Issue 269 November 2020

Dates for your Diary


Nunney From a Church Warden

As I write this, the papers and news are full of the possibility of another lockdown. Like many of you, I suspect, my initial reaction was one of horror: “not again”. With winter approaching there is not even the possibility of inviting neighbours for a chat in the garden, let alone hours to spend tending the garden. I am trying to turn my negative thoughts around and think about how to “have a better lockdown” if it does happen again. We put in place many good things first time around; this time, if it comes, we should be able to do even better. Our communities pulled together, as we read in previous editions of Postlebury News, supporting more vulnerable neighbours. We need to reach out to the lonely and those in need of practical help, pandemic or not. The Links support network and that in other villages in Postlebury, and those of the East Mendip group of churches can be revived very easily. We can resume our online church, if needs be. Zoom meetings online are still happening now so we are well placed to continue consulting and making decisions even if we cannot meet in person. Without the solace of gardening throughout the winter, I might even manage to do some of the creative things indoors which I failed to do in the Spring. I could stream some of the cultural events – music, theatre, ballet, online book festivals – which I never quite managed to watch last time around. Above all, this time, I would like to spend more time reading, thinking and praying. I find it difficult to just sit quietly and think about the world, my world and my fellow man and to get closer to God. Hopefully, another lockdown will not happen here. But if it does, I am going to be ready for it and I am going to try to make it a more positive experience for me and as many others as possible Jennifer Brook


From the Registers Funerals

Peter Wescombe Internment of Ashes at Leigh 28th September

Adrian Wooff Internment of Ashes at Leigh 8th October

Sidesmen and Flowers

Leigh on Mendip Sidesmen Flowers

1 November No service at St Giles - 8 November Brian and Margaret Loten Anthea Brooks 15 November No service at St Giles - 22 November Tom and Sue Rodford Shelagh Haywood 29 November No service at St Giles Margaret Loten

Church / Brass Cleaning

November – Caroline Harris and Jane Weston December – Vanessa Barnes and Sarah Middle

Stoke St Michael

Sidesmen Flowers

1 November Janet Gilham Irene Webb 8 November Malcolm Martin - 15 November Peter Vicary Jane Evans 22 November No Service at St Michael’s - 29 November Jane Evans Advent - No flowers

Church Cleaning

November - Cicely Middle December - Jane Evans


Letter from Bishop Peter

One more step

As a vicar one thing I really enjoyed, even though it seemed to come round rather quickly, was writing the letter for the parish magazine. I know that not all parishes are able to produce a parish magazine and some find a website is a better way to communicate with people, however, I do still appreciate reading them when I can. So I would like to express my thanks to all those involved in writing, editing and producing parish magazines. They are often still an effective way to share what we are doing in our churches and to share with others the good news of the gospel. Recently I was reading one which had an article by someone recalling a visit made to the north west of the USA some 40 years ago. They spoke about the warmth of their welcome and the joy of being invited to preach in the church. What caught my eye, was that they remembered visiting Lake Wallowa where it is said: ‘the air is so pure and the sky so clear that one can see the dawn of the day after tomorrow!’ What a glorious expression. Of course, the truth is that we don’t know what the future holds and at the moment things are challenging and uncertain for all of us and indeed for the world. One night recently when I was in hospital, unable to sleep and waiting for the dawn to break, I found myself singing the words of ‘One More Step Along the Way’ I go which has the chorus: ‘And it’s from the old I travel to the new, Keep me travelling along with you’. Maybe as we look to the future, with the joys and challenges that it will bring, that should be our prayer – Lord help us to travel with you wherever you may be leading. With my warmest greetings, Bishop Peter


‘A beautiful occasion’

Nine new Readers were licensed by Bishop Ruth last month. As lay people authorised by the bishop, they can now return to their parishes and lead certain parts of worship, to preach and to carry out pastoral and teaching duties. Always a special occasion, this year Covid restrictions meant that instead of one large celebration at Wells Cathedral, there were two services at the Bishop’s Palace Chapel. Reader Mary Udale-Smith said that even though plans been changed, the service was still very moving; “It was really special, a really beautiful occasion and I felt God’s Holy Spirit really present in the Chapel.”

