You are about to embark on a nine-week journey that is de- signed to lead you to living life to the full. There are a number of key Scriptures that speak to this idea of living life to the full in contrast to a life that is empty or lived for yourself. Jesus summarized this living life to the full this way:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV

These next nine weeks are going to focus on the contrast that the Apostle Paul reveals in Galatians 5:16-26 of living life full of your sinful nature versus living a life full of the God’s Holy Spirit. The culmination of Paul’s contrasting thoughts, summarized in verses 22-23, describes the evidence of a life lived to the full through the metaphor of a fruitful life. There are nine characteristics, or “fruit”, that Paul lists:

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithful- ness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23

This guide is designed with five daily readings for each of the nine weeks. The daily readings are for individual reflection with the anticipation that you will find a Life Group to meet with weekly to share and receive insights and encouragement in living the full life that Jesus has invited you into, both as an individual and in the community of His church.

Enjoy the journey.

Introduction WEEK 1 4

WEEK 2 10

WEEK 3 16

WEEK 4 22

WEEK 5 28

WEEK 6 34

WEEK 7 40

WEEK 8 46

WEEK 9 52


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 NIV

Love: agape [agah’pay] affection or benevolence, to serve a person for their good and intrinsic value, not for what the person brings you.

The primary key to everything is love. Along with self-control, love is a bookend that helps hold the other fruit in place. It is a love that surpasses human understanding and causes a person to be filled with the fullness of God.

Page 4 DAY ONE

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV

Some say love is complicated. Some say love is blind. Every generation tries to understand it. They say you can even fall into it. Some go to incredible extremes for it. Yet, God defined love and went to the greatest lengths for love. Here in Romans 5:8, Paul tells us about how God demonstrated His love for us this way: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. This is incredible to be reminded of God’s love for us! That He knew that without His help we would be rendered helpless and eternally separated from Him. He went all in, giving His very best while we were still at our very worst. God’s display of love was one of full commitment, even to the point of death. This act of love was the greatest show of love this world has ever known, and it is all about relationship! This relationship with Jesus doesn’t mean life is always easy. Rather, it provides us with the ability to face anything that comes our way knowing that we won’t ever be alone or without love again if we just let His love come into our lives.

DAILY RESPONSE Have you ever asked Jesus into your life? If so, take some time to thank God for His great love & grace! If not, take a moment & ask Him right now… You will never regret it!

Do you have hope that God can get you through any situation? Why or why not?

Page 5 DAY TWO

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 NIV

There is so much worry & fear in the world today. Whether it’s the fear of catching a “certain” virus or the fear that we’re going to endure extreme suffering or difficulties along the way in this life, fear has been gripping us all for far too long. This portion of scripture is saying… there is no fear in love! It has been said that the opposite of love is hate. This verse would infer other- wise, as it states that there is no fear in love and that perfect love drives out fear. This would suggest more so that love’s opposite is not hate but fear. Thus, when we find ourselves in fearful situations, circumstances, or uncertainties, we as the followers of JESUS must be reminded of God’s perfect love that we were made in and allow that reminder to be our rescue from our worry and our fear.

DAILY RESPONSE What’s your greatest fear in living out God’s love towards others? Is that fear rational or irrational?

What fear do you believe is stopping you from loving people the way Jesus calls us to love people?


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:9 NIV

It would seem that there is less and less of a concern with what is good and what is evil these days. The common conversation seems to lean more towards what is real and what is fake. Cue recent buzz words like “Fact Checkers” & “Fake News”. Because of that, it would seem that the objective has switched from fo- cusing on what is “good and evil” and has moved on to a longing of knowing what is “sincere”. As Paul wrote here in Romans 12:9 he states that “Love must be sincere…” Now, there is no debate that this must be the case, the placement is interesting. Did you notice this is what he leads with? It would seem that the holy spirit inspired Paul to order these words knowing where we would be in our today! In a world seemingly less focused on what is good vs. evil, and more focused on what is authentic vs. fake, we as the body of Christ must lead our lives with sincere love.

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you battle to sincerely show God’s love the most? Friends, Family, Coworkers, on the road driving or in the drive thru at the coffee stand?

Why does sincere love come solely from God & not of ourselves or how we think or feel?


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Have you ever been to a wedding? I’m sure you have & if you haven’t you will someday soon enough. Often at weddings the pastor will reference a scripture about “love”. More times than not it’s the very verse we just read in 1 Corinthians. Did you know that the apostle Paul didn’t think, “You know what? In a couple thousand years from now people are really going to need a bible verse to reference at their weddings so I better write something on “love.”? This verse in 1 Corinthians is written right in the middle of a list of other gifts God has given to His church. He references them as “Spiritual Gifts.” Through this portion of scripture, Paul lists “love” as the greatest gift of them all! Let us be reminded today that the gift of love is one we receive from God but it’s also the one we give back to God as well as give to others. Knowing that there are many other gifts He has given us, Paul reminds us that this gift of love is the greatest of all!

DAILY RESPONSE If love is a gift God has given us to use, who are you going to engage with this amazing gift today?

Being that love is the greatest gift of all, shouldn’t it be the most consistent gift we operate in? How will you apply this truth to your life on a more consistent basis?


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35 NIV

Did you know that God loves everyone? Yes, even that person you just thought of that is extremely unlovable in your eyes. Jesus loves them and others who you or I would categorize with them. The bad, the good, the rich, the poor, the thieves, the diseased, the religious & the irreligious. Because He loves us all, we are called to love as He loves. This command He says, “Love one another. As I have loved you…” is not easy to do! Is it? NO. But, because Jesus called us to it, He will grace us through it. Mean- ing, that if God would ever call us to, or command us to, obey Him to do something, He enables us to be successful in. Even through your past pains, you can love. Even when you have been lied to, cheated on, mistreated or manipulated, He does not retract His command, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Why? Because this is where the rest of the world will watch and see a love that others will take notice of! “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

DAILY RESPONSE To love as Jesus loves is not for the faint of heart! Will you be bold & ask Him to help you love the most unlovable in your life today? Write out your prayer for that person & speak His love over their lives today!

