm near New Reading, then owned by the family. In 1907 he entered the Col!ege of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State Uni­ versity, Columbus, Ohio, from which be graduated in 1910, with the degree of D. V. M. He at once entered the service of the State of Ohio as an inspector with the Division of Live Stock Industry, and continued in this capacity until March, 1929. On the 60th anniversary of his father's and mother's marriage, 10/3/1925, he m. Cretora Enslen of Elida, Ohio. Crct.ora WllS b. in Elida, 6/1/1800, graduated from the High School in that town in 1006, attended Otterbein College at Westerville, Ohio. She was a kindergarten teacher in a private school, following which she conducted private kindergarten in her home town. After their marriage they lived in Columbus, Ohio, for several years. After the death of Cretora's father, Dr. Swinehart practiced his profession in Elida where they now reside. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 63

He was..,confirmed in St. Paul's Lutheran church in Somerset, and is a member of the Zion Lutheran church in Lima, Ohio. Cretora is a member of the United Brethem Church in Elida, and both are active in church and civic affairs.

Magdalene Zartman, third daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman, was b. 6/11/1844. She attended the old school at St. Paul's with her brothers and sisters and was catechised and con­ firmed in St. Paul's Reformed Church during her girlhood. She too was one of the busy helpers on the always busy farm, working in field and kitchen as necessity arose. It fell to her and her sister Sarah to alternate in the care of the home of Uncle Levi Zartman after his wife Sarah died, leaving a large family of children to be cared for. In the year 1863, there appeared as a school teacher in Perry County a young man from Wyandotte County, Ohio, by the name of Jacob Weimer Vogt. This young man, born at Crossen­ ville, Ohio, on 11/13/1839, was the son of Christian and Eliza­ beth Weimer Vogt of Upper Sandusky, Ohio. He had spent his youth on his father's farm and received his education in the schools of that county. He was a descendant of Jonas Vogt, who came to America in 17 50 from Basil, Switzerland. During cherry­ picking time in the year 1864, Jacob Vogt came to Pleasant Hill to pick cherric.~, and some of us can well recall the twinkle in his eye as he spoke of the charming young woman he met at Pleasant Hill, who captured his heart as she handed him a bunch of cher­ ries across tho orchard fence. Jacob W. Vogt and Magdalene Zartman were married by Rev. C. W. Hoyman at tho home of the bride, 4/4/1865, and pro­ ceeded the same day to drive to Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Here they lived on a farm in Wyandotte Co. for a few years, then moved into Upper Sandusky where Mr. Vogt for many years engaged in the dry goods business, later was joined by his brother­ in-law, Wm. C. mng, from Perry Co. Here they lived until the foll of 1883. Their four children, Chas. Williard, b. 8/27/1868; Ira Homer, b. 9;16/1870; Zillah Grace, b. 8/7/1873; Evon Zart­ man, b. 3/20/1890, were born in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. In 1883 the family moved to Goshen, Ind., where Mr. Vogt bought a grocery store, and the entire family at once became active in the work of the First Reformed Church, of which Rev. Allen I{. Zart­ man wns pastor. 64 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

In 1889 the family moved to Green Springs, Ohio, and in 1890 to Union City, Ind., and in both places Jacob was engaged in the hardware business. In 1892 he accepted a position as travel­ ing salesman for The Souder Extract Co., Dayton, Ohio, in which position be remained for many years as a competent and success­ ful salesman. He was the initial writer of the Vogt History in America. In Dayton the Vogt family united with Trinity Reformed church, identifying themselves with the various phases of the church's activities. Their home in Dayton was the mecca for relatives and friends; here they always found a hearty welcome. Jacob Vogt lived a happy, useful Christian life, beloved and esteemed by a host of relatives and friends. He d. 4/24/1911, and is buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Following his death, Magdalene remained in the home on Oxford Ave., and when her health began to fail, she moved to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David I. Prugh. Herr she passed away, 7/7/1920, and was buried beside her husband. The services of both were in charge of Dr. Allen K. Zartman, brother of Magdalene. Charles Williard Vogt, oldest child of Jacob W. and Magdalene Zartman Vogt, moved with bis parents to Goshen, Ind., where be attended grade school and graduated from High School in 1887. During vacations and following graduation be worked for thr Dale Dry Goods Co. in Goshen, leavin~ there to accept a posi­ tion with The Marshall Field Co., Chicago, I.I., with which firm he was associated for thirty years. During these years he occu­ pied positions as Floor Manager and Asst. Buyer for the Fur Dept. Becoming ill, he severed his connection with this firm in 1922 and with his family moved to New Mexico, where for a short time be resided on the Vogt Ranch near Ramah, with his brother Evon and family. Later the family moved to Albuquer­ que, N. M. On 10/2/1902, Charles W. Vogt m. Katherine Martin Berg­ man, b. in Freeport, Ill., 3/21/1870. At the time of this mar­ riage, Katherine Bergman had two daughters: Dorothy, b. 10/13/1890; and Shirley, b. 2/11/1804 (who married Evon Zart­ man Vogt, 7/15/1915, brother of Charles Williard.) Two daughters were born to Charles W. and Katherine Vogt, Katherine Magdalene, b. 12/29/1903; and Elizabeth Ann, b. 4/10/1905. JACOB ZARTMAN A.ND FAMILY 65

Charles W. Vogt, d. 7/29/1924, at Albuquerque, N. M., and is buried in that city, in Sunset Memorial Park. Both Katherine and Elizabeth (Betty) Vogt graduated from a Chicago High School before moving to New Mexico. During the winter of 1922 Katherine taught school at a trading post in New Mexico, 20 miles from the Evon Vogt Ranch. In the fall of 1923 both girls entered the University of New Mexico, later tak­ ing secretarial work in the Business College of Albuquerque. Here Katherine completed the course, then accepted a position with the U. S. Forest Service, which she held until 1930, when she became Secretary to the Secretary of the State of New Mexico at Santa Fe. On 7/15/1933 she m. Frank Sayre, who was b. in Harrisburg, Pa., 11/22/1902. Mr. Sayre was in the World War, serving in France. After returning to the U. S. he attended the University of Michigan for one year, then went to New Mexico, and he is at present employed as manager with an automobile concern in Santa Fe. They have two sons: Anthony, b. 11/7/1934; and Douglas, b. Feb 1940. Mrs. Chas. Williard Vogt lives in Santa Fe with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sayre. Elizabeth Ann Vogt, after serving as society editor on one of the leading Albuquerque newspapers, acted as a courier for the Hunter-Clarkson Inc. Tour Co. On 10/6/1934 she was m. by Rev. David Reiter, of Santa Fe to Mr. John Paul Wallace. They left at once for New York and then for Nova Scotia, where Mr. Wallace was in charge of a lumber industry and Hunting Lodge in the Moose Hunting country. Mr. Wallace attended college at Notre Dame, was one of the famous team of football players directed by Knute Rockne. They are now residing in Santa Fe, N. M. Ira Homer Vogt, b. 9/16/1870, as a lad attended the schools of Upper Sandusky, completing his school work in Goshen, Ind. Going to Dayton a few years later he took a course at the Jacobs Business College. He was a printer by trade, and accepted a position in the Printing Office and Bindery of the National Cash Register Co., where he was made foreman in the Composing Department and served for twenty years in that capacity. Later be was employed with the McCall Publishing Company and the United Brethren Publishing Company of Dayton, working at the printing trade for forty-five years. 66 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

At a beautiful wedding on 7/15/1897, he m. Harriet J. Lie­ benderfer. This ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's mother and was attended by the families of the bride and groom and intimate friends of the couple. Harriet Liebenderfer was b. 11/18/1874 in Delaware, Ohio, and moved with her family to Dayton in 1889. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vogt have been active members of Central Reformed Church, Dayton, Ohio. Ira served the church in a number of important offices, both in Sunday School and Con­ gregational affairs, as deacon and elder of the church. He was a member of the Richard Montgomery Chapter, Sons of the Am­ erican Revolution, of which he served as Registrar. Ira Homer Vogt lived an earnest, faithful Christian life, was of a kind and happy disposition, loved and respected by relatives and friends. His sudden and untimely death, caused by cerebral hemorrhage, occurred on 11/30/1935, and be is buried in Wood­ land Cemetery, Dayton. His widow survives and resides with her sister at 214 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Two daughters were born to this home: Mary Louise, b. 12/4/ 1908; and Virginia Ann, b. 12/15/1913. Mary Louise graduated from Steele High School, Dayton, in 1927, entered Nurses Training School of the Cincinnati General Hospital, and graduated from the University of Cincinnati School of Nursing and Health, in June, 1930. On 9/3/1931 she m. Harold G. Harmon, D.D.S., b. 2/17/1900 in Iowa City, Iowa. He is a graduate of the Iowa City High School, and the Univers­ ity of Iowa Dental College, 1929. In 1926 be took a trip abroad; in 1929 came to Cincinnati Hospital as inteme; in 1930 was ap­ pointed as senior Houseman in Dentistry at the Hospital. The Harmons have two children: Barbara Ann, b. 2/14/1933; and Joan Elizabeth, b. 4/14/1936. The family is active in the work of the Hyde Park Methodist Church of Cincinnati, and live in Glendale, a suburb of Cincinnati, where Dr. Harmon is practising dentistry. Virginia Ann Vogt graduated from Steele High School, Day­ ton, in 1932 and from Miami Jacobs Business College, Dayton, in March, 1933; was employed for three years with the Delco Products Division of General Motors, in the Sales and Service Division. 11/12/1936 she m. Bertram W. Mittler, b. 8/18/1911 at Clyde, Ohio. He graduated from Stivers High School, Dayton, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 67

in June, 1929; from Capital University, Columbus, in June, 1933. He is connected with The Delco Brake Division, General Motors, Dayton, in the Personnel Dept. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mittler are active in the work of St. Paul's Lutheran church, of which Mr. Mittler's father is pastor. Address 321 E. Bruce Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Zillah Grace Vogt, daughter of Jacob W. and Magdalene Z. Vogt, was born in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, where she spent her first years, and lived later in Goshen, Ind., where in 1886 she was confirmed by her Uncle Rev. Allen K. Zartman, pastor of the Re­ formed Church. Later she lived in Green Springs, Ohio, and Union City, Ind., where she graduated from High School in 1892. That year the family moved to Dayton, Ohio, where Grace bas at all times been active in the various women's organizations of the Sunday School and Church, as a member of Trinity Re­ formed, later Central Reformed Church. She is a member of the Jonathan Dayton Chapter, D.A.R., serving as Chap­ lain; member of the Dayton Music Club, was for a number of years a member of the Dayton Mother Singers, and with the Club sang at the Century of Progress, Chicago; a member of the Young Women's League, Y.W.C.A., and Montgomery County W. C. T. U. For several years previous to her marriage she was cashier and bookkeeper for a leading wholesale firm. On 6/30/1898 Grace Vogt m. David Irving Prugh, b. in Day­ ton 4/1/1871. He attended Dayton Public Schools and gradu­ ated from the Law Department of the University of Michigan in 1896. He entered the law firm of Prugh & Prugh, of which his older brother was the senior member, and is practising law in Dayton. Mr. Prugh was confirmed in the First Reformed Church, Day­ ton, and later was a member of Trinity Reformed, which was merged with First Reformed as Central Reformed Church, and has been actively engaged in the work of the church as deacon and elder, and in the choir and Sunday School. Into this home rame four children: Dorothy Grace, b. 7/30/- 1899; David Vogt, b. 10/21/1903; Charles Maurice, b. 6/6/1906; and Harold Homer, b. 3/15/1908. Dorothy Grace Prugh attended the Dayton Public Schools, graduated from Steele High Schoo1. as an honor pupil in 1917; from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, in June, 1921. The follow- 68 THE ZARTMAN F AHILy

ing two years she taught History and Latin in the High School at Versailles, Ohio. On 6/30/1923, in Central Reformed Church, she m. Robert Newbold Feicht, Dayton; ceremony performed by Dr. J.M. Isenberg. Robert was b. 4/24/1899, in Dayton, was a classmate of Dorothy's in Steele High School and also an honor student. In 1922 he graduated from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, as Mechanical Engineer, and he is employed with the Aerial Photography Dept. of Wright Field, Dayton, as Mechanical Engineer. They have three children: Carolyn Jane, b. 10/21/1927; Frederick Prugh, b. 5/6/1935; and Martha Louise, b. 2/16/1937. The Feicht Family is active in the work of Central Reformed Church. They reside at 2028 Mayfair Road, Dayton. David Vogt Prugh graduated from Steele Hip:h School in 1921, graduated cum laude from Heidelberg College, B. S. 1925, and from Harvard Law College, LL.B. 1928. He was admitted to the practice of law in Ohio in 1929, and was connected with the law firm of Prugh & Prugh, Dayton, until 1937. Mr. Prugh is now attorney for the Manchester Federal Savings and Loan Asso­ ciation, Manchester, N. H. On 6/7/1930 he m. Dallas Wylie in Chcslea, Mass. She attended school at Thayer Academy, and Simmons College, Boston, and graduated from Lesley Normal School. Their children are: Richard Wylie, b. 5/28/1931; Bev­ erly Dallas, b. 3/1/1933; Jeralyn, b. 10/2/1934; Duane, b. 10/19/1936. They reside at Goffstown, N. H. Charles Maurice Prugh has had a series of graduations: from Steele High School, Dayton, 1924; from Heidelberg College in 1928 with A.B.; from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1931 with Th. B. He won the George Green Fellowship in Olct 'Testa­ ment Prophecy through which be spent several years in C many, studied the German Language in Hamburg, then entered the Seminary in Berlin and Heidelberg, and graduated from the University of Heidelberg in Germany in 1935 with the degree of Doctor of Theoloizy. He was ordained to the Ministry in 1932, in Central Reformed Church, Dayton. On 6/30/1930, he m. Mary Annette Cosner, b. in Upper San­ dusky, Ohio, 8/7/1906. She graduated from Steele High School, Dayton in 1924, and from Heidelberg College in 1928 with B.S. She also attended Ohio State University, and later taught both in the West Carrollton and Greenfield, Ohio, High Schools. Their JACOB ZARTMAN "AND FAMILY 69

children are: Charles Jr., b. and d. 9/1/1931; Dorris Jean, b. 3/24/1934; and Margaret Grace, b. 4/29/1937. They reside in Decatur, Ind., where Dr. Prugh is pastor of the Zion Evangeli­ cal and Reformed Church. Harold Homer Prugh, like his sister and brothers, was bom and reared in Dayton, Ohio. He graduated from Steele High School in 1926 and from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, 1930, with A.B.; from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1932, with M.A. degree, with major in Physical Education. For some years be was Physical Director in the Y. M. C. A. at Day­ ton, Buffalo, N. Y., and Melrose, Mass. (1933-1935), and Pitts­ burgh, Pa. (1935-1940), and since 1940 in McKeesport, Pa. On 11/30/1935 hem. Janice Bell Fryer, b. 6/14/1913, in Day­ ton; she graduated from Steele High School, Dayton, in 1932, and attended the University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music in 1932 and 1933. They have a son, Jeffry Douglas, b. 9/15/1939 in Pittsburgh, Pa. They reside at 1804 Fremont Street, McKees­ port, Pa. Evon Zartman Vogt was graduated from Steele High School, Dayton, Ohio, in 1901. In Oct.1903 be entered the Uni­ versity of Chicago, where he was a member of Delta Upsilon Fra­ ternity, a College Marshal and Secretary of the Reynolds Club. An attack of tuberculosissent him toNew Mexico,and he arrfred at Albuquerque on 12/5/1905. Here he spent his life largely on the range, as cowboy and sheep man, was a partner in Taber-Vogt Co., Glorieta, New Mexico, in store and sawmilling, also of Capt. Clark M. Carr, and homesteaded a ranch north of San Matee, where be cared for Jive stock until 1913. He traveled to Europe in 1914, and was in Paris when war was declared. He returned to buy 10,240 acres of land near Ramah, New Mexico. On 7/7/1915 be m. Shirley Bergman of Chicago, who was b. 2/11/1894. The wedding took place in Chicago; Evon's cousin, Rev. Dr. Parley Emmett Zartman, performing the ceremony. They have the following children: Shirley Ann, b. 3/30/1917, d. 4/1/1918, buried in Shirley Ann Canyon, on their ranch. Shirley Ann had been dedicated in baptism to Jesus Christ by her great uncle, Allen King Zartman, D. D. Also Evon Zartman Vogt, Jr., b. 8/20/1918; Barbara, b. 5/5/1920; JoAnn, b. 12/30/1923; Patricia, b. 9/15/1925. These latter four children on Palm Sun­ day 3/28/1931, were baptized and confirmed in the ranch home 70 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

by their great uncle, Dr. Rufus Calvin Zartman, then of Phila­ delphia, Pa., who decl:ired them merohers of the Reformed Church in the U. S., the church of their faGher and grandfather, their great-grandfather, their great-great-grandfather and their great­ great-great-grandfather. Evon Zartman Vogt further saith: "My life has been devoted largely to live stock, having organized the Vogt Sheep Co. main ranch 40 miles south of our home, one mile south of Ramah, and for a time grazing 15,000 head of sheep. "For 20 years I was custodian of El Morro National Monument where the protection of the valuable Spanish Inscriptions dating back to 1605 fell to my lot. All the improvements including trails, fencing, first cabin, etc., were built under my direction. "During the recent depression I worked as a scout for the A. 0. Smith Corporation of Milwaukee, travelling in a car over 150,000 miles throughout the southwest searching over the pros­ pect for gold mines and often working in gold mines for the com­ pany. In the fall of 1938, while on a vacation from Round Mt., Nev., I bought The Gallup Gazette, of Gallup, New Mex., of which I am the Editor and Publisher, having 1/i yenrs before been the editor of the Gallup Independent." Evon Vogt, Jr., graduated from Gallup High School in 1936, was ranger at El Morro National Monument, and later worked in a gold mine in Nevada, until he entered the University of Chi­ cago on a scho'.arship in 1937, and graduated in June, 1941. He is now in the Law School there. He m., 9/4/1941, Catherine Christine Hiller of Salina, Kan. Barbara Vogt went to High School in Ramah, gradu-ited from Palo Alto, Calif., High School, and entered Stanford University on a scholarship, where she will graduate in 1941. On Christmas Day, 1940, she married Lawrence Freya Bell of Los Angeles. They reside in Palo Alto, Calif. JoAnn Vogt graduated from Gallup High School in June, 1940, with highest grades in her class, and is now attending University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, taking a Commercial course. Patricia Vogt is a student in the Ramah High School. Angeline Zartman, fourth daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Zart­ man, taught school in her youth, worked on the Pleasant Hill farm in harvest time and worked by the week in the home of dear aunt Sallie Mechling, transported herself from place to JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 71

place on a aide saddle supported by a speedy steed. Like other girls of her time she was visited by beaux until all but one had been mittcned. Then on 11/29/1868 wedding bells again rang on Pleasant Hill, and in the evening of the above date in St. Paul's Church near Glenford, Ohio, she was married to Benjamin Als­ pach of Thornville, Thorn Twp., Ohio. Benjamin Alspach b. 1/6/- 1847 was the son of Jesse, son of Sebastian Alspach. The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. Charles Wesley Hoyman, the pastor of both bride and groom. It was the first church wedding to take place in dear St. Paul's and the house was well filled with relatives and friends fr,..,m far and near. And Oh, the sumptuous wedding supper which followed on Pleasant Hill! It was a feast fit for a King. Well, the writer's mother was a King! On the next day at the home of the groom's widowed mother was held a celebration called an infair, the parent of what now is dignified as a wedding reception; it brought together again the families of bride and groom in happy festal association filled with con­ gratulations and best wishes for the welfare and happiness of the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Alspach began housekeeping on a large farm on the south border of Buckeye Lake, where they toiled and wrought many years. Both became members of Trin­ ity Reformed Church in the village of Thornville a mile south of their home; and in that Church they worked and wo1shipped under many pastorates to the end of their days on earth. To them four children were born, as follows: Edgar Eugene, b. 9/14/1869; a daughter, b. 2/8/1871, d. 2/10/1871; Tillie Adelia, b. 10/12/- 1873; Earl Zartman, b. 10/3/1880. Mr. and Mrs. Alspach had their children baptized, nurtured, catechised, and confi:-mcd in the Reformed Church. Edgar E. Alspach, in June 1889 graduated from the High School of Thornville; then for three years he attended Heidelberg Col­ lege at Tiffin, Ohio. On 6/17/1875 hem, Blanche Estella Bauman, b. 6/17/1875, daughter of Rev. Frederi('k Christian Bauman and Elizabeth Jane Bauman, n~e Cort, of Zwingle, Iowa. Their mar­ riage took place in Harmony Reformed Church, the bride's father, and founder of said Church, officiating in the presence of one hundred guests. l\fota, a sister of the bride, played the wedding march. The bride's other three sisters and her four brothers were the attendants. 72 THE ZARTMAN FAHILY

An interesting item should be noted here, from t,ha autobiog­ raphy of Rev. Frederick Christian Bauman, Stella's father, who states that while he attended school in Tarlton, Ohio, be had a room with a Mr. and Mrs. Noble. This Mrs. Noble was a daugh­ ter of Rev. Henry lung, uncle of Rebecca King Zartman. Dur­ ing part of his course at Heidelberg his roommate was George Zartman Mechling, a nephew of Isaac Zartman, father of the historian. Edgar and Estella took up their abode on the farm of his par­ ents, near Buckeye Lake in Thorn Township; here they remained two years; then one year they lived at Alpha, Ohio, where they both taught music, and Edgar also taught in the public schools. They then returned to the farm near Tbornvilie for three more years. Their son, Harold Theodore, was born on that farm; it was the best crop they ever had on that fertile soil. In December, 1902, they removed to Zwing~e, Iowa, where Edgar was rural mail carrier until 1909, when he was appointed Postmaster ·of Zwingle, and served in that capacity from 1909 to 1933. He was a most efficient public official. In Zwingle fortune favored them with another son, Arthur Benjamin, b. 2/19/1903. Ethel Estella was b. 1/25/1905. For a year or more Edgar was in failing health, which termi­ nated in his death on Tuesday 5/30/1933. The interment was on Friday, June 2nd, their pastor, Rev. Melvin C. Witmer,offic­ iating. Edgar's body reposes in beautiful Harmony Church Cem­ etery, in Zwingle, Iowa. Edgar and Stella were always active in ti '\'Ork of the King­ dom as was to be expected because of the heritage and rearing they had by devout, God-fearing parents. Edgar served as Sun­ day School teacher and superintendent, and in the Church as elder and choir director. His zeal and loyalty were most commend­ able. The children of this home were confirmed in Harmony Reform­ ed Church, Zwingle, by their pastor Rev. Jos. M. Newgard. Harold Theodore graduated from the High School in Charles City, Iowa, in 1918, making his home with a maternal aunt dur­ ing those years. For two years he was employed in the bank in Charles City; during the next two years he attended the Iowa State College at Ames, followed by two years in Columbia Uni­ versity, New York, where he prepared for the legal profession. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 73

On 7/2/1932 be m. Lillian Christina Von Mallen, b. 1/25/1905. The wedding was in the home of the bride's parents in Flushing, N. Y. Lillian graduated from the Flushing High School, then took a business course in Columbia University. Harold is em­ ployed in the office of the Home Fire Insurance Co. in New York City. They live on Boumedale Road, North Manhasset, New York, N. Y. To Harold and Lillian were born a son and daugh­ ter in New York: John Edgar Von ~allen, b. 2/4/1932; Joan Lillian Von Mallen Alspach b. 10/25/1939 in New York city. John Edgar Von Mallen Alspach in the presence o! 20 witnesses was baptized on Sunday May 10, 1937, by his great great Uncle, Rev. Dr. Rufus C. Zartman of Philadelphia, Pa. This service was in the home of the parents at 14,906 Beech Ave., Flushing, N. Y. Joan Lillian Von Mallen Alspach was baptized on 4/14/1940 by Rev. D. A. Kraft at 126 Boumedale Road, N. Manhasset, New York. Arthur Benjamin Alspach had a full four-year course in the Academy of the University at Dubuque, Iowa, graduating in 1925 from this university with the degree of A.B. He taught one year in the public schools of Milton, Iowa, and since 1929 bas been Principal of the High School· of Kent, Union Co., Iowa. 6/16/1929 hem. Virginia Sommerfeld, b. 5/18/1909 in Dubuque. The marriage was solemnized in Harmony Reformed Church of Zwingle, by Virginia's pastor, Rev. Flockhart, with Arthur's pastor, Rev. Edward Mohr, assisting. Virginia graduated from the High School of Dubuque and then pursued studies in the University of that city. Arthur and Virginia lived in Kent, Iowa. Ethel Estella Alspach was b. 1/26/1909 in Zwingle. With her brother Arthur, she attended the Acade.ny of the University of Dubuque and studied one year in the University. She graduated from Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa; taught school 9 years, one year in Zwingle, four years in Terril, and from Sept. 1934 in the schools of Coon Rapids, Carrol Co., Iowa. On 12/1/1937 at Zwingle, Iowa, in the home of her mother, she m. Carl Jensen, b. 7/16/1939, and they went to live in. Oakland, California, at 1418 Sonoma Way. Their children are: Paul Arthur, b. 7/16/- 1939; Karen Katrine Jensen, b. 2/4/1941. Carl Jensen has a business of his own: he contracts for the iron work on buildings. This consists of ornamental iron, fire escapes, stair rails, fire­ place sets, etc., making hardware for certain types of houses. 74 THE ZARTMAN FillILY

Tillie Adelia Alspach was b. on her father's farm near Buckeye Lake in Perry Co., Ohio, on 10/12/1873. As a child she attended the schools near her home; graduating from the Thornville High School in 1892. She then became a student at Heidelberg College where she was actively associated with college activities. She was a member of the class which edited the first college annual, the "Aurora," at Heidelberg, and graduated in both the liter­ ary and the music departiµents in 1895. On 4/29/1896 she m. Rev. Frederick William Hoffman, the ceremony being performed by the bride's uncle, Dr. Allen K. Zartman. Rev. Mr. Hoffman was the son of George Frederick and Rosina Marguerite Hoffman, and was b. in Delaware, Ohio, 10/15/1869. He was baptized in infancy and received into the church by confirmation when a young man by his pastor, the Rev. John Vogt, D.D. He graduated from the Delaware High School in 1885, B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University 1892, and from Heidelberg Theological Seminary 1895. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in Beaver Church, Alpha, Ohio, in 1895 by a committee from Miami Classis consisting of the Drs. George W. Williard, S. B. Yockey and Michael Loucks. Rev. Mr. Hoffman bas held five pastorates, Beaver Creek charge, First Church in Tiffin, Grace Church in Springfield, Paradise Church in Louisville, Ohio, and now Emanuel Church, near Upper Sandusky, Ohio. In 1927 be received the honorary degree of D.D. from Heidelberg College. Mrs. Hoffman bas been active in church work in not only the churches where she lived but in the higher church groups. She has been president of several of the classical mission11.ry societies, and served in various capacities in the synodical missionary society. Her splendid musical talent has been used not only to further the work of her church but on civic programs as well. Three children were born in this family: a son, b. at· Alpha 5/30/1898, d. the same day; Mary Rosina, b. in Tiffin 9/22/1901; and He'en Alspach, b. in Tiffin 11/13/1905. Both the girls are graduates of the Louisville High School; Rosina graduating in 1920 and Helen in 1924. Mary Rosina attended Heidelberg College from which she graduated B.A. in 1925. The following year she took a post­ graduate course at Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, and prepared herself as laboratory technician, with practical work at THE REV, ALLEN KING ZARTMAN, D. D. (1849-1937)


Alliance City Hospital. She m. 7/20/1926 Gerald LeMoyne Kingsmore of Tiffin, Ohio. Mr. Kingsmore was b. 8/9/1901 in Toledo, Ohio; graduated from Tiffin High School in 1919 and received his A.B. degree from Heidelberg College in 1923. He took a prominent part in athletics and sports on the campus, and after graduation accepted a position as professor of History and Director of Athletics in the Marysville, Ohio, High School. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsmore have three children: Judith Claire b. 7/1/- 1927; Gerald LeMoyne II b. 4/19/1930, and Anne Marie b.12/- 20/1931. Helen Alspach Hoffman spent two years at Heidelberg College then transferred to Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, from which she graduated in 1928. She taught school for a short time, but has been employed for several years in the offices of the Hoover Sweeper Co. North Canton, Ohio. Dr. and l\Irs. Hoffman are now living on Main St., Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Earl Zartman Alspach was born on the Benjamin Alspach farm near Thornville, Ohio, 10/3/1880. He was educated in the Thornville Schools, then entered Starling Medical College, Col­ umbus, Ohio, from which be graduated in 1903. That year he began his practice of medicine in Kenmore, Ohio, now a part of the city of Akron, Ohio, where he has been a successful physi­ cian through the years. Dr. Alspach spent some years in the Medical Department of the U. S. army on the Mexican Border. He Io.ter served in the World War in France as First Lieutenant of the Medical Corps, 134th Field Artillery, 37th Division, A.E.F. He was married 12/23/1909 to Miss Morvydd Williams of Akron, Ohio, by the Rev. H. S. MacAyeal, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Akron. This young wife died two years later, 11/13/1911. Allen King Zartman, third son and seventh child of Isaac and Rebecca King Zartman, was b. 6/8/1849. From bis biography, which ho himself wrote, we copy the following facts: "I was born in the log house in which Father wus born, and in which Father and Mother lived until I was two years old, when the family moved into the new frame house which Father built, and in which Father and Mother lived until they were called to 76 Tm: ZARTMAN F AlllLY the Father's house above. My parents were devout Christians. Father and Mother early in their youth had dedicated their lives to the service of the Master and the welfare of the commun­ ity. They were of one mind and spirit in their devotion to the church. Father was a pillar of strength in the community, a great leader and a good man. It is not only a great honor and asset to have been born of such parentage; it carries with it also the fact of great responsibilities. "I was baptized in infancy by Rev. Frederick W. Dechant; was confirmed 9/22/1866 by Rev. C. W. Hoyman as a member of St. Paul's Reformed Church, near Glenford, Perry County, Ohio." From early childhood Allen's decision to become a minister of the gospel dominated his plans for life. In Sept. 1869, after teaching school two winters in his home community, he entered the Preparatory Department of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, as a student, graduating in June 1874 as valedictorian in the class­ ical course from this college. In the fall of that same year he entered Heidelberg Theological Seminary at Tiffin, Ohio, from which he graduated in the spring of 1876. During Sept. 1875 he became student supply for the churches constituting the Helena, Sandusky County, Ohio, charge. He was licensed by Tiffin Classis, Synod of Ohio, 10/25/1876, and ordained as minister of the Re­ formed Church in the United States by the same classis 2/8/1877. On 9/1/1877 he began his pastorate in the Helena Charge of which he had been supply minister for two years. Having ac­ cepted a call to become pastor of the First Reformed Church, Goshen, Ind., he served there from 7/1/1881 to 6/1/1888, when he began a long and successful pastorate of Grace Reformed Church, Fort Wayne, Ind., which closed 6/1/1916. During these years he was in Fort Wayne a parsonage and church auditorium were built, and the membership of the congregation increased until it became one of the largest in St. Joseph Classis. He was president of this classis 1884-1891, and again 1898-1900; was president of the Ohio Synod of the Reformed Church 1904-1905; served on the Board of Central Theological Seminary for ten years; was contributing editor of the "Christian World" for a number of years; was a frequent delegate to the meetings of the General Synod of his church, serving on many important com­ mittees, and was sent by this body as their delegate to the Pan- ELIZABETH ANN (CONRAD), WIFE OF ALl,EN KING ZARTMAN


Presbyterian Alliance, Aberdeen, Scotland, and the Wor!d's Sunday School Convention in Zurich, S?.itzerland, in 1913. In 1898 he was honored by his Alma Mater with the degree of D.D. Allen K. Zartman m. Elizabeth Ann Conrad of Canton, Ohio, 10/16/1877. She was born near McDonaldsville, Stark County, Ohio, 10/16/1855, the daughter of Benjamin Conrad and Mary Ann Heldenbrand, whose grandfather and father were among the pioneer settlers of Stark County. Elisabeth Ann Conrad attended a private school in Canton, Ohio, and during these years received splendid training in both vocal and instrumental music, in both of which she had rare talent. She entered Heidelberg College in Jan. 1874, graduating from the scientific course as salutatorian in June 1875. The marriage ceremony was performed at Trinity Reformed Church, of which the bride was a member and leader of the choir, by the Rev. Edward Herbruck, D.D., pastor of the church, and friend of both bride and groom. Attendants of the bridal party were college friends, and the groom's younger brother Rufus Calvin Zartman. Mrs. Zartman was a woman of unusual ability and rare musi­ cal talents, a skilled pianist and composer of a number of hymns, and poems. Not only was she active in the work of the congre­ gations which her husband served, but she was busy in service in many other ways. She was a most successful teacher in the primary and beginners departments of the Sunday School, and for several summers acted as head of that work during the Win­ ona, Ind., summer seasons of Chautauqua programs and Bible conferences. Her activities in the missionary work of the Re­ formed Church were many and varied; she organized the miss­ ionary society of the St. Joseph Classie and served as its presi­ dent for a number of years; she was one of the organizers of the Missionary Society of the Ohfo Synod, serving as recording secretary, corresponding secretary, first, second and third vice president, president for five years, historian for three years and thank offering secretary for five years. She was one of the prime movers in the organization of the Missionary Society of the Re­ formed Church, becoming its first recording secretary. From 1917 to 1926 she was Secretary of Thank Offering and in her honor the women of the society named the girls' dormitory which they built from money given through the Thank Offering, at Catawba College, Salisbury, N. C., "The Elizabeth Conrad Zartman Hall." 78 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

In Fort Wayne she served as Vice President of the Board of Wo­ men, City Hospital, and for eight years was on the Board of Trustees of the Y.W.C.A. as chairman of the Extension Depart­ ment. She was a member of the Musical Club and of the Fort­ nightly Club, of which Dr. Zartman was also a member. During the winter of 1916-1917 Dr. and Mrs. Zartman spent a year in Winona Lake, Ind., moving to Dayton, Ohio, in Oct. 1917, where they lived until Aug. 1928. During this period Dr. Zartman was the Protestant Chaplain at the State Hospital, located in Dayton, and did much supply preaching, both in the vicinity and through Ohio. In Dayton Mrs. Zartman was amem­ ber of the Tuesday Musical Club, the Woman's City Club, the College Women's Club, and the Jonathan Dayton Chapter, D. A. R., in which she bad nine service bars. In Aug. 1928 they bought a home at 356 Rose Blvd., Akron, Ohio, in which city their only daughter and her family resided. Mrs. Zartman's death occurred 3/21/1919; Dr. Zartman died 7/1/1937. Both are buried on the Conrad lot, Westlawn Cem­ etery, Canton, Ohio. Josephine Conrad Zartman, only daughter of Allen K. and Elizabeth C. Zartman, was b. 8/2/1878, in Helena, Sandusky County, Ohio. She attended grade schools in Goshen, Ind., and graduated from Westminster Seminary of Fort Wayne, 6/8/1895. In the fall of 1899 she entered the Junior year of Heidelberg Col­ lege, from which she graduated in June 1901. Here she met How­ ard Berleman Diefenbach, whom she m. 6/14/1906. The cere­ mony was performed by her father, Dr. Allen K. Zartman, assisted by her cousin, Dr. Parley E. Zartman, in Grace Reformed Church. Howard Berleman Diefenbach is the son of Amos K. and Sarah Wilhower Diefenbach; he was b. 5/29/1874 in West Alexandria, Ohio; graduated from the High School of that place, from Heidel­ berg College in 1899, and from Heidelberg Theological Seminary in 1902. He was licensed to preach by the Miami Classis, and ordained by Tiffin Classis, both of Ohio Synod, shortly after his graduation. His first charge was at Carrothers, Ohio, which he served until 10/1/1905, when he became pastor of the First Reformed Church, Bluffton, Ind. His pastorate in this congre­ gation was outstanding, a large new church building was erected and paid for, and the membership of the congregation greatly enlarged. From 5/1/1917 to 6/1/1920 he was pastor of Fourth THE DIEFENBACH FAMILY (Tnkcn 011 35th WC'dding :mnivcrsary of Dr. and Mrs. Diefenbach, June 14, 1941) Pront Row: The Rev. H. B. Diefenbach, D. D., Mrs. H. B. Diefenbach, Mrs. Benjnmin C. Dil'fcnbnch (wearing wedding dress of 35yc11rs11go) Back Row: Dr. Benjamin C. Diefenbach and daught.£"r, Gale Ann, and Allnn B. Diefenbach


Reformed Church, Dayton, Ohio, nnd from that date to 9/1/1928, of the Wooster Avenue Reformed Church, Akron, Ohio. After Mrs. Zartman's denth Rev. Mr. Diefenbach accepted the pastor­ ate of Central Presbyterian Church of Akron, from which position he retired in Oct. 1940. Rev. Mr. Diefenbach has served as secretary and treasurer or the Akron Ministerial Association and as delegate to synodical and General Assembly sessions of the Presbyterian Church; he is active in civic and religious matters of the city, and has served in the Y. 1\-1. C. A. and Boy Scout organizations. He is a member of the Ohio Huguenot Society; has been president of the LaFayette Chapter, S.A.R., of Akron, and chaplain of the state S.A.R. He was given the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity by bis Alma Mater, Heidelberg College, 6/9/41. Mrs. Diefenbach acted as chairman of the committee appointed by the Woman's Missionary Society of the Reformed Church to formulate plans for the organization of the young women of the denomination, and was for 17 years secretary of Girls Guilds of the Ohio Synodical Missionary Society. She is a member of the Cuyahoga-Portage Chapter, D.A.R., Akron, Ohio, having acted as historian and regent, and served on the board for nine years, following which she was for three years State Historian of the Ohio D.A.R.; she has 17 ancestral service bars on her D.A.R. ribbon. She is a member of the Portage Trail Chapter, Daughters of 1812, has served in various offices in the chapter, acted as state registrar, and state president from 1935-37, and is now state parliamentarian; was third vice-president national and chair­ man of membership of the National Society, United States Daugh­ ters of 1812, from 1937-40, president of the State Officers Club of the Ohio Daughters of 1812, 1939-41, and president of the National Association of State Presidents, Daughters of 1812, 1938-42, and is n member of the National Officers Club of that organization. She is a member of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims; was organizing regent of George Washington Chapter, Daughters of American Colonists, and is again serving as regent; is president of the Ohio Huguenot Society, 1938-42; is a Fellow in the Institute oi American Genealogy; member of the Ohio Historical and Genealogical Society; member of the Akron Chap­ ter, National Aeronautic Association, in which she was secretary for 3 years and vice-president for 2 years; member of Garden 80 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Lovers' Club; Akron and Summit County Federation of Women's Clubs, Akron College Women's Club and the Akron Woman's City Club. In the latter organization she is serving her ninth year on the board and has just concluded a most successful four years as president. In 1933 she was chosen as one of the four women of the city who had done outstanding work, and the ac­ count of her life and activities are recorded in Vol. 3 of the Stand­ ard Biographical Dictionary of Notable American Women. There are two sons in this family, both b. in Bluffton, WellH County, Ind., Allan Berleman 5/18/1909; and Benjamin Con­ rad 11/2/1911. Both sons are graduates of West High School, Akron, Ohio, Allan having graduated in June, 1927, and Benj­ amin in June, 1929. Their activities in High School were con­ nected with the school paper "The Lariat," the School annual, and the debating society; and Allan was a member of the Scrib­ blers' Club. Both sons are graduates of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, Allan graduating with honors in the Arts course in 1931, and Benjamin in the same course in 1933. Both were members of the Excelsior Literary Society, to which their grandfather, and their father, had belonged. During his years at college Allan served on the college paper, the Kilikilik, lJc wns active in college debatr.; is a member of Phi Kappa Delta, and an honorary member of Tau l{appa Alpha; he was business manager of the college annual, the Aurora, and president of Student Council. He was graduated from the Law School ol' the University of Michigan in June 1934, and admitted to the Ohio Bar in Aug. 1934. He is associated with Evan J. Reed in the practice of law in Akron, Ohio. He is Vice President of the Summit County Bar Association, and a member of the Law Library Commission, and chairman of the purchasing committee, a member of the Akron, Ohio, State and American Bar Associa­ tions, a trustee of the Akron Law.Library, and a member of the Sinking-Fund Board of the Akron Public Schools. He is secretary of the Board of Management of the Central Branch, Akron Y.M. C.A., and he is serving as governor of the northern Ohio Division of the Amateur Fencer's League of America. He is secretary­ treasurer of the LaFayette Chapter, S.A.R., of Akron, and a mem­ ber of the Ohio Huguenot Society. Benjamin Conrad Diefenbach was for three years a member of the College Glee Club of Heidelberg, served on the business JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 81 staff of the Kilikilik, and a'·! .. +,ant editor of the Aurora, and was an active member in the D • ...natic Club of the college. In Sept. 1933 he entered the Medical School of Western Reserve Univer­ sity of Cleveland, Ohio, from which he graduated in June 1937, successfully passed the Ohio medical examinations and in June 1937 was licensed to practice medicine. He is a member of Nu Sigma Nu medical fraternity. He is also a member of LaFayette Chapter, S.A.R., of Akron, and of the Ohio Huguenot Society. After serving his internship at the Akron City Hospital he ac­ cepted the residency at Martin's Ferry Hospitnl, Martin's Ferry, Ohio, where he is now the A member of the Dr. R.H. Wilson Clinic, and secretary of the Hospital staff. On 4/24/1939 he m. Elizabeth Gale Palmer, b. in Akron, Ohio, 2/21/1917, daugl1ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Palmer of Akron. She attended Buchtel High School in Akron, and Sullins College, Bristol, Va. Their daughter, Gale Ann, was born 4/18/1940 at the Martin's Ferry Hospital. Their address is 914 S. Zane High­ way, Martin's Ferry, Ohio. Margaret Jane Zartman, youngest daughter of Isaac and Re­ becca Zartman, lived at home with the aged parents many years and rendered a kind efficient, valuable ministry there. On 10/14/- 1880, she m. William Henry Parks, b. 3/1/1857. The marriage ceremony was performed by the bride's brother, Rev. Allen K. Zartman, at that time pastor at Helena, Sandusky County, Ohio. Mr. Parks has served as school teacher, hardware merchant, bank clerk, farmer, and Notary Public. Both Mr. and Mrs. Parks were devoted and active members of St. Paul's Reformed Church since 1900. They resided on their own highland farm named Sunny Side, adjacent to the mammoth Indian Mound on the Wilson Farm. Mr. Parks is an Elder in St. Paul's and in its Sun­ day School has been for many yeari; the popular teacher of a young men's Bible Class; he also has been Sunday school superin­ tendent, and church treasurer. He was a Notary forty years, and Justice of the Peace seventeen years. He has also served as Mayor of Glenford, and of Somerset. To Mr, and Mrs. Parks were born two daughters, both born in Somerset, Ohio: Bessie Blani::he, b. 4/7/1884; and Hazel Belle, b. 10/6/1888. Bessie Parks graduated from Glenford High School in 1901. Hazel Parks graduated in 1905, and has been a public school teacher many years. 82 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

On 10/14/1930 Mr. and Mrs. Parks celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary very happily. About 60 friends and rela­ tives gathered as a surprise to them to attend this celebration. Among those present were Mrs. Laura King Lentz, who acted as bride's maid 50 years before, the preacher brothers of the bride, Allen and Rufus Zartman, and a number of nieces and nephews. This delightful surprise was planned by the two daughters. Margaret Jane Parks died 12/20/1931 and is buried in St. Paul's Cemetery. In her last hours were gathered around her her immediate family and a half a dozen of the nieces and nephews she so dearly loved. She lived for her family, made many a sacri­ fice that they might continue their duties outside the home, and was greatly beloved by all. Several years after her death Mr. Parks so'd the farm and moved to Glenford, where he lives with bis daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clide C. Smith, and is at present conducting a feed and grain store. Bessie Blanche Parks, older daughter of William H. and Mar­ garet Jane Parks, was b. at Somerset, Ohlo, 4/7/1884. She at­ tended the public schools at that place until her parents moved, in 1894, to the Pleasant Hill Farm. She there attended the Smith school and later Hopewell Township Hip,h School from which she graduated in 1901. Following her graduation shE' taught for several years and was active in literary and scholastic work in Perry County. She resided with her parents at Pleasant Hill for the six years they remained there, moving with them to Sunny­ side Farm in the same community. In Sept. 1906 she m. her classmate Fred S. Mechling, b. 6/13/ 1882, son of Peter P. and Frances Orr Mechling, and they lived on the farm where Mr. Mechling was b. and reared. Their child­ ren arc: a daughter b. 4/4/1907, d. 4/5/1907; LoiR Kathleen, b. 10/27/1908; Helen Marguerite, b. 12/6/1910; Mary Frances, b. 4/19/1912, d. 12/17/1931; Frederick Dewalt, b. 2/28/1914; Paul Parks, b. 4/19/1919; Margaret Louise, b. 6/15/1923. Mr. Mechling is Lutheran and Mrs. Mechling is Reformed. All of the children are graduates of the Perry County grade schools and of the High School of which their parents are alumni, and Paul is a senior in Ohio State University. In the fall of 1926 Kathleen Mechling entered Capital Uni­ versity at Columbus, enrolling in the Arts Normal course. The following year she returned to her home on account of ill health, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 83 and in the fall of 1928 she went to Albuquerque, N. M., accom­ panied by her mother. Here she spent six years in the Presbyterian Sanitarium. Her fine disposition, indomitable courage, patience, humor, and win­ someness won friends for her in every department of this insti­ tution. Though for weeks forced to remain flat on her back in bed, she was known by patients, doctors and nurses, and loved by them all. With the seeming return of strength and health she worked for some time in the office during the morning hours, but in the early spring of 1934 through an accident she suffered a relapse which put her to bed again, that she might have perfect quiet and rest. From this illness she seemed to have recovered but on the morning of 12/5/1934 she suffered a heart attack and quietly slipped away to her Heavenly Home, where there shall bo no more pain and illness, no parting nor grief. Her uncle Rufus Zartman in March 1931 visited Kathleen in the Sanitarium, spent several days with her, ate his meals with her in her room. Her prospect for recovery was roseate; she was so cheerful and hopeful that return to heaith seemed a certainty. The notice of her death seemed like fiction, wholly incredible. Her funeral was on 12/10/1934 and the burial in Highland ceme­ tery at Glenford, Ohio. Helen M. Mechling attended Capital University two years. In 1930 she m. Dannard R. Hursey of Glenford, who was b. 4/11/1908; he is the school attendance officer of Perry County. They lived with his parents on the Troup farm, north of Pleasant Hill; now reside in the village of Glenford opposite Shrider's Store. Their children nre: Glenn Alan, b. 9/20/1930; and Carol Louise, b. 10/23/1932. Mary Frances Mechling entered Bliss Business College in Col­ umbus in 1930. When she had nearly finished the serretnrial course she became ill with septic sore throat, and died 12/17/1931, and on Dec. 10th she was laid to rest in Highland Cemetery at Glenford. F. Dewalt Mechling, nfter his graduation from High School in 1932, has assisted his parents on the farm. Hazel Belle Parks was b. in Somerset, Ohio, 10/6/1888 in the house which was later occupied by Aunt Sarah Swinehart and her family, until the time of Aunt Sarah's death. Her grade school work she obtained at "Smith's" new school house, nnd she grad- 84 THE ZARTMAN FAMIL y

uated from Hopewell Twp. High School in 1905. She spent the next year at this school doing post-graduate work in preparation for teaching. In the fall of 1906 she began teaching, and has taught at the following schools: Hopewell Twp. Rural, Glenford Upper Grades, Glenford Consolidated, New Lexington, and McCune­ ville, where she was principal of the High School. Her normal work was obtained at Ohio State University, Columbus and Ohio University, Athens. An "Elementary Life Certificate" was award­ ed her in 1919. She holds a twenty-five year diploma in the Ohio Teachers' Reading Circle, in recognition of which the State De­ partment of Education gave her sixteen hours of professional credit. Hazel is active in community work, leading 4-H clubs; holding the station of Grange lecturer in Hopewell Grange; has been executive secretary of the Glenford Red Cross, and has taught a private kindergarten. When Cousin Dorsey King left St. Paul's Church after forty years of service as organist and choir leader, Hazel was selected as his successor, and this position she now holds, both she and her husband being members of this choir. On 12/22/1917 Hazel m. Clide Calvin Smith, who was b. 6/25/- 1893, the son of Gharles and Almeda Bodell Smith. He also is a graduate of Hopewell Twp. High School, and of the Perry County Normal School. He taught school in Reading Twp., Mt. Perry and New Lexington, then became an employee of the Triangle Motor Car Co. of Zanesville and the Owens Motor Car Co. of Newark. Clide and Hazel had a son named Kermit Parks, b. and d. in 1918. RuFus CALVIN ZARTMAN was born on Martin Luther's day, Nov. 10th, but 373 years later, 11/10/1856. He grew up on a farm in Perry County, Ohio, attended the rural grade schools, played the ball games then popular such as sock ball, andy over, bull-pen, bavel-de-bavel, and round-town, from which game Harry Wright developed the famous game of baseball. From the time Rufus was two weeks old he attended both Sunday School and Church every Sunday. In 1875 he attended High School in Thornville, Ohio, seven miles from home. In 1877 he graduated from the Heidelberg Academy in Tiffin, Ohio; in 1881 from Heidelberg College in the Classical course with A.B. degree. In 1881 and 1882 he taught Greek and Latin in Heidel- JACOB ZARnu.N AND FAMILY 85

berg College, and also carried along Theological studies, gradu­ ating from Heidelberg Theological Seminary in May 1883. In 1886 he secured A.M. from his Alma Mater, then for a couple of years pursued studies in mental and moral philosophy at Wooster University. In 1883 Tuscarawas Classie, Ohio Synod, licensed him to preach the Gospel and on 6/3/1883 at Navarre, Ohio, the Classis ordained him to the ministry. He preached his initial sermons on Sunday 8/10/1879 when a junior in College. His pastorates have been as follows: Wooster, Ohio, English Reformed Church, 1883 to 1888; Grace Church, Akron, Ohio, from Oct. 1888 to 4/13/1891; Heidelberg Reformed Church, Philadelphia, Pa., from 4/15/1891 to 4/15/1921. While Pastor in Akron, Ohio, he added 400 members to Grace Church, with 75 members of Grace Church he organized Trinity Reformed Church on North Hill, and with the aid of the sainted Dr. S. C. GoBB he organized the Reformed Church in Barberton, Ohio. While Pastor in Philadelphia he added to Heidelberg Church 2,624 members, organized four other Reformed Churches, and assisted ten young men in Heidelberg Church to get into the Gospel min­ istry; be saw the Sunday School of Heidelberg grow from 600 to a membership of 1,400. He resigned the pastorate of Heidelberg to accept the challenge of becoming the Superintendent of Evan­ gelism, in which work he engaged actively almost 20 years, until his health became seriously impaired. In June 1896 Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa., conferred on him the degree of S.T.D., Doctor of Sacred Theology, in recognition of his published treat­ ise on Heaven. He was at various times a delegate to the General Synod, and in 1896 was a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council in Glasgow, Scotland, and to the Jubilee of the Evangelical Alliance in Lon­ don, England; in that year (1896) he traveled in Ireland, Scot­ land, England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France. He preached in Glasgow, Scotland and in Interlaken, Switzer­ land, and while in Scotland was the guest of the sons and daugh­ ters of the sainted Rev. Mr. Wilson, who had a 40-year pastorate of a Free Church in Glasgow. While in London at the Evange!ical Alliance Dr. Zartman was the guest of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Newman Hall in their beautiful home in Hamptead Heath. 86 THE ZARTMAN FAM:ILY

In 1904 he was a delegate to the World's Fourth Sunday School Convention, in Jerusalem, Palestine; in 1904, he visited the fol­ lowing countries and places: the Island of Madiera, Gibraltar, Spain, Algeria, Island of Malta, Greece, Turkey, Black Sea, Asia Minor, the Island of Rhodes, the Island of Cyprus, Syria, the Holy Land, Egypt, Italy, France and the Azores. For the World's Sunday School Convention in Jerusalem 800 delegates from the States and Canada were taken over in the "Grosser Kurfurst," a steamship which had cost two million dollars. The Convention was attended by 1929 delegates, from all parts of the world. Three huge tents joined together on the north slope of Calvary accommodated the Convention in its week of assembling. In the early part of that famous conven­ tion the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was commemorated, and Dr. Zartman was chosen as one of the administrators. Among the hymns sung were these: "In the Cross of Christ I Glory," "Tis Midnight on Olive's Brow," "Just as I am." The occasion was a foretaste of heavenly glory. To see Palestine aright, with 100 visitors Dr. Zartman took the horseback and tenting trip, calling at all of the most notable places in the Holy Land, as Haifa, Nazareth, Cana, Mount of Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee, Capemaum, Magdaia, the Jordan, Jericho, Elisha's fountain, Dead Sea, Mount Gerizim, Plain of Sharon, Jezreel, Joppa, Shi­ loh, Shechem, Jacob's Well, Mount Eba), Bethlehem, Gilboa, Golgotha, Mount of Olives, Rachel's Tomb, Bethany, etc. The Historian has delivered many illustrated lectures on his travels, and published many religious tracts and various books, 118 "Heaven", "Eternal Life", "The Commandments Up-to­ Date", "The Holy Spirit", "The Unpardonable Sin"; also "The Zartman Family," in two editions. On 9/4/1884 he m. Hattie Eaton, b. 9/18/1862 in Rollcrs­ ville, Sandusky County, Ohio. Miss Eaton was the daughter of Capt. John W. Eaton and his wife Eunice Winslowe Eaton, nee Hathaway, b. at Fall River, Mass., 3/4/1831, and migrated in 1847 with many others to the Black Swamp in Northwest Ohio. The marriage took place in Fostoria, Ohio, and was solemnized by Rev. Allen K. Zartman, assisted by Rev. John D. Neff. Hattie Eaton, in addition to the public schools of her native place, Roll­ ersvi le, Ohio, had attended the Fostoria Academy, Heidelberg College, and the Conservatory of Music, at Wooster, Ohio, and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 87 bad taught six terms of school. Her age was but 16 yrs. when she taught her first public school, in a rural district. She possessed remarkable diplomacy in the management of children, and like Jesus she loved little children. Mr11. Zartman possessed many talents and was well suited to her station as mistress of the manse and he'.pmate of a busy urban pastor for 40 years. She was deeply interested in the cause and work of Christian missions, and both in Wooster and Akron, Ohio, she organized women's missionary societies. She also assisted in organizing the missionary societies of Ohio Synod and of the General Synod of the Reformed Church. For eighteen consecutive years she was president of the women's missionary society of Philadelphia Classis; she brought its annual contribu­ tions up from hundreds of dollars to thousands. For a triennium she was president of the Women's Missionary Society of Eastern Synod. Her efficient and pleasing leadership gave her great popu­ lar favor. Her talent and training in music were of ceaseless value in the home, church, school, and other public functions. She special­ ized in music, both vocal and instrumental, and also taught music many years, qualifying her children to read music, to sing and to play. Her musical talent was extraordinary. On Dr. Zartman's return from travels abroad an Elder of the Church said to him: •'While you were away Mrs. Zartman arranged for thirteen funerals, attended them all, sang at them, and at one funeral she read the Scriptures selected; she did everything but preach, and I believe she could have done that too." She made many a spiritual address that was sermonic in character. To Dr. and Mrs. Zartman were born the following children: Wayne, b. and d. 8/19/1887, at Wooster, Ohio; Grace, b. 7/16/- 1889, at Akron, Ohio; Ruth, b. 1/30/1891, at Akron, Ohio; Rufus l{ing, b. 8/6/1892, in Philadelphia, Pa., and d. 2/18/- 1894; Josephine Dean, b. 10/30/1899, in Philadelphia; Dean Eaton, twin brother of Josephine Dean, b. and d. 10/30/1899; Allan Calvin, b. and d. 1/31/1908. Grace Zartman was in her Junior year, classical course, in the Philade'.phia High School for Gir!s, when she died 2/25/1907. She was most highly gifted and endowed with many and extra­ ordinary talents. Ruth Zartman, in June, 1908, graduated meritorious in the classical course from the Philadelphia High School for Girls; and 88 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

in June, 1909, she graduated from Peirce School, Philadelphia, in stenography and typewriting. Then for five and one-half years she did secretarial work: first with the Rapid Transit Co., and then with the Alan Wood Iron and Steel Co. On 10/15/1914 Ruth Zartman m. Ralph Balliet Clapp of Phil­ adelphia, Pa., a member of Heidelberg Reformed Church and a former student at F. &. M. College in Lancaster, Pa., as well as a graduate from a business school in bookkeeping and short­ hand, The marriage took place in Heidelberg Church, 19th and Oxford Sta. For a wedding trip the bride and groom made a visit to Niagara Falls. Prior to their marriage they had decided upon a site for their future home in Collingswood, N. J., and Mr. Clapp had purchased the lot at 44 7 Park Ave. They made designs for their dwelling, which was erected and furnished to their liking, and on their return from their honeymoon they entered and began housekeeping. To them on 12/15/1922 a daughter, Mary Irene, was born, in the Woman's Hospital in Philadelphia. On 6/13/1940 Mary graduated from High School in Collingswood, N. J., and is now studying in the Stenotype Institute in Philadelphia. Mr. Clapp was a man of sterling worth, a Christian gentle­ man, endowed with splendid talents; he and Ruth became the third highest contributors in Heidelberg Church; they were tithers, Sunday School teachers, members of the choir. Mr. Clapp was one of the seven Deacons, Treasurer of the Board of Deacons, Treasurer of the Sunday School, unfailing attend­ ant upon all Church services. Such men are like angel visits, few and far between; they should Jive forever and they will. For seventeen years he was in the employ of MacAndrews and Forbes manufacturers in Camden, N. J. His future was of great promise. Early in 1923, however, when their only child was 25 days old, he was stricken with sleeping sickness, for which neither cause nor cure are as yet known; all that could be done was of no avail; he ling­ ered six years and grew steadily more helpless, dying on 1/2/1929; his mortal remains rest in Harleigh Cemetery of Camden, N. J. The widow and daughter continue to reside in Collingswood where they are active and faithful members of the First Metho­ dist Church. Josephine Dean Zartman in 1912 completed the course in the Friend's Elementary School at 17th and Girard Ave., Philadel- RU'IH z. CLAPP MAR\" IRENE CLAPP

Tm: :-iICIIOLS FAMILY OF SrlllNG~'IELD, JIL11,s. /Jack Rou•: ,l11~1•phirm Znrtrnnn l\'ichols, Chm·lcs Stuurt, ;-.;ichols J,'nmt Hori': St.unrf, Znrtrnan Nichols, Rufus C. Zartman, Churlt!8 Znrtrnnu l\'i"110IR


phia. She graduated in Friend's Central High School, 15th and Rnce Sts., in 1917 aud won a scholarship to Swarthmore College from which she graduated in 1924 with A.B. degree, and was 1:'1ected to the honorary societies of Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar Board. In 1924 she also graduated in a secretarial course at Peirce College, and for 6½ years she was secretary to the Dean of Women of Swarthmore College. In 1927 she had a sightseeing tour in Europe, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, and while in London she made the acquaintance of her future husband. In July 1922 Josephine made purchase of Nanticoke Lodge in Indian River Hundred, in the southern part of the State of DPlaware. The place with its large wooded grounds and many beautiful trees facing on vast salty waters is most delightful and charms all who visit it. On 6/15/1929 in Swarthmore, Pa., in the beautiful home of her parents at 204 Dickinson Ave., Josephine m. Charles Stuart Nichols, whom she had met in London, England, in August 1927. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Rev. Dr. Allen King, of Akron, Ohio. The ceremony was by her father, Dr. Rufus C. Zartman. Mr. Nichols, the bridegroom, was b. 3/24/1900 in Olathe, Kan. His parents were Charles H. and Minnie Stuart Nichols. He '!P'aduated from High School in Oklahoma City in 1918, and from Oberlin College in 1924 with the degree of A.B. He then went to China and for three years from 1924 to 1927 was teacher of English in Lingnam University. He returned for a year of study in Bosion University, and then had a year of study in Au­ burn Theological Seminary in Auburn, N. Y., where he was given the degree 01 \1.E.-Master of Education. He then for a year pursued studies in the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, with residence there, and in May 1930 he accepted a call from Faith Congregational Church, Springfie'd, Mass., as Director of Religious Education. In 1935 he was ordained to the Christian Ministry in Faith Congregational Church, and became Minister of Education in that church. In 1937 he accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Con­ gregational Church in Enfield, Conn., which was organized in the ypar 1683. In Sept. 1941 he becamo pastor of Union Congrega­ tional Church, Springfield, Mass. 90 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

To Rev. and Mrs. Nichols have been given two sons: Charles Zartman Nichols, b. 4/4/1931, and Stuart Zartman Nichols, b. 5/14/1934; both were born in Wesson Maternity Hospital, Springfield, Mnss. Late in 1940 Dr. Zartman was asked three questions by a gentleman whom he had just met,, and the questions with answers are as follows: L "How old are you." "How old do you think I am?" The reply was, "I take you to be 65." I said, "That is com~ plimentary, but incorrect. My age is 84 years." 2. "How long have you been preaching?" "I preached my fimt sermons on Sunday, Aug. 10, 1879-61 years ago." 3. "How many scrmonii have you preached?" After consulting my pastoral records I gave the following answer: "With my voice I have preached 12,- 000 sermons. In printed form in my books, parish papers, church periodicals, in newspapers, and in tract form I have preached 100,000 sermons, or a grand total of 112,000." For several years Mrs. Zartman was in failing health. She d. Monday 9/22/1930. The funeral was on 9/25/1930. Rev. Dr. Chaa. B. Alspach, first cousin of Dr. Zartman, preached the sermon, and Dr. Chas. E. Schaeffer assisted in the services. Interment was in West Laurel Hill Cemetery where children of the d~ ceased arc also buried. Requiescat in Pace I "Blessed are tho dead who die in the Lord!"

SARAII1 daughter of Alexander and Salome Zartman, on 8/18/- 1825, m. George Mechling, b. 10/25/1800. They owned and lived on 11 farm three miles northwest from Glenford, Ohio. To them were born nine children: Phoebe, b. 6/12/1826; Salome, b.10/14/- 1827; George Zartman, b. 2/19/1829; Margaret, b. 12/5/1830; Caroline, b. 12/7/1832; Leah, b. 3/25/1834; Isaac H., b. 8/4/- 1836; Harriette, b. 3/23/1840; Alfred, b. 7/15/1844, d. 11/30/- 1 '5. The mother d. 1/28/1885; the father d. 3/23/1891. They are buried at St. Paul's Reformed Church, near Glenford, Ohio.

I. PHOEBE MECHLING, on 5/27/1845 m. Samuel Helser. They lived on their farm at Ziontown, Perry County, Ohio. Issue: Clarissa., b. 10/9/1846, d. 8/21/1849; George, b. 9/23/1848, d. 9/2/1852; Franklin, b. 5/22/1852, d. 8/17/1854; Adam, b. 2/- 2/1855; Sarah Almeda, b. 5/13/1860; Rufus, b. 3/13/1863 and d. 1/18/1941. Samuel Helser d. 10/23/1886, and his wife Phoebe, d. 10/16/1895. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 91

Adam Helser on 10/25/1885 m. Sarah From and lived on the homestead of his parents. Issue: Twin girls, b. 8/15/1888, one Edna May, is surviving. Luke, b. 3/9/1892; Mary Louise, b. 10/5/1898. Adam and Sarah Helser ended their days on the farm where Mrs. Helser, nee From, was born and reared. Adam d. 9/11/1019; bis widow d. 10/23/1933; they are buried in Zion Church cemetery of Thorn Twp. Edna May Helser on 7/30/1911, m. Wheeler R. Williams, b. 11/7/1887. They resided in Somerset till 1925; since then on the farm where Mrs. Williams was born. Since 1911 Mr. Williams has been a rural mail carrier. Thornville, Ohio is the P. 0. of the Williams family. Their children were all born in Somerset: Ellen Frances, b. 7/29/1913; Mary Elizabeth, b. 3/4/1916; Dorothy, b. 7/13/1919; Clara Mae, b. 2/1/1925. Ellen Frances graduated from Somerset High School in 1931, and in 1933 from Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. On 5/30/1936 she m. Owen Eugene Cooperider, b. 4/12/1912. They reside in Newark, Ohio, and have a son, Richard Eugene, b. 12/2/1937. Mary Elizabeth graduated from Somerset High School in 1933. On 5/30/1935 she m. Ellis Leckrone, b. 10/21/1914. Their daughter Linnie Ruth was b. 12/27/1937, and Luellen was b. 8/18/1940. They reside in Somerset, Ohio. Dorothy graduated from Somerset High School in 1937, and on 8/6/1937 m. Lester Peters, b. 3/8/- 1915, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peters of Pleasantville, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peters a son, Roger, was b. 5/5/1938. Luke Helser, son of Adam and Sarah, served in the World War, going ove seas with the 308th engineers; he was a musician, play­ ing tuba in their band. They were part of the Army of Occupa­ tion and were held at Ncuweid, Germany, until six months after the Armistice was signed. In the autumn of 1919 he married Helen Sherman of Johnstown, Ohio. Mary Louise Helser graduated from Somerset High School and on 4/10/1920 m. Russell Wm. Snider, b. 11/23/1898, who was overseas during the World War, being driver of an ambu­ lance in France. Their children are: Annabel Louise, b. 3/19/- 1921; Russell Wm., jr., b. 8/11/1922; Helen Marie, b.11/3/1923; Lois Carol, b. 8/4/1925; d. 3/29/1928; Phyllis Elaine, b. 4/11/- 1927; Carl Gcrene, b. 10/26/1928; Dean, b. 2/2/1935; Doris Jeanne, b. 8/4/1936; Joyce, b. 12/15/1937. The Sniders reside on the Hoyman farm near Somerset, Ohio, and operate a dairy. 92 THE ZARTIIA.N FAMILY

Sarah Almeda Helser on 6/7/1887 m. Martin Ramsey. Issue: Dottie Charlotte, b. 3/16/1888; Hazel Marie, b. 11/23/1889; Phoebe Ruth, b. 9/1/1893; Dottie C., m. Leroy Kendall 12/18/- 1907. Mrs. Almeda Ramsey d. 4/2/1938 and is buried with her husband in Highland Cemetery, Glenford, Ohio. Martin Ramsey d. 7/10/1935. Hazel Marie Ramsey on 6/4/1914 m. Elva Johnson, b. 3/2/- 1888. Issue: Clarice, b. 11/7/1916; Richard E., b. 3/13/1919. Phebe Ruth Ramsey on 8/21/1913 m. Guy Cooperider. Issue: ; 10k Ramsey, b. 1/18/1915, d. 5/26/1935; Don Guy, b. 9/21/­ l \JlO; and Ruth Erlene, b. 2/12/1926. Rufus Helser m. Loneda Hanby 11/27/1887; d. 1/18/1941. Issue: Jay S., b. 1/30/1890; Carl E., b. 6/9/1893; Vera M., b. 7/13/1906; Valeria May, b. 11/11/1914. Jay S. graduated in 1908 from High School in Glenford; on 4/22/1912 m. Mildred Lydie and bas two sons: Loren E., b. 2/10/1913; and Lester R., b. 2/7/1918. Loren E. graduated from High School in Alexan­ dria, Ohio in 1931, and from Ohio State University in 1936. Jay S. Helser d. 9/26/1919. Lester R. Helser graduated from Alex­ andria High School in 1936. Carl E. Helser graduated from High School in Glenford in 1911, and from Ashland College in 1924; on 12/25/1915 hem. Daisy Wells, and they have six daughters: Dorothy B., b. 4/26/1918; Mary L., b. 9/14/1920; Lois M., b. 6/5/1923; Alice 0., b. 12/11/1924; Grace A., b. 12/16/1929; Mildred E., b. 9/4/1932. Vera Marie Helser in 1924 graduated from High School in Glenford, Ohio, and on 6/24/1925 she m. Walter Trout; they have three children: Carol Mae, b. 5/8/1929; Marybelle, b. 5/10/1932; Robert Lee, b. 8/22/1936. Valeria May Helser in 1932 graduated from High School in Glenford, Ohio. She m. Lloyd Mack on 6/24/1933, and to them was born Doris Harlene Mack on 6/30/1937. II. SALOME MECHLING in June 1848 m. Abraham Gordon, b. 4/10/1821. They lived on their own farm near Glenford, Ohio. Abraham Gordon d. 5/10/1883, and his wife Salome d. 4/28/- 1888; they are buried in St. Paul's churchyard near Glenford, Ohio. Issue: Leroy, b. 6/17/1850; George, b. 7/7/1854; Isaac, b. 2/28/1857;Harriet,b.2/19/1859. Leroy Gordon m. Sarah Almeda Rousculp in 1878, the cere­ mony by Rev. Chas W. Hoyman. Shed. 10/6/1911 and in 1915 be m. Mrs. Caroline Parks. Issue: Gertrude, b. 8/3/1881; and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 93

Blanche, b. 12/31/1886. Gertrude Gordon m. Homer C. Mech­ ling 12/4/1900. Blanche Gordon m. Evan Ray Foucht, 8/24/- 1913. Leroy Gordon died 7/21/1931. George Gordon m. Elmira Burgess, 7/18/1875. Issue: Homer Earle, b. 8/15/1876; Paul Collins, b. 1/6/1884. Homer E. m. Myrtle B. King, 7/15/1898, and their daughter is Opal, b. 5/22/- 1899. Paul C. m. Ethel M. Ford, 2/21/1905, who died 7/7/1935; m. Glorinc S. Henderson. Issue: Alice and Lillian Elmira. George Gordon d. 6/15/1924; his widow d. 12/11/1934. They are buried in Highland cemetery at Glenford. Isaac Gordon m. Harriet Rutter in 1886; she d. 5/16/1937. Issue: Osa Ferne, b. 10/7/1886; Charles H. b.1/7/1889; Virgil, b. 11/10/1896; Donald, b. 11/15/1005. Isaac Gordon died 11/20/1933. Osa F. Gordon m. Jesse 0. Smith, 6/1/1911. They reside on Pleasant Hill farm, to which they took title in Nov. 1923. Their children are: Miriam Louise, b. 3/26/1913, d. 4/5/1913. Warren G., b. 6/1/1915; Helen Marjorie, b. 9/9/1918. Warren G. grad­ uated from Glenford High School in 1933, and Helen M.·in 1936. Their mother graduated from the same High School in May 1905; d. 9/30/1938 and was buried at St. Paul's Church. Charles H. Gordon graduated from Hopewell Township High School, in 1907, and m. Nellie Cooperider, 5/31/1913. Issue: Carl, b. 10/- 13/1916, d. 8/30/1918; Robert, b. 6/16/1919, a senior in High School; Gale C., b. 10/16/1930; Vergil Gordon graduated from Hopewell Township High School in 1916; m. Estella Ice 10/18/- 1919, and has a daughter, Mabel Alice, b. 9/30/1925. Donald Gordon graduated from the Hopewell Township High School in 1923; hem. Thelma Smith and bas a son, William Lee, b.10/- 31/1933. Harriet Gordon m. Peter Gobel; their son, S. A. Gobel, was born 5/14/1884. Peter Gobel d. 4/12/1934. S. A. Gobel m. Florence Mooter and has two children, Donald and Dorothy. III. GEORGE ZARTMAN MECHLING became a minister of the Gosptl. In 1854 he graduated from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, being one of the members of the first graduating class there. He completed his course in Theology at the same institution in 1856 and was then ordained as a minister in the Reformed Church in the U. S. For many years he was pastor of the Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ohio, then became pastor of the Congrega- 94 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

tlonal Church in the same town, and in that capacity at the age of fourscore years was still serving his Lord and Master. The de­ gree of D.D. was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater. He was twice m., on Oct. 30, 18136 to Mary A. Jacoby, b. 3/15/1840, d. 12/31/1891; and on 4/10/1894, to Susan E. Timberman, who d. 6/13/1015. Rev. George Z. Mechling, D.D., d. 3/12/1012, childless, aged 83 yrs. IV. MARGARET MECHLING m. David C. King, 8/29/1850, who d. 7/26/1905. Issue: Sarah Rebecca, b. 5/25/1851; Mary Ellen, b.11/14/1852; Emma, b.11/6/1861, d. 2/1/1864; Dorsey Homer, b. 12/3/1865. Mr. and Mrs. King were farmers, lived at Glen­ ford, Ohio, all their days, were devoted and faithful members of St. Paul's Reformed Church and reared their children in that faith. David Christian King was one of the six brothers of the mother of the writer of this history, and Mrs. King was there­ fore both a first cousin and an aunt of the writer. She d. 1/11/- 1929, aged 98 years. Side by side they sleep in St. Paul's Church­ yard by the little brick church in the vale. Sarah Rebecca King m. Frank Smith, a farmer. Issue: Aries Osbcn, b. 4/10/1871; Emma, b. 1/7/1875; Homer, b. 2/25/1877; Vernon, b. 5/20/1870, d. 3/1/1911; Lillie, b. 4/28/1882; Ray, b. 3/20/1887; Mark, b. 7/22/1889; Frederick, b. 2/25/1892, d. 5/17 /1E94; David, b. 9/14/1895. Mr. Smith d. 9/13/1921; Mrs. Smith d. 4/17/1926. In the churchyard adjoining their farm they rest from their labors. Aries Osben Smith on 10/16/1892 m. Liberta Fisher, b. 10/- 20/1871, near Thornville, Ohio, daughter of William and Sally Boyer Fisher. Rev. Mr. Hunt, Lutheran pastor at Thornville, yoked them together. The number of their children was five: William Franklin, b. 8/21/1893, at Glenford, Ohio; Glover Frederick; Zellen, b. 5/21/1900, unm., cook in a forest camp in Calif.; Aube. Sarah, b. 1/23/1902; Osben Forest, b. 2/3/1907. William Franklin Smith was a soldier in the World Wa.r with the American Legion, and was in the service overseas 18 months. His death on 11/29/1931 was supposedly accidental. The other children of Aries and Liberta Smith are alive, married and located as follows: Glover Frederick Smith on 1/21/1917 m. Orpha Belle Williams, daughter of Joseph R. and Catherine E. Williama. Glover at JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 95

that time was engaged in farming near Thorne, N. D., and his wife was teaching school. They have five sons and two daugh­ ters: Gerald Franklin, b. at Rolla, N. D., 0/2/1917, !ahem Der­ ward, b. 5/4/1019; Joe Aries, b. 1/23/1922; Peggy Joyce, b. 8/- 29/1924, at Lomita Park, Calif.; Robert Dean, b. 8/1/1928 at Dunseith, N. D., Beverly June and Berl Jack, twins, b. 6/17/1930, at Dunseith, N. D. Glover and family moved to California, Oct. 1936. Gerald Franklin Smith on 12/13/1936 m. Lorrayne Alice Larson of Glenburn, N. D., in the Presbyterian Church, Menlo Park, Calif. They have two children: Gaylen Fay, b. 12/5/1937 at Redwood City; and Gerald Franklin, Jr., b. 8/1/1939 at San Mateo Calif. Ishem Derwood Smith, m. 8/19/1939 Theressa Ann Zangari of Redwood City, Calif.; he is a baker by trade. Joe Aries Smith graduated from a Redwood City High School in 1039, and for 3 years has been a clerk in a large chain store in Redwood City. Peggy Joyce Smith is in High School and specializing in Home Arts. Robert Dean Smith is in school at N. Fair Oaks, Calif., belongs to Y.M.C.A. and the Boy Scouts. Beverly and Berl Smith are attending grade school in N. Fair Oaks, Calif. Glover the father is a carpenter by trade and has worked at it since 1924. Auba Sarah Smith m. Robert Clarence Mellum, 6/1/1927, at Rolette, N. D. Mr. Mellum was b. 3/7/1901; he isa Chevrolet dealer and mechanic. Osben Forest Smith is a farmer, with his father at Thorne, N. D. On 6/26/1028 be m. Thelma Eldora Gable at Rolla, N. D. Their children are: Ronald Dale, b. 8/24/1929, and in the 5th grade in Wolf Creek school; and Gloreen Fay, b. 7/1/1938. The parents of Thelma Gable are John and Ella Gable of Rolette, N.D. Emma Smith, daughter of Frank and Sarah Smith, m. Thomas Joseph Brown, b. 6/7/1864, graduated in 1890 from the Univer­ sity of Tennessee; is an M.D., and practices at Glenford, Ohio. Their marriage was on 0/9/1897. Issue: Nevin S., b. 7 /29/- 1898, graduated from Glenford High School in 1916, m. Mildred Prcsgrave, 12/28/1927, and is a salesman in Canton, Ill.; Noland Marvel, b. 8/5/1901; Homer Smith; Ver! Franklin, b. 5/9/1907; Oden, b. 4/12/1911; Thelma Smith, b. 7/24/1914; Gail, b. 9/23/- 1920. Noland M. Brown graduated from Glenford High School in 1919; m. Martha Grace Swinehart, 5/5/1923; is in Western and Southern Insurance Co., Logan, Ohio. Issue: Richard Dorn, b. 2/3/1924; Albert Eugene, b. 2/20/1925; Wanda Josephine, b. 96 THE ZARTYAN FAMILy

4/9/1926. Verl Franklin Brown graduated from Glenford High School in 1924; m. Elizabeth Vogel, 5/28/1930; is in the employ of Western and Southern Ins. Co., Lancaster, Ohio. They have a daughter, Betty Patricia, b. 4/6/1931. Oden Smith m. Mary Lou Packer, 11/17/1932; their son is Gary, b. 5/5/1937. Oden is a workman on the State Highway. Thelma Smith in 1933 m. Donald Gordon; they have a son, Billie Lee, b. 10/31/1933. Homer Smith m. Zoa Rousculp. Issue: Forest Rousculp, b. 7/24/1899; a graduate from Glenford High School, became Deputy Sheriff, Newark, Ohio; Lala, b. 2/13/1901, d. 12/26/- 1901; Lola Sarah, b. 3/5/1905; m. Harold Gordon Mechling, 5/26/1934. Issue: Shirley Ann, b. 7/23/1935. Mrs. Homer Smith died in Feb. 1921. Homer Smith resided in Glenford, Ohio, and is a retired mail carrier. Lillie Smith graduated from Glenford High School in 1901, and on 11/24/1904, m. Charles Clinton Henderson, a farmer near Glenford, Ohio. Issue: Frederick Curtis, b. 12/15/1905, Ceramic Engineer in East Liverpool, Ohio; Glorine Sarah, b. 2/26/1908; Eugene Franklin, b. 6/22/1910; Omie David, b. 8/12/1912, is a painter; Emma Fem, b. 9/20/1914, trained for a nurse at New­ ark, Ohio; Wayne Clinton, b. 2/13/1917 and ia at home; Bryon Charles, b. 2/29/1920, and is in High School; Noland Perry, b. 9/19/1922, and is in school. All but two of these eight children have graduated from the Glenford High School, and they are on the way. Frederick C. Henderson m. Lucile Patterson; issue: Chari&; Frederick, b. 7/14/1933. Glorine Henderson m. Paul Gordon, who is in the employ of the Central Silica Co., Glenford, Ohio, issue: Alice Faunteen, b. 3/5/1932; and Lillian Elmira, b. 10/25/- 1936. Fugene F. Henderson is a coal miner at Mount Perry, Ohio; m. Audrey McCullaugh; issue: James Eugene, b. 4/15/- 1935; Nancy Diana, b. 10/5/1936; Mark Lee, b. 6/8/1938; Mary Charlene, b. 10/20/1939. Emma F. Henderson m. John Ramsey Hondershell 10/1/1930. Ray Smith, a farmer, m. Ethel Meyers, 3/20/1908. Issue: Helen Sarah, b. 9/18/1911; graduated from Glenford High School m. John Hoover, 3/5/1930. lesuc: Joanne, b. 1/2/1931; Joyce, b. 2/26/1933; Mildred, b. 2/8/1935; Carol Jean, b. 7/27/1939. JACOB ZARTMAN ANI> FAMILY 97

Mark Smith, janitor of the Glenford high school building, 6!3/- 1909, m. Nora Mae Wiseman: Children: Don M., b. 5/9/1911; Maurice N., b. 12/25/1913. Don M., 8/20/1934, m. Maude Louisa Salyers. Issue: Beverly Ann, b. 5/12/1938. Maurice N., 11/21/1935, m. Gladys Luella Smith. Issue: Robert Louis, b. 7/1/1938. Mrs. Mark Smith d. 6/8/1914. On 5/12/1917, Mark Smith m. Daisy Ice as his second wife. Issue: Estella Eileen, b. 3/21/1918; George Franklin, b. 7/4/1919; Pearl Rebecca, b. 9/20/1920; Harold R., b. 10/21/1921; Marie Maxine, b. 7/1/- 1923; Dana Lee, b. 4/8/1925; Monabelle b. 3/17/1926; Clifford Homer, b. 10/1/1929; Doris Viola, b. 2/9/1930; Law­ rence William, b. 6/30/1931; Betty June, b. 7/16/1932; Mar­ garet Ellen, b. 3/26/1934. Estella Eileen Smith on 8/17/1935, m. Clarence Wilkins. They have a daughter Joyce Ellen, b. 2/28/1936. David Smith, son of Frank and Sarah Smith, graduated from the Glenford High School in 1913; he is a farmer on the old homestead once owned by his great grandfather Andrew Smith. David m. Mae Idella Walser, who is also a graduate from Glen­ ford High School. They have a son, Carl Eugene, b. 3/28/1914; !PP ·a daughteJ;. Ruth Irene, b. 5/10/1918. Both are graduates li/l,m Glenford High School. - Mary Ellen King, Sept. 2, 1875, m. J. Ezekiel Murdock, b. 6/1/1850, near Glenford, Ohio. Issue: Jess_e King, b. 6/27/1877; Grace, b. 11/10/1880; Carl, b. 4/8/1883, m. Bonnie Valentine 8/30/1923, and they reside at 2868 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio; Floyd, b. 3/25/1888, d. 10/20/1895, and buried at St. Paul's Reformed church near Glenford, Ohio. Mr. and Ml'II. J. E. Mur­ dock in their early years engaged in farming; later resided in Somerset, Ohio. They were always most earnest and faithful in the church. Mr. Murdock d. 10/6/1928, and is buried in Som­ erset, Ohio, where his widow continues to reside. Jesse King Murdock m. Daisy Rehart, 8/2/1911, and they reside in Pleasantville, Ohio. Jesse K. had the great misfortune to lose his eyesight. At an institution in Columbus, Ohio, he was highly educated in music and through practice he has become a very accomplished teacher and leader in instrumental music, organizing and directing brass bands and orchestras; a most useful and active citizen. Grace Murdock m. Fred Woodard of Somerset, June 21, 1904. Their son is Robert, b. 8/21/1909. Mr. Woodward is a in Newark, Ohio. 98 Tmc ZARTMAN FAJlILY

Dorsey Homer IGng was born at Glenford, Ohio, and lived there sixty years, the greater part of the time on the farm taken up in land grant by his great grandfather, Jacob Mechling, who bequeathed it to a daughter, Susannah Poorman, who in turn traded it to Jacob's grandfather, Peter King, who was also grand­ father of the historian. For forty years Dol'sey IGng played the organ, trained the singers and led the music in St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford. He led the Glenford Band twenty years, and various community choruses and orchestras through the years; for many years he was·a teacher of Sunday School classes for young people; during the World War he served on the District Exemption Board. After 1929 he located in Columbus, Ohio, where be was connected with the M. & R. Dietetic Laboratories. On 9/1/1887 hem. Sarah Alvena Foucht, b. 12/13/1864, at Glen­ ford, daughter of Isaac and Magdalene Smith Foucbt. Issue: Lola M., b. 11/26/1889, at Glenford, educated at Oberlin Con­ servatory of Music and Thomas School at Detroit; she was Super­ visor of Music in public schools of Poplar Bluff, Mo., and Canal Winchester, 0., and Director of Music at Rio Grande, Ohio, Col­ lege. On 6/30/1917 she m. Luke K. Cooperider, b. 5/25/1891, at Glenford. Mr. Cooperider received A.B. and M.A. degrees from Ohio State University; be was Director for Y.M.C.A. at Camp Sherman and Camp Perry, teacher in Rio Grande college, and Principal in Eleventh Ave. and Barrett Junior High Schools of Columbus, Ohio. Their children are: Luke King, b. 12/2/1918, at Glenford; Mary Patricia, b. 9/21/1921 at Rio Grande, Ohio; Barbara Esther, b. 3/3/1924, Columbus, Ohio. Luke Coorerider has rare talents especially in music; plays various instruments and has been a member of a large brass band and large orchestra. At the conclusion of his eighth grade he was the highest ranking pupil in Franklin County, Ohio, and at the conclusion of his high school work, at the age of seventeen, he was the highest ranking student in Franklin County, and in the city of Columbus. He was one of eighteen boys in the Midwest to win an all-ex­ pense fellowship at Harvard University, where he matriculated in Sept. 1936. There were 300 in the contest for fellowships, the prize for which was $1,000 for tho first year and $1,200 for each later year. In 1940 Luke graduated from Harvard with B.S., cum laude, majoring in Government. Mary Patricia Cooperider is a pianist and flutist; she is a Sophomore in Ohio State Uni- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 90 versity in the College of Art11. Her sister, Barham Esther Cooperider, is cellist in Indianola Junior High in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey H. IGng and the Cooperiders reside at 227-18th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. This family constitutes an or­ chestra: King, first violin; grandfather, obligato violin; Patricia, flute; Barbaro., cello; and mother, Lola, piano. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey H. King have a son, Claude Foucht, b. 9/3/1897, at Glenford, Ohio. He is a graduate from Glenford High School and he served in the army during the World War. His present residence is Berea, Ohio. He is devoted to aeronau­ tics; he assisted in laying out the Cleveland Municipal Airport in 1925 and has been connected with it ever since, functioning now as Assistant Manager. On May 12, 1920, he m. Elsie Marie Clark, b. 11/13/1900. She was a teacher in the public schools of Hopewell Township, Perry County, Ohio. Issue: Helen Marie, b. 7/11/1921 at Glenford, sophomore in Berea High School and a Clarinetist; Donna Frances, b.11/15/1923, at Glenford, Fresh­ man Berea High School and a Flutist; Claude F. jr., b. 12/19/- 1924 at Glenford, Cornetist; David C., b. 3/8/1926, at Berea, Ohio, Drummer; Lois Ann, b. 3/21/1927, at Berea, Bells and Pianist; Richard D,, b. 7/11/1928, d. 12/21/1928. V. CAROLINE MECHLING on 4/17/1856 m. John Hetrick, a gunsmith, b. 8/15/1829, d. May, 1919. Mrs. Hetrick d. 8/19/- 1918. Their children were: Franklin M., b. 3/1/1857; Elmer, b. 10/28/1863; and a son, b. 4/20/1870, d. 8/1/1870. The parents lived and died in Newark, Ohio. Franklin Hetrick m. Rose Conrad; they resided many years in Warsaw, Ind. In 1908 they removed to Beaver Dam, Wis., where he was superintendent of the City Water Works. In Aug. 1932 they entered the Estelle Peabody Memorial Home in N. Manchester, Ind., where Frank d. 10/23/1932. Elmer Hetrick m. Leila Cotton, 9/3/1889. Their son, Earl Darell, was b. 7 /17 /- 1890. They resided at 4639 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo., where Elmer cl. 2/13/1936. Earl Darell, 8/5/1914 m. Lucile Pendleton, b. 11/19/1801. Issue: Leila Mary, b. 8/16/1915; and Earl Darell, b. 7/12/1917. The parents separated 12/27/1922. Earl Darell, sen., in ,Tune 1927, married Margaret Louise Noonan, b. 6/26/- 1902. Their children are: Margaret Helen, b. 7/10/1928; Frances Edith, b. 3/22/1930; Dorothy Virginia, b. 2/14/1933; Anna Marlene, b. 5/3/1934; Raymond Elmer, b. 7/26/1936. 100

VI. LEAB MECHLING m. David Cegtanien, 8/26/1852. David CMtanien was the son of Marillas King and Alexander Cast­ anien, who was the son of a Russian nobleman. Many years Mr. and Mrs. David Castanien lived on their beautiful farm in Thom Twp., Perry County, Ohio; in 1880 they removed to Thornville where they died. Their children were: Alfred, b. 4/23/1853; William, b. 9/28/1855; Ellen, b. 1/8/1859; George A., b. 4/5/- 1864. The father d. 6/25/1905; the mother d. 10/15/1913. They were faithful members of the Reformed Church. Alfred Cast­ anien m. Alice Whitter and d. 2/17/1938. Their children are: Glen,May, Lulu, Mnry, Guy and Laurena. ThiR family rrRides at 1255½ Oak St., Columbus, Ohio. William Castanien m. Rose Winegardner; d. 7/17/1930. They have a daughter, Verna. Ellen Castanien m. George Planck and has a daughter named Frey; m. Herman Boring, who d. 'in 1918 and in 1927 she m. Ernest G. Dillow; resides with her mother in Columbus, Ohio. Her son is Eugene Boring. Mrs. Planck in a letter says, "I have never forgotten the clear musical voice of your father, Uncle Isaac Zartman." George Castanfon m. Hatti!' Wiseman and d. without issue. VII. ISAAC H. MECHLING was a farmer, and then a carriage­ maker in Somerset, Ohio, and during his last years resided at 1431 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio. On 9/29/1859 he m. Mary Jane Whitmer, b. 3/12/1843, daughter of Rev. Samuel Whitmer, son of George Whitmer. Children: Charles Homer, b. 11/26/- 1860; Abby Ellen, b. 5/8/1862, d. 11/8/1862; Emma May, b. 7/30/1864, d. 12/20/1864; Alma Verrena, b. 5/21/1868, d. 9/13/- 1868; Osie Violet, b. 11/29/1869; Murray Whitmer, b. 6/7/1873, d. 8/16/1873; Edward Elmer, u. 8/4/1875, d. 10/11/1875; Roy­ den Whitmore, b. 5/30/1880, d. 7/1/1880. Isaac Mechling d. 8/9/1918; Mrs. Mechling d. 12/27/1900. Charles H. Mechling on 9/26/1885 m. Mary Jane McQuaid, b. 10/19/1924. He d. 9/22/1936, and was buried in Somerset, Ohio. Issue: Mary Adrienne, b. 7/3/1886; Carl Francis, b. 6/14/- 1888; Edgar Scott, b. 2/11/1891; Paul Royden, b. 7/21/1893. Mary Adrienne Mechling, 6/29/1911, m. John Robert Downey. Issue: Dorothy Jane, b. 4/11/1912; John Robert, b. 6/9/1915; Mary Catherine, b. 11/5/1916, d. 11/2/1935; Rita Helen, b. 1/26/1917; Charles, b. 12/18/1921. Dorothy Jane Downey, 10/14/1933, m. Henry Martin O'Neil. Issue: Henry Martin, JACOB ZARTl!.1.-\N .-\ND FAMILY 101

Jr., b. 3/6/1935. On 4/21/1941, Rita Helen Downey m. Rich­ ard Allen Isaly; both arc of Columbus, Ohio. Carl Francis Mech­ ling, 11/26/1913, m. Fern Forst, b. 12/19/1891. Paul Roydcn Mechling in 1916 m. Goldia Lash. Issue: Paul Royden, Jr., b. 4/20/1917. Osie V. Mechling, 10/14/1896, m. William D. Achauer, b. 4/9/1865. Issue: Charles Mechling, b. 1/30/1899; May Wilosa, b. 5/18/1901; Franklin Bert, b. 3/3/1904; Adrienne Elizabeth, b. 6/22/1911. Charles M. Achauer, 6/26/1926, m. Margaret Helen Main, b. 12/24/1898. Issue: Beverly Charlene, b. 9/4/1929. May WilosaAchauer, 6/15/1929, m. Arthur Clifford Foster, b. 5/17/1901. Issue: Lois May, b. 8/7/1930. Franklin Bert Achauer, 5/25/1935, m. Margaret Winifred Price, b. 2/4/- 1911. Issue: Janet Mary, b. 1/19/1937. The Achauer family re­ sides at 2038 N. 9th St., Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Auchauer d. 10/21/- 1923. VIII. HARRIETTE MECHLING on 11/13/1860, m. John C. Brown, who was reared on a farm near Thornville, Ohio. Their marriage was by Rev. C. W. Hoyman. Mr. Brown became a very capable auctioneer. They resided many years in the village of Thornville. Mr. Brown was born 11/20/1836, :..nd d. 3/2/1901. Their children were: Viola, b.8/9/1861,d. April 1887; and Pressley R., b. 10/10/1864, who became distinguished as a musician, forming, training and leading brass bands. For many years he was in the employ of the State at Glen Mills, Pa.; now is super­ intendent of a Children's Home at Devon, Pa. On 12/21/1891, be m. Gertrude Lawyer of Thornville, Ohio. The rite was per­ formed in New Le,-'ington by Probate Judge C. E. Spencer. They havP, a son, Herbert Lawyer, b. 10/2/1892, who is in the employ of the Theodore Presser Co. of Philadelphia, in the advertising department. Mrs. Harriet Brown d. 10/5/1928.

MARGARET ZARTMAN, daughter of Alexander IV, was twice married. On 9/2/1848, she m. Peter Bugh, and for many years they lived happily on their farm at New Salem, Ohio. They had no children of their own but reared four orphans, viz.: George and John Bugh, Sarah Zartman and Emma Swinehart. Peter Bugh d. 5/1/1875. Her second marriage was 4/11/1882, to Christian Foucht of Wyandot County, Ohio, who was b. 2/20/- 1814, in Perry County, Ohio. Both were delightful, congenial spirits and they lived together many years in joy and peace. He 102 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY d. 12/12/1900; she d. 2/7/1909; both are buried at Upper San­ dusky, Ohio. She had chosen her funeral text which was John 14:2,3. She was known by all as ''Aunt Margaret"; was a most earnest and efficient worker in church and Sunday school, and until her end she was a teacher in Sunday school. She was gifted with a strong and beautiful voice, and for many years led the singing in Sunday School and church. Before the day of organs in churches she used to give the pitch by ear and raise the tunes. Her temper was extraordinary for sweetness and com­ placency, and in her ministrations she was a veritable angel. In largest measure she had imbibed the spirit of Christ and her likeness to the Saviour was observed by all who knew her. She was one of the best, purest, sweetest, noblest women that ever walked God's earth. Truly, for her to live was Christ and to die, gain. MAGDALENA ZARTMAN, daughter of Alexander IV, m. 5/18/- 1852, Joel Smith, who learned the trade of blacksmith from his father-in-law, Alexander Zartman. Joel Smith was b. 9/6/1828, a eon of John Smith and Hannah Dorshem of Somerset, Ohio. Joel Smith grew up in Somerset and as a lad often went swimming with Phil. Sheridan who became a famous General in the Civil War. When Philip Sheridan had become distinguished the historian had the honor of being introduced to him by his own father, Esq. Isaac Zartman of Somerset. The General was in gorgeous uniform, adorned with many brass buttons and bands of golden braid, and had a sword dangling by his side. After my presentation the General laid bis right hand on my shoulder and smiled. I can still feel the touch of that hand. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Smith for a time resided in Oblong, Ill., then removed to Prairie City, Ill., which later was named Toledo, Ill. Their sons were b. at Glenford, Ohio, viz: Benjamin Frank­ lin, 3/13/1853; and Rufus Henry, 10/10/1855. Two daughters were born at Toledo, Ill., Emma Jane, 6/7/1866; and Jessie Leora, 12/25/1871. Joel Smith served in the Civil War. Under date of 5/23/- 1940, L. V. Regan, the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, furnished us with the following record: "To whom it may concern. It is hereby certified that the records of this department indicate that: JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 103

Joel Smith enlisted August 31, 1861, for service in the Civil War, and was assigned to duty as a blacksmith of Company A, 5th Cavalry, for a term of three years; he Wil-''1 mustered into the service August 31, 1861, at Camp Butler, Illinois; mustered out August 30, 1864, at place not shown. Remarks: Term expired. Description at time of enlistment: Age, 23 years; Height, 5 feet, 7 inches; Hair, black; Eyes, black; Complexion, fair; Occupation, blacksmith; Nativity, Perry County, Ohio. GOVERNOR HENRY HORNER L. V. REGAN, Commander in Chief The Adjutant General.

After the Civil War Joel Smith made a visit to Kansas with the view of locating there, and while at Dover, Kan., he d., 3/3/- 1886, and was buried there. Mrs. Magdalena Smith d. 3/29/1887, and was buried at St. Paul's Reformed Church, Glenford, Perry County, Ohio. In that community she was born, reared, con­ firmed and married; and there too her sons were born and spent the years during the Civil War. Benjamin F. Smith, 6/4/1882, m. Arkansas Logan. Their children were: Mona Lillian, b. 8/5/1884; and Leonidas Logan, b. 3/3/1894. They resided at Effingham, Ill., where Mr. Smith d. 8/3/1902. His widow d. 5/12/1928, in her home in Effingham, lll. Mona L. Smith, daughter of B. Franklin, 10/5/1914, m. Fred. Mitchell Vane. To them were born two children: the first was still born and the second child, named Robert Smith, b. 7/4/- 1926, lived but one day. Mr. Vaned. in Kansas City, Mo., 2/18/- 1938; was buried in Effingham, Ill. Mrs. Mona L. Vane resides at 3428 Bellefontaine, Kansas City, Mo., and is employed by the Kansas City Power and Light Co. as a Home Service Advisor. They have reared a boy Billy whom they took when he was two years old; he is now 18 and goes by the name of Billy Vane. L. Logan Smith, son of B. Franklin, graduated in 1918 from the University of Illinois; thereupon he taught school eight years. In 1927 he entered the business world as manager of Hall's Sta­ tionery and Engraving business, and continues on the same job. On 9/9/1925, he .11. Martha Jane Reynolds. Their daughter is Beverly Jean, b. 7/4/1926. Logan's address is 2921 E. 63d St., Kansas City, Mo. 104 Tul!l ZARTMAN FAMILY

Rufus Henry Smith, 11/26/1876, m. Mary L. Brewer. They had a quintette of children: Ora Ethlyn, b. 7/20/1878; William Lester, b. 1/1/1883; Ivan Lester, b. 7/24/1885; Hallie Brewer, b. 1/17/1891, d. 4/20/1802; Minor Lester, b. 6/5/1893. Mrs. Mary L. Smith, relict of Rufus H. Smith, under date of 3/4/1940, wrote: "Dear Cousin Rufus: I will answer your questions. I was 83 years old on Feb. 3d last. I live in my own home. My brother lives with me; he is 79 and almost blind. I do my work and my health is very good. The L. in my name is for Lizzie. The chil­ dren of Frank Smith live in Kansas City, Mo. I enclose a dollar for a Coat of Arms and $5 for a Zartman History. Best wishes to you and your family, Your Cousin, Mrs. Rufus H. Smith."

Rufus H. Smith d. 11/4/1918. He was a dealer in general mer­ chandise and very BUccessful in business at Toledo, Ill. The public prints of Toledo and those who spoke at his obsequies paid very high tribute to Rufus Henry Smith. We cite the following: "He came to Illinois with his parents when a small boy, locating in Oblong, Ill.; afterwards moving to Toledo, where be has always resided, except five years at Diana, Ill." "Energetic, hopeful, capable and honest, his life was full of action. A man of strong convictions, honest to the core, he lived a life of, open and above board and free from all hypocrisy. His friends were as numerous as his acquaintances and he merited and shared tho intimate confidence and trust of the whole prople as but few men have done. Successful in business, successful in life, loved by his family and friends, he was compelled by the irresistible reaper to close his account of life and go out into the great beyond," Ora E. Smith m. Tracy C. Connor, and a daughter, Madge, was b. to them 6/6/1901. Mr. Connor d. 3/10/1936, aged 60 years, having been b. 1/20/1876, at Soring Point, Ill. In 1921 Madge Connor gro.duated from Eastern Illinois Teachers' College. In 1925 she m. Charles M. Allen, and has three children: John Henry, Charlotte Ann and Wiiliam Tipton. Charles M. Allen is superintendent of the High School in Dupo, Ill., near St. Louis. Mrs. Ora E. Connor and her brother, Ivan L. Smith, reside in Toledo, Ill. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 105

William Lester Smith, son of Rufus H. and Mary L. Brewer Smith, was b. in Toledo, Ill., 1/1/1883. He graduated from Austin ColJege, Effingham, 111., 6/13/1901, and from the medical de­ partment or the University of' Illinois at Chicago, 6/6/1906. He m. Cecile I. Gardiner, 12/25/1906. He practiced medicine as a Country Doctor until 7/7/1917, when he was ordered to active duty in the U. S. Army Medical Corpe as a Lieutenant, and later promoted to rank of Captain. He wae one of 1529 American Medical officers detailed to serve with the British army. He sailed from New York, 8/14/1917, and arrived in France 9/5/1917; wae wounded in action March, 1918. He served with the British 31st Division (Yorkshire and Lancashire Divi­ sion), and was awarded the British Military Cross for gallantry in action 10/31/1918. He was also awarded the American Purple Heart Medal at a later date. Dr. Smith returned to the United States 2/9/1919, and was discharged from the Army 2/10/1919. He entered tho U.S. Pub­ lic Health Service 4/15/1919. Hae specialized in Internal Medi­ cine since that time with exception of a short period in 1937 when he served as chief Medical Officer of the National Boy Scout Jamboree in Washington, D. C. He has been stationed at Nor­ folk, Va., New York, N. Y., and at the U. S. Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La. Present rank, Senior Surgeon, and now has charge of the U. S. Marine Hospital at Louisville, Ky. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Cecile Inez Smith, wife of W. L. Smith and daughter of Benj­ amin and Adaline (Coffin) Gardiner, was born at Pesotum, Ill., 2/5/1883. She attended Alma College at St. Thomas, Ont., Canada. Member of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (Membership No. 290,183). Richard Hemry Smith, son of W. L. Smith and Cecile I. Smith, was b. in Toledo, Ill., 8/17/1909. Graduated from Maury High School, Norfolk, Va., June, 1927. While there he wae awarded the Sons of the American Revolution bronze medal. He attained the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. He attended the University of Virginia, where he graduated in June, 1934, with the degrees of B.S. and M.D. He interned for two years at the French Hospital in New York and for one year at the U.S. Marine Hospital, Ellis Island. After a competitive examination he was commissioned llll an Assistant Surgeon in tho U.S. Public 106 THE ZARTMAN FAMIL y

Health Service in July, 1937. He has been stationed at Wash­ ington, D. C., San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Fort Stanton, New Mex. Ho is now detailed for a sixteen-weeks course at Phipps Institute, Philadelphia. Present address Morris Apts, 311 S. 13th St. Richard H. m. 6/30/1938, in Baltimore, Md., Hazel Beverly Green of Sapulpa, Okla. They have one son, William Robert, b. 11/27/1939, in Houston, Tex. This young man has re­ ceived considerable publicity already, l;eing born in a hospital in Houston, Tex., and when ten days old brought by plane from Houston to New Orleans, La. This trip made him front page news as the youngest passenger ever to travel on Eastern Air Lines. Marjorie Jane Smith, daughter of W. L. and Cecile I. Smith, was b. in Toledo, Ill., 1/31/1913. She graduated from Maury High School, Norfolk, Va., in 1930, and during her senior year there won first place in a state-wide contest in advanced Latin. She won 11 competitive contest for a full scholarship at Sweet Briar College, where she went for four years and won the honor scholarship for highest standing in her class for three years, and graduated 1',fagna cum laude with degree of A. B. in 1934. She did Library work for two years, then entered Tulane University Law School. After the first year she was a member of the staff of the Tulane Law Review. She won the Moot Court Competi­ tion and was elected to membership in the "Order of the Coif," which is the highest Scholastic honor attainable in Law. She graduated third in her class with degree of LL.B. in June, 1939, was admitted to the Louisiana State Bar in July, 1939, and is now engaged in doing law research work for the Louisiana State Law Institute at Baton Rouge, La. On Thursday, 8/1/1940 at Toledo, Ill., she m. Fred. Zengel. They reside at 4510 S. Carroll­ ton Ave., New Orleans, La. Ivan L. Smith, of Toledo, Ill., m. 3/13/1907, Edna Prather, b. 8/29/1887, in Toledo, 111. They have a son, Leland Prather, b. 11/4/1911. Leland Smith graduated from High School in Toledo, 1929; from l{emper Military School in 1931, Associate in Arts; and from the University of Illinois in 1934, B.S. in Educa­ tion. On 11/3/1039 Leland m. Hildred Ruth Hall, b. 3/22/1909. Their son is Randolph Leland. Hildred Ruth Smith graduated from High School in Lerna, Ill., in 1926, and from De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., in 1930, with B. S. in music. JACOD ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 107

Minor L. Smith now lives at 871 Loraine Ave., Springfield, Ill. In a letter of March 4, 1940, he writes: "Your announce­ ment to publish a revised and enlarged edition of the Zartman family history affords me a great deal of pleasure. The 1909 volume occupies an honored place in our library, and I shall be eager to have the new one when it is off the press. "For some reason I have always been especially interested in the Zartman branch of my family, and I shall be glad to assist you in any way that I can. "I am connected with the Williamson Printing & Publishing Company in Springfield as business manager, am m. and have one son. You will be interested to know that bis name is Rufus Zartman Smith. He is eighteen years old and is now a student at Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ill. I'll give you all of the data you asked for when I write you more fully after I hear from you. "Mother is still lh·ing in Toledo, Ill. In February she cele­ brated her eighty.third birthday and is still active and in good health. She maintains her own home, having with her an invalid brother who is almost eighty .. "I was reared a Democrat and followed in this 'faith' until about twelve years ago, when I saw the error of my ways. Since then I have been a strong Republican. "Enclosed please find my order for the new History. I am also enclosing $1.00 for the coat of arms. I shall be happy to have a copy of it." Sincerely, MINOR L. SMITH. Emma Jane Smith, 1/13/1889, m. George David Leach; they have a son, Rufus Franklin, b. 7/26/1890. They Jive at 503 Oklahoma St., Woodward, Okla. Franklin Leach lives at Mutual, Okla. Jessie Leora Smith, 5/24/1891, m. Thomas H. Stull; to them were born four sons: Harley, b. 6/11/1892; Lester M., b. 5/7/ 1895; Leland, b. 1/29/1899; and Raymond, b. 12/25/1902. The addresses of the Stull sons arc: Harley, Raymond and Leland, Charleston, III., R.F.D., and Lester M., Martinsville, Ill. Mrs. Jessie L. Stull d. 6/12/1!)03. ALEXANDim ZARTMAN IV and wife Salomo had four daughtel'I! and five sons who Jived and reared largo families. Of the daugh- 108 THE ZAR'l'MAN F AMIL y ters and Isaac we have now treated. The sons bad substantial names and developed just such characters. We shall now treat of them in the following order: Israel, Joshua, Henry, and Levi.

ISRAEL ZARTMAN I. lsRAEL ZARTMAN was b. 1/9/1812. As far as known to us, he was the first Zartman born in the Buckeye State. All who knew uncle Israel remember him as a kind, humorous, large­ hearted, good man, always pleasant and smiling. In sugar-mak­ ing season, we would ask: "Uncle, have you made any sugar as yet?" His answer would be: 0 Oh, yes, our sugar bowl is full." He had a contented, grateful spirit. He was a farmer and owned land adjoining the farms of his brothers, Isaac and Levi, but he was "Jack of all trades"; he was blacksmith, shoemaker, bamess­ maker, willow-basket and carpet-weaver, butcher and farmer. Uncle Israel could do anything. In public prayer he possessed remarkable talent and spiritual fervor. All children who knew him loved him because be usually carried candy and nuts in his pockets and shared them with the little folks. He was twice mar­ ried and blessed with seven sons and seven daughters. On 5/11/1832 be m. Sarah Helser, b. 10/22/1811, d. 9/8/1855. On 2/22/1857, he m. widow Elizabeth Foster, noo Sult, b. 10/ 21/1821 and d. 2/11/1895. Children by the first wife: Simon, b. 2/8/1833; Israel, b. 5/4/1835; Noah H., b. 10/4/1838; David, b. 12/1/1840, d. 10/10/1853; Lovina, b. 3/26/1843; Saloma, b. 2/22/1845; Alexander, b. 4/19/1847, d. 9/17/1858; Isaac H., b. 7/21/1850; Rebecca Jane, b. 2/20/1853; a daughter b. and d. 8/1/1855. His second wife was Elizabeth Sult Foster, b. 10/21/1821, d. 2/11/1895; she had m. Joseph Foster, b. 2/15/1818, d. 2/10/ 1855, aged 37 years, and there were six Foster children: William Foster, who d. of whooping cough as an infant 4/15/1843; James Sult Foster; Benjamin Foster, b. 11/28/1846, d. 3/10/1848, from fright, attacked by a hen with chicks; Emanuel S. lfoster, b. 2/14/1849, m. Emma Breeding 3/1872, and d. about 1930, bad a daughter Lizzie, whom. a Mr. Alexander; Jacob H. Foster, b. 1/1/1851, m. Mary Phillips 12/22/1876, and d. 4/5/1911, and both are buried in Somerset, Ohio; David Sult Foster, h. 3/12/ 1854, d. 10/26/1920. J.-\COB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 109

James Sult Foster was in the Civil War and served four years in the 126th D. V.I. He entered service at 17 and served through­ out the war, with the Thornville Company. He served as an or­ derly for General Hooker. The Company he was with served at Parkersburg, Cumberland, Martinsburg, with General Grant at Richmond, later with General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, Spottsylvania, The Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, and Petersburg. Few regiments saw more service and did more fighting than the 126th. They were mustered out late in June, 1865. James Foster, this war hero, m. Della Wahl; they had a son and a daughter. He died in Michi­ gan about 1933. David Sult Foster m. Matilda Jane Love, b. 12/21/1857, d. 3/20/1915. The children of David and Matilda Foster are eight: William A., b. 5/11/1884; Thomas Jay, b. 1/27/1886; James Irwin, b. 2/12/1888, bapt. 9/1/1888, by the writer of this history in St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, Ohio; Robert L., b. and d. 1890; Ernest L., b. 9/7/1892; Walter E., b. 11/12/1894; Harry D., b. 7/28/1898; Homer V., b. 3/16/1900. Aunt Betsey as the wife of Uncle Israel Zartman bore four children: Leah Cedora, b. 6/14/1858; Emma Sult, b. 8/2/1860; Martha Luella, b. 11/14/1862; and an infant son who d. 11/10/ 1867. All of these children, who grew up together with the Foster boys, became members of St. Paul's Reformed Church in Perry County, Ohio, and she also assisted in the rearing of this large family. Israel Zartman d. 3/26/1893 and is buried in St. Paul's Churchyard near Glenford, Ohio. In very recent years the his­ torian has made the happy discovery that all of the aforenamed Fosters are cousins to many hundreds of Zartmans. The writer is happy to enroll at least a few of the hundreds of Foster rela­ tives who have descended from a famous missionary, Rev. Wil­ liam Foster, who organized the lutheran Church in Redington in 1803 and the Zion Lutheran Church in Thom Twp. in 1806; he did a similar work in many counties in Ohio. His own family consisted of nine sons and three daughters, whose mother, Mag­ dalene Daniels Foster, was a great aunt of the historian. Let us now see how the Israel Zartman family grew and spread: Simon Zartman, son of Isrncl, m. Martha Mechling and had three daughters: Amanda, b. 3/17/1853; Sarah Rebecca, b. 5/2/1855; 110 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Clara E., b. 2/16/1858. Simon Zartman d. 11/6/1858. His widow m. Benjamin Sult. They had a son, Emmet C., who is a minister of the Evangelical and Reformed Ch11rch with his home in Tiffin, Ohio. Mrs. Martha Sult d. 2/13/1904 and is buried beside her first husband, Simon Zartman, at St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, Ohio. Amanda Zartman, daughter of Simon, 12/4/1873 m. Henry Zollinger; they resided at Covington, Ohio. Their ..:hildren are four: Harry E., b. 1/14/1878; Martha E., b. 9/24/1881;Mary Zartman, b. 12/3/1883; and Emma M., b. 1/21/1886. Hcury Zollinger d. in 1915, and wife Amanda d. in 1926; both are buried in Covington, Ohio. Both they and their children were·Mctho­ dists. Harry E. Zollinger, 4/23/1904 m. Flora Awker and they have two children: Claude E., b. 4/23/1905; and Ruth I., b. 7/8/1908. Claude E. Awker is married and has two children. Ruth I. Awker m. Harry McDowell and has a daughter. The Harry E. Zollinger family resides in Indianapolis, Ind., at 538 N. Oakland Avenue. Martha Zollinger in 1902 graduated £ram high school in Cov­ ington, Ohio, and on 7/20/1904 m. Charles Leroy McCool. They live on a pretty farm at Covington, Ohio, and have three sons: Herbert Z., b. 4/3/1906; Harold McCool, b. 3/13/1909, m. Lil­ lian Shellabarger 6/1/1939 and they live in Springfield, Ohio; Robert S. McCool, b. 2/27/1912, m. Ruth Scott 4/8/1939 and they live in Dayton, Ohio. In Apr. 1933, Herbert z. McCool m. Frances Bellanti. They have a child, Judith Ann, b. 7/30/1936. Herbert Z. McCool is manager of the McCory 5 and 10 cent store in Harrisonburg, Va. The Zollingers and McCools are Metho­ dists. Mary Z. Zollinger, 11/24/1907 m. Robert A. Holbrook, b. at Carlisle, Minn., in 1884, graduated from Michigan University in 1906, d. 2/11/1921. He was a chemist. They have two daugh­ ters: Blanche Margaret, b. in Illinois 1/24/1913; and Helen Gertrude, b. in Illinois on 0/27 /1918. Blanche M. Holbrook ho.'l had two years in Ohio Wesleyan University. Helen G. Holbrook graduated from Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, in 6/1940. Mrs. Holbrook and daughters live o.t 194 W. 16th St., Chicago Heights, Ill. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 111

Emma M. Zollinger lives at 704 N. High St. in Covington, Ohio. She m. G. C. Reynolds, who is a mail clerk on the Pennsylvania lines between Chicago and Pittsburgh. Their children are: Lotis; and Max, who is a senior in high school. Sarah Rebecca Zartman, daughter of Simon, was reared by her great aunt, Margaret Zartman Bugh. On 8/27/1874 she m. Chris­ tian B. Eyman, of New Salem, Ohio. To them were b. five sons: Henry C., b. 5/24/1878, d. 12/8/1905; Arthur Benjamin, b. 3/28/1881; Chauncey Ray, b. 9/28/1883; Harry W., b. 6/28/ 1892; and Homer L., b. 2/27/1895. The father of these boys d. 12/2/1913, and the mother d. 11/18/1929. Both are buried at Lancaster, Ohio, where parents and children were members of the Reformed Church. Henry C. Eyman 5/28/1898 m. Augusta Schaertzer; they had two children: Edith Cornelia, b. 12/27/1900, d. 5/7/1936; Henry Clarence, Jr., b. 6/22/1906. On 1/1/1918 Edith C. Ey­ man m. Henry Young, and they had a son named Ronald Lee, b. 7/15/1935. Arthur B. Eyman m. Rachel Adams; they had three children: Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Evelyn, and Evelyn Gladys. Arthur B. d. 12/16/1922, Mrs. Rachel Eyman d. 7 /26/ 1937; both are buried in Marion, Ohio. Chauncey R. Eyman m. Mae Pillers, who d. in Glendale, Calif., and is buried there. Harry W. Eyman 2/27/1915 m. Hilda Shronme. They had four chil­ dren: Louis F., b. 10/27/1915; Helen Lucille, b. 5/26/1917; Karl Richard, b. 9/11/1922; and Henrietta Marie, b. 8/29/1924. Hilda d. 4/21/1926, and is buried in Lancaster, Ohio. On 10/30/1930 Harry m. Ruth A. Goodyear. Harry and family reside at 316 E. Wheeling St., Lancaster, Ohio. Their son Louis F. Eyman m. Frances Roush. The address of Homer Louis Eyman is 216 Jackson St., New Lexington, Ohio. He served in the World War with Co. L., 166th infantry, Rainbow Division; m. Marie Vor­ hees 3/18/1920. Clara E. Zartman, who apparently was living in Van Wert County, Ohio, m. 9/1/1880, John J. Hanby. They resided in Venedocia, Van Wert County, Ohio. Mrs. Clara E. Zartman Hanby passed away on 12/16/1891. On the day of her decease she sang two hymns and prayed for her family and wondered why they were weeping. Her husband, John J. Hanby, passed away on 11/9/1922. To them were born four children: Josie Zartman b. 7/29/1881; Vernon 0., b. 4/1/1883; Chester Arthur, b. 2/23/1885; Clara Elsie, b. 11/5/1891. 112 THE ZARTMAN FAMIL"\.

