The Heights District Plan Online open house #2 comments: webform Concept 1: Promenade (Question: Please let us know what you like or don't Concept 2: Grand Park (Question: Please let us know what you like or don't Concept 3: The Loop (Question: Please let us know what you like or don't Date Submitted Format Concept 1: Pr Concept 2: GrConcept 3: Thlike about the design concept.) like about the design concept.) like about the design concept.) Do you have any other comments for the project team at this time? 10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Seems like this option doesn't utilize the oppprtunity to help brand the heights Favorite option. If you are going to do this, do it right with a place people will in as positive a way as the other options with the grand park or loop would. I love to go. also see a large plot of apartments in this concept which I would not like.

10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Promotes green space and small business. Looks like too much density for space and transportation. Keeps neighborhood feel Grand park looks like a msss 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 This is the best development for maximizing green space. PLEASE don't develop or widen Devine north of Mill Plain! I go out of my way to drive on this beautiful passage! 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Feels community like Please keep in mind the low income families. Living costs are a huge concern already. Safety for school aged children too. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 My favorite part is the openness and the green. The connectivity and the density are the best features of the Grand Park This plan seems to be very open, but looks, for some reason, to be less There are so very many elderly people at this time and I love the idea of the design. This density of housing makes a lot of sense for Vancouver as so many accessible? I like the connectivity and accessibility of other designs as this one elderly getting to stay in their house or apartment longer. Community, local people are moving here. seems less welcoming and more closed. fresh food sources, close accessible public transportation and wide doorways and automatic doors for folks with walkers would be very welcoming for all ages and give less reason for people to move out. Helping to create a multi- age and multi-use community here would be excellent for Vancouver. Wide sidewalks are so user-friendly. There are many communities that do not even have sidewalks in Vancouver but what I am saying is that if people experience wide open pathways they might realize how social and walker-friendly a truly wide sidewalk or pathway can be. Keeping people fit and walking and needing to drive less would be a great draw for all ages to move to a place like this.

10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 open inviting open spaces in downtown setting - save a bit of natures wonders for future great walking areas generations 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 No apartment clusters that look crappy please! No to this idea taking a gorgeous quiet neighborhood and ruining the vibe. Expect a fight from residents on this idea. 1500 new residents. No thank you!!! 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 No 10/6/2018 Web form 3 All concepts are too dense and will make traffick a nightmare. All three will I don't want to be surrounded by commercial uses...I could just move to the These plans will continue the trend of pushing all but the wealthiest out of the I don't think it matters what feedback you get frim stakeholders like me. I change the characteristics of the area, and not in a positive way. And all three east side if I wanted that. I moved here because it isn't a traffic laden retail region. You think you are making this a better place to live, but better for anticipate the city will push forward with one of these Frankenstein plans will drive up housing costs. Any of the three are clearly a win for the city, as strip wasteland like the east side. All three of these concepts will make this who? We don't need more chain restaurants or retail shopping stores. They because it's all about the money. You are serving businesses and developers, they will result in lots more revenue like the hell that is East Vancouver. are available 10-15 min to the west or east. not the people who live here. I am so, so deeply disappointed and discouraged with what I saw today. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Not enough green space. Most green space. Second most green space 10/6/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Not enough office space Development is too segmented Better, feels like more of an integrated community but needs more office space 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like that the greenspace provides a buffer from the apartments and The whole reason we bought our home in Dubois park was because we liked townhouses from the quiet neighborhoods south of MacArthur. the wide open streets and limited car traffic. That's why the people in our neighborhood and surrounding areas pay premium pricing for their homes and have property taxes that are some of the highest in Vancouver. I would be VERY upset if the 1500+ of new housing with an unknown percentage of low income, changed the dynamic of our neighborhood. Also, our public schools are already struggling. A new, beautiful school isn't going to change the test scores. My research shows that schools struggle in low income housing areas. Why would we add more for this school to support when it's already struggling?? We are at capacity in this area for low income housing and its impact on the community.

10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Office. Commercial. Open / Community Space. Would still look good years Office. Commercial. Open / Community Space. Would still look good years Hate it I am excited to see this site revitalized. It's such a depressing area that I have from now. Best use for location from now. Best use for location avoided for 16 years 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/6/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Like the idea of a beautiful park and open space among the development. Good luck! It's hard to please a whole community. There are some good ideas Don't like the idea that the buildings will be super tall and dense. within all these options. Please keep the vibe of Vancouver and not make it feel a contrived and commercial mecca for rich people like Beaverton and Lake Oswego. Ick. We need green space, community-oriented. Favor locally owned and small business partnerships. Don't give it away to chain corporations.

10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/6/2018 Web form Favorite! Prefer the office buildings across from Dubois Park. Lowest impact of You guys are doing a great job, keep it up! Spoke to P.J., Mark and Don. All of traffic for neighborhood by pushing high-density housing towards Mill Plain & you guys have bee so wonderful listening to our concerns and ideas. Devine. Love the bike way on MacArthur (all 3 designs) Consider a civic arts Comment for Vancouver city planners: Thank you for your thoughtful plaza or theater to attract high $ patronage. approach to this project. We greatly appreciate it but We'd love it if you could spread the love around other parts of the city and step up the weed control in public areas and medians. Please consider some of kind green blind at the Vancouver train station, the first thing passengers see is a dump!

Page 1 of 20 10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 No No My primary concern is the density...... all three concepts call for mid-range housing units, approximately 1,800. That's units, not people, so figure about 3 people per unit, give or take - that's well over 5,000 people. This is way too many for the surrounding neighborhoods to absorb. One of the outstanding features of this area is the large lots with quiet neighborhoods. I am not opposed to change, but this number is off the charts. I have not heard anything about increasing schools, managing traffic, parking or noise. I would implore the committee to take another look at the impact on existing neighborhoods.

10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Enhances the current neighborhood aesthetic Very modern but changes the full dynamic of surrounding neighborhood Is the second fitting enhancement to current neighborhood appeal, I like the setting to a very urban experience promenade better due to the engagement of surrounding neighborhoods. The loop seems to create a division between the existing housing and this new community base 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Nice public space, but lower in cost. I like the idea of having a nice park here, which would provide a reason for It feels like non-residents of the development wouldn't feel welcome. I have more than immediate residents to visit and patronize the businesses. encountered this walking public sidewalks in other Vancouver developments (and I'm a well-off woman of grandmotherly age, I can imagine how mean they are to others). That insularity wouldn't be good for the success of the businesses. 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Easiest, least expensive Most modern, seems to address housing issues more, the expense is only Neither concept or cost appealing. drawback. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like the central civic space and the east-west orientation. Not sure how many Like the density -- we need more housing. Like the opportunity for urban Least favorite but not sure exactly why. Doesn't seem very bold. It is very hard to judge which space is best without a plat map that shows how buildings will be here, if there will be a grocery store and how dense the area agriculture. Like the branding of the space. Not sure if and where there will the design is laid out within and near the neighbors. will be. be a grocery store. 10/6/2018 Web form I am very concerned that there are not enough parks for such a huge number of housing units. There needs to be more green areas, some of which are just for beauty and some for children to play in. I've looked at the pictures on line and at the open house on 10/6 and really cannot envisage any of them well enough too choose. I would do much better with 3-dimensional displays. It just seems like there are an awful lot of housing units. Are the new schools being built with enough room for that many kids? 1. Be sure to fix the bike lane from millplain east to MacArthur. 2. Be sure to create a safe pathway from mill plain north to the hill down Devine toward Ft Vancouver high school.

10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 I like the density. We need more housing in central Vancouver, not on the edges. Easy access to transit for residents in the new developments.

10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 ioopen space To many people in one place . Do not like. Does not speak to the roads near . More information this is just to vage. 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/6/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Love the tree lined streets. 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I was not able to make the community meeting in October. I would like another opportunity to look at ideas and give input. Thank you. 10/6/2018 Web form 3 Less wide open space to traverse. Feels more secure. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Make sure whatever concept is used it is easy and cost effective to maintain. Make sure the materials for walkways may be cleaned easily, there is little need for weeding or watering. Many of our green spaces in Vancouver are not well maintained. I look at the landscaping on N.E.137th Avenue, after new paving and roundabouts. As I walk along that area, I see trees that are not maintained and lots of weeds around the landscaping, which basically makes the streets look awful.

10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 seems out of place for the neighborhood. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Seems ok, but a little shortsighted. I really enjoyed the vision of this concept. The prospect of this becoming a The most ambitious is the most exciting, but being mindful of what is realistic I work at MLK elementary and any development in this area would be great! vibrant urban community is very exciting. is important. I believed in the Columbia River crossing and look where that got me. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/6/2018 Web form Absolutely NO disturbing the cemetery!!! If anything, purchase the driving range for expansion to there for future cemetery use. 10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Too gimmicky and photos don't seem to show enough efficiently affordable Centralize things for walkability and elder access, with affordable SRO's and Provides walkability with upward-facing density. Cemetery should be preserved (if not expanded) with present walkability. housing space. apartments above retail, as is the case near Esther Short Park. Losing the golf-driving range and terminating the lease on current church property toward mid-rise affordable housing (with street-level shops) seems the highest and best use, especially if BRT is coming to the Mill Plain corridor.

10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 we have a real need for senior housing, rental & purchase, within a walking community access to public transportation, grocery, etc. modern, great room plus bedroom & optional office/guest room with a built in murphy bed option, vancouver has FEW options and no modestly priced options and nothing within a walkable community in the housing area while mixed is always great, I'd like to see 35% to 55% go suitable senior options with a small fitness center, and programs like silversneakers

10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like the creativity of the Promenade hoops over the sidewalk - creativity The biggest attraction of the Grand Park is how warm and inviting the The loop looks like minimum maintenance but lacks what I sense in the other Thanks for your hard work on this - I believe this can do nothing but benefit always makes a neighborhood bloom. environment looks. Seems like it would be very connective. two as connectiveness. that community just like the Fruit Valley School and surrounds benefitted Fruit Valley in such amazing ways. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Go big. Like the new Waterfront, big public investments creates a stronger sense of place and a landmark residents can be proud of.

Page 2 of 20 10/6/2018 Web form 1 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Too much residential Too much residential 10/6/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Would like to see a public "farmers'" market centrally located, lots of open This is horrible. Don't try to make us Portland with tall buildings and lots of I like the idea of more open public areas. DO NOT WANT DEVELOPMENT AS Why do you feel the need to do anything major to an area that is a nice spaces and public walking areas. Don't destroy existing residential areas. Why urban areas! Keep Vancouver and just make it nicer and more welcoming. I AN URBAN AREA!!! residential area and a significant part of Vancouver's history? Adding some do you need redevelopment? No "urban area" with tall buildings. It's lovely as don't see any mention of Park Hill cemetery. Don't do anything to jeopardized public open areas would be nice but we don't want to be an urban area. is. Add more public open areas! it IN ANY WAY!!!

10/6/2018 Web form Is this going to be low income housing? 10/6/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Too urban. Looks like it belongs to a bigger city. Lots of green space. Feels more in character with the rest of the city. 10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Like the solar option! It feels open which I also like. Looks good but the big green area looks like it might be difficult to cross. Walkability looks good. Biking too? Separated from cars and pedestrians, I Please let us bike and walk between areas and by that I DO NOT MEAN share Older people need easy access all directions, not walking several blocks. I do hope? the lane. Sharing doesn't encourage anyone. Buffered, separated bike lanes like the garden space mentioned. Impacting private properties would not be like on Rosa Parks in Portland feel really safe. I like the feel of New Columbia in anyone's first choice. Portland: of housing, park area, community garden with gates honoring different cultures, reuse of materials (concrete/wood) when tearing down old to make new, lots of bioswales, in-ground fountain for kids to play in, boys and girls club, artistic NW feeling park benches, grocery, park honoring community leaders, different types of people living together, TONS of walkways to cut through long blocks. The only thing I don't like is that the main street doesn't have bike lanes.

10/6/2018 Web form 2 1 3 A solid compromise Visionary Meh 10/6/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Promenade as part of a Grander Trail Loop of the greater community. Something special but not a "grand park" Could be a "Grand Plaza" as part of a We need to look at a Grander Loop Trail. Trail connection North/South from Something "special" at the crossing of North/South Trail Corridor and an Promenade being a public/private partnership with strong business East/West promenade and North/South Trail connects! Think partnerships. Burnt Bridge Creek Greenway Trail in the North to Evergreen Blvd. Corridor Southeast/East/West Corridor but not a Grand Park as in concept two. This is a connections to outdoor patios and other amenities Make me want to walk there from the surrounding neighborhoods or better and 5th Street to the South via Blanford Greenway Canyon making this the five points intersection. I believe it was a big oversight not to include Blanford yet to want to live there car free. heart of the City. Sorry Blanford Canyon not included? Conyon in the base plan. Opportunities are endless but it need to reach into the community by natural corridors. Keep the theme of the development very Vancouver not the Jetson. Scale of development has to be big to make it economical and give it life. This is not a suburban mall. There are no airports or views to be blocked so go tall. Put a thousand or more of us senior there with walk to everything we need. We can't afford waterfront prices and we like/need to walk. Make me "want" to live there. This is the best way to keep our housing costs affordable and a little help with the homeless, A strong step in keeping community development and maintenance cost down. I could go on..... Be leaders and visionaries

10/6/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 The wide sidewalk bounded by park-like grass, benches, where people can Don't like it. The park doesn't look all that accessible or inviting. Seems Evidence of the old neighborhood is felt in the form of the design. Feels like a Please try to preserve some evidence of at least the form and character of the walk easily, stop and gather. Very park-like, neighborly. Less traffic. The mainly for sake of appearance. Not neighborly. Looks too much like imitation home restored to its former glory, rather cleared w/no hint of what once was Heights. I'm skeptical. Grew up in The Heights in the 1950's. Happiest of picture doesn't show if housing or businesses nearby are high-density, high- of downtown around Esther Short Park. The Heights as a neighborhood there. #3 w/o high-rises is my preference. If you insist on high-rises, then who childhoods, a wonderful place to grow up. It got torn down and we moved to rise or not. Wouldn't like that part. effectively erased. cares...use #1 ;( Fisher Rd (now SE164th Ave). I've watched that disappear too. There are few landmarks from my childhood that still exist anywhere in Clark Co. None of the schools, hardly any of the roads, even, or the houses I lived in exist anymore. Those places are erased as if they never existed. Even the Academy where I attended is going to suffer the insult of a multi-story modern building installed in the parking lot next to it and---no community input on its design is going to modify that insult by much at all. It is inappropriate next to such an historic building. Would anyone stand for it if that building was erected in the parking lot across from The Grant House?. No. But where's the outrage against it being built in the parking lot next to The Academy?. So--I have little faith that these community inputs have much effect. It's mainly for show and public relations. You will do whatever best suits the development interest of investors and you will do it in the name of improving the neighborhood and the economy and that it's based on community input. . But--what happened to the place where I grew up. I don't see it improving. I see it disappearing. I feel like I moved away and live in some unfamiliar spot far from home. It doesn't seem like home anymore. #3 --the Loop--w/o the high-rises on McArthur Blvd. would leave some hint of what used to be there, I think. Also-- what about the cemetery? How does it figure into this plan. What kind of businesses are you going to have. Are you going to make it a transit corridor like Fourth Plain. I hope not. I don't see green spaces and park-like setting along Fourth Plains rapid transit corridor. Living in rentals along that corridor would be an economic choice rather than for esthetic reasons.