This scripture says “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.” How do you believe the Holy Spirit is calling you to live this out so that others may know the love of God?


Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

Joy: chara [kharah’] cheerfulness, a calm delight in God and His salvation for the sheer beauty and worth of who He is.

Joy is an attitude of the heart which manifests itself in cheerfulness and a delight in the Lord, regardless of circumstances or surroundings.

Page 10 DAY ONE

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 ESV

Take a moment to think about the last time you had the experi- ence of full joy in your life. What were the circumstances that led you to this experience? This Psalm is a powerful reminder that access to the fullness of joy is found in the presence of God. Here is the good news: if you are a follower of Jesus, you have unlimited access to God’s presence. And since we have unlimited access to His presence, we also have unlimited access to the joy that His presence offers us. Circumstances, challenges, and chaos in life will come and go. When we look to these things to bring us joy, we will always be left disappointed. But as Jesus followers, we have the gift of God’s presence in our lives. His presence isn’t controlled by our circumstances, challenges or chaos. Instead, our perspective of those things is transformed when we remember we have the gift of His presence! And that is where joy in its fullest sense is found!

DAILY RESPONSE When was the last time that joy felt full and real in your life? What was taking place to make you feel this way?

How can you become more aware of God’s presence in your life today? How can this help lead you to walking in the joy that His presence provides?

Page 11 DAY TWO

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4 ESV

There are times that we come across scripture in the bible that sound nice, and even inspiring, but living it out seems like a chal- lenge. The Apostle Paul’s words here in Philippians can feel that way. It would be much easier to live out a verse that said, “Re- joice when everything goes your way…” or “Rejoice when there are no challenges…”. But that isn’t what this verse calls us to do as faithful followers of Jesus. There is a simple, yet powerful truth locked up in this short verse: The object of our rejoicing is always good, faithful and true – even when the realities of life are not. Paul reminds followers of Jesus that the object of their rejoicing is God – not their circumstances. God is always good, faithful and true. This can’t be said about the realities that we all walk through in life. There are things that we will face in this journey of life that do not give us reason for rejoicing. We don’t rejoice because of pain, but we can rejoice in the fact that God is with us as we walk through it. We don’t rejoice in the brokenness of our world, but we can rejoice in the God who is able to mend, heal and transform! When we understand this simple truth, we can live everyday rejoicing in Jesus!

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you find the biggest obstacle for rejoicing in your life? What drains your joy?

How can putting this short and simple verse into practice raise the joy level in your life this week?


For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30:5 NLT

One theme you have probably noticed by now as we study joy this week is that as followers of Jesus, we will still encounter circumstances that are challenging and that have the potential to rob us of our joy if we choose to allow them. In this Psalm, David speaks to the tensions that we sometimes walk through. There are moments of challenge and setback, but God is so good to provide us a new day. Take a moment to think about the gift that a new day is: It is a fresh start. You have never lived it before. There are new opportunities. Yesterday is over and isn’t coming back. Why does David remind God’s people that joy comes with the morning? Because that is where God’s mercy meets us. It is new for us every single day (see Lamen- tations 3:22-23). Maybe yesterday was full of discouragement and disappointment. Maybe last night there were a few tears shed. Does that mean the hope of joy is gone? Absolutely not. Today is a new day, and joy can meet you right where you are at because God’s favor lasts a lifetime!

DAILY RESPONSE Take a moment to reflect on the gift of a new day. In what ways do you see God’s mercy at work in each new day?

How can each new day serve as a catalyst for greater joy in your life?


And Nehemiah continued, “Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day be- fore our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!” Nehemiah 8:10 NLT

Where do you find your strength? In the book of Nehemiah, the verse you just read takes place after the book of the Law was read out loud to the people. In response to what they heard, they began to weep, knowing that they had failed. The goal wasn’t to stop at sorry for sin, it was to move the people to renewed relationship with God, and because of this renewed relation- ship, there is joy. Have you ever thought about joy in the Lord as the place of strength? As we learn to rejoice and delight in Him, our relationship deepens. Through deeper relationship we grow to understand and depend on God as our source and our strength in life. We see Him provide and we see His faithfulness on display, and we rejoice in Him. And as this happens it moves us to deeper trust, a deeper display of His strength and a deeper level of joy. Do you see the pattern? I TRUST GOD + I EXPERIENCE GOD’S PROVISION + I EXPERIENCE AND EXPRESS JOY IN GOD = STRENGTH

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you feel weak in life right now? How do you believe the “joy of the Lord” could strengthen you?

In considering this verse in Nehemiah, how can a lack of understanding this impact our daily lives? What would we miss out on?

Page 14 DAY FIVE

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! John 15:11 NLT

In John 15, Jesus talks to His disciples about the importance of “abiding” in Him. He gives a powerful example of a vine in a vineyard that is designed to produce fruit. Unless the individual branches stay connected to the vine (through abiding or remain- ing in it), they will be unable to produce the fruit they were cre- ated to make. In our journey through looking at the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, we are reminded that a byproduct of living life with the Spirit produces joy. In John 15:11 we learn that Jesus wants us to be filled with joy. Did you notice what kind of specific joy He is talking about? HIS JOY. This is very different that simply experiencing the emotion of joy for a moment. Jesus goes on to say to us that He desires that the joy we would have in our lives would overflow! This sounds like joy to the FULL! At the end of it all, the key for us to experience and walk in true and lasting joy is only found in an abiding relationship with Jesus. In that place of relationship, no matter the circumstances, challenges or chaos we face, the Spirit is working in us to cultivate the fruit of joy. Jesus wants you to be FULL of His joy to the point that it overflows from your life to the world around you! That sounds like LIFE TO THE FULL!

DAILY RESPONSE Take a moment to think about joy in your life as a tank. If it had a gauge, where would the tank read? If you are on the “low” end, how has abiding with Jesus impacted where that joy level is in your life?

What are two ways that you can give greater access for the Spirit to further develop joy in your life in the coming weeks?


