Cornell Alumni News Publishing Corporation Incorporates for $125000
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VOL. XXIX, No. 35 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] JUNE 9, 1927 lit Cornell Alumni News Publishing Corporation Incorporates for $125,000 —to Continue Publication of ALUMNI NEWS and to Operate the Cayuga Press—Moves to Perman- ent Quarters Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. .Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Here is Your Timetable ESTABROOK & CO. to and from Sound Investments New York Boston ITHACA 24 Broad 15 State ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 New York Resident Partner SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD These convenient Lehigh Valley trains link Ithaca with Pennsylvania Station, New York and Reading Terminal, Philadelphia every day. Hemphill, Noyes"^ Co. 37 Wall Street, New York Lv. New York 8.50 A.M. II.5O A.M. 8.IO P.M. t"45 P.M. P.M. A.M. Inves tmen t Sec urities Lv. Newark 9.24 A.M. 12.24 P.M. 8.44 12.17 c Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore 9.20 A.M. I2.4O P.M. 8.4O P.M. A.M. Lv. Philadelphia ti2.05 Pittsburgh Rochester j ^Buffalo Syracuse Ar. Ithaca 449 P.M. 8.21 P.M. *5.oo A.M. 739 A.M. Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill Lv. Ithaca 8.54 A.M. 12.37 P.M. tio.34 P.M. Stanton Griffis >10 Harold Strong Ar. Philadelphia 5.03 P.M. 8.08 P.M. 6.21 A.M. Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward Ar. Newark 5.12 P.M. 8.14 P.M. 6.17 A.M. J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 Ar. New York 5.45 P.M. 8.47 P.M. 6.50 A.M. * Sleepers may be occupied at Ithaca until 8.00 A.M. Members of the New York Stock Exchange f Sleepers open for occupancy 10.00 P.M. For reservations, etc., phone Wisconsin 4210 (New York); Rittenhouse 1140 (Phila.); Mitchell 7200 or Terrace 3965 (Newark); 2306 (Ithaca). Quality Service Lehigh'VaLley Railroad E. H. WANZER COte Route of The Black Diamond Incorpora ted The Grocers THE SECOND ANNUAL Aurora and State Streets Rothschild COLLEGE CRUISE ROUND THE WORLD pt. 20 Bros. S. S. Ryndam to May 4 Under the Presidency of R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. John Garleton Jones, Ph.D., LL.D. Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Missouri College, Preparatory and Business Courses. Limited to 375 young men over 17 years of Fraternity We Carry age. Facultyof experienced a Complete Line gf educators.instructors, Jewelers drawn from leading Cornell Furnishings colleges and univer- sities. Twenty - seven cou n- tries visited. Banners, Pennants, Ithaca New York Pillow Covers, Wall and Table Skins at Very Write for outline of courses, itinerary, catalog: NOTICE TO UNIVERSITY TRAVEL ASSOC, INC. Attractive Prices 285 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. EMPLOYERS The Cornell Society of Engineers main- tains a Committee of Employment for Cor- nell graduates. Employers are invited to consult this Committee without charge when in need of Civil, Electrical or Mech- THE SENATE anical Engineers, Draftsmen, Estimators, Sales Engineers, Construction Forces, etc. Solves the problem for Alumni 578 Madison Avenue, Corner 57th Street, Rothschild Bros. A Good Restaurant New York City. Telephone Plaza 2300. MARTIN T. GIBBONS Ithaca, New York Proprietor C. M. Chuckrow. C. E. '11 Chairπ CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIX, No. 35 ITHACA, N. Y., JUNE 9, 1927 PRICE 12 CENTS K I ^HE University was shocked and June 3. About $10,000 worth of damage Longmeadow, Mass., will be circulation I saddened by the drowning on May was done; it would have been more had not manager, Wayne E. Dorland '28 of South 31 of Norman C. Konrad '27 of many of the students already s^ent their Orange, N. J., senior associate business Buffalo. He had been swimming with a possessions home. This is the first frater- manager, and Donald P. Setter '28 of girl companion in the pool by the power- nity fire of any consequence in about five Cattaraugus, associate art director. As- house in Fall Creek gorge. At this point, years. At that time Theta Xi held a fire, sisting in gathering in the shekels, as you will remember, the water tumbles for but it was no great shakes. Yet there was junior associate business managers, will be twenty or thirty feet over a series of a time when Cornell fraternity fires were a George S. Gladden of Detroit, Edward B. ledges and plumps into the pool, where it reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a Riklin of Tonawanda, Edward H. Stiefel swirls and eddies before continuing on its derision to them that were round about us, of Maplewood, N. J., David