A time to remember With All Soul's, Rembrance Sunday and Armistice all falling in November, it is a time to look back, to mourn, but also to look forward with hope. And, despite the challenges of Covid, church communities will still gather, either online or in person, to remember loved ones lost recently and those who lost their lives in service to their country. This year in particular, All Souls can offer a space for grieving for those who may not have been able to say farewell in the way they would have chosen; may not have been able to grieve alongside family and friends at a funeral or held a service to give thanks for a life well-lived. Space to grieve is important as those who sent the names of loved ones to be included in the recent 'From Lamentation to Hope' service at Wells Cathedral said. They expressed their gratitude for the service which one person said, 'went some way towards beginning to heal the pain of inevitably sparsely attended services.” This service remains available to watch or share with others. Go to You can also find an All Souls or Remembrance service on the Church of website on 1 and 8 November. Alternatively you can find details of more local services at


Stoke St Michael Primary School and Little Roots Pre-School

At the end of September the school welcomed the cohort of new reception children after their previous transition sessions. To celebrate, the PTA yarn bombed the entrance to the school, wrapping brightly coloured scarfs, pom- poms and bunting around the trees, bushes and fencing. It certainly put smiles on a lot of faces! Years 1 and 2 have embarked on their first forest school sessions of the year which, under Covid restrictions, are now taking place in the “wild ar- ea” on the school grounds. The Transition topic across the Federation ‘Here We Are’ has been a great success. Based on the book Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers the children have loved learning about our planet and our solar system and have had great fun exploring and creating artwork around this topic. They are now moving on to learning about other topics. Acorns class are learning about our wonderful world, Oaks class are investigating Pre-historic Britain and Owls class are looking at the night sky and beyond. Over the Summer money raised by the PTA enabled the school to install a beautiful hand-made mud kitchen and sand tables in the outdoor classroom. The children have really enjoyed concocting recipes and digging for treas- ure. The PTA are continuing to work hard, especially in the current cli- mate, to raise funds for the school. With thanks to Paul Green who looked after the school’s vegetable plot during lockdown, the PTA were able to sell lots of delicious produce. They have also made up lots of halloween treat bags, organised a crazy hair day and a scarecrow trail, which by the time you read this, we hoped you also took part in and enjoyed. If you would like to support the school there are a couple of ways you can do so. We’re registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easy- fundraising to shop with hem – at no extra cost to yourself! All you need to do is sign up and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop online. It’s easy and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us at: (just search for Stoke St Michael Primary School) A GoFundMe page “Reading with Confidence”has also been set up to raise funds for a fantastic new reading scheme. To donate go to https:// and search for Reading with Confidence or type y2auv2 Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far, a fantastic start!


Leigh on Mendip and Parochial Church Council Contact email : [email protected] or [email protected] Telephone: 07815 911084 or 01761 418737

Churchwardens Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm 01749 840291 Stoke St Michael BA3 5LD Alastair Weston Hillcrest Tadhill 01373 812654 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5QU

Treasurer Margaret Loten 6 The Old Sawmills 01373 812922 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5RQ

Secretary Anthea Brooks Ashville, Monger |Lane 01761 418737 Radstock BA3 2BP

Stoke St Michael Parochial Church Council

Contact email: [email protected] Telephone: 01749 840671

Churchwardens Jane Evans Withybrook 01749 840660 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ

Malcolm Martin Mendip Cottage, Mendip Rd 01749 840475 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JU

Treasurer Tim Pearce 18 The Mead 01749 841493 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JD

Secretary Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook 01749 840671 Stoke St Michael BA3 5JQ

Safeguarding Officer for Leigh, Downhead and Stoke St Michael

Sue Rodford Knapp Hill Cottage, 01373 812766 Leigh on Mendip BA3 5QY


New Magazine Co-ordinator

I’m pleased to report that, following the appeal in last month’s magazine, Jan Pattison has very kindly offered to take over the role of magazine co- ordinator for deliveries in Leigh on Mendip, Tadhill and Downhead so, if you know of anyone that would like to receive a copy of the magazine, please give her a ring to arrange for their name to be added to the list for one of the village delivery team. Her telephone number is – 01373 812460.