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV

Peace: eirene [iray’nay] quietness, rest, set at one again. Confidence and rest in the wisdom and sovereignty of God more than your own.

The best way to explain the fruit of peace is the phrase “set at one again”; that is to be reunited with someone from whom you have been estranged. For believer’s, it is to be reunited with God, which then results in quietness and rest and the foundation to live in peace with others, and with yourself.

Page 16 DAY ONE

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 NIV

The Hebrew word for peace is ‘shalom’. Shalom means whole- ness, well-being. The word peace in the New Testament is the Greek word ‘eirene,’ which means quietness, rest. There is a type of peace that comes from Jesus. It is a gift He gives us through the Holy Spirit. The world offers a false type of peace that is temporary and conditional. It comes in different packaging such as life and health insurance, Lysol spray, a bachelor’s degree etc. The peace Jesus gives us is not situational, it is not temporary, it doesn’t have to meet certain conditions. The only way we will ever truly be ‘whole’ and find ‘rest’ is when we know and have a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit.

DAILY RESPONSE Besides the ones listed, give some examples of the false type of peace the world offers.

Using the Hebrew and Greek definition of peace, explain how this type of peace is different from what the world offers.

Page 17 DAY TWO

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stead- fast because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Human beings are not perfect; we are far from it, but according to the word of God we can, despite our imperfections, experience perfect peace. How do we experience this perfect peace? First, we must trust the Lord. Learning to trust the Lord takes time and it is not easy. It is hard to trust someone you have never spoken to. It’s hard to rely on someone you have never been around. It is very difficult to trust someone you don’t know. To build trust in the Lord we to need establish a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. Second, we need a mind that is steadfast. A mind that is steadfast is a mind that is fixed on something, filled with great conviction, it is immovable and determined. It must overcome doubt, quiet opposing voices, it must know what to meditate on, and how to defend itself against discouragement and distrac- tions.

DAILY RESPONSE Give some detailed examples of how a person can learn to trust God.

What must we meditate on to develop a mind that is steadfast?


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV

Being a disciple of Christ does not mean a problem-free life. We will face difficulties. We will have arguments with our spouse, perhaps encounter financial hardships, and even have to bury a loved one. However, when we are walking hand in hand with the creator of eternity, we can navigate the temporary trials. When Peter focused on Jesus, he was able to rise above the storm. We must focus on all that He overcame so that we will overcome. We may be in the middle of the turmoil in very stormy waters, but on the flying bridge of the ship that is our soul is the captain, and His name is the Prince of Peace. And if He steers the ship, we can rest assure all things will work together. We don’t have to have all the answers, it is enough to know the skipper.

DAILY RESPONSE What troubles you at this moment? What difficulties are you facing?

How can you experience peace despite these difficulties?

Week Three DAY FOUR

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called chil- dren of God. Matthew 5:9 NIV

Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. There is a long process for fruit to be formed. When we say yes to Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in us. If we allow the Holy Spirit to become our counselor and guide, our character begins to change. We begin to reflect the nine ways his fruit manifests, one of those ways being peace. We cannot give away anything we don’t have. We must have peace if we want to go and be peacemakers. Being a peacemaker is something we must work for. It starts inside of us and then we extend the peace to others. When we walk into a situation where there is division, tension, hatred, the peace of the Holy Spirit will guard us. Then, with His help, we will be able to speak words of wisdom that will bring peace between our brothers and sisters.

DAILY RESPONSE How can you allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the fruit of peace inside of you?

Give examples of how we can be peacemakers in our home, our workplace, our Church?

Page 20 DAY FIVE

Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble. Psalm 119:165 NIV

Traffic laws have one purpose and that is to protect everyone on the road. If I follow the law, I am doing everything in my power to keep not only myself and the people in my car safe, but also everyone else I drive beside. God’s law is God’s counsel. For example, God says I should not be bound together with an un- believer. God knows there will be a lot of conflict in a marriage between a believer and a non-believer. It will be hard to agree on how to raise the children, make financial decisions, how to spend Sunday mornings etc. And if there is conflict in a home, there will likely also be lack of peace. The Psalmist says that if we love God’s law, we will find peace, because only God knows what is best for us. He knows what will cause us to stumble, bring grief, and steal our peace.

DAILY RESPONSE Why is it hard to accept and love God’s law?

Why do you think it would be better to do life God’s way?

Week Three WEEK FOUR

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 ESV

Patience: makrothumia [makrothoomee’ah] the ability to endure trouble (from others or life). To suffer joyfully. Longsuffering.

Patience is character trait that allows you to endure evil until the Lord sees fit to bring His resolution.

Page 22 DAY ONE

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1 NLT

Have you ever thought about the definition of patience? The dic- tionary says it is the quality of being patient, without annoyance, misfortune, pain, or complaining, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. The idea of “without complaining” seems like a stretch while waiting for something you have been asking the Lord for help with. There are dreams and desires stored in each of us that often feel as though the waiting is taking too long. Are there times that you feel as though you have been patiently waiting for what may feel like forever? Remember today that God’s plan and timing is always perfect, even though it often seems difficult to wait.

DAILY RESPONSE How will you practice patience today?

What are some dreams and desires you are waiting on the answers for?

Page 23 DAY TWO

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NLT

When you hear the word strength, one of the first things that comes to mind might be the gym or lifting weights. Thankfully, trusting in God doesn’t depend on the amount of hours we spend in the gym; by simply trusting in Him we gain strength. There is no amount of training or strengthening we can do to accomplish all He can do in our lives by simply trusting Him. Often trusting takes patience because it is easy to grow weary in the waiting. Strength is found in the obedience and belief in the One who holds us when we are weak and weary. When you think you have to do it on your own, pause and pray for patience and trust the God who is in control.

DAILY RESPONSE What are areas of your life where you need to depend on the Lord to find new strength?

What are some ways to find new strength and patience in Him this week?


