SIX TTTE DAILY CAPITAL V RNAI SALEM, . TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1916. Why shouldn't the Stand- bport Ivews- - ard Oil Company make the best oil-w-ith over 40 years experience in refining-wi- th un- equalled plant equipment? And INTER-CIT- LEAGUE IN PLAY BALL TODAY: Y Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California cruder Game and Parade Postponed: asphalt-bas- e. Prominent authori- Will nay Tomorrow, ties have recently declared League Magnates Will Meet that an Weather Permitting oil correctly refined asphalt-bas- e in Portland to C onfer from First Game April 30 crude can be made not only equal paraffine-bas- e GA i POSTPONED but superior to -- . Load Up iS (leo. inter-elt- IHYthrd. Ore., April K Secretary (irnyson. of the oils. Next time you empty After alternate rain and sun- baseli.H league, came to Salem lust 'OM of crank-cas- e shine kept tin' lil evPning to interview Jhe hew manage- the refillwithZerolene. pipe v:th ffood old "Tux" and knock the daylights out bobbing tip and that blessed fans ment of the Salem Senators about Sa- down all morning. J. 1'luvius lem the A Dealers of care and woe and troubleand all the rest or that tribe, so iresn, finally got the upper hand, and entering league. mectiug everywhere and at service makes feev W. V. .McCredie anniiuni'ed that was hastily arranged at which it was agencies cheerful, sweet, mellow and mild is "Tux" that it you the opening game on the home" practically decided Salem should stations and of the Standard Oil the Heavers have league ball. A meeting of the live-lon- g 1 grounds between Company. care-fre- e and chesty all the day and !alt Like Bees would be league managers and officials will be postponed until tomorrow. called for Thursday evening at Port- The parade and otiier demon- land and Salem h is been requested to n stration!! scheduled for today have a representative at the meeting will be staged tomorrow, at which time the final arrangements the weather does not will be completed if Salem enters. agna interfere. At present there are eight teams in this leugue, viz.: Brmlfords, (ireslum, Montflville. Ht. Helens, W'ooilland, Kirkpatriehs, Baby Beavers Wood-burn- . Standard Tht Ptrftct Tobacco for Pipt and Ciganff Or., April IS. Before the tie Oilforttotor Cars Portland, Aeoi-rdia- to Lake Secretary Crayson, if and tho Salt Salem should enter they will probably do their turn at the Vaughn street take the place of Woodland. Wood so many thousands of men forsaken all othei; Bees 6.63 compared with ten year Why have they will have land's schedule consists of eight games per cent a ' grounds this afternoon, Losses of Livestock average of 0.62 per cent. smokes for Tuxedo? , to settle with one iiuiue in uie next 10, one at t ortianu a little oltereation on Vaughn street coast league grounds, The condition as to iiealth and flesh Jupe is Show Decrease o Because they tried Tuxedo and found it the one tobacco Jupiter Pluvius, raia maker. two at Woodburn, and two at Oresham. Moderate on April 1, 1916, and the average official killjoy whose activities This is only the first half of the sea April 1 of the past ten years, are rela- all essentials of a perfect smoke supremely mild,' the a with the have rudely dashed the hopes of many son ana on tue secanil linli the schedule! Washington. V. C, April IS. Losses tively as follows: Horses and mules, bite or irritation. so 96.7 and 96.2; cattle 96.0 and 95.1); iweet, fragrant and without a particle of Duck citv ball game is arrange,! that Woodland plays the!f live stock 'from disease and exposure mile-lon- pa- sheep, 1)6.1 and V5A, rwtnc and the "Tuxedo Process" Kven if it does rain, a s.iine majority of games at home. .luring the past year were moderately No such tobacco was ever known until rade with six bands and a bunch of Jn ease it is decided to enter the smaller than the ten year average of 94.0. May- league the Tho number of breeding sows in the was invented by a doctor to refine and mellow the natural leaf floats, Governor Withycombe and opening game will be played 9Ul.h