The Scope Issue 1 Larbert Newspaper
THE SCOPE Issue 1 A Larbert High Publication - October 2016 56% THE percentage of Americans with an unfavourable view of Clinton. 69 THE age Clinton will be if she is elected President. 4 THE number of years Clinton was Secretary of State We Need to Talk About Hillary Dylan Ferguson explores why, in this most after a terrorist attack. The State Depart- insane of presidential elections, so many The British media is so focused ment, which at the time was led by Mrs Americans remain put of by the Demo- on Trump, it has barely covered any of Clinton, refused requests for additional se- cratic nominee. Clinton’s scandals which, if involving him, curity at the compound. Clinton has been would cause an outrage here. But they accused of spinning the event and white- IS Hillary Clinton really the best presiden- have been covered in the States and they washing details to cover her own back, tial candidate for 2016 election? have caused outrage there. For example, enraging many. she is involved in a huge email scandal This is a question that is thrown that has involved the FBI. This was when There has also been the issue of around a lot at the moment due to the up- she mishandled classifed information on a the Clinton Foundation which she runs coming presidential election. Over here in private email server she used while serv- along with her husband, and former presi- Britain the obvious answer may seem like, ing as Secretary of State. She sent over dent, Bill. The charity claims to “convene “yes, of course! Look at the alternative!” 30,000 work related emails through her businesses, governments, NGOs, and To many of us on this side of the pond, a personal email which should have been individuals to improve global health and Trump administration seems unthinkable sent on a private email server to stop wellness, increase opportunity for girls and utterly appalling.
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