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 NLT

Most people would agree that always doing good can be hard and tiring work. It is not that most people wake up wondering what evil deeds they can do that day, but there are struggles in everyone’s lives that can derail our best intentions. Isn’t it com- forting to know that we are promised “at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing” by not giving up? The right time is always the Lord’s time; we need patience to keep doing good until the Lord’s timing is fulfilled. When our patience runs short, sometimes doing good is the first thing to go out the window. One antidote for discouragement in doing good is to turn your eyes towards Jesus and think of all the good He has done for you. God always rewards faithfulness.

DAILY RESPONSE Where can you “do what is good” this week? Watch to see how these things can further the kingdom.

Do you ever wonder what a harvest of blessing would like in your life? What are some harvests you are waiting to be fulfilled?

Week Four DAY FOUR

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV

Have you found it is easy to be patient on the days that are going well? When you wake up early to sunshine and are on time for your commute, the slow drivers and the red lights are not as annoying. Opposed to the rainy morning when your alarm didn’t go off, your patience goes out the window. When we are in constant prayer, He is the one that gives us patience in the trials. The Lord isn’t surprised by our tribulation. We can have peace in the fact that He knows we will have it and He is in control.

DAILY RESPONSE Where are the areas in your life that you need to pause and be patient before responding?

Take a moment to write or say a prayer about the area you need help being patient in.

Page 26 DAY FIVE

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 ESV

Society often teaches the importance of fending for ourselves and leaning into our own abilities to do better, reach our goals, and strive for the things we want in life. The world today has many things that can give us the instant satisfaction we often desire. Anything can be ordered off the internet in just a matter of minutes and can often be at our doorstep in a number of hours or days. Sometimes the idea of patiently waiting for things seems impossible. It is easy to try and take control of our own situations because we think we can do it faster or better than God. God’s re- sults are not always instantaneous and require patience from us to know that He has our best interest and outcome in His hands.

DAILY RESPONSE What is something you need to turn over to God instead of trying to do it yourself?

Reflect on a miracle from your life where the patience of letting God have the situation has played out.


Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. Proverbs 21:21 ESV

Kindness: chrestotes [khraystot’ace] usefulness, excellence (in character or demeanor): gentleness, goodness, Practical kindness with vulnerability out of deep inner security.

Kindness is the character trait that combines strength of character and a mild-mannered disposition. Kindness is love on trial. It enables you to be emotionally strong and forgive others.

Page 28 DAY ONE

Large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the moun- tainside. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Then Jesus said to him, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Instead, go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of lep- rosy. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed. Matthew 8:1-4 NLT

Have you ever felt unwanted, unloved, or untouchable? It’s im- portant to understand the religious and cultural dynamics at play in this passage of scripture. This man with leprosy would have been seen by the community as not just “unclean” but “untouchable.” An outcast who was ostracized from the public and commonly looked down upon. So, what does Jesus do? He touches the “untouchable”, heals him and restores him to society. You could say Jesus shows an immense amount of kindness to this man. A type of kindness that doesn’t define people by their mess or brokenness, but rather sees people as human beings in need of God’s love and grace. Jesus steps away from the crowd in order to be with a man who was casted out of society. He shows this man kindness that he had never experienced before, a kindness that ultimately brings healing to his life. Jesus sees you, He wants you, and He loves you. Allow Him to reach you right where you’re at, to display His lovingkindness so that you can display the fruit of kindness to others.

DAILY RESPONSE How have you encountered the kindness of Jesus in your life?

Is it easy for you to extend kindness to hurting people in your community? Why or why not?

Page 29 DAY TWO

Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? Romans 2:4 NLT

As Paul unpacks the Gospel of Jesus to the church at Rome, he brings up the topic of God’s judgement. In Romans 2, he chal- lenges them to not condemn others, but to look within and see their own sin and mistakes. Paul states in verse 3 “why do you think you can avoid God’s judgement when you do the same things?” Seems pretty harsh right? Just wait, it gets better. Paul flips the script from judgement to kindness in verse 4, pointing out how wonderfully kind God is, a kindness intended to turn us from our sin. We have to remind ourselves daily that it is God’s kindness that does sanctifying work within us, not fear, guilt or shame. As you go about your day, be encouraged that God isn’t holding a hammer waiting to knock you on the head when you sin, rather He is wonderfully kind, tolerant and patient with you; and we are equipped, through His kindness, to repent, turn from our mistakes and sin, and walk in life to the full.

DAILY RESPONSE Do you find it harder to be kind, tolerant or patient? Think about some specific situations and write them down.

When have you experienced God helping you turn from your sin through His kindness? How has that allowed you to experience life to the full?


Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. Proverbs 21:21 ESV

A byproduct of pursuing kindness is living a life to the full. Jesus set the best example for how to live life to the full by bearing the fruit of kindness throughout His ministry on earth. This life to the full we have in Jesus is not self-glorifying or living frivolously, because it also means pursuing righteous- ness, which means to act in accordance with God’s will. Jesus’ “life to the full” meant loving and serving others, and inviting them along in His mission. It meant showing kindness to the outcasts of society, it meant loving the unlovable, it meant following God’s will all through His life, even to the cross. When we pursue this kindness that Jesus exemplified, others will see the byproduct of that in our lives, and be drawn to Him and the life to the full that He offers.

DAILY RESPONSE How can you pursue the type of kindness Jesus modeled today?

How can pursuing righteousness and kindness produce life and honor in a specific situation in your life? Write some thoughts down to put into practice this week.

Week Five DAY FOUR

A gracious woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth. Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you. Evil people get rich for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last. Proverbs 11:16-18 NLT

Does it ever feel like kindness is a one-way street? Like you are simply depositing kindness to others but there is no return from the investment? Maybe you’ve experienced this working in cus- tomer service or with a difficult family member, or maybe you’ve found yourself on the other side of the equation a time or two (we all have), but Proverbs 11 assures us that your kindness will be rewarded. But that reward isn’t just for you; living a life to the full isn’t just for your benefit, it’s to bless others. Proverbs 11 is made up of many statements that show a dichotomy between how we ought to operate if we want to live a life to the full, and how we will operate if we’re getting off course. What to do and what not to do. It’s helpful to keep ourselves in check with God’s will, and in step with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The next time we are faced with the opportunity to show kindness to someone in a difficult situation, remember these proverbs and how you can apply them to your life. Things like being generous, trustworthy, honest, and of course, kind, are some practical ways to operate when you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to bless someone.