logscs, anA the condition as to .10. . be or Albee and severur thousand lesser at Woodburn April The follow-- health nd flosh from animal9 on April United States is estimated to about remove every trace of bite. ...g - 1.6 1 mi and lights, will inarch to the grounds. The bunday Salem will have their open- , wag slightlv bctter than the average, per cent more than on April last was year. are the Other tobaccos make big claims parade began forming at noon and RS according to" estimate, based upon re The increases mostly in scheduled to reach the ball grounds ag, h""'6 southern states. but the fact nt 'l i . , , ports of agents and reporters of the about processes of the " Depart-o- n D. S. GORDON hour ahead wh? t.? I Bureau of Crop Estimates, U. S. imitations declared in many Tni0 of do It's a poor seed that isn't stronger Brliadler General. U.S. Army remains that none of these Half holidays were 'l'" of - will for the team whether or Salem en-- mZ .'Rn.cultc- than the soil. original "Tuxedo business houses, but no school boys not ep.demtc of hog cholera seems to "Tuxedo tobacco gives h:i3 ever equalled the ters the league. The team was o gan-- - go unless they play "hookey." ',e the Tuxedo is the m. i.t.l only tf week ago on a pro " ?.anc' f,or .the tot,al '"I"" a mild, cool and soothing Process." That's why The game will ,start at I!:00 p. rata from basis among the players and they h"K' !9 estimatc1 NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OP Would not use tobacco no other can one o'clock the ground keepers have ,,'(i f" tmoe. I most wholesome bout no finances back them. To go at P" .c!lt ,of thf total as CHUECH STREET. of 111 cent gasoline on of into! any other tobacco. be made by the "Tuxedo Process." will bum a lot this league will take considerable (,mPn,1 Wltu nl,0t 10 P" ccut'sn'B yp" to dry up the field. ago, 11.0 the grounds i'.V and if the fans of Salem to!aS. H.9 per cent two years Notice is hereby given that the Com- - ,.,1,- - .,1 11.111 rvt'ilf 9 all previous at- want rri Weather permitting see high class ball and willing to' ,cnt th,vc yenr8 nK0.8-- Per ccnt mon Council deems it expedient so te records probably will llP are I'" Tuxedo smoker. tendance supnort the team sufficiently to set fmir 'rars Per ecnt f've years do, and hereby declares its purpose anil fTn permanent smashed. W. YV. WcCrcdie announced (,", per cent six years ago. 'the intention to improve Church Street 1 re- started there is no rensnn s,,l.., sale o'f box and - tin unprecedented cannot pur .111 ilevolopment and decline of the epedem- from the South line of Stato Street to wdio tried to exceptionally fast team served seats. Speculators in the field. ) ic may be observed from these 'figures. tho North line of Mission Street lit tha YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE were rude- liny up the blocks of tickets The matter will be laid before the During the past year losses still amount- expense of the abutting and adjacent ly pav- Convenient, Rimini? wrapped, r"jinou green tin with gold 1 f sniiclched. Commercial club at their regular meet- ed to or exceeded 10 per cent of the sup- property, by grading, curbing, and tit Albep will pitch a Tmselmll ing said portion of said Street with a moisture-proo- f pouch . . . Uttering, curved to pocket 1UC Mavor ing this evening in the hopes that they ply in Ohio, Indiana, Arkansas an.l in first six-inc- supposed to have been used the will give t heir moral as well as finan- Florida. Hituininoits Con- In Tin IlumiJitrs, 4Je an.l SJc Clan HumiJtn, 50c tni 90t ttlj baseball rules, pavement, game under organized cial siinport. One important reason for smaller los- crete consisting of a one ISti'J. and one-hal- f (I inch liituminou Ttl I AMUtCAK TOIACCO COMPANY nv back in Some of the fans who have witnesed ses of live stock from exposure is the The balteries for today are the games Concrete wearing surface laid on a four tCSSSSiSlSSzi probable three played .it Woodburn increasing practice on t.e ranges of pay, ifl'.i ::ttrtFWXJPBTr W-- jMI,t.hil'JtlliWIIMl'i one-hnl- f Hughes