Important Points

Nothing will work unless you do. ImportantQuestion Points 1 / प्रश्न 1

हाल ही में, आरबीआई ने किस राज्य िे बैंि िे गठन िे प्राव िो मंजूरी दी है, जजसिा िुल जमा 650 बबजलयन 셁पये होगा और जजसिा गठन राज्य सहिारी बैंि और 14 जजला सहिारी सबमबियⴂ िो समेकिि िरिे किया जाएगा? Recently, RBI approved the proposal of which state’s bank having Rs 650 bn in deposits and which will be formed by consolidating State Cooperative Bank and the 14 district cooperatives?

1. िनाटि / Karnataka 2. िेरल / Kerala 3. जसक्किम / Sikkim 4. बमजोरम / Mizoram ImportantAnswer Points

िेरल / Kerala

• RBI approved the proposal of Kerala government for the formation of Kerala Bank. • RBI approved formation of ‘Kerala Bank’ having Rs 650 bn in deposits. • The decision was taken by special task force headed by Chairman MS Sriram. • The bank will be formed by consolidating State Cooperative Bank and the 14 district cooperatives. ImportantQuestion Points 2 / प्रश्न 2

"फाइस्टी एट कफफ्टी" िे लेखि िौन हैं? Who is the author of “Feisty At Fifty”?

1. अनीिा देसाई / Anita Desai 2. सुधा मेनन / Sudha Menon 3. प्रीिी शेनॉय / Preeti Shenoy 4. अ셁ंधिी रॉय / Arundhati Roy ImportantAnswer Points

सुधा मेनन / Sudha Menon • Published by Pan Macmillan India • The book “Feisty At Fifty” authored by Sudha Menon was released at the Pune International Literary Festival recently ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 3 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न3 3

______ददशाबनदेश, 2018 ररजवव बैंि ऑफ इंकिया द्वारा जारी किया गया है। ______Directions, 2018’ released by Reserve Bank of India.

1. बाहरी वाणिक्कज्यि ऋि / External Commercial Borrowings 2. इलेक्ट्रॉबनि टरेकिंग प्लेटफॉमव / Electronic Trading Platforms 3. मनी मािेट इंस्टूमेंट्स / Money Market Instruments 4. मनी टरांसफर सेवा योजना / Money Transfer service scheme 5. उपरोक्त में से िोई नहीं / None of above ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 3

इलेक्ट्रॉबनि टरेकिंग प्लेटफॉमव / Electronic Trading Platforms

• An entity seeking authorisation as an ETP operator under the directions will maintain a minimum net-worth of Rs 5 crore ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 4 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न4 4

किस राज्य सरिार ने हाजशए वाली पृष्ठभूबम िे स्टाटवअप और उद्यबमयⴂ िे जलए एंि-टू -एंि समर्वन आधारभूि संरचना बनाने िे जलए ‘उन्नबि योजना’ िा अनावरि किया है? Which state govt unveils ‘Unnati’ scheme to create end-to- end support infrastructure for startups and entrepreneurs from a marginalised background?

1. िेरल / Kerala 2. िबमलनािु / Tamil Nadu 3. ओकिशा / Odisha 4. िनाटि / Karnataka 5. आंध्र प्रदेश / Andhra Pradesh ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 4

िनाटि / Karnataka

• Karnataka state government, unveils the Unnati scheme. • The department will invest up to Rs 20 crore • Department Name - The Karnataka Department of Social Welfare • Objective is to deliver sustainable development and social welfare which will identify, mentor, and promote young entrepreneurs from the SC/ST communities. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 5 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न5 5

किस राज्य सरिार ने किसानⴂ िी आय बढाने िे जलए उनिो प्रबिवर्व 10000 셁पये िी मुफ्त बबजली प्रदान िरने िे उद्दे से एियोजना शु셂 िी है? Which state government launched a scheme aimed to provide Rs.10000 p.a worth of Free Electricity To Farmers To Increase Their Income? 1. राजान / Rajasthan 2. पजिम बंगाल / West Bengal 3. महाराष्ट्र / Maharashtra 4. बबहार/ Bihar 5. ओकिशा / Odisha ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 5

राजान / Rajasthan • More than 12 lakh farmers of the state will receive free electricity • Up to Rs 10,000 for a year on their agricultural electricity connection. • Direct Benefit transfer (DBT) with maximum of Rs. 833 per month would be deposited to the accounts of the farmers. • It will be effective from November 2018 ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 6 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न6 6

राज्य िे गांवⴂ में सूखा जैसी क्कबि िे सटीि बवश्लेर्ि िे जलए महाराष्ट्र द्वारा शु셂 िी गई वेबसाइट और एप्लप्लिेशन िा नाम बिाएं। Name a website and an application launched by Maharashtra to accurate analysis of drought-like situation in villages of the state.

