IT@Intel White Paper Intel IT IT Best Practices BI Warehouse Strategy March 2013

Using a Multiple Strategy to Improve BI Analytics

Executive Overview Intel IT’s strategy for multiple Intel IT is implementing a strategy for multiple (BI) data business intelligence (BI) warehouses to provide significantly more powerful analytics capabilities to data warehouses enables our business groups across Intel. By providing an array of BI platforms, we are helping business groups to solve more Intel mine a broader range of data faster, deeper, and more cost-effectively. This high-value business problems, expanded architecture enables our business groups to solve more high-value business problems, achieve greater operational efficiencies, and improve their achieve greater operational competitive performance in global markets. efficiencies, and improve their competitive performance in For several years, Intel’s BI needs were • Extreme data warehouse (XDW), for analysis addressed with a “one size fits all” approach of structured and semi-structured data global markets. delivered by a centralized enterprise data • In-memory, for real-time analysis of warehouse (EDW). That solution is no longer streaming volume data sets adequate. With , data sets vary widely • Custom, independent data warehouses, for and are predominantly unstructured, complex, analysis of structured, normalized data and in volumes that cannot be managed with traditional relational methods.1 To Our multiple data warehouse BI strategy has address these limitations, we have introduced enabled us to move from an expensive, one- this BI strategy to enable business groups size-fits-all approach to a more cost-effective, to realize greater value from diverse and multi-tiered data warehouse architecture that optimized data sets. better matches the business requirements and types of data available to our business groups. Intel’s multiple BI data warehouses provide This strategy enabled us to avoid using EDW a dynamic range of BI analytic capabilities, for security BI and Design (HSD) use cases, including: resulting in a cost avoidance of nearly USD • EDW, for analysis of enterprise-wide 250,000 in the first year. Chandhu Yalla structured data BI Engineering Manager/Architecture Owner Intel IT • Apache Hadoop*, for analysis of raw, unstructured data Ajay Chandramouly Big Data Industry, Engagement Manager Intel IT

Charles Eden Senior Technical Integrator/Program Manager 1 “Insight Everywhere: The Growing Importance of Big Intel IT Data and Real-time Analytics.” January 2012 IT@Intel White Paper Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics

Contents Business Challenge To provide a more comprehensive and accurate of the company, we implemented a Performing cost-effective business Executive Overview...... 1 centralized enterprise data warehouse (EDW) intelligence (BI) analytics in an era of to deliver broader and more sophisticated Business Challenge...... 2 big data is an ongoing challenge for BI reporting and for guiding Intel and other organizations striving to Merging Diverse Data...... 2 business decision making. We have allocated improve their business decision making. Big Data’s Impact...... 2 the bulk of our BI investments to front-end Intel IT’s overarching BI goal remains tools and technology to Solution...... 3 constant: provide the right data to the help improve the integrity of our data. Guiding Principles and Cooperation right people at the right time. Our BI across Business Groups...... 3 strategy and its implementation are Using a centralized EDW has brought new The Process for Optimizing evolving to accommodate a wide variety levels of data standardization to the company, BI Data Warehouse Selection...... 4 of business use cases where BI can help strengthening our BI capabilities. For example, Matching BI Data Warehouse solve high-value business problems with having consistent product-name conventions Attributes to the Business actionable insights in near real time. and other identifiers have helped us achieve Use Case...... 5 “a single version of the truth” and enable us Our strategy is shifting as Intel and its business to merge data from diverse sources to gain Conclusion...... 7 groups continue to collect an enormous, business insights from the converged data. diverse, and rapidly expanding volume of Related Topics...... 7 This centralized architecture has proved external and internal data containing potentially effective at Intel, with the EDW a stockpile Acronyms...... 7 valuable insights buried within it. A major for aggregating all enterprise analytics data, portion of this data is large and unstructured, regardless of use case. But the EDW’s key creating up to 90 percent of enterprise data.2 limitation—the inability to deal with raw, The ability to mine and analyze data in various unstructured, and semi-structured data—has forms from many sources gives us deeper become more evident in recent years. and richer insights into business patterns and trends. It helps drive operational efficiencies Big Data’s Impact and competitive advantage in manufacturing, Across the global IT industry, big data product groups, security, marketing, and IT. is prompting a reevaluation of BI data At Intel IT, we strive to provide the optimum warehouse architecture.3 The issue is how to pairing of business-group BI requirements effectively manage data sets whose volume, with the technologies that can perform the variety, and velocity are beyond the ability of tasks most efficiently. traditional database tools to analyze the data. A new generation of big data tools is capable Merging Diverse Data of collecting, processing, and analyzing Over the past decade, Intel’s decentralized unstructured and semi-structured data in a enterprise resource planning (ERP) system timely manner, which means businesses can IT@Intel was aligned to the various lines of business The IT@Intel program connects IT derive meaning from previously unexplored (LOB). While these separate data warehouses professionals around the world with their data sets. With this ability, they can achieve satisfied many business requirements, as a peers inside our organization – sharing deeper and richer insights than were group they were inconsistent in collecting lessons learned, methods and strategies. previously possible in the traditional EDW. Our goal is simple: Share Intel IT best and storing data. For example, the formats for At Intel, our own EDW continues to provide practices that create business value and product and customer names varied across valuable business reporting and ad hoc make IT a competitive advantage. Visit different , making it difficult and us today at or contact costly to share data between groups. As a querying with its structured data, but a deluge your local Intel representative if you’d result, the data was shared only rarely. of big data at Intel is escalating both storage like to learn more. 2 “Mining Big Data in the Enterprise for Better Business 3 “Data Warehousing Architecture Takes Logical Turn in Big Intelligence,” Intel IT white paper, July 2012. Data Era,” Search Business Intelligence, November 2012.