Leigh on Mendip Online Arts and Crafts Exhibition

A big thank you to all those who sent in photos of their creations for an online exhibition this year. We had 93 entries. You can still view them on the village website at where you will find some items still for sale. I hope you continue to enjoy seeing the displays of great local talent.

Arts and Crafts Exhibition Committee

Leigh Recreation Field

Bonus Club Thank you to everyone who has joined the Bonus Club again this year. The club is a significant source of income for the rec and we are very grateful. The winners in the first draw of the year had number 2 and are David & Mary Mears and Julie Mooreshead. They should have their £20 by now. If you still have the slip waiting to be paid, it’s not too late. so do it now! Please use bank transfers to pay if you can. New Open Space The turnout for the consultation at the rec and on line was really good. We have collated all the results and started the work of creating a layout which satisfies the most popular suggestions. We have already applied for one small grant which will enable us to start work on improving the existing play area and put some money in the pot. Keep safe and enjoy the rec. Great to see football back! David Pattison 812570


Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall As I write this we are waiting to hear of further Covid restrictions from the government which we hope will not affect the Hall which has re-opened on a limited basis with some exercise classes and the short mat bowls. Some hirers such as the WI and Active Living Centre do not intend to return until the New Year. However this brings me back to an old chestnut of an issue which is car parking. While the Hall was not being used it did not matter that various cars were being parked there but going forward, as the Hall is hopefully used more often, this will not be the case. So I would like to appeal to villagers not to get used to regarding the Hall car park as a permanent home for their vehicles. Short term parking, for instance while dropping children off at school, is fine. If you have the need for a limited short term use this should not be a problem, although a call to myself Sue Vaughan on 813115 to check would be appreciated. But the car park is a private one, primarily for Hall users, so do help us out by bearing this in mind. Our ongoing roof saga continues with a contractor due to carry out some work at the end of November which we hope will solve the leak for good, fingers firmly crossed! 100 club results as follows:- October draw. 1st Jan Pattison, 2nd Daniel and Collette Mears and 3rd Roger Orpwood. The next meeting will be the AGM on Monday 2nd November at 8pm in the Hall preceded by a committee meeting at 7.30pm.

Leigh on Mendip Allotment Association

The Leigh on Mendip allotments are in the field to the west side of the Recreation Playing Field. If you live in the parish of Leigh on Mendip and want to register, or simply discuss having an allotment, please contact ei- ther: Helen Gulvin, 2 Apple Meadow View, tel 07435 591925 or e mail hel- [email protected] or Tim Spurgeon, 18, Park Hayes, tel 07813 505830 or e mail [email protected]


Leigh on Mendip WI

Leigh on Mendip WI are committed to keeping in touch with all our members (from Leigh and other villages) as best we can – by phone, email or meeting up on a village walk in groups of 6 maximum and having a good natter. These are greatly enjoyed by all. We hope to soon get a small group of ladies together for a catch up either in the Memorial Hall or the pub.

Due to current “Rule of 6”, we will not be holding formal meetings in the Hall for the time being and will review the situation again for the new year. We are running events via Zoom, including Afternoon tea with a theme sharing stories/items, evening meetings and with a Speaker for our November meeting.

Many of us are still enjoying online speakers through our County team and online courses with a wide range of topics through the WI’s College – Denman. Open to all, so please ask if interested – over 70 1-hour courses are planned in before Christmas at just £5 each.

If anyone is new to the village and would like to get to know a range of ladies from the area or maybe you are now working from home and miss chatting to colleagues, you are welcome to get in touch and join our email list and Zoom sessions and meet ups. You can then get to meet and know us before we are able to run regular meetings again.