1. आपले सरिार / Aaple Sarkar 2. मेरा प्लांट / My Plant 3. शौर नदहन / Shaur Nahin 4. रायर्ुबंधु / Rythu Bandhu 5. महा मदद / Maha Madat ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 6

महा मदद / Maha Madat

• Rehabilitation and relief minister - Chandrakant Patil • The website has been created by the Relief and rehabilitation ministry with the help of the Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre (MRSAC) ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 6

About Maharashtra: ♦ Chief Minister: Devendra Fadnavis ♦ Governor: C.Vidyasagar Rao Some of the Sanctuaries in Maharashtra: ♦ Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary ♦ Bor Wildlife Sanctuary ♦ Chaprala Wildlife Sanctuary ImportantQuestionQuestion Points /7 प्रश्न / प्रश्न7 7

셂सी राष्ट्र पबि ने नई ददल्ली में ______भारि-셂स वाकर्वि दद्वपक्षीय जशखर सम्मेलन2018 में भाग जलया। Russian President attended the ______India-Russia Annual Bilateral Summit 2018 in .

1. 17वें / 17th 2. 18वें / 18th 3. 19वें / 19th th 4. 20वें / 20 5. 21वें / 21st ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 7

19वें / 19th

• Russian President - Vladimir Putin • Visit - Two-day visit to India. • He was received by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. • Bilateral Summit 2018 - New Delhi. ImportantQuestionQuestion Points /8 प्रश्न / प्रश्न7 8

जापानी फॉमूवला वन ग्रैंि कप्रक्स किसने जीिा? Who won the Japanese Formula One Grand Prix?

1. लुईस हैबमल्टन / Lewis Hamilton 2. वी बोटास / V. Bottas 3. एम. वस्टवप्पन / M. Verstappen 4. िे . रायिोनन / K. Raikkonen ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 7

लुईस हैबमल्टन / Lewis Hamilton

Position Driver Car Nationality 1 L. Hamilton Mercedes Britain 2 V. Bottas Mercedes Finland 3 M. Verstappen Red Bull Belgium 4 D. Ricciardo Red Bull Australia 5 K. Räikkönen Ferrari Finland ImportantQuestionQuestion Points / 9 प्रश्न / प्रश्न9 9

भारि िे सामररि बल िमांि ने______से सफलिापूववि पृथ्वी-II बमसाइल िा परीक्षि किया। India's Strategic Forces Command successfully test-fired Prithvi-II missile from ______.

1. गुजराि / Gujarat 2. आंध्र प्रदेश / Andhra Pradesh 3. ओकिशा / Odisha 4. िेरल / Kerala ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 9

ओकिशा / Odisha

• Prithvi-II missile from from l the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur near Balasore in Odisha. • Prithvi-II is a surface-to-surface indigenously developed nuclear capable missile. • It has a strike range of 350 km. • It is 9 metres tall • It is capable of carrying 500 to 1,000 kg of warheads. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /10 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 10 इंकिया इंटरनेशनल साइंस फेस्टस्टवल (IISF - 2018) िे चौर्े संस्करि िा बवर्य क्या है? What is the theme of the 4th edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF - 2018)?

1. बवज्ञान से बविास / Vigyan se Vikas 2. समाज िो प्रभाबवि िर साझेदारी िा बविास/ Building Partnerships Impacting Society

3. साइंस फॉर टरांसफॉमेशन / Science for Transformation 4. मेकिंग ऑफ ए न्यू इंकिया / Making of a New India ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 10

साइंस फॉर टरांसफॉमेशन / Science for Transformation

• Edition - The 4th edition • Venue - Indira Gandhi Pratishthan in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh • Formally inaugurated by the President Shri Ram Nath Kovind. • Organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences • The theme of this edition of Science Festival is "Science for Transformation". QuestionImportantQuestion Points /11 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न10 11

भारि िे प्रीबमयर साइक्लोर्ॉन सक्षम पैिल ददल्ली आयोजजि मदहलाओ ं िी 40 किमी प्रबियोगगिा में स्विव पदि किसने जीिा? Who won the gold medal in the elite women’s 40 km competition at Saksham Pedal Delhi, India’s Premier Cyclothon?

1. पूजा जसंह / Pooja Singh 2. चचत्रा मगगबमराज / Chitra Magimairaj 3. िेबोरा हेरोल्ड / Deborah Herold 4. बवनीिा फोगट / Vineeta Phogat ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 10

िेबोरा हेरोल्ड / Deborah Herold

• Sreedhar Savanur won gold medal(men) in 50 km event • Deborah Herold won gold medal(Women) in 40 Km event • Cycling Federation of India (CFI) Secretary General - Onkar Singh • Venue Stadium - Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium , New Delhi QuestionImportantQuestion Points 12/ प्रश्न / प्रश्न11 12

भारि िा मुख्य सांख्यख्यिीबवद (CSI) किसे बनयुक्त किया गया है? Who has been appointed the Chief Statistician of India (CSI)?