2 Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics IT@Intel White Paper

and processing costs. Here, as elsewhere, the Our strategy takes into account that knowing offering more rapid development and local introduction of expensive big data platforms what big data can mean to Intel—and managing control. Our strategy has enabled us to avoid has sometimes proved tempting to our it as a corporate asset—is more important than using the EDW for LOB-specific security BI business groups, even though the specific consolidating it in a more traditional, single data and Design (HSD) use cases, resulting in a BI requirements may not justify the cost. warehouse. Expanding our data warehouse cost avoidance of nearly USD 250,000 in the architecture uses the value of the EDW for first year. To offer the optimum solution that best shared enterprise data, yet also extends BI matches BI requirements to platforms, Intel However, BI data warehouses capable of benefits to cases where the unstructured IT’s strategy is to provide a range of BI tackling big data solutions are not the optimal data is evolving, requires special handling, or data warehouses that can accommodate solution in every BI use case. For example, is focused on a limited audience. a variety of needs across Intel’s business depending on the use case, it is often more groups. We have extended our BI strategy to Our EDW remains an important part of our expedient to keep data in a data warehouse include solutions from traditional relational BI strategy. This central data warehouse close to the current transaction system and databases, Not Only SQL (NoSQL) database is optimum when business groups seek data users, minimizing latency problems and systems, data warehouse appliances, data cross-functional, integrated views of the the potential failure points that come with marts, and big data tools—all co-existing with enterprise data. At the same time, it provides each additional data movement. the EDW as a key part of our multi-tiered BI a single interface between users and the data warehouse strategy.4 data, making it easier to get to the necessary Guiding Principles and information and to develop BI solutions Cooperation across requiring consolidation. Business Groups Solution In addition to the EDW, our multi-tiered data Intel IT employs a consistent, data-driven warehouse strategy enables us to optimize process that encourages cross-organizational Expanding our BI strategy to include the BI solution when the data and results are collaboration for business, data, reusability, multiple BI data warehouses provides for a single business group. We accomplish architectural, and support requirements. Intel business groups with a broader this by selecting the type of warehouse that As shown in Figure 1, we work with our range of BI solutions to support diverse best fits the group’s business requirements; business groups to identify the optimum business needs. The key benefits for example, in cases where process and data BI data warehouse for their specific include accelerating the decision making changes frequently. Employing various BI requirements. Maintaining this multi-tiered process with insights mined from much platforms—when compared to a single EDW data warehouse architecture means a single, larger data sets, while promoting agility solution—can reduce capital costs while standard process for BI activity is no longer at a much lower cost. a restriction.