W. Somers of way down the gorge. In summer, when the a byword among the heathen, and a shak- Buffalo, and Alpheus F. Underhill of water is low, the pool is no more dangerous ing of the head among the people. To be Buffalo. than any other swimming-hole. But on sure, the newer fraternity houses are ROD AND BOB, honorary engineering May 31 the stream was high and the water pretty well fire-proofed, and in the older society, has elected Thomas B. Aldrich '28 was fatally cold. houses extreme precautions are taken as to of Englewood, N. J., Edward J. Scheiden- wiring, heating, and cigarette disposal. THE STUDENTS worked heroically to re- helm '28 of Wilmette, III, Arnold O. cover the body. A human chain formed TEN FAMILIAR faces flashed on the Babb '29, of Keyser, W. Va., Richard L. across the shallows below the pool, and screen at the Grescent last week, when the Cuthbert '29 of Brooklyn, Joseph S. later a wire net replaced the volunteers. results of the movie tests made by the Gowdy '29 of Denver, Colo., Pierre Joseph Meanwhile a corps of divers sought to dis- First National Pictures' Studios were Purcell '29 of Plainfield, N. J., William J. cover the location of the body. Flood- shown. The make-up man or the camera Quest '29 of Louisville, Ky., Herbert D. lights were brought from Schoellkopf and lens did weird things to these "ten most Rollo '29 of Freeport, and Arch P. Smith, the work continued through most of the distinctive male personalities at Cornell" Jr., of North Tonawanda. —chosen from three hundred applicants. night. Finally, on the following day, the THE ARCHITECTS don't have to work any Considered handsome young men, there is water was drawn off from Beebe Lake and more. The barrel of water, pushed off a no denying that on the screen they were, the dam gates were then closed. Thus the top cornice of White Hall, hit the ground. with one or two exceptions, a strange- water in the gorge was reduced to a mere Had it floated in the air, back to their looking lot. But one, Robert S. Thurston trickle. After twenty-four hours of search drawing-boards they must go. Annually '27, of Batavia, was chosen from a total of the body was discovered, wedged in a the architects put thL query to the fates- 14,261 applicants from thirty-six universi- crevice of rock, and extricated by Francis that-be. If the barrel does not hit the ties as one of the ten runners-up in the M. Brotherhood '27. ground, they are bound by dark vows to nation-wide search for collegians for continue their work. This year, after HAS THE UNIVERSITY been in any way future screen plays. Perhaps Adolph senior singing Thursday night, they put remiss? It keeps a lifeguard on duty at Menjou, whom the Class of 1912 so the question while hundreds of awed ob- this pool during the summer, but it proudly claims as the most popular Cornell servers watched, fearing that some spiteful counts on cold and high water to keep the alumnus in the movies, is soon to have a god would suspend the laws of gravity. swimmers out of the gorge during May. rival. Nevertheless, there are cases on record of But everything went well, and particularly adventurers opening the swimming season PHI DELTA KAPPA, honorary educa- happy was the augury. The barrel, falling at the end of March, beneath the drip of tional society, has elected the following three stories, did not break. The head the great south-wall icicles. officers; president, Evert L. Austin, came off, the water splashed forth, and Grad., of Ithaca; vice-president, John M. the surprised barrel rolled off unharmed WHAT CAN the University do to prevent Shales, Graci., Perth Road, Ontario; except for shattered nerves. According to a repetition of this heart-sickening acci- treasurer, James B. Palmer '21 of Edin- the architects, if the barrel does not break dent? It can forbid all bathing in the boro, Pa. corresponding secretary, Anson it is an omen that all seniors are going to gorge, thus driving the students to swim- W.jGibson '17 of Ithaca, recording secre- pass their theses. ming-holes far more dangerous than the tary, Raymond E. Wakeley, Grad., one now authorized. It can forbid bathing Laceyville, Pa.; Historian, William T. PROFESSOR HEINRICH RIES was a during high water, and can enforce the James, Grad., Greer, S. C; and Faculty speaker at the convention of the American prohibition to some extent, with the aid sponsor, Professor Clyde B. Moore. Foundrymen's Association, held inChicago of two or three gorge-patrols. It can at June 6 to 10. He gave the report of the THE NEW BOARD of the Cornell Annuals any rate make the pool somewhat safer, Committee on Testing Foundry Sands, of has been chosen.