Branford Men Suspended by Highway Department

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Branford Men Suspended by Highway Department fp.'-m^^M ^-fej«*."* -.1 nTjzz^^^^Wz. J^^:-f^i^j*>^^^^^^i !S5TIM?^KF>?*» rf^yi^TJTJi'i-Tf''^''^ •"»]) Boy Scouts Make Good Cllheiu THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Help Yonr Community VITAL FORCE IN EVER* TOWN By Contributing PORTRAYING AS IT DOES To the Qulnnlpiac Council Financial Campaign LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN f^fje Pranfort i^biem FAMILIAR LANGUAGE AND EAST HAVEN NEWS XOL. XIV—NO, 33 Brnnford, Connecticut, Tlnnsday, December 4, 1941 PRICE FIVE CENTS Branford Men Suspended USO Chairman Rotarians Visit Delegates Meet Monoxide Gas Poisoning By Highway Department Shows Report No. Haven Ckib To Hear Talks Of Finances The Rotary round table at the Claims Life of Couple Oasis Monday noon was attended About Defense Prank Blgelow, chairman ot the by 31 members, Including visiting 'Tending Investigation'' Rotarlans W. M. Campbell and Nel­ John W. Andrews, admlnstratlve local U.S.O. drive here received the assistant to Slate Defense Admin­ Registered At Local Cabin following release: son H. Griswold of Guilford, and istrator Samuel H. Fisher, wa.s Cash contributions received by Albert de Biissy ot New Haven. one of the principal speakers at the Connecticut Highway Commissioner William J. Cox Sus­ Fourteen from Branford attend­ pends Harry 0. and WilUam Carsten—Will "Make a the United Service Organizations morning session ot the slnte-wldc Honeymooners Overcome By Carbon Monoxide G-as—• for National Defense at Its head- ed the Charter Night ot the North conference for women In defense Bodies Shipped To Hyannis, Massachusetts For Bur­ Thorough and Satisfactory Examination of the Case" quaters office in New York City as Haven Club Tuesday night. They which was held Tuesday In of November 19, totalled $12,892,- were Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bedl- the auditorium ot the Sterling Law ial—Coroner Investigates. state Highway Commissioner 433.51, It was announced today by ent, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock, Building at Yale University In New William J. Cox suspended two vet­ Dinner at Tryst Harper Sibley, USO president. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Q Cooke, Mr. Haven. Mr. Andrews, who is in Aulhorlllos Me satisfied that the eran employes of his department An additional $820,810.19 has and Mrs. Harry- H. Johnson, T. charge of the first aid program ot Seniors Present deaths of a honeymooning Massa­ Monday pending further Investiga­ been pledged by local committees Holmes Bracken, M. W. Kllgerman, the State Defense Council which chusetts couple overcome by car­ tion af chargees that they had used December 10th and $1,113,773.44 is expected from Meyer Leshlne, Walter H. Palmer, alms to graduate 180,000 Connecti­ bon monoxide gas in a Molbourno State Highway Department time S. A Petrlllo and Murray Upson. "Pride, Prejudice" Fall campaigns being held in con­ cut citizens as qualified first alders Motor Court tourist cabin Saturday and property for heir own benefit. The new club Is the 29th in this before May 1, outlined the pro­ For Battery H junction with Community Chest were acoidontal. Harry C. Carsten, state supervi­ drives in 84 scattered communities. district and meets Tuesday evening gram for the 800 delegates from In High Schooli sor of surface maintenance and his A group of local citizens will This brings to $14,620,817.14 the at 8.15 at Watormanor Inn. woman's organizations, Red Cross Stanley M, Pickering, 24-ycars- brother William carsten, mabiten- sponsor a dinner in the Tryst Wed­ total amount available for national chapters and local defense councils The Senior Class ot Branford old West Dennis, Mass., grocer, was ance supervisor in the Branford nesday, December 10, at 0:30 for operations during the 14-month The morning session, which was High School will present "Pride and dead at 6:33 P, M,. Saturday when district, which Includes most of the benefit of the Recreation Fund period from last April 1 through presided over by Mrs. Ralph C. Prejudice" by Jane Austen Friday police summoned by the proprietor next May 31. Grange Officers lower New Haven County. of Battery H, Branford unit at Lasbury, Jr., chairman of the State evening in the school auditorium. smashed a window and entered the The charges were brought Camp Edwards, Tickets are limited Approximately $1,000,000 ad­ Elected For Year Council introduced Mrs. Eleanor The play is directed by Miss cabin ho and his wife, Lillian, had against the Carsten brothers by de­ to 200. Everything is being donated ditional is being retained for ap­ Grant Rlgby, commandant of the Frances W. Trowbridge of the so that the entire proceeds will be proved local USO uses by prear- Women's Motor Corps, and Miss rented late Friday night. partment' employes. They came to At its annual meeting held in faculty. The scenery has been de­ The 22-year-old bride of less Commlsssloner Cox's attention available tor the