10/7/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/7/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Approachable Expensive and intrusive Take too long No 10/7/2018 Web form 1 2 3 1-seems the most logical for the area. 2- I don't really like the "High Rise" aspect, it does not fit the neighborhood. 3 Most costly.

10/7/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/7/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I live in this neighborhood and bought the house in it because it is not a Please allow for the rustic aesthetic to continue in this area of Vancouver. We concrete jungle. People here walk and ride bikes with their small children. want sewers and sidewalks, yes. But we do not want wide concrete avenues Anything that encourages and helps to continue this lifestyle is preferred. and tall buildings.

10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I don't find anything not to like. Being a good neighbor is important no matter how big your project. Ruining Should have direct relationship with the main road where established Being able to walk to places, have places to get outside is really important. A someone elses peace to acheive yours is wrong. businesses already are. space for community events should be open to anything from concerts to farmers market. A grocery store within walking distance is needed.

Page 3 of 20 10/7/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Safety 10/7/2018 Web form 3 1 2 I don't think that any of the plans fit in with the existing feel and style of the Heights neighborhood. There are no high rise buildings in the area except for the hospital. It looks like you are trying to make this a second downtown area, which I saw just not necessary. Why all the tall apartments lining Mill Plain in all of the plans? It seems like it would make more sense to put the housing on the other end and the businesses on Mill Plain. I'm extremely glad I will be moving from the neighborhood after 20+ years of living here.

10/7/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Looks nicer, friendly, low impact on surrounding neighborhood and cost to Looks like a Seattle neighborhood. Looks cut-off from everything, wasted space, the cost to taxpayers and will construct. take longer to implement. 10/7/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Why do the developers feel the need to put a hotel in each choice? All have a suburb feel to them, and most of the drawings resemble the buildings of the hugely expensive waterfront development. I'm not sure that really fits in this neighborhood. Thank You 10/7/2018 Web form 2 1 3 A,community greens pace with uses,for both green office and park space As little concrete parking as,possible. What about an incubator for new,startuos,in combo with wsu 10/7/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Too much office space, potential of too industrial look Visually most appealing and the largest residential opportunity. 10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 My biggest concern is keeping the park areas open to discourage homeless camping and vandalism. Create open/public spaces invites the neighborhood in and encourages patronage of any resources in the development. I.e., restaurants, etc. 10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Fits the existing neighborhood well. Looks like the projects in density in Portland...ugh. Fits the neighborhood well. Nope, but would like to see, and perhaps be a little involved, with this whole project. I'm not sure but I may be borderline to all of this. I'm on Charlotte Way. 10/7/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Something needs to be done to make Devine Road safer. 10/7/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Don't care for too many tall buildings. Don't care for the impact on the residents along MacArthur Blvd. and don't Like this idea the best. Beautiful, convenient for the public and the foot traffic. care for the impact on the public. 10/7/2018 Web form People forget that America's first picnic spots were all in Cemeteries! To gather to honor loved ones, walk dogs (poop bags provided, of course), solitude, meditation, prayer, etc. Cemeteries are lovely sites and can be misconstrued or overlooked. Please make this nearby cemetery a place to be featured, honored and loved.

10/7/2018 Web form 3 2 1 10/7/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Seems to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood feeling. A little too big city for my taste Very neighborhood friendly A specialty organic food and produce store would do well at Garrison square or Tower Mall area. Also look into a Penzys Spice Store. 10/7/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/7/2018 Web form 2 3 1 like the green space hate it looks inviting encourages people to get outside 10/7/2018 Web form 10/7/2018 Web form Do not impact the beauty and serenity of Park Hill Cemetery pkease 10/7/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Looks like a great place to be. I like the use of outdoor space. Looks like a place Personally, I am tired of these types of developments. I like this one too, it looked like a place I would totally want to go and walk I would enjoy visiting around. 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I like the idea of the commercial lane in this plan, but I think it would be better There is too much wasted space in the land use, and that's something that The loop is organized in a manner that I believe can progress that entire area Don't make the same mistakes that Vancouver has continued to make. We've if it flowed into the residential so people aren't having to turn one by one into Vancouver has done a lot of over the years, it would be nice to not see a of Vancouver. This plan also utilizes the land very efficiently. been getting better, but we still need some work. the businesses, which is something Vancouver has had a habit of in recent repeat. years. 10/8/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/8/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Can't use this for much more than visual interest most likely to create a wooded park area next to the buildings providing (1) This might be good if the loop has native vegetation and trees and not just Very glad you're introducing trees/plants, mixed use buildings in this area. visual interest, (2) exercise opportunities e.g. a walking perimeter loop, (3) lawn and sidewalk. Depends on how this is implemented. Not as much Recommend holding a weekly farmer's market here. Please keep lawns to a wildlife habitat, (4) places to congregate (benches, picnic tables etc) and play. opportunity for communities getting together or play area for kids as #2. minimum. I look forward to seeing this area develop! Needs to be WELL lit to promote safety.

10/8/2018 Web form 3 2 1 I assume this will have more businesses than the other options. Second best, businesses and green areas Walking spaces and shops for current and new residents sound like a good Happy to hear about the project. Perhaps adding the address for people who idea. The area seems stuck. Town Plaza has gone from busy DSHS to are not familiar with this place and area. The map is ok. Employment, a church and a dance school. The back is a dump. the road needs repairs and light. It's time for innovation. 10/8/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 A little too cramped and isolated. It might be nice for the tenants right up Too "fancy" and unwelcoming. Not terribly accessible, in any sense of the Unification and connections are strong themes in this one, fostering use and Can you dedicate space for public/social/health service nonprofits? against it, but it has the same feel as big green spaces and apartment word. If we want the neighborhood to have character, these designs look like activity. It is more integrated into the area rather than the separation feeling complexes that barely every actually gets used. they were cranked out of a "boring but affluent suburban life" magazine. with the others. It might not be as pretty of a big green space, but I find more value in increased likelihood of usage. 10/8/2018 Web form 3 This whole plan looks bad We don't need one Who cares Stop this eye sore 10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 The promenade aspect is very attractive but the development is too spread I really like the way commercial and high density housing is sited along Mill The way the commercial portion is located inside residential strikes me as This area is ripe for development. Council has done a remarkable job out within the parcel. I like more grouped uses. Plain while McLoughlin hosts offices. Best overallj cumbersome improving downtown and the waterfront (heck that's only 1.5 miles from my house!). It's time to invest elsewhere and that should include an iconic park.

10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 There is no tradition of promenading through this area. With out attention For the current needs in Clark/Vancouver I think this would be the most Wasted space! grabbing retail and restaurants I'm not sure folks would go walking there.. useful. However, I find the apartments as shown artistically offensive, just like similar apartments near SR 500. Not traditional nor PNW styles.

10/8/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/8/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/8/2018 Web form 1 3 2

Page 4 of 20 10/8/2018 Web form 1 2 East and West too minimalist - misses a one chance opportunity for change. Taller buildings, redefines Devine, makes best use of driving range/housing 1, Focus on "lower income housing": If this plan turns into a "new Project like Does not take advantage of redefining Devine we have on Andresen it will encourage middle class homeowners to sell. I will be among them. 10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Too linear. I prefer curves, some gentle, some abrupt. Not enough distributed The Grand Park is wasted space, unless it was actually a very highly developed Good pathways that encourage walking, exploring, and social engagement. 1) All three plans have good placement of high density adjacent to Mill Plain. green space. But it would either way doom the rest of the development to arboretum park with multiple features, not basically a vast expanse of grass. More corners and turns with varying construction would make it fun. Another good spot for hi dense is on the NW side of Blandford Dr, on concrete canyons. MacArthur Blvd, because there are no houses on the other side of the street, its just trees. The high density can step down to lower height, lower density. 2) The Project should coordinate with other land parcel interests, especially the Heights Shopping Mall. The Mall should be completely renovated and a mutually beneficial relationship should be established that would have huge benefits for both. 3) The idea of providing public space is interesting, but should be very carefully engineered. Visitor Parking should be limited, clearly marked, and buffered from private dwellings. A good spot for parking would be near Blandford Drive, where people could walk on the trails that go through Blandford Canyon, for example, while also keeping their vehicle out of the plan area. Too many vehicles in the Plan Area can easily become a problem, especially with high density and many visitors. 5) A significant portion of the project should include one complete, contiguous area of single family residences that transits the entire development, so as to maintain connectedness, respect, continuity, and familiarity with the existing neighborhoods. This is my most important recommendation. These homes could be limited in size of both the house, and the lot they are on. The Driving Range and the West side of Devine Rd might be the best area for this. A suitable, but not excessive buffer strip between separate housing types would be an attractive and useful feature. The high density area lost by including single family homes can be made up in many other areas in Vancouver, not in one large piece, but in many small pieces. For example, the new apartment buildings on 4th Plain. The Heights concept is interesting, but the problem is the location. A downtown location would be more appropriate for this proposed level of density. Thank you for considering my suggestions. 10/8/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Least amount of impact to those who do not want to be affected. There are Who is paying for this? There are new businesses who put tens to hundreds of I sure hope all of this is funded privately & no of no bureden to us, the tax Least amount of impact to those who do not want to be affected. There are new businesses who put tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in thousands of dollars in remodeling existing building in that area. How will they payers. Least amount of impact to those who do not want to be affected. new businesses who put tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in remodeling existing building in that area. How will they be compensated? be compensated? There are new businesses who put tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in remodeling existing building in that area. How will they be compensated? What funds are paying for this? remodeling existing building in that area. 10/8/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/8/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/8/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Central open area Largest green space, sustainable design. Not very attractive or interesting 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 This looks like it has the most residential units. Needs more commercial areas, I love the central park, and how there is a good amount of mixed-use This looks like a generic contemporary mixed-use area. That being said it looks All three plans feature way too much parking--in 30 years there will be allowing local residents to shop without having to drive, integrated into both commercial/residential. This is the only one of the proposals I might go out of more alive than the Promenade proposal. Lacking the central park it has little much less private car ownership due to many factors. Adding more retail and the other zones. Lack of commercial makes this proposal look sterile for my way to walk visit, being a non-resident. It looks like a farmers market could to attract non-residents. Nothing exciting but nothing offensive. making the office structures taller, but with a smaller ground footprint (Same pedestrians and has zero draw for non-residents. be added to the park with little trauma. square footage) allowing for more commercial and pedestrian spaces would also draw more people in. Vancouver will have a population of over a million by the 2040s, so doing things that attract pedestrians and shoppers now will increase the likelihood of the development being successful over time.