1. टी. ए. वीना / T A Vina 2. बनपुन जसंह / Nipun Singh 3. प्रवीि श्रीवाव / Pravin Srivastava 4. मालिी सक्सेना/ Malti Saxena ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 11

प्रवीि श्रीवाव / Pravin Srivastava

• India’s THIRD Chief Statistician • The National Statistical Commission was set up in 2005 • He will replace - TCA Anant • Srivastava’s tenure will be a little less than two years, till August 31, 2020. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /13 प्रश्न / प्रश्न12 13

बनम्नजलखखि में से किसे 2018 में अर्वशास्त्र िे नोबेल पुरस्कार से सम्माबनि किया गया है? Which of the following have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics, 2018?

1. बवजलयम नॉिवहॉस और पॉल रोमर / William Nordhaus and Paul Romer 2. जेम्स पी. एजलसन और िसुिु हⴂजो / James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo

3. िेबनस मुक्वेज और नाकिया मुराद / Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad 4. जॉजव पी. प्लिर् और सर ग्रेगरी. पी बवंटर / George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter

5. नाकिया मुराद और पॉल रोमर / Nadia Murad and Paul Romer ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 12

बवजलयम नॉिवहॉस और पॉल रोमर / William Nordhaus and Paul Romer

• Nobel Prize in Economics prize is also known as The Sveriges Riksbank Prize • Paul Romer - American , an economist at New York University • William Nordhaus - an American economist and Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University QuestionImportantQuestion Points /14 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न14 14

“एजशया और प्रशांि क्षेत्र िे जलए क्षेत्रीय सामाजजि सुरक्षा फोरम” में िवरेज बवार िे प्रशासबनि समाधान िे जलए ‘आईएसएसए श्रेष्ठ िायवप्रिाली पुरस्कार’ किसने जीिा है। Which of the following has won the ‘ISSA Good Practice Award’ for Administrative Solution for Coverage Extension at the “Regional Social Security Forum for Asia and the Pacific”?

1. एलआईसी / LIC

2. ईएसआईसी / ESIC 3. आईआरिीएआई / IRDAI 4. ईपीएफओ / EPFO 5. एसबीआई / SBI ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 14

ईएसआईसी / ESIC

• Shri Raj Kumar, IAS, Director General, ESIC • The award recognizes the measures taken by ESIC for extension of coverage- SPREE (Scheme for Promoting Registration of Employers and Employees) • Founded: 24 February 1952 • Headquarters: New Delhi, India QuestionImportantQuestion Points /15 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न15 15

स्पोटव ऑस्टरेजलया हॉल ऑफ फेम द्वारा 'लीजेंि' िे 셂प में किसे सम्माबनि किया जाएगा? Who will be honoured as 'Legend' by Sport Australia Hall of Fame?

1. एिम गगलकिस्ट / Adam Gilchrist 2. ररची बेनाउि / Richie Benaud 3. नील हावे / Neil Harvey 4. इयान चैपल / Ian Chappell ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 15

ररची बेनाउि / Richie Benaud

• He will be the 40th Legend of Australian Sport • Third cricketer behind Sir Donald Bradman and Keith Miller to be given Legend status • Died in April, 2015 • ICC Headquarters in Dubai, the UAE. • ICC CEO: Dave Richardson. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /16 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न16 16

हाल ही में, गगरीश पटेल िा अहमदाबाद में बनधन हो गया। वो किस क्षेत्र से संबंधधि र्े? Recently, Girish Patel passed away in Ahmedabad.He was related to which field?

1. खेल / Sports 2. राजनीबि / Politics 3. मानवाधधिार िायवििा / Human Rights Activist 4. अधभनेिा / Actor ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 16

मानवाधधिार िायवििा / Human Rights Activist

• Human rights activist, lawyer, academician and a fighter for the poor • Passed away in Ahmedabad • He was 86 years old. QuestionImportantQuestion Points /17 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न17 17

किस भारिीय व्यगक्तत्व िो वल्डव फेिरेशन ऑफएक्सचेंज (WFE) िी िायविारी सबमबि (WoCo) िा अध्यक्ष और बनदेशि बनयुक्त किया गया है? Which Indian personality has been appointed the Chairman of the Working Committee (WoCo) and Director on the Board of the World Federation of Exchange (WFE)?

