St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church Offertory Sentence Holy Eucharist Rite II (Please be seated as the alms are being collected.) 1 Christmas Offertory 105 ……….. God rest you merry, gentlemen

December 31, 2017 10 a.m. (Please stand.)

Welcome to our church. Please notice there are age-appropriate Presentation Hymn (sung to tune of Hymn 400): soft toys and crayons in the back of the sanctuary. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Prelude Praise God, all creatures high and low, alleluia, alleluia! Processional Hymn 93 ….. Angels, from the realms of glory Praise God in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit One: Opening Acclamation …………...…...... …….. BCP p. 355 Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Gloria in excelsis ……….………...... … Hymnal S-280 Eucharistic Prayer B …………………………..... BCP p. 367 Sanctus …………………………...………….. Hymnal S-130 (Collect and readings are found on your insert) The Lord’s Prayer ……………………….……… BCP p. 364 Collect of the Day The Breaking of the Bread ……...…...….………. BCP p. 364 First Reading ………………………. Isaiah 61:10-62:3 (You may be seated until you come forward to receive.) Psalm 147 ……………………………... Bulletin insert Second Reading …………….. Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7 Communion Hymn 115 …………………... What child is this Communion Hymn 84 ……… Love came down at Christmas Hymn 641 …………….. Lord Jesus, think on me

The Holy according to John 1:1-18 Postcommunion Prayer ………...……..………… BCP p. 366 Blessing Sermon Announcements (See the back of the bulletin.) …...... …...... … BCP p. 358 Recessional Hymn 102 ………….. Once in royal David’s city Prayers of the People Form III ……………….. BCP p. 387 Dismissal ………………………………………... BCP p. 366 Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Diocese of Postlude

Zululand, Southern Africa. Please join us in the Coffee Room after the service Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Church of the for coffee and fellowship. Good Shepherd, Sundance.

Daily Prayers: Pray for those in our Armed Services. Celebrant / Preacher: Rev. Melinda Bobo Eucharistic Minister: Sheryl Isaly (Please add your own intercessions and thanksgivings when invited.) Lector: Jennet Ballinger Acolyte: Sheryl Isaly

Confession of Sin and Absolution ………………… BCP p. 360 Music: Pamela Glasser Choir Director: Sue Bodar Altar Guild: Cindy Lewis, Kathy Hodge, Lillie Lichtenwalner, Toni Finley, The Peace (We greet one another in the name of the Lord.) Nancie Vion-Loisel, Janice Peck. Welcome, Guests! Thank you for joining us! Please fill out the visitor card in your pew and drop it in the collection plate during the Offertory, or give it to one of the ministers as you leave.

Greeters: Please come forward to help!

Fellowship: Jennet Ballinger.

Flowers: Pam, Jim and Robert Buline.

Cover: “The Ladies of Warm Springs” by Ken Nattell.

Tuesday, January 2: 9:30 am Bible Talk at Warm Valley Lodge.

Wednesday, January 3: 5:30 pm Evening Prayer.

Thursday, January 4: Ram Packs delivered.

Saturday, January 6 10 am-noon Food Bank in the Stewart House. 5:30 pm Feast of the Epiphany Evening Prayer.

Sunday, January 7: 10 am service. 2 pm Warm Valley Lodge service.

Thursday, January11: 4 pm Special Vestry Meeting in the Coffee Room. Congregation members are welcome to attend.

Please return your 2018 Stewardship pledge cards if you have not done so already.

Please take your poinsettias home after today’s service.

We are looking for a Food Bank director. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please call the office.

Boys and Girls Club will pick up your used Christmas tree for a $10 donation on Tuesday, January 2nd from 1-4 pm. If interested, call the Club at 455-2235.

Please sign up to provide Altar Flowers and to host Fellowship.

St. Thomas’ 2017 Income/Expenses (as of November 30th) Income: $145,697.62 St. Thomas’ Expenses: $151,636.26 St. Thomas’ 2017 Pledges (as of December 15th) Amount pledged: $65,943.00 Episcopal Church Regular pledges received: $60,001.74, plus thankfully $9000 extra has been received so far.

Church Phone: 307-455-2313 Church Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9 am-noon and 1:30-4 pm 1 Christmas Office Manager: Connie Ticknor St. Thomas’ e-mail address: [email protected] Website: December 31, 2017 Rector: The Rev. Melinda Bobo Cell: 307-240-0514 Office Hours: Wednesdays 10 am-noon and 1-4 pm

Vestry Members Senior Warden: Randy Lahr Junior Warden: John McPhail 9 S. 1st ST, P.O. Box 735 Treasurer: Twila Blakeman Clerk: Sandy Lahr Carol Petera Mandy Rose Julia Royall Lary Treanor Dubois, WY 82513

Food Bank hours: Saturday 10 am-noon Food Bank e-mail address: [email protected]