10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like the idea of a large walking area. I don't like that it looks to bring more I like this one the best. I like the idea of a large park for events and it puts a This one is OK as well, but I'm afraid of the increased traffic on MacArthur traffic onto MacArthur Blvd. bulk of the commercial onto Mill Plain, hopefully reducing the affect of traffic Blvd.. onto MacArthur Blvd. 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like the walkway Love this one but would like to incorporate the "promenade" into this design Don't like at all. I'd like to see Grand Park concept incorporate the "Promenade" walkway into it's design to invite the public into the space from Mill Plain maybe the "Promenade" has a portico to protect visitors in our inclement weather. It would be lovely to see a sculpture garden incorporated--involve the community for public art pieces to be commissioned at the local art institutes. Also, since we have two schools nearby, a Civic Arts Auditorium as the anchor for this mall would elevate and bring some benefactors to the project. It could be a place where the Vancouver Symphony could call home. Another thought is a state-of-the-art "learning center" a satellite library but one that has study rooms and computers and visual cues for learning. I'd like to see the architecture of the place resemble a residential neighborhood so as to be "built=in" to it's surroundings and not commercial looking.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Don't need anymore greenspace to maintain near downtown. We already have DavidDouglas, the Fort/Reserve, Pearson, HudsonBayHigh School, Clark College, Waterfront. These all have abundant green spaces. No need for another that requires ongoing salaried maintenance to maintain.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 1 Too much dedicated to housing. Local (new) school is already full before it is Good balance of housing and office space. Green space is accessible to Too much dedicated to housing. Local (new) school is already full before it is - New school needs to be tied to the designs more - Focus on tech growth and built, we won't have the capacity. Also, green space is cut off from surrounding communities and new housing. built, we won't have the capacity. Also, green space is cut off from training for community - - Don't screw with River Maiden (the community has neighborhoods so use will be isolated to immediate surrounding housing. neighborhoods so use will be isolated to immediate surrounding housing. already stood by them once when they were evicted from their space and still holds a grudge) 10/9/2018 Web form 1

Page 5 of 20 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Least green space Most Green space, most potential for a variety of outdoor experiences Loop traffic flow is nice, green space broken up into a few smaller areas I have previously suggested crosswalks at Phoenix and MacArthur. I see these have been incorporated into plans (as I am sure others have suggested them also). I was also thinking that a pedestrian skybridge at Blandford arn MacArthur would give this development at "gateway" to the neighborhood feel. 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Just don't like it's style. Hate the gigantic park. Also density seems most offensive in this design. Density of design is better. Like the green space spread out with connection to Keep up the good work. Remember that this area is full of people used to their existing green space. Probably no hotel on the corner of Devine and Mill Plain. big properties and quiet streets. It will take more time to implement, good for the skeptics and implementers. Time for adjustments if necessary.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 "Hidden" green space that is too small to provide a signature for the Commercial placed at Mill Plain more likely be successful Wide swath of Limited public and green space Probable long build out May not give area a development and neighborhoods Commercial in the interior (hidden) so less public green area This gives greatest amount of office space- employment "signature" as does a larger green space likely to be successful Not give a signature to the development or the opportunities Like the mixed use and building heights along Mill Plain neighborhoods Provides Signature to development and neighborhoods

10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like: the centralized commercial area with green space. Don't like: too much Like: the expansive park, opportunity for urban gardens, higher density high Like: Links to other areas Don't like: No expansive green view, too much Thanks for all your hard work and for giving us a chance for input. low profile residential rise residential, commercial along one side of park with access to Mill Plain scattered usage and concentration of office buildings along MacArthur. Plus the possibility of a New Seasons directly on Mill Plain. 😁

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Too linear Not enough green space Love the amount of green space Like that the civic/institutional spaces are Too little green space Please look for ways to connect to the school areas (Mac MS and Marshall ES), located near to the schools Like the office space grouped together which are currently being redeveloped. Could find many partnership opportunities by reaching out to the district or to the schools themselves. King ES is not far from this location and will also be rebuilt in the next few years. Safe commuter route from bottom (south end) of Blanford is needed. That may be outside of the scope of this project but should be on the wish list considering the development East of the Grand Central (Fred Meyer) area. Which is being touted from the developer as a 'walkable' development. Thank you for your work on this and for reaching out for public comment. I'm happy to talk more: [email protected]

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Not enough green space. Commercial property is a plus! Love the park concept and green space Retail space seems smaller. Ample parking should be a concern with any of the options. Home owners don't want commercial shopping to invade their streets 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Promenade looks more inviting and flexible for various modes of transport for The building is much too prominent, uninviting, big facade. Just looks like a Loop is nice, but not as wide and accommodating or as green as promenade It's terribly important to many neighbors that we do not destroy the character people. huge apt complex of this quiet, verdant neighborhood. Many of us have been here for a couple of decades or more. We came and stay for the green to concrete ratio that favors green. Change and growth are inevitable. Let's do it right. it's important we plan for people, in all the chosen transportation modalities, not cars. Plan for a very healthy future and something to be proud of. Vital too, that we not mimic the sprawl and soul-less planning of the east side that simply paved over farms and prairies to create the same ugly box stores people are desperate to escape. Keep it local. Thank you

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Looks like too much housing and not enough retail space I like the green space I would like to see more retail Too much housing not enough retail 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I am quite concerned about the impact of the proposed housing in all 3 scenarios on traffic, both on Mill Plain and MacArthur, and on the highways... and on the noise in the surrounding neighborhoods. Traffic on E Mill Plain is already heavy, and is a major commuter avenue. Increased traffic on MacArthuer will require more stoplights. Traffic on HWY 14 has increased dramatically in recent years and there seems little way of widening it without condemning property.

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Would like Devine to have safe bike access to Burnt Bridge Creek trail. I do like I like the idea of taller buildings to create the density needed while taking It doesn't appear there is a great outdoor park for community events in the As a resident of the Heights neighborhood, I'm very excited to see new the street connection into Blanford Canyon road though. I like the residential advantage of views and the biggest park space. I think it is a missed plan. The walking paths are nice but doesn't offer great play spaces for the vibrancy coming into this area with this project. I like the idea of the linear along MacArthur since it is the quieter side of the project. I also like the hotel opportunity to not have some residential and retail along MacArthur which is residents in the area. park/bike path along MacArthur and would like to see some retail on the in the middle of the project. the quiet side of the project. south MacArthur side of the project to give bicyclists easy access to stopping points. I am also looking forward to art installations within the development to make it a unique destination in the city.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 THIS ONE, PLEASE: "Could be developed without impacting adjacent private My home adjoins MacArthur Blvd. I am very, very afraid of what "impacts If I could vote three times for #1 and eliminate #2 from consideration, that Please actually listen to those who live nearby and will be affected. The properties" -- this is the best reason I can see to go with this concept. homeowners along MacArthur" means for my property and value and would would be my preference. Knowing that's not possible, then this is my #2 bicycle lanes along MacArthur were forced on the neighborhood, DESPITE the not consider this option. Also don't think this is an appropriate neighborhood choice. voice of those along MacArthur. Ensuring you actually listen and consider the for "tall" buildings. homeowners' voices is important as it is our property and property values that will be affected.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 A lighted walking path should be the minimal requirement No low-cost housing/affordable housing. This will degrade the area. Low Need more than a minimal amount of vehicle access, especially parking for Consider the impacts and increase in homelessness and how apartment density apartments or condo's with a minimum of 4 parking spaces provided customers, tenants, employees, deliveries, etc. parking has encroached on existing neighbors due to lack of adequate parking per 800 SF for tenants and guests. Otherwise parking needs will encroach and requirements of new projects downtown. spill into neighborhoods just as it has downtown.

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Love all of the green space and land usage. 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Hopefully you thought of a parking structure in the plans. We do not have a The park is a wonderful idea! Again, where is the parking structure in the Parking structure? Great ideas! Parking structure would be great! transportation system that would support all these tenants. plans?

Page 6 of 20 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Good concept connects all parts of the development but too much Grand Park separates (divides) the project in two. Will be hard to connect the Best of both worlds. Provides adequate open/green space for recreation and Loop plan will be the easiest to develop with or without other land owners development on Mill Plain entire project connects all parts of the project together. Massing of buildings is more disbursed and even. Too many town homes concentrated on east and west of the site. 10/9/2018 Web form This is the only design that makes sense to me, given the existing makeup of It would be a shame to inflict this one on the neighborhood. My home adjoins Concept 1 is the best of the three, but this one is leaps and bounds above Please listen to AND CONSIDER the input from the neighbors located nearby. the neighborhood. MacArthur and I don't want my property value and peace ruined by this. Concept 2. The bike lanes on MacArthur were forced on us, despite the wishes of the people directly affected. Please don't "inflict" these changes on us...and instead listen, consider, and incorporate our requests in the plans.

10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I would love to see something like the Tanasbourne Village in Hillsboro, I like the idea of having a park as it would make the area greener and more I don't think this idea is good because it is and you can find this Oregon in Vancouver. It brings a very unique feature when you are there. attractive. It would also be a special attraction in the area. anywhere. There isn't anything special about it.

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/9/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/9/2018 Web form 1 2 Any of the above designs would be a major improvement to the surrounding area. Thank you the the well thought out designs. 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Love it Its too...industrial. Not bad Do the first one. 10/9/2018 Web form 3 2 1 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Most orderly. Seems residential-heavy and amenity-light in an area that is Appears to maximize office use and promote highest density. Adds park space. Best village feel. Residential heavy, but still has some office space. Would be I ride route 37 every day, and this is the only area of Mill Plain that really feels already chock full of residential and light on anenities. Seems least logical for Most transformative. nice to see more industry other than call centers come to Vancouver, but like a sad waste. I can't wait to see it improved, whatever is decided. Mill Plain BRT. that's for another forum. 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 to busy and artsy for the are it would be put DONT SHOVE A DOWNTOWN IN To big for the area being used. This looks like it would be long downtown. this looks like it belongs in the area it is being put in YOUR MOSTLY IN A DONT SHOVE A DOWNTOWN IN A SURBAN AREA. Make sure you that you A SURBAN AREA DONT SHOVE A DOWNTOWN IN A SURBAN AREA. SURBAN AREA. have C-TRAN HAS BUSES THAT RUN BOTH EAST AND WEST TO CONNECT FOURTH PLAIN AND MILLPLAIN. NOT JUST ON ANDRESEN AND GRAND. THEY USE TO HAVE ONE ON DIVINE. THESE BUSES NEED TO CONNECT OFTEN . NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO NORTH AND SOUTH FOR THEIR DISTANTIONS.

10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Second choice of the three. I don't think this design fits the nature of The Heights...too much like This design fits The Heights neighborhood best in my estimation. downtown with high rise buildings. 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Interested in making this area more urban 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 It's ok, just like the look of The Loop better for walking. Too much green in one spot. Too crowded on buildings. Think this would make a nice walking area. 10/9/2018 Web form I don't likenthe fact that multi-unit housing is being jammed down our throats. No matter what these neighborhoods really want, we are getting huge apartment complexes that will drive down the value of our homes. Why are you bothering to ask when thr city is going to do whatever it wants anyway?

10/9/2018 Web form 3 2 1 10/9/2018 Web form 3 2 1 The best design 10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/9/2018 Web form 2 3 1 It welcomes people to public landscapes. Very busy looking It invites people to mix and mingle. Please provide housing for low to middle income and senior housing.

10/9/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like the grand park idea with the density recommended. Consider some sort of substantial bike pathway that connects burnt ridge trail at divine to "heights plan" to new development at south end of blandfort(near hwy 14) and then to marine park (going over train tracks and hwy 14) which connect to water front. I know this is possibly expensive somewhat crazy but would be extremely popular.

10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I'm concerned about the amount of maintenance the park would require. The Keep in mind that the area is in a low income community city has a track record of building georgious parks and landscaping and then letting them get taken over by weeds 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Least impact on existing neighbors. Looks pretty cool but might be a bit optimistic. Love the walk around loop concept. 10/9/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/9/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Too low density. Makes sense if the project was finished in a handful of years, As my last comment suggests, it has the highest density and the real potential More of a toned down Grand Park, with a greater emphasis on medium Find a way to increase the density and experiment a little. Vancouver's urban but such a project won't and the general theme of Vancouver's long term plan to perpetuate the long term vision of Vancouver. At the least, the concept density, or missing middle structures. This is strong and most likely the best all core is generally centralized west of I5 where the waterfront is being is to increase density. Something like this in the north would be good for the allows the potential vitalization and creation of a new urban core east of I5. around compromise as it leaves itself available for up zoning later on. But I developed, but this doesn't have to be this way. It's entirely possible to have long term. want to see that now, which makes it my second pick. an external urban center from the current core. That is, this project. More so, Vancouver is already riddled with strip development so it makes sense to transition this theme into sustainable projects closer to where the people are. Left alone, the space likely becomes a shopping center akin to the other strip developments around the city so might as well try something new!

10/10/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/10/2018 Web form 2 3 1 The promenade features places to sit when walking and beautiful trees for Doesn't have a country feeling like the loop The loop has a more country feeling and your not in the city. Have more inside swimming pools available to have pool aerobics and shading when it is hot outside. activities for both the younger and older people morning and early evening classes and Saturday classes. We need more affordable housing for the lower income and elderly that are on a fixed income of $1500.00 or lower income. Where elderly and lower income families are not spending all their checks on rent and housing being available to buy for lower income and retired elderly.

10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 This doesn't appear to have any green spaces, but it's a nice concept none-the- This is the best design with a big green space in the middle to break up the I like the walking path; however, it appears to be heavily residential as Please do not touch Devine hill. It is so pretty through there and is always a less. concrete jungle. It seems like a good mixture of residential, commercial, and opposed to a good mixture of residential, commercial, and other. nice calming drive down to the freeway. The traffic signals would need to be other businesses. upgraded and a few added along Mill Plain at Devine to make this easy to traverse by foot or in a car.

Page 7 of 20 10/10/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Would like to see more speed regulations through out our neighborhoods and main roads, and an organized crime watch. More care to our sidewalks and street lights. All of these things would help create a more peaceful, safe place for families. 10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like the fact that this design does not impact private property owners. This is my favorite design and seems to offer the greatest opportunity to Any development needs to have a direct relationship Mill Plain Boulevard, create a beautiful development that will attract high-level tenants. Initial and otherwise the development and retail tenants may be sort of lost. continuing costs are a concern. 10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I'm concerned about the amount of housing going into one district. This plan This design seems to have the most Green Space and more condensed The loop concept has a good amount of green area, but it's concerning how Looking at the concept designs, it's a little concerning that the Heights District seems to focus more on housing unless on Green Space or community. housing, so I prefer the Grand Park concept. It seems like it will have the most much housing is also being proposed for this concept. Plan is about adding even more housing and not about creating better Green Space and the least traffic. community space. What is the plan for dealing with the amount of traffic that that housing will add? The additional traffic from the apartments being built around 18th Street and around 112th Ave hasn't been fully mitigated by the changes made to those streets or by the new freeway entrance. Is the Heights going to have the same problem? I'm all for more apartments with lower coast! But there's always a limit to how much can be built in a suburb like Vancouver and have it stay a suburb.