See now bow the Hanbys arrange "for better, for worse": Josie Zartman Hanby 9/5/1900 m. Lewis Ambrose Johnson, Sen., b. 5/20/1878. To them wore born: a daughter, Clara Cecil, b. 6/18/ 1901; Ora Emmett, b. 8/10/1904; Lawrence Everett, b. 11/23/ 1905, m. Emma Hummel; Lewis Ambrose, Jr., b. 10/26/1912; and Thehµa Grace, b. 11/16/1914. Lewis Ambrose Johnson hns been superintendent of Van Wert County Home since 1919. Their address is Van Wert, Ohio, Route 2. Mrs. L.A. Johnson is ma­ tron of the Van Wert County Home. Clara Cecil Johnson 9/2/1919 m. Benjamin Hoverman, and they had a son and daughter: Paul, b. 11/6/1920; and Mariettn b. 10/1/1922. Clara Cecil Johnson Hoverman 7/21/1934 m. Lawrence Long of Van Wert, Ohio, 2nd husband; no children. Ora Emmett Johnson m. Pearl L. Terry, a graduate nurse; they have three children: Duane Everett, b. 6/26/1932; Gordon Eugene, b. 12/27/1934; and Princess Eileen, b. 12/9/1936. Rev. Ora Emmett Johnson has been a minister of the United Brethren Church since 1926; he attended the University of Bowling Green, Ohio, and taught in the public schools six years previous to en­ tering the Gospel ministry; is now serving the U. B. Upton Avenue Church in Toledo, Ohio. Lewis A. Johnson, Jr., is a graduate of Ohio State University and is a Smith-Hughes teacher in the Convoy Ohio High School. He m. Ferne Stemen 10/8/1932, and they have two children: Miriam Joan, b. 2/26/1933, and Vera Olene, b. 6/2/1936. Thelma Grace Johnson is a graduate of Otterbein College at Wester­ ville, Ohio. She is also an evangelistic singer and an accomplished pianist, and is pursuing a course in music. She is said to possess the Zartman musical ability and is especially noted for the beau­ tiful quality of her voice. On 9/10/1940 she m.William E. Sim­ ingdinger, of Van Wert, Ohio. Vernon 0. Hanby m. ClaraParlette3/1/1908. No issue. Chester Arthur Hanby, 12/5/1922 m. Ivory Flint. No issue. Clara Elsie Hanby m. Fred H. Johnson 11/6/1912. No children. Israel Zartman, son of Israel, Sr., was twice married. His first wife was Lucinda, daughter of John Fisher; she was b. 12/2/1837, and d. 10/29/1856. To them was b. a son, Albert Leroy. Cath­ arine, daughter of John and Elizabeth Daniel, was the second wife of Israel; to them were b. two daughters: Matilda A., b. 5/13/1858; and Hattie Ellen, b. 3/27/1860. These girls were h. at Edina, Knox Co., Mo., where their father d. 5/17/1860. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 113

Albert Leroy Zartman was b. at Glenford, Ohio, 7/18/1855; he was a farmer and lived on his own farm of 160 acres at Catesby, Ellis Co., Okla. On 9/9/1877, he m. Anna E. Weaver. They first lived in Indiana; then nine years in Cloud Co., Kan., and two years in Neosh Co., Kan.; then four years in Christian Co., Mo., and for eight years in Oklahoma. He wrote: "I could tell you of some pretty hard times we have seen." They had the fol­ lowing children: Mary Ellen, b. 8/31/1878; Rosa May, b. 7/17 / 1881; Ira Willis, b. 1/18/1884; Grace, b. 3/4/1889. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Zartman, the parents of Mrs. Polin, are both deceased. Albert Leroy d. 1/24/1931, aged 75-6-6. His wife, who was b. 12/3/1859, in Indiana, d. 3/13/1923, at Siloam Springs, Ark., where they resided during their last years. Both are buried there. Both were faithful Christians and members of the M. E. Church. In some of his last years Leroy operated the Rex Hotel at Davenport, Okla. Daughter Rose had not m. while her parents lived; she helped and cared for them. Mary Ellen Zartman m. Leroy Polin, 12/6/1898. They live near Catesby, Okla., on a farm of 1120 acres. Children: Jesse Marvin, b. 2/28/1900; Della Grace, b. 7/2/1902; Irene Eliza­ beth, b. 6/1/1904; Violet Mae, b. 11/24/1906; Lola Blanche, b. 2/26/1909; Benjamin Leroy, b. 3/3/1911; Anna Amanda, b. 9/10/1913; Pauline Naomi, b. 1/5/1916; Geneva Marie, b. 12/27/1918; John Kenneth, b. 6/20/1921. The children had to ride 50 miles a day on a bus going to and from high school. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Polin have married as follows: JeBBe Marvin Polin 10/6/1920 m. Eva Marsh; they have two chil­ dren: Mildred Leota, b. 7/16/1921; and Charley Lee, b. 1/18/ 1923, d. 3/17/1923. Della Grace Polin 7/22/1923 m. Thornton Piersall. Children: Thornton Edward, b. 5/30/1924; Donald Ruce, b. 11/28/1925; Irvin Lee, b. 7/1/1027; Dean, b. 2/20/1932; Dorothy Laurella, b. 7/20/1939. Irene E. Polin 2/14/1923 m. Charles 0. Hair. Children: Edna Lois, b. 12/15/1923; Wilda Mae, b. 9/22/1925; Carl Dean, b. 6/20/1929; Darrel Jean, b. 7/20/1936. Violet Mae Polin in 1926 m. Chilion Igon. Chil­ dren: James, b. 8/29/1927; and Delmer, b.1/4/1929. Lola Blanche Polin, 3/30/1929 m. William Riffie. Children: Wyvonne, b. 5/ 28/1930; Beverly Jean, b. 3/3/1933, d. 8/29/1933; Barbara Ellen, b. 5/29/1936. Benjamin Leroy Polin 7/22/1933 m. Avis Pearsall. Their child is Glenna Lee, b. 9/25/1934. Anna Amanda Polin 114 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

10/16/1029 m. James W. Piersall. Their children are: James Roger, b. 9/10/1930; and Betty Darlene, b. 11/26/1932. Pauline Naomi Polin, 2/3/1936 m. Jason Crail. They have a son Clifford Foster, b. 9/25/1936. Geneva Marie Polin 6/1/1937 m. Max E. Hunter and they have a child, Maralyn Ian, b. 3/21/1938. Rosa May Zartman, daughter of Leroy, 3/15/1936 m. Charles A. Isbell of Yale, Okla., who was b. 9/6/1876. Mr. Isbell was for several years a Methodist preacher, and a school teacher five terms; was a rural mail carrier for thirty years, and 10/1/1939 retired from the service. He also served ten years as Postmaster, at Isbella, Okla., so named in honor of the Isbell family. By a previous marriage Mr. Charles A. Isbell was father of nine chil­ dren, as follows: Catherine, b. 5/17/1903; Virgil, b. 6/10/1904; David, b. 1/17/1908; Rachel, b. 7/28/1909; Nevella, b. 12/8/ 1911; Orpha, b. 7/31/1915; Mary Jane, b. 3/8/1918; Claribel, b. 3/15/1921; Elvina, b. 12/19/1924. The Charles A. Isbell ad­ dress is 424 North E. St., Yale, Okla. Three of the Isbell family are still in school. Ira Willis Zartman, son of Leroy, b. 1/18/1884, took up a quarter section of land near Catesby, Okla., adjoining that of his father, Albert Leroy Zartman, slept on his land and boarded with his parents. Later he moved to Lamar, Colo., where he m. Miss Cora Peetoom in May, 1911; they had two daughters: Eota Mae, b. 8/10/1913; and Elizabeth, b. 3/14/1916. Ira Willis Zart­ man had a second marriage, in May, 1937, to Dale Winsor; they had a daughter, Joyce Lucile, b. 8/26/1938. Ira worked 14 years for the same firm. His daughter Eota Mae in 1931 m. Wm. Idler; and Elizabeth in 1931 m. Dan Hogan and had three children: Cora Jane, b. in 1/1933, d. in March of that year; Jean, b. in 1934; Don, b. in 1935. Ira W. Zartman d. 2/7/1940 and was buried in Lamar, Colo. The funeral sermon was from Isaiah 38:12. He died of cancer of the stomach. Grace Zartman, daughter of Leroy, 12/27/1906 m. Walter L. Chance, b. 11/12/1883 in Monroe Co., Iowa. Their children are: Hazel, b. 11/19/1908; Merle Obra, b. 7/6/1912; and Wayne Everett, b. 1/3/1917. Hazel Chance took a course in a business college in Joplin, Mo., in 1930. On 4/24/1931 she m. Rev. Bennington Ross, b. 2/6/1908; he has been pastor of a U. P. Church near Anthony, Kan.; is now a licensed preacher of the Methodist Church in Kansas City. Merle Obra Chance 11/28/ JACOB ZARTMAN AND F.AKILY 115

1934 m. Nellie Parker, b. 4/23/1911 and they have two children: Stephen L., b. 2/29/1936; and Grace Ellen, b. 9/6/1937. Merle Obra is minister in a church called "Assembly of God." Wayne Everett Chance on Christmas 1938 m. Doris Artinger, b. 1/30/ 1918. To them was b. a daughter, Nancy Louisa, 11/27/1940. Mr. Chance is a truck farmer near Pittsburgh, Kan., a college town of 22,000 people, R.R. 4. Albert Leroy Zartman bad two sisters: Matilda A. and Hattie Ellen Zartman. In 1876 Matilda A. m. Jacob F. Smith; they were farmers and lived at Huntington, Ind. They were members of the Church of God. Jacob F. Smith d. 2/14/1931; Mrs. Matilda A. Smith, d. 6/22/1918. They sleep in Union Cemetery. Their children are four: Nettie V., b. 3/28/1877; Clarence 0., b. 7/30/ 1878, d. 5/3/1936; Charley A., b. 5/5/1880; Clifton L., b. 9/5/ 1885. Nettie V. Smith m. George Kline and lives about four miles east of Huntington, R.R. No. 7. They have eight children: Grace Irene, b. 1/25/1898; Lulu May, Virgil Gordon, Frank Rich­ ard, Dale, Luther Revere, Loyal Carl, and Edna Lucile. Grace Irene Kline m. Hobart Sprinkle and lives on a farm; their children are two, Deloris and Phyllis. Lulu May Kline has not married; is employed at the General Electric Co. in Fort Wayne. Virgil Gordon Kline m. Bernice Robrook; their sons are William and Donald, who live on a farm in Rock Creek Twp. Frank Richard Kline m. Vernice Frech. They have three chil­ dren: Marilyn, Jerry and Duane; they reside in the city of Hun­ tington. Dale Kline, b. 10/25/1911 and Luther Revere Kline, b. 11/25/1908, are both in the employ of Asbestos Company in Huntington. Loyal Carl Kline, b. 4/11/1915, is employed on the farm with his father. Edna Lucile Kline, b. 5/3/1917, m. Kenneth Fitch. They arc on a farm near Andrews, Ind. Clarence 0. nnd Ida May Smith live about four miles east of Huntington on the Zanesville Rd. Their children are: Curtis, b. 8/4/1902; Clella, b. 12/23/1905; and Clayton, b. 11/16/1916. Curtis m. Esther Asher. Their children are: Dale, Joan, and Dean. Clella Smith m. Harry Chandler, b. 10/1/1901. Mr. Chandler is a railroader. Their children are: Joe and Betty. Clayton Smith m. Wanda Sweet, b. 3/30/1919. They live in Muncie, Ind., where Clayton is studying in Ball State Teachers' College. Charley A. and Della M. Smith live in Union Twp., arc form­ ers and have two daughters, Vesta and Wilma. Vesta Smith was 116 TUE ZARTMA:N F AMIL y

b. 2/22/1905, and graduated from High School in 1923. She m; Rev. Paul Parker, 11/25/1925; their son, Merle Eugene, was b. 1/9/1927. Rev. Mr.ParkerisPastorof U. B. Church, Fort Wayne, "Old Constitution"; a graduate of Huntington College in In­ diana, and has been pastor 7 years; was ordained 8/27/1939. They reside in Fort Wayne, Ind., R.R. 1. Wilma Smith was b. 2/20/1912 and m. Ario Platt, a barber, in Zanesville, Ind. Their children are: Harold and Marlene. Clifton L. Smith m. Goldie May Dennie. They live in Union Twp., Ind. Their children are: DeVoe and Melba. The son De­ Voe at the age of 19 years was killed in 1938 at the Erie R. R. Crossing in Markle, Ind. Melba was b. 3/12/1909, and m. Wil­ ford Sprinkle. They have a son Jimmie, b. in 1929. They live in Union Twp., Ind. Hattie Ellen Zartman 5/22/1879 m. John Winfield Weaver, who d. in 1892 and was buried about six miles east of Hunting­ ton, Ind. There were six Weaver children: Jesse Howard, b. 5/fJ/ 1880; Martha Elizabeth, b. 3/20/1882; Frank Marshal, b. 11/21/ 1884, d. in Feb. 1922; Floyd Weaver, b. 3/6/1886; Edii;h Pearl, b. 3/19/1888; and Tillie Alice, b. 1/24/1890. In 1895 Hattie Ellen m. Frank Spees, and in her second marriage h·ld two daugh­ ters: Edith May and Betty Ruth. Mrs. Spees d. 5/15/1910 in Lima, Ohio. Jesse Howard Weaver m. Pearl Snyder in Nov. 1906. They bad two daughters: Helen and Lucile. Jesse d. in Feb. 1935. Martha E. Weaver m. Charles Wehrle, 12/14/1905. Mrs. Martha E. Wehrle and family live at 3156 Enright St., Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Wehrle was b. in Germany 8/15/1882, d. 1/3/1938. They had six children, all of Toledo, Ohio: Marguerite, b. 9/17/1906; Merle Edwin, b. 8/11/1909; Carl Frank, b. 1/29/1913; Ethelyn, b. 4/18/1915; Charles E., b. 7/16/1919; and Betty Wehrle, b. 1/22/1922. Marguerite Wehrle m. John J. MacGregor of Los Angeles, Calif. They have a son, Michael, b. in 1936. Merle Edwin Wehrle m. Gertrude Lump and they have a son, David Philip, b. in 1940. Carl Frank Wehrle m. Louise Bosak and they have a daughter, Jeanne Carrol. Ethelyn Wehrle d. 3/26/1892. Floyd Weaver m. Bessie Brown who d. in 1940. Edith Pearl Weaver in July 1906, m. Clyde Shepard and had two sons: Marion and Carl. Marion d. in 1930, and the father d. in 1911, and Mrs. Shepard m. Grover Elliot, and had a daughter Betty. Mr. Elliot JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 117

d. in 1934, and bis widow Edith m. William Poling. Tillie Alice Weaver, 11/23/1910 m. Charles E. Bump, b. 6/2/1887, and had seven children: Ruth, b. 3/5/1912; Louise, b. 1/8/1914; Robert, b. 8/19/1915; Violet, b. 10/4/1917; Dorothy, b. 7/7/1920; Paul, b. 7/8/1923, and Lavonne, b. 4/17/1926. Three of these chil­ dren are married and all reside in Fort Wayne, Ind., at 303 Brand­ riff St. Ruth Bump m. Guy Misner, 4/11/1930, Louise Rump m. Ferris Holmes 3/5/1935, Violet Bump m. Alden Early 11/29/ 1935. Noah H. Zartman, third son of Israel, lived on a farm near Glenford, Ohio. He attended high school in Somerset two and a half years under Prof. C. Nourse, and taught public schools seven years. For three years be was engaged in the saw mill and lumber business iu Seneca County, Ohio; returned to the farm, on which his children were born and reared. For five years be was town­ ship clerk, three years trustee of Hopewell Twp., Perry Co., assessor four years. St. Paul's Reformed Church he served in the offices of Deacon and Elder and Sunday school teacher. On 4/2/ 1862, he m. Elizabeth Beare, b. 5/20/1841. Their six children were as follows: Etta Viola, b. 4/23/1863; Ora Sarah, b. 9/10/ 1865; Emma Lillian, b. 1/30/1868. Mary Ermina, b. 1/27/1871; Harry Vernon, b. 6/8/1875; Elizabeth Grace, b. 3/4/1885. Noah Zartman and his sincere Christian consort, so long and well known by the historian, lived exemplary and most useful lives. Noah d. on Sunday, 2/23/1914, aged 76 years; his spouse d. 8/ 30/1900, aged 59 years; they sleep in St. Paul's Churchyard awaiting the resurrection unto life everlasting. Etta Viola Zartman m. Frank Beigle, 11/4/1883. Their church membership is with St. Paul's Reformed, and Thornville is their post office. They are childless. Ora Sarah Zartman, 7/6/1884, at the home of the bride, m. Edwin Leroy Walser, b. 11/6/1864. The ceremony was by their pastor, Rev. Amos Casselman. To them were b. four daughters: Oma Verne, b. 12/23/1885; Emma Lillian, b. 9/25/1888; Ada Zartman, b. 7/30/1893; Carrie Estella, b. 2/15/1900. Edwin Leroy Walser, the good husband and father, d. 8/24/1907. Oma Verne Walser, 10/17/1906 m. John Helser and had five children: Glen Leroy, b. 3/14/1907, who m. Fem Dennis 9/10/ 1928 and had a son, Robert Glenn, b. 11/15/1932 and d. 2/24/ 118 THE ZAnTMAN FAMILY

1933: Their address, Findlay, Ohio; Stella Pearl, b. 2/16/1911, cl. 7/5/1026; Harry Earl, b. 9/26/1913, and graduated from Som­ erset High School in 1932; Roy Newton, b. 4/30/1923; Mildred Viola, b. 10/22/1926. The Helsers live in Redington, with Som­ erset as their post office. Emma Lillian Walser, 1/16/1908 m. Thomo.s 0. Cooperrider and they have a son, Floyd Edwin, b. 2/4/1909; graduated from Brownsville High School in 1927, and is in tho employ of an oil company in Newark, Ohio. They live on a farm near Browns­ ville; their address is R.R. 1, Glenford, Ohio. Ado. Zartman Walser, 8/9/1922 m. Jesse Thompson; they had a daughter, Violet May, b. 6/21/1924, d. 12/6/1926; their address is Thornville, Ohio, R.R. 2, with residence in Linnville, Ohio. Carrie Estella Walser, 2/1/1019, m. Ross Gutridge; they live on a farm near Brownsville with Glenford, Ohio, as their post office. They have four sons: William Eugene, b. 8/24/1920; Donald Frederick, b. 11/17/1021; Gail Richard, b. 8/23/1926; and Junior Lee, born 4/26/1932. Ora Z. Walser as widow m. George Taylor 2/17/1916; after the decease of Mr. Taylor she m. Samuel Grubb 10/17/1925. She resides on the well-known Walser farm on Jonathan Creek, R.R. 204; is known as Mrs. Ora Grubb, Glenford, Ohio. Ora has a son, Monford Grubb, who is employed in Fort Hayes, Columbus Ohio. Emma Lillian Zartman m. Albert L. Foucht 9/6/1888. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Rufus C. Zartman, who was then in his initial pastorate, at Wooster, Ohio. To them have been born four sons: Evan Ray, b. 11/5/1889; Urban Roy, b. 5/7/1894; Byron Ralph, b. 9/28/1900; a son was b. 2/8/1899, d. 2/12/1800. Mr. Foucht is a farmer, and used to teach school. Glenford, Ohio, is their post office. Three sons grew to man­ hood, and fill positions of honor and usefulness. Evan Ray Foucht in 1907 graduated from Glenford High School; then for seven years taught in the public schools. Since then he ho.s been working on his farm near Glenford, Ohio. On 8/24/1913 be m. Blanche Gordon, who also graduakrl from Glenford High School in the of 1905. Their children un, three: Frederick Gordon, b. 5/18/1917; Paul Gene, b. 5/30/1021, and d. 2/8/1922; Doris Lillian, b. 4/3/1924. Son Frederick G. Foucht gro.duatcd JACOB ZAR'l'MAN AND FAMILY 119 from Glenford High School in 1934, and since then ho hns helped on the form. Urban Roy Foucht graduated from Glenford High School in 1912; and taught school three years and then attended Ohio State University two years, when the World War interrupted his course there. On 3/30/1918 he m. Bernice Bowers, who d. on 3/22/1919; and 6/16/1920 ho m. Evelyn Estella Mechling., Tho marital service wns by Rev. C. E. Linder, pnstor of the bride. To them wore b. two sons: Paul Edwin, b. 3/13/1933; and Carl Urban, b. 0/6/1936. Paul Edwin 4/27/1933 wns baptized by Uncle Rufus Calvin Zartman, the family historian. Paul Edwin, 6/25/1938 d. of appendicitis. The fieoting stay of Paul Edwin was like tho visit of an angel-brief, beautiful, blissful-some lives like some flowers are for buds, not for roses. For heavenly comfort here read the superb poem "A Mysterious Providence," by the sainted Rev. John Vogt, D.D. Byron Ralph Foucht graduated from Glenford High School in 1918, and from Heidelberg College in 1922. He bas been teach­ ing school ever since; was principal of the high school in Junction City, Ohio, but is now with the schools in Newark, Licking County, Ohio. On 3/9/1929 hem. Pauline Tavenner, who graduated from Jacksontown High School in 1924, and taught for years in the public schools. Their children are: Joan Lucille, b. 2/26/1931; and Byron Robert, b. 7/1/1936. On 9/6/1938 Albert and Lillian Foucht in their cozy rural home most joyously celebrated the golden anniversary of their fruitful wedded life. Afternoon and evening scores of friends, old and young, gathered bringing happiest felicitations, hearty congratulations, good wishes, gifts, flowers, refreshments, etc. The minister who tied the nuptial knot fifty years ago was present to praise and pray and felicitate I This preacher is better known as "Cousin Rufus," or "Uncle Rufus." He writes history, too, as a pastime and really enjoys it. Mary Ermina Zartman m. 8/30/1893, Edwin L. Foueht, a brother to the husband of her sister, Emma Lillian. They re­ side on a farm about two miles southeast from Thornville, Perry County, Ohio. They have four children: Amy Zartman, b. 3/22/ 1896; Warren Zartman, b. 11/1/1902; Harry Edwin, b. 9/14/ 1907; and Willard, b. 9/2/1913. Amy Foucht graduated from Thornville High School in 1916, and from Heidelberg College in 120 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1922, and taught public schools eleven years. Shem. 3/30/1938 Aaron Foster, b. 10/11/1860. Warren Foucht graduated from Thornville High School in 1920, and from Heidelberg College in 1924; m. Lilose Georgia Flenner, 6/22/1936, and has four children: Charles Edwin, b. at Detroit, Mich., 12/19/1927; Mary Ann, b. at Thornville, Ohio, 10/4/1935; and twins, Willard Leroy and Millard Eugene, b. 11/12/1938. Warren and Lilose Foucht live on a farm near the parents. Harry Edwin Foucht graduated in 1925 from Thornville High School and d. from heart affection 6/28/1926. Willard is at home helping on thlj farm; 8/6/1940 he m. Opal Irene Guthrie. Edwin L. Foucht did not attend high school and college, but had the benefits of a normal course at Ada, Ohio. The good Christian wife and mother in this family was admirable. This dear cousin was stricken with apoplexy in September 1938 and on the 11th of that month was summoned to the reunion in the Father's House of many mansions. She was buried in Thornville. Elizabeth Grace Zartman, b. 3/4/1885, m. John W. Skinner, 11/4/1908. Elizabeth Grace Zartman, d. 12/9/1935. Their chil­ dren were four: Blanche Z., b. 11/25/1909; Richard Floyd, b. 8/3/1913; Miriam Z,, b. 3/23/1918; Mary Josephine, b. 1/23/ 1923. Their daughter Blanche Z. Skinner m. Homer Foster 12/ 19/1930, and they have two daughters and a son: Mary Lou, b. 10/29/1932; Sarah Grace, b. 1/26/1935; and John Allen, b. 6/26/ 1937. Daughter Miriam Skinner, in 1936 graduated from Thorn­ ville High School, and keeps house for her father and family. Harry Vernon Zartman taught public schools seven years in Perry County, and two years in Fairfield County, Ohio. On 11/ 3/1898, hem. Sylvia F. Alspach, and for nearly forty years they have cultivated their own farm, just west of Thornville, Ohio. They have twin sons: Fred J. and Frank R., b. 5/10/1900; a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1/11/1911; and a third son Charles E., b. 12/13/1913. Fred J. Zartman graduated from Thornville High School in 1918, and from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, in 1923; he is a farmer. Fred m. Elizabeth Shields of Rochester, N. Y., 8/18/ 1928.,A son, Paul Frederick Zartman, was b. to them 7/16/1931, d. 2/13/1935. Frank R. Zartman graduated from Thornville High School in 1918, from Heidelberg College in 1922, and from Central Theological Seminary in 19?5. In that year he was Ii- JACOB ZARTMAN .\ND FAMILY 121

censed n.nd ordained, and began his pastorate in tho Reformed Church at Sulphur Springs, Ohio, continuing in that ministry. On 6/12/1932 he m. Lura Brown of Billings, Okla., graduate of the University of Oklahoma. There was b. to them a daughter, June Annette, 5/5/1933. Mary Elizabeth Zartman graduated from Thornville High School in 1929, and from Heidelberg with A.B. degree in 1933; then taught three years in the high school at C'orning, Ohio. On 7/30/1936 she m. in Trinity Reformed Church, Thornville, Ohio, Rev. Howard Nathan Frederick, b. 7/11/1910, in Upper SanduJky, Ohio. Rev. Frank R. Zartman, brother of the bride, performed the ceremony. To them was b. Janice Lenore Frederick, 11/18/1940 at Columbus, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Frederick graduated from Heidelberg College with A.B. de­ gree in 1933, and in 1936 from McCormick Theological Semi~ary of Chicago with the degree of D.B. He is pastor of the Presby­ terian Church at Condit, Ohio. Charles E. Zartman graduated from Thornville High School in 1932, and from Heidelberg Col­ lege in 1936, and expects to teach school. Lovina Zartman and Noah Kotterman were both born and reared in Hopewell Twp., Perry County, Ohio; both were brought up under the same good Christian influence and nurture of St. Paul's Reformed Sunday School and Church, and both were first cousins of the historian. On 11/13/1864, they were m. by Rev. Charles Wesley Hoyman, in the home of the bride's parents, Israel and Elizabeth Zartman. Their children were as follows: Laura Etta, b. 10/6/1868; Carrie E., b. 1/2/1870; Hattie Pearl, b. 5/10/1872; Sarah C., b. 2/3/1874; Osa Violet, b. 2/10/1876; Bertha Blanche, b. 3/28/1878; Calvin Williard, b. 3/20/1881; Josie, d. as an infant. This large family moved from Glenford, Perry County, to Lovell, Wyandot County, Ohio, where they became identified with an M. E. Church, which was nearest to their rural home. Mrs. Kotterman d. 1/17/1900, and Noah Kotterman d. 12/:&/1915. Both are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Laura Etta Kotterman, 3/26/1884, m. Forrest W. Hurd, a farmer, and they took up their abode on a farm at Marengo, Ohio, with Carey as their post office. They have a daughter, Helen Hortense, b. 8/13/1885; m. 8/29/1906, Murray M. Pipes, who was b. 2/11/1866. They have a daughter, Anna Margaret, b. 2/18/1908 at Marengo, Ohio; graduated from Carey High School 122 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY in 1926; and 9/14/1929, m. Joseph F. Dibble. They have five children; Joseph J., Jr., b. 12/14/1930; Judith Jo Anne, b. 4/23/ 1932; Laurell Elizabeth, b. 7/30/1933; Ann Margaret, b. 9/13/ 1934; Dani!'! Murray, b. 1/25/1936. They reside at Carey, Ohio. Carrie E. Kotterman in 1894 m. Harry Daniel Huffman, and two daughters were b. to them: Leona, b. 12/5/1896; and Wanda, b. 5/24/1898. Mrs. Huffman d. 3/12/1903, and Mr. Huffman d. a few years later. As a family they had resided in McCutchen­ ville, Ohio. Both Leona and Wanda Huffman graduated from the High School in McCutchenville. Leona Huffman m. Harry E. Mulholland, a machinist, and resides in Monroe, Mich. They have four children: Susan, b. 11/7/1924; William, b. 6/20/1927; Carroll, b. 11/28/1934; and Harry Daniel, b. 2/1/1938. Wanda Huffman, 10/18/1924, m. Frank McEldowney, and resides in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. They have a son, Jack Edwin, b. -7 /28/ 1927. Mr. McEldowney is a highway superintendent in the em­ ploy of the state. Hattie Pearl Kotterman, 11/18/1888, m. Feadel Ballentine. Two sons were b. to them: Haven Paul, b. 6/17/1892; and Rufus Calvin, b. 7/1/1894. On 6/24/1897, Mrs. Ballentine m., second, Alfred Chase Clemens. They resided at New Bern, N. C., and her address is now Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Haven P. Ballentine is a farmer at Harpster, Wyandot, County, Ohio, on State Road 23, Route 1. On 2/3/1915 he m. Frieda Gottfried. They have a daughter, Alice Marie, b. 5/30/1916; m. Ralph Km.mer, 5/16/ 1936. Haven's wifed. 4/7/1938, and 12/22/1938, hem. a widow, Mrs. Mae Butler, with two children. The ceremony was perform­ ed by Rev. Dr. Fred W. Hoffman in Upper Sandusky. Rufus Calvin Ballentine lives at Creston, Ohio, thirteen miles north of Wooster, Wayne County, on C. C. C. Highway, State Route 3. He is a machinist in a basket-factory and veneer works. He at­ tended Leroy High School in 1915, and l(ent State Normal Col­ lege in 1917. On 9/15/1928 he m. Marie Russell, b. 4/8/1897, member of D. A. R. Their children are two: Russell Calvin, b. 9/28/1929; and Katherine Ann, b. 10/20/1936. Sarah C. Kotterman, b. 2/3/1874, 4/5/1898 m. William C. Ruopp, b. 10/23/1872. Their children are four: Harold Wash­ ington, b. 2/22/1899; Mary Lavina, b. 10/6/1901; Paul W., b. 5/12/1904; Margaret B., b. 6/2/1910. Mr. Ruopp is engaged in automobile insurance at 123 East Johnston St., Upper Sandusky, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 123

Ohio; and the children graduated from the high school of their native town. Harold W. Ruopp obtained B.A. and M.A. degrees from Wes­ leyan University at Delaware, Ohio, 1918 to 1922, and taught one year at Miami University in 1923. While in Miami be de­ finitely decided to enter the Ministry of the Gospel and there­ upon he attended the Boston University School of Theology, 1924 to 1926. In 1927 he went to Berlin, Germany, and Oxford, England, for a year's study under theologians there; returned and entered the Ohio Conference of The Methodist Church, and was assigned to Victory Church, Dayton, Ohio, 1928-29, then to Williams Street Church in Delaware, Ohio, 1930-31. From Dela­ ware he returned to Boston University School of Theology to become professor of the Art and History of preaching, 1932-38. In June 1939 the Doctor's degree was conferred on him by Ohio Wesleyan University. He is now pastor of Central Methodist Church in Chicago, and succeeds four famous preachers: David Swing, Newell Dwight Hillis, Frank W. Gunsaulus, and Fred F. Shannon. On 6/20/1922 he m. Julia Marjorie Phillips of Kenton, Ohio. They have two sons: Phillips Berkley, b. 3/29/1926, and Richard Randolph, b. 10/15/1932. Their present address is 2315 Asbury Ave., Evanston, Ill. Mrs. Harold W. Ruopp grad­ uated from Kenton, Ohio, High School and from Wesleyan Uni­ versity at Delaware, Ohio. Mary Lavina Ruopp received the B.A. degree at Ohio Wesleyan University. Shem. William E. West of Delaware, Ohio, and three children were b. to them: Catherine Louise; William Allen; and James Rolland. Mr. West graduated from tho Delaware High School and Wesleyan University, and is an official of the Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, with offices in Columbus, Ohio. The home address is 318 Fallis Road, Columbus. Paul W. Ruopp majored in Commercial Art and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University. Hem. Pauline Pfeifer of Ken­ ton, Ohio. Paula and David are their offspring. Mr. Ruopp owns and operates a Commercial Art Studio at 7338 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich., and his home address is 2240 Collingswood Ave., Detroit. Mrs. Paul W. Ruopp graduated from Kenton, Ohio, High School, and from Wesleyan University. Margaret B. Ruopp graduated from the Upper Sandusky High School, and from Oberlin College, where she majored in kinder- 124 TltE ZARTMAN FAMILY garten training. She m. Rev. Rolland G. Hohn of Crookston, Minn., and they have one child, Sally Ann. Mr. Hohn is a grad­ uate of the Crookston, Minn., High School, received hie B. A. degree at the University of Minnesota, and bis theology degree at Boston University School of Theology. After completing his course be entered the Minnesota Conference of the Methodist Church and was assigned to First Church in Willmar, Minn. His home address is 409 Trott Ave., Willmar. Osa Violet Kotterman in 1897 m. William Matthew Cross. Their children are: Frona May, b. in 1898, and d. in 1899; Waldo Emerson, b. 11/19/1900; Martha Leola, b. in 1908, lives in Sac­ ramento, Calif., New Clayton Hotel; Elma Grace Johnson Cross, b. 2/28/1910, m. Charles Talton Johnson, who was b. 8/9/1909, at Tiffin, Ohio. They have two sons: Ralph, b. 7 /14/19.32; and Robert Eugene, b. 11/23/1935. Waldo E. Cross m. 6/16/1924, lives in Canton, Ohio, at 2518-lOth Street, N. W., and has five children: Robert E., b. 4/16/1925; John William, b. 1/15/1926; Florence M.,b. 9/22/1928;WaldoE., Jr.,b. 2/20/193l;Margaret, b. 12/31/1932. Mrs. Croes is a trained nurse and resides at 615 North Main St., Fostoria, Ohio. Bertha Blanche Kotterman, 4/26/1900 m. Frank Schwabe! of Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Two daughters were born to them: Monna Mae, b. 10/18/1903, d. 3/18/1921; Nelda Irene, b. 11/ 18/1905. In 1924 Nelda I. graduated from high school in Clear­ water, Fla., where the Schwabcls reside, and on 11/23/1927 she m. Walter A. Lovell. They reside on Mandalay Road, Clear­ water, Fla. Calvin Williard Kotterma.n, 4/18/1901 m. Alice May Slottcr­ hack, who d. 8/16/1909. They had two daughters: Gladys Leone, b. 5/18/1904; and Modest Dorothy, b. in June, 1908, d. 3/7/1909. Gladys L. Kotterman graduated from the Fostoria High School and 2/1/1925 m. Kurt George Hening. They have three chil­ dren: Alyce Alvena., b. 9/11/1930; Kurt Calvin, b. 11/18/1932; and Max Arthur, b. 9/11/1934. On 11/18/1932, Calvin Kotter­ me.n m. Virginia Hicks. Calvin W. Kotterman lives in Fostoria at 123 W. South St.; is an automobile dealer, and can supply you with any of the best makes. Salome Zartman, daughter of Israel and Sarah Zartman, b. 2/22/1845, 9/7;1865 m. David Smith, b. 8/28/1842, son of John and Catharine King Smith. They lived on a fa.rm east of and near JACOB ZARTM.\N AND FAMILY 125

Thornville, Perry County, Ohio. David Smith d. 4/10/1916, and Salome, d. 7/12/1924. In St. Paul's Churchyard they await the resurrection of the dead in Christ. Their children were: Charles Emmet, b. 10/5/1866; Leafie Jane, b. 1/22/1869; Rufus Sterling, b. 8/4/1872; Anna Rozella, b. 12/12/1875; Nellie, b. 12/21/1880; Franklin Raymond, b. 2/6/1884; Jesse Orval, b. 9/10/1886. Parents and children were all members of the Re­ formed Church. Charles E. Smith, 1/1/1889 m. Ida King, who d. 10/20/1889. They had a daughter, May, b. 10/2/1889. On 2/24/1910 May Smith m. Walter Hetrick, and they have three sons: Cloyd S., b. 4/28/1911; Kenneth Earl, b. 3/24/1914; and Dale Robert, b. 4/9/1927. All of the Walter Hetrick family live on the old Jacob Hetrick homestead southwest of and near Glenford. Cloyd S. Hetrick in 1931 m. Ethel Starkey and they have four children: Byron Eugene, b. 1/29/1932; Doris Louise, b. 1/6/1934; Robert, b. 8/17/1936; and Lester Loo, b. 12/6/1938. Charles E. Smith as widower, 7/30/1891 m. Almeda Bodell, and in this union were b. three children: Bernice, 7/5/1892; Clide, 6/25/1893; and Nevin, 8/9/1902. Bernice Smith, 1/18/ 1912 m. Roy Dilts and lives on a farm near Kirkersville, Ohio. They have two sons: Robert, b. 9/22/1918, d. 1/18/1935; Kermit, b. 9/9/1922. Clide Smith is a graduate of the Hopewell Twp. High School and of the Perry County Normal School; is a sales­ man. On 12/23/1917 he m. Hazel Belle, daughter of William Henry and Margaret Jane Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Clide Smith live in Glenford, Ohio, where Mrs. Smith teaches school. A son, Kermit Parks, was b. to them in 1918, and d. in the same year. Nevin Smith is a graduate of the high school in Glenford, Ohio, and took elementary normal school work at Ohio State Univer­ sity; for several years taught public schools. He is in the employ of the Zanesville glass factory, where he resides; is gifted in music and plays several instruments. He m. 4/16/1929, Pauline Beare. Their children are: Frances, b. 8/12/1930; and Donald, b. 2/ 14/1933. Leafie Jane Smith m. Marcus W. Hoy, 10/11/1896, and had a daughter Zula, b. 6/5/1898. Mrs. Hoy d. 2/19/1899. Zula Hoy in 1916 m. Waldo Shaffer, and d. 7/9/1934. Rufus Sterling Smith, 3/30/1899 m. Mae Eckenrode; was a farmer and automobile dealer. His wife Mae d. in 1915, and in 126 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1916 Rufus m. Rose Sumner, a native of West Virginia. He d. 4/26/1934, and his widow d. 10/7/1938. Anna Rozella Smith 2/22/1900 m. Marcus W. Hoy. Nellie Smith, 11/23/1899 m. Hugh Eckenrode; they have a son Floyd, b. 12/20/1900, who 10/11/1924 m. Veda Johnston of Cuba, Ill.; he operates an electric shovel for a mining company at Steelville, Ill. Rozella Hoy in 1908 m. Charles 0. Lyle, who d. in 1911. Their daughter Dorothy was b.11/14/1909; she is a graduate of Thorn­ ville High School and of tho Conservatory of Music at Capital University, and teaches music in the public schools at Dayton, Ohio. Rozella Lyle in 1917 m. Minor Poulton; they reside in Thornville, Ohio. Franklin Raymond Elmith, 3/27/1904 m. Lillie Hetrick; their children are three: Gladys, b. 1/3/1905; Lela, b. 5/8/19.07; and Willard, b. 8/28/1915. Gladys d. 8/14/1922. She had much musical talent and would soon have been a senior in high school. Lela Smith graduated from the Glenford High School, and on 4/30/1927 she m. Corwin Ensley, a teacher in the junior high school in Zanesville, where they reside. Mr. Ensley plays the guitar and musical saw, Willard Smith plays the comet and guitar, and Lela Ensle:, the piano for them. Willard Smith is a graduate of Glenford High School; 4/8/1939 hem. Virginia Harris. Both Willard and his wife are employed by the Mosaic Tile Com­ pany of Zanesville, where they reside. Jesse Orval Smith, 6/1/1911 m. Osa Ferne Gordon, b. 10/7/ 1886. They lived with his parents until after the decease of his father; then he purchased the Pleasant Hill Farm and moved there with his family and mother in the autumn of 1923. Jesse and Osa Smith had three children: Miriam Louise, b. 3/26/1913, d. in infancy; Warren, b. 6/1/1915; and Marjorie, b. 9/9/1918. Warren is a graduate of Glenford High School; is in Heidelberg College preparing for the Christian ministry. Marjorie is a grad­ uate of Glenford High School. On 9/24/1937 she m. John E. Schofield; they have a son Danny Ray, b. 8/15/1938. The Sebo­ fields reside at Mount Perry, Ohio. Mrs. Jesse Smith d. on 9/ 30/1938, and is buried in St. Paul's Churchyard. Isaac H. Zartman, fifth son of Israel, was b. 7/2/1850. While a lad he was the victim of white swelling in one hip so that he had to walk with a crutch. That hip was often painful, always larger than normal; it was a life-Jong affliction; but he had a JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 127

strong will, a very clear head, a good mind, and acquired a very good education, taught public schools in the home community thirteen years and thereby supported himself, wife and family. On 12/24/1874 hem. Sarah Jane Pherson, b. 11/11/1854; their children were Rosa Ellen, b. 10/6/1875; Thornton P., b. 9/14/ 1877; Hattie Almira, b. 8/10/1880; Percy E., b. 1/2/1885, d. 4/19/1904. He d. 1/12/1921. His wife d. 4/28/1935. They are buried in St. Paul's Churchyard near Glenford, where more Zart­ mans are buried than at any one other place in the State. Isaac picked a nice rural site for a humble home and for a gen­ eral store among thrifty honest farmers; there for thirty years he did a successful general merchandise business. He was friendly, pleasant, and everybody liked him. He was an example for imita­ tion, and a Christian gentleman living the faith of the fathers and mothers. For ten years he was the assessor of Thom Twp., Perry County, Ohio. Ho and his wife and all of his family were active, devoted members of the Reformed Church. Isaac was a first cousin of the writer and was also one of his school teachers. Cousin Isaac had the spirit and love of a hunter. But that lame limb and swollen hip said, you can't chase and follow game. It was a hard problem, but because of native pluck he solved it. His saddle-horse stood for gunfire. He got a splendid hunting dog, one that treed squirrels, jumped and chased cottontails, scented and raised quail, grouse, and pheasant. The outfit was complete and it worked. Though Isaac was so lame he bad learned to swim, in Andrew Smith's run near our District No. 4 school­ house. When he had mastered the art of swimming, he taught the writer to keep afloat in those enticing holes in Smith's run. These stunts took place at the noon hour when the girls were sweeping the schoolroom. Cousin Isaac had great pluck and mastered difficult situations, and was very jolly. Rosa Ellen Zartman m. Chai:les Boring, a farmer, 2/28/1895. They had two children, but both d. at birth. Thornton Pherson Zartman m. Clara Belle Stith, 3/19/1905. Their son is Donald Hazel, b. 11/20/1008. Their post office is Thornville, Ohio, H.F.D. Thornton lives at Ziontown; is vice president of a Perry County Insurance Company. Donald Hazel Zartman, 11/2/1928 m. Sadie Moody, and they have a son, William V., b. 8/8/1929. Donald is a day laborer in a hammer mill, and resides in Rush, ille, Ohio. Hattie Almira Zartman, 3/2/1902, m. William Zollinger; 128 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY they resided at Millersport, Fairfield County, Ohio. In this union were born two sons: Robert, b. 9/4/1903; and Richard William, b.1/10/1911. William Zollinger owns grain elevators in Thomport and Mil­ lersport, Ohio. Robert Zollinger graduated from Millersport High School, and in 1927 from Ohio State University, where one of his instructors was Dr. Luke V. Zartman. Then Robert took a. year's work under Doctor Cushing, brain specialist at Harvard University, and served his internship at a Cleveland hospital. Be is now senior associate in surgery at Harvard and at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, Mass. On 7/29/1929, he m. Ida Louise Kiewit of Hamilton, Ohio. Children: Robert, Jr., b. 2/4/1934; and Myra Lou, b. 3/4/1938. Both were born in Boston, Mass. · Richard William Zollinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zollinger of Millersport, Ohio, m. in Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, 9/1/1938, Mary Lou Talbot, of 421-15th Ave., Columbus. Dr. Robert Zollinger, of Boston, was best man. The bride and groom made a wedding trip through New England states and Canada. They reside in Grandview, Columbus, Ohio, where Dr. Zollinger is resident surgeon in University Hospital. Doctor Zollinger re­ ceived his arts degree from Ohio State University, and graduated from the Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Mass., in 1936. The bride is a graduate from Ohio State University, 1932. In her marriage she was attended by her two sisters-Mrs. Young and Mrs. Lewis, also or Columbus. Rebecca Jane Zartman, b. 2/20/1853, daughter of Israel, son of Alexander Z. IV, 11/24/1872 m. William Allen Walser, b. 6/- 22/1849. They lived their entire wedded life on their farm a couple of miles east of Thornville, Ohio. Mr. Walser was Luther­ an; he d. 8/28/1915. Mrs. Walser was Reformed, and d. 6/29/- 1919. Both are buried in the Lutheran and Reformed cemetery in Thornville. They had five children; Nettie Ellen, b. 8/14/1874; EHzabeth May, b. 9/30/1876; Myrtie Almeda, b. 2/24/1880; Barry Israel, b. 5/30/1884; John Marvin, b. 7/31/1893. Nettie E. Walser married Dennis Shelly 12/23/1895, and they have two sons: Ralph W., b. 2/18/1896; and Dane, b. 1/4/1902. Ralph Shelly m. Gladys Pace and had two sons: Wayne Gene, b. 12/5/1920, and Kenneth Lyle, b. 4/25/1925. Dane Shelly m. Isabel Dunlap. Dennis Shelly d. 2/1/1912, and Nettie, his widow, JJ.COB ZARTMAN .\ND FAMILY 129 m. Arthur Starkey 2/19/1913. They have a son Harold A., b. 6/9/1915, who graduated from Thornville High School. Mr. Starkey is a retired mail carrier, and they reside in Thornville. Elizabeth May Walser m. John Dixon 10/10/1901. They have no children; reside on their own farm west of Thornville; both are active members of the E. and R. Church in Thornville. Myrta A. Walser m. Harry A. Bope 10/10/1907. }!e was a public school teacher prior to his marriage, and after it operated his father's farm, until bis death 11/14/1915; his widow then moved to Thornville and died there 1/11/1927. She belonged to Trinity Reformed Church. Their children were: Russell W., b. 12/14/1908; and Lillian Rebecca. Russell W. Bope graduated from Thornville High School and from Ohio State University; served three years as director of boy's work in the Sheldon Jack­ son School, Sitka, Alaska, and is now a Y.M.C.A. instructor at Houston, Tex. On 9/12/1935 he m. Ruth Garman of Moorcroft, Wyo.; she was a teacher at Osage, Wyo., Sitka, Alaska, and New Castle, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Bope are Presbyterians; they have a son Billy, b. 8/22/1936. Lillian Rebecca Bope is a graduate of Newark High School, and of Ohio State University. On 6/21/1938 she m. William P. Crandell of Toledo, Ohio. Both belong to the M. E. Church and reside at Manuel, a suburb of Toledo. Mr. Crandall is an accountant. Harry Israel Walser 1/8/1908 m. Orpha Phillips. Mrs. Orpha Walser d. 1/9/1923. Their son Kenneth, b. 7/2/1909, m. Bessie Hutt, and they have an adopted daughter Phyllis; also a son, Vernon Harry, b. 3/31/1934. They live on their own farm near Brownsville, Ohio. Lucille Walser was b. 11/16/1914; is a graduate of Thornville High School. On 11/20/1937 she m. Giles Long, son of Herbert and Myrta Foucht Long. Mr. and Mrs. Long reside with her father on his farm near Thornville; but Mr. Long is a chemist with the Pharis Tire Company of Newark, Ohio. He is a grad­ uate of Thornville High School and of Capital University in Col­ umbus, Ohio. John Marvin Walser m. 4/19/1916 at Dayton, Ohio, Stella May Bope, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Alspach Bope of Thornville, Ohio. Their children are five: Robert, b. 3/23/1917; Zelma. Eliza.beth, b. 8/26/1919; Doris Rebecca., b. 2/10/1922; Mildred Maris, b. 8/4/1925; and Wanetta May, b. 1/4/1927. 130 THE ZARTMAN F AKILY

Zelma E. Walser m. Harry Deitt 7/25/1937. The John M. Wal­ ser family live on their farm near Galena, Ohio, but John works at a manufacturing plant in Columbus, Ohio, and Robert Walser operates the farm. Leah Cedora Zartman, daughter of Israel and Elizabeth Zart­ man, was b. 6/4/1858 on a farm near Glenford, Ohio, and 7/1/- 1877, she m. Noah Snider of Somerset, Ohio. They lived on a farm. Their children were: Effie Jane, b. 8/6/1878; Martui Israel, b. 12/25/1881; Franklin Oscar, b. 7/7/1885; Luke Vinton, b. 8/21/1887. Mr. and Mrs. Snider were identified with the Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Snider was reared in the Reformed Church, but 3/25/1918, she joined the church preferred by her husband. Both Mr. and Mrs. Noah Snider died in the home of their daughter, Mia. John Love, in Glenford. Mr. Snider d. 5/14/1918; Mrs. Snider, aged 76 years, 5 months, 9 days, d. 11/23/1934. Both are buried in Somerset, Ohio. On 9/27/1901, Effie Jane Snider m. John Love. Children: Law­ rence, b. 12/3/1903; and Robert S., b. 2/13/1918. Lawrence Love 11/4/1931 m. Laura Belle George. They have a son, Ralph George, b. 9/25/1932; and two daughters: Jela Jane, b. 5/28/- 1934; a~d Alica Marie, b. 8/8/1936. John Loved. 1/11/1932. Martin I. Snider 2/19/1902 m. Effie Miller. They live on a farm near Grove City, Ohio. Children: Irene, b. 9/21/1905; and Florence, b. 2/19/1907. Irene Snider 12/23/1925 m. Fred E. Newhouse, and they live at 3213 Lamb Ave., Richmond, Va. They have a daughter, Rhea Lou, b. 5/5/1928. Florence Snider m. Rudolph P. Compton 5/- 25/1927, and they have a son Warren Rudy, b. 5/27/1931. The Comptons live in Columbus, Ohio, at 27 N. Westmoor Ave. Frank Snider m. Gladys Ellen Baker 10/30/1912, and they live in Somerset, Ohio. They have two sons: Kenneth B., b. 9/ 26/1915; and Harold N., b. 11/10/1919. Luke V. Snider m. Mary Margaret Baker 2/17/1915, and they live in New Lexington, Ohio. They have three sons: Walter A., b. 12/8/1915; Eugene, b. 5/29/1918; and John Roger, b. 10/31/1927. Emma Sult Zartman, b. 8/2/1860, a daughter of Israel and Elizabeth Zartman, resided on a farm near Glenford, Ohio. On 10/13/1881 she m. David M. Helser, son of Peter Helser, and they lived on a large and beautiful farm near Ziontown, Thom FAMILY o~· ALBERT D. HELSER, Missionary to Africa Dr. Allll'rt D. lfrlal'r, E"tlll'r M11y H1•lsrr, Loin Brcht<'I H<'lsl•r, D11vid C11mrron Hcls!'r


Twp., Perry County, Ohio. Mr. Helser was a successful farmer; a devoted member of the Church of the Brethren. His wife from childhood was a zealous member of the Reformed Church, an earnest worker in church and Sunday school, and the cause of Christian missions. David M. Helser d. 12/11/1927 after a very useful life of 74 years and 10 months. Their children were as fol­ lows: Frankli~, b. 10/11/1882, d. 1/23/1892; Raymond D., b. 1/22/1885; Mary Elizabeth, b. 2/2~/1888, d. 3/25/1889; Maurice D., b. 3/29/1890; Perry D., b. 11/24/1893; Albert D., b. 7/10/ 1897. On 1/28/1906 Raymond Helser m. Jennie Liberta Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster. Their children are: Evelyn F., b. 7/22/1908; Edwin, b. 7/5/1911; Mary Kathryn, b. 3/7/1918.

INFORMATION REGARDING THE EMMA s. ZARTMAN FAHILY. SUPPLEMENT TO INFORMATION ON PAGE 96, THE ZARTMAN FAMILY On 8/20/1914, Maurice David Helser m. Elizabeth Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Layton Stevens. They have two daughters: Carolyn Jane, b. 3/23/1918; and Margaret Eliza­ beth, b. 4/28/1922. Mr. and Mrs. Helser belong to the Presby­ terian Church. Mr. Helser is Dean of the Junior College and Director of Personnel at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, where he has been on the staff since 9/1/1915,. On 6/27/1917, Perry David Helser m. Ethyl Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Henderson. Mr. Helser is a mem­ ber of the Church of the Brethren and his wife belongs to the Methodist Church. Mr. Helser is President and General Manager of the General Ceramics Company, with office in the R.C.A. Building, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. They live in White Plains, N. Y. On 8/15/1922, Albert David Helser m. Lola Pernie Bechtel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Bechtel. They have a daugh­ ter, Esther May, b. 2/7/1925; and a son, David Cameron, b. 1/5/ 1932. Mr. and Mrs. Helser and family belong to the Church of the Brethren. Mr. Helser is an Elder in the Church, and a mis­ sionary to Nigeria, West Central Africa, since 1922. He is the West African Representative of the American Mission to Lepers at 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and author of "In Sunny Nigeria," "African Stories," "Education of Primitive People," 132 THE ZARTMAN F.utlLY

and "One Hundred 'fhouso.nd Lepers in the Belgian Congo." His Doctorate in Philosophy was completed at Columbia Uni­ versity in 1934. _At Heiser's Mission lepers are cured. A Moham­ medan priest seeing that said, "Our God can't cure lepers; your God is the true God." He renounced his faith in Allah and became a Christian ! It has not been my privilege to meet this good missionary, but I have heard much praise of him and his work. One Sunday in Pennsylvania, a lady who belonged to the Church of the Breth­ ren had me as dinner guest, and she told me their Church had such a very good and successful missionary in Nigeria, West Africa. I asked, "What is his name?" She got it and showed it to me; it was Albert David Helser, just as I e,rpected. I said, "His mother is my first cousin and she belongs to the Reformed Church." It made me very happy. My Cousin Emma Zartman Helser said to me one day: "I wanted to be a missionary, but I couldn't. Then I prayed that one of my sons might become a foreign missionary. Albert is the answer to my prayers." This praying, happy mother went on to say: "One day a Cpristian gentleman who was deeply impressed with Albert and the story of his work among the lepers, to him and said, 'In my will I shall remember your work with the sum of ten thousand dollars.' Albert was of course pleased, but said, 'In your will? You may live ten years yet; in that time many souls will die, why don't you give it now"f' The man thought a bit and gave him ten thousand dollars." Hallelujah, praise the Lord! For many years the names of two missionaries have been conspicuous in Africa, to-wit: David Livingstone and Henry• Stanley. We can add the name of Albert Helser and make it an immortal trio-Livingstone! Stanley! Helser! Glory be to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Martha Luella Zartman m. Laird Vallandingham Shrider 10/ 29/1885. They resided on their farm near Glenford, Ohio. Their children are as follows: Ivan Zartman, b. 7/20/1886; Emmet L., b. 8/6/1890; Josephine Zartman, b. 6/26/1893; Guy V., b. 11/ 18/1895. Mrs. L. V. Shrider was Reformed and her husband Lutheran. Their four children graduated from the Hopewell Township High School as follows: Ivan in 1904, Emmet in 1909, Josie in 1912, and Guy in 1914. Ivan Z. Shrider on Christmas of 1906 m. Lulu Virge Troup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Troup. They bad a daughter, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 133

Estella Marguerite, b. 1/22/1908, and graduated from Hopewell Township High School in 1927. She 'm. Kenneth Hursey, and had two children: Emma Lou, b. 12/21/1932; and Patricia Ann, b. 11/8/1934. Estella M. Hursey died at childbirth 11/8/1934. Other children of Ivan Shrider were: Eugene Hannon; Edith Pauline, b. 2/7/1916; Walter Woodrow, b. 12/2/1919; and Paul Wendell, born 5/14/1925. The Ivan Shriders and their children reside at Yost's R.R. Station, near Glenford, Ohio. Eugene Harmon Shrider, b. 6/14/1910, gradu11:ted from the high school in Glenford in 1928 and m. Lena Johnston 7/17/1932; they live in Glenford, Ohio. Children: Dana Eugene, b. 6/18/ 1933; Terry Lee, b. 10/16/1940, d. 12/2/1940. Edith Pauline Shrider is living in Newark, Ohio. On 7/28/1940 she m. Newton Clum. Emmet L. Shrider, 4/8/1915 m. Ethel Cooperrider. Children: Miriam, b. 2/5/1916, took a two-year normal course at Capital University 1933-35, and is now a teacher in the elementary grades in Glenford; and Herbert, b. 1/23/1922, a senior in Glenford High School. He hopes to be a preacher. Josie Z. Shrider, 12/25/1919 m. Rev. Haven C. Ice, pastor of the Lutheran Church in Somerset, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Ice d. on 5/ 10/1920, and was buried in Highland Cemetery, Glenford, Ohio. Mrs. Ice taught the district No. 4 school in Hopewell Twp. 10½ years. On 4/2/1926 '.ihe m. Rufus Frederick Dornbirer, and they have a son, Robert ,lames, b. 6/25/1927, and now in his seventh year in school, in Junior High. On 4/1/1937 Mr. and Mrs. Dorn­ hirer left their farm near Glenford, Ohio, and moved to New Lex­ ington, Perry County, Ohio, to accept the position of superin­ tendent and matron of the Perry County Children's Home located in that county seat. Mrs. Dornbirer under date of 4/28/1940 writes: "We have 71 children now; 55 of them are in the Home with us; we like our work fine." ___Gnu _Shrider, 12/25/1916 m. Pansy Campbell. They have ;a daughter, Marjorie Eloise, b. 7/29/1917, and a son, Richard, 'b. 2/7/1923. Eloise graduated from Glenford High School in 1935 and took a Public School Music Course in Capital Univer­ sity, graduating in 1939. She is now music superintendent in the public schools of Somerset and Junction City, Ohio. Richard is a junior in Glenford High School. 134 TBE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Laird V. Shrider departed this life on 10/31/1925, aged 62 years, and Mrs. L. V. Shrider passed away on 7/9/1936, aged 73 years. In Highland Cemetery at Glenford, Ohio, they await, the resurrection of tbe just. John 5:28, 29.

JOSHUA ZARTMAN A.ND FA.IDLY JOSHUA ZARTMAN, son o'i Alexander IV, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 5/10/1816, in Perry County, Ohio. Ho was a master gunsmith aud farmer. On 4/6/1839, he m. Lydia Klingler, b. 11/29/1818, in Perry County, Ohio, and she d. 6/8/1887. Both were reared in the Reformed Church, but upon their residence in Newark, Ohio, they united with the German Methodist Church, in which Mr. Zartman was also a local preach­ er. He d. 12/11/1891. Both are buried in Cedll.r Hill Cemetery, Newark, Ohio. Their eight children were as follows: Alexander, b. 4/14/1840 in Perry County, d. 7/29/1849; Adam, b. 9/18/ 1841, in Perry County, d. 2/1/1856; Jacob, b. 8;8/1843, d. 5/2/ 1879; Joshua, b. 1/30/1845; Aaron, b. 11/29/1847; David, b. 2/ 10/1849; Elizabeth, b. 1/27/1851; Mary Magdalene, b. 2/14/ 1853. All but the first two were born in Licking County, Ohio. Jacob Zartman was a hardware salesman in Newark, Ohio. He m. Alma Miller, b. 8/3/1849, d. 9/5/1891, and is buried in a cemetery in Alexandria. Ohio. Joshua Zartman, Jr., lived on a large and beautiful farm just south of Newark, Ohio. On 3/28/1867, he m. Jennie Hornby, who was born in Yorkshire, England. To them were born: Wil­ liam Aaron, 8/18/1868, d. 5/20/1869; Frederick Alfred, b. 9/10/ 1869, d. 10/15/1869; Zu~ Zepher, b. 5/3/1872, d. 1/10/1876.; Joshua Albert, b. 7/30/1880. The members of this family were Methodists. The father d. 11/17/1919 and the mother d. 9/6/ 1926. These parents and three young children are buriC'd in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Newark, Ohio. Joshua A. Zartman graduated from Newark High School in 1899, and from Ohio Wesleyan University in J.904, with B.S. De­ gree. He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, was assistant professor of Biology two years at his Alma Mater. On 10/2/1906, he m. Florence Mead, who in 1900 graduated from Hip;h School in Pataskala; she was also a student over three years in Ohio Wesleyan University, and was listed as of the class of 1904. They live in Pataskala, Ohio. Mr. Zartman is with MIi. AND M11~. ,JO!

DAVID ZARTMAN A.'1D FAMILY Bock Row: George William Creath, Stephen Ramsey Creath, Le Roy W .•Johnston, Florence Ramsey Creath, Margnrut R11ms1•y Johnston, Joan Alllle Johnston, Zetta Znrtman Ramsuy, Walter R, Wixon, Mury E. Rumsey Wixon, Murguret Dougherty Front Row: Charles LeRoy Ramsey, Elizabeth Leedy Ramsey, Robert ,\V. Wixon, Dnvid Ziirtmnn, Mary J, Zartman


the Pataskala Banking Company as vica-president, and is active in tho management of the Bank. Aaron Zartman was a farmer and owned the large, splendid farm, just southwest of Newark, that his parents formerly owned; he lived there 52 years and d. there 1/18/1909. On 11/29/1861 hem. lda Jones;,they had three daughters: two of them d. on the day of birth; Lydia b. 10/1/1875, on 1/7/1902 m. Michael Sachs, b. 1/31/1870, in Newark, Ohio. Michael Sachs graduated from Business College; was a merchant tailor in Newark, Ohio; but is now 1.tSSistant cashier of the Licking County Bank in the city of Newark, with which be has been connected 20 years. Their residence is 139 W. Church St. Mrs. Aaron Zartman d. 8/20/ 1932, and both she and her husband are buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. David Zartman stit out to be a druggist; took a course at Ada, Ohio, in Northern UniversHy or its forerunner, attended the col­ lege at Berea, Ohio, and studied pharmacy under Janvier, a Frenchman, then took a pharmacal course in Newark, Ohio. He and his family resided a long time in Butler, Ohio, where for many years he had a drugstore. On 9/3/1884, hem. Mary Hayes at Butler, Ohio, and they had a daughter, Zetta Orr, b. 8/9/1886, who on 10/26/1904 m. Charles L. Ramsey of Butler, Ohio. The Ramseys moved to Akron, Ohio, where Mr. Ramsey was in the employ of the Erie R. R., in the Police Department. He was pro­ moted to Division Sergeant, and was with the Erie R. R. 19 years. Ho now holds an important position at Mansfield, Ohio, with the Tire and Rubber Company, as chief of the Police Department. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey have three daughters: Mary Elizabeth, b. 2/19/1907; Florence Ruth, b. 3/28/1909; Margaret Louise, b. 6/5/1912. Mary Elizabeth Ramsey graduated from Wooster College; taught four years in High School at Crooksville, Ohio, and 6/8/ 1933, m. Walter Robert Wixon, an accountant. Their home is at 228 Bowland Rd., Mansfield, Ohio. They have a son, Robert Walter, b. 5/11/1935; and a daughter, Ruth Arny, b. 3/31/1939. Florence Ruth Ramsey graduated from Mansfield High School in 1927; and from Wooster College in 1931. She attended Bus­ iness Coll!'ge in Tiffin, and Office Training School in Columbus, Ohio, in the summers of 1931-1933. She wn..

Wm. Creath, of London, Ohio. Mr. Creath graduated from Lon­ don High School in 1922; attended Ohio Wesleyan University in 1922-1924, but did not graduate. He was n member of Sigma Chi Fratemity. Mr. and Mrs. Creath have two childrcm, both were born in Piqua, Ohio: Stephen Ramsey, b. 3/16/1938; and Caro­ lyn Jane, b. 4/2/1940. Mr. Creath operates a grocery and depart­ ment store in St. Paris, Ohio. Margaret Louise Ramsey received her education in Akron, Ohio. She taught music, piano and trumpet. On 11/14/1933 she m. Leroy W. Johnston, a graduate of Orrville High School and of Hiram College. Their daughter is Joan Ann, b. 10/3/1934. Mr. Johnston is an instructor in High School at North Royalton, Ohio, where they have their home. David Zartmnn and the writer were first cousins. Our fathers Isaac and Joshua Zartman werr brot,hers. David had retired from his successful business life and said he expected to live a hundred years; he was happy in the anticipation of his 91st birthday to be on Feb. 10, 1940; but on Jan. 15, 1940, the grim reaper Death with his sharp scythe cut him oft' as he was prepar­ ing to retire for the night. His exnct age was 90 years, 11 months, and 15 day:;. "Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, nnd then vanisheth away." James 4:14. "Thus sayeth the Lord, set thine house in order: for thou shalt die and not live." Isa. 38:1. "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27. Elizabeth, 9/12/1893 m. David E. Stevens of Newark, Ohio. Mr. Stevens was engaged in Life and Accident Insurance. They resided in Philadelphia, Pa.,and were members of the Metho­ dist Church. Mr. Stevens d. in the city of Brotherly Love 12/ 14/1909. In March, 1919, Mrs. Stevens took up residence in Tiffin, Ohio, with her sister Mrs. John D. Neff, at 154 Greenfield St., where she sWI resides. Mary M. Zartman 10/16/1883, in the home of her parents in Newark, Ohio, m. Rev. John David Neff who had been born and reared at Alexandria, Pa. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Rufus C. Zart.mun, a first cousin of the bride, who by letter had some yenrs hefore introdured the groom to ~he bride, which rip­ ened into u court~hip nnd happy marriage. It waR the second marringe ceremony performed by Hev. Mr. Zartman, who was in his maiden pnstoratl' of the Enp;lish Reformed Church in JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 137

Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Neff at that time was pastor of the Reformed Church in Carrolton, Ohio; had graduated from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, in 1878, with the degree of A.B., and from the Heidelberg Theological Seminary in 1880. During the years 1879-1880, Rev. Mr. Neff and Rev. Mr. Zart­ man roomed with each other in the Bake, house on N. Washing­ ton St., Tiffin, Ohio, and through this association they became very intimate friends. In 1881, Heidelberg College conferred upon Rev. J. D. Neff the degree of Master of Arts. Rev. Mr. Neff served His Lord and Master faithfully in a ministry of 33 years. He d. in Tiffin, Ohio, 6/29/1913. Mrs. Neff was a lovely Chris­ tian wife and mother; she d. in Tiffin 9/27/1929; both are buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Tiffin, Ohio. Three children were born to Rev. and Mrs. Neff: Carl Arthur, b. 1/22/1890; Grace Elizabeth, b. 1/25/1892; and Edwin Martin, b. 12/5/1894. Carl Arthur Neff graduated from Heidelberg Col­ lege in June, 1913, with the degree of B.S. He served in the World War. On 2/7/1920 he m. Mary Louise Hubbard of Indian­ apolis, Ind., who was b. 1/25/1894, d. 11/15/1933. They had two daughters: Elizabeth Ann, b. 8/22/1924; and Margaret Louise, b. 8/21/1933. Later Carl A. Neff m. Maude Ingham, of Lakewood, Ohio, b. 6/13/1894. He is with the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Cleveland, Ohio; their home is at 1207 Marlowe Ave. Grace Elizabeth Neff graduated from Heidelberg College in 1914, with the degree of Litt. B. and Art, and taught school in Tiffin, Ohio, for several years. On 8/13/1921, she m. Alfred Martin Reichard, a certified public accountant and Pro­ fessor in Tiffin Business College, of which he is Secretary-Treas­ urer. He graduated from Marion Normal College in 1912, as Master of Accounts, and from Zanerian College. During the World War he was a member of the 278th Air Squadron. They live in their home at 216 Hall St., Tiffin, Ohio. Edwin Martin Neff graduated from Heidelberg College in 1916, with the A.B. Degree, and served in the World War in France and Italy. On 2/21/1920 he m. Helen Miller, b. 1/11/1894, in Canton, Ohio. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1916 and taught in the public schools. Their children are: Dorothy Elizabeth, b. 12/23/ 1920; Joan Lynnette, b. 3/22/1928; and Edwin Miller, b. 4/21/ 1936. Mr. Neff is in real estate business with the Leonard Agency Company, Canton, Ohio. They !i,·e in their home at 522 Alta Place N. W., Canton, Ohio. 138 THE ZARTMAN F.UflL'\"

HENRY ZARTMAN AND FAllrllLY HENRY ZARTMAN, son of Alexander IV, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. in Perry County, Ohio, 8/29/ 1819, d. 12/25/1866. He was a farmer and died on his farm a half mile north of Glenford, Ohio. He and his family were mem­ bers of the Reformed Church. Henry Zartman 10/9/1839, m. Elizabeth Mechling, b. 2/28/1820, a daughter of Jacob Mechling. There were eleven children: Charles, b. 4/24/1840, d.10/18/1848; Mary Ann, b. 9/4/1841, d. 7/6/1866; Alfred, b. 3/6/1843; Eliza Ann, b. 5/12/1844, d. 12/21/1848; Henry Mechling, b. 11/15/ 1845; Melancthon, b. 11/2/1848; Amanda Jane, b. 2/10/1850; Harriet, b. 2/16/1852; Franklin Pierce, b. 2/14/1854, d. li3/ 1889; Thomas Jefferson, b. 8/15/1856, d. 12/3/1884; Son, d. in infancy. Mary Ann Zartman m. William C. King, b. 5/15/1838. Chil­ dren: Charles Elmer, b. 12/22/1862, d. 5/10/1875; Cora Ann, b. 2/2/1864. Cora A. King, 9/1/1886 m. Dr. 0. C. Stutz, a physi­ cian in Upper Sandusky, Ohio; to them was born a son, Paul King, b. 3/16/1890. Dr. Stutz after a long and useful practice in materia medica d. 2/28/1935. His wife and son reside in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Alfred Zartman for many years was a salesman in a general store in Basil, Ohio, where he m. Cornelia Mason 3/5/1871. He gave heroic service in our Civil War, with many other young men from Perry County. For many years he was identified with Stude­ baker Bros., Wagon Manufacturers in South Bend, Ind., and when the automobile came into existence this company removed to Kansas City, Mo., and Alfred continued in service with them until be died in 1928, aged 85 years. His wife died when she was 60 years old. He was born and reared in the Reformed Church; his wife was a Methodist. On Jocating in Kansas they joined the Methodist Church. Alfred was always a lover of and earnest worker in the Sunday School, and when he located in busy, thriving Kansas City, he saw great opportunities for missionary work through the Sunday School. He organized five Sunday Schools and planned to start three more. These five grew into Methodist Churches; the smallest one has 500 members and the largest one has 2500 members. "By their fruits ye shall know them." He let his light shine before men and we see his good works. There are othn men in our churches who could do just JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAJIIILY 139

such good works under the inspiration, guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Henry Mechling Zartman 1/9/1877 m. Sarah E. Bennet of Gratiot, Ohio, who was b. in 1851. They had a daughter, Etta Gertrude, b. 5/11/1880, d. 5/1/1881. They were members of the Methodist Church. They resided in Kansas City, Mo., where Henry was em1-,'., yed in the carriage business, and later in the sale of automobil~. Henry M. d. in Jan. 1939~ aged 94 years. His wjdow d. in Newark, Ohio, 5/5/1939, and was buried in Cedar Bill Cemetery, Newark, Ohio. Her age was 88 years. Meiancthon Zartman in 1870 graduated from the South West­ ern Normal School in Lebanon, Ohio, and for many years was a public school teacher, and a very capable one. For some years he was engaged in the boot and shoe business in Columbus, Ohio, and for thirteen years he was Postmaster in Glenford, Ohio. On 12/10/1874, he m. Martha E. Sturgeon, b. 2/12/1854. They had two children: Horace M. b. 12/12/1878; and Bessie D., b. 12/11/ 1883, d. 10/24/1922. Melancthon d. in Glenford, Ohio, 1/3/ 1934, aged 85 years, 2 months, 1 day. His widow d. 6/1/1934, aged 79 years, 5 months, 29 days. They are buried in Highland Cemetery, Glenford, Ohio. Horace Zartman 12/1/1905, m. Mary H. Brown, b. 2/26/1882, and they resided in Cleveland, Ohio. Horace died in California before his parents died. His son, Horace, lives in Glendale, Calif., at 3443 W. Vine St. Amanda Jane Zartman 3/11/1875, m. Vi'illiam A. Murdock of Glenford, Ohio, who for many years was a teacher in the public schools. They had three children: Alfred Webster, b. 12/12/1875; Laura May, b. 4/10/1880; Wilbur G., b. 3/8/1886. Mr. Mur­ dock d. 10/4/1892. Mrs. Murdock continued to reside in Fulton­ ham, Muskingum County, Ohio. In April 1916 she m. James C. Wilkins. Alfred Webster Murdork 4/21/1898, m. Nellie B. Ax­ line; he d. at Fultonham, Ohio, Sat., 4/26/1941. They had a daughter Georgianna, b. 6/4/1899; m. George Oscar Rutledge. Laura May Murdock, lU/26/1905 m. Ora Hamilton Sellers. They were childless. Mr. Sellers d. 9/13/1935. Wilbur G. Murdock 11/26/1913 m. Mario E. Baldwin, of Litt.le Rock, Ark., and they have a son, Wilbur G., Jr., b. 10/14/1921. Wilbur G. Mur­ dock, Sr., is 11, Jc,at.Jwr merC"hnnt in St.. Louis, Mo. 140 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Mrs. Amanda Jane Wilkins in the autumn of 1938 fell and fractured a hip. She was in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Laura May Sellers at Huron, Ohio, where she d. 11/10/1938. Two sons, Fred and Wilbur Murdock, and a daughter, Mrs. Ora Sel­ lers, mourn the loss of a good, kind, Christian mother. Funeral services were held in the Methodist Church at Fultonham, where she had long been a faithful member. Tho burial was on Sunday afternoon in the cemetery of St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, Perry County, Ohio. She departed at the ago of 88 years and 9 months. Harriet Zartman was a teacher in the public schools for some years. On 11/23/1875 she m. Eli Plummer Reed, a farmer; they lived on the farm formerly owned by her parents, just north of Glenford, Ohio; were members of St. Paul's Reformed Church in Hopewell Twp. He d. 12/6/1925 and is buried at St. Paul's Church, and she d. 4/24/1934 aged 82 years. To them were b. four children: Estella, b. 8/17/1876; Frank, b. 5/4/1878; Mary, b. 4/19/1884, d. 7/17/1905; Charles A., b. 12/8/1886. Estella Reed m. Rev. Charles E. Mechling 5/25/1809. Rev. Mr. Mechling was a Lutheran minister, pastor of a church in Zanesville and Somerset, Ohio; d. 9/24/1924 in Somerset, Ohio, and is buried near Glenford in St. Paul's Church Cemetery. They had three children: William Heed, b. 4/15/1001; Frederick Earle, b. 11/3/1904; and a child that d. as infant. Mrs. Stella Mechling lives with her son Fred in Akron, Ohio. William Mechling, son of Stella, lives at 2010½ Luce St., Harrisburg, Pa.; he i'l a coal dealer at 18th & Derry Sts. On 4/18/1926 hem. Jane William­ son. Fred E. Mechling lives at 1867 13th St., Akron, Ohio, and is connected with the Seiberling Rubber Co. On 6/15/1936 he m. Violet Cowberthwaite, who was b. in England. Frank L. Reed took up residence in Little Rock, Ark., and now lives in Refugio, Tex., where he is in the automobile business. On 10/11/1003 he m. Ethel Thalman; they have a daughter, Ruth Estella, b. 9/22/1904. Chas. A. Recd m. Carrie Baughman 12/ 19/1907. On 8/30/1914 he m. Frances M. Vann. A daughter, Marion Elizabeth, b. 8/3/1020; graduated from Buchtel High School in Akron, Ohio, 6/16/1938. Charles A. Reed is assoc­ iated with the Seiberling Rubber Company of Barberton, Ohio, and lives at Akron, Ohio. J.\coB ZARTMAN AND F.-1.MILY 141

LEVI ZARTMAN AND FAMILY LEVI ZARTMAN, son of Alexander IV, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, wns a farmer; he ·owned a quarter section of land which had belonged to his father, and on which his parent.'!, Alexander and Salome Zartman died. He and his family belonged to the Reformed Church; he was an earnest worker in Church and Sunday School. He wns twice m.: · 1, on 6/3/1845 to Sarah Foucht, b. 1/25/1823, d. 7/11/1858, aged 35 years, 5 months, 16 days; 2, on 10/20/1859, to Mrs. Emily V. Lentz (nee Maulsby), widow of David Lentz. Mrs. Emily V. Maulsby Lentz wns b. 10/29/1831, in West Virginia, d. 1/17/1887. By her first marriage she had a son, David Henry Lentz. Levi Zartman's eleven children were as follows, by his first marriage: Amos F., b. 5/13/1846; Matilda, b. 9/19/1847, d. 12/ 24/1868; Mahala, b. 4/13/1849, d. 9/15/1874; William V., b. 2/12/1851; Rosanna, b. 1/21/1853; Albert 0., b. 1/14/1855; Emanuel C., b. 1/31/1857. By his second marriage: Charles Cornelius, b. 3/5/1860; Edwin Ellis, b. 10/8/1861, d. 5/19/ 1863; George Calvin, b. 2/18/1863, d. 7/28/1887; Ferdinand Ogden, h. 5/28/1865. Levi Zartman, uncle of tho historian and his first S. S. teacher, d. on 3/8/1867, leaving a large sorrowing family and a host of sympathizing relatives and friends. His widow, Mrs. Emily Zartman, d. 1/17/1887 and was buried in St. Paul's Churchyard beside her husband. Amos Foul'ht Zartman as a young man taught school; he had a very good mind, and was t.alrnted; aspired to a collegiate edu­ cation, and entered Heidelberg Collrge at Tiffin, Ohio, where he pursued a classical course, and graduated with honor in 1871. He then rntrrrd the Heidelberg Theological Seminary, and gra­ duated in 1872. On 5/5/1872 he was ordained and licensed for the gospel ministry in tho Reformed Church. He was soon in­ stalled as pastor of the Engli~h Reformed Church in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, where ho ;:rrvcd with great acceptance his untimely death 4/29/1875. Ho m. 7/2/1873 Mary E. Poorman, b. 10/27/1849 in Tiffin, Ohio. She d. 11/11/1890, and both arc buried in Grccnlawn Cemetery at Tiffin, Ohio. Matilda and Mahala Zartman were young women of beauti­ ful Christian character and of grN1.t promise. The ruthless scythe 142 THE ZARTll.\!'I FAMILY of the grim reaper, Death, cut them down in their young woman­ hood. Tillie d. 12/24/1868, aged 21 years, 3 months, 5 days. Mahala d. 9/15/1874, aged 25 years, 5 months, 2 days. They are asleep in Jesus from which sleep none ever wakes to weep. William Vogt Zartman as a young man was a teacher in dis­ trict schools, and a teacher of Spencerian penmanship, a day laborer on many farms, and a popular salesman in a general store in Thornville, Ohio. He opened a store of his own in Glenford, Ohio, where be sold general merchandise, especially including wagons, buggies, fertilizer, boots and shoes, and agricultural implements; he bought and sold the produce of his farmer friends, of whom there was a multitude, and his hands, like those of King Midas, turned things into gold. On 10/14/1876 he m. Margaret Jane Yarnell of Somerset, Ohio, and to them were b. three sons: Earl DeWitt, b. 8/30/1877, d. 12/12/1879; Ray V., b. 8/29/1880; and Luke V., b. 7/28/1884. William V. had now accumulated money enough to move to Co­ lumbus, Ohio, and started in the real estate business there in 1894; he bought corner lots and erected on them dwelling houses which he sold at an advantage; he also manufactured and sold gas engines. In Columbus he and his family identified themselves very act~vely with the Methodist Church. In June 1900, Ray V. Zartman graduated from high school in Columbus, and became a traveling salesman for a boot and shoe concern. On 6/12/1907 he m. Helen B. Hunt, of Xenia, Ohio, who d. Fri., 11/22/1940 after an illness of IO months. The last rites were 11/25/1940 in Green Lawn Cemetery. The family live in Columbus, Ohio, at 2049 Westover Road. Their children were: Dorothy Jane, b. 4/5/1908; Anne, b. 8/ 17 /1911; and Edwin Ray, b. 9/20/1921. Dorothy J. Zartman graduated from high school in Columbus in 1926, and from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1930, and at­ tended Bliss Business College. On 5/14/1931 she m. Clete M. Zaenglein; they lh'e in Shreveport, La., 4464 Richmond Ave., and have two children: Helen Rae, h. 3/15/1924; and Joanne, b. 10/ 16/1925. Mr. Zaenglein i,; an insurance broker. Anne Zartman graduated from Columbus Hip;h School in 1928; and in 1932 from Ohio Wesleyan University. On 1/24/1939 she m. Claude A. Matz; they rl'side at 33 Harmondale Drive, Willoughby, Ohio. To them was given a son, John David Matz, b. 12/24/1939. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 143

Edwin Ray Zartman graduated in 1939 from University Arling­ ton High School; and in 1943 he is to graduate from Ohio Wes­ leyan University. He has membership in Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. Luke V. Zartman graduated in 1902 from Columbus High School; from the Ohio State University in 1906, with the A.B. degree; and from Johns Hopkins University in 1910. He was an interne at th~ Hospital for Women in Maryland, and spent two years at the Church Home and Infirmary as assistant resident nnd resident surgeon. Since bis return to Columbus he has been on the surgical staff of the Medical Department of Ohio State University, and was elevated to Associate Professor of Surgery in 1938. He also bas charge and teaches nurses at the St. Francis Hospital in Columbus. On 9/8/1917 hem. Alice Crane in Co­ lumbus, Ohio. They have three children: Elizabeth, b. 7/4/1918; William V., Jr., b. 7/19/1920 and named for his grandfather Zartman; John Crane, b. 12/10/1923. Elizabeth Zartman gra­ duated from University High School in 1936; and in June 1940 graduated from the Arts College of the Ohio State University. William V. Zartman graduated from the Upper Arlington High School in 1938, and is in the Ohio State University. John Crane Zartman is in the third year of the Upper Arlington High School. Dr. Luke V. Zartman and family reside at 1819 Roxbury Road of Upper Arlington, Columbus, Ohio. Their good, noble Chris­ tian parents resided at 348 King Ave. many years; they moved into Columbus in 1894. The death of William V. Zartman waa in their home Sunday, 9/19/1930. In his last days he suffered much pain, but found sustaining grace sufficient. Among his last words were these: "Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise!" His age was 69 years, 7 months, 6 days. He had hosts of friends. Funeral services were held in King Avenue Methodist Church of Columbus. In that Church he had been one of the most active members, and one of the official board and a trustee, and Sunday School teacher. The obsequies were in that church on Wednesday afternoon, September 22. The sermon waa preached by his first cousin, Rev. Allen King Zartman, D.D. The interment waa on Thursday morning, 9/23/1920 in the cem­ etery of St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, Perry County, Ohio. John Wesley said: "Our people die well." 144 THE ZARTIIIAN FAMILY

Mrs. Margaret J. Zartman, nee Yarnell, died Friday, 10/10/ 1930 after having Jived in Columbus thirty-six years. She was a member of I{ing Avenue Methodist Church. Funeral services at their late residence, 343 l{ing Ave., were held Saturday at 7:30 P. M. Interment was on Sunday afternoon, October 13, with additional services in St. Paul's Reformed Church, Glenford, Ohio. Prayer there was offered by Rev. Rufus C. Zartman, D.D., of Philadelphia, Pa. Rose Zartman was for many years at home with her brother William in Columbus. She taught public schools many years, was a member of the Reformed Church all her life, and devoted herself to Sunday School, missionary and religious work. To her sisters and brothers in their sicknesses she was the comforting sympathizing and nursing Good Samaritan. Her last end came with the suddenness of an electric flash, but fully prepared for the Master's kind and gracious words: "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Matt. 25, 23. The time of her departure 1938, at 41 West 11th Ave., Columbus, Ohio, was early on Monday, December 5. She was a member of the Wilson Avenue Reformed and Evangelical Church in Co­ lumbus. The funeral rites were on Wednesday, December 7, with burial in St. Pa.ul"s Churchyard near Glenford, Ohio. She could have said with St. Paul: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil. 1 :21. Just one month before her transition she wrote a letter to the historian saying: "I'm thinking my last are my best ones. Now very soon you will reach another milestone in your journey, and I send my best wishes for a very happy birthday-that of your 82nd !" In a recent letter her brother Charles writes: "I miss m? dear sister Rose, who was always most kind and considerate, always ready to sympathize and en­ courage, and always pointing the right way. I do miss her sol" Miss Rose Zartman d. at the age of 85 years. In one of her last days she penned the following lines and mailed them to the historian: "All of the family from the oldest to the youngest were fond of music and could sing. Some had very good voices. Many happy hours were spent in singing at the dear old home. The father had a very fine voice. And one of the family was teacher and com­ poser of music. Eight of the family taught school. I taught the longest and after I was 83 I met former pupils whose ages ranged from 65 to 71 years." JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 145

Albert 0. Zartman was a former; first he owned a form in Hope­ well Twp., Perry County, and afterwards at Kirkersville, Ohio. On 1/1/1879, he m. Martha· E. Swinehart, daughter of John Swinehart, son of George Swinehart, and his wife Anna Catharine, nee Zartman. Albert Zartman's great grandfather, Henry Zartman, and Martha Swinehart's great grandfather, Peter Zartman, were brothers, and b. in Lmica.ster County, Pa. Albert 0. Znrtman, like his father before him, was a devout Christian man; he and his wife and their son were members of the Reformed Church. Their son, Burl A., was b. 2/7/1882; at the age of fifteen, in 1897, he graduated from the Kirkersville High School; at sixteen he entered Heidelberg University to pursue a classical course and to prepare for the ministry. He was a young man of finest character and exceptional ability; be gave promise of highest usefulness. But, alas! disease interrupted his plans, and his course was abruptly terminated; he d. 6/7/1900, aged 18 years and 4 months. His father, Albert, had d. 4/3/1888, both of them claimed by the white plague, tuberculosis. Mrs. Martha E. Zartman, Albert's widow, resided in Columbus, Ohio. Among her beneficent works was the education of a Japanese young man for the Christian ministry. She d. 4/23/1930, and was buried with her son and husband in the cemetery at St. Paul's Reformed Church, near Glenford, Ohio. Emanuel C. Zartman, like his seven brothers and three sisters, was reared on the farm; after a good common school education he made a special study of music and gave instructions in vocal and instrumental music for some years. His ambition was for a higher musical training, and accordingly in 1884 he matriculated as a student of music under Prof. Karl Merz, at the University of Wooster. He graduated from this institution in June, 1887, with the degree of B.M. He taught music three years in the Academy at Pleasantville, Ohio, and two years in the College at Emporia, l{ansas; then for a term of seven years was the teacher of music at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Ill. From there he was called to the head of the musical department of Heidelberg University, Tiffin, Ohio, where he ably and successfully taught for sixteen years. Under his direction the oratorio of "The Messiah" was first given in its entirety in the city of Tiffin. He spent the last sixteen years of his life in social service work, and till within two weeks of his peaceful death. During his three 146 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY in the Conservatory of Music in Wooster, be was the di­ rectl'r of the choir of the English Reformed Church, where his cousin Rev. Rufus C. Zartman, was pastor at that time. He made the music very attractive. He was also a composer of sacred music, and a splendid solo singer. On Christmas in 1890, in Can­ ton, Ohio, he m. Minnie May Robinson. The ceremony was per­ formed by his first cousin, Rev. Rufus C. Zartman, D.D., then residing at Akron, Ohio. Prof. Zartman was an Elder in the Grace Reformed Church, Tiffin, Ohio. While asleep in his bed, in the night of 2/27/1933, he passed away. As when Lazarus of Bethany had died Jesus said, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep," and he meant the sleep called death, so we could say of tMs beloved husband, father, and friend: "He has fallen asleep." His age was 76 years, 1 month, 'J:l days. On 3/1/1933 he was buried by the side of his son William Allen in Greenlawn Ceme­ tery, Tiffin, Ohio. His widow resides at 132 Greenfield St., Tiffin, Ohio. Among tributes paid in honor and memory of him we cite a. few. A pupil wrote, "We can never forget the insj iration he was to us; he made music such a blessing to us." "The greatest thing about him was his Christian influence; he was not only a musi­ ciim, but a Christian one who was willing to use his talents in the service of his Master." His widow writes: "I have the blessing of having spent over 42 years with him-the best years of our lives, sharing the joys and sorrows, tho ups and downs that come in the rearing of children and making a homo for them." "He had good Christian principles and stuck to them; he lived his religion." "I never saw the man I would trade him for." Groups of little boys and girls of whom he had the moral oversight came to see him in his casket. A boy was heard to say: "Gee! I wish Mr. Zartman could have stayed in the court house forever." A poor woman told how she was on her knees praying to God that the gas company would not turn off her gas. There was a rap on her door; she opened it, and there stood Mr. Zartman who handed her a receipted bill for the gas. She said: "I knew he was the answer to my prayer." His religion was not static; it had eyes and oars, hands and feet. Children: Lena Margaret, b. 5/26/1892; Karl Emanuel, b. 10/18/1893; Mary Helen, b. 9/7/1895; Adeline Lee, b. 3/12/ 1902; William Allen, b. 6/17/1904, d. 2/4/1908 of diphtheria. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 147

after an illness of four days, and sleeps beside his daddy in Greenlawn Cemetery; John PauJ,.b. 3/9/1908. Lena Margaret Zartman in 1911 graduated from Columbian High School in Tiffin, Ohio, and from Heidelberg College in 1924 with the A.B. degree. In the grades of Junior Order of American Mechanics she taught nine years; then for ten years she taught mathematics, in the high school of the Junior Order of American Mechanics. On 6/24/1933 she m. Howard Bogart Porter, of Re­ public, Ohio, b. 9/25/1885. He owns a farm, and bas been a rural mail carrier 34 years. They live in Republic but were mar­ ried in Tiffin. Mr. Porter in his previous marriage had a daugh­ ter, Phyllis, b. 1/10/1916 in Republic, Ohio; in 1934 she gradu­ ated from high school in Republic, and in 1936 from Bowling Green College in the teacher-training course, and became a school teacher. On 5/27/1939 Phyllis Porter m. L. Earl Mc Vey. They reside in Van Buren, Ohio, where Mr. Mc Vey and his wife teach in the same school. Karl Emanuel Zartman graduated from Tiffin High School in 1912, and from Heidelberg College in 1918. He enlisted for the World War, and had charge of the men in nearby towns who enlisted. On the day appointed for his Company to go across, the Armis'tice was signed. He never got overseas, but was in Camp Meade several months. His homecoming was a time of great rejoicing in our family. He did postgraduate work during summer vacations at Western Reserve and Ohio State Univer­ sity. He taught in LancMter, Ohio, in Cleveland, and in Gran­ ville, Ohio. On 8/16/1921 he m. Mary Edith Wack of Lansdale, Pa., his classmate in college. They have two children: Kathryn Ann, b. 9/2/1923, an "A" pupil in Roosevelt Junior High School in Columbus; and Karl William, b. 12/26/1926, in sixth grade in the same school with his sister. They live at 485 Oakwood Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Mary Helen Zartman graduated from Columbian High School in Tiffin, Ohio, in 1913, taught in the grade schools three years, and then completed her course in Heidelberg College. She did her four years' work in throe years and graduated with the honor of Mllf}na cum Laude. Later she taught two years in Fostoria, and for two years was a very successful teacher in Latin and Spanish in Hamilton High School. She did postgraduate work in Columbia Uniwr,iity in New York. In 1925 she m. Clarence 148 TUE ZARTMAN FAMILY

W. Lutz, B.S. from Heidelberg and M.A. from Columbia Uni­ versity, science teacher in Columbian High School in Tiffin, Ohio. They have a son Paul Allan, b. 6/9/1927. Their address is 465 E. Perry St., Tiffin, Ohio. Adeline Lee Zartman in 1920 graduated from the Columbian High School in Tiffin, and from Heidelberg College in 1924. She taught in Bettsville High School, then m. ,J ... mes W. Gebhart (classmate) 6/24/1925. Mr. Gebhart has an M.A. from Ohio State. They live at 4926 Donald Ave., South Euclid, Ohio, whero Mr. Gebhart is teaching. They have a daughter, Joanne Louise, b. 2/24/1930. John Paul Zartman, b. 3/9/1908, graduated from Columbian High School in Tiffin in 1926. He was active in Hi-Y and had a class of "Y" boys in charge of Camp Sandusky, Ohio. He en­ tered Heidelberg College in 1926. In 1927 he m. Lucile Philbrick of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and they reside at 321 W. Wayne St., Lima, Ohio. They have two children: Margaret Jeanne, b. 11/ 2/1930; and David Mark, b. 10/2/1935. John Paul is connected with a Vacuum Company. Uncle Levi Zartman was not only fortunate in the choice of bis second wife, but with her secured a splendid stepson in David :J:{enry Lentz, son of David Lentz, b. 2/19/1855 in West Union, ,v. Va. When Henry Lentz came into this family he was not quite five years old; he was presented to four stepbrothers and three stepsisters, and in the next five years he saw four more real brothers join the family. There was a time when Henry had his mother's lap and love all to himself, but he shared that lap and love freely and generously with his new baby brothers. The writer knew Henry intimately, loved and esteemed him. One day in a letter his stepsister Rose penned this tribute to him: "Henry was of a kind, gentle nature and a great help to his wid­ owed mother in bringing up his three half-brothers, Charles, George and Ferdinand." That was a true and deserved com­ mendation. On National Thanksgiving Day of 1880 Henry m. Laura A. King, b. in Oct. 1860, daughter of John C. and Eliza­ beth Rarick I

Charles Cornelius Znrtman, first son by Levi's second mnr­ riagc, had splendid musicnl talent and for many years played the Mason & Hamlin reed organ in the Sunday School and Church services at St. Paul's Reformed Church ncnr Glenford. His uncle Isnac Zartman led the singing over fifty years in that St. Paul's Church and Sunday School. Charles for many years lived in Gratiot, Lieking County, Ohio. He was an undertaker nnd Jus­ tice of the Peace. On 3/5/1885 hem. Miss Martha Bowers, who d. 1/23/1914, and 7/15/1915 hem. a widow, Mrs. Emma Moore, who d. 8/10/1930. Mrs. Moore hnd a daughter, Thelma Lee, in her first marriage. His third marriage was to widow Eva L. Leasure 11/28/1933; her first marriage was 6/12/1898, to Mnrion Leasure of Muskingum County, Ohio. In her first, marriage she had two splendid daughters, Pearl Marie and :Mabel Elizabeth. Among questions submitted to Charles C. Znrtman by the historian wns this one: "Do you stilt hold the office of J.P.?" He replied: "Yes, I still hold the office of J.P. in Hopewell Twp., Licking County, Ohio, and the greatest set back I ever got during my incumbency in office was one time someone drove up looking for someone to perform a marriage ceremony; after he hnd nll t.he fun he wanted, he bcgnn talking to me in Pennsylvania Dutch and I immediately recognized him as my own cousin whom I had not seen for many, mnny years. The marriage ceremony was postponed. (Do you know who the pretended groom wns?) "Yah, ich denk es war so cin schlitz oricher Zartmann ga west." George Calvin Zartman was nn amiable Christian gentleman. In his youth ho became the victim of the white plague and d. 7/28/1887, aged 24 years. His death occurred near Ada, Ohio, in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Noah Hetrick, a sistl'r of his good mother. IN l\hMORY LANE PRESEN'rED TO JWSE ZARTMAN BY HEH BROTHER GEORGE C. ZARTMAN, 6/20/1883, AT KIRKERSVILLE, OHIO How oft' in memory lane I dwell, The scenes of childhood to recall; To sit and dream in fond delight, When twilight shade begins to tell And gentle moonbeams 11oftly fall, To wrap the world in robes of night. 150 THE ZARTMAN FA.l\llLY

I see the old home-sweet retreat, And hear my mother's voice, in song Of melody, that's soft and clear,· A 11d once again, upon her sweet A 11d gentle face, there drops among Her smifos, a clear and glistening tear.

Beyond the wall my father bends Among the shrubs and fragrant flowers, Ju.~t as he did in days of yore, Where he would greet his o'ld time friend.~, Who stopped to rest beneath the bower And chat beside our welcome door.

Oh, Time, what cha11ges you have wrought! The scene.1 of chi'ldhood are no more; There stands a city, vast and vain, Where noisy traffic means but naught To me, while I am looking o'er Thjs sacred spot in memor11 lane.

Ferdinand Ogde11 Zartman, 11/26/1885, m. Eleanor Kelley, b. 4/27/1866, d. 4/6/1899. To them was born a daughter, Ada Blanche Zartman, b. 4/20/1877, at Ada, Hardin County, Ohio. They returned to Perry County, Ohio, and lived in Glenford, where Ferdinand d. 9/20/1891. Ada Blanche Zartman graduated from the Hopewell To~ship High School 6/5/1906, and 1/23/ 1907 m. Frank Denison. They have a son and daughter: Floyd Ogden, b. 4/16/1910; and Betty Ilene, b. 4/28/1927. Floyd Og­ den Denison graduated from Glenford High School in 1928, and 4/28/1934 m. Catherine Irene Mechling. They have a daughter, Mary Jane, b. 2/14/1935; and son, Tommy Lee, b. 2/27/1940. The Denisons live on forms just east of Glenford, Ohio. Floyd inherited his farm, whieh contains 97 acres and is on Moxahall\ river. Chapter. Ill


JOHN MARTIN, son of Henry, son of Jacob, Sen., son of Alex­ ander I, made purchase of the homestead at the S. E. base of Line Mt. The farm then contained 206 acres. Here John Martin was b. 12/31/1774 and remained here with his family till his death 4/27/1833; his remains were buried in the orchard of that farm and the spot is marked with a marble tombstone. By trade John Martin was a blacksmith. Hem. Elizabeth Kniss, b. 11/- 19/1729, d. 1/14/1834; they had three sons and a daughter, viz: Samuel, b. 2/23/1803; Mary, b. 4/7/1807; Daniel, b. 5/18/1808; and Isaac J{niss, b. 4/6/1818. In deference to the polite saying "Ladies first" we shall treat first of Mary Zartman and then write of her three brothers, viz: Samuel, Daniel, and Isaac Kniss. I. MARY ZARTMAN, daughter of John Martin Zartman, on 1/- 17/1829 m. Samuel Herb in Northumberland County, Pa. In 1846 with many friends they moved West and located in Brook­ ville, Ogle County, Ill. From Pittsburg to Savanna, Ill., they went by canal and steamboat. Their children were Daniel Zart­ man Herb, b. 4/7/1830; Isaac, b. 2/20/1831, d. 3/24/1904; Sarah, b. 3/23/1832; Eliza, b. 7/22/1833. Mrs. Mary Herb d. 7/4/1853. Daniel i. Herb m. Mary Kemmerling in Sept. 1853; their child­ ren, b. at Brookvilie, Ill., were Addie, Joseph and Minnie Jose­ phine. Daniel Z. Herb d. 4/30/1868. Minnie Josephine Herb, b. 12/21/1859, was m. at Great Bend, Kan., 6/8/1880 to Henry Clinton Barron, who was b. at Heart Prairie, Wis., 3/1/1855 and d. 7/17/1935 at Westmoreland, Calif. Mr. Barron was educated at a military school near Chicago; he worked for many years for the railway and express companies as station agent and telegraph operator, and was later admitted to practice law in Nebraska. Their children were: Claude Emer­ son, b. at Pueblo, Colo., 3/12/1881; Herb Dewitt, b. at Pawnee Rock, Kan. 12/3/1882; Giles Van Vechten, b. at Pawnee Rock, Kan. 8/25/1884; Thyrza Adelaide, b. 9/16/1886 at Republican City, Neb.; Gertrude Amelia, b. at Omaha, Neb., 10/16/1888; Henry Clinton, Jr., b. at Hageman, N. Mex., 4/4/1907. 152 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Claude Emerson Burron is a graduate of the Omaha public schools and College View High School of Lincoln, Neb., is a grad­ uate and registered nurse in the state of Nebraska, attended Union College and University of Nebraska and practised dentistry at Guadalajara, Esta do de Jalisco, Mexico. He is unmarried and is living with his mother, at present. caring for the home at 29 Ter­ racina Blvd., Redlands, Calif. Herb DeWitt Barron m. at Hage­ man, N. M., 1/29/1918 Agnes Temple; he attended the S. W. Junior College at Reene, Tex., and graduated from the Nebraska School of Buiiiness of Lincoln, Neb. He is a builder and con­ tractor, living at 1141 E. Florence Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Giles Van Vechten Barron is unmarried; owns and lives on a ranch at Hageman, N. l\'I. Thyrza Adelaide Barron m. at San Diego, Calif., 1 /19 /1921 Frank W. Gregg, a mining engineer. Mrs. Gregg is a graduate nurse. They reside at 224 Bennett Ave., Long Beach, Calif., and have one daughter, Frances Adelaide, b. Los Angeles 6/26/1924. Gertrude Amelia Barron attended Union College at Lincoln, Neb., and graduated from the school of nursing, College of Medical Evangelists, at Loma Linda, Calif., in 1912. Shem. Dr. Leslie A. Smart of New Zealand 9/4/1917 at Hageman, N. M. They have two children: Lois June, b. 7/7/1924; and Leslie Albert, Jr., b. 5/11/1926. Their present address is 2863 E. California St., Huntington Park, Calif. Henry Clinton Barron, Jr., m. at Mission lnn, Riverside, Calif., 4/3/1923 Emilie Rose Swift, a trained nurse from the school at Loma Linda, Calif. He graduated from tlJC Hageman, N. Mex., High School in 1917; from the College View College of Lincoln, Neb., where he received the degree of B.S., th1,n from the College of Medical Evangelists at Loma Linda, Calif., where he was given the degree of M.D. He interned at the Los Angeles County Hospital in 1922. Dr. and Mrs. Barron have four children: Richard Clinton, b. at Los Angeles, 7/21/1925; Pauline Helen, b. at Corina, Calif., 8/7/1927; Henry Arthur, b. at Corina, 4/20/1929; and Howard l\Iunson, b. at Corina, 12/28/ 1930. Their address is P. 0. Box 217, Escondido, Calif. Isaac Herb m. Sarah Ann Messner, b. 1/3/1840, a sister of Rev. Henry Messner, who attained tlie age of 95 yrs. She m. Isaac Herb 1/10/1860, and d. 3/24/1904. They h11d five child­ ren: Aaron Clinton, b. 11/13/1860, d. 8/10/1888; Samuel M., b. 1/27/1863, d. 12/22/1899; Luella M., b. 7/11/1869; Joseph D., JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 153 b. 11/6/1870; and Mamie, b. 2/23/1872, d. 7/3/1873. Samuel M. Herb m. Lottie Fordney of Lancaster, Pa., where he wa.c; a family physician; a son, Roy, resides at 5303 Liberty Hts. Ave., Baltimore, Md. Roy Herb m. Rachel Baker and has a son, Robert aged 15 yrs., and a son Roy, Jr., aged 22 yrs. Luella M. Herb m. Dr. W. H. Miller 3/21/1895; and in FcB. 1909 m. James Taylor of Chadwi'ck, Ill. They have no children. Their address ic; Polo, Ill. Joseph D. Herb never married; he resides on the old Herb homestead formerly owned by his father, Isaac, and grandfather, Samuel Herb; his sister, Luella M. Taylor, resides with him at Brookville, Ill. Sarah Herb m. Andrew Wolf 5/24/1853 at Brookville, Ill. Their children were Samuel, b. 5/15/1855, d. 6/1/1878; Anna M., b. 9/11/1858; and Ellen S., b. 8/9/1860. Anna M. Wolf (Wolfe) m. Lester A. Brand. Their children arc: Ivy Ellen, b. 11/2/1876, Polo, Ill.; Alpha Wolf, b. 6/9/1878; and Hazel Helen, b. 8/26/1885, d. 11/1/1885. Ivy E. Brand graduated from Polo Public Schools and Chicago Training School (now affiliated with Garrett Biblical Institute of N. W. U.); also studied in Chicago School of Music; Deaconess of First M. E. Church, Burlington, Ia.; m. 9/22/1901 at Polo, Ill., Harley J. Ingram, a banker at Burlington, Ia. They have one son, Hubert Harley, b. 9/29/- 1906. The Ingrams reside at Brawley, Calif. Mrs. Ingram is a member of Red Cross; Order of Bookfellows; Emeritus Club, California Federation; Brawley Woman's Club; Informal Study Club; National Travel Club; former member of San Diego Branch National League of American Pen Women; Southern California State President, N.L.A.P.W.; organizer, member and Past President El Centro Branch (Imperial County), N.L.A.P.W.; organizer and Past President Chapter GV, Cali­ patria P.E.O.; member and Past President Chapter B.S.P.E.O., Brawloy; organizer, member and Past Regent De Anza Chapter (Imperial County) Daughters American Revolution (through war record of Jacob Zartman); Past President of Imperial County Federation of Women's Clubs; organizer of Ebell Club Calipatria; and member Fortunys Readers and Writers Club. Biography in: Poets and Writers Who's Who; Visions Magazine; Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Poets; and Zartman Family His­ tory. Publications: poems included in Anthologies-Wind In Palms; Contemporary American Lyricists; Prose And Verse; 154 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Melting Pot; Poets and Writers; Rendezvous of Poets; Christ-­ mas Lyrics; In Realm of Poetry; Diadem of Muse; Crown; Verse Harvest; Poets On Parade; Bookfellow Poetry Annual; The World's Fair; Caravan Of Verse; Golden Gate; Gems Brochure; Brochures-Twenty Years Of Faithfulness; Poems; The Ledger Old; Queen ldyllwild; After Twenty Years; Magazines (poems included): Visions; Clubwoman; Federation News; Los Angeles Times; Skylines; Western Poetry; Facets; Desert Breeze; Inter­ national Amateur (Halifax, England) and others. Correspon­ dence and feature articles in Brawley News, Westmoreland Mail and Los Angeles Times for many years. Novel: The Pot and Kettle. Dr. Hubert H. Ingram is a graduate of public schools in West­ moreland and Brawley, Calif.; was pre-Medical utudent Southern California University; graduate of Osteopathic College of Phy­ sicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles, Calif. Hem. Roberta A. Hall, Calipatria, Calif., 8/20/1930. Two children: Sue Ellen, b. 4/- 29/1935, Los Angeles, Calif; Cynthia Avarintha, b. 11/24/1936, Los Angeles, Calif. Residence, Los Angeles, Calif. Alpha Wolfe Brand is a graduate of Polo public schools. He m. Fanny Drummond, 1/10/1900, Riverside, Calif., and they had two children: Lester Drummond, b. 4/9/1902; Herbert, b. 8/16/1904. Alpha W. Brand m. second, Liela Henderson, River­ side, Calif.; no children. Address, San Diego, Calif. (Apt. House manager). Lester Drummond Brand m. Elizabeth Addis, Na­ tional City, Calif., and had no children; later m. Josephine Smith, San Diego, Calif., and had one child, Glen Edward. Lester A. Brand d. 3/17/1939, at Chula Vista, Calif., where his wife, Anna Mary (Wolfe) Brand still resides. He was nea,rly 84 yrs. old. Ellen S. Wolf m. 10/15/1896 at Polo, Ill., Rev. Edwin K. Yeakel, a minister of the United Evangelical Church, with which the entire Herb family was identified. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah Herb Wolf, d. 1/9/1914. Her father, Andrew Wolf, d. in 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf resided a few years in Cedarville, Ill., where Mr. Wolf was in business. Rev. Mr. Yeakel was b. in Berks County, Pa., 9 /2 /1867 and d. in Freeport, Ill., aged 79 yrs., 6 mos., buried at Polo, Ill., where his wife continues to reside. He was licensed to preach in 1881; served 63 yrs. in the ministry, 37 as pastor and 16 as district superintendent. He was pastor of the following charges: JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 155

Forreston, twice; Naperville, twice; Freeport, twice; Shannon, twice; Ashton, twice; two churches in Chicago; Barrington; Groveland. He was honored by his church and conference. He was greatly helped in his ministry by the capable and consecrated helpmate who shared with her husband over 40 years in the life and servife of the Christian ministry. · Eliza Herb never married; shed. aged fourscore years. Early she gave her heart to the Saviour and lived her life for Him. She was known as "Aunt Eliza" by a host of friends. She gave 12 years of loving service in the home of her only sister, Mrs. Wolf. When her brother Isaac's wife died, she entered that home and cared like a mother for his family for about 40 years. SAMUEL ZARTMAN learned the trade of a carpenter. His heart was set on going West, and so in the year 1825 he moved to James­ town, Green County, Ohio. Before publishing the former treatise I had been told that Samuel married before he migrated to Ohio. We have discovered that to be an error. Hem. Margaret Crum­ rine, who was from Bedford County, Pa. How they met Cupid alone seems to hold the secret. They did not marry until they arrived in Perry County, Ohio, 3/3/1825. We found this record in the courthouse in New Lexington, Ohio. To them were born 11 children: Elizabeth Ann Mariah, b. 6/14/1826; Harriet, b. 9/- 26/1827; James Winans, b. 4/26/1829; Eliza, b. 9/18/1831; Adelia, b. 10/20/1833; Miranda, b. 5/10/1836; Samuel Hodges, b. 6/12/1838; William Isaac, b. 12/22/1840, d. 7/14/1841; Char­ les Henry, b. 12/11/1842; Daniel Edgar, b. 12/5/1847; Essannia Hester, b. 8/26/1852. Samuel, the father of this family, d. 7 /- 31/1856; the mother, Margaret, d. 2/2/1875. They are buried in Jamestown, Ohio. Elizabeth Ann Mariah Zartman m. Eli G. Warner, 5/27/1852. They resided on a farm near London, Ohio. Their children were as follows: Martha C., b. 7/7/1853, d. 10/28/1899; Erwin Zart­ man, b. 9/21/1855; Luella Margaret, b. 5/20/1857, d. 11/15/- 1860; Clara S., b. 4/27/1862. Eli G. Warner d. 1/29/1901, and his wife d. 3/30/1902. Erwin Zartman Warner resided on a farm at London, Ohio. On 2/23/1883, he m. Forrest L. Orcutt, and their son, Ray Forrest Warner, was b. 3/17/1891. His first wife d. 9/10/1891, and 6/11/1902, he m. Inis R. Myers. Their daughter, Mildred, was b. 8/12/1906. Erwin Z. Warner d. 4/23/- 156 THE Z.-\RTM.\N FAMILY

1911. Ray Forrest Warner m. Erma Hunn 3/20/1920. They have two sons: Jay Edgar, b. 6/5/1922, and Wilber Marvin, b. 12/21/1928. Clara S. Warner m. T. Hollon Orcutt 12/19/1894, and they lived on a farm near London, Ohio. Their only child is Florence Louise, b. 6/18/1898, who 6/11/1929 m. Edward C. Cox. He d. 7/9/1927. Harriet Zartman, 1/11/1848, m. Joshua Smith, b. 3/9/1819. Mr. Smith was a carpenter and builder. They lived in James­ town, Ohio. Their children are: Tbomns Henry, b. 1/30/1849; Martha Ellen, b. 10/6/1850; Annie F., b. 1/31/1854, d. aged 30 years; Margaret Emma, b. 1/1/1856. Mr. Smith d. 2/28/1892, and his wife d. 12/30/1907. Thomas Henry Smith m. Emma Rosalia Paullin 2/17/1870. They resided in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Smit,h was State Agent for Fire Insurancl•. Following arc the names of their children: Maude, b. 1/11/1871, and d. 4/11/1894; Carl Harold, b. 8/10/1876; Florence, h. 3/21/1878; Annie, b. 9/1/1885. Carl H. Smith m. Mac Q. Vance, 12/27/1900. Their son, Harold, wns b. 11/30/1905. Martha Ellan Smith, 10/21/- 1869, m. SaIIJucl A. Harper, b. 5/10/1847, in Rockbridge Co., Va. To them was b. a son, Ralph "Wilbur Harper, 11/9/1874. Samuel A. Harper served in the Civil War until severely wounded and discharged; at the time of his death, 6/10/1889 he was sec­ retary and treasurer of a manufacturing company. Mrs. Harper resided with her son in Dayton, Ohio. Shed. in Jan. 1912. Ralph W. Harper is a pattern maker and holds the position of foreman; he m. Ennettie Smith 6/27/1899; their children are: Howard Byrne, b. 4/14/1906; and Martha Evelyn, b. 2/25/1008. Mar­ garet Emma Smith, 6/12/1875, graduated from the High! of Jamestown, Ohio. On 7/17/1877, she m. Charles H. Jenkins, and they reside in Jamestown Their children arc: Annie, b. 2/- 15/1879; and Mary, b. 12/20/1881. Annie Jenkins, 10/22/1901, m. Harry Agnew Frazier. Their son is Richard Jenkins Frazier, b. 10/10/1902. James Winans Zartman m. Parthenia Matilda Spahr 9/7/1854. They had thrue children: Barzillia Edgar, b. 8/6/1855; Mary Allella, b. 8/24/1857, d. 12/28/1860;· Frederick Spahr, b. 9/13/- 1867, d. unm. 6/7/1902, in the City of Mexico, and is buried there. James Winans Zartman d. 3/18/1907, in Kansas. Hill son, Barzillia Edgar, resided in Oklahoma City, Okla., and was a com- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 157 mercial traveller. On 6/18/1885,. in Leavenworth, Kan., he m. Mary Nancy Clough, who was b. 8/3/1861, in Parkville, Mo. To them were born three daughters: Irene, b. 4/21/1886, d. 7 /- 29/1898; Lunelle, b. 1/16/1891, d. 7/23/1891; Katherine, b. 9/- 3/1898. Eliza ~artman 2/12/1856 m. Charles F. Schroeder in James­ town, Ohio. She d. 11/24/1901. Mr. Schroeder was born in Germany. Their children arc: Wilmot Oren, b. 10/12/1858 in .Jamestown, Ohio; Henry Charles; and Ella G. On 10/16/1895 Wilmot 0. Schroeder m. Sarah Barnes in Uniontown, Pa., where she was b. 4/7/1869; they lived most of their lives in Marshall, Mich., and had four children: Orrville Barnes, b. 7/19/1896; Roy Thomas, b. 4/19/1900; William Henry, b. 11/12/1902; and Ethel Marie, b. 12/22/1897. AU were born in Warsaw, Ind., except William Henry who was b. in Battle Creek, Mich. Wilmot 0. Schroeder passed away in Marshall, Mich., 6/18/1926. His widow departed this life 6/3/1937. The Schroedcrs gave every one of their children a good educa­ tion. Orrville B. Schroeder in 1915 graduated from High School in l\farshall, Mich.; and in 1926 from the University of Mich. He served overseas two years as First Lieutenant. On 11/3/1928 he m. Margaret Willis in l{alamazoo, Mich. They have a son, Orrville, Jr., b. in 1930; and a daughter, Marilyn, b. in 1932. They own the Dutrh Treat Bnkcry, and reside at 818 Lane Ave., Kala­ mazoo, Mich. Roy Thomas Schroeder graduated from the High School in Marshall, Mieh., in 1918, and from the Michigan Agri­ cultural College in 1923; and obtained M.A. degree in 1937 from the University of Michigan. Hem. Edna Jones 1/1/1923. They have three children: Orrville, b. in 1924; Margaret, b. in 1926; and James, b. in 1928. They reside in Ovid, Mich., where Mr. Schroeder is Superintendent of Schools. lVilliam Henry Schroed­ er graduated from High School in 1920 in Marshall, Mich.; and from Michigan Agricultural College in 1925. He is Principal of Schools in Clawson, Mich. In 1924 hem. Dorothy Jones, and has a son William, Jr. His second marriage was to Gladys Pierson in 1933, by whom he has two daughters: Shirley, b. in 1935; and Carol, b. in 1937. Ethel Marie Schroeder graduated from High School in Marshall, Mich., in 1917, and from Western State Teachers' College, Kalamazoo, Mich. She attended the University of Mich­ igan two terms. On 8/2/1920 in Marshall, Mich., she m. William 158 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

McKinley Braybrooks, b. in Lamoni, Ia., 3/13/1897. They have a daughter, Patricia Ann, b. 4/9/1928, in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Braybrooks graduated in 1915 from High School in Lawrence, Mich., from Western State Teachers' College, Kalamazoo, and in 1925 from the University of Michigan, with B.S. and M.E. degrees. He served overseas in France two years; he is now in the employ of the Gulf Oil Corporation as Superintendent of New York Refinery. They reside on Holsman Road, Grymes Hill, Staten Island, N. Y. Henry Charles Schroeder lived in Jacobsburg, Ohio. He had four children: Grace, Charles, Wallace, and Helen. Ella G. Schroeder resided in Jamestown, Ohio. On 8/10/1910 she m. James Bevan. Adelia Zartman, 4/8/1858, m. James E. Spahr, living at Wayne, Nebraska. They had seven children: Frank Austin, b. 3/4/1859; Anna May, b. 1/26/1862, d. 2/20/1888; Charles Edward, b. 8/- 9/1865, d. 6/1916; Mont Zartman, b. 11/5/1866; Carey Wilbur, b. 6/12/1869; James Harvey, b. 5/12/1874; Cora Maude, b. 9/- 30/1880. Frank Austin Spahr lived at Wayne, Nebraska, and had seven children: Frances Margaret, b. 9/16/1890; Essie May, b. 9/28/1891; Hazel Irene, b. 5/24/1894; Alexander Edward, b. 8/31/1896; Helen Harriet, b. 3/12/1903; Dorothy Maud, b. 6/26/1905; Frank Austin, b. 8/9/1907. Mrs. Adelia Z. Spahr d. 4/3/1902. Adelia Isabel Spahr, daugh­ ter of Charles Edward, under date of 12/13/1937, wrote as fol­ lows: "Almena, Kansas. Our father, Chas. Edward Spahr, d. at Long Island, Kan., on 6/17/1916. He and mother, who was Miss Amanda Magretha Flohr, were m. at Wayne, Neb., 3/29/1888. My brother, James Frederick, was m. in Feb. 1918 to Miss Meta Dietrich at Norton, Kan., and d. at his home at Long Island, 5/- 11/1920. They had no children. His widow moved to Santa Ana, Calif., and has m. a Mr. Caldwell. Mother and I moved to Al­ mena, Kan., 3/1/1918, where I became clerk in the post office and held that position until in Aug. 1935. I am now an operator in a telephone office and live with my mother, Sincerely, Adelia Isabel Spahr." · Charles Edward Spahr lived at Long Island, Kan., and had two children: Adelia Isabella, b. 7/26/1889; and James Freder­ ick, b. 12/27/1891. James Harvey Spahr lived at Wayne, Neb., and had four children: Raymond Lionel, b. 1/21/1897; Edith JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 159

Mabel, b. 5/3/1901; Roy E., b. 1/29/1903; Ernest, b. 7/13/1904. Cora Maude Spahr m. Mr. Perkins, and they reside at Loveland, Colo. They have a son, Edward Perkins, b. 8/7/1908. Frank A. Spahr and family for years resided on the old home­ stead at Wayne, Neb. Helen H. Spahr, public school teacher in Sioux City, Ia., on 3/1/1937 wrote us as follows: "My father Frank A. Spahr of Wayne, Neb., passed away 1/3/1937, aged 77 years. His wife, Margaret Jeffrey Spahr, passed away 11/28/- 1936. At present Frank A. Spahr, Jr., and his family are living on the farm, north west of Wayne, formerly occupied by his fa­ ther." Under date of 1/3/1938 Frank Austin Spahr, Jr., b. 8/9/1907, sent the following data about his brothers and sisters and him­ self: 1. Frances Margaret m. Geo. S. Madsen 9/22/1922; her child­ ren: (a) Donald George, b. 10/29/1923, (b) Karen Mar­ garet, b. 6/5/1928. Address 5804 Nicolet Ave., Chicago. 2. Essie May m. Jack L. Wells 9/24/1924; her child, Troy Spahr, b. 11/21/1927. Address 4031 Wirt St., Omaha, Neb. 3. Hazel Irene, instructor in Sioux City schools. Address 220 Sioux Apt., Sioux City, Ia. 4. Alexander Edward, car repair business. Address 85th & Biondo, Omaha, Neb. 5. Helen H., received B.A. degree at Wayne State Teachers' College, Wayne, Neb., in 1935. Instructor in Sioux City schools. Address 220 Sioux Apt., Sioux City, Ia. 6. Dorothy Maude, received B.A. degree at Wayne State Teachers' College, Wayne, Neb., in 1928; m. lloyd Allen, 12/22/1934; child, Lloyd, Jr., b. 10/28/1935. Address 640 W. 8th St., Loveland, Colo. 7. Frank Austin, Jr., m. Helen Van Buren, 11/28/1930. Farmer on his father's farm near Wayne, N eh. His children: (a) Robert Austin, b. 4/29/1932, (b) Ruth Elizabeth, b. 3/25/1934, (c) Charles Edward, b. 9/3/1935. Concerning his uncle, Carey Wilbur Spahr, he writes: "His wife, Bertha Mellick Spahr, b. in Jan. 1928; he m. Anna Jensen in Feb. 1929. The following are dates of marriages, and dates of births of grandchildren of James H. Spahr: 160 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

(1) Mabel Edythe Spahr (b. 5/3/1901); m. 6/2/1923 Edwin Peter Caauwe (b. 1/1/1902) and reside at Wayne, Wayne Co., Nebraska. To this union were b. two children, Marjorie Nelda Caauwe (b. 1/21/1927) and Donald Gordon Caauwe (b. 2/26/1929). (2) Roy Edward Spahr (b. 1/28/1903) m. 2/28/1925 Clara Haiel Ireland (b. 10/24/1903) and reside at Wayne, Wayne Co., Nebraska. To this union were b. two children, James LeRoy Spahr (b. 1/21/1929), and Lois May Spahr (b. 11/13/1931). (3) Nellye Maude Spahr (b. 1/13/1911) m. to Richard Ru­ dolph Kyl (b. 3/26/1904). 1\1. 6/2/1932 and reside at Har­ lan, Shelby Co., Iowa. (4) Raymond L. Spahr (b. 1/21/1897) m. to Ruth Pen­ elope Coen (b. 5/9/1911). M. 3/1/1934 and reside at Ran­ dolph, Wayne Co., Nebraska. (5) Ernest Harvey Spahr (b. 7/13/1904) is unmarried and resides at Wayne, Wayne Co., Nebraska. Miranda 'Zartman, 12/14/1865, m. Jonathan Bergdoll, who had served in our Civil War. Their son, Charles B. Bergdoll, was b. 5/21/1870, d. 9/15/1876. Jonathan Bergdoll d. 4/3/1908. Mrs. Bergdoll resided in Jamestown, Ohio, and died in 1910. Samuel Hodges Zartman was a carpenter by trade. He enterecl the Civil War in 1861 and served in Co. A., 74th Ohio volunteer infantry, till the close of the war. He was in the battle of Stone River, Va., and Kenesaw Mountain. He was clrum major one year. He d. 8/29/1906. On 1/18/1865, he m. Annie Elizabeth Long, b. 1/27/1838. To them were born four children: Albert, b. 8/7/1866, d. 3/19/1885; Lucy, b. 12/15/1869; the twins, Foss and Mary, b. 7/21/1872. Lucy Zartman resided with her mother, who d. 6/4/1917. Foss Zartman is a graduate of the Jamestown High School. On 11/24/1904, he. m. C. Louise Bayly. They re­ side in Lima, Ohio, where he is engaged in buying and selling · grnin. His address is 1120 W. Elm St. Mary Zartman graduated from the Jamestown High School: On 12/20/1899, she m. Wil­ liam G. Watson, a tailor in Jamestown. Charles Henry Zartman was a carpenter and builder; resided in Winfield, Kan. On 10/21/1875 he m. Mary E. Sharp, of Aber­ deen, Brown County, Ohio. They moved to l{ansas in 1887, and Charles fknry d. thero 2/24/1919. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 161

Daniel Edgar Zartman was a· farmer; resided at Jamestown, Ohio. On Christmas, 1877, he m. Catherine Elizabeth Brickel. He d. of heart disease 2/2/1914. This entire Samuel Zartman family was brought up in the Methodist Church, and to it belong their grandchildren and great­ grandchiidren almost without an exception. Essannia Hester Zartman moved in May, 1890, to Winfield, Kan., where she taught in the public schools for many years, and became Superintendent of the schools of Cowley County, !{an. Shed. there 1/1/1931, and is buried in Winfield. DANIEL ZARTMAN, b. in 1808, son of John Martin Zart­ man, after the decease of his father came into possession of the old homestead at Line Mountain. He engaged in farming, made bricks on that farm, and in 1861 built the roomy and substantial dwelling house on the farm; out of bricks remaining the Zartman Church was built in 1864. On 4/8/1832, he m. Catharine Seiler, b. 4/23/1814. Their eight children all b. near Mahanoy, Jackson Twp, Pa., wero: Henrietta, b. 11/21/1833, d. 1/19/1854; Isaac, b. 11/25/1835; Daniel b. 10/2/1837, d. 8/3/1842; Mary, b. 8/18/1839; Rebecca, b. 2/23/1842; Samuel S., b. 8/30/1845; Elizabeth, b. 8/6/1848; Sarah Agnes, b. 11/18/1857. Isaac Zartman m. Elizabeth Daniels 12/25/1866. Their daugh­ ter, Katherine, b. 1/31/1873, m. Peter Erb 11/27/1891; to them was born a daughter, H. Estella Erb, b. in 1892, d. 12/1/1907. After the death of Mr. Erb, his widow, Katherine, m. Harry B. Snyder 12/3/1904. I{atherine Zartman Snyder d. 1/16/1936; interment was at Red Cross. They had six children, viz: Walter E., b. 7/11/1905; Martha E., b. 10/10/1906, d. 10/19/1906; Florence C., b. 11/30/1908; Daniel Z., b. 4/9/1910; Nellie, b. 3/13/1912, d. 3/20/1913; Marlin, b. 6/10/1913. Walter E. Sny­ der m. Jennie Knerr 3/25/1925. They live in Shamokin, and have four children viz: Paul Z., b. 7/4/1925; Jean Lois, b.8/21/1927; David Walter, b. 9/30/1930; Huth Irene, b. 10/16/1933. Flor­ ence C. Snyder graduated from Bloomsburg State Normal School and taught several years in the schools of Shamokin; she m. Philip Kester, who is a graduate from Penn State; they have a child, Suzamw, b. 2/12/1935. The !