and Hannah for Salt Lake will vouch for the s'tateinent that the feeding hay, generally alfalfa, to the anil (4 inch Bituminous and Novcs and Fisher for Portland. teams in this league are made tip of the sheep and entile, when the winter is Concrete base in accordance with tho best and severe and grazing difficult. Stock is plans, specifications nnd estimates for Misses Bella and Alice Schrneder amateur Tris Speaker was nnout the only California vs. Stanford. players in this part of the country and thus kept in better condition, and los- the improvement of Church Street from and Mrs. Margson were week-en- vis- - ' Clevehiuder that Cunningham could not Herkely, Cnl., April IS. California Salem will see some of the best base- ses from exposure become less. the South lino of State Street to the four, o'f with their parents. ' Mission deceive. Speaker got lilts our itors will receive Stanford with open arms ball outside of organized league ball For the entire Tinted States the los- North line of Street, adopted Watching the Scoreboard t Miss Hilda and .Mr. Sam Lent, spent by five ries. next Saturday, will attempt to scalp that they have seen since the old dnvs ses of horses and mules from disease the Common Council on the 3rd day with the Otterbein family. Tri-Cit- y of April, 1916, and file in Sunday Hie cardinals a number of limes and of the le igue. during the past year are estimated as noiyon the a few of the folk at- office of the City Recorder, which for Saier proved the nemesis of limner Quite send them back to Palo Alto denuded This year Salem has an cxceptionallv 1.75 per cent, compared with-- ten year social at Bethel lasl greater certainty and convenience are Dunk of St. I.ouis in the flush with Ihc tended the free of athletic glory. This is rather a large stroii" bunch of players from which t'o average of 1.05 per cent of tho supply; ( evening. hereby referred to and made a part of 'ubs. Friday order, strongest campus enthusiasts picK a team, among whom are I'roctor, losses 1.9(5 .lack Ness, our I', 0. I., world's cham- the of cattle from disease, per this notice; being that character or pion liutsuiaii of Oakland, may nut With Ihe wore knotted in the sixth admit, but every California supporter Humphreys auser, Adams, Jones,) cent, compared with the ten year aver late .Miller Cill Cole kind of improvement known and desig- have voltage enough for the White Sox, Saier picked on a groover and bal'on-e- Leon is out to fill it if possible. Tasto Michel, Hell. The age of 2.01 per cent; losses o'f cattle Ponce de Failed; big of Salem nated in slid plans, specifications anil ba- it into the right field bleachers for a In the morning un Oakland estuary star high school from exposure, 1.07 per cent, compared but the fact regains he saved the Salem estimates ns "Bituminous- Concrete home run that gave his crew the game. the annual intercollegiate regatta takes and Senators t'.une, Hov Keehe, with the ten yetar average of 1.56 con for them yesterday. . His Prize Is Found per Stanford and bigleaguer llrahiim, of Dallas, and Pavement No. 5." When the pale hosed regulars had California will meet cent; losses of sheep from disease 2.16 The Common Council hereby declares fresh-- I the young pheaoin Cole, of upper val- jut about inade the game a gift to St. in three eight oared races, the per cent, compared with the ten year its purpose and intention to make the Fruitland News Poace de I.eou. the daring explorer, var- ley fame. liOiiis, Ness appeared as a pinch hitter men, the second varsity and the the averngo of 2.18 per cent ; losses of said above described improvement by searched among the swamps of Florida - Dtto Klett ns and former singled,' scoring run i.n sity. In the light of Stanford's sen- sheep from exposure 2.17 per cent, com- tin. the tying for the Fountain of Youth, which tho Manager C. Hiker as and through tho Street Improvement win. (Capital Journal Special Service.) showing at Vnughkeepsio a secretary and pared with ten year the ninth and enabling Chicago to .isationalI the average of Department of the City. tnilinns