21, 1963 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP of NEP SEVEN CENTS the Names and Residences of All Offi­ Tracing As Bill Bill’S, Intends to Apply Per” at the Homo of Mrs

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21, 1963 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP of NEP SEVEN CENTS the Names and Residences of All Offi­ Tracing As Bill Bill’S, Intends to Apply Per” at the Homo of Mrs -fr '-V*:;-r^:v>-':‘Vv.;--^'■ r ;;:' -=:V. ' ! / : A T C ^:T!T^?,^7 r5 " ■' ’■•' 'i':"^ -r’ *-.: .', ;;V • ^g|r,'.''’ ; ' V:;' ',i • ' I. '■ \ " ’ v .1’- ■ ■ ’ v'A'-^-i-;‘, ']'r'L'\ : ' : ' ■ '■' ■,.■ ■' ■ ’ 1: --'-■■- '•, - \ ■: ,’' ‘ 1 . 1 :*,.• 1-:. .7-- : .:'"'r-V'-:: :•'• FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1963 OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY 55 EMBURY AVENUE TEN l e g a l n o t i c e ; im t^a a t 1105 S ixth Avenue.: Neptune, . --------------------------------------------- It Pays The DEANS OPEN ALL TEAR N 0 TICE iJjS’irffB6?8'- fl ony, should be made oph Kelly, Court Isabella, CDA, Rev. Arthur Flandreau and Rev.:>i PRospect 5-4076 Dining Room Air Conditioned Breakfast Served i"101'ediatejy. in- writing to Joseph E. Closes For TAKE NOTICE that. the Jumping Bayonne,, was n guest. v - B. S. Crowcrolt who were honor/iji; To Advertise Directly On Brook Associates, Incorporated,: former- Ne“ 5iV'N.ejf °f th0 T°wnshV- °t 8 Ocean ly Restaurant Associates, of the Jump­ Mrs. John Fink made the pre- ary members of our Union. Mrs.® Occanfront ing Brook iCountry: Club, Neptune, New Summer Season sentation of gifts to Miss McCar- Henry Rambo paid a .tribute foi;,?jr LAINGDON HOTEL Avenue ’ HOYn<!WARKEN. 1.1... .X1-- '■ •• ' Jersey, intends to apply to the Town­ . 1015 Eton Way , thy, the out-going- officers, anti In The Times ship Committee o£ the Tbwnshlp of ; Neptune, N. J. her mother Mrs. Robert Wilson,'^. ■' Spacious porches overlooking boardwalk and ocean. Large, Neptune-for the Plenary ^Retail Con­ -23-24 £ y . $5.7G trustees; . ' . airy rooms, hot and cold running water in all rooms. Rooms sumption License . No. C-13 for prem­ ■ OCEAN GROVE—The Wesleyan Mrs. Smith paid: tributes for Mrs. S, ises located at Jumping Brook Country v;’;vN.O;T irC.E,;: Service Guild closed for the sum­ Hostess fo r ■: the evening^ was a n d T n E n e p t u n t : with or without private bath. All. rooms newly decorated. Club,.. Jumping. Brook Road, Neptune, F. Allen and Mrs. James Crnnt'l'if■ V. __ ■ ; 1 ' mer season, with a “Pot Luck Sup­ Mrs. Wesley,'assisted by her com­ H eat for chilly days.- European Plan. New. Jersey. •*•*. • - . TAKE NOTICE that Mudsan, Inc.. Mrs. Christian Weaver -paid------ tr i.| .Vot LXXXVJII, No. 25 TUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1963 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEP SEVEN CENTS The names and residences of all offi­ tracing as Bill Bill’s, intends to apply per” at the homo of Mrs. Gay Por­ m ittee. The final meeting, of -the butes for Mrs. L,. Baer and Mrs. ii . _ JENNIE B. OSWALD, Owner-Mgr. cers, directors, and stockholders hold­ to the Township Committee of the ing 10% or more of stock i nthe cor­ Township of Neptune for the Plenary ter, on June 4th. year will be June 1 1 at the Ameri­ poration are as follows:' ; Carrie Burke. Miss Ruth Lancastei ir^ .im c rtirt 1 IT T erS Retail Consumption License C-12 for can Legion Home, Main St, paid a tribute for Miss Gracc ^ lO W ilS n ip Officers 171,? Springw ood The dining room and living room Twin Brothers Receive Degrees Charles M. Tice Joanne Moerldrk-Geo. Elysee Special Music At OVERLOOKING Sidney Geltzeiler,'. 