1. रजनीश िुमार /Rajnish Kumar 2. एम. िे . शमा / M K Sharma 3. गगरीश चिुवेदी / Girish Chaturvedi 4. बविम जलमाये / Vikram Limaye ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 17

बविम जलमाये / Vikram Limaye

• Vikram Limaye, the MD and CEO of National Stock Exchange’s (NSE) • 58th general assembly and annual meeting that is currently underway in Athens, Greece. • The WFE is the global industry association for exchanges and clearing houses. • WEF headquarters in London QuestionImportantQuestion Points /18 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न18 18

बनम्नजलखखि में से किसे सफाईगगरी जशखर सम्मेलन वपुरस्कार 2018 में भारि िा "स्वच्छिम धाबमवि ल" घोकर्ि किया गया है? Which of the following has been declared the “cleanest religious place” in India at Safaigiri Summit and Awards 2018?

1. जगन्नार् मंददर, पुरी / Jagannath Temple, Puri 2. मािा वैष्णो देवी मंददर, जम्मू-िीर / Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, J&K

3. िाशी बवश्वनार् मंददर, वारािसी / Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi

4. मीनाक्षी मंददर, मदरु ै / Meenakshi Temple, Madurai ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 18

मािा वैष्णो देवी मंददर, जम्मू-िीर / Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, J&K • Safaigiri Summit and Awards 2018 ceremony organised by the India Today Group in Mumbai • This is the 2nd successive year when the board has been awarded in the field of sanitation as in 2017 • Union minister Nitin Gadkari presented the award to Chief Executive Officer of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Dheeraj Gupta QuestionImportantQuestion Points /19 प्रश्न/ प्रश्न19 19

किसानⴂ िे उत्पादन और उनिी आय बढाने िे जलए 8 अक्ट्ूबर 2018 िो किस राज्य ने मुख्यमंत्री िी सशक्त किसान योजना औरमुख्य मंत्री िृकर् समूह योजना शु셂 िी है? Which state has launched the Chief Minister's Sashakt Kisan Yojana and the Chief Ministers Krishi Samuh Yojana on 8 October 2018 for farmers to increase production and their income?

1. गुजराि / Gujarat 2. पंजाब / Punjab 3. िेलंगाना / Telangana 4. अ셁िाचल प्रदेश / Arunachal Pradesh 5. िेरल / Kerala ImportantQuestionAnswer Points / प्रश्न 19

अ셁िाचल प्रदेश / Arunachal Pradesh

• Objective - to increase production and their income • The Schemes would subsume three programmes - 1. Employment Generation Scheme, 2. Agri-Mechanization Programme 3. Flagship Programme on Tea and Rubber • Capital Itanagar • Governor Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.) • Chief Minister Pema Khandu QuestionImportantImportant Points 20Questions/ प्रश्न 20

20 नवंबर से 28 नवंबर 2018 िि गोवा अंिराष्ट्र ीय कफल्म महोत्सव (GIIF) में ______साझेदार राज्य िे 셂प में शाबमल होगा। Goa International Film Festival (GIFF) from 20th to 28th of November 2018 will have ______as a partner state.

1. िेरल / Kerala 2. झारखंि / Jharkhand 3. महाराष्ट्र / Maharashtra 4. िनाटि / Karnataka 5. िबमलनािु / Tamil Nadu ImportantImportantAnswer Points Questions

झारखंि / Jharkhand

• Goa International Film Festival (GIFF) from 20th to 28th of November 2018 • Jharkhand as a partner state

• Goa • Governor Mridula Sinha • Chief Minister

• Jharkhand • Governor Draupadi Murmu • Chief Minister Raghubar Das QuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points /21Questions प्रश्न/ प्रश्न20 21

"द क्लक्लयर 2018स्काई " नामि रक्षा अभ्यास िहां आयोजजि किया जा रहा है? Where is the defence exercise named, "The Clear Sky 2018" being held at ?

1. यूिेन / Ukraine 2. US / US 3. फ्रांस / France 4. लक्समबगव / Luxembourg 5. िनािा / Canada ImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points /Questions प्रश्न 20

यूिेन / Ukraine • Participation Countries - US, NATO Countries and Ukraine • Denmark and Estonia, not NATO members, are also participating Important Points About NATO • Formation 4 April 1949 • Type Military alliance • Headquarters Brussels, Belgium • Membership 29 states • Official language English , French QuestionImportantQuestionImportantQuestion 22Points 22/Questions /प्रश्न प्रश्न/ प्रश्न192222

सरिार ने राष्ट्र ीय सुरक्षा पररर्द िी सहायिा िे जलए एि सामररि नीबि समूह (SPG) िी ापना िी है। इसिी अध्यक्षिा ______िरेंगे। The government has set up a Strategic Policy Group (SPG) to assist the National Security Council. It will be chaired by ______.