Isaac Zartman d.1/17 /1879 and is buried at Zartman's Church, Kniss Station. His widow m. Benjamin Haupt, who d. 7/6/1928. Mary Zartman m. David K11orr 1/2/1870. A daughter, Cora Tamie, b. 1/17/1871, graduated from Schuylkill Seminary in June, 1894, in Music and Art, and 6/6/1908 m. Charles F. Zerbe. After her husband's death, Mrs. Knorr, and Mr. and Mrs. Zerbe, resided in Herndon, Pa. Mary l{norr d. 1/10/1917; her daughter Tamie d. 4/9/1922. Rebecca Zartman 11/8/1863 m. Henry B. Longsdorf. They have two sons: Francis S., b. 10/4/1864; and Daniel Packer, b. 7/9/1872. They gave both sons to the ministry of the gospel in the United Evangelfoa.l Church. The parents resided in Hern­ don, Pa.. Mr. Longsdorf d. 10/9/1925, aged 86 yrs., 11 months, and 15 days. Mrs. Longsdorf d. 5/18/1929, aged 87 yrs., 2 months, and 26 days, and both are buried in Herndon, Pa. They were devoted, sincere, and loyal Christians. Francis Longsdorf in June 1885 graduated from Union Seminary, New Berlin, Pa. He has served charges at Rea.ding, Easton, Mt. Carmel, Schuyl­ kill Haven' twice, Mohnton, Kutztown, Lebanon, and Palmer­ ton. He has now retired from the pastorate and is at present Burgess of Palmerton; and resides at 248 Lafayette Ave. Hem. Lizzie Derick of Herndon, Pa.. Their children Essie, b. 3/- 2/1890, address 248 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, Pa..; Clair, b. 7/9/1892; Eugene, b. 1/19/1895; Maxwell, b. 6/20/1897; and Miriam, b. 12/20/1902. Clair Longsdorf graduated frQm Mt. Carmel High School in 1910, and from the Philarleiphia Sd1ool of Watchmaking and Engraving in 1911. He m. Edna Dorsey of Mt. Carmel, Pa.., 12/26/1913; their children arc: Hobert, b. 10/9/1915; and Eliz­ a.beth, b. 8/4/1918; they live in Philadelphia, Pa.., at 3618 N. Gratz St. Clair is employed in the Strawbridge and Clothier Store. Eugene Longsdorf served as Sergeant in the Aero Divis­ ion of the Signal Corps during the World War. He m. Made­ leine Akers of Philadelphia, Pa. 6/9/1927, and they reside at 225 Huntley Road, Upper Darby, Pa. Maxwell Longsdorf grad­ uated from Peirce Busilless Colle::;e in 1916. He served as First Class Sergeant in the Signal Corps during the World War, and he saw active service in France for a year. He m. Wilhemina. Young of Philadelphia, 1/12/1923, and they have one son: Charles, b. 2/19/1927. They live at 19 N. Wissahickon Ave., JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 163

Ventnor, N. J. Miriam Longsdorf graduated from Mohnton High School in 1920, Keystone State Normal School in 1922, and Lebanon Business College in 1928. She m. Raymond Lesher of Lebanon, Pa., 11/16/1929, and they have twin sons: James and Robert, b. 2/17/1931. They live at 248 Lafayette Ave., Palmer­ ton, Pa.' Mr. Lesher was b. 1/18/1905 at Lebanon, Pa.; he grad­ uated from Lebanon High School in 1923, and Sweeney Aviation School in 1928. Daniel P. Longsdorf in June 1894 graduated from a Seminary at Fredericksberg, Pa., and was licensed in 1897. He has served charges at Creswell, Tremont, Catnsauqua, Weissport, Kutz­ town, Mahanoy City, Grace in Lanca.<1ter, Bethany in Reading, Allentown, Lititz, and Columbia, and now resides at 19 N-4th St., Mahanoy City, Pa. On 6/2/1902 Rev. D. P. Longsdorf m. Lillian Good in Lancaster Co., Pa. They have two sons: Ken­ neth Dwight, b. 5/16/1905 at Catnsauqua, Pa.; and William Theodore, b. 10/2/1918. The younger son, William T. Longs­ dorf, in 1935 graduated from High School in Lititz, Pa., and then matriculated in F. & M. College, from which he expects to be graduated in 1941 with B.S. Kenneth Dwight Longsdorf was educated in the public schools of Mahanoy City, and in tho Model School of Kutztown State Teachers' College, and in 1923 was graduated from the Boys' High School in Lancaster, Pa.; in June 1927 he received B.S. from F. &. M. College, was gradu:1ted magna cum laude, elected to Phi Beta Kappa, also Tau Kappa Alpha and Phi Upsilon Kappa. While in college he was captain of the team which de­ bated against a team from Oxford University, England. He re­ ceived his A.M. degree, February, 1935, at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; and from 1934-1937 studied at various times in the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University (on a fellowship), and in the Graduate School of Philosophy, Columbia University. From 1927-1932 he was Master of English and Latin in the Donaldson School, an Episcopal school located at Ilchester, Md. In 1934-35 he was Director of Older Boys' Activities in Denison Settlement House, 93 Tyler Street, Boston; at present is Head of the English De­ partment of the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind, 999 Pelham Parkway, New York City. (Fanny J. Crosby, the beloved hymn writer attended this school and President Grover Cleveland was once a clerk in the school offices.) 164 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Ho is 11. member of: Greenleaf Lodge, No. 561, F. &. A. M., Allent•Jwn, Pa.; Delta Sigma Phi fraternity 11.nd Acacia Club, Harvard; Pennsylvania German Society and Pennsylvania Ger­ man I<'olk.lorc Society; Harvard Club of New York City, English Graduate Union of Columbia University and Andiron Club, of New York City. Ifonneth D. Longsdorf and Frances Louise Burkhard m. 6/- 25/1936 in Trinity E. C. Church, Lititz, Pa. The ceremony was by the father of the groom. Mrs. Longsdorf was b. 9/18/1909, at Monroe, Wisconsin, daughter of John and Marie Burkhard. Her education: graduate of Monroe, Wis., High School, June, 1927; graduate in 1930 of the University of Wisconsin Nurses' Training School; Degree of B. S. in Home Economics, University of \Vis­ consin, in 1934; Dietitian's training (1934-35), University of Michigau. Her present position: lwsident Head Nurse and Tech­ nical Dietitian of the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind, 999 Pelham Parkway, New York City. Samuel Seiler Zartman became the owner of the old homestead at Line Moimtain. On 2/11/1875 hem. Susan E. Fenstermacher. O.f their seven children nil but one were born and reared on their farm near the Zartman's Church at I{niss Station. Children: Jennie C., b. 1/6/1876; Emma B., b. 10/24/1879; Ella May, b. 7/3/1888; Daniel Harvey, b. 0/6/1885; I!:!aac S., b. 5/22/1888; Wesley S., b. 4/4/1893; Rufus Allen, b. 11/22/1895. The child­ ren were taught in the common schoolR of Northumberland County, Pa. Samuel Seiler Zartman was an upstanding man in the com­ munity, a man of integrity, a neighborly, useful citizen; he served five terms as Justice of the peace in Jackson Twp. He died on 1/3/1929; his wife d. 4/28/1936. Their last years were lived in Shamokin. They sleep side by side in Zartman's Church cemetery by the esteemed homf'stead. A volume of high testimonials could be penned concerni11g Mrs. Susan Zartman. At her decease five of her one-timP. pastors eulogized her. Jennie C. Zartman 12/28/1904 m. Alexander Cooper, a baker; they reside in Trevorton where they have their business. They have a daughter, May Elizabeth, b. 6/17/1906, who teaches in the High School of Trevorton. She is a graduate of Trevorton High School and of Albright College; also did graduate work in JACOB ZAUTll..\N AND FAMILY 165

Columbia University in New York City, and Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, Pa. She is tet• her of English and Librarian in Trevorton High School. Emm .i ,. Zartman m. John W. Ditch­ field, who d. 3/21/1921. His widow Emma resides in Shamokin, Pa. They had a son, Arthur W., b. 71/15/1905, who has been a eorporaf in the state Highway Patrol Service since 1928, and is at present stationed at Orwigsburg, Pa. On 12/20/1930 Arthur W. Ditchfield m. Anna Rossou. Ella May Zartman first m. J. Scott Brubaker, and they had a daughter, Hilda E., b. 2/5/1903, d. 11/10/1903. Ella M. is now married to Fred Reichert, since 11/30/1927. They reside in Trevorton, Pa. Daniel Harvey Zartman, the eldest son of Samuel S. and Susan E. Zartman, was a young man of exceptional ability and promise, nnd a graduate, with honors, from Susquehanna University; he was in his second year at Bucknell Law School, when death claimed him 6/26/1908. The President of Bucknell University said: "Harvey was one of the best we had." He had a winning personality, a strong Christian character, a brilliant intellect, and wonderful pluck. He earned most of the money with which to obtain his education. His example is worthy of emulation. Isaac S. Zartman m. Annie B. Dockey 7/6/1909; they reside in Sham­ okin, Pa., where he is a member of the J. H. Bader Furniture Co. Both are active members of the Evangelical Church, and Isaac is superintendent of a large Sunday School. Wesley S. Zartman graduated from Shamokin High School in 1912. In 1915 he en­ tered the employ of the Philadelphia & Rending Coal and Iron Co.-the largest anthracite coal producing company in the world; he served as engineer in various division offices of tho company and also in the Consulting Engineer's offices of the Philadelphia General Headquarters, also successively holding office of super­ intendent at the N. Franklin, Burnside, and Bear Valley Mines, and now employed as superintendent of the Potts mine of the P. & R. C. & I. Co., located 13 miles east of Shamokin, Pa. Wes­ ley gave service in the World War; he ,mlisted in the 29th engin­ eers of the U.S. Army. These engineers were a Flash and Sound Ranging unit, whQse duty it was to locate enemy cannon and report their locations to the American and French artillery. He served overseas from July 1918 to March 1919. On 6/4/1923 he m. Madaline Roth, and a daughter, Jeanne Eloise, was b. 1/23/- 1926. They reside at 9 W. Commerce St., Shamokin, Pa. 166 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Rufus Allen Zartman, named in honor of two Zartman preach­ ers, was the last Zartman born in the beautiful homestead at Line Mountain. He attended public school in Shamokin, and in 1916 graduated from the famous Isaiah Williamson Tracie School near Philadelphia, where he was awarded first honor in shop work. The historian attended that graduation and saw the prize handed to Rufus Allen Zartman by the renowned John Wana­ maker, who was president of the Board of Trustees of that not­ able school. Rufus also graduated in Architecture from Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1927, and did grad­ uate work in the University of Pittsburgh and in Denver Uni­ versity. He served in the World War military service for one year, as Supply Sergeant, stationed at Camp Lee, Va. He is now teaching in the C. B. Connelley Vocational High School in Pittsburgh, Pa. On 8/10/1933 Rufus Allen Zartman m. AgneR Jane Shaw, a Scotch lassie born in Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow, Scotland. She came to America aged 9 yrs. They belong to the Methodist Church, and reRide at 202 Caperton St., Pittsburgh, Pa. · Elizabeth Zartman, daughter of Daniel, on Christmas day of 1875, m. Henry Sebastian Zimmerman, b. 1/22/1852 in Mahan­ tango Twp., Schuylkill County, Pa. They lived in a beautiful and substantial home on 8th & Church Sts., Shamokin, Pa. Th(!ir children were: Katherinl', b. 3/4/1877, d. 6/20/187i; Laura, b. 11/11/1878; Walter, b. 4/20/1880; Emma, b. 6/8/1882; Chester, b. 3/14/1885, d. 7/28/1885; Anna, b. 8/15/1887. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman and children for many years were prom­ inent in the social, church, and business life of Shamokin. Mr. Zimmerman was the head of a wholesale grocery and confection business and identified with leading financial institutions of the town. Through a painful illness of 9 months death claimed him 8/28/1922. His pastor, Rev. Dr. W. E. Fischer, of the Lutheran Church, presided at the obsequies, and the body rests in the fam­ ily mausoleum of the Shamokin cemetery. Mrs. Zimmerman survived her husband by a period of eight years. She was a loyal member of Trinity Evangelical Church, possessed of true Christ­ ian faith and fortitude; for more than 35 years she was treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society, and she took an active intorest in the Camp meeting and other missionary services. For her to live WM Christ and to die was gain eternal. After much heroic suffering, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 167 she fell asleep in Jesus 9/6/1930, in her last moments expressing her confidence in the joys and certainties of the everlasting life. Her funeral services were in charge of her pastor, Rev. N. Lower, and the eulogy at the family'!! request was delivered by their coµsin Rev. Dr. Rufus Calvin Zartman. Burial was in the family mausoleum in Shamokin cemetery. Laura Zimmerman 6/1/1899 m. Charles R. Zaring, who is in the Insurance business. She d. 5/20/1931. Their children are: Mildred, b.12/8/1899; Henry Winfield, b. 3/3/1900, d. 1/6/1926; and Dorothy Elizabeth, b. 1/18/1905. Mildred Zaring grad­ uated from the Shamokin High School in 1918, and Ossining School for Girls on the Hudson in 1926. She m. Elwood C. Smith of Lancaster, Pa., 12/6/1930; the ceremony was in the Evangeli­ cal Congregational Church in Allentown, Pa., by Rev. Daniel P. Longsdorf, a cousin of the bride. Mr. Smith graduated from the Lancaster, Pa., High School in 1917, and from F. &. M. Col­ lege in 1921. They live in a beautiful home of their own in Lan­ caster, Pa., at 445 N. President Ave., and are active members of St. Paul's Reformed Church. Dorothy E. Zu.ring graduated from Shamokin High School in 1923. Walter Zimmerman 10/11/1905 m. Elizabeth Moser; they have a son, Henry S., b. 11/26/1907; and a daughter,Gretchen E., b. 12/8/1913. The son, Henry S. Zimmerman, graduated from Shamokin High School 5/28/1924, spent two years at Tome School, Port Deposit, Md., and two years in Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. On 1/9/1932 he m. Gladys Hornberger; they rrsidc in Allentown, Pa., where he is treasurer of the Metropoli­ tan Personal Loan Co. The daughter, Gretchen E. Zimmerman, graduated from Shamokin High School 5/29/1931; spent a year at Mount Ida School in Newton, Mass., and two years at Duke University, Durham, N. C. On 9/9/1933 she m. Donald E. Deichmann; they reside in Durham, N. C., at 111 Watt St., Beverly Apts. Mr. Deichmann has charge of thr Hospital funds. Their daup;htcr, Gretchen Elizabeth Deichmann, was b. 9/25/- 1934. Emma Zimmerman graduated from Shamokin High School in 1002, nnd studied Art in Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. On 10/23/1907 she m. Malcolm Farrow, Jr., of Shamokin, Pa. Mr. Farrow at.tended Cornell University, and grnduated at Trin­ ity College, Hartford, Conn.; was presidmt of his fraternity, 168 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Alpha Delta Phi, and founder of a college paper, "The Tripod," of which he wa..'I editor-in-chief. He followed journalism until the autnmn of 1914, when be enrolled at Dickinson College Law School. Ee d. !l/28/1915. A daughter, Elizabeth Zimmerman, was b. 10/23/1908 in Shamokin, Pa., and mother and daughter rl':sided in Shamokin, Pa., until 1935 when they moved to State College, Pa. Affiliations at Shamokin for Mrs. Emma Zimmerman Farrow: Church: Episcopal; Board of Directors and Treasurer of Y.W. C.A.; and Vice Presid<'nt of Tuberculosis Committ<'e; Tr<'asurer of Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church. At State College, Pa., Chairman of Student Welfare Committee of Episeopal Church. ,eth graduated from Miss Saywnrd's School, O,·erbrook, Pa., 1927; Elmira College 1931, A.B.; Columbia University, 1932, l\LA. Positions held: Advisor to Girls, Clinnian Sorority, New Paltz State Normal School, New Paltz, N. Y., 1932 to 1935; Associate 1 Sern•tary (Y. W. and Y. M. C. A.), Penn State Christian Asso­ ciation, State College, Pa., 1935-1937. Affiliations while at Penn St.afo: Corresponding Secretary of the State College Chapter of the A.A.U.W.; Co-chairman of the National Student Secretaries' Seminar, held at Blue Ridge, N. C., 1936; M<'mber of the Advisory Council of the Middle Atlan­ tic Region of the Student Chri.'ltian Movement; Invited Member of the Hnzen Foundation Conference held at Haverford, Aui,.tl1t, 1937. Anna Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. S. Zimm(•r• man, graduated from Shamokin High School and attended Wil­ son College at Chambersburg, Pa. She m. 10/27/1909, nt Sham­ okin, Pa., Dr. William E. Richards of Lansford, Pa. Mrs. Rieh­ urdi,; is Pu1

N. H., Clnss of 1933; a member of Bota Theta Pi Fraternity, and Dartmouth College Club of New York City. At present he is in Hollywood, Calif., as General Manager of Brunswick Record Company of the Pacific Coast. He m. 10/10/1936 Ruth Helene Lewis, daughter of Thomas Davies Lewis of Lansford, Pa. She was b. 8/12/1910 in Lansford, Pa. A graduate of Lansford High School, Roberts-Beach School for Girls at Catonsville, Md., also Randolph-Macon College for Women, Lynchburg, Va., she re­ ceived M.A. degree at New York University. William Eric, son of William E. and Ruth Lewis Richards, was b. 7/16/1940 in Hollywood, Calif. Sarah Agnes Zartman 1/6/1880 m. John Peale Haas, a grocer; they resided in Shamokin, Pa. They had seven children: Charles Wesley, b. 9/8/1881, d. 2/11/1882; Fnnnie May, b. 11/19/1882; Howard Ray, b. 11/25/1884; Clarence Rembrandt, b. 7/12/1888; Willard Talmage, b. 5/31/1894, d. 11/5/1895; Chester Arthur, b. 6/24/1896; Grace Zartman, b. 5/13/1902. John Peale Haas d. 10/21/1933. His widow and daughter, Miss Grace, reside at 129 N. 6th St., Shamokin, Pa. Fannie May Haas graduated from Shamokin High School in 1900, and for many years taught in the public schools. On 8/25/- 1034 she m. F. B. Yocum, teacher of Manual Training and Mech­ anical Drawing in the High School, Doylestown, Pa. Their ad­ dr£>ss is 364 W. Court St., Doylestown. Howard Ray Haas graduated from Shamokin High School in 1904, and has been associated with various business firms; at present conducts a grocery store in Shamokin. On 10/6/1909 he m. Stella E. Zaring; they have two daughters: Sara Marian, b. 1/28/1913; and Louise Zaring, b. 10/9/1915, both graduates from Shamokin High School. Sara Haas graduated in Home Economics from Cedar Crest College, Allentown, in 1934, and is teacher of that subjoct in the Junior High School of Shamokin. Louise Haas is also in Cedar Crost College, with Social Science as her major subject. Clarence Rembrandt Haas graduated from Shamokin High School in 1906, and completed a special course at Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the firm of Lybrand, Ross Brothers & Montgomery, Accountants and Auditors of Philadelphia. On 9/18/1920 hem. Harriet Thompson Skerrett, who graduated from the High School 170 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

for Girls in Philadelphia. They have a son, Robert S., b. 10/- 31/1922, and reside at 426 Meadowbrook Ave., St. David's, Pa. Chester Arthur Haas graduated from Shamokin High School in 1914, and bas been in the employ of the Pa. Power and Light Co. about 20 years. On 11/26/1931 be m. Mina Miller; they reside at 137 S. 5th St., Shamokin, Pa. Grace Zartman Haas graduated from Shamokin High School in 1920, and from Combs Conservatory of Music in 1929, from the piano teachers department. She is organist and choir director of the Evangelical Congregational Church, and also teaches piano. She lives with her mother at 129 So. 6th St., Shamokin, Pa. Daniel Zartman, wife and family, were all earnest members of the United Evangelical Church. Daniel d. 3/5/1883, and his wife, Catharine, d. May 5, 1898; their bodies rest side by side in the eemetery on the old homestead, where so many Zartmans are buried. ISAAC KN1ss ZARTMAN, son of John Martin Zartman, was b. 4/6/1818 in Jackson Twp., Northumberland County, Pa. In ·1839, ap;ed 21 years, and unmarried, impelled by lofty aspirations Isaac Kniss left parents and home, never to return, to seek his fortune in the Buckeye commonwealth, where his brother Samuel had already lived since the fall of 1825 and a large family was growing up about him, none of whom the young brother and uncle had seen. The lure was irresistible; it was an adventure against many odds. But his brother Samuel had made good, and his only sister Mary had gone to Polo, Ill., playing the part of a heroine, and numerous first cousins were already making a suc­ cess among the hills and dales of Ohio; so youthful Isaac Kniss Zartman, with a courageous spirit, said goodbye and set forth, on a journey of 600 or more miles, with Jamestown, in Greene County Ohio, bis objective. How interesting would be a diary of the happenings on that long journey, beset with many perw and great difficulties. He arrived safely at his destination, and what a welcome he must have got from the older brother and family! Young Isaac had learned the trade of wagon-making, which was the occupation of his brother Samuel, who was glad to have his young brother to assist him in this flourishing and useful business. Isaac Kniss Zartman m. 3/6/1841 Ann Barnett. To them were born six children: Ann Amelia, b. 10/l&/1844; Susan Mary, b. JACOB ZARTM.\N AND FAMILY 171

3/14/1846; Ellen, b. 11/14/1847, d. 5/11/1848 (their first sor­ row); Henry Martin, b. 9/18/1849; Catherine, who d. an infant (a second sorrow); Hezekiah Barnett, b. 8/26/1854. The young father's mind reverted to the folks at home in Pennsylvania and so be flamed his first son in honor of his father Martin and his grandfather Henry. Isaac Kniss Zartman d. 4/19/1893, aged 75 years. Ann Amelia Zartman 8/17/1869 m. Andrew Chalmers. A son, Harry L., was b. 6/3/1871, d. 9/19/1881. Andrew Chalmers d. 12/5/1880, and Ann Zartman Chalmers 12/25/1886 m. George F. Angelley, who d. 12/25/1896. She continues ·to reside in· Jamestown. Susan Mary Zartman m. Jamer. Glass of Jamestown, Ohio. Mrs. Glass as a widow, and childless resided in Dayton, Ohio. Henry Martin Zartman 12/4/1873 m. Sarah Ellen Conwell. They resided in Xenia, Ohio, and the family belonged to the Methodist Church. Mr. Zartman was superintendent of the Court House in Xenia 15 years. After his wife's death in 1916, he resided in Dayton, where he was employed in the Y.M.C.A. Henry Zartman d. in December 1935, aged 75 years, and both are buried in Woodland cemetery of Xenia. Henry Martin and Sarah Conwell Zartman had two sons, Frank Conwell, b. 9/20/1874; and Frederick Barnett, b. 4/22/1878. Frank C. Zartman was a printer by trade, a newspaper man in Dayton, and also a railroader; he d. 10/18/1929. Frank C. Zartman m. Rowena R. Redfern 3/16/1898. They had a daughter, Wilifrede McKay, b. 12/5/1898 at Wilmington, Ohio; graduated from Xenia High School. On 6/14/1928 Wilifrede Zartman m. God­ frey Mosher Luther, b. 3/11/1896. They have a son, Richard M., b. 7/19/1930. The Luthers reside 7211 Scottwood Ave., Bond Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fred B. Zartman is a graduate of the Miami Commercial College, Dayton, Ohio, for many years was Secretary of the Franklin Board and Pnper Co. at Franklin, Ohio, and is now president of said conrern. They reside in Franklin, Butler County, Ohio. Hezekiah Barnett Zartman grew up in Jamestown, graduated from High School and became a teacher in the public schools. On 6/22/1882 he m. Anna L. Christy. Their children were: Wilbur Christy, b. 5/9/1885; George B., b. 5/12/1888; Russell, b. 2/- 24/1893, d. 8/18/1893; Ruth F., h. 2/1/1897; Alan Francis I., b. 172 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

8/24/1900. Hezekinh Zartmnn and family moved to Cnlifornin in the year 1905 and took up residence in Los Angeles. Hezekiah d. there in 1922, aged 68 yrs.; his wife Anna C. Zartman, d. on Easter 4/13/1941 aged 83 yrs; the burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Calif. Christy Wilbur Zartman is a dealer in pianos, repairing, voic­ ing, rebuilding, and tuning at 832 W. 50th St., Los Angeles. He m. Ina Estella Haines 8/12/1915; they haven child, Muriel Jane, b. 5/20/1919. George B. Zartman m. Elizabeth Lucille Caldwell, b. 5/26/1889, and they reside in Oakland, Calif., where the his­ torian met them in 1931. They had a son, Hugh B., b. 0/28/1014. and a daughter, Rosemary Mead, b. 11/6/1020. She is a junior in the University of California. Ruth F. Zartman is single; ad­ dress, 116 Elite Place, Los Angeles. Alan F. Zartman is a student in the University of Southern California in the school of music, working for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Hugh B. Zartman d. 1/14/1939 in Oakland, Calif., his death resulting from an explosion in a laboratory. Mrs. Elizabeth Zart­ man is acting as assistant pastor of a Baptist Church in Oakland, Calif., and has completed a course in tho Divinity School of Berkeley. The family address there is 1629 Telegraph Ave.

JOHN JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY JoHN JACOB ZARTMAN, son of Henry and Elizabeth Zartman, was b. 12/10/1780 in Northumberland County, Pa. His certifi­ cate of birth and baptism was seen by the writer nnd from it he gleaned the following facts: John Jacob Zartman was bapt. 3/1/1781 by tho Rev. Michael Enterlcn; the witnesses were Jacob Zartman, Sen., and his wife, Anna Mnrgaret, noo Reim, the grandparents. John Jacob learned the trnde of a wheelwright. He was twice married. His first marriage wns in April, 1805, to Maria Soder; his second marriage was 5/5/1822, to Maria Elizabeth Weber, of Rush Twp., Northumberlanil County, Pa. By his first wife he had five children, a son and four daughters, who, with their mo­ ther and Barbara Neih1ut, a niece, burned to death one night in their home. This was possibly the saddest and most terrible cataBtrophc that ever happened in that community; and it was certainly the most appalling thing that ever befell any Zartman JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 173 household. A German newspaper of 10/22/1819 contains an ac­ count of this heartrending misfortune, which was quo'-led in the first family history page 62. John Jacob Zartman was able t'o write in oldtime German script; and English. After he recovered from his severe bodily bruises and from some of the heart aches, he resumed the writing of letters to hill three brothers in Perry County, Ohio, namely, ,John Henry, Alexander IV, and Samuel. John Jacob Zartman in his second marriage had the following children: Rebecca, b. 3/2/1823; Reuben Weber, b. 2/15/1825; Margaret Elizabeth, b. 4/14/1827; Abigail Jane, b. 9/15/1829, d. unm. 9/28/1867; Sophia, b. 8/14/1831; Henry Weber, b. 9/16/- 1834. John Jacob Zartman d. 2/7 (or 9), 1849, and his second wifed. 9/24/1856. They are buried in a cemetery on the farm, where the ashes and cinders of the house can be seen where the first wife and family were incinerated in 1819. REBECCA ZARTMAN m. Nicholas Drumheller, who was b. 5/25/- 1821; d. 9/24/1896. Rebecca d. 6/15/1853. To them were born six children: William Zartman, b. 6/29/1844, d. 11/17/1876; Harriet Zartman, b. 10/1/1845, d. 12/25/1900; Henry Zartman, b. 6/28/1847, d. 1/10/1882; Sarah Zartman, b. 3/3/1849, d.1/20;' 1852; Albert Zartman, b. 12/24/1850; Isaac Jacob, b. 4/2/1853. Harriet Z. Drumheller m. Samuel Culp. Their children were: Joseph, b. 12/23/1872, d. 5/28/1883; and Samuel, b. 7/12/1876, d. 7/1/1880. Albert Z. Drumheller m. Mary Jane Gellinger, 12/- 28/1873. Their children were as follows: Charles Henry, b. 9/21/- 1877; John Wesley, b. 6/3/1882, fell down stairs 4/27/1888 and was dead when found; Edward Albert, b. 12/26/1802. Albert Z. resided at Mahanoy, Pa., and was a rabinetmaker and undertaker. Isaac Jacob Drumheller m. Emma Jane Yoder 10/6/1878. Their children were: Howard Daniel, b. 11/9/1879; Ardo Ralph, b. 7/- 19/1882, d. 8/11/1882; Beulah Alice, b. 12/23/1885; Nettie Ardella, b. 3/4/1889. Beulah Alice Drumheller m. James Mon­ roe Williams 3/9/1905. They had a daugpter, Emma Alice, who d. 5/2/1906. Mr. Williams d. 4/9/1907. Henry Z. Drumheller m. Abbie A. Shipe in Sunbury, Pa., 12/23/1878. They had a son, William, b. 3/18/1880. William Drumheller m. Jennie Carl 5/- 21/1901. Their child is Marian Naomi, b. 8/27/1908. Mrs. Henry Z. Drumheller, widow, lived at Herndon, Pa. 174 THE ZARTlll.\N FAlllILY

REt:BEN w. ZARTMAN was b. 6/15/1824, d. 11/20/1882. He was a Justice of the Peace. On 1/5/1851, he m. Harriet Fry­ moyer. They had three daughters: Mary Elizabeth, b. 11/5/- 1851; Emma Jane, b. 6/9/1854, d. 11/27/1877; Ursula Margaret, b. 7/12/1859. Reuben and family were members of the Reformed church. He d. 2/6/1859, and he and his wife are buried at St. Peter's Church, Red Cross, Pa. Ursula Margaret's home for many years was at 735 Market St., Sunbury, Pa., with her half-brother George E. Smith, who passed away in Nov. 1926. Cousin Ursula Zartman had a fine Christian spirit and proved her faith by good works. She gave the writer much helpful information for the book of family his­ tory published in 1909. She never married. She was a zealous, devoted, faithful member of First Reformed Church in Sunbury. A niece wrote this testimony: "When aunt Ursula was 77 years old she was well, cheerful and doing church work and little friend­ ly deeds for friends and neighbors, who all loved her and were ex­ ceedingly kind to her. Her last end came as surprise, through a paralytic stroke; shed. on Easter Sunday 4/9/1939; her funeral was on Wednesday 4/12/1939. Her pastor, Rev. Dr. Chalmers W. Walck, officiated, and three other ministers, related to her, participated in the obsequies. Interment was in Pomfret Manor Cemetery, Sunbury, Pa." Mary Elizabeth Zartman 10/25/1870 m. Enos· Shipe. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Shipe d. 12/28/1874, and Enos Shipe, her hus­ band, d. 11/30/1888. They are buried in Sunbury, Pa. They had a daughter, Margaret Loretta, b. 4/8/1872; and a son, Cal­ vin E., b. 7/28/1874. Margaret L. Shipe 6/16/1897, in First Re­ formed Church, Sunbury, Pa., m. Captain Thomas Benton Recd, a retired army officer, U.S. A. They resided at Eden, Lancaster County, Pa. They had a son, Thomas Benton Reed, Jr., b. 6/- 15/1898, d. 11/22/1927; he is buried beside his father in the Na­ tional Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa. Calvin E. Shipe has been a newspaper man, a copy reader in the office of the "North American," the oldest daily newspaper in the U. S. For many years he engaged in newspaper work in Philadelphia, and he has also been on newspapers in Sunbury, Mahanoy city, Danville, Chester and Johnstown, Pa., and Trenton Tm; Bnun; Hu1>~os BAKEII FAMILY Lottie ,Jury Buker, B. II. Bnkn, Mnrg111·et. TPdlock Bttk<•r Mnrg1u·t•t ,fonn Bnkt•r Bnrbnra Hck•n llnkC'r Bruce H. Baker, Jr.

JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 175 and Camden, N. J. While in Trenton he was a ·legislative cor­ respondent. On 6/29/1904 Calvin m. Mary Caroline Cotner of Camden, N. J., a teacher in the publipschoolsand Friend's school. They ,reside at 829 Vine St., Camden, N. J. Their daughter, Mary Cotner Shipe, b. 2/19/1906, is a graduate of the Camden Friend's School, Moorestown Friend's School, and Miss Illman's Training School for Teachers, Philadelphia. She has studied at Temple University, Philadelphia, and graduated in June 1940 from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a teacher in the Henry B. Wilson School, Camden, N. J . .MARGARET ELIZABETH ZARTMAN in July, 1847 m. William Link, b. 11/16/1822; they resided in Millersburg, Pa. Their children were: Mary Elizabeth, b. 10/16/1848; Ella Jane, b. 12/17/1850; Charles Junius, b. 1/2/1853; and William, b. 12/21/1854. Mary Elizabeth Link 12/31/1867 m. Theodore Jury, b. 3/9/1844. Shed. 1/27/1908 and is buried at Ellsworth, !{an. They had four child­ ren: Lottie ·Victoria, b. 9/14/1868; Charles Link, b. 1/29/1870; Herbert William, b. 4/22/1874; and Chester Arthur, b. 10/18/- 1883 at Venango, Ellaworth County, Kan.; the first thrHe were born at Millersburg, Pa. On 11/4/1890 Lottie V. Jury m. J. Frank Baker of Ellsworth Kan., manager of the Baker Hotel there. J. Frank Baker d. 12/18/1924 at Ellsworth, Kan. Lottie V. Jury Baker d. 1/11/1938 at Ellsworth, Kan. They had a son, Bruce Hudson, b. 10/10/1892 at Kana.polis, Kan. Bruce Hudson Baker 6/1/1927 rn. Margaret Louella Tedlock of Salina, l{sm. Mrs. Baker gives as her address 841 Highland, Salina, l{an. They had three children: Margaret Jean, b. 6/23/1928; Barbara Helen, b. 1/23/1932; and Bruce Hudson, Jr., b. 3/3/1936. William Link, Sen., d 8/15/1854; bis wife, Margaret E. Zart­ man Link, d. 2/23/1907; they are buried at Millersburg, J>a. Charles Link Jury 10/2/1895 m. Chloe V. Forney at Langley, l{an. Mrs. Chloe Jury, widow of Charles, resides at E. 908 Olym­ pic Ave., Spokane, Wash. Children: Victor and Dorothy. Dr. Herbert William Jury lives in Claflin, Kan. Chester Arthur Jury m. Anna M. Frederick of Salina, Kan., and gives his address as 141-36 Grand Central Parkway, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. Ella Jane Link m. 11/27/1870 Clarence Campbell. They had three daughters: Maud Evelyn, b. 6/13/1872; Alice White, b. 7/3/1878; and Clara Ella Irene, b. 7/8/1893. Ella Jane Camp- 176 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY bell d. 1/10/1923. Maud E. Campbell m. 3/16/1893 Robert Dean. Their children were: Ruth Bradenbaugh; Gladys Irene; Virginia May; Clarence Robert; Nevin Leroy, and James Camp­ bell. Maud Campbell Dean d. 12/10/1924. Alice W. Campbell m. William W. Keefer 3/14/1908. Shed. 7/28/1912, Lancaster, Pa. Clara E. I. Campbell m. Lee Lehman 9/14/1004. They had 3 children: Luella Campbell, b. 7/19/1905; Fred Deibler, b. 2/ 23/1912, killed in an airplane accident en route for Chicago, 3/ 25/1937, and Ruth Naomi, b. 11/1/1917. Leo Lehman d. sud­ denly at Millorslmrg, Pa., 7/7/1936, as he was on a business trip to Williamsport. Clara E. Link of 303 Moore St., Millersburg, Pa., has sent the following interesting data: William Link, b. in 1854, d. 2/1/1927; his wife d. 9/17/1937. They are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Millersburg, Pa. Hattie May Link m. a Mr. Beckford and took up residence in Philadelphia. Their children were all b. there and are: William Hale, Emma Frances, Horace Edwin, and Marion Elizabeth. Horace Edwin d. 7/27/1908. Margaret Elizabeth Link m. a Mr. Ellick; they reside at Edge Hill, Pa. Katherine Irene Link m. Mr. McGown and lives at Millersburg. Their child­ ren arc Catharine '.Elizabeth, b. 7/4/1906 and John Edwin, b. 9/15/1907, and d. 10/29/1907. William Link Jr. of Millersburg m. Emma Zimmerman 10/30/- 1891. They have five children: Frank Oscar, b. 3/30/1892; Clara Estella, b. 12/13/1893; Henry Rufus, b. 7/22/1896, d. 10/28/- 1900; Lewis Samuel Link, b. 1/3/1899; and Mary Margaret Link, b. 7/2/1901. Mary Margaret Link m. Charles L. Matter, 10/ . 28/1933 and they live in Millersburg, Pa. Child: Mary Joanne, b. 9/30/1938. Charles Junius Link 5/2/1876 m. Emma Femster, and had 5 children: Hattie May, b. 4/6/1878; Margaret Elizabeth, b. 6/22/- 1879; l{atherine Irene, b. 1/26/1882; Emma Lucretia, b. 4/6/- 1886, d. 10/30/1886; Chas. Junius, b. 10/26/1887.

SOPHIA Z. .TMAN, b. 8/14/1831, m. David Fagely 3/20/1853. To them were born six children, in Shamokin, Pa.: Mary Eliza­ beth, b. 1/2/1854; Laura Esther, b. 3/20/1855; Samuel Mont­ gomery, b. 3/2/1857, d. 4/19/1864; Henry Cameron, b. 11/19/- 1859, d. 12/8/1862; George Elmer, b. 5/10/1862, d. 10/22/1871; and Catherine Ann b. 7/12/1864, d. 4/22/1866. Mr. Fagely d. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 177

7/6/1890. Mrs. Fagely d. 4/28/1906. Mary Elizabeth Fagely in August 1875 m. William Charles Samuel. Mary E. Samuel d. 12/9/1927; William Charles Samuel d. 7/23/1936. Their child­ ren are: Edna Sophia, b. 10/6/1876; David Howard, b. 11/15/- 1878; Naomi Margaret, b. 10/30/1881. A teacher in the borough schools of Shamokin, Pa., Edna Sophia Sanruel 10/7/1903 m. Charles Bowmah Cooper of Philadelphia, Pa. They had three children: Dorothy, b. 8/4/1904, d. the same day; and twins, Frank Edwards and William Charles, b. 1/16/1906. Chas. B. Cooper d. 8/22/1908. Mrs. Cooper and the twins resided in Sham­ okin. The twins graduated from Lehigh University. Frank Ed­ wards Cooper m. Emma Alice Lockuff of Danville, Pa, 11/22/- 1936. They have a daughter, June Elizabeth Cooper. William Charles Cooper m. Margaret Frances Weber of Minneapolis, Minn., 4/15/1933. David Howard Samuel served in the Spllllish­ American War; m. Harriet Myrtle Sutliff, who d. 5/24/1937. They had two children: William Sidney, b. 8/17/1904; and Naomi Margaret, b. 5/3/1906. William Sidney Samuel 9/10/1932 m. Huth Sloan of Hazelton, Pa. Naomi M. Samuel m. Dr. Carl Kivlcr of Nanticoke, Pa., 11/14/1936. Dr. Kivler is a resident physician at the hospital at Retreat, Pa. Laura Esther Fagely m. Frank Fox of Shamokin, Pa., 3/26/- 1895. Mr. Fox d. 4/26/1904. Her second marriage was to John Schickley of Shamokin; shed. 10/7/1927. HENRY W. ZARTl'llAN, b. 9/16/1834, m. Harriet Cleaver. They had a son, William, who died at the age of six months. Henry W. Zartman served in the Civil War, and is thought to have died on the battlefield at Fredericksburg, 12/12/1862. His young wife died of a broken heart, having lost husband and son. The three died within the same year. Cha.pter 1/7


JoHN PETER ZARTMAN, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alex­ ander I, h. 3/21/1778 in Northumberland County, Pa., is the founder of the York County branch of the family. As near as we can ascertain be entered York County, Pa.., about the year 1802, a.nd located at Codorus; he was a farmer and veterinary. He m. Elizabeth Bowman, who was b. 3/10/1780 in Heidelberg Twp., York (\11inty, Pa. To them were born 11 children: Peter, b. 8/22/- 1803; •nry, b. 7/16/1808; Solomon B., b. 10/29/1809; David, G. 6/25/1812; Elizabeth; Mary, b. 7/29/1814; Catharine, b. 10/23/1817; Michael, b. 10/11/1820; Susan, b. 11/24/1824. A son and daughter d. in infancy. John Peter Zartman d. 11/20/- 1842, and hi.<1 wife d. 2/23/1859; both are buried at Lischey's Churrh, near Spring Grove, where they were members. PETER ZART?.~N was the first of the name to be born in York County, Pa. He was a shoemaker by trade, and often went to the homes of his customers and boots and shoes for the whole family. He might have been called an itinerant shoemaker. He lived inAdamsCo., Pa. Hem. Elizabeth Baker, who d. aged 43 years, 11 months and 10 days. Peter d. 4/9/1885, aged 82 years. They had eleven children: Emmanuel, b. 8/27/1828, d. by drowning at the age of 15; Jesse, b. 2/10/1830; Peter B., b. 6/26/1831; Rebecca, b. 11/2/1833; Mary, b. 9/5/1834; Abraham, b. 11/16/1836; Edwin, b. 1/6/1839; Anna, b. 2/4/1841; Eliza­ beth, b. 10/19/1843; John B., b. 2/9/1845; David, b. 6/18/1848. Ten of these children lived, grew up, married and reared families, and we shall treat them in the order of their birth. Jesse Zartman in 1856 migrated to Osnaburg, Stark County, Ohio. There 11/24/1856 he m. Catharine Witter, b. 3/15/1837. Jesse Zartman d. 3/11/1903; his widow d. 2/16/1913. Their children, all born in Stark County, Ohio, were as follows: Milton, b. 8/,13/1858; Lucinda, b. 6/25/1860; Emma, b. 11/4/1862; Rufus, b. 2/21/1866; Samuel, b. 12/15/1868; Minnie, b. 3/22/- 1871; Allen, b. 1/10/1874; Lillian, b. 9/30/1879. Milton Zartman m. Hulda Roth 4/18/1889. Children: Ray, b. 2/13/1892; Lee, b. 10/2/1894; Floyd Byron, b. 5/30/1897; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAIIIILY 179

Lillie May, b. 6/24/1899; Florence Marion, b. 8/28/1902. Ray Zartman is a World War veteran and has not married; he is em­ ployed in the Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio. Lee Zartman d. 2/27/1914. Floyd B. Zartman in 1920 m. Hattie Olshawsky, and lives at 1512-16th St., N. E., Canton, Ohio .. Issue: Robert Lee, b. Dec. 1928; and Donald, b. Oct. 1930. Lillie May Zartman m. Thos. McCall. Issue: Florence, b. 1918; Dorothy, b. June 1920; Bryan, b. Mar. 1922; Betty, b. Oct. 1923; Kathleen, b. N av. 1927; Francis, b. Dec. 1930. The McCalls reside at East Palestine, Ohio. Florence Marion Zartman m. Chas. F. Zandt, b. 4/14/1899, an order clerk at the Carnegie, Ill., Steel Corporation. The Zandt children are: Evelyn Mae, b. 9/18/1921; Earl Eugene, b. 6/29/1924; Glenn Edward, b. 5/17/1928. The Zandts' address is 331811th St., S. W., Canton, Ohio, and Milton Zartman, whose wifed. 1/2/1926, lives at this same address. Lucinda Zartman, 9/25/1884, m. John C. Wilkin of Kent, Portage County, Ohio. They had two sons and a daughter: Lester A., b. 1/24/1886; Grace L., b. 10/8/1888; Warren Dudley, b. 6/26/1900. Mr. Wilkin d. 12/23/1920 in Clarendon, Virginia, Mrs. Wilkin d. 12/13/1926 in Chicago, Ill., and both are buried in Kent, Ohio, where they were members of the Methodist Church. Lester A. Wilkin m. Frances Baugh of Alliance, Ohio, at Crown Point, Ind., 12/24/1936. They reside at 4111 Baring Ave., East Chicago, Ind., where he is engineer and sales manager for the Graver Tank !j,nd Mfg. Corp. of Chicago. Grace L. Wilkin taught school two years, 9/29/1909 m. Irvin J. Musson of Kent, Ohio. Issue: Doris Leone, b. 12/16/1912 at Akron, Ohio; and Elinor Louise, b. 3/13/1915, Akron, Ohio. Doris Leone Musson is a graduate of Goucher College, class of 1934 having majored in mathematics. On 5/28/1938 in Baltimore, Md. she m. Darius lVlcClelland Dixon, M. D., who is resident physician at the Uni­ versity Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Elinor Louise Musson gradu­ ated from Western High School and then pursued studies in the Martinet School of Art. In Sept. 1918 Grace Wilkin Musson was given a decree from Mr. Musson, and on 3/20/1920 she m. Herb­ ert Waters Soper. They reside at 5706 Oakshire Rd., Mount Washington, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Soper is Episcopalian; a de­ scendant of the Prince George county branch of the Soper family that has resided in Maryland since they came from England in 1760; is manager of the Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc., of Balti- 180 THE ZARTMAN FAMlLY

more, Md. Warren Dudley Wilkin graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1924 and resides in Coleo Solo, Panama Canal Zone, where he is Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy. He m. in Washington, D. C., Janice Keyser 5/31/1926. Issue: June Eileen, b. 1/15/1930 in Honolulu, H. I.; Mary L'licinda, b. 7/12/1932 in Newport, R. I.; Margery Ann, b.1/15/1934 in San Diego, Calif. Emma Zartman 1/24/1886 m. Henry H. Sell. They lived in Akron, Ohio from Oct. 1888 to Apr. 1891, and were members of Grace Reformed church of which the compiler of this history was then pastor. Their children were: Wilbert, b. 7/14/1885; and Eva Blanche, b. 8/29/1893. Mr. Sell d. 4/7/1930, and Mrs. Sell d. 9/2/1932. Wilbert Sell m. Margaret Inez DeHaven 9/26/1906. Address, 3725 Sutherland Rd., Shaker Hts., Ohio; he is with the Superior Steel Stamp Co. of Cleveland. They have two sons: L. Stanley, b. 6/17/1911; and DeWitt Ellsworth, b. 3/25/1915. L. Stanley Sell is an orthopedic surgeon in the State University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Okla. DeWitt E. Sell was ordained 6/13/1937 as 'a minister of the Disciples of Christ church in Cleve­ land, Ohio, to which denomination the Sell family now belong. Eva Blanche Sell m. LeRoy Koegele 12/19/1925. They re­ side at 600 Mandalay Blvd., Clearwater, Fla., and operate a delicatessen. Rufus Zartman m. 5/3/1892 Minerva Anthony, who d. 10/- 25/1928, and 12/24/1929 he m. Mrs. Alice M. Bowman, b. 10/- 2/1874. They live in Louisville, Ohio, where they are members of the Reformed Church. Children of Rufus and Minerva Zart­ man are: Ralph Glenwood, b. 6/10/1893, d. 9/30/1894; Edna Marie, b. 5/8/1895; Lulu Kathryn, b. 1/2/1897; and twins, Grace A. and Gladys, b. 9/21/1901. For many years he was fire­ man at the Louisville Waterworks, from which position he has now retired. Edna Marie Zartman 4/12/1916 m. George Hemming. Their address is 1320 E. Main St,, Louisville, Ohio. Issue: Jay William, b. 2/24/1917; Katherine Jane, b. 10/5/1918; George Robert, b. 9/23/1920; John Paul, b. 8/18/1923; Ruth Ann, b. 5/17/1926; Marian Alice, b. 8/18/1929. Jay Wm. Hemming 11/24/1937 m. Doris Ross, b. 10/1/1918. Katherine Jane Hem­ ming 1/2/1937 m. Clinton Paul Moulen, b. 9/28/1918. Their daughter, Linda Kay, was b. 12/29/1937. Lulu K Zartman 11/- 27 /1919 m. Homer Grossman, b. 11/1/1886. Issue: Mildred JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAlllILY 181

Evelyn, b. 10/27/1921; Herbert Leland, b. 9/4/1930; Myron Earl, b. 8/8/1933. Mr. Grossman is a city letter carrier, and they reside at 189 W. Oxford St., Alliance, Ohio. Grace A. Zartman m. Russell Bowers 4/30/1920. Issue: Carl Richard, b. 10/4/1921; Margaret Marie, b. 1/8/1923; Rorutld Russell, b. 8/31/1929; Ned Eugene; b. 9/14/1037. The Bowers live near Louisville, Ohio, R.R. 7. Gladys A. Zartman m. William T. Evans 5/11/- 1921. Issue: Lois Eula, b. 1/13/1923; William Theodore, b. 6/5/- 1924; Nancy Carole, b. 12/24/1934. The Evans home is on Wash­ ington Ave., Louisville, Ohio. Samuel Zartman, a molder by trade, lives at 2200 Winfield Way, N. E., Canton, Ohio. On 12/30/1894 hem. Emma A. Agne, b. 1/30/1868 at Hartville, Ohio. The ceremony was performed by Uev. Peter Keller. They are members of the Reformed Church. Their children, born in Canton, are: Esther Mabel, b. 6/4/1896; Mildred Catherine, b. 11/25/1900; Clarence Ellwood, b. 4/26/- 1902; Wilbert Earl, b. 10/2/1904, who is unmarried and lives at Wyandotte, Mich., R.R. 1. Esther M. Zartman was married to James Verl Heberling of Canton 11/12/1924 at Mount Marie, Ohio, by Rev. Emil P. Herbruck, D.D. Mildred C. Zartman was married to Russell James McDonald of Canton 1/7/1924 at Mount Marie, by Rev. E. P. Herbruck, D.D. Three children were born to the MeDonalds: James Richard, b. 6/19/1925; Marilyn Mildred, b. 5/29/1927; Dorothy Esther, b. 1/16/1929. Mrs. Mildred M. McDonald, d. 2/6/1935, and her family lives with Mr. and Mrs. S. Zartman. Minnie Zartman, 11/28/1895 m. Joseph Wertemberger, b. 9/- 16/1871. Thelma Maxine Zartman, their daughter, was b. 4/28/- 1900. For many y<'ars this family resided in Louisville, Ohio. In 1913 they moved to the state of Washington, but within two years were back in Louisville, where they feel more at home. Their daughter, Thelma M., graduated from Sargent School of Phy- 11iotherapy of Cambridge, Mass., a department of Boston Uni­ versity, and took post-graduate work in the medical department of Harvard University. She has for the past five years served as physiotherapist in the public schools of Cambridge, Ohio, and Zanesville, Ohio. The address of this family is 1212 E. Main St., Louisville, Ohio. Allen Zartman went into the far West more than forty years ago; never returned or sent bark any messages. 182 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Lillian Zartman m. William Harris McCallum 6/1/1904. Their home is at 670 S. Union Ave., Allianre, Ohio. Children: Claude Roscoe, h. 7/23/1905; Robert, b. 7/2/1907; Ruth Ann, b. 2/13/- 1915. Claude R. McCallum m. Esther Zurbrugg 7/1/1927. Issue: Barbara. Jean, b. 4/14/1928; Uichard, h. 1/31/1930; Margery Ann, b. 10/17/1936. Robert McCallum is unmarried. On 11/- 5/1932 Ruth Ann McCallum m. Waltrr L. Irwin. Their son, William Edward, was b. 5/24/1934. Peter B. Zartman wns a farmer in York County, Pa. Hem. Catherine Hamm. Children: Lucy Ann, b. 10/21/1852; Juli­ anne, b. 11/22/1853; Sam\lel, b. 4/12/1855; Mary, b. 11/6/1856; Daniel l-1., b. 10/27/1857; Peter H., b. 11/9/1859; Charles H., b. 2/12/1862; Susanna, h. 11/1/1863, d. 11/1/1863; Catharine, b. 12/5/1864; Edwin H., b. 2/27/1867; William Henry, b. 2/19/- 1869; Allen, b. 9/8/1871, d. 10/7/1872; Abraham, b. 1/15/1875. The father of this large family d. 2/17/1905 in his 75th year. Lucy Ann Zartman m. Elias Houser in Nov. 1875. They lived at Spring Orove, Pa. Their children arc: Allen; William A., b. 1/10/1885; Catherine. William A. Houser m. Laura Frances Frock, b. 10/10/1879. Their children Ruth Ellen, b. 1/3/- 1909; Viola Frances, b. 8/22/1910; Cletus William, b. 3/26/1914; Sarah Louise, b. 3/12/1916; Clarence Eugene, b. 6/22/1920; Marian Annabelle, b. 5/11/1923. Viola F. Houser m. Elmer WeiE1ensale, b. 5/28/1913. Cletus W. Houser m. Edna Martha Sterner, b. 4/23/1914, and they have a son, William Clinton, b. 1/22/1933. These Houser families live near Hanover, Pa; Cath­ erine Houser m. Jacob Mathias. Their children are: Bertha, m. John F. Miller of Washington, D. C.; Amy, m. George W. Dan­ ner; Edna, m. Earl Senft; Paul, m. Erma Hinkler; Helen, Kath­ ryn, and John, all at home. Elias Houser d. 12/22/1929; his wife d. 4/17/1029. Julianne Zartman m. Hezekiah Lau 10/9/1875. Their only child was Emma Jane. Mr. Lau d. 10/5/1879. Samuel Zartman m. Mantilla Stambaugh 11/14/1880. Chil­ dren: Paul, b. 9/25/1882, d. 7/14/1032; Mala Jane, b. 6/12/1884; Sarah Ann, h. 4/18/1888; Latimer Hamilton, b. 12/10/1892. Samuel Zartman d. De,·. 1922, aged 67 yrs. Mala Jane Zartman m. John Myers in Aui:1. Hl02; their son, Ralph, wn.s b. 6/3/1904. Latimer IT. Zartman tn. 2/2/1918 a widow, Arie M. Ehrhart, JACOB Z.rnTM.AN .AND FAMILY 183 who has a daughter, Hilda M. Ehrhart, b. 1/31/1916. They re­ side at 1507 W. Philadelphia St., York, Pa. Mary Zartman m. Chas. H. Klinedinst. Their children are: Howard E., b. 10/31/1876; Mary Catharine, b. 4/15/1878, d. 11/25/1896;,Charles E., b. 2/18/1882; and ·Norman D., b. 3/17/- 1884. Daniel H. Zartman, a farmer near Spring Grove, Pa., m. Sarah Myers 5/18/1879. Children: Minnie Elizabeth, b. 2/18/1880; Anna Jane, b. 9/25/1882, d. 9/14/1884; Sarah Romaine, b. 3/- 25/1884, d. 2/19/1885; Iva Clara, b. 2/16/1886; Lillie Catharine, b. 8/19/1890; Daniel Webster, b. 1/27/1892; Allen B., b. 7/21/- 1896; Carrie Estella, b. 11/27/1898. Daniel H. Zartman d. 7/21- 1931; his widow d. 5/2/1932. They are buried at Lischey'sChurch. Minnie E. Zartman m. Bert A. Kopp 11/3/i901. Mr. Kopp d. 2/10/1929, and she d. 3/21/1937. Their daughter, Minerva, b. 8/21/1904, m. Ivan Walter Joseph 0/7/1929. Son: Lavern Ray, b. 2/5/1938. Iva Clara Zartman m. Howard M. Rohrbaugh 7 /- 4/1003. Children: Florence, b. 5/2/1904; and William White, b. 8/3/1907, d. 11/4/1907. Mr. Rohrbaugh is Recorder of York County, Pa., and their residence is near Spring Grove, Pa. Flor­ ence Rohrbaugh m. Ervin Geisler 4/13/1926; their son, George, was b. 2/18/1927. Lillie C. Zartman m. Joseph Ruth in 1911. Their children are: Ozella, b. 6/22/1912; and Joseph, b. 9/14/- 1919. Ozella Ruth m. Russell Shuman in Sept. 1931; a son, Ray, was b. 12/25/1932. Daniel W. Zartman in 1913 m. Myrtle Bubb, who d. 12/24/1931. Their children were: Helena, b. 6/2/1914; Russell, b. 6/2/1915, d. 6/10/1915; Ruth, b. 6/27/1916; Ruby, b. 3/18/1923. Ruth Zartman m. Henry Sterner in Oct. 1936. Allen B. Zartman in 1920 m. Sarah Warner. Children: Freder­ ick Daniel, b. 9/11/1920, d. 10/13/1920; Florence Virginia, b. 11/3/1926; and Jean Alliene, b. 7/13/1931. Carrie E. Zartman on 6/2/1923 m. Ralph A. Becker. Children: Delores Sarah Am­ anda, b. 8/11/1924; Kathryn Marie, b. 7/11/1926; Jacqueline Janet, b. 1/31/1930; Norman Jean, b. 7/0/1934. Their address is Spring Grove, Pa. Peter H. Zartman, farmer near Spring Grove, Pa., m. Sarah Becker 5/9/1880. Mrs. Zartman is deceased. Children: Charles B., b. 4/27/1882; William, b. 11/13/1884; Alice, b. 7/19/1889. Chas. B. Zartman m. Bertha Rice 12/22/1907. Their daughter, Beulah, m. Levi Bortner. William Zartman m. Minnie Wagner; 184 THE ZARTMAN F AMII, y

their daughter, Viola, b. 12/14/1905, m. Charles Glatfelter; their son, Erwin, m. a Miss Loyer. Alice Zartman m. George Meckley. Their son, Paul, m. Annie Smith, and has one child. Charles H. Zartman m. Lydia \Volfgang in Sept. 1888. They lived on a farm near Spring Grove, Pa. Charles d. 8/25/1937; his wifed. 3/27/1935. Catharine Zartman m. Jesse L. Stambaugh. Shed. 1/25/1937. Children: Annie Jane, b. 3/31/1885; George Edwin, b. 7/12/1887, d. 8/15/1888; Norman Daniel, b. 10/29/1889, d. 3/27/1891; Howard Abraham, b. 11/21/1897; Viola Mary, b. 9/16/1899, d. 9/24/1901; Mary Virginia, b. 9/19/1903. Annie J. Stambaugh 7/20/1902 m. Samuel F. Emig, b. 11/20/1881. Howard A. Stam­ baugh m. Daisy May Moul 1/25/1919. Their children are: Hel­ ena C., b. 5/11/1920; Woodrow W., b. 2/2/1922; Loraine Anna, b. 9/19/1927. Mary V. Stambaugh m. Andrew A. Hinkle, and ha.~ a son, Eugene Allen, b.10/21/1922. Edwin H. Zartman, farmer near Spring Grove, Pa., m. Ellen E. Geisler 9/21•/1890. After a long illness with tuberculosis she d. 2/28/1917, 11.nd was buried at Lischey's church. Edwin H. Zart­ man served a term as Infirmary Director of York County., Pa. Children: George Raymond, b. 2/6/1892; Edna Irene, b. 3/23/- 1894; Katie May, b. 9/29/1896, d. 2/7/1914; Charles Edwin, b. 5/10/1899; Jennie Estella, b. 9/1/1903; Lestie Maria, b. 2/18/- 1905. George R. Zartman m. Anna Romaine Forry in Jan. 1917. Children: Raymond Edwin, b. 6/29/1919; Margaret Virginia, b. 9/7/1920; Anna Romaine, b. 6/4/1922; Nancy Jane, b, 1/22/ 1932. They live at 1128 W. Poplar St., York, Pa. Edna Irene Zartman m. Charles Rice in 1922. Their only child was Eleanor Irene, b. 3/20/1923, d. 3/23/1923. Charles E. Zartman m. Myrtle Elizabeth Shearer, b. 3/17/1906. Rev. J. N. Faust performed the ceremony, 2/6/1926. Their children were: Donald Charles, b. 1/23/1927; Edwin Noah, b. 1/8/1931; Kenneth LeRoy, b. 5/- 23/1933, d. 5/24/1933; Geraldine Gloria, b. 1/17/1939, d. 1/- 18/1939. Jennie Estella Zartman m. John W. Brodbeck of Glen Rock, Pa., 10/28/1922. They have a son, Edwin Jeremiah, b. 7/26/1926. Lestie M. Zartman in 1925 m. Lester Jacob Thomas. They have two sons: Gerald Edwin, b. 4/24/1926; and George Lester, b. 3/1/1928. William Henry Zartman m. Lydia Snyder. Children: Erwin Walter, b. 2/1/1892; Jennie Alvertie, b. 1/22/1895; Alva Mae, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 185

b. 11/13/1900; Hattie and Henry, who died aged 18 mos. and 1 mo. respectively. William Henry Zartman d. 5/1/1899, and his widow married George B. Heiner, of Spring Grove, Pa.; she d. 2/16ji921. Erwin Walter Zartman in 19~4 m. Bessie Mae Frair. Children: Evelyn Mae, b. 5/10/1915; and Harry Luther, b. 10/- 13/1917. Bessie Frair Zartman d. in 1917, and Erwin Walter mar­ ried Mabelle Romaine Klinedinst. Children: Rufus Henry, b. 8/16/1919; and Richard Erwin, b. 9/19/1923. Their address is Spring Grove, Pa. Jennie Alverta Zartman m. Allen Grogg 7/- 13/1919. Children: Harry, b. 9/6/1921; May, b. 5/11/1923; Loraine, b. 5/26/1928. They reside in York, Pa., as does Alva Mae Zartman. Abraham Zartman m. Sophia Glatfelter in 1897. Their son, Morris Raymond, was born 3/7/1898. Abraham Zartman d. 5/- 16/1898. On 10/26/1905 his widow m. William H. Linsey; their daughter, Margaret Luella, was b. 8/1/1907, d. 12/16/1918. Morris Raymond Zartman resides with the Linseys in York New Salem, Pa. He is employed by the Department of Banking, Ex­ amining Division, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with the official title of Assistant Investment Analyst. Rebecca Zartman, daughter of Peter, in Nov. 1859 m. Levi Hoffman, b. 4/4/1834, d. 5/3/1908. Their children were: Lucy A., b. 2/3/1861; Emma Elizabeth; Katherine Rebecca; Cora; Abraham; Peter; Noah; Edwin, Harry J.; John, b. 4/8/1864, d. 1871. Lucy A. Hoffman m. Phares H. Hershey and lived in Spring Grove, Pa. They had a son, Chauncey, b. 2/6/1891. Emma E. Hoffman m. Charles Seachrist. Cora Hoffman m. Clayton Freed. Abraham Hoffman lived in York, Pa.; Peter Hoffman lived in Bairs, Pa.; Noah Hoffman lived at Prospect, Pa.; Edwin Hoffman lived at East Berlin, Pa.; Harry J. Hoffman lived in York, Pa. Mary Zartman, daughter of Peter, on 3/10/1857 m. Israel Fahs, b. in 1834 in York County, Pa. They resided in York, Pa., and had 12 children: Rebecca Jane, b. 1858, and m. a Mr. Shearer; Henry Jackson, b. 1860, d. 1880; Peter Paul, b. 1861, and was a teacher in the schools of York, Pa., where he died in 1909; Wil­ liam Milton, b. 1863, resided in York; Amanda Elizabeth, b. 1866, m. Mr. Landis of York, Pa.; Emma G. and Mary Ella, who died as infants; Annie Emelia, b. 1/8/1869, m. 1908 Henry Lehman, a 186 THE ZARTMAN F .Al{JLY farmer near York; John Amro, b. 7/23/1870; Allen Wilson, b. 4/9/1873, d. 1907, m. Lillie Myers and bad one daughter, Hazel Irene, b. 8/31/1895; Robert Aaron, b. 1875; David Wesley, b. 1876, resided in York, Pa. John Amro Fahs graduated from York Normal School in 1887, and taught in the public schools of York for many years. On 4/13/1901 he m. Lulia Gochennauer. Child­ ren: Hilda Geraldine, b. 12/29/1903; and Emmet Russell, b. 11/15/1905. Abraham Zartman, son of Peter Zartman, in 1858 left York County, Pa., and located in Stark County, Ohio, near Osnaburg. He was a carpenter by trade. He m. Malinda Brcnizcr. Their children were: Charles, b. 11/5/1860, d. Oct. 1861; Amelia, b. 3/27/1863; Alice, b. 5/27/1869. On 5/19/1889 Amelia Zartman m. Asberry S. Montgomery, who d. 2/10/1933, and is buried in Northlawn Cemetery, Canton, Ohio. They had four children: Hilda, b. 11/7/1890; Wendell H., b. 4/30/1892; Justine, b. 2/3/- 1894; Russell, b. 5/22/1905. Both Hilda and Justine Mont­ g-0mery attended Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, and Kent State Normal School at l{cnt, Ohio. They are teachers in the public schools of Canton, Ohio, and with their mother, live on W. Nassau St., East Canton, Ohio, on the Lincoln Highway. Wendell Montgomery graduated from Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, then from the medical department of the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh in 1921, following which he interned at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa.; he is now a practising physician in Louisville, Ohio. On 6/18/1923 he m. Rhea M. Davis, b. 5/29/- 1894 in Alliance, Ohio, and also a graduate of Mount Union Col­ lege. They have no children. Their address is 507 E. Main St., Louisville, Ohio. Russell Montgomery, also a physician, gradu­ ated from Mount Union College in 1927, and from the medical department of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1931, where he was a member of the Nu Sigma Nu Medical Frat­ ernity. ·He served as interne in Grasslands Hospital, Valhalla, N. Y., and was for four years resident physician in Sloane's Hos­ pital for Women of New York City. On 7/9/1936 hem. Evelyn Michaelian, b. 1907, of White Plains, N. Y., a graduate of Smith College. They have one son, James Russell, b. 7/12/1939. Their address is Apt. M, 26120, N. Broadway, White Plains, N. Y. Alice, daughter of Abraham Zartman, m. Andrew Myers. They had three children: Earl, who is married and lives in Massillon, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 187

Ohio; Maude, who lives in California; and Grace, d. 1915. An­ drew Myers d. in 1922, and his widow m. John J. Kroth; their residence is 1825 Garfield Ave., S. W., Canton, Ohio. Edwin iartman, son of Peter, like his brothers, Jesse and Abraham, took Horace Greeley's advice: "Go west, young man!" In 1860 he followed his brothers to Stark County, Ohio, where in Feb. 1866 hem. Elizabeth Walker. He d. 2/19/1905; his wife d. 2/10/1883. To them were born ten children, nine of whom survive: Charles Melville, b. 11/25/1866; Alice Alvilta, b. 7/20/- 1868; Leah Lauretta, b. 4/19/1870; Jennie May, b. 11/15/1872; John William, b. 10/9/1873; Byron Allen, b. 2/10/1875; Harvey Curtis, b. 1/15/1877; Edwin Howard, b. 4/6/1879; Lillie Grace, b.12/7/1880; George Washington, b. 1/8/1882. Charles M. Zartman lived in Eagle County, Colo., where he was a farmer. Hem. 10/19/1892 Maude Beatrice Moss, who d. at Denver, Colo. 6/18/1928 and is buried at Eagle, Colo. Charles Melville Zartman d. at Lyons, Kan., 8/2/1929, and is buried at Geneseo, Kan. Their children were: Melville Gordon, b. 7/13/- 1893; Florine Ellen, b. 12/1/1895; twins: Byron Moss and sis­ ter, b. 8/20/1901. The girl died as an infant. Byron M. Moss did not marry; he d. at Breckinridge Colo., and was buried at Eagle, Colo., 9/27/1927. Melville G. Zartman m. Grace Amelia You berg, a teacher in the public schools of Eagle, 6/7/1922. They had two sons: Melville Gordon, b. 8/13/1923; and Charles Byron, b. 8/21/1928, both b. in Denver, Colo. He was a World War veteran of the 81st Division, was disabled and d. 9/13/1936 in Denver, Colo., where he is buried. Florine Ellen Zartman was born at Admne, Kan.; attended public schools at Eaj!;le, Colo., and high school at Gypsum, Colo. In 1918 she graduated from the American Business College, Pueblo, Colo., and in 1924 she went to Los Angeles, Calif., where she was employed for a num­ ber of years as bookkeeper in the offices of an automobile com­ pany. On 11/12/1928 he m. Arthur Burritt, b. 9/27/1894 at Girard, Kan. Mr. Burritt is with the Cadillac automobile service company; their address is 135 N. Lapur Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. Alice Alvilta. Zartman m. William Francis Holmes 12/28/- 1894. They live on a farm at Geneseo, Rice County, Kan., and they are members of the Christian Church. Leab Lauretta Zartman m. Albert Shirk 11/16/1890 and lived at Canton, Ohio. Shed. 5/19/1937 and is buried in Clinton, Ohio. 188 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

They bad a daughter, Augusta Elizabeth, b. 12/26/1891. Augusta Elizabeth Shirk m. Clarence E. Truex 11/25/1916 and they have two children: Francis Albert b. 2/14/1918; and Martha Mae, b. 8/23/1919. On 2/21/1936 l\fartha Mae Truex m. Willard Jess Mohler. Their children are: Dorothy Jean, b. 9/29/1936; and Margie Marie, b. 3/13/1938. Mr. and Mrs. Tntex reside at War­ wick, Ohio. Jennie May Zartman m. twice; (1) to A]Jen A. T~xler, who d. 3/19/1893; (2) 4/18/1904 to Alonzo Sechrist, who d. 5/6/1931. Her son, John A. Texter, was b. 2/14/1892; m. Catherine Roush, b.

1029 m. Freda Skuglund. They Jive on R. 1, Bothell,, and he is in the employ of the University Ice Co. of Seattle. In 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Zartman returned ,to their home in Canton, Ohio, at J.600 24th St. N. E., and he is employed by the Loehr Lumber Co. They expect to leave shortly for Seattle for perman­ ent residence with their children. Edwin Howard Zartman on Christmas of 1902 m. Estella L. Zinninger of Canton, Ohio. Edwin H. Zartman was reared by tlw Walker family, his mother's people; on this account just be­ fore his marriage be had his name legaliy changed to Edwin Howard Walker. It was a unique marital union in which both bride and groom changed their names. Their children arc: Paul Edwin, b. 7/26/1907; Thelma Evelyn, b. 5/24/1909; and Owen Franklin, b. 8/11/1911. They belong to the Lutheran Church. Paul E. Walker m. Laura Bowser 5/18/1934. He is employed with his father's company in Canton, and they live at Hartville, Ohio, R.R. 1. Thelma E. Walker m. Edward E. Nauman 9/5/- 1927; they reside at 2305 Cleveland Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Walker, and :Mr. Nau­ man is in the employ of the Ohio Battery Co. Owen F. Walker graduated from McKinley High School in Canton in 1929; from Brown University in 1933 with highest honors ever attained, plus a Cecil Rhodes scholarship. He graduated in law from Ox­ ford University, England, in 1936 with high honors, having re­ eeived three firsts. He was admitted to the bar of Ohio 2/7/1937, and is with the Thompson, Hine & Flory Co., law firm in the Guardian Trust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. His street address is 2427 Roxboro Rd. Lillie Grace Zartman m. Harvey S. Loehr 9/27/1899 in Canton, Ohio. They belong to the Lutheran Church. Their home is at 3247 Martindale Rd., N. E., Canton, Ohio. Their children are: Vera Marie, b. 7/20/1900; Howard Eldon, b. 6/16/1905; Ken­ neth Justin, b. 3/13/1908; Dorothy Marguerite, b. 3/2/1912. Vera Marie Loehr m. Paul Schmucker 6/11/1918. Their children are: Paul Harvey, b. 10/26/1919; Marilyn Ann, b. 8/11/1922; Verne George, b. 2/13/1926. They reside on Harvard Ave. Exten­ sion, Canton, Ohio. Mr. Schmucker is a salesman with the Loehr Lumber Co. Howard Eiuon Loehr by his first marriage had a daughter, Patricia Jane, b. 4/21/1928; his second marriage was to Mildred Seidner 12/19/1936. They live at 2718 Gibbs Ave. 190 THE ZARTMAN Fil!ILY

N. E., Canton, Ohio, and be is in the employ of the Loehr Lumber Co. Kenneth Justin Loehr m. June Reed 8/21/1937; they reside at 1103 Colonial Blvd., Canton, Ohio, and .he is also in the em­ ploy of the Loehr Lumber Co. Dorothy M. Loehr m. Ralph Dix 6/29/1935, and they live at 3200 Martindale Rd., Canton, Ohio. Mr. Dix is serving the extensive Loehr Lumber Co. George W asbington Zartman graduated from East Canton High School and from Canton Actual Business College; he was a carpenter by trade, and belongs to the Lutheran Church. He m. Edna Rowells, and has a daughter, Helen, b. 9/17/1904. Helen · Zartman m. Achille E. Clemence 9/23/1925. They reside at 1445 Deuber Ave., Canton, Ohio. Their children are: Jean Ellen, b. 11/9/1927; and Edmund Dale, b. 11/5/1932. Mr. Clemence is in the employ of the Republic Steel Co. George W. Zartman works at the Hercules Motor Co., Canton, Ohio, and resides at 1438 Vine St., Canton, Ohio. Anna ~artman, daughter of Peter, son of John Peter Zartman, . was b. 2/4/1841. She m. Lawrence George Elsesser, who was b. 8/12/1838 in Ascbendorf, Germany, and emigrated to this coun­ try when a boy. Mr. Elsesser d. 1/11/1907; she d. 5/27/1925. Twelve child,·en were born to them: 1. Henry Franklin Elsesser, b. 4/3/1861, d. 11/15/1914;.sales­ man; taught school in Ohio two years. Was married and bad one child who d. in infancy. 2. John E. Elsesser, b. 3/8/1863, d. 3/18/1865. 3. William David Elsesscr, b. 5/15/1865, m. Annabelle Stev­ enson. Five (5) children. C.,ne died in infancy. Lawrence S. Elsesser, b. 8/23/1896, m. Isabelle Truest, reside 2221-34th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Salesman for North Land Milk Co. One child - dead. Ruby Blanche Elsesser, b. 11/2/1892, m. G. R. Gustafson, retail grocer, 1804 Piedmont Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Three children: Bruce Cameron, b. 6/28/1915; Shirley Blanche, b. 3/10/1921; Gale Robert, b. 7/22/1927. Chauncey W. Elsasser, b. 6/10/1903. Prop. Cafe, 2819 Layman Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., m. Corrine McDer­ mott. One child - dead.


William D. Elsesser, .Tr., b. 7/28/1909. Address 4035 Xan­ wood Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Salesman, m. Gretchen Sewell. Two children. 4. Peter Andrew Elsesser, 1st., b. 4/14/1867. M. Lizzie E. Rutter 1/26/1893. One child, adopted, Beulah Ann Ket­ terman, daughter of Robert Luther Ketterman, deceased, 3/26/1809 and Alverta E. Elsesser. Manufacturer. With Martin Carriage Works from 1893 to 1917 manufacturing horse drawn vehicles. With York Body Corporation and York-Hoover Body Corporation 1917 to present, manu­ facturing auto commercial bodies and caskets. Confirmed a member of Holtzschwam Lutheran Church, York County. Afterward a member of Union Lutheran Church, York, Pa. and May 1898 membership was transferred to St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church, York. Sunday School teacher of same class continuously since member of church. Superintendent of St. Matthew's Lutheran Sunday School twenty-nine years, beginning with September 1907, end­ ing December 31, 1936. President of Y.M.C.A., York, Pa. continuously beginning November 12, 1901-40 yrs. He d. 6/16/1941. Was buried on June 19 aged 74 yrs. 5. Augustus Amazon Elsesser, b. 4/18/1869, d. 11/7/1935. M. Martha Rudy, b. 2/21/1879, d. 7/5/1932. Eight children: Ruth Sophia, b. 6/21/1899. Married Harry E. Trout, b. 9/7/1900. One child: Madelyn Louise, b. 4/21/1927. Address York, H. D. 1. Husband is an electric welder. Peter Andrew, 2d, b. 7/18/1901, m. Stella Sprenkle. Re­ side 371 East I{ing St., York, Pa. Five children: Warren; Peter Andrew, 3rd; Marguerite; Robert; Harold. Miriam Elizabeth, b. 8/4/1903, m. William Krout, welder. Reside 570 N. Highland Ave., York, Pa. Four children: Betty Jean, b. 7/1/1923; William Carl, b. 8/4/1925; Rich­ ard Augustus, b. 5/14/1929; Joyce Elaine, b. 12/8/1933. Pauline Marie, b. 9/4/1905, m. Richard Miller, auto accessories and gasoline, Cor. George & South Sts., York, Pa. One son, Eugene Harold, ~- 5/4/1924. George William, b. 10/12/1907. (Welder) m. Anna Mary Reider, b.11/11/1906, East Berlin, Pa. Two children: Louise Elaine, b. 7/15/1925; George William, Jr., b. 9/19/1927. 192 TUE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Anna Romaine, b. 10/22/1910, m. Clyde B. Shelly. Reside Goldsboro, Pa. One daughter, Nancy May, b. 5/26/1930. Carl Augustus, b. 8/25/1012, m. Geraldine Meads, Red Lion, Pa. Catharine Naomi, b. 11/13/1915, m. Richard Schiding, printer. Resides 43 E. Cottage Place. 6. Lily Ann Elsesser, b. Mar. 1871, m. Wesley Brubaker. One son, Wesley, Jr., b. 2/4/1900. He married Sarnh Bickell Faust, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Faust, Spring Grove, York Co., Pa. One daughter, Joan Faust Brubaker, b. 2/14/1936. Second husband of Lily, James M. Wilde, salesman. Reside 508 White Horse Pike, W. Collings­ wood, N. J. i. Edward Elsesser, b. 1/8/1873. Two boys: Elder Elwood, b. 3/10/1901; Gordon Jacob, b. 7/27/1902. Hm1ide 2101 West Market St., York, Pa. 8. Sarah Alice Elsesser, b. 10/30/1874, m. Stephen Hayden Pierce Duggan. Reside Farms Road, Stamford, Conn. Four children: Mary Alice, b. 12/24/1902. Graduate, V nssar College. m. Ralph Perrin Forster, London, England. Graduate London School Economics. Lawrence Hayden, b. 5/28/1905. Graduate Harvard Uni­ versity. Chief American Republics, Washington, D. C. M. Helen Bushong Boyd 9/17/1932, graduate Vassnr College. One child: Stephanie, b. 6/4/1037 in Washing­ ton, D. C. Stephen Pierce, Jr., b. 4/25/1010. Graduate Harvard University and Colum.bia University Law School. A111m­ ciatcd with law firm Simpson, 'l'hatcher & Bartlett, New York. M. Beatrice Abbott, gm.eluate Vllf:lsar College. Sarah Ann, b. 2/13/1914. Gmduate Vassar College 1037. Single. 9. Alverta Elizabeth EIHcstmr, b. 1/25/1877, m. Ilolicrt L. Kettcrmnn, who cl. 3/26/18118. They had two children: Bryan Buchanan, h. 11/12/ 18117, d. 3/27/1034. Mtirrictl an

(2) Beulah Ann, b. 12/19/1898; d. suddenly 2/15/1940; m. William F. Plitt, who resides at 320 S. Richland Ave., York, Pa. Their children are: Peter William, b. 12/25/- 1931; Elizabeth Jean, b. 3/5/1933. Alverta Elizabeth was m. 10/8/1906 to Albert C. Barth. They reside at 924 S. 50th St., Philadelphia, Pa. They have one daughter, Mary Augustine, b. 3/10/1915, who m. on 3/9/1936 Dr. Glen Cole, osteopath. They live at 629 Haas Ave., Norris­ town, Pa. 10. Jennie May Elsesser, b. 2/8/1878, m. George William :Myers. Five children: Wilbur Lawrence Myers, b. 7/9/1898. World War. Machine Gun Battalion. Over seas one year in service. Shell shock­ ed and gassed. Now with York Gas Co., clerk since 1925. One child, Wilbur Lawrence, Jr. Peter Wesley Myers, b. 4/4/1900, m. Lucille Abel. No children. Salesman, Casket Division, York-Hoover Body Corporation. Hayden William Myers, b. 6/13/1902, m. Gertrude Mc­ Aughy. No children. Salesman, Auto Vehicle Producui, York-Hoover Body Corporation. Jennie May Myers, h. 10/19/1906, m. Two children: Elaine Lucille, b. 12/26/1924; Jeanna Alverta, b. 1/17/- 1928. Helen Romaine Myers, b. 12/7/1909. Graduate Hood College, Frederick, Md., m. Henry Bowers. One boy: Henry, Jr., b. 1935. 11. Mnry Ellen Elsesser, b. 6/15/1880, d. 10/1880. Scalded to dcnt.h. 12. Emmti Kato Elscsscr, b. 12/17/1883, d. 7/22/1023. Mnr­ ried Cecil Jordan. No children. 'Elizabeth Znrtmnn, daughter of, son of John Peter, m. ,Josiah Dnniel Hersh 11/2•1/186:3; they m1ided in York, Pn., and were members of the Clnm·h of the Bruthrcn. l\fr. lkrsh wns n blaeksmit,h, nnd nlt;o did fnrming. On U/7 /1864 he mlisted in Co. B., 200th Hl'µ:iment, P. V. I., Gen. Geo. Gordon .i\lcude, corps conun1rndcr. Ho fought in lite bnttlPs of Fort. StP111lrnnn, Peturs- 194 TRE ZARTMAN FAMILY

burg, and Hatcher's Run, but was never wounded. Mr. Hersh d. 5/17/1922, and his wifed. 3/27/1932; both are buried at New Oxford, Adams County, Pa. They had four sons: John Emory, b. 1/15/1865; Jacob Charles, h. 9/27/1867, d. 4/6/1870; Edward Josiah, b. 4/16/1869; and a son who died unnamed. John E. Hersh is a salesman; m. Fanny Quickel 11/23/1892, and they re­ side at East Berlin, Pa. They have a son Henry Harold, mach­ inist at Conewago Heights, Pa. Henry H. Hersh has a son, Allen Hersh, a clerk. Edward J. Hersh m. Mary Helen Lloyd 11/23/- 1890. Their children are Edna M. and--, both music teachers; and Ralph Edward Lloyd, salesman. They all reside at 25 N. West St., York, Pa. John B. Zartman, son of Peter, son of John Peter, was b. 2/9/1845. Hem. Matilda Fuhrman 2/16/1868, and d. 5/15/1881, aged 36 years. He was a soldier in the Civil War. His wifed. 12/20/1880; both are buried at Lischey's Church, Spring Grove, Pa. Th'ey had four children: Ellen J., b. 1/20/1869; William D., b. 5/18/1871; Mary Elizabeth, b. 5/5/1873; Francis E., b. 8/20/- 1876. On 5/19/1891 Ellen J. Zartman m. John Fmncis Bowman, who d. 5/28/1931. Children: Mary, b. and d. 3/24/1892; Theo­ dore Paul, b. 9/4/1893; John Francis, b. 2/13/1806, d. 2/14/1896; Earl McKinley, h. 7 /0/1897, d. 12/6/1000; twins, Philip Henry and Elizabeth Irene, b. 9/10/1900. Theodore P. Bowman m. Margaret Esther Fitzkee 4/7/1928. Philip H. Bowman m. I{ath­ ryn Kaufman in 1922. Their children are: Dorothy May, b. 1/15/1923; and Philip Henry, b. 10/2/1920. William D. Zartman m. Amanda Teal 3/1/1891; resides on R 2, Broadway, Hanover, Pa. Children were: Chauncey Edward, b. 11/30/1891; John A., b. 6/2/1893, d. 7/2/1894; WilJiam A., b. 11/13/1894; Irvin T. b. 8/27/1898. Chauncey E. Zartman m. Carrie E. Shanabrook in 1911; resides 212 Filbert St., Hanover, Pa. They have 11 children: Dorothea E. M., b. 1/16/1912; Eu­ gene W., b. 12/2/1913; Amanda S. L., b. 0/25/1915; Effie E., b. 11/7/1916; Edward C., b. 3/19/1918; twins, Norman F. and Enora P., b. 4/15/1910; Amelia C., b. 8/30/1920; Francis R., b. 5/11/1922; Merle L., b. 8/26/1025, d. 0/2/1025; Anna IC, b. 8/11/1927. Effie E. Zartman m. Alton Kipple. Their children are: Richard L., b. 2/14/1933; and Sarah L., b. 7/28/1934. Enora P. Zartman m. Chas. E. Feeser in 1937; they have one son, Charles E., b. 4/13/1938. Amelia C. Zartman m. Walter Mathias 5/- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 195

28/1938. Irvin T. Zartman m. Pauline Colehouse 5/5/1919. Their children are: Elwood C., b. 6/21/1920J d. 12/5/1920; Llewellyn E., b. 5/11/1922; Belva R., b. 6/15/1923; Burnell C., b. 6/8/· 1924; Laverne D., b. 7/5/1926. Address, Hanover, Pa. William A. Zartman enlisted in the army 7/17/1917; he ling• ered in camps Colt, Greene, and Stuart until 4/6/1918 when he sailed for France, landing at Brest. He fought in the engagements at the Marne and Chateau Thierry; was wounded in knee and thigh 7/20/1918, and discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., 1/20/1919. He resides at 238 Princess St., Hanover, Pa. He m. Dorothy Lois Reibling in 1920 and has three children: Raymond Edward, b. 11/5/1920; Ralph Kenneth, b. 8/19/1923; Robert Dallas, b. 8/- 7/1926. Mary Elizabeth Zartman, daughter of John B. Zartman, m. Theodore Paul Vannatter at York, Pa., 5/5/1892. A daughter, Mary, b. 3/16/1893, d. in infancy; a son, Theodore Francis, b. 3/· 22/1895. Theodore Paul Vannatter d. 7/24/1908 and is buried in Greenmount Cemetery, York, Pa. Their son, Theodore Francis Vannatter, enlisted in military service of the U. S. 2/28/1918, and continued in service till 1/23/1919, when he was honorably discharged. He was a pressman by trade, and a member of the American Legion, Post 127. He d. at the government hospital at Aspin Wall 9/20/1928, and is buried at Greenmount cemetery, York, Pa. In 1919 Theodore Francis Vannatter m. Marie Eliz­ abeth Schaberle at York, Pa. Children both born at York, Pa., are: Theodore Francis, Jr., b. 5/25/1920; and Mary Louise, b. 2/13/1924. Francis E. Zartman, son of John B. Zartman, is a farmer and 1.ives at Seven Va.J)eys, York County, Pa. Hem. Alverta Rohr­ baugh; they have a daughter, Bessie Marie, b. 9/9/1898. David Zartman, son of Peter, son of John Peter Zartman, was b. in Reading Twp., Adams County, Pa., 6/18/1848. He was a blacksmith and farmer. On 9/7/1864 he enlisted in Co. B, 209th regiment, P. V. I., Gen. Geo. Gordon Meade, corps commander; he fought in the battles of Fort Steadman, Petersburg and Hatch­ ers' Run, but was not wounded; was honorably discharged 5/31/- 1865. On 12/11/1868 he m. Anna Mary Altland. Their children were: James Franklin, b. 4/3/1871; Ada Catherine, b. 10/4/1873; David Luther, b. 4/7/1876, d. 5/1/1890; Lottie May, b. 3/9/- 1878, d. 3/14/1878; Annie Belle, b. 11/10/1885, d. 5/1/1890; 196 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Curvin George, b. 11/1/1891, d. 3/7/1892. They resided in Dover, York County, Pa., where David lived retired at the time of his decease 9/9/1922. His wife d. 2/8/1923. They belonged to the Lutheran Church. Both are buried in Paradise cemetery at the Holtzswam Church. James Franklin Zartman 11/16/1890 m. Mary Alice Kunkle, daughter of Abraham and Sarah Kunkle. He was a teacher in the public schools of York County for a period of 25 years; served as Justice of the Peace of Newberry Twp., was a member of the State Legislature, sessions of 1905 and 1906; served 6 years in the Department of Agriculture of the State of Pennsylvania. He was influential in organizing the First National Bank of Goldsboro, and also the Goldsboro Pure Feed Co., of which he is the present successor. He resides in the town of Goldsboro, York County, Pa. They have two children: Elsie Anna, b. 8/8/1891; and Pan­ zie Maree, b. 6/12/1897. The History of York County (1907) says of Hon. J. Franklin Zartman: "His reputation is that of a man of sterling integrity, intellectual superiority, and business ability. Personally be has a very wide circle of friends and admirers." Elsie A. Zartman taught school until she m. George Bower 10/- 12/1908. He d. 7/11/1939 and was buried 7/14/1939. Their children are: Howard Franklin, b. 12/21/1909; and Ruth Evelyn, b. 12/31/1911. Howard Franklin Bower graduated from York High School 5/24/1928. He is a musician; played trombone with orchestras in principal cities in 23 States, and in 5 Provinces in Canada. Hem. 9/5/1936 Evelyn I{athryn Strausbaugh, daugh­ ter of the late Curvin B. and Mabel Strausbaugh, and they re­ side at 480 Prospect St., York, Pa. Ruth Evelyn Bower gradu­ ated from the York High School 5/30/1929, and from West Chester State Teachers College, 5/26/1031; taught music and physical education in the public schools of York City. She m. 6/10/1935 Edmund Waleski, athletic coach and director of the William Penn Senior High School, York, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Waleski of Pittsburgh, Pa., and they reside at 265 W. Maple St., York, Pa. A daughter was b. 10/28/1937, and d. 12/6/1937. Panzie M. Zartman attended the School of Commerce, Harris­ burg, Pa., and since 9/1/1920 has been in charge of the office of Owings Bros., York, Pa. She studied voice under Mrs. Camilla JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 197

Steig Treible, York, Pa., and is a soprano soloist; at the present time Director of the Young People's Phorus of the 12th District Sabbath School Association of York County, and also secretary of the Euterpean Chorus of the Y.W.C.A. at York, Pa., which has 72 members, with Prof. Urban H. Hershey as director. Her address is 730 W. Philadelphia St., York, Pa. Ada Catherine Zartman m. Alvin Rauhauser Gross, 2/1/1891. Mr. and Mrs. Gross engaged in farming in Dover Twp., and are now living retired in Dover, Pa. They have the following children: 1. Paul Luther Gross m. 11/21/1912 Emma Jane Julius of Dover, Pa., R. F. D. 2, b. 7/30/1803. They reside in Dover, Pa., and are engaged in farming; members of Salem Union Church near Dover, Pa. They have the following children: Julius Carl, b. 2/20/1916, graduated from Dover High School in 1934 and now engaged in farming with bis father; Ray Alvin, b. 12/25/1921, graduated from Dover High School in 1939 and also engaged in farming with his father; Paul Russell, b. 8/7/1924, and now at Dover High School. 2. Gussie May Gross m. Roy Coxen of Springettsbury Twp., York County, Pa., in 1912. They had the following children: Richard Gross, b. 5/14/1913; and Ralph Leroy, b. 1/21/1920. Gussie later m. Chas. F. Rohrbaugh, b. 3/ 18/1883, carpenter by trade, and now employed by the Pfaltzgrafi Pottery Co., York, Pa. They reside in York, New Salem, Pa. 3. Fairy Viola Gross m. 1915 Earl Hampton Wildasin, b. 10/14/1893, of Springettsbury Twp., York County, Pa. They reside in West York Borough, and Mr. Wild­ asin is an accountant with the Martin-Parry Corp., York, Pa. They had the following children: Arlene Kathryn, b. ·9/4/1915, d. 11/11/1915; Jeanne Mae, b. 5/16/1920, graduated from West High School in 1938; Earl Hampton, Jr., b. 7/29/1923, completing his Sophomore year at West York High School; Lucille Grace, b. 6/8/1925; J. Alvin, b. 9/15/1926. The latter two children are attending grade school in West York Borough. Mr. and Mrs. Wilda.sin and daughter, Jeanne Mae, are members of Shiloh Union Church, York, Pa., R. F. D. 1. 198 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

4. Iva Sarah Ann Gross m. 1/9/1916 Jacob Daniel Holtzapple, b. 9/7/1893, of Manchester Twp., York County, Pa. They reside in Dover, Pa. Mr. Holtzapple is a silk weaver and is employed at the "Blue-Bird" Silk Mill in York, Pa. They have the following children: Ruth Evelyn, b. 12/13/1917, m. Harry Myers of Dover Twp., York County Pa., 12/24/1938; Dale Gross, b. 4/7/1919; Gerald Gros.~, b. 10/22/1920; Betty Louise, b. 12/20/1922, m. Jacob Diehl of Manchester Twp., York County, Pa., 1938; they have a son, Kenneth Leon, b, 7/10/1939; Alvin Gross, b. 6/5/1926; Jacob Daniel, b. 1/15/1928; and Ada Cath­ arine, b. 5/6/1932. Mr. and Mrs. Holtzapple are members of the Shiloh Union Church, York, Pa., R.F.D. l. 5. Roy Alvin Gross m. 5/13/1922 Grace Elizabeth Eckenrode, b. 1/14/1902. Roy is part owner of a Restaurant and Cigar Store at the corner of Roosevelt & Penna. Aves. in York, Pa. They have a son, Roy Alvin, Jr., b. 2/13/1929. They reside in York, Pa. 6. Erm~ Kathryn Gross m. Raymond Leas, b. 10/4/1902, of Paradise Twp., York County, Pa., in 1922. They had the following children: Helen Mae, b. 5/28/1923; and Nadine Erma, b. 5/16/1925; both girls are now attending the Dover High School. Erma m. Frank J. Neff of York, Pa. They have the following children: William Henry Neff, b. 12/17/1929; Thomas Alvin, b. 9/2/1931; and Janice Ada, b. 7/11/1933. Erma is a beautician ·and op­ erates the first and only Beauty Parlor in Dover Borough. 7. Phares Earl Gross, b. 3/16/1906, m. Ada Lee Moser, b. 1/- 29/1910, on 1/29/1931. They reside in Dover, Pa. Phares is a Printer and is employed by the Maple Press Co. of York, Pa. They have the following children: Delores Grace, b. 8/24/1932 and Donald Granville, b. 5/28/1934. They arc members of Salem Union Church near Dover, Pa. HENRY ZARTMAN was the second child of John Peter, and so named to honor Grandfather Henry Zartman of Northumber­ land County, Pa. He was b. 7/16/1808, d. 5/16/1862. He was a day laborer, and lived in Paradise Twp., York County, Pa. He m. Catherine Oberlander, and had nine children: Elizabeth, b. 8/19/1830; Jacob, b. 2/10/1832; Moses, b. 11/11/1833; Mary JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 199

Ann, b.1/1/1837; Levi Samuel, b.10/8/1838; Henrietta, b.1841; Catherine, b. 1843; Jesse, b. 4/14/1845; Susanna Jane, b. 5/6/- 1852. Elizabeth Zartman m. Samuel Baublitz; shed. 4/10/1889. They had eight children: Harrison, b. 1/1/1854; Anthony, b. 1855; Frederick, b.1856; Almeda, b. 5/17/1858;Amanda, b.1861; Henry, b. 1863; Susan, b. 1867; Jacob, b. 1869. Anthony Baub­ litz m. and had five chi1dren: Agnes, b. 1884; Samuel, b. 1886; Mazie, b. 1888; Lizzie, b. 1890; William, b. 1892. Frederick Baub­ litz married and had five sons: William, Lewis, Elmer, Harry, and Henry. Almeda Baublitz m. William Noe], and had four child­ ren: Mary E., b. 1879; Annie K., b. 1883; William B., b. 1891; Julia, b. 1898. Amanda Baublitz m. Daniel Gladfelter. Their children are ten: Emma, b.1879; David, b. 1881; Samuel, b.1883; Lucy, b. 1885; William, b. 1887; Li1y, b. 1889; AJbertus, b. 1891; Mary, b. 1893; Raymond, b. 1895; and Minnie, b. 1897. Henry Baublitz m. and had a son, George, b. 1890. Jacob Baublitz mar­ ried and bad five children: Walter, b. 1895; William, b. 1898; John, b. 1900; Martha, b. 1901; Edith, b. 1903. Jacob Zartman, oldest son of Henry, was married three times: (1) to Lydia Grift; (2) to Willie Harold; (3) to Hettie Grant. By his first wife he had four children: three, who d. in inf.; and a son Alexander, d. aged 16 or 17 yrs. Bella, a daughter by his second wife, is also deceased. Jacob Zartman d. 10/23/1907. Moses Zartman was a stonemason and bricklayer. He m. 12/- 30/1858 Maria Magdalena Zartman, daughter of Solomon B. Zartman, and on 12/30/1908 they celebrated their Golden Wed­ ding anniversary. Moses Zartman d. 3/4/1912, his wifed. 3/30/- 1909. They were members of the Reformed Church. Children were: Mary Ann, b. 10/23/1859; Martin David, b. 11/28/1860; Ellen Barbara, b. 7/27/1862; John Wesley, b. 11/26/1863; Cath­ erine Jane, b. 8/7/1865, d. 9/30/1866; Solomon Edward, b. 10/- 4/1866; Sevilla Virginia, b. 6/5/1867; Lily, b. 8/7/1870. Mary Ann Zartman m. (1) William Becker; (2) David Falkenstine. Martin D. Zartman was a bricklayer and contractor in York, Pa. On 2/12/1882 he m. Louise Leese, who d. 2/26/1930; be d. 4/- 6/1918. Martin D. Zartman, wife and family were members of the Reformed Church. Issue: William Henry, b. 9/3/1883, who is unmarried and lives at 715 Manchester Ave., York, Pa.; Franklin Luther, b. 11/6/1885; John Milton, b. 6/26/1890, who served in 200 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY the World War from 8/1/1918 to 3/3/1919, and lives n.t 503 S. Duke St., York, Po.; Lily Romaine, b. 12/26/1893; George Moses, b. 9/3/1902. Franklin Luther Zartman m. Daisy Hummer, who d. 2/25/1922. Their son, Theodore Clifton, b. 1/19/1906, resides at 374 E. 136th St., Bronx, New York City. He then m. Florence Hilton, and they reside at Strasburg, Vo.., R.R. 1. Lily Romaine Zartman m. Raymond C. Gross 9/7/1915. They reside at 41 Heinrich Pl., Bloomfield, N. J. Their children are: Harold Carl, b. 1/24/1917; Mildred Louise, b. 5/18/1921; Raymond Martin, b. 8/2/1923. George Moses m. May Eberly 9/10/1921. Issue: Donald LeRoy, b. 8/11/1023; and William Cleveland, b. 9/8/- 1925. Their address is 715 Manchester Ave., York, Pa. Ellen Barbara Zartman m. John Becker; their daughter, Mella Becker, m. David Spangler. They reside at Strine Town, Pa. John Wei,ley Zartman was for many proprietor of the Z restaurant on S. George St., York, Pa. In 1884 hem. Ida Rein­ hart. Issue: Erwin Oscar, b. 4/7/1885; Moses, b. 1887, d. 1895; Ammon Sylvester, b. 10/7/1888; Laura, b. 5/12/1892; Mary Magdalene, b. 1895; Stewart, b.1897, died n.t age of 5 mos.; Edna Romaine, b. 1898. Erwin 0. Zartman m. Della F. Brenneman 10/16/1904. Issue: Mary Elizabeth, b. 12/16/190:;; and Theo­ dore Oscar, b. 11/2/1907. Mary Elizabeth Zartmm in 1923 ro. Samuel Raffensberger; they have one son, Will'Lam Strine, b. 5/14/1925. Theodore 0. Zartman ro. Marzella Fox 3/9/1924 in Baltimore, Md. Issue: William Ray, b. 3/9/193.'J; and Robert Dean, b. 0/30/1931. Ammon S. Zartman m. in 1917, and his widow, Elizabeth Zartman, resides in York, Pa. I-h served over­ seas in the World War; came home but died of wounds 12/21/- 1921. Laura Zartman m. Joseph DeAngelo, and lives in Phila­ delphia, Pa. Mary Magdalene Zartman m. Warren Borge!; has two sons and a daughter. Edna Romaine Zartman thru adop­ tion changed her name to Gla

Catherine Zartman m. Daniel Miller, and in 1865 moved to Osnaburg, Stark Co., Ohio. They had twelve children: Louis, Oliver F., Almira, Emma, Minnie, Irene, Augustus Homer, Mag­ gie, Charles, Curtis, Cleveland and Susanna; Emma, Louis, Sus­ anna, Curtis, and Cleveland d. as infants. Oliver F. Miller lives in York, Pa.; he m. May M. Seifert, 8/20/1882, and has the following children: Cleveland, Lily (dec'd), Emma, Charles, Paul, William, Albert (dec'd), Harry, Minnie, Jennie, Clarence (dec'd), and Chester. Jesse Zartman was a stonemason. On 11/7/1862, he enlisted from York County in Co. F, 166th Regiment, P. V. I. He was dis­ charged 7/28/1863, and re-enlisted 8/29/1864, in Co. I, 11th P. V. C. He was honorably discharged 6/6/1865. He m. Anna Strausbaugh, and d. 12/29/1902. Their children are as follows: Harry, b. 7/10/1871, and lived at New Salem, York Co., Pa.; Mary Henrietta, whom. Mr. Arnold and d. at the age of 21 years; also other children who d.: Robert, Harvey, William and Anna. John E. Zartman, son of Jesse, b. 3/4/1879, a paper maker, m. 6/29/1901 Jennie Kate Spangler, and resided in York, Pa. They had three children: Earl, b. 6/13/1902; Harry H., b. 5/10/1904; Mary Louise, b. 7/2/1907, d. 1/5/1908. Susanna Jane Zartman, youngest child of Henry, son of John Peter, was b. in Adams County, Pa., 5/6/1852; and 5/30/1869 she m. Edward Clay Blin-Singer, b. 9/30/1844. Edward C. Blin­ Singer served a year in the Civil War and fought in the battlP.s of Petersburg, Richmond, Dutch Gap and Fort Steadman. He d. in June 1922; and his wife d. in Jan. 1926. For many years they resided in York, Pa., where they were identified with the U. B. Church. They had a son, Curtis Ellsworth, b. 1/12/1870, and a daughter, Emma Kate, b. 6/29/1874. Curtis E. Blin-Singer was a printer and publisher, for many years doing business in Marcus Hook, Chester and Media, Pa; In Oct. 1887 he m. Mary C. Sullivan, who was b. in London, England; they resided then in Philadelphia. Their children were: Tyler, b. 4/4/1889, d. 1/· 11/ 1891; Curtis H., b. 5/15/1892; Howard C., b. 4/23/1897; Ruby, b. 6/13/1906. The beloved wife and mother after a briei illness d. 2/4/1910, and was buried in W. Laurel Hill Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. Rufus C. Zartman, D.D., cousin of the .bereaved husband and pastor in Philadelphia. In JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 203

1911 Curtis E. Blin-Singer m. Mrs. John A. Liggett of Philadel­ phia, who d. in Oct., 1918, leaving no issue. On 8/28/1919 he m. Margaret C. Crystle, of Garden City, Pa., a member of a prom­ inent Delaware County family, who bore hi.m two daughters; Jeanette; and Margaret C., who d. at birth. Jeannette is being tutored for the grand opera field, and when she completes her course will appear in public under the name of her grand­ mother, Susan J. Zartman. Curtis E. Blin-Singer retired 6/1/1938, and is a resident of Florida. The oldest son of Curtis E. Blin­ Singer, Curtis H., is living in Jersey City, N. J. He has two sons, Harry and Howard. Howard Blin-Singer m. Marion Pettibone of Tom's River, N. J., and had two sons, Curtis and Edward; by his second marriage he bas a daughter, Elizabeth. They live in Yeadon, Delaware County, Pa. Ruby June, daughter of Curtis E. Blin-Singer, Senior, is unmarried. Emma K. Blin-Singer m. Thomas E. Barrett 6/18/1892. They resided in York, Pa., where Thomas E. d. in 1927 and is buried. They had two sons: Edward Clay, b. 8/17/1899; and Paul Frank­ lin, b. 9/17/1904, d. 1/23/1909. In 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Blin­ Singer and Mrs. Barrett had located at 162 Edgewood St., Phil­ adelphia, where all three died, and they are buried in Prospect cemetery, York, Pa. Mrs. Barrett d. in Jan. 1925. Edward C. Bar­ rett is a letter carrier in Philadelphia, and lives in Manoa, Pa. SOLOMON B. ZARTMAN, son of John Peter, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. in York Co., Pa., 10/29/1809, and d. 2/29/1892. Hem. Magdalene Krone in 1832; she was b. 11/12/1807, and d, 9/9/1885. They were members of the Luth­ eran Church, and lived at Codorus, York County, Pa. Solomon B. Zartman used to visit the Zartman kinsfolks in Northumber­ land County. He would cut a strong hickory stick for a cane, and then start on a tramp through York, Lancaster and Lebanon counties, up into Northumberland county, to spend a week or ten days with the relatives there, and then walk home again. This would give him a tramp of a couple of hundred miles. It shows his friendly, sociable nature, and that he knew how he and his father were related to the Zartmans in Northumberland County. It is not known whether he ever stopped with the Zartmans in Lancaster and Lebanon counties, but lie certainly must have known of them through his father. He would enjoy this day of family reunions, and family histories. In 1860 he wrote a German 204 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

letter to Isaac Zartman, Somerset, Ohio, the writer's father, telling about the six sons and five daughters of his parents, giving their names, and the names of the grandchildren of his parents. He was quite a family historian, and wrote a good legible German hand. Solomon B. was an ardent hickory Democrat. At election time he would float the Stars and Stripes from a tall hickory tree, which acquired the name of "Sollie's Freiheit Baum." A cane from this tree, made by his son, Solomon K. Zartman, is in the museum in the city of York. The gavel of the third reunion, held at Han­ over, Pa., 8/11/1010, was made from Solomon's famous hickory tree. Solomon B. and Magdalene Krone Zartman had eight chil­ dren, to-wit: Jacob K., b. 1/24/1833, d. 10/29/1844; John K., b. 2/24/1835; Mary Magdalene, b. 4/17/1836, d. 3/1909; Lydia, b. 5/17/1838; Elizabeth, b. 2/11/1840; Solomon K., b. 11/10/- 1841; Peter K., b. 5/18/1844; Leah, b. 3/13/1846. John K. Zartman was a cooper by trade. He m. Mary Hamm 1/31/1856. Their home was in Hanover, York Co., Pa., and they, with their nine children, were members of the Reformed Church. Their children were: Samuel H., b. 2/27/1857, d. 9/2/- 1860; Amelia H., b. 10/2/1858; George H., b. 11/19/1860; Emanuel H., b. 4/19/1863; Jacob H., b. 10/17/1865; Mary Jane, b. 12/19/1867; John Franklin, b. 12/27/1870, d. 3/1/1871; Al­ bert H., b. 6/18/1872; Rosa Ann, b. 9/26/1874. Amelia H. Zart­ man m. Henry Stengle 12/18/1878. Their son, b. 3/17/1882, d. as an infant. Mr. Stengle is deceased, and his wifed. 9/2/1926, John Krone Zartman, son of Solomon B. Zartman, d. 6/10/- 1918; his wifed. 10/13/1909. These good Christian parents had lived their long and useful lives in Hanover, Pa., where they are buried in Mt. Olivet cemetery. George H. Zartman was a carpenter, He m. 10/10/1886 Min­ erva Lightner, who d. 3/8/1892. He d. 7/21/1938, and was buried at Abbottstown, Pa. Their children were: Stella May, b. 9/13/- 1887; and Mabel Virginia, b. 1/26/1891. · Stella May Zartman m. Samuel C. Jacobs. Their children are Robert Lavere, b. 6/17 /- 1909; and Dorothy May Belle, b. 9/27/1913. Robert 1. Jacobs m. Gladys M. Chelleir in 1929. Their children are: Delores Ruth, b. 4/24/1930; and Robert Lavere, b. 11/15/1931. They live in Harrisburg, Pa. Dorothy May Belle Jacobs m. Donald E. JACOB ZARTJ\IAN AND F AIIULY 205