10/10/2018 Web form 3 1 2 The green space seems to be difficult to get to unless you live in the new The park seems more accessible to those outside the new development. I also The green space seems cut off from people who live outside of the new There's a lot of anxiety around adding so much additional housing with an apartments. I think it's cut off from the rest of the community. like how where the office spaces are in the plan and that the commercial areas development. elementary and middle school that are already planned to be overcapacity and are near Mill Plain where they'll get more traffic and likely be more successful. the new schools aren't even built yet. The school district definitely didn't plan for such a growth in population. I think the city needs to support the school district in adding space to the schools to accommodate more kids. Otherwise, we'll end up with a neighborhood full of low-income housing and overcrowded, poorly performing schools. That will drive out those currently living in the area and in 15yrs, you'll just have a newer, high-poverty neighborhood with poor social supports and failing schools.

10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Thank you! 10/10/2018 Web form 1 Too much housing not enough existing neighborhood access to new features Least offensive plan but still puts local schools at risk of overpopulation. Too much housing not enough existing neighborhood access to new features Please work with Vancouver school district and local businesses to ensure and overpopulates new schools before they are even built. Please do the math with the school district. and overpopulates new schools before they are even built. existing icons of the neighborhood are preserved. 10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/10/2018 Web form Way to expensive. To expensive. To expensive. Quit wasting money. 10/10/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Limits use of Devine Road Affordable Housing is much needed Sounds good, just not in my top two 10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/10/2018 Web form 3 1 2 It doesn't appear that the promenade itself adds much to the overall plan. Not I like that there's more green space, that the office buildings are grouped Not enough green space and don't feel a hotel is a fit for the heights. TRAFFIC IMPACT! Mill plain would need improvements and traffic would need enough commercial space. The office building within the residential area along the street. The overall plan is less angular than the promenade. to be diverted from Brandt and McLoughlin to Andersen and Mill Plain. would be light polluting for residents. Andersen has too many traffic lights to accommodate the increased traffic.

10/10/2018 Web form 1 Looks like it will result in Mill Plain staying the 'speedway' that it always has I like the visuals of the Grand Park. I can not tell what is intended for These materials make it far too difficult to weigh pro's and con's in been-poor safety and livability. Mill Plain is very unpleasant street to walk, MacArthur; it needs to continue to have safe and efficient bike lanes for bike relationship to existing features. For example, MacArthur is a KEY east-west bike, drive due to multi-lane, fast traffic street designs. commuters and others moving at speed (i.e. 20+ mph) as it is a key East-West bike route for people who do daily commutes or as the start to long road connector. No dogs/strollers in the mix please. rides. That means, it needs to continue to provide quality buffered bike lanes for people whose goal is efficient (FAST) and safe cycling to get to work, shopping, or long exercise road rides. I can't tell if some of these proposals turn that roadway into the 'slow bikes, dogs and strollers' type roadway that so many planners love to design. As someone who commutes 4000 miles per year on a bike - on MacArthur- part of Vancouver's ONLY east-west transportation route, I can tell you that retaining this is critical. Other than that, I would say: focus on features that slow car traffic down, that provide vegetation, seating space, and public areas to dine in, read a book, or other leisure activities. Quality grocery stores are completely lacking on the west side pf Vancouver (think Green Zebra or New Seasons).

10/10/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/10/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Like that there is limited impact on private properties. A lot of Northcrest Don't like the impact on private properties and the increased cost. neighbors are worried about the impact on our quiet neighborhood. Glad to see good use of solar energy. 10/10/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I think all 3 are good and its hard choosing between them. More than This is fine if we are going for density. I can live with it. Anything is better than Feels like a balance between density and walkability/park like setting. Seems This is a vitally important project. Hats off to the city leaders who brought this anything, the project will be a great asset. This feels more walkable and park what is there now. like a good mix. forward. like. 10/10/2018 Web form 2 1 3

Page 8 of 20 10/10/2018 Web form 3 this is too costly this part of Vancouver has very little affordable housing, or shelters for the homeless I would like to see a shelter for the home less but smack dab in the middle of this area! Most of the city council in the 80s lived there and did all they could to to push such needs to other neighborhoods, it is time for this to stop, and they should take in their fair share! I am not sure there is any reason to come up with a plan to spend public money for this area except for house which is low cost and affordable. Vancouver has long discriminated against folks who were poor by seeing that they were stuffed in low income neighborhoods. Why spend city money to develop an area which has benefited from it exclusivity, separateness? No should I spend my tax money to help this neighborhood become more "connected" a place where people would be attracted to? I would rather spend my money to help the neighborhoods across 4th plain deal with the influx of low income individual! Not a penny should be spend on these suburban designed areas which now want a sense of place! Most likely this project will go through, while other neighborhoods continue with the impacts stated above! So I guess it does not matter what my opinion is! As a long time down town resident and Neighborhood Association President, this is how I feel! A groc store there! Please! We need one down town before we even consider this sort of planning for the Heights!

10/10/2018 Web form 2 3 1 All I care about is my family's property not being impacted, yet I can't tell a All I care about is my family's property not being impacted, yet I can't tell a All I care about is my family's property not being impacted, yet I can't tell a The intention seems to be to deceive. Label the maps properly with street thing from these deceptive unlabeled maps that seem to cant everything off in thing from these deceptive unlabeled maps that seem to cant everything off in thing from these deceptive unlabeled maps that seem to cant everything off in names and put it in a map-like north to the top orientation. a strange direction. Areas are discussed in the cons that aren't even seemingly a strange direction. Areas are discussed in the cons that aren't even seemingly a strange direction. Areas are discussed in the cons that aren't even seemingly on these maps. on these maps. on these maps. 10/10/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I am very tired of the homeless population and transients around this area. put in high caliber anchor tenants and attract business, NO low income The west side is in desperate need of a capital injection into the infrastructure housing. move to hazel dell. and development of this area. replicate grand central station

10/10/2018 Web form 2 3 1 like park-like walker friendly trees. The arches don't fit in the existing Too urbanized for a neighborhood of mostly modest ranch style single family Best for neighborhood feel, pedestrian friendly, trees, mid century vibe Keep neighborhood feeling in mind. This development should protect the neighborhood. dwellings neighborhood feel and provide a community space to neighborhood connection. Provide a grocery store, eatery, coffee shop.

10/10/2018 Web form 1 10/11/2018 Web form 3 1 2 this feels very choked off. very constricted i love the open space. people need this to feel healthy :) 10/11/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Liked fewer housing units, more park and an office building buffer between Liked the park (loop) concept. Clearly my choices are #2 and #3 designs. I attended the second open house and talked with two of the design our Dubois neighborhood and the balance of the project. architects. I voted with my "three dots" but did not leave comments. We live in the Dubois neighborhood. I agree with the overall "what we've heard so far". My primary concern is the number of housing units proposed. I was told by one architect 1,500 to 1,800 units are proposed. If this is the case, I am concerned with the number of people this will bring to the neighborhoods. Although I am aware of the need for affordable housing, several buildings will multiple dwellings will completely change the nature of our current neighborhood. I would request that fewer housing units be considered. Thank you.....a good process.

10/11/2018 Web form It would be a shame to remove the driving range. I do not believe the city is hearing from this group of active children, adults and seniors who use this facility year round. The business has been in operation for 40 years. Please keep the range, modify your plan to allow for this active use for all ages.

10/11/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/11/2018 Web form 1 2 3 I love the look of it. I would love to live in an area like this. I'm so tired of I like the idea of large open area but we kind of have that down divine on It's just OK, nothing special. I want a big change and this just doesn't look like No seeing empty stores and parking lots. Some areas are like a ghost town or burnt bridge crook trail but it's dangerous and some spots are so secluded. I it. I've lived in Harvey Heights area since 1988 ghetto town hand written business signs etc looks tacky have been chased by a man who was laying in the grass, luckily I was on my bike. I don't go alone even on my bike anymore.

10/12/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Love that this consent will allow for greater density but still have a Grand Park!

10/12/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Seems too claustrophobic I love the big park in the middle of the area. I think it will connect people very Decent amount of green space still Where will the schools go? Hopefully the building will also not be too high rise. well and motivate them to be outside more. The area is very sweet and residential with some of the most gorgeous neighborhoods and roads in all of Vancouver. How will parking be? And how will it effect mill pain/turning left on mill plain?

10/12/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/12/2018 Web form 1 All of the concepts seems a little dense for the neighborhood. An they all sort of seem fortress like with tall buildings all around the perimeters although the promenade concept seems less so. The concepts in general seem very inward focused and not very well connected with the rest of the neighborhood. Not sure there would be any reason for me to go in. Traffic is going to be an issue with that many additional housing & office units. But this is already a busy area and very noisy at times with all the loud trucks and motorcycles. This will add to the noise.

10/13/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/13/2018 Web form 2 3 1 The density and the height of buildings, although your other visuals for the I need to see the buildings placed in ALL the models. What about traffic? other two models don't show the buildings

Page 9 of 20 10/13/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like the idea of having a centralized space that runs the length of the I really like the idea of making the park space the central part of the property. The loop seems to lack a great park feature and diffuses the greenspace a bit I'm very excited to see this Tower Mall redevelopment come to life. My wife property. It doesn't seem to have a great central park space. Like Central Park NY which Vancouver/PDX doesn't have anything similar to too much in my opinion. There is just something that seems flat with the loop and I just moved into the Vancouver Heights neighborhood back in May of match. I also like the idea of taller more dense buildings given the fairly flat concept. 2018 and it has been a wonderful and surprisingly quiet neighborhood. There and spacious surrounding neighborhoods. are a few nearby restaurants that are walkable but not many retail or entertainment options. The Tower Mall property if done properly could become a second area to draw tourists and folks from Portland and the surrounding county along side the new Vancouver Waterfront. I do hope to see lots of community space where concerts, art shows, or a market could be held. A space that is walkable and draws you through the entire property from restaurants to retail spaces intermixed throughout.

10/13/2018 Web form 1 By far the best plan. Creates more of a town square/village feel. Hope for numerous retail shops, cafe's, coffee shops, restaurants, etc surrounding the square, but with a large health food store more on the perimeter of zone for grocery shoppers going there just for groceries.

10/13/2018 Web form 3 2 1 A specific jogging loop would be great and unique! 10/14/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Not enough green space or natural area, for the amount of buildings and Love the idea of fewer buildings and more green space. This community is not Decent concept, would prefer fewer buildings and more green space... Keep it I don't want to see the local fire station destroyed/moved to make room for people all these buildings will house. Also, from the air, the setup and angles currently dense, and any new building shouldn't be super dense either. Ideally, more in line with the existing/surrounding neighborhoods. housing. This is vital to the neighborhood! Green space and walkability is very of streets within the site don't work well together. more outdoor space promotes residents being outside, interacting with important... Make all green space accessible to all. One or two tall buildings neighbors, healthier lifestyles & sense of community. are ok, but keep most new construction lower profile to match the feel of existing neighborhoods. That much new residential means tons more cars on MacArthur, Devine and Blanford... You MUST provide safe bike lanes and pedestrian trails to help keep and improve safety for non motorized transpo.

10/14/2018 Web form 3 1 2 I like the central park area. I like how the growth/density is pushed more toward Mill Plain. I like the walkability. The neighborhood is VERY concerned about the density and possibly overflow parking into our neighborhood. 10/14/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Do not want apartments across from Dubois Park residential. Prefer professional business office across from Dubois Park neighborhood. See #1 Consider a civics arts plaza/auditorium for year-round music and cultural influences for at-risk children who may be in low-income housing. Here's our opportunity to help lift our society upwards rather than enabling the status quo. Please keep in this in mind with your design, do the right thing! No murals! Murals are urban and not appropriate here. Consider sculptures or even mosaics. 10/14/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Less open park space Like significant park space Like pushing density toward Mill Plain Like how area flows 10/15/2018 Web form 3 1 2 This is the least interesting of the three. The green space is all oriented I love this one! It draws you in and really seems to be available to anyone who I have seen pedestrian loops work extremely well and think that this is a nice towards the businesses and residents of the area. It appears closed off to comes the area. The gesture is graceful and seems to really transform the concept. I like how it brings green space all through the development. It seems other people using it just to use it. The plan seems the least interesting on the area. I like how it impacts the edges and how it separates the business and like too little green space, though. outer edges of the development. residential components. 10/15/2018 Web form 1 2 Too much housing for local schools to support. Don't overcrowd local Best of the three. I like that business are grouped and that green spaces are See comments above. Too much housing for new planned school. Did the I really like the layout of option 2. 1 and 3 are unacceptable in my opinion and resources. accessible to all nearby neighborhoods, not just the new housing like in planning committee even talk to Vancouver school district? will lead to overtaxing the local schools, forcing out local businesses and options 1 and 3. Still need to add more space to new planned schools though diminished property values. 2 shows promise but still displaces local if planning on adding this much housing. businesses which is short sighted by the planning committee and hopefully they will be sure those businesses have first chance at any retail space.

10/15/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I would like to see more mixed use zoning and more green infrastructure. I like the green infrastructure opportunity and connection to the Mill Plain I don't like the amount of impervious surface and disconnection from the Mill Please make sure whichever concept is chosen that you are designing a corridor. I would like to see more mixed use zoning especially along Mill Plain. Plain BRT route. If you're going to redevelop, please do so with an increase in complete, healthy neighborhood where amenities and housing are within Make sure amenities are walkable to those living in the area. green infrastructure and good connectivity for multiple transportation modes. walking distance of each other.

10/16/2018 Web form Not enough housing and the density is WAY too low. These peripheral issues are meaningless unless the city starts planning on meeting it's needs.