DAILY RESPONSE Read all of Proverbs 11, what can you learn about living life to the full from this passage?

Who is someone (maybe someone that is hard to get along with) who you can bless with kindness this week? Pray for some specific people this upcoming week.

Page 32 DAY FIVE

Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. James 2:15-17 NLT

You can identify an apple tree because it bares… apples. You can identify an orange tree because it bears oranges. And you can identify the evidence of the Holy Spirit operating within someone when they bear kindness, along with the other fruits of the spirit. People will see Jesus in us, not when we just say we follow Him, or if they see us going to church on Sunday; they will see Jesus in us when they see us treating them and others with unusual kindness. Do you ever find yourself dis- playing “kindness” in this way James describes, with all words and no action? Good intentions but no follow through? Practical kindness is something that requires action: the giving of food, clothing, or even financial resources. Sometimes we get hung up on this last part of the verse. Isn’t faith enough? Yes, but if you have faith in Jesus, putting these fruits of the spirit into action will be a natural response to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Having a “dead and useless” faith and living a life to the full can’t coexist. Be encouraged to put your faith into action this week by operating out of kindness toward others.

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you see the evidence of the fruit of kindness in your life?

How is the Holy Spirit leading you to be kind?

Week Five WEEK SIX

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 NLT

Goodness: agathosune [agathosoo’nay] Honesty, transparency. Being the same in one situation as another, integrity.

Goodness is practicing virtue, or “doing the right thing” for the sole benefit of someone else. Goodness enables you to do good to those who hate you as well as those who are part of God’s family.

Page 34 DAY ONE

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heav- ens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 NLT

When you think of the word “goodness”, what comes to mind? Do you equate it with “being a good person”? If people from all different faiths and backgrounds can claim to be a “good per- son” based off of culture’s moral compass, then what makes followers of Jesus set apart? The goodness that is a fruit of the spirit, is something far greater than a moral compass, it is a byproduct of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, and it is a response to the goodness of God and the work of Jesus on the cross. This passage from James says that goodness is a gift from the God who created all the lights in the heavens. From the very beginning, God was defining goodness. Each piece of heav- en and earth that He created, He declared it good (Genesis 1). And even though humans messed up, His goodness has never and will never change. We can never replicate this goodness on our own, we can’t achieve it by navigating through the world’s ever-changing moral compass; it is only by His never-changing goodness, a gift deposited in us by the Holy Spirit, that we can live out any ounce of goodness in our lives.

DAILY RESPONSE What was your definition of goodness before? How might the Holy Spirit be leading you to a deeper understanding of goodness?

How will you respond to the gift of goodness that the Holy Spirit has deposited into your life?

Page 35 DAY TWO

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become con- ceited, provoking and envying each other. Galatians 5:25-26 NLT

Much as we may try to “be good” on our own, it is impossible to do without being in step with the Holy Spirit. We live in a fallen world and all of us are faced with sin and temptation. Sometimes this looks like what Paul listed in Galatians follow- ing his definition of the fruit of the spirit: conceit, provoking others, envy. But the good news is there’s hope for us. If we stay on course by following the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives, we will bare the fruit of goodness in our lives. Did you catch that? Every part of our lives, not just the easy or convenient ones. Those difficult areas in your life are the ones where the greatest transformation can happen. When people see your life transform from things like conceit and envy to fruit like goodness, God is glorified and people are drawn to Him. Goodness, then, isn’t an action, it’s not what we do, but it’s who we are, it’s evidence is on display in our everyday life. We can experience the life to the full that Jesus offers us when we let go of trying to “act good”, and instead let the Goodness of God and His Holy Spirit renew us from the inside out.

DAILY RESPONSE How have you seen the goodness of God in your life even when you’ve made mistakes?

When people look at your life, what do they see? Do they see things like envy or conceit or fill-in-the-blank, or do they see the goodness of God living out in your life?


Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil.” Satan replied to the Lord, “Yes, but Job has good reason to fear God. You have always put a wall of protection around him and his home and his property. You have made him prosper in everything he does. Look how rich he is! Job 1:8-10 NLT

Job is remembered for being good. Even God calls him the fin- est man on earth, blameless and full of integrity. Wow! Can you imagine the closeness between Job and God? It’s pretty clear that Job was walking in step with the Holy Spirit, he was baring fruit of goodness in his life. His wife, children, and friends could all see it. In this passage, we see Satan try to poke some holes in Job’s goodness; he points out that it’s easy to live out goodness when “life is good”, he lists all the ways God has blessed Job, and argues that if those things were taken away, Job’s goodness would be shaken. Have you ever felt that way? When life is going good it’s easy to trust God, it’s easy to display goodness. But when life is full of pain and suffering it’s a whole lot harder? When we talk about having “life to the full” we might falsely equate that with “living the good life”. But life to the full doesn’t mean always easy or without suffering. It’s living by faith that despite the enemy’s attempts to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus has overcome the enemy’s plots, and He offers us a different way of life, one that produces goodness.

DAILY RESPONSE What is your usual response to pain and suffering? Do you find it easy or hard to trust God during those times?

How might you pursue having “life to the full” this week rather than “the good life”? Week Six DAY FOUR

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 NLT

Our goodness isn’t for self-glorification or self-promotion; it’s not really about us at all. It’s all about bringing glory to God. This verse tells us to let other see our good deeds; we get this one wrong sometimes though. As humans, we are prone to the “humble brag”, or the temptation to post our “good deeds” on social media in order to be viewed in a certain light. But we can’t forget the rest of this verse, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father. Not so that you’ll get more “likes”, not so that you can feel better about yourself, not so you can give yourself a gold star and pat on the back, and not so you can check-off your good deed for the day. If we’re really operating out of the fruit of the spirit, when people see our goodness on display, God will get the glory, not us. And it’s so much better that way! If people are looking to us as their moral standard, we will fail them; but if they are looking to God’s goodness, He will never fail them, and they can experience life to the full along with us.