310 West So. Avenue, Neptune Township, New Jer- were tastefully decorated with Yoakum -who was in Deaconess,;^—,. T H E LINDA HOUSE Orange Ave,, So. Orange, N. Ji—Presi­ THE OCEAN dent; Seymour Kempner, 146 Lennox Tii° directors, officers and sharehold­ Japanese lanterns. training with her in Cleveland. JlTeC U rflU ldU tpU New Commander Nuptials June 8 In St. Paul’s Evening Service Terrace, Maplewood, N. J.—Vice Pres,; er0 holding more than 1% of the stock Miss Orpha Moffct paid a tribute Directly on the oceanfroht at South End Bathing Ivan Scharer, 1785 Manor Drive, Irving­ » j corporation are the following: Everyone enjoyed the varieties Concert Sunday ROOMS WITH 2 MEALS DAILY ton, N. J.Tr-Sec*y.-Treas. , Andr«w L. Sanders, PreBtdent-Treas- of food, on the dining room table. for Mrs. Alida McLean and Miss Board. of Directors. urerL 513. H ighw ay 35, N eptune, N, J. Of Legion Post Newark Conf. Ministers 27 Ocean Ave, — Tel. 767-5935 — Mr. & Mrs. F rank Kluender A ------■ M udd, • .V » i. *President, ibiuucilL, 142 So. A short business meeting fol­ inn K»n«t I*— S 1>l*“ Herman Perl, 882 So. Orange Ave., ASHF.ton Ave., East Orange, N. J. 10H JScllMl 'each tribute the presidentu i X placed X Purchase, Re Wives Chorale To Sing; . Short Hills, N. J.; Sidney Geltzeiler, Willie Sanders. Jr., Secretary, 1010 lowed, at which the bank was pas- 310 West So. Orange Ave., So. Orange, t-ookman Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. sed for the Bolivian student, and a white carnation in the vase on Disposal and Acids ; K Succeeds James F. Ly- Indianapolis And Brook­ 3 BATH AVENUE OPEN ALL YEAR Tel. PR 5-6375 N. J.; Seymour Kempner, 1<JG Lennox immediately, in writing, to Joseph E. Terrace, Maplewood, N. J.; Harold Bennett. Township Clerk of the Town* $50.00 voted for payment' to the ASBURY PARK—The American thc table for each member.. i ■ Power To J u n k Car Law den A s Head Of Nep­ lyn Pastors In I’ulpit . A moat cordial welcome awaits you at our house, first Blair, 11 Willshire Drive, Livingston, Legion Bob Eberle Jr.' Memorial The meeting was closed with —•— .. N. J.; Ivan Scharer, 1785 Man nr Iw p V ^ S S S } ? ; C,erk of lhe Town- Methodist Dollars for Christ. tune Unit For ’63-’64 house from Ocean, Beach and Boardwalk near North End. IrvlngtonT NS^ ° rCr’ 1,85 Monor Drlve- MUDSON, INC. All members are, asked to do. Band of Asbury Park No. 24, prayer and benediction by Dr. Al- '.ci NEPTUNE TWP. Three or 715 M attison Avenue Frank Bryan,, conductor, will pre- bert Layton, OCEAN GROVE—The Min­ Large rooms, comfortable beds, hot and cold running wa­ ■■ *&■“» Ave. nate a gift for the bazaar at St. Asbury Park, N. J. sent their final concert of this _ ;r nances Were adopted on first read NEPTUNE -— Charles M. isters’ Wives Chorale of the ter. Reasonable rates.. yY" ... ... * * ' ?d^°T •T**'Seymour K em pner’ -23-24 $8.32 Paul’s church July 18th. Tice, of the Neptune High nhiSPHox Maplewood, N. j. season this Sunday at. 3:00 p.m.IT* . i j k V >ne '•y ^e municipal committee Newark Conference will sing 'Herb* and Edith Meyer, Owner-Managers j J^ S S 1!0?5- '.i£ any, should be made MONMOUTH COUNTY Mrs. Clinton Stackhouse is ar­ SURROGATE’S COURT ■ Tuesday night: School faculty and chairman special numbers at the evening in » nrto“A T S ranging a bus trip in October for at the Arthur Pryor Band Pavil- RepOrt AWaTflS At & M , g'.Crjk ot ,he Townshfp" 3 Notice to Creditors to Present. Claims ion. Fifth avenue on the Hoard- i . AT 1. An appropriation of $55,000 p of its language department, worship this. Sunday at' the , Corner of Heck Against Estate the. giuld members and friends. .(Signed): -• -V^V. walk. .: for the purchase of new equipment ■ has been elected commander Ocean Grove Auditorium. Oth- : and Beach Aves. ESTATE OF IIATTIE EDITH PUTNAM The Guild will resume its meet­ OLIVE HOUSE Tn!3?