10/16/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Connecting the different uses with open spaces I love the idea of higher density with more open space. The visual is more Keeping the open space on the perimeter feels like an after thought and The different visual perspectives on the alternatives are very helpful. Very well inviting to me and intuitively more neighborhood-feeling. excluded. done! 10/16/2018 Web form 3 This is the most accessible concept for people with disabilities and seniors. This is the least accessible of the three concepts. It could also be very This concept would not be very friendly to those with mobility and / or Keep up community involvement and perhaps also include some persons even This concept seems to be the most user friendly of the three. disorienting to those with orientation issues and concept challenges. orientation issues. It could also be difficult for those with mobility issues. as non-voting members of the committee who represent differing demographics in the community. 10/16/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Better connectivity, flow, design. Looks like it belongs more so than the other Decrease density some, have more of a neighborhood /single family residence dedigns with backyards. 10/17/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I don't like the row of housing and the there is too much residential to The residential seems to be more balanced in this concept. I like the large too congested, too much residential, hotel in middle seems odd As a adjacent neighborhood member, it is vital that this plan is not too commercial. I do like the large open green space. open green space and space for walking, bike riding congested, traffic is well managed and that commercial options reflect the surrounding neighborhood preferences. I don't want to see the heights lose it's charm - I appreciate the quiet roads, wide open spaces, mature natural areas, access to Portland, and the central location. It's very important that this plan be mindful of the current neighborhood feeling. Thank you

10/17/2018 Web form 3 1 2 We take pride in our PNW lifestyle and a large park would help us enjoy the outdoors and keep our city environmentally friendly 10/17/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/17/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/17/2018 Web form 1 2 3 I like our existing neighborhood and appreciate that this plan appears to have This plan appears to have the most green space. I like that. I do not like the Long term development does not appeal and the expense needs to be Hoping that whatever plan is used works for all. the least impact. The Promenade and green space in the center has a warm fact that it will have lots of impact along MacArthur Boulevard. considered. Is it worth the money. Probably not. inviting aura. All 3 plans show an hotel/motel. I do not see a need in this particular neighborhood. 10/17/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/18/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Like: would not interfere with private residences Dislike: Not enough green Like: lots of greenspace Dislike: impact private residences on MacArthur Like: incorporation to surrounding areas, plenty of greenspace/encourage space activity around "loop" 10/18/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Too modern for this old town area Too big city like Cozy,!!!!

Page 10 of 20 10/18/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Seems to have the best business and play presence that would encourage me to come from my neighborhood. 10/18/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I like that it has a lot of green space, but it isn't my favorite. I like that it has green space. Also, I like that the housing is in the middle which I hate this one. It looks like Cascade Station. I think some amenities would be I am concerned about low income residents being able to access The Heights. seems to grant geographically even access to amenities. This is particularly too far from housing. Also, I value the diverse community here and I am concerned about important for people with transportation issues or who prefer to minimize gentrification. While I do not live in this zip code, I do work here, at Martin their carbon footprint by walking. Luther King Elementary. The degree to which this will affect my families is primary. 10/18/2018 Web form 2 1 3 12 Acres but nothing for the youth! really looking for out reach programs in 12 Acres but nothing for the youth! really looking for out reach programs in 12 Acres but nothing for the youth! really looking for out reach programs in out community! This entire thing is built around a school but there is nothing out community! This entire thing is built around a school but there is nothing out community! This entire thing is built around a school but there is nothing set up for the children in the area! So if we gonna have 12 more acres do set up for the children in the area! So if we gonna have 12 more acres do set up for the children in the area! So if we gonna have 12 more acres do something for the youth in our community something for the youth in our community something for the youth in our community

10/18/2018 Web form 1 10/18/2018 Web form 1 2 3 I like the use of the area. The alley ways are not really something I like. Don't see a lot of potential for established neighbors. Ok. but a lot of space is being used that looks to me people would not be willing to lose. 10/18/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I like that everything would be connected using a public walkway and that it I do not like the impact it would have on current residents or how everything I like how it all blends together and has a sense of closeness. I wish that all the plans had options for more parks that would not separate wouldn't impact the residents. would be separated so much. everything like the grand park concept does. Also, more affordable housing opportunities for families and seniors is a must and should be a priority considering the schools that are around. 10/18/2018 Web form 1 3 2 It looks like nice place to walk enjoy a nice day. nice place to hang out with family/friends 10/18/2018 Web form 2 3 1 10/18/2018 Web form 1 2 3 me gusta q tiene parques para los ninos 10/18/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/18/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Awful. Outside of the small promenade, it looks like cookie-cutter car-centric Best of the three. Don't understand the "con" about impact to properties on Not bad. development. I don't understand the last two listed "pros" about impacts to McArthur. This design would increase the values of those properties. I would surrounding properties. This design would lower property values as it just buy one at today's market prices if this design were chosen. increases congestion with no redeeming features.

10/18/2018 Web form Seems like a lot of people and traffic for our quiet neighborhood 10/19/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Too spread out from transit. As a transit user living downtown who walks with a walker, would give me the Would seem to be less transit friendly. I'm thinking that the development of this area would include fast food and best access to stores, restaurants etc. that are developed over time. casual restaurants (such as Sharis) that are generally found a long way from downtown Vancouver currently. The restaurants downtown are generally high end restaurants that people go to for special occasions. I find myself taking the Mill Plain bus all the way to Cascade Park to find a choice of casual restaurants. 10/19/2018 Web form 2 3 1 It appears to be a more linear concept, with less broad development. I don't like this concept at all. It dramatically changes the character of the I really like this concept . It is more in character with the neighborhood and neighborhood. Adding tall buildings to this rather natural , lovely area seems allows for more alternatives for redevelopment. counter to what the neighborhood is all about. 10/19/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Too much housing not enough green space and businesses I like this one the best but I'm worried the new school being built isn't big Too much housing not enough green space and businesses Adding this much housing without fixing I-5 bridge and adding infrastructure enough to support all of the new housing. (schools, police, fire, etc) is just naive. 10/19/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/20/2018 Web form 1 3 Too fancy Appears to fit that neighborhood vibe better 10/20/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I would really like to see a map of each concept in order to determine what I Don't want any of my immediate or slightly further away neighbors to be Can you please provide a map so I can envision and thereby have a better idea like or don't like. I live on Idaho/Kansas/Montana intersection and just don't impacted. That is the last thing I want. of what I would want? Such a nice area and don't want any resident impacted want to open the front door and see multiunit dwellings or a convenience negatively. store. Would consider selling although difficult.

10/20/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Northern edge among Mill Plain feels like a wall. Love the park following through the center Concerned about the statement that this would impact the private property along MacArthur. What does that mean. Long time line is also concerning.

10/21/2018 Web form 1 3 2 like the idea of buildings facing Mill Plain, like the small outdoor space. concerned about the ability to maintain a second large park, seems as if it is a concerned about the accessibility of finding things with such a large parking consider the accessibility of the designs for people with disabilities large amount of wasted space. area, don't like the idea of entries of stories not on the Mill Plain side.

10/22/2018 Web form 3 Who pays? who pays? who pays?? This reminds me most of the Old Soviet regime with their vaunted "5 year " plans. Please do not turn my neighborhood into a theme park of socialism. Taxes are already onerous, the last thing needed is another "Project" to support into the indefinate future with an increase in Taxes.

10/22/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Where's the green space? Love the extensive green space surrounding dense development. Limited green space, but still superior to the Promenade. Please don't let the NIMBY element dissuade you from recognizing the need for mixed-income housing. We're all in this together. 10/23/2018 Web form 1 This area has not ever been supported by the neighborhood. I think housing I don't live in the Heights anymore but spent 30 of the 50 years I have been and new residents will be necessary to revitalize the area. Clark County in that area. I think it is an awesome area and would love to see it developed into the next great place to live in Vancouver. Promenades and Loops are great and could be incorporated into a greater use concept.

10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 If you are developing both housing and employment on the same city owned parcel, employees MUST be housed onsite. At a minimum the housing should be for downtown city employees so their commutes are minimized/eliminated. No one who commutes over the bridge to work may be allowed to live as a resident, they are part of the commuter problem.

10/23/2018 Web form 1 I think moving the residences away from Mill Plain is better because there will I strongly hope that low-income housing will be a big part of this development. be less noise and less pollution for the residents. 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I love the green space and places to walk Looks to "packed" - too much stuff, too close together Love the green spaces and walkways 10/23/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 The centrally located green space The size and location of the green space Not enough green space

Page 11 of 20 10/23/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Seems very traditional, needs more innovation I love this one, the more green space and open-air views, sense of nature is I love this one too, having the walkways for residential living is immensely Install as much seating, benches, places to stop and not just rest, but enjoy the the most important for feeling healthy. important to feeling and being healthy. Walking near home is what people space, people, conversations, snack, whatever. Face it, we have many out-of- engage in versus attempts to get people commuting or going on errands with shape residents and less mobile seniors, and the more accommodating we can walking, it is a past-time, relaxer, exercise choice! be to them to draw them out in to the development, the better.

10/23/2018 Web form 3 1 2 This is the most densely appointed of the three designs and I feel most This design is appropriately less dense than designs 1 & 2, better Another high-density plan (not complementary and out-of-place) abutting the Keep residential units off main thoroughfares. Provide generous green space unattractive from Mill Plain and MacArthur Blvd. Better to place commercial complimenting the existing residential neighborhood. I believe most of us existing Heights neighborhood. A sub-urban residential district should be quiet setbacks and sidewalks along Mill Plain and MacArthur Blvd. Place tallest and office along both thoroughfares for exposure and easy access, with living within the city would not want the Heights to have a "downtown" look! and private, off main thoroughfares. Presents a cluttered appearance from buildings in center of development. When possible, design ground-level residential tucked away for quiet and privacy. My concern is the expansive park may attract homeless camping. Mill Plain and MacArthur Blvd. parking under structures to eliminate wasteful land use. Building exteriors should share a common or similar design and materials theme.

10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Bike lanes, Walkability, and general overall accessibility and connectivity to the Bike lanes, Walkability, and general overall accessibility and connectivity to the Bike lanes, Walkability, and general overall accessibility and connectivity to the Bike lanes, Walkability, and general overall accessibility and connectivity to the rest of the city. rest of the city. rest of the city. rest of the city. I assume by the time this is built, many people will be taking lots of short trips on electric scooters and the like. A space safe and FUN for women and young children. Outdoor/Green space is very important. Open Plazas, I don't want to see any new strip malls or big box stores that concept is dead, very inefficient. I would like to see space reserved for small business entrepreneurs, from food cart lots or open indoor dining halls with a variety of cuisines to space for new tech startups and shared office and workshop space resources for people working the gig/sharing economy. If we take the time to invest in our community our community will, in turn, create economic growth and invest with us. My generation and younger are constantly on social media websites like Instagram. Lets build something beautiful that looks amazing on social media.

10/23/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Very inviting Welcoming open space for walkers, children playing, and adults enjoying a park atmosphere during the summer. 10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Least impact to residents who live there according to your description. I would say try to help people who now live there the most. All Vancouver Anything that impacts residents the least as we now have a lot deal with these residents are finding our spaces where we feel safe shrinking. days and seemingly no help from the police to help with homeless. Keep area small that drug users would want to stay in.

10/23/2018 Web form 3 1 2 disconnected from current infastructure the park is awesome and connects to an already beautiful cemetery cool would like to see the loop wider with more green space great ideas 10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like: Large, open park space for civic events, energy efficiency Like: Energy efficiency, sustainability, most open park space Like: Open space connecting all areas, less Mill Plain focus 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Lots of open park space; higher density and traffic closer to Mill Plain. Businesses are concentrated near each other and closer to Mill Plain. I can't imagine anyone wanting to reside at the northwest corner near the intersection of Mill Plain and MacArthur. I hope that the building designs reflect modern Pacific Northwest styles and that the designs take into account the perspective of passersby from all adjacent roads

10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Concerned that the commercial space is too buried inside of the development I like the large park. I want more green space and open space for my family in Concerned if the project will allow for enough parking onsite to accommodate and would be more difficult for those in the areas surrounding the the community. the development. development to reach. The other designs are just more accessible from the outside. 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 I really like the west-east orientation for buildings to maximize sunlight, and it I love the sweep of the greenspace, and the idea of urban agriculture and Love the general massing overall, and it seems a pretty efficient usage of Overall I think this is a very exciting project. My recommendations in bullet seems like a relatively efficient usage of space. However, I feel this layout is innovative stormwater management. I like the mixture of density and open space. Also, the potential for "diversity of experiences" excites me. I love the form because I got too many ideas! LOL **absolutely having a year-round way too linear. A long plaza could be good, but I just think more, smaller spaces. I believe this one would be better if more commercial and mixed-use multiple chances for spaces and plazas. I also believe that there should be market like the Terminal 1 idea, with smaller booths and a variety of vendor plazas throughout would be better. (retail and live/work) would be along the open space. more retail and mixed-use spaces throughout. spaces (meets the goal of sustainable development, cultural access, small business, a place to gather and have cultural identity) **must have a variety of rental AND ownership opportunities, both for residential and possible cooperative business models **focusing on architectural and housing unit variety; leads to more unique spaces and ownership/branding possibility, as well as more varieties of people and families in the area **having some kind of trolley or mini bus to connect the main thoroughfares if not aligned more directly along Mill Plain Blvd **possibly planning the second BRT extension to go through the development, rather than just along Mill Plain (would give more flow and exposure for social connections and business opportunities) **connect large-scale investors with local business orgs and subcultures to have the greatest diversity of services and businesses (due to richness of 4th Plain and other close areas to the Heights area) **focusing on positioning small business (vendor spaces, year-round market, mini-markets and foodhalls in office spaces and between residential and "open space" portions of the plan) with larger scale investments so that we can increase the productivity and variety of small business in SW WA, as well as create a potential destination for the region the same way the Waterfront shall attract people **necessary element of urban agriculture and/or community gardening; when businesses and residents can have direct access to land for food production, we benefit in countless ways (reduced emissions from transporting produce; further areas for pollinators; increasing biodiversity and cultural diversity; direct relationship and ownership to the land...); I really believe that we could create a series of veritable paradise gardens and urban farms that would add 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 more green space best for building unique/vibrant entertainment and shopping district I'm glad to see walkable urban design happening outside the downtown area, so as to create more walkable areas to visit or live in

10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Best arrangement of facilities and land use. Circular park creates internal barrier. Opportunity to establish density. Create safe, attractive access to public transit on Mill Plain. 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1

Page 12 of 20 10/23/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Adds some business with a pearl like atmosphere. Appears too congested. Looks nice but, area needs some retail. 10/23/2018 Web form 3 1 2 not enough green space seems to be the best blend of residential, green space, and commercial seems tobe the most expensive with the greatest chance for controversy with impact to private land owners 10/23/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Looks promising Ugly Better than the grand park How are the roads going to be improved? How is the city going to control the traffic in and out of this area? I travel through here every day and feel that the neighborhoods livability should not be impacted by overdevelopement

10/23/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 What is the impact to the church on MillPalne and Devine? Same question for the Fire Station? I live at 5420 Idaho St. And little ole Muches Grachis? The Fire Station, the water tower, and the water shed which are all city property? What big box stores will be included? I think we will need a major grocery store ( sugesstion Winnco) or??? I want to know what will happen to our property value? Such as buffers.