DAILY RESPONSE Have you ever got caught up in letting your “good deeds” bring you praise and glory? What did you learn from that experience?

How can you display goodness in a way that glorifies God this week?

Page 38 DAY FIVE

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

This verse focuses in on a concept we’ve talked a lot about this week: culture’s moral standards vs. the fruit of the spirit - good- ness. We can’t live set apart, displaying the goodness of God in us by the power of the Holy Spirit, if we’re trying to copy the behavior and customs of the world (whether those intentions are “good” or “bad”). Here, Paul says that when we live by the Spirit, God will transform us into a new person, changing the way we think. A few ways our lives can be transformed includes the ideas we talked about this week: we are only good because He was good first; we are equipped to turn from conceit, envy, and other destructive ways of thinking to goodness; when we experience pain and suffering and life doesn’t “feel good” we can still trust God’s goodness; the purpose of our goodness is to glorify Him, not ourselves. After that renewing of our mind, then we will know God’s will for our lives. His will is that we will accept this life to the full that Jesus offers us. His will for us is good. He is good.

DAILY RESPONSE How are some ways God’s goodness has transformed your life and renewed your mind?

What are some specific ways you can bare the fruit of goodness in your life this week?


If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16: 10 NLT

Faith: pistis [pis’tis] Loyalty. Courage. To be principle-driven, committed, utterly reliable. True to one’s word.

Faithfulness is the act of being faithful. Doing what you say you are going to do. Being known as someone people can trust because you are reliable.

Page 40 DAY ONE

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

One of the most precious truths that reverberates in all of the Bible is the fact that God is a God of faithfulness. He is abso- lutely reliable. He is full of steadfast love. He is loyal. He is constant and true. He does not change His mind (Num. 23:19). His is a God who keeps his word forever (Isa. 40:8). He also keeps his promises and his covenants with man. This is great news! God is faithful and a faith that pleases him proceeds from here. When it comes to living a faithful life to God, the believer must relentlessly allow the Holy Spirit to guide their thoughts and emotions in making this the starting point and to also keep it as the bedrock foundation of their life. So, a faithful life has been made possible and is completely based upon God and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. He is who He says He is, and He promises to finish the work he started. He is faithful to His children and even though at times it may not feel like it, the believer can rest assured that God is not done yet.

DAILY RESPONSE It’s one thing to understand that God is faithful, it’s another to believe it and trust it. In what areas of your life do you feel you may need to trust in God’s faithfulness more?

How has God proven faithful in your life? Reflect and write it down.

Page 41 DAY TWO

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT

God wrote a book. To put that simple sentence into some per- spective, think of it this way: the same God that created the planets and galaxies down to sub-atomic realities and holds it all together, wrote a book. Pages upon pages of His thoughts, His words, and His heart. This is truly incredible! From this passage we learn one of the greatest keys to a faithful life. The Bible is God’s very words given to us and is an ocean of soul-satisfying truth. It’s a roadmap, a compass, a spiritual GPS. It’s an instruc- tion manual. It’s Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. It’s an oasis in a desert. It’s a guide to the blind. It’s a love letter. It’s not just a book of stories and history. It’s the ultimate source of transformation. However, it is likened, there is an imponderable fact that God was merciful enough to even provide mankind a source and a way to eternal life through Jesus Christ. He in- vites his children into an adventurous journey of faith where discovery of these truths can be found in the Bible. Faithfulness comes through hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17), so why would anyone choose anything else?!

DAILY RESPONSE What has God been teaching you from the Bible lately?

Have you anchored your soul on the Word of God? Why or why not?


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:27-28 ESV

There are a couple implications we can gather from this verse: 1) Jesus is acknowledging that even though the sheep are in His possession, His voice is the one we will follow and, 2) there are other voices! As beautiful and exciting it is to know that God is faithful, the Bible is very clear that a faithful life to God is not for the fainthearted. It is a call to action. It’s a call to sacrifice. It’s a call to opposition. There are many verses in the Bible the beckon his people to be “sober-minded.” The reason for this is to have a clear mind so that believers can discern the voice of God versus the voices of other influences. The Enemy, Satan, is extremely powerful and can lure us into temptation. The desires that come from our sinful nature can seem untamable at times. The things of this world can be extremely intoxicating pulling us into dangerous circumstances. All of these voices are attacking our faithfulness to God.

DAILY RESPONSE Do you feel confident in being able to discern God’s voice among the other “voices” in your life?

What was the last circumstance where you felt tempted by something, but God’s “still-small” voice led you out of it?

Week Seven DAY FOUR

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16: 10 NLT

How does Faithfulness grow? A real and authentic faithfulness that flows out of genuine trust in God and is not based on ulterior motives. How does the kind of Faithfulness that stands up to a giant, withstands the fire of a furnace, and risks their very own life happen? Well, this kind of faithfulness doesn’t just happen, this faithfulness builds up overtime through the small and or- dinary moments of life where we pause to hear the Spirit and respond to this voice. It is in those ordinary moments of constant pausing, seeking, asking and surrendering to the Spirit where a kind of faithfulness develops that will propel a trust in God in the large things. The means to this Faithfulness comes in the form of Yielding. The yielding of our everyday actions and reactions, wants and needs, to the inspection of the Holy Spirit. It is at that moment of surrender where He prunes, washes, and heals. And so, little by little, day by day our faithfulness is developed by the Spirit through our yielding until our very lives resemble Jesus.

DAILY RESPONSE What ordinary things are happening in your life right now where you are needing pausing, seeking, asking and surrendering to the Spirit?

What is the Holy Spirit teaching you in those moments?