Martin 6/7/1936. Mabel V. Zartman m. Charles Gruver 6/15/- 1918, d. 7/10/1030. Emanuel H. Zartman m. Elverta Baumgardner in 1886. Their children were: Mervin J., b. 3/22/1887; Claui:le Henry, b. 9/4/- 1888; Ralph E.', b. 12/25/1891; Ernest B., b. 1/22/1894, d. 2/- 17 /1898; Mamie Irene, b. 5/6/1897, d. 3/21/1898; Daisy May, b. 5/8/1899; Clair Emanuel, b. 3/24/1906. For many years this family resided at Smith's Station, York County, Pa., where Eman­ uel was employed on the railroad until his death 9/11/1932. The widow continues at the same address. Mervin J. Zartman m. Lizzie C. Hilker 9/23/1909. Children: Clyde I.., b. 1/1914, d. on same date; Velma E., b. 1/14/1918; Miriam M., b. 11/7/1920. They live at 234 School Ave., Hanover, Pa. Claude H. Zartman m. Fannie Wilda.sin 10/22/1910. Children: Lorena G., b. 1/9/- 1015; Raymond Clair, b. 9/8/1917. Shed. 3/12/1934, and Claude Henry Zartman m. Fannie M. Jacoby 11/14/1936. They reside at 551 York St., Hanover, Pa. Lorena G. Zartman m. W. Francis Small in 1932. Their children are: Jean Frances, b. 3/7/1933; Robert James, b. 9/14/1935; and Larry Blain, b. 9/10/1940. They reside at 129 Pleasant St., Hanover, Pa. Raymond C. Zart­ man m. Pauline W. Kress. Issue: Raymond C., Jr., b.12/25/1937; and Rodger William, b. 7/5/1940. Ralph E. Zartman m. Anne. Deatrick in 1912; they reside at 129 Spring Ave., Hanover, Pa. Children: Hayden E., b. 5/3/1913; and R. Carlton, b. 1/22/1915. R. Carlton Zartman m. Estelle Conrad 6/27/1936. Issue: Garry Richard, b. 4/4/1937. Their address is 870½ York St., Hanover, Pa. Daisy M. Zartman m. Melvin C. Ruby 7/17/1926; they reside at Smith's Station, Pa. Clair E. Zartman m. Margaret A. Bentz in 1924. Issue: Clair E., Jr., b. 3/11/1925; Janet M., b. 6/3/1926; Louella M., b. 10/13/1930; and Norman D., b. 11/3/1936. Jacob H. Zartman m. Allie May Trone 1/19/1890. They were members of the Reformed church, and resided at Hanover, Pa. Allie May Trone Zartman d. 7/20/1937. Their daughter, Myre. Romaine, was b. 9/21/1893, d. 7/20/1894. · Mary Jane Zartman m. Joseph Trone, who d. 8/17/1901; she d. 11/18/1934. Children: Melvin A., b. 5/7/1889; Emme. May, b. 8/6/1891; a son, b. 11/14/1892, d. 11/16/1892; Beulah Viola, b. 12/7/1893; Katie M., b. 12/18/1895, d. 10/10/1896; Irvin Joseph, b. 10/12/1897; John Lawrence, b. 4/4/1900; Blanche 206 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Arlene, b. 2/13/1902. Melvin A. Trone m. Gertie E. Stump in 1907. Issue: Mary Rosanne, b. 4/13/1908; Charles Lester, b. 3/24/1909; Hilda Arlene, b. 4/17/1910; Kenneth Albert, b. 6/- 18/1912, d. 7 /1914; Ruth Naomi, b. 2/19/1915; Ralph Louis, b. 4/17/1916; Earl Milton, b. 2/23/1922, d. 9/1022; Richard Henry, b. 3/19/1925; Melvin, b. 5/18/1026; Burnell David, b. 4/27 /- 1927; Delores Kathryn, b. 9/5/1928; John Robert, b. 11/9/1929. Mary R. Trone m. Charles Richard Markle 11/28/1028; they have a son, Charles Edwin, b. 2/13/1931. Charles L. Trone m. Vesta Ladora Geiman 4/10/1917. Hilda A. Trone m. Richard John Trohle 8/24/1929. Emma May Trone m. John Wisensall in 1908. Issue: Joseph William, b. 1/2/1909; Donald Clinton, b. 10/24/1911; John El­ mer, b. 5/28/1913; Robert Lawrence, b. 6/13/1915; Earl I{ennet, b. 6/25/1919; Richard Burnell, b. 10/27/1921; Mary Louise, b. 5/17/1930. Beulah V. Trone lived with her uncle, Jacob H. Zartman, until her marriage 12/24/1911 to Maurice J. Mathias. Issue: Romaine, b, 4/17/1913; John, b. 2/15/1916; Anna Mary, b. 12/13/1917, who on 6/1/1938 m. William Gordon Zinn in Trinity Reformed church, Hanover, Pa.; Allie May, b. 6/30/- 1922; Blanche, b. 10/12/1024; George W., b. 9/15/1928. Ro­ maine Mathias m. Curtis Eline. Issue: William, b. 10/25/1934; and Shirley, b. 2/9/1936. Irvin J. Trone m. Viola Stram 5/1/- 1921. He d. 6/2/1936. John L. Trone m. Kathryn Staley 4/5/- 1926. Issue: John Lawrence, Jr., b. 2/22/1927. Blanche A. Trone m. Theodore N. Barnhart 9/15/1926. Issue: Beverly, b. 2/14/- 1933; and Theodore N., Jr., b, 4/8/1937. Albert H. Zartman m. Viana Master 12/22/1896, and re­ sided many years in Baltimore, Md. They bad two sons: Claire Washington, b. 2/22/1898, d. 8/9/1898; and John Arthur, b. 9/12/1899. Viana Master Zartman d. 6/29/1929 in Baltimore. John Arthur Zartman 6/14/1929 m. Mary Cecelia Wakefield, b. 5/15/1896, they, with Albert H. Zartman, reside at 626 Penn­ sylvania Ave., York, Pa. Rosa Ann Zartman m. Calvin Mummert 4/21/1912, and lived in Hanover, Pa. Shed. 2/4/1930, and Mr. Mummert d. 9/24/- 1935. Mary Magdalene, daughter of Solomon B. Zartman, m. Moses Zartman, son of Henry Zartman. This record will be found in the family of Henry Zartman. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 207

Lydia Zartman, daughter of Solomon B., m. David Becker, b. 12/8/1839, and d. 5/31/1897. Lydia d. 10/16/1895; they had a daughter, Sevilla, b. 5/21/1865, d. 8/30/1870. Elizabeth Za.rtman, daughter of Solomon· B., m. Cornelius Brodbeck. Children: Emma Jane, b. 12/5/1859; Charles W., b. 4/20/1860; Alice May, b. 1/4/1863, d. 10/15/1884; Amelia M., b. 8/6/1864; Edward P., b. 9/2i/1866; Josiah A., b. 6/16/1868; William H., b. 2/1/1870; Clinton, b. 3/20/1872, d. 2/14/1874; Cornelius, b. 6/25/1873, d. 4/21/1875; Herman, b. 4/18/1875, d. 3/10/1881; Rosa L., b. 8/5/1877; Harry A., b. 12/27/1878; Daisy A., b. 7/13/1880; Elsie E., b. 7/26/1882, d. 1/24/1891; Vertie Belle, b. 8/17/1883; Mazie Irene, b. 12/5/1887, d. 9/5/1888. Marriages of children and births of grandchildren: 1. Emma Jane m. Wm. C. Wilderman 3/20/1891, who d. 1/- 1/1902. Their daughter, Mazie Irene, was b. 8/22/1892 and m. Harry Allen Brodbeck 11/22/1913. Their son, Vernon Paul, was b. 3/8/1918, d. 3/11/1918. Mrs. Wild­ erman d. 3/17/1940. Her daughter and son-in-law live in Hanover, Pa. 2. Charles W. m. 12/2/1890 Mary E. Maul, who d. 5/2/1906, Children: Charles Allen, b. 11/3/1891; Anna E., b. 9/16/- 1894; Chrissy E., b. 5/29/1898, d. 9/20/1910; Florence R., b. 1/15/1900. Charles W. Brodbeck d. 2/8/1940. 4. Amelia M. m. William Brenneman 3/20/1883. Children: Lestie, b. 7/19/1884; Jennie, b. 8/26/1887; Lillie, b. 8/- 23/1888; Victor, b. 11/10/1889; Clarence, b. 7/10/1891; Curtis, b. 10/26/1892; Alfred, b. 5/6/1894; Daisy, b. 4/- 12/1897; Harry, b. 7/9/1898; Luther, b. 2/9/1900; Hester, b. 8/20/1902; Earl, b. 12/31/1903; Chanan, b. 7/13/1909. Mrs. Amelia M. Brenneman d. in Baltimore, Md., on 7/6/1937. 5. Edward P. m. Sarah J. Miller 8/26/1888. Children: John F., b. 4/13/1890; Harry, b. 12/23/1894; Charles P., b. 6/29/1898; Mary E., b. 6/18/1900. 6. Josiah A. m. Ida Shaffer and has two sons: Paul, b. 10/28/- 1894 and Guy, b. 2/29/1904. 7. William H. m. Hattie A. Reinhold. Issue: William Ray­ mond, b. 10/9/1899; Catherine Bessie, b. 9/23/1901; Clinton Fred, b. 8/18/1905. 208 THE ZAnTMAN FAMILY

11. Rosa L. m. Dnniol P. Trimmer 9/1/1808. They reside at 342 Smith St., York, Pa. 12. Harry A. m. Martha M. Hoffheins 10/17/1907. 13. Daisy A. m. Charles F. Wagner. Children: Helen Irene, b. 7/7/1902; Mae Florence, b. 2/15/1906; Lloyd Taft, b. 5/31/1909; Viola Grace, b. 2/19/1912; Ruth Emma, b. 10/12/1914; Sadie Flo, b. 4/7/1016; Roy Charles, b. 4/- 9/1921; Russell Lloyd, b. 12/26/1922. 15. Vertie Belle m. John Ort; they live on R.R. 2, York, Pa. Grandchildren of Cornelius and Elizabeth Brodbeck: 2. Charles Allen Brodbeck m. Corinne Adams. Issue: Mary Elizabeth, Allen, Jr., and Robert. Anna E. m. Adolph Ketter­ man. Issue: Rex, b. 8/16/1921; Robert, b. 8/19/1922; William, b. 1/17/1929. Florence R. m. Ralph E. Wilcox. Issue: Ralph E., Jr., b. 6/21/1923; Doris E., b. 12/26/1925; Donald LeRoy, b. 11/18/1929. 4. Lestie Brenneman m. Waltean Glatfelter. Issue: Stella, b. 5/11/1907; Ge01,ge, b. 1/15/1912; Luther, b. 9/17/1913; Wilson, b. 3/28/1916; Helen, b. 5/4/1918; Harry, b. 6/5/1919; Laverne, b. 1/12/1925. Jennie Brenneman m. Raymond Little. Issue: Ruth, Mildred, Thelma. Lillie Brenneman m. Edward Leach, who d. 11/9/1935. Their son, Richard m. Hilda Frank. Victor Brenneman m. Annie Casslow. Issue: Estella May, b. 9/11/1909; Paul William, b. 6/17/1912, whose address is Clifton, W. Va.; Earl Janson, b. 3/31/1914, R.R. 3, Hanover, Pa.; Edith Victoria, b. 7/31/1915, m. Mr. Staub, 14 Fair Ave., Hanover, Pa.; Mary Ann, b. 6/27/1917; Claude Josiah, b. 6/30/1918; Ada Marie, b. 11/26/1919; Grace Irena, b. 1/3/1922; Doris Delilah, b. 5/12/- 1923. Curtis Brenneman m. Romaine Thomas and bas a son, Forest, b. 8/25/1920. Alfred Brenneman m. Helen Eck. Issue: Donald, Darltry, Richard, Walter, Doris, Betty. Alfred d. July 1923. Daisy Brenneman m. John Ramble and has a son, Clifford, b. 3/1/1921. Mr. Ramble d. 6/19/1934. Harry Brenneman m. Marion Wilbur, and serves in the U.S. Navy. Luther Brenneman m. Irene Eclough. Issue: William, b. 1/2/1926; Dolores, b. 4/5/- 1927; Leroy, b. 5/20/1935; Eleen, b. 5/11/1936. Cha.nan Bren­ neman m. Mary Rohrbaugh. Issue: Richard, b. 4/11/1920; and Marion, b. 5/29/1932. 5. John F. Brodbeck, son of Edward P., m. Daisy Feeser. Issue: Ralph, b. 9/4/1911, d. 4/10/1913; Pauline, b. 4/1/1913, m. JACOB ZARTIIIAN AND FAIIIILY 209

Robert Long 3/26/1932 and has a daughter, Nancy, b. 3/13/- 1933; Hilda, b. 1/7/1915; Johanna, b. 5/11/1921; John E., b. 8/23/1929. Harry A. Brodbeck m. Mazie Irene Wilderman of Baltimore, Md. They bad a son who died in infancy. Charles P. Brodbeck m. Dorothy Snellbaker 6/29/1922; their daughter, Dolores Jean, was b. 7/10/1936. Mary E. Brodbeck m. C. Albert Redding on 11/8/1917. Children: Burnell, b. 5/1/1920; Charles E., b. 2/16/1922; Dorothy, b. 9/12/1926; John Allen; three other children died as infants. Mrs. Redding d. 4/15/1938; their residence was in Hanover, Pa. 6. Paul Brodbeck, son of Josiah, m. Olma Plopper; they have one daughter, Alta Ida, b. 10/29/1931. Paul d. 10/21/1931. Guy Brodbeck m. Esther Rohrbaugh and has two daughters: Janet, b. 5/21/1926; and Eloise, b. 4/11/1928. 7. William R. Brodbeck, son of Wm. H. Brodbeck, m. Bernice Gruver and has two children: Ervin, b. 9/28/1916 and Betty, b. 6/11/1926. Wm. Brodbeck is in the U. S. Navy; his family re­ sides in York, Pa. 13. Helen Irene Wagner, daughter of Daisy Brodbeck Wagner, m. Earl E. Keech in 1922. Issue: Roger Eugene, b. 8/13/1923; Mildred Elizabeth, b. 1/17/1925; Donald Earl, b. 6/30/1928; Kenneth Lloyd, b. 2/26/1930; Margaret Leah, b. 4/20/1932; Gloria Ann, b. 6/18/1936. They live in York, Pa. Mae Florence Wagner m. in 1921 Curtis Trimmer, b. 2/15/1906. Children: Betty Jane, b. 6/14/1922; Charles Lloyd, b.1/21/1927; Evelyn Daun, b. 3/2/1929; Richard, b. 12/19/1930; Geraldine, b. 6/20/1932; Norma Jean, b. 9/19/1936. They reside in York, Pa. Lloyd T. Wagner m. 5/31/1932 Elaine Kuder of Medina, Ohio. Issue: Lloyd Allen, b. 8/29/1934; and Joan Elaine, b. 5/3/1936. They live in Miami, Fla. Viola Grace Wagner in 1933 m. Clarence Steiner of Shrewsbury, Pa. Shed. 3/29/1935. On 9/12/1907 Cornelius Brodbeck in coming home from work in Hanover, Pa., was killed by a train as he was crossing the rail­ road. Mrs. Cornelius Brodbeck d. 8/26/1916. Their son, Wil­ liam Brodbeck, d. 12/20/1935. Harry Brodbeck d. 2/26/1937, and his wife, Mattie, d. 12/17/1918. "It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh the judgment." Heb. 9:27. Solomon Krone Zartman was a carpenter and lived in Han­ over, Pa. In compiling the first family history he gave the his­ torian much substantial and very helpful assistance by taking 210 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

him about in his buggy among the many York county relatives. He knew the heads of all the households and had their confidence and hence information was at once cheerfully given. It was all given and received in Pennsylvania German which was a most valuable asset. Without its help the work of the compiler could never have been done. On 3/4/1861 Solomon K. Zartman m. Susan Hamm, b. 7/3/1841. They had a dozen children: Nath­ aniel, b. 4/8/1863, d. 8/8/1863; Emma J., b. 9/27/1864; I{ath­ erine, b. 6/23/1867; William H., b. 2/27/1866, d. as a child; El­ mira, b. 6/29/1869; George Franklin, b. 7/27/1870; Juliann, b. 10/25/1871; Calvin H., b. 5/23/1873; Lillie, b. 12/8/1874; James, b. 10/3/1876; Mary, b. 12/7/1880, d. 9/8/1881; an unnamed child who died as an infant. EmmaJ. Zartman m. George Dubbs. Children: Roy M., b. 4/21/1883; William, b. 3/27/1888, d. 5/- 8/1888; George, Jr., b. 6/13/1889; Katherine, b. 7/9/1891, d. 10/25/1931; Anna, b. 3/1893. Roy M. Dubbs m. Mary Danner. Issue: Mary, b. Apr. 1904 and John, b. July 1907. Roy Dubbs d. 9/15/1915; his widow m. John Schwalm. George Dubbs, Jr., m. Alta Luckenbaugh on 12/3/1910. Issue: Louise, b. 11/5/1912; Thelma; b. 5/12/1914, m. Harry Markle; Leroy, b. 3/23/1916, m. Mildred Frock 1/31/1937. Katherine Dubbs m. William Slagle 8/30/1917. George Dubbs d. 11/19/1933. Katherine Zartman m. Charles Kittinger and lived in Baltimore, Md. They had a daughter, Mabel, who is deceased. Elmira Zartman in 1891 m. Edward B. Kuhn. Issue: Harry E., b. 7/22/1893; Anna Mae,.b. 11/19/1894; Grace Estella, b. 9/22/1897; Albert B., b. 7/5/1900, d. 10/7/1900; Donald F., b. 3/22/1902; Lillian Nadine, b. 5/- 13/1905; Ruby E., b. 10/22/1906; Merle Samuel, b. 3/10/1909, d. 3/15/1909; Edward B., b. 9/25/1910. Edward Kuhn, Sr., d. 1/15/1932 and Mrs. Elmira Kuhn d. 11/14/1935. Solomon K. Zartman d. 10/23/1920. 6. George Franklin Zartman m. Amanda Louise Seip. Issue: Melvin Ray, b. 10/19/1895; Gertie Jane, b. 5/20/1897; Elwood Franklin, b. 10/15/1900; Earl Edgar, b. 2/18/1903; Lester Law­ rence, b. 12/5/1905; John Albert, b. 6/22/1908; Edna Mae, b. 4/13/1911; Beatrice Amanda, b. 12/15/1913; Nadine Rose, b. 5/23/1917. Earl Edgar m. Myrtle May Kneller in 1924; issue: Richard Earl, b. 7/5/1925 and Lucelte. Mae, b. 7/18/1927. El­ wood F. m. Brunhilde. Myers 4/14/1923 and, Mary Louise, b. 9/21/1926. Lester L. m. Myrtle E. Carr 6/25/1932. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 211

John A. m. Mabel Mummert and has three children: Constance, b. 3/30/1932; Donald, b. 8/22/1933; James, b. 2/23/1936. 7. Juliann on 5/11/1890 m. William Hartman. Children: Walter Roy, b. B/11/1894; Earl, b. 7/22/1895; Jennie Elizabeth, b. 2/1/1897; Quay C. Ness, b.1/28/1903; Pearl Mary, b.12/23/· 1904; Dorothy Lillian, b. 1/29/1907. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman are deceased. 8. Calvin H. m. Jennie V. Snyder. Issue: Raymond Edgar, b. 12/23/1896, d. 6/4/1897; Myrtle Ruth, b. 5/24/1898; Erma Elizabeth, b. 8/2/1900; Clyde Herbert, b. 6/15/1902; Anna Ar­ Jeve, b. 7/7/1905; Dean Calvin, b. 2/16/1908; Horace G.; Rich­ ard D., b. 5/8/1913; Guy Burnell, b. 3/19/1916 and in 1939 m. Anna Margaret Miller, b. 8/29/1919. They reside at 4 Center St., Hanover, Pa.; Mary G., b. 12/29/1917. Myrtle R. m. Ralph Sherman and has a daughter, Doris Marie, b. 5/18/1926. Erma E. m. Harry Bemiller and has three children: Janet, b. 5/27/1922; Elizabeth, b. 3/23/1927; Harry J., b. 6/1/1929. Clyde H. m. Blanche Eichelberger and has a son, Clyde J., b. 9/9/1924. Anna Arleve m. Harper Crooks and has a daughter, Jean. Dean Cal­ vin m. Marie Brady. Horace G. m. Ruth Kump and has a son, Horace G., Jr., b. 10/10/1933. 9. Lillie Zartman m. Lester Brothy. 10. James Zartman m. Alice Ida May Pritcher 7/18/1893. They have a son and daughter: Hilda, b. 3/27/1896 and George, b. 10/9/1902. Hilda has rare musical ta.lent and sings beauti­ fully. In Nov. 1914 she m. Harvey Simpson. Her second mar­ riage was to George Leonard. They reside at 2224 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood, Calif. George Zartman was an expert barber, resided in Philadelphia, and was employed in the grand ton­ sorial shop in John Wanamaker's store. He m. Cora Seaman Phillips 5/30/1922. They had no offspring. George d. 4/3/1939. His death was caused by monoxide gas and his body was cre­ mated as he had requested. Peter Krone Zartman, son of Solomon B. Zartman, was a car­ penter and farmer, a member of the Reformed Church as were his brothers, John and Solomon. He lived in Hanover, Pa. and d. 1/13/1918. He married three times: (1) Polly Miller, 2/27/1868; (2) Julia Miller, 4/13/1873; (3) Emma Roberts, 1892. Children with his first wife were: Sarah Jane, b. 2/15/1869, d. 11/30/1870; John Q. A., b. 4/10/1870, d. 10/23/1870; another child d. as an 212 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY infant, unnamed. Children with his second wife, a sister of the first wife, were: Lizzie Julia, b. 2/15/1874, d. 3/31/1888; Harri­ son, b. 9/26/1875, d. 1/24/1879; Daisy, b. 8/10/1878; Paul, b. 1/7/1881; Mabel, b. 3/31/1883; Themie, b. 8/7/1885, d. 9/8/- 1886; Albert E., b. 7/26/1887; Nettie, b. 10/6/1889. Children with his third wife were: Edna Marquilla, b. 9/8/1892; Clara Naomi, b. 3/5/1895; Frederick William, b. 4/20/1901. Fred­ erick W. was a barber in Spring Grove, Pa. He volunteered for service in the World War and was sent overseas. He was gassed and wounded. On his return he m. Agnes Elizabeth Shuh 11/- 11/1919. Their son, Frederick, Jr., was b. 12/4/1930. Mrs. Zart­ man, with her mother, Mrs. Shuh, and son lives at 26 Zigbee Ave., York, .Pa., where Mrs. Zartman, who is proficient in the art of sewing, is employed. Frederick, Sr., is in the Federal Hospital, Coatesville, Pa. Daisy, daughter of Peter K. Zartman, m. Clayton T. Garman. They live at Glen Rock, Pa., where Mr. Garman is a farmer. Children: John Peter, b. 11/1/1897; Earl Russell, b. 3/4/1900, d. 12/23/1900; Myrl Clayton, b. 2/18/1906. Paul Zartman, son of Peter K. Zartman, is a farmer at Glass Rock, Pa. Hem. Emma C. Bringman 8/19/1902. They are members of the Lutheran Church. Albert E., son of Peter K. Zartman, lives at 238 E. King St., York, Pa. His first wife and the mother of his seven children was Emma Jane Zartman. Children: Geraldine M., b. 12/24/- 1908; Rosina, b. 11/6/1910; Viola M., b. 3/2/1913; Ruth G., b. 1/21/1915; John A., b. 5/24/1917; Kenneth G., b. 9/10/1920; Ralph, b. 11/15/1922. After the decease of his first wife, Albert E. Zartman m. Ruth Small in 1936. Clare N., daughter of Peter K. Zartman, m. G. W. Bowers in 1909. Issue: Earl Clifford, b. 2/7/1910; Elder Burnell, b. 6/27 /- 1911; Kathleen Ruth, b. 7/8/1914, d. 4/25/1926. Elder B. Bow­ ers m. Alma l{renzer in 1933 and has a son, Harry Hubert, b. 6/21/1933. Leah Zartman, daughter of Solomon B. Zartman, m. Henry Senft, b. 5/12/1841, and lived near Spring Grove, Pa. Mr. Senft was in the Civil War one year. Mrs. Senft was s member of the Lutheran Church, while her husband and children were Reformed. Their children were: a son, b. 6/23/1862, d. 6/24/1862; Malinda Jane, b. 8/8/1864, m. John Leese; Sevilla, b. 3/16/1867, m. John W. Wire; Rebecca Magdalene, b. 8/29/1869, m. William JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 213

Becker, d. 3/16/1893; Lillie Catherine, b. 11/5/1872, m. Samuel Miller of Spring Grove, Pa.; Eliza Ellen, b. 8/26/1875, m. Harvey Senft .. DAVID ZARTMAN, son of John Peter, was b. 6125/1812; was a farmer in York County, Pa. Hem. Eliza Ruth, b. 7/20/1815, d, 9/18/1886. They were members of the Lischey's Reformed Church. Children: Lavina, b. 1/20/1851; Eliza, b. 2/5/1853; Angelina, b. Feb., 1855; Lucetta, b. 6/13/1856; Delilah, b. 2/12/- 1858. David Zartman d. 11/9/1804. Lavina Zartman m. Heze­ kiah Senft 12/7/1873, and they resided on a farm in N. Codorus Twp., York County, Pa. Children: Nathaniel David, b. 2/15/- 1877; Eliza Malama, b. 7/29/1878, d. 4/2/1903; Catherine Mad­ ala, b. 8/22/1880; Dallas Erwin, b. 2/21/1882; Toney Mabel, b. 12/19/1886; Hezekiah Clayton, b. 8/8/1890. Nathaniel D. Senft m. Sadie Becker, who d. 2/13/1923; they had a son Raymond J. H. Nathaniel D. Senft m. 7/19/1925 Cora Harner of Hanover, Pa, Raymond Senft m. Mary Wolf of Abbottstown in 1935, They have two sons, Patrick, b. 3/17/1936; and Cleary, b. 9/- 1937. Catherine Madala Senft m. John Calvin Forry in 1903. 'l'heir children: Helena Grace, b. 5/12/1904; George Dallas, b. 5/14/1909; Ralph William, b. 8/10/1912; John Calvin, b. 11/- 20/1914; and Relda Arlene, b. 5/4/1922. Helena Forry m. Rich­ ard Franklin Keith, of Hanover, 1/14/1926. Their children are: Nancy Catharine, b. 3/18/1928; and Mary Louise, b. 4/29/1936. George D. Forry m. Mary Arlene Nace, of Hanover, 6/23/1936. Mr. and Mrs. Forry live at Hanover, Pa., on W. Walnut St. Dallas E. Senft m. Hattie M. Kessler of Spring Grove, Pa., 9/- 29/1907. Children: Edith M., b. 12/8/1909; and Eugene D., b. 11/27/1919. Edith M. Senft m. Michael E. Bentz of Stovers­ town, Pa., 12/18/1927. They have a daughter, Norma Jean, b. 4/31/1928. Hezekiah C. Senft on 7/23/1910 m. Mabel Freeu of Spring Grove, Pa. They have two daughters: Ruby Jane, b. 11/15/1920; and Marguerite Amanda, b. 12/6/1922. Eliza M. Senft m. Harry Myers. Their children are: Sudie Aril Mabel, b. 7/1/1900; Clair Erwin, b. 8/21/1902. Eliza, daughter of David Zartman, m. Sylvester Ebersole, an engineer residing in York, Pa. They had three children: Sarah Alice, b. 2/24/1877, d. 2/24/1894; Paul Clayton, b. 8/12/1880; Curvin Andrew, b. 6/9/1887. Paul Clayton Ebersole was killed 214 THE ZARTMAN F A.MILY on a railroad 3/1/1906. Hem. Annie Schaeffer. Curvin Andrew Ebersole, who during the World War was stationed at Fort Han­ cock, N. J., in the 136th Co. Coast Artillery, is now in the employ of the Phila. Rapid Transit Co. Angeline, daughter of David Zartman, m. Adam Runk of Spring Grove, Pa. Children: George, Emery, Ezra, Raskehias; and a son who d. as inf. Angeline Runk d. 3/22/1904. Lucetta, daughter of David Zartman, m. Ezra Bahn 1/16/1876, a paper maker in Spring Grove, Pa. They had a son, Mobbie M., b. 11/- 20/1876, who lives in Emigsville, Pa. Delilah, daughter of David Zartman, m. ,vmiam W. Wonner, a machinist. Children: Mol­ lie, b. 4/4/1877; Hamlet, b. 3/9/1882; Nacwill, b. 10/2/1889; Dellie May, b. 9/11/1892, d. 11/20/1892. Mollie Wonner m. Henry Emig; they reside in York, Pa. ELIZABETH ZARTMAN, daughter of John Peter Zartman, m. John Klinepeter. They had one daughter, Catherine, who m. five times: (1) Mr. Heiner; (2) Mr. Heiner, a brother to her first husband; (3) Jesse Hoffµian; (4) Adam Runk; (5) Samuel Herold. Catherine d. childless. MARY ZARTMAN, daughter of John Peter Zartman, m. Chris­ tian Neucomer, and had four children: Anna, Peter, Michael and Elizabeth. Anna Neucomer m. John Hoff, and resided in Seven Valleys, Pa. Shed. 1/29/1900. CATHERINE ZARTMAN, daughter of John Peter, m. David Stambaugh. She d. 8/27/1894. Their twelve children were: Ed­ ward, b. 1834, Warren P. 0., Maryland; Mary Ann, b. 1836, m. Solomon Becker, d. Mar., 1909; Ephraim, b. 12/7/1839, Spring Grove, Pa.; David, Hanover, Pa.; Henry, m. reared twelve child­ ren, is deceased; Rebecca d. as inf.; Caroline d. single; Albert is deceased; Rudolph, b. 10/20/1850, Spring Grove, Pa.; Barbara, m. George Baublitz, Menges, Pa.; Catharine, m. Adam Lehigh and lived in York, Pa.; Michael Zartman, b. 6/15/1859. Michael Zartman had the Spring Garden Hotel, York, Pa. He married and has a daughter, Nettie, whom. William E; Hoffacker. Their children are: Guilford, b. 10/25/1898; Florence, b.12/10/1901; Raymond M., b. 7/19/1904. MICHAEL ZARTMAN, son of John Peter, was b. 10/11/1820 in N. Codorus Twp., York County, Pa.; d. 9/6/1900. In 1865 hem. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAllILY 215

Fanny Wilkinson; their children were: twins, John Michael and Catherine, b. 12/2/1867, and Catherine d. 4/16/1870; Mary E., b. 6/9/1872; Sarah Ann, b. 1/20/1875. Michael Zartman and family were members of the Lutheran Church. John Michael Zartman on 9/10/1893 m. Annie Mummert, who d. g/22/1908. Children: George Washihgton, b. 10/16/1894; Mary Virginia, b. 12/8/1898; Eva Amanda, b. 4/4/1901; Lida Eliza, b. 5/10/1905, d. 6/6/1907. John Michael Zartman is employed and lives at the County Home, Stony Brook, Pa. George W. Zartman is a mechanic. employed at Abbottstown, Pa. He m. Nora Emig in 1925. Children: Pauline Romaine, b. 10/29/1925; George W., Jr., b. 6/5/1929; Betty Virginia, b. 7/29/1932. Mary V. Zartman m. Mark Rutter 1/5/1919; their children are: Arthur M., b. 6/5/1920; William R., b. 12/5/1925; Dorothy J., b. 12/- 1/1927. Eva A. Zartman m. John H. Rutter 4/10/1921. Chil­ dren: Mary Josephine, b. 2/19/1923; Anna Beller, b. 3/22/1924; John Henry, Jr., b. 3/23/1925; Robert Clinton, b. 9/22/1926 in Inglewood Park, Fla.; William Randolph, b. 2/19/1927. Mary E. Zartman, daughter of Michael Zartman, m. Israel B. Fair, an engineer at Glen Rock, Pa. They had a daughter, Val­ eria Catherine, b. 2/5/1903. They own a farm near Glen Rock. Israel B. Fair d. 1/18/1935, and is buried in Zion Lutheran Cem­ etery, Glen Rock, Pa. Sarah Ann Zartman, daughter of Michael, m. Jeremiah Senft. Both were b. in Jackson Twp., York County, Pa. Jeremiah and Sarah Zartman Senft lived in Spring Grove, Pa. He d. suddenly while on his way to work, 1/12/1938, and was laid to rest in Spring Grove cemetery 1/14/1938. He was a faithful, God-fear­ ing man, esteemed and honored by all who knew him. He worked hard all his life, and what spare time he had was spent with his family. Their children were: John Willard, b. 8/10/1896; Walter Michael, b. 1/19/1896; Melvin C., b. 10/10/1899; Philip Eugene, b. 11/1/1901; Mary V., b. 11/25/1903; Alma L., b. 5/3/1906; Sarah Ann, b. 6/9/1908, d. 4/19/1910; Esther Mae, b. 3/1/1910, d. 8/12/1917; Elsie, b. 5/31/1911; Samuel Zartman, b. 9/8/1915; Almena F., b. 9/8/1915, d. aged 2 mos. 26 dys. John Willard Senft is a news reporter for papers in York and Hanover, having served for eleven years as a journeyman printer. He m. Beulah Amanda Mummert 8/22/1914. Their children are: Phyllis, b. 216 TBE ZARTMAN F..WILY

7/18/1915, d. 8/21/1916; Willa.rd Mummert, b. 5/20/1917; David Jeremiah, b. 12/4/1919. They live in Spring Grove, Pa. Walter M. Senft m. Nellie Deardorff 10/5/1922, and lives in York, Pa. Melvin C. Senft m. Grace Lindeman of Lancaster, Pa., 5/4/1922. They live in Millersville, Pa., and have two daughters, June M., b. 2/15/1923; and Dorothy J., b. 8/16/1924. Philip E. Senft is a farmer in N. Codorus Twp., York County, Pa. Mary V. Senft m. Clinton Moul 2/3/1922. Children: Philip, b. 7/12/1923; and Paul, b. 3/13/1926. On 3/1/1930 she m. Wesley Markel. They have one child, Phyllis, b. 1/7/1931, and live near Red Lion, Pa. Alma L. Senft m. James L. Anstine, Jr., 1/1/1924. Children: Donald, b. 7/3/1925; and Ethel, b. 9/30/1926. Elsie Senft m. William Wilda.sin of Hanover, Pa., 7/5/1029. Their children are: William Samuel, b. 3/3/1931; t.nd Betty Lou, b. 8/28/1934. Samuel Z. Senft lives in Spring Grovti, Pa., where he is employed in the drug store of Dr. J. B. Hartman. SUSAN ZARTMAN, daughter of John Pete.•, m. Philip Stambaugh, a brother to her sister Catharine's husband. l?hilip Stambaugh was b. 3/3/1812, and d.• 12/22/1877. Mrs. Stambai.;~h visited the Zartman relations in Ohio. She d. 2/24/1904. Sh,} and her husband and two children are buried at Lischey's Church. They had two sons and two daughters: William, whom. a Miss Bru­ becker, of Ohio, and d. in Oklahoma; Angeline m. Peter Gorgon, Columbia, Pa.; Catharine, b. 5/13/1852, d. 3/22/1864; Philip E., b.9/23/1857,d.3/7/1864. Chapter Y


SAMUEL ZARTMAN, son,of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexan­ der I, was born 12/13/1788 in Northumberland County, Pa. In 1810, with bis uncle Peter Zartman and family, he moved to Ohio and located near Somerset, Perry Co. On 6/23/1814 he purchased 160 acres of land in Reading Twp., Perry Co. The patent deed bears the name of James Madison, President of the U.S. On 9/- 2/1810 he married Catherine Fisher b. 2/28/1793 in Pennsyl­ vania. They were married in Lancaster, Ohio, by Philip Spohn, J.P. To them were born nine sons and three daughters: Jacob J., b.1811; Israel, b. 7/1/1812; Michael, b. 5/9/1814;John, b. 7/12/- 1816; Samuel, b. 10/5/1818; Henry, b. 12/28/1820; Catharine, d. unmarried at Athens, Ohio; Hiram who m. Susan Brockhart. (In 1858 be sold land in Perry County to his brother Israel; he moved to California and had three children: Daniel, Lucy Ellen and Axa Ann. It is said they died in the West); Solomon, b. 11/- 11/1827; Susan m. David Houtz and lived in Indiana; their child­ ren were Simon Peter, Leonard and Eva. Simon, b. 11/24/1833; Elizabeth, who d. as infant. Samuel Z. d. 3/14/1857. His wife d. 8/28/1850. They are buried in the Lutheran cemetery, Junction City, Ohio. The above death dates are on their tomb­ stone. The name is spelled Zortman. I. JACOB J. ZARTMAN was a stone mason and a brick layer. On 4/24/1833 he m. Elizabeth Margaret Richley, b. 11/20/1812. Their ten children were born in Perry County, Ohio: Mary Catherine, b. 3/1/1834; Caroline Salome, b. 3/20/1836; Absalom M., b. 11/25/1837; Samuel M., b. 12/8/1839; Jacob Michael, b. 4/12/1841; Elizabeth Malinda, b. 4/14/1843; Rosannah Mar­ garet, b. 6/22/1845; George Martin, b. 11/30/1847; Franklin Marion, b. 11/1/1849, d. 1/23/1855; Sarah Matilda, b. 5/4/1855. In April 1864 Jacob J. Zartman and family moved from Perry County to Ottawa County, Ohio, where he purchased a farm of 80 acres near Genoa. He resided there until after his wife's death in 1875. Then he sold his farm and moved into Sandusky County where he lived with his son George Martin until his death on 9/- 218 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

3/1876. He and his wife are buried in Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Fremont, Ohio. Mary Catharine Zartman m. 7/4/1872 Thomas Evans, who died in 1896. A son George died at the age of two years. Their daughter Flora m. a Mr. White and resided in Toledo, Ohio, providing a home for her mother. Mrs. White has two daughters: Mildred, b. in 1896; and Doris Marie, b. in 1897. Caroline Salome Zartman m. Powell Long 12/24/1868. They had a son, Jesse Herman, b. 3/22/1872. Their home was in Tol­ edo, Ohio. Absalom M. Zartman in May 1861, enlisted with the 33rd Illinois Infantry, Co. A. On May 22, 1862, he was fatally wounded in the battle of Vicksburg and d. 5/23/1862. During his last ill­ ness he exhorted and plead with his comrades to lead better lives. Samuel M. Zartman as a young man travelled on the Pacific coast and in British Columbia. On 9/7/1864 he enlisted for ser­ vice in our Civil War and was assigned to Co. L, first Ohio Vol. Heavy Artillery. After the 'war he engaged in farming in San­ dusk-y County, Objo. At one time he was Superintendent of the county infirmary at Fremont. He married four times as follows: (1) To Charlotte Matilda Short, 1/22/1863; (2) To Harriet M. Smith, 8/6/1866; (3) To Elizabeth Lye; (4) To Maggie Blum in Toledo, Ohio. With his first wife who d. 9/12/1864 he had a daughter, Charlotte Matilda, b. 12/19/1864; she became a school teacher and in 1884 went to Columbus, Ohio, and didn't return; her father never again beard of her. With his second wife who d. 9/12/1880 he had four sons: Frank W., b. 3/- 28/1868; Fred Loren, b. 12/7/1872; Samuel B., b. 9/13/1875; Charles Marshall, b. 5/9/1880. With the third wife who d. 4/- 14/1885 he had a daughter named Nettie E., b. 2/23/1882 and d. in Chicago 12/8/1904. After leaving the farm Samuel M. and his fourth wife, who was an estimable Swiss lady, lived comfortably and quietly at Swanton and Maumee, Ohio. He died in 1921 and is buried at Fremont, Ohio. As to his four big boys: .Frank W. m. Rozeltha Wein 5/27/1893, d. 8/3/1927. They lived on a farm near Fremont and had two sons: Everett Amos, b. 6/29/1895; and Glen Frank, b. 8/13/1899. Everett A. m. 9/15/1922 Esther V. Schmitke of Fremont, Ohio., where they now reside at 345 Ohio Ave., and have three child- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 219 ren: Janis M., b. 11/5/1923; Richard E., b. 8/10/1928 and Har­ old W., b. 9/4/1932. Everett writes: "I served in the World War overseas eighteen months. I was a Sergeant in Hdqs. Det. 2nd Regm.U. S. Engineers 2nd Div. I am a charter member of.Edgar Thurston Post 121 of the ,.American Legion of Fremont, Ohio, and I am a member of Sandusky County Voiture 1057 of the 40 a.nd 8." Glenn F., son of Frank, resides at 464 W. Market St., Tiffin, Ohio. He is salesman for the Hickok Oil Co. On 4/3/1924 hem. Floy E. Hushour. Their children are Neil Burton, b. 2/24/- 1925; Donald Dee, b. 7/5/1934; Samuel, b. and d. 6/20/1934; and Margaret Ann, b. 8/28/1936. Fred Loren Zartman, son of Samuel M., was educated mainly in the schools of Fremont and Toledo, Ohio. He was bright, talented, a splendid salesman in the employ of the Woolson Spice Co. in Toledo and later in the city of Philadelphia where he established an agency for the Woolson Co. He was often in the church and home of the writer in the City of Brotherly Love. On 10/7/1897 he m. Fannie Walton Baughan, b. 2/2/1872. Their son, Fred Loren, Jr., was b 5/6/1900 in Philadelphia; he served overseas 19 months in the World War; on 11/29/1922 hem. Marion H. Pickering of Philadelphia. Both grew up in the church and Sun­ day school of which the writer was pastor thirty years from April 1891 to April 1921 and he confirmed them both as members of Heidelberg Reformed Church, then located at 19th and Oxford Sts. Fred was confirmed on Easter 4/4/1915. Marion was con­ firmed on Easter 4/19/1914. Fred Zartman, Sr., survives and re­ sides in Philadelphia at 254 N. 9th St. but his wife passed away on 8/18/1938 in Philadelphia. Samuel B., son of Samuel M. Zartman, for 25 years was in the employ of the N. J. Central R. R. as Superintendent; he retired in 1924. He married twice: first to Harriette Louise Clark on 12/24/1904; she passed away on 6/20/1917 and was buried in Fremont, Ohio. He married a second time on 8/10/1921 to Jeanette E. Joseph, of Lansale, Pa.; she was an alumna of Penn. College. They reside in Long Branch, N. J., at 73 Oakwood Ave. Samuel B. has been a railroad builder and operator. He was twice elected City Commissioner and served eight years in that capacity. Twice he declined the mayoralty of Long Branch feel­ ing he could serve the city better in other capacities. At the age of 50 he retired from active railroad executive service and became 220 TUE ZARTMAN F AM.ILY

interested in financial corporations, principally banks, and is now chairman of the Board of Directors of a First National Bank and Director and Executive Officer in a number of other financial institutions. He writes: "We pulled the city through the depression with its bond:, selling above par." Charles Marshall Zartman, son of Samuel M., in his youth at­ tended Oberlin College and in 1897 graduated from Western Reserve Academy near Cleveland, Ohio. Hem. Sarah B. Lambert of Dayton, Ohio, 10/17/1910. For some years be was manager of the Algonquin Hotel in Dayton, Ohio. He is now in service with a hotel in South Pasadena, Calif. Address 1207 Monterey Road. Jacob Michael Zartman, son of Jacob J., in Sept. 1861 enlisted in the 5th Ohio Independent Battery. He served four years in the army and fought in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg; be was wounded twice. He was a faithful and courage­ ous defender of the Union and Old Glory. Hem. Eliza Bugh 1/- 27 /1872. Two children were born to them: Ardelia Josephine, 10 /- 23 /1872, and d. 2/15/1897; and Ernest Leroy, b. 6/21/1884. Ardelia J. Zartman m. Weaver Mason; they had a daughter, Ida Ruth, b. 4/12/1896 whom. Wm. S. Brown, a glass cutter in Lan­ caster, Ohio. They· have a son Donald, b. 7 /1916. The Brown family resides in Owen, W. Va. Ernest Leroy Zartman m. Margaret C. Martin 4/30/1905 who was born in Luxembourg, Europe and brought to America by her parents when she was six years of age. They resided first in Lan­ caster, Ohio, where for years Ernest.was a glassblower; then they removed to Charleston, W. Va., where he followed the same trade. Later they located in Mansfield, Ohio, where he is now a metal lather. Their address is 424 S. Main St. They have ten children and an adopted son as follows: Beulah Marie, b. 6/30/1906. On 2/26/1927 she m. Harry Ziegler. They reside in Mansfield, Ohio. Clark Frederick, b. 2/24/1908; on 5/13/1929 hem. Lucille Kuell­ ing, b. 8/8/1911. Their son is Larry, b. 10/31/1936. They live at 31 Altamont Ave., Mansfield, Ohio. Ruth Viola, b. 11/18/- 1909 at Utica, Ohio. She m. Clyde Dickinson 5/6/1933; they have three sons: Clyde Bruce, b. 3/3/1934; Loyd Keith, b. 10/- 3/1935 and Richard, b. 2/10/1937. They live in Lincoln Heights, Mansfield, Ohio. Margaret Ernestine, b. 10/5/1911 in Utica, Ohio, and m. Russell Shade 2/22/1936; they reside at 447 S. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio. Virginia May, b. 5/14/1913 in W. Va. She JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 221 graduated from Mansfield High School in 1932; m. Carl Kushing 11/30/1935. They have a daughter, Carol Jean, b. 2/14/1937; and live at 382 S. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio. Genevieve Mildred, b. 9/10/1915 in W. Va. She graduated from Mansfield High School in 1933 and from the Nurses' Training School of St. Ann's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, ia 1937. She lives with her parents in Mansfield, Ohio. Helen Elizabeth, b. 1/3/1918 in Utica, Ohio. She graduated from the Mansfield High School in 1938 and lives with her parents. Ernest Warren, b. in Utica, Ohio, 12/11/1919, graduated in 1938 from the High School in Mansfield and lives at home. Herbert Glenn, b. 9/12/1922 in Utica, Ohio, is a student in Mansfield High School. William Carl, b. 5/18/1926 and d. 5/21/1926. An adopted son, Joseph Paul Zartman, was b. 2/9/1903; on 5/31/1925 he m. Hazel Best. They have four children: joseph Paul, b. 11/17/1926; Patricia Ruth, b. 3/25/- 1929; Norman, b. 8/23/1931; and Ernest Leroy, b. 7/4/1936. Jacob M. Zartman was well known by the historian. Under date of 5/31/1938 we received the following communication from the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Sandusky, Ohio, signed by Adjutant E.T. Thorson: Dear Sir: In Reply to your letter of May 28th. we submit the following information taken from the records of the Adjutant's office of this State Soldiers' Home; viz.: Jacob M. Zartman, an Honorably discharged soldier of the Civil War having served in Battery No. 5 of the Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery from Sept. 5, 1861 to Sept. 1865 was admitted to this State Soldiers' Home on Sept. 18, 1899 from Junction City, Perry County, Ohio and stated that he was born near New Lex­ ington, Perry County, Ohio on the 12th. day of April, 1841, that he was a divorced man and had a son 16 years old then living with his mother. He died on April 8, 1916 in Fremont, Ohio and was buried at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery in Ballville Township near Fremont, Ohio. Yours truly, E. T. THORSON, Adjutant. Elizabeth Malinda Zartman, dau. Jacob J., m. Jacob Maurer 1/14/1809; they had five children: Franklin Marion; Carrie D., 222 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY m. to Mr. Davis; Elizabeth, m. to Mr. Sherwood; Lillie M., m. to Mr. Beckman; Effie A., m. to Mr. Frederick. In Feb., 1883, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Maurer moved from Ottawa. County, Ohio, to Kalkaska County, Michigan, and settled on a fine eighty-acre farm. Five years later Mr. Maurer drowned in Bullhead Lake. In 1896 his widow m. James M. Merrill, who d. in Apr., 1907. Rosannah Margaret Zartman was m. to James Wesley Short 2/17/1869; they resided in Fremont, Ohio, and had three children: Edwin Monroe, b. 1/21/1870, d. 2/8/1873; Effie Al­ berta, b. 6/20/1877; James Burton, b. 5/5/1883, d. 9/27/1883. Mr. and Mrs. Short belonged to the United BrPthren Church. Mrs. Short gave us much valuable information about the fam­ ilies of her father, brothers, and sisters. Mr. Short d. 9/6/1911 and was buried at Fremont, Ohio. George Martin Zartman in 1867 graduated from the High School of Columbus, Ohio. In 1864 be enlisted in the 39th 0. V. I., Co. I, and was honorably discharged in 1865. He was in Gen. Sherman's famous march to the sea, and in the battles of Shiloh, Pittsburg Landing and others. On 1/15/1865, he received a gun-shot wound in bis left hand at Pocotaligo, S. C. He m. Catharine Born 12/29/1870 in Lancaster, Ohio. They have five children, tiz.: Birdie Rozella, b. 4/1/1872, in Lancaster, Ohio; Erdeen Wynona, b. 1/7/1874, in Columbia City, Ind.; Oscar Born, b. 6/12/1876, at Fremont, Ohio; Owen Luther, b. 5/11/- 1878, at Fremont, Ohio; Hallie Pearl, b. 6/17/1880, at Chetopa, Kansas. George Martin Zartman and wife resided in Chetopa, Labette County, Kan. They moved to Kansas in 1879. He was formerly General Manager for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., and a farmer. Birdie Zartman on 5/12/1891, graduated from the Chetopa High School. Shem. William Harry Broadley 1/10/1985; they resided in Joplin, Mo., in their own beautiful home in the heart of the city. Mr. Broadley for many years was a clerk in the Joplin post office, and an elder in the Christian Church, to which they belonged. Mrs. Broadley was a Sunday School teacher and superintendent of temperance work in the Sunday Schools of Joplin. The Broadleys had four children bom at Joplin, Mo.: Karl Thomas, b. 11/10/1895; Catherine Gertrude, b. 9/23/1899; John Luther, b. 11/20/1906, and Dorothy Nell, b. 10/18/1909. Karl Thomas and his sister Catherine were both educated in the Texas Christian University at Fort Worth. THE MBS. LEWIS H. BAltER FilULY Baik Row: Dorothr Thompson, Homer Wall, Virginia Thompson Wall Frunt Rou,: Catherme Broadley (Thompson) Baker, Lewis H. Baker


During the World War Karl Thomas Broadley was a naval aviator. In 1920 he was ordained as a minister of the Gospel. At present he is at East Liverpool, Ohio. His address is the Travel­ er's Hotel. Catherine Gertrude received A.B. and M.A. degrees. Catherine m. Harold H. Thompson of Denver, Colo., 8/7/1919. Their children are: Virginia Marie, b. 5/3'0/1921; and Dorothy Jean, b. 9/771923. On 12/17/1928 Mr. Thompson died from an automobile accident in Denver and is buried there. On 6/6/1936 Mra. Thompson m. Lewis Henry Baker of Dodge County, Wis. Mr. Baker is a druggist in Fort Worth Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have a rural home near Fort Worth at 1208 King's High­ way, H.. R. 1. Mrs. Baker teaches English in the High School of Handley, Texas. Mrs. Wm. H. Broadley d. 12/12/1935 and is buried at :i;'ort Worth. Mr. Broadley d. 2/8/1926 and is buried in Joplin, Mo. John L. Broadley was b. in Joplin, Mo., was edu­ cated at Texas Christian University. He is employed in a drug store at Fort 'Worth. Dorothy Nell Broadley attended the T. C. U. at Ft. Worth and on 8/20/1930 m. Joe G. Clark. They have four children: Mary Lou, b. 11/12/1931; Luther Joe, b. 7/28/- 1934; Betty Jean, b. 3/30/1937; and Jerry Wayne, b. 11/4/1939. The Clark far.iily owns a nice rural home near Santa Anna, Texas, and have a farm of J 60 acres. Their address is Star Route, Trick­ ham Road, Santa Anna, Texas. George Martin Zartman d. in Chetopa, Kan., in Sept. 1927. His wife had d. on 7/5/1918. Miss Virginia Marie Thompson m. Homer Charles Wall 11/- 16/1940, on Saturday evening in a church in Fort Worth, Texas. Erdeen Wynona Zartman graduated 5/17/1892 from the Chet­ opa High School as valedictorian of her class, and on 7/30/1897, from the Central Business College, Sedalia, Mo. She taught four years in the High School of Chetopa, JJ.nd slso held responsible positions with the Jenkins Music House of Kansas City, Mo., and the local Board of Trade. She m. James Frederick Hazel, a real estate broker of Chetopa, 12/5/1899. Their children were three: (!1.) Eugene William, b. 9/2/1900 at Carrollton, Mo.; (b) James F'rederick II, b. 10/1/1905 in Carrollton, Mo.; (c) Ruth Zartman, b. 8/20/1909. Eugene W. Hazel attended the public schools of Chetopa, and Kansas University at Lawrence, Kan. He is m. and has one son, Eugene, Jr. His address is Seattle, Wash­ ington, where he has a dental laboratory in the Cobb Bldg. He 224 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

received his education in the Chetopa schools and graduated from Ransas University. Hem. Viola Paten of Topeka, Kan., 4/11/1929. Their two children are James Frederick III, b. 8/21/- 1930, and Rarl Erlund, b. 8/4/1931. Mrs. Hazel d. 7/25/1924 and Mr. Hazel d. 1/1/1934. The Hazels were Presbyterian..'!. James Frederick Hazel II, teaches chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, and his address is Harrison, U. of Pa., Phila­ delphia, Pa. Ruth Zartman, b. 8/'10/1909 at Chetopa, !fan., attended grade schools at Chetopa and finished her high school work in Topeka, Ran. She was m. to Tom. Blackburn at Oswego, Ran., 4/2/1 '.l28, who owns a nursery business in Topeka and is a most suer .JSsful business man there. Their children are Wynona Claide, b. 1/13/- 1929 at Picher, Okla.; and James Thomas, b. 2/16/1930 at Mon­ arch, Okla. Oscar Born Zartman was b. in Fairfield County, Ohio., on 6/- 12/1876. In 1871} with his parents he went to Chetop:., Ran. There he graduated from High School on 4/30/1895. He then moved to Joplin, Mo. There hem. Cleo Green 9/27/1901. They had a son,, b. 6/28/1904, and named George Martin Zartman, Jr., who resides in Kansas City, Mo. Oscar B. Zartman served during the war with Spain in Co. A, 22nd Regt., Ransas Volun­ teers; he left the service on 11/1/1898 and was honorably dis­ charged at Fort Leavenworth, l{an. He died in a hospital for Veterans at Wadsworth, Kan. Owen L. Zartman, son of George Martin Zartman, was b. 5/- 11/1878 at Fremont, Ohio. He attended the Normal department of the Chetopa, Ran. High School. On 12/22/1898 he enlisted in the U. S. Army, serving as sergeant in Co. G, 20th Reg. In­ fantry. He spent six years in government service in the U. S. as soldier, and civilian scout, after which he was sent to Manila, P. I., with the same company, where, as corporal, he acted as special police. At the expiration of his term of service, 12/21/- 1901, he was honorably discharged. He then entered service with the French Foreign Legion in Algiers. At the close of this servil'c he returned to America by way of England, then went to South America and to Mexico, spending some time in each country. After returning to the U.S. hem. Elizabeth Shuey in Cheldalis, Wash. Their first child, George, was born in 1923; Betty Mae in 1924; Jerry Daniel in 1926; Dorothy Faye in 1928; and Bobbie JACOB ZARTMAN AND F..unLY 225

Lee in 1930. When the last daughter, Bobbie Lee, was but six months old the mother died. Since· that time Owen L. Zartman has served as bridge contractor and inspector, and now lives in Dayton, Oregon. Hallie Pearl Zartman, b. 6/17/1880 at Chetopa, Kan., gradu­ ated from the Chetopa High School 5/17/1898; she m. Arthur Newman Jdhnson, an evangelist representing the Bible and Tract Society of Allegheny, Pa., 5/15/1903. She and her husband travel largely. Their child, Eva Jewel Johnson, b. 2/21/1905, Tecumseh, Okla., with her parents moved to Chetopa at the age of ten years. She received her education in Chetopa, and Parsons, Kan., to which city the family had moved. After attending the Bus­ iness College of Parsons she was employed at the Blue Valley Creamery, and was m. 9/10/1921 to Orville Decatur Wheat, b. 2/8/1898 in Parsons, Kan., where he Lci employed at the Sun Dairy Farms. Their children are Orville Decatur, Jr., b. 11/4/1922, d. 9/7/1927; Eugene Brµce, b. 11/8/1923, a senior this year in the Parsons High School; James Willis, b. 9/16/1928. Bethyl Ruth Johnson was b. in ·Terrell, Texas, 10/14/1909. When six her parents moved to southeast Kansas, and she was educated in th~ schools of Parsons, graduating in 1928. She m. William Moore of Centralia, Okla., 12/23/1928. Two children were born to this union: David Lee, b. 7/23/1930; and Patricia June, b. 2/13/1935. Both were born at Parsons. In 1936 Bethyl Ruth was divorced from Wm. Moore. She was m. 6/5/1937 to John H. Harris of Bonham, Texas. They have one daughter, Henrietta Pearl, b. 6/6/1938. Mr. Harris has traveled extensively, having been in the U. S. Navy for sixteen years. For the past two years he has been employed with Swift and Co. of Parsons. Recently, how­ ever, he was recalled to the Navy and since 7/18/1940 has been stationed on the U. S. Maddox. Dorothy Grace, b. at Greenville, Texas, 11/24/1914. Came with her parents to Kansas, and at­ tended both the public schools and business college of Parsons, graduating from this college on 7/28/1931. On 11/27/1933 at Oswego, Kan., she was m. to Dewey W. Klager, who is a painter and successful interior decorator. They have one child: Yvonne Marie, b. at Parsons, Kan., 5/8/1939. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Johnson reside at 2125 Crawford Ave., Parsons, Kan. Franklin Marion Zartman, son of Jacob J., was b. 11/1/1849 and d. 1/23/1855, aged 5 yrs. 2 mo. 22 d. 226 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Sarah Matilda Zartman was b. 5/4/1855. She m. Leo A. Bee­ tow 12/20/1882 in Fremont, Ohio. A daughter, Lulu Edna, was b. to them 6/10/1884. This family resided in Fremont, Ohio. ISRAEL ZARTMAN, second son of Samuel, was bom 7/1/1812; he was the third Zartman bom in Ohio, and like the first bom received the name of Israel. He was a blacksmith and learned his trade from his uncle Ale.under Zartman IV. Israel was twice married: (1) to E!;v.abeth Ridenour, on 9/13/1833 who d. 9/- 28/1834. In this union .·as b. a son, Jonathan, b. 7/15/1834, died 12/2/1834. (2) to Anna Mar:, Ridenour, sister of his first wife; she was b. 5/22/1808, and d. 10/7/1882. In this 2d marriage were born twelve children, and all in Perry County, Ohio, as follows: Solomon, b. 7/7/1835, d. 2/8/1839; Leab and Peter, twins, b. 11/29/1836; Michael,d. 5/21/1859,aged 8 days; Martha, b. 12/22/1839; Elizabeth, b. 5/11/1841; Mary, b. 11/14/1843; Rose Ann and Julia Ann, twins, b. 10/15/1844; Margaret, b. 6/12/1848, d. in July of 1854; Susanna, b. 6/2/1850, d. in fall of 1853; a son b. and d. in the fall of 1852. Solomon and Michael d. within 'a week of each other. Israel Zartman with his family in 1858 moved to Dewitt Co., Ill. tn 1863 they located in Logan County, Ill. Israel d. 8/23/1863, and is buried in Mount Pulaski Cemetery, Logan County, Ill. Leah Zartman m. Ernest L. Drobisch; they live at Mt. Pulaski, Ill., belong to the Lutheran Church, and have the following child­ ren: William Albert and Jacob Alfred, twins, b. 7/6/1864; Jacob A. d. 5/15/1865; George M., b. 3/22/1866; Marie Elizu.beth, b. 4/29/1871, d. 2/7/1873; Laura E., b. 2/5/1875. George Dro­ bisch is m. and has a daughter, Wilma I., b. 5/30/1900. Laura E. Drobisch m. Mr. Buckles and has two sons: Russell D., b. 7 /- 30/1896, and Vernon, b. 7/13/1898, d. 6/4/1899. Their address is Mount Pulaski, Ill. Peter Zartman had a homestead at Lehigh, Colfax Co., Nebr., on which he lived thirteen years, and then moved into the town of Leigh. He was a soldier in the Civil War three years in 107th Reg., Ill. Vol. He never married·. During his last eight years he was an invalid from disease contracted in the army; during his last four years he had to be fed and cared for like a child; but he bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude and always appeared JACOB ZARTMAN AND F,UULY 227 happy and contented. He drew a pension of $50.00 a month. He d. 2/13/1889, and was buried under the auspices of Boston Cor­ bett Post, No. 273, G. A. R., at Leigh, Nebr. Martha Zartman, daughter of Israel II, on 7/16/1863, at Mt. Pulaski, Ill, m. C, 1,tlieb Bott, b. in Germany 12/31/1835; he was a tailor by trade, but became a farmer at Richland, Neb., to which place they moved in 1873. Later they went to Colorado where Mr. Bott d. in June 1909 and is buried at Julesburg, Colo. Mrs. Bott d. in June 1910 and is buried at Schuyler, Neb. They had 11 children as follows: Peter Bott, b. 5/2/1864; he m. Elizabeth Kuck 3/23/1900; he was a farmer and lived at Richland, Neb. Peter Bott d. 2/13/1940. Mrs. Peter Bott d. 3/12/1912; both Mr. and Mrs. Bott are buried at Columbus, Neb. They had a son Fred, b. 1/12/1901. On 7/25/1922 he m. Teen Valish; they live childless at Richland, Neb. Mary Bott, b. 10/7/1866, never m., d. 12/4/1939, and is buried at Scottsbluff, Neb.; William Bott, b. 12/16/1867, lived at Redfield, S. D., and died, unmarried, on 2/14/1939. He is buried at Redfield. John Bott was b. 4/18/1869, d. 2/18/1886, he died at Schuyler, Neb., and is buried there; Herman Bott, b. 1/13/1871, did not marry, lived and d. at Flat­ willow, Mont., d. 6/20/1927 and is buried at Schuyler, Neb.; Magdalene, baptized as Magdalene, but uses the name Mar­ garet, b. 11/9/1872; she m. Fred Jungbluth of Chambers, Neb., 3/8/1905; he d. 1/13/1922. Mrs. Jungbluth lives at Chambers, Neb. There are six children: Glenn, b. 2/18/1906; Ernest, b. 4/16/1907; Violet, b. 10/3/1908; 5/8/1932 m. Art. J. Carrol, chief photographer in U. S. Navy, Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Carrol on 11/5/1940 wrote: "My husband is on the Byrd Expedition as photographer; he left on 11/15/1939 and will not return until 4/30/1941 ;" Chester, b. 12/19/1910; Alda, b. 3/- 26/1912. On 11/28/1930 she m. Wm. James Steskal; their child­ ren are: Darlene June, b. 6/1/1932; Shirley Mae, b. 6/29/1934; Violene, b. 12/21/1935 and d. 12/22/1935; Jeanne Carol, b. 8/- 29/1939. The Steskals live at Atkinson, Nebr. Anna Bott, b. 7/- 25/1873, m. George Pool of Kowanda, Nebr. Mr. Pool is de­ ceased. Mrs. Pool and family live at 1515 W. Dakota Ave., Den­ ver, Colorado. She has four children: Maria, Freda, Vera, and Julia. Maria married Frank Brown and lives in Denver, Colo. Freda married Jack Gordon; they have a son Thomas and live in Denver, Colo. Vera m. James Hall and they have a son 228 THE ZARTMAN F AMIL y

Thomas; they live in Denver, Colo. Julia m. Ed. Hall and they have a son Clifford; they, too, live in Denver. Fred Bott, b. 2/- 18/1878 m. Edna Ralston 5/22/1907. They lived on a farm near Schuyler, Nebr., but now reside in Schuyler. Mr. Bott is a farmer. They had a daughter, Gertrude, b. 9/22/1908; she d. 7/25/1926 and is buried at Schuyler, Nebr. They also had a son who d. 11/29/1910 and is buried at Schuyler. Clara Bott, b. 4/- 16/1876, m. William M. Whisler. They operate a restaurant in Richmond, California. Their address is 820 San Pablo Ave. They have a daughter, Hazel, b. 2/7/1918. Otmer Bott, b. 10/31/1880, and m. Miss Virgie Colman, 9/8/1915; there are two sons: Dale, b. 9/15/1919, and Richard, b. 9/30/1921. Dale is married and has one son and lives in Denver, Colo. Otmer Bott signs his name Otto Bott and lives at Wallace, Idaho. He is a carpenter. Julia Bott, b. 8/3/1883 m. Archie W. Kaasch at Alliance, Nebr., 3/23/1910. Mr. Ka.a.sch is a Farmers' Union employee; they have a child Evelyn Marie Kaasch, b. 5/19/1911 at their rural home north of Scottsbluff, Nebr. Evelyn Marie m. Clifford P. McGuffin at Harrieburg, Nebr., 4/11/1935. They have two children~ Sandra Lou, b. 2/9/1937, at Sacramento, Calif.; and · Susan Gayle, b. 7/3/1938. Mr. McGuffin is a dry cleaner with the present address as Klamoth Falls, Oregon. The Ka.a.sch fam­ ily are members of the Presbyterian Church, and reside at Scotts­ bluff, Nebr. Elizabeth Zartman, daughter of Israel II, was b. 5/11/1841. On 7/14/1881 she m. Joseph Smith, a farmer. They lived near Leigh, Nebr., and were members of the Congregational Church. Mr, Smith served three years and seven months in the Civil War; he was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg and taken pris­ oner twice; he was five months in Andersonville prison, four months in Libby prison, and forty days on Bell Island. The child­ ren of Mr. and Mrs. Smith are: Clara Armina, b. 9/14/1884; and George Parker, b. 8/17/1886. Clara A. Smith m. Geo. H. John­ son 8/22/1906; shed. 9/17/1908. They had a child that died at birth. Mrs. Jos. Smith d. 4/16/1916 and Mr. Smith d. 4/7/1930; both are buried at Leigh, Nebr. George Parker Smith married Myrtle Seagle 1/21/1914. For a time Mr. Smith lived at Douglas, Wyo., later moved to Leigh, Nebr., and then to Fremont, where the family now resides. Mr. Smith is a day laborer. They have seven children: Margaret Marie, b. 1/21/1915; Evelyn Hazel, b. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 229

7/2/1917; Fem Dolores, b. 1/23/1919; Norman L., b. 10/17/- 1920; Charles J., b. 4/5/1922; Lester Pete, b. 9/24/1929; Virginia, b. 9/30/1934. Margaret Marie m. George Escher in 1938. They have no children and live at Fremont, Nebr. Evelyn Hazel m. Lloyd Schnieder 10/26/1934 at Fremon.t, Nebr. They had one Ron, Robert Lloyd, b. 2/16/1936. Mr. and Mrs. Schnieder were divorced 3/15/1938. She then m. Mr. Le Roy Bozarth 6/6/1938 at Fremont, Nebr. They have one child, Donna Kay Bozarth, b. 4/11/1939. They live at Fremont, Nebr. Fem Dolores m. Harvey Antone Vanshur, 6/6/1938 at Fremont. They have no children and live at Fremont, Nebr. Mary Zartman, b. 11/14/1843, daughter of Israel II, in 1866 m. Frederick Rentshler, b. in Germany, came to America aged W years. They lived on a farm near Leigh, Nebr. The Rentshler children are seven: Elizabeth, b. 8/30/1869; Simon, b. 2/3/1872; William, b. 8/16/1873; Maggie, b. 9/29/1878; Sarah, b. 3/27/- 1881; Annie, b. 10/4/1883; George, b. 3/1/1886. Elizabeth Rent­ shier m. Harry White 7/24/1888 and has a daughter, Lulu Maud, b. 7/31/1892. Mr. White d. 12/8/1938 and is buried at Stanton, Nebr. Lulu Maude White m. Wilbur Brown 12/7/1910 and they live at Stanton, Nebr. Their children are: Wanda Deverre, b. 9/19/1912; Beulah Iris, b. 12/11/1913; Kenneth Harold, b. 7/- 4/1917; Betty Lou, b. 1/17/1928, d. 12/20/1928; and Gerald Denney, b. 11/14/1930. Wanda Deverre Brown m. Glen Bald­ win 1/7/1933. They live at Stanton, Nebr., and have two child­ ren: Janet Kay, b. 7/23/1936; and Gene Glens, b. 1/26/1939. Beulah Iris Brown m. Richard Coleman 6/11/1937 and live child­ less at Monterey, California. Simon Rentshler, b. 2/3/1872, son of Frederick and Mary Rentshler nee Zartman, m. Eva Eller 10/13/1897. They had no children. Simon Rentshler was a farmer and carpenter; he d. 10/26/1936 and is buried at Leigh, Nebr. He was a faithful member of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Rentshler d. 10/2/1889 and Mr. Rentshler d. 3/29/1908; both are buried in the cemetery at Loseke Lutheran Church, 12 miles south of Leigh, Nebr. Anna Mary Zartman, mother of Mary Rentshler, is buried in the same cemetery with the Rentshlers. Eva Eller, wife of Simon Rentshler, d. 11/1/1898 and is buried in a Catholic cemetery two miles north of Schuyler, Nebr. Geo. Rentshler never married; he was both a farmer and stone-mason; he lived 21 yrs. in Corodova, Md.; he now makes his home with 230 THE ZARTMAN F illltY

a nephew, Harold Eller, just east of Leigh, Nebr. Annie Rent­ shler, b. 10/4/1880 m. Frank C. Eller 12/30/1903; he was a farm­ er; they lived on his farm until 1936 when they purchased a home and moved into Leigh, Nebr. They have four sons: Geo. W., b. 11/1/1904; William R., b. 8/2/1906; Harold L., b. 8/2/1908; and Alfred F., b. 8/13/1910. The Ellers are Lutherans. George W. Eller m. Luella A. Kloppel 6/14/1931. They have two daughters: Janet Lou, b. 2/7/1935; and Joann Georgia, b. 9/22/1937. They live at Beloit, Kansas, where Mr. Eller is pastor of Zion's Evan­ gelical Lutheran Church, U.L.C.A. He spent three and one half years at Midland College, Fremont, Nebr., than entered Western Theological Seminary, graduated from the Seminary in June of 1934. After graduating from the Seminary he accepted a call to become pastor of the Lutheran Church at Gypsum, Colo. He re­ signed there and accepted a call to Zion's church in Beloit, 5/- 1/1939. William R. Eller m. Amanda Kroeger, 6/3/1934; they have three daughters: Dorothy Ann, b. 3/19/1935; Darlene Selma, b. 2/22/1936; Shirley Lucille, b. 4/20/1937. Mr. Eller was for tel}- years manager of the Farmer's Union Oil Co. of L~igh, Nebr. The family were devout members of St. John's Church of Leigh, Nebr. Mr. Eller was the Sunday School Super­ intendent for fifteen years, the adult Bible Class teacher for 12 years. On 2/15/1940 he re.,igned his position as Manager of the Oil Co., and moved to Fremont, Nebr., where he has enrolled as a student at Midland College. He plans to enter Western Sem• inary and become the second Lutheran pastor of the family. Their address is Fremont, Nebr. Harold L. Eller m. Lena Paper 8/17/1937. They have one son, Robert Harold, b. 7/9/1938. Harold is the only one of the four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eller who has remained on the farm. Alfred F. is a Coast Guards­ man stationed at Boston, Mass. His ship at present is the U.S. S. Ingham. C. G. His rating at present is second class fireman. He has completed a course in electrical engineering, automotive engineering, diesel engineering, and a course in welding. He is not married. William Rentshler d. 4/23/1876, aged 2 yrs. 8 mos. 5 days. He is buried beside his parents in the cemetery on Loseke Creek, S. W. of Leigh, Nebr. Sarah Rentshler m. Albert Hall 2/16/1898. To them were born three sons: Edward T. C. Hall, b. 4/2/1902; George F. Hall, b. 7 /- 24/1906; and Oscar C. Hall, b. 7/4/1912. Mr. and Mrs. Albert JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 231

Hall for a period of years lived at· Verdigree, Nebr., where they engaged in farming; then they moved into Verdigree. Mrs. Hall d. 1/18/1920, and was buried at Leigh, Nebr. Thereupon Mr. Hall and his three sons moved into Leigh, Nebr. Mr. Hall d. ll/27/- 1931 and was buried beside his wife in Leigh, Nebr. Edward Hall m. Miss FHeda Neuhause 6/10/1930. Mr. Hall is a carpenter and employed at his trade in Wayne, Nebr. They arc Lutherans. George F. Hall m. Mona Decker, 7/23/1929. They have two children: Bonnie Jean, b. 7/14/1930; and John Albert, b. 7 /17 /- 1933. Mr. Hall is a graduate of Midland College, Fremont, Nebr. After graduation he went to Walsh, Colo., to begin bis teaching career. He is still at the same place, having taught there twelve years. He is at present superintendent of schools at Walsh, Colo. He graduated from the college in June of 1928, B.S. degree. Oscar Hall is not married. He lives at Leigh, Nebraska and is a trans­ port truck driver. Maggie Rentshler m. Louis Eller 12/1/1897. (Here is an in­ teresting happening. Two of the daughters of Frederick Rent­ shier m. Eller brothers. Maggie m. Louis Eller, Annie m. Frank Eller; then Simon Rentshler, a brother of the two girls m. Eva Eller, a sister of the Eller brothers.) Louis Eller and Mrs. Eller spent their lives on a farm. They had three children: Fred, b. 10/18/1898; Laura, b. 10/21/1901; Lloyd, b. 1/31/1911, and d. 7/27/1920 and is buried at Schuyler, Nebr. Mrs. Louis Eller d. 12/4/1922 and is buried at Schuyler, Nebr. Mr. Louis Eller lives with his son, Fred, on a farm near Richland, Nebr. Fred Eller m. Otelia Gondering 5/14/1925. Their children are: Margaret Helen, b. 3/19/1927; and Laura Theresa, b. 7/14/1928. Mr. Eller is a farmer near Richland, Nebr. Miss Laura Eller m. Dave Dotson 8/17/1927. They live at Richland, Nebr. They have two sons: Louis James, b. 4/8/1929; and Frederick David, b. 8/13/1931. Rose Ann Zartman m. De Nise De Nise on Christmas, 1871. They lived at New Sharon, Mahaska County, Iowa, and be­ longed to the Lutheran Church. Mrs. De Nise was found and located by a letter, which sixteen years before she had written to her cousin, Henry Zartman, Somerset, Ohio. He had it away in his family Bible. This letter enabled us to find Mrs. De­ Nise, and through her knowledge and kind, helpful assistance, we gathered the information about her father, Israel Zartman, and his large family. That letter seems to have been providentially 232 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

preserved. The children of Mr. and Mrs. De Nise are as follows: Benjamin, b. 10/14/1872; Charles, b. 6/20/1874; Anna, b. 2/- 19/1896; Julia C., b. 8/20/1877; Robert, b. 3/5/1878. Benjamin De Nise d. 6/6/1924 in Dayton State Hospital. Charles De Nise had ten children: Don Eugene, Hazel, Mildred, Rose, Carroll, Minnie C., Dale, James, Clifton, and Leonard. Anna De Nise on 3/7/1891 at Fremont, Iowa, m. George Stout, b. 8/3/1871, and had three children: John W., b. 12/8/1894; Earl L., b. 6/24/- 1897; and Vera Wilma, b. 4/11/1901. John W. Stout m. Alma Bridges and has three daughters: Hazel lrel\e, b. 9/20/1920; Ruth Eloise, b. 2/6/1922, and Norma Jean, b. 7/25/1929. Mr. Stout is a farmer living near Fremont, Iowa. Earl L. Stout m. Martha Evalena Patterson; their children are: Earl L., Jr., b. 4/- 26/1923; Joe Ann Virginia, b. 10/16/1931. This family live.~ in Ontario, California, where Mr. Stout is an orange grower. Vera Wilma Stout m. Hadley McDowell; they have a daughter, Martha Louise, b. 10/5/1922. They live in Fremont, Iowa. Mr. Mc­ Dowell d. 11/29/1929. Robert De Nise, b. 3/5/1878 m. in 1903 to Dessie S.,Snelson of Bussey, Iowa. They live childless at 3114 Cornell Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Father De Nise was b. 6/22/1836 and d. 3/20/1922. Mother De Nise was b. 10/15/1844 and d. 4/20/1923. They were 1 year and 1 month apart in death. At his request father De Nise was buried in Greenville, Ohio. Julia C. De Nise m. Romeo Robbins Herndon 1/28/1903. They have three children: Rozelia Roberta, b. 1/23/1905; Archie Gray, b. 7/22/1906; and Ivan Zeldon, b. 7/19/1909. Mr. Herndon, the father, d. 7/6/1909 and is buried at Union Mills Cemetery. Rozelia Roberta Herndon m. Lewis A. VanNess 7/2/1921; had one son, Paul Edward VanNess, b. 1/22/1923. Mr. VanNess de­ serted her in 1924 at Des Moines, Iowa. She went to Missouri and there m. Henry Zeigerer on 9/28/1925. They had one son, James Henry Zeigerer, b. 9/22/1937. Archie Gray Herndon m. Henrietta Vossbrink 7/23/1027. They have one child, Pearl Mae Herndon, b. 10/25/1928. Ivan Zeldon Herndon m. Frances Hobel­ mann. They have five children: Wilma Irene Herndon, b. 11/- 30/1927; Betty Eloise, b. 2/2/1929; Archie Ray, b. 9/9/1930; Norman Julius, b. 2/8/1933; Retta Joan, b. 9/10/1934, d. 8/1/- 1940 in St. Clair, Mo., buried on Sunday 8/4/1940. Julia C Herndon m. 1/28/1924 Thomas Simpson Black, b. 1/9/1871 address, R. 2, Union, Mo. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 233

Julia Ann Zartman, daughter of Israel, m. Jacob Peter Bed­ rang, b. 3/7/1842 near Cumberland, Md., 6/14/1867. They lived at Oakley, Logan Co., Kan., and were members of the Lutheran Church. Their eight children .with births and ad­ dresses were.: Levi, b. 5/10/1868, d. 9/25/1874 by drowning in a spring; Emma, b. 4/17/1869; Anna, b. 5/16/1870; John William, b. 2/2/1872 at Oakley, Kan.; George, b. 9/24/1874 at Russell Springs, Kan.; Charles, b. 9/19/1876, Oakley, Kan.; Elizabeth, b. 1/23/1880, Oakley, Kan.; Martha, b. 11/12/1883, Oakley, Kan. At the age of 19 years, Jacob P. Bedrang enlisted for ser­ vice in the Civil War; he enlisted in Co. B. 106th Regiment of Ill. Vol. Infantry. His service was from 8/9/1862 to 7/12/1865, when he was honorably discharged. Mrs. Bedrang died at Oak­ ley, Kan., 10/1/1894 and is buried at Oakley; her husband, aged 85 years, died at Lakin, Kan., 2/14/1926 and is buried beside his wife. Emma Bedrang m. Joseph W. Light. Their children are: a child b. and d. 4/11/1892; Carl Vernon, b. 7/19/1893; Bl~che Marie, b. 8/15/1896 in Kansas. Carl V. Light is m. and resides at Manhattan, Kan., where he is a mail carrier (since 1924). Blanche Marie Light m. Carl Francis Sunderland 8/17/1917 at Des Moines, Iowa; they live at 826 W. 62 Place, Los Angeles, California. In the World War Mr. Sunderland was a Captain and Mess Inspector; he was disabled in the war. He has served 16 years in the U. S. Army. Mrs. Light was a devoted member of the Baptist Church; shed. 3/31/1912 and is buried at Zeandale, near Manhattan, Kan. Mr. Light is living in Manhattan, Kan. Anna Bedrang m. Anderson Taylor Hill, 5/14/1894, b. 12/- 1/1858 at Bridgeport, Ala. He d. 10/6/1929 and is buried at Lakin, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Hill lived for a time in Oklahoma, then for some years were homesteaders in South Logan County, Kan. After the death of Mr. Hill, Mrs. Hill and her son, Law­ rence, went to live with the oldest daughter. Their present ad­ dress is Dillard, Oregon. Children of this family are: Delia Ann, b. 12/16/1894 at Cherokee, Okla., whom. J. W. Newport 1/23/- 1914 in Lakin, Kan. In 1930 they removed to Oregon where they bought two hundred acres of timber land near Dillard, which is their present address. Their children are: Alvin Leroy, b. 7/- 15/1916; Stella Lavina, b. 3/25/1918, m. at Corvillis, Ore., 10/- 13/1937 to Raymond McGuire, and living on the place with her parents; Eva Marie, b. 1/10/1920; Clarence Albert, b. 8/31/1922; 234 Tm: ZARTMAN FAMILY

Ernest Wayne, b. 6/9/1924; Mabel Lorene, b. 11/11/1926; How­ ard Edwin, b. 11/28/1928; Ruby Violet, b. 9/2/1930; Leslie Raymond, b. 10/3/1932; Marvin Leonard, b. 9/17/1934. Jennie Maude, b. 11/27/1896 at Oakley, Kan., and m. to Harrison H. Sharp. Their children are: Clifford Harrison, b. 7/6/1914, m. 5/3/1936 at Ft. Collins, Colo., to Lucille Irene Brant, who was b. 11/5/1916 in Gregory, S. D. They have a son, Clifford Glenn Sharp, b. 12/30/1937. Their address is 1229 46th St., Greeley, Colo.; Willard; Claude Leonard, b. 12/14/1931; Eleanor, who was m. 12/21/1938; Dennis Lowell; Melvia James, b. 12/16/- 1915 and drowned 9/5/1938 at Loveland, Colo.; Adrian Taylor; Arlee Maudine, b. 7/20/1938. The home of this family is in Loveland, Colo. Anderson Jacob Hill, b. 2/16/1899 at Oakley, Kan. He was m. to Beulah Satterle, 1/4/1920, who was b. 6/12/1899 at Can­ ton, Kan. On the same day in a double wedding, his sister mar­ ried the brother of his bride-Alice Elizabeth Hill to George Ernest Satterle. The family of Anderson and Beulah Hill con­ sists of the following children: Ruth Louise, b. 2/3/1921, m. 6/- 4/1938 to Emanuel E. Weldon, who was b. 8/16/1919 near Lakin, Kan. They reside near Holley, Colo.; Esther Annabel, b. 11/9/- 1923, who graduated from the High School in 1939; Anderson Jacob, b. 12/14/1925; Clide Richard, b. and d. 9/7/1926; Doug­ las, b. 11/21/1928; Earl, b. 2/28/1930; and Merrill Dean, b. 4/- 27 /1937. These children were born in Kansas and are living with their parents in Lakin with the exception of the older sister, Ruth Louise Weldon. William Robert, b. 11/22/1900 at Oakley, Kan., d. 3/3/1916 at Lakin, Kan., where be is buried. Alice Elizabeth, b. 12/3/1902, who was m. in the double wedding, to George Ern­ est Sat.terle 1/4/1920. Their children are: Margie Clara, b. 2/4/- 1921 in Lakin, Kan.; Fay Fred, b. 11/22/1922 and d. eleven days later in Kingman, Arizona; Anna May, b. 7/24/1924 at Wall Walla, Wash.; Thomas Roy, b. 11/21/1926 at Eugene, Ore.; Florence Charlotte, b. 5/30/1929 at Dayton, Wash.; Clifford Tines, b. 9/1/1930 at Vancouver, Wash.; Raymond Wallace, b. 1/11/1934 at Roseburg, Ore.; Lucille Dorothy, b. 6/9/1936 at Oakland, Ore.; Earl David, b. 1/17/1938 at Roseburg, Ore. The home of this famiiy is at Roseburg, Ore. Mr. Satterle was a World War soldier, having served eighteen months. Charles Edward, b. 6/23/1906, m. 2/19/1927 to Pearl Violet McVey JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 235

who was b. in Bethany, Mo., 7 /l/19il. Their children are Bettie Charlene, b. 12/3/1927; Doris Darlene, b. 9/5/1931 and James Edward, b. 11/19/1937. Their address is Lakin, Kan. James David, b. 12/28/1908 at Oakley, Kan., d. 4/22/1916 and is buried in Lakin, Kp.n.; Lawrence Richard, b. I0/11/1910 is unmarried and lives with his mother at Dillard, Ore.; Wilber Mildren, b. 8/4/1912; m. 5/6/1934 to Alice Mirea Hayslett, who was b. 3/- 27 /1914 in Deerfield, Kan. Their children are Arlin Wilford, b. Nov. 1934 and Jack Leroy, b. 1/24/1937. Their address is Comas Star Route, Roseburg, Ore. John William, son of Jacob P. and Julia Ann Bedrang, lives at 630 Avon Ave., San Gabriel, California. On 3/31/1912 at Oak­ ley, Kan., hem. a widow-Mrs. Anna M. Varble with a son Al­ fred E. Edgar by a previous marriage. John W. Bedrang owns a chicken ranch. He wishes the best of success with this history. He has lived in and near San Gabriel 15 George Bedrang resides on a farm near Russell Springs, Logan County, Kan. He is a warm, earnest, helpful friend of the his­ tory. He was so for the history that was published in 1909. For the present revised edition he is working with zeal to gather data and to get subscribers for the book. His spirit and devotion and helpfulness are most commendable and helpful in this huge and difficult task. He is worthy of high praise for bis attitude and service. Cousin George never married. He is fighting the good fight of faith as a devoted member of the M. E. Church. In one letter he says: "Cousin Rufus, I realize time is short compared with eternity. By the grace of God I am determined to live a life that will be counted for the glory of Christ. I want to lay many souls at the feet of Christ for the crown of glory, and that at the end of the battle, the Master may say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' " Charles Everett Bedrang, b. 9/19/1876 m. 8/24/1933, Thelma Mary Gable, b. 12/7/1908 at Burlington, Coffee County, Kan. They have a son and daughter: Thelma Charlene, b. 1/- 29/1935; and Charles Everett, Jr., b. 12/15/1935. Charles B. and family reside on the old home farm near Oakley, Logan County, Kan. Elizabeth Bedrang m. Jas. William Owen, b. 2/23/1869 at Lincoln, Nebr., 6/3/1909. They reside at Lakin, Kerney County, Kan. Mr. Owen is street commissioner and has been Chief of Police in Lakin, l(an. 236 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Martha Bedrang, b. in 1883, on 11/28/1909 near Oakley, Kan., m. Jacob Peter Shaffer, b. 3/7/1888 in Glineberg, South Russia. He came to the U. S. with his parents in 1893. In 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer moved to Weiner, Arkansas. In 1916 they returned to Kansas and settled near Mullinville. They resided there till March 1920; then they moved to Billings, Mc..itana, where they have resided ever since. Mr. Shaffer is president and part owner of the Midland Empire Packing Co. of Billings. Their residence is at 101 Cedar Ave. To theru have been born nine children as fol­ lows: Albert Jacob, b. 11/3/1910; Julia Katherine, b. 6/24/1912; Dorothea, b. 7/28/1913; Ruth, b. 9/19/and d. 9/19/1915; Freda Martha, b. 2/16/1917; Carl Vernon, b. 3/30/1919; Florence Isabelle, b. 8/19/1921; Betty Bernice, b. 9/19/1923; and Richard Earl, b. 11/24/1924. Albert J. Shaffer m. 11/9/1930 Helen Mar­ guerite Kriener in Billings, Mont., where they still reside; they have three children: Joyce Marie, b. 5/15/1932; William Albert, b. 6/ 22/1936; and Sharyal Lee, b. 9/9/1937. Julia Katherine Shaffer 6/1/1935 m. John D. Gibb of Billings. Their marriage took place in Spokane, Wash., where the bride was employed in the Federal Land Bank at that time. She had graduated in 1929 in the Billings High School. Dorothea Elizabeth Shaffer gradu­ ated in 1931 from the Billings High School. Her occupation is bookkeeper. Freda Martha Shaffer graduated with the class of 1935 in Billings High School. She is a billing clerk. MICHAEL ZARTMAN, son of Samuel, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 5/9/1814 in Perry County, Ohio. He was a shoemaker by trade. He m. Elizabeth Houtz 9/15/1836. They moved from Perry County, Ohio, to Fountain County, Indiana. They had nine children: Mary Ann, b. 4/27/- 1837, d. 5/21/1837; George William, b. 4/22/1838; Hiram, Cath­ arine, Sarah, David, Solomon, and twins-Anna Maria and Jere­ miah, b. 10/24/1853. Michael d. 10/10/1874 and was buried at Stone Bluffs, Ind. His son George William was m. in 1857 to Anna Brehm, b. in 1838 and d. in 1903; they lived in Perry Co. where their twelve children were born; in 1882 they moved to Payne, Paulding County, Ohio. On 5/2/1864, George Wil­ liam enlisted for service in the Civil War, and was assigned to the 160th Regt., Co. C., Ohio Nat. Guards; he was honorably dis­ charged 9/7/1864, at Zanesville, Ohio. The children of Geo. W. and Anna Zartman are as follows: Samuel M., b. 6/14/1858; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 237

Sarah Catharine, b. 4/23/1860; Levi Franklin, b. 9/26/1861; Joel William, b. 4/29/1863; Saloma Elizabeth, b. 8/27/1865; George Lewis, d. at age of two years; Lydia Ellen, d. aged 18 months; Wesley Adam, b. 3/20/1873; Viola Estella, b. 8/30/- 1875; Homer !Albert, b. 10/27/1877; Anna Maria, b. 11/27/1879; Lemnes Elmer, b. 3/24/1882. Samuel M. Zartman, Payne, 0., was a day laborer; hem. Frances Cornelia Overmeyer 9/4/1881; they belong to the M. E. Church; their children are: Bessie Bell, b. 9/18/1882; William Franklin, b. 1/29/1884; Mary Edith, b. 2/21/1888, d. 2/15/1897; John Gilbert, b. 6/26/1890; Margaret Ann, b. 12/22/1895. Bessie Bell Zartman m. Frank Benton, machinist, 6/25/1900; they resided at Truman, Arkansas, and had three children: Harry, b. 9/12/1901, d. 12/22/1901; Leona, b. 9/15/1902; and Eva, b. 9/13/1904. Wm. Franklin Zartman m. Bertha Harden 3/12/1904; they lived at Payne, Ohio, and had two daughters: Gladys, b. 5/18/1906; and Marie, b. 7/8/- 1908. Sarah Catharine Zartman m. Oliver Guysinger at Payne, Ohio, 9/30/1886. They have nine children: Sarah Ellen, b.8/18/- 1887, d. 5/14/1888; Myrtle May, b. 1/12/1889, d. 3/28/1908; Anna Mariah, b. 5/16/1890, d. 8/21/1890; Savilla, b. 8/21/1891; Albert Addison, b. 7/28/1893; Pearl Ramen, b. 5/26/1895; Harry Lester, b. 1/14/1897; George William, b. 10/10/1901; Floyd, b. 7/16/1903, d. 8/30/1903. Myrtle May m. D. Wayne Greenwood 6/15/1907. Their daughter is Lois Myrtle, b. 3/18/1908. Levi Franklin Zartman, Payne, Ohio, m. Amelia Bubsean 2/10/1894. Their children are: Lydia Ellen, b. 2/18/1895; and George Wm., b. 6/12/1898. Joel Wm. Zartman m. and moved to Popejoy, Iowa. Salome Elizabeth Zartman m. Ira Franklin Frasier, a carpenter, 12/24/1883, at Payne, Ohio. They are Methodists and have two children: Ida Florence, b. 10/11/1886; and Joel William, b. 6/29/1892. Joel W. Frasier m. Ida Christine Fred­ ericks 11/22/1910. Their children are seven: Marcell Franklin, b. 12/2/1911; Raymond Frederick, b. 4/12/1913; Leroy Vernon, b. 9/24/1916; Roena Elizabeth, b. 12/14/1918; Herbert William, b. 2/6/1920; Joel Wm. Jr., b. 4/24/1922; Nadine Florence, b. 7/5/1925. Mrs. Joel W. Frasier d. 6/26/1931. Id'L Florence Frasier m. Fred J. Toyer 1/25/1902, at Payne, Ohio. They have a daughter, Cecilia May, b. 8/6/1903, whom. Frank Wolfe 11/- 13/1925; they have a son, Wallace David, b. in 1933; they reside in Cosmopolis, Washington. Mr. I. F. Fra.<1ier d. 7/23/1928 and 238 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Mrs. Toyer d. 7/16/1928. Marcell Franklin Frasier m. Grace Eleanor Kernes 9/15/1934. They have a son and daughter: Mar­ cell, Jr., b. 2/3/1935; and Roelle Darlene, b. 4/5/1937. Ray­ mond Frederick m. Lillie Marie Steele 11/2/1913. They have three children: Raymond, Jr., b.4/29/1914; and d. on same day; Bettie Marie, b. 4/6/1935 and d. 4/10/1936; James Wm., b. 2/- 1/1937. Wesley Adam Zartman is a farmer near Payne, Ohio. Hem. Laura Gibson and they have six children: Asa Thurston, b. 2/- 28/1894; Rebecca Olive, b. 12/13/1896; William Ha.rel, b. 2/13/- 1899; Luie Emmet, b. 11/24/1901; Agatha Bell, b. 2/22/1903; and Cecil Emil, b. 9/3/1906. Homer Albert Zartman operates a restaurant in Payne, Ohio. He m. Mary Elizabeth Overmeyer, b. 11/28/1882 on 12/13/1902. To them were b. 15 children: Harry Ephraim, b. 9/18/1904; Cora Marguerite, b. 10/9/1906; Gilbert Franklin, b. 7/23/1908; Ruby Lucile, b. 11/29/1909; Ruth Elizabeth, b. 8/10/1911; Isabella Devon, b. 7/31/1913; Lela May, b. J.2/18/1915, d. 8/21/1917; Babe, b. 12/3/1916, d. 12/4/1916; Albert Paul, b. 3/7/1917; Helen Saloma, b. 2/3/1918; Eva.rd Earl, b. 4/8/1920; Naomi Nell, b. 6/6/1022; Beulah Le-­ nore, b. 9/24/1924; William, b. 1/3/1927; Catherine Anne, b. 10/6/1928, d. 10/27/1928. The marriages in this family have been as follows: Harry E. Zartman m. Floetta May Gorman 6/2/1924 at Hillsdale, Mich. His wife was born 3/18/1907. They reside at 610 E. Jefferson St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Their child is: Mary Margaret, b. 8/'1.5/- 1925 at Payne, Ohio. Cora M. Zartman m. Guy Franklin Mc­ Pherson 6/9/1924 at Coldwater, Mich. He was b. 3/16/1904. The McPherson children are three: Guy Franklin, b. 7/27/1925; Emma Elizabeth, b. 5/29/1927; and Anna Pauline, b. 6/9/1929. Gilbert Franklin Zartman m. Edna Gertrude Warner, b. at Hicks­ ville, Ohio, 11/1/1910, on 6/21/1928. They have four children: Dorothy Marie, b. 4/27/1929; Homer Albert, b. 5/27/1931; James Franklin, b. 12/9/1934; Eleanor Lee, b. 5/18/1937. Ruby Lucile Zartman m. 1926 Ralph Miller at Paulding, Ohio. They have three children: Erma Loretta Miller, b. 4/29/1927; Mary Ann Miller, b. 3/11/1929; James Homer Miller, b. 3/10/· 1930. Ruth Elizabeth Zartman m. John Latimer 8/9/1930 at Payne, Ohio. Their children are three: John Latimer, Jr., b. 7 /• 4/1932, d. on same day; John Herbert Latimer, b. 1/13/1934; JACOB ZARTMAN AND F.u,fiLY 239

Harry Edward Latimer, b. 5/10/1936. Isabella Devon Zartman, m. James Henry Crawford, b. 3/18/1907, on 8/18/1929. They have a daughter named Harriet Alveretta Crawford, b. 2/10/- 1932; another named Mildred Isabella Crawford, b. 4/24/1935; and a son nam~d Melvin Henry Crawford, b: 5/16/1937. Helen Saloma Zartman in Aug. 1933 m. Paul Hook of Payne, Ohio. They have a son and two daughters: Thos. Albert, b. 6/30/1934; Bonnie Jean, b. 11/23/1935; Carolyn Gertrude, b. 1/16/1938. Viola Estella Zartman, daughter of George William, was b. 8/- 30/1875; she m. Frank Pemberton, a farmer at Payne, Ohio. They have three children: Freddie Scott, b. 9/9/1896; Edith Eliz­ abeth, b. 2/3/1898; and Theodore, b. 3/20/1902. Freddie Scott Pemberton m. Myrtle Vance, living in Fort Wayne, Ind. Edith Elizabeth Pemberton m. in 1917 Ralph Eagleson. To them two sons were born, viz.: Edward and Gerald Eagleson. When Gerald was nine days old his mother died. Theodore Pemberton m. in 1922 Gladys Treece. To this union were born four children: Richard, Robert, Phyllis Jean who died in infancy, and Jimmey Dale; the three who survive live in Fort Wayne, Ind. The Pem­ bertons are Methodists. Anna Maria Zartman, daughter of Michael, m. Corill Hughes 4/3/1898; their children are eight: Nancy Ella, b. 7/26/1899; Lemness, b. 12/16/1901; William, b. 12/17/1903; Francis, b. 2/27/1903; Albert, b. 3/13/1906, d. 8/29/1908; Eva, b. 7 /14/- 1910, d. 3/29/1912; Paul R., b. 6/28/1913; Corill, Jr., b. 10/29/- 1915. The Hughes family has as its Post Office, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, R. R., and they live about 9 miles from town. Nancy Ella Hughes m. 12/12/1917 Walter Whittaker. They have seven children: Anna Generva, b. 12/18/1918, and m. Wayne Imbody 6/10/1939; Clara Olive, b. 2/18/1919; Walter, Jr., b.10/24/1921; Kenneth, b. 12/26/1923; Robert, b.11/6/1926; Nancy Ella Whit­ taker, b. 8/4/1935; Alma Jean, b. 2/2/1937. Lemness Hughes and wife, May, were married 3/29/1929, and have two children: Lois, b. 5/5/1930; and Dale, b. 9/18/1932. William Hughes and wife, Gladys, m. 8/9/1930, and have three children: Rfohard, b. 4/20/1932; Phyllis, b. 3/13/1933, and Barbara, b. 11/16/1938. The Hughes are of Scotch-Irish descent. Lemness Elmer Zartman m. Zula Toyer 4/1/1902, and lives at Duvall, Wash. Their children are: Ellen, Leota (a boy), and Viola. 240 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Mary Ann Zartman, daughter of Michael, b. 4/27/1837, d. 5/21/1837. Hiram Zartman, son of Michael, was b. 2/21/1840, and d. 11/14/1846. Catherine Zartman, daughter of Michael, was b. 11/10/1842. On 3/10/1859, she m. Philip Shelly; they had nine children all born in Fountain County, Ind.: Mary Catharine, b. 11/4/1862; Sarah Alice, b. 4/6/1864; David Solomon, b. 7/8/1866; Eliza­ beth Selona, Emiline, Hulda Jane, Ella May, Rosie Ellen; and Jerry Miletus, b. 5/7/1882. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shelly are de­ ceased; she d. 2/19/1901. Sarah Zartman, daughter of Michael, was b. 10/10/1844, and m. Eugene Crane; they lived at Topeka, Kan., and had the fol­ lowing children: Edna, John, Della, and Bert Crane. David and Jeremiah, sons of Michael, write their name Zort­ man. David was b. 4/15/1848; he lived at Rodney, Monona Co., Iowa; his children are Dora, Hubert, Lena, and Alma. Whiting, Iowa, is the address of Hubert Zortman. Solomon Zartman, son of Michael, was b. 9/4/1850; he lived at Fowler, Meade Co., Kan., and had the following children: Clara, Grace, Herbert, Orval, and Dimple. Annie Marie Zartman, daughter of Michael, was b. 10/24/- 1853; she m. Miletus Button, 3/19/1874. They lived on a farm at Rodney, Iowa; their children are as follows: Elizabeth Kath­ arine, William Berten, Mary Florence, and Clifford Balsor. Eliz­ abeth K. Button d. 12/17/1877, and William B. Button d: 4/- 3/1882. Jeremiah Zortman, son of Michael Zartman, was b. 10/24/- 1853; he is a twin brother of Mrs. Anna Marie Button. Jere­ miah is a farmer at Mapleton, Iowa. On 2/24/1874, be m. Mary E. Kinneer; they moved to Iowa in. 1884, and have seven child­ ren, as follows: Nancy E., b. 1/26/1875; twins, Christie T. and Mary C., b. 3/19/1879; Jerry, b. 9/20/1886; Elmer, b. 8/18/- 1888; Lucette, b. 11/23/1894; Samuel, b. 4/4/1896. Nancy E. Zortman m. Noah Michaels, and has a daughter, BeBBie. Mary C. Zortman m. W. H. Conley; their children are as follows: Henry, Floyd, Frank, Roy, Marie, Perry, and Avery. Jerry Zortman, of Mapleton, Iowa, kindly gave us information about his own family, and about his sisters and brothers. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 241

JOHN ZARTMAN, son of Samue], Sen., son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of AJexander I, was b. in Perry County, Ohio, 7/12/1816. He was a. gunsmith by trade and a marksman of rare skill. The writer went with him one spring morning on a hunt for grey squirrels, and in,Jess than two hours be had kilJed a dozen, and shot every one through the bead with a sma11 bullet. The writer then was a boy ten years old and the dozen squirrels were a heav­ ier Joad than I cared to carry. Cousin John asked me to take the game to our house and tell my mother to cook them for dinner. This was gladJy done, and mother gave us a most deJicious squir­ rel pot-pie. John Zartman m. Margaret Ridenour 11/30/1837. They and their family were Lutheran. Their ten children were: Noah, b. 8/28/1840; Henry, b. 7/18/1841; Margaret, b. 5/17/- 1844; Daniel, b. 8/5/1845; Isabelle, b. 10/29/1847; EmaJine; Leah, b. 1/25/1853; Allen, b. 10/20/1855; Amanda, b. 8/23/- 1861; A daughter, died as inf. This family lived in Somerset, Ohio, the home of Genera] Phil. Sheridan. Margaret Ridenour Zartman d. 2/22/1896; she and her husband are buried in Som­ erset. N oab Zartman was a soldier in our Civil War two years and eleven months, in Co. K, 126th 0. V. I. On 6/16/1868 be m. Sarah Catharine Kuhns, who d. 3/5/1900. They had a daugh­ ter, Mary Ellen, and a son, WilJiam, both b. in Somerset. Mary Ellen Zartman m. Alva Carter, and lived at Dela.ware, Ohio. They have a daughter, Blanche, b. 5/12/1893. Wil1iam Zartman lived at Byesville, Ohio; m. and has a son, Floyd Zartman, b. 8/15/1902. Henry Zartman was a day laborer, and lived in Somerset, Ohio, He was in the Civil War almost three years, and served in Co. K, 126th 0. V. I. On 12/26/1867 he m. Sarah Catharine, b. 9/10/1844, and d. 9/3/1909 after patient suffering for 15 years. Henry d. 2/13/1923, and both are buried in Somerset. Their children are: Amer, b. 9/7/1869; Anna, b. 10/13/1871; and Bert, b, 3/27/1875. Anna Zartman m. Simon Starkey 12/29/1895, and d. 7/26/1896. Bert Zartman m. Grace Saxton in 1912, and they have 3 sons: Fred, b. 4/30/1916; Walter Myron, b. 3/4/1919; and Albert, b. 3/2/1923. On 3/22/1941 Walter Zartman m. Ruth Claire Montgomery, of Columbus, Ohio. Walter is in Lee, Virginia. 242 Tm: ZAR'l'MAN FAMILY

Daniel Zartman entered the Civil War in 1863, served in Co. K, 126th Reg. 0. V. I. and was honorably discharged 6/15/1865. On 5/15/1884 be m. Matilda Turner, who was b. 2/28/1862, and d. 12/17/1898. On 4/16/1901 hem. Anna Billingsley, b. 8/15/- 1865. By his first wife he had seven children: Raymond, b. 8/- 17 /1887; Ellen, b. 1/27/1889, m. Roy Pitcher and bas a son, Charles; Carl, b. 1/21/1892 and lives in Battle Creek, Mich,. c/o American Legion Hospital; Florence, b. 4/17/1894, and lives in Toledo, Ohio, at 15 10th St.; Charley, b. 9/28/1896, m. 4/25/ 1925 Agnes Bertram Saunders, b. 4/26/1897. They have two sons: Robert Eugene, b. 2/10/1931; and Charles Joseph, b. 10/- 10/1932; and live in New Lexington, Ohio. Harry, b. 7/10/1898; and a son who died as infant. Raymond Zartman, son of Daniel, had nine children: Harold, Lester, Paul Kenneth, Robert, Carl, Helen Frances, Delbert, Clarence, and Betty Marie. The family lived on a farm north of Somerset. He and his wife, Martha, both d. in Apr., 1934, and are buried in the Soqierset Lutheran Cemetery. The orphaned child­ ren were well cared for in the Perry County Children's Home in New Lexington, Ohio, and some of the older ones are already married and have homes of their own. Daniel Zartman's five younger children were reared in the Wernle Orphans' Home at Richmond, Ind. Harry Zartman, b. in 1898, m. 7/3/1919 Ros­ ella Mary Busseu, b. 5/22/1898 in Richmond, Ind., and they have seven children: Evelyn, b. 5/7/1920, and employed as a beauty operator; Virginia Rose, b. 9/14/1922, graduated 6/11/- 1940 and was at the head of her class in stenography in Richmond High School; Marilyn Jean, b. 2/6/1925; Robert Francis, b. 9/- 26/1926, d. 12/29/1927; Joan Marie, b. 12/7/1928; Roselyn Hilda, b. 11/15/1930; Vera Ruth, b. 2/29/1933. This family resides at 430 S. 10th St., Richmond, Ind. Mrs. Harry Zartman and Miss Virginia did liberal and skillful typing of family history. Isabelle Zartman, daughter of John, m. Robert Chilcote and lived at Leonard, Ohio. Their children were Jessie, Cora, and Herman. The mother and Cora are deceased. Ernaline Zartman m. George Smith. Their children were Allen, Rilla, Eva, Earl, and Nellie; only Eva has survived. Eva Smith m. Stephen Stevenson. Leah Zartman m. Thomas Buchanan, and lived at Murray City, Ohio. Their children are eight: Nettie, b. 9/11/1875; Harry, b. 1/17/1877; Walter, b. 7/13/1883; Clarence, b. 2/14/1886; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 243

Pearl, b. 8/3/1888; Bessie, b. 5/2/1891; Goldie, b. 8/6/1893; and Timmie, d. 2/21/1881, aged 3 mos. The Buchanans were mem­ bers of the U.B. Church. Allen Zartman, son of John, m. 11/2/- 1906 Celia Dumont. He was a farmer near Somerset. Amanda Zartman m. Albert- Barnes, and lived in Columbus, Ohio. They bad two daughters, both deceased: Lucy Alice and Magdalene Laura. SAMUEL ZARTMAN, son of Samuel, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 10/5/1818 in Perry County, Ohio. He was a farmer; be m. Margaret Wilson, and had six children: Nathaniel, b. 8/4/1850, d. 4/30/1901; Amanda, b. 1/15/1852; Charles, b. 4/7/1853, d. 7/29/1902; Laurinda, b. 3/9/1855; Clar­ issa and Cordelia. Samuel Zartman and family moved to Dewitt, Ill., and he d. there 9/28/1871. On 6/14/1876 Amanda Zart­ man m. William Henry Baker. They lived at Ludington, Mich., and bad a son Alonzo, b. 10/11/1877. Charles Zartman m. 1/- 17 /1895 Alice Miller. Laurinda Zartman m. in 1884 Mr. Miller, a farmer, who served in the Civil War and d. in 1903. Laurinda Zartman Miller, the widow, moved to McCook, Nebr., and owned a farm in Redwillow County, Neb. Clarissa Zartman m. Mr. Erlenbusch, and lived at Decatur, Ill. Cordelia Zartman m. Sant Turnipseed, and lived at Dewitt, Ill. HENRY ZARTMAN, son of Samuel, son of Henry, Sen., son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 12/28/1820. He was an expert shoemaker; for many years made all the footwear for the writer's parents and family. He m. Anna Mary Swinehart, daughter of Geo. Swinehart and wife Anna Catharine Zartman. They bad ten children: Franklin W., b. 4/1/1842; Catharine, b. 1/18/1844; Christena, b. 12/7/1845; Martha, b. 4/13/1848; Sarah, b. 5/- 20/1850, d. 1/23/1854; Rebecca, b. 1/19/1852; Levi, b. 11/3/ 1853; Isaac, b. 6/30/1855; David, b. 7/7/1858, d. 1/7/1900; Saloma Elizabeth, b. 7/23/1863. The family were Lutheran; they lived in Thorn Twp., Perry Co., Ohio. Henry Zartman d. 2/23/1893. Both he and his wife are buried at Zion Church, Thorn Twp. Franklin W. Zartman m. Susanna Anspach, b. 9/8/1840. He d. 4/27/1883; shed. 11/5/1884. They had the following child­ ren: Delilah, Emma, Adema, Ida, Sarah A., b. 11/15/1878, d. 11/5/1880; and George H., b. 3/11/1882, d. 8/27/1882. Delilah 244

Zartman m. Clarence Lyle, and after her decease Mr. Lyle m. her sister, Adema Zartman; they bad a daughter, Maude, who d. in 1908, aged 20 years, 6 mos., and 1 day. Emma Zartman, now de­ ceased, m. Israel Lyle; they had a daughter, Chloe. Ida Zartman m. 10/6/1889 William C. Rader; their daughter, Ruth Z., was was b. 10/23/1891. Ruth Z. Rader graduated from Thornville High School in 1910, m. Rev. Fred L. Poulson 6/22/1920. He was b. 10/21/1894 at Thornville, Ohio, where he graduated from High School in 1912; graduated from Capital University Semin­ ary in 1920, was ordained 6/20/1920, and is serving in the 12th year of his pastorate of Zion Lutheran Church, Coraopolis, Pa., a town of 10,500 inhabitants. His Church is American Luth­ eran with a membership of 500. Address 1305 State Ave. Catharine Zartman m. 8/25/1863 Solomon D. Snider; they have two children: Anetta, b. 9/23/1864; Clarence Franklin, b. 4/14/1866. She d. 5/4/1902. Arretta Snider m. 6/19/1881 Ru­ fus Calvin Klingl,er; they live at Ada, Ohio. Christena Zartman m. Joseph Ridenour, b. 5/30/1818, and d. 11/20/1885. Their children were: Emma Viola, b. 12/9/1863, d. 1/13/1891; Moses A., b. 6/24/1865, d. 8/1/1880; Thomas, b. 7/14/1869. She d. 6/29/1898; she and her husband and two children are buried at St. Paul's Church, Glenford, Ohio. Their son, Thomas Ridenour, resided on the old homestead. He m. Eva Myers 5/1/1892, and had three children: Hazel, b. 3/22/- 1895; Oscar, b. 11/6/1898; Cloyd, b. 12/6/1904. Thomas Ridt!­ nour died 10/4/1924. Hazel Ridenour m. 8/20/1911 Asa O. Swinehart, and had three children: Wend ell V., Dessie, and Will­ ard. Cloyd Ridenour m. Estella Ridenour, and had two child­ ren: Betty June, and Charles Berwyn. Oscar Ridenour m. Mar­ guerite Dupler, and had a daughter, Olive Ellen. Martha Zartman m. in 1863 George Wirick, who lived at Zanesville, Ohio. She d. 3/25/1873. They had four children: William, Noah, and twin sons who lived only a few days. Re-­ becca Zartman, sister of Martha, became the second wife of George Wirick; they had a son, Allen, who lives at New Lexing­ ton, Ohio. Mrs. Rebecca Wirick d. 5/7/1900. Levi Zartman m. Leah Broceus 9/24/1874. They had two children: Irena Allettie, b. 2/6/1876; and Claudius Pearl, b. 7/- 31/1879. Levi Zartman d. 2/16/1891, at Lafayette, Ohio. Irena J.~COB ZARTMAN AND F AMJLY 245

A. Zartman m. in 1895 Ode Johnson Overfield; they live in Lima, Ohio, and belong to the Lutheran Church. They had two child­ ren: Bessie May, b. 3/1/1896; and Lewis Ellsworth, b. 3/20/1900, d. 5/2/1900. Claudius Pearl Zartman m. 12/31/1899 Nellie Frisinger; they livecl in Lima, Ohio. He d. 3/3/1932, and his wife d. 10/5/1939. Bessie May Overfield m. 11/20/1916 Harold Blair, b. 1/28/1894; they have six children, all living in Lima, Ohio: May Imogene, b. 7/3/1918; Grace Lenore, b. 6/1/1920; Irma Erdene, b. 6/19/1923; Ross Ivan, b. 5/13/1925; Reed Aaron, b. 8/26/1927; Floyd Elden, b. 8/7/1930. Ode J. Overfield was b. 11/5/1876. Isaac Zartman had a general store in Readington, Ohio. He m. 9/13/1877 Susan Catharine Bowman, and they have two children: Anna May, b. 1/18/1881, d. unm. 4/1/1934; and Wal­ lace Vernon, b. 6/13/1885. He d. 10/16/1921; his widow d. 4/- 10/1932; both are buried at New Reading, Ohio. Wallace V. Zartmau graduated from Somerset High School in 1905. His business is buying cream, eggs and poultry. He m. 10/31/1915 BessLentz,graduate ofSomersetHighSchool, 1913. They have two sons: Wallace Edwin, b. J ./14/1918; and Carl Lentz, b. 6/30/1922. Wallace E. Zartman graduated from Somerset High School in 1936, and fromOfficeTraining School in Columbus, Ohio, in 1938, and is employed by the Government in Cincinnati, Ohio. Carl E. Zartman graduated from Somerset High School in 1940, and is employed by the Perry Hardware Co. of Somerset, Ohio. Saloma Elizabeth Zartman m. Martin R. Cooperrider 12/9/- 1883. Their son, Charles L. Cooperrider, b. 6/6/1885, m. 11/- 14/1907 Ethel Courson. Their daughter, Imo Cooperrider, m. Kenneth Gutridge. Their P. 0., Thornville, Ohio. SOLOMON ZARTMAN, son of Samuel, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 11/11/1827. He was a stone mason by trade. He m. Christena Brehm, b. 10/27/1834. Their children were nine: George Washington, b. 10/3/1854; Mary Melzena, b. 3/26/1856, d. 4/29/1881; Samuel Alfred, b. 10/11/1857, d. 2/- 3/1858; Saloma Catharine, b. 11/17/1859; Lewis William, b. 11/11/1861; Harriet Louisa Ellen, b. 12/2/1863; Martha Matilda, b. 2/14/1866; Joshua Foster, b. 4/13/1868; Lilla Ann V., b. 1/19/1873. Solomon Zartman, in 1864, served 100 days in the 246 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Civil War in the 160th Reg., Co. 0,0. V.I. The family, parents and children, were members of the U. B. Church. George Washington Zartman was a farmer at Junction City, Ohio. He m. 7/27/1874 Artamesia Elder, and they were mem• hers of the M. E. Church. He d. 9/25/1889; she d. 1/5/1934. They had the following children: Amy Ruth, b. 7/20/1875; Rama Delrada, b. 2/19/1877; Christena Florence, b. 9/7/1878, d. 7/· 20/1879; Jessie Clementine, b. 7/25/1880; Leodus Prcsston, b. 1/8/1883, d. 5/18/1891; Levi Enos, b. 12/2/1884; Eva May, b. 6/7/1886; Roscoe Macy, b. 4/10/1888; Ella Josephine, b. 11/· 24/1890. Amy Ruth Zartman m. 11/23/1893 Thomas Jefferson Middaugh. They lived at Carthon, Ohio, and had the following children: Prudi Ruth, b.12/4/1891; Levi Leonard, b. 7/21/1893; David Floyd, b. 10/5/1894; Ida Rozetta, b. 1/24/1895; George Washington, b. 10/14/1899; Flossie Fay, b. 3/2/1900; Rozella Percilla, b. 8/19/1902; Wilson William, b. 2/5/1904; Stella May, b. 4/17/1906. Mr. Middaugh d. 8/10/1924. Jessie Clementine Zartman, m. 10/31/1897 Alfred Hill, Somerset, Ohio; she d. 5/• 17 /1906. Roscoe Macy Zartman m. 9/9/1909 Anna E. Young, and they reside in Somerset, Ohio. Their children are: Mildred Irene, b. 10/20/1910; Helen L., b. 1/23/1912; James Edwr,rd, b. 9/13/1918, and George William, b. 2/3/1920. Mildred I. Zartman graduated from Somerset High School in 1928. Helen L. Zart. man graduated from the same high school in 1931, and m. 11/· 26/1931 Willis S. George; they reside in Lancaster, Ohio. Saloma Catharine Zartman m. 4/15/1886 David Binckley, b. 1/30/1865. They lived on a farm at Bremen, Ohio, and belonged to the U. B. Church. They had two children: Effie, b. 1/27/1887; and Owen, b. 8/12/1888. Mrs. Binckley d. 6/14/1937. Lewis William Zartman is a farmer at Junction City, Ohio. He m. 12/11/1888 Margaret E. Marlowe, who d. in Dec. 1940. She had fallen down stairs fracturing her skull which caused her death. They were members of the U. B. Church. They have two sons, Sherman E., b. 9/27/1889, and Solomon F., b. 10/4/1891; and a daughter, Mrs. Lesta Moore, Lakewood, Ohio. Sherman E. Zartman m. 5/8/1915 Cecila R. Sweeney; address 888 Bright. on Blv'd, Zanesville, Ohio. Solomon F. Zartman migrated to New Mexico, and was employed by the Standard Oil Co. at Tam• pico, N. M., where he was killed by accident, a timber from a JACOB ZARTMAN AND FA?tllLY 247 derrick striking him on the head. His body was brought home for interment 4/5/1926. His age was 35 years. Harriet Louisa Ellen Zartman m. Joel Milton .Householder; they belong to the -q. B. Church, and have two children: Earley Foster, b. 2/25/1888; and Dollie Golden, b. 9/4/1890. Their grandchild is Lue Ella Grace Householder, b. 8/27/1907. The Householders reside at Carthon, Ohio. Martha Matilda Zartman m. 3/14/1889 John Herman Henry, at Junction City, Ohio. Their children are five: Rozetta Jose­ phine, b. 1/21/1890; Christena Viola, b. 6/18/1892; Robert Howard, b. 7/4/1897; Jas: Dewey, b. 8/4/1898, and Sterley Frank, b. 1/24/1902. Joshua Foster Zartman, b. 4/13/1868 is a farmer at Bremen, Ohio. Hem. 7/3/1894 Jessie Leach, b. 3/26/1874; they belong to the U. B. Church, and have four children: Charles Wesley, b. 4/8/1895; William Stanley, b. 7/17/1897; Anna Lillian, b. 10/- 11/1900; Francis Arthur, b. 12/2/1908. Anna Lillian Zartman m. 12/31/1921 Edgar Day. Sons Wesley and William in 1928 moved from Marion, Ohio, down into Texas. Chas. Wesley Zartman m. 10/28/1921 Helen N. Allen, b. 10/28/1899. Their children all are living with their parents at Smithfield, Texas: Helen Claire, b. 9/22/1922; Wilma Jane, b. 8/11/1924; Wendell Charles, b. 8/11/1924; Betty Lil­ lian, b. 1/22/1926; Cara Lee, b. 9/3/1927; Glenna Maxine, b. 6/5/1929; Billie Charline, b. 5/15/1931; Olin Allen, b. 9/20/1935, and Shear! Kay, b. 12/29/1936. Jessie Leach Zartman is a grad­ uate from High School at Thurston, Ohio, took a year in a Teach­ ers' training course at Huntington College in Indiana, and taught school two years prior to her marriage. Charles Wesley Zartman received academic training in Huntington College, Indiana, fin­ ishing with a number of advance credits; attended Ohio State University and later had another year in Huntington College. In 1918 he had a very painful accident with a com husking mach­ ine practically losing the use of his left hand. After recovery he took up work at draf.ting which he had studied at Ohio State University and secured a professional Engineer's License in the State of Texas. He is now with the Rector Well Equipment Com­ pany of Fort Worth, Texas, in charge of the manufacturing of oil field equipment, the particular line being casing and tubing 248 Tmn ZARTMAN F AMtLY

heads. This family resides at Smithfield on twelve acres twelve miles from Fort Worth, and they drive back and forth daily. Lilla Ann V. Zartman m. 1/13/1894 George L. Maffit, b. 10/- 14/ 1868, a farmer at Carthon, Ohio. Their children are four: Myrtle, b. 10/27/1894, d. 7/2/1895; Ica, b. 1896; Nellie, b. 1898; and Julia Marie, b. 1902. SIMON ZARTMAN, b. 11/24/1833, was a son of Samuel, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I. He was a farmer in Perry County, Ohio. He m. Sarah J. Williams, and had eight children: Charles, b. 4/10/1858; Marion (a boy) b. 8/23/1859, d. 9/19/1861; Mary, b. 5/12/1862, d. 6/13/1863; Elmer E., b. 3/- 11/1863; Alice, b. 2/27/1865; Thomas J., b. 2/6/1868; Harry A., b. 5/14/1870; Nora, b. 5/23/1872. Simon Zartman d. 6/4/1905. Charles Zartman lived in Denver, Colo., married, and had a son, Carl J. Mother and son are deceased, and Charles has not been heard from. Elmer E. Zartman was an engineer on the F. & P.R. R. and lived at Mosley's Junction, Powhatan Co., Va. He m. 3/7/1888 Dora F. Noble, and bad three sons: John Raymond, b. 12/13/- 1888; Charles Homer, b. 8/8/1891; William Elsworth, b. 2/1/- 1896. Elmer Zartman d. 8/11/1897; his widow m. William It. Childress 1/3/1906, and d. 4/10/1941 in Virginia.. J. Raymond Zartman is a machinist at the Naval Operating Base Norfolk, Va. Hem. 6/17/1914 Annie Lillnette DuVal. They have three children: Lillnette Friend, b. 8/25/1917; J. Raymond, Jr., b. 11/2/1920; Elmer Noble, b. 6/29/1931. He and his family were Methodists. Lillnette Friend Zartman graduated from Norview High School 6/9/1934,and completed a Junior Secretarial Course at Norfolk Business College in Oct. 1935. She m. 9/4/1937 Louis Kenneth Hiller; they are members of the Lutheran Church. They have a son, Louis Kenneth, Jr., b.' 3/24/1940. J. Ray­ mond Zartman, Jr., graduated from Norview High School, 6/10/1939; is now employed in the Norfolk Navy Ya.rd. Charles Homer Zartman is a barber, and lives at Powhatan Court House, Powhatan County, Va.. He m. 11/18/1914 Ollie Mitchell, who d. 9/7/1915; also infant son d. Charles Zartman served in the World War for its duration as a Marine. On 10/- 23/1919, be m. Anita. Peterson. They attend the M. E. Church. They had two children: Ollie Anita., b. 9/7/1920, d. 2/4/1Q24; THREE ZARTMAN BROTHERS OF NORFOLK, VA. Back Row: John Raymond and wife Lillnette; Charles H. and wife Anita; Elsworth and wife Grace Edith Front Row: Elmer and Raymond, Jr., sons of John R.; Homer,son of Charles H.; Ann and Ruth, daughters of Elsworth


Homer Hamilton, b. 11/19/1937, weighing only 25 ounces, and lived in an incubator for five months. He is now fine and strong in 1941. . Wm. Elsworth Zartman is a bus driver for the county school system in Powhatan County, and lives at Mosley's P. 0., Pow­ hatan Co., Va. Hem. 12/19/1925 Grace Elith Markham. They have two daughters: Ruth Marie, b. 12/10/1926; Ann Elizabeth, b. 4/1/1930. Elsworth Zartman served in the 54th Infantry of the Sixth Division for several months, seeing active duty in many battles of the World War. Alice Zartman, daughter of Simon, m. Amoe G. Conrad 4/8/- 1886 at Somerset, Ohio. They are Lutherans. Their children are: John L., b. 6/26/1887; David H., b. 1/31/1889; George W., b. 9/27/1890; Mary L., b. 2/24/1895; an infant daughter, d. 12/- 15/1907. Mrs. Alice Conrad d. in Columbus, Ohio, 1/1/1941. Nora Zartman by adoption became Nora Chilcote; on 6/14/- 1897 she graduated from High School in Somerset, Ohio. She is Methodist. Thomae J. Zartman was a tinner by trade; he graduated from High School in Somerset, Ohio, 0/12/1887. He m. 12/3/- 1891 Jennie Flewelling; d. 2/20/1898, and his widow was living in Newark, Ohio. Harry A. Zartman was adopted 5/9/1877 by Geo. W. and Emma E. Randolph at New Lexington, Ohio, and his name, therefore, was changed to Harry A. Randolph. He was a carpen­ ter. He m. 6/21/1896 Lydia R. Rarrick; they had a eon, Charles Walter, b. 6/24/1897, and resided in New Lexington, Perry County, Ohio. Harry A. Randolph became the victim of the Flu in 1935 and d. 2/1/1936; was buried in New Lexington, Ohio. Hie life and character are highly praised by those who knew him best. His son, Charles Randolph, was gassed in the World War. Hem. 5/18/1921 Grace Owens, and resides at 526 Fallis Road, Columbus, Ohio. Chapter VI


MICHAEL ZARTMAN, son of Henry, son of Jo.cob, son of Alex­ ander I, was born in Northumberland County, Pa., probably in the year 1772. In Sept., 1803, Henry Zartman, his father, made bis will and in it mentioned Michael, the last, and said he was de­ ceased, but had two sons, Henry and Michael, who should re­ ceive their father's portion of the estate. Henry, in his will, also states that Michael's widow, Catharine Zartman, is intermarried with Daniel Kobel. F"om Court records at Sunbury, Pa., we learn that Michael died in 1799; papers of administration were taken out 12/7/1799. If Michael was 21 when he married, then he was 27 when he died, and, accordingly, his birth would have been in 1772. Michael's son, Henry, was b. 12/21/1795; and we believe that bis son, Mfohael, was younger and born possibly in 1797. Michael Zartman, Sen., m. Catharine Frederica Emerich. To this union were born two sons: John Henry, b. Dec. 21, 1795; and Michael, b. probably in 1797. They lived in Northumber­ land County, Pa., where Michael, Sen., d. in 1799. Some time prior to Sept., 1803, Michael's widow, Cn.tharine F. Zartman, married Daniel Kobel, and they moved to Franklin township, Allegheny County, Pa. They took with them into Allegheny county the two little boys, John Henry and Michael Zartman, sons of Michael, Sen. There these boys grew up. John Henry, as far as we can learn, never back East, but moved into Butler County, Pa., and from there into Adams County, Ohio. His brother, Michael, however, returned to the place of his na­ tivity in Northumberland County. Except for the will of grand­ father Henry Zartman it might have been impossible to connect John Henry and Michael Zartman with Alexander I.