10/23/2018 Web form 2 1 3 This is the best of three too high density projects Absolutely NO on #3. That is too much density! Way too many housing structures - too many apartments. What about the infrastructure? this is an old neighborhood with no sewer line large enough to handle this and what about traffic? What is wrong with open green space? There aren't enough schools in the area to support so much housing, there is only one commercial blg in some of the design. How do you propose to handle the many car trips with so much housing? Insane - sorry.

10/23/2018 Web form 2 What about a park? In all the plans, the green space is so little that no child can play. Why isn't a park apart of your design? 10/23/2018 Web form I do not see a lot of green space for kids to play, n soccer fields?..the surrounding area is already lost a big grass area with the new school buildings that are not in your pictures. the golf area , I rarely use for golf but nice to walk by the grass and it is a quiet area. ridding bike sound nice but the bike lanes once you leave the area are minimal, I have been nearly hit twice and did get hit in the cross walk by a car once , I have had people throw trash and rocks at me while riding saying get off the road. Bike trails need to get across town east and west, getting to the burnt bridge creek trail can be dangerous going down the curve. and no one, except maybe me, ever goes less than 25 miles an hour in a car down or up that hill. some bike riders do not follow traffic rules well so there will need to be a big education project . for those who do follow rules the cars at times don't seem to see you even with lights and flashers!! how do you get to The Fort Vancouver National park, how do you get to Hudson Bay or Fort Vancouver high without bike paths all the way there that do not have to deal with a lot of traffic. if you expect 4,000 + people to stay on the 12 acres your are going to have a lot of caged people getting frustrated , angry, and depressed. Different economic families in 1800 units sounds good, a population increase of what maybe 4 to 5 thousand people I would guess, I doubt you will have employment opportunists for that many families, so expect some driving, once self drive , car share projects increase maybe, but that is 10 to 20 years down the road. Go to Portland on the bus , you can have an hour or longer commute with bus changes if you mange to get good connection timing , get light rail going first!! the pictures show lot of high rises, 5 to 8 stories I am estimating, I assume airport planes will limit how high you can go, and winter time planes would be flying about straight over the new development unless you can get flight path changed. 5 plus story buildings do not go with the current neighborhood architecture. 10/23/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Central open space will be too far away for people living on the edges of the Limited impacts on adjacent established neighborhoods. Lots of green space Distributes the open space more equitably over the development rather than Lack of North orientation arrow on the concept sketches had me confused development. It appears to have less green space overall. and the arched design makes it somewhat equitably available to all residents. concentrating it in one location. More walking paths and trails to encourage about what I was reviewing, particularly since the circulation network sketches healthful activity. People of all ages and abilities can get outside to enhance had a different orientation. I recommend that all designs have the same their well-being and enjoy diverse experiences. alignment and an orientation arrow. Also, I recommend integrating native plants into the green spaces rather than the formal park designs shown in the sketches. I'm also wondering where all the people who will be living there will be parking. Do the designs include parking garages or is it assumed everyone will use public transportation?

10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like taller buildings with possible lower cost apartments/condos with adjacent park space. 10/24/2018 Web form All three are too dense. The condo type homes don't fit with the current nature of our area. The density will crowd our streets, and the retail will create traffic our streets can't handle. None of these designs feel appropriate, unless the basic motivation is to generate the biggest taxable base for the city. You can sell these as hard as you want, but it's really clear this isn't about anything except money for the city. If you really want to develop, then have single family homes put in on similar size lots as are typical for this area. You won't, though, because it won't generate near the same amount of dollars for the city. What you're planning won't address the homeless issue, or the high home/rental prices that are pushing residents out of the area. Really, really disappointed in the city's approach to this project.

10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3

Page 13 of 20 10/24/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Seems to be a good balance of public-private funding, ipen space, I love parks! This one would reqiure maintenance dollars that are extremely I like that this connects well to surrounding green spaces. connectedness, and seems to limit adverse impacts to existing residents on limited now. I would support this wholeheartedly if private funding was McArthur. committed to mainenance long term. 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I like the concept of using more solar power and that it does not effect current The concerning items I dont like are the additional public investment costs I like the idea of the open areas but the downside is less development along property area owners as the Grand Park concept does. along with the ongoing maintenance and operational costs. It will also impact Mill Plain Blvd. I think having it along the busier street would be a larger draw current property owners along MacArthur Blvd. to people traveling through the area that were not yet aware of the redevelopment. 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Feels less cohesive Attracted to flow and groupings of uses Seems like a good "meet in the middle" design option 10/24/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Like that the commericial property is all in one area - so you are not crossing Love the idea of a large park Do not like the concept of the large buildings properties where there might be housing. Important to keep all the old and large trees. 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 The park creates an open feeling. Provides areas for gathering. I like the higher density leaving open space. It reflects the mix of parks and residential plan that already exists in the neighborhood. 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Strong suburban feel while maintaining urban utility. I feel this is the most cohesive plan with the best form for a functional use of Feels disjointed. the land. Feels most community-like. 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Seems rather closed off. Looks lovely, more community oriented. Looks like more boring same old thing. 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 The Promenade reminds me of something you'd see in a big city, only in Even though I like "The Gran Park" it feels like we see it in every park setting The Loop adds an aspect of the park while utilizing a city feel Not really. They all look great. I want you to always keep in mind extreme Vancouver which I think is both modern and functional. we see in the greater Vancouver scheme already. mobility, visual issues, the hearing/sight challenge aspect as well as great lighting in the evening hours, so that it is access-able as possible for as many as possible. 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Big open stretch of greenway. Less cluttered. More dispersed green areas that are less connected. Cluttered feeling.

10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Love the park, a distinguishing feature! Could the offices (purple) be moved east of the park space so the park is on MacArthur - would lessen the impact of properties along MacArthur. 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/24/2018 Web form 2 3 1 High rises are too tall.... this is going to seriously impact traffic. YUK ! High rises remind me of Moscow! Too tall. Doesn't blend with the Other than a walkway with benches, I don't see the concept... what I don't see For all those proposed high rises, where's the parking? How tall are they? surrounding area at all! And the "park"... unusable! are high rises, and I like it. Doesn't look neighborhood friendly to me. Looks like our quiet neighborhoods will be overrun with traffic. Where are the shops and restaurants? I think the grand park looks like only apartment housing, and I think the park would look like a weed patch in no time and isn't people friendly. Don't like that concept at all. When I heard the city bought this land and was going to develop it, I was excited.. now I'm scared my property value will plummet! 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Too much housing planed for the space. I do not like the idea of having formal walking paths through the cemetery. "Low income housing" should not be a high priority for this project. 10/24/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Don't like lack of development on south edge Too much development on mill plain only Connects all the diverse border neighborhoods into one community. The only The Loop is unique and creative, exciting and inclusive. creative plan amongst the 3 offered. This is by far the best design.

10/24/2018 Web form They are all great designs but NONE of them are really doing justice to the potential of what could be. I'm the founder and executive director of DeafVibe, the longest running tenant of the remaining tenants in the Tower Plaza Mall building. I'm sitting on the property right now as I type these words, and I've been here 9 years. I was impressed with the detail of the three options, but no single feature inside the options stood out as original or unique. This is a huge huge area that has been severely neglected relative to other parts of the city, yet it's location is second to none. Due to the opportunistic nature of having so much space to work with as your "canvas," I was hoping to see something cutting edge. Architectural wow factor, or perhaps a pond or canal with waterfront retail within the "promenade" option, or a water/fire feature like at the Rose Garden venue in Portland. Maybe utilize recycled storage contrainers from the Port of Vancouver in your retail architecture, etc. Also, from a functionality standpoint, I notice Accessibility is not listed anywhere on the objectives list, much less a "priority." Accessibility should be something Vancouver wants to be proud of. There's all kinds of cutting edge accessibility trends that could be emphasized and/or utilized in this project that are relatively inexpensive. Being known for accessibility is something to be proud of and brag about. To not have it on your list at all is something you'll end up being embarassed about. Just my two cents! Brian Bearden Founder/Executive Director The DeafVibe Foundation

10/24/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Loop design seems to connect a much larger population of neighborhood folks

10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Largest amount of green space that could be used to increase Urban Tree Is there any consideration of a small native arboretum that can be an Canopy extension of Blanford Canyon, given its one of the largest Urban Tree Canopy corridors in the city? Use it as 10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Costs the least, but has less of a signature look. Will give us a special look, plus more park soace that will lend it to more family Most expensive and more money to maintain - would possibly mke our use. property taxes much highr or it may not be maintained adequately.

Page 14 of 20 10/24/2018 Web form 1 2 3 An elongated park, lined w/ restaurants & stores looks nice. Based on the The large green space is excellent. Also love the idea of the big buildings along Perhaps I'm missing something, but this concept seems rather plain and Keep up the good work! It really would be great to incorporate Vancouver's photo provided, I would advise against any "modern" accents. It seems that Mill Plain. Again, though the photo you provided appears to be something uninteresting. It doesn't seem to offer much other than big steel and glass rich history in the architecture... meaning, not modern looking steel & glass "modern" features and architecture become dated quickly. Please utilize that you might find in any city... steel and glass. buildings. buildings that are supposed to represent something from our history, like the Vancouver's fort/frontier history in the design accents! new waterfront project. I am talking more along the lines of the timeless architecture found on Officer's Row, the fort, the Heathman Lodge, some of the old downtown buildings, or heck, even the Mill Shopping Center (Planet Fitness/Parkrose) is nice. For example, if you go to Washington DC neighborhoods, even the new buildings showcase a classic style. Classic architecture ages well. The Vancouver waterfront project popularity will die like the same concept did in Oakland, California because it's artificial. People will always gravitate toward the "old" parts of town, the parts with character and history... and beauty Let's hold on to our history. Can we build something beautiful? Let's make this thing look like it belongs in Vancouver, not any other city/suburban city in the United States. Thank you for reading this far! ...can you tell that I live approximately 9 houses away from this development? ;) Thank you again for your hard work on this project.

10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 It keeps the apartments stacked closer to Mill Plain. Most of the neighbors I have spoken to are worried that all of the designs for this project look mostly like an attempt to pile as many apartments into the redevelopment as possible. This is scary because apartments can be built to look so cheap and would completely drive the character and charm out of the vancouver heights area. PLEASE please don't ruin this beautiful quiet neighborhood. We are a young family and have seen a lot of new younger families moving here. We want to stay, but the apartment stack designs make me fear we won't want to raise our kids near that.

10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 Please keep the apartment clusters east and closer to mill plain away from the established neighborhoods. 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Like the green space and open space. Don't really care for the arches. Very busy, don't care for the building clusters. Like the greenery, looks too much like a downtown are and not a Any of the three options would be a benefit to the community. Thank you for neighborhood. the vision to improve this area of Vancouver to include all citizens.