If you are interested, give us a call - contact Mary on 01373 812415.

Short-term loan mobility equipment

Leigh on Mendip has a small selection of mobility equipment available for short-term loan. These items have all been donated by several villagers af- ter use by a loved one. Four items are currently stored; a self-propelling wheelchair, a carer assisted wheelchair, a wheeled lightweight walking frame, and a tetrapod walking stick (one with four feet for stability). These are in good order and regularly maintained. We are very grateful for the donation of these items, and they are all very much held in memory of Roy Haywood, Maurice White, and Mark Wallace. If you would like to borrow any of this equipment, either for yourself or for a visiting relative or friend, please contact Ann and Roger Orpwood 812459.


The future of local government in To find out more visit:[email protected] Somerset: It’s a county of contrasts but it works as a whole - not two halves. If asked where you are from, you may say your town or village, your county. It’s your identity. That’s just one of the reasons why One Somerset, a single new council for the county, works. It makes sense. It unites Somerset as a single team with a strong and clear voice and sense of place and belonging. All are agreed that the current, three-tier system (county, district and town or parish) is past its sell-by date, that reform is needed and that unitary is the way forward. It makes sense that it’s a single unitary under one Somerset flag. The plans have been developed with the people who know Somerset – like the County Council teams who provide threequarters of local government services and city, town and parish councils who are right at the heart of communities. Together we can: work as one in a crisis. Since March, Somerset like the rest of the country, has been rising to the challenge of the pandemic. But it shouldn’t take a crisis to bring Somerset together – such as flooding or coronavirus. When these happen, it takes time to bring every council, agency or organisation on board at a time when we can least afford to delay. As a single council Somerset would have one strong response from Day One, harnessing the strength of our long-established partnerships with health, care, education and blue-light services. Together we can: realise ambitions. One Somerset is aiming high – it’s about making life better for people in Somerset with people in Somerset. It’s giving people in their city, town or village the power to do more at the grass roots. Local Community Networks would bring parish/ town/city councils together with the unitary council as well as voluntary

12 and community groups. Together we can get things done. Together we can: keep supporting the mums-to-be, the vulnerable chil- dren, adults and families and deliver quality services that ensure ALL peo- ple, whether young, old or somewhere in between get the respect and care they need. Together we can: invest in Somerset with a unitary bonus of £18.5m each year. This is cash that can be spent on issues that really matter from ad- dressing climate change to caring for the most vulnerable. One Som- erset’s sums add up: the savings are realistic. Together we can: stay as Somerset. One Somerset doesn’t want to split up the county, build a new bureaucracy or create more confusion. One council equals one strong Somerset voice, one point of contact for cus- tomers and one, united team to serve the residents, communities and businesses of Somerset. Together, we can.

East Mendip Gardening Club After the last few days of torrential rain it certainly feels that autumn is turning into winter, are they autumn colours that we see or rust? If things have not been blown away then it is time to protect plants and structures as it gets colder, wetter and windier. Use hessian or bubble wrap to insulate outdoor containers from frost. To prevent waterlogging raise pots off the ground using ‘pot feet’ or bricks. Prune roses by a third to a half to prevent windrock which will loosen their roots. To reduce infection remove fallen leaves of roses that have black spot or rust and bin or burn them. Cut back yellowing or dead foliage of perennials and lift and divide over- crowded clumps. Pot up spare roots and overwinter in the hope that there may be plant sales in the spring or give to friends. Lift and relocate plants when they are dormant. Parsnips will be sweeter after the first frosts. Cont. p16


Church Services in the Benefices of Stoke St. Michael, Leigh on Mendip & Downhead and the United Parish of Postlebury

1 November – All Saints Day

09.30 Holy Communion Rev D Gatliffe 10.30 Downhead Morning Service for All Saints Rev Chris Hare 18.00 Stoke St Michael Evensong Jane Evans