4 “Enabling Big Data Solutions with Centralized Data Management,” January 2013.

Service Manager Subject Area Product Managers

IT Customer Requests Automated Selection Tool Understand the entire Build and support Business Intelligence Assesses and determines data flow process to structure solution using new and (BI) Solution which data is appropriate and data for use before integrating existing containers how it will be integrated, and BI solution architecture creates a BI solution architecture based on a unique use case

Figure 1. We use a proven engagement process with business groups, to determine the best business intelligence data warehouse for a particular use case. 3 IT@Intel White Paper Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics

Using multiple data warehouses requires of the information Intel needs to run its A series of basic considerations can quickly keen management and oversight from Intel business.5 This team strives to achieve narrow the data warehouse options. IT working with the business groups for the the best BI procedural decisions for Intel’s • Is the information time-critical? following reasons: business groups, employing a consistent and data-driven process. This enables us • Can the solution be delivered from the • Selecting a BI data warehouse to address the business process, value, source? without complete analysis can result architecture, data warehouse opportunities, • Can the data be sourced from the group’s in sub-optimal performance. and size of the investment necessary to operational database solution? • Governance and agility varies according support each particular BI use case. • Does the data need to be integrated with to the specific BI data warehouse. When we engage with an IT customer, other groups’ data? • Decisions about the use of a particular our first step is to fully understand the • Does security of the data require BI data warehouse may not serve larger business requirements. We ask a series encryption or is it privacy-related? cross-organizational needs. of questions to determine the specific • Does the solution require big data • BI solutions often involve multiple groups BI data warehouse that is the optimal capabilities? making decisions. match for these requirements (Figure 2). If integration with other data sets is required, Put simply, there is a downstream effect for For example, it is not always necessary the value of integrating that data with every decision made regarding selection of an to move data. If all relevant data for a other enterprise subject areas in the EDW appropriate BI data warehouse. Having clear BI solution resides in the operational is considered. policies in place for defining and managing all data store, or business warehouse, it types of data is a critical first step. should be used there and not moved To support our data-driven approach, we use to the EDW. If all the data required for an automated selection tool to help determine The Process for Optimizing visibility, aggregation, reporting, or a the BI data warehouse best suited to the BI Data Warehouse Selection already is in a single location, requirements of the business use case. On Our IT Business Intelligence Management it should be processed there. the next page, Figure 3 shows the automated team standardizes and centralizes the selection tool containing the type of collection, storage, processing, and distribution information we collect to determine the optimal BI data warehouse for specific use cases. 5 “Enabling Big Data Solutions with Centralized Data Management,” January 2013.

Is the information time critical? Can the data be sourced Does the data need to Does the data need Can the solution be from line-of-business be integrated with other Does the solution require to be integrated with delivered from the source? operational data stores? line-of-business data? big data capabilities? line-of-business ?

Applications Embedded Business Operational Enterprise Big Data Line-of-Business Intelligence Data Stores Data Warehouse Solutions Data Mart

Figure 2. We ask a series of questions to determine which business intelligence data warehouse is the optimal match for a specific business use case.

4 Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics IT@Intel White Paper

Type of Information Collected, by Input

Purpose (Usage Model) Automated Selection Tool Each container supports a specific usage model and business scenario. Examples include real-time decision support; support for multiple data types and high data volumes and velocity; Input Parameter or support for tactical, historical, and exploratory analytics. Primary Source of Data Purpose (Usage Model) Where the majority of the source data resides can determine the best location for the business intelligence (BI) container. The type or types of source data can include Primary Source of Data combinations of online (OLTP) databases, operational data sources, Analytics/Intended BI Capabilities enterprise warehouse data, and unstructured flat files. Analytics and Intended BI Capabilities Data Types/Normalization Structured Analytical features are inherent to the BI data container. Examples include localized and Structured Data Horizon ad hoc analysis, operational predictive analysis, text parsing, and . Unstructured Data Types and Normalization Data Latency Other Data containers handle different types of data, such as structured data or a combination of structured and unstructured data. Decision Horizon Data Horizon Cross-Org Consumption Length of time the data resides in the container, from short-term (current state) to historical (greater than five years). Availability Data Latency Workload Type Data latency requirements describe how quickly the data needs to be refreshed for decision making, such as real-time (minutes), hourly, or weekly. Supported Scalability/Data Growth Decision Horizon Enterprise The type of data residing in the container provides an indication of the type of decisions horizon. For example, an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) container contains shared enterprise data, which supports an operational strategic decision horizon. Cross-organizational Consumption Percentage of data stored in the container that will be consumed by cross-organizational Click for consumers. Recommended Container Availability Availability and fault tolerance requirements of the business use case. Workload Type Other Independent/DWH Workload requirements for the business scenario (real-time, batch, streaming). Support performance driven tactical. Strategic analytics. Supported Scalability Intended data growth for the business scenario over a four- to five-year span. Enterprise Data Integration Percentage of the data required to be integrated with other subject areas such as finance, sales, and product groups.