1. सुब्रह्मण्यम जयशंिर / Subrahmanyam Jaishankar 2. सरिाज अजीज / Sartaj Aziz 3. अजीि िोभाल / Ajit Doval 4. नृपेन्द्र बमश्रा / Nripendra Misra 5. दलबीर जसंह / Dalbir Singh ImportantQuestionImportantQuestionAnswer 22Points /Questions /प्रश्न प्रश्न1922

अजीि िोभाल / Ajit Doval

• The government has set up a Strategic Policy Group (SPG) to assist the National Security Council. • The SPG will be chaired by National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval. QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 23/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2323

बवश्व पोस्ट ददवस हर वर्व िब मनाया जािा है? When is the World Post Day celebrated every year?

1. 8 अक्ट्ूबर / 8 October 2. 9 अक्ट्ूबर / 9 October 3. 10 अक्ट्ूबर / 10 October 4. 11 अक्ट्ूबर / 11 October 5. 12 अक्ट्ूबर / 12 October QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

9 अक्ट्ूबर / 9 October • World Post Day is celebrated every year on 9 October. • On 9 October, the Universal Postal Union was established in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland. • The Posts in many countries use the event to introduce or promote new postal products and services. • It was declared World Post Day by the UPU Congress held in Tokyo, Japan in 1969 QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 24/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2324

ब्यूनस आयसव, अजेंटीना में किसने युवा ओलंकपि 2018 में 62 किलो वगव पु셁र्ⴂ िे भारोत्तोलन में स्विव पदि? जीिा Who won the gold medal in the men's weightlifting 62 kg category at the Youth Olympics 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

1. ररचिव बाचटेल / Richard Bachtell 2. जेरेमी लालबनन्नुंगा / Jeremy Lalrinnunga 3. वेस बानेट / Wes Barnett 4. जैियजलन बे셂बे / Jacquelynn Berube 5. िेसी बगवनर / Casey Burgener QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

जेरेमी लालबनन्नुंगा / Jeremy Lalrinnunga

• Weightlifter Jeremy Lalrinnunga won gold medal in the men's 62 kg category at the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires, Argentina. • The silver medal was won Turkey • Colombia won the bronze medal. • Third Summer Youth Olympic Games QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 25/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2325

अंिराष्ट्र ीय मुद्रा िोर् (IMF) ने 2018 में भारि िे जलए ______% िी वृणि दर िी भबवष्यवािी िी र्ी। The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasted a growth rate of ______% for India in 2018.

1. 7.1 2. 7.2 3. 7.3 4. 7.4 5. 7.5 QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23


• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasted a growth rate of 7.3% for India in 2018. • IMF also predicted a growth rate of 7.4% in 2019. • If projections are true, then India would regain the tag of the fastest growing major economies of the world, crossing China with more than 0.7 in 2018. ​ • China was the fastest growing economy in 2017 as it was ahead of India by 0.2 percentage QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

Important Points About IMF • Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States • CEO: Christine Lagarde (5 Jul 2011–) • Membership: 189 countries • Founded: 27 December 1945 QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 26/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2326

प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने9 अक्ट्ूबर 2018 िो रोहिि जजले िे सांपला में ______िी 64 फीट लंबी मूबिव िा अनावरि किया र्ा। Prime Minister has unveiled a 64-Feet tall statue of ______at Sampla in Rohtak district on 9 October 2018. 1. चरि जसंह / Charan Singh 2. चौधरी देवी लाल / Chaudhari Devi Lal 3. दीनबंधु सर छोटू राम / Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram 4. हरकिशन जसंह सुरजीि / Harkishan Singh Surjeet 5. बलराम जाखड़ / Balram Jakhar QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

दीनबंधु सर छोटू राम / Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram • Sir Chhotu Ram was a prominent leader in the Punjab Province • Prime minister also laid the foundation stone of the Rail Coach Repair Factory at Badhi in Sonepat district • It is a 64-Feet tall statue QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 27/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2327

भारि ने बविास पररयोजनाओ ं िे जलए िाजजकिान िो $______बमजलयन िा अनुदान ददया है। India has offered a grant of $______mn to Tajikistan for development projects.

1. 10 2. 15 3. 20 4. 25 5. 30 QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

20 • President Ram Nath Kovind met his Tajikistan counterpart Mr Emomali Rahmon. • On this occasion, India and Tajikistan signed several MoUs in the field of political relations, strategic research, agriculture, renewable energy, traditional medicine, space technology, youth affairs, Culture and Disaster Management. • India has offered a grant of $20 mn to Tajikistan for development projects. • Currency Somoni • Capitaland largest city Dushanbe QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 28/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2328

9 अक्ट्ूबर 2018 िो सेना िमांिरⴂ िा सम्मेलन िहां पर शु셂 हुआ? Where has the Army Commanders' Conference begun on 9 October 2018?