JOUN HENRY ZARTMAN AND FAMILY JoBN HENRY ZARTMAN, son of Michael, son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was born in Northumberland County, Pa. His certificate of birth and baptism, 114 years old, was found in the possession of a grandson, John Henry Hornbeck, of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Hornbeck kindly sent us this certificate, and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAIIIILY 251

from it we copy the following: "To the husband anrl ,. ife, Michael Zartman and his wedded wife, Catharine Frederic,. •,, nee Emer­ ich, a son, John Henry, was born in the year of our Lord Jesus 1795, on the 21st of December, at 6 o'clock in the morning, in the constellation of Capricorn. God give grace, power and strength, that this John Henry may grow up in the fear of the praise and honor of the Lord. Baptized by Pastor Geiseweit, preacher and servant of the Word. This John Henry was born and baptized in America, in the State of Pennsylvania, in North­ umberland Co., in Mahanoy township. Witness of baptism: John Henry Zartman, unmarried." This sponsor was an uncle of baby John Henry, and in the year 1811 moved to Perry County, 0. John Henry Zartman and his family became wholly isolated from all the rest of the Zartman relationship; they became a lost tribe; but the historian providentially found this large and interesting clan, and its members scattered from Penn­ sylvania to the Pacific Coast. He was a carpenter by trade. He married a woman named Margaret Shaffer, nicknamed "Peggy." They moved into Butler County, Pa., and there all of their eight children were born to them, as follows: A boy whose name is thought to have been Michael, who on his way to school one spring morning fell into a stream of water, called "Breakneck," and drowned; Mary Ann, b. 1818; William, b.1/17/1819; Isaac, b. 11/25/1820; John; Catharine Ann, b. 12/8/1824; George, b. 5/18/1826; James. In April 1830, John Henry and Michael Zartman conjointly sold a piece of land in Lower Mahanoy township to George Shaf­ fer; in the deed for this land John Henry and Margaret, his wife, arc said to reside in Butler County, Pa., and John Henry is called n carpenter. In Mar. 1830, Michael Zartman, Jr., bought a piece of land in Lower Mahanoy township; in the deed Michael is called a teamster, and a rllSident of Northumberland County, Pa. John Henry Zartman was not contented in Butler County, and therefore derided to go farther west. He and his wife and their children, except Mary Ann and William, took a boat at or near Pittsburgh, and steamed down the Ohio river in quest of a new home. This was in the year 1841. They located in Adams County, Ohio, near Rome and West Union. He used to say he had only fifty cents left when they reached their destination. There in Adams County, Jefferson township, be bought a small farm, and 252 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY named it "Greenbrier," and the place still bears the name. Here be engaged in farming, worked some at his trade, and also con­ ducted a general country store. He was evidently a thrifty, in­ dustrious and prosperous man. Either in 1865 or 1868 he died, and is buried on the "Greenbrier" farm; his wife, Margaret, died some years later, and is buried by bis side. Henry Scott, the ad­ ministrator of John Henry Zartman's estate, is still living, and gave us much valuable information; he writes: "I am now 70 years old. I knew John Henry Zartman from my boyhood. He came from Pa." Mary Ann Zartman, 2/22/1841, m. John Wallace, b. 11/5/- 1815. They lived for a couple of years in Adams County, Ohio, and then returned to Allegheny County, Pa. Five children were born to them, all now deceased: Margaret Ann, b. 12/27/1841; Mary Jane, b. 4/13/1843; William Henry, b. 1845, d. 1862; Emma L., b. 12/19/1847; James, b. 4/26/1849. John Wallace d. 3/20/1859; bis wife, Mary Ann Zartman Wallace, d. 3/21/- 1860, and both are buried' at Mars, Pa. They belonged to the U. P. Church. Margaret Ann Wallace married twice: (1) William John Pinkerton, 9/21/1861; (2) Robert Craig Stewart, 4/1/1869. Mr. Pinkerton died in 1862. They had a daughter, Ella, b. 6/- 22/1862. On 8/8/1902 Ella Pinkerton m. Wm. H. Blair. They resided at Vernon, Colo., then on a stock farm at Gladwyn, Iowa, where the historian met them; now for some years they have been living in Davenport, Iowa, at 922 E. Central Park Ave. They have a daughter, Dorothy Marie, b. 2/2/1913. On 2/24/- 1937 Dorothy M. Blair m. John Wade Bamert and they reside in St. Louis. In her second marriage Margaret Wallace Pinkerton Stewart had three sons: Chas. Wallace, b. 3/19/1870; Harry Sample, b. 11/3/1872, and John Alvin, b. 8/27/1877. She lived five years on a claim at Vernon, Colo., and d. 3/8/1934, aged 93 yrs., she is buried at McCausland, Iowa. She and her family were Meth­ odists. Chas. W. Stewart is a farmer near Clarence, Mo. On 3/- 19/1903 hem. Margaret S. Geesey, b. 4/24/1864 in Pennsylvania. They had three children: Jonathan Harold, b. 12/10/1904; twins, Margaret Lucile and Harriet Artile, b. 12/29/1906. Jonathan H. Stewart m. 6/15/1932 Nola Hummer, and they have a daugh­ ter. Margaret L. Stewart m. 9/2/1927 Kenneth Blacker, and they live at Newton, Iowa. They have three children: Betty Jane, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 253

Barbara Ann, and Beverly May. Harriet Artile Stewart m. 4/- 28/1938 George Shores and they live in Newton, Iowa. Harry S. Stewart lives in Davenport, Iowa. Harry has a son, .Orville Merritt, b. 2/5/1907. Dr.• Jno. Alvin Stewart d. 1/25/1918. Mary Jane Wallace married twice: (1) 11/30/1870, to Lewis Hansell; (2) 12/10/1878, to William McConnell. Mr. Hansell served three years in the Civil War in the 24th Iowa Regt.; he was killed on a railroad in 1875. Mrs. McConnell is a U. P. She resided at McCausland, Iowa, where her husband engaged in farming. Emma L. Wallacem.3/29/1860,John Dunlap, whowasafarmer, but now deceased; and resided at Moline, Kan. Mrs. Dunlap was a Presbyterian. She was the mother of six children: James A., b. 3/16/1867, d. 8/2/1867; Mary L., b. 4/30/1868; Clark D., b. 11/15/1870, d. 8/2/1872; Alton J. C., b. 3/28/1873, d. 10/10/- 1887; Hattie L., b. 8/5/1876; Charles, twin brother of Hattie L., d. 5/11/1877. Mary L. Dunlap m. Mr. Elting; they lived at Moline, Kan., and Hattie L. Dunlap m. 0. L. Hutchings; they resided in Chicago, and have two children: Van Vectin, b. 2/13/- 1888; and Roma Fern, b. 11/13/1890. James Wallace married Margaret Dunlap in 1870; they lived at Jameson, Wash. John Henry Zartman's sons changed the spelling of the name by substituting an o. Hence they write the name Zortman, and we shall use the name as they are writing it. Albert V. Zortman, of Pittsburgh,in a letter to us says: "Our great grandfather and grandfather both spelled their names Zartman; the spelling evi­ dently was changed by grandfather's children." This is true, and it is a singular fact that only one of this family can explain why or how this erroneous spelling came into vogue. (See under son Isaac.) William Zortman, son of John Henry Zartman, was born in 1819; he was a farmer in Allegheny County, Pa. On 11/25/1841, hem. Hannah Wallace. In 1843 William took his wife and son John down the Ohio river into Adams County, where his father was living; there two sons, George and James H., were born to them; then they came back again into Allegheny County, where they remained to the end of their days on earth. William d. 11/- 17 /1896, andhis wifed. 3/21/1898. The children ofWilliamand Hannah Zortman were as follows: John, b. 2/6/1843, d. 1/6/1852; 254 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

George, b. 11/11/1844; James H., b. 12/18/1846; Lewis, b. 3/- 12/1851, d. 1/12/1852; William L., b. 3/3/1853; David A., b. 3/5/1855; Margaret, b. 3/9/1858; Eliza Ellen, b. 8/22/1860; Albert V., b. 11/13/1862; Nancy Ann, b. 10/22/1865. George Zortman m. Catharine Anna Black 1/21/1869. Their children are: Mary Ada, b. 11/24/1869; and William Noble, b. 3/7/1878. He lived at Avalon, Pa.; and was for many years en­ gaged in the real estate business in Pittsburg, later worked with his son, who is an architect. He d. 7/20/1922, and his wife d. 1/30/1933; both are buried in Highwood Cemetery, Pittsburg. Mary Ada Zortman m. 10/15/1895 Edward A. Hess, real estate broker. They belong to the Presbyterian Church, and reside at 1904 Morrell St., N. S., Pittsburg, Pa. Their children are: Earl B., b. 9/4/1896; and Marion Kathryn, b. 10/16/1901. Earl B. Hess graduated from High School in Pittsburg, and attended Business College in New York. He spent two years in France during the World War with the 15th Engineers. Hem. 9/18/1923 Marjorie Lightner. Earl is in business with his father. Kathryn Hess graduated from Allegheny High School, and attended Wil­ son College. Shem. 11/24/1923 Robert W. Russell. They have a daughter, Dorothy Joan, b. 4/26/1925, and live in Avalon, Pa. William Noble Zortman graduated in architecture from the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, and is an architect with offices in Pitts­ burg. Hem. 9/14/1905 Lucy B. Quest. Their daughter, Anna Catharine Zortman, after her graduation from High School, grad­ uated from Wilson College and the Carnegie Institute of Tech­ nology. Shem. 9/4/1935 Robert L. Stevenson of Pittsburgh. They reside on Lincoln Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Their daughter, Peggy Ann, was b. in May, 1938. Lucy B. Quest Zortman d. 2/22/1925, and Mr. Zortman m. 1/19/1931 Mrs. Lillie McMaster. James H. Zortman, son of William and Hannah, was b. 12/18/- 1846 at Greenbrier, Adams County, Ohio, and his parents brought him to Allegher County, Pa., when he was but two years old. He was a farmer at Bradfordwoods, Pa. On 9/8/1869 in Pitts­ burgh, Pa., he m. Nancy Jane Boner. Their children are: Mary Ellen, b. 7/20/1870, d. 4/10/1872; and John b. 3/26/1874, m. 9/14/1904 Mary A. George in Allegheny County, Pa. They reside at Bradfordwoods, Pa., where he is an oil well pumper. James II. Zortman d. 9/5/1925; and his wife d. 11/25/1923. All the members of this family were Presbyterians. JACOB ZARTMAN AND F AlllILY 255

William L. Zortman was a contractor and builder, residing at Wexford, Pa. Hem. 0/20/1877 Emma Warren. He d. 8/30/1935; his widow is living at Warrendale, Pa. They had a daughter, Minnie, b. 7/21/1878, d. 3/8/1882. They were members of the U. P. Church. William L. Zortman gave us very kind and effi­ cient help in gathering information about the family of his father and grandfather. David A. Zortman was a contractor, resided at Bellevue, Pa.; hem. 12/26/1885 Nettie Freshkorn. He d. 9/7/1934; his widow resides in Cambridge Springs, Pa. Their son, Charles L. Zortman, b. in Pittsburgh 1/6/1888, has a flour and feed business in Edin­ boro; m. 7/11/1911 Lillian G. Westerman of Pittsburgh. Two children: Marjorie Jane, b. 4/4/1916; and Charles L., Jr., b. 5/- 31/1919, in college at Grove City, Pa.. The daughter, Marjorie Zortman, was a school teacher. She m. 2/7/1941 Ensign Edwin A. Tucker of U.S. Navy, b. 7/10/1917. Margaret Zortman, daughter of William and Hannah, m. Wil­ liam Keil 12/14/1882. They resided at Bellevue, Pa., and had three children: Anna Ella, b. 4/26/1884; Margaret, b. 11/25/- 1886 and Harry William, b. 10/26/1888. Anna Ella l(eil m. 7/- 20/1913 Lawrence Guthier, who d. 5/20/1931; she has a daugh­ ter, Margaret Jane, b. 12/11/1919, and lives at New Milford, Ohio. Margaret Keil m. W. J. McManus; in a second marriage became the wife of Joseph H. Dobert, and lives at 1700 Grall Ave., Milvale, Pa. They had no children. Harry W. Keil m. Hazel Boyle; they have two children, William and Betty, both of whom are married. Ha.rry W. Keil's address is Bakerstown, Pa. Eliza Ellen Zortman m. George Warren. They had the follow­ ing children: Child, b. 3/30/1879, d. 7/16/1879; Della, b. 6/6/- 1880, d. 3/22/1884; Armine, b. 8/24/1881; Viola, b. 6/17/1883; Verner, b. 1/9/1885; Edna Clair, b. 7/31/1887; Dessie May, b. 5/1/1889; Roy George, b. 3/24/1801. George Warren was a farmer. He d. in 1892 at the age of 35 years, was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Warrendale, Pa., where his widow is also buried. Armine Warren m. 4/15/1917 Anna Downing, and d. 0/21/1932. Viola Warren m. Charles Wills, and had three child­ ren: Velma Bell, b. Nov. 1902, d. 9/20/1907; Charles Lester, b. 1/9/1908, d. 6/29/1908, and another child that died as an infant. Mr. and Mrs. Wills live at 112 Station St., McDonald, Pa. Verner Warren m. in June, 1911, Myrtle Hanna. They had three sons: 256 TBE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Verner, Frank, and Clifford. Edna Clair Warren m. 12/12/1906 Robert J. Kunz. They bad four children: Zella Augusta, b. 12/- 6/1907; Clifi'ord, b. 6/30/1911; Warren, b. 1/11/1916; Louise Anna, b. 3/26/1919. Robert J. Kunz d. 6/29/1920 and after 14 years of widowhood Mrs. Kunz on 5/1/1934 m. William Reinhart of 208 Cornell Ave., W. V., Pittsburg, Pa. Zella Augusta Kunz m. 1/8/1933 George Keith, who d. 8/13/1941. Mrs. Keith lives at 208 Cornell Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Clifi'ord Kunz m. 3/28/1911; he is in training in Camp Meade. Dessie May Warren m. 6/11/- 1913 Daniel Arthur Zinn, who d. 6/7/1932. Their son is Daniel Arthur, Jr., b. 7/9/1914. Roy George Warren m. Helen Bartley; their daughter is Esther. Roy George Warren lives at 3516 Gerber Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Albert V. Zortman was a train despatcher for the P. and L. E. R. R., residing in Pittsburgh. He belonged to the Presbyterian Church. In 1908 he took a trip to California and in Los Angeles unearthed the old birth apd baptismal certificate of his grand­ father, John Henry Zartman. He gave us very helpful assistance. He d. 1/21/1923, and is buried in Freedom, Pa. Nancy Ann Zortman m. 3/24/1891 William Reader. Mrs. Reader d. 12/13/1931, he d. 6/6/1930. Their daughter, Ada Marie, was b. 11/17/1893. William and his brother George gave us very good help with the history of their family. Isaac Zortman, son of John Henry, was b. 11/25/1820, in Adams County, Ohio. When he was an infant his brother Wil­ liam accidentally dropped him, which made him a cripple for life. He was obliged to use a crutch, and sometimes also a cane. He was a shoemaker, and a school teacher; lived in Adams County, Ohio, where he d. He m. 4/15/1851 Jane Hamilton. They belonged to the M. E. Church. Their children were, all born in Adams County, Ohio: Emma Ann, b. 1/26/1852; William Ellery, b. 6/13/1853; Sarah Ann, b. 12/29/1854; Melvina, b. 7/4/1858; Franklin Davis, b. 3/17/1860, d. 8/15/1875 in Grant County, Ind.; John Henry, b. 4/20/1862, d. 8/31/1862; Josephine, b. 4/5/1864. He d. 3/1/1865; his wifed. 3/20/1877; both are buried on the "Greenbrier farm" 4 miles west of West Union, Ohio. Emma Ann Zortman m. 9/4/1874 Joseph Willison; they had three children: Hattie, Elsie and John. Hattie m. Mr. Moon, and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 257 d. in 1908. Elsie and John d. unm. Emma Ann Willison d. in Feb. 1892 at Martinsville, Ohio. William Ellery Zortman was a carpenter and builder, lived in Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. He d. in Dec. 1923; his wife is also deceased. He was a member of the Church of Christ. He wrote us, "I know the correct way to spell our name is Zartman." He married twice: (1) to Nancy J. Hamilton, who d 11/18/1884; (2) to Sarah Lavina Kilgore. Children by the first wife were: Abbie Maud, b. 8/1/1879, d. 9/13/1880; Elery Cleo, b. 1/14/- 1881, d. 5/25/1883; Pearl Gar, b.1/21/1884, d.10/4/1884. Child­ ren by the second marriage are: Lulu Zay, b. 4/13/1887; Isaac Cleveland, b. 6/20/1888; Lynn, b. 9/13/1892; Sarah J., b. 10/- 25/1897, d. 7/17/1898. Lulu Zay Zortman m. Cha.rles Suttles and had a daughter, Elizabeth Pauline, b. 8/1/1909, d. 7 /18/- 1910. In her second marriage 9/24/1913 she became the wife of G. Preston Crisenberry, b. 6/12/1877; a farmer. They live on a farm, R.R.l., Martinsville, Ohio. Children: Helen Lavina, b. 8/8/1914; Lola June, b. 6/28/1918; Wm. Ellery, b. 10/6/1922, d. 7/18/1923. Helen Lavina Crisenberry is a graduate of Martins­ ville High School, and also from the school of Nursing of the Uni­ versity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1935 she has been a member of the First Reserve Corps of the Red Cross, and is now 2d Lieut. Army nurse at Ft. Thomas, Ky. Lola June Crisenberry is a grad­ uate of Martinsville High School, and of the Business College in Springfield, Ohio, where she is employed as bookkeeper. Her address is 724 Woodlawn Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Isaac Cleve­ land Zortman m. Florence Mahoney. They live in Wilmington, Ohio, in the house where Isa&.c's parents dwelt. Lynn Zortman is married and lives in Xenia, Ohio. Sarah Ann Zortman, when seventeen years old was im­ mersed in the Ohio River in the month of January. She m. twice: (1) 12/16/1874 to Thomas Ewing, a farmer, who d. 2/16/- 1887. Their daughter, Nancy Myrtle, was b. 12/2/1876. On 2/- 9/1888 Sarah Zortman Ewing m. Lindsey Bogges Ruggles, a realtor, who d. 1/26/1899. Mrs. Ruggles gave us very kind assistance with the history of her father's family. Nancy Myrtle Ewing m. 11/22/1910 John Rhodes May, b. 8/11/1874, who d. 12/27/1939. Their son, Lorraine Zortman May, b. 12/22/1912, m. Gertrude Marie Pergrem 10/9/1933. They have two daugh­ ters: Janice Karalyn, b. 2/4/1935; and Judith Maralyn, b. 11/· 258 THE ZARTMAN F AI\IILY

12/1938. They live at 15 Club House Ave., Venice, Calif., about 18 miles from the center of Los Anp;eles. Mr. May is a crane operator for Douglas Aircraft Corp. Mrs. Rhodes and her mother, Mrs. Sarah Ann Ruggles, are members of the Christian Church, and live at 2179 Carter Ave., Ashland, Ky. Mrs. Ruggles gives this interesting data concerning her father Isaac Zartman: "When my father was in College in Philadelphia, Pa., the professor said, 'There should be an O in your name instead of an A.' The name of the professor was Ours-­ ler. I have my father's diploma as a Professor of Chirography in the Custurean system, which was the original English copper­ plate at that time when father received special instruction in penmanship. The date on the diploma is April 7, 1843." Melvina Zortman m. in 1878 Julius Horney. Their children were: Arthur, and Irene. After the death of his wife 1/9/1884 at Wilmington, Ohio, Mr. Homey and his two children moved to Kansas. Josephine Zortman m. Ch'arles Knolson Greenhaw. They re­ side in Los Angeles, Calif. They bad four children: Nellie Jane, deceased; Richard Blakeborough, b. 5/28/1887; Maude Frances, b. 11/28/1889; Bessie Lorine, b. 5/18/1899. Richard B. Green­ bow m. in June 1909; be has no children. He and bis second wife live in San Diego, Calif., where be is manager of the Ben Hur Coffee Co. Maude Frances Greenhow m. 5/12/1904 Thomas Smedley Milburn. They have an adopted daughter, whose mar­ ried name is Patricia M. Stirling; she bas a son, Jimmie Stirling. Bessie Lorine Greenhaw m. William Hobson; they have a son, b. 3/20/1923, who is in college in Denver, Colo. John Zortman, son of John Henry Zartman, was born probably in 1822. He was married three times: (1) To Ann Abbott, 6/18/- 1844, and by her had seven children. See page 190 .in the History of 1909. Catharine Ann Zartman, daughter of John Henry, was b. 12/- 8/1824. She married twice: (1) To William Henry Hornbeck;· (2) To John D. Davis. Seep. 194 in History of 1909. GeorgeZortman,son of John Henry, lived in Adams Co., Ohio, till about 1860, when he moved to Louisville, Clay County, Ill. In 1888 they moved to Monona County, Iowa. George Zortman d. 7/27/1900; his wife d. 8/4/1895; both he and his wife are buried JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 259 in Harrison Cemetery, Lincoln Twp., Monona County, Iowa. A daughter writes that her father, George Zortman, read his Bible daily, and that her mother knew it by heart. A son writes a~out George Zortman, saying: "He. was a good father and raised his children to be honest and he always set a good example; when he died he said he wanted us all to meet him in heaven, and we are striving to fulfill his request." Children: Caroline, b. 1851, d. 1857; Mary Ann, b.10/28/1853; Eleanor, b.3/12/1855; Samantha, b. 11/18/1856; William,b. 7/7/1857; John W., b.6/6/1860; Eliza Alice, b. 1/15/1863; George, Jr. b. 1/8/1865; Henry H.,b. 7/1/- 1868; Margaret E., b. 6/5/1869; James, b. 3/6/1871. Mary Ann Zortman m. in Dec., 1877, Newton Warren, now deceased; they had two children, John and Grace. Mrs. Warren d. 4/22/1882. Eleanor Zortman m. Sidney McClure; they had the following issue: George David, b. 11/16/1875; William Henry, b. 10/2/1877; Nettie Ann, b. 12/19/1879; Eva Mae, b. 11/7/- 1882; Frank S., b. 2/24/1884; Louie J., b. 12/27/1886; Noah Otis, b. 6/3/1888; Earl, b. 8/24/1890; Pearl, b. 8/24/1890; Harry, b. 2/1/1893. Mrs. McClure d. 3/2/1893. Mr. McClure is living at Onawa, Iowa. Of the ten McClure children all are living. Saman­ tha Zortman m. Frank Richardson, a farmer at Whiting, Iowa, 3/4/1879. The children are: Lafey, b. 12/21/1880; Tommy, b. 8/7/1883; Grace, b. 8/1/1885; Harlan, b. 3/23/1889; and one d. as an inf. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson belong to the Christian Church. William Zortman is a farmer at Onawa, Iowa, and belongs to the Catholic Church; he m. 3/18/1888, Lulu Thompson; their children are: Erve, b. 1/1/1890; John and Willie, twins, b. 4/- 7/1893, Willied. 9/12/1893; Bessie, b. 7/29/1891, d.12/1/1906. William d. 1/8/1933; his widow and her son John, who is not married, keep house together four miles north of Onawa. Erve m. 6/1/1912 Florence E. Larson, b. 12/30/1893. They were wed by Father Ryan in the St. John's Catholic Church of Onawa. Their children are: Howard P., b. 1/11/1914; Narene Elizabeth, b. 6/16/1917; Keith Donald, b. 7/24/1919; Warren Jean, b. 3/- 2/1921. All of the children graduated from the Onawa High School, in the following years: 1930, 1933, 1937 and 1939. In April, 1939, Howard P. Zortman m. Helen Moats; they have a daughter, Judith, b. 1/11/1940. The other children are still at home, and all live near Onawa. 260 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

The three original Zartmans in America lived on a farm of 179 acres in fertile Lancaster County, Pa., and very many of their descendants have been farmers. Erve and John Zortman, great grandsons of John Henry Zartman, have farms near Onawa, Iowa, and are very successful; Erve as a feeder, John as a grain farmer. John Wiley Zortman was a farmer, and lived at Amsterdam, Bates County, Mo. HewasaBaptist. On 1/8/1888, hem. Heppie Boles. To them were born two children: A son, b. 4/25/1880, d. 9/5/1889; and a daughter, Rosa (dec'd). Eliza Alice Zortman m. 3/8/1891 John Edward Collison, a farmer living at Whiting, Iowa; they are Methodists. Their children are: Alfred F., b. 12/31/1892; Jesse 0., b. 9/13/1896; Charles E., b. 5/6/1899; Goldie Marie, b. 1/29/1901; John L., b. 9/21/1902; and a babe, b. 5/16/1895, and d. 5/28/1895. George Zortman, Jr., a farmer, living at Blencoe, Iowa, m. 12/4/1891 Cassie McCulloch. Their children are: Maude, b. 9/- 22/1892; and Sherman, b. h/20/1893. His wife d. 5/18/1926. Maude Zortman m. 4/12/1910 Will Burger. They adopted a girl, Betty Jane, b. 1/29/1933. They are members of the Con­ gregational Church. Sherman Zortman m. 1913 Gusta Pearson, and they have four children: George David, b. 2/2/1914; Charles, b. 3/29/1916, d. 5/12/1916; Winifred, b. 3/15/1919; and Virginia Shirley, b. 11/6/1926. George David Zortman m. 10/5/1936 Esther Parks, and lives at Mondamin, Iowa. Child­ ren Joan Marlene, b. 10/23/1937 and Maureen, b. 12/26/1939. Henry Harlan Zortman m. 2/23/1903 at Sioux City, Iowa, Mary Ellen Garrett. Their children are five: George W., b. 11/- 22/1904 at Onawa, Iowa; Granville C., b. 10/21/1906; Lela, b. 9/13/1910; Ethel, b. 10/5/1913; Willard, b. 12/2/1917. Gran­ ville C. Zortman m. 3/8/1930 Irene Tupper, at Woodbine, Iowa. They have two daughters: Amy Lucille, b. 5/23/1932; and Lois Marie, b. 9/1/1933. Lela Zortman m. 8/28/1928 Merle T. Cut­ ler, at Kr1'l.mazoo, Mich. They have three children: Wilbur Duane, b. 9/25/1929; Muriel Joan, b. 7/14/1932, and Janice Lee, b. 10/22/1933. Ethel Zortman m. 2/24/1935 Lowell Cody, at Blair, Neb. Their child is Mara Lee Ann Cody, b. 12/13/1936. Willard Zortman is at home with his parents. Margaret E. Zortman m. 1/8/1893 Thomas W. Collison. They are farmers near Onawa, Iowa; P. 0., Blencoe, Iowa. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 261

They are Methodists. Their children are: Angeline, b. 7/4/1894, d. 7/19/1894; Leatha Ann, b. 11/12/1895; James Edward, b. 8/10/1897; Earl William, b. 3/22/1901; Burt Thomas, b. 3/1'2/- 1903; Clarence Walter, b. 1/l'0/1906; Alta May, b. 3/5/1908. Earl William bad a twin brother, Pearl Thomas, b. 3/22/1901, d. 7/12/1901. Leatha A. Collison m. 9/2/1915 Dole Maxwell. James Edward Collison m. 7/3/1917 Opal Hopkins; their child, June Ellen, b. 6/24/1919, d. same day. Earl William Collison m. 3/10/1926 Lola Birk, and they have three children: Herbert Donald, b. 5/- 31/1927; Robert Dale, b. 11/6/1928; and Delbert Lee, b. 9/16/- 1931. Burt Thomas Collison m. 12/15/1930 Anna Wood. Child­ ren: child, b. 4/17/1932, d. at birth; Douglas Eugene, b. 5/2/1933; Richard Thomas, b. 11/3/1935. Clarence Walter Collison m. 12/8/1930 Ima Hall. Their child, Catherine Joy, was b. 7 /15/- 1932. Alta May Collison m. 3/5/1928 William Henry Willicy; their children are: Lula Mae, b. 9/3/1930; and William Henry, b. 2/10/1932. . James Zortman, younp;est son of George, is a farmer at Onawa, Iowa, belongs to the Methodist Church, Hem. 4/10/1900, Della Fem Garrett. Children: Mabel Lucille, b. 3/28/1901 ; Bruce Harold, b. 3/16/1904; and Lyle James, b. 6/9/1913. Mabel Lucille Zort­ man m. in 1925 at Des Moines, Iowa, Hiram Brooks. They have three children: Carmen Mardel, b. in 1926; Juanita May, b. in 1930; and Jeannette Ann, b. in 1935. Bruce Harold Zortman m. in 1927, and has a son, Bruce, Jr., b. in 1928. Lyle James Zort­ man m. in 1934, at Sioux City Josephine Rajlya, b. in 1918. James Zortman, son of John Henry Zartman, was b. abt. 1830; hem. 5/29/1853, Charlotte C. Hughes, a sister to the wife of his brother George. Four children. See p. 198 in History of 1909.

Mit:HAEL ZARTMAN, JR, 1 AND FAMILY MICHAEL ZARTMAN, Jn., m. Polly Herb, of Mahantongo Valley, Pa. They had a family of twelve children. The order of their births we do not know. Michael d. in 1846, and is buried at Min­ ersville, Schuylkill County, Pa. Children: Lydia; Rebecca, b. 1/24/1827 near Domsife, Pa.; Julia and Polly, twins; William, b. 10/20/1829; Samuel d. as a boy; Joseph, b. 7/18/1832; Sarah; Henry, b. 12/18/1836 in Upper Mahantongo, Pa.; Catherine; Daniel (d. young); another boy d. as inf. 262 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Lydia Zartman m. Daniel Wagner. Rebecca Zartman m. John D. Hepler, b. 6/27/1828. Their children were eight: Rachel, b. in 1850; Henry and Daniel, twins, b. 8/16/1852; John, b. 1854; Emanuel, b. 1856; Lydia, b. 1858; William, b. 1860; Rebecca, b. 1861. This data was given by Henry Zartman Hepler on 12/4/1917. She d. 1/24/1862. He d. in Aug. 1016; had his home with his son Emanuel till his death. John D. Hepler was a descendant from Casper Happier who came from Saxony, arriving in America 9/16/1748. Julia Zartman m. Chas. Wagner. Polly Zartman m. Harry Merkle, and had three children: Annie, Charles, and Curtis. William Zartman, son of Michael, son of Michael, Sen., son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was a carriage maker. In the year 1848 he went to California, and may have been the pioneer Zartman on the Pacific Coast; he located at Petaluma, Sonoma County, just north of San Francisco; he lived there over fifty years, and m. 1/1/1854, Rhoda Carothers. He engaged in the manufacture of carriages at Petaluma, where he d. 2/6/1908, aged 78 years, 3 JDOnths and 16 days. Mrs. Zartman d.1/14/1005. His children, all born at Petaluma, were as fallows: William Henry, b. 10/7/1854; George Washington, b. 11/28/1856; Benjamin Franklin, b. 12/16/1859; Kate A., b. 1/24/1862; Belle, b. 4/13/- 1865, d. 8/28/1898; Charles, b. 1/1856, and d. 1/1856. They belonged to the M. E. Church. William Henry Zartman and his brother, Benjamin Franklin, continued the business of their father. He was for years Chief of the fire department and afterwards while Mayor be saw an auto­ mobile on fire, ran to help extinguish the flames, was seriously burned and from those injuries d. in 1919; his wifed. in Jan. 1919. George Washington Zartman was an attorncy-a~law; resided at Tulare, Tulare County, Calif., twenty-three years. He m. 12/21/1880, Mary Elizabeth Colvin. They had two daughters: Zoe Lois, b. 11/3/1882; and Hazel Irene, b. 5/10/1885. Zoe L. Zartman graduated in 1904 from the Univl'rsity of California, with the degree of B.L. She served her Alma Mater for some time in the capacity of Recorder; then taught German and Latin in the high schools of Berkeley, Calif. Shewasamemberof the Con­ gregational Church. Hazel Irene Zartman graduated in 1904 from the Tulare High Schools, and was a teacher of music prior to her marriage. She m. 6/26/1907, Donly Clifford Gray. They JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 263 resided at Visalia, Calif., where he was a•grower, packer and ship­ per of dried fruits and raisins. Benjamin Franklin Zartman was a blacksmith in Petaluma. He d. 12/24/1012. Kate Zartman graduated from the Petaluma High School, 5/30/1879. She,m. 9/7/1888 Lowery Elmer Rankin, a lawyer; they resided in Petaluma, and belonged to the M. E. Church. They had a daughter, Belle, b. 10/20/1889; she was a graduate at Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. Joseph Zartman, son of Michael, son of Michael, Sen., son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was a farmer; afterwards lived in Reading, Pa., with his son, Samuel. He m. 5/30/1852, Angelina Baum, b. 10/14/1830. To them were born eleven child­ ren, viz.: Mary (Polly), b. 7/14/1853; Abclona, b. 3/9/1855; William Henry, b. 9/1/1856; Gusta, who died aged 9 days; Sarah, b. 6/18/1860; Daniel, b. 10/21/1862, died as infant; Amanda, b. 8/11/1865; Samuel I., b. 1870; Irvin Edward, b. 5/25/1872; Elizabeth; Christiana. Mary Zartman m. Alexander Groh, who d. in 1906; she lived in Shamokin, Pa. Abelona Zartman m. 4/- 28/1872 James muck, and had five children by him: Christian, b. 2/10/1873, d. 9/27/1879; William Henry, b. 11/5/1876; Elnora, b. 11/4/1878,d. 9/26/1880; Joseph Edward, b.8/27 /1880. Charles Franklin, b. 8/28/1882. Charles F. muck m. Mary E. Anderson 10/31/1906. After Mr. Kluck's death his widow m. Edward Meyers, and had two children by him: Harry, b. 11/2/- 1803; and Emma May, b. 10/5/1805. They lived at West Pittston, Pa. William Henry Zartman was confirmed in the Reformed Church 4/16/1808. He m. 1879, as his first wife, Salome Schleig, b. 6/22/1849; their children were five: William Calvin, b. 8/9/- 1879; James Martin, 1,, 8/21/1882, at Gowen City, Pa.; Cather­ ine Agnes, b. 1/21/1885; Albert, b. 5/9/1887; and Clayton, b. 10/12/1892, d. 2/1/1893. William Calvin Zartman m. Julia Gardner. Their children are as follows: Eleanor, b. 5/3/1911; Catherine Goldie, b. 3/30/1912; Charles Kenneth, b. 3/16/1914; Dezna Pauline, b. 5/17/1916; William Albert, b. 3/29/1917; Gene Marvin, b. 4/25/1921; Norma Geraldine, b. 8/6/1924. Eleanor Zartman m. Gilbert Leroy Zimmerman; they have a son, Gilbert James, b. 4/15/1929; and a daughter, Faylene May, b. 5/24/1930. They live in Gowen City, Pa. 264 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

James Martin Zartman enlisted 10/11/1900 in the U. S. Army. Appointed Corporal 3/27/1902; Sergeant 9/24/1902; First Ser­ geant 12/10/1904; Regimental Q. l\I. Sergeant 5/20/1916; Regi­ mental Supply Sergeant 7/17/1916; Master Sergeant 7/1/1920. Served in Philippine Islands 11/28/1900 to 12/16/1900; China. from 1/4/1901 to 5/25/1901; Philippine Islands from 6/2/1901 to 5/29/1902; 6/1/1905 to 7/15/1907 and from 5/2/1910 to 6/- 15/1912. In France from 7/2/1917 to 9/1919. Served at the fol­ lowing posts and stations in the United States: Madison Bar­ racks, N. Y., Fort Sam Houston, Te.,cas, Fort Snelling, Minn., Fort Thomas, Ky., Camp U.S. Troops, Laredo, Texas, and again at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, place of retirement. Extract from Copy of Special Orders Menlioned Abuve Special Orders War Department No. 206 Washington, Sept. 5, 1933 22. Announcement is made of the advancement upon the retired list of the Army, under the provisions of the act of Con­ gress approved May 7, 1932, of the following-named retired en­ listed men to the rank indicated in each case, to date from May 7, 1932. To the rank of Captain: Master Sergeant James M. Zortman, 6011007 By Order of the Secretary of War: DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, General, Chief of Staff Official: E. T. Conley, Brigadier General, Acting The Adjutant General Master Sergeant Zortman has completed 24 years and 4 months service without a single day's absence, a remarkable record. He m. 11/27;, 912 Coralie Beatrice Fortassain, b. 2/8/1885. To them was born: i!rdayne Voriss, b. 9/14/1913, at Fort Thomas, Ky. Verdayne V\)riss Zortman graduated from Main Avenue High School, San Antonio, Texas, in 1931; B,A. from Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas, in 1935; B.S. from Lady Of The Lake College, San Antonio, Texas, in 1938. She is a. member of the Lutheran Church. She rn. 1/18/1941 in the Methodist Church in Comfort, Texas, Robert James Jernigan, who was b. CA!'l'.IIN ,\NI> Mus. ,JAME~ M. Zoll'rM.\li Alill DAU


11/4/1916 on a ranch five miles north of Barksdale, Texas, the original home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rainey. He graduated from Camp Wood High School in 1934, and in 1935 from the high school in Rocksprings; and in 1937 from Draughan's Business College in San Antonio, Texas. He was book­ keeper for the Standard Electric Co. in San Antonio till 1939, when he returned to take charge of his mother's ranch property, devoting time and efforts to his present, occupation of live stock raising-goats and sheep. Captain James Martin Zartman's address is 418 Mason Street, San Antonio, Texas. He is a member of the Reformed Church. Catharine Agnes Zartman m. William Henry Kerstetter, b. 5/23/1881 at West Cameron, Pa. Children are as follows: Victor Marcellus, b. 12/25/1902; Melvin Theodore, b. 1/25/1905. Vic­ tor Marcellus Kerstetter m. Goldie Mae Keefer, b. 10/13/1903. Their children are: Arlena Mae, b. 1/14/1924; and Robert Lee, b. 4/13/1926. Melvin Theodore Kerstetter m. Lillian Blanche Foura, b. 6/14/1905. Their children are: Jeane Doris, b. 4/20/- 1924; Lamar Albert, b. 5/2/1927; and Melvin Earl, Jr., b. 1/5/- 1933, and bapt. by the family Historian, Dr. Rufus C. Zartman. Their address is Shamokin, Pa., R.D. 42, Box 645. Albert Zartman, son of William Henry, is engaged in farm­ ing and stock raising near Buffalo, Wyo. He m. 10/20/1930 Josephine Snider. In Oct. 1937 he located in Alaska. This in­ formation was furnished by his brother, Capt. James Martin, who occasionally exchanges letters with him. Mrs. Salome Schleig Zartman d. 4/6/1899, and William H. Zartman m. 4/15/1901 Mary Miller, at Gowen City, Pa. Peter W. Schleig, J. P., performed the ceremony, as recorded in the courthouse at Sunbury, Pa. By bis second marriage there was born a daughter, Salome, b. at Gowen City, Pa., 9/20/1901; and Clarence Edward, b. in Gowen City, 11/1/1902 according to Sunbury records. Wm. Henry Zartman d. 12/21/1903, by ac­ cident in a coal mine, and was buried in Union Cemetery, Gowen City. Salome Zartman m. William Hoover, in Shamokin, Pa. Clarence Edward Zartman d. in Sept. 1940, at Gowen City. Amanda, daughter of Joseph Zartman, m. 6/27/1884 Fred Welker, a fireman at Locust Gap Colliery. They had thirteen children: Harvey Stephenson, b. 10/21/1885, Mowry, Pa.; Chris­ tian Zartman, b. 5/14/1887, New Berry, Pa.; Agnes Gertrude, b. 266 Tm: ZARTMAN FAMILY

10/2/1889, d. 11/16/1894; Lawrence Frederick, b. 5/8/1891; Charles Franklin, b. 8/19/1892; Mary J., b. 10/1/1890, d. 10/- 16/1890; Helena Irene, b. 5/10/1895; Sarah Alverta., b. 9/3/1897; Edith May, b. 4/22/1900; Leo Roosevelt, b. 4/2/1902; Stella. Montero, b. 6/10/1904; Pauline Minerva., b. 9/11/1905; Beulah Edna, b. 4/4/1907; Harvey S. Welker is married and bas a son, Thomas Lamar, b. 7/4/1909. Samuel I. Zartman, son of Joseph, lived in Reading, Pa. Children: Joseph and Christy Zartman. Irvin Edward Zartman m. Katie Yarnell; he is a miner and lives in Shamokin, Pa. Their children are as follows: Christie Elverda, b. 4/10/1892; Carrie May, b. 3/11/1894; Emery Thomas, b. 5/12/1895; Mabel Mag­ dalene, b. 5/12/1897; Elianora, b. 1/1/1899; Minnie Maria and Emma Margaret, twins, b. 5/23/1901; Clayton Monroe, b. 9/- 24/1902. Elizabeth Zartman m. Francis Derr; they lived in Reading, Pa., and bad the following children: Angeline; Edward; Joseph; Claude; Howard; ,Esther and Carrie. Christiana Zartman m. Thomas Campbell; they lived at Newberry, Pa. Sarah Zart.'.llan m. Moses Faust. Henry Zartman (Sortman), son of Michael, son of Michael, Sr., son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I., resided at Crl'.ssona, Schuylkill County, Pa. He was a railroad engineer. When he was a little boy in school, learning to write, his teacher taught him to spell and write his name S-o-r-t-m-a-n. Thus he wrote it all his life, and had the greatest regret that he was not taught to write bis name properly. He m. 3/11/1860 Tamson R. Dengler. They had three children: Gussie, b. 12/18/1860; Bertha, b. 7/22/1868, Cressona, Pa.; Edward D., b. 12/24/1872, Chester, Pa. Gussie Sortman m. in 1895 Edward F. Ley, and d. 5/31/1896; their son, Harry Sortman Ley, was b. 5/23/1896, and with his father lived in Philadelphia. Henry Sortman and family belonged to the M. E. Church. Catharine Zartman, daughter of Michael, Jr., was b. 6/6/1835. She m. 11/15/1855 Jacob Faust, a carpenter; they resided in Pottsville, Pa., and belonged to the Evangelical Church. They had the following children: George W., Daniel N., William T., Emma, Henry S., Mary and Anna. Chapter YI/


MARTIN ZARTMAN; son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. in Lancaster Co., Pa. In or about the year 1768 be moved to Northumberland County, where be resided to the end of bis days. He m. Susanna Fitler, a sister to bis brother Jacob's wife. On 10/2/1816 Martin made bis last will and testament, which was probated at Sunbury 10/2/1817. The children of Martin and Susanna Zartman were as follows: Elizabeth, b. 4/27/1780; Martin, b. 11/11/1781; Benjamin, b. 3/13/1783; William, b. 5/28/1785; Barbara, b. 4/21/1787; Eve Magdalene, b. 10/8/1795; Margaret, b. 1797; David, b. 12/30/1799. Eliza­ beth Zartman first m. a Mr. Lahr and had three children; after Mr. Labr's death she became the second wife of John J. Seiler, but they had no children. MARTIN ZARTMAN, Jr., was a weaver by trade, and lived in Northumberland County; be m. Elizabeth Kobel and bad three children, viz: Sophia; John, b. 10/18/1805; Sarah Ann, b. 9 118/1808. Sophia Zartman m. William Scblappig; they bad a daughter, Elemina, who m. Harry Feger; also a son. John Zartman was a farmer, and lived near what is now Red Cross, Pa. He m. 4/1/1832 Anna Maria Seiler, b. 5/22/1812, a sister to the wife of Daniel Zartman, son of John Martin. The marriage ceremony was by Rev. Benj. Boyer, a minister of the Reformed Church. Their children were eight: Sarah, b. 1/19/1833; Caroline, b. 5/17/1835; Elias S., b. 3/31/1838; Amanda, b. 5/1/1840; Isaac, b. 4/9/1842, d. 7/8/1873; Wilhelmina, b. 11/11/1845; John Jacob, b. 9/11/1848; Mary Miranda, b. 8/21/1850. John Zartman d. 3/15/1880; funeral text, Rev. 2:10. His widow d. 11/12/1881. They are buried in St. Peter's Churchyard, Red Cross. Sarah Zartman m. David Latsha, and had four children: Mary E., whom. Benjamin Auchmuty, and d. in 1935 in South Williamsport, Pa.; Alice Z., who m. Chas. Hetrick, and d. in 1935; Richard, whom. Emma Hetrick, of Rupert, Pa.; Minnie Amanda, d. as inf. Mrs. Sarah Latsha d. 10/11/1907. 268 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Caroline Zartman m. Henry B. Latsha, and had a. daughter, Rose Amanda, b. 12/31/1860, who m. Theodore T. Emerich, Mahanoy, Pa. Mrs. Caroline Latsha d. 9/23/1881. Elias Seiler Zartman resided at Mahanoy, Pa. He was a miller by trade. On 2/27/1862, he m. Lavina. Batdorf. They belonged to the Reformed Church; they had two children: William Richard, b. 7/22/1863, d. 5/26/1866; Mary Henrietta, b. 11/4/1866. Mary Henrietta Zartman, in 1884, m. Joel E. Troutman; their children were: Sadie Lovina, b. 6/28/1885; Curtis H., b. 10/27/1887; Jay Clarence, b. 3/29/1888; May W., b. 1/23/1890; Alice B., b. 9/23/1892; Ralph P., b. 5/19/1894. Joel E. Troutman d. 3/25/1895, and on 4/11/1899, bis widow m. Daniel W. Stine; they resided in Sunbury, Pa. She d. in April 1913 aged 74 years. Amanda Zartman m. Jacob R. Hilbusb 9/29/1867. Mr. Hilbush was a surveyor, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Insurance Agent, and an Elder in the Reformed Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hilbush and their daughters had a pleasant rural home near Red Cross, Pa. Mr. Hilbush gave us much aid and encouragement with the history. In early years he was also a school teacher. Their children were: Mary; Lydia; and Annie, b. 6/6/1869, d. 11/20/1885. Mr. Hilbush d. 2/26/1921; his widow d. 12/1/1928. Mary and Lydia Hil­ bush reside in Harrisburg, Pa., 1416 State St. Wilhelmina Zartman m. John Brower, and had one child, who d. in infancy. Mrs. Brower d. 7/14/1870. John Jacob Zartman lived in Shamokin, Pa. He was a manu­ facturer of overalls, and especially skilled in the care and culture of trees. The city employed him to trim the shade trees, and to give treatment to such as were dying, and he therefore came to be called the "Tree Surgeon." On 2/1/1874 he m. Susan Boyer, and they had five children: Thamer Alice, b. 3/10/1875; Harry, b. 5/16/1876; Emma, b. 7/24/1882, d. 3/30/1883; Edwin B., b. 10/23/1884; Eugene, b. 1/22/1889. John Jacob Zartman d. 4/25/1925; his widow, Susan Zartman, d. 5/10/1933. They are buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Shamokin, Pa. The "Reformed Church Messenger" of May 14, 1925, contained the following obituary notice concerning John Jacob Zartman's services in St. John's Reformed Church JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 269 in Shamokin: "In the congregation he gave faithful service in the office of deacon and for many years as Elder. For 8 years he served as Financial Secretary of St. John's Congrega­ tion. In this office, as in all other relations, his work -was always up to date. When he passed from time to eternity not one item of his work as Financial Secretary was unfinished." Thamer A. Zartman m. Alvin P. Reitz, contractor and builder in Shamokin, Pa. They have a son, Harry Elwood, b.11/29/1900. Harry E. Reitz attended Peddie Institute 2 years, but is now Income Tax Collector. He m. in 1920 Gertrude Gilger, b. 5/23/ 1906. They have two sons: Harry E., Jr., b. 4/9/1923; and Robert Gilger, b. 5/23/1926. They live in Shamokin, Pa. Harry Zart­ man m. Maude Gratz of Orbisonia, Pa. They had two children, both d. in inf. They reside in Roaring Springs, Pa. Harry is a traveling salesman. Edwin B. Zartman m. 12/29/1926 Frances Wright Schwartz of Allentown, Pa. Their address is Treichler, Pa. Edwin is employed as Manager of Northampton Mill of the Mauser Mill Co. Eugene Zartman on 7/5/1916 m. Clara M. Gillespie, b. 6/29/1894. They have two daughters: Nancy Jane, b. 5/9/1921 and Miriam Louise, b. 8/23/1923. They reside at 903 N. Shamokin St., Shamokin, Pa. Nancy Jane Zartman is a student at Pennsylvania State College, Sophomore year, and Miriam Louise is a senior in Shamokin High School. Eugene Zartman is Assistant Cashier in the "National Dime Bank" in Shamokin. In St. John's Reformed Church he is an Elder and secretary of the Consistory. Mary Miranda Zartman m. 11/22/1874 William M. Dunkel­ berger; they lived at Trevorton, and belonged to the Reformed Church; they had a daughter, Daisy, b. 10/28/1885. Daisy Dunkelberger m. 9/21/1908 Martin L. Roper, who was graduated in Electrical Engineering from Pennsylvania State College, in 1906. He was Lutheran, and for many years an earnest lay­ worker; was also in engineering societies. Their children were: Bruce; Norman; Beatrice; and Lawrence. Martin L. Roper d. 4/22/1934. Mr. Dunkelberger d. 4/1/1914, and Mrs. Dunkel­ berger is at home with her widowed daughter Daisy, at Skilling­ ton, Pa. Bruce Roper m. Helen Minnig 11/8/1935, and had a child, Barbara Anne. 270 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Sarah Ann Zartman, daughter of Martin, Jr., was b. 9/18/1808; m. 11/28/1830 M. Henry Peiffer, a shoemaker and farmer, b. 4/17/1806. Their children were as follows: Sarah Ann, b. 11/17/183l;Maria,b.10/1/1833;cbild,b.3/3/1835,d.5/2/1835; Elias, b. 6/27/1836; Rebecca, b. 4/28/1838; Isaac, b. 4/19/1840; Benjamin, b. 11/1841; Henry, b. 7/23/1843; Mary Ann, b. 3/19/1846, d. single 11/8/1871; Catarina, b. 5/3/1848; Daniel, b. 7/2/1850. Sarah Ann Zartman Peiffer d. 12/15/1886; and her husband, Henry Peiffer, d. 5/17/1882. Sarah Ann Peiffer m. George Witmer and had seven children. She d. in 1902 at Dalmatia and Mr. Witmer is deceased also. Maria Peiffer m. Jacob Still and had three children. He d. at Mandata, Pa. Mrs. Still lived at Herndon, Pa. Elias Peiffer m. Katie Ann Bachman, and had two children. Elias Peiffer d. 12/27/1900. Rebecca Peiffer m. Jacob Witmer in 1866, and had four children; they went West and located at Wilton Junction, Iowa, where the Historian was in their home and church. Isaac Peiffer m. Malinda Klock, 3/7/1863; they have two children and live at Wilton Junction, Iowa. Benjamin Peiffer m. in 1870, Mary J. Stepp, and had the following chil­ dren: William; Charles; George Irvin, b. 7/18/1878; Jennie; John; Harvey E.; Carrie; and Benjamin, Jr. George Irvin Peiffer m. 7/27/1901 Ida May Shiffer, b. 7/17/1880. They reside in Herndon, Pa. They have a daughter, Mary Catharine, b. 11/19/1902. Mary Catherine Peiffer m. 12/15/1923, Jay Lee Reitz, and they have three children: Jeanne Lou, b. 9/7/1926; Phyllis Mae, b. 5/17/1929; and Mary Lee, b. 8/10/1930. EvE MAGDALENE ZARTMAN, daughter of Martin, Sr., was b. 10/8/1795; in 1812 m. John George Emerich; their children were thirteen: George, b. 4/23/1813; Jacob, b. 12/21/1814; Rebecca, b. 9/12/1816; Benjamin, b. 2/1/1818; Sarah, b. 11/7/1819; John, b. 12/21/1821; Elizabeth, b. 9/9/1823; Elias, b. 9/16/1824;. Catharine, b. 11/6/1826; Mary, b. 9/12/- 1828; Susanna, b. 1/14/1831; Michael,. b. 11/27/1832, d. 12/21/1899; Joseph, b. 11/27/1834. Eve Magdalene Fmerich d. in Feb. 1876 in the home of her son Michael, and was buried at Stone Valley Church where many of her numerous family await the resurrect.ion from the dead. John Emerich moved to Illinois, and Mary to Iowa; all the other Emerichs lived in Pennsylvania. All but one married JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 271 and reared families, and all are now (in 1941) deceased. Michael Emerich bad a daughter, Louise. Louise Emerich m. Mr. Byerly, and had a daughter, Saloma Ellen. Saloma Ellen m. Charles K. Wolfe, Harrisburg, Pa., and they have three sons: Earl, Paul and Charles~ For Benjamin and William see next Chapters.

MARGARET ("PEG") ZARTM ..\N, daughter of Martin, Sr., was b. in 1797; m. John Michael, b. 12/12/1795. They bad four children: Elizabeth; Harriet; Daniel; and Jacob, b. 10/9/1828. Jacob Michael lived near Hickory Comers, Pa., where in his last illness he was visited by the historian. Requested by this sick cousin to read to him out of his German Bible, to pray for him in. German, and to administer to him the blessed sacra­ ment speaking in the German language, his requests were cheerfully complied with, and two days later, 4/4/1914, the writer officiated at the funeral of ,Tacob Michael. DAVID ZARTMAN, son of Martin, Sr., was b. 12/30/1799; was a weaver and farmer. Hem. twice: (1) to Rebecca Dressler; (2) to Elizabeth Dressler. Children by the first wife: Elias, b. 1826; Sarah, b. 5/15/1828; Daniel, b. 1829, d. young: Israel, b. 8/13/1831; Benjamin, b. 12/18/1832; Harriet, b. 10/17/1836; twins, Isaac and William, b. 6/23/1839. William died single 6/i/1871. Children by the second wife: Mary Ann, b. 6/9/1853, who d. single 12/7/1888; Samuel D., b. 6/20/1858. Elias Zartman m. 5/30/1850 Maria Rebuck. They had six children: Miranda, b. 1/14/1853; Eliza, b. 5/24/1854; Saloma, b. 4/4/1856; Joseph, b. 1/31/1860; Mariah, b. 9/16/1861; and David R., b. 6/11/1865. Miranda Zartman d. 11/9/1903 and is buried in the churchyard at Rough and Ready, Pa. Eliza Zartman m. 5/3/1874 Andrew Klock, a farmer at Pit­ man, Pa. Their children were seven: Jane, William, Charles Walton, John, Carrie, Howard Jacob, and Thomas Daniel. He d. 7/10/1918, and Mrs. Klock is at home with her daughter Carrie at Pitman, Pa. Jane Klock m. 4/14/1902 Nathan Stutz­ man; they reside at Middleport, Schuylkill County, Pa. They had eight children: Clarence, Lewis, Eva, Lee, Norman, Elsie, Elvin, and Clervin. Saloma Zartman m. 6/18/1876 Peter R. Bahner. They had eight children: Cora, Erma, Mary, Isaac, 272 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Elvina, Gertrude, Sallie, and Christiana. He d. 8/3/1934; his widow lives with their daughter Gertrude (Mrs. Daniel Peiffer), Pillow, Pa. Joseph Zartman m. 5/24/1885 Mary Schlegle. She d. 9/29/ 1896; and he m. 6/14/1902, Lizzie Heim, b. 10/3/1862. This second wife d. 1/20/1937. A son, Charles, was born by his second marriage 11/5/1902. Joseph Zartman for more than twenty years was organist in Salem Reformed and Lutheran Church at Roup;h and Ready, Pa. Charles Zartman m. Gertie May Kieffer 5/9/1929. They live at Dornsife, Box 89, R. D. 2. The children of this couple are: Edith Irene, b. 8/30/1930; Arlene Lizzie, b. 2/2/1932; Guy Allen, b. 12/24/1933; and Lee Ernest, b. 12/8/1936. Mariah Zartman m. 6/28/1885, Monroe Wehry. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in June 1935. Their two children are: Celia, b. 11/11/1888; and Minnie, b. 11/18/1894. The Wehrys live on R. R. 1, Klingerstown, Pa. Celia Webry in Sept. 1905 m. Haven Erdman, and they moved to Mt. Vernon, Washington State, where Mr. Erdman was employed in the lumber industry. In Feb. 1915 he was fatally injured while in pursuit of his duties. Their children were: Ann, b. 3/23/1906; and Homer, b. 2/6/1908. In 1916 Mrs. Celia Wehry Erdman m. Clarence Augburg, and they live at Mt. Vernon, Wash., where Mr. Augburg is employed as a railroad engineer in the timber districts. A son, N onnan, was b. to them 6/14/1924. Minnie Wehry was a sales woman in C. C. Leader's large store in Shamokin, Pa. Shem. in 1921, Joseph Kopp, who is engaged as a contractor-carpenter. The Kopps have two children: Lawrence, b. 1/6/1922; and Fay, b. 6/9/1924. David R. Zartman was a grocer in Shamokin many years. He m., 3/29/1888, Louisa Koppenhaver, b. 1/12/1871. They had six children: Monroe, b. 2/10/1889; Mary Elizabeth, b. 9/8/1890; David Daniel, b. 8/13/1895, d. 12/14/1901 of scarlet fever; Allen Elias, b. 6/19/1897; Salan Carrie, b. 1/16/- 1903; Helen Salome, b. 6/20/1908. Monroe Zartman for many years operated amusement concessions at Edgewood Park in Shamokin; then conducted a confectionery and grocery store near his home at 1807 Park Ave. Hem. 11/1/1910, Effie Zimmerman, and they had four children: Catherine, b. 12/4/1911; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 273

Helen, b. 8/9/1914~ d. 1/2/1918, of diphtheria; Monroe, Jr., b. 7/19/1922; and William David, b. 1/3/1925. Catherine Zartman m. 9/7/1935 William Clements, a salesman. Mon­ roe Zartman, Jr., and Wm. David Zartman are · attending school. David R. Zartman d. 5/2/1938 and his wife d. 5/29/- 1939. Mary Elizabeth Zartman m. 12/22/1908, John Rumberger, and lived at 1125 W. Arch St., Shamokin, Pa. Mr. Rumberger was employed as a butcher by the Croninger Packing Co., of Shamokin. They have three children: James David, b. 8/4/1910; Allen Henry, b. 7/12/1915; and Margaret Louise, b. 2/29/1920. James David Rumberger m. 12/19/1935, Irene Brida; they have one child Emilie, b. 10/9/1937. James is a mechanic at Shamokin City Garage. Allen Henry Rum­ berger is single; and employed by the Reed Ice Cream and Dairy Co. Margaret Louise Rumberger is in High School. Allen Elias Zartman m. 9/15/1921, Annie R. Krock. He is a contract painter and paperhanger; also has a paint and wall­ paper store, at 135 E. Independence St., Shamokin. He once repapered the. Zartman Church in Jackson Township, which stands on ground donated by Martin Zartman. Salan Carrie Zartman m. 5/23/1920, John N. Drumheller. Their address is Box 51A, R. 3, Little River Station, Miami, Fla., where Mr. Drumheller is a plasterer. They have four children: John Nicholson, b. 7/14/1921; Jeanne Beverly, b. 11/12/1924; Ruby Fae, b. 7/7/1926; and Thelma Suzanne, b. 11/22/1932. Helen Salome Zartman m. 1/26/1929, Frank Sallinen. They live at 1589 Steel St., Detroit, Mich.; where he is employed in the manufacturing department of the Plymouth Auto. Co. She is telephone operator in Hudson's huge Department Store in Detroit. Sarah Zartman, daughter of David, son of Martin, Sen., was b. 5/15/1828. Shem. Moses Wagner; they had a son, Joseph who d. young. After Mr. Wagner's death Sarah m. Samuel Wolff. She is deceased. Israel Zartman, son of David, m. Polly Schlegel, they had five children: Malinda, b. 8/2/1854; Landis; Louisa, b. 5/8/1860; Sybilla, b. 12/9/1865, d. 3/1/1867; Nelson, b. 5/4/1867. Israel 274 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

d. 7/4/1874; she d. aged 82 years. Malinda Zartman m. 12/- 28/1873 Cornelius Z. Smith; they lived at Dornsife, Pa., belonged to the Evangelical Church and had two children: Son, b. 2/15/1881, d. 2/16/1881; Byron Lloyd, b. 3/17/1885, and lives at Danville, Pa. Cornelius Smith and wife Malinda. deceased. Landis Zartman was a farmer at Sunbury, Pa. He m. 2/5/1888, Annie M. Sterner; they were Lutherans, and had three children: Della M., b. 8/11/1889; Bertha E., b. 9/22/1890; Irvin E., b. 8/5/1893. Annie Sterner Zartman d. 2/25/1926; he d. 12/23/1928. Della M. Zartman m. 3/14/1909, Bertin Fagely. Louisa Zartman m. 9/14/1879, A. J. Garinger, a farmer; they lived near Sunbury, Pa., belonged to the Lu­ theran Church, and had four children: Bertha, b. 9/19/1880, m. a Mr. Snyder, and lived in Harrisburg, Pa.; John, b. 6/14/1883; Landis, b. 11/2/1885, d. 11/15/1940; Carrie May, b. 2/7/1897; Nelson Zartman is a carpenter, lives in Sunbury, Pa., P. O. Box 63. He m. 3/12/1889, Estella Martz; their children were: Ivy Ruth, b. 9/16/1891; Polly Elizabeth, b. 3/12/1894, d. 5/26/1896. She d. 6/7/1938. Benjamin Zartman, son of David, was b. 12/28/1832, d. 11/11/ 1901. He was a shoemaker. His wife's name was Anna. They had no children. They lived in Washington Twp., Northumberland, County, Pa. Harriet Zartman, daughter of David, m. 11/18/1860, John Ferster; they lived in Washington Twp., Northumberland County, Pa.. They had two sons: Peter, b. 1/14/1863, d. 3/10/- 1899; Daniel, b. 8/9/1870, Mahanoy, Pa. Harriet Zartman Ferster d. 1/23/1911; her husband, John Ferster, d. in Sept. 1910. They belonged to the Lutheran Church. Peter Ferster m. and left a daughter, Alice, b. 3/9/1895, Mahanoy, Pa. Daniel Ferster is m., and has a daughter, Carrie M., b. 12/30/1902. Isaac Zartman, son of David, son of Martin, was born, with a twin brother William, 6/23/1839. Isaac was a shoemaker and saddler; he lived in Herndon, Pa. He m .. 9/21/1898, Sarah Traise. The children in this marriage were five: James W., b. 7/16/1862; William Ellsworth, b. 1865; Benjamin Richard, b. 12/1/1866, d. 1896; George Wilson, b. 10/30/1874; Edward, d. aged 15 years. James W. Zartman was a. laborer; lived at Herndon, Pa., and d. in 1913. He belonged to the Lutheran JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 275

Church. He m. Justie Walp. The children were: Charles L., b. 2/14/1888; Edward E., b. 11/28/1890; Maude H., b. 10/3/1897. William Ellsworth Zartman lives at Herndon, is married, and has three children, viz: Abbie, Carrie and Thom­ as. George Wilson Zartman is an engineer; resides at Wer­ nersville, Pa.; is a Lutheran. Hem. 10/14/1899, Minnie Hart­ ing; they have two children: Stella Katherine, b. 1/7/1901; and Helen Veleria, b. 11/20/1904. Both of these daughters, Stella and Helen Zartman, are graduates of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Samuel D. Zartman, son of David, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 6/20/1858. He was a farmer, and resided near Red Cross, Pa. He m. 4/17/1881, Eliza Ann Rebuck, b. 1860, and d. Oct. 1918. They bad three children: Emma Jane, b. 2/16/1882, d. 10/21/1897; Jay Claude, b. 12/10/1883; and Lydia Elizabeth, b. 5/24/1888, and d. 3/18/- 1889. Jay Claude Zartman m. Vesta J. Erdman, 4/7/1906. They bad six children: Daniel Samuel, b. 8/19/1907; Anna Elizabeth, b. 9/29/1908; Carrie Catherine, b. 1/26/1910; Jay Frederick, b. 9/9/1911; Clarence Woodrow, b. 7/8/1914; and Mary Mazie, b. 11/17/1916. Vesta Erdman Zartman, d. 3/11/1935. Daniel Samuel Zartman m. Mabel Anna Smeltz. They have three children: Oleta Irene, b. 9/10/1931; Ellen Idella, b. 9/7/1934; and Gene Dallas, b. 6/17/1940. Anna Elizabeth Zartman m. 6/26/1926, Earl E. Williams, b. 3/27/1901; they have a daughter Helen Elizabeth, b. 1/31/1929. Their address is Valley View, Pa. Carrie Catherine Zartman m. 10/10/1926, Clarence Norman Snyder, b. 9/24/1905; they have a son, Mark Emerson, b. 12/6/1926. Clarence N. Snyder and family reside at Klingerstown, Pa. Jay Frederick Zartman m. 4/16/- 1932, Amanda Pauline Michael, b. 8/12/1906; they have two children: Dean Frederick, b. 3/9/1937; and Loraine Amanda, b. 8/6/1940. Clarence Woodrow Zartman m. 8/14/1935, Queen Mary Donmoyer. Mary Mazie Zartman is at home with her father, at Dornsife, Pa. Chapter ?III


BENJAMlN ZARTMAN, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 3/3/1783, in Northumberland County, Pa. He was a farmer. Hem. Mary Stonebraker in Northumber­ land County, Pa., and at least one of his children was born there, namely, his son Daniel. In the year 1811 he moved from North­ umberland County, Pa., to Millville, Butler County, Ohio, arriving there 11/9/1811. He bought land there, reared a large family, and d. 2/18/1834. He is buried in the Ziegler graveyard west of Hamilton, Ohio. His children were as follows: Daniel, b. 11/17/1809; Jonathan, b. 2/26/1812; David, b. 11/6/1815; Benjami"l, Jr., b. 1/1/1819; William, b. 1828, d. 8/17/1832; Sarah; Margaret; Macy; Elizabeth; Lydia. Daniel Zartman m. Elizabeth McCioskey, 11/26/1832. To them were born two sons: William, b. 11/9/1833, and John, b. 6/8/1836. These sons and some other Zartmans in Butler County, Ohio, change,'! the name to Sortman. They admit that it is incorrect, and strange to say, none can tell when, why or how the change was made. Daniel Zartman d. 9/11/1889, aged 80 years. William Sortman, son of Daniel Zartman, was a merchant in Hamilton, Ohio. He graduated from Bartlett's Commercial College, Cincinnati, Ohio. For over thirty years he was engaged 'in the grocery business, and was one of Hamilton's honorable and respected citizens. He d. 8/8/1886. On 8/18/1859 Wm. m., in Cincinnati, Ohio, Martha E. Robeson, b. 5/7/1837. Their children were three: Charles, b. 5/26/1860, d. 3/17/1864; William, b. 3/1/1865; Jessie, b. 12/4/1871. Jessie Sortman m. 4/10/1895, Dr. Ernest Rush Hall, b. 12/5/1867. They resided in Hamilton, Ohio. They had a son, Dwight Elvin, b. 1/1/1897. · Dr. Hall d. 9/1/· 1933; at the time of his death he bad served as dentist of the Hamilton Schools for eleven years. Dwight E. Hall graduated in 1915 from High School in Hamilton; he entered Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, in 1919, and graduated in 1921 as a Civil Engineer. He d. 3/1/1923, unm. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 277

John Sortman, son of Daniel Zartman, was a millwright, and lived in Hamilton, Ohio. He m. 12/20/1860, Rebecca Jane Gibson, b. 7/12/1840. Their children were: Mary Eliiabeth, b. 10/29/1861; Daniel, b. Jl/18/1865, d. 4/21/1926. Rebecca Jane Sortman d. 11/29/1865, and John Sortman m. Lucinda Hauk, mother of John Richard, b. 7/17/1870, d. 7/31/1923. He d. 3/25/1910. Mary Elizabeth Sortman m. John W. Butter­ field, 3/18/1887. They have three children: Ada, b. 10/27/1888; Shirley, b. 4/23/1891; Goldie M., b. 9/21/1894. Shirley S. Butterfield enlisted 10/3/1917 at Middletown, Ohio, for the World War.He was a private with a regiment of Cavalry,A.E.F., was overseas from 10/27/1918 to 4/30/1919; and 5/19/1919 was given honorable discharge. He is now a farmer, and lives with bis parents at Ross, Ohio. Daniel Sortman m. 11/18/1898 I{atherine Ettie Kuhn, and moved to Connersville, Fayette County, Ind.; he is a machinist, and member of the Christian Church. John Richard Sortman m. 6/16/1896, Martha Boles. They have a daughter, Frances Elizabeth, b. 2/1/1903. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College at So. Hadley, Mass., in 1924; was employed with the Columbia Life Insurance Co., in Cincinnati, Ohio, and at the present time at The Ohio Casualty Insurance Co., Hamilton, Ohio. For thirty years and until his death John Richard Sortman was agent for The New York Life Insurance Co. At the time of his death his duties were taken over by his wife, who is still performing them to the best of her ability. Jonathan Zartman, son of Benjamin, b. 2/26/1812, was the first Zartman born in Butler County, Ohio. He m. 11/12/1834, Lydia Spangler. To them nine children were born: David W., b. 8/15/1835; Benjamin F., b. 8/13/1839; Mary, b. 12/4/1840; Elizabeth; John P.; William; Daniel; Henry; Liza. The first three survived. The other six died in infancy. David W. Sort­ man was a cabinet maker and with his brother, Benjamin F., engaged in the furniture business in Hamilton, Ohio. He d. 12/29/1912. Benjamin F. Sortman m. 10/17/1858, Emily Garver, b. 8/1/1842, d. 2/7/1912. The children of Benjamin F. and Emily Sortman were as follows: Harry P., b. 9/20/1859, d. 8/9/1860; James G., b. 3/3/1861; Lucy Elizabeth, b. 11/15/1865, d. 12/1865; Addie B., b. 9/5/- 1870. James G. Sortman is a cabinet maker; is now employed 278 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY by The Block-Clawson Company, manufacturers of pulp and paper mill machinery at Hamilton, Ohio. He m. 9/22/1883, Matilda J. Sherry; they had three children: Charles T. G., b. 9/28/1884; Adda May, b. 12/4/1880; Harry S., b. 7/28/1802, d. 6/13/1035. Charles T. G. Sortman started as a machinist many years ago at the Black-Clawson Company, and is now superintendent of this company. He m. 12/24/1907, Josephine Viola Wehr, b. 10/7/1883. Their daughter, Mary Katherine, was b. 11/28/1008. She attended Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, for two years; is now employed as secretary to the traffic department of The Black-Clawson Company. Adda M. Sortman m. Homer S. Slade 1/15/1913. To this union were born four children: Homer Lee, b. 4/1/1922, d. 4/4/1022; Robert Harry, b. 6/21/1023, d. at birth; Dorothy Lou, b. 11/15/1924, d. 2/17/1926; Harry Lee, b. 1/22/1927. Addie B. Sortman m. 1/18/1896, John W. Hill, b. 12/22/1875, d. 7/31/1915. To this \Inion were born two sons: Forrest S. Hill, b. 9/26/1900; and Walter James Hill, b. 6/26/1902. For­ rest S. Hill m. 5/19/1925, Raybell Vann, and had a son, Gor­ don Eugene, b. 10/26/1926; and a daughter Lois Joy, b. 3/15/- 1929, d. 11/27/1929. Walter J. Hill m. 6/27/1023, Lillian Coggeshell. They bad a son, Walter F. Hill, b. 12/5/1924; and a daughter Jean Louise, b. 10/22/1928. Mrs. Addie B. Hill, mfo Sortman, of 141 Franklin St., Hamilton, Ohio, con­ tributed much data for which the historian is very grateful. Mary Zartman, b. 12/4/1840, daughter of Jonathan, m. 2/7/1850, C. Park Dick. To them were born seven children: James P., b. 9/4/1861; Harry A., b. 2/16/1864, d. 9/9/1884; Ora L., b. 1/16/1865; David B., b. 9/18/1869; Ollie M., b. 4/21/1871; Myrtle A., b. 12/14/1874; George G., b. 8/6/1877. C. Park Dick d. 5/21/1915; Mary Zartman Dick d. 6/21/1927. Ollie M. Dick m. Mr. Lytle. Myrtle A. Dick m. Mr. Stephens. Child: Janet K., b. 10/19/1899. George G. Dick m. 7/26/1905, Ethel May Richardson: Their children are: • Daisy Kathryn; and George Arthur, who on 7/27/1932 m. Alice Muth; they have three sons: Jerry Arthur, b. 3/1/1933; George Walter, b. 8/24/1934; and Robert Eugene, b. 4/6/1936. The wife of George G. Dick d. 3/25/1931, and hem. Elizabeth C. Brownlee, 4/18/1936. Other grandchildren of C. Park and wife Mary Zartman Dick are as follows: Clyde B. Dick, b. 9/19/1891; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 279

Ralph A.; and Earl L., twins, b. 9/1/1894; Mary June, b. 9/- 29/1896; Lucile M., b. 8/22/1899; Daisy Catherine, b. 5/19/1906. David Zartman, son of Benjamin, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was carpenter, cabinetmaker and farmer. He married (1) Margaret Clippinger; (2) Susan Zeller. By the first marriage there were four children, to-wit: Mary Magdalene, b. 3/4/1837; William Elias, b. 4/18/1840; Albert Clippinger, b. 5/30/1843; Anna Elizabeth, b. 7/8/1845. By the second marriage there were eleven children, as follows: Daniel Kumler, b. 8/22/1840; John Wesley, b. 2/16/1851; Malinda Jane, b. 6/1/1853; Jacob Zeller, b. 8/22/1854, d. 8/6/1863; David Walter, b. 7/18/1857; J a.mes Dennis, b. 9/2/1859; Joseph Vandervier, b. 12/31/1861, in Carroll County, Ind.; Florence Viola, b. 2/21/1864; Dacie Candace Zeller, b. 7/2/1866; Susan C., b. 10/16/1870, d. 7/31/1871; Indiana, b. 12/8/1874. David Zartman and family belonged to the United Brethren Church. David was a farmer in Carroll County, Ind.; he d. there 11/3/1889, aged 74 years. Mary Magdalene Zartman, b. 3/4/1837, m. 3/4/1858, Joseph Lynn Carson, who was b. 10/10/1832, and d. 11/25/1897; she d. 12/1/1922. They lived at Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., and had eleven children, as follows: 1 Lucy Alice Carson, b. 2/6/1860, d. 12/1/1926, m. Coder. 2 Margaret Ann Carson, b. 7/12/1861, d. 1/10/1885, m. Linning. 3 John Clement Carson, b. 10/14/1863, d. 8/30/1936. 4 James Dennis Carson, b. 11/14/1866, and is living at Pullman, Washington, R. R. 5 Albert Abner Carson, b. 3/29/1869, d. 2/1914. 6 Lydora Bell Carson, b. 5/4/1871, m. Mr. Hamilton living in Richmond, Indiana. 7 Abigail Carson, b. 10/8/1873, m. 11/1/1894, William T. Jolliff, b. 11/22/1867. The Jolliffs had 3 daughters: Lena M., b. 8/26/1895; Ethel, b. 2/20/1903; Hilda Lucile, b. 1/19/1909. Abigail Jolliff Carson d. 2/26/1013. Mr. Jolliff is living with his family at Bath, Ind. 8 Clinton Carson, b. 4/28/1876, d. 8/2/1926. 9 Clifford Carson, b. 4/28/1876, d. 8/3/1876. Clinton and Clifford were twins. 280 THE ZARTMAN F AMlLY

10 Zella Carson, b. 7/31/1877, m. George Otto Kampman. They have four children: Curtis E., b. 10/30/1897; Mary E., b. 7/24/1901; Helena, b. 8/7/1903; and Irene, b. 10/10/1906. Curtis E. Kampman resides at 1318 Holly Ave., Dayton, Ohio. 11 Myrtle M. Carson, b. 7/31/1877, d. 11/12/1884. Miss Lena M. Jolliff, of, Ind., by the help of the old Family Bible was able to furnish the record of the Zartman­ Carson family. Her contribution is hereby gratefully acknow­ ledged. William Elias Zartman, the first born son of David, was a carpenter and farmer; resided at Lowell, Lake County, Ind. He m. 10/9/1861, Almira Gates. They were members of the Methodist Church. Seven children: John Elmore, b. 8/23/1863; Bertha Alvira, b. 10/6/1866; Sarah Emma, b. 3/7/1869; Pearl Almira, b. 10/10/1871; Richard D., b. 2/11/1874; Mary Estella, b. 7/24/1876; Lester William, b. 12/9/1878, at Lowell, Ind. He d. 1/13/1923 in'Saint Petersburg, Fla.; she d. 2/16/- 1918 at Lowell, Ind. John Elmore Zartman m. Laura Hayden 1/15/1885, and lived at Lowell, Ind. They had 3 children: Martha Vera, b. 2/- 12/1893; Harold W., b. 10/9/1890, d. in 1891; and Ora, b. 8/12/- 1899. Martha Vera, daughter of John E. Zartman, m. Ward Hathaway, 2/21/1917; they had a daughter, Martha Jea.ri, b. 5/- 7/1918, and a son, Paul, b. 10/3/1920; both born at Lowell, Ind. Martha Vera Hathaway d. 7/19/1920. Bertha A. Zartman m. 1/16/1884, Hiram 0. Hayden, and lived at Grant Park, Ill. They had 3 children: Clinton O. Hayden, b. 10/20/1885; William E. Hayden, b. 10/2/1889; and Wayne R. Hayden, b. 10/30/1894. She d. 3/25/1933. Clinton 0. Hayden m. Myra V. Starkey, Sept. 1908. Their children were: Evelyn C., b. 11/3/1909 and Emma, b. 4/27/1911. William Elias Hayden, Jr., m. Florence Smith, 6/30/1909 in Grant Park, Ill. To them were born the following cpildren: Wyoto. Elois, b. 10/16/1910; Duane Zartman, b. 3/14/1913; Wilma Ruth, b. 6/1/1915; Richard Hiram, b. 6/11/1917; John Ken­ neth, b. 8/18/1920; and Wayne Richard, b. 10/30/1894. Wyoto. Elois Hayden m., 6/16/1936 Vernon Johns. Their son is Ken• neth Vernon. Wilma Ruth Hayden m. 4/18/1937, Wilbur Strawn. Wayne Richard Hayden m. Amelia M. Homand in Feb. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 281

1914. They have a daughter, Arlene Amelia, b. 7/24/1915 at Grant Park, Ill. She is a teacher and lives at Flint, Mich. Sarah Emma Zartman m. 12/21/1886, Grant Hayden. Jssue: Vernon L., b. 9/4/1887; Lucinda, b. 1/19/1890; Forest E., b. 3/10/1902. Vernon L. Hayden attended Purdue Univer­ sity, and lived at Lafayette, Ind. Hem. Bessie Smith 12/31/1912. Lucinda Hayden m. Bert Strickland; they live at Lowell, Ind., and have four children: Florence, Gyneth, Margaret, and Clay. Forest E. Hayden lives in Chicago, and is in the employ of the Buick Automobile Co. He m. 4/25/1927 Edna Hogan; they have a daughter Shirley, b. 5/20/1928, in Chicago. Pearl A. Zartman m. 4/10/1895, T. E. Hamilton, and lived, at Sher­ burnville, Ill. They have two children: Gladys, b. 6/22/1897 and Edward, b. 4/1/1901. She d. 2/9/1904. Richard David Zartman is a farmer, living near Kokomo, Ind. In June 1893 he graduated from Prairie Seminary at Onargo, Ill. He m. 8/18/1897, Lucy May Smith; they were members of the M. E. Church. Four children: Pearl Lucile, b. 3/27/1899; Lester Grant, b. 11/19/1900; Clarence Richard, b. 10/5/1903; and Gle~ Marcellus, b. 11/26/1904. She d. in 1920 at Galveston, Ind. Pearl Lucile Zartman graduated from Galveston High School in 1917. She m. 12/2/1917, Ira G. Smith, b. 12/5/1897, a graduate from Kokomo High School, 1916. They live near Kokomo, Ind., R. R. # 1. They have five children, 1Jiz: Richard William, b. 2/23/1920; James Robert, b. 11/30/1921; Delores Lucy, b. 8/28/1923; Vernon Ra:r, b. 3/7/1925; Edward Eugene, b. 6/12/1928. Richard and James graduated in 1939 from High School in Clay Twp. Lester Grant Zartman m. 5/29/1921, Mary Elizabeth Kitchel, b. 11/2/1901 at Walton, Ind. Both parents graduated from High School in Galveston, Ind. She attended Ball State Teach­ er's College at Muncie one summer, and taught one year. Her husband attended Illinois University one year. They have four children: Helen Louise, b. 6/17/1923; James Kitchel, b. 2/22/1926; Lucy Margaret, b. 3/9/1931; and David Lester, b. 7/6/1940 in New Mexico, where Lester and family had located in 1934 near Albuquerque, R. D. # 1, Box 868. They are farming. Helen Louise Zartman graduated in 1940 from High School and with three other graduates was awarded a trip to Washington, D. C., to attend the 4-H Club Camp. 282 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Clarence Richard Zartman m. Mary Mae Ehrman, b. 6/9/ 1905, and have a son, John Richard, b. 10/5/1931. They live at Galveston, Ind., R. R. f/12. Clarence R. Zartman graduated from High School in 1921; bis wife graduated from High School in New London, Ind., in 1023. Glen Marcellus Zartman graduated from Galveston High School in 1923 and m. 10/17/1026, Fem Ellen Joliff; they have three children: Donald Earl, b. 1/28/1028, Glenna Mae, b. 10/21/1029 and Shirley Ann, b. 9/6/1935. They are Presby­ terians. They own an 80-acre farm near Flora, Carroll County, Ind. Mrs. Zartman graduated from High School in Kokomo, Ind., in 1923. In September 1921 Richard David Zartman m. Mrs. Laura Louise Black Zartman, widow of his brother, Lester William; they live on a farm at Kokomo, Ind., R. R. f/16. Mary Estella Zartman m. 11/27 1895, Hermie Hayden. They live at Schneider, Ind., and have four children: Ethel Fern, b. 5/5/1896; Ruby Marie, b. 10/9/1897; Kitchel, b. 12/- 7 /1900; and Zartman, b. 6/29/1906. Ethel Fem Hayden m. Chas. Miminger, 1/16/1920; their children are: Robert Charles, J. Paul, and Joan. Ruby Marie Hayden m. Leslie Strick­ land, 12/10/1914. Their issue are: Eugene, Mary, Jane, and Don L. Lester William Zartman graduated in 1903 from the Uni­ versity of Illinois with B.A., ranking second in a class of 500 students; entered Yale University to do post-graduate work, and in 1906 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Yale University, in which institution he was elected Professor of Life Insurance and Economics, and gave great promise for the future. He m. 9/22/1904, Laura Louise Black. To them was born a son, Walter Hammond, b. 11/16/1905. They lived in New Haven, Conn., and were members of the Congregational Church. Through correspondence the family historian had formed a very happy acquaintance with this distinguished cousin, Doctor Lester William Zartman. In the early autumn of 1909 he became the victim of typhoid fever, and d. 10/19/1909. Prof. Irving Fisher of Yale held cousin Lester Zartman in very high esteem, and in response to my request sent the following communication: JACOB ZARTllfAN AND FAMILY 283

"New Haven, Conn., Feb. 27, 1934 My dear Mr. Zartman: I was very glad to hear from a connection of Lester Zartman. He was a very high grade man from every point of view, of splendid physique, of rigorous mind-both in power of thought and in judgment and balance-and finally a fine moral character. His death was a great blow to me personally. He did not, I think, publish a great deal but edited the in­ surance volumes issued by the Yale University Press and wrote many of the chapters, The full reference to these is: Yale Insurance Lectures, Vol. I and II, Year 1903-04. Yale Readings in Insurance, Life Insurance, 1909. He also wrote: Investments of Life Insurance, Henry Holt & Co., 1906. Control of Life Insurance Companies, Journal of Political Economy, No. 9, Vol. 15, November 1907. Discrimination and Cooperation in Fire Insurance Rating, Yale Publishing Association. (reprint from Yale Review), no date given. Very likely in the records of his day at Yale will be found other publications the names of which should be on file in the Office of the Secretary of the University. Very sincerely, /s/ Irving Fisher"

"Yale University, New Haven, Conn. December 7, 1939 My dear Sir: I find that the following statement is included in the bio­ graphy of Dr. Zartman which was published in the University Obituary Record at the time of his death: 'During his connection with Yale he had established a reputa­ tion for worthy achievement, and gave unusual promise of a brilliant career. His interest in his work here led him to decline calls to important positions in other institutions. Besides con­ tributing valuable papers to the Yale Review and other periodi­ cals, he edited, "Yale Readings in Insurance," which has since been published in two volumes, by the Yale University Press, and nearly completed the manuscript of "Fire Loss and Fire 284 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Insurance." His "Investments of Life Insurance Companies" had been favorably received.' Very truly yours, Marion L. Phillips, Alumni Registrar"

Walter Hammond Zartman graduated from Blair Academy in 1922, and from the University of Illinois with high honors in Chemical Engineering in 1927. He received the Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1933. He m. in Livingston, Mont., Edna Louise Nelson. Children: William Nelson, b. 9/3/1934; and Charles Robert, b. 12/26/1937 in Wilmington, Del. At present he is employed as Supervisor in the Organic Chemicals Division, Dye Works, E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware. Their residence in Wilmington is 11 Wier Ave., Hillcrest. Edna Nelson Zartman was b. 4/21/1908 in Denver, Col. She graduated in 1926 from High School in Livingston, Mont., and was Valedictorian. She was given the B,S. degree in Chemistry at the U Diversity of Wisconsin, in 1930, and in 1931 M.S. in Education. We shall now consider Albert Clippinger Zartman, whose home was in Perry, Dallas County, Iowa, 1306-4th Street. He was born on a famous day, 5/30/1843. On Memorial Day he would have attained the age of 97 years, the age that was allotted to the late famous John D. Rockefeller. He d. 3/11/1940, and was buried on 3/13/1940 in Violet Hill Cemetery, Perry, Iowa. His age was 96 years, 10 months and 11 days. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." "They shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." "They rest from their labors." In earlier years Cousin Albert was a farmer, and a manufac­ turer of brick and tile. At the time of his death he owned a farm near the town of Perry, which has a population of 10,000. Hem. 10/14/1869 Amanda Faucett; they were Methodists, and par­ ents of four children: Wilna Glenn, b. 8/25/1870; Harry F., b. 8/15/1877, d. 12/22/1907; Generva, b. 6/5/1880; Roy Charles, b. 1/13/1885. Mrs. Albert C. Zartman passed away 12/27/1921, and was buried at Perry, Iowa, in Violet Hill Cemetery. This data was JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 285 written some time ago by Mrs. Wilna. Glenn Zartman, relict of Glenn, who resides at 1222 Third Street, Perry, Iowa.. Wilna. Glenn Zartman lived at Cooper, Greene County, Iowa, and was a farmer. He m. 12/12/1893 Anna M. Adams, b. 12/- 31/1870. Their children are: Faye, b. 11/10/1895; ·and Irma, b. 7/11/1901. Faye Zartman m. 1/25/1922 J. R. Repp; they have four daughters, and a son as follows: Frances May, b. 6/9/1925, and d. 7/2/1925, buried in Perry, Iowa; Dorothy Repp, b. 9/6/1926; Lyle Eugene, b. 8/7/1928; Alma Louise, b. 12/7/1930; and Mary Eleanor, b. 4/14/1952. All were born in Perry, Iowa. Irma Zartman m. 12/20/1921 Chester Moody; they reside in Win­ terset, Iowa. Harry F. Zartman m. Mary Smith 6/19/1901. They have a daughter, Harriet Janice, b. 6/2/1908. He is buried at Jeffer­ son, Iowa. Harriet J. Zartman m. 6/19/1930 Cecil Dale White, of Sioux City, Iowa. She was given in marriage by her grandfather, Al­ bert C. Zartman, who was then aged 87 years. They live in Rockwell City, Iowa. Their child is Priscilla, b. 12/1/1936. Generva Zartman is a graduate of the schools at Jamaica, Iowa; she m. Oran N. Smith 10/31/1907. They were Methodists, and resided in Perry, Iowa. He d. 10/31/1926, and was buried in Perry, Iowa. Their daughter, Jean Smith, was b. 6/31/1912 in Perry, Iowa, where on 6/15/1930 she m. Ora Bowman; they have two sons: Ora Keith, b. 10/7/1932; and Max Jene, b. 7/- 9/1934. They live in Perry, Iowa. Roy Charles Zartman graduated from High School in Perry, Iowa, 5/20/1904. He was a salesman in a clothing store there, then for years resided in Evansville, Ill. He served as salesman in a clothing store in Chicago, and for some years in Cincinnati, Ohio; next lived in Louisville, Ky. Child: Ned, b. 7/7/1921. His wifed. 7/18/1936, and is buried in Violet Hill Cemetery in Perry, Iowa; she was b. 1/11/1887. He m. second, 2/1/1940, Greta Johns Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio. They reside in Kansas City, Mo., at 5303 Charlotte Ave. On Sunday morning, 2/3/1929, I preached in Grace Reformed Church, Chicago, and among those who greeted me was Roy Charles Zartman, who was at that time a salesman in Chicago. It was arranged for me to be a dinner guest with his family in 286 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Evansville on Monday evening, February 4, and I was asked, where do you go from here? I said, "To Sioux City, Omaha, and Lincoln." Cousin Roy exclaimed, "You will be going through Perry, Iowa, where my father lives; he would be delighted to have you stop off. Can I wire him that you will do so?" I as­ '.!ented and it was so arranged. On Wednesday morning, 2/6/1020, I arrived in Perry and was given a very cordial handshake by Cousin Albert Zartman. It was our initial meeting, but we had heard of each other. Inasense my reception was rather cool, because the mercury that morning was 20 below zero I After hot coffee, and by keeping close to a blazing coal stove and a very hearty conversation, we thawed out, and what a day of good, cordial fellowship was ours! Cousin Albert had arranged a program, as follows. He said, "You will have breakfast and lunch here. For dinner this evening we will have two roast chickens in the home of my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wilna Glenn Zartman, who is a very good cook." Her dinner came up to all expectations. It was a feast indeed. Cousin Albert added: "and after dinner tonight we will go and see a game of basketball in our Methodist Church basement." I said, "That will be my first game of basketball." Cousin Albert was sur­ prised, and said, "Did you never see basketball?" I said, "No, and I won't understand it." He said, "It is an all right game and I'll tell you the points as the game proceeds." I replied, "No doubt it is all right, or you wouldn't have it in your church and you wouldn't take me to see it." The program went across in fine style; and made an abiding impression. The girl team of Perry, called Cardinals, beat a girl team from a Methodist Church in Des Moines. Cousin Albert and I formed a delightful acquaintance, and kept up correspondence during the intervening years. He told me of his prize vegetable and flower gardens, which he planted and cul­ tivated and rejoiced in every summer. Outstanding in that pic­ ture were his 100 red and yellow cannas. At the time of his birth­ day in 1939 Cousin Albert was 96. We have now traced the history of Mary Magdalene Zartman Carson, William Elias Zartman and Albert Clippinger Zartman. The daughter, Anna Elizabeth, concludes this part of David's household. Anna Elizabeth Zartman m. 4/28/1869 William T. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 287

Johnson; shed. 9/12/1888. They had three children: Fulton, b. 3/15/1870, d. the same year; Emma Viola, b. 11/2/1872; Lewis Arthur, b. 5/14/1874, d. 0/28/1881. The Johnson family are Methodists. Emma Viola Johnson m. Mr. Sayler and lives at lfokomo Ind. Daniel l{umler Zarlman, son of David, a graduate of the Eclectic School of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, practices medi­ cine at Logansport, Ind. In 1870, be m. Mary Arnold; 11/3/1880, be m. Frances Naomi Grauel. By the first wife there were three children who died in infancy. The children by the second wife were: Susan Ethel, b. 8/24/1885; Mary, b. 10/3/1892; Chester Grauel, b. 1/29/1896. Susan Ethel Zartman graduated in 1904 from the High School of Logansport, and was a teacher in the public schools of Logansport. She was accidentally killed in 1911, at Kokomo, Ind., while in the service of the Pa. R. R. Co. Dr. D. K. Zartman and family belonged to the Christian Church. He d. 2/18/1918. John Wesley Zartman, a retired farmer, son of David, resided at Flora, Ind. He m. Cassie Ashby 9/20/1873. They were Presbyterians. He d. 6/3/1936. Malinda Jane Zartman m. 4/1/1872 Alexander D. Decker. They resided at Camden, Preble County, Ohio, and had four children: Joseph Fulton, b. 10/27/1875, Camden, Ohio; Earnest Lee, b. 8/22/1878, Logansport, Ind.; Carl, b. 7/18/1883, and d. 12/5/1937; Harry Alexander, b. 6/8/1892, and d. 8/2/1910. Joseph F. Zartman m. 8/31/1912 Bessie K. Bogan. Earnest Lee Zartman in June 1914 m. Ethel Logan. Mrs. J. F. Decker resides at 285 So. Lafayette St., Camden, Ohio. David Walter Zartman, son of David, a graduate of the White River Conference Institute, was a minister of tho U. B. Church twenty-one years. He served the following charges: Franklin 11 months; Kokomo two years; Middletown one year; Greenwood two years; Noblesville three years; Sarat;:iga three years; Redkey Station two years; Wabash Circuit one year; First Church, Wa­ bash, one year; and then at Portland, Ind. He was specially suc­ cessful in paying off church debts. His first marriage was on Christmas, 1880, to Louisa Koonsman, who d. 4/11/1887. His second marriage was to Naomi E. Whistler, 10/23/1890. He is the father of seven children: Grace Maude, b. 10/23/1881; Gertie Olga, b. 9/5/1883; Oakley Emerson, b. 11/10/1885, d. 9/14/- 288 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1886; Susanna, b. 8/7/1891; Mary Montrew, b. 6/18/1893; Laura Hazel, b. 1/13/1896; Castel W., b. 12/24/1897. He d. 3/18/1934. Grace Maude Zartman m. 11/28/1900 Corydon El­ bert Wheatley; they reside in West Palm Beach, Fla. They have six children: Clayburn E., b. 11/4/1901; Louisa, b. 8/9/1904; Ardath, b. 5/14/1907; W. Walter, b. 6/17/1008; Charlotte, b. 7/21/1913; and Harry N., b. 9/28/1919. Clayburn E. Wheatley m. 11/30/1924 Ruth Canatsey, b. 8/13/1904. Their daughter, Dana Jeane, was b. 2/1/1927. Louisa Wheatley m. 6/9/1925 Albert Thayer, b. 11/12/1902. Their daughter is Norma Joan, b. 6/9/1926. Ardath Wheatley m. T. Merle Zent, b. 6/14/1903, and they have a daughter, Carolyn Beth, b. 12/31/1926. W. Walter Wheatley m. 10/31/1934 Marie Lloyd, b. 8/18/1913, and they have a son, David Walter, b. 9/30/1936. Charlotte Wheat­ ley m. 12/3/1932 Charles Baker, b. 2/28/1902. Their daughter is Patricia Ann, b. 9/6/1936. Gertie Olga Zartman m. 10/29/1902 Wilmer R. Owens, a grain dealer at Saratoga, Ind. The Owens are Methodists. They have a daughter, Crystal Grace, b. 5/31/1905, and on 5/23/1928 m. Russell R. Printy. The Printys have a daughter, Pamela Owens b. 11/20/1930. The Owens now reside !l,t Romney, Ind., where their sign in large letters reads: "Romney Grain Company." Mrs. Owens has been very helpful in sending data pertaining to the large family of her parents. She writes "I sign my name Olga Zartman Owens as I am a Notary Public and it makes a better signature, also I am bookkeeper for the above firm as the W. R. Owens happens to be my husband.'' Castel W. Zartman is in the employ of the Western Electric Co., 195 Broadway, New York City. James Dennis Zartman was a farmer at, Camden, Carroll County, Ind. Hem. 2/12/1888, Rosanna Frent; they belonged to the U. B. Church, and had four children: Junette, b. 11/29/- 1888; Russell J., b. 7/30/1894; Everett Zellar, b. 8/22/1898; Mary Elizabeth, b. 5/26/1904. He d. 9/12/1922. Joseph Vandervier Zartman graduated in 1893 from the Indi­ ana State Normal School. He also graduatea from Depauw Uni­ versity, became superintendent of schools at Worthington, and later had charge of the department of history of Marion Normal College. He m. 8/16/1890 Alice E. Anderson, and lived in In­ dianapolis. They had three children: Josephine, b. 9/29/1894; JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 289

Paul A.,' tJ/1903; and Joseph V., Jr., b. 2/21/1905, at 3640 N. Temple Ave. They belonged to the Presbyterian Church. Joseph was identified with the oil business for many years, and became widely known as a lubrication engineer. After a pro­ longed illness he d. 10/3/1936, and was buried in Indianapolis. His widow, Mrs. Alice E. Zartman, resides at 5832 Haverford Ave., Indianapolis. Paul A. Zartman is a diAtL1guished aviator. Hem. 7/19/1930 Marguerite V. Weaver, and they have a son, b. 9/6/1931. Paul Zartman's occupation is telephony, in the employ of the Indiana Bell Telephone Co. Avocation, flying; Captain, 113 Observation Squadron, Indiana National Guard; Military Airplane Pilot; Commercial Transport Pilot. His ad­ dress is 3241 Graceland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Florence Viola Zartman m. Louis T. Bell, 3/21/1882. They lived at Flora, Carroll County, Ind., belonged to the U. B. Church, and had two children: Harry W., b. 8/20/1883, and Charley L., b. 6/7/1885. Shed. 1/21/1934. Dacie Zartman m. Amos M. Zell 5/28/1891. They are farmers at West Middleton, Ind., belong to the Methodist Church, and have three children: Hilda, b. 3/7/1894; Cora May, b. 4/28/1904; Russell Lowell, b. 9/2/1907. Indiana Zartman m. Marion Cook 10/13/1892; they live at Kokomo, Ind., belong to the U. B. Church, and have three child­ ren: Helen Marie, b. 7/7/1893; Charles Arthur, b. 6/16/1895; Harry Wilfred, b. 3/29/1901. Benjamin Zartman, son of Benjamin, b. 1819, was a cooper by trade. On Christmas, 1846, he m. Temperus !Gng, b. 10/2/1825 in Dayton, Ohio. They had three children: Daniel Edgar, b. 1/15/1848; Angeline, b. 8/28/1850; Mary Elizabeth, b. 7/8/- 1852, d. 9/10/1855. In 1871 Benjamin Zartman and his family left Butler County, Ohio, and moved to Ifonsas, where they set­ tled on homestead land; they lived there 25 years, and then moved to Hubbell, Neb., where he and his wife died and are buried. Benjamin d. 10/20/1898. Daniel E. Zartman m. 2/9/1881, Jennie Myrtle Sutton, b .. 8/30/1864, they belonged to the United Brethren Church and lived retired in Hubbell, Thayer Co., Neb. Daniel E. Zartman d. at Eckley, Colo., 12/21/1918, aged 70 years. They had four child­ ren, viz.: Mildred Pearl, b. 12/23/1881; John Martin, b. 9/10/- 290 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1884; Clarence Joy, b. 1/26/1888; Gladys Willia, b. 7/21/1897. Mildred Pearl Zartman m. 9/15/1900 Ollie M. Hayes, a farmer; they lived at Frankfort, Marshall County, Kan., and had eight children: Garnet Gladys, b. 11/30/1901; Orlie, b. 8/26/1903; Hallie, b. 12/1/1905; Herald, b. 2/13/1908; Leo; Daniel; Juanita and Bernice. Garnet Gladys Hayes m. 12/25/1916 at Eckley, Colo., Clarence Gilbert Draper. He was born at Hamburg, Iowa, 8/27/1897, and they have three daughters: Elsie Marie, b. 1/- 10/1918; Marion, b. 9/7/1919; and Elvira Mildred, b. 9/21/1920 at Yuma, Colo. Mr. Draper is in the employ of the Phillips Petroleum Co, of Denver. They reside at 141 South Monroe St., Denver, Colo. John Martin Zartman was a commercial traveler, he m. Emma Williams 9/13/1884 and lived at Wymore, Neb. Clarence Joy Zartman, son of Daniel Edgar, was b. 1/26/1888. He had four children; they reside at Padroni, Colo. Angeline Zartman m. John G. Nichols, and lived at Clyde, Kan. They had three sons and ten daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols are deceased. ' Concerning the daughters of Benjamin Zartman, Sen., we have very limited information. There were five of them, namely: Sal­ lie, Peggie, Polly, Betsey and Lydia. Sallie Zartman m. George Gephart. Peggy Zartman m. (1) Mr. Yeakel; and (2) Mr. Doner. Polly Zartman m. John Confare. Bet.say Zartman m. John Piatt. Lydia Zartman m. Christian Brady. They had a daughter, Adda Brady, whom. Mr. Hargitt; they had a son, Wilbur. After the death of Mr. Hargitt, Adda m. 4/9/1878 J.B. Scott, M.D. They have two children: Anna Grenvolene, b. 1/20/1883; and Violet Lydia, b. 3/30/1889; all resided in Hamilton, Ohio. Chapter IX


WILLIAM ZARTMAN, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Alex• antler I, was b. 5/28/1785, in Northumberland County, Pa. He was a former. His first wife wns a Miss Herb, who became tho mother of eleven children; after her death William m. Catharine Elizabeth Seiler, nee Wolf, b. 2/25/1787, and d. 2/22/1867. She was the widow of George Seiler and bad a son, named George Seiler. William had a son by his second marriage, named Joseph. The children were as follows: Adam, b. 8/1/1810; Daniel, b. 9/29/1811; Lydia, b. 2/2/1814; George H., b. 4/4/1817; Abraham, b. 10/5/1821; Mary and Sarah, b. 1824; Rebecca R., Harriet, Abigail, Hannah, Joseph, b. 5/14/1833. William Zartman d. 4/30/1857. For Adam Zartman and family see following chaptm·. DANIEL ZARTMAN, son of William, lived his 77 years in North• umberland County, Pa. He had a large tannery; was a farmer and enterprising business man. He married twice: (1) Esther Raker, b. 1/10/1817; (2) Susanna Conrad. His twelve children were all by his first wife, as follows: 1. Harriet, b. 1834. 2. son who died as inf. 3. Sarah Ann, b. 2/17/1835. 4. Alexander R., b. 10/8/1839. 5. William, b. 1841, who died aged 21 years. 6. Mary Jane, b. 7/18/1844. 7. Rebecca, b. 9/14/1846. 8. Cath• urine, b. 8/5/1848. 9. Abigail, b. 10/11/1856, d. in 1916. 10. inf., d. nameless. 11. Daniel R., b. 10/15/1854. 12. Esther R., b. 12/24/1856. Daniel Zartman d. 2/17/1880. Susanna Conrad Zartman d. 6/6/1891, aged 83 yrs. Harriet Zartman m. Reuben Wolfe. Sarah Ann Zartman m. Ramos Wolfe, a farmer, 1/28/1858. Address Sunbury, Pa.; members of the Lutheran Church. Children: William, b. 11/· 19/1858; Daniel, b. 8/7/1860, d. 4/11/1871; Joel, b. 12/19/1861, d. 4/29/1871; Peter, b. 6/11/1863, d. 4/11/1871; Catharine Ann, b. 8/30/1865, d. 4/4/1871; Jonsey, b. 4/21/1867, d. 4/15/1871; Jeremiah, b. 3/12/1869, d. 7/4/1870; Henrietta Pensyl, b. 6/ 27 /1872; Ramos, Jr., b. 2/2/1875; Reuben, b. 4/20/1879; Allison, b. 2/8/1881. 202 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

.Alexnnder R. Znrtman m. Harrietta R. Malick; lived in Northumberland Co., Pn. They hnd three children: William E., b. 8/29/1864. Lillie M. b. 5/18/1869. John Alison, b. 10/0/1871 and d. in 1924. Alexnnder R. d. 1/1/1003; his wife d, 2/27/1897; their ages were 63 and 57. William E. Zartman took a course in the Sunbury Commercial School; he lived in Sunbury, where he engaged in fire, life and accident insurnnce. Hem. Bertie May Fasold, who d. 6/12/1890. They were Luther­ ans, and had two children: Delmer E., b. 6/28/1888, cl. 6/12- 1889. Ralph E., b. 9/23/1895. Lillie M. Zartman married Mr. Snyder 9/5/1886; their son, William A., resides in Sun­ bury. Her second marringe was 7/8/1809, to James L. Moh1·; they have two sons: Raymond A., and nn infant, b. and cl. 1/19/1906. They belonged to the Lutheran Church. John Alison Zartman is a farmer in Rockefeller Twp., Northum­ berland County, Pa.; he owns and lives on the old home place; on 4/6/1895, he m. Clara Scheetz. They have two children: Mabel Viola, b. 1/13/1898, and Charles Raymond, b. 5/15/1902. Their P. 0. is Sunbury. Mary Jane Zartman, daughter of Daniel, was b. 7/18/1844. Shem. Daniel R. Malick and had five children: Roselda, Minnie, Mary, Celestial, and Cyrus. Mr. Malick was a farmer; is now deceased. Rebecca Raker Zartman, b. 9/14/1846 in Augusta Township, Pa., m. Reuben W. Thurston of Rush Township, Pa. Their children were seven: Abigail Louise, b. 10/4/1866, d. unm. in New York City 10/25/1923; Mary Elizabeth, d. as inf. 6/27/1869; Harry Sylvester, b. 3/24/1870 at Sunbury, Pa.; Daniel Israel, b. 12/18/1873 at Sunbury, Pa., d. unm. 9/29/1901 at Jersey Shore, Pa.; Nora Esther, b. 1/5/1874 at Sunbury, Pa.; Minnie Jane, b. 2/15/1876; Philip Reuben, b. 3/10/1881 at Renovo, Pa. Rebecca Zartman Thurston · d. 10/6/1894 and is buried at Wolfe Cross Church Cemetery; her husband d. 1/6/1928 at Clearfield, Pa., and is buried at Lock Haven, Pa. He had been in the employ of the N. Y. Central R. R. Co. Harry Sylvester Thurston was a musician; he m. Nellie Fisher, b. in 1863; they rell,ide in Lock Haven, Pa. No children. Nora Esther Thurston m. 9/16/1892 John A. Peterson, at Elmira, N. Y. Their children are three: Elizabeth Esther, b. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 293

7/27/1893; Huth Minerva, b. 7/14/1895; Mildred Rachel, b. 7/28/1897. Elizabeth Esther Peterson m. 8/28/1915 Deitrick Willard Lamacle; they live in Williamsport, Pa. Theil· chil­ dren aro: John William, b. 9/14/1918; Betty Wilma, b.1/10/1922; Willard Thurston, b. 10/16/1924; and Richard Herbert, b, 10/17/1028. Ruth Minerva Peterson m. 7/24/1920 William Reichert Bennett, b. 8/21/1922; they live in East St. Louis, Ill. Their children arc: Wm. R. Bennett, Jr., Nora Ruth Ben­ nett, and Esther Louise Bennett. Mildred Rachel Peterson m. 6/24/1919 Lawrence E. Gordon. They live at Robinson, Ill. Their son is Robert Lawrence, b. 11/29/1922. Minnie Jane Thurston m. in Sept, 1897 Thomas F. Carey; they have three children: William Thurston, b. 6/28/1898; Rebecca Margaret, b. 3/22/1909, and lives in Clearfield, Pa.; Harry Francis, b. 7/22/1916 at Jersey Shore, Pa. William Thurston Carey lives in Philadelphia, Pa., and is em­ ployed in the Corn Exchange National Bank as Manager of Foreign Exchange. In June 1023 he m. Elva Holmes of Phila­ delphia, Pa. Their children are: Jane Mercedes, b. 10/16/1925; and William Thurston, Jr., b. 7/15/1929. Philip Reuben Thurston m. 2/5/1911 Marie Kimmick of Turtle Creek, Pa. No children. They live at 36 Berry St., San Francisco, Calif. Mr. 'l'hurston is District Manager of Sales for Ludlum Steel Co. of Watervliet, N. Y. Catharine Zartman, daughter of Daniel, b. 8/5/1848, m. Ira J. Seasholtz, a former, 10/19/1869. Their children were: Daniel E., b. 1/9/1871 in York, Pa.; Edward G., b. 4/4/1876, Sunbury, Pa.; Emory, b. 4/17/1881, Waycross, Ga.; Annie J., b. 12/11/1883, Sunbury, Pa. Abigail Zartman, daughter of Daniel, m. 1/2/1868 John H. Beck, b. 8/30/1850. Their children were William Edward, b. 6/13/1870, d. 4/21/1872; David Albert, b. 5/6/1871; Mary Alice, b. 8/26/1872; Daniel Jacob, b. 12/15/1874, d. 1/29/1940; George Washington, b. 6/18/1876; Harry Luther, b. 7/18/1877; John Norman, b. 6/26/1881; Susan Elizabeth, b. 10/12/1883, d. 8 /21 /1938, at Freeport, Pa.; Walter Franklin, b. 1/25/1886; Myrtle Abbie, b. 9/30/1888; Katie Theressa, b. 5/31/1890; Esther Naomi, b. 9/13/1892; Arvil Ellwood, b. 7/23/1895. Mr. Beck has been a prominent farmer in Rockefeller Township, 294 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Pn. He hns held various township officmi, and been County Commissioner. The fnmily arc Lutherans. Their home is at Seven Points, Pa. Abignil Z. Beck cl. 9/21/1911. Mnrriages: David A. Beck m. Alverta Dunkelberger and has a daughter, Grace Susan. Mary A. Beck m. Harvey Miller. Daniel J. Beck m. Emma Jane Mamer, and has two children: Laura Viola and Lloyd Emerson. George W. Beck m. Ella Fasold, and has two children: John Ellwood and Marion. Harry L. Beck m. Susan Dunkelberger, and hns three children: Dorothy Alvertbell, Martha Hildern and Harry Tobins. John N. Beck m. Anne Fasold, and has three children: Mary Thelma, William Mnrlon and Ruth Glendora .. Susan E. Beck m. Perry T. Bennett, and has a daughter, Ida Pearl. Walter F. Beck m. Dora Shipe. Myrtle A. Beck m. Philip Scheetz. Daniel R. Zartman, b. 10/15/1854 in Rockefeller Township, spent his boyhood working in his father's tannery. He became shipping clerk for James Martin & Co. of Rochester, N. Y., nnd on resigning came to Sunbury, Pa., became one of tho most nctive businesa men in the nity. He d. 1/6/1927, and is buried in Pomfret Manor Cemetery, Sunbury. He m. in 1881 Ellen Bateman, daughter of Augustus and Mary (Messner) Bateman. To this union were b. two children: Harry Alfred, b. 2/6/1883; and Susan May, b. 3/17/1884. Harry Zartman was an electrician; d. 1/21/1928. He m. Minnie Kling 4/11/1905 and they had two children: Cliffr,;J, b. 1/18/1908; and Beulah M., b. 2/6/1906. Clifford Zartman graduated from Sunbury High School and entered Albright College where ho took an nctive part in athletics. He was in the Pennsylvnnia Highway Patrol for seven years. Beulah Zartman m. Willinm Hayes, and residea in Colton, Calif. In 1904, Susan M. Zartman m. Joseph Bailey Nesbit, .Jr., b. 2/24/1883. He was a musician and in the music business for many years, conducting his own orchestra, which became quite famous. They have three children: Bailey Zartman, b. 6/17/1905; Daniel Edwin, b. 1/27/1912;· Mary Ellen, b. 12/8/1913. Bailey Z. Nesbit graduated from Pennsylvania College in 1926. He lived in Lancaster for five years, wherc he was engaged in the bond and investment business; at present is at the First National Bank in Sunbury. On 4/13/1935 hem. Mary Elizabeth Rohrbach, b. 6/2/1906, daughter of William JACOB ZAitTM.AN .AND FAMILY 295

R. and Hannah Rohrbach. Children: William Rohrbach, b. 2/ 11/1038; and Bailey Zartman, b. 1/22/1041 in Sunbury. Daniel Edwin Nesbit graduated from the Pennsylvanin. Stn.te College in 1935, in the School of Engineering. He is now a Lieutenant in the army, stationed at Camp Lee, Va. Mary Ellen Nesbit graduated from the Sunbury High School, and attended Art School at Miami, Fla. She m. 3/24/1940 Guy Wolf Fairchilds, son of John C. and Bessie Wolf Fairchilds of Sunbury, Pa., where they reside. Esther R. Zartman, daughter of Daniel, b. 12/24/1856, m. 3/20/1875 Henry M. Snyder. Their six children: Daniel Jonathan, b. 12/31/1875; Harlan R. b. 7/25/1877; Palmer, b. 8/5/1879, d. in 1886; Wilson R. b. in 1882 cl. 1886; Susannah, b. 1886, cl. in 1803; Esther Verdilla, b. 1895, d. 1902. Henry M. Snyder cl. 9/1926. Daniel J. Snyder m. Elizabeth Byerly 2/25/1899 ancl they have four children: Marion G., b. 12/20/1900, d. 1901; Clermont J. b. 2/17/1902; Esther T., b. 11/5/1907; Eleanor Rebecca, b. 5/20/1916. He taught school many years; nnd received degrees from Bloomsburg T. S. College and Sus­ quehanna University. His residence is 124 Williams St., Brad­ ford, Pa. His wife cl. 12/4/1937. Clermont J. Snyder gmduated from Pennsylvania State College in 1923. In 1927 he m. Ethel Snyder. They have three children: Jeane Ann, b. 1929, Lee Daniel, b. 1933, and Paul Harlan, b. 1937. Esther T. Snyder graduated from Blooms­ burg T. S. College, and from the New York University, 8/17/1931 she m. Dr. S. Lehman Nyre, who is a grnduata from tho School of Denistry, University of Pennsylvania. They were wed in the "Little Church around tho Corner" in New York City. Dr. Nyce is an Orthodontist. They reside on Sandy Hill Road, Norristown, Pa. Eleanor R. Snyder m. in 1939 Jas. H. Gibson; they have a daughter, Marjorie Esther, b. 5/5/1940. Harlan H. Snyder graduated from Bloomsburg T. S. College, and received the Master's degree from Susquehanna University. He m. Lois M. McCloughan, a school teacher; both he and his wife taught school, and while in service in Catawissa, Pa., Hnrlan d. 7/7/1937. LYDIA ZAnTMAN, daughter of William, was b. 2/2/1814, and about 1830 m. Adam Kemble, b. 10/13/1810. They lived in 296 TUE ZARTMAN F Al\lILY

Northumborluncl County, Pa. Mrs. Komblo cl. 5/4/1888; and Mr. Komblo cl. 7/4/1895. The Komblo family bolongod to the Evangolirnl Chmch. Thoy had fourteen children: Daniel Zartmun, b. 8/6/1833; Harriet; Abiguil, b. 5/26/1836; Rebecca, b. 2/5/1838; Isaac, b. 5/12/1839; Henry, b. 12/11/1840; Eliza, d. aged 9 years; Mary, b. 5/19/1844. Sb, children died as infants unnamed. Daniel Zartman Kemble, by close application, acquired a good education; he learned the trade or 11 coach builder, but felt called to preach tho gospel, and in 1857 he was licensed;

he served the following charges; Orwigsburg, Ccd11rville 1 Ma­ hanoy City, Ashland, Parryville, Hazleton, Womelsdorf, Allen­ town, Linden St., Trevorton, Shamokin, l\'leyerstown, Williams­ town, Germantown and Perkasie. He was successful as preacher and pastor in the United Evangelical Church. He m. Lydia Malich. Thoy had a son, John C. Kemble, who resided in Jersey City, N. J. , Rev. Daniel Z. Kemble cl. 3/4/1903; his wife is also deceased. Harriot Kemble m. Emanuel Ifowel. They lived at Millers­ burg, Pa., where both are buried; she cl., a widow, in Dec. 1909. Their children were as follows: William, Rebecca Louisa, Ida, Alice, Charles, Samuel and Allen. William Kawel m. Al­ verda Knight, and lived at Carlisle, Pa., where they died and are buried. Rebecca Louisa Kawel m. Rev. J. H. Maice, a blind Evangelist. Their home was at Elizabethville, Pa. They arc both buried at Millersburg, Pa. They had a daughter, Katherine, who became a trained nurse in Philadelphia. Ida Kawol m. Isaiah Swab, a farmer in Dauphin County, Pa. They are both buried at Elizabethville, Pa. Their children were: Charles, Norwood, Irene, Annie, Mildred, Carrie, and Marlin. Alice Ifowcl m. Peter Creeden; they lived, died and are buried in Germantown, Philadelphia. Samuel Kawcl m. in 1893 Jennie Victoria Day, b. 6/3/1872, in Millersburg, ,vhcrc he had a dry goods store. They had a daughter, Grace, b. 7/25/1895; an elocutionist. Grace Kawcl m. 2/12/1920 Owen Chester Jones, b. 3/10/1895. They have a son, Chester Kawel, b. 10/- 17 /1921. Chester K. Jones is a broker, one of the firm of Laird & Company, Wilmington, Del. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 297

Abigail Kemble m. Nicholas S. Drumheller, nnd they hnd children as follows: Mary Jane, Lydia L., Ella and Alice. She cl. a widow 3/4/1909, at Herndon, Pa. Mary Jane Drumheller m. Snmuel A. Werntz 12y7 /1873; they resided in Shamokin, Pa., and hnd the following children: Kntie May, b. 11/29/1874, cl. 0/8/1875; Minnie Laura, b. 7/19/1876, d. 6/24/1879; Flo­ rence Ella, b. 12/28/1878; Eva Annie, b. 4/2/1881, d. 9/10/1884; Olive Blanche, b. 0/4/1883; Frederick Willis, b. 5/15/1886; Mnud Abbie, b. 6/27/1888; Norma Eldn, b. 8/6/1891. Florence E. Werntz m. Theodore W. Bostian 9/18/1897; the children of this union are: Charles S., b. 11/22/1898; and Florence S., b. 6/26/1901. The Bostians lived at Columbia, Pa. Rebecca Kemble, b. 2/5/1838, m. John Fetterolf Zimmerman, b. 2/4/1829. They lived in Shamokin. Rebecca Kemble Zim­ merman d. 3/25/1897, and he d. 3/16/1911, aged 82 years; both are buried in Wildwood Cemetery, Williamsport, Pa. They had three children: Landis Irvin, b. 5/7/1867; Ella Meta, b. 5/1/1870, d. 9/1/1871; and Ira Jacob, b. 6/5/1873. Landis Irvin Zimmerman m. Annie Reitz of Punxsutawney, Pa., about 1803, and had three children: Eugene who d. aged 24 years; Landis Myron; and Hilda. Landis M. Zimmerman is a dentist in Imlay City, Mich. He has a son, Allan Dale. Hilda Zimmerman m. Paul Hoskins, and lives in Pontiac, Mich., and the widow of Landis Zimmerman is living with her daughter there. Ira Jacob Zimmerman m. 6/20/1901 Pearl Elnora Hewitt of Schnectady, N. Y. They are living at 7218 Tuxedo Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ira Zimmerman is not only a good personal friend of Edgar Guest, America's poet laureate, but he also hns written very acceptable verse, in English and Pennsylvania German. At the request of cousin Adelia Longsdorf, of Herndon, Pa., he furnished the above data for this history; both have our thanks.