6 November (Friday)

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev D Gatliffe

8 November – 3rd Sunday before Advent – REMEMBRANCE

09.30 Stoke St Michael Holy Communion Rev D Gatliffe 10.45 Leigh-on-Mendip Remembrance Service Alastair Weston 10.50 Nunney Remembrance Service Rev J Samways 18.30 Wanstrow Remembrance Service Malcolm Parr

11 November – Wednesday

10.55 Witham Remembrance Service Lay Led

13 November – Friday

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion (BCP) Rev D Gatliffe

15 November – 2nd Sunday before Advent

09.30 Nunney Holy Communion Rev J Samways 11.00 Stoke St Michael Family Communion Rev Chris Hare 11.00 Witham Service for St Hugh Rev M Weymont


November 2020

20 November – Friday 10.00 Nunney Holy Communion BCP Rev D Gatliffe

22 November – Christ the King – Sunday next before Advent

09.30 Leigh-on-Mendip Holy Communion Rev D Gatliffe 11.00 Marston Family Communion Rev M Weymont 11.00 Cloford Matins Jonathan Cheal

27 November – Friday

10.00 Nunney Holy Communion (BCP) Rev M Weymont

29 November – Advent Sunday

10.00 Stoke St Michael Holy Communion COMBINED BENEFICE SERVICE Rev A Dickson


6 December - 2nd Sunday of Advent

09.30 Wanstrow Holy Communion Rev A Dickson 11.00 Leigh on Mendip All Age Service Rev A Dickson 15.00 Stoke St Michael Christingle


Spread fresh manure over vegetable beds and let the worms do their work as it rots down over the winter. Stake top-heavy brassicas and draw up soil around the base to stop root damage from wind rock. Check stored onions, garlic and potatoes and remove any that are rotting. Tidy strawberry plants - removing runners and cut off dead leaves. Plant raspberry canes. Once dormant divide mature clumps of rhubarb . Replace damaged greenhouse glass. Use horticultural disinfectant to thoroughly wash the glass, floor and staging to kill over wintering pests and diseases. Attach bubble wrap to the inside of the green house to protect plants. Remember to ventilate, particularly after watering. Do not over water plants during the winter. Reuse spent compost from annual container displays as a mulch. Clean out existing water butts and install another to let the autumn rain fill them ready for next year. Paint sheds and fences with preservative during the next dry spell to prolong their life and look good during the winter. Take photos of where herbaceous plants are before they die back to prevent damaging their roots during a winter dig. Take stock of this year’s garden and make notes or sketches for next spring. What grew well or failed miserably, what changes to make, all will help when ordering seed and plants for the next planting season. Order fruit trees and bushes and perennial plants as these can be planted between now and spring time. Ensure your bird baths and feeders are clean and full to encourage hungry birds to keep pest numbers down and give joy on a bleak day. Taken from Thompson & Morgan’s “What to do in the Garden this month”


More support for Carers in Somerset! Caring for others is very rewarding, but can be challenging, overwhelming and lonely at times. Caring for another person could range from providing a lift to the hospital, cooking hot dinners or giving a helping hand round the house on a regular basis, to the more complex of being that person’s sole means of physical support moving around the home, aiding a person to be fed, bathed and administering medication – as well many levels in between. Many people might not recognise that they are a Carer to another person, as they provide care out of kindness or love:In Somerset alone it is estimated there are over 60,000 unpaid Carers Somerset Carers (provided by the Community Council for Somerset - CCS) is a free service with a dedicated team of seven Carers Agents, designed to support those people caring for their partners, children, parents, family or friends. The Carers Agents remit is to support the unpaid Carer with anything from emotional care, to finding the right support group or financial benefits and much more. As well as Carers Agents, CCS has a team of 55 Village Agents. CCS Village Agents have been working in communities across Somerset since 2012. They help to bridge the gap between isolated, excluded, vulnerable and lonely individuals and statutory and/or voluntary organisations which offer specific solutions to identified needs, helping often where others won’t, don’t or can’t. Many times a Village or Carers Agent has been asked to help with one issue, such as not being able to afford transport to a Doctors appointment, but recognised there was a deeper need for support in other areas, and would refer the family to another Agent team member for their specialism. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown resulted in Agents changing their approach to be ‘whole population ’ focused, this was