1. पुिे / Pune 2. मुंबई / Mumbai 3. पोटव ब्लेयर / Port Blair 4. नई ददल्ली / New Delhi 5. चेन्नई / Chennai QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23

नई ददल्ली / New Delhi

• Army Commanders' Conference began in New Delhi on 9 October 2018. • The last Army Commanders' Conference was held in April 2018. • A large number of issues ranging from operational challenges, administrative issues, logistics to human resource related issues was discussed during the conference. QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 29/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2329 राष्ट्र ीय आवास बोिव (NHB) ने जुलाई 2018 से जून 2019 िे बीच िी अवधध िे जलए आवास बवत्त िंपबनयⴂ िे जलए पुनबववत्त सीमा बढािर ______िरोड़ 셁पये िर दी है। National Housing Board (NHB) has raised refinance limit for housing finance companies to Rs ______crore for the period between July 2018 to June 2019.

1. 24,000 2. 27,000 3. 30,000 4. 33,000 5. 36,000 QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23


• National Housing Bank Hq- New Delhi • Establishment Year- 1988 • Managing Director Shri Sriram Kalyanaraman

National Housing Board (NHB) has raised refinance limit for housing finance companies to Rs 30,000 crore for the period between July 2018 to June 2019. QuestionQuestionImportantImportantQuestion Points 23 30/Questions प्रश्न // प्रश्नप्रश्न19 2330

अंिराष्ट्र ीय मुद्रा िोर् ने 2018 और 2019 िे जलए बवश्व बविास िे जलए अपने पूवानुमान िो ______% िि घटा ददया। International Monetary Fund cuts its forecast for world growth for 2018 and 2019 at ______%.

1. 3.7 2. 3.9 3. 4.2 4. 4.5 5. 4.9 QuestionImportantImportantQuestionAnswer Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 23


• International Monetary Fund cuts its forecast for world growth for 2018 and 2019 at 3.7%. • The forecast has been made in the World Economic Outlook, the annual flagship report of IMF. • The report was released during the annual IMF and World Bank meeting in Bali, Indonesia Important Points

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 123

Headquarters of APEC is located in___?

1. Vienna 2. Jakarta 3. Singapore 4. The Hague 5. Geneva QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 123

Headquarters of APEC is located in___?

1. Vienna 2. Jakarta 3. Singapore 4. The Hague 5. Geneva QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 223

Golden fiber Revolution is for which production? 1. Petroleum production 2. Fish production 3. Jute production 4. Egg Production 5. Honey production QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 223

Golden fiber Revolution is for which production? 1. Petroleum production 2. Fish production 3. Jute production 4. Egg Production 5. Honey production QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 323

When was the India’s First census? 1. 1865 2. 1868 3. 1870 4. 1872 5. 1878 QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 323

When was the India’s First census? 1. 1865 2. 1868 3. 1870 4. 1872 5. 1878 QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 423

Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple located in___? 1. Shravanabelagola ( Karnataka) 2. Madurai (Tamil Nadu) 3. Tirumala(Andhra Pradesh) 4. Thiruvananthapuram(Kerala) 5. Garhwal (Uttarakhand) QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 423

Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple located in___? 1. Shravanabelagola ( Karnataka) 2. Madurai (Tamil Nadu) 3. Tirumala(Andhra Pradesh) 4. Thiruvananthapuram(Kerala) 5. Garhwal (Uttarakhand) QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 523

Padayani is one of the most colorful and popular folk dance of which Indian state? 1. Gujarat 2. Odisha 3. Karnataka 4. Madhya Pradesh 5. Kerala QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 523

Padayani is one of the most colorful and popular folk dance of which Indian state? 1. Gujarat 2. Odisha 3. Karnataka 4. Madhya Pradesh 5. Kerala QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 623

Simplipal Biosphere Reserve situated in___?

1. Kerala 2. Karnataka 3. Maharashtra 4. Odisha 5. Goa QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 623

Simplipal Biosphere Reserve situated in___?

1. Kerala 2. Karnataka 3. Maharashtra 4. Odisha 5. Goa QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 723

‘Maitree’ Military exercise hold between which of the following two or more countries?

1. India and China 2. India, Japan and US 3. India and Thailand 4. India and Myanmar 5. India and Singapore QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 723

‘Maitree’ Military exercise hold between which of the following two or more countries?