said would restore power aiu i .:. H,..t treasurer, and us cap- ' t In IS. vcor i 'r:,...; 3.11 per cent; losses of lambs from dis- Viui ml. Or., April The Zigler make people young. He did not find it. uo uiu'cmi-- tain, were chosen at the meeting last By order of the Common Council. I'oston phaas realize that Waller place has been rented to Kdward Bran- the bears hardly stood a chance on the ease and exposure, 5.22 per cent com- CHAS. F. KLOIX, City Recorder. Thousands of chronic intestinal, bow-e- l week to handle the nfafirs of the team. Johnson is only human. The Ited Sux son coaling water, but .judging from what Wash- pared with a five year average of 5.99 1916. for the vear. ' .', All are thirty-thir- Hated this 18th dav of April, and stomach sufferers have written : I 11 W degree fins anl the Wirdiington a I! .1... per cent; losses of 2D cruised superman off Carl Stebbins was home for short to (ico. 151 St., Cli- -j players as well as opin- swine from disease Apr. II. Mayr Whiting ,)p (.ariinn, ,ofll,slmM1 ,1UV0 fans are of the the hill yesterday, whacking him for stay Sunday, lie is working oa a ranch ion tiiat the team cngo, in ipiest ol health, lhey have ,,,. ,1,,,., in which ,ase will be handled in the double and four singles all in a I'mv '"""l" it. His remedy, comoosed most fair and sipiare and busiui'ss like .found California, which has not won the re- oii'l scoring four runs in his moment of Mr. John Miuger went to J'ftTson; v,K,,t.,i,e oils 'from France, has! manner for sometime pnst, and that it weakness. Sunday lo ,,,! gatta for lo, these many years, may mir- - evening to a lew days ot 1,,,,,,,,,, Kivi,n ,K,m lm,.k ,H, i,,,,,,,, of should prove the most successful season P.ostou had slaughtered Washington rtiiiint grafting. youth. prise ilst'lt. Sileni ever experienced. to A Saturiltiy afternoon the third and de- i hamburger eoiuliuna and was nice sized crowd gathered at the i' Why suffer front indigestion, gases Illicit ciding game of the Stanford-Californi- day evening, April 2ii. ready to the hamburger when home of Mis. linker for the month Y. oa the stomach, fainting spells, torpid Used series will be The play is n high Furniture providence look on the A. business A baseball played. class English com- pity Senators I'. and social meeting. liver, constipation and all the evils of a a large edy and is perhaps the most nnil started sized rainstorm that nice program was rendered and a disordered stomach when there is ambitious ended the cruelty good time was Not to FiHht Each Other. effort that lias ever been made by thoroughly enjoyed. Miss manent relief here? Mavr's Wonder- - anv SPECIALS FOR TODAY. Cleveland. Ohio. April IS. The Cova-lesk- i senior class in Itessie Donniilson was appointed secre- ful Kemedy is sold by leading druggists Salem. It was made brothers will not pitch against famous through Cunningham of Detroit had his curves tary to fill the vacancy of Miss I.uclln everywhere with the positive under! the nefing of Margaret One $8.50 full quartered oak Rocker, nimbly Cleveland each other it' brother Harry can prevent Anglin nail is considered one nearly new, breaking so that the Zigler. utii ml , ntr llint viiii- - niiiiini' will be re- - of the btitsitieu slunk back i - standard comedy plays of used price frerpietitly to their arson stanuiper went lo f.oia sun- tl,n,,i witl,ont iiiiiwt inn iii miibble i f the present $3.50 lit w hiiperiug sweet a lav visit his newlv wedded . bocame clear today.....following nay. nave noon nothings after to sister, .wi.. i...... "his uenearsais in progress! Two $12.50 full oak 's to the mound several weeks is i quartered leather seat Rockers, brief session at the rubber. Mrs. llarrv l.undce. satisfaction.' llarrv refusal tnke and it the intention, for Detroit yesterday when it was an- not only of Miss Rigilon, but of those nearly new, used price $4.50 each nounced that his brother Stanley would taking part, to show the people of Sn-- One Perfection Oil Stove, fine shape, twirl for Clevelandi his first appear- lem that a high school class can pro- - Ik B ance in big league company. d the best there is on the Knglish used price $4.50 At that. Stanley pitched a fine game, speaking stage. One $65 Monarch Range, holding the Tigers safe until the I'Jth The plavis to be given to secure funds Malleable a dandy, get when they bunched enough hits to or ne niga scnnoi paper, " ihe liar-inn.