Figure 3. Our automated selection tool accelerates the decision making process for determining the optimal business intelligence data warehouse for a proposed use case. Changing the attributes can change the specific data warehouse best suited for the use case.

Matching BI Data Warehouse These options include the following: and characteristics for each BI data Attributes to the Business • EDW, for analysis of enterprise-wide warehouse option. Use Case structured data EDW: For enterprise-wide The selection of available BI data warehouses • Apache Hadoop*, for analysis of raw, structured data is based on providing business value while unstructured data We use the EDW to accommodate highly managing costs. To enable Intel to make the • Extreme data warehouse (XDW), for analysis shared enterprise data and whenever a BI most efficient and cost-effective use of its data of structured and multi-structured data solution requires cross-application views or resources, our selection of BI data warehouses • In-memory, for real-time analysis of business data integration. EDW offers superior supports various levels of agility, performance, streaming volume data sets performance and serves as a data hub for costs, consumption, and data types and downstream data mart and reporting solutions. states. Our strategy includes data platforms • Custom, independent data warehouses, for ranging from relational databases and BI data analysis of structured, normalized data This BI data warehouse is primarily batch warehouse solutions to big data platforms. The following sections and Table 1 (on driven, with support for near real-time analysis. the next page) summarize the attributes 5 IT@Intel White Paper Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics

APACHE Hadoop*: For raw, This BI platform is well suited for a LOB High expense may be a limitation of this data unstructured, sensor-type data solution where governance and control are warehouse, due mostly to the condition that We use the Intel® Distribution for Apache less than those found in an EDW solution. all data must fit into main memory—5x data Hadoop software (Intel® Distribution) for compression is common—with a maximum of This BI data warehouse supports integrated, strategic , text data mining, tens of terabytes. However, its unsurpassed normalized, granular, and historical master and behavioral analysis. Increasingly, it is the velocity may also yield the highest business and transactional data, as well as both preferred BI data warehouse for large volumes value due to its ability to enable faster and streaming and batch-driven solutions where of variable, multi-dimensional, structured, or better-informed business decisions. data latency is dependent on the solution unstructured data, or for analysis of multi- design. It can function as an alternative data structured data where join conditions are warehouse for subject areas requiring special Independent Data Warehouses: unknown and the goal is to detect patterns. For custom BI analytics handling of classified or sensitive data not The Intel Distribution has significant advantages, shared outside of a specific business group. Intel business groups with custom including support of security integration, high requirements can rely on generic, independent BI data warehouses availability, and multi-tenancy conditions. It In-Memory: For real-time offers streamlined setup, management, security, analysis of streaming data sets established for specific purposes, such as for ERP business warehouse and troubleshooting for Apache Hadoop Although we have not yet deployed an operational data. clusters, as well as integration with existing in-memory BI solution, we plan to use this management and analysis tools. solution for business use cases that require These solutions can produce ad hoc quick results to meet specific requirements of predictive analytics, formatted reports, XDW: For high-volume, high business value. As an independent data dashboards, and write-back. Prospective structured data mart with vendor-supplied applications that business-analysis scenarios include HR Intended for predictive analytics and operational utilize an in-memory database, we recommend sensitive data, credit reporting, and factory reporting, we use the XDW for BI analysis this type of solution to our business groups data, with the BI warehouse either self- requiring large volumes of data, where the when extreme query performance is required managed or with central IT support. goal is high performance at a lower cost than and sub-second update latency is desired. the high-end compute power of the EDW.