Page 44 DAY FIVE

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me— the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NLT

God promises to reward the faithful. What an encouragement to know that a faithful life does not go unnoticed by our King. It is encouraging to know that God sees every battle, every struggle and every wound that was experienced in this good fight, as the faithful move forward. But this is not all, He also promises that all will be worth it as He brings with Him, His reward. There is nothing less satisfying that having wasted time on something that did not give anything in return; in this world these types of disappointments are far too common. Unlike the emptiness that this world offers, we have a God who promises that being faithful to Him and living a life committed to His Purpose will have a re- ward that far outweighs the momentary pain we will experience. The most beautiful part of this reward is the One who gives it. The Lord will personally give the reward to the faithful. On that blessed day we will finally be face to face with the One whom we have lived for, walked for, sacrificed for, and died for. It is at this very moment where we will fully understand that it has all been worth it, so worth it..

DAILY RESPONSE How does knowing He rewards the faithful bring encouragement to your walk?

How can this truth become forefront thought as you fight the good fight?


But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

Gentleness: praiotes [prahot’ace] humility; meekness, self-forgetfulness.

Gentleness is the realization and acknowledgment of who I am, in relation to God and the world around me. It is the acceptance of the fact that God is God, and I am not. And that I am no better than anyone else.

Page 46 DAY ONE

Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 NASB

By culture’s standards, it’s easy to confuse gentleness with timidity or passivity. We’re told the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the loudest complaint gets the solution, you need to grab the bull by the horns to make the most of life. But when we look at the Greek definition, we see it means meekness, humility, and self-forgetfulness. It doesn’t mean that you’re easily imposed on or passive, it actually requires a great deal of strength. The strength of the gentle, meek, and humble doesn’t come from self-promotion, from one-upping each oth- er, or from trying to manipulate or control situations around us. The strength of the gentle comes from the understanding that God is God and we are not, we can trust Him and turn to him for help. In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, Jesus calls the gentle (other versions say humble or meek) bless- ed and says that they will inherit the earth. This might seem counter-cultural, another “first shall be last, and last shall be first” type of paradox, but it shows how we can experience the life to the full that Jesus offers when we take on this posture of gentleness, meekness, and humility. We don’t need to do the self-promoting because Jesus promotes us, we don’t need to force or manipulate situations because God is in control.

DAILY RESPONSE What comes to mind when you think of the word gentleness? And how does God’s definition change how you think about it?

Where is an area in your life you can demonstrate gentleness this week?

Page 47 DAY TWO

But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righ- teousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentle- ness. 1 Timothy 6:11 ESV

Let’s take a look at the opposite of gentleness to help us bet- ter understand what it means to bear the fruit of gentleness in our lives. In his first letter to Timothy, Paul lists some things that oppose gentleness: conceit, controversy, quarrels, envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, constant friction among people. He then calls Timothy set apart and held to a higher standard. We can see a connection between what Paul lists here and what John 10:10 says: “the thief comes to steal and kill and destroy”; you might feel relationships have been killed by controversy, opportunities to be united have been destroyed by quarrels, maybe some conceit or envy in your own life have robbed you of your joy and peace of mind. Getting stuck in these mindsets distracts us from the gentleness, humility and self-forgetfulness we are called to live by, and prevents us from living life to the full. Like Timothy, you have been called to live set apart. When you flee from these things that steal, kill, and destroy, people will notice something different about you, they will see the fruit of gentleness in your life, rather than the poison of conceit, quarrels, and slander; they will see you living life to the full for Jesus, and will want to be a part of that too.

DAILY RESPONSE Have you ever experienced some of these oppositions to gentleness, that Paul lists in 1 Timothy, “steal, kill, or destroy” something in your life?

What’s a practical way you can flee from these things listed and pursue gentleness in your life this week?


Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ Matthew 21:5 NIV

We can look to Jesus as the ultimate example of gentleness. What does riding a donkey have to do with gentleness? A lot ac- tually. The Son of God came into this world, lowly in a manger, humbling himself to the position of man, and later He entered Jerusalem gentle on a donkey, on what we now celebrate as Palm Sunday, just a few days before his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion. Our salvation through Jesus wouldn’t have been possible without His gentleness, without His obedience to sub- mit to God’s plan even when He knew it meant pain and death, without His willingness to sacrifice Himself for the world. He had the power to take control, to force a different outcome, but in His gentleness, He took the nails on the cross for us, and He died and rose again; He gently revealed Himself to His disciples, He gently let them wrestle with their doubts, and He commissioned them to care for His flock, and spread the Word. Now, through the new life to the full we now have in Jesus, we get to emulate His example of gentleness. When faced with tough circumstances will we choose to gently be obedient to God and His plan for us? Will we practice self-forgetfulness and put others before us?

DAILY RESPONSE What can we learn about gentleness and humility through Jesus’ example?

When have you responded to a tough circumstance by running away from God? When have you responded by gently obeying Him? Write down some thoughts and examples.

Week Eight DAY FOUR

Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4

Another way of putting this is found a little further down in Prov- erbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death”. What we say matters and has more power than we may realize. Have you ever been praised or condemned? The difference these two claims can have on your mind and spirit is drastic, but it’s some- thing worthwhile to remember when we’re speaking to others. How do you talk to your co-workers? Your spouse? Your kids? Your neighbors? What about on social media? Are your words giving-life or are they crushing? In Proverbs we get some new imagery, gentleness isn’t just a fruit of the spirit, but it is also a tree of life. When you speak gentle, humble, self-forgetting words rather than hostile, impatient, cruel, selfish words, it is life-giving to those around you. Speaking gentle words of life goes hand-in-hand with living life to the full. We can’t claim to be living life to the full in Jesus if we’re spewing words of hate over our neighbors or on a relative’s Facebook post. The next time you’re tempted to say something negative over someone, remember just how much power your words can have.

DAILY RESPONSE How has someone’s negative words impacted your life? How about someone’s life-giving words?

Where are some specific areas you can practice gently speaking life this week?

Page 50 DAY FIVE

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always be- ing prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentle- ness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

This verse helps us understand a key component of gentle- ness: who we are in relation to God and the world around us. How we can balance living life to the full, set apart for God’s purpose, with still being gentle towards others, especially those who don’t know Jesus yet, and not viewing ourselves as better than them. God is on the throne, and we are not; we’ve been called and set apart, but God’s love is available for all people. This verse mentions people wondering the reason behind the hope of a Jesus follower. When you live different you look different. People will be drawn into Jesus when we remember our place in God’s plan, when we walk in gentleness and humility, when we flee from the things that steal, kill, and destroy, when we follow Jesus’ example, and when we speak life over others. When people ask us where we get our hope from, how will we respond? Will we beat them over the head with the Bible or will we share the transformational love of Jesus with gentleness and respect? We can only truly live the life to the full that Jesus offers us when we bear the fruit of gentleness toward God and others.