UBHT PENSYLVANISH DEITSCH Yah, Ich binn Pensylvanisch Deitsch, Sell macht mich gar nicht baes; Ich gleich die goota schnitz und knepf, Latwarrick und schmier kaes. 298 TUE ZARTMAN F AMlLY

!ch denk !ch kendt noch laeva Uff sauer-kraut und skpeck, Noodles und liuht dumplings-­ Sell dreibt my druvvel 'week.

Die dickka, urossa broed-warscht­ Ach, uae Mier dan aweck Mit all die Janey sacha;- Sie sin net mae wie dreck,

Ach Yahl/ Wie daet Ich gleicha Ae moehl tsurick tsu gae, Und in die schmoke-hai1.s schliecha:­ Will wette sell waer schae.

Ich wunner hav Ich's haemwae:­ Was schteckt Mi,;r so im halzP Und raeoa uff Mei backa- Es schmackt so schure wic salz.

Bin usht ein alder aesel; Avver hclfa lean ich's net Fun alta tsieta denka Und drahma nachts im bet. "Zim"


I've often wondered what 'twill be like When I've come to the end of the road; When I've finished this long, long wearisome hike, When I've laid down life's burdensome load.

I wonder what scenes will greet my eye, When I've climbed the last long hill; When I sec that Land Of the Sweet Bye and Bye, How my heart with rapture must thrill.

I've been told that just around the bend, In the road I have traveled so far, JACOB ZARTJ\IAN AND FAMILY 299

Is a Cit71 where the days never come to an end, Its gates ever standing ajar.

So onward and 1tpivarcl each day will I plod, Ever nearing the end of the trail; Till I hope to reach that Fair City of God, Ere the last rays of sunlight fail.

And then, when in His Presence I've stood, Did I hear The Most Worshipful's Word:­ "Well done, thou faithful servant and good, Enter into the joys of thy Lord." "Zim" Isaac Kemble was a school teacher and civil engineer. On 8/10/1861, he enlisted for service in tho Civil War; he was a member of Co. C, 47th Reg., P. V. I. He entered service 0/22/1861, and served three years and one month. He made a most interesting record for himself; a man of fine mind, great ability and beautiful spirit. He gave us the greatest help and encouragement with this histmy. He cl. 8/10/1000 and is buried in the Herndon cemetery.

THE VIEW OF DEATH To him who, like the ancient Psalmist, holds Communion with his blessed Lord, He speaks A various language. For his hap']/'6 days He lws a voice of gladness, and a smile Of love and approbation, and He sends Into his darker hours the Spirit's mild And gentle sympathy, tha.t steals away Their burden ere he is aware. Isaac Kemble m. 0/25/1870 Matilda Bickel. They lived at Mt. Carmel, Pa., and had seven children: Edward Bickel, b. 6/20/1871, m. 8/0/1894, Bertha Shultz, is manager of the ''Mount Carmel Item"; Charles Millard, b. 11/1/1873, d. 1/22/1878; William Penn, b. 4/5/1876; Adam, b. 11/11/1878, a graduate of George Washington University, Washington, D. C., and a practicing physirian in that city; Lydia, b. 4/3/1881, a graduate of Mt. Carmel High School, and teacher of instru- 300 THE ZAHTMAN F AMil,Y

mental music; Laura, b. 4/7/1884, is a graduate of tho Mt· Carmel High School, and of tho Kutztown State Normal School• and is a teacher in the Mt. Carmel Public schools; Franklin, b. 7/10/1886, a graduate of the Mt. Carmel High School, and took the full course in the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. William Penn Kemble m. 12/31/1002 Bertha ]!l. Doty Miller; he is editor of the "Mount Carmel Item," and has two children: Robert Penn, b. 5/31/1005, and Frances Elizabeth, b. 6/20/1007. Henry Kembel was a farmer at Dornsifo, Pa. On 8/7/1862, he enlisted for nine months' service in the Civil War; was in Co. C, 136th Reg., P. V. I., and honorably discharged 5/29/1863. On 3/14/1865; he enrolled to serve during the war; he was in Co. C, 74th Reg., P. V. I., and honorably discharged 8/29/1865. He d. 1/5/1022 and is buried in the Herndon, Pa., cemetery. Mary I{emble m. 6/25/1866 William B. Longsdorf. Their children were: Adelia, b\ 11/10/1867; Mary, b. 1/24/1869; Bertha, b. 4/24/1871; and John Seybert, b. 6/30/1872. Ho d. 12/22/1874 and widow Longsdorf m. 12/3/1881 Edward Baum, who d. in Aug. 1897. She d. 8/7/1922, and both are buried in Herndon, Pa. Mary Longsdorf m. Mr. Mann and lived at Zion Hill, Bucks County, Pa. She d. in 1925, he d. in 1040; both are buried in Coopersburg, Pa. Children are: Walter, Edgar, Russel, Lizzie, Ruth, Carrie, Ethel, Beulah, Bertha, Charlie, Harold and Dorothy. Bertha Longsdorf m. Mr. Sholl and lives at 849 N. 29th St., Philadelphia. GEORGE H. ZARTMAN, son of William, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 4/4/1817, in Northumberland County, Pa. He was a shoemaker by trade. When about nine­ teen years old he followed drovers from his native place up into New York State. In 1836 be came to Waterloo, N. Y., and lived in or near Waterloo all the rest of his life, dying upon his farm about one mile south of Waterloo. He was the only one of the William Zartman family that left Northumberland County. At Waterloo be engaged in agriculture. In Feb. 1847 he m. Lydia M. Illick, b. 11/3/1823, at Bethlehem, Pa. They and their family belonged to the M. E. Church. Their home was destroyed by fire in 1898. George H. Zartman d. near Waterloo, N. Y., 6/15/1893; his wifed. there 7/31/1898. Both JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMll,Y 301 are buried in the cemetery at Waterloo. The children of George H. and Lydia M. Zartman arc as follows: Joseph Henry, b. 10/10/1849; Charles Edwin, b. 12/2/1852; Mary Jane-, b. 5/5/1855; Caroline Adelia; George Emanuel, b. 11/25/1858. Joseph Henry Zartman aspired to the ministry of the gospel, and gave a good account of himself. He became well educated. In 1873 he graduated from the Cazenovia Seminary. In 1878 he grnduated from Syracuse University with the degree of A. B.; later received the degree of A. M. from Syracuse University. In 1880 he graduated from Drew Theological Seminary, with the degree of B. D. He joined the Central N. Y. Conference in 1880, and served pastorates at Stockbridge, East Homer, Trux­ ton, Sterling, Lodi, Owasco, McGrawville, Blodgett's Mills, Jamesville and DeWitt, Solvay, Groton, and Odessa, N. Y. For a number of years he was statistical secretary of his Con­ ference, and secretary of the Symcuse University Alumni Association. On 12/6/1881, he m. Frances Dexter. Their children are as follows: Arthur Leroy, b. 10/10/1882, d. 9/3/1894; George William, b. 5/9/1887; Florence Irene, b. 2/16/1889; Alice Ruth, b. 10/10/1894. Rev. J. H. Zartman d. on 10/14/1901 suddenly on 11, train at Van Etten, N. Y. His widow d. 1/1/1916; both are buried at Waterloo, N. Y. George William Zartman attended the University of Syracuse, and in 1912 graduated from Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, N. J. He left the Methodist Church and entered the ministry in the Congregational Church. His initial pastorate was at Fairville, N. Y. He served a ten-year pastorate at Man­ chester, N. H. Then he made a trip around the world, and entered the lecture platform. This preacher cousin's present address is Barnsted, N. H. Florence Irene Zartman in June 1912 graduated an A. B. from Syracuse University; was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. On 6/30/1915 she m. Carleton Baldwin Hutchings, also a graduate from Syracuse University, A. B. 1911, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his Master's degree in Transportation in the University of Pa., Wharton School of Finance, in 1914. Their daughter, Carol Irene, was b. in Nov. 1923. They reside in Palo Alto, Calif., at 243 Rinconada Ave. Mr. Hutchings is Secy-Treas. of the Pacific Inter-Mountain Express Co. 302 THE ZARTM.\N FAMILY

Alice Ruth Zartman was a student in the University of Syra­ cuse where her parents resided. She trained especially for the work of a Deaconess and was in that position in a large Metho­ dist Church at Scranton, Pa., when the historian made her acquaintance and was impressed with her personality and ability. She d. 1/5/1925. "Her sun went down while it was yet day." Charles Edwin Zartman was a grocer in Waterloo, Seneca County, N. Y. Hem. 1/26/1883 Ella M. Belles, who d. 12/15/- 1900. Their daughter, Mabel B., b. 6/12/1892, lives at 104 Virginia St., Waterloo, N. Y. Mary Jane Zartman in 1875 graduated from the Waterloo Academy; she m. 2/25/1880, Rev. J olm Reeder Yost, a Methodist minister. They resided in Pomona, Calif. A son, Charles Zart­ man, was b. 10/12/1889 in Minto, North Dak. Charles Z. Yost graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, in 1914 and bas since been associated with the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Francisco, in the capacity of Electrical Engineer. 'His address is 770 Hilldale Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Iri 1917 hem. Irene L. Norris of Santa Rosa, Calif. They have a daughter, Mary Jane, b. 5/6/1922, who is now attending the University of California. Mary Jane Zartman Yost d. 12/ 27 /1924, aged 69 years; her husband d. 7/30/1933, aged i8 years. Both are buried at Pomona, Calif. Caroline Adelia Zartman, b. possibly in 1856, m. Warren Poffenberger in Dec. 1887. Shed. 7/31/1898, leaving no children. George Emanuel Zartman in 1883 graduated from Syracuse University. He was a lawyer and bank cashier in Waterloo, N. Y. He rendered splendid assistance with the first family history. He m. 4/14/1892, Ella Story. Geo. E. Zartman d. 7/14/1922; his widow survives. They were members of the M. E. Church. They had two children: Leonard S., b. 11/4/1893, and Helen L., b. 5/7/1896. Leonard S. Zartm11n graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1911. He was class poet and had as his theme, "Exeter, Mother of Men." He graduated irom Yale College in 1915 and from Columbia University School of Law, New York, in 1917, and is practicing law in the city of Buffalo. He m. 1/17/1925 Eva A. Cushman, who graduated in 1914 from Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. JlEJ,ES I,, ZAllTMAX of Wn~hini:;ton, n. C'.

MAm:1. H. ZAll1'MAX of WntPrloo, ;\, Y.


To Leonard and Eva Zartman was b. 9/18/1926 Leonard S., Jr. The home of these cousins is at 217 Crosby Ave., Kenmore, N. Y. Leonard Zartman, Jr., graduated in 1040 from Lind­ bergh Elementary School in Kenmore, N. Y. Helen L. Zartman graduated from Waterloo High School in 1914, from the Emma Willard School in Troy in 1915, and from Vnssar College in 1919. Her official title.;i at the Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D. C., are: Financial Secretary, Dean of Girls, Director of School Activities, and Secretary­ Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, of which she is a member. She has been in service there since the fall of 1919. She and her mother live at 3273 Worthington, Washington, D. C.

ABRAHAM ZARTMAN, son of William, son of Martin, son of Jacob, son of Abraham I, was b. 10/5/1821, in Northumber­ land County, Pa. He was a farmer. His first wife and the mother of his nine children was Sarah Elizabeth Michael, b. 11/25/1826. Abraham was a member of the Lutheran Church, and his wife of the Reformed. She d. 5/10/1880. His second wife was a widow, Mrs. Susan Tressler, nee Hayes, who d. in Sept. 1909. Abraham Zartman d. 12/31/1899. His children were as follows: Daniel M., b. 10/18/1849; Hannah, b. 8/17 /- 1850; William M., b. 1852; Samuel M., b. 2/3/1855; Mary J., b. 2/5/1857; Barbara Alice, b. 8/27/1859; Joseph M., b. 3/13/1862; Wilhelmina, b. 10/15/1864; Sarah Elizabeth, b. 3/26/1868. Daniel Mfohael Zartman had been in the hotel, store and coal business, and was the first postmaster at Dornsife, Pa. He also engaged in farming and lumbering. In Feb., 1868, he m. Lena Peifer, b. 11/11/1848, and had a son and daughter: William Peifer, b. 12/16/1873; and Catherine, b. 2/12/1875. Daniel M. Zartman d. 9/21/1909 and his wife, Lena, d. April, 1929. Both are buried at St. Peter's Church, Red Cross, Pa. William P. Zartman m. 9/6/1898 Carrie Deppen; they had a son, Elwood Maxwell, b. 10/27/1901; now lives in Philadelphia. Catherine Zartman m. Fred R. Dornsife. They havethreechildren: Goldie May, b. 2/21/1898; Robert R., b. 9/15/1906; and Lena. Catherine, b. 7/6/1908. She d. in Sunbury, Pa., 8/12/1937, aged 62 years and 6 months. She was a member of the Re­ formed Church. Her burial was in Pomfret Manor Cemetery 304 TaE Z. .\RTM • .\N F.wILY

8/14/1937. Her husband is a popular mortician, and a sue~ cessful politician, having won the office of County Commissioner in the elections of 1912, 1916, and 1920. Goldie May Dornsife m. 7/29/1929, Otto Doell, who d. 9/30/1933. She resides in Belvidere, N. J. Robert Dornsife is also engaged in undertaking and embalming, helping his father, in Sunbury, Pa. Lena C. Dornsife d. 8/2/1931, aged 23 years and 26 days. Hannah Zartman m. Benjamin Z. Peifer, a plasterer. They resided at Dornsife, Pa., and have the following children: David Z., b. 9/2/1875; Norman Z., b. 1/24/1880; Sarah Elizabeth, b. 10/28/1889, d. 8/2/1890; son, b. 2/2/1892, d. 2/5/1895; Lumie Alice, b. 12/14/1892, d. 1/24/1895; Hannah Peifer, d. 7/25/1918; her husband, Benjamin, d. 5/19/1931. David Z. Peifer m. Isora Reed, 4/16/1910, and d. in Jan. 1939; bis widow lives at 500 W. Pine St., Shamokin, Pa. Norman Z. Peifer m. Gertrude Kehres, and they live in Dornsife, Pa. They have the following children: Hilda E., b. 12/25/1903; Hannah M., b. '1/12/1906, d. Sept. 1913; Raymond L., b. 4/7/1908; Helen A., b. 10/3/1909; Lena M., b. 7/25/1911; Carrie I., b. 9/10/1912; Melvin B., b. 9/21/1914; Clayton N., b. 8/27/1917; Annabelle, b. 8/4/1919; Sara G., b. 10/5/1921; Catherine V., b. 3/6/1923; John B., b. 5/29/1924; Elda M., b. 10/20/1925; Arlene K., b. 10/21/1927; William K., b. 6/13/- 1931. Hilda Peifer m. Francis Beissel, of Rebuck, Pa., and they had these children: Leon, b. 6/21/1922; son b. 2/19/1924, d. 2/25/1924; Grace E., b. 2/11/1925; Alvin F., b. 2/1/1927; John E., b. 5/12/1930, d. 3/25/1934; Clyde D., b. 1/26/1932. Raymond L. Peifer m. 6/16/1934 Mabel Bowers of Trevorton, Pa. Helen A. Peifer m. 10/3/1931 Adam Ferster, b. 7/9/ 1905; they reside at Hunter, Pa. William M. Zartman, son of Abraham, was b. 3/17/1852. He was a farmer near Sunbury, Pa. In 1884 he m. Elizabeth Woodling, b. 8/12/1861. Their children were: Bertie F., b. 1/31/1885; Goldie Katura, b. 6/20/1887;-Vema F., b. 6/16/1890, d. 10/3/1890; and William Jay Curtis, b. 4/6/1900, d. 7/31/1900. He d. 5/3/1926 and is buried at Reed's U. B. Church Mrs. Zartman d. 8/1/1938. Bertie F. Zartman m. Walter Kline, whose address is Sunbury, R. D. 2. Goldie K. Zartman m. John Wagner; they reside in Allentown, Pa. JACOB ZARTllAN AND FAMILY 305

Samuel M. Zartman, son of Abraham, was ·b. in 1855. He was fireman for N. T. Co. He m. 6/25/1882 Olive C. Wolf. They had two daughters: Aura Mabel, b. 5/6/1884; and Lettie May, b. 2/20/1909. He d. in July 1915. Lettie May Zartman m. Berlington Lloyd Bohner. . Mary J. Zartman, daughter of Abraham, was b. in 1857. She m. George Zimmerman Peifer, a farmer; they lived near Hunter, Pa., and were Lutherans. Their children were: Stella, b. 5/10/1879; Amanda, b. 8/14/1880; Irvin, b. 1/29/1882; Emma, b. 5/27/1884; Agnes, b. 7/7/1886, d. 4/25/1897; Landis, b. 3/7/1888, d. 1/7/1891; Daniel, b. 3/4/1895; Calvin, b. 3/20/1900. Stella Peifer, on 8/26/1899, m. Alison E. Leader; their children are: Mary S., b. 9/24/1900; Lydia A., b. 2/24/- 1902; Martha M., b. 2/16/1906; and a twin sister, Bertha B.; Anna C., b. 2/8/1909. George Z. Peifer d. 7/14/1927; and Mary J. d. 11/8/1929; they are buried at, Pa. Lydia A. Leader m. George D. Latsha of Trevorton, Pa. They have five children: Catherine I., George R., Robert E., Calvin L., and Marjorie A. Martha M. Leader m. 6/25/1927 Arthur T. Strausser: a son was b. and d. 11/27/1934. Bertha B. Leader m. Jas. C. Strausser and they have two children: Margaret A. and James C. Anna C. Leader m. Roy C. Winkleman, a baker in Pillow, Pa. Amanda Peifer m. 9/1/1903, Harvey W. Hoffman. Children: Russell Ray, b. 7/3/1907, d. 4/8/1909, Sara Elizabeth, b. 1/- 16/1911, and Bruce Bennet, b. 1/10/1915. Mr. Hoffman d. 10/16/1918, and she m. 6/14/1924 Rev. Elias S. Noll, Re­ formed Pastor. The marital knot was tied by Rev. Dr. R. C. Zartman. Their child is: Ernest E. Noll, b. 1/12/1913; finished in Herndon High School in 1917, graduated from Catawba College in 1921, and from Eden Seminary in St. Louis in 1924; married Dorothy Reed, of Shamokin; is pastor at Loysburg, Bedford County, Pa. Sara E. Hoffman graduated from Trevorton High School in 1928, and from Albright College in Reading in 1932; in 1933 she m. Andrew W. Smith, a printer. They live happily at Belvidere, N. J. Bruce B. Hoffman grad­ uated from Trevorton High School in 1938. Irvin Peifer m. Ada V. Deppen.; their children are: Elmer L., b. in 1902; Eva, h. 1904; and Vera, b. in 1906. Irvin d. 6/9/1933. Emma Peifer m. Elias E. Peifer: their daughter is Mary E., b. 7/9/1907. 306 THE ZARTMAN F A.MILY

Daniel Peifer m. 12/13/1913 l{ertie A. Bohner: their chil­ dren are Lee, Cora, Paul D., Ray C., Arthur J., and Dorothy I. Daniel Peifer is a farmer at Pillow, Pa. Lee Peifer m. Edna Howerter of Leek Hill, Pa. They have daughters, Catherine and Shirley. Cora Peifer m. Ray Witmer, a farmer at Pillow, Pa. Their son is Irvin D. Barbara Alice Zartman, daughter of Abraham, was b. in 1859. She m. 3/20/1885, Galen Latsha, who engaged in lumbering at Dornsife. Their son, Lloyd Edwin, b. 9/22/1888, was edu­ cated at Susquehanna University, and is Postmaster at Dorn­ sife. Galen W. Latsha d. 10/12/1935; Mrs. Latsha is living with her son at Dornsife. Joseph M. Zartman, son of Abraham, was h. in 1863. He was a farmer at Danville, Montour County, Pa. His first wife was Elizabeth Wolfe; his second wife was Julia Anna Stackhouse, whom he married 2/25/1905. The children by his first marriage are as follows: Sallie May, b. 11/12/1882; Carrie Naomi, b. 2/4/1884; Mazy Aljce, b. 4/2i /1885; Vernie Irena, b. 7/30/1887; John Daniel, b. 11/5/1888, and d. 2/2/1891; Katie, b. 12/18/- 1892; Lizzie Fietta, h. 3/30/1893; Minnie Agnes, h. 7/10/1898, d. 5/9/1902. Four other children died on the day of their birth. Children by second marriage: Ollie Josephine, b. 4/11/1907, and Elsie Elvina, b. 6/18/1908, d. 8/25/1908. Sallie May Zartman m. Roland Klinger 8/10/1904, and has three children: Edna Mae, b. 5/27/1905, d. 11/9/1907; Martha Naomi, b. 8/23/1906; Clyde Joseph Gabriel, b. 4/5/1908. The !{lingers· live in Sunbuiy, Pa. Carrie Naomi Zartman m. John McCracken, l /25/1906, and lives at Danville; their daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, was b. 8/27/1907. Vernie Irena Zartman m. William Patterson 12/3/1907, and lives at Washingtonville, Pa.; their son, Ralph Calvin, was b. 10/24/1908. Mary Alice Zartman m. Russell Marr, 12/30/1908. Joseph M. Zartman and family were Lutherans. He d. 1/11/1935. Wilhelmina Zartman, daughter of Abraham, was b. 10/15/- 1846. She m. 9/28/1871, Isaac F. Raker, a farmer, residing at Raker, Pa. Their children were: Catharine, b. 6/16/1873; Sarah, b. 8/5/1878; Francis, b. 12/18/1876, d. 10/13/1885; George B., b. 8/23/1886. Wilhelmina d. 12/12/1936, aged 90 years, 1 month and 27 days. Isaac Raker d. 1/16/1918. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FilllLY 307

Sarah Elizabeth Zartman, daughter of Abrnham, was b. 3/26/1868. She m. 2/13/1892, Levi Drumheller, who did lumbering at Rebuck, Pa. They were Lutherans. They had a daughter Sarah Lydia, b. 5/8/1893. Sarah Lydia Drumheller m. Clarence E. Smeltz, On 8/18/1914 was b. and d. a son. Sarah E. Drumheller d. 1/31/1929. Now follow the names of seven other children of William Zartman: Mary Zartman, b. in 1824, m. Michael Smith, and had the following children: Galen, Shamokin, Pa.; Harry, Herndon, Pa.; Joseph, Sunbury, Pa.; Cornelius, Dornsife, Pa.; Lydia. rn. Daniel Erdman, Paxinos, Pa.; Harriet m. Samuel Wert, Allentown, Pa.; Hannah m. Henry Bubb; she is dec'd. Galen Smith m. Caroline Reed. Cornelius Smith m. Malinda Zart­ man. Joseph Smith m. Miss Brosius. Sarah Zartman, m. Simon Bahner. They had four children: Lucinda, m. Mr. Wagner; Sarah, m. Mr. Hepler, Shamokin, Pa.; Malinda, Stonington, Pa.; John, Stonington, Pa. Mary and Sarah Zartman were twins. Rebecca Zartman m. Jacob Raker, and had issue as follow;,: Henry (dec'd); William, Trevorton, Pa.; Daniel (dec'd); Cor­ nelius (dec'd); Samuel (dec'd); Enoch, Kansas City, Kc£ns.; Conrad, Sunbury, Pa.; Joseph, Raker, Pa.; Lucinda, Kansas City, Kan.; Abbie, m. Mr. Peiffer and i'l dec'd; Rebecca m. Mr. Derk, Tamaqua, Pa.; Alice, m. Mr. Reitz, Mahanoy, Pa. Harriet Zartman m. Daniel Reitz; they had issue as follows: Elamina, Trevorton, Pa.; Harriet, m. Mr. Wagner and is dec'd; Sarah, m. Mr. Batdorf and is dec'd; Abbie, m. Mr. Weaver; Lucinda, m. Mr. Heckert, Pillow, Pa.; Isaac, Pillow, Pa.; Daniel J., Raker, Pa. Abigail Zartman, m. Jacob Malick and lived at Brookville, Ill. Hannah Zartman, m. Charles Leader; they had four children: William, Philadelphia, Pa.; Henry, Northumberland, Pa.; Adam, Herndon, Pa.; Mary, m. Mr. Leshe,:- and lived at Hern­ don, Pa. Joseph Zartman, son of William by his second wife, was b. 5/14/1833. Joseph m. Mary Wert and had two children: one d. as inf.; the other was Henrietta, b. 12/16/1857, who was m. 308 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY to Boaz Light 11/9/1875 by Rev. Joel Light, and had nine children, of whom four are deceased. Joseph Zartman d. 12/- 24/1858; bis widow m. Mr. Lenker, whose son, Professor Lenker, taught in Herndon High School. Surviving children of Boaz and Henrietta Zartman Light are as follows: Laberta Gertrude, b. in 1878; Horace Zartman, b. 1879; Oliver Gideon, b. in 1882; Ruth Myrtle, b. in 1885; Miriam Ethel, b. in 1889. Horace Zartman Light m. Mary Waltz and had a daughter Coriene, who m. Earl Brubaker and has three sons all living. Later Horace Z. Light m. a lady from Stockton, Calif., and they have three daughters. Oliyer Gideon Light m. Helen Foltz and had three children: Henrietta d. at birth; Florence, whom. John Ott, and had one daughter, Elizabeth May Ott; and Ernest Light, who m. Catherine Price; a son, Gerald Light, was born to them. Ruth Myrtle Light m. Earl Blaine Sherk; their children are: Naomi Light, Elizabeth May, and Earl Blaine, Jr. Naomi Light Sherk m. Albert Bender and bas a daughter, Joan Elizabeth Bender. The foregoing data was kindly furnished by Miss Laberta Light of Philadelphia, Pa., 5723 Torrcsdale Ave. Chapter X ADAM ZARTMAN, SON OF WILLIAM I. A».w ZARTMAN, soo of William, son of Martin, son of Jacob, Sen., was a farmer and lived his life of 79 years in North­ umberland County, Pa. He married twice: (1) to Susanna Reitz, 2/27/1834; (2) to Susan Forney, 7/8/1843. The first wife was the mother of four children, and d. 11/23/1842. The second wife was the mother of eight children. Adam Zartman d. 12/28/ 1889. His children are as follows: 1. Hannah, b. 12/25/1835, d. 10/3/1838. 2. Lydia, b. 9/3/1837. 3. Abigail, b. 12/24/1838. 4. Eliza, b. 7/11/1841. 5. Sarah, b. 4/15/1845. 6. Harriet, b. 10/7/1846. 7. Polly, b. 6/20/1849. 8. Phebe, b. 11/24/1850. 9. Elias F., b. 9/15/1852. 10. Michael, b. 4/13/1854. 11. Malinda, b. 7/25/1856. 12. Lucy Ann, b. 10/22/1858. Lydia Zartman, dau. of Adam, m. George Brown; they moved to Illinois. Their children were: Fulton Z., Ida, Nathan; Abbie, and Iola. Fulton Z. Brown lived in Des Moines, Iowa. Abigail Zartman m. Emanuel Wert 1/29/1861 and had four children: Lydia A., b. 1/12/1862; Clara R., b. 3/12/1863, d. 11/27/1880; Ida M., b. 4/16/1865; Daniel A., b. 8/9/1869. Abigail Zartman Wert d. 1/18/1894. Lydia A. Wert m. Jeremiah Engle. Their children were: Eva Florence, b. 8/23/1887 I. aged 11 weeks; Walter J., b. 10/26/1891, d. as inf.; Artht: h. 11/26/1889; Lester A., b. 1/22/1894; raul A., b. 7/1/Hs~,; Mabel C., b. 7/6/1902, d. 2/12/1904. Ida M. Wert m. Milton Beard, and had six children: Albert E., Clarence, Walter, Worman, Annie M., and Earl. Daniel A. Wert had two children: Helen M., and Paul E. Eliza Zartman m. Samuel S. Wolfe, carpenter and contractor, 11/4/1860. In 1884 they moved to Los Angeles, Calif., and both she and her husband are buried in Los Angeles. Their children were: Amelia Ellen, b. 11/14/1865, d. 10/27/1901; and Well­ ington Zartman, b. 4/25/1870. Wellington Zartman m. Pauline Kellock, and lived at Edmonton, Canada. Mrs. Wolfe was <·ordial and warmhearted; when in the East she always railed on the family historian. She d. Sept. 1912. Sarah Zartman, dau. of Adam, married Andrew Rotharmel. They lived at Dalmatia, Pa., and belonged to the Lutheran 310 THE Z. .\RTMAN F AlULY

Church. Shed. in 1935 aged 90 years; he d. aged 84 yrs. Chil­ dren: George Lenten, b. 10/15/1865, Sunbury, Pa.; Lilly Ida, b. 4/10/18w; Arisman Oscar, b. 7/5/1S66; Annie Belli\, b. 1/12/1868; Chas. Ellsworth, b. 4/22/1869; Daisy l\Inlinda, b. 12/7/1871; :Mary Emma, b. 7/10/1872; Martha Alice, b. 7/27/1874, d. 3/15/1905; Adam Elmer, b. 1/22/1877. George L. Rotharmel was sole owner of the Rotharmel Music Pub. Co., Sunbury, Pa., He was director of a band and orchestra and distinguished as a compo:-er and teacher of many instruments. He never married; d. 3/6/1039, aged 74 yrs. Lilly I. Rotharmcl married Charles Bingeman and had two children: Clurenc-e H., b. 4/20/1884, d. 10/11/1888, and Clinton C., b. 9/4/1888, Selins Grove, Pa. Arisman 0. Rotharmel has the following children: George E., b. 12/14/1883; Arisman C., b. 1889. Annie B. Hothnrn1el married B. F. Zerby and has four children: Tenny May, b. 6/22/1900; Bertha Emily, b. 12/14/1902; Mark Stanley, b. 3/8/1903; Philip Andrew,'>. 8/21/1904. The Zerbys live at :Malta, Pa. Chas. E. Rotharmel hall a daughter, Arlie, b. 8/23/1889, Sunbury, Pa. Daisy l\:I. Rothnrmel married Calvin Fcnstermac-hcr; they had four children: Golian, b. 3/20/1891, d. aged 16 years; Herbert Barton, b. 3/30/1803, d. 2/20/1806; Helen Margaret, b. 7/1/1905, d. 9/17/1906; Sarah Arabella, b. 0/16/1907, Sunbury, Pa. Adam E. Rotharmel has two chil­ dren: Sarah, b. 4/8/1905; and Chas. Adam, b. 11/3/1908. Harriet Zartman, dnu. of Adam, was b. in 1846; m. Le,·i Batdorf, b. in 1843, a grocer in Shamokin, where she d. in 1915; he d. 6/19/Hl26. Children: Irvin Jerome, b. 4/16/1865,

Elias F. Zartman, son of Adam, was b. 9/15/1852; and m. 2/14/1873 Hannah Metz; they resided in a comfortable brick house near Dornsife, Pa. They were thrifty farmers. Elias Zartman d. 4/17/1914, and is bui-i.ed at St. John's Lutheran Church, Pump Station, Pa. His widow is living. They had two sons: Henry A., b. 1/26/1874; and Charles F., b. 4/7/1876. Both sons became farmers. Henry A. Zartman m. 5/28/1897 Nettie A. Steffen, b.11/3/1875: their children are: Stanley C., b. 5/11/1899; Marlb Ulysses, b. 1/11/1902; Tannie Estella, b. 10/31/1903; Hannah Salome, b. 9/12/1906; Edith May, h. 10/9/1910; Harry Daniel, b. 3/12/1918. Henry A., father of this family d. 12/16/1931, and was buried in Herndon ceme­ tery. Stanley C. Zartman m. 6/24/1939 Fay I. Leitold, b. 8/4/1902. They reside in Montoursville, Pa. Stanley is a plasLi'er. ¥arlin U. Zartman m. 11/6/1926 Ella Dawson; they have three children: Martha Kathryn, b. in 1927; Cah-in Ulysses, b. 8/12/1929; and Henry Alvin, b. 3/26/1934. They live on a farm at Doug• lassville, Berks Co., Pa. Tannie E. Zartman m. 5/27/1922 Harry R. Rebuck, b. 9/22/189~. Mr. Rebuck is a carpenter. They reside at Dornsife, Pa. Hannah S. Zartman m. in 1925 W. Adam Reed, b. 3/26/1903 and they have 7 children: Irene l\fay, b. 3/4/1926, Robert Truman, b. 3/26/1927, Arlie June, b. 6/26/1929, Melvin Adam, b. 3/3/1931, and Barbara Lou, b. 3/5/1933. Edith Elenora, b. 9/7/1937; Kathryn Anette, b. 2/27/1939. The Reeds reside near Domsife, Pa. Edith May Zartman m. in 1926 Lewis H. Phillips, and they have a son, Charles Henry, b. 5/15/1927. They reside near Trevorton, Pa. Harry Daniel Zartman m. 6/30/1939 Gladys Lucille Troutman, b. 6/8/1920. They reside with Harry's mother, on the farm where the seven members of the family of John Jacob Zartman burned to death one night in their home. Charles F. Zartman, son of Elias F., m. in 1904 Martha T. Lenker. They live on the farm in the brick. house owned by his parents near Dornsife, Pa. They have two sons: Paul Eugene, b. 7/6/1905, and Max A., b. 6/10/1908. Paul E. Zart-­ man is manager of the Woolworth Store in Dover, Del. Hem. 8/9/1932 in Philadelphia, Pa., Katie Veleria Wolfgang of Liverpool, Pa., Rev. Dr. Rufus C. Zartman presiding. To them was born 6/10/1934, in DuBois, Pa., a son, Eugene Rufus. IhuoUTERK OF HE:-IRY A. Z.rnTMAN /Jack Row: EDITH ZARTMAN PHILLIPR A:SD HER 1,!0N, CHARLES PHILLIPR, AND TANNIE ZARTMAN REBUCK Front Row: LEWIS H. PHILLIPS AXD HARRY R. REBUCK

CHARLES F. ZARTMAN AND FAIIILY Back Row: Paul Eugene Zartman, Katie W. Zartman, Fay Zartman, Agn!!s Reitz Zurtmun, Mux A. Zurtmuu f'ront Row: Eugene Rufus Zartman, Charles :F. Zartman, Fern Ida Zartmllll, Murtha LenkPr Zartman

THE HENRY C. ZARTMAN F AAIIL\" Hack Row: Hurry M. Znrtmun, Charles Henry Z11rtmnn ,lliddle Row: Anuu Cleo Zartman, Howard Henry Zartman, Annu Zartman Front Row: .John Rulph Zartman 1111d Margaret Mary Zartman, Hdcn Zurtmun and George Henry Zartman, Henry Clifford Zartman, Minnie X. Zurtmuu


Max A. Zartman m. 12/23/1931 Agnes ·Reitz; their children are: Fem Ida, b. 8/20/1932 and Fay, b. 8/3/1937. They reside on the Charles F. Zartman farm. Michael Zartman, son of Adam, m. 10/14/1877 Katharina Reitz, b. 12/26/1859 in Northumberland County, Pa. In February 1878 they moved to a farm in Vernon County, Mo., a few miles from El Dorado Springs. Here their only child, Henry Clifford, was b. 7/21/1880. No doubt they experienced the truth of the words of Will Carlton who wrote, •'It the funniest thing a man can do, living in a country when its new." Michael Zartman d. 3/29/1889; his widow d. 11/24/1917. Henry Clifford Zartman is still living on the farm where he was born. He m. 11/20/1904 Minnie Wielnes, b. 9/27/1877 their children are as follows: Charles Henry, b. 11/6/1907, Elmer Adam, b. 1/25/1909, d. 2/10/1909; John Ralph, b. 9/13/- 1910; Harry Michael, b. 3/23/1912; Anna Cleo, b. 5/24/1917. Charles Henry Zartman m. 2/8/1929 Anna Hlavacek, b. 2/8/- 1906. They had two sons: Howard Henry, b. 7/29/1930 and Elmer Lee, still b. 6/6/1933. John Ralph Zartman m. 1/12/1933 Helen Hlavacek, b. 4/2/- 1908. They have two children: Margaret Mary, b. 3/23/1938, and George Henry, b. 6/14/1940. Harry Michael Zartman m. 3/5/ 1941 Ruth P. Ahring of Lincoln Center, Kan., b. 1/13/1907, and a neat, new bungalow houses them. Anna Cleo Zartman is doing clerical work for the Agricultural Association of Vernon County, Mo., in a town called Nevada. Her week-ends are spent at home with the family. The Zartman children got their schooling in El Dorado Springs, a small but pretty city, and the family belong to the Presbyterian Church there. It was the great privilege of the writer to give their church a week of evangelistic services in the autumn of 1935, and to enjoy the hospitality of these dear relatives in their home. The best of grapes and apples were in season and sweet cider was at its best. The writer was the first and only Zartman they had seen outside of their family. Malinda Zartman, daughter of Adam, was b. 7/25/1856, and m. 7/11/1875 Sebastian Daniel; they resided in Sunbury, Pa. She d, 1/27/1915; she lived an exemplary life and had a host of friends. Their children were: Della Teeny, b. 9/28/1878; 314 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

and Harvey Claude, b. 3/12/1885, d.1/15/1886. Della T. Daniel m. Ralph Shipman in June 1907, and had a son Raldo Emerson. Lucy Ann Zartman, daughter of Adam, was b. 10/22/1858, m. 12/20/1877 Samuel Deppen, and for years they resided in Herndon, Pa. Samqel Deppen d. 11/14/1927, and was buried in Herndon cemetery. Children: Carrie Naomi, b. 5/20/1878; Mamie Delta, b. 3/23/1880, and Susan Catharine, b. 7/14/1884. Carrie N. Deppen m. William P. Zartman and had a son, Elwood Maxwell; they lived in Shamokin, Pa., whore William P. Zart­ man was for years a lumber dealer. Address: 65 Sacremento St., San Francisco, Calif., c/o Terminal Garage. Carrie N. Deppen Zartman d. 3/17/1937 in Harrisburg nt her sister's, Mrs. John E. Witmer. Interment was in Herndon, which wns her native place. Her son, Elwood M., was b. 10/27/1901 at Dornsife, Pa. On 1/16/1922 he m. in Shamokin, Pa., and has a daughter Erma C., b. 2/13/1927. He resides at 838 E. Mercer St., Phila­ delphia, Pa.; he manages an automobile parking lot for the Bley System Garages, Inc., and has been with this company 5 years. Mamie Delta Deppen, m. 7/21/1907 Calvin A. Ziegler; they reside at 1634 Nicholson St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Susan C. Deppen m. 12/24/1908 John E. Witmer of Harris­ burg, where they reside at 2512 N. 6th St., where Mrs. Lucy Deppen spends much of her time. She is in good health. Mr. Witmer is with the firm of S. B. Romberger's Sons Co. Chapter XI


PETER ZARTMAN, son of Jae.ob, son of Alexander I, was b. in Lan­ caster County, Pa., 3/15/1760. With his father Jacob, he moved into Northumberland Count.y, Pa., in or about the year 1768. Under the will of his father be became owner, with his brother Martin, of the old homestead at Line Mountain. Here he married and here all his children were born. Then he sold out and decided to go West; and, as we think, he moved to Ohio in 1809 or 1810 with his family, and with his nephew, Benjamin Zartman, the son of his brother Martin. As far as we can ascertain these all, a company of about twenty Zartmans, migrated to Ohio in the summers of 1809, 1810, and 1811. Peter and his family settled in Thorn Township; Fairfield County, now Perry County, Ohio. From court records in Lancaster, Ohio, we learn that Peter pur­ chased 160 acres of land in the S. E. quarter of section 24, town­ ship 18, range 17; the deed was dated 12/11/1812, and was re­ ceived and recorded 12/31/1813. At the time of his removal to Ohio Peter was fifty years of age; he lived only five years longer. He had m. Catharine Troutman, b. 8/27/1761. They belonged to the Lutheran Church, as did also their children. Their offspring were as follows, all born in Northumberland County, Pa.: Peter, b. 9/19/1785; Christopher, b. 4/9/1787; Anna Margaret Eva, b. 7/20/1788; Jonathan, b. 10/24/1790; Anna Catharine, b. 8/9/ 1792; Maria Magdalene, b. 5/28/1794; Maria Esther, b. 4/24/ 1796. Peter Zartman d. 11/17/1816, and his wife d. 4/12/1835. Side by side they sleep in Zion's Churchyard, Thorn Twp., Ohio. PETER ZART!\IAN, son of Peter, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 9/19/1785. He was a farmer. On 9/17/1812, he m. Eliza­ beth A. Reed, b. 3/15/1795.Thoy were m. by Philip Spohn, J.P., in Lancaster, Ohio. It was a successful marriage, for they had ten children, and all grew to maturity. Their children were as fol­ lows: Samuel, b. 10/29/1813; Peter, b. 5/26/1816; Solomon, b. 12/11/1818; David, b. 5/27/1821; Salome, b. 12/30/1823; Mary (Polly), b. 3/27/1826; Andrew Jackson, b. 9/4/1829; Mary Ann, b. 11/21/1832; George Washington, b. 7/28/1835; Benjamin 316 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Franklin, b. 2/6/1839. Peter Zartman d. 7/14/1847, and his wife, Elizabeth, d. 8/9/1863. Peter is buried at Zion's Church, Thom Twp., Ohio, but his wife is buried in Indiana, where she had gone to visit some of her children. Before treating of the large family of Peter Zartman we shall deal with his brother Jonathan and four sisters.

ANNA l\L\llGARET ZARTMAN GARRISON ANNA lvlARGARET EvA ZARTMAN m. Joseph Garrison; they lived in Hopewell Twp., on the so-called Stimmell farm. Children: Peter b. 12/20/1809; Adam, b. 2/1/1818, m. Catharine Neel, and d. 12/30/1878; Eva, m. Samuel Mechling; Rebecca, b. 2/2/ 1821; Sallie m. Washington Shutts; Esther Garrison, m. Samuel Anspach; John Garrison, left home as a young man and was never heard from after that; Elizabeth Garrison, m. Daniel Kotterman; Douglass Garrison. Joseph Garrison deserted his wife and family. Mrs. Anna M. E. Garrison, d. 10/2/1847 and is buried at ~ion's Church, Thom Twp., Ohio. Rebecca Garrison, m. 3/25/1838, John Coble, b. 5/6/1815, d. 3/20/1888. They had the following children: Levi, b. 2/27/1840; Elizabeth, b. 2/27/1841; Sara Eve, b. 11/24/1843; Samuel, b. 8/24/1845; John W., b. 2/12/1847; George, b. 6/27/1851; Benjamin F., b. 10/12/1855; Twins, Nelson and Lucinda, b. 9/29/1858. Peter Garrison m. Jane Starkey. Their children were: Matilda, b. 3/19/1827, d. 10/11/1836; Hezekiah, b. 4/21/1834, d. 12/30/ 1834; Mahala, b. 6/25/1838, m. Mr. Patterson, and d. 5/16/1867. Peter Garrison d. 1/22/1870, and his wife, Jane, d. 11/25/1886.

JONATHAN ZARTMAN JONATHAN ZARTMAN, son of Peter, was b. 10/24/1790, was a blacksmith, and lived one mile west of New ending, Perry County, Ohio. For his wife he chose Barbara Anspach, b. 12/31/ 1775. The marriage ceremony was performed in Lancaster, Ohio, by George Overmeier, J. P., 8/28/1810. They had four daugh­ ters, viz.: Catherine, Mary, Barbara and Elizabeth, b. 12/25/ 1816. Jonathan and family were Lutheran. He served in the War of 1812 and his record at Washington, D. C., in the War Depart­ ment is as follows: "Jonathan Zartman served as a fifer in Captain John Humberger's Company, 1st (Williamson's) Regiment, Ohio Militia, War of 1812, from 7/31/1813, to 8/21/1813. The records JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 317 show that he was discharged at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and was allowed seven days' travel pay, calculated at 15 miles a day." By an accidental fall in the woods at night he rame to his death 1/28/1817; he is buried in the Ridge Cemetery, adjoining the farm where he lived. His widow m. Jacob Spohn, and continued to reside near New Reading, Ohio, to the end of her life. Her children with Jacob Spohn were: Leab, :Margaret, Isabelle, Sol­ omon, Jonathan, Anthony and Joel. CATHERINE ZARTMAN, daughter of Jonathan, m. 12/17/1829, Daniel Binckley. They had two children: Thomas and Millie Ann; they and their widowed mother moved to Illinois and died there. MARY ZARTMAN, daughter of Jonathan, 6/20/1833 m. Ben­ jamin Rumberger and they moved to Sandusky County, near Fremont, Ohio. Their children were as foJlows: Malinda, b. 1834, m. David Hendrix and had six boys and five girls; Margaret, b. 1836, d. 1845; Lavina, b. 1838, m. B. Faust, they had six boys and three girls; Solomon, b. 10/19/1840, m. Hettie Burkett, 3/ 22/1866, their children arc David, Cora E., Ira C., Orval, Wil­ liam Franklin, Hettie R., Benjamin L., G. W., and Cornelia, all m. and lived in Sandusky County, Ohio; Mary, b. 8/10/1842, m. Samuel Foster 8/8/1861. They lived at Helena, Ohio, and had the following children: William H., Calista E., Orpha A., Elmer, Wilmer, Adelbert, and two d. young, viz: Grace M. and Allen J. The Foster family belonged to the Reformed Church, and the Rumberger family to the Lutheran. Lucinda, b. 1844, m. Euras­ tus F. Whitney, they had three boys and two girls: Samuel, b. 1847, d. 1856; Isabella, b. 1849, d. 1856; Elizabeth, b. 1851, d. 1869; Barbara, b. 1854, d. 1871. In the previous paragraph Samuel and Mary Foster were mem­ bers of the Reformed Church in Helena, Ohio. For six years their pastor was Rev. Allen King Zartman, brother of the writer. Mrs. Foster was a grauddaughter of Jonathan Zartman. She and our brother were sure they were related but didn't know how. BARBARA ZARTMAN, daughter of Jonathan, on 11/7/1833 m. Christian Spohn, and had ten children: Elizabeth; Thomas J., b. 6/14/1839, d. 9/1/1840; Emma; Barbara; Isabel; Susanna; Margaret; Mary Ann; Caroline; Irvin. All are deceased. Susanna 318 THE ZARntAN FAMILY m. Phill'mon Swinehart and had four children. Mr. and Mrs. Swinehart lived in Thom Twp., Ohio. Mr. Swinehart's grand­ mother was Anna Catharine Zartman, wife of George Swinehart.

E1.IZABETH ZARTMAN, daughter of Jonathan, m. John Ii:ing 10/ 13/1839, and lived at Bremen, Ohio. The cc-remony was by Rev. Thomas H. Wintl'rs, pastor of Hefom1ed Church in Lancaster, Ohio. They were members of the Reformed Church and had four children, viz.: :Margaret, b. 10/14/1840; Henry, b. 6/12/1842; Matilda, b. 6/18/1845; David, b. 5/5/1848. Margaret King 4/8/1862, m. Elias Purvis; they are Reformed; live on a farm at Rushville, Ohio, and have three children: Charles G., b. 7 /25/ 1863; Clara, b. 8/15/1864; Estella, b. 1/13/1868. Charles G. Purvis, 12/30/1886 m. Cora Page; they live at Payne, Ohio, and have the following children: John V., b. 10/24/1887; Clarence, b. 7/21/1889; Harry E., b. 1/15/1891; William, b. 12/19/1895; Marie, b. 11/21/1899; Paul, b. 6/8/1906. Clara Purvis m. Cha.'l. Johnston, 9/8/1887, and lives at Rushville, Ohio. Their children are Ross, b. 9il6/1888; Leefe, b. 2/15/1893; Ford, b. 8/13/1897; Ruth, b. 8/6/1905. Henry King 4/9/1868, m. Mary J. Poling. They lived at Rushville, Ohio, belonged to the Reformed Church and had five children: John Calvin, b. 2/3/1870; Birl Delbert, b. 9/8/1874; Henry Clinton, b. 1/26/1878; Bessie Ethel, b. 10/23/ 1889. William Anderson, b. 3/19/1873, d. 11/13/1895. Birl D. IGng is m. and has a daughter, Mary Ethel, b. 5/28/1899. Henry C. King m. and had two children: Xenia Rebecca, b. 6/23/1902, d. 8/2/1903; Noah Lloyd, b. 9/3/1904. Matilda IGng m. 4/21/ 1870, Henry Williard Young, a former, at Bremen, Ohio. They are Reformed and have the following children: Cordia E., b. 1/ 24/1871, d. 2/10/1871; Ervin E., b. 4/14/1872; Charles S., b. 3/13/1874; Arthur 0., b. 3/19/1876; Lizzie May, and Lillie Maud twins, b. 5/16/1878; Lizzie May d. 7/17/1878; Essie B., b. 4/9/ 1880; Maggie R., b. 7/22/1883, d. 8/25/1883; Walter W., b. 9/11/1884. Henry W. Young d. 5/13/1027 and his widow d. 7/23/1932. They are buried at Bremen, Ohio. Ervin E. Young, in 1889 graduated from the Ohio Central Normal College, from Heidelberg University in 1896, and from Heidelberg Theological Seminary in 1899. Ursinus College in 1940 conferred on him the degree of D.D. On 5/25/1898, he m. Annie Nettie Schock; they have three children: Mary Elizabeth, b. 4/16/1902; Ruth Lucile, b. 9/23/ JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 319

1905; Annie Geneva, b. 11/16/1906. Mrs. Young d. 9/4/1024. Rev. Young m. Mary Lantz of Philadelphia, Pa., 6/4/1929. They reside in Delaware, Ohio, where Rev. Young is Pastor of the Evangelical nnd Reformed Church. Previous' churches served by him were Germantown, Limn, Sycamore, 'Wooster, Akron, Green­ ville, Fourth, and Central in Dayton and all in Ohio. Chas. S. Young is m. nnd has three children: Cecil V., b. 7/19/1897; Veleda Blanche, b. 3/HJ/1004; Lowell D., b. 7/30/1907. Arthur 0. Young ism. and ha.'! two children: Elsie M., b. 4/2/l!l03; and Russell I-I., b. 7/15/1907. Arthur 0. Young 11/5/1940 was elected County Commi~sioner. He resides in Baltimore, Fairfield County, Ohio. David King 9/8/1870, 111. Elmira Leckrone; they belong to the Reformed Church, and live at Rushville, Ohio. They have three children: Violetta, b. 2/17/1873; Marshall Clifton, b. 5/7/1875; James Austin, b. 1/20/1877. Two children d. as infant'!. They have two grandchildren: David Harly and Margaret. Elizabeth Kinp; d. 1/9/1885, and her husband, John King, d. 11/10/1890. ANNA C. ZARTMAN SwINEHAR'r ANNA CATHERINE ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, m. George Swinehart, b. 1/16/1700; both were b. in Northumberland County, Pn., and m. in Ohio in 1810. They had eleven children, as follows: John, b. 11/27/1810, m. Amelia Spohn; Lydia, b. 1/20/1812, d. 10/6/1814; Samuel, b. 10/16/1813, m. Margaret Poorman; Elins, b. 2/14/1816, m. Polly Mechling; Salome, b. 5/21/1818, m. George Albert; Elizabeth, b. 6/5/1820, m. Anthony Anspach, and moved to Allen Co., Ohio; Adam, b. 0/11/1821, m. Susanna Ridenour;AnnaMaria, b.3/4/1824,m. Henry Zartman; George, b. 8/1/1827, m. Isabella Spohn; Peter, b. 2/24/1828, d. 3/28/ 1828; Catharina, b. 11/1/1831, m. Samuel Stalter. All of the children of George nnd Anna Catharine Swinehart were b. in Ohio, in what to-day is known as Perry County. Anna Cath­ arine Swinehart d. 1/8/1842, nnd her husband d. 5/31/1849. They rest side by ,.side in Zion churchyard, Thorn Twp., Ohio. They and their children belonged to the Lutheran Church. MARIA l\IAGDALENE ZARTMAN f•'l:::lIEH MARIA MAGDALENE ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, m. Michael Fisher about 1815. Michael Fisher wns b. 5/19/1705, and d. in 320 TUE ZARTMAN FAMILY

3/1873. They were Lutherans, lived on a farm in Thom Twp., Ohio, and had ten children: Adam, b. 5/16/1817, m. first Sophia Ridenour and secondly her sister, Julia Ridenour, Adam d. 8/7 / 1861; Emanuel, b. 9/24/1818, m. Elizabeth Anspach, and d. 4/ 24/1900; Susannah, b. 11/21/1821, m. first Henry Cover and secondly Peter Brocius, and d. 2/21/1896; Ha~nah, b. 1/17/ 1826, m. Crist King, and d. 12/31/1901; Michael, b. 2/5/1828, m. Betsy Anspach, and d. 10/17/1903; Noah, b. 10/15/1830, m. 4/22/1852, to Catharine Binckley, and lived near Thornville, Ohio; Mary, b. 2/16/1833, .m. Levi Troup, and d. 1/26/1900; Leah, b. 11/28/1831, m. David IGng, and d. in 1900; Lanhard, and Barbara, d. ns infants, aged less than one year. Maria Mag­ dalene Fisher d. 1/1/1867, and is buried at Zion Church. MARIA ESTHER ZARTMAN NEEL MARIA EsTHEll ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, on 5/28/1815, m. John Neel, b. 10/31/1793, d. 5/23/1868. They were Lutherans, lived at Thornville, Ohio, and had eleven children: Sarah, b. 3/14/ 1816~ m. Henry Edmund 11/1/1836, and d. 9/12/1893; James Zartman Neel, b. 8/4/1818, m. Margaret Voorhees 9/2/1847, and d. 12/2/1892; Elizabeth, b. 11/8/1819, m. William Packer 3/16/1848, and d. 12/19/1900; Catharine, twin sister of Eliza­ beth, m. William Fullerton 9/28/1848, and d. 8/16/1902; Sam­ uel, b. 11/27/1821, m. Mary Ritter, 1/12/1843, and d. 11/17/ 1899; Mary, b. 3/12/1824, m. Curtis Trovinger 2/14/1850, and d. 1/25/1885;Rebecca, b. 7/6/1826, m. David Whitmer 12/27 / 1849, and d. 1/27/1851; John F., b. 2/25/1828, never m., d. 12/22/1890; Esther N., b. 6/30/1831, m. John Trovinger, and d. 3/1/1874; Jesse, b. 7/17/1834, d. as infant; Nancy, b. 2/12/1836, m. David Long, 11/24/1891, d. 5/26/1902. Chapter XII


Peter Zartman, Jr., made his last will and testament, 1/7/1845; he was b. in 1785, and d. in 1847. From 1809 or 1810 he lived in Thorn Twp., Perry County, Ohio. He had become a big land owner and in his will he makes some very interesting provisions. Following are some of them: He says his son, Samuel, shall have the fulling and grist mill tract of land containing 29 acres and 8 acres adjoining the same. To his son, Peter, he devises a farm of 128 acres. To his son, Solomon, he devises a farm of 112 acres. To his son, David, he wills a farm of 110 acres. To his daughter Salome or Sarah Mohler, he leaves 83 acres. To his daughter, Polly Shroyer, he bequeaths 83 acres. To his son, Andrew Jack­ son, he devises his saw mill and farm containing 91 acres. To his daughter, Mary Ann Springer, he devises 43 acres. To his son, George Washington, he gives 109 acres. To his son, Benjamin Franklin, he devises all the town lots that he owned, lying and being in Zartman's addition to the town of Thornville, Ohio, and to this same son he also willed $700 to be paid to him in 1849. To his daughter, Mary Ann, he wills, also, $225 to be paid in 1849. Further he provides: "Also I give to my son Samuel the carding machine along with the mill and all the machinery belonging to said mill; and my sons, Geo. Washingto'.'1 and Benj. F. are each to have a yearling horse as soon as they are 18 years old, and also each is to have a bureau; and Mary Ann shall have a bureau, bedstead, bedding and a cow." His will bequeaths and devises over 1000 acres of land. This Peter Zartman had six sons who were not satisfied to remain with their inheritances in Ohio; they thought they could better themselves Md so, one by one, they sold out and moved into Miami County, Indiana, and there es­ tablished a numerous Zartman community. It is of these six sons that we shall now treat, viz.: Samuel, Solomon, David, An­ drew Jackson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. SAMUEL ZARTMAN was b.10/29/1813; hem. 6/4/1835, Sophia Fisher, b. 1/17/1817, d. 3/19/1856. They were Lutherans and had seven children: John, b. 4/26/1837; Lovina, b. 7/20/1838; 322 THE ZARTI\IAN FAMILY

David, b. 7/18/1840; he d. in the army in 1861 or 1862, and is buried at Jeffersonville, Mo.; Amelian, b. 2/26/1844; Peter, b. 1/6/1846, did not marry and d. 4/2/1872; Jacob, b. 8/15/1849; Mary A., b. 3/10/1855, d. 7/24/1856; Samuel Zartman d. 4/17 /- 1855. John Zartman in Oct., 1867 m. Sarah J. Wilkinson. They had four children: Mary Eliza, b. 8/3/1868; Samuel Baldwin, b. 9/9/1870; Ida May, b. 4/23/1873, d. 6/30/1896; Agnes, b. 3/- 18/1880, d. 11/30/1897. John Zartman was in the army and served in Co. A, 26th Reg., Ind. Vol.; he d. 5/25/1806. His wife d. 11/10/1908. Mary Eliza Zartman m. Rinaldo F. Powell 1/1/- 1898; they live at 209 W. 6th St., Rochester, Ind. They have a son and daughter: Harold, b. 11/7/1898, and Grace Z., b. 8/30/- 1900, d. 2/27/1920. Harold on 2/7/1920 m. Esther Waymore. They have a daughter Constance Eloise, b. 8/11/1921. Harold is a travelling salesman. They reside in Terre Haute, Ind., at 1407 So. 8th St. They are Methodists. The parents are also Methodist. Samuel B. Zartman was an engineer and lived in Chicago. On 11/2/1893 hem. Mabel M. Weaver. Issue: Claude M., b. 10/24/1894; and Carroll, b. 3/14/1896. Samuel B. had a second marriage to Nellie Blanche Stearns 7/25/1900. Issue: Florence, d. 5 months after birth; Myrtle, b. 7/19/1903; Lillian, b. 12/11/1907. Samuel B. d. 7/3/1931, at Benton Harbor, Mich. His wife d. in Aug., 1934. Both are buried in Silverbrook ceme-­ t~ry, Niles, Mich. Myrtle Zartman in 1919 m. George Phillips. A son named Robert Edwin was b. 9/22/1920. His father d. The mother then on 7/1/1922 m. Clark David Dumbauld, and has two daugh­ ters: Marie Ellen, b. 4/1/1930, and Dorothy May, b. 11/9/1932. They reside at Benton Harbor, Mich. Lillian Zartman m. Floyd Buck and has five daughters: Violet, Lila, Mary, Phyllis, and Betty Lue. They live in South Bend, Ind. Lavina Zartman m. Daniel Musselman. Children: John Oliver, b. 1870; and Mary, b. 8/15/1861. John 0., m. Ida Ogden; he was a barber in Chicago and d. 3/9/1904; his daughter, Ruby Dale Musselman, d. 6/22/- 1913. Mary Musselman, 12/9/1880 m. John Celestial Foor, a farmer at Macy, Ind. Their children were Mabel F., b. 6/6/1883, a teacher at Peru, Ind.; and Alta Joy, b. 11/3/1887, a milliner, whom. William Sidney Craig 5/2/1914. Mr. Craig d. 12/17/1918 in Lebanon, Ind. Mrs. Craig has a resident buying office at 222 W. Adams St., Chicago. Miss Mabel Foor on 8/24/1935 m. Wil• JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 323 liam Harry Lutman. Mrs. Lutman is Supervisor of Physical Education of the Public Schools in LaPorte, Ind. Lovina and Daniel Musselman are both deceased. John C. FoQr d. 2/12/1925, and Mrs. Mary Foor d. 2/9/1937. Mr. and Mrs. Lutman reside at 604 Jefferson Ave., La Porte, Ind. Amelian Zartman m. William Piercy; they moved to Saltville, Mitchell County, Kan. Mrs. Piercy d. there and is said to have been the mother of six children: Etta, Albert, Della, Mary, etc. Jacob Zartman m. Eva Spence. Issue: Scott, b. 8/4/1881. Two other children d. as infants. Jacob travelled with a circus and d. about 1899; he is buried in Carbondale, Pa. Scott Zartman lived in Indianapolis, and was a carpenter. On 3/22/1902 he m. Pru­ dence Godard. Children: Ena Marth, b. 1/15/1903; Clair Agnes, b. 6/28/1904; Russell, b. 7/22/1907. Scott d. 2/20/1930. Ena Marth m. a Mr. Hardly. PETER ZARTMAN, b. 5/26/1816, son of Peter (1785), son of Peter (1760), son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was a farmer, and re­ sided in Thom Twp., Ohio. On 4/7/1838, hem. Sarah A. Binkley. They belonged to the Lutheran Church, and bad four children: A daughter b. an

10/27/1935. Esther Bernice Zartman, 5/12/1924, m. Russell McFarland, a stonemason. They have three children: Harry Russell, b. 11/8/1924; Virginia Flossie, b. 3/23/1926; Francis Glen, b. 5/17/1933. Manford Albert Zartman, Rochester, Ind., m. Goldie Ball; to them was b. Eva May, 7/6/1936, and d. 9/- 1/1937; and Jackie Lee in 1939. Calvin Harry Zartman in. Hazel Fishburn, Argos, Ind.; they have two children: Sally Arvilla, b. 5/8/1932; and Milo Gene, b. 3/2/1938. Verl Andrew Zartman 1/28/1934 m. Irene May; they ha,ve a daughter Nancy Odeta, b. 2/14/1937, and live near Argos, Ind. Lawrence T. Zartman m. Ruth Decker 1/29/1934; they have three children: Twins, Larry Eugene and Violet Lorene, b. 10/7/1934; and Richard Lee, b. 7 /15/1937.The McFarlands live at 304 E. Jefferson St., Culver, Ind. Nellie D. Zartman, daughter of Adam, m. James Chartem 9/8/1903; their children are: Orrville Leroy, h. 6/30/1905; and Bertha Bernice, h. 5/4/1908. Ernest F. Zartman, son of Adam, m. Ethel Nye and have six children: Wayne, Mary, Alice, Dean, Kenneth, and Paul; all reside near Rochester, Ind. Josiah Zartman, a farmer, of Wagoner, Ind., m. Daisy Powell. Children: Freda Elba, b. 3/26/1892; Walter Austin, b. 5/24/1896; Dewey Marvin, b. 5/12/1898. This family was Methodist. Josiah d. 9/tll/1923. His widow d. 1/18/1927. Freda Elba in March 1911 m. Frank S. Martin. Their children are 13: Richard How­ ard, b.12/31/1911; Homer George, b. 2/14/1913; Edwin Dale, b. · 5/30/1915; Walter John, b. 1/14/1917; Mary Edna, b. 1/26/- 1919; Keith F., b. 6/25/1920, Marcella Louise, b. 4/18/1923; Harold De Von, b. 8/12/1924; and twin brother Howard De Vane, who d. Dec. 1924; Helen Elizabeth, b. 1/25/1926; Glen Robert, b. 5/2/1927; Cecil Dean, b. 10/7/1930; Virginia Ann, b. 8/14/- 1934. Walter Austin Zartman m. Alma Fort in June 1925. Child­ ren: Walter Franklin, b. 5/19/1926; Eleanor Louise, b. 5/4/1927; Carroll Emerson, b. 2/9/1929; Vance Allan, b. 11/7/1936. Dewey Marvin Zartman on 2/22/1922 m. Bernice Weller. Children: Betty Maxine, b. 1/5/1926; Winsell Dewey, b. 10/11/1928; Jack M., b. 4/7/1931. Informant Dewey M. Zartman, 431 E. 13th St., Rochester, Fulton County, Ind. Angeline Zartman, b. 8/8/1857 m. E. Stofel James; they lived in Iowa. Angeline d. childless 7/2/1878. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 327

Solomon Augustus Zartman b.1/30/1865, 10/30/1883 m. Eliza­ beth Platter. P. 0. Rochester, Ind., R.F.D. No. 1. Solomon at the age of 73 years wrote this report with his own h~nd under date of 11/1/1937. They live on a farm and have four children: Maude Estella, b. 5/17/1885; Ferdie J., b. 11/20/1890; Vernie Edith, b. 5/24/1892; Myron Hurd, b. 4/14/1907. Maude Estella in Nov. 1900 m. Frank Musselman. They live on a farm near Akron, Indiana. Ferdie J. Zartman 9/27/1910 m. Dessie Rickie. Children: Carl Rickie, b. 4/18/1912; Mildred Edith, b. 3/7/1915; Ferdie J., b. 6/21/1925; Richard Worth, b. 9/25/1928. Carl Rickie Zart­ man m. Evelyn Baker in June 1935. Issue: Connie K, b. 5/25/- 1936. They live at Beloit, Wisconsin. Ferdie J. Zartman and family reside at Rockford, Illinois. Vernie Edith Zartman 10/1/1924 m. Vernon Leo Bums. Child­ ren: Vernon Harold, b. 6/30/1925; Howard Augustus, b. 2/22/- 1927; Betty Lee, b. 8/.16/1928; Belva Elizabeth, b. 3/9/1930; Joan, h 6/20/1931; Frederick Doyne, b. 3/9/1933, d. 12/23/- 1934; Lora May, b. 4/16/1935. l\lyron Hurd Zartman in June 1929 m. Miriam Powell; they live in Peru, Indiana. Rinaldo Zartman is a farmer; for many years lived at Lintner, Piatt County, Illinois. While still in the same County he changed · his P.O. to Hammond, Illinois. On 9/17/1893 hem. Mary E. Werner. Their children arc: Boyd, b. 8/27/1896, d 1/10/1898; Clara Floy, b. 12/29/1899; Gladys F., b. 10/18/1902; Oris, b. 8/27/1903. Rinaldo d. 5/30/1939; is buried at Cerro Gordo, Ill. Clara Floy, 9/9/1918 m. Casper Bender, farmer. Children: Lava Marie, b. 7/31/1919; Estelle Elizabeth, b. 7/29/1928; Kenneth Donald, b. 4/4/1930. Lava Marie Bender m. Richard Schwenke 12/7/1935. Gladys Fem Zartman 7/2/1934 m. George H. Miller. Children: Marilyn Ruth, b. 5/30/1936; Darrell Howard, b. 9/- 21/1937. A third child d. at birth. Oris Zartman 2/8/1930 m. Vaunita Carrie Redman b. 6/22/1907. DAVID ZAUTMAN was b. 5/27/1821 in Perry Co., Ohio; in 1842 he m. Margaret Binkley; they moved to Miami County, Ind., in 1854. They belonged to the Reformed Church and had nil of their children baptized in that faith. Their children were as follows: Sarah Ann, b. 5/6/1843; Francis Marion, b. 10/26/1844, 328 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

d. 2/10/1845; Minerva Ann, b. 10/21/1845, d. 6/20/1849; Al­ meda, b. 10/19/1847; Gilbert, b. 1/4/1850, d. 2/26/1850; Mary Elizabeth, b. 1/21/1851; Margaret Elsie, b. 1/26/1853; Amanda, b. 2/13/1855; Martha Claroma, b. 1/5/1857; Lucinda, b. 12/8/- 1858; Ruth Rebecca, b. 11/25/1860; Emma Maybelle, Q• 9/5/- 1863; David Alexander, b. 1/4/1868. David Zartman d. 6/4/- 1887; his wifed. 9/20/1887; they are buried in Mount Zion Ceme­ tery in Miami Co. And in this same churchyard, at Zartman's Church, are buried the five brothers of David Zartman, who migrated to Indiana, and their mother is buried bore, and many of tho Zartman children. At no place in Indiana arc so many of the Zartmans buried as hero in Mount Zion Cemetery; and the church that stands on that same ground is known as Zartman's Church. Sarnh Ann Zartman m. Jacob Uhey. Children: Margaret Ros­ anna, b. 2/4/1862, n.nd Elnora, twin sister. Margaret Rosanna m. George Farrar 7/17/1877; Mr. Farrar d. 3/30/1924. Their son William Arnold was b. 10/19/1878, and ho m. Eulalia Dell Enrit 10/30/1907. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar had two children: Ros­ arma b. 8/10/1913, d. 1/20/1933; and Marilysan, b. 8/24/1922. Mrs. Farrar m. Jacob Mathias 11/26/1926. Elnora Uhey m. John Sheets 12/21/1882. Almeda Zartman on 1/6/1867 m. Israel Dock Johnson, farmer, Rochester, Ind., b. 9/17/1844 in Miami County, Ohio. Mr. John­ son was in our Civil War, Co. K. Ind. Regiment. In the time of the Civil War Mrs. Johnson displayed her patriotism by beating the drum at rallies. After the war they located on a farm in Fulton County, Ind., where they spent the rest of their days. Mrs. John­ son d. 5/5/1928. Mr. Johnson d. 4/7/1935. Their children were seven: Clara Belle, b. 11/26/1867; Margaret Rosanna, b. 9/17 /- 1869, d. 3/6/1873; Lina May, b. 12/23/1871; Daisy Dell, b. 4/- 8/1874; Harry Ellis, b.12/18/1877; Myrtle Ursula, b. 5/7/1881; William I., b. 11/3/1883, d. 9/16/1887. 'The Johnson family was Reformed. Clara Belle 1/13/1887 m. Jacob Frederick Schind­ ler, farmer. Children: Delcie Fem, b. 8/18/1889, d. 6/30/1890; Montana Gale, b. 9/17/1891. On 2/6/1912 she m. George J. Miller, farmer. Children: Harold Earl, b. 9/23/1912; Ethel Lois, b. 3/16/1917, d. 8/30/1917; Raymond, b. 1/19/1918, d. 1/19/- 1918; Dale Emerson, b. 11/29/1922; Lillian Annabell, b. 4/5/- 1929; Robert Lowell, b. 3/16/1933. Mrs. Schindler d. 6/30/1890. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 329

Harold E. Miller on 10/23/1932 m. Florence Ethel Dawald. Issue: Sonya Claribelle, b. 8/27/1934; Nedra Ann, b. 2/5/1936. Lina May Johnson in 1892 m. Lewis Clay Sheets, b. 4/5/1871 in Allen County, Ind., d. 3/8/1937. He had served as Sheriff and was Chief of Police in Rochester, Ind. The Sheets children number ten: Ruth Maud, b. 7/14/1892; Nevada Grace, b. 1/13/1895, d. 1/21/1895; Zola Marie, b. 1/1/1897, d. on same day; Glenn V., b. 2/14/1898; Mildred Louise, b. 1/7/1900; John W., b. 12/17 /- 1901; Israel Dee, b. 7/16/1904; Martha Iona, b. 8/3/1907; Don­ ald Harry, b. 10/2/1908; Arthur Taylor, b. 12/17/1909. Mrs. Sheets 6/17/1917 m. Reginald Joe Baker, farmer. Their daugh­ ter is Betty Jane, b. 8/30/1918. Glen V. Sheets 3/6/1934 m. Adelbert Daggy. Mildred Louise 1/19/1924 m. J. Harold Read. Issue: Carolyn R., b. 8/19/1927. John W. Sheets 1/20/1925 m. Gladys Richardson. Children: Donezetta L., b. 9/3/1926; and Linda Lee, b. 2/4/1934. Israel Dee Sheets 6/19/1923 m. Velma Dalton. Issue: Bonnie L., b. 4/4/1924; Billie June, b. 5/5/1925; Mary Lou, b. 2/11/1927. Donald Harry Sheets 3/28/1937 m. Mary Dolbow; their home is in Wichita, Kansas. Daisy Dell Johnson 4/11/1891 m. John Wesley Conrad, farmer. Children: Carry May, b. 1/23/1892; Baby, b. and d. 2/8/1894; Rosco Johnson, b. 8/24/1895; Eva Gale, b. 1/22/1916. Carry May, 11/2/1912 m. Howard G. King, farmer. Three sons: John Donald, b. 11/25/1913; William Woodrow, b. 6/21/1915; Robert Lee, b. 4/6/1921. John Donald on 2/8/1936 m. Mary Cecilia Tomb. Rosco J. Conrad 10/10/1914 m. Mary Jane Anglemyer. Issue: Rachel Daisy, b. 6/28/1915; Grace Louise, b. 7/23/1921; Byron Eugene, b. 10/29/1930. In Aug. 1935 Rachel Daisy m. Lloyd Creig, farmer. On 2/10/1937 Rosco Johnson remarried Kather­ ine Beaudoin. Harry E. Johnson, Carpenter and Mechanic, on 11/18/1899 m. Orpha Edith Masteller, b. 8/9/1880. They are Presbyterians. Myrtle Ursula Johnson 5/15/1898 m. Charles Martel Slifer. Three sons: Cleo Martin, b. 2/14/1899; Vaughn Israel, b. 11/27/- 1903; Clement Sylvan, b. 10/18/1905. Cleo Martin 10/20/1923 m. Annis Marie Ross. Issue: Bettie Elaine, b.11/23/1924; Robert Ross, b. 9/14/1929. P. 0. Buffalo, Wyoming. Vaughn I., 10/- 31/1933 m. Lucille Alberta Craig. 5/17/1935 a child was still b. They live at Buffalo, Wyoming. Rochester, Indiana, is the ad­ rlress of the Johnsons, Schindlers, Sheets, Conrads, Kings, and 330 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Slifers. Clement Sylvan Slifer is a Banker in San Francisco and resides at 676 Geary St. Cleo H. Slifer is Assistant Postmaster in Buffalo, Wyo. Chas M. Slifer is a barber in Detroit, Mich. Mary Elizabeth Zartman m. Samuel Strawbridge and had three children: Anna E., b. 4/29/1868; Minnie M., b. 2/19/1871; Albert Vernon, b. 1/13/1870, d. 4/15/1870. Mr. Strawbfidge d. 3/4/1879. Mrs. Strawbridge remarried in 1881 to Augustine Hisey; in this union there was a daughter Emma who m. a Mr. Eash, and d. in 1906. Mr. Hisey was a prominent citizen, suc­ cessful farmer, and a County Commissioner; he d. 12/24/1914. Mrs. Hisey d. 6/27/1929. Anna E. Strawbridge m. Edgar Y. Robbins 4/26/1890 at Argos, Ind. Minnie M. Strawbridge on 1/- 7 /1900 m. Miles Perschbauchcr. Children: Mary Medrith, b. 9/- 27 /1903; and Miles S., b. 5/20/1908. Mary M. Perschbaucher 6/22/1929 m. Franklin Striker. Children: Arthur Miles, b. 4/- 1/1930, and Corine Meredith, b. 0/20/1932. Miles Perschbaucher 1/19/1936 m. Lela Fem Kauffman. Edgar Y. Robbins d. 1/31/- 1937. Miles W. Perschbaucher d. 1/10/1936. Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. Perschbaucher, sisters and both widowed, live together at 230 E. Indiana Ave.; South Bend, Indiana. Margaret Elsie Zartman m. William Lawson Runkle on 8/- 11/1871. They lived at Roann, Ind. Mr. Runkle d. in 1029. Mrs. Runkle d. in 1035. They were childless. Amanda Zartman m. Paul W. Sampsel on 2/27/1873. They live at Macy, Ind., belong to the M. E. Church and have three children: Arthur V., b. 1/3/1880; Lola Minerva, b. 4/15/1883; and Clarence Pliny, b. 7/20/1885. Arthur V. Sampsel m. Alice Mae Rohr 6/25/1899; their daughter is Theressa, b. 5/2/1000, d. 6/27/1921; and Arthur V ., Jr., b. 1/4/1924. Arthur V. Sampsel has a number of important inventions covered by patents, including the automatic coal stoker, electrical con­ trol for stokers, air conditioning control, and my latest is a com­ plete oil burner, which can be carried in an overcoat pocket. This last development will in all probability be sure to revolu­ tionize the bumin•g of oil to heat homes. Arthur V. Sampsel is an inventor and manufacturer, Mendota, Illinois. Lola Sampsel m. William M. Dell 5/2/1897. They reside in Logansport, Ind., and have four children: Goldis E., b. 4/18/- 1898; Paul W., b. 1/21/1900, d. 1/28/1910; Gertrude E., b. 2/14/1902; and Marie N., b. 12/4/1904. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 331

Lola M. Sampsel Dell, 8/2/1913 m. Sidney A. Armour, who d. 6/9/1934. Lola M. Sampsel Den, 10/16/1934 m. HamiJ­ ton 0. Armour. Goldis E. Dell, 4/2/1911 m. Oscar Manning. Issue: Ella M. Manning, b. 1/23/1912, d. 2/18/1937; Lola B. Manning, b. 2/5/1915, d. 2/6/1915; Paul D. Manning, b. 1/27/- 1918 and d. on same day; Donald 0. Manning, b. 3/25/1920; Evelyn G., b.11/17/1922; June N. Manning, b. 6/27/1925. Goldis E. Manning 11/15/1929 m. Darrel A. Lancaster, b. 3/27/1936. Ella M. Manning 11/19/1931 m. Theodore Ziegler. Jerrald Zieg­ ler was b. 10/29/1935. Paul W. Dell m. Ruth Thomas 7 /25/- 1921; issue: Grace M. Dell, b. 7/4/1922; and Yvonne Dell, b.12/- 25/1923, d. 9/17/1932. Gertrude E. Dell 6/1/1923 m. Edward J. Fisher. Ella G. Fisher was b. 1/24/1926. Marie N. Dell 11/- 1/1923 m. Alton B. Armour; issue: Donald F. Armour, b. 8/18/- 1925; Lucille M. Armour, b. 10/25/1926; Robert A. Armour, b. 12/20/1928. Clarence P. Sampsel 8/26/1911 m. Ruth Weller. Children: Irene L. Sampsel, b. 3/14/1913; Homer Sampsel, b. 6/29/1916; Irene S., m. Francis Freese 10/16/1937. Homer Sampsel 6/21/- 1936 m. Mary Jersorka: Children: Jennieue Lee Sampsel, b. 1/- 3/1937. Clarence Pliny Sampsel resides at Rochester, Ind. Martha Claroma Zartman in 1875 m. a blacksmith, Daniel W. Hisey, b. 11/7/1854. They had two daughters: Elwilda, b. 8/- 5/1876, d. 9/15/1907; and Lillian, b. 4/22/1882, m. Leroy Decker 9/1/1900. Mrs. Hisey d. 2/27/1903. Mr. Hisey d. 1/1/1933. They are buried at Rochester, Ind. Mr. Hisey was also trainer, owner and driver of race horses; he owned and drove "Deck Wright," a famous racer in his day, in whose honor a cigar was named "Deck Wright." In his last days Mr. Hisey was an auto­ mobile salesman. Ella Hisey 8/18/1892 m. Elva Jones, b. 4/1/- 1871. They had four children: Charles Esco, b. 3/22/1893; Dennis Russell, b. 7/25/1894; Hazel Lucile, b. 4/16/1893, d. 6/6/1909; and Mildred Evelyn, b. 10/22/1900, d. 5/13/1918. Mr. Jones is living at Mentone, Indiana, engaged in farming. Charles E. Jones m. Grace Schwartz at St. Johns, Ohio. Dennis R. Jones 6/2/1921 m. Eva Caryl Smith, of Palmyra, Wis. They have a son and daughter: Russell Alvin, b. 9/23/1922; and Mar­ ilyn Lucille, b. 3/10/1932. Mr. Jones graduated from High School at Mentone, Ind., and from Business College at South Bend, was in retail lumber business till 1924, when he entered into furniture 332 THE ZARTIIIAN FAMILY and funeral service business with his father-in-law in Palmyra, Wis. He is a licensed funeral director and embalmer. He has three bobbies: bunting, fishing, and golfing. He has shot two big deer, one with 11 points on his antlers, the other with 13 points. Lucinda Zartman in 1880 m. A. Estey Sheets. Children: Georgia E., b. 7/10/1881; Edna C., b. 11/7/1883; and Esco E., b. 6/11/1887. They arc Methodists. Georgia E. Sheets m. Harry Brower 1/1/1902. Children: Donald Leo, b. 12/10/1903; Clar­ ence Edward, b. 5/17/1906, d. 11/23/1914; Meredith Louise, b. 7/1/1912; and Frederick Lewis, b. 3/3/1916. None have married and all are at home except Fred. L., who is a student in Purdue University in Lafayette, Ind. The Browers live at 218 W. 4th St., Rochester, Ind. Edna C. Sheets is single and teaches school in Rochester, Ind.; resides at 426 Jefferson St. She took her teacher training in Rochester Normal University and Indiana University .with extension work at North Manchester College. Esco E. Sheets is married; lives at 10609 So. Sangamon St., Chi­ cago, where for 25 or more years he has been in the employ of the Ill. Telephone Co. On 7/25/1921 he m. Lucile Elaine Kuh, b. 4/30/1902 in Munich, Germany; at the age of 8 years she was brought to America. They have two children: Joan Mary Lou, b. 3/2/1933; and Wilson Esco, b. 1/14/1938. In a previous mar­ riage Mr. Sheets had a son who lived to the ago of 20 years; he fell from a motorcycle, was fatally injured and died in a few days. Mrs. Lucinda Z. Sheets d. 1/16/1895. Mr. Sheets is living. Ruth Rebecca, daughter of David Zartman, 10/12/1884 III. James Robbins, they lived at Rochester, Ind., and shed. 3/22/- 1899; James Robbins d. 5/2/1900. Their children were Goldie, b. 11/1/1885; William Harold, b. 5/13/1887; and Dessie Ethel, b. 3/12/1889. Goldie Robbins m. Daniel Bradden 7/6/1902 at Macy, Ind.William Harold Robbins m. Mary Goldie Wilcoxon 3/10/1907. Their children are: Zeltha Mabel Robbins, b. 9/25/- 1909; Helen Mildred Robbins, b. 7/13/1911; Martha Rebecca Robbins, b. 8/9/1913; Herbert Dale Robbins, b. 8/16/1915; Ethel May Robbins, b. 7/28/1924. Zeltha Mabel Robbins m. Paul John Phelps 11/18/1925 and have 5 children: Harold Daniel, b. 12/26/1928; John Paul, 7 12/1930; Richard Eugene, b. 2/5/- 1931; Mary Darline, b. 10/17/1933; Joseph, b. 3/2/1936. Holen Mildred Robbins m. Elmer Francis Case 10/1/1927. Their ,JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 333 children are: Lois Marion b. 4/7/1931; Joyce Francis Case, b. 2/7/1933; Robt. Irvine, b. 2/2/1936. Martha Rebecca Robbins m. Clyde Lin Ladson, 1/23/1931; they have a son and daughter: William Harold, b. 4/13/1932; and Beverly Mildred, b. 12/31/- 1933. Dessie Ethel Robbins m. William Samuel Abell 3/17/1909. Their six children were: Vera, b. 3/13/1911, d. 1927; Robert Wil­ liam, b.1/4/1913; Ellen, b. 8/26/1915; Ray, b. 5/12/1917; Wayne Peter, b. 2/17/1926; Elizabeth, b. 2/2/1929. Ellen Abell m. Earl Yairon 9/1/1935; they were blest with a son, John Robert, b. 8/2-1/1937. Emma Maybelle Zartman 3/6/1881 m. Henry D. Pontius, b. 12/3/1855. They lived at Silver Lake, Ind., and were Lutheran. Children: Winfield Scott, b. 2/23/1882; Walt,•r Ray, b. 4/'Ja/- 1885, d. 12/27/1906. W. Scott Pontius united with the church while yet a boy and continued faithful. He was a member of the Silver Lake and Mentone Comet Band. He was associated with his father in the monument business; they were prominent deal­ ers for 30 years. On 10/5/1904 hem. Blanche Webster, and lived at Mentone, Ind. His widow remarried, to a Mr. Carbiener of Tippecanoe. Her final tribute to W. Scott Pontius is this: "Of all the monuments be built, his own life was tho ~randest." W. Ray Pontius 10/17/1905 m. Blanche Millbern. Mrs. Emma M. Pon­ tius d. 1/24/1897. Hnr life was Christian and her death vic­ torious. David Alexander Zartman learned the art of electroplating and devoted 12 years to it. He was four years with the N. C. R. Co. in Dayton, Ohio. He m. Rose Ellen Wineland. A son, Harvey Delbert Zartman, was b. 10/29/1887; lives at 716 Middle Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. David A. Zartman moved to Goshen where he had a fmit form, and was identified with the Reformed Church. On 5/6/1899 hem., second, Mayme S. Barnard, daughter of Rev. W. P. Barnard. Children: Ethel Lucile, b. 2/23/1902; and Ross Barnard, b. 2/2/1906. David A. Zartman d. 7/4/1921 at Goshen, Ind. His remains repose in Oak Ridge Cemetery. His wife says: "His death is a great loss to us. He was certainly a true, noble man." Mrs. Zartman writes: "Rev. Allen K. Zartman baptized me when I was a little girl at Millersburg, Ind., and later he was my pastor in Goshen; he was a wonderful man." Mrs. Zartman and son Ross live at 719 Eric Ave., in Takoma Park, Md. 334 THE ZARTMAN F Al\llLY

Etliel L. Zartman graduated from Goshen College in 1922 and for several years taught Domestic Art and Science in Fairmount school for girls in Washington, D. C. Shem. Philip A. Minnis of Terre Haute 6/25/1927; they reside at 1506 Shasta Ave., San Jose, Calif. Mr. Minnis is a patent attorney for Food Machinery Corp. They are Methodists. Ross B. Zartman in 1931 gra,duated in Business Administration, and in Law in 1935, receiving tho LL.B. degree, and the Master's degree in Patent Law in 1937 from George Washington University. He was admitted to the D. C. Bar in 1936. He is employed with the Potomac Electric Power Co., and is a Methodist. SALOME ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, Jr., was b. 12/30/1823, · on 4/11/1842 she m. David Mohler, b. in Maryland 3/19/1820. Mr. Mohler was a farmer and auctioneer. Their ten children were as follows: Eli, b. 4/23/1843; David, b. 9/8/1845; Sarah Elizabeth, b. 5/1/1848; Marion, b. 2/15/1851, and d. 4/14/1871; Noah, b. 1/19/1853; AJlen, b. 2/2/1855; Aaron, b. 5/15/1857; Peter, b. 6/24/1859, d. 3/6/1864; Amos, b. 5/15/1857; Amanda Ellen, b. 11/28/1863. The marriages were as follows: Eli on 5/ 13/1869 m. Rettio Alibaugh. Children: Ora, b. 10/26/1870; Lizzie; Vernon; Luther, b. 8/7/1888. David Mohler on 8/20/ 1869 m. Elizabeth Albert, and lived at Van Wert, Ohio. They had a son Charles E., b. 3/30/1869, who m. Flo Teagarden and had four children: Paul, Marie, Maud, and Lucile. Chas. E. Moh­ ler d. 7/7/1933 at Auburn, Washington, where his widow resides. Sarah Elizabeth Mohler on 9/6/1866 m. Leonard Diltz; their children were three: Elmon, Alice, and Osma. These three reside in Thornville, 0. Their mother, Mrs. Diltz, d. 1/13/1931. No:ih Mohler on 12/21/1875 m. Catherine Kunce; their children nnd grandchildren are as follows: 1. Owen Mohler, b. 2/10/1876, m. Melezena Rousrulp 11/!l/ 1909 (Melezena b. 8/10/1874, d. 8/20/1930.) a. Kathryn Louise Mohler, b. 1/5/1913, res. Thornville, Ohio, not. m. 2. Orpha Mohler, b. 12/8/1883, m. Elmer C. Cooperider 10/- 17 /1906. a. Harold Mohler Cooperider, b. 12/30/1911, m. Lucille Fisher 9/1/1935. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 335

b. Donald Elmer Cooperide., b. 9/21/1914, m. Sarah Jeanette Limes 12/25/1936. c. Mildred Irene Cooperider, b. 4/12/1918, not m. 3. Clara Mohler, b. 10/8/1888 m. U. C. Stevens 2/16/1906, Cleveland, Ohio. a. Dorothy Stevens, b. 8/26/1906, m. Andrew Gaydash 1/17/1935. 1. Daniel Gaydash, b. 10/17/1935. 2. Marjorie Janet Gaydash, b. 5/7/1937. b. Maud Stevens, b. 1/9/1908, m. Henry A. Leonhardt 8/4/1928. 1. David Leonhardt, b. 8/28/1929. 2. Nancy Ann Leonhardt, b. 2/14/1931. c. Charlotte Stevens, b. 3/27/1909, m. Carl Bloberg 11/- 10/1928 1. Carl Bloberg, Jr., b. 7/30/1929. 2. Sandra Lee Bloberg, b. 8/3/1940. d. Pauline Stevens, b. 5/24/1910, m. Joseph Zikesh 4/- 1929. 1. Marilyn Zikesh, b. 6/22/1930. e. U. Chancey Stevens, Jr., b. 2/3/1912, m. Elmo Gal­ lagher 6/22/1934. 1. Robert Stevens, b. 11/24/1936. f. Bessie Irene Stevens, b. 2/2/1914, d. in Aug. 1914. Allen Mohler on 9/26/1880 m. Armeta Sites: their children are seven: Charles, Irvin, Howard, William, Jonas, Leonard, and Myrtle. Howard Mohler m. Bertha Binckley: their ten children are: Edna, Leona, Francis, Paul, Ralph, Lucile, Gaylord, Edward, Marion, and Richard. William Mohler m. and had five children: Mary, Manford, Margaret, Lois, and Evelyn. Jonas Mohler d. young, and Leon­ ard d. overseas. Myrtle Mohler m. Raymond Shupe on 4/15/- 1929, and had a son I eonard. Aaron Mohler 9/26/1880 m. Sarah Walser; children: Edith, Anna, Esta, Elmer, and Emmet. Amos Mohler, 12/6/1883 m. Ona Young and live~in Thornville, Ohio. They have a son Earnest, b. 6/5/1885, and a daughter, Ona, b. 7/17/1890. Earnest m. Gertrude 336 Tm: ZARTMAN FAMILY

Coble, and Ona m. J.E. Wilson, 3/29/1908 and has six children: Amos, Paul, Irene, Billy, Earl, and Leona May. Amanda Ellen Mohler on 11/9/1882 m. Rezin Cooperrider. Their children are five: Oscar, Luther, Florence, Edgar, and Edwin. Grandmother Salome Mohler d. 2/27/1892. Grandfather David Mohler d. 5/15/1904. Both are buried at Zion Lutheran Church, Thorn Twp. POLLY ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, Jr., son of Peter, Sen., son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 3/27/1826. She m. John Shroyer and moved to Marshall Co., Kansas, in 1857. They are reported to have bad the following children: Hiram, Philip, Har~ riet, Peter, Amanda, John, Frank, Samuel and Mary. Mrs. Mary Shroyer d. 2/16/1884. Philip and Peter were twins. ANDREW JACKSON ZARTMAN, son of Peter, Jr., son of Peter, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was born in Perry County, Ohio, 9/4/1829. When a young man he united with the Lutheran Church. In 1862 he moved to Indiana, and there he and his family joined the Reformed Church. On 4/17/1851, be m. Marg­ aret Fisher; they had six sons and four daughters, viz: Mahala, b. 1/27/1852; Sarah Ann, b. 8/13/1854; Son, b. and d. 1/13/1856; Samuel, b. 2/21/1857; Irvin, b. 4/10/1858; Charles, b. 5/10/1861; Eli, b. 11/28/1863; Phebe, b. 8/19/1866; Viola, b. 1/3/1873; Son, b. and d. within a few hours. Andrew Jackson Zartman d. 5/27/1896 aged 67 years. Mahala Zartman m. Benjamin Runkle, a farmer, b. 11/3/1841, d. 12/21/1899. Children: Sophia, b. 4/3/1872, d. 8/29/1873; Lina, b. 11/24/1873 and a twin brother, Lyman, who d. 4/10/- 1879; Maggie, b. 1/18/1876; Anna, b. 1/29/1878; Frank, b. 121 12/1887. Maggie Runkle m. Clarence Turnipseed 3/6/1908. Anna Runkle m. Bruce Ogle 10/30/1900. Issue: Goldie M., b. 11/2/1901; Hazel Arvilla, b. 11/25/1903; Mabel Lurean, b. 8/- 22/1906. Ruth Pauline, b. 4/12/1909; arid Fay Imogene, b. 3/2/1916. Hazel A. Runkle on 4/18/1932 m. R. G. Whitmer. Issue: Roland Glen, 10/10/1933, and Erna Jean d. as infant. Mabel L. Runkle m. V. P. Nicodemus on 9/3/1922. Issue: Dale Eugene, b. 8/6/1924; Iris Pauline, b. 8/2/1932. Goldie Ogle m. Milford W. Williams. Issue: Mary Jane, Vernon, Milford, and Jacquiline. Mahala Runkle d. 8/23/1920. Maggie Turnipseed d. 7/30/1935. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 337

Sarah Ann Zartman 11/28/1876 m. Samuel Dawald, a farmer, near Rochester, Ind. Children: Benjamin Franklin, b. 8/.24/1877; Hannah Margaret, b. 12/4/1879; Minnie Alberta, b. 10/30/1881; Sarah Viola, b. 12/4/1883. Mrs. S. A. Dawald d. 1/6/1903. Sam­ uel Dawald d. 2/16/1909. Benjamin Franklin Dawald m. Lulu Quick 1/10/1900; their daughter Cleo, b. 11/12/1902, m. Merle Durban, and lives in South Bend, Ind. Hannah M. Dawald in Mar. 1902 m. Henry Fishley; their son is Harvey, b. Mar. 1903. Minnie Alberta Dawald m. Charles Eber, Mar. 1903; they have three sons: John D., b. 2/8/1908; Paul A., b. 7/25/1912; Carl B., b. 11/1/1915, who is single and lives in Tempe, Ariz. John D. Eber m. Ruth B. Weaver 11/1/1930. Daughter Sarah W., 10/19/1935. The Ebers live at Rochester, Ind., R. D. 1. Samuel Zartman, farmer, lived near Macy, Ind., d. 11/6/1921. On 2/5/1882 he m. Sarah C. Shindler. Issue: Archie Earl, b. 11/6/1882; Goldie Edith, b. 3/3/1885; Vern Elmer, b. 10/16/ 1891. On 10/29/1907 Archie Earl Zartman m. Cuthcrine Burkess, they lived in Chicago, where the U. S. Government employed him on a drill boat. His wife d. in Sept. 1933. Earl's address is Fulton, Ind. Goldie E. Zartman m. Colonial Whybrew of Kew­ anna, Ind. Issue: Edna Doris, b. 5/2/1903; and Roy Louis, b. Sept. 1905. Edna D. Whybrew 11/12/1921 m. Reuben C. Buch­ anan. Issue: Verna Elenore, b. 4/22/1923, d. 5/26/1929; and Paul Dean, b. 5/1/1932. Mr. Buchanan graduated from Fulton High School in 1917. Roy L. Whybrew 9/22/1934 m. Louise Buchanan, who in 1925 graduated from Fulton High School. They have a daughter, Nila Jane, b. 8/29/1935. Vern Elmer Zartman 12/31/1915 m. Louie E. Meyer. Issue: Donald Meyer, b. 10/21/1916; and Russell E., b. 5/15/1928. P.O. is Fulton, Ind. Donald Meyer graduated from Fulton High School in 1937, and belongs to the U. B. Church. Irvin Zartman, farmer, lived at Macy, Ind.; member of the Reformed Church. On 7/7/1883 he m. Alice Jane Miller, b. 3/- 3/1867, d. 9/16/1903. Children: Grover Cleveland, b. 8/21/1884, d. 3/21/1885; Esty Virl, b. 6/2/1886; Nona, b. 3/20/1888; Myrtle b. 2/9/1890, d. in 1902, aged 12 years 7 months; Essie, b. 7/12/- 1892, d. in 1896; Omar, b. 1/6/1898; Twins, Ray and Roy, b. 2/9/1902; Roy d. aged 3 weeks. Irvin Zartman d. 9/3/1924. Esty Virl Zartman in 1907 m. Belle Chapin. Address: 413 E. 14th St., Rochester, Ind. Children seven: Alice Gertrude, b. 7 /- 338 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

17 /1908; Lillia Lavonne, b. 1/5/1911; William Gordon, b. 4/- 10/1913; Emmalene Bernadine, b. 4/15/1915; Annona. Mildred, b. 5/7/1918; Wilma Lucille, b. 9/29/1921. Byron Virl, b. 7/24/- 1924, d. 5/30/1925. Alice Gertrude Zartman 8/24/1924 m. How­ ard White. Children six: Freda. Louise, b. 11/27/1926; Ruth Arlene, b. 8/10/1928, d. 11/18/1928; Phylis Jean, b. 1/24/1932; Howard Virgil, b. 9/1/1933; Gerald Lee, b. 7/28/1935; Anna Jane, b. 12/6/1936. Lillia Lavonne Zartman 8/20/1931 m. Kei'lneth Graham. Children: Kenneth Virl, b. 9/1/1933; Bonnie Jean, b. 3/16/1935; Thomas Michael, b. 3/3/1937. William Gordon Zart­ man in 1931 m. Anna Gooch. Issue: William G., Jr., b. 6/15/- 1932, and Robert Irvin, b. 2/9/1934. Macy, Ind., R. R. 2. Em­ malene Bernadine Zartman in 1934 m. John Boll. They a daughter, Juanita. Joan, b. 3/11/1935. Annona Mildred Zartman 3/22/1935 m. Woodrow Packard. Their daughter is Doris Ar­ lene, b. 3/24/1937. Wilma. Lucille Zartman 10/2/1937 m. Clar- ence Smith. ' Nona Zartman in Oct. 1910 m. Walter Wanner. Children: Irvin Wesley, b. 12/17/1911; Mary Alice, b. 2/4/1012; Edna Mae b. 4/15/1915. Nona d. 11/4/1917. Irvin W. Wanner, who is a railroader, in 1934 m. Opal Vice. Mary Alice Wanner m. William Nickels, farmer. Children: five. Names of children not given. Edna. Mae Wanner in June 1932 m. Merrit Coffing. Children: two. Names not given. Omar Zartman, farmer, Macy, Ind., 2/14/1918 m. Sarah Hazel Rockey. Children: Virginia. Irene, b. 4/26/1920; and Von Leroy, b. 5/20/1923. Ray Zartman 7/13/1921 m. Eliza Southeron. Children: Mar­ garet Louise, b. 12/8/1924; Forest Dean, b. 5/18/1926; Philip Claude, b. 2/18/1933. Charles Zartman, former, lived at Macy, Ind. He and his fam­ ily were U. B. On 11/6/1886, he m. Mary Becker. Children: Mabel A., b. 9/7/1887; Cloyd Beckor, b. 5/8/1889; Trudie C., b. 10/14/1892; Voris D., b. 11/17/1896. Mabel A. Zartman 8/- 31/1912 m. Oral B. Clevenger, farmer on R.R. 6, Rochester, Ind. Cloyd B. Zartman 10/26/1912 m. Grace M. Whybrew, farmer on R.R. 2, Macy, Ind. Their son is Wayne F., b. 7/12/1918, and 6/29/1940 hem. Ruth Stanley. Trudie C. Zartman 10/14/1914 m. Joe C. Zabst, a carpenter and contractor in Fulton, Ind. Throe sons: Eldon E., b. 3/12/1917; Marvin G., b. 12/13/1919; Max I., JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 339 b. 5/24/1922. Eldon E. Zabst graduated from Fulton High School 4/18/1935. Marvin G. Zabst graduated from Fulton High School 4/23/1937. Voris D. Zartman 9/19/1920 m. Edna M. Surface. Children: Lorene H., b. 10/17/1921; and Raymond J., b. 1/20/- 1930. They are farmers on R. R. 6, Rochester, Ind. Charles Zartman d. 7/13/1924. His widow lives in Fulton, Ind. Eli Zartman was a hardware and implement merchant at Kew­ anna, Ind., and owned a farm near Akron, Ind. He and his wife were Methodists, but he longed for the Reformed Church, to which he formerly belonged. He gave us invaluable help with the history of the Indiana Zartmans and great encouragement. We shall ever remember his kindness, and also the hospitality in his beautiful home. On 9/29/1892, he m. Luella C. Minter. They have an adopted daughter, Imogene, who m. Frank Austin 12/31/1928, and lives at Burlington, Ind. The Austins have two daughters, viz: Marcia Ann, b. 3/16/1932; and Naydin, b. 2/11/- 1934. Eli Zartman was born and reared in the vicinity of Macy, Ind., where he was in business for years; then for 13 years he was in the hardware business in Akron, Ind., and the Inst 8 years of his life he livr.d at Kewanna. He was one of the best and most favorably known men of his county. His last end came 12/29/- 1914; his years were 51. He was buried at Macy, in Plainview C-0metery. His widow d. 6/27/1926, and is buried with her hus­ band. Pheb-0 Zartman, a sister of Eli Zartman, m. A. Jackson Shindler, and they had an only child that d. as an infant. Mrs. Shindler d. 5/30/1891. Mr. Shindler lives at Rochester, Ind. Viola Zartman, daughter of Andrew Jackson ZartmanJ 9/12/- 1891 m. Frank 0. Wagoner; their only child is Gladys Sarah Margaret, b. 8/27/1892 in Miami County, Ind. She graduated from the Hopewell High School in Fulton, and 2/17/1915 m. Albert C. Chalk, b. 5/20/1896 in Fulton County, Ind. They have six children as follows: Leo Albert Wagoner, b. 1/30/1916; Bessie Edith, b. 6/27/1918; Marvin Glen, b. 6/16/1923; Wanda Mac, b. 11/16/1026; Robert Leroy, b. 10/31/1929; and Mary Joanna, b. I0/19/1935. Leo Chalk graduated in Macy School and 12/12/1935, m. Eldoro Irene Bryant, who was b. 7/12/1917; to them was b. Shirley Rose Ann, 8/31/1936. Bessie Edith Chalk m. Walter Kenneth Cartwright 11/26/1934; they have a daugh­ ter, Bonnie Lou, b. 3/29/1936. 340 THE ZARTMAN F AMJLY

MARY ANN ZARTMAN, daughter of Peter, Jr., son of Peter, Sen., son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. 11/21/1832. She m. Joseph Springer and they are said to have located in Mercer County, Ohio. Mrs. Springer d. 3/14/1885.