Table 1. Comparative attributes of the various business intelligence data warehouse options at Intel

Enterprise Data Big Data Warehouse Extreme Data In-Memory DW Independent Warehouse (EDW) Using Apache Hadoop* Warehouse (XDW) in progress DWs Positioning and Highly shared enterprise LOB data High-volume, LOB data; Enterprise shared data LOB data (business Intended Use data requiring cross- some shared data based on combined warehouses and organizational integration OLTP/DW workloads operational stores) Relative Performance Best for structured data Best for unstructured data Better Excellent Good Agility Factor Slower (highly governed) Highly agile (low governance) Agile (medium governance) Depends on OLTP source Depends on the platform Data Type/Normalization Structure, denormalized Raw/structured, unstructured data Structured, denormalized Structured hybrid or column Structured, normalized Real-time versus Batch/near real-time Batch Mix streaming/batch Real-time/batch Near real-time/batch Batch Analytics Historical Data Horizon Long-term horizon; Short- to very long-term horizon; Mid-term horizon; Very short-term horizon; Mid-term horizon; >5 years <3 years to >5 years 3 to 5 years 6 months to 1 year 3 to 5 years Supported Scalability < 300 TB >1 PB >500 TB <20 TB < 2 to 5 TB Summarized Data Raw and summarized Mostly raw Raw and summarized Very little to high Very little to high BI Capabilities Usage • Data mining • Text parsing • Data mining • Predictive analytics • Ad hoc • Ad hoc • Data mining • Ad hoc • Formatted reports • Formatted reports • Formatted reports • Temporary data • Predictive analytics • Dashboards • Dashboards • Dashboards • Web • Formatted reports • HOLAP/OLAP • Write-back • OLAP/MOLAP • Sensor ad hoc • Dashboards • MOLAP/OLAP • Sandbox • ROLAP/OLAP • Predictive Analytics

BI-business intelligence; DW-data warehouse; EDW-enterprise data warehouse; HOLAP-hybrid online analytical processing; LOB-line of business; MOLAP-multidimensional online analytical processing; OLAP-online analytical processing; OLTP-online transaction processing; PB-petabyte; ROLAP-relational online analytical processing; TB-terabyte; XDW-extreme data warehouse

6 Using a Multiple Data Warehouse Strategy to Improve BI Analytics IT@Intel White Paper

Conclusion savings. For example, by applying the strategy, Contributors we have been able to avoid using the EDW for Providing multiple BI data warehouses John Martin, Intel IT LOB-specific security BI and Design (HSD) use greatly expands the ability of cases, producing a cost avoidance of nearly Moty Fania, Intel IT business groups across Intel to mine USD 250,000 in the first year. Craig Chvatal, Intel IT the enormous amounts of raw and Alan Gonsalves, Intel IT unstructured data. Matching the use With our BI options significantly expanded, case with the most appropriate BI it is important that business groups work platform is enabling us to achieve closely with Intel IT so their BI use cases are Acronyms substantial cost savings. executed accurately, quickly, and with the BI business intelligence least amount of cost. The previous approach of relying on a single, DW data warehouse centralized data warehouse became both EDW enterprise data warehouse costly and limited for our expanding BI needs, HOLAP hybrid online analytical so revising our BI strategy to accommodate Related Topics processing multiple data warehouses can significantly Visit to find white LOB line of business enrich the decision making process across the papers on related topics: MOLAP multidimensional online company and enhance business performance. analytical processing • “Enabling Big Data Solutions with In the several business use cases where this NoSQL Not Only SQL Centralized Data Management” strategy has been employed, BI solutions OLAP online analytical processing have been generated avoiding the use of the • “Insight Everywhere: The Growing OLTP online transaction processing more-costly EDW platform. We will continue Importance of Big Data and Real-time PB petabyte to analyze the financial benefits, basing Analytics” ROLAP relational online analytical them on the overall benefits derived from • “Integrating Apache Hadoop* into Intel’s processing these use cases. Big Data Environment” TB terabyte Since introducing the multiple data warehouse • “Mining Big Data in the Enterprise for XDW extreme data warehouse strategy, we have been able to document Better Business Intelligence”

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