10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Less impact on community, I like the East West concept 10/24/2018 Web form 3 1 Where are the 1800 units for 3,600 people, the cars, and the parking?! How Looks like big city housing, crowded, no parking. This is another misleading sketch. Where are the housing units, the cars, the The designs shown online are VERY different than the large sketches at the can we vote, when we really don't have a clue what the project will look like? parking? two showings at MAC Middle School, which were more from an aerial perspective. Were you intentionally misleading the public then? I do not feel that you have demonstrated "good faith" effort to report responsibly the majority of the feedback given by the neighborhood. The vast majority of the participants wanted a lower density design.(Even though, you had people use "dots" to indicate a favorite design, that by no means implied support for that particular density.) Have you maintained and reviewed all of the "snow cards" submitted? Here, there is no discussion of concerns about parking (where are the cars in any of these sketches?), crime in a higher density, higher poverty area. The 98661 zip code already has a high crime rate compared to the rest of the county. Mill Plain already has areas and times of high traffic volume. What is it going to be like with another 3600 people (based on 1800 units)? I fear this is an attempt to create another "uptown" village in a residential neighborhood. Sadly, the schools in the area have significant poverty and lower test scores. How will increasing an area of higher density, more low income help? I am also concerned that should you build first for low income and unhoused, "affordable" housing then you will find it difficult to attract middle income families for this project. Many neighbors are discouraged because they feel that this is a "done deal" and that the decisions have already been made. Just because the city owns Tower Mall, I hope that there will be an honest attempt to do what is best for this area and not what is just convenient for the city. Please consider thoughtfully and carefully the future for this area and the infrastructure needed to maintain it, including more money for schools, social agencies, building and yard upkeep, traffic, noise abatement, and police. I don't believe that high density housing in one location is the answer. Ideally, it should be spread in pockets equally 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Not enough green space. Traffic concerns around the area. Love this! Open space helps us all keep an eye on the area. Would allow Not attractive look at all. I live off of Phoenix way and I have a lot of concerns regarding traffic leaving venues and events in the space. Please have some shops and restaurants. this neighborhood as do my neighbors. - I am in Dubois Park and it seems to be a consensus that we want restaurants, shopping, but control of homeless making a tent city! Please do not turn this quiet area into trash. Excited to see which plan is chosen! 10/24/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I like how there are not the taller buildings with this plan and less of an impact I don't like the taller buildings in this part of the city. It doesn't fit well in a This has the most development which I'm not in favor of. It impacts the I'm mostly concerned about if this area will be maintained and the safety in on the surrounding neighborhoods and on Devine Road than the other plans. residential neighborhood. The extra green space will cost more to maintain livability of the neighborhoods and I don't want to see if turned into a huge the area.Parking is a huge concern and the extra traffic these developments and I think there will be a lot more traffic and people coming which will expansion. will bring. negatively affect the livability of the area 10/24/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like the idea of a park for concerts andvevents 10/25/2018 Web form 1 2 3 I really like the Promenade concept because it would not require a Although this plan is aesthetically pleasing, it would not be the highest and Concept 3 seems to be more directed toward residential development than realignment of Devine Road, does no require the acquisition of privately best use of the land. Dedicating a larger amount of the project to commercial mixed commercial/residential development. It would be less integrated with owned land and could be completed more quickly and probably at less cost and residential purposes will increase the tax base, providing additional the surrounding areas and, in the long run, would probably deteriorate faster than either of the other two concepts. income to the county and the city. than the other two concepts. The most disruptive plan.

Page 15 of 20 10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 What is the number of people that will live in this new housing? How much of this housing will be low-income? What will the impact be on the local schools? Are the current schools being built adequate to accommodate this new housing? Has there been communication with the schools? Is the parking going to be adequate for the additional residential housing and businesses?

10/25/2018 Web form Multiple trees means a lot of leaves that have to be disposed of by the city. The grand park concept leaves large areas of vegetation that will have to be This appears to create the least ongoing public expense. It would also require My concern for all three projects is the number of units being proposed. Lawns will have to be mowed. maintained at a considerable ongoing expense. The alternative of having the extensive leaf removal. Traffic will dramatically increase, particularly on already choked roads headed vegetation overgrow presents obscured areas that might promote crime, east onto SR-14 and I-205. Unenforced speed limits on Lieser make it very especially in a low rent housing area. difficult to exit residential dead end side streets with existing traffic from Peace Health and the 87th Street extension to Fourth Plain. If connectivity is indeed the number one goal, such a development will be in the wrong direction for many city residents.

10/25/2018 Web form All 3 concepts include too much density! as you all should know, higher density brings problems of it's own like traffic, crime and lower property values on nearby existing housing . Also from what I have seen there will not be enough parking for the planned density. Will the schools be able to absorb the increase in density? There is no clear plan on how to deal with these problems. Building multi-story apartments in this area is in no way keeping with existing neighborhood character. And a hotel? You have got to be kidding! Drastically reduce the density planned. Keep multi-story buildings to a minimum. Consider putting in an assisted living complex.

10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/25/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/25/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/25/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Its an island rather than an extension to neighboring neighborhoods. Creates Too big of an impact on cost, private property and ongoing public funds for This one seems to integrate into existing uses, create opportunities for an "enclave" of exclusivity and density that is out of place. maintenance. adjacent neighborhoods to be "part of," and provides much needed walkable scale residential and mixed uses. 10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Good mixture of space for walking and spending time outdoors along with Love the nature element and potential for urban agriculture. Given the other two options, this one is below par especially since it has commerce. higher absorption rate and will take longer to build. 10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Not enough green space Best because most green space Not enough green space 10/25/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Buildings optimized for solar gain I don't like this one at all. Brings a self-branding element to the neighborhood 10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Dense. Good balance of public and private space Wasted space Well balanced. 10/25/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Lowest cost, finishes soonest Maintenance costs a negative Build time puts this second all options are more than acceptable 10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Promenade feature isolated from city, surrounded by tall residential. small Gorgeous signature feel opens to all major streets. Huge event opportunities. Loop compliments development, but won't be destination for rest of city. Only Thank you for all the hard work you've done narrowing this exciting project to business section will suffer being invisible from main roads. Does not create Small businesses open to streets and main park. Office compliments border. some visibility to city main streets. Cuts off small businesses from main roads. 3 concepts. After review, the Grand Park is the best design by far. Its a signature feel like waterfront success. Lost opportunity with southern edge. Civic designated spots in best areas. It will rival waterfront, spread demand, Civic placement in less important areas. Hotel not visible from most roads. balanced placement of land use types. Small business commercial will benefit Underwhelming park space split at Devine. build much needed urban infrastructure eastward. Development risk overall in time of buildout. being connected to Mill Plain and main park. Commercial is combined into a community culture that allows unique aesthetic development options that can open the main park to MacArthur. The overall plan turns the Heights into yet another world-class destination like the waterfront. This is an essential eastward expansion of innovative development to spread Vancouver's signature look to eventually create opportunities of projects that will reshape the east side of the city. Suburban development on the east side needs projects like the Grand Park that are close and will inspire similar developments that focus on an urban aesthetic that is functional and sustainable. The Promenade and Loop have critical, isolating flaws that keep the development focused internally instead of inviting the city in. People need to see and feel welcome in this development, and the Grand Park is the only design that truly invites the world in to be a part of what Vancouver is doing right.

10/25/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Appreciate the relationship to the existing land uses but I don't see as strong There is a lot of open space in this neighborhood already between the Canyon, This concept appeals to me the most and with the potentially longer build out I am concerned about what I mentioned in my comments above that the of a potential for a signature placemaking experience. the schools, the cemetery and the pockets parks within the neighborhoods. I time line it could assist with giving the overall project more of an organic feel Heights has developed over time and that gives it a unique flavor that isn't don't think the best use of this property is to create this much park area. I'd rather than everything coming out of the ground at the same time and looking stuck in a specific area of design trends. I would hope some thought would go also be concerned about the cost. very dated in a short time. into how to encourage diversity of building design and overall feel so it doesn't have the sterile aspect that can affect master planned areas.

10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Way too much density! Grossly out of balance. We would like more local The best balance of offerings. I like the DuBois Park neighborhood being Where is the retail!!! You are just shoving housing down our throats. Please prioritize long-term desirability over the quick tax buck. You have the retail. It would be amazing to be able to walk to and frequent neighborhood buffered by business. Neighbors would like walkable amenities to support. opportunity to do something truly cool and impactful. Stop trying to fit a retailers. This plan is out of character with the area. Gathering spaces, recreation, dining, drinking, music, etc.. We don't want a square peg into a round hole. Keep it classy people! massive low income housing development.

10/25/2018 Web form 1 I like the walking section. What I don't like is lack of green space. I remain Why get rid of the golf range? I don't think there is another one close by. It is concerned re all 3 designs about lack of green space given the huge number of always busy. people you expect to move in there. It is as if you are planning a city-center set of blocks, instead of an area inserted into a bunch of homes with generous yards. The contrast is too much, in my opinion. Yes, housing, but not so much and lots more green space.

10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3

Page 16 of 20 10/25/2018 Web form 3 2 1 Upkeep. Who is paying for this? upkeep. parks are a bum magnet Last choice, the poll forces you to accept one of 3 options. In all honesty, the This looks like a precourser to "neighborhood Compliance Patrols" of less government the better. How about you put away your visions for busybodys telling others how to live. everybody, get out of their pockets tax wise, and leave ius all alone.

10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I have seen very little mention of higher-vehicle traveling along McArthur Blvd. I have seen very little mention of higher-vehicle traveling along McArthur Blvd. I have seen very little mention of higher-vehicle traveling along McArthur Blvd. I have not heard any compelling reasons for a project of this scale other than Light changes and safety concerns. Simply adding more bike likes will not Light changes and safety concerns. Simply adding more bike likes will not Light changes and safety concerns. Simply adding more bike likes will not providing economic benefits for a small, select group of the majority class. The suffice the ensuing problem you about to create for the existing homeowners suffice the ensuing problem you about to create for the existing homeowners suffice the ensuing problem you about to create for the existing homeowners increase in property values will drive tax dollars to the City of Vancouver/Clark in the area. in the area. Safety concerns with homeless pop. in the area. County, but no increase in service deliveries to existing homes. So, you will increase my monthly expenditure on services (water/electricity/gas) while not improving these services for existing homeowners. Currently, I can not get my water/sewer line upgraded, no electricity upgrade and no gas offering to our home. This is very one-sided boondoggle we will have no opt-out clause for existing residence. Upgrade the services for all or forget in my opinion.

10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 Mill Plain as a concrete canyon. Street sounds would bounce to homes to the Also a good design if your goal is to make Mill Plain corridor ugly, and not Worried about how the housing is going to be separated from the roads. With Concern that parking will be insufficient for the demand. The neighborhoods north. The tightly packed tall buildings would provide consistent shade on the human scale and friendly. All 3 plans lack a planting buffer along this road, a wall? Yuck! If you must fit in so many housing units you'd be better off cannot handle overflow parking due to lack of sidewalks. Why do all 3 road in the winter making this area particularly hazardous when the why? Should have green buffer similar to East Mill Plain near 126th and just putting in a high tower in current Vanco location to provide more open space alternatives show the same design in land currently used by firestation 3? temperatures are below freezing and there is moisture. west of this site near Southcliff. otherwise, especially to buffer roadways. Design will drive parking onto Idaho street which will be a problem. Where will the firestation be located that serves this area? No real good choices here.

10/25/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Large open spaces. Density toward mill plain Appreciate a good walk through a park Appreciate the connectivity. Parking may be less essential as time passes. Any potential to initially plan street level parking lots in areas that are slated for future buildings to decrease parking structure impact?

10/25/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Not enough park space. Too much residential. The park looks like a drainage ditch in the rendering. I hope it's an actual park. I like how there multiple parks. And there's a core area. Will such density allow for enough parking? Will you get enough businesses to Too much residential. fill the spaces? 10/25/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/25/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Pros: I like the green space...although it could be larger. I also like the shops a Pros: love the size of the green space!! Cons: I would prefer the shops to be I really don't like this one at all. Not enough green space. I think the modern design concept is overused. You find it everywhere. I would long the green space. Cons: green space could be larger. Not crazy about the around the green space...I think that concept is really neat. Again, I would like like to see something more classic/timeless. Something that will age well. modern design. I think a more classic approach would age better. to see as more classic design. Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts! I'm really excited about this project! 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 The density of housing is a concern for all of the proposals. 1,800 housing TOO MUCH DENSITY--600 HOUSING UNITS WOULD BE MORE LIKE IT FOR units is way to many to maintain the quiet livability of the Heights in general-- SUSTAINABILITY OF THE ENTIRE AREA. MILL PLAIN ALREADY HAS A LOT OF too many cars, too much for the schools and Mill Plain general infrastructure. TRAFFIC. THE PROPOSALS LOOK SO LOVELY BUT ARE NOT REALISTIC FOR THE On all of the proposals I do not see parking areas etc. NUMBER OF CARS, SCHOOL NEEDS, CRIME RATES ETC.

10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 the concentration of buildings suggests a future ghetto 10/26/2018 Web form too high density. Do we really need 1800 units with 2000 plus cars commuting Too high density Too high density Throw this plan away and start over. I do not think the areas residents and to Portland on Mill Plain ? taxpayers deserve something like this. 10/26/2018 Web form This claims it doesn't impact private property. Although I read earlier in this Although I read earlier in this process that the golf range area was undecided Although I read earlier in this process that the golf range area was undecided We live in the Fr. Blanchet Park neighborhood and will be directly impacted. I process that the golf range area was undecided for development, obviously it for development, obviously it will be gone. for development, obviously it will be gone. can't rank the proposals, as I don't want to give the impression of support for will be gone. this project. The top three supposed "priorities" of the project don't even concern housing As was my initial concern, all of these concepts are focused on wedging more residential units and density into an area that doesn't have the infrastructure to support. Any development should minimize and have least density possible, Existing homes and neighborhoods will be severely impacted by increased traffic and crime that is associated with density of this type. Bordering these developments are neighborhoods with some of the highest property values/views, etc. This type of area will likely erode values as the nature of the bordering areas is altered irreparably. It isn't realistic to think everyone will start using public transportation, people want their cars and traffic will become more of a problem. Although, values will be impacted, taxes will continue to go up. Capacity on MacArthur was diminished a couple years ago when it was unilaterally decided to reduce MacArthur to one traffic lane. Mill Plain and MacArthur in this area will become like Mill Plain on the east end - overbuilt without the infrastructure to support. The parks and streets adjacent to the area currently aren't well maintained, there are failed streets - failed, by the city's own admission (Middle Way). Citizens have been asking for sidewalks, yet all the city is interested in is increasing the tax base and creating more density even while not really caring about the impact on existing neighborhoods. We know this already because on infill that was shoved down our throats and has had the exact result that was feared. Density in areas that can't support it, doesn't integrate, and creates traffic and crime that wasn't there before. Making the area more attractive, adding parks and some buildings to update and rejuvenate the area makes sense, but a full-scale development of this scope is burdensome to the existing residents. 10/26/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I like the idea of creating a space in walking distance from my home. The space looks inviting. Would like to some features that are pet friendly. Not a dog park per say, yet open areas to picnic or play. coffee shop, a cafe and specialty grocery store sush as New Seasons. 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/26/2018 Web form 3 Please move all this idea more close to city center. I do not like have live very close to high top traffic, noise and other problem. This will decrease volume of houses around.