GEORGE WASHINGTON ZARTMAN, son of Peter, Jr., son of Peter, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. in Perry County, Ohio, 7/28/1835, and he m. Mary Elizabeth Fisher. About the year 1860 they moved to Miami County, Ind. He d. 6/5j1890. Their eleven children are as follows: Delilah E., b. 12/5/1853; Benjamin Franklin, b. 7/22/1855; Caroline, b. 12/12/1857, d. 2/23/1861; Mary Ann, b.10/21/1859; John Oliver, b. 11/25/1861; Eve, b. 12/25/1863, Denver, Ind.; Emma, b. 1/6/1867; Ella Bell, b. 9/16/1868; James Edward, b. 9/4/1870; William Perry, b. 2/14/1874; Dora, b. 7/31/1876. Delilah Elizabeth Zartman was b. in Perry County, Ohio. At Denver, Ind., she in. Franklin Runkle, in the year 1882. They lived on a farm at Wagoner, Ind., and were members of the Re­ formed Church. Mr. Runkle d. 4/6/1886, aged 24½ years. Mrs.

Runkle d. 6/11/1922, aged 68½ years1 They had two daughters: Emma Eliza, b. 7/7/1883; and Ola Melissa, b. 9/25/1885. Em­ ma E. Runkle m. William Talbot McElheny 7/3/1902. Thoy live at 706 N. 39th St., Logansport, Ind., and belong to the Bap­ tist Church. They have three children: Harry Frederick, b. 1/- 19/1905; Walter Herbert, b. 7/13/1910; Imogene, b. 1/9/1915. Harry F. McElheny is a barber in Indiana Harbor; m. Ellen Berry 8/18/1925. Issue: Jack Richard, b. 2/8/1926; Barbara Jnno, b. 10/15/1927. Walter H. McElheny m. Ellen }{iyett 8/5/1934. Issue: Donna Mae, b. 8/21/1935. They live in Logansport at 809 Wilkinson St. Imogene McElheny m. Newlin Drake 2/2/- 1935. Issue: Donald Lee, b. Sept. 9, 1935; Robert Eugene, b. 9/18/1936. They live in Logansport. Ola M. Runkle lives in Macy, Ind., and is a member of the Church of Christ. Benjamin Franklin Zartman was a farmer all his life at Wag­ oner, Ind. On 1/15/1881 he m. Sarah Cathryn Burkett, b. 3/- 6/1857, d. 4/26/1900. A son was b. and d. in Sept. 1884; and twins, Gail and Glen, b. 9/11/1890. Glen d. 1/10/1891. On 4/ 4/1914 Gail Zartman m. William Estil Ginn, b. 9/1/1891. Child­ ren: Alice Jewell, b. 4/20/1915; Garnet Eleanor, b. 10/13/1916; Estil Cleon, b. 3/14/1922. Mr. and Mrs. Ginn and family reside JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 341 in Springport, Ind. They arc Methodists. Both are graduates of Manchester College, and Mr. Ginn has A.M. from the University of Wisconsin. He was 5 years superintendent of schools in New Albany. Alice Jewell Ginn is Secretary of Ball State Teachers' College, Muncie, Ind. Gamet Eleanor Ginn is a senior in Ball State Teachers' College and will graduate with B.S. degree. Estil Cleon Ginn is a junior in High School at Albany, and working on B.S. degree in Ball State Teachers' College. In Feb. 1903 Benjamin F. Zartman m. Lulu Bums who is yet living. To this union was born Esther Pearl, b. 11/24/1904; m. Ellis Clark Powell 6/23/1928. Mr. and Mrs. Powell live in Macy, Ind. Both teach in the public schools, and arc Methodists. Carol Ann, their daughter, was b. 9/29/1939. B. F. Zartman d. 8/10/- 1925. Mary Ann Zartman rn. Levi Dawald, a farmer of Denver, Ind. They were members of the Reformed Church. Levi Dawald d. 1/14/191'0; his relict d. 7/31/1910. Their children are six: Clara, b. 8/6/1878; Irvin, b. 6/30/1882; Albert, b. 5/24/1886; Charles, b. 10/20/1888; Clarence LeRoy, b. 5/24/1890, d. 10/21/1896; Samuel E., b.10/11/1894. Clara Dawald m. John Lon Eikenberry 10/18/1896. He d. in Muskegon, :Mich., 2/6/1937. Mrs. Clara Eikenberry resides at 888 Fleming Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Children: Evelyn, b. 1/26/1898; Lloyd, b. 11/16/1901; Velma, b. 0/9/1906, d. 7/24/1921, drowned in Herring Lake, Mich.; Cleatus, b. 3/17/1900. Evelyn Eikenberry 6/26/1919 m. Lloyd Cole of Frankford, Mich. They have a daughter, Norma, b. 5/- 28/1920, and a son, Kenneth, b. 4/23/1928. Lloyd Eikenberry graduated from Hillsdale College in 1924 wit.h B.A., and from the University of Michigan in 1937 with :M. A. Hem. Josephine Stiles of Leslie, Mich., 2/22/1925, and they had a son, John Her­ bert, b. 3/29/1926. Josephine Stiles Eikenberry d. in Hollywood, Calif., 3/16/1932, and Lloyd m. 8/20/1932 Ruth Vigland of El­ brrtn, Mich. They have a daughter Ruth Ann, b. 3/24/1934 at Chandler, Ariz. Cleatus Eikenberry m. Daisy Bradford 9/12/- 1031 in Muskegon, Mich. Issue: two sons: Hobert, b. 5/10/1932; Richard, b. 11/26/1935. Irvin Dewalt m. Grace 0. l{crsclmer. Children: Earl E., b. 6/27/1902; Edna May, b. 10/17/1907; William Levi, b. 1/29/- 1020. They belong to the Reformed Church and reside at Macy, Ind. Earl E., 4/4/1925 m. Helen D. Robins. They live at 218 342 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

South Mead St., South Bend, Ind. Edna May Dawalt 11/21/- 1926 m. Grimes B. Derck. Children: Charles Irvin, b. 11/21/- 1926; Glen Earle, b. 10/21/1927, d. 12/0/1927; Helen Louise, b. 3/12/1920; Grimes Richard, b. 11/0/1031; Dorothy Mae, b. 3/2/1933; Orrna Jean, b. 8/6/1934; a child b. and d. 7/11/1936. The Dcrcks Jive at Denver, Ind. Grace 0. Dawald d. 12/8/1934, and 3/14/1935 Irwin Dnwald m. Mattie Conn. Albert Dnwald 3/18/1909 m. Laura Marie J{erschncr, at Den­ ver, Ind. Children: Muri Albert, b. 11/3/1900; Marie Olive, b. 4/16/1914; Donald Arlis, h. 4/4/1930. The Albert Dawalts live at Tippecanoe, Ind., and are members of the Church of God. Muri .\lbert m. Marie Mullet in 1933. Children: Marylin Joan, b. 2/14/1984, d. at birth; Carl Duaine, b. 3/10/1935; Jerry De­ von, b. 3/i/1037. Muri A. Dawald lives at Etna Green, Ind. Marie Olive Dawald in 1933 m. Herman David Fanning. They have a daughter, Norma, b. 8/17/1934, and live at Argos, Ind. They arc formers. , Charles Dawald in 1908 m. Vesta C. Frailing; address, 222 Van Buren St., Peru, Ind., Children: Walter L., b. 5/10/1900, d. 4/8/ 1911; Ethel L., b. 1/26/1911, in 1929 m. Frank Cole, and they have a daughter, Anna Mae, b. 5/3/1936. Samuel E. Dawald 11/28/1914 rn. Marie Norman of Macy, Ind. They have a son, Norman A., b. 12/13/1915. Their address is Wabash, Ind., R. R. John Oliver Zartman, farmer, lived near Macy, Ind., and be­ longed to the Reformed Church; hem. Mary Jane Shafer. Ml'!l. Zartman d. 5/18/1892; he d. 2/3/1931. Children: Charles Wil­ liam, b. 3/30/1886; Rosa Mac, b. 8/3/1888; Charles W. Zartman m. Edith Mac Secor 12/12/1908. They have two daughters: Mary Jane, b. 3/12/1916 at Macy, Ind., she graduated from Macy High School in 1935, and clerks in a general store in Macy; Bonnie Jean, b. 2/17/1923 at Macy, Ind., a pupil in High School. Charles W. Zartman wrote us the following lines: "We arc living on a farm one mile north of Macy. I am the only Zartman living in the old neighborhood where they first settled when they came here from Perry County, Ohio." Rosa Mae Zartman m. Harry Glen Hatch. They have two children: Evelyn Levon, b. 5/21/1907; and Doyne Glen, h. 10/20/1008. Eve Zartman, b. 12/25/1863, WUR mute and never married. She d. 8/28/1930. JACOB ZARTIIIAN AND FAMILY 343

Emma Zartman m. Simon Peter Sowers of Akron, Ind. They were members of the Reformed Church. Children: Ota Vermella, b. 10/8/1885; Merta Vay, b. 9/16/1888; Harry Warren, b. 12/- 3/1890; Roscoe Herbert; b. 2/3/1903; Lester Lloyd, b. 5/5/1908. Ota V. Sowers m. Earl Hoover. Children: Sylvia A., b. 11/28/- 1909; Victor L., b. 6/26/1911, is unmarried, lives in Oaklawn, III., where he is employed in a factory that tests parts of autos; Glenn E., b. 11/12/1912; Miriam G., b. 5/10/1914; Paul H., b. 2/8/1916, employed with a printing company in Rochester, Ind.; Doyne J. Hoover, b. 12/5/1924. Sylvia A. Hoover m. Robert E. Flohr 8/23/1930. They have four children: Carol, b. 8/22/1931; Peggy Ann, b. 8/21/1933; John Rex, b. 10/6/1935; Larry Lew, b. 6/30/193i. Glenn E. Hoover m. Bessie Thomas. Children: Sandra Jean, b. 7/15/1935, d. 10/3/1936; Denny Lee, b. 8/19/- 1936; Marilyn Kay, b. 11/27/1937. Miriam G. Hoover m. Roy Clay. They had a son, Richard R., b. 10/18/1930, d. 2/16/1932. Merta V. Sowers m. Russell Burch, 8/16/1913. Being child­ less they took a three-year-old child to rear; it is now 19 years old. Harry W. Sowers m. Gladys Sausaman in 1924. Children: Betty Jean, b. 7/26/1926; Mildred Ruth, b. 8/23/1928, d. 2/24/1931; Harold Willis, b. 1/3/1933. They reside in South Bend, Ind. Roscoe H. Sowers m. Eve Zimmer of Minot, N. D. They have two daughters: Helen May, b. 7/15/1929; and Beatrice Joan, b. 10/21/1932. Roscoe H. graduated from Akron, Ind., High School in 1922; he has a gas service station in South Bend. Lester L. Sowers graduated from Akron, Ind., High School in 1928. He m. Helen Felty 5/18/1935, and they live in South Bend. They have a son, Herbert Wayne, b. 11/6/1937. Mrs. Emma Sowers is living in Akron, Ind. Ella Belle Zartman m. John Ritter 8/8/1891. He d. 6/25/- 1936. Children: Grace Fern, b. 1/19/1893, d. 8/19/1894; Forest Herchel, b. 6/26/1896; Mary Cleo, b. 4/8/1898. Mrs. Ritter d. 11/12/1905. Forest H. Ritter m. Julia Elizabeth Satava on 6/- 30/1926, Children: Robert Forest, b. 5/13/1930; Ruth Julia, b. 2/9/1934; and Harold John, b. 9/8/1935. Mary Cleo Ritter m. Edward Walter Treachler on 7/10/1918. Children: Walter Her­ shel and Evelyn Fern (twins), b. 9/1/1919, and Walter Hershel d. 1/5/1938; Virginia Mae, b. 2/14/1922, 9/8/1940 m. John Hu­ bert Milligan; and Vera Marie, b. 11/25/1926. Evelyn Fern Treachler m. Raymond Earl Gregory 10/7/1936, and a son 344 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Robert Earl was b. 2/11/1939. The Treachlers reside at Dexter, Mich., R. F. D. James Edward Zartman 1/17/1915 m. Ora D. Smith of Peru, Ind. He was a carpenter by trade, and employed by a railway company. During a period of years he kept your historian in­ formed by Jetter of happenings among our relatives in the Hoosier State. He d. 7/21/1934. His widow resides in Peru. William Perry Zartman is a farmer near Akron, Ind. He m. Fanny Craig 9/25/1898. He gave us kindly and substantial assistance with this history. On 9/18/1937 he wrote saying: '\My wife and I live on a farm near Akron, Ind. We never had any children. I am the only son left of the George W. Zartman fam­ ily. I sure want the new history and will give you what help I can. I wish you great success with the new history. I will take two copies." Dora Zartman 7/3/1898 m. Noah Oscar Packard, a farmer, Sherman, Mich. Children: Harvey Jennings, b. 9/20/1899; Esth­ er Cleo, b. 11/12/1900; Samuel Kenneth, b. 2/24/1902; Bertha Mae, b. 5/7/1904; Vearl Woodrow, b. 10/18/1912. Harvey J. Packard has not married; he helps his father with the farm at Royal Centre, Ind. Esther Cleo Packard 12/25/1926 m. Jerry Edward Silance; their son Darrel Edward, was b. 6/27/1932. They are farmers. Samuel Kenneth Packard is a farmer. He first m. Emma Adelia Bunnell, 11/26/1923, and they have a son, Robert Glenn, b. 4/4/1925. Mrs. A. Packard d. 4/8/1926, aged 22 years, and Samuel m. Margaret Elizabeth Grassmirc 6/- 1/1930. They have two children: Ruth Arlene, b. 7/11/1932; and Kenneth Lavon, b. 6/27/1936. Bertha Mac Packard m. Charles Alpha Bunncll 6/4/1922; they have a daughter, Esther Jennette, b. 5/21/1923. Chas. A. Bunnell d. 7/12/1932 aged 41 years. He was a farmer. Vearl Woodrow Packard m. Annona Mildred Zart­ man 3/22/1936. They have two daughters: Dorris Arlene, b. 4/ 24/1937; and Carol Ann, b. 9/15/1939. They live on a farm at Royal Centre, Cass Co., Ind., R. R. 1. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ZARTMAN, son of Peter, Jr., son of Peter, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, was b. in Perry Co., Ohio, 2/26/- 1839. He moved to Indiana in the early 60's; d. 9/16/1872. On 12/15/1859, he m. Lucy Ann Mohler. Children: Hattie, b. 9/- 11/1860; Clara Bell, b. 4/26/1862; Noah, b. 10/21/1863; and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 345

William Francis, b. 4/7/1865. Hattie Zartman m. John S. Hines 1/28/1876. They lived at Peru, Ind., on a farm; they eight children: William Noah, b. 2/5/1878; Emma Letty, 2/16/1880; John Albert, b. 7/24/1882, d. 9/23/1896; Rosa May, b. 10/9/- 1884; Pliny, b. 5/14/1888; Emery Edward, b. 3/23/1893; Daisy Myrtle, b. 5/18/1896, d. 12/21/1898; Pearly M., b. 4/19/1900. Emma L. Hines m. Mr. Wood. Issue: Kathleen, b. 6/9/1899; Hattie May, b. 7/12/1900; and Rogers Nichols, b. 12/29/1904. William N. Hines m. and had three children: Annabell, b. 10/22/- 1901, d. 8/11/1902; Gladys Amanda, b. 12/10/1904; and Edward Pliny, b. 6/27/1907. Rosa M. Hines m. Mr. Hatch and had a daughter, Hazel Lecrate, b. 6/22/1903. Pliny Hines m. Nellie Graft in 1910. Emery E. Hines in 1914 m. had one son. Pearly M. Hines in 1915 m. a Mr. Godfrey. Clara Bell Zartman 4/8/1886 m. Ulysses Singleton Grant Hoag­ land of Hannibal, Mo., who d. 12/26/1907, and was buried at Mexico, Ind. They had a daughter, Blanche Myrtle, b. 1/16/- 1891, m. 2/25/1907 Chas. Henry Person of Northampton, Pa., and their child, Clara Jaunita m. 9/1/1925 Joseph Caruso; they have two sons: Anthony Raymond, b. 8/26/1926; and Joseph Eugene, b. 12/2/1927. Chas. H. Person d. 11/2/1910, and was buried at Hannibal, Mo. His widow, Blanche Hoagland Person, 7/6/1912 m. John Foley of Hannibal, Mo., where they reside. Children: Loretta Rose, b. 2/7/1915; John Henry, Jr., b. 3/27/- 1917; Francis Eugene, b. 5/22/1920. John Foley, Jr., is a sheet and metal stamper in E. Boston, Mass. Francis Foley m. Bonnie Jean Ward of Hannibal, Mo. He is a shoe cutter in Milwaukee. Clara Bell Hoagland, noo Zartman, m. second, Homer Ransdall 4/26/1913. She d. 11/2/1916 and is buried at Hannibal, Mo. In 1885 Noah Zartman m. Hrrma Ford, a distant relative of the famous manufacturer. They lived on a farm at Mexico, Miami County, Ind. An esteemed citizen. Children, all b. at Mexico, Ind.: Charles Cody, b. 1/27/1887; Milton Milo, b. 7/24/1889; and Wanda Lucretia, b. 7/17/1893. In his youth Charles Cody Zartman was a clerk in Mexico, Ind. His brother Milton Milo graduated from the Mexico High School, and from Logansport College. These brothers were seized by the fever to go West and grow up with the country. In 1913 they went to Coulee, Mont., and each one took up 320 acres of land. Charles Cody Zartman moved to Havre, Mont., and 10/2/1915 m. Mary E. Campbell. 346 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

In 1916 he became a locomotive engineer on the Great Northern Railroad. Ho asked: "Have you any record of Zartmans, two brothers, who spoiled their name Zortman, and settled in Montana, established tho town of Zortman 60 miles southeast of Chinook, Mont.? They discovered a gold mine there which is still producing; I have read the History through twice, but cannot find any trace of them; probably I overlooked it." I wrote him to turn to page 380 whore he would find the names of Jerome B. and Oliver Poter Zortman, the m,"J)lorers, and founders of the town of Zortman, Mont., in tho year 1900. I discovered these facts after the History was closed. Milton Milo Zartman 6/8/1922 m. Harriet Wickham; they spent their honeymoon in San Jose, Calif., with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Reaugh, He had a bodily ailment causing him much discomfort over a period of years and making many painful surgical operations necessary, even to the amputation of a limb. Their son is Charles Noah, b. 11/19/1923. Milton cl. 2/1/1936. Wanda Lucretia Zartman b. 7/17/1893 in Mexico, Ind., m. 10/21/1887 Albert LeRoy Reaugh (Ray), b. in Iroquois, So. Dak. A daughter, Herma Corinne, was b. 7/4/1918 at Mexico, Ind. She is a graduate of the John C. Fremont High School, and a student at L. A. Junior College, and President of the Gorin Movie Club of Hollywood; she is aspiring to enter the University of California. The Reaughs reside in Los Angeles, Calif. Their address is 1851 S. Sberbournc Drive. William Francis Zartman, son of Benjamin Franklin Zartman, was b. 4/7/1865 at Macy, Ind., d. 4/27/1931, aged 66 yrs. At the age of 20 years he m. Rosanna Elizabeth Bender, of Mexico, Ind. They lived on a farm at Mexico, Ind. Six children wero born to them, as follows: Cleo Bernice, b. 3/27/1891; Esther Marie, b. 9/9/1892; John William Franklin, b. 5/14/1894; Lucy Catharine, b. 3/24/1899; Mary Helen, b. 2/23/1901; and John George David, b. 11/6/1907. · Cleo Bernice Zartman, b. 3/27/1891, 1/23/1909 m. Clarence Stuber, b. 1/18/1891, and had two children: Vada Lucile, b. 10/- 29/1914, m. Laurel K. Kerschner 10/29/1932; and Paul Russell b. 3/12/1910. Paul Russell Stuber m. Pauline Draper 9/12/1927, and bas a daughter, Betty E. The Stubers reside near Macy, Ind. Esther Marie Zartman in 1917 m. Samuel Guy Harrell, and lived JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAJIIILY 347 in Mexico, Ind. John Wm. Franklin Zartman 12/22/1917 m. Marie Flenner; to them were born: John Robert, 1~/2/1919; Rosnnna Leora, 10/5/H121; Glen Dean, b. 6/27/1925; Sylvia Janett, b. 11/21/1926. Lucy Catharine Zartman m. Geo, Henry Church, and they have two daughters: Alice Elizabeth, b. 4/- 20/1924; and Mary Lou, b. 12/4/1926. Mary Helen Zartman m. Walter Bemenderfcr, and they live in Rochester, Ind. John George David Zartman 2/16/1934 m. Irene Jones of Twelve Mile, Ind. They have a son, David Bender Zartman. Chapter XIII


JAcoli ZARTMAN, son of Jacob, Sen., son of Alexander I, was born in Lancaster County, Pa. He had three brothers, Henry, Martin and Peter. Of these four brothers we know the birth date of but one, Peter, b. 3/15/1760. In his Inst will and testament Jacob, Sen., calls Henry "my son, my first born." The parents of these four brothers, Jacob Zartman and An.'1a Margareta Riehm, were married 8/14/1744 in Warwick Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Jacob is mentioned next after Henry in his father's will, and if Henry was born in 17 45, Jacob may have been born in 17 46. When hfa parents in 1768 moved to Northumberland County, Pa., their son, Jacob, does not appear to have gone with them; he seems to have been li'fing then in Dauphin Co., Pa. We found a deed on record in Harrisburg, Pa., which says he was living in Heidelberg Twp., that county. Subsequently that Heidelberg Twp. was included in Lebanon County; its chief town was called Heidelberg, now Schacfferstown. Jacob Zartman, Jr., m. Regina Fiitler (Fitler), a daughter of Jacob and Susanna Fitler. Jacob's brother, Martin, m. Susanna Fitler, a sister to Jacob's wife, Regina. Jacob, Jr., and Regina must have lived for some time in or near Schaefferstown, and were active, faithful members of St. Luke's Lutheran Church. The baptismal register records birth and baptism of their six daughters, and the record of communion services shows that they received this sacrament in that church from 177 4 to 1818, a period of 44 years. The first and last communion records are those of Trit y Sunday, 1774, and Penteeost Sunday, 1818. Among their pastm.1 was Rev. Fred A. C. Muhlenberger. We have found no record of it but our conclusion is that undoubtedly Jacob and Regina were buried in Schaefierstown, in the cemetery of St. Luke's Lutheran Church where they held membership so many years. No stone marks the place of their burial, which is especially regretable since Jacob, Jr., was a soldier in the Revolu­ tionary War. L. R. Kelker, Custodian of Public Records, Harris­ burg, Pa., furnished the following information: "I hereby certify that Jacob Zartman was a private in Capt. John Moore's Company, Second Battalion, Lancaster Co. Militia, JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 349

Thomas Edwards, Lieut. Colonel, 1781." Tho Church Council, agreeing with the historian that Jacob and Regina Zartman must be buried in this ccmetery,.have allotted ground in the cemetery, and it is the purpose of the historian to erect a memorial honor­ ing this patriotic great uncle, and hero of our Republic. Record of birth and baptisms at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Srhnofferstown, Pa.: I. Catharina, b. 10/11/1777, bap. 10/22/1777, sponsor, Sus­ anna Fitler. 2. Magdalena, b. 9/4/1781, bap. 9/24/1781, sponsors, Jacob and Susannah Fitler. 3. Anna Margaretha, b. 2/15/1784, bap. 4/4/1784, sponsor, Grandmother Anna Catherine Riehm. 4. Sophia, b. 1/27/1787, bap. 5/6/1787, sponsors, Martin Al­ brecht and wife, Sophia. 5. Anna Maria, b. 3/14/1793, hap. Aug. 1793, sponsors, Grand­ father Peter Riehm and Anna Maria Brechtin. 6. Sarah, b. 11/15/1796, bap. 3/27/1796, sponsor, Grand­ father Peter Riehm. 7. Elizabeth, b. 11/16/1790, hap. in Emanuel Church, Brick­ en·Ule, Pa. 1. Catharina Zartman, daughter of Jacob and Regina, m. John Gass, son of Jacob Gass, who came from Germany and ar­ rived in the port of Philadelphia 9/30/1727 in the ship "James Goodwill." His wife was named Christina, and they had two sons, Jacob and John. Catharina and John Gass were m. 4/9/ 1799 by Rev. George Lochman,pastor of Salem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, Pa. They had seven children as follows: Sarah, b. 10/- 9/1801, sponsors at her baptism being Jacob and Regina Zart­ man, maternal grandparents; Marie, b. 5/2/1803; Solomon, b. 1/29/1805; Samuel, b. 10/2/1806; Regina, b. 9/4/1812, m. a Mr. Nye; Jacob, b. 7/5/1817, m. a Miss Dissinger; Henrietta, b. 1/2/1820. Henrietta Gass m. 12/25/1838 Henry Kemmerer, Rev. Jonathan Ruthrauff officiating. Their children were: John Henry, b. 10/31/1839; Regina M., b. 1/30/1842; Mary Eliza­ beth b. 1/12/1844; Katherine Sophia, b. 2/4/1847. John Henry Kemmerer m. Agnes Wren, b. 2/6/1844. They had one child, Emily, who d. in inf. John H. Kemmerer d. 6/29/- 1918; his wifed. 1/4/1911. Regina M. Kemmerer m. Henry A. 350 TaE z.~RTMAN FAMILY

Brown. b. 7/21/1840, d. 12/30/1872. Regina M. d. 4/25/1920. They hnd two sons: Frank L., b. 1/5/1870; and J. Harry, b. 12/- 18/1872. Frank L. Brown m. Emma Marie Nagele. They reside at Auburn, Pa. Children: Miriam M., b. 11/22/1895, d. 9/14/- 1896; Frank Melanchthon, b. 2/7/1897, at Norristown, Pa.; and Luther A., b. 1/3/1900. Frnnk M. Brown is a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, residing at 1932 Race St., Phila­ delphia, Pa. He serves as pastor for the Inner Mission Society, nctinr.; as director of the Luther Hospice and pastor of the Luth­ cr-.1 ~ettlement. He m. Ida Carolyn Pflaum, b. 10/11/1900. Lutiil·r A. Brown m. Helen G. Wilson in Annapolis, Md. They have a son, Luther A., Jr., b. 2/16/1922, and reside at Auburn, Pa. J. Hnrry Brown, son of Henry A. and Regina M. Brown, m. Kl\th­ erine Louser, b. 6/19/1860, d. 10/14/1920. Address 822 Chest­ nut St., Lebanon, Pa. Their children were: Henry Kemmerer, b. 9/17/1898, d. 12/1/1921; John Louser, b. 12/13/1899; Ernest Embich, b. 2/21/1903. John L. Brown m. Reine Mason, b. 8/- 27 /1901. He is Lieut. Commander in the U. S. Navy, having graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Ernest E. Brown is a graduate of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., and an electrical engineer. Hem. Flossie M. Groff, b. 2/1/- 1905. Their son is Ernest Embich, Jr., b. 2/16/1922. They re­ side at 2434 Mansfield Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. Mary Elizabeth Kemmerer, daughter of Henrietta and Henry Kemmerer, m. Joseph K. Noll, b. 11/14/1846, d. 9/1/1891. They had six children: Bertha, Frank, William, Charles, Robert and Edwin. Katherine Sophia Kemmerer, daughter of Henrietta and Henry Kemmerer, m. Ephraim J. Miller, b. 5/4/1849. Magdalena Zartman, daughter of Jacob and Regina, m. Chris­ tian Garrett, b. 6/24/1777, d. 3/11/1827, son of John George Garrett, b. Dec. 1747, d. 1820. Christian and Magdalena Z. Gar­ rett had five children: Lydia, b. 7/5/1802, sponsor at baptism, Sophia Zartman; Samuel G., b. 10/28/1804, sponsors, Jacob and Regina Zartman, grandparents; Margaret G., b. 12/6/1808, d. 12/6/1808. Sponsors, Leonard and Elizabeth Capp, presumably uncle and aunt; Andrew G., b. 4/4/1812, sponsors, Henry and Barbara Eby; Maria Ann, b. 5/14/1815, d. 1/9/1882. Lydia Garrett, daughter of Christian and Magdalena Z., m. Peter Strickler; sons Samuel and Andrew in years 1808 and JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 351

1813 migrated to Springfield, Ohio. Christian and Magdalena Z. Garrett, with all their family, were members of St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Schacff~rstown, Pa., and arc buried l.n that churchyard. At their graves are sandstone markers with German inscriptions. Maria Ann Garrett m. Henry Brenner Miller 9/8/- 1833. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Bates. Mr. Miller d. 7/3/1894 in Lebanon, Pa.; his widow died at Myers­ town, Pa. 1/9/1882. The Millers had 11 children. Of these child­ ren Rebecca Miller, b.12/21/1843, m. Jacob P. Sanders of Schaeff­ erstown, Pa., 7/9/1870. They had 10 children, among them twin sons, John James and James John; also another son, Robert Gar­ rett Sanders, b. 7/6/1880. He is a salesman with residence at 921 Maple St., Lebanon, Pa.

Our historic research has established these facts regarding Jacob Zartman, Jr., and his family-that he had seven daughters; that his daughter Catharina m. John Gass and became the mother of seven daughters; that his daughter Magdalene m. Christian Garrett and was the mother of five children. Had Jacob Zart,. man, Jr., no sons? We think he had one son, John. We have no record of his birth or baptism; but neither do we have such data regarding Jacob, Jr., and his wife, Regina. Henry, eldest brother of Jacob, Jr., had ten children, but we found record of birth and baptism of but two of the ten. There is no will, nor deed nor tombstone by which we can substantiate this claim, but we do know that at that particular time there was a John Zartman, not the son of any of Jacob, Jr.'s brothers, nor of any of his cousins, therefore we must conclude that this John was the son of Jacob, Jr., son of Jacob, Sen., son of Alexander I. Upon this conclusion, and as the result of much investigation and extensive inquiry, we write this chapter. J~HN ZARTIIIAN was a blacksmith, and lived in Snyder County, Pa, His wife was Elizabeth Moser, and their children were: Elizabeth; twins, Rebecca and Catharine; sons, John, b. 4/1/- 1810; George, b. 1812; and Henry. The father of this family is buried in tho upper part of Snyder County, Pa., in Blackridge, West Beaver Twp. John Zartman, Jr., was a farmer, and mar­ ried Judy Neihart. They had 16 children; the sons were: George 352 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Washington, Henry, John Harrison, Jacob Daniel, Peter Alfred, Samuel and William. By some chance these sons of John Zartman started to write the name "Sortman," though they know and ad­ mit this to be erroneous spelling, and are unable to account for it. John F. Zartman, b. in 1840 at New Berlin, Pa., wrote bis name "Sartman." Catherine Zartman, who lived in Sunbury, Pa., and one of a numerous family, said her school teacher taught her and her sisters to spell the name "Sortman." But note now that John Zartman, b. 1810, was the brother of George Zartman, b. 1812. It was this George Sortman who, with bis wife and four sons, mi­ grated from Snyder County, Pa., in 1853 to Dayton, Ohio, and from them are descended the numerous Sortmans in Montgomery and adjacent counties of the Buckeye state. For further information concerning those who have changed the name to Sortman, see the first edition of "The Zartman Fam­ ily," published in Dec. 1909, and for other Sortmans, who lived in Pennsylvania, see pa~es 288-294 and 300-301. Henry C. Zartman, brother of George who migrated to Ohio in 1853, moved, with his wife to Seneca County, Ohio, in 1871. While there a daughter, Nora Jane, was b. 8/11/1872; a son, John, was also born in Ohio; and on their return to Pennsylvania in 1876 a son, William Henry, was born to them. He resided at Nittany, Centre County, Pa., and was a fence builder. On 9/28/- 1907 hem. Rebecca Jane Lutz. Under date of 8/12/1924 William wrote from State College, Pa.: "My parents lived for a while in Ohio, I don't know in what part or for how long a time. I was not, born until after they came back to Pa. I was born at Houser­ ville, Centre County, Pa. I had an aunt, Emma Jane Zartman, unmarried, who died at Troxelville, Pa. I don't know much about my relatives. Father died when I was three years old and when I was four or five I went to a Soldier's Orphans' Home and was there until I was 15 or 16. Mother married again, and never talked much about my father's family. My aunt, Malinda Sowcri,;, is gone now too. She was a good Christian motlier, and belonged to the Methodist church. Her husband died several years ago and they left several children. My sister, Ida, is alive and residefl at Lemont, Centre Co., Pa. She is married to Grant Myers. My younger sister, Lizzie, was married to William Wolf. She died and left a little girl, Emma, who is married now to Wesley Koch. They have four children and live at Jersey Shore, Pa. All I can JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 353

find about my near relatives is found on page 300 of the History. It is certainly a wonderful book." The author is encouraged by these kind words of appreciation. DAYTON m OTHER SoRTMANS GEORGE SoRTMAN, son of John Zartman, son of Jacob Zartman, Jr., son of Jacob Zartman, Sen., son of Alexander Zartman I, was b. in 1812 in Snyder Co., Pa. He was a chairmaker by trade. In 1853 he moved from Pennsylvania to Dayton, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life. On his long and tiresome trip in a farm wagon to the Buckeye state he lost the trunk which con­ tained the family Bible and family records. Those records would be very helpful now in making up this history! George Sortman m. Mariah C. Bassler; they had four sons, all born in Middleburg, Snyder, 0., Pa. They were: Henry Benton, b. 1840; Jacob William, b. 5/20/1842; George Alfred, b. 2/20/- 1845; Charles Calvin, b. 1847. George Sortman and bis wife were members of the Reformed Church and lived useful lives, esteemed by friends and neighbors. George d. 11/4/1881; his wife d. 7/- 10/1895. Both are buried in Dayton, Ohio. Their son, George Alfred, wrote "Our name was changed in school by the teacher, who taught us to spell and write it Sortman. All papers and re­ cords of our family were lost when we moved west. I think the records of the Reformed Church will show that our name was spelled Zartman." We know this to be the fact, and whilst there are today several different spellings of the name we are all de­ scended from one common parentage, Alexander Zartman and his wife, Ann Catharina Zartman. Henry Benton Sortman was a brickmason and contractor. On 2/14/1865 he m. Sarah M. Lehman. He served in the Civil War with the 66th Illinois Sharp Shooters. I. HENRY B. SonTMAN d. 7/15/1898; his wifed. 2/3/1918, and both are buried in Dayton, Ohio. Their children are: Nettie L., b. 3/15/1866; m. Charles McMahon 10/2/1907. Mr. McMahon is employed at the Buckeye Iron and Brass Works in Dayton. Their home is at 208 Dutoit St., in that city; Grove, b. 2/5/1868. He m. Blanche Ambrose. They have one son, Earl E., b. 2/13/1887, who lives in Columbus, Ohio. Grove Sortman d. 4/22/1889; his wife is also dead. Earl is employed by the Harrington Jewelry 354 THE ZARTMAN F A.MILY

Co. at 82 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. On 2/25/1941 Earl Sort­ man m. Miss Mary E. Blackburn of and in Columbus, Ohio. The ceremony was by Rev. Paul E. Keefer at 221 E. Gates St. Mrs. Sortman is a graduate of Grant Hospital School of Nursing. They will reside at 433 E. Town St. Their wedding trip was to New York City. Miles Russell, b. 7/11/1870, did not marry, d. 9/10/1911; Clifford, b. 4/16/1876; did not marry, d. 9/14/1901. II. JACOB WILLIAM SonTMAN was a manufacturer of brick and a builder of brick work. Hem. Adelia R. Gilbert 12/20/1866. The Civil War record of Jacob W. Sortman is a most interesting one. At Dayton,Ohio, he enlisted 10/14/1861 in Co. F., Birge's sharp shooters. He was in the battles of Mt. Zion, Mo., Ft. Donel­ son, Tenn.,Shiloh,PhillipsCreek, Miss., the siege of Atlanta,Ga., in 1864, and Proctor's Creek, Ga. His term of service having ex­ pired, he was mustered out at Chattanooga, Tenn., 9/2/1864 and discharged at Louisville, I{y., 9/5/1864. He was a member of Old Guard Post, No. 23, G.A.R. He served four years in the Dayton City Council, and was a successful business man as well as a use­ ful citizen and distinguished patriot. He d. 10/14/1920. He was a member of the Reformed Church, and his wife of the Methodist Church. Six children were born to Jacob W. and Adelia R. Sortman, as follows: l{atherine B., b. 11/24/1867. She m. Clifton N. Turner 11/24/1892. Mrs. Turner's mother, Mrs. Jacob William Sortman d. 6/25/1916. Her daughter, Mrs. I{atherine B. Turner, d. 6/26/1916. A double funeral was held at the home of Jacob W. Sortman, 59 Green St., Dayton, on Tuesday P. M. 6/30/1916. Mr. Clifton N. Turner resides at 233 Shaw Ave., Dayton, Ohio. They had three children: (1) Robert Nathaniel, b. 9/4/1893; m. Freda Showalter, who died shortly after their marriage. His second marriage was on 9/3/1921 to Marie Jones, b. 11/4/1895. They have four children: Robert N., Jr., b. 6/10/1922; Mary Katherine, b. 8/28/1924; Ella Jane, b. 11/9/1927; Williaml\fo­ Clellan, b. 11/8/1929. This family lives at 105 Santa Clara Ave., Dayton, Ohio. (2) Catherine, b, 12/19/1895, m. Ralph Robinson 11/25/1916. They have two sons: Ralph Turner, b. 10/4/1922; and Robert, b. 10/10/1924. They live at Van Nuys, Calif. (3) Jacob Joseph, b.12/24/1896, d. 2/16/1897. (4) William Sortman, b. Mar. 1870, d. 1877; (5) Clara, b. 1872, d. 1874; (6) Bessie B., b. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 355

11/16/1874. On 6/25/1907 she m. John L. Kneisley, who was a travelling salesman. He d. 7/3/1923, and his widow lives at 215 W. Monument Ave., Dayton, Ohio.; Twins, Oliver P. and Oscar B., b. 9/16/1877. Oliver P. Sortman m. Lulu Floth 8/17/1907. They have two sons: Norman, b. 4/14/1908, d. 4/19/1908; and Victor 0., b. 9/15/1912. Oliver P. Sortman is a drug salesman, and re­ sides at 40 Victor Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Oscar B. Sortman m. Cecelia Fornshcll 3/10/1921. They reside on a farm at Vandalia, Ohio, R. R. 1.

III. GEORGE ALFRED SoRTMAN was eight years old when his parents brought him, with their three other sons, to Dayton, Ohio, where he lived a useful life, died, and is buried. His occupation was that of measuring lumber. On 6/12/1866 hem. Mary M. Fisch­ baugh. To them were born a dozen children: Matilda Iola, b. 2/- 22/1867; Louis Benton, b. 8/16/1868; Charles Henry, b. 12/20/- 1869; Mary Christian, b. 8/2/1871; Naomi Luella, b. 9/13/1873; George Phillip, b. 3/6/1876; Eliza Floranda, b.11/16/1879; Louisa, b.10/21/1881, d.1/10/1882; William Alfred, b.1/14/1883; James Blaine, b. 9/4/1884, d. 11/13/1884; Ellen, b. 7/19/1886; Setonia, b.4/10/1889, d. 6/18/1889. George A. Sortman, with his daughter, Eliza Wiggenhorn and his granddaughter, Virginia I. Sortman, attended the National Family Reunion at Brickcrville,Pa., in 1913, and witnessed the unveiling and dedication of the magnificent monument in loving memory of Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman. George Al­ fred Sortman d. 11/15/1921; his wife, Mary M. Sortman, d. 4/10/1910. Both are buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, 0. The children of George Alfred Sortman married as follows: Matilda Iola on 1/6/1886 m. William Whited, b. 6/24/1861 in Shelby County, Ohio, d. 6/12/1937 and is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery. Their children are: Nellie May, b. 6/6/1887, d. 8/7/1888; Louis Harry, b. 2/2/1889; Oscar, b. 12/3/1891; Clara, b. 12/10/1893; Arthur, b. 8/22/1895, d. 2/6/1899; Florence Philipena, b. 12/27/1897, d. 2/17/1900; Carl Andrew, b. 3/21/- 1899; Edward Frank, b. 8/16/1901; Amos George, b. 8/27/1906, d. 12/11/1915; Myrtle Louella, b. 9/3/1908. Mrs. Wm. Whited resides at 21 Brenner Ave., Dayton, Ohio, and is a member of the 1st U. B. Church. Data regarding the Whited children is as follows: Charles Henry has not married; he lives with his mother and is in the employ 356 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

of the Big Four R. R. Oscar Whited m. Lena Heckel, b. 9/29/- 1888, d. 8/23/1936. Their children are: Earl Joyce, b. 5/15/1914; Mary Louise, b. 3/10/1917; Robert Henry, b. 4/20/1919; Arthur Elwood, b. 5/7/1921, and a twin sister, Arleen, who d. in Aug. 1921; William Edward, b. 8/6/1925; Sylvia Ruth, b. 1/13/- 1923; Kenneth Richard, b. 12/11/1927, d. 6/18/1928. This fam­ ily lives at 59 N. Findlay St., Dayton, Ohio. Robert Henry Whited m. Ruby B. Johnston 11/9/1940. Clara Whited m. Peter Maurer, a sign painter of Springfield, Ohio, 9/16/1913. Their children are Elizabeth, Lewis, Arthur, Carl and Clarabelle. Carl Andrew Whited m. Irene Helen Dav­ ison 4/2/1919. Their children are Elsie May, b. 12/6/1920; and Lillian Iola, b. 9/23/1922. Carl d. 2/28/1924 and his wifed. 11/- 28/1924. Edward Frank Whited m. Myrtle Thomas 10/23/1923. Myrtle Luella Whited m. George Horace Miller 1/5/1935. Their address is 2205 E. 5th St., Dayton, Ohio. Their daughter, Myrtle Louise, was b. 3/31/1937; Ronald George, b. 5/28/1939; and Janet Eileen, b. 11/15/1940. Louis Benton Sortman, oldest son of George Alfred Sort­ man, on 12/25/1890 m. Bertha Viola Crutchfield, b. 8/10/1872. He d. 1/12/1932. They had nine children, all born in Dayton, Ohio. They are as follows: William Alfred, b. 7/22/1892, m. 10/31/1923 to Anne Munger. Their address is 321 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Wm. Alfred d. 10/6/1939, buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Leonard Lewis, h. 10/7/1894, d. 8/- 10/1912; Mildred Adelaide, b. 6/28/1896, d. 5/27/1898; Harold Luther, b. 11/30/1898, d. 12/2/1898; Beatrice Margaret, b. 6/- 12/1902; m. 7/8/1919 Edwin Charles Quayle. They have two children: Lois Mae, b. 5/25/1930; and Dorothy. Dorothy Grace, daughter of Louis Benton Sortman, was b. 5/19/1905 and m. Frank W. Heltsley 10/2/1924. Their children are Grace Frances, b. 11/11/1925, d. on the same day; James B., b. 1/5/1928, d. 1/7/1928; Betty Jean, b. 3/10/1929 in Akron, Ohio, where the family resides at 1137 Taylor St. Viola Evelyn Sortman, b. 10/- 26/1906 m. Clive Keener 2/14/1924. Their children arc: Mary Louise, b. 10/13/1923; James A., b. 11/30/1925; Michael, b. 1/13/1927; and Blanche, b. 2/9/1929. Their address is 451 Wat­ ervliet Ave., Dayton, Ohio; Louis Irvin, b. 6/15/1908; m. 8/3/- 1935 to Charlotte Speyer. They have two sons, Louis Charles, b. J.~COB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 357

6/15/1936; and Jerome Edward. Address, 112 Dover St., Dayton, Ohio. Donald Patrick Bartman, b. 3/17/1912, d. 7/27/1912. Charles Henry, son of GeorgeAlfred Bartman, m. Cora Pearl Kittell 9/10/1889. Their address is 520 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio, where Charles Henry was employed 38 yrs as engineer at the McKinley High School and was most highly esteemed by pupils, parents and teach~rs. They have seven children: Carl Frederick, b. 12/18/1890; Mamie Irene, b. 8/3/1892; Walter John, b. 4/26/1894; Charles Herbert, b. 9/16/1897; Russell Burr, b. 10/13/1899; Harold Frank, b. 5/13/1901; Lurille Adelaide, b. 9/28/1904. Carl Frederick Sortman m. Maude Schafer 6/28/- 1911. He is employed at the Dairy Products Co. in Dayton, Ohio, and they live at 256 Henry St. in that city. Their children are: Marjorie Ruth, b. 2/6/1912, m. 8/25/1931 to Warren Curp. They have three children: Thomas Maylon, b. 3/11/1932; Mil­ dred Carolyn, b. 8/6/1933, and Nelson Frederick, b. 5/31/1936. Dorothy Evelyn, b. 12/24/1913, m. 6/6/1936 John Merker. They have a daughter: Lois Jean, b. 3/8/1938. Helen Winifred b. 9/- 29/1915; m. Lowell Mt. Castle 6/18/1937. Issue: Betty Sue, b. 3/13/1939; and a daughter b. 11/15/1940. Carl Frederick, Jr., b. 10/2/1917, d. 10/11/1917. Howard Wilbur, b. 9/4/1918, is in the U. S. Army; Donald Edward, b. 1/12/1921, is in an Ohio Mechanical Inst.itute; Mildred Virginia, b. 6/16/1922, has grad­ uated from Steele High School; Norman Frederick, b. 5/21/1925; John Charles, b. 7/7/1927; Patricia Elaine, b. 8/15/1932, and d. 10/4/1938. Mamie Irene Sortman m. David Earl Metzger 7/22/1912, who died by accident 10/4/1919. Their children are: Richard Alfred, b. 1/12/1913, d. 2/14/1913; David Elwood, b. 12/30/1913 (m. Elsie Lucas 9/21/1932. Their children arc: Barbara Jean Metz­ ger, b. 2/9/1932, David Earl Metzger, b. 6/7/1935 and Richard Louis, b. 10/5/1940); Floyd Leroy Metzger b. 2/2/1916, m. Grace M. Valentine 10/27/1937 (Issue: Janet Louise, b. 9/6/- 1938); Hilda Mae Metzger, b. 4/26/1920, m. Watson Henderson 4/10/1937. They have one daughter, Roberta Carolene, b. 3/- 22/1938; and Jeannette, b. 8/14/1940. Their address is 38 Carl St., Dayton, Ohio. On 10/12/1922 Mamie Irene Sortman Metzger m. William Ross Blakesly. They had two children: Kenneth Alvin, b. 6/22/1923; and Dorothy Jean, b. 6/17/1926. On Sunday evening, 11/10/- 358 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1938, when returning from church with her two children, Ken­ neth and Dorothy, all three were seriously injured by an auto­ mobile. Mrs. Blakcsly was killed, Dorothy's skull was fractured, and Ifonneth had a leg broken. The children were for a time in the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sort­ man, 256 Henry St., Dayton, Ohio. Their father's address L~ 2022 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Walter John Sortman, son of Charles Henry, m. Grace Penny in Sept. 1915. Their son, Walter Everett, was b. 8/11/1918. Walter John is a detective on the B. &. 0. R. R. He m. 8/15/- 1929 Hazel Price of Hamilton, Ohio. They reside at 235 N. St. Clair St., Dayton, Ohio. Charles Herbert Sortman m. 6/20/1920 Hilda Mac Holland of Marion, Ohio. They reside at 423 Ewing Ave., Lima, Ohio, where he is employed on the B. & 0. R. R. They have two child­ ren: Charfos Robert, b. 1/1/1921; and Beverly Joann, b. 10/13/- 1927. Charles Robert graduated from Lima High School in June 1940 and is a student in a Mechanical Institute. Russell Burr Sortman m. Vanda Nelson Davis 2/7/1921. They have six children: Albe,t Wade, b. 6/28/1922; Mary Lillian, b. 12/17/1925; Deloris Jane, b. 11/2/1929; Russell, Jr., b. 4/9/- 1932; Helen Lucille, b. 8/15/1934; Lawrence Edward, b. 8/20/- 1937, and twins, Walter John, b. 6/4/1939, d. on day of birth, and Juanita Eilene, b. 6/4/1939 and d. 7/3/1939. This family resides on Bolender Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Harold Frank Sortman, son of Charles Henry, on 6/30/1925 m. Dorothy Louise Bretz, b. 8/23/1906, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bretz of Dayton. Harold F. is in the employ of the O'Brien Printing Ink Co. of Dayton, and resides in Apt. 3, 1920 E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Lucille Adelaide Sortman m. William S. Goode 4/7/1923. They reside on their farm near Covington, Ohio. They have four child­ ren: Thomas Eugene, b. 2/8/1924, d. 12/8/1924; Ruth Elnora, b. 7/18/1925; William Arthur, b. 6/14/1927; Paul Edward, b. 7/14/1928. Mary Christian Sortman, daughter of George Alfred, m. 9/2/1892 Henry E. Swartzbaugh. He d. 8/2/1926 and is buried in Ferneliff Cemetery, Springfield, Ohio; his wife d. 3/19/1913, and is buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. Their child­ ren are: Earl W., b. 3/28/1894; Earna L., b. 1/17/1896. Earl JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 359

W. Swartzbaugh m. Katherine Schnider. They have two chil­ dren: Robert R., b. 7/23/1921; and Carolyn Mae, b. 9/8/1926. Their residence is 2132 Malvern Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Earna L. m. in 1912 Vernon C. Sheeter. Children: Vernon H., b. 11/- 26/1913; Walter R., b. 12/6/1914; Elvin W., b. 3/24/1918. Vernon H. Sheeter m. 7 /25fl936 Charlotte Hoover. The Sheeters reside at 512 E. Siebenthaler Ave., Dayton, 0. V. Naomi Luella Sortman, daughter of George Alfred, m. Phillip Hock, b. in Germany 9/28/1865. Children: Mary Eliza­ beth, b. 8/30/1890; Naomi Luella, b. 1/3/1893; Oscar Phillip, b. 8/31/1894. Mary Elizabeth Hock m. W. Clyde Correll, and they reside in Paw Paw, Mich. Naomi Luella Hock m. H. C. Stall, and they live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their daughter, Luella Mary Rose Stall, b. 9/15/1914, m. Melvin Lynch. They live in Cincinnati, Ohio, and have one son, Melvin, Jr., b. 8/9/1932, d. 12/19/1934. Oscar Phillip Stall m. Lucy Carmody. They live in Miami, Fla., and have two sons: Phillip Oscar, b. 1/22/1918; and Robert, b. 6/22/1922. George Philip Sortman, son of George Alfred, was b. in Day­ ton, Ohio, 3/6/1876 and lives at 104 Morgan Ave., Drexel, Dayton, Ohio, in which city he is employed as a sheet metal worker. In 1908 he m. Miss C. Ziegabush. This union was dis­ solved in 1912, and he m. 7/3/1914 Freda Crocket, b. in Cin­ cinnati, Ohio, 10/18/1890. They were married by Rev. Mr. Arnold, of the U. B. Church in Dayton. George Philip is dead. Their children are: Kenneth Elmer, b.8/16/1917; George Clifford, b. 4/18/1919; Huth Vera, b. 1/27/1920. The sons attended Roosevelt High School, and the daughter is in school at Drexel. Kenneth is working at the Delco Products Co., and Clifford is in New York City preparing for work at Wright Field. Mrs. Sort­ man is a member of the Lutheran Church. Eliza (Lida) Sortman, daughter of George Alfred, m. Anthony Wiggenhorn 10/3/1900. They were childless but reared two children, an orphan boy, Ralph F. McDonald, and their motherless niece, Virginia Isabelle Sortman, whose mother died when she was but nineteen months old, and to her "Aunt Lida" and "Uncle Tony" became Mother and Father. "Lida" d. 3/- 14/1933, and was buried in Ferncliff cemetery, Springfield, Ohio. On 9/2/1933 Mr. Wiggenhorn m. Mrs. Ethel C. Hoffman. 360 THE ZARTMAN F AMlLY

Virginia I. Sortman graduated from Cedarville College, and then taught public school, and after the death of her Aunt Lida she was companion for a Christian lady until her marriage 2/14/- 1035 to William Sunday Harter, b. 10/14/1911, son of Harvey James and Dora May Harter of Springfield, Ohio. They reside at New Carlisle, Ohio, R.R. 1. On 2/10/1040 a daughter, Nancy Kaye, was born to them; she died on the day of her birth. William Alfred Sortman, son of George Alfred 6/26/1906 m. Florence Elizabeth Yeargen, b. 9/27/1884, in Dayton, Ohio, and for a time lived in Preston, Iowa, where she attended high school. Their daughter, Virginia Isabelle, was b. 1/9/1008. Mrs. Sortman died 8/9/1909, and is buried in Woodland cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. William Alfred Sortman m. 2/18/1914, in Colum­ bus, Ohio, Rose C. Marquard of Dayton. They reside at 2512 E. Fifth St., Dayton, where Mr. Sortman is employed as inspector in the General Motors Plant. Mrs. Sortman graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, in 1906, and he graduated from Steele High School, Dayton, Ohio. They are members of the First Baptist Church of ,Dayton, Ohio. Ellen Sortman, daughter of George Alfred, m. Chester A. Hardy in 1906. Children: Chester Arthur, Jr., b. 1/29/1907; Levina Floranda, b. 5/20/1908, d. 7/28/1908; Clarence Edwin, b. 10/20/1904; Orien Raymond, b. 1/5/1913; Walter Elmer, b. 1/4/1917, on 11/19/1940 m. Rose Mary Phillipi and resides at 2206 Wheeler Ave., Dayton, Ohio; Cora May, b. 4/28/1919, d. 9/27/1919; William Alfred, b. 3/23/1920; Harold James, b. 2/19/1923, d. 8/30/1023; Mary Ellen, b. 5/4/1924, d. 5/12/1924; Howard Frederick, b. 12/8/1925; Betty Louise, b. 12/12/1926; Richard Lee, b. 3/17/1931. Chester Arthur Hardy m. Bessie Rentz 6/7/1930. They live at Osborn, Ohio, R.R. 1, Box 90. Orien Raymond Hardy graduated from Fairview High School in 1931 and m. 11/20/1937 Ora Merrill. Their child is Sandra Rae, b. 3/24/1939. Their address is 1611 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Hardy lived at 2206 Wheeler Ave., Fort McKinley, Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Hardy d. 10/31/- 1940, and was buried in Memorial Park Cemetery on Troy Pike. Three children of George Alfred Sortman died in infancy. They were: Louisa, b. 10/21/1881, d. 1/10/1882; James Blaine, b. 9/- 4/1883, d. 11/13/1884; Setonia, b. 4/10/1889, d. 6/18/1889. JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 361

IV. CHARLES CALVIN SonTMAN, son of George, was born 7 /4/- 1848 in Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa., and came with his father and three brothers to Dayton, Ohio, in 1863. Here be learned the trade of a painter. He m. Angeline Biggers Hoke, b. 2/21/1849. Charles Calvin d. 8/21/1891; bis wife d. 4/14/1924. Bo~h are buried in Dayton, Ohio. Their children were: George T., b. 7 /- 10/1869; Ida Belle, b. 5/27/1871; Edwin Calvin, b. 6/28/1872; Mary, b. 12/5/1874; Joseph Robert, b. 3/29/1876; Clarence W., b. 10/11/1878; Arthur Franklin, b. 11/13/1880; Anna Catherine, b. 12/3/1884; Blanche, b. 1/11/1886; Charles Albert, b. 12/29/- 1887; Alice Anora, b. 4/14/1890. The eleven children of Charles Calvin and Angeline B. Sortman all lived, and married a.s follows: George T. Sortman m. Tillie Abbott, and lived in Dayton, Ohio. He d. 12/18/1912. Ida Belle Sortman m. Abraham Lut­ zinger, and resided in Dayton, Ohio. She d. 10/28/1928. Edwin Calvin Sortman m. Gertrude May Miller, b. 5/18/1874, d. 2/- 29/1928. They had seven children a.s follows: Twins, Bonnie Lillian and B. Otho Charles, b. 4/22/1893; Hezekiah Webster, b. 9/26/1895; Mildred Mae, b. 1/14/1897; Luella Cleo, b. 9/6/- 1898; Joseph Ralph, b. 1/15/1900; Edna Charlotte, b. 10/- · 21/1906. Bonnie L. Sortman m. 4/8/1915 Albert R. Heaston. Their children are: Albert R., Jr., b. 5/22/1916; Gertrude Mae, b. 10/4/1918; Louis Charles, b. 9/27/1920; Calvin Franklin, b. 5/11/1927, d. three days after birth. Albert B. Heaston, Sr., is a musician and an evangelist. The son, Albert, is a violinist, preparing for the ministry of the gospel, and the family consti­ tute an orchestra which plays over the radio. They reside at 240 Green St., Dayton, Ohio. Otho Charles Sortman m. 9/15/1923 :Mae Simko; they reside at 222 McDaniel St., Dayton, Ohio. Hezekiah W. Sortman m. 11/9/1916 Frances Margaret Bretz, b. 1/8/1896. Their address is 3345 W. 2nd St., Dayton, Ohio. Their two children are: Eileen Delores, b. 7/23/1917; and John Edwin, b. 8/1/1920. Eileen Delores Sortman m. 6/26/1937 Charles Eugene Pope. Their daughter is Janet Elaine, b. 3/12/1938. John Edwin Sortman m. Helene Elizabeth Smith 6/8/1940. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Pope reside at 32 Hallwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mildred Mae Sortman m. 12/4/1918 Glen Renner, b. 3/- 21/1893. Their address is 4117 Pleasantview Ave., Dayton, Ohio. They have three childrM: Glenn Lawrence, b. 12/24/1919; Raymond Joseph, b. 9/17/1921; and Jean Gwendolyn, b. 5/28/- 362 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1925. Luella C. Sortman m. 4/12/1017 Roy Good, b. 6/?4/1898. Their eight children are: Bessie May, b. 12/8/1017; Juanita Charlotte, b. 1/15/1910; Edwin Paul, b. 8/33/1021; Dorothy Louise, b. 5/14/1023; Jacqueline Loretta, b. 5/6/1927; Lavella Margaret, b. 7/5/1925; Leroy DeWitt, b. 10/13/1030; Walter Lee, b. 8/31/1033. The Roy Good family resides at 210 Holt St., Dayton, Ohio. Joseph Ralph Sortman m. 2/22/1022 Lydia Frank. Their address is cor. Watervliet and Springmont Aves., Dayton, Ohio. Their children are: Clara May, b. 2/14/1023 and Thomas Calvin, b. 3/21/1933. Edna Charlotte Sortman ru. 3/- 26/1025 Arthur Baker. Their children are: Doris ,Jean, b. 1/9/- 1925, and Arthur John, b. 12/6/1026. Their address is 40 George St., Dayton, Ohio. Mary Sortman, daughter of Charles Calvin, m. 4/14/1898 Harry Peter Schell, who d. 12/10/1911. She resides at 118 Fried­ Icy Ave., Bellevue, Ohio. They had a daughter, Hazel Gu.meta, b. 6/18/1900; and a son, Harold P., b. 9/27/1901. Both son and daughter graduated from the Bellevue High School, and from Hillsdale College in Michigan. Hazel Schell teaches in the Walter French Junior High School in Lansing, Mich. Harold P. Schell m. June, 1925, Elva Martin. They have two children: Barbara Joan, b. 10/~6/1931; and John Harold, b. 2/9/1937. Their ad­ dress is 603 Division St., E. Lansing, Mich. He iitudied a year in Harvard University, and a year in Columbia University. For seven years he tv:1ght physics, economics and psychology in East Lansing High School and trained students to become teachers. Joseph Robert Sortman m. Louisa Cochenour in Jan. 1889. Their daughter, Ethel S., was b. 1/20/1898. Their address is 429 Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Clarence W. Sortman m. 12/31/1902 Mollie Wright. Their address is Box 51, Trenton, Ohio. Their only child, Irene, d. 8/27/1905. Arthur Franklin Sortman for some years had charge of the office of the National Ca:sh Register Co. in New York City. On 4/10/1901 hem. Anna Hanora Simonds, b. 9/24/1882 in Dayton, Ohio, and for some years they resided in Detroit, Mich. To them were born nine children: Paul Clifford, b. 7/27/1903 at Youngs­ town, Ohio; Anna Belle, b. 4/6/1906 in Dayton, Ohio; Dorothy Estella, b. 4/10/1909 in New York City; Charles Wilmer, b. 5/- 18/1012 in Dayton, Ohio; Marjorie Marie, b. 8/13/1014 in Day- JACOD ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 363

ton, Ohio; Mary Angeline, b. 5/1/1916 at Dayton, Ohio; Eugene Donald, b. 2/1/1018 at Dayton, Ohio; Robert Leroy, b. 4/28/- 1920 at Dayton, Ohio; Phyllis June, b. in Dayton on 2/23/1926. Both Robert and Phyllis are at home with their parents at 3224 Mayfield, San Bernardino, Calif. Paul Clifford Sortman m. 8/1/1923, Alma Henrietta Hartman of Indianapolis, Ind.' Th~y have a daughter, Betty Caroline, b. 7/31/1924 in Indianapolis. Anna Belle Sortman m. 9/20/- 1927 Louis Edward Wellmeier of Dayton, 0. They have four children: Louis Edward, Jr., b. 3/18/1929; Carol Virginia, b. 6/10/1932; Donald Arthur, b. 2/1/1934; Marilyn Jean, b, 3/21/ 1936, The Wellmeiers reside at 534 Ifolping Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Dorothy Estella Sortman graduated from Miami Jacobs Business College, Dayton, Ohio, 7/23/1926. She m. 6/20/1928 Roy Emil Williams, b. 2/27/1907 in Dayton, Ohio. They have five child­ ren: Thomas Leroy, b. 2/13/1929; Patricia Jean, b. 2/18/1930; Joanne Irene, b. 8/28/1931; Roy Albert, b. 9/9/1934; Anna May, b. 2/1/1936 in Waynesville, Ohio. This family resides at 149 Allen St., Dayton, Ohio. Charles W. Sortman m. Eva Isabel Mc­ l{eig of Hespler, Ont., Can., at Detroit, Mich., 8/6/1932. They have a daughter, Barbara Ann, b. 7/26/1937; and a son, Fred­ erick Charles, b. 2/14/1939. Both children were born in Detroit; address 10265 Beaconsfield. Marjorie M. Sortman m. 4/3/1937 Camiel Ciril Peter Mortier of Detroit, Mich. Their address is 2188 Phillip St., Detroit. Mary Angeline Sortman m. 3/26/1936 in Detroit, Mich., Larry Kmise of Altoona, Pa. Their children both born in Detroit, arc: Larry Anthony, Jr., b. 6/27/1938; and Shirley Anne, b. 11/8/1930. Address 19550 Hickory St. in that city. Eugene Donald Sortman m. 8/1/1936 Dorothy Gwendolyn Gross of Dct1·oit, Mich., b. 12/1/1918. They have one daughter, Lynne Julia, b. 2/17/1937 at Detroit. He is employed by the Chrysler Motor Co., of Detroit-, and theiraddress is 3004 N cwport. Anna Catherine Sortman, daughter of Charles Calvin, was born in Dayton, Ohio, 12/3/1884. Her father may have known that an Ann Catharina was mother of Alexander Zartman, the first Zartman born in North America, b. 7/20/1731, six and a half months before George Washington saw the light of clay. Down over more than two hundred years the name Anna Catharine occurs over and ovm·, as if it were sacred, and so it seems. This Ann Catherine m. William Marshall, and resided at Clarksville, Clinton County, Ohio, Box 234. 364 THE ZARTMAN F A.l\llLY

Blanche Sortman, daughter of Charles Calvin, was b. in Day­ ton 1/11/1886, and m. 7/29/1903 Adolph Hunn. Address: Day­ ton, Ohio, Box 312, R.R. 4. To this union were born 14 children, as followg: Mildred Lucille, b. 5/18/1904; Ralph Frederick, b. 10/25/1905; George Arthur, b. 11/25/1906; Eleanor Alice, b. 1/18/1909; Eugene Howard, b. 8/5/1910, d. 8/13/1910; Ruth Gcrtmde, b. 11/15/1911; Florence Marie, b. 10/13/1913; Charles Edwin, b. 12/7/1914; Paul Franklin, b. 7/19/1916; Joseph Sort­ man, b. 11/13/1917; Catherine Elizabeth, b. 1/7/1919; Adolph, Jr., b. 9/13/1920; John Robert, b. 1/2/1922; James Henry, b. 1/11/1924. Marriages in the Hunn family have been as follows: George Arthur Hunn m. 6/23/1928 Dorothy Metzger, b. 10/- 30/1903. Both he and his wife attended North Manchester Col­ lege. He taught public schools four years and took extension work in Wittenberg College; he was licensed to preach in April, 1931, and ordained 5/1/1940, in the Church of the Brethren. Their address is 2035 Windsor Rd., Dayton, Ohio. Children: Miriam Ruth, b. 11/26/1929; George Arthur, Jr., b. 4/22/1932; David Leroy, b. 12/30/1933; and Gerald Edward, b. 5/5/1935, d. 11/21/1935. Eleanor Alice Hunn m. 3/4/1933 Ulysses White­ head. Issue: Carol Eugene, b. 12/25/1935. Their address is R.R. 1, Clayton, Ohio. Ruth Gertrude Hunn m. 5/14/1932 John Gilbert Clark, b. 10/28/1910. Issue: Joan Gertrude, b. 5/15/- 1933. Address 634 Sandusky St., Ashland, Ohio, care of A. L. Garber and Co. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark attended Manchester College in Indiana. Florence Marie Hunn m. 1/26/1935 Eldon Whitehead. Address: R.R. 2, New Lebanon, Ohio. Charles Ed­ win Hunp. m. 6/6/1937 Miriam Patterson. Address: Trotwood, Ohio. Charles Albert Sortman, son of Charles Calvin, was b. 12/29/- 1887. He m. Marie Schwegel in 1912. They have two sons: Arthur Elmer, b. 7/30/1913; and Elwood Hobert, b. 3/10/1915. Their addres is 1624 Richard St., Dayton, Ohio. Alice Anora Sortman, the eleventh child of Charles Calvin, m. 1/25/1911 Earl Magill. Address: 122 Ringold St., Dayton, Ohio. Children: Lillian Irene, b. 8/18/1912; Arlene Catherine, b. 9/- 2/1913; Raymond, b. 2/18/1917, d. 12/14/19n. Lillian Irene Magill m. 12/2/1930 Cecil C. Price, Sergeant in the U. S. Army. They live on Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. To them were born four children: David Paul, b. 6/29/1933; Kathleen Alice, b. 9/- JACOB ZARTMAN AND FAMILY 365

11/1934; William Earl, b. 9/12/1935; and James Monroe, b. 12/6/1936. Arlene Catherine Magill m. 6/27/1036 Karl Duerr. They have a daughter, Roberta Arlene, b. 6/18/1937. In the Charles Calvin Sortman family the following young folks are reported as graduates from high schools in Dayton, Ohio: Arlene Catherine Magill and Juanita Charlotte Good from Parker High; Ralph Frederick Hunn, George Arthur' Hunn, Eleanor Alice Hunn, Ruth Gertrude Hunn, Florence Marie Hunn, Charles Edwin Hunn from Madison High; Eileen Delores Sort­ man and Bessie May Good from Roosevelt High; and Gertrude May Heaston from the Troy, Ohio, High School. Graduation from High Schools is meritorious, a distinction and a privilege. PART III Alexander Zartman The Second Chapter I

Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman, who came from Germ­ any in 1728, had a son Jacob, and one named Alexander, b. 7 /- 29/1731 near Brickerville, Pa. Through these two sons we have the two main branches of the Zartman family in North America. We have now come to the consideration of the Alexander branch, which never grew to such large proportions; but it is very important and interesting. For the sake of clearness we shaJI call Alexander, Jr., the Second. His father is Alexander I. Alexander II attained the age of 72 years and lived all those years in Lancaster Co., Pa., and most likely on the farm which he received as an inheritance from his parents; that is, on the old Zartman homestead at Brickerville. He was, of course, a former; he belonged to the Emanuel Lutheran Church at Brickerville, and is buried there; a stone marks bis resting place nnd that of his wife by the side of his parents. That old farm was owned first by Alexander I, then by Alexander II, next by Emanuel, his son, then by Alexander Ill, son of Alexander II, then by Jacob, son of Alexander III, then by George, son of John Michael, then by Da\'id, son of John Michael, and lastly by William, son of David; a few years ago it passed out of his hands. William was the last Zart­ man to own it. We hope that some Zartman will again reclaim it,. It is a pretty place and has so many grand associations dear to the hearts of all Zartmans. It must be recalled here that Alexander I gave to his older son, Jacob, 71 acres out of the original planta­ tion of 179 acres. It was the smaller farm that continued in the possession of the Zartmans named above. Alexander II married a woman by tho name of Magdalena. Her family name is not known to us. Wc know from records that they had the following seven children, namely: ~aim Michael, b. 5/3/1754; Alexander, b. 3/19/1756; Susanna, b. 10/11/1750; Maria Elizabeth, b. 6/11/1761; Catharine, b. 10/9/1763; Eman­ uel, b. 6/1/1765; Margarcth. The three sons became the heads ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 367 of large families. Wc know the daughters, Susanna, Maria. Elizabeth and Margareth, married, because their father in his will speaks of their husbands and of his sons-in-law, but he does not give the names of their husbands, of his sons-in-law. We were unable to ascertain whom they married. Of the three sons we are well informed, and the succeeding chapers will take them up in the order of their births. The last will and testam!'lnt of Alexander II is a very interest-­ ing document, amusing in some of its details and specifications, but really a remarkable writing. It is of record in the Court House at Lancaster, Pa., and written in German. A translation of this will may be found on page 303 of the former history of the Zartman family. Alexander II d. 12/2/1803; we do not have the date of his wife's death. Chapter II


JOHN MICHAEi, ZARTMAN, son of Alexander II, owned 102 acres of land in Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. He m. 8/- 8/1780 Margaretta Eichelberger, b. 8/21/1763. Record is to be found in the Lutheran Churcih at Manheim, Pa. They had the following children: Catharina, b. 10/9/1783; Elizabeth, b. 3/16/- 1785, d. 8/11/1788; twins, Magdalene and Anna Maria, b. 3/- 20/1787; John, b. 9/25/1789; Elizabeth, h. 5/12/1791; George, b. 8/18/1793; Margaretha, b. 10/24/1796, d. 9/8/1853; Barbara, b. 10/20/1798; David, b. 6/6/1800. The first Elizabeth d. three years before her sister, who was named for her, was born, and sleeps in the Emanuel churchyard near the graves of her grand­ parents, Alexander II and Magdalene. John Michael, like his father and brothers, served in the War of the Revolution, and again in the War of 1812. He d. 4/1/1825. The text for his funeral was I Thess. 4:14. His good wifed. 9/2/- 1838. The text for her f1,meral was Psalms 90:10. Their daughter Catharina d. i2/27/1843. ANNA MARIA ZARTMAN m. Jacob Stober. Their children were: Julianna., Elias, Catharina and Leab. Elias Stober m. and bad a son, Jeremiah, who, after securing a good education, rose to distinction. He served in the Civil War, was a member of the House of Representatives for five sessions, served two terms in the State Senate, was J.P. for 28 years, and in 1909 was elected treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania. JoHN ZARTMAN, son of John Michael, m. Regina Steiner 2/2/- 1817. They had six children as follows: Israel, Fiana., Catharina, Isaac, Henriette, and Sara. John Zartman d. 11/14/1873; his wife d. 12/11/1872. lsRAEL ZARTMAN, son of John, m. Catherine Weidman, 1011/- 1840. He was a farmer and an undertaker, and was highly esteemed. Their sons were: Addison, b. 8/30/1842; and l\1artin b. 11/29/· 1844. Israel d. 3/31/1001, bis wife having d. 11/16/1895. Addi­ son Zartman was a carpenter and served in the Civil War. Hem. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 369

11/1/1866 Lcventine C. Summy. Their children were: Elizabeth C.; Monroe Israel; Emma A.; Clayton S. Addison d. 7/4/1922; his widow d. 11/30/1926. Elizabeth C. Zartman m. Christian D. Leaking and had nine children: Monroe, Edwin, Lloyd, Mabel, Elva, Howard, Ivan, Anna and Edna. Monroe I. Zartman, a farmer, living in Lititz, m. Cora S. Rickert. They had a daughter, Minerva. Emma A. Zartman m. Henry Breckbill and bad a daughter, Bessie. Clayton, S. Zartman lives in Lititz; 'for ten years be taught school and he is now owner of a general store in Lititz. He m. Ella M. Althouse 12/11/1009. A daughter, Violet, was b. and d. 5/7/1914. Their son, Robert G., b. 6/11/1922, graduated from High School, and assists bis father in the store. Martin Zartman, second son of Israel, was a farmer at Lexing­ ton, Pa. During the Civil War be served from 2/17/1865 to 1/31/ 1866 in Co. C, 195th Regiment, Pa. Volunteer Infantry. He m. Mary Ann l{Jine, b. 1/1/1847. They belonged to Emanuel Lutheran Church, Brickerville. To them were born the follow­ ing children: Wayne K., b. 3/12/1871; Eli K., b. 10/29/1873; Phares K., b. 7/15/1876; Clara !{., b. 6/12/1879; Hiram, b. 1/- 18/1887, d. in inf. Martin Zartman d. 10/25/1926; his wife d. 4/6/1923. Wayne K. Zartman is a farmer residing at Lititz, R. D. 1. In 1894 hem. Lydia H. Bomberger, b.1/9/1872, d. 4/18/1935. They and their children are members of Emanuel Lutheran Church, Brickerville. To them were born the following children: Israel B., b. 6/20/1895; Catharine B., b. 10/6/1898; Roy B., b. 4/28/- 1903; and John B., b. 9/18/1910. On 12/14/1935 Wayne K. m. Sallie Bashore, b. 3/4/1898. Israel B. Zartman, in 1913, m. Annie Steely, b. 2/17/1897. They reside on a form at Lititz, Pa., R. D. 5, and have the following children: Lydia Irene, b. 12/15/- 1913; Lillian, b. 8/24/1916, d. 10/12/1916; :Mildred, b. 1/31/- 1918; Mary, b. 11/13/1020; Pauline, b. 5/27/1924; Charles, b. 11/3/1026; May, b. 4/22/1929. Lydia Irene m. Russell Keenen, b. 12/20/1908. They live in Lititz, Pa. Mildred Zartman m. John Schreck in 1938. They reside at Ephrata, R. D. 3, Pa. and have one child, Fay Marie, b. 2/6/1939. Catharine B. Zartman is unmarried and resides with her par­ ents. Roy B. Zartman is a farmer and resides at Lititz, R. D. 1, Pa. On 8/27/1932 he m. Naomi Kline, b. 7/9/1908. John B. Zartman, on 11/18/1933 m. Bertha Walters, b. 12/23/1909. 370 TeE ZA.anuN FAMILY

They had one child, Nancy Jane, b. 8/13/ and d. 8/14/1940. They employed in the paper mill located in Lititz and reside in the same town. Eli K. Zartman in 1899 m. Sarah E. Forry, b. 9/30/1878, daughter of Zacharias and Fannie Elser Forry. They resided at Lititz, R. D. 1, Pa., where they owned and operated the flour and grist mill. They were, and the children are now, members of the Lutheran Church at Brickerville, Pa. Their children are: Ira F., b. 12/18/1899; Edna F., b. 11/3/1901; twins b. 11/7/1908 viz, Elser Forry, and Martin Kline who d. 2/3/1909. Eli K. Zartman d. 2/19/1941 and bis ,,ife d. 6/5/1937. Ira F. Zartman graduated from Lititz High School in 1918. During the World War he served in the Army Training Corps at Gettysburg College. He received the Bachelor of Science Degree from Muhlenberg College in 1923, the Master of Science degree from New York University in 1925 and the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of California in 1930. From 1923 to 1927 he was an Instructor in Physics at New York University, at the University of California he was a Whiting Research Fellow. Since 1930 he has been Professor of Physics and Head of the Department of Physics at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. He has received national and international recog­ nition for his research work in physics. On 6/5/1924 he m. Edythe Grace Wenger, b. 9/3/1901, a graduate of Ephrata, Pa., High School, Class of 1919. She continued her studies at New York University and at the University of California, where she specialized in music and languages. They have one child: Ira William, b. 1/9/1932. Edna F. Zartman, in 1924, m. Lloyd B. Ober, b. 6/15/1905. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Rufus C. Zartman. They live on a farm at Ephrata, R. D. 1, Pa. They have the fol­ lowing children: Jay Russell, b. 11/21/1924; Paul Alton, b. 10/- 8/1927; Ira Luther, b. 6/22/1929; Eli Lester, b. 5/11/1935; Sara Kathryn, b. 11/3/1937; Verna Jean, b. 12/12/1940. Elser Forry Zartman operates the mill formerly owned by his father at Lititz, Pa. On 12/21/1929 hem. Esther May Schload, b. 5/6/- 1910. She graduated from Ephrata High School in 1928. They have one child: Robert Eugene, b. 5/19/1936. . Phares K. Zartman, son of Martin, is a farmer, residing at Lititz, R. D. 2, Pa. On 11/29/1900 he m. Clara E. Scheirey, ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 371

daughter of Charles and Hannah Scheirey. They have the fol­ lowing children: Elsie S., b. 12/24/1901, and Florence S., b. 11/- 30/1904. They and their children are members of Emanuel Lutheran Church at Brickerville, Pa. Elsie S. Zartman, on 10/- 31/1925, m. Harvey Ober, b. 9/'l:l /1904. He is employed in a shoe factory at Ephrata, Pa., and they live at Brunnerville, Pa. They have the following children: Donald Eugene, b. 1/27/1930; Robert Glenn, b. 9/20/1931! Thelma Fay, b. 6/30/1937. Flor­ ence S. Zartman, on 12/10/1927, m. Freeman Becker, b. 1/1/- 1902. He is a farmer and they reside at Lititz, R. D. 2, Pa. Clara K Zartman, on 10/13/1901, m. Abraham H. Metzler, b. 6/11/1875, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Metzler. They live on a farm at Lititz, R. D. 1, Pa., and have the following child­ ren: Elva Z., b. 8/7/1902 and Clyde Zartman, b. 4/7/1907. They and their children are members of Emanuel Lutheran Church at Brickerville, Pa. Elva Z. Metzler on 11/27/1924, m. Elam Shelly, b. 10/28/1902. He is a cabinet maker and lives at Lititz, Pa. They have the following children: Kenneth M., b. 5/11/19'!:l; Darrell M., b. 4/5/1030; Nathan Gordon, b. 9/21/1939. Clyde Z. Metzler graduated from Rothsville, Pa., High School in 1924. On 8/30/1930 he m. Dorothy Barto, b. 5/11/1907, graduate of :Manheim, Pa., High School, class of 1925. He is a farmer re­ siding at Lititz, R. D. 1, Pa. Fianna Zartman, daughter of John, m. Daniel Weidman, and had three children: Henrietta, Isabella, and John. Fuller account of this family will be found on p. 311 of the History of 1909. Catharina Zartman, daughter of John, m. Elias Weidman and had three sons: Franklin, William Z., and Aaron Z. whom. Mary Emma Miller. Seep. 313 of the former History. Isaac S. Zartman, son of John, was b. 9/18/1823 in Lancaster Co., Pa. He learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, and was a builder in the West for seven years, was in the hotel business in Freeport, 111., for 17 years and held the office of city alderman. Hem. Elizabeth F. Baker 1/3/1854. They had one son, Harvey Baker, b. 7/14/1866. Isaac S. Zartman d. 1/4/1899; his wife d. 6/15/1891. Harvey Baker Zartman graduated from the Free­ port High School, and is engaged in the lumber business with the firm of Sanford and Zartman. Hem. Mabel Louise Ford 1/3/- 1894. Their children arc: Elizabeth, b. 11/29/1894, d. 10/19/- 372 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

1896; Harvey Ford, b. 6/18/1896; William Edward, b. 2/26/- 1905. Harvey F. Zartman served in the Ambulance Corps in France in the last war. Returning to this country, he completed his work at Harvard in 1920. He then taught in the Freeport High School, and is at present connected with one of the leading firms of Freeport. He m. Louvinia Nicoll, a graduate of Carlton College, on 9/8/1926. Their children are: Harvey Ford, II, b. 6/22/1927; James Nicoll, b. 10/4/1928; Sandra Lou, b. 6/30/- 1933. They live in a house which is a beautiful reproduction of Mt. Vernon, built on one of Freeport's finest avenues. William Edward Zartman graduated in 1925 from the Uni­ versity of Michigan; he is associated with bis father's firm in Freeport, Ill. Hem. 6/17/1939 Charlotte Botkin, b. 3/26/1907, in Carlos, Randolph County, Ind. She attended DePauw Uni­ versity, and graduated in the College of Education, Butler Uni­ versity, Indianapolis, Ind., in 1929. They have one son, William Botkin, b. 3/4/1941 in Freeport. Henriette Zartman, daughter of John and Regina, was b. 1/- 26/1828. She m. Benjamin Hollinger, b. 11/6/1815. Their child­ ren were: Mary L., b. 8/17/1846; Priscilla E., b. 6/2/1851, d. 7/27/1905; twins, Anna,R. and Sarah E., b. 11/25/1857, d. 11/- 27 /1875. Benjµ.min Hollinger d. 5/17/1894, his wife having died 4/28/1887. Mary L. Hollinger m. 9/28/1871 John H. Gantz, a carpenter. Their children were: Cora E., b. 2/12/1873, d. 8/2/- 1897; Wilson, b. 10/9/1876, a clerk, m. Sarah Singer 5/29/1898; Wayne, b. 3/11/1879, a paperhanger, m. Gertrude Romig. They have a daughter, I{athryn, b. 10/13/1907, who graduated from Lititz High School in 1925, from Millersville State Teachers' College in 1927, and is a teacher in the schools of Lititz. John H. Gantz d. 3/28/1924; his wife, Mary L., d. 9/13/1930. Anna R. Hollinger m. John L. Shaar of Rothsville, Pa. They have three children: Elmer M., b. 8/16/1883, has a son, Harold, b. 2/6/1906, and lives in Akron, Pa.; Benjamin H., b. 1/24/1891; Mabel B., b. 10/8/1893. Sara Zartman, daughter of John and Regina, m. Urias Len­ hart and had five children: Martin A.; Ementa; Mary Elizabeth; Isabella; and a son who d. at birth. See page 318 of former History. THE HARVEY B. ZARTMAN FAUILY Back Row: Hurvcy Ford Zurtmun, II; Hurvcy Ford Zurtmun; Louvenia Nicoll Zurtmun; Hurvcy Buker Zurtmun; l\lubcl Ford Zurtmun; Charlotte Botkin Zurtmun; William Edwurd Zurtmun From Row: Sundru Lou Zurtmun; Jumcs Nicoll Zartmun


EP· 13ETB ZARTMAN, daughter of John Michael, m, George Ho •. ,_ _,,.,r and had seven children. George Hollinger d. in 1849, his widow d. in 1865, For complete record see pages 318-320 of former History. David Hollinger, son of George and Elizabeth Zartman Hollin­ ger, m. Catharine Spangler, and had seven children. A daughter, Rosanna Henrietta Hollinger, b. 7/15/1843, m. William G. Leµ• man, Esq., b. 5/12/1838. He was a prominent citizen, serving as District Attorney and County Supt. of Schools, and was a Civil War Veteran. He d. in Sept. 1882. Their children were: Catharine Elizabeth, b. 1871, d. 1873; Jane Edith, b. 3/9/1874; Franklin H., b. 6/28/1875; Mary H., b. 9/15/1879. Jane Edith Lehman graduated from Lebanon High School, and was for some years a teacher in the schools. Shem. 6/8/1903 Rev. Walter E. Garrett, b. 1873, an honored minister of the Reformed Church. He graduated from Ursinus College in 1899, the Ursinus School of Theology in 1902, and served charges in McConnellstown, Braddock, New Oxford and Philadelphia. They have four child­ ren: Paul Lehman, b. 7/29/1904; Ernest Thomas, b. 12/12/1905, cl. 3/18/1908; Mary Gertrude, b. 3/25/1909; Virginie. Elizabeth, b. 2/22/1915. Rev. and Mrs. Garrett gave their children high school and collegiate educations and the surviving children are happily married. Mrs. Jane Edith Lehman, a life-long member of Tabor Reformed Church in Lebanon, Pa., d. in her 90th year, 6/24/1933. GEORGE ZAUTMAN, son of John Michael, resided in Lancaster Co., Pa., 44 years. In 1815 he m. Elizabeth Stober. They had four children: Henry, Peter, Anna and Catharine. In 1837 George Zartman and his family moved to Stark Co., 0., and in 1838 he purchased a farm in Wayne Co., 0., where he cl. in 1879, aged 84 years. His wife cl. in 1874. Henry Zartman m. Sara Sharp, and had five children: Jeremiah, Sophia, Malinda, Eliza and John. Jeremiah Zartman was a school teacher, a J. P., and attorney. He served in the Civil War, after which he located in Larwill, Ind. Peter Zartman m. 12/3/1837, Elizabeth Weirich, and had four children: Sabina, Louisa, Mary and Henry H., who grad­ uated from Western Reserve University and became a physician. Mary Zartman m. Alfred Cook of Hicksvi\le, Ohio, and had a son, Henry W., who graduated from Western Reser,·c University, 374 Tum ZARTMAN FAMILY

became a physician and d. in 1040. Catharine Zartman, daugh­ ter of George, m. Adam Rodocker and Imel a family of ten sons and fom daughters. Ther lived on a fnrm near Navarre, Stark Co., Ohio. For fuller details see pages 321-330 of former History. BARBARA ZARTMAN, daughter of John Michael, m. Jneob Hol­ linger and hnd nine children. See page 320 of former History.

DAVID ZARTMAN AND FAMII,Y DAVID ZARTMAN, son of John Michael, son of Alexander II, son of Alexander I, was b. 6/6/1800, in Lancaster Co., Pn. Ho wn~ a cooper by trade nnd a former. He owned and lived on the old Zartman homestead at Brickerville. He became 1iossessetl of various tracts of land, nnd gave to each of his four sons a fnrm. He was a prosperous farmer, and lived to the good old age of 85 years. He was a member of the Emanuel Lutheran Church at Brickerville, and there had nil of his children baptized and con­ firmed, as is witnessed by tho church re!l'isters. On 11/8/1831, he m. Elizabeth Bender; they had four sons, as follows: Peter, b. 8/5/1832; David, b. 3/15/1834; Benjamin, b. 7/23/1835; Wil­ liam, b. 9/11/1841. Dayid cl. 11/28/1885, and he and his wife arc buried at the dear old Emanuel Church. Peter Zartman, first-born of David, resided in Lincoln, Pa., devoted his life to forming. On 0/2/1856, hem. Sarah Wechter, b. 3/27/1840. They had three

15/1858; John Ezra, b. 1/26/1861; Fianna, b. 1/27/1863; George Henry, b. 12/9/1869. David Zartman and his wife were members of tho Emanuel Lutheran Church, 11B arc all of their children and grandchildren. Mrs. David Zartman made her home with her son, George H., at Clay, Pa., and cl. 8/1/1910. David cl. 11/21/- 1899. David Jacob Zartman was a farmer, owned about three hun­ dred acres of the fertile soil' in the northe11Stern section of Lan­ caster Co. He m. Katie Ann Bcnnetch on 6/8/1878. They lived near Lincoln, Pa., and had a daughter, Katie Ann, b. 1/8/1882; she m. Barton H. Henly on 9/28/1901. Mr. and Mrs. Henly live on a farm and have two children: Amanda E., b. 7/23/1904, and Barton, b. 6/26/1906. David Jacob Zartman d. 4/18/1927; his widow is living with Mr. and Mrs. Barton Henly at Eph­ rata, Pa. Amanda E. Henly m. Willliam H. Behmer 11/4/1922. Ho was b. 11/22/1903. They have a son, Lloyd H., b. 4/1/1923. Their address is Lincoln, Pa. Barton Henly m. 2/8/1927 Amanda Frederick, b. 9/27/1907. They have a son, Barton F., b. 9/3/· 1930. John Ezra Zartman, son of David, Jr., was a farmer near Eph• rata, Pa. He m. Susanna Stuber 10/26/1884, and they have two sons: David John, b. 2/22/1888; and Phares S., b. 4/29/1896. David J. Zartman m. Maggie May Fry, b. 1/10/1891. They have four daughters: Ida May, Anna Catherine, Mary Eliza• beth, and Ruth Virginia. Anna Catherine Zartman m. 8/5/1933 Arthur Henly, b. 4/18/1912. Mary Elizabeth Zartman m. Adam Kopp, b. 11/2/1912. They have three children: Donald Eugene, b. 8/28/1935; Gloria Fay, b. 12/2/1936; Ray David, b. 10/14/• 1940. John Ezra Zartman d. 11/1/1939 and is buried in the Emanuel church yard. Phares S. Zartman, son of John Ezra, m. Annie E. Bollinger, b. 10/9/1893. They have four children: Eva B., b. 10/14/1916; Mabel B., b. 4/17/1918; Alma B., b. 4/21/1920; John Ira, b. 4/29/1924. Their address is R. D. 1, Ephrata, Pa. Eva B. Zart. man, daughter of Phares S., m. Clarence R. Snader, b. 9/27/1914. They have two daughters: Fay Elizabeth, b. 11/2/1936; and Jean Romaine, b. 5/11/1939. Their address is R. 1, Stevens, Pa. 376 THE ZA.RT~IA.N F A.MILY

Alma B. Zartman m. Harold E. Imhoff, b. 6/4/1U20. They have a daughter, Joyce Marlene, b. 9/9/Hl40. Their addrel'ls is U. 1, Ephrata, Pa. Fianna Zartman,

Esta Habecker, b. 1/18/1005. Tho address of this family, to­ gether with their father's, George Henry Zartman, is R. D. 1, Ephrata, Pa. Benjamin Zartman third son of David and Eliznbeth Zart­ man, was a farmer id Lane, Co., Pa. He married Eliza.beth Gel­ singer, b. 9/3/1836. In about 1869 they visited relntives in Ohio and Indiana, and had a purpose to live in the West, but were not satisfied with prospects there and returned to their native place. Benjamin Zartman bad three children: Ezra G., b. 9/17/1863; and twins, Elizabeth and Wi11iam, b. 10/24/1869. William d. nged twelve months. Benjamin Zartman d. 2/23/1906; his wife d. 9/18/1905. Ezra G. Zartman was a teamster; lived in Lebanon, Pa. He m. 9/24/1885 Kate D. Missemer, b. 12/5/1857. They had four children: Mary, b. 2/16/1887, d. two days later; Samuel Rey­ nolds, b. 2/19/1888; Harvey M., b. 2/1/1892; Paul Ream, b. 10/1/1895. Ezra G. d. 1/4/1928, his wife d. 2/2/1923. Samuel R. Zartman was a machinist, employed by the Bethlehem Steel Co. Under date of 3/24/1941 he writes, "I nm very busy at my work on Defense orders." Harvey Misemer Zartman m. Nellie Donmoyer, and has four children: Helen, Earl, Dorothy, and LeRoy. Paul R. Zartman m. S. Ruth Bomberger, b. 10/20/1917, d. 3/26/1931. He then m. Mrs. Amanda Schwenk, 8/28/1938. Samuel R. Zartman was the first person to tell the Historian that the original Zartman and wife owned and lived on a farm near Brickerville, Pa. Elizabeth Zartman, dnughter of Benjamin, m. 11/26/1891 David M. Helman, b. 2/20/1891. They had a son, Ernest Benj­ amin, b. 2/14/1899; and a daughter, Frances Ruth, b. 4/20/1904. They lived in Lititz, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth Helman d. there 3/25/- 1939. Ernest B. Helman is a farmer near Lititz. He m. Mary Elin Herr, and has three sons: Clyde E., b. 5/5/1921; Jacob D., b. 6/14/1923; Robert S., b. 5/20/1028. Frances Ruth Helman m. 10/21/1926 Christian H. Nissley, b. 2/7/1003, manager of a furniture company in Lititz. Their daughter, Frances Elizabeth, was b. 7/22/1936. William Zartman, youngest son of David and Elizabeth, was a farmer, and the last Zartman to own and live on the old Zart­ man farm at Brickerville. Ho m. Anna Gelsinger, a sister of 378 THE ZARTMAN F ..UULY

his brother Benjamin's wife. Their fifteen children were: John G., b. 4/28/1860; 11, son, b. and d. 10/28/1861; a son, b. and d. 7/27/1862; Emeline, b.10/1/1863; 11, son, b. and cl. 1864; Adaline, b. 10/5/1865; Benjamin G. b. 12/17/1868; Elizabeth, b. 10/28/- 1869, cl. 12/19/1877; Calvin G., b. 7/22/1891; Ezra G., b. 8/13/- 1873; Ella, b. 3/5/1875; Emanuel G., b. 1/27/1877; Alice, b. 5/14/1880; Aaron, b. 8/12/1883; Catherine. John G. Zartman m. and had two children: William, b. 8/27/1881, d. 6/17/1882; and Mary, b. 8/29/1883, d. 11/9/1884. Ho d. 9/5/1903. His widow married Mr. Deemer. Emeline Zartman m. Charles G. Marks and resided in Man­ heim, Pa., where shed. in 1932. They had two children: Stella, b. 4/23/1886; and William Henry, b. 11/11/1889. Adaline Zart­ man m. Jacob Himmelberger, who d. in 1915. They had a daugh­ ter Mabel, b. 12/4/1890, d. 1929, Mrs. Himmelberger m. 2d, GeorgeKnier, and had four children: Paul, b. 8/26/1898; Fianna, b. 10/23/1900; John Roy, b. 10/16/1903; Lillian, b. 6/5/1906. Mr. Knier d. in 192,9. Of the children, Paul Knier m. Edith Giv­ ler in 1924; Fiana Knier m. Elam Gantz in 1921; John Roy Knier m. Miss Hoover; Lillian Knier m. Charles May in 1925. Benjamin G. Zartman was a teamster, living at Klienfclters­ ville, Pa. He m. Mary Ann Hollenbach and had five children: Anna May, b. 5/19/1892; William, b. 9/19/1895; Emeline, b. 9/20/1903; John Irving, b. 11/17/1907. Benjamin Zartman d. Dec. 1939; his son William is also deceased. Calvin G. Zartman was a laborer and lived in Kleinfeltersville, Pa. He m. Tillie Ann Noll, and they have tho following family: Eva Anna, b. 8/30/- 1896; Nancy, b. 11/24/1897; Elmer, b. 9/20/1899; Irwin, b. 12/- 22/1902; Laura Ann, b. 7/7/1904; Esther, b. 1/19/1907. Calvin d. 12/19/1939. He was a member of the Lutheran Church; his wife was 11, member of the Reformed Church. Ezra G. Zartman was a barber and lived in Manheim, Pa. He m. Anna B. Gibble. Both had musical talent, and with his children, as an orchestra, frequently played at Zartman reunions. Ezra Zartman d. 7/7/1936. They had four-children: Hester May, b. 12/2/1900; Harry Richard, b. 11/25/1902; Helen Irene, b. 2/13/1904, d. 3/18/1925; Herbert William, b. 6/14/1914. Hester M. Zartman graduated from High School in 1918 and m. 4/30/- 1924 Martin Etnier; they have a son, Harold E., b. 8/15/1925. Harry R. Zartman m. Ruth Frey on 6/21/1929. Herbert William Zartman graduated from High School in 1934. SAMUEi, REnmLD8 ZARTMAS or L<'lmnon, Pu.


Ella. Zartman m. John Henry Oechsle; they lived at Manheim, Pa., a.nd had two daughters: Anna Oechsle, b. 3/27/1904; and Bessie Mary. Mr. Oechsle d. 7/8/1933. Anna Oechsle m. Ralph 0. Becker; their children are: Ella Catherine, b. 6/10/1925; and Bruce, b. Jan. 1939. Bessie Mary Oechsle m. John Weider; they have a son, Charles; and a. daughter, Helen Jea.n. Emanuel G. Zartman lives at Schoeneck, Pa. He m. Sallie Goshert, and had a son, Milton, b. 4/16/1899, who served overseas in the World War, and died by drowning. Alice G. Zartman m. Ada.m B. Lesher; they reside near l{Jeinfeltersville, Pa., and have the following children: Helen, b. 8/20/1902; Frederick James, b. 1/19/1904, d. 1904; Edna May, b. 5/30/1905; Lottie, b. 12/21/- 1906; a son, b. and cl. April, 1908. Aaron Zartman was a former near Lititz; he d. in 1912. Hem. 1/2/1904 Emma R. Strickler. Catherine Zartman m. Frank Usner. In 1909 Mr. and Mrs. William Zartman celebrated their Golden Wedding in their home in Kleinfeltersville, Pa. Of their 15 child­ ren 10 were living and present on this occasion. Children, grand­ children and great-grandchildren present were exactly fifty. William Zartman d. 5/24/1914; bis widow d. 8/28/1921. Both are buried in tho Emanuel churchyard. Chapter III


ALEXANDER ZARTMAN III, son of Alexander II, son of Alexander I, was b. 3/10/1756, in Warwick township, Lancaster Co., Pa. He was baptized five days after his birth. In a deed Alexander is called a house-carpenter. He was also a former. He married a woman by the name of Maria Barbara Eichelberger, 11, daugh­ ter of Michael Eichelberger, and sister to the wife of John Michael, his brother. These brothers were married on the same day, 8/- 8/1780, in Trinity Lutheran Church, Manheim, Pa. Alexander and Barbara Zartman had si.'< children: Elizabeth b. 8/5/1781, cl. unm. 11/13/1856; Barbara, b. 5/17/1783, d. 12/12/1831, m. a Mr. Hollinger; Jacob, h. 6/27/1786; Magda­ lene, b. 3/3/1791; J,ohn, b. 12/7/1794; George, b. 9/16/1700, d. nine days latm'. Alexander and Barbara Zartman arc men­ tioned very often in the Emanuel Church records at Brickerville; they were evidently gl'CII.L workers in the Church and 11, popular couple in the community. A dozen or more times the church records state that the sponsors at baptisms were Alexander Zartman and hii,j wife Maria Barbara. The first church for the Emanuel congregation at Brickcrvillo was erected in 1733. Alexander, the First, assisted in its erection. The present Emanuel Church building was put up in 1805 ancl finally settled for Nov. 4, 1800. The building committee of the present edifice consisted of three men, namely: George Weidman, Michael Kline, ancl Alexander Zartman. This was Alexander III. He o.nd his two brothers contributed largely of money, time and labor toward the building. The church books show tbo fol­ lowing: John Michael Zartman gave thirteen and a half days to hauling boards, sandstones, logs and sand, and besides hauled 6020 bricks and contributed in money twenty pounds. Alex­ ander Zartman III gave much time to overseeing and super­ intending the building operations, and contributed in money twenty-eight pounds, nine shillings and three pence. Emanuel Zartman gave sixteen days to hauling lumber, lop;s, sand and sandstones for the church; besides he hauled 6000 bricks for it and contributed the sum of twenty pounds two shillings and six ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 381 ponce. This was over a hundred years ago that tho throe brothers were thus faithfully, generously, n.nd earnestly working for the church of which they were members; their example is worthy of commendation and of emulation. . Alexander Zartmab, 3rd, d. 3/23/1819. His funeral text w11s Deut. 31 :16. He is buried in the Emanuel Churchyard. His widow d. 3/28/1833 and rests beside him. Alexander 3rd died intestate, but his wife left a very interesting will on file in the Ln.1waster Co. Courthouse, Book Q, Vol. 1, p. 404. JAcoB ZARTMAN, son of Alexander 3rd, b. 6/27/1786, was a fnrmer; on 3/23/1820 he purchased the old Zartman homestead, where he lived for seven years then sold it to his cousin, George Zartman, who owned it for ten Jacob Zartman m. 12/10/- 1808 Elizabeth Hollinger, b. 4/7/1789. They had ten children: Lydia, b. 1/14/1810; Sa.rah, b. 10/19/1811; William, b. 8/14/- 1813, cl. 12/25/1814; Levi, b. 10/23/1815; Leah, b. 10/31/1817; Edward, b. 12/17/1820; Susanna, b. 3/15/1822; Elizabeth, b. 0/25/1824; Catharina, b. 6/13/1827; Jacob David, b. 10/31/- 1830, d. 10/29/1840. The father of this family d. 4/15/1870 and the mother d. 4/25/1863. Both are buried in the Lutheran churchyard at Myerstown, Pa. Lydia Zartman m. Henry Getz and moved to Indiana. Sarah Zartman m. John Peiffer, and had five children includ­ ing Edward and Catherine. She d. 5/4/1888. Edward Charles Peiffer, son of her son Edward, m. Alice Miller and had two sons, Earl I. and Roy V. Hattie M. Pfeiffer, daughter of Edward, m. Monroe Bollinger, who d. in 1899. Mrs. Bollinger then m., in llJOl, Garfield B. Whitmoyer; they reside in Uniontown, Pa., where Mr. Whitmoyer teaches school. Clara M. Pfeiffer, daugh­ ter of Edward, b. 6/13/1858, m. Aaron J. Klopp, and had a son, Edward Jona.than, b. 6/10/1880. Edward Jonathan Klopp grad­ uated in 1901 from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science; ho practiced pharmacy for two years, then entered Jeffer­ son Medical College from which he graduated in 1006. He be­ came professor of surgery in his Alma Mater, attending surgeon in Jefferson Hospital, surgeon at Pennsylvania, Roxboro Memori­ ial, Delaware County Hospitals, and consulting surgeon at Gir­ ard College. He m. 9/27/1911 Emma Riale of Johnstown, Pa. They have four children: Emily Ria.le, b. 7/16/1912; Sara Car- 382 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

penter, b. 9/12/1913; Mary Elizabeth, b. 1/30/1916; Edward Jonathan, Jr., b. 2/17/1923. After an illness of several months from an infection in the blood stream Dr. Klopp d. 9/20/1906. Interment was in Laurel Hill Cemetery. While it was yet day, thus ended this most useful and distinguished career. The family resides at Ringwood and Montgomery Aves., Rosemont, Pa. Catherine Pfeiffer, daughter of John and Sarah Z., m. 10/7 /- 1858 Daniel Miller, who was a miller. He d. July 1859, and Mrs. Miller d. 3/10/1911. 'T'hey had a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Miller, b. 10/23/1859, who m. 11/27/1879 Isaac S. Bechtold. They have two daughters: Dorothea Catharine, b. 8/16/1880; and Mary Alice, b. 10/18/1881. Mr. Bechtold d. 10/11/1926; his widow resides at 3401 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Doro­ thea C. Bechtold taught school for several years, then m. 11/27 /- 1870, and after an illness of three years, d. in 1882. Mary Alice Bechtold m. Rev. E. J. Heilman, a Lutheran clergyman of Easton, Pa. Their children are: Robert B., b. 7/18/1906; Grace Eliza­ beth, b. 12/25/1907; Frank, b. 1909.