- used price $35.00 two runs and w in. The cast is as follows: One $5:5 polished top Steel Range, used 6 weeks, Sale01 s Handy R Guide Admiral firice liohcv KatelifYe epair Nip Women to Take WrestMnR. William Faraday Kdward li'auche used price $35.00 Sail Francisco, Cal April IS. Wrest-lin- Colonel Smith U11n Carson good is the latest sport for women. Itobert Tarver Conrad Other Ranges, used price $10.00 up 9 Jones 9-- Miss Dulcie Hall, an Australian wnni-ni- l Henry Steele Harry Hampton Cook Stoves, used price .$3.00 to $12 A wrestler of ci iisidcrnble renown, has .lames Kalcigh ...... Carlton Savage Heaters, used Stitch in Time Saves' Nine ail'ived here and announced today that Martin, a servant Victor Tnvlor price $1.00 up she expects to appear in various parts Cecil Faraday Beatrice Walton Iron Beds, used price $1.50 up of the country introducing the new idea. Madge (Mrs. Rockingham) - Springs, .- The Capital Journal Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability She believes American women will l ike Florence Valentine used price 50c up to the sport, just as many . Australian Kvelyn (Lady Treachard) Several Dressers, used price $3.00 up women have. Carolva Pick tho pieces of vour broken p 1 j Square extension Tables, used . . .$1.50 Save Ml 1 I'hyllis O'Pell Savage price to $9.00 ,,lul Shoe Repairing while txcels,or Blolorcycies Wright to Eox Trambltas. Mrs, Chisholm (Aunt Idal $1.50 Dining Chairs 50c to 75c Portland, Or.. April IS. Hill v Wright Vivian Heck Exoel.iior Globe-Warnic- ke And we'll save yon ihe tinio , ,vt'r Johnson and n'f Seattle,. away about ten One $22 sectional Bookcase, used you might waste wailing for a a IOU Wail lUcycles; Repairing; Aoeessoriea; pounds tonight and box Valley Trnmbi Tt is ns easy for you to please cTorv- - price $9.00 l"1'1 Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling tas. the r,irtlnnd middleweight, over body as it is for everybody to please welding makes our spccialtv the sit round route. The Hippodrome, vrni. We always have an enormous stock of all kinds of the broken part good us new. tip HAAT heretofore the ice rink, has been con- Fistiiuates eheerfullv f.unished. it DUvil MtUl verted into an athletic club for the house furnishings and can easily fit you out at One-Ha- lf vick brothers garage, Morse & Kafflsaen spiing and summer mouths. price with good slightly used furniture. 3,5 SK B7 ' Other contestants on toniirht 's card 'J60 N. High Salem, Oregon riione 1687 21 a High St. are Muff Hums. mi and T.eo Il.mrli. 12" GOOD See us before you attend auction and sales and it pounds; Walter Knoltoa and Al Mns-ler- , will save you money. ' 1:1:1 pounds; Tummy Clark and Springs Made and Chas. Neff, V.o pounds; Hilly Xelson FOR THE Our new stock of Furniture is unequalled for Modern Shoe Repair Co. and .T,,e Varrell, li.'i pounds; Toughv quality and price and we will take your old furniture Repaired Capital Journal Advertising Wingo and Frank riiaile. Ho pounds. Operated by J. C. Lally. STOMACH in exchange and allow you all it is worth. Wedding and brazing of all kinds will repair, buy or sell any-thin- of Hkh School Seniors to When the stomach Is weak, the liver all kind Auto Repairing ' and painting all work guaran- 1,'ecover the lost or 474 Court Street inactive and the bowels clogged just try teed. Put On "Green Stockings" restore found articles. E. L. Stiff & Son R J. Ilcrschback The of the digit school, under HOSTETTER'S Fine Shoe Repairing the direction of MUs Kthel U'o'don. "THE BUSY STORE" 2J9" Stat St. Balem, Ore. head of the I'nolish deo:vtmeiit will put Stomach Bitters Quick.Sales and Small Profits. t.j, ... --I.... j on the t hiv. "fir. en Stockings 111 Me of !h h'l'h hool Wodms- Is a splendid stoma li remedy wmmrnmx