fund. rangement between local commit­ Mary Ferguson, assistant supervi­ Congressman James Shanley will tees and national headquarters, Svea Hall Thursday night Bran­ sor ot air raid wardens, to women signed by Miss Marion Crandall than a week was unconscious and about two .weeks ago, and have ford Grange elected the following was brought to New Haven Hos­ been investigated. be one of the speakers. Col. Ernest Mr. Sibley said. who will play an important part in with the help of the art depart­ Appropriations totalling $1,539,- officers tor the year 1942: the development of both defense ment, and constructed by Oscar pital whero sho diod despite The charges were brought to L. Averlll, Director ot Selective Ser­ ceaseless efforts to save hor lite. Gov. Robert A. Hurley's attention vice will be the other principal 703.19 have been authorized to Master, Mrs. Nellie Hooghkirk; projects. Potts and Edward Tobln, other organizations engaged in overseer, Donald Shumway; lectur­ Both bodies wore returned to by Bernard T. CoCusker, business speaker, with Prank J. Harold E. Pomeroy, regional di­ Assisting Miss Jane Alst as stage Hyannis for burial.' irreguarlitles' by members of his Kinney, Jr., as toastmaster. About service and entertainment activi­ er, Mrs. June Shumway; steward, rector of the Red Cross disaster, manager are Edwin Poulton, busi­ ties among soldiers and sailors, in­ Clarence Titus; assistant steward, Mr. Melbourne, when questioned agent for a state employes' union, 30 members of the battery are ex­ relief and preparedness program ness manager; Paulino Dunbar, by the Review said "It is vci;y sad. who was • advised of the alleged pected to attend. The Rev. Father cluding Camp Shows, Inc., the Clifford Mitchell; choplain, Mrs. outlined the various Red Cross prompter; Joan Erlcson property Citizens Committee tor the Army Rita Shumway; treasurer, Sidney It is one ot those unfortunate union. Edmund A. Cotter will deliver the training courses which are now chairman and Gina MeneguzzI, things' which might happen in any Qbvernor Hurley immediately Invocation. and Navy, the National Defense V. Osborn; secretary, Mrs. Dorothy being conducted for women and Shirley O'Nell, Anna Raymond, Book Campaign and the New York Rider. home." t conferred with the commissioner on The committee In charge In­ 'include first aid, nurses' aides, and Ardls Do Leone and Barbara Har­ An autopsy performed on Picker­ on the subject and subsequently cludes Cornelius T. DriscoU, chair­ Soldiers and Sailors Club. Gatekeepec, William Hall; Ceres, home nursing courses. rison. Patricia Boutello will abt as Miss Kathryn Eckert; Pomano, ing's body by order ot the coroner secured affidavits from seven state man! Samuel Suval, Irving C. Ja- Ot the $12,892,433.51 cash re­ Mrs.. Deforest Van Slyok, con­ head usher and will be assisted by disclosed that the cause of death emploves regarding alleged Illegal cocks, Frederick P..Slicker, iS. A. ceived, Mr. Sibley said, $5,397,486.45 Mrs, Elaine Atwater; Flora, Miss sultant to the Office of Civilian Ruth Bergqulst, candy chairman. wos carbon monoxide poisoning, procedures of the two suspended Petrlllo, Edmund J. Hylenskl, has been expended to date. This in­ Elsie Hall; lady assistant steward, Defense In Washington and State Patrons and patronnesscs will bo and a gass healer fed Irom a lank Uiejri. George Bobbins, Roger L. Whipple, cludes $3,585,402.54 appropriated to Mrs. Eva Lowe; member of the ex­ Senator Alfred M. Bingham jspoku Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Bradley outride the building which had . TJie exact nature of the irregu­ Robert L. Rosenthal, Joseph Gebel, the six USO member agencies—the ecutive committee for three years, at the morning session. Mr. and Mrs.. Irving Harrison, Mr. bee In operatlbn 'n the cabin was larities was • not disclosed, it Frank J. Kinney, John J. Coolac, Y. M. C. A,, National Catholic Harry Haskin; matron ot Juvenile The afternoon session ot the con and Mrs. Arthur Merrill, Ivlrs. Flora blamod. was, said, howeyerithat the Carsten Edward B. Lonergan and Casper Community Service, Salvation Grange, Mrs. Nellie Hoogliklrk. ference was opened by Mayor I'^' Goldsmith, Mr, and Mrs.. R .F. Ralpl> .Melbourne, proprietor ot Block. Army, Y. M. C. A., Jev/ish Welfare John W. Murphy and Colonel I Biillcy, Mr"•. and" Mrs" . Thorwal- d thp mofpr cour^, tol^.Bpllcc Chief brothers had< used state materials Board and National Travelers Aid and the time of state employes to Samuel H. Fisher presided. Prli[icl-p^'^"""''f' ^^- '^^^ Mrs. John B Ohrjatlan Woehrle aivlVPaTtrolman Association—for operation o£ USOEMPT Y SCHOOL BUS 1 pal. spealcer at this scBSlon was Sllncy, Prank J. Kinney, Jr., Mr Anthony, Ilo'vltoh," that"the couple • ' bulld.'^d., coiijstrg5tj,j j^provements Clubs-*.-anti •• Held •-. activities.'^ Tay' ~'SPSB'~\SVJ'IlCtX" POTaB' -'ao'''e'nori*oY)*rt*A'»'.TtunBy-«-v'~---'~' ly' and equipmenrfdr property owne'd" KjTowlton'"Edits"''' ments of $848,790 05 have been Other afternoon speakers worn Mr.
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