DAILY RESPONSE Is it easy for you to remember who you are in relation to God and the world around you? Why or why not?

What ways can you gently share the love of Jesus with others this week?

Week Eight WEEK NINE

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. Proverbs 25:28 NLT

Self-control: egkrateia [engkrat’iah] Ability to choose the important thing over the urgent..

Self-Control is moderation or self-restraint in action or statement; It is control over your entire being (body, soul and spirit). A person who has self-control is mild and calm, avoid extreme behavior, and exercises self-restraint in both actions and speech.

Page 52 DAY ONE

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. Proverbs 25:28 NLT

It can be easy to look at word like self-control and get rather discouraged and maybe even feel defeated. The tension often comes when you feel like it’s all about you and what you can do in your strength and power. Be encouraged today that this idea of self-control closes out this list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. These core character traits that the Holy Spirit would like to work in your life are a daily, on-going work of progress. When you allow the Holy Spirit to do His work, and you com- mit to working together in this God-driven partnership then you are on a path where self-control can become evidence of the relationship that God is forming on the inside. To produce this kind of fruit requires an on-going, always growing connection to the true source of growth and maturity. Take a self-control evaluation this week as you invite the Holy Spirit to continue the development process in your life. It’s not in your own strength that self-control is going to grow, but through yielding to God’s Holy Spirit to do the work.

DAILY RESPONSE How would you describe the development of self-control in your life?

What area of self-control would you most like to see the Holy Spirit develop in your life?

Page 53 DAY TW0

Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 1 Corinthians 9:25 ESV

If you have kids or grandkids around you’ve probably noticed that youth sports has gotten to a place where everyone gets a trophy just for showing up to play. Maybe you’ve gone through one of these end of season rituals. The season comes to a close and there’s a group of kids and parents, maybe a few grandparents huddled in some back room at a restaurant eat- ing stale pizza and passing out trophies. Everyone gets their 30 seconds of recognition and some kind of nice word from the coach. Wouldn’t it be great if that was the way that the rest of life worked out? That you got a trophy for just showing up. You showed up for work, you got a trophy. You mowed your lawn, you got a trophy. You loved on your spouse or kids, you got a trophy? You get the idea. Life is more than that. There’s a discipline to life that requires a training plan that goes way beyond a ‘trying’ plan. The development of self-control is not an automatic process, it’s a partnership between you and the Holy Spirit. Where is the Holy Spirit inviting you add some discipline into your day that can help you grow in your self-control?

DAILY RESPONSE On a scale from 1-10, how would you describe your personal disciplines? Why?

What is a discipline you would like to see added to your life? What steps can you take towards that discipline this week?


So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadow- boxing. 1 Corinthians 9:26 NLT

It’s interesting to think about the difference in trying really hard to do something versus training to do something. The value in training comes in knowing what it is that you are training for. Training for a marathon is different than training for a math test. Different muscles, different skills, different preparation, different plans. You can choose to add the right training plan into your life this week. Notice, the phrase in today’s verse, “I run with purpose.” Purpose is what distinguishes wishful, hopeful thinking to a purpose filled plan. Purpose is what gives self-control a foundation to build the plan on. The plan makes more sense when you know your desired destination. Today’s verse reminds us that there is an opportunity to add a training plan into our preparation for life. Where would you like your steps to take you today? What is your next destination? Begin training today and taking the steps you can choose to prepare you to be ready for what’s next. God has a purpose for you that becomes clearer as you step into your training today.

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you think the Holy Spirit may be leading you into a ‘training’ plan rather than a ‘trying’ plan?

Where do you need redefine your purpose to create the right foundation to build your self-control?


I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27 NLT

Allowing the Holy Spirit to develop self-control in your life sets you on path of discipline that can set the course for where you would like to get. Paul speaks to a tension that your life can project if it drifts into an all talk and no results life. Paul has a healthy awareness that his encouragement towards a discipline in His Jesus relationship needs to go beyond merely words into practices, habits, and to be an example to those around him. What are the disciplines that you are practicing today that are preparing you for what’s ahead? Where do you see self-control playing a part in that preparation? Who needs an encouraging word to stay engaged in their Jesus walk today? Don’t just give the words, give the example, and offer to come alongside as well. Take the necessary steps of discipline and self-control today that is going to lead you to God’s desired finish line for you. Don’t forget that God doesn’t want you crossing the finish line alone, find someone to bring with you.

DAILY RESPONSE Where do you find yourself in a place where your words and actions are out of alignment? What needed steps do you see that could bring you into alignment?

Who do you think God may be inviting you to cross the finish line together with? What are you going to do about it?

Page 56 DAY FIVE

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 NLT

Self-control impacts all areas of your life. Often times the physical realm captures much of the attention around self-con- trol. Today’s verse is a reminder that things like diet, exercise, proper rest, are all of some importance when it comes to living a life of self-control. How would you rate your diet? Do you find yourself beginning each day having had a good night’s rest? Do you have a favorite exercise or physical activity? It’s proven that there are benefits to adding some activity into your schedule. It’s good for you. All the benefits though have an expiration attached to them. You have been giving an op- portunity be a good steward of your physical body, it’s not only helpful, but biblical. You have also been given an opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit to be a good steward of your inner person as well. Both are significant in this life, but only one is significant for the life to come. It’s not an either/or, but rather a both/and. Practice self-control and be a good steward of the body you’ve been gifted by God and be an even better steward of the soul that He’s placed with in you.

DAILY RESPONSE Between diet, exercise, and rest, which one would you say you are practicing the most self-control? The least? Why?

What steps can you take this week to grow in self-control as it relates to your body? What steps do you need to take as it relates to your soul?

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