1. India and China 2. India, Japan and US 3. India and Thailand 4. India and Myanmar 5. India and Singapore QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 823

Who is the Union Council Minister of Agriculture and farmers welfare ministry? 1. Suresh Prabhu 2. Ashok Gajapathi Raju 3. Anant Geete 4. Anant Kumar 5. Radha Mohan Singh QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 823

Who is the Union Council Minister of Agriculture and farmers welfare ministry? 1. Suresh Prabhu 2. Ashok Gajapathi Raju 3. Anant Geete 4. Anant Kumar 5. Radha Mohan Singh QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 923

Koyna dam situated in which of the following river and State? 1. Koyna river, Odisha 2. Koyna river, Maharashtra 3. Bhavani river, Tamil Nadu 4. Kaveri river, Tamil Nadu 5. Periyar river, Kerala QuestionImportantStaticImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 923

Koyna dam situated in which of the following river and State? 1. Koyna river, Odisha 2. Koyna river, Maharashtra 3. Bhavani river, Tamil Nadu 4. Kaveri river, Tamil Nadu 5. Periyar river, Kerala QuestionStaticImportantImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 1023

Name of the currency of Armenia is___? 1. Dollar 2. Manat 3. Shilling 4. Dram 5. Euro QuestionStaticImportantImportantQuestion Question Points23 /Questions प्रश्न / प्रश्न19 1023

Name of the currency of Armenia is___? 1. Dollar 2. Manat 3. Shilling 4. Dram 5. Euro ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q3

• On October 5, 2018, RBI issued norms for operating Electronic Trading Platforms to enable transactions in eligible instruments. • The directions are thus called: ‘The Electronic Trading Platforms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2018’. • As per the norms, ETPs will strictly mean any electronic platform except the stock exchange, where transactions of eligible instruments would take place. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q5

• On October 7, 2018, the Rajasthan government launched a scheme aimed to provide free electricity to farmers of the state having electric connections in general category for specific limit. • According to the scheme, more than 12 lakh farmers of the state will receive free electricity up to Rs 10,000 for a year on their agricultural electricity connection. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q6

• On October 6 2018, The Maharashtra Government has launched a website and an application ‘Maha Madat’ for collectively analysing the rainfall, crop situation and underground water level using modern technology. • The website has been created by the Relief and Rehabilitation Ministry with the help of the Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre (MRSAC). ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q8

• Lewis Hamilton wins Japanese grand prix, leads Formula One title race by 67 points over Sebastian Vettel. • Finland's Valtteri Bottas secured the Mercedes one-two with second place while Verstappen finished third despite collecting a five-second penalty. • Australia's Daniel Ricciardo finished fourth. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPoints Points/ प्रश्न 4 Q9

• It is thrusted by liquid propulsion twin engines. It uses advanced inertial guidance system with manoeuvring trajectory to hit its target. • The launch activities were performed by specially- formed Strategic Forces Command of the Army. • It was monitored by scientists of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4 Q10

• The 4th edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF - 2018) has started at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. • The mega science expo will be formally inaugurated by the President Shri Ram Nath Kovind. • It is being organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4 Q10

• The theme of this edition of Science Festival is "Science for Transformation". • IISF-2018 is expected to be represented by approximately 10000 delegates including 5000 students, 550 teachers, 200 students from North-East Region, 20 international delegates and approximately 200 startups. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q11

• Deborah Herold won the gold medal in the elite women’s 40 km competition at Saksham Pedal Delhi, India’s Premier Cyclothon. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q12

• Pravin Srivastava, the 1983-batch Indian Statistical Service officer, has been appointed as new Chief Statistician of India (CSI). • This appointment comes into effect from the date of his assuming charge of the post till the date of his superannuation (August 31, 2020) or until further orders, whichever is earlier. • He has worked in the ministries of statistics and health in various positions, and briefly in the Union Public Service Commission, in his 35-year career. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q12

• He was a secretary to the Indian Statistical Commission, popularly known as the Rangarajan Commission, which laid the foundation of the modern statistical system. • The National Statistical Commission was set up in 2005 on its recommendations. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q15

• Richie Benaud will be posthumously honoured as 'Legend' by Sport Australia Hall of Fame. • Benaud, a former Australia captain who became one of the most loved voices of cricket after his playing days. • He will be the 40th Legend of Australian Sport and the third cricketer to be bestowed the prestigious annual honour. • It will be made official at the 34th Sport Australia Hall of Fame induction and awards gala dinner in Melbourne on 11 October. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q16

• Well-known human rights activist Girish Patel passed away in Ahmedabad. • He was 86. • He suffered from multiple age-related ailments. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q17

• Vikram Limaye, the MD and CEO of National Stock Exchange’s (NSE), has been appointed the Chairman of the Working Committee (WoCo) and Director on the Board of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). • The decision was taken at the global body’s 58th general assembly and annual meeting that is currently underway in Athens, Greece. • The WFE is the global industry association for exchanges and clearing houses. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q17