17 important for families as if now meant there was one point of contact within the CCS team and no need to repeat themselves to explain their situation. The model worked brilliantly, and as a result CCS Agents have supported over 7,000 Carers since the end of March 2020, clearly demonstrating that the One Family - One Agent approach was working to reach more unpaid Carers than ever. CCS is delighted to announce that from September, all Carers Agents will become Village Agents and all existing Village and Community Agents are ready to support unpaid Carers in Somerset. Keeley Rudd, CEO of CCS said “We are very excited that we have simplified our offer for Somerset residents. By ensuring that all Agents are available to support families including Carers we know that many more people will be able to be helped and supported in their vital role as a Carer. This will also benefit the wider family with all their needs – from fuel and food poverty, to finding solutions to reducing loneliness and isolation, reduce referral times between team members, providing solutions much more quickly for the whole family if needed.” Raj Singh, deputy CEO continued “Somerset Carers is still very much here, dedicated to carers with the Carers freephone advice line 0800 31 68 600, Carers website, live chat on the website, newsletters and booklets specific to Carers in Somerset. This change simply means we have increased our capacity to care for the Carers.” People can contact their local CCS Village Agent by calling 0800 31 68 600 / 01823 331222 or visiting you/ or contact your local Agent to get one!

Nic Edwards 07946 461468 e-mail [email protected]


Stoke St Michael War Memorial Hall

Open Afternoon: Tuesdays 2pm– 4pm Tea and chat, crafty things to do, puzzles to make. All welcome, refreshments available

BINGO alternate Mondays. 7.30pm – 9.30pm

MENDIP BELLES. First Tuesday in the month. Ladies get togeth- er. Interesting things planned. Start 7.30pm

CRAFTY LADIES: Knit, Sew, Crochet, chat and discuss

PARTIES/BIRTHDAYS/FAMILY EVENTS: The hall is available with a bar, kitchen, large screen & projector to accommodate your event. Please get in touch to chat further about the hall and any catering requirements.

Hall Bookings and more info: [email protected] Phone 01749 840272



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Mole Catcher Dunns Logs 01373836350 Quality Seasoned Hardwood Logs 07512681111 Delivery and stacking at no extra cost No Mole Nets of Logs and Kindling also available No Fee Contact Richard on 07703062048 Facebook Page Dunns Logs



Oil heating specialist -Aga, Rayburn, Stanley, Alpha Boilers all types Breakdowns and servicing 24 hour call outs Small plumbing jobs Bleed throughs Call 07428663825 or PLANNING A PARTY? 01747 826094 WE WOULD LOVE TO HELP. WE CATER FOR ANY FUNCTION. PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT…

W. J. Trotman Funeral Directors

(Incorporating Oswald Clarke Funeral Directors of Bruton)

Ashdene, Cranmore, ,

Somerset BA4 4QQ.

Tel (01749) 880271

A family run business for over four generations Private Chapel of Rest

Pre-paid funeral plans available


Owl Babies Preschool

@ Leigh on Mendip First School

Open daily from 8.45am – 3pm Term time only Hourly rate £4.40 Day rate £26.40

Funding available for qualifying 2, 3 and 4 years old (15 or 30 hours/week)

For more information on our pre-school visit

or contact us on 01373 812592

[email protected]



New members are always welcome Leigh on Mendip Memorial Hall, Tuesdays 9 .30 am – 11.30 am. (term time only)

£1.50 for first child and 50p for siblings (including refreshments and resources) If you need any more information contact Laura Martin on 07769292304


Al Stewart Do you need a reliable local Transition4u Personal Training Chimney Sweep?

