Origin of Place Names-Nevada
Chapter X Lincoln County I SHEEP: 46shzp) 36 A range, extending north from Clark County into Lincoln County. #So named for wild sheep. vw36 40 SILVER CANYON: (sil ver) A range of mountains m Pnhranagat Valley, #So named for the prevailing ore. 28 STINE: (st&) A town, pop,, 10; alt., ii,O46,& a station on the Union Pacific Railroad, south of Caliente. dt'*- TIMPAHUTE: (tim pa ut) A range in th western part of the county, south of Worthington and Golden Gate ranges." Shoshone name meaning "rock water people ,110 d 28 27 URSINE: (&'sin) A town, pope, 63; alto,5,500; 13 mi. northeast of Pioche, in a valley of the same name. WHITE ROCK. (h&t Gk)36 A range east of Wilson Creek Range, extending into Utah,4o and a peak in the range.37 #So nvaed for the color of the rock formation in the vicinity, WILSON CREEK RANGE AND WILSON PEAK: (&'s&) 36 Wilson Creek Range is in the northeaste n part of the county and the peak is in the central part of the rangeO3? Named for Charles Wilson, one of the early county commissioners 1 WORTHIMGTON: (Ath'zng t&) 36 A range extending northwest to southeast in the northwester corner of Lincoln County; A peak in the northwest part of the range," a mining district(als0 cal d Freiberg) at the north e~clof the mountains on their east flanke" Alt,8,400 40e CHAPTER XI LYON COUNTY ANTELOPE: (G't; A y#ley extending from California into both Douglas and Lyon counties.
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