• It represents nearly 45,000 listed companies & has its headquarters in London. • It works with policy makers and regulators around the world to support the development of effective rules and standards for exchanges and market participants ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q18

• The cave shrine of Mata Vaishnodevi in Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has been declared the “cleanest religious place” in the country. • Over 81.78 pilgrims visited the shrine in Trikuta hills in the district in 2017. • Mata Vaishno Devi shrine has won the prestigious ‘cleanest religious place’ award at Safaigiri Summit and Awards 2018 ceremony organised by the India Today Group in Mumbai on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q18

• The award has been given in recognition of the significant strides made by the shrine board for ensuring sanitation and cleanliness all along the tracks and in the entire shrine area. • This is the 2nd successive year when the board has been awarded in the field of sanitation as in 2017 it had received the ‘Special Swachh Iconic Place award under the ‘Swachhta Hi Seva’ campaign of the (GoI). ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q19

• Arunachal Pradesh government launched two schemes for farmers to increase production and their income on 8 October 2018. • The two schemes are the Chief Minister's Sashakt Kisan Yojana (CMSKY) and the Chief Ministers Krishi Samuh Yojana (CMKSY). • The CMSKY would subsume three programmes - Employment Generation Scheme, Agri-Mechanization Programme and Flagship Programme on Tea and Rubber ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q20

• Goa International Film Festival (GIFF) from 20th to 28th of November 2018 will have Jharkhand as a partner state. • This will allow Jharkhand to showcase its culture and favourable film making incentives announced by the state government. • The film festival is conducted jointly by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Directorate of Film Festivals and the Government of Goa ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q21

• Ukraine began large-scale air force exercises with the United States and other NATO countries. • The "Clear Sky 2018" war games, which will run until 19 October 2018, are being held in western Ukraine. • The aim is "to enhance regional capabilities to secure air sovereignty and promote peace and security through cooperation. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion Points PointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q22

• The government has set up a Strategic Policy Group (SPG) to assist the National Security Council. • The SPG will be chaired by National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval. • SPG will undertake a long-term strategic review of the country's security affairs. • National Security Council advises the prime minister on matters of national security and strategic interests. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 23

• World Post Day is celebrated every year on 9 October. • On 9 October, the Universal Postal Union was established in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland. • The Posts in many countries use the event to introduce or promote new postal products and services. • It was declared World Post Day by the UPU Congress held in Tokyo, Japan in 1969 ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 24

• Weightlifter Jeremy Lalrinnunga won gold medal in the men's 62 kg category at the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires, Argentina. • The silver medal was won by Turkey while Colombia won the bronze medal. • In early 2018, Lalrinnunga claimed a silver medal (youth) and a bronze medal (junior) in the Asian Championships ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 25

• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasted a growth rate of 7.3% for India in 2018. • IMF also predicted a growth rate of 7.4% in 2019. • If projections are true, then India would regain the tag of the fastest growing major economies of the world, crossing China with more than 0.7 in 2018. ​ • China was the fastest growing economy in 2017 as it was ahead of India by 0.2 percentage ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 26

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a 64-Feet tall statue of Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram at Sampla in Rohtak district. • Sir Chhotu Ram was a prominent leader in the Punjab Province. • He belonged to Jat community and worked ceaselessly for the welfare of farmers. • Prime minister also laid the foundation stone of the Rail Coach Repair Factory at Badhi in Sonepat district ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 27

• President Ram Nath Kovind met his Tajikistan counterpart Mr Emomali Rahmon. • On this occasion, India and Tajikistan signed several MoUs in the field of political relations, strategic research, agriculture, renewable energy, traditional medicine, space technology, youth affairs, Culture and Disaster Management. • India has offered a grant of $20 mn to Tajikistan for development projects. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 28

• Army Commanders' Conference began in New Delhi on 9 October 2018. • The last Army Commanders' Conference was held in April 2018. • A large number of issues ranging from operational challenges, administrative issues, logistics to human resource related issues was discussed during the conference. ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 29

• National Housing Board (NHB) has raised refinance limit for housing finance companies to Rs 30,000 crore for the period between July 2018 to June 2019. • The regulator to housing finance companies (HFCs) had set an initial limit of Rs 24,000 crore, towards refinancing eligible institutions. • NHB is the principal agency to promote housing finance institutions ImportantImportantImportantQuestion PointsPointsPoints / प्रश्न 4Q 30

• International Monetary Fund cuts its forecast for world growth for 2018 and 2019 at 3.7%. • The decline in the forecast has been made due to an upswing in economic risks, rising trade tensions and record debt. • The forecast has been made in the World Economic Outlook, the annual flagship report of IMF. • The report was released during the annual IMF and World Bank meeting in Bali, Indonesia