- Individual Training Programmes Hello, I’m Matt Clark. A member of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps offering: - Injury Rehabilitation - Sports massage • Chimney sweeping • A clean and thorough job - Free initial consultation • Certificates for your insurers Phone 07889 093179 • Bird guard fitting • Bird nest removal

Chimney Sweeps Somerset Member of REPS; NRPT; FHT Independent Herbalife Member Tel: 07891 105529

[email protected]

Bridal Hair & Basic Make up Experienced hairdresser Computers and make up artist Broadband challenges with home based beauty room Are you struggling? Val Hurle provides a Software/hardware issues friendly, calming and relaxing service for all the nspiration required I bridal party in the comfort Contact Ian Tucker of your own home or venue 01373 474602 or Tel 01761 436764

07889 767886 [email protected] or visit www.-valhurle/


Stoke St. Michael Baby and Toddler Group Come and join our friendly group! When? Wednesdays, during term time Where? Stoke War Memorial Hall What time? 9.30am to 11.30am. How much? £1 per family. First visit free!

We provide a large range of toys for babies and toddlers, as well as fun, weekly activities. Children can enjoy a healthy snack whilst parents can relax with a cup of tea, all included! Monthly visits from the Children’s Centre and toy library. Who? Sarah ([email protected]) 07398043054 or Charlotte ([email protected] 01749 840255)

Stoke St Michael Toddler Group

Little Roots @ Stoke Moonshill Road, Stoke St Michael BA3 5LG

Open term time only: Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm

Forest School sessions are available. We provide childcare for 2 years old + We offer 15 and 30 hours funded places for eligible 2 year olds all 3 and 4 year olds.

For more information, or to arrange a visit call us 07565 931718 or email: [email protected]






Andie Christie D HURLE Man & van Licensed Waste Carrier PLASTERING SERVICE Reg. No. CBDU 138947 Removals COMPETITIVE RATES Clearances undertaken Tip runs Reliable and Trustworthy Please ring or text 07906158909 No job too small or email [email protected]

Telephone 0789 717702


Leigh-on-Mendip Parish Council

Chairman Clerk David Mattick Anthea Brooks Tel 01761 418737 Tel. 01373 812734 Email [email protected] Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Memorial Hall unless otherwise advised - see Parish Noticeboards for details of Agenda, Minutes etc. or visit

All parishioners welcome to attend


(Registered Charity No. 304574)

Standard Hiring Rates

Monday to Friday (until 6.00 pm)……………………………………………£ 5.00 per hour

Monday to Friday (6.00pm onwards) ...... £7.00 per hour

Saturday and Sunday ...... £7.00 per hour Business Users - At all times ...... £10.00 per hour

Sale or serving of Alcohol ...... £10.00 per event

A coin meter is provided for the electric wall heaters (£1 and £2 coins)

Hire of the hall includes the use of crockery, cutlery and glasses. These items may be hired for outside use. A list of the items, and prices is available

Booking clerks Ann & Rog Orpwood 01373 812459 [email protected]


E-mail - Post - Your Village contacts are: -

Leigh Jan Pattison Yew Tree Cottage, Tadhill 01373 812460 Stoke Janet Gilham Hillside, Withybrook 01749 840671 Downhead Steve Britten Goldsborough Farm, 01749 840291

Advertising Rates Commercial ¼ page £2 per month or £25 per year ½ page £4 per month of £45 per year Whole page £8 per month of £85 per year Non Commercial ¼ page 50p per month or £5 per year ½ page £1 per month or £10 per year Whole page £2 per month or £20 per year Payment for adverts to:- Janet Gilham, Hillside, Withybrook, Stoke St Michael, Radstock BA3 5JQ. Cheques made payable to Stoke and Leigh Magazine.

Note from the Editor When emailing articles or adverts please use black text and grayscale for all logos and pictures A5 portrait format with 1cm margins 1.5cm bottom margin. Or A4 landscape same margins, two columns and central gutter of 2cm. Stoke St. Michael Village Website: - Leigh on Mendip Village Website: - Community Support Officers

Tel: 101 for non-emergencies 999 for emergencies only