“big” IXP Jedi and TraceMON RIPE Atlas tools in Africa

Jasper den Hertog Research and Development RIPE NCC

22-24 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 | Abidjan The System probe


Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 anchor

275 and rising, also sponsored by

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 coverage

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 read measurements results

web interface command line tools rest API + streaming API (realtime with websockets/socket.io) python library (“cousteau”)

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 measurement types

ping latencyMON dns dnsMON, domainMON traceroute traceMON http ssl/tls ntp

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 a tool called *MON

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 How to Take Part Get Involved! • Use RIPE Atlas for your operations: monitoring, troubleshooting, measuring • Do scientific research • Participate in a webinar • Become an ambassador or a sponsor • Host a RIPE Atlas anchor • Place a probe in an AS with a low coverage

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Probes in Africa

and how to use them ..that’s why you want to participate

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 Estimation of population coverage

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 the new Burkina Fase anchor

sponsored by

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 probes for which the BF anchor is closest





28493 18775


18514 37517

25543 14945

29571 8346

18434 29614 37524

Cape Verde 10203

3491 19591 37309 27014

Senegal 22468 Gambia 37034 24691 30033

30172 30157 18718 15964 30982 17901 18753

Spain 17889 198653 Equatorial GuineaLiberia 6453 10907 3352

17880 37557

6739 10939

30988 23861

16490 37090 37292

28683 23337




13207 22205





Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 The paths to the anchor

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 “velocity” of probes to BF anchor







2 dsiatnce / 0.5 * ( median rtt - first mile latency ) (km/s), dixit: “velocity”

200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400

distance from Burkina Faso Anchor (km)

Jasper den Hertogprobe | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 “velocity” & first mile latency of probes






Spain 6 Togo

4 Equatorial

Togo Cameroon 2 Togo distance / 0.5 * ( median rtt - first mile latency ) (km/s), dixit: “velocity”

Burkina Faso 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400

distance from Burkina Faso Anchor (km)

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Probe, colored by ASN, size indicates first-mile latency. Bigger is higher latency “velocity” for ASN clusters




Cape Verde 10

Senegal 8 Spain Spain Spain


Gambia Togo Gambia 4 Cameroon

Cameroon dsitance / 0.5 * ( median rtt - first mile latency ) (km/s), dixit: “velocity” Togo Nigeria 2 Ghana Ivory Coast Benin

Burkina Faso 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400

distance from Burkina Faso Anchor (km)

ASN cluster, colored by country

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 African Jedi IXP Country Jedi • Tool and concept by Emile Aben - https://github.com/emileaben/ixp-country-jedi - https://labs.ripe.net/Members/emileaben/measuring-ixps- with--atlas • Method: - Traceroute mesh between RIPE Atlas probes - Detect whether they go via local IXP(s)’ LAN IP - Hops geolocated using OpenIPMap database • Data: - http://sg-pub.ripe.net/emile/ixp-country-jedi/

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 IXP Country Jedi • Benefits: - Shows how IXPs help keep traffic local - Comparing countries’ performances with each other - Routing and traffic optimisation - Comparing IPv6 and IPv4 • African Jedi: - http://sg-pub.ripe.net/emile/ixp-country-jedi/specials/ 2017-07-*-Africa

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 South Africa

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 African Jedi

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Western Africa

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Western Africa Paths

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Southern Africa

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Southern Africa Paths

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Eastern Africa

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 Eastern Africa Paths

Jasper den Hertog | 30 May 2017 | AIS2017 new tools Latency Chart and Time Navigation

Jasper den Hertog | 30 may 2017 | AIS2017 Resource Info

TraceMON tries to guess private addresses and wildcards

Jasper den Hertog | 30 may 2017 | AIS2017 And of course…. Replay History

Jasper den Hertog | 30 may 2017 | AIS2017 Openipmap

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 openipmap

modular suggestion engines scoring of each dataset in a total score list validate!

Jasper den Hertog | 22 August 2017 | AfPIF2017 contact RIPE Atlas https://atlas.ripe.net articles and updates https://labs.ripe.net/atlas mailinglist [email protected] questions [email protected] twitter @RIPE_atlas #RIPEAtlas Questions [email protected] @density215