Red Sea ACCESS Access Constraints and Attacks on Health Care as of December 2019 Gulf of Aden Djibouti Arabian Sea Buruc HP Caluula Qandala HC Ceelgaal HP

Unuun HP Dhaadaar HP SheebaabQaanlaaye HP Xijiijle HP Balli dhidin HP Zeylac Laasqoray Bossaso Beliwacatay HP Lughaye Qandala Awdal Ceerigaabo Baki Berbera Iskushuban Sanaag Borama Ceel Afweyn Bari Sheikh Woqooyi Galbeed Kulaalhudun HP Gebiley Awrbogays HC Hargeysa Qardho Access constraints Taleex Owdweyne Burco Caynabo Haange HPHudun HC Hudun TB Hospital/Center Gorofley HP Bandarbeyla Togdheer Holhol HP Access is extremely di cult or impossi- Sool Lafweyne HP ble in the marked areas. Armed groups, Xudun checkups, bureaucratic or other access Buuhoodle Laas Caanood Garoowe impediments are present and actively Nugaal restrict humanitarian activities. Burtinle Eyl Ethiopia Operations in these areas are often Jariiban Galdogob severely restricted or impossible. Even Gaalkacyo National capital with adequate resources, partners would Somalia_Airports be unable to reach more than a minority HFs in inaccessible areas Cadaado of the targeted people in need. Hobyo Cabudwaaq Major Roads Hard to reach areas It is extremely di cult to reach, establish Dhuusamarreeb Water bodies availability, functionality and access to Galgaduud health care services in these areas. Xarardheere Country boundaries Ceel Barde Belet Weyne Ceel Buur

Rab Dhuure Hiraan Tieglow Town HC Xudur Ceel Dheer Doolow Bulo Burto Luuq Waajid Tayeeglow Baydhaba A�acks on health care SAMA Labatunjerow HCALDA gof gaudud MCH Adan Yabaal Belet Xaawo Jalalaqsi Moragaabey MCHALDA MCH Jowhar Cadale GarbahaareyBaidoa TB Center Bayhaw Hospital AccessAttacks constraints on health are acts of verbal or CCC towsweine settlement HC Burhakab MCH HC Saacid Adale TB centerSHARDO Adale HC District Hospital Yaqbariwayne HC physical violence or obstruction or threat of Gobanle MCH Ceel Waaq Qansax DheereBay Swiss calmo TB centerWanla Weyn I MCH Wanla Weyn II MCH violence that interferes with the availability, Wanle Wayne TB Center Balcad Buur Hakaba Afgoie MCHLafole MCH 21 October HC access and delivery of curative and/or Baardheere Diinsoor KM 50 HC Qoryooley Ceelasha-MCH Hawa Abdi HC Lower ShabelleWadajir HCRusia HC preventive health services during emergen- Ayub Orphange Horseed HC Mogadishu Kurtunwaarey Qorioley MCH Saakow Shalambood HC cies. The following is an overview of the Sablaale Marka Barawe hospitalBarawe MCH recorded attacks to date. Kenya Bu'aale BaraaweBarawe TB center Date Region NatureIndian of A�ack Ocean Afmadow Jilib 8-Jun-19 Middle Shabelle Two health care facili�es a�acked and looted in Balcad 14-May-19 Gedo Loo�ng of a health facility in , Gedo region Lower JubaJamaame 8-Apr-19 Banadir Blockage of Aamin Emergency Services 4-Mar-19 A�ack on Dhobley General Hospital in Afmadow. Kismaayo 17-Feb-19 Mudug Hijacking of an ambulance near Galkayo, with NGO driver abducted 14-Feb-19 Banadir Hand grenade on a health facility in Hodan Badhaadhe 2-Jan-19 Banadir Armed a�ack on Keysaney hospital in Karaan district 9-Oct-18 Banadir Explosion at Hodan Maternal, Child Health and Nutri�on Center 20-Jan-18 Banadir IED a�acks on health professionals in Mogadishu City Hospital

Map Reference: SOM_HC_Access_Constraionts_and_Attacks_on_Health_21122019 DATA SOURCES Date of Creation: 21 December 2019 Admin. Boundary Layers: UNDP Somalia / HDX Projection/Datum: Geographic/WGS 84 Roads, Airports and Waterways Layers: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Feedback: [email protected] Ocean Layer: . Web: Health Facilities, Attacks and Access Data: SARA 2016; OCHA Somalia; INSO; Health Cluster . DISCLAIMER 0 65 130 260 Miles The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Somalia Health Cluster · concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or 0 95 190 380 Kilometers concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Rabdure