Page 17 of 20 10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Like: Clear "center" or town square for the project. Don't like: Doesn't appear Like: Concept of natural landscaping and a lot of green space surrounding Like: Defined walking path and a strip of green-space through much of the Appreciate the ambitious vision for this project! to be as much green space as other projects. project. Don't like: Current drawings not showing much grass area people can project Don't like: No single central open space. Most "urban" of the three. walk/play/picnic on 10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 A close second to the loop. Would love to see a Zupan's as an anchor. High density is the wrong concept for this neighborhood. For me the biggest attraction living in the Heights is the walkability and BTW I love Vanco golf. Just sayin. friendly neighborhood relationships that develop. 10/26/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Most green space. 10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I like the density and orientation for solar energy use. But the area already has Too much open space with the cemetery open space right next door. This is a nice concept. Take away the linear aspect of option 1, but still have Good work. I appreciate the open house opportunities. a strong east-west flow which I think needs to be broken up. the density.

10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Leave the Heights well enough alone. I'm not in favor of any further Leave the Heights well enough alone. I'm not in favor of any further Leave the Heights well enough alone. I'm not in favor of any further Leave the Heights alone. Your ideas will cause disruption and increased traffic development in the Heights. development in the Heights. development in the Heights. in the neighborhood. Why don't you attack the neighborhoods east of I-205 where additional congestion probably won't even be noticed.

10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 I Like this one alot. Second Choice. I don like walking... Will this increase the value of my house? 10/26/2018 Web form 1 This seems to be the most multipurpose in its approach, emphasizing Thanks for keeping us informed. businesses and residents together such as in a European neighborhood.

10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like the opportunity for solar gain. Having limited impacts on residential A nature-like element in the general area would be an attractive feature. The concept seems somewhat vague to me. Would like to see a more nature- I rank the Promenade and the Loop as quite close in desirability. I have the beyond the site is probably helpful to maintain existing neighborhoods, which Possible urban agriculture and water features (using stormwater) would be like experience. Although I believe it would be a viable concept, it still does idea that pedestrian (and bicycle) access to the Grand Park should be easy. seem perfectly viable to me. There was no mention of what to do with very interesting. Having the tallest buildings along Mill Plain would allow the not seem quite as exciting as the other two ideas. Site plans for all concepts would be helpful if they were available. I assume stormwater, which I believe is important. greatest solar access. that there would be some shopping opportunities with the Grand Park, with the first emphasis going to serving whatever people would be living there. That would also cut down on traffic to other parts of the Heights area. The Grand Park could be looked on as a self-contained urban village, of course with ties to the rest of the area as needed. The idea is to cut down on unneeded trips by car.

10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I don't like how the hotel is trapped on Mill Plain in the Grand Park plan, along with much of the commercial space. I think the other two plans give the hotel guests better access to the green, open, pedestrian-friendly design elements, rather than noise and traffic. 10/26/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Green space is appealing Looks too big city for the neighborhood. Parking issues Doesn't look as appealing as the green space in Promenade 10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 At 1,800 residential units planned along with office, I am very concerned with the impact to the neighborhood. With no easy connection route to Hwy 14, I think the surrounding neighborhoods will be negatively impacted by traffic, and the majority of these neighborhoods do not have sidewalks to allow for a safe sharing of the roads between cars and pedestrians. I think the proposed density is too great for the area.

10/26/2018 Web form 3 1 2 Initially, I liked this one best (I love the walkways & the fact that it doesn't I prefer this option b/c it seems to have the most "green" (natural) space. And I like the concept of "The Loop"...unifying uses in & connecting a larger portion impact private adjacent housing!), but once I looked thru the various slides, I I like the add'l amount of office & commercial space it offers vs the other 2 of the neighborhood. Don't care for the fact that it will take the longest to don't care for the limited amount of grass/natural space. plans. However, I don't like the fact that it impacts private housing AND it complete, as this area has been an eyesore long enough. Would love to requires add'l public funding! actually see the completion of this project!

10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Too much residential Too much residential Too much residential Too much residential. I am a Southcliff resident. I don't want to see more "affordable" housing going in near our neighborhood. 10/26/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Concern (with all): increase of traffic (auto) with increased residential density. One of the best thing about the Heights is ease of vehicular traffic (well, excepting red-lights, but that is another subject!). Compared to, for example, the Mill Plain / 164th St. area. Or, a huge increase of traffic (in previously slow, easy area) on Evergreen Blvd, just E of Blanford... due to the Huge mega- apartment complex.

10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/26/2018 Web form 3 1 2 10/26/2018 Web form 3 10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 Eco friendly but not as much promise for the southside Environmental assets are nice but the cost over time could be problematic Too bad the mill plain link is less direct None

10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Combine with the loop concept and maximize the circulation route from Cost & maintenance factors as well as the abundance of neighborhood parks The ideal plan would combine all three, with loop and cross circulation to the Blandford, through and around the project area, and onto connect with Burnt in the surrounding community suggest that a civic green space is needed. This surrounding community. Include respectful trail connections to and through Bridge Creek via Divine with continuation of a scaled down version of the could include amenities and social gathering spaces that are not provided by the cemetery and further definition of the trail route from Blandford through promenade streetscape. what is already available to the community. the project area to Burnt Bridge Creek.

10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 I have some infrastructure concerns. I see no Parking in any of the concept drawings. You have 1800 units without Parking? Also, how are the local streets going to handle the increased traffic, do you plan for a light at Andresen and MacArthur? Keep MacArthur only one lane each way? What has the plan to deal with the increase traffic on Buena vista or Highland and Devine which will be significant. Again only four way stop at Devine and MacArthur. Trafffic need to be looked at carefully.

10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Minimizes impact on current neighborhoods. No subsidized housing. 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3

Page 18 of 20 10/26/2018 Web form Adding 1800 housing units to the Heights area will create a lot of new problems. The access roads to the area won't support that increase in population. Lieser Road is overloaded with traffic from Peace Health Hospital and the surrounding medical offices. Andreson between Evergreen Highway and Highland is a narrow, steep two lane road with a blind curve. Blandford Drive has become increasingly busier and already could use a stoplight at the corner of Blandford and MacArthur and a cement barrier between the car lanes and the walking path. Blandford has a blind curve where drivers can't see walkers coming downhill. The increase in traffic would turn Buena Vista Dr and Highland Dr into drive-through streets to the new urban development. Buena Vista is a two lane street with no sidewalks and often has cars parking on the street making it a one lane street. Cars already travel over the speed limit on Buena Vista Dr because there are no stop signs and only one speed bump on the half mile length of the street. The intersection of Buena Vista and Andreson is on a blind steep curve which already has a number of accidents with the current level of traffic. To protect walkers and cars backing out of their driveways Buena Vista would need more speed bumps and stop signs to slow down a large increase in traffic. When Safeway was located at Tower mall in the early 1990's traffic was much heavier on Buena Vista than it is today because it was used as a drive-through to Tower Mall. Highland Dr also already has heavy traffic due to children being dropped off and picked up from St Joseph Catholic School. I don't think the proposed urban center will have enough onsite stores and jobs to prevent a huge increase in traffic in the Heights neighborhood. I also don't think that the currents bus system in Vancouver is convenient enough to ease the traffic burden significantly. None of the proposed urban development plans have enough park area especially since the Vancouver School District is building new schools on the park area to 10/26/2018 Web form Nowhere on these artists renderings do you list key street names (Mill Plain, MacArthur, Devine) or show key existing properties (McLoughlin Middle School, Marshall Elementary School, the cemetery) — making it nearly impossible to understand how any of this will work in real life. Need WAY more detail. 10/26/2018 Web form I read in the Columbian today that the plan is to provide 1000 plus residences . I'm concerned about this. I feel it will destroy a this area. This is way too much growth. This is a great neighborhood I've lived in for over 40 years and do not embrace this kind of change. This area is one of the few places in Vancouver/Clark county that is not overwelmed with traffic and I'm not in favor of this kind of change

10/26/2018 Web form 2 3 1 Too many people, too much traffic. It seems over the top to me. Connects more of us together. I feel community gardens will be important. 10/26/2018 Web form 1 Looks out of place Looks crowded Open and relaxed Senior housing. The BabyBoomer generation is rapidly aging and the housing need is huge. 10/26/2018 Web form 1 2 3 PROs Lowest impact to adjacent private properties Limited impacts on PROS Greatest density, tallest buildings and mix of uses are located along Mill PROS Strong links to adjacent open spaces CONS Less direct relationship to All three options result in bringing many more people, traffic, and significant established residential uses beyond the redevelopment site CONS No major Plain Boulevard CONS Impacts private properties along MacArthur Boulevard Mill Plain Boulevard development to this area. Certainly it is a real challenge to minimize the transformation of Devine Road impacts to the quiet and calming character of the neighborhoods and generally less stressful and slower pace of living that contributes to a desirable quality of life in this area today. The increased volume of car traffic alone is problematic and presents many challenges. I travel east and west along MacArthur and St Helens and north and south on Andresen often. The added traffic volume too Andresen, Liser and MacArthur will increase significantly. Among the many traffic challenges, I would like to suggest that you consider improving the access from the east, the present 4-way stop intersection of Liser-MacArfthur-St Helens where a lot of traffic coming and going to Interstate 14 already occurs and likely will increase significantly turning on to MacArthur to access the Heights District Development area. Possibly the volume at this intersection would qualify for consideration of reconfiguration to a round-about that could improve traffic flow at this choke point?

10/26/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Too much impact to the cemetery and to the neigborhood north of Mill Plain. Too much impact to the cemetery and to the neighborhood north of Mill Plain. Too much impact to the cemetery along Mill Plain. Not enough parking to Learn from the mistakes that have already been made in other projects: Plan Not enough parking to support new residential. Too much impact on Not enough parking to support new residential. Too much impact on support new residential. Too much impact on neighboring property values, by enough parking, make changes that will increase not decrease the value of the neighboring property values, by added noise, congestion, traffic and density. neighboring property values, by added noise, congestion and density. The size added noise, congestion, traffic and density. neighboring properties. The scope of this project is larger than necessary. of the park divides the project in two. 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Best green space. No central park area. 10/26/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like maximizing solar gain on buildings, but that could be worked on with the This feels very special. It would be a destination, which would help any Blah. I love that when I read the materials there were multiple mentions of grand park scheme too. It doesn't feel very distinctive. businesses located in the commercial spaces. I like the urban agriculture and distinctive architecture and the city planner at our neighborhood meeting said sustainability aspects. this redevelopment was going to be an example of development should be done. Thank you for producing something we can be proud of.

10/27/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/27/2018 Web form 2 1 3 The park area seems like it would excuse the current neighborhood. Too much Like the openness of the park. Still too much residential. Please consider The park area is separate from the current neighborhood. Not open and Please reduce the housing number. It will overwhelm current schools and residential not enough commercial of new restaurants and stores. impact of increase number of people on schools and neighborhoods. welcoming enough. neighborhoods.

10/27/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/27/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Feels like a natural extension of the waterfront area in concept and look. Not so much. Density is not what is needed. Positive that it will take longer to build out, allowing for flexibility and change Creates Vancouver 'branding' by relating to waterfront. Can influence future as phases are completed and issues defined. redevelopment. Central civic space concept excellent, potential to create strong neighborhood.

Page 19 of 20 10/27/2018 Web form 1 3 2 Don't like the concept of the park like setting being surrounded by buildings.

10/27/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I don't want a green space that ends up anything like a dark park blocks in Portland where it's unsafe to walk at night and no one wants to hang out. It needs to be a combination of trees and open space, including a children's area - perhaps a splash pad too. I like the promenade because of the visibility and it seems safer. As an adjacent neighbor, I like the scale much better.

10/27/2018 Web form 1 2 3 No reference to adequate parking. No reference to adequate parking. No reference to adequate parking. Considering the significant added development, hopefully the past learning regarding the importance of providing adequate parking to prevent undesirable parking spill over to surrounding streets and into established neighborhoods from added apartments and housing is captured and covered in the design options. I didn't see any reference to the parking issue referenced in the key design issues.

10/27/2018 Web form 2 1 3 signature arches. buildings optimized for solar gain (sustainability) best overall concept for business. creates a major attraction to area. strong links to existing open spaces 10/27/2018 Web form 2 3 1 I like the clear and inclusive modalities of travel in this plan. Looks like This looks like a giant housing development. Closed off, turned inward, not The concept of pedestrian linking fits most closely with the existing I'm glad to see clear priorities. Small locally owned business and a pedestrians, bikes, cars and busses may all co-exist safely. outward. Unwelcoming as a gathering place. Scale looks too big for this neighborhood. Walkability is vital for safety, neighbor knowledge, pride of neighborhood library is a great way to build safe, enriching, community- neighborhood. A profit-driven builder dream. Perhaps I am misled by the ownership, and protecting the human-centric scale. building, and vital to the health and longevity of a neighborhood. rendering, but if not, I dislike this one intensely.

10/27/2018 Web form 1 2 3 10/27/2018 Web form 1 3 2 10/27/2018 Web form 1 3 2 I live on Highland Drive and believe this provides the best value for public and current homeowners. We are concerned about low income housing and effect on our property value and safety. We specifically chose this neighborhood for a reason of value and safety. Keep that in mind.

10/27/2018 Web form 2 1 3 Like the attractiveness, & probably most cost effective. Like the apartments, & the actual Park. The illustration looks more blah of the 3, but it's okay. I hope that not all apartments are expensive. There are good citizens that are strapped for finances, esp. senior citizens. 10/28/2018 Web form 2 1 3 10/29/2018 Web form 2 1 3

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