Press Release One Man, One Life, Complete Dedication

978-1-4314-2318-7 • Politics/Memoir • Trade Paperback • 235x155mm • 680pp • R380 • 1 March 2016 • World English Language Rights NEW TITLE The Struggle Continues is a “searing, heartfelt, brutally honest account of the turbulent modern history of ” (Douglas Rogers author of The Last Resort). This autobiographical political history since the 1950s deals with an era of great turbulence from the perspective a person who has been at the centre of the great Zimbabwean drama for over 30 years, David Coltart. It is set to be the most authoritative book to date of the last sixty years of Zimbabwe’s history, described by the doyenne of Southern African journalists, Peta Thornycroft, as “a masterpiece”: from the obstinate racism of Ian Smith that provoked Rhodesia’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Britain in 1965, to the civil war of the 1970s, the Gukurahundi genocide of the 1980s, the land invasions of the 2000s, ’s Murambatsvina war on poor urban dwellers in 2005, and the struggles waged by the MDC in confronting a brutal regime. ADVANCE PRAISE FOR THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES “…This magnificent book is far more than just the autobiography of one of the most significant figures in Zimbabwean history; it is also a history of Zimbabwe itself, and a moral testament.” For all media enquiries, review copies, or – Peter Oborne, Political Columnist of the , interview requests please contact: Neilwe Mashego and author of The Rise of Political Lying, The Triumph 011 628 3200 of the Political Class and Basil D’Oliveira: Cricket and [email protected] Conspiracy – The Untold Story For sales enquiries contact: Jacana Media “A must read for anyone who is intrigued by Zimbabwean 011 628 3200 politics and history, but also those interested in the power [email protected] of our common humanity and the strength that is inside us all.” – Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

“…a significant contribution at a time when Zimbabwe is crying out for such accounts from key figures who have played an important role in shaping its history.” – Dr Alex Magaisa, University of Kent. Former adviser to Prime Minister Morgan R Tsvangirai, 2012–2013

ISBN 978-1-4314-2318-7 “Those of us who were privileged to meet Coltart during this critical period never guessed at the precautions he was forced to take, nor that on public occasions he would - as he reveals in this book - wear a bullet-proof vest beneath his shirt. Coltart rose to become education minister and almost single-handedly revived a shattered school system” - David Blair, Chief Foreign Correspondent, Daily Telegraph

“… a masterful account of Zimbabwe’s unfinished struggle for freedom. If you want to understand in particular the frustrations and setbacks of the last decade under Robert Mugabe you should read this book.” – Alec Russell, head of news at The and author of After Mandela: Battle forthe Soul of

“What emerges from this dramatic journey is a sense of courageous personal conviction and a faith in the inspiring resilience of his countrymen and women.” – Nicholas “Fink” Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan, and former Legal Advisor to President Nelson Mandela, 1994 – 1999

“David Coltart’s meticulously detailed narrative and analysis should be required reading for anyone with an interest in the history of Zimbabwe, but also for those who want to know how the bright dream of African freedom and democracy can be stolen by those posing as revolutionary saviours.” – Brendan Seery, Executive Editor, Independent Media South Africa

“[Coltart] provides a compelling account, often in harrowing detail, of the terror and oppression that has scarred [Zimbabwe] since its independence. But he is equally unsparing in his depiction of the discrimination and brutality of the colonial era” – Sir Brian Donnelly, British High Commissioner, later Ambassador, to Zimbabwe, 2001–2004

“… a work of searing honesty, sensitivity and integrity” – Petina Gappah, award-winning author of An Elegy for Easterly

“… a masterful account that is eye-opening and shocking, yet never loses hope” – Christina Lamb, author of The Africa House and co-author of I Am Malala

“... Coltart has written a masterpiece …” – Peta Thornycroft,

ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Coltart is a Zimbabwean lawyer, Christian leader and politician. He was the Member of Parliament for Bulawayo South in the House of Assembly from 2000 to 2008, and he was elected to the Senate in 2008. He served in the inclusive government as MDC Minister for Education, Sport, Arts and Culture from February 2009 until August 2013.

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