LEVI ZARTMAN, son of Jacob, son of Alexander III, h.10/28/- 1815 in Lancaster Co., Pa., moved with bis parents to Lebanon County about 1827, and here remained until his death 8/27/1897. Hem. 2/14/1847, Sarah Miller, b. 5/5/1821, d. 4/10/1885. Like his father, be was a member of the Lutheran Church; he and his wife are buried at Myerstown, Pa., where they had lived. Their children were: Amelia. Matilda, b. 6/22/1848; William Jacob, b. 2/2/1849; Mary, b. 5/9/1852, d. 12/24/1905; Edward M., b. 2/28/1854; Catherine Elizabeth, b. 3/19/1856; John Morris, b. 1/15/1857; Emma Rebecca, b. 9/5/1860; Henry Levi, b. 11/4/1862, d. 8/27/1897; Alice, b. 11/6/1866. Amelia Matilda Zartman m. 2/13/1875, John Adam Scholl, a miller, from Stouchsburg, Berks Co., -Pa. They lived first at Womelsdorf, then in Lancaster Co., and in 1890 moved to Read­ ing, Pa., 1022 Centre Ave., where Mrs. Scholl continues her home, since her husband's death 11/21/1918. Their children are: Peter Levi, b. 3/8/1876; Edward Zartman, b. 8/1/1877; Sara Eliza­ beth, b. 12/19/1878; Emma Rebecca, b. 9/23/1880. Peter Levi Scholl graduated from Stoner's Business College, Reading, in 1894, and was a Contract Engineer in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C., and Reading. In 1918 Mns. AM~:1.1A M. Z. SrnoLL AXD Gm:.vr-onAxnsoxs Thi' FnwlPr Twins, Dnnnld 1111tl Dnviil Hi1•lmrd Evan Fnwll'I'


he was made superintendent of the Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading, Pa. He m. 2/25/1915 Emma Estella Haas, b. 5/25/- 1890. They have two children: Anna Carolyn, b. 12/7/1916; and John Peter, b. 2/4/1920. Peter L. Scholl served through the Spanish-American 'War in Co. A, Fourth Regt., Penna. Volun­ teerR. He entered Porto Rico with the first Army Corps under the command of General John Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Scholl are members of the First Lutheran Church of Reading. After grad­ uating from the Reading High School Anna Carolyn Scholl grad­ uated from Goucher College, and is now attending Yale University School of Nursing. In 1936 John Peter graduated from the Read­ ing Senior High School, in 1937 from Fishburne Military School, and is now a student at Lehigh University. Edward Zartman Scholl, after graduating from the Keystone State Normal School in 1896, studied architecture and in 1905 entered business in his own name; he has 11, wide practice as super­ vising architect of many public buildings. His address is 136 Robeson St., Reading, Pa. He m. 10/3/1911 Georgia Florence Wilt, b. 1/6/1888 in Bellevue, Ohio. She had graduated that same year from the Toledo Conservatory of Music. Their living children are: Mary Amelia, b. 9/19/1915, graduated from Reading High School in 1933, Radcliffe College with the degree A.B. in 1937, and took her Mnstcr's degree from Columbia University in 1938; Edward Wilt, b. 10/27/1921, graduated from Mercers­ burg Academy in 1940 and is now a student in Poultry Husbandry at Pennsylvania State College. Sara E. Srholl graduated from Rending High Srhool in 1897, and m. 9/20/1004 Walter Henry Jones of Sheldon, Mo. l\Ir. Jones is employed in the Signal Dept. of the Reading railroad. Their children are: John Scholl, b. 8/12/1906; Mary Walker, b. 3/15/1909; Amelia Zartman, b. 5/18/1911; Ruth Lovering, b. 9/30/1917. John Scholl Jones graduated from Reading High Srhool, t.,ld from Colorado State College, majoring in Forestry. He m. at Estes Park, Colo., 9/6/1929 Alice Burton of Kansas City, Kan., b. 8/20/1907, also a graduate of Colo. State College. They have two daughters: Rene Elizabeth, b. 9/9/1930 in Kansas City; and Sandra Burton, b. 10/29/1940 at Ft. Collins, Colo. Their address is 531 '\,"hitcomb St., Ft. Collins, Colo. Mr. Jones is at present wit,h the government work in \Vyoming. Mary Walker Jones m. 9/16/1933 Evan Paul Fowler of Green­ town, Pa., a graduate of Pennsylvania State College, at present 384 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

in the Agricultural division in Berks Co. Their home is at 268 W. Mahoning St., Danville, Pa. Their three children Richard Evan, b. 5/24/1936; and twins, Donald Paul and David Henry, b. 12/26/1937. Amelia Z. Jones graduated from Reading High School, and 9/21/1935 m. Wilbert Lester Stoner of Shillington, Pa., a High School graduate and also from the WyomissingPoly­ technic Institute. They have a son, Frank Henry, b. 3/19/1940. Their address is 501 Pembroke Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Ruth Lovering Jones graduated from Reading High School and Hoffman Business College. She is employed as secretary to the . President of the Union National Bank of Reading, and lives with her parents. Emma Rebecca Scholl graduated from Reading High School, and in 1900 entered the Reading Hospital Training School for Nurses, graduating there in 1902. In 1910 she went to Santo Tomas Hospital, Panama City, as supervising nurse. Returning to Reading after a year, she m. 10/21/1911 Ezra Graybill Reist, of Sparrow's Point; Md., who has been connected with the Steel Plant in that city since its beginning in 1887. Since 1925 Mrs. Reist has been on the staff of the Visiting Nurse Association of Berks Co. They live at 325 Sunset Road, West Reading, Pa. They are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. William Jacob Zartman, son of Levi, was a farmer at Myers­ town, Pa. He m. 11/29/1873 Rebecca Rauch. To them were born five children: Sarah Matilda, b. 9/11/1874; Anna Rebecca, b. 11/10/1875; Mary Alice, b. 8/29/1877; Jacob Rauch, b. 9/- 11/1882; Herbert Levi, b. 3/4/1886. William J. Zartman was a member of the Lutheran Church, bis wife of the Reformed Church. He d. 3/18/1907; his widow d. 9/3/1915. Sarah Matilda Zartman, their oldest child, m. John G. A. Eisenhower 10/26/1895. Their three children were: Elsie Re­ becca, who d. as an infant; Ruth Mildred, b. 8/30/1910; Jacob Alexander, who d. in 1915 at the age of 18 months. The Eisen­ hower family lives at Avon, Pa., where Mr. Eisenhower is in the employ of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. Anna Rebecca and Mary Alice Zartman are living together at 740 McKnight St., Reading, Pa. Jacob Rauch Zartman is a farmer near Myerstown, Pa. He m. Hattie Weidner 5/17/1906, and they have one daughter, Rachel Rebecca, b. 9/21/1907. ALEXANDER Z.utTlL\N II AND FAMILY 385

Herbert Levi Zartman wa.s for many years employed by the Reading R. R. Co. Be m. 10/26/1910 Ruth Irene Gray ofLeb­ anon, Pa., b. 2/8/1889, d. 9/5/1921. Be lives at 82 Doyle Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Their children were: Wm. Jacob, b. 4/12/1913; Richard Herbert, b. 3/21/1915; Margaret Rebecca, b. 7/2/1920. Wm. J. Zartman m. 6/4/1932 Sara Krick. Their two sons are: Larry Franklin, b. 5/27/1933, and Lee Robert. Wm. J. is em­ ployed by the Hershey Chocolate Co., and their home is at 16 E. Stover Ave., Myerstown, Pa. Richard Herbert Zartman m. 6/11/1938 Mary Irene Gritti. They have two sons, Ronald Rich­ ard, b. 10/28/1939, and Robert William, b. 9/22/1941. Their address is R. R. 1, Caldwell, N. J. Richard is employed in the Propeller Plant of the Curtiss Airplant and Motor Corp. Marg­ aret Rebecca Zartman graduated from the Kutztown Normal school in 1940 and is now teaching at Hatboro, Pa. Mary Zartman, daughter of Levi, m. Simon J. Kaley in June 1885. She d. 12/24/1905, leaving one daughter, Sarah Catherine, b. 5/17/1886, who lives at Lebanon, Pa. Edward M. Zartman, son of Levi, was a school teacher and farmer in Lebanon Co., Pa. In 1877 hem. Victoria Hain, b. 8/- 25/1851, d. 4/8/1881. In 1887 hem. Rebecca Sattazahn. Bed. 10/22/1889, and his widow resides at Myerstown. There were three children by the first marriage: Mary Agnes, b. 6/30/1878, who is employed by the State Hospital in Allentown; Barry Bain, b. 2/6/1880, d. 8/16/1880; Elizabeth Victoria, b. 4/2/1881. She resided at Mt. Zion, Pa.; was buried 5/12/1939 in the Lutheran Cemetery in Myerstown. Catherine Elizabeth Zartman m. John Henry Hower, resided at Greble, Lebanon Co., Pa. She d. 9/24/1924, while her hus­ band lived until 9/27/1939. Their children were: Samuel Levi, b. 3/19/1876, d. 4/29/1876; Elizabeth Evangeline, b. 9/6/1877; Anna Rebecca, b. 9/26/1880, d. 1886; William Jacob, b. 2/10/- 1883, d. 2/3/1934; Sarah Matilda, b. 10/15/1885; Walter Henry, b. 10/3/1890. John Morris Zartman, son of Levi, lived in Lebanon. Pa., on a farm. In 1882 he m. Permilla E. Spannuth. They had one son, Harry Levi, b. 3/27/1883. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Zartman and son were members of the Lutheran Church. They were among 386 THE ZARTM.\N FAMILY

the attendants at the first national Zartman Reunion held at St. Paul's Church, near Glenford, Ohio, 8/30/1908. John M. Zart­ man cl 12/30/1928, and is buried in Hope Cemetery, Lebanon, Pa. His wife, and son, Harry L., and family lh-e at 450 N. 9th St., Lebanon, Pa. Harry Levi Zartman graduated from the Mill­ ersville State Normal School in 1907, and was Assistant Super­ intendent of the High School in Myerstown. For 15 years he was employed in the Lebanon plant of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. He m. 8/24/1915 Fanny W. Farling. Their children are: Mary Eliz­ abeth, b. 9/8/1916; and June Permilla, b. 6/3/1920. Mary Zart­ man graduated from High School in 1934, and from Lebanon Valley College in 1938 with the degree of A.B.; she is now teach­ ing in Lebanon High School. June P. Zartman graduated from High School in 1938, took a two years' business course at Blooms­ burg State Teachers' College, and is now employed in the Hershey Dept. Store. Emma Rebecca ~artman m. 11/23/1889 Ira Glick, a farmer, residing at Mt. Zion, Lebanon Co., Pa. Shed. 11/10/1918, her husband cl. 2/21/1913; both are buried at Zoar's Lutheran Church, Mt. Zion. They had the following children: Henry Zartman, b. 8/25/1890, d. 4/25/1921, m. June 1914 Dora. Bachman; William George, b. 6/17/1892; Myrtle Gertrude, b. 12/17/1895; Margaret Rebecca, b. 1/7/1899; Ira Zartman, b. 9/2/1903; Emma Rebecca, b. 8/29/1905. William George Glick m. Elsie Wolf in Sept. 1911. Their children are: Hazel Emma, b. 8/1/1012; Martha Evelyn, b. 9/11/1917, graduated in 1934 from the Fredericksburg, Pa., High School; Henry Arthur, b. 12/24/1918; Colleen Madelyn, b. 11/16/1927. Hazel Emma Glick m. 8/10/1929 Lloyd Hauer. They have one child, Ronald Lloyd, b. 4/19/1936, and reside at Campbelltown where Mr. Hauer is a teacher. Myrtle Gertrude Glick m. Frank Bachman. who was engaged in the stone business at Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa. She d. 4/24/1926. Their children arc: Josephine, b. 6/27/1915, the homemaker for her father and his family; Lester William, b. 8/29/1916, graduated from High School in 1934 and 11/27/1937 m. Betty Wood; Herbert Arthur, b. 11/23/1918, m. Dorothy Sechler 11/23/1939; Anna Mac, b. 10/3/1920, graduated from High School in 1938 and m. Carlos Lucioth 10/12/1939, and has a daughter, Sandra, b. 1940; Richard Franklin, b. 3/17/1923, ALEXANDER ZARnuN II AND FAMILY 387

graduated from High School in 1941; Franklin Ira, b. 4/18/1926. Margaret Rebecca Glick, a teacher, m. Peter Groff, a machinist, Dec. 1918. Her second husband was Harry B. Bomberger, a dairyman; their address is R. D. 5, Lebanon, Pa: Her two child­ ren, by her first marriage, are Arthur Glick, b. 1/2/1920, and Ruth Anna, b. 4/25/1923. Children by the second marriage are Donald Glick, b. 7/21/1030; Ralph Glick, b. 12/12/1932; Harry Glick, b. 10/23/1034; William Glick, b. 8/27/1936. Ira Zartman Glick is a machinist at the Lebanon Steel Foundry; m. Mabel M. Brightbill in June 1921. Their children are: Emma Christine, b. 12/25/1922; I

Church, and are buried in Frieden's Cemetery, Myerstown, Pa. Their children were: William Henry, b. 5/7/1854, d. 4/4/1941; Mary Louise, b. 7/6/1855, d. 1/16/1856; John Jacob, b. 9/17 /- 1856; Emma Elizabeth, b. 2/2/1858, d. 1/14/1889; George Cornelius, b. 9/4/1859, d. 5/22/1918; Henrietta Sophia, b. 2/- 16/1861; Catharine Rebecca, b. 12/23/1862, d. 7/31/1930; Sarah Jane, b. 6/27/1864, d. 9/8/1934; Thomas Calvin, b. 3/- 29/1866, d. 4/3/1867; Edward Eggers, b. 3/8/1868; Tillie Ann, b. 5/27/1871. William Henry Kline was a minister of the Lutheran Church; a graduate of three institutions: 1874, Palatinate College, Myers­ town, Pa.; 1896, Lebanon Business College; 1902, Mt. Airy Theo­ logical Seminary. He was ordained in St. John's Church, Easton, Pa., 5/26/1902. He taught school 22 years and preached 28 years. He served parishes at Gowen City, Dushore, Mildred, Pa., where he organized a new church, and served also at the Hobbie parish of five churches. He was full of faith and good works. In 1875 he m. Catharine S. DeHart. They had six children: Harry An­ drew, b. 2/2/1816; Minnie Catharine, b. 1/24/1878; George Luther, b. 10/28/i879, d. 12/25/1879; William Wallace, b. 9/- 20/1881, d. 4/22/1901; Sallie Rebecca, b.1/4/1885, d. 7/25/1901; Ralph Waldo Emerson, b. 1/31/1888. Mrs. Kline d. 3/28/1941, and her husband d. 4/4/1941. Their sons, Harry and Ralph Kline, reside in Collingswood, N. J., where they made a pleasant home for their parents. Ralph W. E. Kline graduated from Sus­ quehanna University in 1915; taught for 5 years in Pa., 2 in Del­ aware and since 1922 has been professor of mathematics in the Collingswood, N. J., High School. Minnie Catharine Kline m. John F. Geib, a machinist; they live in Philadelphia. Three daughters: Mildred Catharine Zart­ man, b. 10/13/1903; Margaret Elizabeth, b. 1/2/1906; Elsie Vir­ ginia, b. 1/11/1912. Mildred C. Z. Geib graduated from Stray­ er's Business Col,ege in 1919 and was a stenographer for the Carlisle and Daughty, Inc., manufacturers of storage batteries and plates. In 1933 she m. William C. Boyd, employed by the Phila. Electric Co. They have a daughter, Shirley. Margaret E. Geib, after graduating from the Kensington High School for girls, was employed by Smith, Kline, French, Inc., wholesale druggists. She m. Charles E. Birney, Jr. 10/22/1929. They live in Norwood, Pa., where Mr. Birney is assistant manager of the ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 389

Chester Business office, Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania. Elsie Virginia Geib graduated from the Kensington High School for girls in the commercial course, and is a stenographer for the Board of Perurlons of the Presbyterian Church. · John Jacob Kline, son of Catherine and Jacob E., is a minister in the Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa. He graduated from Muhlenberg College in 1883, from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1886; was ordained to the ministry in Christ Church, Easton, Pa., and at once assumed charge of the parish he is still serving in Pottstown, Pa. He pursued post-graduate work in the University of Wooster, Ohio, and on 6/15/1899 was given the degree of Ph. D. He m. 4/26/1888 Georgia R. Brendlinger. They had three children: Helen B., b. 5/16/1889, d. 5/20/1889; Fred­ erick Raymond, b. 10/2/1890, d. 10/22/1890; Frances Marion, b. 11/4/1891. Mrs. Kline d. 7/7/1913 and on 8/30/1917 Dr. Kline m. Pamela E. We1fly. Dr. Kline was one of the first per­ sons to urge the Historian to prepare the Zartman Family His­ tory; he was the first subscriber to this history. He has encour­ aged us with much assistance and repeated expressions of his best wishes for the success of this undertaking. We make our grateful acknowledgment. George Cornelius J{line, son of Catherine and Jacob E., a farmer at Myerstown, Pa., m. 7/24/1882 Elizabeth S. Urich. They were members of the Lutheran Church. They had the fol­ lowing children: Nettie M., b. 2/4/1884, d. 2/9/1884; Miles W., b. 5/25/1886, d. 11/7/1889; Paul C., b. 10/19/1890; Herbert E., b. 5/18/1892. Geo. C. Kline d. 5/22/1918; his widow d. 2/6/1937. Paul C. Kline, son of George C., m. Edna J. Klopp. They have the following children: Mary Elizabeth, b. 9/22/1908; Russell Ernest, b. 3/29/1916; Clarence Alvin, b. 2/21/1918; Ralph Riley, b. 9/20/1922. They are members of the Lutheran Church. Mary E. Kline, daughter of Paul C., m. Charles Heberling and has two children: Betty Jane, b. 1/6/1926, and Charles, Jr., m. 3/20/1928. Herbert E. Kline, son of George Cornelius, m. Elizabeth Kath­ ryn Heffner, 1912. Their children are: George Jacob, b. 2/2/1913; and Graace Elizabeth, b. 8/2/1916. George J. Kline graduated from McCann's Business Co11ege and is an automobile insurance salesman. Hem. 3/18/1938 Ruth Schirey, b. 12/10/1915. Grace E. Kline graduated from Kutztown State Normal in 1915, and is a teacher in Revere, Pa. Herbert E. Kline and family live in Fleetwood, Pa. 390 TUE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Henrietta S. Kline 11/13/1895 m. Frank R. Keener; they live in Schaeferstown, Pa. Catharine Rebecca Kline m. Curtis Fry 12/6/1885, who d. at Ephrata. 3/12/1935. They were members of the Lutheran church and had three children: Jacob Martin, b. 2/20/1887; Warren Kline, b. 1/18/1889; Harold Curtis, b. 1/27/1898. J. Martin Fry graduated from the Ephrata High School in 1904, taught srhool one year and was a clerk in the Farmer's National Bank of Ephrata. He graduated from Pa. State College in 1917 as B.S. in Agronomy: ,:erved as county agricultural agent in North­ umberland Co., and since 1924 · has been Assistant Director of Agricultural Extension, State College, l'a. He m. Mabel Allison 5/1/1919, and lives at State College, Pa. They are members of the Luth,Jran Church. Warren K. Fry graduated from Ephrata. High School in 1908, and from the Lancaster Business College in 1911. He served in the Ordnance Dept. during the World War and has been bookkeeper with the Mentzer Electric Co., Ephrata, Pa., sini;e 1916. He m. Lottie M. Gross, 10/9/1924. They ar.e members of the Lutheran Church. Harold C. Fry graduated from Ephrata High School 1915. He enlisted in the army, the World War 1918; was honorably discharged in 1919. In Jan. 1919 he entered Muhlenberg College, graduating with honors in 1921, and from Mt. Airy Seminary in 1924. While in the Seminary he pursued studies in the University of Pa., grad­ uating in June 1924 with the Master's degree. In 1930 he re­ ceived the degree of Master of Sacred Theology from Gettys­ burg Seminary, and in 1936 the degree of Doctor of S.T. from the graduate school of Theology, Temple University, Philn., Pa. In 1924 he was ordained by the Ministerium of Pa., and 7 /- 1/1924 became pastor of St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church, Bald­ win, L. I. Here he had a most successful pastorate. In Oct. 1929 he moved to Shiremanstown, Pa. Hem. 612411024 Amy Valenda Angstadt, who d. 2/28/1933. Sarah Jane !{line, daughter of Catherine Z. and Jacob Kline, m. 4/15/1893 Calvin C. Potteiger, who ·d. 1/27/1933. She d. 9/8/1934. Edward Eggers mine, son of Catherine Z. and Jacob, is a painter at Myerstown, Pa. Hem. Alice E. Bensing. Their dagh­ ter, Mary Catharine Zartman, b. 4/26/1910, m. in 1937 Wilfr'!d J. Schaeffer. They have a son, Richard Harold, b. 3/3/19J

Tillie Ann Kline, daughter of Catherine Z. and Jacob, m. Morris F. Schaeffer 9/29/1900. They reside on R. D. 3, Myers­ town, Pa. where Mr. Schaeffer is a carpenter. Their daughter, Annie M., was b. ~/29/1901. MAGDALENE ZARTMAN, daughter of Alexander and Barbara, m. John Steiner in 1818 and had six children: Levi, William, Hein­ rich, Evan, Henrietta and Caroline. Magdalene Steiner d. 1/- 9/1848; her husband d. 9/30/18i4. For further data see page 343 of the former edition of the family History. August Levi Steiner, son of Levi, m. 18i6 Ann Furlow; they have three child­ ren: Emma S., deceased, Daniel J. and Ella Mae. Ella Mae Steiner m. C. R. Wissler, a merchant in Laneaster. They had one son, Luther, who c!. 11/4/1936, aged thirty-one years. Their home is at 332 New Holland .Ave., Lancaster. Pa. Mary Alice Steiner, daughter of Evan, son of Magdalene, b. 1865, m. Jonathan Yeiser, who was a frdt growor at Myerstown, Pa. She d. 9/18/1938. Mr. Yeiser is prcs:dent of the Farmers' Trust Co. in Myerstown. They have three children: :May Estella, b. 7/i/1885; Warren Peter, b. 8/3/1880; John Harold. May Estella Yeiser m. Dr. D. Galon McCaa, who is a radio research engineer at Lancaster, Pa. Their address is 1130 Elm Ave. They have a son, John Hobert McCaa, b. 3/14/1908; he graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in 1929 with the degree of B.S., and with Phi Beta Kappa honors, and from the Mass. Institute of Technology received his Master's degree in 1932. He is an electrical engineer in Park Ridge, Ill., with the firm · Aagna Flux, Inc. John Robert McCaa m. 8/4/1'035 Ifolen Scott Horton, who graduated with honors from Oberlin College in 1932. They have a son, David Jenkins, b. 11/5/1936; and a daughter, Marian Horton, b. 6/21/1939. Warren Peter Yeiser m. Irene Boltz; they have two children, Maryanna, b. 6/28/1917; and Richard Harold, b. 5/25/1921. They live in Myerstown, Pa., where Warren P. Yeiser is a fruit grower and in charge of an automobile agency. John Harold Yeiser m. April 1934 Beulah Hautz, and resides in Lebanon, Pa.

JOiiN ZARTMAN AND FAMILY JOHN ZARTMAN, son of Alexander III, son of .Alexander II, son of Alexander I, was b. 12/7/1794, and baptized 1/4/1795, in 392 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. John was the youngest mem­ ber of the family. He m. 4/3/1819 Sara Mutch, b. 6/2/1799. They belonged to the Emanuel Lutheran Church, at Bricker­ ville. They bad eleven children: Margaretta, b. 8/7/182&; Caro­ line, b. 1/19/1822; William, b. 11/25/1823; Ann, b. 2/13/1824; John, b. 8/29/1827; Sarah, b. 10/1/1829, d. 9/17/1833; Lavina, b. 4/2/1831; Harietta, b. 6/26/1832. d. 3/17/1883; Samuel, b. 10/15/1834, d. 8/13/1856; Henry, b. 12/2/1837; Elisabeth, b. 1/16/1840. John Zartman d. 9/19/185~, and is buried,with his wife, at Emanuel Church; Sara Zartman d. 1/15/1874. Margaretta Zartman 12/23/1841, m. Jacob Romig. They bad the following children: William, Clay, Pa. ; Henry, Ephrata, Pa.; and Sarah, b. 5/24/1855, d. 8/1/1856. Margaretta d. 8/7/1856. Caroline Zartman m. William Enck 1841. They had the fol­ lowing children: Anna, b. 12/18/1844; Sarah, b. 1/15/1853; Har­ riet, Henry, and John. Caroline Enck d. 6/6/1895, and her hus­ band, William, d. ,1896. Anna Enck m. Samuel Lenhert. Sarah (Sallie) Enck m. Cyrus Beamesderfer; they had several children who d. in infancy, and a son, W.P. Beamesderfer, who resided at Brickerville, and has a son, Lester. Sallie Enck later m. 11/- 7/1887, Hiram Weidman; their address is Brickerville, Pa. Harriet Enck m. Isaac Walter, Lexington, Pa. William Zartman, son of John, m. Anna Singer, 1/3/1847, and had two daughters: Mary Ann, b. 10/6/1847, d. 1848; Sarah, b .. 10/11/1849. He d. 9/13/1853. Their daughter, Sarah Zartman, m. 10/24/1869 Daniel S. Von Nieda, proprietor of the beautiful summer hotel at Ephrata, Pa. Their children are: Oscar Lonsey, John Willis, Harry Jacob, Robert Davi.'!, and Walter Harold. Ann Zartman m. George Enck, b. 9/29/1822. Their children were: Hiram Z., ,John Z., Frank Z., Harrison Z., and two sons who d. as infants. The Encks are members of the Reformed Church. Sallie Annie Enck, daughter of Frank, was b. 9/29/- 1879; m. William Hurst. Their daughter, Irene Hurst, b. 10/5/- 1902, m. Charles G. Firestone, and had a son, William Richard b. 9/10/1921. Mrs. Firestone d. 4/28/1928 in an accidental burning. The Hursts and Firestones live at 200 N. 6th St., Den­ ver, Pa. Emma Susan Enck, daughter of Frank, was b. 2/9/- 1882, m. 1/13/1901 Herman Althouse, b. 6/13/1879. Their ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND F AKILT 393

fifteen children are: Warren, b. 5/12/1901, graduated from Den­ ver High School 1918; Minerva, b. 9/9/1902; Frank, b. 9/6/1903; Edna, b. 6/23/1905; Alverda, b. 4/25/1907, graduated from Denver High School 1924; Lester R., b. 9/24/1909; John A., b. 9/19/1910; Gilbert; S., b. 10/21/1911; Bemetha I., b. 8/12/1914; Herman R., b. 9/9/1916; Clyde W., b. 10/23/1917; Clifford R., b. 5/16/1919, graduated from High School 1937; Harry 0., b. 2/3/1921; Marjorie L., b. 2/12/1925; Kenneth Paul, b. 10/- 24/1926. Warren Althouse m. 12/25/1929 Alberta G. Gerhart of Denver, Pa. Minerva Althouse m. 1/7/1922 Claude A. Bergman of Den­ ver, Pa. Their son is Robert, b. 7/31/1923. Frank Althouse m. 5/6/1930 Helen A. Witmer of Ephrata, and their daughter, Dolores Fay, was b. 1/23/1933. Alverda Althouse m. 10/14/- 1933 Paul A. Miller of Denver, Pa. Their son is Barry O'Neil, b. 5/15/1934. Lester R. Althouse m. 6/20/1935 Edna George of Mt. Airy, Pa. John A. Althouse m. 1/6/1934 Ella Eshelman of Adamstown, Pa. Gilbert S. Althouse m. 12/31/1932 Susan G. Getz of Stevens, Pa. Their daughter is Fay Delphine, b. 6/19/- 1933. Bernetha I. Althouse m. 1/4/1936 Arthur Messner of Reamstown, Pa. The Althouse address is 103 St., Denver, Pa. They are members of the Reformed Church. John Zartman, son of John, b. 8/29/1827, m. Mary Rhoades. They had six children: Samuel, b. 1849, d. 1850; Addison Rote, b. 1/28/1850; Adaline, b. 1851, d. 1853; Sarah, b. 7/11/1854; Harriette, b. 1/25/1856; John Henry, b. 11/19/1858. Addison Rote Zartman was a shoemaker and lived in Lancaster, Pa. In 1883 he m. Mary Isadore Keath. They had three children: Frances Louisa, b. 4/10/1884; Alta Catharine, b. 11/11/1890, d. 1/20/1897; Newton Elvin, b. 2/6/1900. On 2/29/1912 Frances Louisa Zartman m. Henry Arthur Heiland, b. 1/9/1879 in Mill­ ersville, Pa. Newton Elvin Zartman m. 1/26/1926 Frances Munroe, b. 10/14/1905. Their daughter, Jean M., was b. 10/- 14/1926. Newton E. Zartman and Henry A. Hciland live at 269 W. Erie Ave., Phila., Pa. Mrs. Addison Rote Zartman was b. 11/9/1859; d. 2/8/1927; her husband d. 6/3/1905; both are buried at Brickerville, Pa. Sarah Zartman on Dec. 24, 1871, married Samuel Keath, a carpenter; they resided in Lititz, Pa.. , and belonged to Emanuel 394 THE Z.IBTMAN FAMILY

Lutheran Church. Mr. l(eath gave us valuable assistance in gathering information in Lancaster county. Two children were b. to Mr. and Mrs. l{eath: John C., b. 11/9/1874, d. 9/9/1875; and Willis, b. 7/14/1876. Willis Keath in 1898 m. Susan Dom­ moyer; they have two sons: Leon and Elwood .Keath. Mr. and Mrs. J{eath are buried at Brickcrville. Harriette, daughter of John, Jr., m. 8/25/1872 Harry S. Mcis­ key. They belonged to the Moravian Church in Lititz. They had two children: Clayton Zartman; and Alice. Mrs. Mciskey d. 4/27/1878. John Henry, youngest child of John, Jr., m. Mary I{aufman, b. 1/18/1860. He d. 4/7/1895. Their children were: Sallie K., b. 5/21/1878, m. 7/26/1902 Philip F. DL'ISinger and resides in Lebanon, Pa.; Clayton K., b. 7/18/1880; Cyrus K., b. 10/30/- 1886; Howard K., b. 4/17/1890; John K., b. 8/15/1894. Lavina, daughter of John Zartman, sr., b. in 1831, m. Emanuel Weidman. Their children were Amanda and Franklin. Lavina d. 3/13/1901. Harrietta, daughter of John, Sr., b. in 1832, d. 3/17/1883. She m. Isaac Miller. Their children were: Thomas Milton, b. 1/5/- 1865, d. 11/8/1872; twins, Elizabeth Ann and John Henry, b. 12/27/1866; Mary Emma, b. 12/14/1867. She m. Aaron Weid­ man, and is the mother of Paul and Alice. On 9/11/1922, while painting a house, Aaron Z. Weidman came in contact with a heavily charged electric wire and met instant death. He was a member of Emanuel Church (Brickcrville) for 46 years, and an officer there at the time of his death. Henry Zartman, son of John. Sr., was a carpenter and farmer; hem. 9/29/1859 Mary Ann Hacker, b. 8/28/1841. He d. 12/4/- 1904, and his wife d. 3/28/1922. They were members of the Lutheran Church. The following is the data of their children: 1. Thomas Jefferson Zartman, b. in 1860, was a cabinet maker by trade. He m. Sarah Francis Doster and lived in Lititz, Pa. He d. 6/23/1909, and his wife d. 12/15jl926. Their children were: Charles Augustus, b. 11/15/1887; Wayne Ammon, b. 3/- 3/1889; Lottie Theressa, b. 10/2/1891. Charles A. Zartman m. Ruth Miller in June, 1923. They have two children: Donald, b. 1923; and Mary, b. 1934. Wayne Ammon Zartman m. Margie Miller in Oct. 1939; they reside in Lititz. Lottie Theressa Zart- ALE:;ANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY ·395

man m. 3/29/1923 Curtis Grim, and lives in Lititz. 2. Mary Alice Zartman, b. 12/12/1862, m. 11/4/1882 Frank Marks, who d. 3/18/1939. She resides in Li1: ll, Pa. They had two children: Harry. Walter, b., 11/5/1885; Herbert Elwood; b. 10/29/1892, employed in Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry Walter Marks m. Margie Wohr and has one daughter, Gladys, b. 11/15/1907. He resides in Philadelphia, and his daughter in Lancaster. 3. Levi Franklin Zartman, b. in 1865, m. 12/20/1896 Sarah Ensminger. They live in Manheim, Pa. 4. Anna Elizabeth Zartman, b. 9/2/1868, d. 3/19/1888. 5. Sarah Ida Zartman, b. 11/21/1871, d. 7/19/- 1929. 6. William Henry Zartman, b. 6/26/1874, m. 9/25/1912 Louise Fogle, by Rev. R. C. Zartman, D.D. They reside in Lititz, Pa. 7. Susan Cora Zartman, b. 8/7/1877, d. 7/21/1883. 8. Charles Harvey Zartman, b. 6/5/1880, m. 7/5/1912 Anna Catherine Evans, and resides at Lititz, Pa. They have two children: Richard Evans, b. 10/6/1914; Esther Elizabeth, b. 4/18/1920. Richard m. 10/19/1938 Margaret Kramer. They have one daughter, Marilyn Louise, b. 11/2/1939, and one son Kenneth Richard, b. 1/12/1942. They live in Lititz, Pa. Elisabeth Zartman, daughter of John Zartman, Sr., b. 1/16/- 1840, m. William R. Palm, b. 9/10/1837. Their children were: William Henry; Alice; Jacob C.; and Emma. The father, Wm. R. Palm, d. 1/27/1905, and the mother d. 11/8/1894. William Henry Palm m. Ada Alice Fetter. They had seven children as follows: Rena; Ralph; Edwill F.; Harry W.; SaJlie E.; Mary A.; Elizabeth A. Alice Palm, b. 1/16/1868, m. David Keller, b. 9/- 11/1864 and had five children: Robert; Bessie; Frank; Arthur; Margaret. Jacob C. Palm m. Clara Jane Binner, b. 1/31/1871, d. 10/7/1923. Their five children are: John B.; Elam B.; Harry B.; Mae B.; Pauline B. John B. Palm m. Mary I{Jine. They had two daughters: Anna Lauretta and Elmira Grace. John B. Palm d. in Nov. 1940. Elam B. Palm b. 5/16/1896, entered the World War in 1917; he was killed in France 6/28/1918 and his body was sent home to be buried in the Emanuel Church-yard. Harry B. Palm m. Ella May Loose; their children are: Dorothy Arlene and Jacob Donald. Chapter IY


EMANUEL ZARTMAN, son of Alexander II, was b. 6/1/1765 in Lancaster County, Pa. According to the last will and testament of his father, Emanuel was to buy the old homestead; the will, dated 9/5/1801, provided that he should have twelve years in which to pay for the farm by annual installments. This will be­ came operative in 1803. Thereupon, Emanuel undertook thepur. chase of the home farm of 104 acres, and allowances for roads. On 4/5/1808 Emanuel sold the farm for 1130 pounds to his brother, Alexander III. He then moved into Lebanon Co. near Myers­ town, Pa. Hem. 10/6/1789 Elizabeth Bassler, b. 4/18/1767, the marriage being recorded in the Lutheran Church at Stouchsburg, Pa. They had nine children, and all with perhaps the exception of the youngest, were born in Lancaster County, Pa. They were: 1. Eva, b, 8/31/1790; 2. Elizabeth, b. 8/15/1792; 3. Magdalene, b. 7/30/1794; 4. Samuel, b. 9/29/1796; 5. Catharina, b. 10/29/- 1799; 6. Sarah, b. 1/15/1804, d. 8/27/1804; 7. Emanuel, Jr., b. 7 /22/1806(?); 8. Mary, who d. unm.; 9. Sarah, b. 9/26/1809. The parents, being members of the Emanuel Lutheran Church, Brick­ erville, Pa., all the children were baptized in that church, except Sarah, who may have been baptized in Myerstown. The records show that Emanuel was a loyal and liberal member of this famous church at Brickerville. After their removal to Lebanon Co., they attended the Lutheran Church in Myerstown. The wife of Eman­ uel d. 4/18/1820; Emanuel d. 9/29/1826. Both are buried in the Lutheran Cem., Myerstown, Pa. 1. EVA ZARTMAN m. Jacob Mowery. 2, ELIZABETH ZARTMAN m. Jacob Spangler and had 8 children: Samuel; William; Jacob; Peter; Elizabeth; Susannah; an unnamed infant; Mary, whom. a Mr. Oxenrider, and who lived to be 95 years old. 3. MAGDALENE ZARTMAN, m. John Oberdorf.

SAMUEL ZARTMAN 4. SAMUEL ZARTMAN m. Magdalene Walborn, and had six child­ ren: I. Susanna; II. John Walborn; III. Emanuel Christian; IV. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 397

Sarah Ann; V. Samuel A.; VI. Catharine. Samuel, father of this family, d. 2/12/1875 and is buried at Union Deposit, Pa. I. Su­ sanna Zartman, m. Jonathan Shertzer and had five children: Daniel; ElizabethtSarah; Mary; Anna. II. JOHN WALBORN ZARTMAN was a shoemaker and farmer. He m. Maria Balsbaugh, and had five children: Jerome B.; Milton S.; Oliver P.; Elizabeth A.; Mary C. He d. 7/7/1895; his widow d. in Jan. 1909. His sons, Oliver P. and Jerome B. Zartman went to Idaho and Montana, in which latter state they discovered a go]d mine which they operated for some years, and a town grew up there which is named Zortman. Both these men are dead, as is also their brother, Milton S. Zartman, who was a manufacturer in Pittsburgh. Elizabeth A. Zartman, their sister, graduated, 5/24/1909, from the Phi1a. Schoo] for Nurses; m. 12/12/1915 E. E. Borthwick, and they reside in Palmyra, Pa. III. EMANUEL CHRISTIAN ZARTMAN, son of Samue1, son of Emanuel, son of Alexander II, was a farmer and stock grower; for years resided in Ida Grove, Iowa, he then moved to Woon­ socket, S. D., where he d. 8/8/1913. Emanuel C. m. 2/2/1864 Catherine Shellenhammer, b. 2/25/1832, d.-12/9/1888. Six child­ ren were born to them: Mary Ann, b. 11/11/1856, d. two days later; Christian E., b. 2/23/1859; Charles A., b. 3/21/1861, d. 11/13/1863; Sarah Fidelia, b. 1/20/1863, d. 9/3/1865; Fannie Cordelia, b. 7/31/1866, d. 12/14/1869; Ezra Alvin, b. 10/15/- 1868. The second marriage of Emanuel C. Zartman was on 12/- 28/1891, to Emma Grigsby. To this union were born six chi1dren: A]pha Omega, b. 2/1/1893; Estella Mae, b. 2/9/1894; Ruth Haze] b. 3/9/1895, d. 2/4/1925; Bertha Viola, b. 4/23/1897; Katherine Mae, b. 10/8/1899; Vera Ellora, b. 7/18/1901, d. 4/25/1905. Christian E. Zartman lived with his father in Woonsocket, S. D. Ezra Alvin Zartman resides at 325 Cornell Ave., West View, Pittsburgh, Pa. He is now retired, after twenty-five years of service as High School instructor in the Pittsburgh School system. He m. 11/1/1902, one of his pupils, Esther Amelia Weedin, b. 3/31/1883. They have four children: Marjory, b. 3/31/1907; Pauline, b. 3/3/1909; Willmar Andreas, b. 8/5/1915; and Mary Kathryn, b. 2/7/1918. All four children arc graduates of Pitts­ burgh, Pa., High Schools, and Willmar A. Zartman will graduate from the University of Pittsburgh with class of 1942. 398 THE ZAllTMAN F AMlLY

Marjory Zartman m. Dr. George Arnold Heaton, D.C., 2/27/- 1927. Their children are: Jean Esther, b. 12/14/1927; John Al­ vin, b. 4/14/1932; and Joy Ada, b. 2/20/1938. Mary Kathryn m. Paul W. Arnold, 6/21/1941. Alpha Omega Zartman m. Rose Loutsch, 11/15/1921. Their children are: Josephine Ann, b. 4/2/1924; Robert James, b. 5/22/- 1925. They live in Huron, So. D. Estella Mae Zartman m. Clair Shepard 3/1/1917. They have four children: Ma.~ne Nadette, b. 2/12/1918; Willis Ivan, b. 7/20/1920; twins, Herbert Maynard and Hazel Lavonne, b. 1/12/1922. Ruth Hazel Zartman m. Faye Barringer 2/16/1916. They have two children: Luverne Faye, b. 2/15/1917; Veryle lone, b. 11/29/1919, m. 5/25/1A38 John Dant. They live at Egan, So. D. Bertha Viola Zartman m. Melvin Lee, 5/5/1915. They have six children: Alvin William, b. 7/2/1916; Harry Garfield, b. 2/- 19/1918; Floyd Leonard, b. 12/5/1919; Clifford Charles, b. 1/- 13/1922, d. 1/2/1989; Laura Mae, b. 2/2/1924; and Leonard Wayne, b. 7/1/1935. Alvin William Zartman m. Ruth Holforty, 5/15/1938, and they have one child, Philis Jean, b. 6/26/1940. Harry Garfield Zartman m. Eva Deneen 9/15/1936 and they have one child, Wayne Richard, b. 2/2/1937. Floyd Leonard Zartman m. Ruby Neilsen, 6/8/1939 and they have one child, Judith Diann, b. 1/21/1940. They all live in Huron, So. D. Kathryn Mae Zartman m. Walter G. Ketelsen, 8/31/1920. They have one son, Loraine Walter, b. 5/3/1921. They live at Huron, So. D. IV. SARAH ANN ZARTMAN, daughter of Samuel, b. in 1832, m. Abner Fox, and had a son, Grafton Hipler Zartman, b. 2/12/1856. This son lived at Edwards, Ind., and was a dealer in Wabash River pearls and shells. V. SAMUEL A. ZAUTMAN, son of Samuel, was b. 4/1/1836. He was a soldier in the Civil War; in 1863 was killed in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, and buried near Nashville, Tenn. EMANUEL ZARTMAN, JUNIOR 7. EMANUEL ZARTMAN, Jn., son of Emanuel, son of Alexander 11, son of Alexander I, was b. at Brickerville, Lancaster County, Pa. The church register at Brickerville says he was b. 6/26/1805, and bapt. 9/29/1805, but some members of his family claim he TH.E EzitA A. ZAIITMAN FAMILY Back Row: Paul W. Arnold; Dr. George A. Heaton; Ezra A. Zartman; Willmar A. Zartman Middle Row: Mary Kathryn Arnold; Marjory z. Heaton; Esther W, Zartmun; Pauline Zartmuu Front Row: John A. Heaton; Joy Adu Heaton; Jean Esther Henton


was born 7/22/1806. Emanuel, Jr., was a day laborer; in 1808 or 1809, he was ta.ken as a child to Myerstown, Pa., left there, and for many years ·resided at Linglestown, Dauphin Co., Pa.; his last years were spent in Harrisburg .• He was married twice;the name of his first wife we failed to learn; she died five years after their marriage. To them was born a son Isaac, who lived at Du­ Bois, Pa. When his mother died, his father placed him in the care of his aunt, Magdalene Oberdorf, in Clearfield County, Pa. In this way he became wholly separated from all other Zartmans, and by mere chance we discovered him and his family. Emanuel's second marriage was to Eve Ellenberger, b. 1/21/1803. To them were born four sons: John, b. 2/22/1840; Samuel, b. 1842; Daniel, b. 10/15/1844; Jacob, b. 5/11/1846 at Rockville, Dauphin Co., Pa. Emanuel Zartman d. 6/6/1873, and his wife, Eve Zartman, d. 10/24/1876; both are buried at Harrisburg, Pa. We shallnow consider the five sons of Emanuel in the order of their births. IsAAc ZARTMAN was b. 1/21/1832, in Lebanon County, Pa. At the age of four he was taken into Clearfield County, Pa., where he grew up and lived till death; be was a farmer at DuBois, Pa., 9/15/1853, be m. Sarah Catharine Dunlap, b. 2/11/1836. To them were born seven sons: Alva Lewis, b. 10/3/1856; Lorenzo Alexander, b. 6/11/1858; Jefferson Marion, b. 10/21/1860; David Harrison, b. 7/19/1863; John Clinton, b. 6/25/1866; James Reno, b. 9/1/1868; Zenas Edwin, b. 3/9/1871. Alva Lewis Zartman is a laborer, and resides at Ashland, Ash­ land Co., Ohio; belongs to the Lutheran Church. He m. (1) Lizzie Dunlap. Child: William Howard, b. 11/7/1881, served in the Spanish War, in the Philippines. Alva L. Zartman m. 2d, 6/14/1884 Laura B. Johnson. Lorenzo Alexander Zartman is a laborer, residiny at DuBois, Pa. In 1886 he m. Mary Shaffer, who belongs to the M. E. Church. Their children were: Cora Louisa, b. 6/1/1888; William Reno, b. 2/13/1890; Isaac Earl, b. 8/18/1892; Gertrude Mary, b. 2/21/1893; Sarah E., b. 2/1/1894, d. 3/1/1894; Daniel Jacob, b. 2/15/1895; Samuel Albert, b. 6/17/1903. Cora Louisa Zart­ man m. Jefferson Wilt; they live at Headsville, W. Va. Jefferson Marion Zartman is a laborer, and resides at DuBois, Pa., R. R. No. 2. On 6/27/1888, he m. Louisa McCracken. Child: Armeda Pearl, h. 1/23/1890, d. 3/7/1891. 400 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

David Harrison Zartman is a laborer, and resides at DuBois, Pa. He m. Mima Rupert. They have two daughters: Agnes Sarah, b. 6/17/1881; Minnie Maud, b. 9/17/1884. Agnes Sarah Zartman m. Horace Trampton. They live at Newtonburg, Pa., and have a son, William, b. 2/2/1909. John Clinton Zartman lives in DuBois, Pa. James Reno Zart­ man is a farmer at DuBois, Pa., and a member of the M. E. Church. He m. Verda May Kell; they have three children: Minnie Gertrude, b. 4/23/1896; John Isaac, b.12/4/1897; Lester, b. 2/4/1909. Zenas Edwin Zartman m. Lona May Rowland, who d. 11/26/- 1937. He d. l'-/26/1939. He was employed by the Penna. Electric Co. at DuBois, Pa. Their children were: Elsie Irene, b. 3/2/- 1915; Elsie Irene Zartman m. 12/27/1939 Thomas Howard Thompson, b. 11/7/1913. They reside in Brockway, Pa., where Mr. Thompson is employed as a packer at the Brockway Glass Co. They have a son, Thomas Howard, Jr., b. 1/18/1941. Earl Russell, b .. 4/12/1917, who now lives with his parents in DuBois, and works for the Vulcum Soot Co. JoBN ZARTMAN m. Lizzie Seibert of Linglestown, Pa. They had a daughter, Nora V., whom. Mr. Hutton of Harrisburg, Pa. On 4/7/1866 John Zartman of Linglestown, Pa., bought a house and lot for $800 from David Crum. He d. 4/14/1882. SAMUEL ZARTMAN served in the Civil War and died from starva­ tion in Andersonville Prison in 1863. He was not married. DANIEL ZARTMAN was a shoemaker by trade, lived in Harris­ burg, and travelled in Pa. and Ohio selling boots and shoes. Fifty­ five years ago he came to Wooster, Ohio, where the writer was then pastor of the Reformed Church, and called to see the writer, but we were then unable to decipher how we were related, though he and the writer's father were full third cousins, as we know now. Later we also called on him and his family in Harrisburg. Daniel was married to Florence Ailsworth, b. 8/17/1849. They had three children: Ella May, b. 5/31/1872, d. single 9/20/1892; Minnie, b. 5/18/1874; Jennie, b. 7/8/1876, d. 1/13/1889. He d. 10/27/1901. His wife d. 1/13/1908. Minnie Zartman was a member of Salem Reformed Church, Harrisburg; m. Jay Ald­ rich, 3/27/1900, and had a daughter, Dorothy. She d. 4/15/- 1904. All are buried at Harrisburg, Pa. ALEXANDER ZARTMAN II AND FAMILY 401

JACOB ZARTMAN, youngest son of Emanuel and Eve, writes his name Zortman; was proprietor of the Hotel Gi:aham, together with H. M. Griel,,at Newport, Dauphin Co., Pa. He gave us much helpful information. Shortly after our correspondence opened we made the interesting discovery, that his father's photo­ graph was in the possession of the writer. It came to us either through his brother Daniel, or from the collection of pictures that belonged to the writer's father. Jacob Zortman readily identified the photograph, but told us he never knew his father had his picture taken. Jacob, of Newport, and Isaac, of DuBois, half-brothers, had entirely lost trace and knowledge of each other, and had not seen one another since they were little boys. Jacob Zortman m.12/9/1866, Elmyra Savilla Hanes, b. 4/30/- 1849. To them were b. three children: Laura Virginia, b. 6/9/- 1868, d. 6/9/1874; Minnie Grace, b. 11/11/1869; and Charles Edgar, b. in Littlestown, Pa., 3/2/1871. Charles Edgar Zortman graduated from the Lancaster, Pa., High School in 1887, and from Princeton University in 1891 in Civil Engineering. He was in the services of the Penna. R. R. Co. from 1891 to 1935, being promoted to various positions. After 42½ years service he retired. Hem. 9/6/1898 Emily Cora Kolp. Their children are: Jacob Edgar, b. 10/11/1899 at Dravosburg, Pa.; Robert Kolp. b. 3/4/1902 at Cresson, Pa.; Virginia Kolp, b. 12/17/1903 at Cresson, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edgar Zortman live at 2507 N. 20th St., Phila., Pa. Jacob Edgar Zort­ man m. 4/4/1934 Sophia Bukofski. Their son, Charles Edgar Zortman II, b. 2/3/1935, attended the U. S. Naval Acadamy at Annapolis, sailed thru the Panama Canal six times, and visited many foreign countries; returned to this country and graduated in 1926 in Mechanical Engineering from Bucknell University. He lives at Camden, N. J., where he is an inspector for the N. Y. Ship Building Co. Robert Kolp Zortman graduated from the Lewisburg High School in 1922, and from Bucknell University in 1927 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. He is now employed as electric inspector in the U.S. Navy Yard. Hem. 7/11/1937 Miriam Neff. Virginia Kolp Zortman graduated in 1932 from the Lewisburg High School, and in 1936 from Bucknell University in Home Economics. Shem. William Wallace Herman at New­ ton, N. J., on 3/4/1939. They have a daughter, Susanne Kolp, b. 9/20/1940. Address, Lake Mohawk, N. J. 402 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

SARAH ZARTMAN 9. SARAH ZARTMAN, youngest child of Emanuel and EJi1q,beth Bassler, was b. 9/26/1809 in Myerstown, Pa. On Christmas Day, 1831, she m. Emanuel Strickler, b. 8/5/1805; they lived at N. Manchester, Ind., and had four daughters: Lucy Ann, b. 10/13/- 1832, d. 1/16/1845; Catharine, b. 1/12/1834, d. 1/26/1850; Eliza, b. 8/29/1836; Sarah, b. 7/16/1841, d. 4/3/1855. Emanuel Strickler, who was a farmer, d. 2/4/1845; his wifed. 4/24/1888. Eliza Strickler m. 1/1/1854 Florandeen Miller. Their children were: Mary Effie, b. 1/20/1856; Sarah Ettie, b. 11/24/1858; Emanuel F., b. 2/3/1861. Florandeen Miller was b. 12/30/1832, d. 12/17/1899; bis wife, Eliza, d. 4/5/1906. Mary Effie MiUer m. 11/20/1879 Guilford B. Place. They hnd two sons: Maurice F., b. 9/6/1880; and Chauncey Isaac, b. 11/9/1889, d. 10/18/- 1908. Maurice F. Place lived for many in Manchester, Ind.; in 1906 moved to Indio, Cal. (P. 0. Box 513) where he is employed by the E: K Wood Lumber Co. On 9/9/1911 he m. Maude Wood in Chehalis, Wash. They J1ave five children: Veryl M., b. 0/15/1913; Rhea Edna, b. 10/30/1916; Wilbur C., b. 6/2/1917; Mary Elsie, b. 1/28/1920; Virginia Lucile, b. 3/4/1926. Very] M. Place m. 11/11/1934 Harold E. Robinson. They have a daughter, Joan, b. in Portland, Ore., 5/15/1938. Rhea Edna Place m. Jene Hamilton, 5/21/1938. Their marriage took place in the "Wee I{irk of the Heather" in Glendale, Cal. Both Rhea . and her sister, Veryl, are High School graduates. The Hamil­ tons live near an ornnge grove in E. Highlands, Calif. They have a son, Ronald Sumner. Wilbur C. Place graduated from High School and is employed by the E. K. Wood Co. He m. Iva Mae Durning, 6/22/1940. Mary Elsie Place m. in the Wee Kirk 10/1/1938 Kenneth B. Grimm, Jr. They have a daughter, Sandra Kaye, b. 9/7/1940 in Indio, Calif. Mrs. Effie Place, mother of Maurice, who lives in N. Manchester, Ind., counts as one of the joys of her life the privilege afforded her in attending the national family reunion in 1910. PART IV



Dear Uncle Rufus: I am herewith enclosing the war story of the family, as far as I have found it. I, of course, made no effort to hunt up such records for every family, or for every in-law. This would be impossible for one person to do. But I havr. found that the two sons of Alexander I served in the Revolution, and, since we are all descendants of those two, we are therefore eligible to D.A.R. or S.A.R. on either line. In the Pennsylvania Archives we find Jacob Zartman, un­ doubtedly Jacob, Sr., son of Alexander I, listed in 1771 as a Free­ man in Lancaster County, Pa. Just when he took the oath of the Freeman is not recorded. Jacob Zartman, Sr., served in the Pa. Militia during the Rev­ olutionary War from Northumberland County, where he had moved before 1780. Also in the Pa. Archives we find the name of Jacob Sortman as serving among the Frontier Rangers, Pa. Continental Line, in Stockley's Rangers under John Bum. After much research it was found this was Jacob Zartman, Sr., the com­ pany with which be was serving having undoubtedly been as­ signed for short periods of service in this district. Jacob, Jr., son of Jacob, Sr., son of Alexander I, also gave service during the Revolution as a private of the First Class from Lancaster Co., Pa., serving under Capt. John Moore. During the days of the Revolution a petition was sent to Phil­ adelphia asking that delegates from the several counties be called to the state capitals for the purpose of considering the best means of opposition to the encroachment of the mother country upon the liberties of the American People. Among the delegates chosen in 1774 to represent Augusta Twp., Northumberland Co., Pa., was Henry Zartman, son of Jacob, Sr., son of Alexander I. He served on this Committee of Safety 1774-1777. In 1790 and 1791 he was made constable of Northumberland Co. 404 THB ZARTMAN F .illILY

Alexander Zartman II, son of Alexander, served for several terms in the Lancaster County, Pa. Militia, where he is listed as ''Xander Zartman, sen.," "Ellexandor Zartman" "Ellexander Zortman" and under his correct name "Alexander Zartman." His services were recorded under the companies of Capt. John Ashton, and Capt. Christian Hollinger. Alexander Zartman, III, and Michael Zartman, sons of Alexander II, also served in the Pa. Militia during the Revolutionary War period, 1775-1783. Alexander is recorded as ''Ellexander Zartman," "Ellexander Sortman, Jr.," "Sandy Zartman" and "Xander Zartman, Jr.," as well as Alexander Zartman. He served a number of periods in the same company with his father and brother, Michael, under Capt. John Ashton and Capt. Christian Hollinger. Service between the years 1784 and 1815 entitles a female descendant to membership in the Daughters of 1812. During this period the three sons of Alexander II rendered military ser­ vice, all three serving at one period under Capt. John Ashton in 1784. Michael evidently served longest, 1788, in the 5th Battal­ ion, Lancaster Co. Militia, under Lieut. Col. George Weidman, esq. The father of Elizabeth Hauser, wife of Henry Zartman, whose name was Jacob Hauser, served in the Lancaster Co., Pa. militia for two years under Capt. John Rutherford and Capt. James Murray. Other soldiers in the War of 1812 in Ohio were Jonathan Zart­ man, who was a fifer in the company of Lieut. John Rumberger in the Perry Co., 0., militia, and Henry Zartman of Capt. Jacob Catterline's company, Perry Co., 0., militia. Jonathan Zartman was the son of Peter, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I, who came from Northumberland Co., Pa., to Perry Co., 0., in 1811. Henry was baptized John Henry, and was the son of Henry, son of Jacob, son of Alexander I. John Henry and Jonathan were first cousins, and both came to Ohio with Peter Zartman, father of Jonathan. Peter King, father of Rebecca King Zartman, wife of Isaac Zart­ man, served as corporal in the War of 1812, Capt. Adam Binck­ ley's company, Perry Co., 0., militia. There are many other descendants and kin of the various branches of the Zartman family who served in these and later wars. The Revolutionary service has been cited for Jacob Zart­ man, Sr., and his two sons, Jacob Zartman, Jr., and Henry Zart- Mns, SAll.\11 STRICl!Ltm


man, Alexander Zartman II, and his two sons, Alexander III and John Michael Zartman. If there is any truth in the statement that "blood will tell" many noble traits should belong to the Zart­ man descendants by right of heritage. JOSEPHINE C. DIEFENBACH

In Emanuel churchyard markers have been placed at the graves of war heroes. Revolutionary markers were placed for Alexander Zartman II, for John Michael Zartman, for Alexander Zartman III, and 1812 markers were placed for Alexander Zart­ man III, John Michael Zartman, and Emanuel Zartman. Mrs. May Estella McCaa and Miss Fulton placed the aforenamed markers. The graves of Jacob Zartman, Sr., and of his son, Henry Zartman, both Revolutionary heroes were marked by the Histor­ ian, who is also arranging to mark the grave of Jacob Zartman, Jr., in the cemetery at Schaefi'erstown. The bodies of Jacob Zart­ man, Sr., and of Henry Zartman repose in t7Je Zartman Church cemetery near Otto R.R. Station in Northumberland County. ZARTMAN REUNIONS Ours is a day of family gatherings. They are surely very de­ lightful social functions and productive of much good. In 1906 an agitation started in Ohio for a Zartman family reunion. This movement had its origin with four sisters of the writer, namely, Leah Mechling, Sarah A. Swinehart, Angeline Alspach and Mar­ garet J. Parks; they all resided in Perry County, Ohio, at the place where was the earliest and largest.settlement of Zartmans in that State. A colony of Zartmans from Northumberland County, Pa., settled not far from Somerset in 1809-1811. The four sisters enlisted the interest of other relatives in that community, and two of them, Mrs. Mechling and Mrs. Swinehart, came to Philadelphia in 1907 and obtained the promise of the Historian to assist them in this enterprise, secured our consent to prepare a history for the initial reunion. This agreement led to the pre­ paration and publication of the history of 1909. The sisters and their associates carried their scheme through to a very successful issue. At the foot of Indian Stony Fort, in a beautiful maple grove belonging to Mr. Dennis Cooperrider and Mr. Frank Smith, and close to St. Paul's Church, one mile south of Glenford, the 406 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

first Zartman reunion was held. To that church more Zartmans have belonged than to any other church in Ohio, and there, in its cemetery, forty or more Zartmans are buried. The date for the first reunion was Saturday, 8/29/1908. Invitations were sent to all the relatives known to us at that time. About 300 members of the Zartman family were present, and it was estimated that 1200 or more people assembled for this happy celebration. The weather was ideal, warm and pleasant. Representatives were present from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. For use at this reunion a gavel was made by Aaron Zartman Weidman, of Brickerville, Pa., from wood from the first farm owned by a Zartman in America. Mr. Weidman also made an oak case in which to keep the gavel. During the years a total of seventeen national reunions have been held. In 1938 it was resolved that the national reunions henceforth be held at Brickerville, Pa., every two years on the even years, as 1940, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1948, etc. The primary reunion of.1908 has caused many other Zartman family reunions to have birth, as of counties, cities, states, and by large families.

OTHER ZARTMANS IN AMERICA The descendants of Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman we have now located in the following States and Territories: Arkan­ sas, Arizona, Alaska, Africa, California, Canada, Colorado, Con­ necticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Panama, Philippine Islands, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. And many of our brave soldier boys are sleeping beneath the sod of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, where they gave their lives for Old Glory and the Union. There are two families of Zartmans in the United States, one in Brooklyn and the other in Chicago, that cannot be traced to Alexander and Ann Catharina Zartman. The ancestral heads of these two families may have been brothers or other near rela­ tions of Alexander Zartman I. As yet these two families arc small, OTHER ZARTMANS IN AMERICA 407 but in a century the historian of that time may find them grown into large tribes and scattered throughout this great and good land. Frederick Zartpiann was born in Germany about the year 1819; he learned the trade of bookbinding. His father had a glove fac­ tory in Berlin, Germany. Later he located in Bergen, Norway, and there married Anna Henriette Peterson. He was engaged in the book bindery business in Norway; had the misfortune to be burned out, lost all, and then came to America, locating in Chi­ cago. This took place early in the 60's. He enlisted and served in our Civil War, in Co. H, 82d Illinois, under Colonel Hecker and Captain Fry. To Frederick and Anna Henriette Zartmann was born one child, a son, Charles Frederick, b. 12/24/1867, in Chi­ cago. Charles Frederick Zartmann is a painter by trade; was in the employ of Franklin McVeagh & Co., grocers; in charge of their labeling department. On 9/28/1889, hem. Libbie Hogeland. They belong to the Lutheran Church. Children: Alvira, b. 8/- 3/1890; Conrad C., b. 6/26/1892; Arthur C., b. 12/4/1894; Le­ roy G., b. 11/10/1896; Leslie, b. 3/26/1898; Ruby, b. 11/26/- 1899. Alvira, Conrad C. and Ruby Zartmann are deceased. Con­ rad d. in 1908. Arthur, Leroy and Leslie Zartmann remain in this family to perpetuate the name and make it honorable in future generations. Frederick Zartmann d. about 1886. For this in­ formation about our Chicago cousins we are indebted to Charles Williard Vogt, of Chicago, son of Magdalene Zartman Vogt. Under date of 11/30/1908, a certain William J. Zartmann, re­ siding in Brooklyn, N. Y., wrote as follows: "I was born in Neck­ arsulm, Wurtemberg, 44 years ago, and came to this country with my parents in the seventies. My father's name was Gustav, mother's Rosina, grandfather's Philip and grandmother's Wil­ helmina. There is quite a number of the family left in Neckar­ sulm, and we also have relatives of the same name in Pforzheim, Baden, and, I believe, in Dusseldorf. Otherwise I know but very little about our relatives on the other side, correspondence hav­ ing practically ceased upon the death of my father, some ten years ago. I am Superintendent of Parks in Brooklyn, and I would be very glad to meet you personally at some time in the near future." Under date of 1/14/1909, he writes: "As to my family, I am sorry to say that my information is very limited, having left my birthplace when I was less than 10 years old, and visited the old home but once since that time. There was quite a number of 408 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

Zartmann families in Neckarsulm, all related. I have a very slight recollection that my great grandfather's name was John, but am not certain. Both my father's and mother's families are very much scattered and I have therefore had very little chance to discuss family matters. My father (Gustav) often spoke about some relations of the family who had taken up their domicile in the Rhine country, probably in the Palatinate, at some time during the eighteenth century, but I have never met any of these rela­ tives." Philip Zartmann, of Germany, grandfather of William J. Zart­ mann, had the following family: Gustav, b. 8/2/1834; Theodore, d. 1870, Neckarsulm; Heinrich, d. about 1900, Pforzheim, Baden; Louise, m. Wohrle; Ottilie, m. Gross, of Pforzheim, Baden; Am­ elia, m. Koeniger, of Darmstadt, Hessen; Anna, m. Becker, Pforzheim; Bertha, unm., lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1862 Gustav Zartmann m. Rosa Henny, in Neckarsulm, Germany. To them were born the following children: William J., b. 6/24/1864; Paul, Brooklyn; Henry T., Glendale, Long Island; Louise, Brooklyn; Philip and Rosa, whose addresses are unknown. Gustav Zartmann, wife and family, and his sister, Bertha, came to America in the seventies, possibly in 1873, and located in Brooklyn, N. Y. Gustav Zartmann d. 6/4/1897. William J. Zartmann m. 11/27/1895, Emily Standinger; they belong to the Lutheran Church, reside at 1908 Avenue K., Brook­ lyn, and have two daughters, Clementine Florence, b. 9/27/1896; and Dorothy Anna, b. 2/25/1899. GERMANY AND DENMARK The writer's father, Isaac Zartman, being able to write in German as well as English, used to correspond with Zartmanns in Frankfurt, Germany. In July 1908 we decided to get into correspondence with some of our relatives in the fatherland. So as we did not then know the name of any Z~rtmann over there, we wrote a Jetter and addressed it thus: "To Any Zartmann, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany." Through a kind good fortune our letter was delivered to Annie ("Any") Zartmann, school teacher, in Frankfurt. She replied promptly in a very interesting letter, and wondered how we had ever learned of her name and address; however, a little later she surmised that our letter was for "any" one bearing the name of Zartmann, and not for GERMANY AND DENMARK 409

her in particular. We were delighted that the letter went into her hands, because she writes English very :well, and being well educated, was able to give us much information. She has written us a number of interesting letters. She made known to us Ferdinand Zartmann, M. D., of Karlsruhe, who has also given us valuable assistance. Rev. James I. Good, D. D., of Philadel­ phia, was in Germany and also gathered some information for us, calling on Dr. Ferdinand Zartmann, at Karlsruhe, and on Mr. Eugene Zartmann, in Heidelberg. Cousin Alfred Zartman, of Kansas City, Mo., in years past also exchanged letters with Zartmanns across the Atlantic, and he has given us the benefit of some of his findings. As our first information from Germany came to us through the pen and courtesy of Anna Zartmann we shall give her family priority of place in this chapter. The name of her father was Franz (Francis) Zartmann, son of Mathias, a well-known physi­ cian in Rheydt (Rheinland). Dr. Mathias Zartmann had four sons and three daughters, as follows: Gustav, Otto, Franz, Os­ kar, Anna, Augusta and Theressa. The four brothers had large cotton manufactories in Rheydt; later they separated and lived in different towns. They all married except Oskar, who died young. Anna and Augusta died young, too. Theressa married Mr. Niedecker, an architect, and lived in Bonn on the Rhine. Mrs. Niedecker is a widow, and lives with her two daughters in Berlin. Gustav Zartmann lived in Cologne and was in very good circumstances; he d. in July, 1907. He had four children, viz.: Theressa, Maria, Oskar and Gustav. The two daughters are with their mother in Cologne. Oskar is a lawyer at St. Goar on the Rhine. Gustav is a merchant at Dusseldorf. Otto, son of Dr. Mathias Zartmann, was a merchant and lived in Berlin; he d. about 1893. Otto had four children, viz.: Otto, Paul, Augusta and Catherine. Otto d. aged 18 years. Paul is a bank functionary in Berlin; he is married and has a son. Augusta is married and lives at Aachen. Catherine is a schoolteacher in Berlin. Franz Zartmann, father of Anna, our correspondent, lived in Berlin; he had three children: Anna, Franz, and Gertrude. Anna Zart,. is finely educated; she speaks German, English, French, Italian and Spanish; she writes the English remarkably well. Anna Zartmann, of Frankfurt, in the interest of Zartmann family history made a trip to Cologne, Bonn and St. Goar and 410 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

did much writing to Zartmanns in Germany to gather informa­ tion. She says: "There is no Zartmann in Germany that belongs to another family." That is no doubt the case, and therefore it ought to be comparatively easy to trace the line back to the orig­ inal Zartmann. We wish we had a chance at it. Again Anna asked, "Do you know with whom your father corresponded in Germany? With my Father!" Her father at that time was yet alive, and confirmed the above statement, I bad thought probably correct. In the summer of 1896 when I was in Scotland, I received a letter from my father, Isaac Zart­ man of Perry County, Ohio, who wrote, "When you get into Germany do call on that Zartman in Frankfort with whom I used to correspond. I think his name is Frank." That confirms the claim of Anna that our fathers corresponded with each other. My father d. 3/5/1901 and did not get to read and to enjoy our family history. Anna's father is also deceased, but her sister and brother survive. In Nov. 1913 Anna Zartmann m. Reginald Jones, a Welshman, of Liverpool, England. Mr. Jones served all through the World War; his wife was living in Liverpool, and in those hectic years she gave birth to a son, whom she named Frank. After the War they came to Winnipeg, Canada, where both Mr. and Mrs. Jones taught in the University of Manitoba. In Feb. 1928 the historian visited them and for the first time saw them face to face, though an exchange of letters had continued since the summer of 1908. The son Frank Zartmann during the years has graduated four times and been decorated with various scholastic degrees. Mr. Jones has died, though he came through the World War unhurt. The mother and son continue residence in Winnipeg. Andrew Joseph Zartmann was b. 11/29/1799, at Bonn, and he became a well known physician; his wife's name was Anna Cath­ arina. They lived together 55 years. Dr. Andrew Joseph Zart­ mann d. at Bonn 4/9/1894. Dr. Ferdinand Zartmann, of Karlsruhe, an eminent physician, and eye specialist, had a theory that the Zartmanns origim,ted in Erlenbach. He went there to verify this theory, but failed in doing so. He writes: "Since the year 1650 there is a certain num­ ber of Zartmann names inscribed in the lists of births and deaths at Erlenbach, but none of the name Alexander or Georg Christ­ oph Zartmann, the latter my great grandfather. Nevertheless GERM.ANY AND DEN.MARX 411

I shall continue my investigations and perhaps some day I shall be so happy as to bring light into the darkness," Again be wrote: "My great grandfather (Georg Christoph Zartmann) about 1780 crune with the late Prince Elector of Cologne to the Rhine, and from him descended the few Zartmann families in Prussia. We came from Constadt, near Stuttgart. In other parts of Wurtem­ berg, especially at Neckarsulm and its environs, there are still many Zartmanns, but not so many as in America." Dr. Ferdinand Zartmann bad a son, Robert, a distinguished artist. For 18 years prior to the World War be lived in Paris, where his paintings were awarded high place. The writer possesses some of his works, which are greatly admired, and corresponded for many years. On the day that Dr. Ferdinand Zartmann wrote his last letter to us and signed his name for the last time be was 86 years of age, and on that day and date be died. We secured the Coat of Arms through an experienced research man of Stuttgart in 1936, and copies of it are now in many Zart­ man homes in America. At Stuttgart there is an Anton Zartmann, who is superinten­ dent of trains. There are many Zartmanns at N eckarsulm and Heilbronn. The Catholic priest at Neckars, Germany, wrote as follows: "I have bunted-searched for a long time-for the name of Alexander Zartmann, but can not exclaim with the Greek: 'Eureka.' The family register of my Parish only dates back to 1805. The Parish register, however-baptisms, marriages and funerals-dates back to 1600. But nowhere is the name of Alex­ ander Zartmann to be found. Later on, however in the middle of the 18th century, the Zartmanns (coming from Erlenbach) ap­ pear more numerous, and at the present time are one of the strong­ est represented families in the city, including besides vineyard keepers, builders and contractors, artists and sculptors, also scholars highly gifted and respected. The most celebrated one is the sculptor, Johannes Matthaeus Zartmann, who died a few years ago. He made the large IGlian Monument, erected in the market place at Mergentheim, and also a Moehler Statue in marble for the church at bis home lgersheim. One of bis sons is also a sculptor, one a priest in South America, one a scholar, a Ph.D., one of his daughters a nun. More to report, I am unable.'' In a recent letter Josef Zartmann, of Neckarsulm, Germany, writes of the traits of the Zartmanns as he knows them. I quote: 412 THE ZAllT!olAN FAMILY

"The Zartmanns were always hale and a strong people. Through their prudence and popularity they everywhere soon endeared themselves. They quickly accommodated themselves to circum­ stances, and through their mental versatility they were able to help themselves in all life situations. Those who took up trades and arts achieved great skill. The Zartmanns were always es­ pecially inclined toward labors of an artistic bent. Many works testify to the highest artistic skill. In public life the Zartmanns always took an honored part. As representatives of the people they always made great sacrifices and were ever ready to devote themselves to the welfare of their fellowmen." He writes further: "I have noted that throughout hundreds of years the character, nature, and even outward expression of the Zartmanns have clearly maintained themselves."

THE DANISH ZARTMAN FAMILY In 1715 a Zartm'an went from Germany to Denmark and founded there a branch of this family. Recently Dr. Parley E. Zartmann of Chicago got into correspondence with a Zartman in Copenhagen and secured the interesting family history which is given below. Dr. Parley E. Zartmann writes: Last June a man came to our house to tune the piano and while be was there he asked Mrs. Zartmann whether we had any relatives in Denmark. She told him the information given in the Family History. Then he said that he was from Copenhagen and that he knew Christian Zartmann, who was considered the finest artist in all Denmark. Not long afterwards I wrote to Christian Zartmann telling him of the information I had received and giv­ ing him some particulars regarding the family in America. The enclosed is the reply I finally received to my letter. Again, at the opening of our Winter Term in January one of the students, who came from New York City, asked me if I liad any relatives in Copenhagen, and told me that be knew a Zartmann who is con­ nected with the Navy. Possibly you can give the man some in­ formation regarding the family in Germany. Copenhagen, April 16, 1914 Dear Sir: My uncle the painter Zartman has sent me your interesting letter of July 5th, and asked me on account of my occupation for GERMANY AND DENMARK 413

several years with the history of the Danish branch of the family of Zartman to give you the desired information. I am familiar with the fact that a family of the name of Zart­ man counting many members was in existence in Pennsylvania. Through the Danish consulate in Philadelphia I have received the names of some of these members, including yours, and I in­ tended to write you a letter in the hope that there might be some relationship between our families. The Danish family of Zartman numbers only a very few mem­ bers. It descends from Johann Heinrich Zahrtmann who was born at Magdeburg, (Germany) and came to Denmark in the year of 1715. He served in the army as a cavalryman and mar­ ried a Danish girl, Giertrud Bodsen, by whom he had three boys and two girls. In the year of 1738 he died as "Comet" at Vordin­ borg. The names of the sons of Johann Heinrich Zahrtmann were Johann Henrich, Friedrich, and Christopher. The eldest of them, who was b. at Store Hedinge 1723, was a clergyman and the only one who left male descendants, one boy by name Henrich Christian Zartman b. 1762. He was Dean at Viborg. Hem. 1791 Bodil Jochumine Fetens and d. 1826. His children are the following: A. Christian Christopher Zartman b. Viborg 1793, d. 1853. Vice-Admiral, Minister of Marine. Hem. 1826 Elisabeth Donner of Altona, and left behind three daughters: 1. Elisabeth, b. 1828, m. Vicomte Joaquino de Roberedo. 2. Bodild Jochumine, b. 1830, m. 1850 feudal Count Holstein-Holsteinborg. 3. Wanda S. E. Candia, b. 1842, m. 1863 Count Danneskjold-Samsoe. B. Johan Henrich Zartman, b. 1800, clergyman, m. 1833 Marie Dorothea Poulsen, he d. 1869, leaving four sons and three daugh­ ters, only one of whom, Christian Christopher Zartman, b. 1843, has a son, Henrich Christian Zartman, (the writer), b. 1876, m. 1910 Henri ca Johanne Helt Petersen. One of the daughters, Mette Sophie Zartman is the directress of the Danish Deaconesses Insti­ tution and decorated with the Medal of Merit. C. Peder Fetens Zartman, b. 1908, Privy Counsellor of Lega­ tion, d. 1878, unmarried. D. Carl Vilhelm Zartman, b. 1810, m. 1842 Laura Jespersen. Chief Physician and Surgeon, Councellor of State, d. 1901, leav- 414 THE ZARTMAN F.unLY

ing seven sons and two daughters. The eldest son, Kristian Zart­ man, b. 1843, is the known artist, unmarried. E. Hans Jorgen Zartman, b. 1815, d. 1863 Superintendent in the Post Office, unmarried. The second son of the founder of the family, Friderick, b. 1726, d. 1803, left behind only one girl, Christine Marie, who had a son, the celebrated actor, Joachim Ludwig Phister, (1807-1896). Referring to the members of the family in Germany I have also been corresponding with them, but it has not been possible to get any information about those who were living before the year of 1715. I suppose that the family only lived a short time at Magdeburg and was driven away from tho neighborhood of Heidelberg-Heilbronn about 1680-90 during the formidable devastations in the war between Germany and France. As it would be very interesting for me to read the family history you were writing me about I beg you be so kind as to tell me the title of the book. ' Cordially yours, HENRICH CHRISTIAN ZAHRTMANN, Assistant to the Royal Danish Minister of Fina.nee, lngerslevsgade 132 Kjobonhaun B.


JOSEPHINE C, DIEFENBACH In searching Perry County, Ohio, marriage records for the data of the families of Alexander Zartman, his brother, Samuel Zart­ man, and his cousin, Peter Zartman, several errors were discov­ ered. These were undoubtedly made when the data was copied from the very old, first marriage-record-book into the present records. It seems wise for the sake of future generations to make note of these errors in the new History. They are: In the entry of the first marriage of Israel Zartman, oldest son of Alexander Zartman IV, the name of Isaac is given, instead of that of Israel, as marrying Sarah Helser 5 /11 /1832. Proof of this error was easily obtained from Rufus C. Zartman, son of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman, William H. Parks, son-in-law of Isaac and Rebecca Zartman, and a number of their grandsons ERRATA IN COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS 416 and granddaughters. Further proof may be found on the tomb­ stone of Israel Zartman in the southwest corner of the cemetery adjacent to the St. Paul's Reformed Church near Glenford, Perry County, Ohio. On the face of the shaft are recorded the name and dates for Israel, on the one side appears the following "Sarah, wife of Israel Zartman," etc., while on the other side is the data for "Elizabeth Foster" who was the second wife of Israel Zartman. The following marriage records are also incorrect: Elizabeth Zartman to Joseph Miller 4/20/1820; Ruhanna Zartman to Thomas Foree.ere 2/2/1823; Susannah Zartman to Adam God­ love 4/28/1825; Sarah Zartman to William Fickle 6/16/1825; Catherine Zartman to William Appleman 12/30/1825; Lewis Zartman to Mary Lashly 10/19/1826; Easter Zartman to Sam­ uel Palmer 10/19/1826; Sarah Zartman to Wesley Ogg 9/1/1831; Cevilla Zartman to Lewis Appleman 8/18/1831; Ahia Zartman to Ann Moor 6/3/1832; Nancy Zartman to Hanck's Moore 6/- 23/1833 (this appears again on page 149 on the records where the name of the groom is given M Uriah Moore). In every one of these instances the name appearing as "Zart­ man" should be "Tatman." The marriages were in the majority of cases performed by Thos. Porter, esq., whom, we found, to be resident of Bearfield Township, Perry County, Ohio. A thorough search of the census records of Perry County, Ohio, of 1820-1830, on file in Washington, D. C., did not show any Zartman as being an inhabitant of Bearfield Twp. during the period when these marriages were performed; but they did show that many families by the name of Tatman resided in that township, among them being a Lewis Tatman. In the search to make the proof positive that these were not Zartmans but Tatmans, many t,rips were made to various parts of southeastern Ohio, several to Washing­ ton, D. C., and many letters were written. We have on file letters from Mrs. H. M. Rankin of Washington Court House, Ohio, from A. G. Masterson of Malta, Ohio, S. E. Appleman of Zanes­ ville, Ohio, Wm. Talbot of Crooksville, Ohio, all descendants of one or another of the above marriages, and in every instance the descendant states that the name was Tatman. On 6/24/1941, statements, with affidavits, were filed with the Probate Judge of Perry County, Ohio, in which these errors were pointed out and the request was made that the corrections be entered.


This index, although not entirely exhaustive, will guide relatives who do not bear the name of Zartman in finding their branch of the family. Zartmans may locate themselves by intermarriage names appearing here or by the Table of Contents in the front of the book. A BAKll:B 130, 153, 175,178,223,243, ABBOTT 192, 258, 361 288,325,327,329,362,371 ABEL193 BALDWIN 139, 229 ABELL333 BALL326 ABLIN2 BALLll!NTlNlll 122 ACBAUll:B 101 BALBBAUOH 397 ADAMS 111,208,285 BAMl!IBT 252 ADDJs154 BANlll 35 AGIQ181 BABNABl> 333 AmuNo313 BABNBS 157, 243 An.sWOBTB 400 BABNBTT 170 AKJaRS 162 BARNHART 206 ALBERT 319, 334, 342 BABBllll'T 203 ALBKIIICBT 349 BABBJNOJIIB 398 ALDRICH 400 BABBON 151, 152 ALIDXANl>EB 108 BARTH 193 ALIDA UGH 334 BARTLIIIY 256 ALLIIIN 105, 159,'247 BARTO 371 ALLISON390 BASH 325 ALSPACH 37, 71-75, 90, 120, 129,405 BABHORl!l 369 ALTHOUSE 369, 392, 393 BASSLIIIB 353, 396 402 ALTLAND195 BATl>OKI" 268, 307, 310 Al!eaosE353 BATEMAN294 ANl>EBSON 56, 263, 288 BAUBLITZ 199, 214 ANOll:LLIIIY 171 BAUGH 179 ANOLIIIUYIIIR 329 BAUGHAN 219 ANGSTADT 390 BAUGHMAN 140 ANSPACH 243,316,319,320,324,387 BAUM 263,300 ANsmra216 BAUMAN 71, 72 ANTHONY180 BAUMGABl>NIIIB 205 APPLm!AN 415 BAYLY 160 Auc:,cra331 Bll:AMESDEBl"IIIB 392 ARNOLD 202, 287, 398 BmABD 309 ARTINGER 115 BEARl!l 117,125,241 ABHBY287 BEAUDOIN 329 ASHlllB 115 BmcHTIIIL 131 ASHTON 404 BmcHTOLl> 382 AUCIUIUTY 267 BECK 293, 294 AUOBUBO 272 HmcKER 9, 183, 199, 200, 207, 213, AUSTIN 339 338,371,379 Aw1tEB 110 BmcKFORl> 176 AXLINIII 139 BECKMAN 222 Bl'lDRANG 233, 235, 236 BEETOW226 B BEIIIIIEB375 BABB 387 BmmLlll 117 BACIUIAN 270, 386 BEISSEL304 BAHN 214 BmLITZ2 BAHNER 271, 307 BELL 70, 289, 338 418 THE ZARTMAN F.AMILY

BELLANTI 110 BOWMAN 178, 180, 194, 245, 285 BELLl!IS 302 BOWSER 189 BEMENDERJ'lffl 347 BoYD 192,388 Bmm.LEB 211 BOYER 201,268 BENDER 308, 327, 346, 374 BOYLE 255 BENG!llL2 BoYs42 BENNET 139 BoZARTH229 BENNEITCB 375 BRADDlllN 332 BENNETT 293, 294 BRADlllNBAUGH 176 BENSING 390 BRADFORD 341 BENTON237 BRADY 211, 290 BENTZ 205, 213 BRAND 153, 154 BERBISDORFI" 2 BRANT234 BERGDOLL 160 BRAYBROOKS 158 BERGE'NSTOTT 2 BRECBTIN 349 BERGMAN 64, 69, 393 BRlllCKBILL 369 BERBY340 BREEDING 108 BEST221 BREHM 236, 245 BEVAN 158 BRENDLINOJllR 389 BICK 325 BRENIZlllR186 BICKEL 299, 387 BRENNEMAN 200, 207, 208 BILLINGSLEY 242 BRETZ 358, 361 BINCKLEY 246, 317, 319, 320, 335, BREWER 104, 105 404 BRICKlllL 161 BINGEMAN 310 BRIDA273 BINKLEY 323, 326 BRIDGES232 BINNER 395 BRIGHTBILL 387 BIRK 261 BRINGMAN 212 BIRNlllY 388 BROADLEY 222, 223 BLACK 232, 254, 282 BRocmus244 BLACKBUJll'I 224, 354 BROCKHART 217 BLACKER252 BRODBECK 184, 207, 208, 209 BLAIR 245, 252 BRoKAw325 BLAKESLY 357 BRooxs261 BLEISTINlll 387 BRos1us307 BLIN-SINGlllR 202, 203 BROTHY211 BLOBERG 335 BROWER 268, 332 BLOEMEN2 BROWN 95, 96, 101, 116, 121, 139, BLID,1218 220,227,229,285,309,350 BODELL 84, 125 BROWNLEE 278 BODSlllN 413 BRUBAKER 165, 192, 308 BOGAN 287 BRUBECKER 216 BOHNlllR 305, 306 BRYAN 49 BOLES 260, 277 BRYANT339 BOLLINGER 375, 381 BUBB 183, 307 BOLTZ 391 BuesEAN 237 BOMBJllRGEB 369, 377, 387 BUCH 2 BONEB254 BUCHANAN 242, 243, 337 BoPE 129 Bocuma311 BoRG!llL200 Bucx 322 BORING 100, 127 BiICKLEll 226 BoRN222 BOEGEL 2, 3 BORTHWICK 397 BUGH 101,111,220 BoRTN!llR 183 BoKOFSKI 401 BOSAK 116 BID,IP 117 BOSTIAN 297 BoNN!llLL 344 BOTKIN 372 BURCH 343 BoTT227 BURGER 260 BowER 196 BuRomss93 BowmRS 119, 149, 181,193,212,304 BURKESS337 INDEX 419

BtmKlDTT 317, 340 CoBLJl 316, 336 BumtllAlll> 164 COCHl!:NOUB 362 BURNJITT 451. ~. 48 ConEB279 BURNS 327, Ml CoDY 260 BtmJUT'l' 1S7 CoEN 160 BtraTON 383 Co'IT!N 105 BuSl!lro 242 COFFING 338 BtlTLIIIB 122 Coaall)SHJlLL 278 BUTJ'llllU'IELD 277 COLE 193, 341, 342 BtrrrON 240 COLlDHOUSlll 195 BYERLY 271, 295 CoLl!lMAN 229 Coi.usoN 260, 261 COUtlAN228 C Cot.TIN 262 C.uUWlll 160 COIIO'TON 130 CALDWELL 158, 172 CONJ'Alllil 290 CAMPBEi.i. 133, 175, 266, 346 CONGEB325 CANATSJIIY 288 CONLllY 240, 264 CA-PP350 CoNN342 CARBU:Nll:B 333 CONNOR 104 CAREY 293 CONRAD 77, 99, 205, 249, 291, 329 CARJ.173 CONWml.L 171 CARMODY 359 Come 289, 373 CAROTHERS 262 CooPJ:a 164, 177 CARPBNTlllB 20, 376 COOPEBIDEB 91, 92, 93, 98, 99,133, CARR210 245, 334, 3351336 CARROL227 CooPllllUUDll)B 118, 405 CARSON 279, 280, 286 CoBREi., CoBKELL 359 CARTEB241 COBT71 CARTWRIGHT 339 C08NER68 CARUSO 345 COTNll)R 175 CABE 332, 333 COTTON 99 CASSWW208 COURSON 245 CASTANIEN 100 COVll)B 320, 323 · CASTUil 357 COWllllBTHWA.1Tlll 140 CATTERLINlD 404 CoWEN28 CHALK 339 Cox 156 CJIAI..Mll:RS 171 COXEN 197 CUANCII) 114, 115 CRAIG 322, 329, 344 CUANDLIDR 115 CBAJL 114 CHAPIN 337 CRANDELL 129 CHARURS 326 CRANE 143, 240 CHELLll)ffl 204 CRAWFORD 239 Cmi.cOTII) 242, 249 CIUll,ATU 136 CmLD278 CBDDll)N 296 Cmi.Duss248 Cu1a329 CmusnrAN 387 ClUSllNBERRY 257 CHRISTY 171 CBOCKJIIT359 Cuuacu 347 Caooxs211 CLAPP 88 CROSS 124 CLARK 99, 219, 223, 364 CROWL 188 CLAY 343 CRUM 376, 400 CLlllA VlllB 177 CBUllRlNE 155 CI.JlMll)NCJl 190 CBUTCBP'lllLD 356 CI.JlMll)NS 122 CRYSTLE 203 CLEMENTS273 Cui.P 173 CLEVENQll)R 338 CUNNINGHAM 201 Cwra36 CuRP 357 CLIPPINGllB 279, 284, 286 CURT1S387 CLOUGH 157 CUSHMAN 302 CLUll 133 CUTl.ll)B 260 420 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

D DoN.ElR 290 DA1/l'ON329 DomlOYI!lR 275, 377 DANilllL27,33,34,112,313,314 DoNN.ElR 413 DANIELS 161, 311 DORFMIDIER 45, 50, 51, 60 DANIUS 32 DoRNBIRiilR 41, 42, 133 DANNER 182, 210 DORNSIP'l!l 303, 304 DANNJIISltJOLD-8.utBOL 413 DoRBIDY 162 DANT 398 DoRBHEM 102 DAVIS 186, 258, 358 DoSTER394 DAVISON 356 DOTSON 231 DAWALT1 DAWALD1 D.ElWALD 329, DoWN.ElY 100, 101 337,341,342 DoWNING255 DAWSON312 DRAKEl340 DAY 201, 247, 296 DRAP!ilR 290, 346 D.ElAN 51, 176 DBElBBLER 271 D.mANGELO 200 DROBISCU 226 D.EIARDORFF 216 DRlnlHELL!ilR 173, 273, 297, 307 DIIJA TRICK 205 DRUMMOND 154 DECHANT 31 1 32 Dunes 210 DEClt.ElR 231, 287, 326, 331 DUBLINSKY 311 D111mom 376, 378 DUllOIS 2 DIIIHART388 DUERR365 DEHAVIIIN 180 DooGAN 192 DllllCHMANN 167 DOMBAOLD 322 DEl'l"l' 130 DOMONT243 DELL 330, 331 DONK.ElLBEROER 269, 294 DIDNllllllN 398 DUNLAP 128, 253, 399 DlllNGLIDR 266 DOPLER 26, 244 DJ!N IBID 231, 232 DURBAN 337 DIDNISON 44, 150 DORNING 402 D111NNJ.mll6 DoVAL248 DIDNNIS 117 DEPPEI.N 303, 305, 310, 311, 314 E DERCK 342 EAGLJil.SGN 239 D111ruc1t 162 EARLY 117 DERK 307 EASH 330 D.ElROBJIIRIDDO 413 EATON 86 DERR 266 EBER337 DIIIXTIIIR 301 EBERLY 200 DIBBLE 122 EBERSOLE 213,214 DICK278 EBY 350 DICKINSON 220 ECK 208 DIIIIFl!1NBACH 19, 32, 78, 791 80, 405, EcKENBODE 125, 126, 198 414 ECLOOGH 208 DIEHL 198 EDGAR 235 DIIIITRICH 158 EDMUND 320, 324 DILLOW 100 EDWARDS 349 DILTS 125 EHRHART 182, 183 DILTZ 334 EHRMAN282 DISSINGER 349, 394 ElCB.ElLBERGER 2, 211, 368, 380 DITCBFIELD 165 EIKENB!llRRY 341 DIX 190 EIBlllNHGWER 384 DIXON 129, 179 ELDER 246 DOBERT255 ELINE 206 DOBSON 17, 18 ELLENBERGER 399 DOCICEY 165 ELLER 229, 230, 231 DOIIILL1 DUELL 304 ELLICK 176 Doteow329 ELLIOT 116 DOIOolOY.ElR 394 ELBElBSER 190, 191, 192, 193 DONBACH2 ELTING 253 INDEX 421

E¥muca 260,251, 26S, 270,271,311 FLOTB355 Ewa 184, 214, 215 FooLE395 ENCK 376, :J92 FoLEY345 ENom. 311 FoLn30S ENGLE 309 FooR322 ENRIT:i28 FORD 93, 345, 371 ENSLEN 62 FoRDNET 153 ENsLlilY 126 FoREACRE 4\5 ENSMINGER 395 FoR.~n 175, 309 ERB 161 FoRNSIIELL 355 ERDWN 272, 275, 307 FOIUlY 184, 213, 370 ERLENBUSCH 243 FoRST JOI EBNST56 F0IISTlllll 192 ESCHER 229 FOltT326 ESHELMAN 393 Fo1tTASBAlN 264 ESTABROOK 325 FOSTll!R 33, 34, 101, 108, 109, 120, ETNIER378 131,317,415 EVANS 181, 218, 395 FoUCBT (see VoaT} 36, 43, 44 93, EWINo257 98,101,118,119,120,129,141 EYMAN 111 FoURA 265 FoWLER383 F Fox 177,200,398 FAGELT 176,177,274 F'Jun.INo 342 FAHS 9, 185,186,201 FRAIR 185 FAIB215 FlwrK 208, 362 FAIRCHILDS 295 FRANKS323 FALKENSTINl!l 199 F°RASIER 237, 238 FANNJNO 342 FRAzlER 156 FARL!NO 386 Flmcn116 FAIUIAR328 FR!ilDlillUCIC 121, 175, 222, 375 FARROW 167 FltEDEBICKS 237 F ASOLD 292, 294 Fm:En 185, 213 FAUCETT284 FREESE 331 FAUST 192,266, 317 FRENT288 FEESER 194, 208 FRESHKORN 255 FEGER267 FRlllY 37S FEICHT6S FRIEND325 FEIBER 200 FRISINGER 24.5 FELTY 343 FROCK 182, 210 FENS'l'J!JIIMACHER 164, :UO FROM 91 F'ERNBTER 176 FRY 375, 376, 390, 407 FERSTER 274, 304 FRYER 69 P.ET!llNS 413 FRYMOYER 1';'4 FE'.l'rEB395 FulUIMAN 104 FEYL387 FULLERTON 320 FICXLl!l 415 FULLMER 188 FIREBTONlll 392 FuLTON 405 F1sc11nAuoe 355 FuRLOW 391 FISHBURN 320 FuTLEn348 FIBIIER 94, 112, 217, 282, 283, 292, 310, 320, 321, 324, 331, 334, 336, G 340 GAllLIII 95, 235 FIBHLEY 337 GALLAGHER 335 FITCH 115 GANTZ 372, 378 FI'l'LlllR 267, 34S, 349 GARDINl!lR 105 FlTZKEE 194 GARDNIIIR263 J<'LlllNNER 120, 347 GARINGER 274 FLEWELLING 249 GABMAN 129, 212 FLINT 112 GAllRETT 260, 201, 350, 351, 373 FLOHR 158, 343 GARRISON 316 422 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

GARVERZ77 GBIDGG 152 GASS 349, 351 GBIDGORY343 GATES 280 GBIJ'I' 199 GATI>ASH 335 GBIGSBY397 GEBHART 148 GRw395 GEESEY252 GBUW402 GEIB 388 GmTTI385 GEU!AN 206 GROFJI' 350, 387 GEISLER 183, 184 GnooG 185 GELLINO!ffl 173 GROH263 GELSINO!ffl 377 GBONINGIDB 16, 17 GEOROl!I 130, 246, 264, 393 GROSS 197,198,200, 363, 390 GEPHART 290 GROSSMAN 180, 181 GERHART 376, 3fi3 GRUBB 118 G!fflTNl!IR 2 GRUVlllB 205, 209 Gl!ISSIO 161 GUSTAFSON 190 GETZ 381, 393 GUTHIIDR 255 Gmu236 GUTHRIE 120 GIBBLE 378 GUTRIDGl!I 118, 245 GIBBON 238, 277, 295 GUYSINGICR 237 GILBlfflT 354 GJLOlffl 269 H GILLl!ISPil!I 269 HAAS 169, 170, 383 GINalffllCB 201 HABECXI!IR 377 GINN 340, 341 HACKICR394 GIVLER 378 HAGY 376 G LADl'l!ILTl!IR 100 HAIN 385 GLASS 171 HAINICS 172 GLASSER2 HAIR 113 GLATFELT&R 184, 185, 208 HALE 201 GLICK 386, 387 HALL 106, 154, 227, 228, 230, 231, GoBEL93 261,276 Gocm:NNAtJER 186 Hil!ILTON 2511! 257, 279, 281, 402 GoDARD323 H.uw 182, 204, 210 GODFREY345 HANBY 92i 111, 112 GoDLOVE415 HANES 40 GoBN201 HANNA 255 GONDERING 231 HANSll!LL253 GOOCH 338 HABDE,N 237 Goon 163,362,365, 409 HARDLY 323 Goon111358 HABDY360 GOODWILL 349 HARGITT 290 GoODYl!IAB 111 HARMON 66 GORDON 43, 92, 93, 96,118,126,227, HABNER213 293 HAROLD 199, 201 GORGON 216 HARPIDR156 GolUilAN 238 HARBIDLL 346 GOBHl!IRT379 HARBJs126,225 GoTTFBll!ID 122 HART388. GBAFn: 21 HARTE.ft 360 GBAFT345 HARU.IAN 211, 363 GBAHAM:338 HASLAM 188 GRANT 109, 199 HATCH 342,345 GBASSJ,IIBID 344 HATHAWAY 86,280 GRATZ 269 HAUCK 376 GBAUEL287 HAUER386 GBA y 262, 385 HAUK 277 GREIDN 106, 224 HAUPT 162 GB!DENHOW 258 HAUSER 20, 23, 34, 182, 404 GUENWOOD 237 HAUTZ 391 INDEX 423

HATI>ICN 280, 281, 282 HOFFMAN 74, 75, 122, 185, 214, 305, HAYJDS 135,290,294,303 350 HAYSLlll1'1'235 HOGAN 114, 281 HAZJ!U, 223, 224 • HoGl!ILAND 407 HEASTON 361,365 H011111124 HJIATON 398 HoKID 361 HIDBIIIRLJNO 181, 389 HoLDROOK 110 HmcKl!IL 356 HOLl'ORTY 398 HmcK!lla 407 HOLLAND 358 HmcKl!laT 307 HOLl,lllNBACH 378 HmFFNma389 HoLLINlll!IR 372, 373, 374, 380, 381, H1111t,.\WD 201,393 404 HIIIILll.\N 383 HoLlll!IS 117, 187, 293 Hm1u272 HOLBTllllN-HOLBTIIIINJIORO 413 REINIIIR 185, 214 HOL'l'ZAPPLIII 198 HIIILDIIINBRANI> 77 HoMAND 280 RmL!MN 377 HONDl!IIIBHELL 96 HIIILBER 90, 91, 02, 108, 117, 118, HooK230 130,131,132,323,324,414 HooKER 109 HELTSLEY 356 HooVl!ln 06, 265, 34~, 343,359, 378 HIIIJIJllNO 180 HOPKlNB261 llmJIJllNOIIAUS 41 HoPPLl!l 311 RmND&nSON 93, 96, 131, 154, 357 HOPPLl!IR262 HENDRIX 317 HORNBl!ICK 260, 258 HENING 124 HORNBEIRGER 167 HmNKIDL 31, 37 HotumY 134 HENLY 375, 376 HORNER 103 HENNY408 HoRNmY258 Hl!lNRY247 liORTINO 275 llmPLl!IR 262, 307 HORTON 391 Hmas 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 261, HoBKINS297 291 Hon12 Hm'RloL\N 401 HoUSlllHOLDl!IR 247 HERNDON 232 HousER 48, 182 HmRoLD214 HoUTZ 217, 236 Hmaa377 HOVEIWAN 112 HEIIBR 193, 194 HoWER385 HERSHEY 185 HOWERTER 306 HESB254 HETRICK 99, 126, 126, 149, 267 Hoy 125,126 HEWl'rl'207 HoYL16 HICKS 124 HOYMAN 32 HILBUSH 17, 21,268 HUIIBARD 137 HILKlllR 205 HUFFMAN 122 HILL 233, 234, 246, 278 HUGHE!\ 230, 261 HILLER 70,248 RUMBERGER 40,316,317,404 HILTON 200 HU?,11,IEL 112 HIJ(J(ICLBEROIIIR 378 HUllmER 202,262 HINES 345 HUNN 156, 364, 365 liINKLE 184 HUNT 142 HtNKLl!IR 182 HUNTll/R 114 H1s111Y 330,331 HURD121 HLAVACEK 313 HUIISEY 83, 133 HOAGLAND 345 liOBIIILIIANN 233 HURST 392 HOBSON 258 HUSHOUR219 HocK 359 HUBBlllY 57 HoF.11'214 HUTCRlNOB 253, 301 HoFFACKER 214 HUTT 129 HoFFHl!IINS 208 HUTTON 400 424 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

I KELLOCK 309 ICl!l 41, 93, 97, 13.1 KEIIIDLE 13, 295, 296, 299, 300 IDLER 114 KJllllll!FlRER 349, 350 loON 113 Kll1MIIIERLING 151 lLLICK 300 KENDALL 92 lMBODY 239 KERNES 238 IMHOFF 376 KERSCHNJ!IR 341,342,346 INGHAM la7 l{ERSTETTER 266 INGRAM 153, 154 KEB!!LER213 IRELANJ> 160 KESTER 161 IRWIN 182 KETELSEN 398 IBALY 101 KETTIIIRIIIAN 191, 192, 208 ISBELL ll4 KEYSER 180 KIEFER48 J KIEFFER 272 JACOBS 204 mmw1Tl28 JACOBY 94, 205 Kn,E 188 JAMES 326 KILGORE 257 ,JENKINS 156 KllWlCK 293 JENSEN 73, 159 KING 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 51, 52, JERNIGAN 264 63, 71, 72, 84, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, JERSORKA 331 100, 125, 138, 148, 289, 318, 320, JEBPJllllSJDN 413 329,404 JOHNS 280 KINGBAIORE 75 JOHNSON 112, 124, 22ii, 228, 287, KINNEER240 328,329,399 KIPPLE 194 JOHNSTON 126, 1~1.136, 318,356 KITCHEL 281 JOLLIFF 279,280, :a!2 KmELL357 KITTINGER 210 JONES 1351 157, 296, 347, 331, 354, 383,384,410 KIVETT 340 JORDAN 193 KtVLlllR 177 KLAG&R225 JOSEPH 1831 219 JULius 197 KLEIST33 JUNGBLUTH 227 KLINE VII, 115, 304, 369, 380, 387, JURY 175 388,389,390,395,402 KLINEDINST 183, 185 K KLINEl'l!ITER 214 KAASCH 228 KLING 294 KALB2 KLINGl!IR 306 KALEY 385 KLINGLER 134, 244 KAMPMAN 280 KLOCK 270, 271 KAPLING 2 KLOPP 381,389 KAUDLE25 KLOPPEL230 KAUFFMAN 330 KLUCK 263 l{AUFMAN 194, 394 KNEISLEY 355 KAWEL 296, 297 KNELLER 210 KEATH 3931 394 KNERR 101 KEcK54 KNIER 378 KEECH 209 KNIGHT296 KEEFER 176, 265 KNIEIS 151,•170 KEENEN309 KNOIIR 102 KEENER 188, 356, 390 KOBEL 13, 25, 27, 331 34, 250, 267 KEHRES304 Kocu 352 KEIL 2,255 KocHENBPJ!lRGER 61 KEIM2 KOEGlllLE 180 l{EITH 213, 256 KOENJGER 408 KELKER348 Km.. 1•401 KELL400 KooNSMAN 287 KELLER 395 KorP 183, 272, 375 KELLEY 150 J(oPPENHA VER 272 INDEX 425

KoTTERMAN 36, 121, 122, 124 LESHER 163,307,379 KR.WlllR 122, 395 LEW!fl 169 KRENZER212 LEY 266 . KRESS205 LIEBENDl!lRFER 66 KRICK 385 LiGGETT203 KR1ENER236 LIGHT 233, 308 KRocK273 LIGHTNER 204, 254 KROEGER230 LU!EB335 KRONE 203, 204, 209 LINDl!IIIAN 216 KROTB 187 LINK 175, 176 KROUT 101 LtNNtNG 279 KRUJSE 363 LINSEY 185 KUCK 227 LITTLE 208 KUDER 209. LIVINGSTON 325 K UELLING 220 LLOYD 104, 288 Kuu332 LOCKUFF 177 KUHN 210, 277 LOEHR 188, 189, 100 KUHNS 241 LOGAN 103,287 KULP376 LONG 31, 112, 129, 160, 209, 218, 320 KUMP 211 LONGSDORF 12, 162, 163, 164, 167, KUNCE334 297,300 KUNKLE 196 LOOSE 395 KUNz256 LOUBER350 KusHING221 LotJTBCH 398 KYL160 LOVE 109, 130 LOVELL 124 L LOWELL234 LADSON 333 LOYER 184 LAHR267 LucA'.s357 LAMADE 293 LuCIOTB386 LAMBEBT220 LUCKENBAUGH 201, 210 LANCASTER 331 LUMP 116 LANDIS 185 LUTES 324 LANTZ 319 LUTHER 171 LARSON 95, 259 LUTMAN323 LASH 101 LUTZ 148,324,352 LABRLY415 LUTZINGER 361 LA Tlllll!lR 238, 239 LYDIE 92 LATSHA 267,268,305,306 LYE 218 LAu 182 LYLE 126, 244 LAWYER 101 LYNCH 359 LEACH 107, 208!. 247 LYTLE 278 LEADER 305, 307 LEAB 198 M LEASURE 149 MACARTIIUR 264 LECKRONE 91, 319 MAcGuoo11. 116 LEE 398 MACK 02 LEEKING 369 MADISON 217 LEESE 199, 212 MADSEN 159 LEUIGH 214 MAFFIT 248 LEHMAN 32, 176, 185,353,373 MAGILL 364, 365 LEIBT31 MAHONEY 257 LlllITOLD 312 MAICE 296 LENHABT372 MAIN 101 LENHERT392 MALICH 296 LENKER 3081 312, 387 MALICK 292, 307 LENTZ 141, 148, 245 MALLEN (see V oNMALLEN) LEONARD 211 MANN300 Ll!lONHARDT 335 MANNINO 331 LERoY341 MARKEL216 426 THE ZARTMAN F illILY

Muuru•v 249 MIICXLIIY 184 MAJUW11 206, 210 MIIISKJIIY 394 378, 3116 MIILLUM 95 MARLOWlll 246 M11JUtER 357 MAJIQUAJU> 360 MllllltLII 262 MABR306 MIIRIULL 222, 360 MABSB 113 MllssN:mB 152, 294, 393 MABSJL\LL 363 MIITZ312 MARTIN 205, 220, 326, 327, 362 MBTZOIIIB 357, 364 MABTZ 274, 311 MIITZLIIIR371 MAsoN 138, 220. 350 MIDYll1l337 MAsTBLLIUl 329 MlllYlllR8 96, 263 MA&Tlffl 206 MICJL\JIIL 271, 275, 303 MASTlfflllON 415 MICBAJIILIAN 186 MATBJAS 182, 194, 206, 328 MICJL\IILS 240 MATTER 176 MIDDAUGH 246 MATZ 142 MIKIISIIILL (see VON MlUSIILL) MAUL 207 MILB'OIIN 258 MAtlLSBY 141 MILLBJIIRN333 MA.mum 221, 222, 294, 356 M:n.Llllll 130,134,137,153,170,191, MA.XW111LL261 201,202,207,211,213,238,243, MAT 257, 26_!!.1. 326, 378 265, 294,300,327, 328, 329, 337, McAUGBY 11/i"S 350,351,356,361,381,382,387, McCA.A. 391,405 393,394,415 McCALL 179 MILLIGAN 343 McCA.LLUM .l82 MniINGIIIB 282 McCLOStan' 276 MINNia269 McCLOuaJL\N 2116 MINNis334 McCLURIII 259 MINTIIIB 339 McCONNELL 253 MISNIIIR 117 McCooL 110 Ml88JDVJIIB 377 McCRACUN 306, 399 MrrcmLL 248 McCULuuou 96 MITl'LJIIR 66, 67 McCULLOCH 260 MOATB259 McDBIRIIOTT 190 188,321,334,335,336,344 McDONA.Ll) 181, 359 MoHR292 McDOWELL 110, 232 MONTGOlllfflY 186, 241 McELDOWNIIY 122 MOODY 127, 285 MCELHENY 340 MOON256 McFA.BLAND 326 Mooa415 McGoWN176 Moou 149, 225, 246, 348, 404, 415 McGUJTIN 228 MOOTIIR93 McG11IRII 233 MORTIIIR 363 McGURK 201 MosmR 167, 198, 351 McKBlm 363 Moss 187 McKINNBIY 26 MoTZ2 McMABON353 MoUL 184,216 McMANUs 255 MouL11N 180 McMASTIIR 254 MotJNT49, McPIIIIRl!oN238 MoWIIRY 396 McQUA.ID 100 'MT. CASTLJll 357 McQumK 201 Mll'lllLLlllR 2 McV:mY 147, 234 MULHOLLAND 122 MEAD 134 MULLET 342 MBIA.DBI 193, 195 MUMMERT 206, 211, 215 MJIIADS192 Mll'NGlllR 356 MIIICHLING 13, 36, 40, 43, 44, 51, 70, MUNROE 393 72, 82, 83, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, MURDOCK 97, 139, 140 99, 100, lOli 109, 119, 138, 140, MURRAY 404 150, 316, 3 9, 405 M USSIILMAN 42, 322, 323, 327 hmn 427

Mt1SSON 179 p M1J'l'CB392 PAClll 128 Mtl'l'B278 PACKARD 338, 344 MYEBS 155, 182,•183, 186,187, 193, PACKIIIR 96, 320 198,200,210,213,244,362 PAom318 PAU1395 PALUER 81,415 N PAl'U230 NACl!l 213 PABK111R115, 116,188 NAGBLB350 PARKS 53,54181, 82, 83, 84, 92,125, NAtlll.\N 189 260,405,414 N:mm. 316, 320 PABL1DTTJ1: 112 N11:n 136, 137, 198, 201, 401 PATlllN224 NJmUBT 23, 24,172,351 P.f.Tl'lllB80N 96, 232, 306, 316, 3M Nll:Il.SlllN 398 PAtJLLIN 156 NJDLl!ON 284 PlilABSALL 113 NllSIIIT 294, 295 P.IIIABSoN 260 N.111t1coJ011B 214 l'lilART 161 N11:UlL\t1811 231 J'mrrooM 114 N11:WBot18111130 PmmCB, PEIJ'DR, Pnmm. Pbin- NJ:WPORT 233 1:a 123, 270, 272, 303, 304, 305, NICULB338 306,307,381,382 NICHOLS 89, 90,290 l'lilKBJDRTON 239 Nicou,372 l'EN»LlDTON 99 N1coD:mros ::'16 PENN 3, 4, 5, 8 NUIDA 392 l'J:NNT358 N111:DllCDR409 PJIINsYL 291 NISSLIDY 377 PEaou11257 N 0BLlD 72, 248 PERKINS 159 Nomt 199 PEJiscHBAUCBlDR 330 NOLL 305, 350, 378 PEB8oN 345 NooNAN99 PETIIBS 91 NoRMAN342 PETJ;BSlll'.N 413 NORBIS 302 Pli:TJaRsON ~!l.t 292, 293, 407 NYCl!l295 hTTmoNIIIWil Nn326, 349 l?umr350 PlmL1'8332 0 PmBSoN 127 l'uu.uRlCK 148 O81lR370,371 P8:u.LIPI 360 O81lRD01U' 396, 399 PBlLLIPS 108, 123, 129, 211, 284:, 0URLANDD 198 312,322 ODJIIN 325 l'mSTl'lB 414 O11:CBSLID 379 fun291l OGDIIIN 322 PlCKIIIRJNG 219 Ooo 415 PlBRCY 323 OoLID 336 PIERSALL 113, 114 OLSON55 PlJDBSON157 O'NIIIIL 100 ~BBlll OLBHAWSKY 179 PJNuRTON 252 ORCtlTT 155, 156 PIPms 121 OBT208 PITCHJDR 242 Orr308 PLAClll 402 OVEBDIIIIIIR 48 PL.\NCK 100 OVIIIRFIIIILD 245 Punl16 OVIIIRIIIIIYllJR 35, 36, 237, 238 P.L.\'l'Tll:B 327 OVERKYIIIR 44 PLITT 193 OwlilN 235 PLOPPJl:B209 OWJ:Ns 249, 288 POll'FIIJNBllBGllR 302 OXIIINBIDJl!R 396 POLIN 113 428 THE ZAR'l'l'>IAN FAMILY

POLING 117, 318 REINHART 200, 256 PoNTIUs333 REINHOLD 207 PooL227 REisT384 Poolll!AN 98, 141, 319 REITZ 269, 270, 297 POPE 361 RENNER 361 PORTlllR147 RENTBHLER 229, 230, 231 POTTJl!IGER 390 RENTZ 360 POULBEIN 413 REPP 285 POULSON 244 REYNOLDS 103, 111 POULTON 126 RHOADES 393 POWELL 322, 326, 341 RIALE381 PBATHEIR 106 Ricm 184 PaEJsGBA Vl!l 95 RICHARDS 168, 169 PRrcm 101, 308, 358, 364 RICHARDSON 259, 278, 329 PBINTY288 RICHLEY 217 PRITCHER 211 RIOKERT369 PRUGH 64, 67-69 RICKLE 327 Punvis318 RroEINOUB 28, 226, 241, 244, 319, 320 . Q RIEDT2 RIEGER2 QUAYLE! 356 RIEHM 10, 11, 348, 349 QUEST 254 RIEFLlll 113 QUICK 337 QUICKEL 194 RrrI'l!lR 320, 343 ROBBINS 3301 332, 333 RoREBmDO 413 R RoBERTB211 RADER244 ROBESON 276 RAFFEINBBERGER 290 RouINs341 R.uNmY 265 ROBINSON 146,354,402 RAITZ 307, 309, 313 RoBROOK 115 R..\JLYA261 ROCKEY 338 RAKER 291, 292, 306, 307, 310 RODOCKER 374 RAL8TON 228 RoHB330 RAMBLE208 ROHRBACH 294, 295 RAMSEY 92, 135 ROHRBAUGH 18.'i, 195, 1971 208, 209 RANCK 374 RowG 372, 392 RANDOLPH 249 ROPER269 RANKIN 263, 415 Ross 114, lRO, 329 RANSDALL 345 Rossou 165 RArucK37 ROTH 165,178 RARBICK 249 RoTHABMEL 309, 310 RAUCH 384 RousCULP 92, 96, 334 RAY 346 Rousu 111, 188 REIAD 329 RowELLB 190 READER256 ROWLAND 400 REA UGH 346 ROYER 20 REBUCK 271, 275, 311, 312 Ruuy205 R:m,l>DING 209 RUDY 191 REDFERN 171 RUGGLES 257 REDMAN327 RUMBERGER 273 REED 140, 174, 190, 304, 305, 307, RUNK214 312, 315 RUNKLE 330i 336, 340 Rl!loAN 1021 103 RUOPP 122, 23 Rli:JuRT97 RUPEKT400 REIDLING 195 RUSSELL 122, 254 REICHARD 137 RUTH 183, 213 REICHERT 165 RUTHERFORD 404 REIDER 191 RUTLEDGE 139 REIM 172 RUTTER 93, 191, ~15 INDEX 429

s 8EIFERT202 SACHS 135 SEILER 161 1 267, 268, 291 8ALLINEN 273 8ELBY44 . 8ALYERS97 SEIP 210 SAMPSEL 330, 33! SELL 180 SAMUEL 177 SELLERS 139, 140 SANDERS 351 SENFT 182, 212, 213, 215, 216 BARTMAN 352 SEWELL 191 SATAVA 343 8HAAR372 8A'l'TAZAHN 385 SHADE 220 8A'l'TERLE 234 SHAFE!\ 342 SAUNDERS 242 SHAFFER 21, 125, 207, 236, 251, 399 8AUSAMAN 343 SHANABROGK 194 SAWITZE 26 SHANNON 123 SAXTON 241 SHARP 160, 234, 373 8AYLER287 SHAW 166 SAYRE 65 8HEARlllR 184, 185 8CBABlllRLE 195 SHEETER 359 SCHAEFFER 214, 390, 391 SHEETS 328, 3291 332 8CHAERTZER 111 SHELLABARGER 110 SCHAFER 357 8HELLENHAM?dER 397 SCHEETZ 292, 294 SHELBY 128, 192, 240, 371 8CHEIRlllY 370, 3?1 SHEPARD 116, 398 SCHELL 362 SHERIDAN 27, 102, 109, 241 ScmcKLEY 177 SHERK 308 8CBIDINO 192 SHERMAN 91, 211 SCHINDLER 328, 329 SHErutY 278 SCHlRlllY 389 SHERTZER 397 ScHLAPPIG 267 SHERWOOD 222 SCHLEGEL 273 SHIELDS 120 8CHLEGLE 272 SHIFFER 270 SCHLEIG 263 SHINDLER 337, 3.19 8CHLOAD 370 SHIPE 173, 174, 175, 294 SCHMITKE 218 SHIP.MAN 314 ScID!UCKER 189 SHmK 187, 188 SCHNIDER 359 SHOLL 300 SCHNIEDER 229 8HOMAN2 Scnocx318 SHONFELDT2 SCHOFIELD 126 SHORES 253 ScHOLL 300, 382, 383, 384 SHORT 218, 222 SCHOLLER 2 SHOWALTER 376 8CHRlllCK 369 SHRIDER 132, 133, 134 ScHRlllCKENOAST 16, 17 SHRINER374 SCHROEDER 157, 158 SHRONME 111 SCHRUM 201 SHROYER 321,324,336 8CHWABEL 124 SHUEY 224 SCHWALM 210 SHUR 212 SCHWARTZ 41, 269, 331 SHULTZ 299 8CHWEGEL364 SHUMAN 183 SCHWENK 377 SHUPE 335 SCHWENKE 327 Slitl'l"l'S 316 ScoTT 110, 252, 290 SILANCE 344 8EACHRIBT 185 81.MINGDINGll)R 112 SEAGLE 228 SIMKO 361 8E,ABHOLTZ 293 SWONIJS362 Smcm,ER386 81MPSON211 SECHRIST 188 SINGER 373, 392 SEcoR 342 SITES 335 811lIBERT400 8KEMETT 169 SEIDNER 189 SKINNER 120 430 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

S1tUGLllND 189 STEVENS 1311 136, 335 SLADll 278 BTIIVENBON 47, 190, 242, 254 SLAGLll 210 STEWART 252, 253 SLU'IIR 329, 330 8TJL1118 341 SLOAN 177 STILL 270 SLOT'l'IIRBAClt 124 8TJKMl!lLL 316 SMALL 205, 212 STINJ1 268 S:ILUlT 152 STIRLING 258 SIIJl!LTZ 275, 307 8TJTB 127 8JuTH 31, 36, 43, 52, 84, 93, 94, 95, 8ToBER 368, 373 ~L 97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 8ToEVIIR 10, 11, 35 1U7, ll5, 116, 124, 125, 126, 154, 8TONEBRAltEB 276 156, 167, 174, 184, 218, 228, 242, 8ToNER384 274,280,281,285,305,307,331, 8TONEBIJl'ER 201 338,344,361,405 8ToRY 302 8NADIIB375 8TOUT232 SNIILLBAltlllR 209 STRAM 206 SNJILSON 232 8TRAUBBAUGR 196, 201, 202 SNIDIIR 91, 130, 244, 265 8'fRAUBBER305 8NYDIIB 28, 116, 161, 184, 211, 274, STRAWBRIDGE 330 275,292,295 BTRAWN280 . 8oDIIR 172 STRICKLAND 281, 282 8oKMl!lRB'JDLD 73 STRlCJtLIIR 350, 379, 402 SoPIIR 179 8TIUJtER 330 8oRTKAN 266, 276-278, 352-365, 8TROWS 188 403,404 STUBER 346, 375 SoUTBlllRON 338 STULL 107 SOWJIIRS 343, 352 8TuMP206 SPAHR 156, 158, 159, 160 8TusGEON 139 SPANGLIIR 200, 202, 277, 373, 396 STUTZ 138 SPANNUTH 385 STUTZMAN 271 SPIIIIB 116 SULLIVAN 202 SPIINCl!l 323 SULT 108! 109, 110, 130 SPl!IYIIR 356 8UJiQ(Y3tl9 SPIIILMAN 32, 51 SUMNIIR 126 SPOHN 34, 217, 317, 319 SUNDERLAND 233 SPRIINltLl!l 191 SURFACl!l 339 SPRINGIIR 321, 340 SUTLIFF 177 SPRINKLlll 115, 116 SUTTLlllB 257 8TACJtHOUBII 306 SUTTON289 8TALJ11Y 206 SWAB 296 STALL359 SWARTZBAUGH 358,359 BTALTIIR 319 SWJIIENEY 246 ST.AUBAUGH 182, 184, 214, 216 SWJIIET 115 BTANDINGIIR 408 Swn-r 152 BTANLIIY 338 SWINEHART 28, 52-621 83, 95, 101, BTARltllY 125,129,241, 280,., 6 145,243,244,318,3 9,405 STAUB 208 SWINol23 BTIIARNe 322 BTmmLll 238 T BTIIELY 369 TALBOT 128J 415 STEFFEN312 TATKAN411> BTIIINER 209, 369, 391 TAVENNER 119 STELLFIILDT 2 TAYLOR 118,153,325 STEMEN 112 TEAGARDEN 334 STIINGLII 204 TEAL 194 8TEPBIINB 278 TEDLOClt 175 STEPP270 TEMPLll 152 STIIRNJIR 182, 183, 274 TERRY 112 STIIBJtAL 227 TEXTER 188 lNDJ!IX 431

THALMAN 140 w TBAYlllR288 WACK 147 . TBOIIIAN 2 WAOll)NBALB 31 TaoVAs 184, 208,' 343, 331, 366 WAGNillR 183, 208, 209, 262, 273, THOMPSON 118, 223, 259, 400 304,307 TeoRSON221 WAGONill,R 325, 339 TmmsTON292,293 WAHL 109 TIMBBRMAN 94 W AKillFDIILD 206 Ton329 WALBORN396 TOYER 237, 238, 239 WALCK 174 TllAISE 274 WALD310 TJW4l'TON 400 W ALll)SKI 196 TREACHI.IIIR 343, 344 WALKillR 187, 189 TREI!lcm239 WALL223 1'aEssLillR 303 W ALLACJl 66, 262, 253 TRIMMll!R 208, 209 WALP275 TaoeLID 206 WALBillR97, 117,118,128,129,130, TRONill 200, 205, 206 335 TaoUP 132, 320 WALTER392 TROUT 92, 191 WALTmRB369 TROUTMAN 268, 312, 313, 315 WALTZ308 TaOVINGillR 320 WANAMAKmR 166 TRUEST 100 W ANNillR 338 TRUEX188 WARD56, 345 TUCKillR255 W ARll)BilllM 201 TUPPillR 260 W ARNmR 156, 166, 1831 238 TuaNiilR 242, 354 WARRIDN 265, 266, 269 TOBNil'SillillD 243, 336 WABIIINOTON 35 WATSON 160, 324 WAYKORill 322 u WillAVIllR 113, 116, 117, 289, 307, UBillY328 322,337 Umca389 Wumn 1721.}77 USNillR378 WillBBTER3ij,j WillCBTlllR 374 WlllJiiDIN397 V WmBR278 V ALlllNTINill 97, 357 WIIIHRLill 116 VALIBB 227 WEHBY 272 VANBURillN 169 WmIDmR379 V ANCJl 166, 239 WmIDMAN 369, 371, 380, 392, 394, VANB 103 404,406 VANN 140,278 WmIDNillR 384 V ANNATTillR 196 Wm1mss2 VANNmss232 Wmn.!Illn31 VANPATTEN 188 WEIN 218 VANBHUR229 WmlRICH 373 VARBLill 236 WmxsmNSALill 182 Vxcm 338 Wmmmn 16 VIOLAND 341 Wm1sz 31 VoomL96 WillLDON 234 VooT (see FoucaT) 36, 36, 37, 44, WmLFLY389 60,63-70,74,119,142,407 WI!lLKl!lR 266, 266 VoN MALLEN 73 WmLLillR 326, 331 VoN MtKillsmLL 325 WmLLMill!IllR 363 VoN NnqDA 392 WI!l.LLB 92, 159 VoN STillYBPLATZ 2 WI!\N'Olll,ll 370 VooRHillms 320 WmRN!lln 327 VoRHillI!ls 111 Wll)RNTZ297 VossnRINK 232 WmnT 307,309 432 THE ZARTMAN FAMILY

WIIIRTEKBERGERl81 WoLF 153, 154, 155, 213, 291, 295, WEST123 305,352,386 WoLFE154,237,271,291,306,309 ,~255 WoLFF273 WHJDATLJDY 288 WOLFGANG 184,312 WmsLER228 WoNNER214 WmsTLlilR 287 Woon 261,345,386,402 WBlTIC 218, 229, 285, 337, 338 WooDLING 304 WHITE.1> 356, 356 Wom>WARD97 WmTlllllEAD 364 Wu...- 349 WHlTJ,[]ffl 35, 36, 100, 320, 3.~6 WRIGHT362 WmntOYER 381 WYLI11168 WmTNlllY 317 WHITTAKlllR 239 y WmTTmR 100 YAIRoN333 WHYBR»W 337, 338 YARNELL 142,144,266 W1CK1LW346 YmAXEL 154,290 WmLNEB 313 YEARGlllN 360 WIGGlllNBORN 356, 359 YEIBER391 WILBUB208 YoCUJ,1169 WXLCox208 WILCOXON 332 YODER 173 WILDASIN 197, 205, 216 YosT 302,376 WILDE 192 • Y OUBIIIRG 187 WII.DE!WAN 207, 209 YOUNG 111, 162, 246, 318, 319 WILBOWIIIR 78 WILKIN 179, ISO z WILKINS 97, 139, 140 ZABST 338, 339 WILKINSON 215, 322 ZAENGLEIN 142 WILLlAJ,IS 75, 91, 94, 173, 248, 275, ZANDT 179 290,336,363 ZANGARI 95 WILLLUISON 140 ZARING 167, 169 WILLICY261 ZARTIIANN 47, 407-414 WILLIS 157 ZEIGERER 232 WILLISON 256, 257 ZELL289 WILLB255 ZELLER270 WILBON 85, 243, 336, 350 ZENGEL 106 WILT 383, 399 ZENT288 WINEGARDNER 100, 324 ZERBE 162, 311 WXN»LAND 333 ZERBY 310 WINKLlllMAN 305 ZtEGABUSB 359 WINSOR 114 ZIEGLER 220, 314, 331 WINT»RS 31, 32 ZtKESH335 Wxnm 212 "Zw" 298, 299 WIRICK 244, 323 ZlJ,IJ,IER343 WISEJ,!AN 36, 97, 100 ZIMMERMAN 1661 167, 168, 176, 263, WISENBALL 206 272,297 WIBBLIIIR 391 ZINN 206, :156 WxniEa 35, 270, 306, 311, 314, 393 ZINNINGER 189 WITTmR 178 ZOLLINGER 37, 110, 111, 127, 128 WIXON 135 ZORTl,IAN 217{ 240, 253-261, 264 1 Wom,395 346,397,40 WoMLE408 ZURBRUGG 182 FAMILY RECORD