«!ng 5 roo,k Associates, Inc. HANEY, deceased. ■ The legion Twirlers directed by C o U U C l I J for the road and refuse depurt- of the Neptune American Le­ er special music will be] by. ings on September 3rd, after which AJIeta 26 gion Post for the 1963-64 year, One block from the Ocean and centrally located, near restaurants and N e ? f f l ,: N .°Jk C0U" lry ^1“? Pursuant to the order of EDWARD Sonia Grill will , perform and the _ _ _ ■ f ■ ment, including three trucks,. a An#<;l<;ne Hawck, soprano o f . cafeterias. Hot and cold running water in all rooma. European Plan. -23-24 C. BROEGE, Surrogate of the County the details about the bus trip will P . of Monmouth, this'day made, on the succeeding- James. Lycleii. Xew York, and the Auditor­ Phone PRospect 5-1188 MRS. TRINA BRAIN NOTICE application of the undersigned; Eliza­ be printed in the paper. a n d '^ H r^ 0^ Gl| ard 7 ' 11 preseil(: _ NEPTUNE—Alleta Council #28 '.-si'.' Dem pster Dum pster, two roto-paclc' Mr. Tice, who. also serves the ■ TAKE NOTICE that Shark River beth Greene, Sole. Executrix of the f ■. \ J16 C0^0rs* In the event D egreeof, Pocahontas held thpfv ^ bodies, a leaf collector and a salt ium Choir, directed by Dr. Others attending were: Mrs. Ma­ FOLLOWING COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES at Monmouth Monmouth County American Legion OUR Yacht Club, has made application to estate of the said Hattie Edith' Putnam of rnclement weather the concert regular meeting- last Friday- even 4 machine; Walter -D. Bddowes. ■ the Township Committee of the Town­ Haney, deceased, notice is hereby given bel Hodgson, Mrs. Lillian Catley, College, June 8, Robert Orr (left) was photographed fastening executive committee as finance offi­ 50th ship of. Neptune, New Jersey, for a to the .creditors of-said deceased to pre­ the baccalaureate hood of his TWin-brother, Kenneth, both of . Dr. Jamc.*■ ■Armstrong, pastor of Club License for premises loeated on sent to the said Sole Executrix their Mrs. Dortha Shaller, Mias Miriam .^,RCd Me"’S H»“* 2- Providing necessary legal cer, will be assisted , by the follow­ Park V iew H otel_ _____ YEAR whom received Bachelor of Science : (1 years) and Associate the H road way.
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    Summer 2017 Volume 22 No. 2 A Magazine about Acadia National Park and Surrounding Communities Friends of Acadia Journal Summer 2017 a PURCHASE YOUR PARK PASS! Whether driving, walking, bicycling, or riding the Island Explorer through the park, we all must pay the entrance fee. Eighty percent of all fees paid in Acadia stay in Acadia, to be used for projects that directly benefit park visitors and resources. The Acadia National Park $25 weekly pass and $50 annual pass are available at the following locations: Open Seasonally: Bar Harbor Village Green Blackwoods, Seawall, and Schoodic Woods campgrounds Annual park passes are also available at certain Hulls Cove Visitor Center Acadia-area town offices and local businesses; Jordan Pond and Cadillac Mountain Gift Shops contact the park at 207-288-3338 to find Sand Beach Entrance Station additional pass sales locations. Thompson Island Information Center Open Year-Round: Acadia National Park Headquarters (Eagle Lake Road) Park passes are now available online. Visit www.yourpassnow.com President’s Message Helping Acadia to Adapt and Endure o many of us, Acadia and other na- year-round positions at Acadia. The Second tional parks serve as a reassuring Century Campaign has allowed all of these Tconstant in our lives that are other- efforts to advance despite the uncertainty of wise full of change. I often hear from park a new administration in Washington and employees that “being part of something the hurdles of the federal hiring freeze. permanent” is the most rewarding part of FOA itself must adapt as we grapple with their job.
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